Senator Elizabeth Warren released the results of a DNA test which is said to confirm her earlier claims of Native American ancestry. The analysis of Warren’s DNA was done by Carlos D. Bustamante, a Stanford University professor (not a geneticist) a biologist and statistician. He concluded that “the vast majority” of Warren’s ancestry is European, but he added that “the results strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor.” When you go to one of the usual DNA testing companies you get answers broken down by percentages and regions where your ancestors came from. Nothing is “suggested.” This doesn’t pass the smell test, but that's only my opinion.
What are your thoughts? Why after so long is she finally trying to establish this as a fact? Many people may not realize that there is very little Native American DNA in any database, so it's extremely difficult to make a match.
Warren is a bit of a mystery to me. She seems backward, on this issue. We all claimed we were part Indian long ago. We are. I've got some. I've got the cheekbones she uses as proof.
The point is, the native American community put us in our place on that. Long ago. I think they require 25% (?) DNA to support a claim. I stopped using a great great grandmother who was Cherokee as proof decades ago. Because the native American community weighed in and I took them at their word.
It's a silly moment Warren should shake off and walk away from. What possesses her to continue on is a mystery and an embarrassment.
She has to address it because Trump, who apparently has nothing better to do, won't let it go, which means his gullible followers will harp on it as well. Just like Obama had to produce a birth certificate to silence the idiots.
The president has often derisively referred to Warren as “Pocahontas" and in July he stated that he would donate $1 million to Warren's charity of choice if she took a DNA test. "I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test and it shows you're an Indian," Trump said at a rally in Great Falls, Montana.
Warren's campaign on Monday tweeted: "NIWRC is a nonprofit working to protect Native women from violence. More than half of all Native women have experienced sexual violence, and the majority of violent crimes against Native Americans are perpetrated by non-Natives. Send them your $1M check, @realDonaldTrump."
Talking to reporters on the South Lawn on Monday, Trump was dismissive of Warren's release, saying "Who cares?" while also denying he ever offered $1 million. … ian-899927
Such a lying con man.
Where are Trump's tax returns?
No. She doesn't have to address it. Had I said it, I'd retract it and move on. If someone attempted to degrade me for something this silly I'd take the high road.
But, I get it. There is no high road in politics anymore. Can't wait for that to return,
A Trump voter lamenting the demise of the high road. Oh, the irony.
Maybe the liar will be shamed into donating the million dollars he promised so at least something good could come of this pathetic non-issue, but I doubt it. He has already demonstrated he has no shame.
A politician with no shame. LOL. As if that doesn't happen every day.
But, I do understand. Blinders, eye on the prize, yada yada. To quote you, carry on.
I thought you all like him because he isn't a politician? Excuses, excuses, no matter how contradictory.
Do you think the liar will pony up the donation he promised? Do you care, or is it just another lie to be excused?
He's not a politician (to excuse his ineptitude and dumb statements); he's just like every other politician (to excuse his lying and lack of shame).
We see through the idiocy and have from the beginning.
The only comment I've made (that I can recollect) concerning his not being a politician was in regards to the fact that he has no ability to incur as much damage as Hillary could have, with her deep political ties. Other than that, I'm at a loss of ability to follow your statement.
As to the money. Sure. If she submits to a DNA test by a facility which specializes in that and releases the results, if Trump said he would pay a million, he should. I only say if because I haven't been following this so I don't know the particulars. I haven't followed because it is all rather silly and doesn't peak my interest.
My point is that Trump is described as "not a politician" when it is convenient to your argument and excused as just another politician when it is convenient to your argument .
As I said, there is always an excuse for Trump. Now you're attempting to give him an out on the donation.
Trump supporters are masters at making excuses for their man.
I don't know if you are aware of this, or not, but I don't control Trump's purse strings. I said if he said it and she performed, he should pay it.
The hoops you jump through in order to justify your accusations are as ridiculous as the whole Pocahontas saga and infinitely less entertaining.
You said: "If she submits to a DNA test by a facility which specializes in that and releases the results, ...."
since she already did that and it is the subject of this thread, I interpreted your "if" statement as questioning the legitimacy of the test and results which are already completed and are the subject of this thread. Otherwise, why not simply say Trump should make good on his promise?
If that is not what you meant, and concede she has complied with Trump's request for a DNA test, my bad.
I read island bites post. Sounds as if the guy was qualified. Like I said, I don't know the detailsof the challenge. If it was met, the guy should pay. I would think. Did they shake on it?
I don't think so, since he issued the challenge during a campaign rally. Why?
Just curious. I will say I can't think of anyone who has ever paid me after an 'I bet you$20 you can't' scenario.
Oh my gosh! It just hit me. Do you think they were all Republicans? Do Republicans not pay their bets??? Crap!!!
Never mind. It just occurred to me several were definitely democrats and I distinctly remember one claiming to be an independent.
I have learned nothing by that. Again... crap.
Trump lied about what he said, but of course it doesn't matter. It's just one more trivial lie in a sea of thousands of trivial lies that don't matter. His political career was built on the birther lie and his fans loved it. What's new, right?
It amazes me you don't see the humor in this little drama you are perpetuating. Who cares? Warren made a ridiculous claim she's too proud to admit was ridiculous. Trump apparently took license with civility and laughed publicly.
Give me a break. You can remain morally outraged, I just can't stop laughing at the absurdity,
Lol, who started this thread? And aren't you participating?
Your lack of self awareness is hilarious!
I don't think I've said anything which could be seen as overreacting. Unlike your comments appear to me. He asked a question and I offered an opinion.
You addressed me, after my comment and I have been responding, consistently, this is all pretty silly.
I agree that challenging Warren's assertion of Native American ancestry is silly. I agree that repeatedly calling her "Pocahontas" is silly, though I would characterize the thrill it gives his supporters as more disturbing than silly. I agree that the birther lie perpetrated by Trump was silly, though the,way his supporters embraced it as truth was more scary than silly. I agree that this thread, which called the test results "sketchy" is silly, though history shows that unless the silliness of gullible Trumpians is countered, it grows to ridiculous proprtions, like the birther movement.
Yes, silliness prevails, because we have a lying, incompetent POS as President who perpetrates BS that is then embraced and spread by his unthinking fans.
And, yeah, silliness prevails because, as usual, Trump's stupid, lying behavior is excused and embraced as though it's no big deal.
LOL, but of course you're above it all in your mind.
He is silly, but you see nothing asinine and ridiculous in her assertions. Funny.
I will say this strikes close to home because, as I said, I'm like Warren. Maybe not,though. We did really have a great grandmother who was Cherokee. We did claim to be part native American, until we grew up and realized how ridiculous that sounds. Most Americans do have some native American blood. Not enough to, honestly, make that claim of being part native American. Not by the standards of living native Americans.
I'd say she could be reasonably charged with cultural appropriation. There's something worthy of getting your panties in a knot over.
I think she just wanted to lay this issue to rest. Perhaps she wasn't sure if what her family remembered was true, stories vary depending on who your relatives are and how good their memories are as they age.
I think Trump should make good on his debt, but being from NJ, I know he is and was a lousy businessman who dragged most people through court to try to get out of paying them.
Also, I don't know why the Native American folk are getting so bent out of shape. She's offering them the money if he pays up. Can't a person in the public life take a DNA test anymore without everyone getting in a snit?
Frankly, I don't know why the Cherokee Tribe is in a snippet about it. Warren did not say that she would qualify as a member of the Cherokee Nation as the entity made it clear that membership as part of the tribe involves more than just presenting lineage evidence from a DNA test.
There is just a strong indication of Native America lineage in her past. Trump is the fomentor of the controversy. There are many of us that share the heritage as African-American people, but does not qualify any of us as tribal members solely for that reason. I don't believe that Warren made any claim beyond this.
It doesn't really matter. Unless the government has changed it's laws regarding tribes, one must have an ancestor listed on the government rolls in order to qualify. A person could be 100% Native American and claim to be Cherokee, but if her grandparent or great grandparent isn't on the Dawes or the Miller Guion roll, she would be SOL for tribal status. At least that's what they told us at the Pow Wows in my state.
Interesting. So, if I got a professorship at an elite University based on my being of African-American descent, if I then used that in the political arena to help garner support, be elected, in other words benefited from it my entire life to gain special consideration and special privilege.
And then I took a test where the results showed I had 1% African-American heritage in me, you wouldn't find that at all disturbing Credence?
That's good, because that is exactly what she has set up as the 'new norm' so to speak.
Now anyone who even thinks they have a speck of Hispanic heritage, or Native American heritage, or whatever, can go right ahead and claim that on whatever job application or benefits application they are claiming... I guess that's the best way to do away with racism, we can all be whatever race we feel like being, regardless of ancestry.
Kind of like Beto O'Rourke... who has about as much Hispanic heritage in him as Warren has Native American.
Better yet, we can change it as necessary or beneficial.
I'm European based (though a mongrel), so most likely have some African and Hispanic heritage. Genghis Khan likely contributed some Asian. Probably don't have any Australian Aborigine or Eskimo, but native American is a distinct possibility.
Which check box would all depend on what I thought would benefit me the most. Even Neanderthal if I thought it would help.
Wilderness, I find it kind of surprising that nobody has commented on or made fun of my Neanderthal DNA. BTW, my husband's DNA test also showed some Neanderthal DNA, but my percentage is slightly higher. Our ancestors are predominately British Isles and French-German, so if yours came from those areas, you probably have some, too. You might be interested in knowing that freckles came from Neanderthals, or at least they had more freckles than any other group. If you were a freckled-faced kid like I was, you probably have Neanderthal DNA.
Surprisingly Genghis Khan doesn't show up in either of ours unless his genes are in the "unassigned" percent. I don't know how they are revising our tests, but my husband's was 100% European (although as a child he visited his great grandmother, a native citizen, on the Cherokee reservation. His test was revised to 99.9% European and .1% North East African, which could be anything from Ethiopian to Egyptian.
The other crazy thing is that Native Americans are lumped in with Asians. In other words, 23andme can't tell the difference between an Asian and a Native American. So how are we to know?
I still think that is why people who claim descent from Eastern Native American tribes are not showing up with Native DNA.
Ken, a thoughtful question deserving a thoughtful answer.
We are taking this in odd directions, are you creating this scenario to mimic what occurred with Sen. Warren? No one is getting professorships solely on the basis of their being African American. Are we to assume that the African American would otherwise not be qualified for the post based on merit? Conservatives never really consider the possibility that African Americans might actually have accomplished what they receive based on merit. Ask Donald Trump, who beat the bushes trying to find evidence that Obama’s scholarship at a prominent Ivy League U was contrived and based on “Affirmative Action”. It is one of those irritating aspects of American life that leaves me angry at whites often times. I experienced this personally during my career, so I know all about it.
Conservatives always had a problem with “Affirmative Action”, but it was there to make certain that I had the opportunity to compete equally with others, which certainly was not the case prior to its advent. This was not about selecting and promoting people, who are otherwise, unqualified.
Warren said that she had Native American ancestry, so do many of us. But the standard of what makes us “Native American”, having preference in certain areas, is a higher bar to cross. This reminds me of a fiasco regarding a NAACP? Office in Spokane Washington, where there was a white lady who was passing as a “high yellow” African American. She was in charge of the local chapter of the NAACP. I should have been offended, but I wasn’t because regardless of her color she was doing the job as I would expect her to do if she were black and did not compromise her objectives regarding advocating for the Black community in the area.
Since we do not judge race or ethnicity by DNA, but more by physical appearance that can be identified through observation, racism and discrimination exists in this culture. It would be nice if we could recognize that we are all more similar than we are different, but that is not the real world, is it?
So, who can really know what the standard for being identified as African American is, beyond the obvious physical characteristics? Is it one or both parents, one of either grandparent? Does having African American Ancestry mean that one is “African American”? If one is physically accepted as passing as white, probably not. That is a very subjective issue, in itself. Barack Obama is half white, but 100 percent African American based on his embrace of our history and our culture and making it his own. So sometimes, the physical characteristics in themselves do not tell the whole story.
O’Rourke may not be Hispanic, but his embrace of the Hispanic culture that centers on fluency in the language, will endear him to those Hispanics in Texas, regardless.
It was indeed a well thought out reply that you gave.
But I also think you know she abused the 'Native American' label for her benefit, and incredibly, has so deluded herself, she believes her 1% test result proves her right.
But this is where today's Progressivism and Liberalism has brought us, whatever you want to be, you can be. If you are a man, but want to claim that you are a woman, that is acceptable. And if you are Euro-American, and want to claim that you are Native American, this is now acceptable to.
Which really is wonderful, and I mean this, because what it will accomplish is the complete eradication of racism (and sexism) over time because if I say I am Native American (and you can bet your behind I will, wherever, and whenever I believe it a benefit to me from here on out) and someone dares to challenge it, I will be happy to lawyer up and go after them for it (I am looking forward to my ability to contribute to the Civil Rights movement and will begin in earnest verifying my Native American heritage).
And if this incident, and how the Progressive and Liberal left have reacted to it has sparked this mindset in me.... you can bet it has dawned on a few million other Americans as well.
Well, Ken she does have Native American ancestry and there is no reason not to believe that the folklore she provides as part of her past was fabricated. So, she is a mostly a European white female, why does she have to deny that she has other lineage sources that are part of her ancestry?
None of your Righties, that includes you, L to L, can prove that she received any advantage by making that statement about Native American heritage. What kind of advantageous preference program administered by an institution does not have objective standards to determine if you did or did not actually belong to a protected class? After all, it is obvious upon observation that she was a white woman, right? If she did not benefit, what are you all fussing about? There were no DNA tests back in the day.
Scott Brown, her opponent in the Senate race said that based on her appearance that she obviously was not Native American. Relative to DNA evidence, his opinion about what a Native American should look like means nothing to me. If all you have are your family’s stories, how was she to know that she did not actually have Native American heritage?
The thing about Progressivism and liberalism is irrelevant in my opinion. So, I can claim that I am Kling-on, who is to say that any of us really belong to anything and can be exclusively defined? You don’t get to benefit by claiming Native American ancestry, but you must be determined as being Native American by exacting objective standards.
This is how I react to this issue and frankly, for me, it is not a source of astonishment.
You make a good case for removing race from everything we do. No more black colleges, no more affirmative action, no more education grants to blacks, Hispanics, etc. No more grants or other assistance to minority businesses.
Should we go whole hog and make sex a part of that as well? Require that we be blind to sex as well as color?
As I said earlier from my experiences and accounts that this is anything but a "color blind" society. Until equality of opportunity becomes more of a standard in this country, I do not make such a case.
Then you think minorities should get preferential treatment.
You don't think that they do? That claiming, for instance, to be black, or indigenous, gets special treatment in some cases? Maybe go to the head of the line for college admissions or grants for small business?
I would have to agree; individuals that claim minority status very often get preferential treatment. Anyone that claims anything but "white, male" can do it.
Are you kidding, just getting a level playing field is a "big deal" for conservatives and their unfortunate racial resentment attitudes.
Right. Well, good to know those laws are out there to protect me, I know how biased people are against Native Americans, and now that the bar has been set at only 1% or because I say my grandmother told me she has Blackfoot in her ancestry, I can enjoy those EO protections as well.
Thank you Elizabeth Warren.
Don't bother to try. You only get to label yourself a minority if you toe the Democrat line. Otherwise, they just say you can't be a minority.
Not sure why you brought my name into that. I've never said she got preferential treatment in hiring. But you can be damn certain she's getting preferential treatment by the left and social media and the media, at large.
Were she a white conservative male this would be playing out very differently.
She gets preferential treatment from the left for the same reason Trump gets preferential treatment from the Right, she is a champion for our perspectives based on her record and political positions. If a white male was as supportive to our points of view, he would become a darling as well...
Isn't that the same for right winged folks?
I don't know that it's the same thing. Maybe it is. Warren made a claim of being a minority and she has been proven, if not a liar, a bit of an idiot. The media has ignored the facts. I saw the video of when Trump 'made the bet'. He purposely couched it in a what if scenario, making it not a bet, plus he said 'if she proved she was native American. Which she didn't.
She lied. Plain and simple. By all means, support a liar. But, admit it and don't ever complain about what you think is similar behavior.
Admit there is a double standard. Admit you don't actually believe what you advocate. It's all a lie to push a political agenda, and minorities are nothing more than pawns in the game to the DNC.
Well, I considerate it the same if we want to look at Trump's racially charged statements and attacks on Warren and Obama, for example. But since you cling to the Right, that is not evident to you.
Trump lies every day in far more more substantive matters, but I only hear crickets in response. Yes, I am sticking by my progressive candidate and through that vanquishing the Right in any way that I can.
You stand with the candidate against the minority who has asked her to retract her claims.
Only certain minorities get your backing, as long as it supports your candidate. Otherwise, doesn't matter to you.
Message heard.
is it any different with your rightwing types and Trump? I did not say that I was against the Tribes, more divide and conquer from the right? Well, it is not going to work.
Yes, she was criticized for claiming she was "Native American" by tribal groups and that may have been appropriate, but that has nothing to do with her claim to Native American heritage.
But if she really knew that she was not Native American by official standards, why challenge Trump?
Yes I support minorities in their struggle against the white male patriarchy and their associated power that dominates this society. That, L to L, is where this is going. I am board with anyone who does that, minorities or otherwise
She isn't any more native American than any other American of mostly European descent. The rest of us (for the most part) aren't ignorant or insensitive enough to make the claim
You think you stand for minorities. I say bs. You stand for policies you agree with. I think the policies I agree with are best for minorities, so I back those policies.
You can claim the high ground, but I see no evidence that you have it.
Then, L to L why do minorities vote overwhelmingly for Democrats? Unless you think they are all too dumb to not see who is supporting their interests and who are clearly opposed to them?
So, if you don't mind I have to give credence to my own lying eyes over those that are not in the position to neither understand or properly evaluate this matter
"Unless you think they are all too dumb to not see who is supporting their interests and who are clearly opposed to them?"
Unfortunately, most Americans are just that. We have become the "gimmee!" culture without ever considering what it will do to us in the long term. If we can get "free" money for our state, county, town or self we're all for it and could not care less that it costs someone else.
I'm a minority credence. I know why I vote Republican (since we don't have any but two parties). I can speak for me only. You, yourself, have made derogatory comments about blacks who don't agree with you, politically. Are you calling them ignorant?
I am talking about the vast majority across many minority groups Do you think that being a white female make you a minority, really? Is there another aspect that I am missing? Are you doing your own version of Liz Warren?
Can can speak for me only as a minority. I make derogatory comments about conservatives and trumpian conservatism regardless of black or white spokespeople because I disagree with their position. So, I don't care what color they are. I don't call them ignorant, but we have a totally different world view, just as I have with any conservative as described in the Trump Era.
LOL. Now, you want to make sure you get to define a minority group.
There's no point in arguing with someone who is oh so sure they are sitting on a high horse. You say you want a level playing field but when a person within a demographic who has, historically, never seen a level playing field speaks out your primary retort is questioning my minority status.
You don't speak for minorities, credence. Your responses here prove you are looking out for your own interests. No one else's. Any who disagree just aren't a minority, an uncle Tom, or however you feel justified in attempting to shut down their right to an opinion.
We've disagreed before and have both walked away in one piece. Sometimes we have to be provacative to stimulate debate and get people to reveal what they otherwise are reticent to admit.
I could not help but to notice from a CNN analysis taken of voter demographics and candidate preferences , that outside of white male support, the only "minority" to give the majority of its support to Trump were white females. Perhaps there are more advantages in aligning one self with white male hierarchy than otherwise?
I could identify NO other demographic outside of white males and females who voted for Trump in greater numbers than otherwise. None of that is observed from any major ethnic group, be it Black, Hispanic, Asian or Jews.
Why is that? Can any conservative tell me why? Is the Republican Party "the white man's (woman's) party"?
If Trump and the GOP are better for America, why is that recognized overwhelmingly (based on numbers) by only Anglos? So, I don't speak for minorities more than make observations about documented voting behavior that have to be linked to certain conclusions.
I am not arguing, i am trying to reason with you.
This is a most informative and interesting chart.
Any prominent Black Conservative today would not touch the Trump administration with a 10 foot pole. Both C. Rice and Colin Powell chose to stay far away, even though they were asked to participate.
My interests are no different than that of a vast throng of people who don't trust Trump nor the direction he is taking us.
First, using CNN for a reference is equivalent to a Conservative using Breitbart, the numbers, and the reporting will be biased.
That said. Lets consider the jist of what those numbers say.
So Asians and Hispanics 30% went with Trump.
Whites 60% and Blacks less than 10%.
What are the Democrats are now building as their platform?
Open Borders do nothing to help stabilize our economy or make jobs more available for Americans... but this is what Democrats now stand for.
Abolishing ICE, declaring Police the enemy of the citizens they are sworn to protect, while advocating for organizations that promote violence against them are what Democrats now stand for.
Advocating for a Universal Healthcare system and Free College in a Nation that has been running up Trillion dollar debt each year for what it provides now, so I guess adding a couple more Trillion onto it each year is no biggie.
I can only assume people who support today's Democratic party are Communists, Marxists, Sharia Law advocates, Feminists wanting to install a Matriarchy, or some such type of political mindset that supports the downfall of America, what remains of its culture, and Nation-hood.
Their mindset is stuck in the past, like the Civil Rights era of the 60s and 70s (kind of like a Bernie Sanders) where the rights of women, minorities, never progressed, never allowed them to become the CEO of GM, or the President of the United States, a Supreme Court Justice or an Astronaut, ... held back from reaching the ultimate symbols of success.
There are plenty of Don Quixote types out there obsessed with fighting the fight, determined to defeat those windmills. Going mad because they relate everything in life to their battles.
The Democrats aren't pitching anything worth buying into. Those numbers you have shown are not a surprise, what would be a surprise today, is if those numbers haven't improved dramatically for Trump.
Doesn't mean it will translate in these mid-terms... doesn't mean it will last into the future... but right now, Americans on the whole are better off now than when he stepped into office, and he is doing far better than many who didn't vote for him feared he would.
I have been busy, Ken, but I needed to get back with you on this.
Of course, Conservatives have problems with anything from CNN, I hope that you respect my skepticism regarding any renowned rightwing oriented news source in the same way.
The first refutation of GOP exaggeration by Trump regarding Democrats supporting open borders:
Democrats have argued that building a wall on the southwestern border is ineffective and a waste of resources, and rejected hard-line proposals to limit legal immigration. But Mr. Trump is grossly exaggerating Democrats’ positions when he conflates their opposition to his signature campaign promise and immigration priorities as “open borders.” And there is no evidence that they “want anybody,” including MS-13, to enter the United States freely.
While criticizing Mr. Trump’s immigration policies, the Democratic National Committee has committed to improving border security.
And there are plenty more for you that are on the docket.
As for running deficits, the GOP is to blame. Outrageous tax cuts for the wealthy that we cannot afford? The ridiculous Republicans think that they can blame Social Security and Medicare as has been stated by the ghoul McConnell? I know the GOP have problems with USA Today, but I am not surprised, any publication that is not kissing “Trump’s” a$$ is a source of suspicion. This article says it all for me regardless of whether you agree or not. … 986236002/
So what is this now?
“I can only assume people who support today’s Democratic party are Communists, Marxists, Sharia Law advocates, Feminists wanting to install a Matriachy, or some such type of polical mindset that supports the downfall of America, what remains of its culture, and Nation-hood”
Well, Ken, you let the cat out of the bag on this one. So, 70% of Asians and Hispanics, 90 percent of Blacks, and 40 percent of Anglo (non-Hispanics) support Democrats and they are all that you have painted them as according to your diatribe? I was a former military officer, I know about love of country and patriotism and it does not come close to what YOUR people are talking about. Your diversions are not clever and I deserve credit for not having been born yesterday.
The sheer arrogance of rightwing and conservatives that think they know more about who it is that are supporting our interests as opposed to who do not is the most irritating. There are more than a handful of people on this forum that want to come off as above the ideological and political fray, yet under closer analysis are as RED as crimson.
As for being stuck in the past, I wonder if it is really is “past” or is it the “Anglo” dominated system, simply employing an alternate tool in the tool box to maintain its control and dominance of society, if the older one did not work as well as it used to? Yes, there has been progress, hard won, at an extraordinary cost. But with Trump and the current political climate, I have to ask how much that was actually a facade. This is strong stuff, Ken, but I think that you appreciate my candor in our debates.
We still have two standards of justice in this society, for example, one for whites and one for blacks. It has always been this way, the only difference now are the portable television studios we all carry in our back pockets that provide indisputable evidence that WE have always known and that our adversaries conveniently ignore because they could get away with it. Most of you have no clue of the remaining grievances that we have.
This is the real conservative issue with BLM; “how dare you question the system and the way things have always been”. “Stop protesting, stop marching and be quiet or you will be designated a national threat”.
So, while I disappointed you, you disappoint me as well by continuing to wallow in rightwing fantasy, with so many of you not having a clue and closing ears rather than listening.
There is a big difference between an ideological pole that has sponsored protests and one that has consistently uped the game by using bombs, killing people in their places of worship, etc. It is not something that you can simply amalgamate as “both sides are guilty”. Anyone with eyes that can see recognizes that advocacy groups clearly on the Right side of political ledger as having been responsible for the lethal forms of violence. So, this idea that the actions of both the bomber and the synagogue shooter are non-political is bullshyte.
Yes, the pendulum needs to swing back from the Right as quickly as possible and I am determined to play my role to have that stuff relegated back to the cellar or attic, where it belongs.
"And there is no evidence that they “want anybody,” including MS-13, to enter the United States freely. "
Seems to me that if they didn't like open borders they would have been pushing to close them for decades. Instead they fight every opportunity to slow the inrush of illegals, up to and including warning them when ICE is in the neighborhood.
I have no idea how a claim of minority status by a white woman devolved into a diatribe against all white people laughing about a white woman claiming to be a minority. That explanation, to me, would be infinitely more entertaining.
Anyway, to answer your question is simple. One word. Hillary. That's how Trump got my vote. If he runs for a second term I would suggest you convince your party to field a better candidate and hide their disdain for the will of the people a little better.
For his presidency I'll use the term respect for the office. I did the same for Obama. I understand common courtesy and respect for one another has been outlawed on the left but I'm old school.
As to the rest, you have repeatedly made it clear you think you speak for all blacks, here you appear to think you have the Vulcan mind melt going on all minorities. It's creepy weird credence. I spend a great deal of time pondering the why's and what fors of my own opinion.If I thought for a minute I could definitively speak the minds of millions I hope I would seek help. Maybe that's the difference you are trying to put your finger on of those who disagree with you? Independent thought, not political goose stepping?
I think those of us you find unfathomable do not use polls to formulate opinions. They use eyes, ears, etc. Their opinions come not from what others say will work (while clear evidence to the contrary exists), they come from listening to reasonable people promote reasonable solutions which are not steeped in anger and a lack of civility.
Yeh. I get the irony. We've got a president who is uncivil and appears angry, but his policies do not reflect that. So maybe that is another difference? Skin deep is about as far as a left leaning advocate can dig? Unless the skin is Elizabeth Warren's. In that case skin color and DNA evidence is ignored, along with the view of the indigenous people of this country.
This helps explain it well I believe:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ How long do we have to go on explaining these mindsets to apparently , the mindless ? Why can't everyone learn independent thought ?
He was posting a response to me. Are you calling me mindless?
No . I watched the video and am responding to it's meaning . Did you even watch it?
Couldn't. It was irritatingly busy at the outset. Thanks for clarifying who you were talking about.
I believe the first minute of that clip was a good response to the "I have no idea how a claim of minority status by a white woman devolved into a diatribe against all white people." question posed.
If you are not part of that programming, if you are not accepting of it, you are part of the problem.
And that makes you a racist, or sexist, or -phobe of some kind.
And what Credence was pointing out, is that this is a white issue, that they are the problem.
Any person that believes the Republicans/Trump right, that the 60% of whites is not the problem, but rather the 90% of blacks that vote against their own best interests, that support a party that abuses them, impoverishes them, and relegates them to 'victim' status (and denounces anyone that steps out of that role) is a racist, sexist, extremist, and should be treated as such.
Its sad really.
No one has more right to feel anger and resentment then black men, the system is rigged against them, having a family, being a good father, rising up through the ranks to make something better of yourself for your family is harder for a black man than anyone of any race or nationality in America.
The welfare system is designed against it, a woman is able to support herself and her 4 children just fine on government handouts, so long as there is no man in the picture.
The criminal system is predisposed to arrest black men in most communities (and while this is true, this does not make police bad or acceptable targets to be murdered).
And society at large has long made out black men to be the 'bad guys' catering to the 'thug life' from the hard core rappers, to movies like New Jack City, only in the past decade or so have we diverged from that (and seemingly in the process made white people the root of all evil).
They have a right to be angry, and its understandable that they believe that Republicans are the cause of their problems, that white people are the reasons for their problems. Why wouldn't they, the media, and their sports icons tell them its so.
Wrong! She did not set that as the "new norm." Forty years ago when employers were actually forced to have a token minority on their staffs, an employer had overheard me say that my great grandmother had just died at age 105, and we had been told that she was Native American. He listed me as "Indian" on his employment report. I did not ask him to. I became his minority token. BTW, 23andme has me listed as having 100% European DNA because she was on a male side of the family, and matrilineal DNA doesn't transfer through a male -- or she wasn't Indian.
You people are showing your ignorance of how DNA works. You really should study up on it before you continue to look foolish.
People are going by the facts as presented by Elizabeth Warren. The facts she has provided are that she is 99.999% European ancestry.
And to repeat myself, since what I typed seems to have not gotten through in the manner I intended.
Now that the bar has been set at only 1% … OR because I say my grandmother told me she has Blackfoot in her ancestry, I can enjoy those EO protections as well.
Thank you Elizabeth Warren.
As I said, millions of Americans have picked up on this, and see in it what I do... millions.
It may not be being talked about in your 'mainstream media' in fact I am sure they are trying to kill this story quick, but the rest of us Americans, who have disconnected from the idiocy being spewed by the likes of CNN and MSNBC are well aware of what this means, here's an example:
"A mitochondrial DNA test (mtDNA test) traces a person's matrilineal or mother-line ancestry using the DNA in his or her mitochondria. mtDNA is passed down by the mother unchanged, to all her children, both male and female. A mitochondrial DNA test, can therefore be taken by both men and women."
It doesn't make sense that DNA, outside of those genes solely determining sex, and come from the father, cannot be passed from mother to son. When DNA splits, and a gamete is formed, it doesn't say "whups! That piece is from the mother and will end up getting a Y chromosome from the father and be male, so leave it out!"
Perhaps you meant something other than matrilineal geneology?
"A MtDNA copy is passed down entirely unchanged, through the maternal line. Males cannot pass their MtDNA to their offspring although they inherit a copy of it from their mother.
This mode of inheritance is called Matrilineal or Mitochondrial Inheritance."
Gotcha. That makes more sense. Though even if a part of the X chromosome, still don't understand why it can't be passed by a male that obviously has that gene.
"mtDNA is found outside of the nucleus. It also passes from mom to kids; in fact, dad's is destroyed right after an egg is fertilized! This weird DNA is found in little compartments in our cells called mitochondria. A mitochondrion's job is to make energy for the cell.
Of course dad has mitochondria too, but for a couple of reasons kids almost never get them from him.
The first reason is that the egg is way bigger than the sperm meaning that it has a whole lot more mitochondria. This means that when the egg and sperm combine, the egg's mitochondria swamp out the sperm's.
But this isn't good enough for the egg. The egg actually marks sperm mitochondria for destruction and gets rid of them. The end result of all of this is that we get our mtDNA exclusively from our mothers."
The girls are destroying the poor boys. Evil, they are!
Thank you for a better explanation than I gave. I think I should have used the word "mitrochondrial" rather than "matrilineal" but I was thinking "mother."
Just like Obama should have take the high road when Trump accused him of not being a citizen and claimed that his academic record was a fraud?
No, Trump starts this and now it is finished, the only one that is the fool here is Trump.
I get it. No high road for the panther. Fully noted.
Trumpeters defend their lying bully president, then want others to take the "high road." We've seen how far his cultees will take his nononsense. Glad to see Warren taking steps to not only nip it in the bud but put the lying buffoon on the spot for one mil.
She is what "we need" in my book and I have high hopes that she will "step up to the plate" in the coming years.
For one whose pedigree is impeccable, with a career that has been focused on directly fighting the "fat cats" in favor of the interests of the marginalized.
And we all know that that jaundiced bastard will never pay up....
I didn't realize that was you credence. I though it was pp posting again. I find the whole episode foolish, in its entirety. That includes Trump's part in it.
Oh geez RJ, a "sketchy" DNA test? Is this the 'birther' sequel?
Have you ever considered having your DNA tested? If so, would you go to any one of the many testing agencies available nationwide, or would you seek out someone outside to do it?
I've had mine tested and the results aren't vague as this test reports.
No RJ, I don't have any interest in what my DNA could say about my ancestry.
Trump demanded she take a DNA test. She took one. It lends credence to her assertion that she has Native American ancestry.
Your definition of "sketchy" is sketchy. Once again, conservative anti-science rhetoric.
What would satisfy you exactly?
Maybe she did it because Trump kept hounding her about it and because she wants it resolved now, before she runs for President in 2020.
Sadly, Trump is looking bad (again) by reneging on his promise to donate $1 million to charity if she took the test.
Elizabeth Warren has no more Native American blood than the average European. … once-again
I just got done talking with my cousin. It seems SHE has a higher fraction of Native American blood than Elizabeth Warren. Both her parents and our grandparents are from Eastern Europe. We're second generation Americans, our parents were the first generation. How did this happen? Brings in to question the accuracy of these tests.
But why does any of this matter?
If you have a Native American ancestor that you know of and say “I have Native American ancestry” and then have a DNA test which shows even a fraction of Native American DNA then the story still fits.
I have 1-2% North African DNA... I would never say that I’m African but saying that I had an African ancestor somewhere down the line/have African ancestry would be perfectly accurate.
It only matters if she used that "fact" to get a job or it factored into her getting a job somehow.
You are missing the point. There is NO way my cousin or myself could actually have Native American DNA. Everybody came from the Ukraine, Poland or Hungry. Our parents were the first generation born in the United States. Are you telling me that Native American traveled over to Eastern Europe and had families with the Cossack tribes that ruled the area? I think it is safe to say these tests are not the most accurate indicator of genetic history.
I was more referring to the argument that she has no more Native American than the average European as I’m not sure that she ever claimed she did.
I agree with you about the accuracy. I’ve gone from 2% Scandinavian to 17% Scandinavian over the past year and went down from 7% Mediterranean to 0%. I think the samples and methods they use are always evolving. But quite frankly if someone is familiar with an ancestor of a certain descent and their DNA test supports that I don’t see any reason to doubt it just because the science isn’t perfect.
I agree we shouldn't completely dismiss the DNA tests, but, because of their proven inaccuracy...they should not be taken as ultimate proof of anything.
Elizabeth Warren benefited from her claims of being Native American. She did this with no evidence.
“Warren’s central offense dates back to the mid 1980s, when she first formally notified law school administrators that her family tree includes Native Americans. Warren said she grew up with family stories about both grandparents on her mother’s side having some Cherokee or Delaware blood.”
Doing this gave here “protected individual” status, which worked to her advantage.
“There is no dispute that Warren formally notified officials at the University of Pennsylvania and then Harvard claiming Native American heritage after she was hired.”
She did this to improve her chances of being hired for lucrative teaching jobs. That is why Warren is mocked so much. … ive-ameri/
The DNA test lends more credence to Warren's position than Trump just saying it did not happen. What is basis of Trump's "authoritative" statement attacking Warren's credibility in this matter beside the fact that he says so?
If I were among the law school officials,I would have asked Warren to prove her lineage beyond and outside of her account of it, if that status would have given her an advantage.
I have an Anglo-Saxon forebear or two, but I cannot and would not claim that I am white.
I believe, as your duck implies, that we are all imperceptibly mixed ethnically and racially. All Warren said is that she had Native Americans in her lineage, but that does not rise to standard of being Native American, as it is defined legally, in consideration of any preference.
Working for the Feds for many years, I associated with the BIA, Bureau of Indian Affairs, where Native Americans are given preference in hiring. And you can bet that just claiming Native American affiliation does not rise to the standard of "proof". You would have to present a document indicating your affiliation with a recognized tribe.
Mike, I think that this genome thing, once studied and figured out, is going to rewrite some of the things we believe today about our history. For instance, I think they will find that the Eastern Native Americans did not come from Asia across the Bering Strait. Anthropologists and archaeologists are already starting to believe that Eastern tribes actually migrated from Europe (and the Mediterranean areas) during sometime in our prehistory. They are also starting to believe that Europeans came here much earlier than Eric the Red and that the ones who didn't die were absorbed into Eastern tribes. If that theory pans out, that could explain why.
Ralph, if you have not had a DNA test, please go to one of their websites and read up on their testing and what they use to interpret their data. They are the sketchy ones because they admit that their equipment, formulas, etc. cannot read data past the specimen's grandparents. Also, if the Native American, (African, Asian, etc.) is through a male line, he cannot pass the mitrochondrial DNA he inherits along to her. As a result, I show 100% European although I had two great grandmothers with Native American blood, one Cherokee and the other Choctaw. It's a fact that some of us who claim Native American "heritage" may not show Native American DNA for this reason.
It was very disappointing to me to learn that my DNA did not reveal any Native American blood, but that still doesn't make me or my family liars because we have the heritage of family dropping off the trail of tears. I have the high cheekbones, the body shape, and the curved (shovel) teeth of Native Americans. I can't explain that because I don't know why we can have the characteristics without the DNA.
It's strange to me that their DNA tests can show Neanderthal DNA but not that of a minority race. 23andMe says I have more Neanderthal DNA than 90% of people of European descent they've tested. It is strange to me that they can go back to prehistoric times to find that information, but not 4 generations back to find Native Americans.
My point is that Elizabeth Warren is fortunate to have used an expert that can take the time and trouble to find it. If she'd used a commercial testing service, they probably could not have located her NA haplogroup either. I think they are geared to eliminate Native American DNA because of legal problems that claims could cause the government.
It is only logical that persons whose ancestors came to this continent before this country's founding should show some non-white ancestry. I do not show any although I can trace all my ancestor lines back to emigrants of the 1600s and 1700s.
Another thing, the Eastern NAs may not be from the same haplogroups as the Western NAs. This is a sticky wicket because if they prove this to be true, somebody is going to have to rewrite history after they figure out where the Eastern tribes came from.
Here is the New York Times article that shows the average European American had more Native American DNA than Elizabeth Warren. … study.html
I think you are reading something into this article that is not there. Also, as I stated in a previous comment, 23andme states that their tests DO NOT ACCURATELY READ DNA PAST THE SUBJECTS GRANDPARENTS. Nor does a person inherit their father's matrilineal DNA. I've read their website from cover to cover. Therefore a person can have a Native American great grandmother on her father's side that won't be detected at all, but she strangely can closely resemble this great grandmother. I have had my DNA tested by 23andme. It did not detect either my maternal great grandmother (German, Cherokee and Jewish) nor my paternal great grandmother (English and Choctaw). I am listed as 100% European but it says that a small percentage of it is Balkan and Italian. If Elizabeth Warren's test listed any Native American DNA, she had a more accurate test than I did.
This is the funniest meme I saw on Elizabeth Warren.
I think its awesome, she has a smaller percentage of Native American heritage in her than the average Euro-American. Some minute amount, like 1%.
My Grandmother when I was a kid told me she had some Blackfoot in her, so that makes me Native American... if Warren qualifies with her 1%, I am sure I have more than that in me, so from now on when I have to check a box for what race I am, I am Native American.
Love it, can't wait to use the EOO to bust some company's back for not hiring me because of discrimination, just fantastic what she has done.
Yes, and Trump is already lying about offering to give a million dollars to a charity of her choice if she would take a DNA test.
Obama's birth certificate, Warren's DNA. Where are the liar's tax returns?
But not with the public like every other President for the last 40 years.
We now know more about Warren's ancestry than we do about Trump's taxes and whether he is getting Russian money.
I think the latter is far more important to the country.
I can agree with that. Warren's ancestry controversy is a joke. Trump should honor precedent and just release the tax returns, already.
But, let's be honest about the outcome. Look what happened when Obama provided a birth certificate. Did it appease those screaming for it?
It did for some and not for others. No surprise if Trump's taxes get the same reaction if he ever releases them.
Do you honestly believe that a Trump is getting Russian money? Seriously?
Trump tax returns are being audited as they have been every year for several years. Anyone who knows anything about tax law...which will eliminate the liberals on this thread...knows you don't make tax returns public during an IRS audit. The problem isn't President Donald Trump...the problem is the IRS.
Even if there is conclusive evidence supporting Warren's background, conservatives still have excuses.....
Point well taken, when Trump provides his tax returns then he can talk, until then, he should put a sock in it.
Exactly, but they have him on video saying it.
Man, the things people get worked up over...
DNA testing sites have a lot of room for error. I’ve done it through 4 different companies and the range is quite different between all of them. My results have also changed within the same company’s databases numerous times. Saying that the results strongly suggest something without trying to pin an exact percentage actually sounds much smarter and more realistic.
"Carlos Bustamante, a professor of genetics at Stanford and adviser to Ancestry and 23 and Me."
Dr. Carlos D. Bustamante is an internationally recognized leader in the application of data science and genomics technology to problems in medicine, agriculture, and biology. He received his Ph.D. in Biology and MS in Statistics from Harvard University (2001), was on the faculty at Cornell University (2002-9), and was named a MacArthur Fellow in 2010. He is currently Professor of Biomedical Data Science, Genetics, and (by courtesy) Biology at Stanford University. Dr. Bustamante has a passion for building new academic units, non-profits, and companies to solve pressing scientific challenges. He is Founding Director of the Stanford Center for Computational, Evolutionary, and Human Genomics (CEHG) and Inaugural Chair of the Department of Biomedical Data Science. He is the Owner and President of CDB Consulting, LTD. and also a Director at Eden Roc Biotech, founder of Arc-Bio (formerly IdentifyGenomics and BigData Bio), and an SAB member of Imprimed, Etalon DX, and Digitalis Ventures among others.
Btw, the "sketchy" report.
https://mk0elizabethwarh5ore.kinstacdn. … t_2018.pdf
One again, Bozo Trump is proven to be the retarded jackass that he truly is: This time, Senator Elizabeth Warren does the honors of dis-proving his factless claims: Last time it was President Obama that turned him into the fool he is: Too bad for his last remaining fans, they become the fools by default:
According to media reports, Bozo is up to his eyeballs in debt, so that indicates he probably doesn't even have the million dollars he promised to pay up if Senator Elizabeth Warren provided proof of her native American ancestry:
Investigators have been gathering a massive trove of criminal evidence against Bozo Trump, I think that plus this might keep him babbling endlessly to himself behind bars:
"Elizabeth Warren releases DNA analysis showing 'strong evidence' of Native American ancestry" … d=58502291
I don't think these kinds of posts are helpful for our debates.
I don't know about that. He brought up retarded jackass. It makes me wonder. About retarded jackasses. A face comes to mind which fits that description.
You and I suffer miscommunication at times. To be clear, now that the subject of retarded jackasses has been broached, your name is not the one which comes to my mind after reading that post.
Sorry promisem, but I call a spade a spade and retarded jackasses the same: ONLY a retarded jackass like Bozo Trump mocks disabled people, ONLY a retarded jackass says he fell in love with Kim Jung Un, ONLY a retarded jackass syas climate change is a HOAX by China and ONLY a retarded jackass calls a senator of native american decent 'pocahontas' and Elizabeth Warren's DNA test once again proves Bozo Trump fits the bill:
So, what do you call a 72 year old moronic idiot who insults a United States Senator by calling her Pocahontas ?? I sure hope it's not 'president':
That's your president. Isn't it wonderful to live in a country free enough so you, and others, can call them as they see them? In regards to retarded jackasses.
No chance no way is this circus clown named Trump my legitimate president or anybody elses: Still waiting for a response from promisem pertaining what he calls a 72 year old weirdo who mocks the disabled or uses pocahontas as an insult:
Even the media has stopped airing Trump's boring predictable hate gatherings live, apparently it's become more profitable to air ants building an underground home or a few flies buzzing around a watermelon rind than to air Bozo the Disturbed Clown crying profusely in a little tizzy fit:
Yes. The media is all about profit. If flies buzzing gets more viewers I'm not surprised they choose to air it instead. It's probably a video of the flies buzzing around the poop you swallow in the place of unbiased news.
Honestly I think he does have grounds to argue that he didn’t say he’d pay the million dollars as he offered it in a hypothetical situation - but I think it wouldn’t be a bad move for him to donate it anyway. I certainly would gain some respect for him if he did. It doesn’t even have to be her choice charity... maybe he could donate it somewhere that goes to Native Americans, undo some of the damage caused by him repeatedly mocking someone by calling them “Pocahontas”.
I think he should do it also - many people could benefit from the funding
Does he even have 1 million in cash to donate, he probably can't make a withdrawal from his charity considering it's under federal investigation:
"Trump still owes lenders including Deutsche Bank as much as $480 million" … p;ie=UTF-8
Looks as if Warren has been permanently kicked to the curb. The Cherokee nation has weighed in and found her claim of anywhere between 1/32 and 1/1020 heritage pretty bogus. Hopefully, she can take note and move on. … iate-wrong
I expect Warren to respond graciously. If she doesn't, shame on her.
Of course, no expectation of graciousness ever exists for the childish bully President, as his supporters defend and excuse whatever he says or does.
I think you are right about how Trump will react. Hope you are right about Warren.
Does Bozo Trump's obvious mental illnesses cause him to be the public serial liar that he has proven himself to be? Does he even have 1 million dollars to satisfy his bet with Senator Warren and if so, will he cough it up before the Mueller Hammer Comes DOWN ? Anything left over from daddy's fortune after those New jersey casino failures? I guess now we know how all those hard working contractors got stiffed, bi-lateral agreements made with Bozo Trump seem to be about as valid as a crumpled up Trump University Diploma, his word seems to mean absolutely ZILCH:
"Trump said he would give $1 million to charity if Elizabeth Warren took a DNA test. Now she wants him to pay up"
* Three months ago, President Donald Trump offered to donate $1 million to charity if Elizabeth Warren, one of his potential 2020 rivals, took a DNA test proving her Native American heritage.
* Now Warren wants the president to pay up. … ledge.html
The DNA test disproved her claim. Good thing the bet wasn't mutual.
The best response so far to Elizabeth Warren's vary bad behavior in the matter of being a Native American went along the lines of a question. Why does she have to do this rather than just run on her record and her plans as a Senator?
Kind of puts the kibosh to putting any stock in the impeachment of Trump over telling 4,000 - + lies . What politician doesn't , hasn't or won't lie for the job ? Sen. Warren lied about her ancestry .........time to Impeach her?
Were Elizabeth Warren Republican and not Democrat, this DNA b's would be chalked up to white privilege and racism.
The Cherokee nation has weighed in, in no uncertain terms, at the ludicrous nature of her claim and the left ignores them.
She has proved she is not Cherokee and the left ignores the proof.
Backing her and ignoring the group she claims a part of is racist, by left standards. Why does the left do it?
I feel kinda bad for people of such low political enlightenment and memory as to look up to the ideological hysterics of Elizabeth Warren . Yet a candidate that keeps promising free stuff not ever quite explaining who'll pay for it can't know much about their own genealogy to begin with .
It's time you all realized that to be a democrat you HAVE to be minority associated , yet not in the sense of helping a minority but for the proliferation of identity politics alone .
Such is political correctness and not political solution .
Have natives been helped by that association , hispanics , women , immigrants , inner city dwellers , students , the handicapped ?
Democrats , " I identify minority but do them no good at all "
Senator Warren's completely oblivious understanding of the ridiculous nature of her behavior goes a long way in explaining how white kids can put on masks and scream at black conservatives that they are racist.
Happened to Candace Owens. Watched the video. Antifa thugs screamed at her and the police. The police were mostly black and Hispanic. When she pointed that out to the protesters they just kept calling them all racists,
Perhaps it's that some , too many , NEED an voice of authority to tell them how to think , to tell them that "vote this way ,we will take care of all your issues " in spite of the fact that they only say it and never do it .
Ken , it always comes down to the five or six accusatory descriptions the left attaches to absolute independence of conservatism , racists , white nationalists , bigots , misogynists , ...........they label us in their creation of the necessary narrative and fall back to the same inactive practicing of liberal politics --Identity politics !
One day soon , as we are witnessing even now , any minority will collectively "get it " , they can remain in the same cesspool of identity servitude or they can look deeper at the meaning behind liberal ideologies of "group- think " and realize ,.........."Just what HAS the liberal party provided us besides servitude to party "?
Answer ; Not much at all .
Yes, THEY being the Democrat leaders, the liberal/left media and included in that is now the Internet behemoths such as Alphabet (Google/Youtube), Facebook, and Twitter.
Its very interesting to see really, the people at the forefront of this 'fight' this push of 'progressivism' and 'socialism' are some of the people from back in the 60s and 70s who fought for these causes and won their war.
The Civil Rights movement, Woman's Lib, etc. etc. we live in a world where they are afforded not just equal rights, but special rights under the law in our country.
Obama as President, is no small statement as to where our nation is, and it is not something that could have happened in the 60s or 70s.
But some people can't live without the fight, for some people, things will never be equal, things will never be made right... whatever wrongs they have railed against decades ago they still cling to now, and that is how they see the world.
And they have gone a long way to infecting a new generation with these feelings and beliefs of being wronged, of being treated with prejudice,
Sadly, the reality is there is no where left for things to go... the laws bend over backwards to give rights to everyone but Euro-Americans today, and soon enough they won't even be the majority... so what then? Will we have new laws written to protect Euro-Americans from the Hispanic-American majority?
The only place left to go is the destruction of the system we have created that provides those very rights and freedoms to 'minorities' and all other citizens... the only thing left to determine is what shall replace it... a corrupt state capitalism like Russia has, or much more likely, a communist dictatorship like China has where its citizens are subject to a Social Credit system where 'enemies of the state' have all their rights, wealth, and ability to interact in society taken from them.
Its not where we are that I am concerned about, its where this could lead us in the not too distant future... the politicians and media of the left have riled up their followers, convinced them that Trump is out to subjugate and destroy them... but it will be these liberal/progressive/left politicians that will enslave us all, to a State that will be All Seeing, All Powerful, and more abusive than anything we have seen in living memory.
Those are scary thoughts Ken , yet I have watched the the younger ones trying to replicate those glorified sixties since the nineties , I fear you are correct . I have said before that I observed the early changeover in the late sixties and early seventies in high school in the "message " born of the newer teachers , the new narrative , the new socialist group thought .
I also just watched a documentary about how the German civilians were treated in eastern Europe after the WWII victory where millions of people were lined up and murdered by crowds of angry people, the slaughters , the marches , the politics and see a certain parallel to liberal activist and Antifa connection today . I wholly blame our news media and leftist academia agenda for what we're seeing today . … est-105274
Yet another rebuttal by native Americans to Warren's ridiculous claim.
When will left leaning apologists for Warren begin to respect minority opinions and ask Warren to accept facts?
So Elizabeth Warren isn't really Pocahontas ? She isn't the lost princess of the Cherokee ? She can't sidle up to a minority with her blond hair , blue eyes , honorary degrees , what is she going to do with her buckskin dress , beaded moccasins , birchbark canoe ?
Well there's always a minor degree to fall back on ...............right ?
by savvydating 8 years ago
Anyone have an interesting story to share about DNA testing (results) for ethnicity and Genealogy?I am receiving a DNA kit for Christmas (my brother spilled the beans) and I am giving one to another family member. So, I'd be interested to hear your stories about the fun, fascinating, surprising,...
by ar93451 13 years ago
I DO NOT know who my parents and relatives are what dna test do i do.It's a long storyAsked question incorrectly previously
by Credence2 5 years ago … SKCN1QA2WFDear Senator Warren, I have to call you out on what I consider to be the first major mistake in your campaign. Your pledge to address reparations for African-americans who were economically affected by the institution of Slavery is the...
by IslandBites 6 years ago
Since it is a hot topic these days and some already have mentioned they have...Have you taken a DNA test? Which company did you use? Do you want to share your results?
by ahorseback 6 years ago
Now running for congress , Claims to be the first Native American elected to congress if elected ? Hmmmm, I wonder how that's going to hold up in the party of the left ?
by Kathryn L Hill 5 years ago
What changes, benefits or detriments might she bring forth?
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