Here's the tweet:
"So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run,"
"Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done," he added. "These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that [Speaker] Nancy Pelosi [D-Calif.] would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!"
Only one Congresswoman, Rep. Omar, was born in another country, Somalia. All the others were born in the United States.
So please, somebody explain to me how this isn't racist. Isn't this another way of saying "Go back to Africa"? - a chant general accepted as pure racism? Are these not the words of a racist?
And if these are the words of a racist, how do supporters claim they are not racists or separate themselves from the racism they support?
I get if you don't like socialist tendencies. Then say that. But attacking somebody's heritage as the reason for their "stupid" political views is racist. Sorry.
Tucker Carlson is using this same thought process and causing quite a stink about it. But then, he stinks already....
I completely understand if they don't like an idea that shifts economic responsibilities from private business to individuals. I have no problem if they want to argue about that idea. However, to ascribe that idea to their race and to recommend that they return to their birth countries, particularly when all of them except for one were born in the U.S., is racism pure and simple. Additionally, it's also a dog whistle for Trump's supporters. In other words: here's another reason to hate immigrants. They're bringing Socialism to America.
Yes, he's playing the pro white male Christian, anti everyone else card again.
In addition, how ironic that Trump, the most corrupt and inept U.S. President in American history, is calling the governments of other countries "corrupt and inept".
It's also ironic that Trump, the most publicly vicious U.S. President ever, is calling these congresswomen vicious.
Sadly, I think more and more people are getting immune to his hatefulness. But his supporters love it.
Nancy "POWERHOUSE" Pelosi nailed Bozo Trump with the explanation most of us already knew and she's absolutely correct: She said he "PROJECTS" : Donny's corrupt so he says everyone else is corrupt: Donny's the biggest serial LIAR our oval office has ever seen so he says everyone else is a liar: Donny's a strange looking weirdo so he says everyone else is a strange looking weirdo: Donny's an obese slob so he calls everyone else fat: He's pathetic:
There isn't a single mention of race in the tweets, as you have reported them. A pretty bad exaggeration, but nothing of race.
So how is it racist, again? Is this another case like banning travel from countries supporting terrorists and refusing to vet their travelers being anti-Muslim because those countries are predominately Muslim?
No, he didn't attack their heritage; he attacked the notion that a country was bad enough to leave, they did nothing about it and now they're trying to create the same mess in their new country. Again nothing about race.
The trope of attacking people and telling them to "go back where they came from" is well-worn racist language. Racists tend not to come out directly and say they hate dark-skinned people, but some do.
I see. Some people use it as a racist taunt, so everyone should know this and never say the words "Go home!".
I trust you recognize how silly this sounds: it is just another spin to demonize Trump without reason to do so.
But Wilderness, they were born in this country. Their ancestral country is not "their" native country. They have no experiences of their ancestral countries because except for the Somalian, they know only the U.S.
I don't remember who it was on TV brought out the fact that Trump was being a hypocrite. He suggested that Trump send Melania back to Slovakia. That makes as much sense because she came to this country on a green card, visitor only, and then she worked illegally--as a porn actress, so that meant that she was a criminal before she became a citizen. Those women have more right to be here than she does, yet this criminal immigrant became our first lady.
If they were born here then they were very (very) obviously not the target of the tweet, now were they?
Wilderness, I know that you know better than that. Who else could he have targeted for such a statement. At one point, he was chiding them for getting so testy with Nancy Pelosi. Nancy had called them down over a tweet that upset house members. … power.html
Believe it or not, he was taking them on for being nasty to Nancy. There are a whole bunch of statements from him and a couple from Nancy, and I'm not sure in which order they occurred. I know it's hard to believe, but he actually defended Nancy. I may not be a Trump supporter, but I don't like these young rabble-rousers in Congress either, and I support his defense of Nancy.
Nancy made this statement at one time in the feud. … power.html
Porn actress, a centerfold, NOW, she decides to go legit? Which glossy can I find her "spread" in? Where are all those phony Christian evangelists and their response to this outrage? Wow, and they criticized Michelle Obama for wearing a blouse that revealed her upper arms.
Talk about double standards? Is it no surprise that these Trump people P*ss me off so much?
Just google it. Not a centerfold, porn films. A number of websites will show up. Here's one: … k-and-see/
To Wilderness,
Sir, when my mother was a child and she was having a hard time climbing up her school bus steps when she was five-years old — her first day of school — she cried after the bus driver said, “I am not touching you Monster.”
According to you that bus driver was not a racist, because he did not mention race. What would make a dark complexioned Black five-year old a Monster sir? Why scar her verbally? Why does her life not matter? Trump is a racist. He is the President of the United States Of America. His policies are racist. He does all he can to make his like minded voters happy. Meanwhile the rest of us Americans are afraid.
Trump said what I always heard. “Go back to your country.” Trump is from Queens, NY as am I. Born and raised. What is the difference? Trump is second generation American on his mother’s side. On both my parents side I maybe as low as eight generations.
On my mother’s side I know of two generations of my ancestors in 1848. They were slaves. Her material grandfather was found dead outside his farm in 1940. My maternal great-grandmother was so scared she left her farm, grabbed her children, and moved North. On my father’s maternal side there was an aunt that was Lynched.
When I was a child my teacher taught us that Black Soldiers were not thought to have been able to fight in wars. Just clean or cook. My parents were taught the same thing. I learned the truth when I was a teen and heard a great-uncle having nightmares and talking in his sleep. I realized he was recounting what he experienced in WWII. I told my mother and she did not believe me until she heard his nightmare for herself.
I am an American. My family has been here longer than President Trump’s maternal family.
President Trump knew what he was saying when he told those educated Congresswomen of color to ‘go back to their countries ....’ Most racist seem to love being a racist, but not being called one. They seem to wish for a time they were free to say and do what they want to people of color. You know like it use to be back when America was so-called great for Caucasians. While terrifying to all people of color here in America. Make America Great Again, For Whom Sir?
Not keeping silent in public any longer. Trump is a racist. His policies towards people of color are racist. Period.
Thank you for sharing and I agree, we can no longer stay silent Trump is a racist
Wilderness: It's not one instance of a dog whistle attempt at racism that makes Trump a racist. It is a pattern of racism that he displays to the world. He has a history of racism. … nald_Trump
At this point, a person who will not acknowledge Trump's racism is probably a racist. At the very least, a person who won't acknowledge Trump's racism by now is willing to look the other way for their own perceived benefit. Either way, I don't know how they sleep at night .
I don't know how Trump sleeps at night, other than he live in an alternate reality. Everything he does is wonderful. Everything everybody else does, makes him a victim, or it's their fault. Oh. I take that back, except for Fox News.
If he's a racist, he's not a good one. You can check out everything on this's all true.
Bozo Trump is actually one of the most despicable RACISTS on the planet, bad dark karma: Even a Fox Fake Channel Poll revealled 63% of ALL Americans believe he crossed the line with that sick disgusting racist remark:
It doesn't matter what his last remaining followers believe, the TRUTH speaks for itself and we have digital CAMERAS everywhere to document this clowns every unpatriotic racist move:
A National DISGRACE and Embarrassment who will be in prison soon and who speaks for NOBODY here in the USA:
peoplepower, this is obviously how Donald sleeps at night: HONESTLY, can you identify one of these "Symptoms of Psychopathy" that he doesn't suffer from in public while our enemies are watching ??: If this doesn't ALARM his last remaining followers nothing will:
"The signs and symptoms of psychopathy are identified most commonly in scientific studies by Hare's 20-item Psychopathy Checklist-Revised. This checklist identifies the following as the symptoms and signs of psychopathy"
Superficial charm and glibness
Inflated sense of self-worth
Constant need for stimulation
Lying pathologically
Conning others; being manipulative
Lack of remorse or guilt
Shallow emotions
Callousness; lack of empathy
Using others (a parasitic lifestyle)
Poor control over behavior
Promiscuous sexual behavior
Behavioral problems early in life
Lack of realistic, long-term goals
Being impulsive
Being irresponsible
Blaming others and refusing to accept responsibility
Having several marital relationships
Delinquency when young
Revocation of conditional release
Criminal acts in several realms (criminal versatility)
Another attempt by Trump and his team to use dark psychology to tap into ignorance and hatred for their own gain. Truly disgusting.
This is racism no matter how anyone looks at it. If someone in the workplace said this to a co workers they would be fired.
Thank you for this post. I really appreciate it.
Wilderness, the fact that he didn't mention race doesn't mean that wasn't the insinuation. That phrase was very popular over the years and directed at people of color. You know exactly what he meant and now you are trying to say that's not what he meant. People with views like Donald Trump and his base is the reason this country is in the divisive mess it is in. The President has an obligation to lead and set an example for the citizens of this country, regardless of their color or nationality. The United States of America will NEVER be all white again so it's ridiculous and shameful for the President to say such mean-spirited rhetoric when his job is to represent ALL of the people in this country. Stop excusing his bad behavior.
I'm sorry; I've used the term more than once and it NEVER had anything to do with race. Only with going back to wherever was called "home".
That people will use most any excuse to play the racist card does not mean there was anything racist about the statement.
lol, of course his retarded comments are laced with racism because Bozo Trump is a bona fide RACIST to the core, presumably a gay racist at that: A presumed gay racist who will be in prison soon both here on Earth and when God calls him for judgement day:
Wilderness, I guess I have every right to tell you to back to where you come from. First of all, I don't know why the President feels he has more of right to be in this country than people of color. These are American people he is telling to go back to where they came from. We came from the United States. This has NOTHING to do with spinning to demonize Trump. This has everything to do with ALL Americans coming together to save the democracy of this country. Whether we agree on each other's politics or not, we are all Americans and not even the President should get a pass to demean citizens of this country just because he didn't agree. It's childish and definitely not productive.
I give. This thread is about nothing but Trump bashing, this time using a race card that doesn't exist. I swore I would not participate in such threads, so you guys have at it!
Continue on.
The more I see Trump operate, the more I think he is in the protection mode. He is constantly trying to protect himself from something or somebody. If he sees someone or some group as a threat, he will try to get rid of them in some form. That's what the wall and the immigration issue are about and that is what he is doing with the congress women. I think in his mind, he doesn't see it at racist. He just sees them as a plain threat.
He surrounds himself with people who aggrandize him. His rallies are all about self-aggrandizing. His deflection and changing course on issues is all about protecting himself. Even if he likes you at first, and then finds that you are involved in a scandal that he is connected to, he will develop selective memory and throw that person under the bus to protect himself. That's what he did with Alex Acosta and many of his cabinet members.
I believe that is what his 10,000 lies and misinformation are all about. He is trying to protect himself. I think he has learned these tactics at an early age but he has to be a very insecure person to constantly use those tactics.
"If he sees someone or some group as a threat, he will try to get rid of them in some form. That's what the wall and the immigration issue are about"
LOL Could never be that he is trying to enforce our laws and protect our borders as he is sworn to do, now could it. Not to the Trump haters, it can't - they will always twist it into something it isn't.
Trump is not trying to enforce laws. As part of his protection game, he is always on the threshold of violating laws. That's why so many of his policies have ended up in the courts and have been turned down. That's why his Zero Tolerance and Muslim travel ban were turned down by the courts because they were found to be unconstitutional.
If he was not a sitting president, his a** would be in jail right now for obstructing justice. But he has to protect himself by saying he has been completely and totally exonerated. He knows if he doesn't get re-elected he is going to jail.
As far as I know, he didn't swear on the bible to to protect our borders, he made a campaign promise to do it.
I don't think we'd have a problem if we didn't have two far ends constantly battling, never looking for compromise in the best interests of the American people.
Trump is a problem that exists because of the problems created by the democratic party.
His "Muslim travel ban"? You mean the one that banned travel from countries with lots of terrorists and that did not vet their people? That one that banned travel by Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, atheists and every other form of religion regardless of what it is, from those countries? That "Muslim travel ban"?
Saudi Arabia was not on the list, the country that sent terrorists for the 9/11 attack, so yeah it was a Muslim country travel ban, but friends that support the big shots were allowed entry.
You are wrong. Here are the details.
No, it was not a Muslim Travel ban. The vast majority of countries with Muslim populations could travel to the United States. It was a ban on countries with a lack of cooperation with the United State when it comes to terrorism. It had nothing to do with religion.
North Korea and Venezuela are not Muslim-majority countries and they were on the list.
“On Tuesday, the Supreme court upheld the Trump administration’s travel ban 5-4, affirming the president’s power over matters of national security. The latest iteration of the ban includes restrictions against five majority-Muslim nations — Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. North Korea and Venezuela are also on the list. Three other majority-Muslim nations, including Chad, Iraq and Sudan have been removed since policy was implemented through executive order in January 2017. “ … tries-map/
Fair enough, but why was SA not on the list? What policies do they have today that they did not have over a decade ago?
This is not about Trump bashing. Bashing is the outcome of somebody saying racist things. If you don't see the racism, I fear for you and anyone like you who thinks it's not racist.
The targets of the tweet were all women of color. Trump suggested, incorrectly, that they return to their countries of origin when all but one was born in the U.S. Tell me, when Trump disagrees with white men, does he tell them to go back to their own countries? Trump sees people of color and he sees people from somewhere else. Those people are not real Americans. Why? Because they ARE from other countries? No. Then why? It's because they have darker skin.
Yes, it's different for Slovakian Melania because she has white skin. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
If you want to make a point and insult the First Lady, at least show you have sufficient knowledge on the subject to get her country of origin correct. She was born in SLOVENIA not Slovakia. I know, to someone like you, I'm sure all Eastern European countries are the same. They're not. Here is a suggestion, know what you're talking about before you talk about it. Doing this add credibility to your statement. Trust me, Slovakians and Slovenians don't like being lumped together.
Oh, so sorry to insult our porn actress first lady. That part I did get right no matter where she comes from. Trump does like his porn stars.
Besides I was quoting someone, but since you were seeing red anyway, you didn't catch that.
Oh My, please supply a resource that shows any form of proof the first lady was a porn star. I find it disgusting to insult someone unjustly just because you can. Women that participate in this sort of unprovoked insults make me ill...
I just showed one in my previous post but here it is again. … k-and-see/
Like I said google "Melania + porn" and a number of websites will pop up. I am a trained journalist. I don't slander people. I have sources for what I say. Apparently you don't want proof you just want to barf over something that you don't agree with.
It's funny how they left can turn everything racist.
Another attempt to tear down this country and all it stands for. Have at it, as wilderness said. BUT WHY?
This country is formed of people from all places, of all creeds, and all religions. Given Trump's tweet, he's the one trying to tear down this country.
So Trump just called the current US government a complete and total catastrophe. For once he's said something smart.
LOL.If we are a catastrophe then that goes for the free world, at large.
Nope. Trump just made it clear. Listen to Trump.
It has become clear to me that Trump is about protecting his brand (The Trump Brand). He didn't make his money from buildings and construction. He made it from selling his brand. He has his name plastered all over different hotels, wine, airlines, meat, ties, hats, etc. It gives him and his family a constant flow of money. That is what he does and thinks about every minute of every day is how do I protect my brand.
He insults those women to protect his brand. It is all about competing with others and always being in a defensive mode. He calls it winning. Even if he loses, in his mind, he is winning.
He hates Obama because Obama insulted him. So therefore, he wants to obliterate anything associated with him. That's why he wants to repeal the ACA, and why he removed the Iran nuclear deal. Now Iran has exceeded their nuclear limits because of that removal. He now wants the republicans to come up with a new health care plan. All of this is because of his brand.
If he doesn't like you or feel you haven't performed to his expectations, he will come after you with everything he has in his arsenal in order to protect his brand.
He wants to be known as a tough guy, but I believe, inside he sees himself as a very weak insecure person. That's why he bows down to power brokers like Putin, Kim, Saudi Kings, and Netanyahu.
Why did he send Pence to the detention centers instead of going himself? It's because if he saw the truth, his agenda would come crashing down like a house of cards, but by not going he is protecting his brand and lives in his fantasy world of everything in those centers is beautiful.
He grew up in NY/NJ dealing with the mob and the unions (sometimes one and the same). I think to succeed in that environment, you have to play tough. In NY, you have to be a New Yorker to the nth degree. A lot of his bravado is simply the bravado of NY that so many people dislike (I was born in NY). New Yorkers tend to be combative, forceful, loud; etc. That's Trump. It really is odd that his base likes him because generally, I suspect they don't like New Yorkers in general.
I don't think that is an excuse for his behavior.. For God's sake, he is a grown man and President of the United States. He is not on the streets and back allies of NY. He plays to his bases fantasies about make America Great Again and they buy it hook line and sinker.
"Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how.... .it is done. "
It's obvious President Donald Trump wasn't focused on race. He comment was about how these Congresswomen think the United States is so bad, then they should go to their home countries, fix those problems and THEN come back and show us how it is done."
He said "then come back."
Again, if they think the United States is so bad, fix their home countries and then come back and then show us how to fix the United States.
The U.S. is their home country. Oh, but wait, they have dark skin. They must be from somewhere else because dark skin people aren't naturally from the U.S. Only white people are naturally from the U.S.
Their skin color played no part - Trump made it very clear that it is women he wants to send home. He said so in his first sentence when he reference congress[b]women[/i].
So he's not racist, he's a misogynist and must be demonized for his hiring of women workers, aides, advisers, etc.
No, it wasn't about skin color. It was about coming from a country that is so screwed up, you came to the United States. He said if it is so bad here, go back and fix your country and then come back and show us how to fix countries.
This could be directed at me and my family. Big difference is, we are VERY thankful to be in the United States. I heard many stories of life living under the control of the USSR. Even today, I can't imagine going and living in the Ukraine. Good people, but it is MUCH better here in my opinion.
Again, with one minor exception, the women were born here, in the U.S. This is their country. They have always been citizens of the U.S. When you target women of color who were born in the U.S. and tell them to go back where they came from, you are both a misogynist and a racist.
There are many other ways to address the fact that you don't like the Socialist policies they espouse, but when you pick the racist trope and miss the fact you are talking about U.S. citizens, you are either racist, stupid, or trying to rile up your base because you know they mostly consist of racists, xenophobes, misogynists, or all of the above.
"When you target women of color who were born in the U.S. and tell them to go back where they came from, you are both a misogynist and a racist."
I am a US citizen. I was born in this country. I have had people tell me to go back to the Ukraine more than once.
He said if the United States is so bad...they should go back to their home countries, fix them, then COME BACK and tell us how you did it. Key words THEN COME BACK.
"you are either racist, stupid, or trying to rile up your base because you know they mostly consist of racists, xenophobes, misogynists, or all of the above."
I think President Donald Trump is tired of members of the United States Congress, who came from such an awful country like Somalia, condemning the United States. Talk about thankless.
Do you have any idea of the government programs that were in place to help refugees from Somalia? My family had nothing like it offered to us. Housing, schooling, resettlement stipends and more. The majority of U.S. citizens had nothing like it offered to them. I'm sure YOU would have liked some of the things provided to these people. It was incredible. To have all that given them and then turn around after being elected to the US congress and complain about the United States in my mind is ignorant.
Why do these Congresswomen say such terrible things about the United States? They're like President Donald Trump, they are speaking to their base support. There are many emotionally charged adjectives I could use to describe the Democrat base, but I won't. It's pointless to do such a thing.
I don't understand why so many Democrats hate this country. I will never understand it.
Don't get me started on socialism. It should be confronted and defeated any time it is mentioned.
Okay, aside from Omar, where are these other home countries?
You are confused about who hates this country. Complete rejection of diversity of people and opinions is not love.
Why does the Democrat party love Anti-Semites and are so Anti-Israel? The left wants diversity, as long as its diversity of people and opinions they like.
Why does those on the Right love racists, Mike? See, I can generalize as well...
The accusation of racism is so rampant by the Democrat party, even Nancy Pelosi is accused of being a racist. It means nothing. Just a Democrat catch-phrase when losing.
“Then Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY., accused Speaker Nancy Pelosi of “singling out” her and fellow newcomers, all women of color.” … rats-race/
I don't understand that either. I'm not religiously attached to Israel like some people are, but I do know that Israel (the Mossad) are our eyes and ears in the Middle East. I was told that by a CIA operative.
I visited the Soviet Union for two weeks during Perestroika while I was taking courses in Russian history. I cannot imagine having to live there. I'm sure that living under Putin is unimaginable. But then Russia isn't all white either, so we can't really use them as an example. As you say, they are mostly good people.
For the people in this country that feel that racism is a "catch-phrase", you apparently are ignorant to the history of this country and ignorant to think that racism in this country in 2019 is non-existent. It is very real on a daily basis for some of us in this country. Just because you haven't experienced racism doesn't mean it doesn't exist. People like you are the reason why racism will never be eradicated in this country because you have no empathy for the pain some of us suffer daily. This whole conversation makes me so sad because I never thought this country would still continue to have the same thoughts that were prevalent in previous years. Racism is very real today in this country. If you are not trying to fix this problem, you are the problem. Period.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Read what was written. It doesn't talk about racism in the United States, it was referring to the over use and accusation of the term racist.
You can call no one ignorant. I question your level of reading comprehension.
" It is very real on a daily basis for some of us in this country."
yes, it is being kept alive and well by some that constantly want to make you feel less than you are... And the true perpetrators are those on the left. They keep people of color in constant awareness that they are different. Maybe it's time to realize this country has come a very long way, and most people respect and see no difference in Black and white...
Rradmemikenow, you have no intention on having a productive conversation. I still stand by what I said. You are showing your ignorance just like our President. You don't want to hear facts. This President is a lying racist. That's a fact. You can spin it any way you want but that's a fact Sir. Blah blah blah
Not only is Pansy Pants Trump racist he's a psychopathic racist if you believe your own eyes when he exhibits almost every symptom of psychopathy in public: SEARCH "Symptoms of Psychopathy" then get ready to fall right off your chair:
I don't like having a battle of wits with people who are obviously unarmed.
Mark Twain
I think some people in these forums and especially our president are suffering from the Dunning Kruger Effect.
Peoplepower, I agree. I can't believe some of the responses my posts get from people. They do hate it when their claims are proven to be wrong by me.
LOL: I meant that for you and people like you and Trump. Or are you just being sarcastic?
Actually, having a little fun with you.
Guess who said this? (and it wasn't Donald Trump)
"Being right is made difficult when less than intelligent people aren't able to prove that you wrong."
Sharlee01, this country has come a long way, but the point is that racism still exist in this country whether it comes from the right or the left but it most certainly shouldn't come from the President. Trump has been a racist for many years. I don't think all Republicans are racist, but I think those that aren't racist need to stand up to the bad apples and hold them accountable for the hate they spew and that applies to the right and the left. We all have a right to be in this country. We all have a right to live in any neighborhood we want, expect equal pay as our white counterparts, treated fairly in our workplaces, and be able to be given respect in this country. The bottom line is that we are all citizens of this country and we have to be able to coexist. You can be racist at the dining room table with your family, but there is no room for racism when you are a public servant and your job is to represent ALL of the people that live in this country. It's not right or left. It's right or wrong. It's being a decent human being and respecting everyone's differences.
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