The First Five of Allah's Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names by Misbah

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  1. surovi99 profile image86
    surovi99posted 3 years ago

    Misbah has written an awesome article about the first five names of Allah and Islamic beliefs and meanings about them. Please read from the following link to get a feel for it: … s-Of-Allah

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks a lot for posting this discussion, Rosina. I am so glad you liked it.
      Many Blessings and Love to you!!! smile

  2. Brenda Arledge profile image82
    Brenda Arledgeposted 3 years ago

    Since we are from different areas I was not familiar with these.
    But the first five sound like the same mannerism we have in our religion.
    He does forgive us & he does own everything.   Nothing is ours.
    I'm not sure about good deeds vs bad deeds.  I realize he knows what we do, but a few more good deeds than bad ones is not necessarily the way to join him in heaven
    Great & interesting article.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Love & hugs

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for your very kind and interesting comment, Bredz. In Islam, Allah has 99 beautiful names. However, Allah is the name that Allah has selected for Himself because it includes all of the qualities of Allah.

      These 99 names describe His different attributes. In Urdu, we call it "Isme Sifati," which translates to "names that describe the attributes/qualities." When I first started writing this article, I thought I'd cover all 99 names in one article, but as I wrote, I realized I couldn't; it's difficult to cover everything in one. So I only covered five names in this one, and I'm planning to continue this article in parts later. smile

      You found the same qualities because we all worship the same God. You call Him God, I call Him Allah, and others ( more different religions) call Him by other different names. He is One for all of us, we are the ones who divide Him. smile He loves all of us because we all are His creation.

      Blessings, Love and Hugs!!!

      1. Brenda Arledge profile image82
        Brenda Arledgeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I can imagine...only 5 per article is fine.
        That way my little brain can absorb each can't hold too much information at once.

        I will look forward to reading them. 

        We are truly the ones that divide him.

        1. Misbah786 profile image82
          Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this


  3. Pamela99 profile image87
    Pamela99posted 3 years ago

    Misbah, your article is very interesting. It hd a lot of information that I did not know. I appreciate learning about the Gods and the message is a beautiful one. Thank you for sharing all of this information.
    Much Love and Many Blessings for you my friend.

    Thank you Rosina for posting this article.

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for your very kind and sweet comment, Pamela. I always enjoy reading your feedbacks. I am glad you found it interesting and informative. Much appreciated!  smile

      Much Love and Blessings to you, dear friend.

  4. Jodah profile image89
    Jodahposted 3 years ago

    This was a very interesting article about the most popular names of Allah, Misbah. I never knew he had 99 different names. I am learning all the time. May he bless you.

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Hello, John.

      I'm delighted you found this article to be interesting. Allah has 99 names in Islam, each of which describes one of Allah's (God's) characteristics. Allah is the name that God has selected for Himself; it combines all of his qualities in a single name.

      According to Islam, God means "Khuda," In Urdu the word translates as 'The Creator' someone who came into existence Himself and was not created by anyone. But when we say Allah, we are referring to Him with all of His qualities.

      When I started writing this article, I planned to write about all 99 names, but it was getting so lengthy, so I decided to continue it in parts. If I had written about all 99 names, it would have taken a size of a book.

      Dear friend, your kindness is always  highly appreciated. God bless you as well. Ameen!

      Sending lots of Blessings your way today! smile

  5. Yusrasumair123 profile image68
    Yusrasumair123posted 3 years ago

    Such a great article! Thanks for putting it down.

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much, Yusra. So glad to see someone commenting from Saudia Arabia. Much Gratitude, dear sister.
      Jazāk Allāhu Khayran! smile
      Blessings and Lots of Love

  6. billybuc profile image87
    billybucposted 3 years ago

    Interesting, fascinating, and informative. A wonderful peek into your culture and for that I thank you, Misbah! Blessings always!

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for your very kind and sweet comment, Mr. Bill. I am pleased to know you enjoyed reading it.
      Blessings always!!!  smile

  7. Peggy W profile image99
    Peggy Wposted 3 years ago

    Thanks for posting this, Rosina.  I find it so interesting that while we may call God by different names, according to Misbah and others, it is one and the same God.  Thanks for teaching us about Allah and his 99 names.  I will look forward to reading about more of them and what they each mean.

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for such loving and positive feedback, dear Peggy. I am so pleased to know you found it interesting. Yes, God is one and the same we just call Him with different names smile May God continue to bless you. Ameen!

      Stay well and Happy.

      Many Blessings and Lots of Love!!

  8. Misbah786 profile image82
    Misbah786posted 3 years ago

    This article got featured on the same day it was published. Yesterday, I received an email from the editors informing me that this article contains promotional links and that I should remove them. I removed a few links and it was republished, but a few hours ago, I received another email stating that "its content has been discovered as having previously been published on another site, i.e. duplicate content." They are Allah's names, they will remain the same, the meanings of those names will remain the same. The Quranic passages and Hadiths are unchangeable. I provided a lot of extensive explanations for each name, but HP did not think them sufficient, thus I have no other choice but to remove this hub. I believe they have automated methods that detect whether or not the content is duplicate. Because if it had passed through human eyes, they would have realized the difference in my article and the ones that are already published on web.
    I am sorry for the inconvenience! sad

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I emailed the HubPages Team, and I received a positive response. The article is now live and featured back. There was an HP automated system that was causing issues, but the link is now working. I'm happy they figured it out. smile

  9. MariaMontgomery profile image89
    MariaMontgomeryposted 3 years ago

    Misbah, the same thing happened to me with my article about the various versions of The Lord's Prayer. I printed all the ones I could find and cited the different sources for each one, e.g., the King James Versions, the Revised Standard Version, the New English Bible, etc. The computer picked it up as having multiple modules of the same material. When I explained it to a human, it was approved. I haven't read your article yet, as I just logged on, but will do so later. Good luck with it. I'm sure it's great.

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, Maria.

      Thanks for sharing your experience with me. I published this article on 7 December. The article got featured on the same day it was published.

      Yesterday, I received an email from the editors informing me that this article contains promotional links and that I should remove them. I removed a few links and it was republished, it was all okay.

      But today again, I received another email stating that "its content has been discovered as having previously been published on another site, i.e. duplicate content."

      The article contained "Allah's names", they will remain the same, the meanings of those names will remain the same. The Quranic passages and Hadiths are unchangeable. I cannot change them but I provided a lot of extensive explanations for each name. When they send me the second email after publishing it back, I got so disappointed that I deleted the hub. And shared about my experience in another forum thread on community help forums. There OldRoses (Caren) suggested me to send an email to the Team and explain them my concerns. I did and received a positive response from them. They published and featured it back within an hour or two.

      Allah has 99 names. I have just written about 5. I wanted to continue it in parts later. Saying that means 20 parts in total to cover 99 names. But if they have such automated system. I don't think I will continue with these parts. As you may know when they send emails regarding duplicate content it clearly states repeated duplication warnings can lead to ban. I don't think anyone would like to get ban because of any automated computer error... So I think I have to drop this idea to continue this hub in series neutral

      I am just satisfied that they understood my worries about this one and returned it back to me smile

      Blessings and Love!

  10. Moondot1822 profile image92
    Moondot1822posted 3 years ago

    Beautiful article, Misbah. My-5-years old daughter often recites these beautiful names. You have covered the topic with enthusiasm, and I can feel it after reading the article. May Allah bless you and keep you safe and sound.

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Aww... Thanks a lot for your very kind and sweet comment, dear Moon. Lots of Love and kisses to your sweet little daughter. I am glad you liked this one.

      Lots of Love and Blessings to you and your family!! smile


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