When do your best writing ideas inspire you?

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  1. bzirkone profile image54
    bzirkoneposted 12 years ago

    When do your best writing ideas inspire you?

    Sometimes, my inspiration comes at 2 AM and I find myself up 'til 4 getting that story on paper or screen.   Other times, by 11 PM, my mind has shut down and I can barely remember why I love to write. Those 2 AM sparks often require drastic changes or complete removal after I wake up later that day.  What inspired me at 2 AM may horrify me at 8 AM.

  2. Ryan McDonough profile image61
    Ryan McDonoughposted 12 years ago

    I'd have to say that I am most inspired by what I am writing when I am influenced by strong emotion.  Strangely enough, they also occur early in the morning (midnight to five A.M.).  I tend to treat it as a way to filter out everything and put it on paper, effectively "putting it out" of my mind.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ryan, same with me!  If something moves me or upsets me.. I can't move on until I respond to it in writing.. even if I don't actually publish it.

    2. Scorpio21 profile image77
      Scorpio21posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      yep, agree with that smile

  3. walkingwithhim profile image60
    walkingwithhimposted 12 years ago

    I can't say that I have a set time, it is just going through life and it's struggles or joys. I suppose a quiet place or quiet time does make a difference with my thinking, and that could be at any hour of the day or night for me. Just write like you write.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree Walkingwithhim, I can write any place at any time but a quiet location helps.

  4. LauraGT profile image84
    LauraGTposted 12 years ago

    Usually when out on a run.  Sometimes it also happens while exercising at the gym, mainly because it's the only time I watch TV.  Daytime news is fodder for endless hubs!

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ha!  I agree.. I end up disgusted/angry/dumbfounded, every time I watch television.  I also think running would give you a good chance to let your mind reflect on different things and come up with great articles..

  5. michememe profile image60
    michememeposted 12 years ago

    My best ideas happen at anytime. It can be just by reading a hub, and I'm ready to go into writing mode. I think all the time, so I listen carefully to what others say, and writing ideas come from that. For me it's anytime.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I get that completely Michememe.  I am often inspired by what I read here on HubPages.

  6. indiaguerita profile image60
    indiagueritaposted 12 years ago

    Generally it's after the kids go to bed.  So anywhere from 9 p.m. until I am too exhausted to stay awake.  That point is usually around 2ish a.m.

  7. dmhenderson profile image60
    dmhendersonposted 12 years ago

    Ideas come at all times and under all circumstances, but most often when I'm reading someone else's work.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Same here, dmhenderson.  I do get plenty of inspiration when reading.

  8. Rod Marsden profile image69
    Rod Marsdenposted 12 years ago

    I usually get my best ideas while on the train. I do a lot of train travel so this works out well. The motion of the train puts me in the right frame of mind and so does the scenery.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I can kind of imagine that, Rod.  I would love to ride trains but we don't really have a passenger train system in Kansas City.  Well, not the kind you ride to work, anyway.

  9. M K Paul profile image74
    M K Paulposted 12 years ago

    I love to write poetry.And i got my inspiration from daily life emotion.When i feel very happy or sad, some though will come to my mind and try to write down it.
    I love to cook also.So when i cook some thing new ,I try to share it with all friends.My writing inspiration is my husband, he always praise me to write.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Nice to have a built-in fan base M K!  My husband also inspires me.

  10. molometer profile image82
    molometerposted 12 years ago

    I always take a camera everywhere I go these days, as I find inspiration all over the place. Also I keep a notepad by the bedside for those 2 am moments.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I love it molometer!  I have just recently started carrying my camera for the same reason.  Like you, I always have a notepad and pen close.  I have also started using my phone to jot notes and the voice recorder to record those sudden, random ideas.

    2. dohn121 profile image78
      dohn121posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Back in college, my writing professor suggested that we do exactly this and to learn to write in the dark.  Turning on a light actually causes us to forget our dreams instantly.

    3. Catherine Kane profile image80
      Catherine Kaneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      dohn there's a technique you can use to program yourself to remember your dreams

  11. marwan asmar profile image67
    marwan asmarposted 12 years ago

    I am inspired at night when I would get up right out of bed and jot down the thought or idea lest I forget it in the morning.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      How many times have I promised myself I would remember an idea later - and didn't write it down!!  Ugh..

  12. swb78 profile image60
    swb78posted 12 years ago

    Form me, it comes when I am both in pain or joyful. I think strong emotion either way inspires me to write.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I get that swb78.. for me, I am more inspired when joyful.  When I'm suffering, my mind is too distracted.

  13. sammieham0317 profile image60
    sammieham0317posted 12 years ago

    My inspiration usually comes at the ODDEST of times! For example, once my sister and I had to take my nephew to the hospital because he was really sick. Once we got there, we saw there was like FORTY other kids with the same symptoms. And they kept coming. Apparently the nurse said it was like that all week long. They had to open the below ground level of the hospital to treat all the kids. From that, I wrote a nice length zombie story.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Haha.. this one made me laugh!  Is your Zombie story published?  I'd love to read it!

  14. arijitm2000 profile image76
    arijitm2000posted 12 years ago

    Whenever something hits my heart & my mind struggles to let it all out...

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I get that.. and isn't it satisfying to get it all down in writing?  It can release a lot of stress.

  15. Ian Dabasori Hetr profile image67
    Ian Dabasori Hetrposted 12 years ago

    Mine comes in the morning. AT around 4 am when its quit

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Mine usually starts before 4 AM but when it hits.. I am still up at 4 writing until I get it edited, re-written, edited again and finally- sleep!

  16. Catherine Kane profile image80
    Catherine Kaneposted 12 years ago

    Usually when it's least convenient, like in the shower, while I'm driving, when I'm half awake or when its otherwise difficult to stop and act on it. My Muse often wants to see if I'll make an effort to make things happen.

    Late night, when everyone else is asleep, is one good time. It often feels like the wavelengths are empty or clearer then, and I can hear my ideas more clearly

    And there is a way to program yourself as you go to sleep so that you wake up with ideas, answers to problems and other information that has previously been concealed from you....

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I know exactly what you mean.  I was saying earlier, I've taken to using my phone to record ideas while I am driving - when that one stroke of brilliance hits me - and I know if I don't record it- I will forget it forever.

    2. Catherine Kane profile image80
      Catherine Kaneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I actually carried a tiny taperecorder for awhile, for when I was struck with original tunes
      and I'm still waiting for them to come out with waterproof paper for the shower

  17. Daughter Of Maat profile image91
    Daughter Of Maatposted 12 years ago

    I get the most inspiration to write during a thunderstorm, or at about 04:00am when the house is silent and everyone else is asleep. Sometimes I get a burst of inspiration right after a workout, but that doesn't happen often. When I need to kinda kick start my inspiration (like today) I go and organize something. It's like the act of rearranging objects and putting them in some semblance of order, organizes the thoughts in my brain and gets the creativity flowing again. It's probably more symbolic than anything, but it works!

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Wow..I get that whole organizing thing.  I read once that people who have a lot going on in their heads, need their environment to be neat and orderly, otherwise, they can't think clearly.

    2. Daughter Of Maat profile image91
      Daughter Of Maatposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Indeed! We had so much clutter everywhere when I started writing that I just couldn't think at all. So I rearranged my whole living room and made a small "office" so that I could write "officially." It really made a huge difference!

    3. buckleupdorothy profile image70
      buckleupdorothyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Organizing completely does it for me - and best of all, the end result is a clear, calm space in which anyone would be happy to work! All those birds with just the one stone! Or something slightly less grizzly...

    4. Daughter Of Maat profile image91
      Daughter Of Maatposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      lol I totally agree buckleupdorothy! My desk is actually right next to my husband's, and there is a VERY stark difference between my nice clean desk and his cluttered one! My desk is very calming, and its actually hard to think next to his! lol

  18. Karmallama profile image73
    Karmallamaposted 12 years ago

    I feel that my best ideas appear to come when I am having completely unrelated coversations with people, or at work so it is hard to get my ideas down. But, when I do I have had some great things come out of it. Otherwise, it appears that random late hours make my mind wander into creative possibilities.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I've had that happen too.  Makes it hard to pay attention to the person talking..

  19. woodamarc profile image43
    woodamarcposted 12 years ago

    Usually when I'm on a walk I come up with great ideals to write on. My problem, I need to remember to bring a pen to write down the concept, otherwise I tend to forget and miss out on a lot of good writes.  But when I do sit now to put to print, it flows through the key board like water.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly!  I have been trying- but feel kind of stupid doing it- to record my ideas on my phone..

  20. cam8510 profile image90
    cam8510posted 12 years ago

    In the middle of the night when I can't sleep, which is often.  I can really get in the zone then.  But it screws up the rest of my day.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly! I've been promising myself I'd get to bed before 1 AM for many years.. If I'm up.. I'm writing.

  21. landscapeartist profile image60
    landscapeartistposted 12 years ago

    That's the same with me.  I end up waking up in the middle of the night with an inspiration for a painting of some kind.  Or, a plot for a piece of literature.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Do you get up and paint/write?  That happened to me once with a website.. waaaay before I had any websites.. I got up, logged on, found GoDaddy and it began.. I've never looked back.

    2. landscapeartist profile image60
      landscapeartistposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I do! I have been found many times painting or writing at 2 - 3 a.m. or so.  My family thinks I am nuts for doing stuff at that hour.  But, if you don't do it when that inspiration hits you, then you may miss out on something great!

  22. Jaydeus profile image74
    Jaydeusposted 12 years ago

    I find my inspiration is greatest when I think deeply over a subject for an extended period.  I believe my sub-conscience is trying to answer my questions through an artistic medium, which may materialize as words or music.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I feel the same.  After my kids finally grew up and left home.. I had all this quiet time and I could finally listen to those answers in my subconscious.. I know exactly what you mean.

  23. Sharminator profile image67
    Sharminatorposted 12 years ago

    My best ideas come at time when I am usually busy, Like when I am at work...worst time as I work in catering. Then I can not let it go until I have noted it down. I love writing and those moments of inspiration give me a great feeling of well being. then sometime my idea's just seem a little crazy...Still you have to get the good with the bad.....it keeps me smiling....

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Same here.. when I look at my notes or listen to my recording.. sometimes I think.. "What was I thinking??" ..I've lost the inspiration for that moment but sometimes it comes back.

  24. daisydayz profile image83
    daisydayzposted 12 years ago

    Im pretty much the same I always seem to get my best ideas just before I fall to sleep, or when i am trying to get to sleep. I have insomnia quite often so will stay awake going through ideas in my head for articles or hubs.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not sure if I qualify as an insomniac or I just lack the discipline to go to bed ..when I get there, I sleep like a corpse.  Getting there.. whole 'nuther story.  smile

  25. lupine profile image65
    lupineposted 12 years ago

    Usually when Im trying to sleep, but also when something important or shocking happens an idea will be sparked. I keep a notebook nearby for ideas, then write more later.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Same here.. notebook always close..

  26. Pintoman profile image60
    Pintomanposted 12 years ago

    When I feel good. Usually after laughing a lot. Sometimes when I lay down and my mind is free from doing daily things and wanders.

  27. catholicconvert profile image60
    catholicconvertposted 12 years ago

    Almost never. I start it by discipline. Then I get inspired as I work.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Almost two years later... I find the more I write the more what you said is true.  If I schedule time to write and site down to start it, I sometimes have to force it out and then I get more inspired as I go.

  28. Tilsawright profile image58
    Tilsawrightposted 12 years ago

    Mine happens to be around the same time.

    1. bzirkone profile image54
      bzirkoneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Must be a writer's thing?

  29. profile image0
    msorenssonposted 12 years ago

    Usually when someone asks me a question which in my eyes or thoughts are clear cut such as that other options are totally irrelevant.

    The question becomes a challenge. Perhaps I overlooked something. The process of trying to explain to someone else becomes an avenue for growth in that area.

    Most of the answers/thoughts/paths/ideas come when I am in the bath tub.

  30. SidKemp profile image75
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    For fiction, in my dreams. Last week, I had a really strange dream, and could do nothing but take the day to write a story from it. And I feel its the best work I've ever done.

    For articles, from questions asked by clients and colleagues. That sparks the teacher-geek-explainer-helper in me, and next thing you know, I'm writing step-by-step instructions!

  31. carter06 profile image68
    carter06posted 12 years ago

    I'm an early hours of the morning writer as well and I really love it sometimes when  I get an inspiration that just has to be written down and it keeps me in the zone for a while, refreshing my passion and desire for writing.

  32. Barnsey profile image73
    Barnseyposted 12 years ago

    The truth is your brain is at its most creative in the morning after a good sleep. Any time I sit in front of the pc before noon the ideas just flood in.

  33. dohn121 profile image78
    dohn121posted 12 years ago

    I get my best story and hub ideas at the most awkward and unlikely times, such as when I'm driving, taking a shower, working out, or whenever I'm not trying to come up with any ideas.  Other times, I'll watch a movie or read a book and get a similar idea that way.  Sometimes, all we need is a little push to get us going (much like a standard car with a dead battery).

  34. American_Choices profile image77
    American_Choicesposted 12 years ago

    I have a hard time driving and not thinking about the next article. I have started to keep a note book on my PDA of my thoughts - only after I stop and park but of course!


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