Do you plan to write a book someday?
Many writers have secret dreams - what's your dream?
Go for it! I think we're starting a writers' support group here!
Marcy.....The writer me...yes, of course, I'd like to write a book......the realistic me, gets to analyzing and thinking way too much.......The Older woman me, says, "If you're going to do it, get busy, girl!" The Adventuresome me wants to just jump in and start clicking away at the keys.......When I get all of my ME's together.....I'll write that book. You can only "talk about " something for so long..until it's DO IT or SHUT UP!! LOL.........good questions, Marcy...what about you?
I think we're in the same hormonal and chronological mode, fpherj - and I agree with you, we need to do it - or not! Let's make a pact and go for it! November is the month, remember?
Hi Marcy,
I actually have a published poetry book that was released April 2011. Currently, I am working on both two books simultaneously - fiction and compilation poetry. Yes, it is a lot of writing and it would be great to have more free time to draft as much as I want to (working a full-time job and the Navy Reserves takes up a lot of time); however, I am going to keep pushing )
Are you currently working on a book or two?
Hiram, I am in awe if you are able to write two different things at once, serve our country, and do Hubbing here. Thanks for serving us - and you are a huge example to everyone!
Yes, I have a closet book in my brain - a few, actually.
my mind and my computer are filled with ideas that should have made at least one book by now. unfortunately, my hindsight always tell me that none of them are good enough.
Forget about being good enough. No writer starts at the top of his game. Try writing a short story and see if you can get some interest in that. Join a local writer's club.
I agree with Rod - start the books, and the polishing will follow!
You know, I started out on HP thinking I was good enough, only to discover that I had a bunch of clogging inside to get rid of - ideas that weren't so good. Now they're out and the stuff that really is good is coming out, so go for it and write!
I have dream to write more, but not decided still to publish a book.
Let us know what you're next writing project will be - and keep after it!
Marcy Goodfleisch, I have already written a novel. My problem is I don't know where to publish. I have tried traditional publishers but there is no hope, they are saying it is good but can not publish. I am thinking of trying online publishing but I don't know how it works and where to start.
Thanks for your question.
Oh, Pat - I hope you follow through! I downloaded a bunch of free (and cheap) guidelines from Amazon Kindle. There are a ton of books on how to format and load your book. And, it's free - you just submit it online! Go for it!
Thanks Marcy Goodfleisch, I will have to try that.
Since childhood, I have nurtured this dream. My father is an economist and a celebrated author on the same subject. I want to to write a full fledged book some day and make him proud. My mother, husband and children always motivate me to write a book. But somehow, I have not been able to gather myself so far. But in future, definitely, I have plans for writing a book.
Yes! You are so fortunate to have supporters in your life!
Marcy,I have a dream to publish my book.I think am approching on the right way writing articles,blogging,twittering and hubbing just like home working or say making blue print about it.I think am laiding the foundation for my dream.What do you think how would you do Marcy?
I think any type of writing is a good foundation for a book - it gives you practice, both in composition, accuracy and speed. Then, I think the challenge is keeping those creative channels separate in your mind, so you can switch gears. Go for it!
Yes and I began my book last winter but shelved it since publishing is not easy. In fact getting a book published is probably more challenging than writing a book. I didn't want to write a whole book and then have it sit on a shelf.
Using the internet to publish a book became the obvious choice, over traditional publishing (through finding/never finding an agent) - and I knew nothing about it. So I applied to go on the HP Apprenticeship Program to learn how to be an online writer.
As you did, I see. I'm learning a lot on the program (!) and hope to put the knowledge to good use when I start my book again.
It's a book I really want to write - and it isn't a secret anymore.
I can so relate - that's one of the reasons I joined HP, too, Good Lady! Now I am ready to try e-publishing. (Takes a deep breath . . . )
Me too. I figure if I do try the publisher route, I'll have articles already written on Hubpages I can direct them to as samples.
I am compiling a group of poems into what will be a chapbook. As written, they use actual names of people, so I must change those names to avoid any liablity from them or their heirs. They are all poems of a certain time and place. My reading group has encouraged me to get it done.
Wow - good for you! Keep us posted on that!
Many. The particular one I'm writing now is about . . . you guessed it, water. The rain cycle, actually, and how humans have messed it up and can therefore straighten it up again, once we know what we did. Some of my hubs are from the book. As with one or two other commenters above, I figure I'm writing a portfolio right now on HP.
I wrote a hub some time ago called A Glass of Water. It follows along the lines of what you are saying here though I imagine since you have made this your thing you go into more detail.
A book after my own heart, Watergeek - as you know! Good stuff!
lol. I recently wrote one on how to make sure you drink enough water during the day - and why it's important. And you're right - the more I get into writing about water, the more there is to write - I've got 4 pages of ideas!
Yup. I have two started and one being researched for many years now. I think when that day of writing occurs I will seek out a reputable agent. They will surely know the in-n-outs with or without fries, just kidding. Yet, at my age I will not have time to learn the secrets to getting published. An agent who is busy will not want to put forth an effort on what s/he cannot market. Then comes the dart board if there is no interest or willingness on their part for risk.
Let us know how that works - I'm sort of leaning toward the ebook thing, after dealing with agents and publishers in a different context. But it would be so awesome if you could get published!
Five years ago, I started a novel based on an unusual female ancestor during the Civil War. However, I realized that although it was a good story, that is all it was. It didn't have a gimmick, and unless you have a gimmick or a mystery, the book isn't going to sell and I was just wasting my time. What this woman did during the war was an unusual twist itself, but I've got to think of a way to present it as a real far-out adventure before I work on it any more.
I think you are wrong in looking for a gimmick or a mystery. Are there any gimmicks or mysteries in Gone with the Wind? If the characters are solid and people can relate to them that is a good start. No guarantees some far-out adventure will sell.
Miz sounds interesting. Just write the story first, would you like to be my buddy for NaNo? we could work our respective books.
What a great inspiration, though, and it would be a wonderful story. How about if you start adding things that come to mind after you ask yourself, "What if . . . ??" and throw a few obstacles in the life of the main character, to develop the plot?
I appreciate the encouragement, Rod & Marcy.
Parwatisingari, I am honored that you would invite me to be your NaNo partner, but we are going into our busy legislative season and I am going to have to put all personal writing aside til next summer
I not only plan to write a book but I have actually written one. The book took two years to write and should be published online soon.
That is so great! Congratulations! Tell us more???
Yes, I do and Did! I am so proud of myself. What a good questions to ask.
Tell us what you wrote!!!!! And CONGRATS for living your dream, and our dream!
I actually decided to do so this week. The only obstacle is not letting my ego get in the way and to stop thinking so damn much. Anyone worries about finding a publisher who hasn't yet written the book is being ridiculous. My plan is to complete an outline (which is nearly done) and then set a word count goal per week (probably around 1,500 words). At that rate, I should have a decent-sized rough draft for a non-fiction book within 6 months. Then, I will begin editing and destroying huge portions of it until it becomes a highly polished turd. Cheers!
I like the way you are pacing yourself for your goal! Good example for us!
This is a good dream. I have started writing a book. If it goes nowhere's at least it gives me practice. The only one to stop us is us. There's no time like the present to start a life long dream.
Let's do it!! We can start a forum support thread!
I have been planning to write a book for the past 10 years are so. Have gotten as far as the first page where I end up writing "it was a dark and stormy night," and then quit.
I do plan to write a book. However, I am the kind of person that has to have that fleeting moment of inspiration. When that happens, writing the book will not be a problem. Whether it will be worth reading, is another question.
LOL! I love your lead! I think we're writing the same book!
Yes of course I shall write a book, starting on Nov.1st. I am part of the NaNoWrMn
I have three novels I am proud of out there. They are published through Night to Dawn. First there was Disco Evil, then Ghost Dance and, most recently, Desk Job.
Disco Evil is a vampire novel set in the days of the disco. Is there evil in the disco? With vampires running around, you bet!
Ghost Dance is a dark fantasy quest novel. A young man who does not wish to be a werewolf must travel from Australia to Germany in order to break the curse. His main adversary is a modern day wizard keen on creating a plague using the blood of the man-beast.
Desk Job is my salute to Lewis Carroll. Instead of Alice in Wonderland there is Sarah in Office-land. Various office worker types are represented as certain types of creature. There is the praying mantis who makes sure that the rules and regulations are adhered to. The whimpy dung beetle tends to follow the praying mantis around. Then there's the mule who does most of the work, the butterfly who just looks pretty, and the moth who was once a butterfly. The not so pretty moth has developed her own ways of staying employed and also avoiding work. The hawks are in charge of seeing that the workers work and new contracts are negotiated. And above them all is the caterpillar with his water pipe and sleepy attitude. In the story there are mules that rebel against both the rules and regulations and also against the laziness of the butterflies and moths. … /desk-job/
Right now I am thinking of writing a kind of sequel to Desk Job I tentatively call Egyptian Walk.
Sometime down the track I would love to write a book about my grandfather. He came out to Australia from England and may have been the original Pommy Jackaroo (Jackaroo is a male cowboy and a Jillaroo is a female cowboy). He had his choice of going back to England and joining up when war broke out or joining up in Australia. He became part of the Australian light horse. Possibly the last successful horse charge in history was performed by the Australian light horse. After WW1 he returned to Australian and became an Australian citizen. There is a lot more to the story and I think it is a story worth telling but it will require a lot of research.
That's awesome, Rod. They sound like interesting stories, especially (for me) the office one. How did you get your books published?
I started off writing short stories for an American magazine. The magazine expanded into publishing the occasional novel.
Rob, these sound great! Okay - the rest of us need to get serious now!
Actually I have written a book which came out a few months ago.
"My Cat Won't Bark! (A Relationship Epiphany). It's a relationship advice/self-help book. What I've learned to be true is writing a book is the easy part! lol! At any rate I have plans to write a follow up book in another year. Some day I'd like to write a novel. There is something magical about taking a blank screen and creating a world.
Well said - I think we all relate to that . . .
I've written several. One has been published -- science fiction: "Touch the Stars: Emergence," co-authored with John Dalmas.
I'm in the process of writing several others. I've written a sequel to the above science fiction novel, "Touch the Stars: Diaspora." The final draft is still in progress.
I've also written another novel, "The Edge of Remembrance," historical science fiction. I've been meaning to rewrite it to add an intriguing subplot.
I've also written 2 different rewrites of a non-fiction book, "The Bible's Hidden Wisdom: God's Reason for Noah's Flood." I'm about 10% through with the third rewrite.
And I have a non-fiction book on my research on Atlantis, "Mission: Atlantis."
Plus, I have dozens of ideas for other novels -- mostly science fiction. Some day...
You guys are inspiring me to get out the dusty notes and start seriously writing. I'm impressed!
I have wrote a children's book. Wrote it years ago and one day im sure that i will publish it My dream is to be able to travel to several countries, help communities rebuild and help people who have nothing. Ive talked to my preacher several times about finding a full time mission job over seas. But with no good connections it's going to have to wait a while.
What a wonderful goal! I would like to do that, too - takes time and money, but wouldn't it feel good?
Definitely! In fact, rather irritatingly, I have started 2 but finished neither. Both are sitting at around 40 000 words. The first was started 12 months ago and the second, three months ago.
I need to try and carry at least one through to its conclusion, even though both are planned to finality... simply lost interest in the subject matter of the first.
Okay - how about aiming for November? You are already so far along with that one manuscript!
hey pitch it for nov. national novel writing month. It is great.
It is nice to browse over the dreams of other writers, some with books already published, others with books churning inside to be brought out. I wish you all the best!
In the short times of taking a breath between life adventures, I have written enough for a book, or a trilogy.
Looked over it today, a 150 - 200 page collection of short stories and stories in verse, which I gathered in 2008. The writing style is unbearably stiff in places but the stories are, well, what can I say, they are my stories. What someone else sees in them....
I feel it is worthwhile to re-write the stories and breathe new life into them. For example, there are several from our magical time in Hawai'i, where we went with $500 each and stayed for three years, always supported by the Universe.
In the Hawaiian years, I opened up to begin writing poetry and experienced one revelation after another. As I tend to be abstract and ethereal, Kati suggests combining the writing with subjects like the coffee houses of the islands and how to make pineapple smoothies to bring it down to earth.
Hubs, first, then a book?
Thank you for asking!
Yes I have already started on my e-book just the first page,hope it turns out the way I want it.The problem is time.Presently I am promoting an e-book by Chris Farell titled Shattering the Myth.It is published on Kindle Direct.Quite an inspirational book on getting started online.
Well, I've started like twelve of them but I cant' seem to get past two chapters!
I want to write a book but have many reservations. Most of my concerns are about invasion of the privacy of others. Even using assumed names, many people can determine who you are writing about.
Yes! Actually I've written a book and it is currently being edited by a friend. I'll need to go back through and make the corrections before I self-publish it.
It's the first of a series I'm working on. Fantasy fiction.
I'm getting pretty antsy waiting for her to finish up. I really want to get it out there already
I am currently in the beginning phases of the second book. It will most likely take me a year or so to complete it to the point of being ready for editing.
Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a writer. I guess I already am in a way, but I want to be a published author ~ to get specific
Hopefully people like my work & I do really well with it. This first series is only the beginning of what stories are locked inside this brain of mine.
yes, I like to write novel.But I thing it's only a dream. But if there is someone that can inspire me, maybe I can write.
I'm working on my first book. Publishing the book seems like ages away, but e-publishing is always the alternative option that might work.
been working on one for years now. not sure how to get it published but I would like too. never done this before.
I dream of writing children's books some day. Right now, I work on blogging, hubbing, and squidooing ^_^ Hopefully I get to polish my writing skills and also save enough so I can go ahead and jump in on the writing thing.
I have been writing a lot of short pieces and stories, that one day I would like to combine and make a book. I been deep and romances lately and want to write a Romance one day. I want to do a Paranormal as well and try and bring something new to the table.
yes i would.
I love writing stories . And it will be onhubpages.
I have written a children's story book titled Sonja's Wish. It will be available at the end of November. It will be in paperback and ebook. To all the people who dream of writing a book I say jump to it.
I am not just planning. I already started.
It is about mental issues for kids who wants to reach the top in different kinds of sports. I have had mentally problems to be the best in martial arts even if I have had a special talent. Unfortunately I did not get mental help to get ready for my fights as a kids and it affected my carrier a lot. So I would like to help kids to become better and stronger mentally and I hope if I finish my writing it will change their lives.
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