Have you ever written a hub that was initiated by a dream you had in the night?

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  1. Emanate Presence profile image68
    Emanate Presenceposted 12 years ago

    Have you ever written a hub that was initiated by a dream you had in the night?

    Dreams have conveyed significant meaning to me, and sometimes the messages have been developed into articles for hubs. Do you feel your dreams can carry information for your personal development?

  2. shirleysharon profile image59
    shirleysharonposted 12 years ago

    Nope. Never thought of it. I never saw dreams on which I can write hubs.

  3. Mary Merriment profile image69
    Mary Merrimentposted 12 years ago

    Yes. I do believe that dreams are messages sent to us through the symbols within them. After having a dream about a volcano (which I've never dreamed about before or live anywhere near) I got curious about it's meaning. The symbol and meaning prompted me to write a hub.

  4. Goody5 profile image59
    Goody5posted 12 years ago
  5. dcollins3 profile image60
    dcollins3posted 12 years ago

    My hub http://dcollins3.hubpages.com/hub/Forev … ins-Part-1 started as a dream. Most of my short stories do actually.

  6. connorj profile image68
    connorjposted 12 years ago

    Without a doubt; they can be an avenue to both foreknowledge and direction or discernment (if you will). I believe they are indeed messages from the hidden World/dimension and can be of great significance.
    When I was in my 20s I was blessed with one that foretold of a castrophic acident (helicopter crash, the pilot was my friend and I had a 70% chance of being onboard). It came in a significantly unique dream in Spring; the accident happened in August (the dream was about 5 months before...).
    I mentioned this dream to my wife and our close friend Jan Dunn (cost accountant at KC) the day after the dream. We wrote down the details and then it happened at the same place with the chopper and 2 pilots approximately 5 months later; just as my wife and I emigrated from Canada to the United States...

  7. Emanate Presence profile image68
    Emanate Presenceposted 12 years ago

    Just want to say, I read and enjoyed all the Answers - and visited the links to the hubs and read those articles. Cool!

    Like any subject, people have different ideas about dreams, which can make for an interesting discussion. I was especially fascinated by the story of the dream shared by connorj.

    One dream I had in childhood followed me in significance through my life, and still speaks a powerful message to me today about personal development. Other dreams I know in my heart to be actual other dimensional experiences. One such led me to draw eight symbolic designs, which illustrate my hubs.

    My username, Emanate Presence, and the saying, "I am Yourself Singing" came from dreams. I wrote the latter into a hub on the voice of intuition, http://emanatepresence.hubpages.com/hub … lf-Singing

  8. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 12 years ago

    The only Hub/Dream related thing I've ever done is something I've done two or three times:

    I'll be asleep, and I'll be writing up a storm in my dreams.  In the dreams, I'm writing and writing and feeling really good about much writing Ive gotten done and what a good Hub it is.  Then I wake up and realize it was all dream-writing, and the great, almost-finished, Hub doesn't even exist. 

    Do I then write the Hub for real?  No, because after "putting in all that work", I feel as if I'm finished with the subject and can't muster up the same enthusiasm to write the whole thing "again".  I once had the show, The Waltons (with the son who was a writer) on.  I recall something he said about what someone had told him about writing:  He said (if I recall the wording correctly):  "Don't talk away your stories."  I've always found that I can "talk away" a subject, which is why I've remembered that line from a show I barely ever watched.

    Anyway, apparently, some people (like me, for example) can dream away a real good Hub subject.   smile

    As for the "personal-development" thing, no.  I do all that processing, sorting, and figuring-out in my waking hours.  My dreams are usually pretty mundane and non-complicated.

    1. Emanate Presence profile image68
      Emanate Presenceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very interesting. I especially relate to the Waltons, as we have ordered all nine seasons on DVD. Watching the episodes each evening helps us 'get through' this dark German winter. We say to each other, 'We have a Walton date tonight!'

  9. whonunuwho profile image52
    whonunuwhoposted 12 years ago

    Yes..often I get up in the middle of he night and write something tat I feel was inspired by God. I feel obliged to share my writing with others, in hopes it can be inspirational and appreciated.

  10. manatita44 profile image73
    manatita44posted 11 years ago

    Yes. Yes.
    I have shared one with a few friends. I have also included it in my book. I have been with my Guru for 30 years. He took Mahasamadhi - A Yogi's conscious exit from this world -  on the 11th October, 2007.
    About two years ago, I had a dream where I saw myself sitting at His feet with a small group of disciples. We were having having satsang. Sri Chinmoy came to the point where He was going to leave. In fact He left; had gone about ten feet when He turned around, looked at me and smiled. He came back, and placed His hand on my head. This sent me into a very deep state of meditation. I knew it was real because I do get them in my meditations. Only this time, the experience was much deeper. I seemed to be in that state for ages, and then I awoke. The experience stayed with me, and today, 2013, even though it has left me, I can still remember it.
    So yes, this dream did help me, and cemented my faith in the fact that Sri Chinmoy had said that real Spiritual Masters, have access to all the planes of consciousness, and can come and go at their sweet will. Hope this helps.

    1. Emanate Presence profile image68
      Emanate Presenceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wonderful. I hardly can find words to write a comment. The dream was, as you said, real. I interpret that it was an actual experience in another plane of consciousness. Thank you for sharing, brother.

    2. manatita44 profile image73
      manatita44posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. A knowledgeable guess. Is there such a thing? (smile)

  11. yuliss profile image54
    yulissposted 21 months ago

    No, I haven't.  It might be a something to consider though.  I am usually so fatigued and get so little sleep that I don't even remember my dreams.  Is anyone else in this situation?


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