Mitch McConnel must think the voters are so stupid

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  1. jackclee lm profile image80
    jackclee lmposted 6 years ago

    This latest accusation of sexual misconduct against Judge Moore is so laughable.
    It illustrate more about the accusers and the people who support them than against the accused.
    The Senate Majority leader is a prime example. How is this going to play out?
    Is anyone being fooled by this last minute political sabotage by the party machine?
    They must really think the coters are so stupid to believe this stuff.
    We will see, these people needs to go. Otherwise, we are doomed.

    1. Credence2 profile image78
      Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      It is amazing, you talk about all this Christianity stuff, but you can support Judge Moore? There are plenty of legitimate sources that corroborate the story. That is why I cannot stand religious  fundamentalists and their sort, total hypocrites rife with double standards.

      Yes, we are going for Moore's head and, by Jove, we will have it on a pole.

      1. jackclee lm profile image80
        jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Listen to yourself. Is this what TDS has come down to? I am a Christian and a Catholic. i don't buy in to the evangelical version of Christianity. Judge not and thou shall not be judged...
        In the cas of Moore, it is clearly a political hit job. Anyone who understand politics and human nature can see right through this. I am just shocked intelligent people like you would fall for it.
        Look, these people on the GOP side are against Moore from the beginning. They wanted his opponent to win in the primary. They were unsuccesful in stopping him. Now they drag up this story from 40 years ago... you believe them? While you don't believe anything else the GOP proposes...?

        I am a realist. I call it as I see it. I don't know Moore personally or his State. I am from the Northeast. Even I can see this is a political move by the GOP leadership. They rather loose to a Democrat than to have a Conservative. That says a lot for me. It is the same reason they attack TEA party candidates worst than Democrats in past elections. They never learn from their folly.

        I will ask you one thing and you should consider it carefully.
        What will be a watershed moment for you to come around with regard to Trump and in a bigger issue, with regard to Conservatives?

        That is to say, what has to happen for you to reject the mass media and judge Trump by his deeds?
        The same goes with us Conservatives. What will convince you that our principles are the right one and we are pursuing it to save our nation not to destroy it?

        Let me take a crack at the answer. What if Trump was able to bring back good paying jobs that will benefit all people across the spectrum, youth, blacks, hispanics, Asians alike...
        What if he could reduce the tax burden of the working class for the benefit of their families?
        What if he could improve our healthcare system by repealing Obamacare? And replace it woth something that is viable long term?
        What if he could increase our wealth as a nation by keeping America First?

        The answer is, it would not matter one bit. Your blind hatred for Trump kept you from seeing the good.
        Do I have it rights?
        Have a great day.

        1. Credence2 profile image78
          Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Listen to yourself. Is this what TDS has come down to? I am a Christian and a Catholic. i don't buy in to the evangelical version of Christianity. Judge not and thou shall not be judged...

          Jack, I did not attack Trump on this occasion.....
          I deplore hypocrites, the one that stands on the pulpit mixing politics with religion has invited us to hold him to higher standard. Well, we are doing that. He is going to be held to a higher standard than the  ones not going around speaking of themselves as holier that thou.....
          In the cas of Moore, it is clearly a political hit job. Anyone who understand politics and human nature can see right through this. I am just shocked intelligent people like you would fall for it.
          Look, these people on the GOP side are against Moore from the beginning. They wanted his opponent to win in the primary. They were unsuccesful in stopping him. Now they drag up this story from 40 years ago... you believe them? While you don't believe anything else the GOP proposes...?

          Did you say the same thing about Clinton during the period of his improprieties? I doubt it. Your outrage or support is politically driven.  I thought that Trump's choice for the seat was defeated. But, if the establishment or as you define them, RINO's, are not on Moore's team, who is? Is it the lowlifes of Hannity and Rush Limbaugh? We are all subject to scrutiny when we choose to operate within the realm of politics. No, I don't trust the GOP nor anything that it proposes.
          I am a realist. I call it as I see it. I don't know Moore personally or his State. I am from the Northeast. Even I can see this is a political move by the GOP leadership. They rather loose to a Democrat than to have a Conservative. That says a lot for me. It is the same reason they attack TEA party candidates worst than Democrats in past elections. They never learn from their folly.

          You call it as YOU see it, well, many of us see it differently. I don't think that I have met any prescient oracles within this forum. I know about Moore's past and controversy. What says a lot to me is to have 1 less numerical advantage enjoyed by the GOP in the Senate and if Moore cannot keep his nose clean or hasn't, that is his cross to bear. Seems like your party is pretty well divided, if a Democrat can win a Senate seat in Alabama much will need to be reassessed.
          I will ask you one thing and you should consider it carefully.
          What will be a watershed moment for you to come around with regard to Trump and in a bigger issue, with regard to Conservatives?

          I don't know how to answer that, but I can tell you that right now that I am nowhere near it. Anything is possible, could the sun could supernova next week?
          That is to say, what has to happen for you to reject the mass media and judge Trump by his deeds?
          The same goes with us Conservatives. What will convince you that our principles are the right one and we are pursuing it to save our nation not to destroy it?

          I have judged him by his deeds and thus far for the most part, they are totally unsatisfactory. I am not a political conservative, Jack. I don't know if it is possible to prove this, Jack. Let's say that his policies has a direct effect of improving the economy for everyone, not just rich white folks. Will he bring back all the jobs that he said that he would? I am watching him with a critical eye.
          Let me take a crack at the answer. What if Trump was able to bring back good paying jobs that will benefit all people across the spectrum, youth, blacks, hispanics, Asians alike...

          That will be a start for my reconsidering, but we are longgg way from that.
          What if he could reduce the tax burden of the working class for the benefit of their families?

          Many sources already say that his tax plan primarily benefits the rich and imposes intolerable deficits, long term, for the economy
          What if he could improve our healthcare system by repealing Obamacare? And replace it woth something that is viable long term?

          He has really been successful here, hasn't he? I don't hear of any alternative, but destroy the one without replacement
          What if he could increase our wealth as a nation by keeping America First?

          You really are one for slogans and platitudes,  but the proof is in the pudding and I have yet to see any of it.

          The answer is, it would not matter one bit. Your blind hatred for Trump kept you from seeing the good.
          Do I have it rights?

          Like I said, if I find something noteworthy, I will point it out. But that is not going to be easy from my progressive point of view

        2. Misfit Chick profile image74
          Misfit Chickposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Since there are plently of other valid reasons for me to not want Moore on Capital Hill, these most recent sexual accusations don't sway OR surprise me. As a woman watching this circus, it really doesn't matter if Moore ever violated young girls, or not. He's old, with an 'I'm untouchable, holier than thou' attitude - and TYPICAL of any conservative OR politician. (Yeah, even Dems - Anthony Weiner!) I would be surprised if Moore had NOT acted inappropriately towards young women. It was standard operating procedure for (mostly white) men in authority to sexually violate young girls AND boys for decades - from the priests & pastors of God across the globe, to Hollywood hanchos, to business leaders, etc... it is/was sort of a 'white collar crime' that got FEW in trouble.

          I mean, really... The number of politicians who have NOT engaged in some type of sexually-deviant behavior is probably easier to count than the other way around. Is there any other type of candidate that we have to vote for?!!

          My only hope is that sexual violations like that are finally beginning to diminish with all the hooplah surrounding it, recently - but it is probably more-likely that it is just going to become more hidden, now.

          However, I can see why you are angry, Jack. What a shocker to realize (AGAIN!) that both political parties are capable of manipulating everyone. (And isn't it NEAT how well the GOP thinks they know their base?) And yet, you keep insisting on things like this:

          "What will convince you that our principles are the right one and we are pursuing it to save our nation not to destroy it?" Spoken by someone who is completely clueless, yet convinced of their own one-sided perception. You're continuing to do a GREAT JOB to keep people fighting for deep state agendas, Jack.

          1. Misfit Chick profile image74
            Misfit Chickposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Moore was the candidate that Bannon and Trump wanted - not the GOP. Who do you think is going to win in the end? Whichever one the deep state wants to win - regardless of what the GOP wants. Its that simple. Just think of how much chaos will be created if the Dem wins? With how hyped up Trump's base is, you KNOW that would make the divisions deeper, yet - especially with this obviously GOP manipulative stuff. They have the country very divided - now it is time to divide the parties (they seem to have a good start going with the GOP already). You've seen what they have done (and are doing) with the Dems.

            If they can get us to not trust anyone in authority - and we keep rejecting it - then 'the authorities' will eventually end up having 'valid' excuses to 'take control' - whether we like it, or not.

            The deep state is pretty much still in control at the moment; and isn't afraid of any of the people they manipulate - left, right, black, white, etc. You think you put Trump in there to fix stuff; but he would not be potus if they did not want him there. Division has been their goal from the beginning for a few different reasons. Perhaps you are proud to support the deep state. There are many people who are - consciously & willingly.

            Again, what makes you think Fox News has somehow escaped their grasp, Jack? What makes you think that their perspective is correct; and every other opposing news source is not? Just because they are on opposite sides of most topics? That's how they convince & manipulate you - it all makes so much sense when you're looking through the filters built up in your mind. Believe me, everything makes sense from the perspective of people with 'left' filters, too.

            You claim to be a patriot, and yet act like this toward your fellow citizens who are NOT your enemy - accusing & blaming us for things the deep state wants you to. Its just stuff they have made you believe in order to get you to attack, attack, attack like you do.

            All we have to do is hang on and NOT jump through their hoops quite so often or as gleefully. They are trying to create a situation that they will have to 'save' us from, in some way. That goes for liberals and conservatives, alike. The deep state will eventually run out of steam if we refuse to fight against it or contribute any of our energy toward it. It is WAY too big and embedded into every aspect of our 'civilized' worldwide societies for us to fight against with weapons or words. Becoming aware of it has been doing a lot of harm to it for the past 2 or 3 decades, at least - it is why we are seeing this dust-up across the WHOLE WIDE WORLD from them. They are dying; and a dying animal is one of the most dangerous kind.

            I've said this before and I'll say it as many times as I need to: STOP HELPING THEM, no matter which 'side' you are on.


            1. jackclee lm profile image80
              jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              I am helping America. You should take your own advice...
              The current state of Washington DC is not well. It is broken.
              We need some legislation to fix the last 8 years. The fact that the American people voted for change and that it differ from the desires of the press, the DNC and the deep state and the GOP leadership, too bad; we want to be heard.
              If they are not willing to lead, then they should step down and resign. What other options are there?

              1. Ken Burgess profile image74
                Ken Burgessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                I think anyone as involved as you, misfit, and others are in debating the political issues of our time, need to spend a good amount of time looking over what is going on in the EU, in London, France, Germany, Sweden...

                I am not talking about the riots, or the rapes, bad as those things may be. 

                Speak out about the rapes, go to jail.  Speak out about Islamic terrorism, go to jail. You are not allowed to voice or type your opinions about them... unless your opinion is a denial of what is going on and an affirmation that everything is ok, and getting better all the time.

                What is occurring there, is beginning here, with youtube banning videos and youtube channels, not of eccentric 'alt-right' types, just people that question the positions of what is the peddled by the hard-left.

                It is interesting to watch, because as they demonetize and ban more and more people, the people they sometimes target are really people who are (or were) in their corner, guys like Lionel who self identifies with socialism and communism, but was more than willing to criticize the criminal Clinton Cabal and others, so now he too is demonetized and that has shifted his entire viewpoint, you could actually call him a Trumpster it has agitated him so much.

                Censorship is coming down the pipeline, it works in places like Sweden and London because lets face it, those societies had most of their liberties and free speech stripped from them long before this... it will be interesting to see how well the clamp down by Google, Facebook and Twitter works... and after that, comes the police enforcement, the raids on homes for wrong-think typed on the internet.

                Its happening in London, Sweden, Germany now... its not that far away from being enacted here, the 'establishment' isn't going to roll over, or concede anything, they will just put more and more restrictions on peoples ability to speak, or hear about the truth.

                1. jackclee lm profile image80
                  jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  That will not happen here. The reason is we have the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is our insurance policy against a tyrannical government.

      2. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Now there's the perfect party response    ,    until it becomes someone on thier end of the spectrum and then it''s all okay , ex.  Bill Clinton ?

  2. crankalicious profile image87
    crankaliciousposted 6 years ago

    A political hit job? You must be kidding?

    Whether the story is politically motivated is irrelevant. The question you should be asking is whether it's true or not.

    Given that the story involves 4 different accusers and over 30 separate sources, it would not appear that it's false. This is the difference between real journalism and fake news, of which conservatives are so proud. More still believe in Pizzagate than in the Roy Moore story.

    Furthermore, Moore himself admitted that it was not uncommon for him to date teenagers while he was a thirty-plus-year-old man. That statement right there is disgusting and should disqualify him. If he's not a pedophile, he's bordering on one, BY HIS OWN WORDS.

    Then, one of his supporters defended his actions by referencing the biblical story of Joseph and Mary, essentially saying that Moore was okay because Mary was a teenager too.

    What meaningless monikers "christian" and "catholic" are when people are so willing to defend rapists, pedophiles and such in the face of overwhelming evidence.

    1. jackclee lm profile image80
      jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, the answer is the Constitution and the law. Every citizen is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Would you accept the treatment of Judge Moore for your self or any of your family members?

      The problem with this case is that there is no way we the people can determine after 40 years the validity of these charges. If you know of one, please share it. I would truly like to know.

      I agree the truth is everything, but how do we get at the truth in rhis case. Unless Moore himself confess, there is no way we can tell if he did what he was accused of. There is heresay and there are charges made about events that happen 40 years ago.
      Be absolutely clear. I am not defending Moore. I am just saying there is no way to adjudicate this case in 3 weeks before a run off election that affects the balance of power in DC.

    2. profile image0
      promisemposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Your answer is outstanding -- moral, factual and logical.

    3. Readmikenow profile image93
      Readmikenowposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thirty different sources? Please list them, not just reruns of news stories.  Do you know what a source is?  30 SEPARATE sources? I want to see them. Again, people on HP making statements...time to back it up. If you say for me to find them it's proof there are not 30 separate sources.

      1. Quilligrapher profile image71
        Quilligrapherposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, Sir, The Washington Post said their article was based on inputs from 30 different sources!

        "This account is based on interviews with more than 30 people who said they knew Moore between 1977 and 1982, when he served as an assistant district attorney for Etowah County in northern Alabama, where he grew up." {1}

        Many of the sources are identified in the article. I am pretty sure The Washington Post will provide a complete list if you write to them.
        {1} … d29508cecb

        1. GA Anderson profile image84
          GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Hi there Quill,

          Although I am following this thread, I am not staking a position either way. But... just as you make an effort to clarify facts, I also feel the need to clarify a point.

          It seems the Post's statement, (as you quoted), is being taken as 30 sources that 'confirm' the nature of the allegations against Mr. Moore, when, by my reading of the article; those 30 sources are sources for all of the article - not just the allegations. Meaning, they could also have been  sources for the points about his assistant district attorney time, his mobile home additions, his social life, his time as a girl's softball coach, etc.

          To accent a part of your quote; "... 30 people who said they knew Moore between 1977 and 1982." is not quite the same as saying 30 sources that spoke to the allegations against Mr. Moore.

          Maybe it is just my naivete that thinks that is an important point - and your comment did not exactly imply differently, but I do think it is a different perception than that there were 30 sources that confirmed the alleged behavior.

          Then again, I may have misinterpreted the implication of your post. Hell bells, if written to, as you suggested, the Post might even clarify which parts of the article different sources addressed.


  3. Aime F profile image69
    Aime Fposted 6 years ago

    He not once denied dating teenagers when directly asked about it (he stuck with some version of “I don’t remember” or “if it happened I guess it happened”) and you still think the allegations are “laughable”?

    Wasn’t it you who recently started a thread about how selective people are with believing sexual assault accusations? Well, I guess you’re setting out to further prove that’s true.

    1. jackclee lm profile image80
      jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Yes I am selective because I have a brain. I don't let 40 year old stories cloud my judgement. Do you remember what happened to you 40 years ago? Be honest.

      1. Credence2 profile image78
        Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Jack, if someone asked you if you dated teenage minor girls 40 years ago, do you think that it would be credible saying that you don't recall? I would certainly remember such thing. Just how dumb does this Judge think we are?

        1. jackclee lm profile image80
          jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          So let me ask you, do you remember if you comit adultery 40 years ago? How about stealing from a store? How about lying to your spouse? How about stealing from your work place?....
          There is a statue of limitation for most laws except for murder. Why is that?
          I don't know what happened here and you don't know and there is no way for others to find out.
          There is no video or audio proof... it is one of those he said she said...
          It is almost the same with Clearance Thomas and the Anita Hill allegations. What happened there?

          1. Aime F profile image69
            Aime Fposted 6 years agoin reply to this


            This is ridiculous. If he can’t remember if he had a relationship with an underage girl when he was in his thirties then it clearly was never against his better judgment and he sees no problem with it.

            I will be able to tell you with absolute certainty in 40 years that I never stole anything from a store, never cheated on my husband, never had a relationship with a teenager. Because those are not things that I would ever do and if for some reason against my better judgment and conscience, I did do them, I would be so consumed by guilt that I would never forget it.

            1. jackclee lm profile image80
              jackclee lmposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              I am glad there are still people with principles left in this world. 
              How do you figure we go about proving this charge against Moore?
              I am serious. How woudl you proof or disprove something that happened 4o years ago?
              The statue of limitation is gone.
              However, if new recent charges are brought up, I will reconsider.
              If someone is guilty of sex crimes, my experience has been it is usually not a one or two times event. He would be continuing this behavior thru out the 40 years...
              The fact that no recent charges exist, and that this is a political season tells me it is not credible.
              If new revelations are coming, I will reconsider my position on Moore.

              1. Aime F profile image69
                Aime Fposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                You don’t prove it. As far as I know no one trying to charge him with anything, just expose his behaviour. It’s up to everyone hearing the story whether they believe it or not and to decide how they want to process that. Which is exactly what’s happening. Some are taking stands against him, some are showing support.

                There have been four women that have come forward, how many do you need until it counts as “continuing behaviour”? Do keep in mind that he hit an age at some point when teenage girls would no longer want to date him.

                1. wilderness profile image95
                  wildernessposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  You don't see that as a problem?  A conviction in the public arena, ruining a life, but based on nothing but accusation?

                  1. Aime F profile image69
                    Aime Fposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    What’s the alternative? No one ever tells anyone when someone has done something bad to them because there might be some consequences?

  4. colorfulone profile image76
    colorfuloneposted 6 years ago

    I wonder why McConnel or any other politician isn't calling for  Sen. Bob Menendez to step down?  He is on trail for corruption and bribery. 

    Aug 25, 2015 - Federal prosecutors said that U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez might have cavorted with underage hookers after all.

    "Democrat Senator Menendez Is on Trial, Accused of Sex with Underaged Hookers — and Nobody Cares"  Nov 10, 2017 … ody-cares/

  5. stephenteacher profile image69
    stephenteacherposted 6 years ago

    Bill Clinton and the newsmedia dismissed each and every one of the dozen women that claimed Bill harrassed them. Then we had Monica Lewinsky. Nobody gave a rat's behind.....the same people complaining were the same ones back then that said, "It's the economy, stupid!" and blew off every female complaint. And feminists should have called out hillary for not divorcing the lech, not riding his coattails....

    1. colorfulone profile image76
      colorfuloneposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Funny!  Judge Moore has run 5 statewide hotly contested elections over the last 40 years, NEVER a peep about any sexual impropriety.  Well, not until now.  Odd, how desperate the swamp creatures are.

      "Are Swamp creatures outraged by the recent release of FBI documents claiming Martin Luther King engaged in sex orgies?   Are they outraged by a Hollywood producer, Roman Polanski, who drugged and raped a 13-year-old?  Or was this not a case of “rape-rape?”"

      Read more: … z4yMAJVsxy

  6. colorfulone profile image76
    colorfuloneposted 6 years ago

    "Judge Moore’s Wife Kayla Moore: We Are Gathering Evidence of Money Being Paid to Accusers" … -accusers/

  7. stephenteacher profile image69
    stephenteacherposted 6 years ago

    I think hollywood, academia, and the news media, think voters are stupid.

    1. colorfulone profile image76
      colorfuloneposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      What's funny is if he was a Democrat, the media would be attacking his accusers and defending him. But since he's a Republican, he's automatically assumed to be evil and guilty. Typical!


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