Is America on its way to becoming a dictatorship?

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  1. profile image0
    enjoy lifeposted 8 years ago

    Is America on its way to becoming a dictatorship?

    With Trump doing whatever he likes with executive orders, by passing Congress etc; restricting freedom of speech of some of the scientific community, imposing gag orders on employees in federal jobs, restricting use of social sites like twitter for national parks, constant criticism of The press, his suggestion of alternative Truth (i.e. Manipulating & controlling facts),his love for pictures of himself (which dictators tend to). I wonder if Trumps presidency is becoming a dictatorship and will continue to show signs of this as it develops. Is this the start of the end of democracy in America

  2. profile image0
    Hxprofposted 8 years ago

    We've been heading towards a dictatorship for some time.  The constitution has been, to increasing degrees, ignored for decades.  Bush and Obummer have played their roles in overreaching with the federal government's power, and, with the precedents set by former presidents, Trump will likely do the same.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      True, but Trump has taken the biggest steps so far in an incredibly short period of time. It's his will all the way. No consultation, no freedom to object. Attack anyone who has a different opinion and impose his will on everything

    2. profile image0
      Hxprofposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Trump has signed a few executive orders, yes.  He's got a mouth, yes.  We'll just have to wait and see if he slows things down a little or if he speeds up the move towards dictatorship.

    3. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Hxprof, can you honestly see Trump being willing to,listen to anyone's ideas but his own, can you see him listening to congress or ever letting them have a say different to his own? I can't. It will be his way all the way, a One man rule: a dictator

    4. profile image0
      Hxprofposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      He may not be willing to listen, but if he doesn't, there'll be little he can do on his own; he might understand that as time goes by.  It's a stretch to suggest that "he will" become a dictator.

    5. bradmasterOCcal profile image50
      bradmasterOCcalposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I think that Trump has already shown that he respects the ideas and contrib of others. And enjoy life, those CNN talking points don't bear fruit, None of them have any factual or contextual foundation.

    6. profile image0
      Hxprofposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      What CNN talking points? I don't watch CNN, nor do I take "talking points" from anyone.  I decide my "talking points".

    7. bradmasterOCcal profile image50
      bradmasterOCcalposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Hxprof - Sorry I didn't punctuate and separate, reread my comment and enjoy life CNN comments were for Enjoy Life.

    8. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      For your info bradmasterOCcal, I don't watch CNN, so no idea what 'CNN talking points' you are referring to. There are people who can come up with things themselves without getting it from CNN you know

  3. Dean Traylor profile image97
    Dean Traylorposted 8 years ago

    I'm afraid so. While he's imposing flurries of executive orders that are essentially designed to (1) dismantle the legacy of the previous president (2) to line his pockets (especially with the keystone pipeline thing) and (3) recreate America in his own image, he's doing things like hiring a cheering section for his speeches, attacking the media, and attempting to control information from certain agencies. Now he's threatening cities and states with cutting funds or taking them over because they don't want to cooperate with some of his loopy ideas. And let's not forget that the so-called temporary ban on Muslim immigration (or to be more precise any Muslim or non-Muslim from Middle East or traditionally Muslim countries) is the first step. Don't be surprised if the list will grow longer. After all, he is a nationalist whose policies seem to mirror the type of "presidents" found in Latin America and Zimbabwe.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      His actions so far mirror those of dictators in history, laying the groundwork for a full dictatorship. It's very much Trump's will goes OR get attacked and criticised heavily. Freedom of speech and personal opinion are rapidly being crushed

    2. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "Don't be surprised if the list will grow longer."  I agree!  Our "Freedom of Speech" is in danger!  A 'list' may be compiled for ANYONE who speaks against him & retaliation takes place!
      GOD HELP US!

    3. My Two Pennies profile image59
      My Two Penniesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I find this comments delusional and hypocritical, as Obama issued "flurries of executive orders" and I doubt you said a word.

      "ban on Muslim"  - you show me where in the law, it calls for a ban on any religion. Probably time to turn off CNN or MSNBC

    4. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Don't worry two pennies, I think your response is delusional and hypocritical, too.  Maybe you need to separate your infactuaton with the Chump before calling me out next time.

    5. My Two Pennies profile image59
      My Two Penniesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "Maybe you need to separate your infactuaton with the Chump before calling me out next time." says someone from the cult of Obama worshiping the can do no wrong liberal messiah. Still waiting on your explanation of how it's a "muslim ban.." Fake News

    6. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      what that's saying about the pot and the tea kettle? Ideologist like you make me laugh; you lose the argument before you get started. Is that how you apply  the Socratic Method?

    7. My Two Pennies profile image59
      My Two Penniesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      So you'll just use the classic tactic of ignoring my question b/c you can't develop a coherent argument? Socratic can't even defend your own assertion of regurgitated liberal talking points? Please explain this supposed "muslim ban."

    8. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You know it's a Muslim ban (albeit limited to 7 countries for 90 days) because it targets Muslims in those countries. So, stop acting smug and pretending you know more than me. Heck, you probably don't realize the Socratic Method deals with education

    9. My Two Pennies profile image59
      My Two Penniesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Actually it's not. Read it. You mean the same discontinuing of refugees like Obama did with Iraq for 6 months? The hypocrisy and double standards with you are astounding. Perhaps learn history & get the facts before shooting off that mouth next t

    10. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I read it. It's about an unconstitutional ban on Muslims. Don't be fooled by the language. You seem to like that word hypocrisy a lot. Is that your way of saying I'm really being schooled here and I don't know how to admit it?

    11. My Two Pennies profile image59
      My Two Penniesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Okay if you insist on going down this road, I would like you to provide the specific place, regardless of wording or language, that puts a religious ban on Muslims or just does so in general. Until now, all you got is the daily unsubstantiated TPs

    12. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Just read it. I don't time for someone who can't read between the lines. Your the fool who decided to argue with me. Now go cry for the Chump to save your soul.

    13. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      While you guys follow blind loyalty toward your party leader, rep/dem, you completely miss the core issue of right or wrong. It's always a rep/dem issue with you and you're so blinded by that, you justify any behaviour by your favoured party/leader

  4. Kathleen Cochran profile image74
    Kathleen Cochranposted 8 years ago

    If it is, at some point the American people will revolt.  It's in our DNA to be freedom-loving people, inclusive and tolerant.  It's only at our extreme ends of the spectrum (both ends) that we forget what we are made of.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      How would you see such a revolt taking place? True, Americans love their freedom. However, someone like Trump would happily employ the military to crush any serious revolt. His current actions mirror those of dictators of history

    2. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You're ASSUMING the U.S. Military would back "Drumpf" who is a Communist Russian PUPPET with an Abysmal 36% APPROVAL Rating, even his "Trump SHEEP" are Defecting 2 the "GOOD Side", the RESISTANCE ~ Remember, GOOD Always Prevails over EVIL

    3. profile image0
      Hxprofposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The military, for the most part, wouldn't fight American citizens.

    4. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      CORRECT ~ The U.S. Miltary would NEVER Engage in Conflict with citizens ~ BTW, R U Paying ATTENTION? ~ Mexicans R NOW "Boycotting" U.S. Co's in Mexico ~ Until "Drumpf" is REMOVED from Office, an ADULT should take CONTROL before we're DECIMATED

    5. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You're talking, panic,paranoia & insanity off the charts but by all means, knock URselves out. Lord knows rights & freedoms R granted 2 us all. AP, UR hopeless. Try Xanax. UR posts remind me of some of my former patients. They were certifiabl

    6. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Kathleen...a.k.a. "the Lone voice of reason." Thank you. We may all B counting the days of inclined(?) But~ in the meantime......a bit of calm & common sense is most welcome.

    7. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      lol ~ I'm "Certifiabl"? where does that leave "Drumpf" ?? ~ Within hours of Drumpf's Negotiating FAILURE, Mexicans are BOYCOTTING U.S. Co's in Mexico, we're CLOSE 2 WAR with China etc ~ Drumpf is in WAY Over his BIG Flat HEAD ~ 3% Approval

    8. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Trump may in fact, B in over his head.& in danger of losing his title.I don't know that nor do U. Raving like a mad-man & fabricating End of World scenarios w/ UR FRANTIC CAPS. makes U seem loonier than he could ever B. U have zero credibilit

    9. Perspycacious profile image68
      Perspycaciousposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      A likely path to it was recognized years ago in a book entitled "The Coming Caesars".  I guess no one read it, though it was written by a very reputable author.

    10. profile image52
      Emma Garafolaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Have we?

    11. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      'It's in our DNA to be freedom loving people.." Lol, tel that to the People from Iraq,Lebanon,Korea,Vietnam,Chili,Afghanistan, the Native Americans etc.
      If you are so freedom loving why is there every day a mass shooting in the US?

    12. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Kathy, our DNA is one built on eradicating the Native population, defeating the British, French, Mexicans, to create this country, then the Spanish, and later the Germans and Japanese... only recently have we become an introverted and 'soft' nation.

  5. tamarawilhite profile image82
    tamarawilhiteposted 8 years ago

    If Trump has too much executive power, so did Obama. And Obama actively used the administrative branch to go around Congress like de facto amnesty for "dreamers" and trying to regulate things as pollutants Congress said weren't.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Obama may have had too much power too. However, in a few days, Trump has already taken it to the extreme. I personally don't think he will ever bother with congress. It's his way all the way as far as he is concerned, a one man rule: - dictatorship

    2. Misfit Chick profile image79
      Misfit Chickposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Bush's executive order misuse was worse than Obama's but only leeberals are in the wrong, aren't they? You seriously need to pull the wool off your eyes. GOP politicians are no better than Dems. Find something in common with your neighbors.

    3. ptosis profile image68
      ptosisposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, I agree with you - executive power expansion has been going one since George Washington.

    4. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      So then, part of the problem is the overuse of executive power. Whoever has over used it does not change the core issue.... heading toward (or already is pretty much there): a dictatorship

    5. Misfit Chick profile image79
      Misfit Chickposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Does anyone else remember Y we have THREE branches of governement? Checks & Balances. I'm not sure how, when or why EO's became a thing; but I'm sure it was to push things thru that would not go thru, otherwise. Who needs Congress or The House?

    6. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Very true Catherine. The checks and balances are there for a reason. Unfortunately, they are by passed with EO's. Also, when a President doesn't respect the judiciary, further checks and balances go out the window

  6. Perspycacious profile image68
    Perspycaciousposted 8 years ago

    The answer is "No".  If anything,"doing whatever he likes with executive orders, bypassing Congress etc." are things done by his predecessor and tell me how many photos and interviews his predecessor coveted for his narcissism, but no one complained that he was "dictatorial."!
    Give President Trump a break.  There are indeed "different strokes, for different folks."  A majority of Hillary's voters and Trump's voters were voting for "change" admittedly some very liberal and some very conservative, but "change" nonetheless.
    Congress gets to vote on Trump's changes. For better or worse they are elected representatives and senators.  They are authorized to vote and act for us. Let them know your concerns and wishes.
    Will our new president fulfill all that he has promised?  Hardly.  Will he get the better ones a majority of Americans want, more jobs, better paying jobs, fairer trade deals, tax reform, greater security, a sensible immigration policy, and acceptable deportations?
    Those take time, and several take good negotiating skills, speak out and add to the American chorus of divergent opinions.  That's the way it is done in the USA.
    And, pray that the end result is one we can all live with, at least until the midterm elections, or beyond.

    1. Misfit Chick profile image79
      Misfit Chickposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      GW had 291 exective orders to force his party's will through house & congress & against the will of the people (something Trump is doing now); OB had 275 to force things thru stalled channels on behalf of the will of the peeps. YUGE differenc

    2. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's a shame people defend and justify Trumps actions by referencing Obama. The right or wrong of his actions is not about saying a previous person did them, so he can too. It's about looking at whether the actions are right or wrong in themselves.

    3. profile image52
      Emma Garafolaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      NO. Its not.

    4. profile image0
      Hxprofposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Enjoy life - that's a fact.  Both Bush and Obummer were overreaching presidents, and right now Trump seems to be headed that way.  We'll see.

    5. MichaelMcNabb profile image60
      MichaelMcNabbposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      All you haters out there won't even give the President a chance.

    6. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      When one "defies the Word of God" (IPet5:6-7;Josh24:15;Jn13:34-35) how can 'good' come of it?  That's what got us into the predicament we're in today; but man is too prideful to recognize!  How can good come fm disobedience of one's Father r father?

    7. 2besure profile image82
      2besureposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Very well put Demas!  You are completely right.  The people that hate President Trump, hate him because the thought he was a clown with no hope of winning!  Like the turtle and the hare, Trump went on the win the race, while Hillary napped!

    8. Charlu profile image78
      Charluposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      @Enjoy you are so right about comparing Presidents, it's  just a way to make them feel better about what Trump is doing, (even though many don't  have a clue as to half of what he's  done)  Some people even when presented  with facts can't  be wrong.

    9. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly's about excusing any wrong Trump does by pointing a finger at other people, rather than examining the actual right/wrong of Trumps action. Those doing so here have actually had little defence about his actual wrongs besides 'Obama'

  7. Ken Burgess profile image69
    Ken Burgessposted 8 years ago

    We may be heading toward Martial Law, I doubt it, but there are enough lunatics out there that think just because they don't like who is President today they can do whatever the heck they want to try and stop him.
    For eight years Obama was the Law of the land essentially, for a couple of them he and the Democrats had total control, and gave us Obamacare (which 75% of the people didn't want) and plenty of other changes, but those who opposed Obamacare and all the other changes sucked it up, and waited for the next election.

    Trump is President, and just like Obama, he is going to do things he wants to do, and he IS the Law of the land as much as Obama was... and if the other side is unwilling to accept that, to the point where Martial Law has to be declared to put the unrest down, round up all the anti-American activists, etc, etc, ... so be it.  It WILL happen, just like it would have happened if people tried to revolt against Obama.

    And there was HALF a country, some 65 million, who voted against Obama in 2012... if those who oppose Trump think they have a right to try and revolt against Trump, go for it, the Police, the military, and almost every card carrying NRA member out there will be backing up his lawful Presidency.

    1. Misfit Chick profile image79
      Misfit Chickposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      We are aware of the alt-right's guns. We have guns, too - and us crazy protestors R getting crazier, haven't you heard? Obama's laws didn't create hate or cause deep divisions. Bogus claim: 75% didn't want Obamacare. Main reason we voted him in.

    2. My Two Pennies profile image59
      My Two Penniesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, we've all seen the protesters throwing tantrums b/c they lost and saying the most vial things imaginable. Ironically it's all from the PC police & the party of "tolerance," not the made up "alt-right" you hypocritical group all conservatives

    3. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Correction: the president IS NOT the law. He is accountable to the law, which is in place for every president. Without that respect and accountability to the law, dictatorship will prevail

    4. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      @Enjoy  semantics, I think my meaning was clear.  A majority did not want Obamacare, many states fought it all the way to the Supreme Court, and still are... now it is Trump and the Republicans turn, and those that oppose are stuck with it.

    5. Perspycacious profile image68
      Perspycaciousposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      enjoy life _ Ken said, and I quote, "he [Trump) IS the Law of the land as much as Obama was....

    6. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Catherine... spoken like someone completely clueless and out of touch with reality.  The military, police, intelligence, NRA and Vets would fight you, in truth it wouldn't be a fight, it would be a massacre, any talk of violent takeover is delusional

  8. Misfit Chick profile image79
    Misfit Chickposted 8 years ago

    It is concerning because Trump doesn't seem to be listening to anyone - not even the rest of the GOP. He seems to have himself in a bubble (with his cheerleaders) and doesn't seem to be communicating with ANYONE outside of it except on Twitter. He's bulldozing forward way too fast before he or his teams have had time to fully analyze situations or even get professional input from people inside whatever office he is affecting. Its all way too fast. He's too inexperienced (and so are many of his picks) to be whipping stuff out like this. I'd feel much better if he would slow down - but, he has no interest in anything but what is in his own narrow-minded head. Yeah, incredibly scary the way things are going.

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      This bulldozing is part of the shock and awe tactics of Steve Bannon. The immigration ban is just a diversion to mislead the newspapers. At the moment there is a coup in the white house going on. Shifting power positions. Trump is a puppet of Bannon

    2. MichaelMcNabb profile image60
      MichaelMcNabbposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Obviously all of you Democrats are a bunch of racists.  Keep your hateful comments to yourself.

    3. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Peter until his taxes are shown, I believe President Trump has "soul his soul to the devil" & we will suffer!  If so, Trump is not "a puppet of Bannon" but Putin moving us closer & closer to an authoritative government as in Russia!
      Putin is

    4. angilawilson profile image61
      angilawilsonposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      i think no you are saying wrong there are lots of thing which is happens..

    5. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Haha, I just read your funny remark Michael. "You are racists, keep your hateful comments to yourself!!!"
      I speak English, all English speaking people are liars...

    6. Charlu profile image78
      Charluposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That's  right so when he changes the law (as he has done already so many times) so he can stay President  as long as he wants  like Putin did  he will be a Dictator !

  9. My Two Pennies profile image59
    My Two Penniesposted 8 years ago

    Wow what a divisively opinionated question. I could have asked the exact same inquiry, substituting "Obama" for "Trump" in the way of executive orders. Do people have short-term memory loss or is it blissful blindness because of their ideology? Every president issues executive orders as a stepping stone or basis, which Congress implements law to make official.

    Ironic to such an assertion by enjoy life, Obama is the one who is now facing a complete legacy erase, as many of his orders never gained traction (assuming their a fan of him...). Quite the double standard here and some of the responses. Trump is no more dictator than previous Presidents. Get your head out of the liberal echo chamber and wake up...

    1. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      BTW, Obama signed the fewest executive orders than the previous president. And he did so in a way to (1) to force a legislative branch to do something and (2) because the legislative branch consistently refused to work with him.

    2. My Two Pennies profile image59
      My Two Penniesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I can't really see the relevance of either point. He still signed them & by your logic, because the ideologue didn't get his way, you grant him a pass for his. Your response just demonstrates further double standards and hypocrisy...

    3. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Of course you can't. It doesn't fit in your narrow view of the world.

    4. My Two Pennies profile image59
      My Two Penniesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Or perhaps because they're you so inapt at supporting your arguments and outlandish comments at even the most basic of levels

    5. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The DIFFERENCE is "Drumpfs" Executive O's R Explicitly Designed 2 Undermine the USA & Appease Russia ~ A Cancellation of the FHA Premium Credit, A Cancellation of HEALTH-Care 4 Millions of AMERICANs, An UNCONSTITUTIONAL Ban by Religion etc

    6. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not the one making outlandish "arguments" like you. Be a little coherent next time, please.

    7. My Two Pennies profile image59
      My Two Penniesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Perhaps if you joined us in reality, as I didn't even have to click on your user name to see you are in CA. But hey, now we're just trading insults, so good luck crying for the next 4 years and spreading factless hysteria....

    8. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      So you're not from God's country? You need to be hating. No, seriously, you need a dose of reality. You set yourself out to be an intellect tthat's going to "liberals" in their place. And you can't. You're just another talker with nothing to show.

    9. My Two Pennies profile image59
      My Two Penniesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You tell yourself whatever helps you sleep at night. As a "teacher," I find it hilarious and downright embarrassing though that you can provide one piece of evidence to support the assertion of a "muslim ban," other than "you know it is..." Evidence?

    10. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I find it hilarious that you're trying to justify your comments to me because you totally lost the argument. Next time, use the Socratic Method correctly.

    11. My Two Pennies profile image59
      My Two Penniesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Whatever you got to say to satisfy that over-sized ego. If you can provide a real explanation to the false filth you spew and the term "Muslim ban," you nowhere to find me... Obama did the same thing with Iraq and you know it

    12. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Im going to call BS on your comment. I can give you proof and you would not accept it. Your over-sized ego (not mine) prevents you to see things clearly.  You're a follower, nothing more, nothing less. And the Chump you follow. Here's snake oil

    13. My Two Pennies profile image59
      My Two Penniesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not following anyone. Let me lay out the facts for you chief, since you can't comprehend them otherwise. Out of 1.6 billion Muslims, your "muslim ban" doesn't effect 87% of them (less than 200 million live in the designated countries). logic?

    14. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      A ban is a ban, don't try to sugarcoat it or misuse logic because you have a faint idea what it is. And yes, you are a follower. And the names not chief, pennies.

    15. profile image0
      Hxprofposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      My TP: Trump does seem to be on course, at the moment, of signing a lot of executive orders.  If he doesn't slow down, he'll be in the same class as Obummer and Bush.  I hope he does slow down, as I like many of his policies.

    16. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The ONLY "CRY Babies" R little "Trump-SHEEP" Repugnantkins ~ Not a FORMAL Recommendation, but until "Drumpf" is REMOVED from his little Pseudo-Presidency HOAX hopefully BEFORE Total DESTRUCTION, I'd Invest in CO's that make "PLEADING Paper"

    17. My Two Pennies profile image59
      My Two Penniesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Dean Taylor what a shameless ideologue. I presented you with facts and you just continue your tantrum of delusion. I see you can't even begin to support your nonsense. Have fun crying the next 4 years in your uniformed fantasy land chief.

    18. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Spell my name correctly. And stop getting bitchy because I knocked the wall you used to protect yourself from real facts.As the old saying goes, don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. You presented nothing but bs and a tantrum

    19. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The blindness towards Trump's actions by his faithful supporters is in itself a concern. The inability to recognise the wrong of his actions and to blindly justify them is dangerous. Btw, this post is about Trump, not Obama.

    20. Kathleen Cochran profile image74
      Kathleen Cochranposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      President Obama signed the fewest EOs of any president in the past two decades.

    21. My Two Pennies profile image59
      My Two Penniesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      facts? Ha, what an embarrassment to the education system & the reason kids can't critically think any longer. I used actual figures and numbers, which you ignored b/c it doesn't fit your warped view of the world Dean. Get real and a clue.

    22. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Get a clue pennies, nobody is buying into your bs, anymore..if they had in the first place. Go practice your cognitive dissonance somewhere else.while your sleeping the chump fired the acting AG for following the constitution. The jig is up.

    23. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not necessarily concerned about the QUANTITY of "Drumpf's" Exec ORDERs, but it's the Subversive, Undermining, Destabilizing UNLAWFUL CONTENT Contained Therein ~ He's Putin's PUPPET & his days fortunately 4 the WORLD, appear 2 be numbered

    24. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Two thought: Cherry picking data, and then misusing it doesn't help your cause. Also, this is not about that liberal/conservative nonsense. This is  about Democracy vs. Fascism. Right now, you seem to side with the latter. Time to look in the mirror.

    25. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      For your info, I was not a fan of Obama. I lean more toward Republican. Your assumptions about me are incorrect. My concerns are not which party Trump is, but that his actions are those which mirror dictators in history in their rise to power

  10. kwade tweeling profile image72
    kwade tweelingposted 8 years ago

    I think the START of the end of democracy in America was long before now. Perhaps 1913 when the Federal Reserve was created.

    Having watched the pattern of the presidents for the last 30 or so years, I saw this coming. Trump isn't much of a change from Obama or Bush. He's the natural next step in a long line of corporate takeovers. His executive orders are worse than Obama's mostly because he's doing them all quickly, and without media distractions. His gag orders are insane, but the biggest difference is that we're hearing about them.

    Obama had a sense of timing and slipped things quietly by (not to mention a charismatic way of changing the subject). He killed US citizens by drone attack, dropped a lot of bombs, and kept up the war's Bush started, while starting new ones. He promised to stop the fighting, but really just moved it around. Remember the NDAA? Pretty big deal, that.

    Bush had the sensationalism pointed the other way at the right times (The Patriot Act for example), and was in every way as bad. I could go on, but let's move on.

    It was all about who's team you were on for both presidents.

    Trump has no filter, and little by way of subtlety. The only tool in his box is a hammer, if you will. So everything he pushes out seems nuts. But if you take a good look at it all, the groundwork was laid by his predecessors.

    I just think it's sad the majority of us can't seem to respect each other enough to stop both sides from running amok. It's more about the battle and having an enemy than coming together for a positive change. This whole time, I've criticized both side's leaders. The only response I get is Republicans calling me a Libtard and Democrats calling me a Racist Homophobe. I just hope that division ends.

    1. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "1913 when the Federal Reserve was created. "  Someone has done a little homework at least.  Shame they buried your post for telling a semblance of the truth.

  11. Rock_nj profile image84
    Rock_njposted 8 years ago

    Certainly closer to becoming a dictatorship than at any point in my lifetime.  It is failing to follow the rule of law that concerns me, such as ignoring a Federal judge's order regarding the travel ban.  Slippery slope that can lead to a dictatorship.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Also removing the judiciary as one of the Official branches of government from the government website. Ignoring the judiciary who are there to make sure the law is followed is a very dangerous sign of the direction of things.

    2. MichaelMcNabb profile image60
      MichaelMcNabbposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That Federal Judge needs to be put in his place and shown who's boss.  That Judge is in contempt and needs to be given a few days in a cell.

    3. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Michael, your complete lack of understanding of the purpose of the judiciary in keeping the government in check is very sad. Remove them and the president is 100% a dictator. 'That judge' did his job and did it properly. He had the courage to do it

  12. profile image0
    PeterStipposted 8 years ago

    There are many things going on at the moment. But basically the US is a fiction of the shock and awe tactics. The whole ban on refugees, Muslims and teen card holders on holiday is a distraction.
    the real politics is a shift in the power inside the White House and a test in who is loyal to trump and who isn't. In the mean time Steve Bannon, a former executive of the rightwing Breitbart news site, will be a permanent fixture of the “principals committee” of the National Security Council (NSC). Trump gave the extreme right wing Bannon card blanch so to speak. Never before was politics and the military interwoven in such a way. The NSC is military and to put someone without military training and close to the president is dangerous. It could well be the first step in a military coup.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Well said. Here's a link to an article which says the same thing: … 54556.html

    2. MichaelMcNabb profile image60
      MichaelMcNabbposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      This sickens me that people like yourself are allowed to spread such hate.

    3. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Eh, Michael. I don't get it. I haven't said anything hateful. Did I call people by names? I  Did not use abusive language, I guess you commented on the wrong thing.

    4. profile image52
      Norine Williamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Peter is right!  Decoy after Decoy!
      WWIII is not far away!  Putin is laughing!
      The "Doomsday Clock" is ticking!  Matt 24:21-22;30-31!
      Scripture will be fulfilled!

    5. Misfit Chick profile image79
      Misfit Chickposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Nothing to do with antiquated & manipulated scriptures that control thru fear. Its the American people & the entire world in their own countries coming to terms with ALL religions dying & truth being shunned in a desperate attempt to save

    6. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Michael Mcnabb. It's called freedom of speech, even if it is contrary to your opinion, your implication that people should not be allowed to speak leans toward a desire to have a dictator rule who shuts down this freedom, and many other freedoms

  13. profile image0
    enjoy lifeposted 8 years ago

    To those who feel the need to justify Trump's actions by saying 'Obama did it too', that is a weak defense. Two wrongs don't make a right. Look at Trumps actions for what they are, instead of trying to say it's ok he did it because a previous leader did too. That does not justify what he is doing now.

    Have the courage to look at what is going on now instead of just referring to your hatred for the previous administration as justification for the wrongs going on now. Pointing to Obama does not mean it's ok for Trump to do wrong today. Wake up to what is happening right in front of your eyes today. obama's administration is gone. We should learn from the past, not repeat Its mistakes to a great measure!

    Also, trump's actions now mirror those of some of the worst dictators in human history... in their early days. The path he is moving along is the path that has been taken before and which led to some of the worst dictatorships in history. … 54556.html

    1. profile image0
      Hxprofposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Who is Yonatan Zunger?

    2. PDXBuys profile image80
      PDXBuysposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Will you propose a change to the U.S. Constitution to outlaw the use of executive orders?  In Hitler's early days he was a painter.  I won't worry about Trump until he takes up landscape painting.

    3. RachaelLefler profile image89
      RachaelLeflerposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      But if Obama did it too, and no one called HIM a dictator for it, than it doesn't make Trump a dictator when he does it.

    4. 2besure profile image82
      2besureposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's not the point that they both did it.  The point is the people complaining are hypocrites!  Where were the protests when Obama sent BILLIONS of dollars in cash to terrorist countries under the cloak of darkness?

    5. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's highly flawed to say that because no one complained about obamas use of EO's that Trump doing it doesn't make him a dictator! a dictator is not defined by the actions of someone else, but their own. Stop using Obama to justify Trumps wrongs

  14. jackclee lm profile image76
    jackclee lmposted 8 years ago

    You mean like President Obama's executive orders and actions... How come no one was complaining then?

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I guess you didn't read through the comments. I already noted that saying 'Obama did it too' is a very weak defence to justify wrong behaviour now. Two wrongs don't make a right. Wake up and look at the actual facts instead of pointing to previous

    2. jackclee lm profile image76
      jackclee lmposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Well that makes it all peachy... wake up, America is at a cross road. Our survival depends on which way we go from here. We had 8 years of leading from behind and look at what happened with rise of ISIS...
      We have a Constitution, if Trump deviates..

    3. profile image0
      Hxprofposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Jack Lee - Our constitution won't stop anyone on its own.  If folks we've elected have no backbone, or if for some other choose not to back the constitution, we're in trouble.

  15. DougClifton profile image60
    DougCliftonposted 8 years ago

    The answer is ,NO. Barack Obama had no interest in working with Republicans and showed that arrogance at every turn. Trump is rightfully doing away with Obama's trash executive orders and restoring our border security at a time when national security is very much at risk. We all realize that this is a very difficult time to be a Democrat because the DNC is in steep decline and doesn't act in the best interests of the nation. Democrats need to suck it up and get used to it, just like Independents and Republicans did when Pelosi, Reid and Obama were running things...into the ground.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Once again, as noted multiple times on this post, resorting to attacks on Obama to answer Trump's actions are a weak defence. If the best you can do is 'Trump can do what he likes because of Obama' then you really have little to say.

    2. jackclee lm profile image76
      jackclee lmposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You are mistaken. That is not how our system works. Just as with Obama, if Trump over reach, the courts will stop him. That is the strength of our Constitution. Take a breath and will be OK.

    3. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Judges did step in and stated it was unconstitutional and partially blocked them. Trump and company tried to ignore the court order.

    4. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The courts stepped in over the immigration ban. In response, the judiciary was removed from the gov website as an official branch of government. Trumps group ignored + defied the judges orders. Border staff stood in the middle + picked which to obey

  16. Views from TD profile image60
    Views from TDposted 8 years ago

    Trump could be seen as a dictator from your perspective but I would like to disagree. I'm not saying your perspective is wrong since it is true to you but I feel President Trump has and older generation of ideals that is obsolete for the American society of today. If you compare him to Hitler and look at their upbringings you'll see two different beginnings. Even though personally I really don't think Trump is the man for the job, his upbringing shows that anyone can become president of the united states. This is at the same inspirational can be seen as dangerous if the right person is not picked for the job. Hitler on the other hand had the SS or the SA ( can't remember which one) kill the leader of Germany at the time in order to take his place.  Though trumps upbringing shows no sign of a dictatorship, it's still too early to tell if America is becoming a dictatorship and by the time we all realize what's going on it'll probably be too late if that even does occur.

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's interesting to note that Trump's mother was an low-earning Scotish immigrant. Trump was not a self made man though, the everybody can become president is a myth. There is no IQ test though for presidents, that's true.

    2. MichaelMcNabb profile image60
      MichaelMcNabbposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "President Trump has and older generation of ideals that is obsolete for the American society of today" So in your fantasy world the kids like yourself make all of the decisions?  Ideals aren't generational they are societal and not outdated at all.

  17. Gustavo Woltmann1 profile image58
    Gustavo Woltmann1posted 8 years ago

    One of the tough question. From now I don't sure about the answer to that question but in my mind, I think It's possible because we all know Trump is one of the powerful men in the world because of his asset and especially $ and if he use all his money to become powerful well I think America will become the dictator. Nothing impossible when it comes to $$ right?

  18. Haider Mama profile image71
    Haider Mamaposted 8 years ago

    I am not an American but I will say my opinion. Like every president (in America) Trump has also been selected (not elected) by the decision makers; you can call them one percent, bankers, corporate owners whatever you like. His cabinet members were also selected/suggested by those who did spend a good deal of money in Trump's campaign. Now he will do, just like every obedient president, as he will be told.

    Unfortunately, the fate of America is not in the hands of its Government, Establishment or its people, but in the hands of some others. So for me the question of dictatorship doesn't make sense.

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. The American people are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. They believe the illusion of democracy is real. And a slave who doesn't know he is a slave will never try to free himself.

    2. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The illusion of freedom can certainly be a powerful manipulating too.

    3. PDXBuys profile image80
      PDXBuysposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Ronnie - And how do you think you are going to "free" yourself?  Do you plan on overthrowing the government with violence.  Seems like the students at Berkeley are gearing up for that.  They are burning down their own university.  How foolish.

  19. eugbug profile image95
    eugbugposted 8 years ago

    I don't know, but anytime I've used the hashtags #Trump and #science together, the tweets appear to be censored by Twitter.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting. I've not tried it, but if that is happening, censorship is definitely a major sign of a dictatorship

  20. PDXBuys profile image80
    PDXBuysposted 8 years ago

    President Obama issued executive orders.  Was Obama a dictator?

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Already dealt with and answered many times in other threads in this post

    2. PDXBuys profile image80
      PDXBuysposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      And what is the answer?

    3. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Have a read through and find out

  21. DzyMsLizzy profile image90
    DzyMsLizzyposted 8 years ago

    Unfortunately, if he isn't stopped, then, yes.  Just compare his actions with those of Hitler, and you've got your answer.

    So:  long live the protesters!

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Well said. His actions so far mirror those of some of the worse dictators in history

    2. 2besure profile image82
      2besureposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Trump is no different than Obama. O was well spoken, attractive, yet he gave billions in cash to countries that supported terrorist, insituted a travel ban, did everything by executive order.  Obama got away with it because he was seen as respectable

    3. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Stop justying everything Trump does by blaming it all on Obama! I'm so tired of that flawed argument. Look at Trump for himself and his actions as either right or wrong instead of being blinded by party loyalty

  22. Kyle Atwood profile image76
    Kyle Atwoodposted 8 years ago

    I believe there are quite a few things I could say about "President" Trump, non of which are positive I'll admit, but I'll answer your question with my own personal opinions summarized into a single statement.

    In my opinion, America is becoming a society of Fascism, yet I can certainly sense a hint of Dictatorship in the mix as well.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Fascism is certainly a word that I have been hearing a lot referring to America recently.

    2. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's interesting to read Umberto Eco definition of  ur fascism to reminds us what the term fascism means. Google it and you'll find that you're not far from the truth.

    3. 2besure profile image82
      2besureposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      People hear a phrase hang onto it for dear life and repeat it over and over like it was their idea!  American have lost the ability to think for themselves. Sheep wandering the streets holding signs.  If you ask 10 people why? you get 10 answers.

  23. GlendaGoodWitch profile image81
    GlendaGoodWitchposted 8 years ago

    No.  Trump is far from a dictator.  Obama was much closer to one.
    Trump is a true outsider who can take the country off of the slippery slope it is on

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      So, ignoring the judiciary and attacking the freedom of the press... both two major aspects of democracy... do not set off warning bells in you?

  24. Biplabwrites profile image60
    Biplabwritesposted 8 years ago

    No. not at all. America is an embodiment of modern civilization. America is made with the contribution of millions of quality people of the world.So a country of noble  people can not be collapsed.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think any country is somehow immune deterioration of principles it was founded upon, especially of those principles are eroded away by those in power

    2. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Every empire collapses. A good read is: "why the west rules..for now." By Ian Morris. Explaining why we are at the end of western domination an why China will take over.

    3. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Very true PeterStrip. The idea that 'once a free ruling democracy, always one' is ignorance of history. Many empires have become complacent and fallen.

  25. youstable profile image61
    youstableposted 8 years ago

    Trump took a good initiative in terms to stop attacks like 09/11 or 26/11

    1. AshutoshJoshi06 profile image83
      AshutoshJoshi06posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You are absolutely wrong.. 911 had Saudis on board all the jetliners. OSL took refugee in Pakistan, the second home of Taliban but Trump didn't ban either. Food for thought!!

    2. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's fear like that that keeps Americans thinking they are safe by bombing everyone, taking rash, unthought out bans and telling everyone they are safer because of it. Many Americans could do with travelling the real world for a bit

  26. mslizzee profile image64
    mslizzeeposted 8 years ago

    Relax all your dainty snowflakes. Trump is going to correct the awful mess Obama made, and bring the country back to one of strength and prosperity. You'll see, be patient. Don't riot and don't burn your flags.

    And you poor little dears what do you think Hillary would have done to our country with her corruption, lying, irresponsibility, lack of regard for human life, from babies to our brave Seals and servicemen? Well, she'd be napping and figuring out ways to scam more money for her coffers.

    1. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      elizabeth.  BRAVO, fellow-writer & American. U R a voice of reason, truth, confidence & clear vision.
      Hillary? well she & her slut Hubby would B robbing Haiti, accepting bribes from our enemies, & smothering babies who survive a late

    2. fpherj48 profile image60
      fpherj48posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      This can B very time-consuming, Bcuz the poor,( whom HRC panders 2 & placates rather than create plans 2 crush  poverty)  use abortion as their Birth Control, while they continue 2 mate thru-out the community of males, 1 by 1.Peace & Respect

    3. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I think Hillary would have been a bad choice too. Sadly, it's shows the shameful state of affairs that those two were the only real options. Being presented with two bad choices only is not a democracy

  27. bluesradio profile image57
    bluesradioposted 8 years ago

    If there was anyone that would scare me because of his narcissism and egotistical ways that I would fear would launch us into a dictatorship, it is definitely Trump...

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Totally agree. Some cannot fathom the idea of America in a dictatorship. To them dictatorships only happen in far away places they want to bomb. The reality of it on their doorstep isn't too much for some to face and own up to

  28. profile image58
    Hector Nyandimaposted 8 years ago

    In a country where analysts say businesses rule, not in a million years.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      So, is Trump just a puppet then instead of a dictator? Is he, like many before him, simply the latest puppet of the really powerful?

    2. MovieMatt profile image29
      MovieMattposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Well to be a puppet, he would have to care about what the other powerful people could do to him.  The man's lost everything so many times. So what if they bankrupted him again. He'll just start over again. So can others really control him so easily?

  29. AshutoshJoshi06 profile image83
    AshutoshJoshi06posted 8 years ago

    'Banning a few Islamic countries create a big fuss but bombing them and killing millions is business as usual'
    That's more or less the American way I suppose. No offence but seem really tough to judge which of the two is worth protesting??

    When people make up their mind, there's no looking back and that's more or less what dictatorship situation is all about in present context. As for Politics, it is and will always be about the interest of a few. Trump just need to learn the art of '..feeding shit and make you take it with pride". That's what politicians world over do.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Telling people he has made USA safer with his ban is an illusion that pacifies any thought of wrong doing in the minds of many who blindly follow him

    2. AshutoshJoshi06 profile image83
      AshutoshJoshi06posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      People blindly followed Obama too n supported his genocide disguised as crusade. As for DT its too early to say, people are overreacting. Anyone without political experience cn freakout, being at helm of affairs as the most powerful man in the world

  30. BRBruce profile image59
    BRBruceposted 8 years ago

    America is not on its way to becoming a dictatorship at all. What is happening is that power is being snatched from clutches of 'The Establishment'. The establishment is closer to a dictatorship than anything we see now. What we are seeing now is something we haven't seen in a very long time, common sense. That would explain why the left is so upset.

    The concept of common sense is totally alien to the left. Democrats, progressives, liberals etc (a rose by any other name) are purveyors of and addicted to failure. They need failure into to exist, they also need a steady supply of failure addicts i.e. inner city dwellers, illegal aliens, terrorists posing as refugees. The left needs these things to feed the addiction and keep the failure going. Failure is a hell of a drug.

    New is usually frightening and change can be a  scary thing. In this case they are definitely necessary. Trump is a new type of President and he is making changes. What he is doing so far and for the most part are common sense things that needed to be done. I'm sure that some of the most draconian ones will be undone once he drains the swamp.

    Companies considering returning to the United States before he even took office and the DOW hitting historic highs just days after he took office can hardly be called a bad start.

    The left is going to cry and complain because they didn't get their way and that's just what they do. The failure they crave so much is giving way to a new feeling of confidence, success and possibility.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thinking it's always a left right Issue while not facing the facts of how he is ruling and the type of people he surrounds himself isn't wise.

  31. Omar Eldamsheety profile image69
    Omar Eldamsheetyposted 8 years ago

    Yes, sure this will happen and the strange thing is that Americans accept this and some of them are happy.

    1. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Anyone who lived in the 80s... ever remember people being murdered in Clubs, at Marathons, over a religion?
      Anyone who lived in the 90s... did we ever have those things occurring in America then?
      There is a reason for this growing anti-imm movement

    2. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It will be called Americanism.

    3. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Actually in the 80s there was the town that was was poisoned by a religious cult. The 90s had heavens Gate suicides, Mass school shool shootings, ok city bombing,...a heck a lot domestic terrorism happened during those two decade

    4. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I was wondering who would bring up a Cult that chose to kill its own members as a comparison.   If you can't see the difference, I'm certainly not going to belabor it.  But I was aware of them.

    5. Dean Traylor profile image97
      Dean Traylorposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      One of those didn't commit suicide. They committed attempted murder...on a massive scale. Luckily they weren't too bright. It happened in Oregon.

    6. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The difference between now and then is mass media.
      in the 70/80s you had the IRA, Rote Armee Fraktion, dictatorships in S-Amarica sponsored by the west. Apartheid, also sponsored by the west. Enough prob. Mass shootings too.

    7. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      No Peter...
      The difference is, these mass murders, these attacks killing 50 people here, 3,000 there, are happening here, in the 48 states, Ok bombing aside, this terror has become the domain of a religious extremism, reinforced by what occurs in Eur

    8. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Dean, I saw a interesting BBC doc yesterday. hypernormalisation by adam curtis. How the whole bitsabang started with Kissinger and Asad. The "invention" of the human bomb, fake news etc. Interesting.

  32. ShobhanMittal profile image60
    ShobhanMittalposted 8 years ago

    Yes, you are right. If Dictator wins the election, it means that America is on the way to Dictatorship.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Especially when he has no respect for the checks/balances that are supposed to prevent him being a dictator. He is used to running a business, where he gets his own way, not a country. He does not understand checks/balances and will try bypass them

  33. profile image50
    Junkyard Doggposted 8 years ago

    Our country is effectively an oligarchy and a plutocracy. The reason Trump is getting away with signing so many executive orders is because Congress is overwhelmingly conservative and will let him go as conservatively as they feel like. If for example, Trump were to actually try and crack down on corporations outsourcing all of their jobs (one of the few things he got correct in his rhetoric), then I would think the difference between a plutocracy and a dictatorship would be shown by the corporations getting what they want.

  34. breakfastpop profile image65
    breakfastpopposted 8 years ago

    It was Obama who destroyed our system of government and divided our nation. President Trump is trying to undo the damage that Obama caused.

    1. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      lol ~ Sounds like you're AUDITIONING for a SLOT at the "Comedy Club" ~ U should get TOP Billing with that answer ~

    2. Misfit Chick profile image79
      Misfit Chickposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      LoL! That is beyond hysterical! Can we possibly even count the many times & different ways Trump has directly offended & insulted both individuals & entire groups of people? Its a continuing tally cuz he never shuts up!

    3. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Your point does not answer the question. This question is not about Obama's failings.

  35. Starwriter1109 profile image61
    Starwriter1109posted 8 years ago

    Best Answer Ellen Gwaltney Bales (Starwriter1109) says

    I have just three words regarding Trump: he is unbalanced.

    Extreme narcissist, yes. Out of touch with reality, definitely. Sadly lacking in common sense and empathy. He's doing almost the opposite of what he promised during his campaign and his followers don't seem to notice. He's destroying this country a little more every day and he's only been in office nineteen days. Four years of this madness? I cannot comprehend. He needs to be impeached ASAP!

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Sadly many are so blinded to what he is doing and are so caught up rejoicing that their party (Rep) is in power, that they will accept him doing absolutely anything without seeing that what he is doing is wrong

    2. Misfit Chick profile image79
      Misfit Chickposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That would help: T-fans admitting it when he blantantly lies instead of defending him. There are LOTS of times I did not stick up for Obama tho I voted for him ONCE. His blind & brainwashed sheeple R what makes him scary, not laughable tweets.

    3. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly Catherine. The inability to see right/wrong, due to blind loyalty is a big part of the problem. Anyone who says anything against Trump or his actions is simply branded an Obama lover and a liberal extremist. Ears are closed to hearing truth

  36. nihongotraveler profile image63
    nihongotravelerposted 8 years ago

    The start of the end of democracy started its downfall about a hundred years ago, when Federal taxation was written into law, and banks began to gain more and more power as time went on.

    We're in a type of dictatorship dressed in the guise of democracy; the Elephant and the Donkey belonging to the true masters, the corporations, who in turn are ruled by money.

    Money isn't a bad thing; unfortunately money is being used to control others, and those being controlled are the majority of the American people. Worse, they don't even realize it.

  37. profile image0
    mts1098posted 8 years ago

    If Trump is a dictator than it is no worse than the Socialism that Obama brought...

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Obama... Socialism?? I don't think you know exactly what socialism means.

    2. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Once again, the need to justify Trumps wrongs, by pointing to Obama. People blinded by party loyalty become blinded to right and wrong. That will be (or is now) the downfall of America. Blindness!

  38. Avery White profile image57
    Avery Whiteposted 8 years ago

    Hopefully not.  However, people have to realize how insidiously he has captured the minds and hearts of a segment of our population.  They really can't see how sneaky and devious his actions have been over the past two years; telling those poor, backward people what they wanted to hear...inciting hatred and bigotry in a joking manner to win their confidence...knowing that once he's in the white house, he will turn his backs on them. I don't know what your definition of insidious is, but that surely is what I see he has done and is still doing. Please, wake up and smell the orange hair dye.  All his behaviors are indicative to becoming a dictator.  Luckily, we have enough checks and balances to keep such a madman from accomplishing this goal.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      And what happens when the checks and balances fail... or a way around them is found? Are the checks infallible and capable of standing without crumbling under the right conditions? Trump has certainly been very devious in capturing minds, I agree

  39. KristenAHo11 profile image60
    KristenAHo11posted 8 years ago

    I am sorry to say this my answer is yes because he is not executing things on be half of Americans. He is making his own decisions. Not only me everyone are saying that trump's presidency is becoming dictatorship.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      More and more are seeing it. Sadly some still blindly follow him as their favoured party leader and can't see the wrongs he is doing and how dangerous they are

  40. profile image48
    mosquinposted 8 years ago

    let trump do what he needs to do for make america greatttttttt again

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      and what's that exactly?

    2. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      He sold the campaign slogan so well, that people actually think he is going to do it. That's actually funny. So basically, you can accept Trump doing any right and any wrong, without check, simply because of a campaign slogan? I'm actually laughing!

    3. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      yes what I was actually saying is: a slogan is not a policy. And so far, the only thing Trump made great again is Twitter.

    4. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      So, removing the checks on the financial world that were put in place to prevent the financial crash that happened a few years ago is, in your opinion, making USA great? All it's going to do is make bankers richer and cause another financial crash

  41. Pawpawwrites profile image60
    Pawpawwritesposted 8 years ago

    I don't know the answer, but my advice would be to calm down before you all have a stroke.
    Our founders were brilliant, and they devised a system that will take care of our country for a long time. Through the last presidency and this one too.
    For those who are afraid now, those on the other side were afraid for 8 years. The world didn't end, and the country is still here. This 4 or 8 years will pass too. We will all still be here, and my guess is that most of the worry and fear will seem silly then. Time will tell.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      So, you have unquestionable confidence in the infallibility of the system & the inability of a president to find ways to erode & change it to remove all checks & balances? The confidence that something can never fall is usually the start

  42. Glenis Rix profile image98
    Glenis Rixposted 8 years ago

    Apparently Donald Trump's father migrated to the US in 1948, soon after the end of WW2. Which leads me to wonder about the extent to which he was influenced by Nazism and how his views might have influenced his children.

    "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". The USA is fortunate in having the checks and balances of the judiciary. Don't allow their powers to be eroded.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The judiciary is vital and Trumps complete lack of respect for it is dangerous. Right now he's finding out that running a country is different to a business. What happens when he tries to change it to remove the checks and balances? Dictator

    2. Misfit Chick profile image79
      Misfit Chickposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      No need to remove checks & balances. All he needs is keep talking like he does against everything; and his alt-right pals will eventually begin to cause more of a ruckus that will be blamed on anti-Trumpsters. Its a process. Trump isn't stupid.

  43. emge profile image81
    emgeposted 8 years ago

    Trump would certainly like to be a dictator in the genre of Mussolini and Tojo. But the USA is too big almost 20 times the size of Italy or Germany and in addition, has inbuilt checks that do not allow consolidation of power. Trump despite wanting to be a dictator is doomed to failure. he can try but no way can he emulate Mussolini or even Kemal Moustapha the Ataturk. He has to reconcile for just a term as I don't see him winning again.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Are you saying that the checks and balances are infallible? Are they impossible to get around or gradually do away with? Is the system so perfectly flawless that there isn't nothing he can do to by pass the checks and balances?

  44. profile image52
    RoAnneSCposted 8 years ago

    IMO,  "KING" Trump" is really pushing it.  He is seeing how far he can go,   until the nation cries "ENOUGH! ". 

    Usually voters are happy that a new president immediately begins fulfilling his campaign promises. However,  in this case,  the opposite is the reality. He better be careful. People are getting frightened and upset. History has shown that in instances such as this,  a "happy ending"  is not possible. There are crazy people out there.  Someone may have a bullet with Trump's name on it.  Judging from the numerous protesters running rampant throughout our nation after his election, this possibility is not as nutty as it seems.

    Anyway,  personally,  I wish our nation(and the rest of the world) G-D speed and the best of luck,  as they maneuver to keep things sane while Trump holds the power to build or destroy the planet as we know it. 
    Shalom to all! ✌️

  45. MovieMatt profile image29
    MovieMattposted 8 years ago

    Well, if it's headed that way, it can't be the start, seeing how the last president showed these same signs and tried to trample the constitution. It seems to me, that Trump is headed in the right direction, although misguided in some areas.

    1. profile image0
      enjoy lifeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Some areas? I would say many areas

    2. MovieMatt profile image29
      MovieMattposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      haha, trying to be positive wink

    3. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      where did Obama trample the constitution? Examples and facts please.

    4. MovieMatt profile image29
      MovieMattposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The fact that you don't know the answer to that scares me, Peter.

    5. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Enlighten me.

  46. michelleonly3 profile image91
    michelleonly3posted 8 years ago

    No, we are not becoming a dictatorship. However, we are becoming a country overly influenced by social media. Consider for a moment how 'OK' people were with the killing of police officers. Consider how outraged people are at the idea that we might enforce laws in our country. This social shift to anarchy has become one of the biggest problems in this country. People call Trump a racist not because he did something racist but because, the media says he is a racist. Yet no one cared when Obama stood up and basically said he agreed with the rioters,  looters, and cop killers.Really? People need to start thinking for themselves.

    1. Alternative Prime profile image59
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Michelle ~  There's Abundant EVIDENCE that Trump is a RACIST ~ Visit U-TUBE ~ QUESTION ~ Can U name an Executive Order signed by Trump that DOES NOT Corrode or ENDANGER Our Environment or ENDANGER the Health / Well Being of Americans??


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