It's time for the Republicans Party to step up to the plate and hold Trump accountable for his action. Trump is out for revenge pardoning 20 criminals who has been found guilty by a court. Trump need to be stopped.
`it's time for president Trump to fire himself because since the election he has done thing but bitch about a rigged election. America deserve more than Trump. Thousands of Americans are jobless, facing eviction notices and depending on food banks around to feed their families. We are tires od tr
Trump down played the coronavirus by lying to the American people about this deadly virus. He had no empathy for families who lost their love one. He took Americans for granted because of his static he didn't care about Virus and Virus cause him not to be reelected.
Republicans are a bunch of cowards who are boasting Trump ego knowing dam well There is no voter fraud. Republicans have lost their sense of decent, they no loger exist.
Trump will play on the affection of other to do his dirty work. President is embarrassed because he wasn't reelected after all his bragging and making fun of Joe Biden . Trump don't like losing.
President Trump is not performing his duties as president of the United States because of losing the 20-20 election. The president has lose interest in everything except trying to prove voter Fraud
America needs a president who took and oath to serve the people and the United States of America. Trump has fail our country and most of all the people. Donald trump and his family need to leave the White House ASAP.
Electing Donald Trump as president of the United States is almost as worst as things that ever happen to America. He has played with the lives of people might have been saved. Trump is a danger old man who needs to be stopped.
Donald Trump is toxic and need to be expose and thrown in jail, for the awful things he has done to this great country. When will Trump supporters to the open up their eyes to the bad behavior of the person. These people are as bad as Trump and his party.
Did Trump and the first lad and really have a case of the Coronavirus? This is a question we must ask ourselves. I am a victim of the virus and knows how this virus can make you feels. The Trump Tested positive and in days they was acting as nothing happen.
after spending three months in a hospital with the coronavirus, its hard to believe that Trump and his family are victims of this deadly disease. Trump was the one who announced he and the first lady tested positive for the virus, not his doctors.
Blacks in America for centuries has been judged for the color of their skin. All Africans Americans wants is to be except into a world that some of our ancestors died for.
Donald Trump might have the coronavirus But what I have seen and heard I am in doubt. The face hidden behind that mask id the face of a liar who will do anything for a vote. Trump want pity and sympathy from fools to stupid to see trump is playing them.
President Trump is dangerous and need to be removed from the White House as soon as possible. He has forgotten that the Coronavirus is still killing our people and doesn't care. He defrauded the IRS and the Republicans are standing behind him. Trump is and Embarrassment.
My son was 16 when he was shot and killed on his way home. He never had the opportunity to experience life or follow his dreams. John was taken away from me at a early age but he will never be forgotten.
No justice for Breanna Taylor who was in her own Home. She was shot eight times why she laid in bed by cops who didn't identify who they was. Every American has the right to protect their home.
20-20 is a year that have change America.200 thousands lives has been lost to a dangerous infectious virus. The president of the united States have endanger the lives of every American by down playing a virus that could have saved lives.
People are dying every day from the coronavirus and no one seems to care. President Trump knew the virus was deadly and dangerous and down played it by lying to the Public. Trump has shown the American he is unfit to be president of the United States.
The president is using his supporters , not caring if they contract the coronavirus. it's time for Trump supporters to take the blinder off their eyes and see what the president really is. Trump is tested daily and will never risk his life for yours.
Donald Trump didn't spend one day fighting in the Vietnam war. He was called 5 times and made five deferments. One was because a bone spur in his foot and four because of college.
President Trump don't know what to say or do about the Coronavirus, he has given up. Republicans and Trump family stand on stage making speeches about what Trump as done for America and the people. What about the lives lost to corvid 19 because of Trump behavior.
President Donald Trump own this virus that have took the lives of thousands America. Trump never believed there was a virus his only concern was the economic and being campaigning for the up coming election. Donald trump is unfit to be called President.
No one is above the law, these laws were created for every American. Republicans have made it possible for President Donald Trump to do anything he wants without being held accountable.
Black History Month is a month that we celebrate the achievements of Afro-Americans who have made a difference in America.
Republicans are hiding behind a corrupt president who had no intention of making America great. Trump played on women and men who thought he was the answer to their prayer. What did Trump really do? Remember our economy on the rise when Obama left the White House.#JMD
I am a mother who has devoted her life to helping and caring for her family. As of today, they are all grown up with families of their own. I am an elderly who have grandchildren in name Only.
I have never seen a group of Politics who are risking their integrity, to protect a president who has done nothing but lie and involve himself in trying to bribe another country in helping him with the 20/20 elections.
Thanksgiving day families and friends get together and enjoy each other eat, watch football and mimic the past.
Botham jean's was killed in his home by a Dallas police officer. Guyger's said she looked around the apartment thinking Botham was an intruder. Her excuse doesn't wash if she looked around the apartment then she should have reconized that it was not her apartment.
Donald Trump is the most dangerous men in America. He has betrayed his country and the People. Trump supporters rally around Trump with the idea that this man cares..Trump is weak a fake and a phony #
Donald Trump is a disease that has affected the lives of so many Americans, he is rude hateful and needs to be jailed like so many other criminals. Trump has done the criminals now it time to lock his ass up.
The president of the United States has a cold heart. He went to Pasco Texas and Dayton Ohio to console victims and their families. Trump made it all about himself.#
Donald Trump the president of the United States greatest fear is living in the shallows of a strong woman like Pelosi. Trump is now trying to divide The House because of the power it posses.
There has never been a president in the United States who has behaved like this President. This president is destroying the lives of so many innocent children who did no wrong. Some have died and there will be more young lives lost if someone doesn't stand up for these children.
Innocent children are dying because no one has come up with a solution to the problem. Trump is holding these children hostage, playing on the emotion of Congress and Democrats to get funding for his wall. Trump is penalizing these children he doesn't care.
Laws in America was created for every America, no one is exempt even the president of the United States...The rules of law mean nothing to Trump.
Our laws were written for all not just the poor. Don McGhan should be made an example of, he no longer works for Trump and was afraid to go and tell the committee the Truth. Hit him where it hurts the most his pocketbook charge him $25,000.00 a day.#
After reading 20 pages of the Mueller report I had no questions that the president of the United State was guilty of obstruction of Justice .and collusion. Any president who interfere in our democracy to benefit himself,is no good for our country.
How can the American people sat back and watch the president of the United States destroy our constitution? Trump has ignored the laws that were created for all Americans. Trump doesn't care about rules and regulation he walks around as if everyone has to bow down to him as if he was a king.# Dam.
For two year Trump has shown each and every American his true character. As Americans, we are tired of seeing Trump Parade around lying to the American people and acting as if he can do anything he wants with convictions. Trump needs to be held accountable for his actions.
Another fake in the White House Attorney William Barr has entered the circle of President Trump, lying and breaking laws. It is shocking that Barr would engage himself with Trump a person who is investigated? Instead of standing behind Democrats to learn the Truth Republicans turn their backs.
Everyone knows that Obama is no longer President except Trump. All his screw-ups are blamed on Obama. Obama has gone on with life which not includes Trump. Trump will never forget Obama left him powerless.
The Republican Party will always stand behind Trump at all cause. For two years they have seen nothing but chaos and go home at night and sleep. They will never call Trump out because of fear, they are afraid Trump will bash them like he does everyone else.
In the Mueller, report Trump is Guilty of Obstruction of Justice. He tried to get McGahn to fire Mueller because of the Investigation. Trump is involved with Russia interfering in our election. On National Television, he was anxious for Russia to get Clinton Emails.
Donald Trump is bashing Ilhan Omar for voicing her opinion, an opinion that most Americans didn't understand while she said it. America is a country with freedom of speech regardless. Trump said he didn't feel sorry for the Video. This video is hateful and dangerous.
president Trump never wanted to be president of the United States, He never thought he could win over Hillary Clinton. Trump is tired of his dirty little secrets being made public. Running for President might be something that Trump will regret the rest of his life.
Trump tweeted a Video tweet to Ilahan Omar September 11 terror attack. When you think you have seen the worse of Trump, he comes back went somethink outragous and despicable. How can anyone
For two years Trump has been haunted by the former president Obama. Obama made Trump look like a fool when he addressed Trump conspiracy of Obama birth certificate was a hoax. Trump sat in the audience with no emotions, he was powerless.
Joe Biden the former vice president to Obama was accused of touching four women who believed it wasn't sexual. Why come forward now when Joe is thinking about running for president of the United States. If all of you was trouble by the friendly touching you should have gone to Biden .
Donald Trump was a disgrace during his campaigning, he embrrassed women by taking about women body parts and got a pat on the backs from his supporters and the republican party. He lies about everything and it's Trump being He has disgraced one of the most famous houes in the world"the White House".
Racism in America will never go away because of ignorance people with nothing to do with there time but hate.. Since Donald Trump was elected president racism in America is on the rise because of his hateful disrespectful words. Donald Trump is not fit to be In the White House. Trump is toxic.#
The American system is broken in America, innocent until proven guilty is a joke. Smollett walked with 16 counts against him, for staging a hate crime. Racist is on the rise with Smollett being aware of what is happening to so many blacks. Anyone who staged a hate crime should walk just like Jussie
The president of the United States is bashing the late Senator out of jealousy because of the accomplishments. John McCain served his country, why President Trump evaded the draft. Trump get angry and ferrious why the spot light is shining on someone else. All of us thank the Senator for his serve.
A woman elected in the United States will make History like the first Black President.. It's time for the American to put their faith and trust in a women to run our country as well as some men. Women In 2018 women made history by winning in the midterm elections across America.
Trump should be ashamed of himself for bashing and American War hero the late senator John McCain.Trump said just because McCain is dead he stiil can be crictcized. Trump is still anger at McCain gave a thumbs down to repealing Obama care.
The president knows that a wall will not stop drugs from coming across the border. Drugs are coming to the U.S on cars and trucks at the nations port of entry.
Donald Trump the president of the United States has fail the American people with his lies. He shutdown the Government for 31 days with no empathy for 800,00 employees. Trump need to resign for the good of America
Blacks will always be discriminated against because of who they are and where their ancestors came from. Whites painted their faces Black to intimidate and make fun of African Americans.
Donald Trump the president is making had decision for America. He was elected to office not knowing the first thing about politic.
we celebrate Black History month and reconize the acheivements of so many. We have to be thankful to so many of our unknown who never knew who they really was.
It's time for Americans to open up their eyes and see that you voted for a bigot and a racist. Is Trump Supporter all racist ?
Blacks will never be free as much as Dr. Martin Luther King fought that one day whites and Blacks would live in peace.
A women will never be president of the United States because most Americans feel that men can do a better job than women.
Trump is using 800,00 workers as hostages to get what he wants. Democrats as bad as it is has to stay strong.
Donald Trump the president of the United States have never had the best Interest of America at heart. It's time for Congress to take the power back from a person like Donald Trump.
Trump will destroy our nation if Republicans don't stand up to him. Republicns needs to impeach him.
Everyone is condemning Cohen for lying to Congress he is just a lawyer,while not blame Donald trump the President of the United States.
Trump has threating to shut down the government if he doesn't get funding for his wall. Trump cares about nothing but forcing Democrats to to do want he wants.
George Herbert Walker Bush was a true American he spent his life devoted to his family and his Country.
Donald Trump is acting as if he is the godfather of America he wants power and will stop at nothing to own it.
President Trump wanted to bring back the death penalty for central park five and they were innocent- The Crown Prince was the cause of khashoggi death a America journlist and Trump looks the other way.
Racism is a disease spread by people who have nothing better to do with their time than hate.
In America Laws was created for all mankind,not just the poor.
Whites didn't want Africans slave to learn how to read or write because of who they were.In southern states it was a crime if blacks was caught they would be punished.
African slave women were some of the strongest women in the world coming to America. for Months African women on a slave ships were violated ,beaten by crew memebers and officers.
Stories was handed down from generation to generation gave Blacks a reason to hate from the treatment of there ancestors.
It last been less than two week since so many innocent lives has been taken
the president of the United States words have put lives in jeopardy with words of hate.
The President is using all of you to get what he wants,just wait and see he needs you to be pumped up.
The president of the United States Announced to the world that he is a Nationlist and is proud of being one.
Laws was created for all including Donald Trump the President of the United States.
Donald Trump should be held for accountable for his action, instead his supporters looks awaygiving him the authorthy do do what he wants.
Anyone who makes fun of a victim of sexually assaults is evil and A disgrace to America.
A woman is assaulted every day they live in fear or is afraid they won't be believed.
Donald Trump the president is a fake and a phony and is pulling the wool over the eyes of his base and the America people.
Four more years of Trump will destroy America,unless The Republican stand up and help protect our country from this mad man.
Donald Trump and his staff should be removed from the White House if they are upstrucking justice.
Donald Trump is a man with no soul and heart. The dreamers he doesn't care about, he wants to defame Obama
Donald Trump the president of the United States is addicted to violence.
The president is not a deal maker he let others do his job and takes the credit.
Being the president of the United States is to hard for the president, he has no experiences in foreign policy's . He needs to run the country right or resign.
It's time for Trump to step down from the White House because he can't handle the Job.
Scaramucci the new white House communication director sounds like Trump puppet.
Rachelle Bond the mother of Bella should have never given a free pass to get out of jail,she should have been also charged with murder.
President trump is the president of the United states, he is expected to be a role model for the younger generation and our country.
The former president Obama was president of the United States for eight years and served the country as well as any president. From the Day Trump took office he has been running against Obama.
The president is not exempt to laws and rules set aside for all Americans. Trump is the chief and leader of this country, he should act with dignity and respect.
Hillary Clinton should have been the first woman in the United States that wore the label as Madam president.
Donald Trump is not good for the people and America, Trump is making decision that is bad for America.
Donald Trump the president of the United States made a fool out of himself at the G7 summit. Trump sat with his arms folded over chest trying to intimadate the leaders.
Clapper and yates told the truth when they terrified about Michael Flynn.
Donald Trump the president of the United States has no knowledge or experience of being a leader of America and the people.
Donald Trump is being praised for ordering and attack on Bashar Al Assad the president of Syria, without a vote from congress. Donald will take this as and admission to do as he pleases.
The President of the united States is a anger unpredictable man who believes that he can solve the world problems alone. Is he A threat to America?
Donald Trump is a man who will never omit or apologize when he is wrong. Why is Trump trying to defame the former president? Is it because a Afro-American made it to the white House before he did.
The Republican party has lost their dignity and valves endorsing Donald trump for president of the united states.
There are no sane reason while the republican's are endorsing Donald Trump aa loose cannon that could harm our Nation.
Bennie Sanders needs to step a side and combine his talents with help Clinton in stopping a national nightmare" Donald Trump.
Bennie Sander the Senator of Vemont needs to join Hillary in here quest for being the first Lady president in America. He needs to help stop Donald Trump from ruining our country.
Trump is one of the worst presidents In History, he does not have the best interest of America and the people Trump is dangerous, disrespectable and believes that the laws created for all mankind does not apply for him. He said he could walk the streets and kill someone and wouldn't get arrested
I want the next President of the United States to be a Woman because of her strength and courage to fight for what she believe in.
Bennie Sanders needs the voters of Afro-Americans to win the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton. To Afro-Americans Bennie Sanders was unknown in Black communities.
Bennie Sanders is saying that Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be president. For eight years the former first lady, the senator of New York and the former secretary of state.
Bennie Sander is now touring Black colleges and unversities trying to solicit votes from the younger generation. Is this the first time he visited a Black college.
Eight years ago the first Black man was elected president of the United States. From the beginning of his presidency, his faith was predicted by Republicans who said they wouldn't work with him.
Sarah Palin the former Governor endorsement for Donald Trump was a big head line for Late night Talk show hosts. She as an Embarrassment.
Hundreds of people are rallying around Donald Trump while he destroy the indignity of hard working decent people. Donald Trump has no respect for anyone except himself he is a ticking time bomb.
It's time for women and men to take responsible for their children financially.
Another life has been taken by a trigger happy police cop who has no respect for the badge her wear over his heart..
How do we protect our self against bad cops,who take the lives of unarmed children without justification. Is this a form of Racism against Afro-Americans.
William (Bill Crosby)Jr. a actor,activist a publisher and a comedian is innocent until proven guilty.
Through blood, health and tears some Africa slaves gave their lives for freedom and the making of America.
Television and the system plays a major role in the way children in today's society are.In today's society parents seldom to responsibilities for their children because of fear from the system. Today's children are more involved with law...
Blacks will never be vindicated because of the color of their skin, the color "Black".
Society tries to tell us that racism is a things of the past, it has gotten better but it will always be here.
In today's society the younger generation do not trust policemen because of all the inconsistent and their actions against"Black's.
The aging Bill Crosby at the age of 77 are being accused of molestation , after 40 year.
It is said that men or women who are abuse grew up in a environment of abuse will be abuse others. I am a abuse women who had to depend on myself to know when to say enough is enough.
I saw people rallying for Darren Wilson all white. What if this was a white 18-year white boy killed by a Black cop? God Forbid or one of their children.
No one really knows what hides behind the reflection of a face .Millions of us are hiding behind a mask just to get threw the day.Robin Williams, the comedians,the actor and director struggle for year fighting a losing battle with depression. What...
Living with a depression is one of the hardest things in the world. Can there ever be a escape from this disease .
There are so many factors can cause depression and a bipolar:This deals with a chemical imbalance of moods regulation in the brain,genetics, which is sometimes a inherited condition.
For 15 years Daniel has lived his life in fear of believing what others thought of him because of the illness that he was diagnose as a child.
Baby Jason is a fetus inside the womb, who feels and understand his surrounding.
Veterans who fight in wars are soon forgotten,after they risk their lives for the good of the people.
I was born with freckler all over my body, being young I never could understand why God had made me different. During my earliers years i was picked on by others and made fun . then i wake one day and realized that i had to love myself for what i really was. I now wouldn't trade my frecklers for...