… 10006.html
Interesting. The United States of America (Red) and the Socialist States of Amerika (Blue).
Don't shoot the messenger, guys. I'm just posting the story to see what's said.
I think it's great if all those states seceded we would only lose one economically profitable one the rest are maintained by the federal largesse of the "Socialist states of America". With their low education and high poverty they are a drain anyway good riddance. (That is if they actually want to secede in the majority, I expect that is not the case.)
"The U.S. continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government's neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the U.S. suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect its citizens' standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government."
The federal largesse, thats cute! Where exactly does that federal money come from? We the citizen!
It's federal money to states that did not give it to the feds see? So basically those states are living off the largesse of "we the citizen" in blue states.
Federal money? What product did the Federal Government create or manufacture to earn that money? Its my money!!
No it's our money. My point was that those states live off money taxed from the "Socialist States of Amerika" as they are unable to support themselves an if they secede it will be no big loss, and shall save us money.
Tell me which states you refer to, I would be more than willing to give you those citizens who live off the "largesse" of the federal government! We don't want them!
Which states cost more than they produce?
It's partly because of high poverty leading to welfare (massive in the deep red states) and partly because lack of innovation and education has led to low economic performance.
The number 1 state receiving welfare is California! Number 2 is New York! Number 3 Texas. … re-states/ I think 2 of ten are blue; including the number one state, New Mexico
Have you noticed you are just enumerating states with high populations yet? Obviously states with high populations will get more Federal money it's how much they are receiving per capita and how much they pay back that matters.
Of course I noticed, I'm shocked you didn't until I pointed it out in another thread. … op-dilema/
4 of 18 states that pay in more than the recieve are conservative red states
5 of 32 states get more"help," than they pay in taxes are blue, the rest are red...
What... If you realized this was the case and given that makes your post utterly irrelevant then you wouldn't have posted it in the first place leading to the obvious conclusion that you in fact did not realize or you were simply posting irrelevant information for kicks. .
Old news, from the article...
"An article from WKRC quotes a University of Louisville political science professor who explained that these petitions aren't uncommon. Similar petitions were filed following the 2004 and 2008 elections."
And, the chances for secession...
"Of course, this is mostly a symbolic gesture. The odds of the American government granting any state permission to go its own way are on par with winning the lottery while getting hit by a meteor while seeing Bigfoot while finding gluten-free pizza that tastes like the real thing."
Dear Red States,
We had a great and beautiful start. Yet recently, it seems that none of the promises we planted in our fields of dreams have flourished. Nothing remains of what looked like a growing love, besides some memories. Everything else lost its enchantment fast, and just a bitter taste was left of what tasted like such a sweet candy.
Maybe because we weren't patient enough to overcome a few small problems… maybe we weren't able to deal with each others sensibilities and we didn't believe the poems that say "between intention and gesture lies a distance...". Whatever the reason, it's sad that we part.
I know we will always be close to each other, and I hope one day we can be friends. All I want is for you to be happy, and have a life of never ending successes. But never forget that love is the most beautiful and rare thing there is and, sometimes, you have to be a little bit patient and endure a little bit of pain to reach it.
Yours Truly,
The Blue States
From a balanced and neutral point of view, secession should have been allowed in 1861, though slavery does cloud that quite a bit, if its a peoples wishes it should be granted.
I guess we'll have to dig up Abraham Lincoln!
Just in time for Steven Spielberg's Lincoln wide release tomorrow. lol
This man was suppose to unite us. He and his policies have only divided us further.
Perhaps that was the plan all along.
So groups of people start these petitions and it is Obama's fault that they voluntarily start the petitions because they disagree with him/his policies, etc?
And we thought the tea party was dead.
Yes, Obamas fault! His policies are crap and he only seeks to help those who do not produce.
I don't know why so many people are afraid of a split. I'm all for it.
But to clarify, Obama being president didn't cause division. It caused all the bigotry etc already sitting under the surface to be exposed. The division was already there. It didn't just magically happen in the past four years. It's in the tough times that the truth comes out. And the conservatives' colors are shining extra "bright."
Typical answer. I wouldn't have expected anything less and I wasn't disappointed. It's like dealing with toddlers.
"Who did that?"
"I don't know."
"What about the president's incompetence."
"You're a racist!"
Intelligent people could see the problems of the present administration and come up with a much better answer than simply "racism."
I'm sorry, who mentioned racism in these posts?
All kinds of people have used the term racist all over this forum! Its a typical response, maybe not from you but from a lot of people.
LoL, well it's questionable who actually took the "childish" approach here. And while I did mention bigotry (you'll notice that I also used "etc," and bigotry is not limited to racism), racism's only the tip of the iceberg, and you know what they say happens when you assume things.
Who said that I don't believe that Obama makes mistakes? I wouId have preferred a different candidate than Obama had there been a different, more competent candidate running and this country wasn't so obsessed with picking a candidate from one of the two major parties. Anyway, I simply said (and I stick by my post) that it was all already there lying under the surface, and that tough times brought out the true nature of the conservatives... which it did.
HarleyJones, where is there any mention of racism in the comment you are replying to?
In manys estimations it is only one way either agree with my way or else. That is the current climate within the country and it is played out with congress. To unite in any front must come from concessions from both parties. The gridlock that we are experiencing now is driven from a smaller block of the voting and serving factions. No compromise on their end has resulted in what we have now. Is Obama to ignore the electorate and give the right what it wants? He would not be filling out the mandate that was given him in the most recent election. Obama won the support of the popular vote and the electoral vote therefore he must continue to do what he was elected for. Romney complained that Obama had no plan but the cold hard fact is that America chose the Obama plan over his whatever that was.
This must have been taken at Obama's big stadium speech back in 2008. It looks just like those zombie wannabes. Do you have a picture of one that's crying as well?
We really don't like Obama! … ction.html
Actuall we do. Obama won both popular and electoral vote and has a 53 approval rating. You must have him mistaken for W Bush.
Any kook can file the petition. I don't consider that very significant.
Texas already has over 33,000 signatures. In order to require a response by the WH, a petition must have 25,000 signatures. Another state already has over 21,000 signatures. As of right now, there are 22 states total represented with petitions. PA just went up a few hours ago and has just under 4,000 signatures already.
I read that the petitions are more about sending a message to the President concerning his policies rather than actual secession. Guess we will just wait and see where it goes.
I don't think any of us want to secede we just want to be represented by our president who holds 1/2 the country in disdain!
RG, What is it in his policies that hold half of the country in disdain? What do you want to see him do specifically?
I want obamacare gone more than 60% of Americans feel the same way! I want him to quit lying about lybya and do away with executive priveledge concerning fast and furious! I want the transperancy he promised but never had any plan on providing. I am not going to type all night about what I want The POS to do.
I want Obama care gone like 50% of the population* There fixed it for you. … h_care_law
And that is from Rasmussen who are right leaning as hell and overestimated Romney's vote by about 3 to 4% in all states so take even that with a grain of salt.
Right. A Rasmussen poll of supposedly "likely" US voters leaves out a full 47% of the population.
I wish we could forget about the 47% but alas they constantly have their hand out.
Yes they do and then vote Republican against there own interest...
Does anyone else find humor in the fact that Willard Mitt Romney got just a shade over 47% of the popular vote?
Barack H. Obama Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Democratic
Popular Vote: 62,149,499 50.55%
EC 332 61.7%
Willard Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Republican
Popular Vote 58,789,815 47.82%
EC 206 38.3%
Are you trying to say that because Obama won, the 58,789,815 people that voted for Romney should not be heard, pushed aside, with no voice?
Last I checked this was still American and we all have a voice whether you or I like what's being said or not.
RG, It is roughly 47% not 60%, but I understand if you are against the idea you must have your reasons, I believe it will be great honestly, close to 300million people now have health care, and prevenative care will be free to all, which breeds a healthier future generations, the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare, was actually a Conservative plan from the Heritage Foundation, right wing lobbyist group, from back in the early 90's, did you know that? Not that "whose," idea it is makes a difference...I want the full story on Libya as well, but my reasoning may be different, I have become worried that this could become another Iraq, so yes transparency will be of neccessity for me, as well as most Americans, to be willing to sign on to some "regime change takeover"...As well as with Syria or Iran...But I am not one to speculate to much ahead of facts, I don't count the chickens before they hatch....
Actually, preventive care will not be free to all under Obamacare.
People who get paid insurance through their state health insurance exchanges will still pay a copay.
And services are subject to a deductible.
(Yes, it sounds like typical insurance because it IS typical insurance!!)
But health care AVAILABLE to many more Americans is a huge step forward!
I am sorry, I thought that he had made that part of the plan, that insurance companies must offer this benefit of prevenative screenings? I thought that was the battle and why people were saying premiums would rise? Or is it just that they must include prevenative screenings to all recirpients? I guess I misread or misunderstood
No, you got it basically right, Tammy!
The devil is in the details.
They will for sure be offering preventive screenings. That IS an important part of the Obamacare program.
The whole idea (or one of the many key ideas) is getting people in to see health care providers at the preventive stage, before they get sick and need treatment. Prevention is a basic tenet of Obamacare.
Lots and lots of really cool stuff (that the naysayers don't know anything about and don't want to know anything about).
Now, where it gets a little tricky is that two kinds of people will get health insurance under Obamacare.
More people will be eligible for Medicaid. True. So technically, those people are getting their care "free."
However, Obamacare also will cover (and already is, in some states) people who will pay for their insurance. These are people who could not get insurance coverage before Obama smacked down the insurance industry and said, "No more cherrypicking your customers."
These insurance exchanges are state-specific. Each state negotiates their own arrangement with an insurer and sets the rates and terms. (And some states are flat-out refusing to sponsor exchanges at all).
I've had recent experience with two states' exchanges. California and Colorado.
In fact, my son is just finishing up his application for Colorado as we speak this very minute!
Here is an excerpt from their application form:
"The plan pays for 100 percent of most preventive care after you pay a doctor visit copay and is not subject to the deductible.
Please refer to our policy book or 2012 Plan Summary for more details."
Yup. It's still insurance!
You're very welcome, Tammy.
Any opportunity to wax eloquent on this historical legislation that will help so many people immediately and for years and years to come.
But you have to understand the people against Obamacare are Atheists! Have to be? I mean, How can any Christain be against providing health care to their fellow man/woman/child? How can any Christain play God in determining who should or shouldn't be entitled to affordable healthcare? Is that a part of the Bible I might have missed reading?
It specifically says taxes are evil and you should not help the poor and the sick
But miracles are alive and well and happening in Emergency Rooms all the time, right?
WOW!!! Liberals spewing religion!!!
Hell has frozen over and the pigs are circling above!!!
Plenty of liberals are religious, religion has nothing to do with political beliefs.
Many of us are Christian, I mean we are the people who want to feed the hungry, care for the elderly and disabled, help people out....I have always found it to be quiet humorous that the "others" are thought of as the Christian party, they do not support any of the programs that care for the "widows and orphans," they just like to preach the "dont's," The cherry picked "sins," to create the illusion of a party reflective of Christianity...Kind of like the Pharisees I guess...You know, the Religious leaders of the Government that killed Christ, hmmmmm......
"prevenative care will be free to all"
Will doctors do their examinations without compensation? Will the office staff fill out the paperwork without being paid for it? Will machinery manufacturers (MRI, CT scans, etc.) forego paying the employees making these things so as to provide them free? Will hospitals, clinics etc. provide buildings and rooms without having to pay utility bills or building maintenance? Will testing labs stop paying their technicians and produce their lab supplies and equipment with the wave of a wand so the patient being tested can have the test for free?
No? Then it isn't free at all. The cost is just shifted onto the shoulders of someone other than the patient.
Actually I was wrong about that in case you didn't follow through the thread, MM explained it very well...I misunderstood the "free" part, but knowing everyone will be covered for these very important pre-screenings still gives me reason to smile
So, in other words, they lost and want to force the president to do what they want him to do, ignoring the majority of the US population who voted for the president.
It's the American way. If you don't get what you want by accepted practices and being above board, try again by sneaking in the back door.
The OWS group comes to mind. Can't get new laws passed? Make a spectacle of yourself, destroy some property, violate the laws of the land and get the media into it. Turn it into a circus; maybe then people will listen.
Same thing here - no one can honestly think any state would or could secede, but making a scene in the public eye might work. Generate some sympathy, raise some eyebrows and they might be able to at least start the plan to turn the country in their direction.
I suspect the audited number would drop, and most of those people would not want it to actually happen. They are just using this as a protest mechanism that is easier than holding a banner on a street corner.
I've got it all figured out.
First, I write a viral hub.
Then, I buy Catalina Island with the proceeds.
Then, I drop the White House a postcard informing them that Catalina is no longer part of the United States.
And that will be that. No muss. No fuss. Why does everyone have to make things so complicated?
Will Catalina still be part of California?
Or part of your new country (which I could easily see being named PARAdise)?
PARAdise it is!
Population 2.
And I already know the Hubber that I will kidnap.
And, alas! It is not you. You'd fly off. Can't have that...
Build a casino, call it "PairaDice". and count me as citizen No. 3.
You are so witty, I love reading your comments....
Simply will not happen. This was settled as far back as 1865. Obama not only had the majority of the EC vote but the majority of the popular vote, so, the "majority" like him.
So, I guess what you're saying is there is a Santa Claus and he is Barack Obama.
This country just jumped on the rocket ship straight to hell. Hang on, folks, it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better and that won't happen until we hit rock bottom real hard.
Ahh a little Rush, how nice... ...Rush is an idiot and a bigot and a right wing loon!
Rush is an idiot? Here you are regurgitating all you have been fed for free and the idiot is a Billionaire!
Sorry, I don't respect a person due to the size of their wallet...I only respect, respectable people....Anyone can make billions by feeding "the hungry" heavy doses of propaganda engineered to have them vote against their own self interest, evil genious he is
I don't respect people who don't work and suck off of the government mammary! Please advise democrats to get a job.
I am guessing you have been informed more than once on this subject, the red states get the most wefare, which is why I said "vote against their best interest," Liberals actually make more money than do conservatives and vote to have their taxes raised because they take responsibility for the country and the people...but yes, I sure wish those red states would get a job, lol
I love it when people claim that Democrats don't have jobs without anything to back it up. Do you think that EVERY Republican leaning voter has a job? Do you think that NO Republican leaning voter collects Disability, Unemployment or welfare? Grow up.
Gotta go with RG here - I don't like Rush and find the oatmeal he spouts to be little more than predigested pap for the masses that won't think for themselves.
"Idiot" he is not, however. I can even respect him for his obvious abilities at doing what he does although I don't like it and find him to be perhaps the single most divisive person in the country.
The single most divisive person in the country? That honor goes to Obama!!
I was going to say Romney being he took both sides of every issue,lol
He is an "idiot," for calling Fluke a "whore," he obviously does not understand how birth control works...
Obviously a mistake, and one that cost him. We all make mistakes, though, and a handful of them over a long career doesn't make an idiot.
Rush knows quite well how birth control works - his statements seldom reflect his knowledge OR intellect. They are nothing more than a means to a fat wallet and should be taken that way.
I agree, his statements are that of an idiot, the sad part however, so many believe him...
I don't even get the point. Obviously it's for show; this would never happen even if it picked up traction. You might as we have a paper that says "Mad you can't fly? Sign here if you want a jetpack"
Did you know Professor Igor Panarin predicted the US will break apart 4 years ago due to financial troubles (fiscal cliff). Oh uh, that "Forward" campaign slogan isn't so good on a cliff.
So we build a bridge and move Forward which starts with bipartisan collaboration and doing away with the anti-American filibusterer tactics of the past.
I don't want to build a bridge! I want to destroy liberal policies before they destroy us!
Any country that can survive Nixon can survive any president. Just a thought...
Isn't it interesting that New York and New Jersey are among the states that have filed petitions?
Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia (twice), Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas have all sent requests
It is now over 30 states. Now, there are also petitions coming from liberals to punish anyone signing the secession petitions by stripping them of their citizenship and exiling them from the US. Yep, more suppression tactics from those who pretend to believe in everyone's rights. lol
States with petitions:
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming.
Petition to deport anyone signing a secession petition: … a/dmQl1bXL
Sassy, Is this real? These people want to seceede? I have never heard of the likes of such an ignorant, and childish, sore loser, behavior patten in my life! I know children with more maturity, how ridiculous!
Of course they are not looking to actually secede. However, if they are able to obtain 25,000 signatures or better, the Administration is forced to examine and respond. In other words, they are sending the message that contrary to what the Dems and the President and apparently every Dem here on HubPages believe, there is no mandate for his policies. They do not feel this Administration pays their opinions any mind, and are attempting to make sure their voices are heard.
I find your name calling and apparent outrage amusing considering peaceful protests, and petitions, are a right of Americans, and has been for some time. This is a perfectly legal and peaceful means of protest. But they don't agree with your political views so that makes them childish, ignorant and a "sore loser" ? Because they want to be certain their voices are heard?
I also find it telling that you find no reason to condemn the petition calling for the immediate deportation of anyone signing one of these petitions. In other words, a direct suppression of their freedom of expression and opinion.
Sassy,I have never in my lifetime seen such a divided nation, how sad...We are suppose to stand behind the POTUS, I am not saying everyone's voices should not be heard, of course they should, but by our Constitution it is by majority and therefore he does have a mandate, the majority has spoken as well...
Tammy, they do not feel this Administration listens to their voices. Once again I point out, all the hoopla about Romney's 47% comment blah blah blah and yet, the call is to ignore 47.9% of the population that voted for Romney in this election. There is a distinct difference between respecting the President and supporting his policies. 47.9% of the population disagree with his policies and do not feel that their voices are given any consideration. It is simply a means of seeing that they have to be acknowledged and heard.
Half of the Country felt this wat about Bush Sassy, maybe due to 9/11, but the people came together despite their differences...Bush didn't give diddly about "our" views....I have a pic I wanted to show you, but can't get it to upload, will try again later, but Bush's comment he is making in the pic I remeber all too well....."I am the Commander, I do not need to explain why I say things..maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something..but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation.." G.W. Bush
What does Bush have to do with anything? We are talking about today, here and now. It has nothing to do with Bush at all. That is perhaps the entire problem as well. Just how long does Obama get to play the "blame Bush for everything" game? Will we still be playing it in 2014? 2016?
Obama is not blaming Bush, I am using this arguement to show you I understand how you feel....This half of the country lives through 8 yrs of Republican rule that damn near destroyed us, so I understand how it feels when the government is not listening to our needs, and that was the comparison I wanted to share...I believe Obama should listen, should compromise, but should also keep the promises to those of us, the majority, who voted for raising taxes on the top to bring in revenue...
Revenue from taxing those making over $250,000: $58 billion
Federal debt increase in 2013: approximately $1.5 trillion
That tax is not going to make even a tiny dent in the debt. Period. It is simply a divisive tactic used by the Dems in their class warfare campaign.
The petitions are not even about taxing those anyway. The petitions are about the big government policies of the Democrats. They are not true socialist policies, but lean in that direction.
That one tax will help and is not the only tax that will be in place Sassy, all revenue will help, that is basic knowledge...In a household, when things fall apart many get a second job, maybe this second job is at a McDonalds making a sickly $7.25/hr, not a lot, but sure helps, just basic math...The big government policies of which you speak cares for the poor and elderly and disabled, cutting fat out of the military will help balance this picture, building new roads and bridges and taking care of the infrastructure is more important than rich guys paying less taxes Sassy, and it doesn't create jobs, that is a conservative fallacy, Democratic Presidents have created more jobs than Republican Presidents, at least twice as many because democratic policies are for the benefit of all as opposed to the conservative policies that line the pockets of the wealthy
We could go back and forth in disagreement, but at the end of the day, we as Americans should come together, the election is over, it is time for some to grow up, not you, and get over the fact that they lost, it is time to move on...
I wasn't really speaking of entitlement programs when I spoke about their policies. More along the lines of what size soda you can buy (give me a break) legislating what type of food a restaurant can serve (not to be confused with having to state what is IN the food, different thing) taxing a person for NOT buying something, wanting to amend the First Amendment, which would give the Government the power to ban certain books, publications, etc (just google Pelosi and 2nd term agenda).
Infrastructure, you mean what we already spent $800 billion on in 2009? All those shovel ready jobs that never happened? And where did all that money go because our infrastructure is not in any better shape. That is a way more recent failure than any policy of any previous President. It did nothing and yet, it is logical to try it again?
I'm all for unity actually. I am the one advocating the GOP give the President absolutely everything he asks for, with full and clear transparency however. Come out on National TV with your compromises that you asked for, state exactly what you received and did NOT receive from the President, and then say you are voting to give him exactly what he wants. If it succeeds, we're all good, and if it fails, the Democrats have absolutely no way to play the blame game. And all those who were hoodwinked into voting him back in, will have no way to blame the evil GOP either. … s-20120213
This article explains the infrastructure budgetary problems, was wriiten in Feb, 2012....Some of the budget was spent for green technology … pro/190900 an article describing actual benefits of green policies and the auto industry bail out, and what could have been had those jobs not been saved … ss_stories - Article of success stories, citing that the Administration doesn't do enough to toot it's own horn...My guess is the Administration assumed people would "see" and not listen to the propaganda of the right, but he was mistaken...
As much as one side tries to repeat untruths I will still research facts...I have links of jobs graphs proving the growth in manufacturing jobs, health sector jobs, financial markets, and logging and mining jobs(highest ever)...I researched the BLS for unemployment numbers and proved the highest were during the Reagan Administration...I have shown proof that the red states receive the most welfare benefits...I could go on and on, wrote a hub about him...I have done all I can, lol.
So, I hope that you and others like you are able to convince your legislators to compromise, then the proof will be in the pudding, right? (and that is what they are afraid of, that everyone will then see which policies actually work...which cause economic disasters and which repair said disasters and build economies)
I typed in Pelozi agenda: 2012,
This article is about a lot more tha Pelozi, it covers a lot of "lame duck" ground as well...
"but at the end of the day, we as Americans should come together"
Come together, eh? How much of Obama care are the Dems willing to scrap in an attempt to do that? How many welfare programs will they dump to appease the R's? How much will they cut the taxes of the top 1%, that already pay far more than their share, to bring us together?
About as much, I would say, as the R's are willing to accept as new policy - zero. Not particularly conducive to bringing the nation together, I would say.
Coming together also implies listening to the will of the American voter, the GOP lost every popular vote this election, at the presidential, senatorial and congressional level which means that they have a responsibility to compromise on Democrat policies if they respect the very principles of a democracy BUT it also means that democrats should be willing to compromise on the policies they are going to pass in the next two years not on policies that have already been passed like Obamacare.
I see.
Does that mean that the tax breaks for the rich that the R's passed a while back should also be left alone? Or are they up for "compromise" while Obamacare (and, presumably, anything else the currently ruling party pushed through in the past) must remain untouched? Can you possibly understand just how silly that sounds when coupled with the statement that we must "come together"? Particularly when it comes from the winning side?
Until the winners of each and every election understand and accept that winning by less than 1% (or 10% or even 20%) of the vote does not present the "will of the people" as a clear mandate our country will remain deadlocked on every issue.
I look forward to our glorious leaders finding a solution to the illegal alien problem we face, but fully expect that the same old "my way or no way" will prevail once more and nothing will be done. This country isn't adult enough to actually work together to resolve anything at all, let alone a problem of that magnitude and difficulty.
I see a split happening before the maturation of this kindergarten country.
I don't.
It has already happened, and you can see the effects every year as we go without a budget, or with one that everyone knows from the start will end up with one party holding the other one hostage in the fall as "emergency" funds must be voted in.
It's pathetic.
Well, I meant more of a physical split. Everybody's so unwilling to budge that is seems more likely we'll snap from the tension. Same thing happened in the time of slavery... guess who didn't want to budge on their selfish policies back then, either?
I too think that finding common ground would be healthy for this country. Problem is, this country lacks the ability to find it.
Personally, I think it's baseless to think that this country should in fact remain one country.
It saddens me to the depths of my soul every time someone blames someone else. We, the People voted those people in. It was up to them to do our will, and none of them did their part. Republican, Democrat, and Independent all agreed to these things.
Now, on to the part that bothers me the most. The recession began in 2007. Who controlled the purse strings in 2007? The democrats who won the super majority in the House and Senate during the 2006 mid-term elections.
Pointing fingers is fun, isn't it? As long as they are not pointing back at yourself. The divisiveness of the "little people" is what is going to tear this country apart, not the poor decisions of a few hundred in Washington DC.
Looking state-wise, you can see that Republican states are doing better than Democrat states. City-wide, the same holds true for many of the cities, although the Democrat-controlled Houston is not having those problems. I wonder why? Maybe because the oil industry refuses to allow the Administration to stop them from progressing no matter how hard they try?
It is such a pain in the side of real Americans to hear about blame games and divisiveness. This was and will be the UNITED States of America... not the Republican/Democrat/White/Black/Rich/Poor/Gay/etc. States. We are ALL in this together, get over yourself and move in a positive direction. That may not be "forward" either, it is just positive.
The recession began due to the bubble bursting...however the Republican policies that cater to the wealthy did play a major role in the effects of devastation to the middle class...That being sid, yes it is high time we the people come together...the red states you mentioned are the states receiving the most welfare, did you know that? Anyway, moving positive is a great step, but forward is the way to compete in a global economy...
I know people who were verdant Romney supporters whose children were on state medical and welfare assistance. I can't understand the hypocrisy that they could judge all others for their lifestyle all the while allowing their children to live opposite of their purported conservative views.
Houston has an immense and diversified tax base which continues to grow even in the hardest of times. Back when oil was on its knees, Houston still had a net population growth of 1,000+ people per week. The economy continues to grow in Houston which is not driven by the local government so much as it is by the private sector. A growing economy yields a growing tax base and increased revenue into city coffers. The local government just has to stay out of the way and not complicate things. The same thing works at the federal level when we have an administration that recognizes that this country cannot grow its economy without strong participation by the private sector. At this point, the government is attempting to do what the private sector does best and would succeed at in a short period of time. The government will fail miserably at it and squander a lot of money in the process. How many times do we need to show that Keynesian economic theory is flawed? ~WB
I find it funny how afraid the conservative right are of "socialist-looking" policies. Jesus probably would've been something like a socialist while being less corrupt.
The overarching message of this thread is that some people need to read a history book and actually listen when our leaders talk.
No one has said that taxing the rich is going to wipe out the deficit. If people still don't understand why a person making a million dollars pays a lower percentage of their income in taxes than someone making 40k a year is somehow OK hen I guess they never will. THAT is the issue here.
Are we really THAT divided as a nation? Considering that most presidents rarely win more than 50-52 percent of the vote, I would say that Obama won a mandate. Did you know that fewer than 3 elections resulted in the winner getting even 60 percent of the popular vote? I guess you could argue that Reagan didn't have a mandate either by the logic that the GOP is using.
Oh and one more thing......33,000 people is like .01 percent of any given state's population. Let's not act as if this is some rebellion that Obama needs to take seriously.
Cody, How in the world was the right so able to build such a following of people that want to help the rich get richer and themselves poorer with less freedoms? In this day and time, with these nifty little computers that can research anything, how did the propaganda machine convince almost half the country to vote for basically the same guy who drove our economy in a ditch and disappeared from sight, wasn't a speaker at the RNC...They ran a wealthy guy that wasn't likeable and took both sides of every position, told mounds of lies, spent millions to spread those lies...was it a test to see if we as a culture are paying attention...
Well put, Tammy.
Yes. It was a test.
They bet that we'd fail.
Instead, they flunked out!
The bottom line here is simple. Going into this election both sides were 100% behind Democracy and the election system. And in the end the People Voted and the President was re-elected for a 2nd term. Now the side that didn't win, I can only assume feel Democray is a bad thing? But I'd venture to say, had their side won! They would cheer our system of Democracy! You win some, you lose some! Get over it!
You seem under some impression that democracy only applies to voting or elections. Democracy is also about many other things, such as the right to protest, the right to free speech, the right to petition the Government. These people are not showing any disdain for Democracy with these petitions. They are exercising their rights under such.
Sassy, your right and during Bush our side was called unpatriotic and unamerican for speaking our, remember that? What did you think back then Sassy?
I had and still have no issue with those who protested the action in Iraq. What I took issue with was things such as this:
"HASSELBECK: First of all, in the past year, the testing scores of our armed services have been higher than ever, so the education level-
O'DONNELL: You are wrong. We have more convicted felons in the Army because we're allowing them to get through.
HASSELBECK: So they're awful. They're awful then.
And we won't even go into equating American soldiers with terrorists. Celebrities often say stupid things however, the left jumped up, cheered and backed these comments as well as the terrorist comment.
Let's you and I try to look at these two situations without our "hats" for a second...Obama lost many supporters from 2008 because he did not go after Bush for war crimes and did not repeal the Patriot Act but strengthened it...As Americans, we were told many things about many countries in the Mideast, What if the Iran bomb building is not true? What if the WMD were never found because they never existed, what if the rest of the world sees us as the terrorist nation? Have you seen any democracies built? Have you seen free people enjoying happy democracies? Syria is on the chopping block now, we are told they are being tortured by their leaders, just like we were told about Iraq and Hussein...Have you read about the pipeline...Have you read about Isreal discovery of natural gas, the leviathon...Have you read about the request made to google to take down certain links, by our Government as well as many others, but the largest number of request being from the United States....What if all of this in-fighting is distactionary, what if we the idiots destroy eachother before we find the truth? This should not be red vs. blue Sassy, this should be Americans joining together to stand up to our government and deman truth from both sides...What if they are in it together?
by movingout 11 years ago
Give me a break! Like a bunch of whiney kids who didn't get their way! If they hate it here so badly, and hate the POTUS so much, leave the country!
by safiq ali patel 11 years ago
From January 1st 2013 Taxes in the United States of America go upwards. People in the United States of America will pay higher taxes from this day. What is your opinion of these Tax Rises?
by VC L Veasey 7 years ago
Should States Be Allowed To Secede From The Union of the United States Of America?Which Could Effectively End The Union That So Many died during the Civil War to maintain.
by susanafe 15 years ago
There are groups in several states that are actively trying to secede from the US. If that were to happen, how do you think it would play out? Would we be able to choose which 'country' we belonged to? If you were born in a state that secedes, are you automatically a...
by ga anderson 9 years ago
Here is what the Federal Reserve describes as its charter:" The Federal Reserve System, often referred to as the Federal Reserve or simply "the Fed," is the central bank of the United States. It was created by the Congress to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more...
by Sunny River 11 years ago
What would you do if your state seceded from the United States as a whole?Recently I saw that about 20 states started petitions to secede from the U.S. and I'm curious what other people think about that.
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