Should government employees and/or officials be allowed to break the law?

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  1. collegedad profile image66
    collegedadposted 11 years ago

    Should government employees and/or officials be allowed to break the law?

    A friend of mine recently received a ticket. In the process of producing the case against my buddy three county employees violated five state laws. These violations are being ignored, because they involve the Sheriff himself, fellow officers, and two county employees. Should this be allowed? It is my opinion that we need oversight outside of the county judicial system.

  2. jada67 profile image43
    jada67posted 11 years ago

    Laws was made for ever one, government employees also need to be accountable for their actions. I have heard they government employees stick together, turning their heads. My opinion is that you are 100% right, this should never be allowed.

  3. cuttler profile image60
    cuttlerposted 11 years ago

    Oh no..definitely not. What would be the purpose of the law if the persons responsible for enforcing it break it? That would amount to impunity and corruption. From a Kenyan perspective, the practice of impunity and corruption has only led to their failure of various government bodies. So, in my perspective, the law should be obeyed by one and all, presidents, government officials and the common citizens.

  4. prasadjain profile image58
    prasadjainposted 11 years ago

    No.What rules hold good for common people should be applicable for them also. When common people are not allowed to break the laws, how can Govt. servants can?

  5. Awilliams954 profile image65
    Awilliams954posted 11 years ago

    The more power the position holds, the more accountability one needs to be held by. Just like in the bible where ministers or "teachers" are held to a higher standard. James 3:1 "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness."

  6. LilaDaley profile image83
    LilaDaleyposted 11 years ago

    NO.  Laws were made for everyone.  When laws that are broken go unpunished there is chaos.  This is awful for society.  No one should receive special treatment.

    Gov't employees, officials, judges, country leaders are not above the law.

    Things were "overlooked" at Penn State and those responsible for knowing and not stopping it were also punished.  That is how it should be.  If you turn the other way when laws are being broken you too are accountable.

  7. anagham profile image61
    anaghamposted 11 years ago

    These laws are made to break especially by the government officials.. In my opinion when a common man of a country is bound to get punishment because that person breaks the rules, even officials must be treated in the same way..

  8. profile image0
    Casimiroposted 11 years ago

    When it's the fox guarding the hen house, so to speak, it's tough to prosecute such violations, but it can be done. Unfortunately, it takes resources of money and time, which the individual usually has little of, especially compared to the government or corporate entity that is making the violations. Perhaps your friend can find a non-profit legal organization to help or several other people who have witnessed the same violations. In the latter, I would think you could make a strong case to a higher authority, such as the state police.

  9. collegedad profile image66
    collegedadposted 11 years ago

    I'm glad we're all in agreement here. I've literally been in a vehicle with an off duty officer who was pulled over doing more than 20 mph over the posted speed limit. The patrolman came to the window, saw who he'd pulled over and wished us a great day. I've also lived in cities where the family of officers were given bumper stickers ID'ing them so that they wouldn't be pulled over. I'm not anti law, but I do feel that it is time to hold our officials accountable for their actions.

  10. Express10 profile image79
    Express10posted 11 years ago

    Of course not, but they are tacitly approved of anyway. Cops turning on their lights to get through a red light when they are not going to a call is another example and cops that don't wear their seatbelts or are on the computer or cell phones but give you a ticket are just a few examples. There are many others in various government roles that break the law but they apparently get away with it. Oversight will be heavily fought against, sure they'll cite money as a problem, but even where that's not the case, oversight and accountability will be fought tooth and nail.

  11. Becky Katz profile image83
    Becky Katzposted 11 years ago

    Not only no, but HECK no. There are places to report them. If they are city or county, report them to the State police. It is their job to make sure that the laws are obeyed by all. My husband used to be a Deputy and arrested an entire Police Dept. one time. Every one of them was corrupt. He had to move to another area but he felt it was worth it.

    1. collegedad profile image66
      collegedadposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You need to go pat your husband on the back for me!

  12. profile image0
    Margaret Van Dykeposted 11 years ago

    Laws are in place for one and all!  I do not recall ever readng a code/revised code with an exemption for government employees or officials. 

    Unfortunetely, many officials cover each other's backs.
    It can be hard to swallow when it is you or someone you care about. 

    Not everyone gets away with bending or ignoring laws.  There are officials who are duely prosecuted when charges are proved in court.  They sometimes receive the severe end of a sentance because of their official position.

    No one gets away with anything in the end.  Payback may be slow but it does catch up.

  13. JohnGreasyGamer profile image74
    JohnGreasyGamerposted 11 years ago

    "Practice what you preach", is a very old yet effective motto used by millions across the globe. If one makes a rule, they should follow it, especially when it involves the wellbeing and safety of other people. If a rule was made to harrass and harm, then no, nobody should follow it due to morales and rights. But if it's in place to stop breaches to people's rights, then it should be respected. Officials and major public figures must lead by example, especially now when times are tough and many will repeat what they see ^^

  14. ib radmasters profile image60
    ib radmastersposted 11 years ago

    If anything government employees should be held to a higher standard of following the law.

    In upholding the law, the Attorney General of each state has that responsibility. If the government is violating state laws, bring the matter to the Attorney General.

  15. kwade tweeling profile image73
    kwade tweelingposted 11 years ago

    It's already been said, but I will say it again:

    Government officials should be held to a higher standard. The representatives of our societal structure are in place to ensure the enforcement of our structure. To break laws is to break their oath. I don't wish for anyone to be held to scrutiny too heavy for them to handle; but they CAN handle it. That's why they are there, isn't it?

    In the case of emergency and law enforcement personnel, there are laws in place for them to bypass certain laws. For example, police can exceed the speed limit for high speed pursuit. If there is some reason they need exception to a law, it can be determined ahead of time, or corrected when realized. Accountability is needed.

    In short, to be our "shining example of society", one must be a "shining example."

    I forgot one thing. It would be wise to keep in mind that some laws are foolish. Our judicial system needs a few corrections, but in the case of such laws; the matter can be dealt with through trial or deliberation. Again, accountability is needed.

    1. collegedad profile image66
      collegedadposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      kwade, there is a law on the books in Arkansas that allows a man to discipline his wife on the steps of the county courthouse with switch no bigger in diameter than his thumb. I always wondered if there was a husband brave enough to make the attempt.

    2. kwade tweeling profile image73
      kwade tweelingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That is the "rule of thumb". This is of course one of those laws we already know to be foolish. Wisdom would say to remove this law, but obviously if a man ever tried that, trouble would brew.

  16. PurvisBobbi44 profile image93
    PurvisBobbi44posted 11 years ago

    That is a big “No!” There is no excuse for anyone breaking the law---even ignorance of a law is not tolerated. No one should be considered above the law.
    Including the President and on the ladder of politics, the law should apply to all.

    1. kwade tweeling profile image73
      kwade tweelingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I feel I must point something out. If you ate chicken on Tuesday (or another such silly law) I don't think execution is appropriate. Ignorance of a law should not be an excuse, but some laws should be excused. Well said, by the way.

  17. d.william profile image73
    d.williamposted 11 years ago

    It depends on which laws were broken, as you did not specify, it is impossible to answer your question with any qualified yes or no.
    Generally speaking laws are made for everyone.  But there ARE exceptions to that statement.  Congress will pass laws for the general public with a stipulation on them that these laws do not apply to Congress members.  This IS wrong, but it is legal for them to do so.  They do it because they can.
    More strictly speaking,  a person who is speeding, driving to endanger, carrying a gun without a permit, or other similar to these crimes is breaking the law.  However, if the police man must speed and drive erratically while brandishing a gun, that officer cannot be held to the same standards as the criminal he is pursuing.
    When relatives, or friends, of people working in the legal system, manage to suppress charges, dismiss them, or simply ignore them, then those actions are illegal and punishable by law for simply doing them.
    There are always double standards in all walks of life.  If someone is breaking the law, and they know they are, just because a police officer breaks a law capturing them, does not exonerate the perpetrator from their crime.

  18. ienjoythis profile image67
    ienjoythisposted 11 years ago

    That's like asking if only males have to adhere to speeding laws. If anything, government employees and officials should be the ones setting a positive example for everyone else. Otherwise, it is a hypocritical "do as I do, not as I do" never-ending circle of disrespect and mistrust.

  19. maharg1956 profile image58
    maharg1956posted 11 years ago

    What do you mean, 'should'? Don't they already, quite routinely? Surely they see it as a mandatory part of the office they hold??

  20. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    They should never break the law. But I know that irritation. It happens all the time, much to my disgrace. There are plenty of days where the police are driving faster than the speed limit without their lights on.

    1. Express10 profile image79
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are so right, we recently had a speeding police officer crash into a (thankfully) vacant home and another flip his cruiser over while speeding. NEITHER were on their way to a call!

    2. lburmaster profile image72
      lburmasterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, I want to laugh and go "awww" at the same time....

  21. profile image0
    SonQuioey10posted 11 years ago

    Never. There position should stand as the reason why. They should observe and abide by the law more than the average citizen because of their occupation.

  22. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image78
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 11 years ago

    Clearly, nobody should be above the law, and in an ideal world, that's the way it is.  Unfortunately, power breeds arrogance and corruption.  We see the results of this every day.  When the highest authorities are involved in breaking the law, all we can do is try to impeach them or vote them out of office. It's a sad state of affairs, for sure.

  23. iiimusicfreak27 profile image61
    iiimusicfreak27posted 11 years ago

    Absolutely not. If they're working for the government or whatever, shouldn't they be role models to the rest of the public? They should set an example and be the first ones to follow the rules. They're no better than the rest of us.

  24. organized living profile image53
    organized livingposted 11 years ago

    Should they? no obviously not. The problem is the law must proceed on a case by case basis. That is due process. So in order to answer this question we have to try the case. In order to try the county employees charges must be brought.. I hope this helps.

  25. RavenBiker profile image60
    RavenBikerposted 11 years ago


    It makes getting a government job worth it.

  26. Rod Marsden profile image68
    Rod Marsdenposted 11 years ago

    I would have to know the reasons if any why these five state laws were violated. If it was a case of laziness or simply the fact that they could get away with it then something should be done. Of course police officers need to be allowed to speed if they are in pursuit of a felon. They may be allowed to park incorrectly when someone's life or property is at risk and they need to get to where they are going in a hurry. I'd need all the facts to make any kind of judgement.

  27. conradofontanilla profile image67
    conradofontanillaposted 11 years ago

    No one is above the law. Even presidents or chief justice of the supreme court had been punished for breaking the law. However, there are ways of going around any barrier to attain a goal that breaks morals rather than law. The powerful push the passing of law that favors themselves. read more

  28. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 11 years ago

    That's a rhetorical question, so I'm not answering it. The US is a very corrupt nation. Ours is a nation of hustlers. This sort of thing happens in all elements of our society to a degree. We should not be running the world; that's all I can say.

    1. collegedad profile image66
      collegedadposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great answer! LOL

  29. Jynzly profile image63
    Jynzlyposted 11 years ago

    Unless the aforementioned people are corrupt...and having loose values in's also a cultural know, the complexity of human beings and the society they are in. the rule is "Break the law and you, if not all the people under such law, would suffer the consequence."

  30. profile image0
    CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years ago

    Worse yet...women get away with moving violations twice as often as men because of faulty sex-based stereotypes. Research has also shown that if a woman commits the same crime as a man...society sees it as being 43% less offensive because of favorable gender biases.

    The problem our society faces is that Lady Law is neither blind nor deaf. Our justice system is a joke, because the application of the law is only applicable to a few, while those in the inner circle get away with breaking the law because of political or professional affiliation.

  31. oceanuniverse profile image61
    oceanuniverseposted 11 years ago

    No! If regular people break the law they get punished what makes them different or special for that matter. What are we showing are kids, we teach them to be respectful of the law and to abide by them, yet we turn around and let people get away with it.


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