Which book have you read more than once?

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  1. h.a.borcich profile image60
    h.a.borcichposted 15 years ago

    There are two books I must reread every year for about the last twenty years.. Hind's Feet on High Places, and In His Steps. The first helped me break free to survive, and the second inspired me to try harder to help others. Holly

  2. DDB99 profile image61
    DDB99posted 15 years ago

    The Count of Monte Cristo
    Pride and Prejudice
    Gone With the Wind
    The Bible

    1. wsp2469 profile image59
      wsp2469posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      By the way, the Bible doesn't really count unless you've read it cover-to-cover once in the first place and plan on going cover to cover again.  Reading some of the same passages over and over again at church over the years doesn't count not that I am saying that is what the lady was going to do.  She just reminded me.

  3. profile image0
    sandra rinckposted 15 years ago

    Chicken soup for every moms soul. smile

  4. Arthur Fontes profile image68
    Arthur Fontesposted 15 years ago

    I have finished Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series and enjoyed it immensly.  The s television series The Seeker is based on these books. If you are a fan of Ayn Rand you will love this series.  I finished it over the summer and it is beginning to get interesting again.  I will definetly read the series again.

  5. akirchner profile image89
    akirchnerposted 15 years ago

    Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, Gone With the Wind

  6. bojanglesk8 profile image60
    bojanglesk8posted 15 years ago

    I never read a book more than once.

  7. Williamjordan profile image59
    Williamjordanposted 15 years ago

    Lord of the Rings

  8. profile image57
    IrishSpingposted 15 years ago

    Swan Song by Robert R. MccAmmon - Best book I ever read!  Iread 20 years ago for the first time and it has ALWAYS stayed in my head.  Read it again a couple of years ago and still love it!

  9. Rod Marsden profile image68
    Rod Marsdenposted 15 years ago

    I have read The Great Gatsby three times!

  10. mikelong profile image60
    mikelongposted 15 years ago


    The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

    Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancy

    The Last Temptation of Christ by Nikos Kazantzakis

    The Pearl by John Steinbeck

  11. Going2Oahu profile image61
    Going2Oahuposted 15 years ago

    I read 1984 by George Orwell twice - once because I was forced to in high school and then once for myself last year.

  12. profile image0
    lyricsingrayposted 15 years ago

    IKEA catalogue lol

    1. Going2Oahu profile image61
      Going2Oahuposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol - yep, never thought of that! smile

  13. profile image0
    sarah dawkinsposted 15 years ago

    None, I don't like reading books.  I prefer the internet.  Much more informative.

    1. Sean Leong profile image63
      Sean Leongposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      What They Don't Teach You In Harvard business School

  14. Char-Ann profile image59
    Char-Annposted 14 years ago

    Books by Anne Rice and Darren Shan. smile

  15. profile image55
    Xookposted 14 years ago

    Oh, there are so many books I've read more than once - Oliver Twist, Little Women, Wuthering Heights, Animal Farm, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and many more.

  16. Bredavies profile image63
    Bredaviesposted 14 years ago

    The book 1984

  17. skyfire profile image76
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    Playboy ?

    Ok, For topic: "Surely, You're joking mr feyman".

  18. yenajeon profile image54
    yenajeonposted 14 years ago

    Im an avid reader, and that's putting it lightly. I've reread so so so many books!
    The Secret Garden, Great Expectations, Anna Karenina, Gone With the Wind, Sherlock Holmes and others!

  19. TheGlassSpider profile image66
    TheGlassSpiderposted 14 years ago

    All of Stephen King's Dark Tower series-at least ten times, probably more. The fastest I've done it is a week. Sometimes the words fly off the page. Others by King as well, Misery and The Stand.
    C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters, and The Space Trilogy
    Octavia Butler's Dawn
    George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm
    Mary Doria Russell's The Sparrow
    Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale
    Pablo Neruda's 100 Love Sonnets
    The Bible
    Isreal Regardie's Garden of Pomegranates
    The Collected Works of T.S. Eliot
    Kalil Gibran's The Prophet
    The Baghavad Gita
    Tao Te Ching...I need to read it again, as a matter of fact. I love to read!

  20. thekidandblue profile image60
    thekidandblueposted 14 years ago

    All the Harry Potters
    The Red Dwarf Novels
    Neruda's 20 Love Poems and a Song of Despair
    Carol Ann Duffy's Rapture

  21. Ohma profile image61
    Ohmaposted 14 years ago

    "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever"
    Written by Stephen R. Donaldson
    Also "Watership Down" By Richard Adams

  22. dianacharles profile image61
    dianacharlesposted 14 years ago

    The Secret Garden,
    Great Expectations,
    Gone With the Wind,
    Atlas Shrugged
    The Fountainhead
    The Bible
    Blink......etc, etc, etc

  23. ohkennyabi profile image80
    ohkennyabiposted 14 years ago

    "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter

  24. Jon TEP profile image40
    Jon TEPposted 14 years ago

    I've read very few books twice, but I absolutely love "The Walking Drum" by Louis L'Amour - if you like Clive Cussler or Medieval fiction, that book is one of the best I've ever read.  I've read the "Song of Ice and Fire" series by George R.R. Martin twice and am stunned by just how good those books are.  "Ender's Game" is always an easy and enjoyable read, as well.  Good topic!

  25. Madison22 profile image60
    Madison22posted 14 years ago

    Marianne williamson- A womans worth
    James Patterson- The Quikie
    Coben- Tell no one
    and a few others.

  26. sunflowerbucky profile image73
    sunflowerbuckyposted 14 years ago

    Bel Canto by Anne Patchett

  27. Happyontheinside profile image72
    Happyontheinsideposted 14 years ago

    for book read books!

    Most of Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, most of Bernard Cromwell's Sharpe series. One of the white wolf commissioned vampire novels (clan Malkavian) though I forget who the author was. Anne Rice's Lasher, Great Expectations (here here), Spike of Swift River by Jack o Brian, and The Trick is to Keep Breathing, by Janice Galloway.

  28. jellydonut25 profile image60
    jellydonut25posted 14 years ago

    lots of books read more than once, but The Stand, I've read FOUR times!

  29. Jenniferfields10 profile image60
    Jenniferfields10posted 14 years ago

    The Princess Bride...and I'm a grown woman. I just love that book.

    1. jellydonut25 profile image60
      jellydonut25posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      honestly, I know there's a book that's used in the movie, but until relatively recently, I thought that book in the film was just a prop or something and didn't know that there really was a book...

      my wife ended up buying it to use as a prop/excerpt or something for a math class she was teaching on probability...

  30. Marisa Wright profile image84
    Marisa Wrightposted 14 years ago

    I almost never read books more than once.  My entire library consists of about a dozen books (most of them non-fiction) for that reason.

    If I do re-read something, it's never for the story or the message, it's to admire the clever use of language.  I've re-read the Rumpole stories more than once, and some of my Terry Pratchetts.

    1. jellydonut25 profile image60
      jellydonut25posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      my library is (admittedly unnecessarily) spilling over several bookcases....

  31. Cris A profile image61
    Cris Aposted 14 years ago

    I've read Nick Banctock's "Griffin and Sabine" series more than twice actually primarily because it's an 'easy' read. If you know the series or have read it, you know what I mean smile

  32. timothyjward profile image90
    timothyjwardposted 14 years ago

    I've read all the Dave Barry books I own at least 5 or 6 times.

    Dave Barry Turns 40
    Dave Barry is not Making This Up
    Dave Barry Turns 50
    Dave Barry's Greatest Hits
    Dave Barry is from Mars and Venus

  33. profile image0
    Jared in Vegasposted 14 years ago

    I read Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo twice. I think it's the saddest book I've ever read.

  34. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
    schoolgirlforrealposted 3 years ago

    Karen Kepplewhite is the world's best kisser.  My 1st romance book!


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