We all need a good chuckle when it comes to Barack Obama, he's done such a horrible job as President that we need to laugh. Here's some of the most recent ones. Feel free to add your own.
Have you heard what BP really stands for? Barack's Petrina.
President Obama says he would have fired BP CEO Tony Hayward if he worked for him. Unfortunately, the White House works for BP, so his hands are tied.
-Jay Leno
President Obama is going to visit India this November, in response to Prime Minister Singh's invitation, though mostly, he's going over there to visit our jobs.
-Jimmy Fallon
President Obama spoke at Kalamazoo's central high school graduation ceremony in Michigan. He told the students they could be anything they want to be, but if they could be oil leak experts, that could be great." -Jimmy Fallon
What's the difference between Obama's cabinet and a penitentiary? One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers and threats to society. The other is for housing prisoners.
-David Letterman
Have you heard about McDonald's new Obama Value Meal? Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it.
-Conan O'Brien
Take a look at these jokes.
This hub has three nice jokes in it. You will love it and laugh hard if you understand what the three jokes are saying
http://hubpages.com/hub/Why-not-take-a- … hese-jokes
This other one is just so funny and at the same time stupid.
I am sure you will be happy to spend your few minutes on these two hubs
Not to be a wet blanket, but outsourcing work to India started a long time before Obama.
Carry on
That's true... it started during the Clinton Administration, as did NAFTA. And just as Ross Perot predicted, "That SUCKING sound you'll hear will be your jobs going south of the Border."
Seems like the jobs that needed actual technical skills went to India and other countries.
Timex Corporation offered my dad a job in their new plant in Taiwan in 1967. He was laid off in 1982 after they moved all their Little Rock facilities overseas.
You mean he's done a horrible job trying to clean up the two Bush's messes..It takes time, and some things that are broken can't be fixed
Smart leader is to use funny joke and firm decision-making to stimulate enthusiasm!
President Obama said he is going to use the Gulf disaster to push a new energy bill through Congress. How about using the Gulf disaster to fix the Gulf disaster? -Jay Leno
President Obama is going to visit India this November, in response to Prime Minister Singh's invitation, though mostly, he's going over there to visit our jobs.
-Jimmy Fallon
The phone customer service reps kill me. They start off, "hello, thank you for calling (insert random company name here), my name is Steve"
Wait a second man, there's no way your name is Steve.
here's a whole website dedicated to Obama jokes
http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/bara … ajokes.htm
one of many:
"Today, by the way, is our president, President Obama's, one-year anniversary in office. I looked it up. Traditionally on the first anniversary, you give paper, so, I got him his birth certificate." -Jimmy Kimmel
Ok, yep... This one is GREAT!!! ROTHFLMAO over here!!!
"Barack Obama's daughters are very smart. They told him they will take the same responsibility for the dog that he is taking for the economy. That way, if the dog leaves a mess in the White House, it'll be cleaned up by future generations." --Jay Leno
"President Obama made a surprise visit to Iraq this week where he declared it is time for Iraqis to take responsibility for their country. Said Iraqis, 'You guys first.'" --Seth Meyers
The Obama economy utilizes a system of carefully monitored checks and balances. He writes the checks, you pay the balance.
- unattributed
Q: What is the President Obama's new fitness program to get people walking again?
A: GAS at $3/gallon
Q: Why is Obama giving tax cuts like Jim Jones giving Kool-Aid?
A: It tastes good but it'll kill you.
Q: How does the Obama administration plan to fix social security?
A: By taking the word SECURITY out of it.
"While he was in Mississippi yesterday, President Obama ate mini crab cakes, fried shrimp and shrimp salad sandwiches to show Americans that seafood from the Gulf Coast is safe to eat. And if you don't believe Obama ate all that stuff, just ask our new president, Joe Biden. He'll tell you." –Jimmy Fallon
"President Obama also ordered a lemon-lime snow cone on the beach. A little awkward. Obama was like, 'Forget the oil spill for a minute. Can we figure out how to fix the leaks in the bottom of these paper cone things?'" –Jimmy Fallon
Barack Obama has one very effective foreign policy. Bush did it. - Flightkeeper
How does Obama stay so physically fit and trim?
He's still running his Election Campaign; and golfing.
Astronomers have spotted an object in space that they say is potentially dangerous, yet for a year it's just sat out there and has done nothing. For that, they've named the object COMET OBAMA. - RadioFree Rocky D
And marine biologists have spotted the deepest living fish ever, near the ocean floor at the Earth's lowest point. They're calling it, the Barack Obama Approval Ratings Fish. - RadioFree Rocky D
Q. Why won’t Obama laugh at himself?
A. Because it would be racist.
- unattributed
Some of those jokes are not only funny, but also clever.... Try to get them.
No, no! Don't you get it? They're Obamanites. They've had their sense of humor surgically removed and things are only funny to them when the target is George Bush!
@U writer: yes U. Writer, they are...and it is funny!
President Obama decided to do one of his public addresses against the backdrop of an American farm, but the ceremony couldn't get started because of all the flies buzzing around his head. Obama demanded to know why the flies wouldn't leave, so the farmer explained to him, "Well, those are called circle flies. They always circle around the back end of horses." Obama angrily replied, "Hey, are you saying that I'm a horse's ass?" The farmer answered, "No Sir, Mister President. I would never call someone a horse's ass. It's hard to fool them flies though." - unattributed
"Now, I know Obama was trying to take the long view, but talking about solar energy in the middle of the oil spill is like watching your house engulfed in flames and saying, 'We really should change the curtains.'" —Craig Ferguson
I loved Bush jokes; now it's Obama's turn!
What's the difference in God and Obama?
God doesn't think he's Obama.
What does Barack Obama call lunch with a convicted felon? A fundraiser. - Jay Leno
"Today, President Obama finally met with BP's CEO, Tony Hayward, but the meeting was only scheduled 20 minutes. Call me crazy, but I think it should take more time to discuss an oil spill than it does to get your oil checked." —Jimmy Fallon
[re: President Obama's oil spill speech}"He assured the nation that the gulf will be cleaned up and restored to even greater beauty and prosperity. Well, you know what that means. He's started drinking. That's the only possible explanation." –David Letterman
His initials (BO) should have told you he would stink. Ah ha, an original.
President Obama is losing support from his own party over his handling of the Gulf oil spill. Jimmy Carter even compared him to Jimmy Carter. - Jay Leno
People are upset with BP CEO Tony Hayward. Over the weekend, he was out on his yacht. When President Obama heard that he was relaxing, he missed a putt. - David Letterman
How did Obama react to his teleprompters being stolen? He was speechless. - unattributed
Obama has issued an Executive Order for federal agencies to cease using the term "Illegal Aliens." From this point forward, they're to be called "Undocumented Democrats." - unattributed
The Russian president wanted to pick up the check, but Obama said, “Don’t worry about it, just charge it to our grandchildren.” - Jay Leno
It took three days to end a tennis match at Wimbledon. That’s just one more thing that Obama couldn’t stop. - David Letterman
President Obama said, after firing Gen. McChrystal, that you don’t criticize your bosses. That’s the same reason Obama never says anything bad about the Chinese. - Jay Leno
Marie Antoinette said “Let them eat cake.”
Barack Obama says”Let them eat arugula”
- unattributed
Is arugula supposed to be the elitist salad green?
Well, call me elitist, because I've been eating it for years - for health reasons....even when Bush was president.
Funny, I'm reading the thread, and as a person who has roots in New Orleans I find in a shame that Katrina, Bush's Chappaquiddick, has been so neatly pushed under the proverbial rug. That part of the south will feel the wrath of Katrina for many, many years.
Also, I'm probably one of few "out minority conservatives" who believes in waiting for the clean up before the finger pointing begins. Did we not learn anything from Katrina?
It was not George who flubbed, but his bubble headed co-horts.
The Gulf has taken a terrible second hit, and it will taken generations for the affects to subside. Just think, Obama may have oil on his crisp white Pendleton, but, even the next president will have to absorbe the affects of the BP spill.
Are you being serious? The Government of New Orleans Knew that the Levy built by the Army Corps of Engineers wasn't up to code for almost 40 years. Additionally, former President Bush's original request to assume control of State National Guard was denied by Blanco, so your big word for incident is better suited for the Government of New Orleans.
here are some sources you may like to read:
http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/rele … prelim.pdf
http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/rele … evee.shtml
http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/rele … mony.shtml
and lastly:
http://www.ce.berkeley.edu/projects/new … /CH_12.pdf
The leadership failures that contributed to the events we witnessed on the Gulf Coast last August and September began long, long before Katrina came ashore. It literally took centuries to make the mistakes that rolled together to make Katrina such a vast natural and human-made calamity. First, for hundreds of years, people have been constructing and placing large amounts of precious (human lives) and expensive (infrastructure, homes, communities) value in New Orleans and along the Gulf Coast in the known path of severe storms. Second, for decades, we have been living with inadequately designed, built, or maintained
12 - 4
New Orleans Levee Systems
Independent Levee Hurricane Katrina
Investigation Team July 31, 2006
man-made protections (levees, building codes, pumps, and so on), and have pursued policies and interventions that actively contributed to the destruction of the natural buffers (salt marshes, dunes, and other natural barriers) against the hazards created by placing value in harm's way. Third for years - at least since 9/11, but even before that - we have known that we had systems of preparation and response that would prove inadequate against truly large scale disasters. Fourth, in the days and hours before Katrina's landfall, we failed to mobilize as effectively as we might have those systems that we did have in place. And fifth, the days following the impact, we did not execute even the things that we were prepared to do as quickly and smoothly as we should have. How do we not, in the future, find ourselves again with those same regrets? Our work needs to begin with a judicious and honest assessment of threats, followed by investments in prevention and mitigation and by construction of response systems that will be equal to a larger of class of disturbances than we have previously allowed ourselves to contemplate.”
Arugula, it is veg-e-tab-le. old kitchen humor.
"Things Overheard During President Obama's Meeting with Tony Hayward"
10. "So, what's new?"
9. "Careful, you're getting oil all over the Oval Office."
8. "Before I start kicking asses, would any of you like some sparkling water?"
7. "Speaking of leaks, where is the men's room?"
6. "Thanks for giving my administration something to worry about besides two wars, a crushing debt, global warming and the worst economy in 70 years."
5. "20 billion?! Hell, I got that on me."
4. "Tony, I forgave you the second I heard that dreamy British accent."
3. "Gotta keep this short, I'm meeting with the president of Indonesia about that smoking baby."
2. "(Vice President Joe) Biden, please, enough with the vuvuzela."
1. "How can we blame this on (former President George W.) Bush and (former Vice President Dick) Cheney?"
- David Letterman
Fun thread. Hey, we gotta laugh at our Presidents, congresscreatures, etc. How else could we stand them?
"President Obama told the residents of the Florida coastal area that he is with them for the long haul, or at least until 2012." –Jay Leno
''UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems.''
—Barack Obama, attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11, 2009
Don't get it. I thought the USPS was not government run anymore?
The United States Postal Service is not run by the United States Federal Government?
Of course its run by the US government, the first clue is that it loses money, the second clue is it loses money!
@ U Writer, so did I. Looks like we were wrong!
The Obamas invited members of Congress to a picnic at the White House. They played all the classic picnic games: wiffle ball, capture the flag, and their favorite game: ignore the oil spill. - Jimmy Fallon
A lot of people are upset and wondering why President Obama is willing to sit down with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad but not BP CEO Tony Hayward. I think Obama is afraid — Ahmadinejad only threatened to destroy the world and Hayward is actually doing it. - Jay Leno
Obama treated visiting Russian president Dmitri Medvedev to a cheeseburger deluxe for lunch. It was Obama's way of trying to cut the budget deficit.
Q: If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it started to sink, who would be saved?
A. America.
-Jimmy Fallon
Q: What’s the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo?
A: Bo has papers.
-Jimmy Kimmel
Vice President Joe Biden made a surprise visit to Iraq. It was a surprise for Biden because he thought he was going to Des Moines for a fundraiser. - Jay Leno
Okay it's about Biden not Obama, I just couldn't pass it up.
Why do we never see Michelle Obama wearing pink speedos?
'Cause all her feminine clothes and lingerie got all stretched out after Barack and Barney Frank played dress-up with them.
While I will ignore the insults I am sure I remember reading somewhere that it was now run by private interests.
Ah, I get it now. It's an independent agency of the govt. So, yet, still government. Our postal system is crap too...
What insults? I was unaware that you were in Canada, sorry if my ignorance about your location offends you I didn't mean for it to.
by AnnCee 14 years ago
Hawaii won't release Obama birth infoJanuary 22, 2011 1:49 AMTHE ASSOCIATED PRESSHONOLULU Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie will end his quest to prove President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii because it's against state law to release private documents, his office said Friday.State Attorney...
by AnnCee 14 years ago
McCartney's tears for ObamaSir Paul McCartney fought back tears as he and Stevie Wonder sang Ebony And Ivory for U.S. president, Barack Obama - because he was so proud to be performing for the country's first black leader.The Beatles star was honoured at the White House earlier this month,...
by Right Black 14 years ago
98% of African Americans approve of Obama's job as president, is this a racial or racist component?
by Flightkeeper 13 years ago
Who do you think will become known as the worst president, Barack Obama or Jimmy Carter?
by Cassie Smith 12 years ago
Does Barack Obama hate white people?A lot of people who are suffering from Hurricane Sandy are white people and all Barack Obama did was visit for a photo op and then go back to campaigning. It's been two weeks and a lot of people are still homeless or don't have power.
by MikeNV 14 years ago
Found these on another site.The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.We agree and think 25 to life would be appropriate.America needs Obama Care like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask.Q: Have you heard about McDonald's new Obama Value Meal?A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you...
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