Of all the material you have ever written, what is your favorite piece?

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  1. ytsenoh profile image59
    ytsenohposted 12 years ago

    Of all the material you have ever written, what is your favorite piece?

    What was the subject matter?  Outside of drive and determination, did one of your traits, specifically, contribute to its completion?

  2. wearenotthesame00 profile image61
    wearenotthesame00posted 12 years ago

    "A Perfect Reality in An Unrealistic Dream..." and "Killing At First Sight..."

  3. Craig Suits profile image64
    Craig Suitsposted 12 years ago

    http://craig-suits.hubpages.com/hub/TRE … -BACK-YARD

    Been digging up gold, silver, diamonds, and unbelievably diversified goodies for more than 4 decades. A great hobby for all and at todays gold prices of around $1,800 dollars an ounce, a financially lucrative one as well...

  4. The Stages Of ME profile image83
    The Stages Of MEposted 12 years ago

    I would have to say the poem about my husband and I ~ It Stayed and We Prayed.
    My writing has become so cathartic and helpful to me in the past two years.  I published a book for a ministry and found it so healing to write and so helpful to myself and sometimes to others.  I find since joining Hub pages the feelings and words just flow.  I am not a trained writer but I do like to share my words and enjoy conversations about the writing.  My days are filled with things that are a little tough physically lately.  In writing I can escape and feel from the inside.  I know that really make no sense but it just is.  Words expressed is such a release.  They also allow you to leave a little of you as a sort of legacy for others to share.  I look forward to my kids maybe reading some of these when they are older maybe in there twenties.
    Well thats my answer, thanks for asking smile

  5. unvrso profile image84
    unvrsoposted 12 years ago

    One of my favorites is "My motorcycle adventure" http://unvrso.hubpages.com/hub/My-Motorcycle-Adventure This is one the first ones that I wrote. It recounts the driving trip that I made from the coast of California to the coast of Texas back in 1984. One of my traits since I was a child has been to know places. This, made me plan this trip with a three days advance, and hit the road on a sunny day of May with 50 dollars in my pocket and the desire to experience driving a motorcycle for the first time on open road.

  6. profile image0
    The Writers Dogposted 12 years ago

    A piece that I wrote shortly after losing a 7yo family member. It was only ever meant to be for self therapeutic purposes, but I made the mistake of showing a teacher friend of mine. She convinced me that I should take my writing more seriously. Ten years later I have been published in three anthologies.

  7. hawkdad73 profile image60
    hawkdad73posted 12 years ago

    A piece I wrote in college that I misplaced.

  8. Earl S. Wynn profile image77
    Earl S. Wynnposted 12 years ago

    That's a hard one! I think that my favorite piece of writing which I have done is probably my book "The Mars Manuscripts." It was a lot of fun to write and put together, and the unique way in which the story is presented through partially censored government documents makes for a really interesting experience.

  9. Nick B profile image77
    Nick Bposted 12 years ago

    Oh, good question.

    I suspect it would have to be The Tank (http://www.pennix.co.uk/Fiction/the-tank.html) as it for me has all the qualities of a complete piece of work - a beginning, a middle and an end ... er, with a twist of course, but then it's in direct competition with Close Encounters of the Christmas Kind (http://www.pennix.co.uk/Fiction/close-e … -kind.html) as that too treats a well-worn genre with a bit of a twist.

  10. indigorhyme profile image59
    indigorhymeposted 12 years ago

    The one I'm working on right now, of course. Every time I get excited about a new project, it becomes my new favorite. I'm fickle that way. Right now I'm working on a series of six ebooks and one longer book on a different subject, so my affections are torn.

  11. profile image0
    shazwellynposted 12 years ago

    This is a good question.  I enjoy my creative writing, personally.  Recently, I had a flash of inspiration and wrote a piece within half an hour.  It came straight from my heart and onto the page.  I felt soooo much love when writing it - it is about the essence of the soul:

    http://shazwellyn.hubpages.com/hub/Spir … onal-Story

    Another piece that came the same way was about a wise old woman:

    http://shazwellyn.hubpages.com/hub/Kids … Wise-Woman

    And of course, the hunted fox was my story and was very theraputic for me.  I now feel cleansed of the experience after 30 years or so - I am grateful to lift the burden:

    http://shazwellyn.hubpages.com/hub/The- … s-Survivor

    I hope this answers your question.  I do think that personality traits do rear in people's writing, especially if, as Hubpages suggests, you write what you know!

  12. Denise Handlon profile image85
    Denise Handlonposted 12 years ago

    This is a thought provoking question.  I read it thirty minutes ago and spent that last half hour browsing through the hubs I have written wondering if it is possible to pick a favorite.  I don't think so...

    I've written an eclactic group of hubs-from researched articles, current events and entertainment pieces to memoirs, poetry and short stories, and most of them have a special place in my heart.  The ones that I can take or leave come from writing prompts, i.e. the topic of the week, not from my muse.

    There are special poems I've written about my family-my oldest daughter in Giverny and http://denisehandlon.hubpages.com/hub/To-My-First-Born    and the grief I've experienced with my deceased husband  http://denisehandlon.hubpages.com/hub/August-Poetry  are some examples;

    and there are some hubs I've written in recognition to the gratitude I've felt for this life, such as:

    http://denisehandlon.hubpages.com/hub/G … -Blessings

    And, probably the one that will always shine in my heart is one of the first hubs I ever wrote:   http://denisehandlon.hubpages.com/hub/Soul-Work-Joy    which one a hubnugget award.

    Wonderful question to read this Monday morning-thanks!   ---Denise

  13. rlaha profile image61
    rlahaposted 12 years ago

    I would still have to say my first poem, which I wrote when I was 11 years old.  I will have to find it and put it up on HubPages.  Good question!

  14. MSantana profile image66
    MSantanaposted 12 years ago

    Thanks for the question. I enjoy writing about my experiences observing nature. Yet, I think in terms of something that have served my audience writing about food carbon footprint and Japan nuclear accidents have brought me the feeling of really giving value to others.

  15. Angelladywriter profile image66
    Angelladywriterposted 12 years ago

    My favorite piece is, "How Does Greed Effect Us Today?" This article is listed here on hubpages, and has been read by so many people. It was a tremendous source of encouragement for, "Occupy Wall Street" participants. It continues to be one of my highest rated articles and can be located at http://angelladywriter.hubpages.com/hub … -Us-Today?

  16. Dee aka Nonna profile image61
    Dee aka Nonnaposted 12 years ago

    I have several but the two I hold dear to me is "How Amazing is Grace" because it is about forgiveness and the day I wrote it I was needing the message a great deal.  Another is something I wrote on my blog site titled "An Open Letter to Santa".

  17. Danette Watt profile image79
    Danette Wattposted 12 years ago

    I write on a variety of topics and most of my writing has been for newspapers. But here on hub pages, I'd have to say a few of the hubs I'm most proud of and feel that they've given a good value to readers are these:

    http://danettewatt.hubpages.com/hub/Fig … -Community

    http://danettewatt.hubpages.com/hub/How … rd-habitat

    http://danettewatt.hubpages.com/hub/The … ing-greens

  18. Ian Dabasori Hetr profile image66
    Ian Dabasori Hetrposted 12 years ago

    My favorite piece is the poem i wrote about my dad. Its an inspirational poem. I wrote the the same poem more than 100 times before I published this one in HP.  This is just another version of the same poem.

    The poem is titled "Tears of a Son in graduation day"

  19. Kiva Rakosi profile image63
    Kiva Rakosiposted 12 years ago

    My favorite thing I have ever written was a descriptive essay about my mother.

  20. Jynzly profile image64
    Jynzlyposted 12 years ago

    Nobody may agree with me but I know that I poured out my heart as I wrote "Is it my fault if my life is a roller coaster?"; yes, this is my favorite so far.

  21. smzclark profile image59
    smzclarkposted 12 years ago

    A story called, 'Though two different eyes', on the differences between the U.K and the states. And then how different the states was when I returned four years later when I was much bigger and everything else was much smaller :-)

  22. nishlaverz profile image59
    nishlaverzposted 12 years ago

    My favourite piece is a poem I wrote about my battle with depression and how one person saw and helped me through.


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