A statement of everlasting love. Discover the history of wedding rings and the differences and similarities in the traditions that we still follow today.
How to make DIY baby leggings at home. With a sewing machine, some basic tools and material, any parent can create great looking baby leggings.
Create your own DIY burp cloths at home. Keep your baby clean while saving money on your basic supplies. Perfect project for beginner level sewing.
Discover some of the most interesting wedding ring customs from around the world. Where and how are wedding rings worn, and by whom?
DIY tips to make back to school clothes for your elementary children. You can save money with DIY projects and your child’s clothes will be entirely unique.
Take on a rewarding DIY project when you learn to make hooded bath towels for your baby, toddler, tween. Save money and achieve a unique design.
Here are 5 gifts that are guaranteed to put a smile on your toddler's face.
When Science fiction meets science fact: 5 of the coolest technologies to roll out in the next 50 years.
Loyal customers keep a company in business. What can you do to gain loyal customers?
No one loves cleaning, but these three tips will turn your love/hate relationship with spring cleaning into a love/love relationship.
The digital world is overwhelming and can make it hard to find your place as a local business within your community. These tips will make the navigation easier.
Hands and fingers are a great place for germs to hide, and especially underneath and in between rings. The following are three reasons to have a clean engagement ring.
Customers are human and have feelings. There is a way to humanize your digital business for the ultimate customer experience.
There are a lot of tools and services out there for small business marketing. This list provides you with the best options for your SMB marketing needs.
Are the coming generations really learning how to sew? Do people actually have time, or even the desire to make their own clothes? DIY will never go out of style and neither will sewing.
If you're a man looking to buy your lady something, or a young girl that think you can throw whatever earring on and look good, You need to read this article.
Holiday traditions are great, but some things about Christmas time could be made easier with technology so that we have more free time to enjoy every moment with our loved ones.
Sewing Blogs are everywhere, but are people following yours? What can you do to make it better?
Online reviews affect online conversion, SEO, brand awareness and loyalty, and more.
What has everyone been doing this year to improve user experience? Have you noticed these trends? If not it's time to get on the bandwagon and fix your site, before you lose any more traffic.
The world is going paperless. Ok, maybe not, but we sure don't need it for a lot of things we used to.
Data is King. The best way to collect useful data is to have a useful app that millions of consumers will carry around with them in their pocket, always at their fingertips.
Shopping for a woman is a daunting task. Finding the right wedding ring? Seems almost impossible. Here are some tips to make it easier.
Buying a diamond engagement ring is not as simple as you think. If you want to get the ring she wants for a price you can afford, there are many things to consider.
Growing a small business can be a daunting task. If you're a new entrepreneur, or even just new to technology, you'll need some tips to get you going.
Why use the yellow pages? Well, they are more accurate than Google Maps for one thing
Pokémon Go has recently dominated entertainment news and has caused masses around the world to get out, get walking, and catch virtual pokémon. While you're out and about you need to be safe.
Selling a home can be rough. Some real estate agents seem like they're getting paid to do nothing, especially in a sellers' market. Is it best to drop the realtors and go it alone?
Google controls the interwebs. If you have a local business, and want people to find you, why would you not take the time to list your business with them?
Do you Pokemon Go? If you're in Dallas or are planning on being in Dallas, this list will help you find the best places to catch and train your Pokemon.
Besides Google and Bing, Yahoo is the third largest online directory. With 12.7% of all searches conducted on Yahoo. That's more than one in eight searches!
While the number of companies using actual yellow pages books to advertise is decreasing every year, the medium is holding on and continuing to be profitable on a general level for now.
With all the obstacles for small businesses, it can seem a daunting task to start up or maintain a small business in today’s competitive economy. Take advantage of free advertising where you can.
Learning specifically why online business directories are preferable to even Google in local business searches.
Kubb, a Swedish yard game, goes all the way back to the Vikings. With growing popularity, this game, also known as “Viking Chess” is slowly but surely conquering the United States.
As more and more aspects of our lives end up online, businesses have had to learn to adapt and take their business online. This switch to the internet has been happening for years.
Google got to where they are by delivering the best free information. How will they fare when they start restricting that same flow of information?
You keep getting phone books dropped on your doorstep that you never use. Don't just throw them away!
The Evolution of Yellow Pages. Where did they start? Where are they today?