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  1. maxoxam41 profile image65
    maxoxam41posted 10 years ago

    Its last advertising campaign says it all. … anner2.png

    1. wilderness profile image91
      wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      One, what makes you think the city of Boston put those up?

      Two, which, if any, are giving false information?

      1. maxoxam41 profile image65
        maxoxam41posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        The point is the content of the ad campaign. Unless you have an opinion on the real subject I don't see the relevance of your interaction.
        When our newspapers or "news" use the same rhetoric are you as critical? Obviously not.

      2. Quilligrapher profile image71
        Quilligrapherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hey Wilderness.  How are you?

        I believe asking this OP for facts is a waste of time.

        These ads were paid for by an anti-Israeli hate group called “ads against apartheid.” You can see their logo on the lower right corner of each ad. The ads are simply banners of hate speech on a par with the Islamophobic ads on NYC subways sponsored by the American Freedom Defense Initiative. A big difference, however, is 1) Boston officials were not opposed to running the ads and 2) NYC’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority was obliged to do so under a Federal court order. {1}

        There are 1.6 million Arab-Israeli citizens, about 20.7% of the total 2013 population. They prefer to live in Israel voluntarily to enjoy the obvious benefits available to Israeli citizens. Less than 25% of these Arabs identify themselves as Palestinians compared to 12% that consider themselves Israelis. {2}

        One of the anti-Israeli placards provided by the OP is slick. It fails to mention that the “Jewish Only Cities” are a national Jewish-Jewish issue and not anti-Palestinian. (I hope Max is taking notes here!)

        More than half of the Israeli public is in favor of religious Jewish families living in neighborhoods, and even cities, that are separated from other secular Jewish citizens. {3}

        The poll numbers reveal a bias among Jews against competing religious denominations. Nationally, 29% favored religious families living in specially designated communities while 22% want segregated non-religious sections within “religiously diverse” cities. It turns out only a third of all Israelis favor “mixed religious/secular” neighborhoods. {4}

        So it appears, some religious Israeli citizens can not live along side other religious Israeli citizens. “Shalom” is a call for peace and harmony but certainly not for integration.
        {1} … ork-subway
        {2},7340 … 49,00.html
        {3},7340 … 28,00.html
        {4},7340 … 28,00.html

        1. wilderness profile image91
          wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Hi, Quill

          "I believe asking this OP for facts is a waste of time."  Something I'm quite well aware of - Max and I have crossed swords before and I don't think I've EVER gotten anything but unsupported opinion, always that the US is a terrible, horrible country.  As are all the first world countries, for that matter.  This time the wild insinuation is that an major American city is putting up these signboards; something no one in their right mind would consider to be true.

    2. rhamson profile image69
      rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      One of my customers is a very old woman who is Jewish. For years she has railed for more support of Israel and more condemnation of the Palestinians. Recently she has been reading about the atrocities the Israeli army has perpetrated on the Palestinians in retaliation to Palestinian attacks. She was abhorred at the tactics and inhuman acts that Israel participated in and has changed her opinion of the Palestinians plight. My point being unless there is individual responsibility to investigate what the mainstream and government friendly media report, there can never be any reasonable solutions. It is a shame that our media is so tainted.

      "I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crises. The great point is to bring them the real facts."
      Abraham Lincoln

      This is the single most important factor in administering and finding a justified solution to any problem and especially in a Democratic Republic. Our "free" press has been bought.

  2. Shinkicker profile image56
    Shinkickerposted 10 years ago

    The most important point is that not only Boston but the international community of nations support the Palestinians right to freedom, justice and self-determination.

    The Israeli government conduct a criminal organisation.

    They ignore UN Resolutions despite being a member

    They refuse to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty because they have over 200 atom bombs at Dimona that they don't want publicised

    They are a signatory of the Geneva conventions but breach them constantly in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

    They commit war crimes by using phosphorous and cluster bombs against civilian populations.

    So! It's no surprise that there is growing support for the BDS movement among ordinary people and in fact institutions like the EU, governments, political parties, unions, musicians, universities and businesses are turning away from the Israeli Apartheid state


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