“Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.
“I was appalled by what I saw in the video, but I support the Portland Police Bureau’s decision not to intervene,” he said at a press conference. “This whole incident will be investigated.”
The video posted by journalist Andy C. Ngo showed protesters, including members of antifa and Black Lives Matter, blocking an intersection and attempting to direct traffic at while officers on motorcycle watched from a block away.”
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/20 … iZ652-tOmA
Am I the only one who sees this as very wrong on many levels and in many ways?
That's disgusting. So, because you falsely label people fascists then it's ok with you for them to be injured?
Would you be ok with a conservative attacking someone they labeled a socialist?
I've seen a lot of footage. One where a guy from out of state was visiting, they refused to allow him to move and shouted vulgarities at him all the while.
Portland is just a weird place to live. That wouldn't fly in most localities.
Proud Boys would never come up north to the NY/NJ Metro area and they know why. They'd be eaten alive by the Crips and Bloods and other inner city gangs.
So they stick to places they know they can get away with their Nazism.
As one of those Proud Boys told a reporter covering that Oregon rally, "We got what we wanted. We got the attention of the president and he supports us."
But Trump is not a racist?
I don't know why an article from 2018 is important now, but anyway:
Did the protesters shoot dozens of white Republican Christians with assault rifles after the driver came within inches of running into them?
Now, come on, LTL. You know the point I'm trying to make.
Legal protesters by members of the far left who yell at a driver don't even come close to mass murder by members of the far right.
Please don't imply the two are equally wrong.
Both are wrong. Sorry. I think hateful language, emotionally charged attacks, promote violence as much as, if not more than, twisting common phrases in order to claim racism and feign outrage.
An yet they promote anger and fear in the car drivers. They promote strong dislike (I hesitate at calling it hatred). They intentionally disrupt the lives of others, causing anguish.
Is this not exactly what President Trump is accused of doing, and taken to task for? And the protesters go further, causing immediate damage to the property of innocent people. It may not be in the same class as murder, but it is certainly on the same road, and incites others to violence.
What mass murders did that small group of yelling people from a year ago incite around the country?
"It may not be in the same class as murder."
It's not a maybe. The far right on here and elsewhere seems to think that protesting by the far left is just as evil as mass murder by the far right.
That's pathetic.
You know this is exactly the kind of distraction you expect from anyone who would support a lying racist.
Here is an interesting article on how Trump is emulating Hitler with his rhetoric:
https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019 … etoric-and
I think it's what they call a false equivalency.
Interesting article. Some politicians study videos of famous orators, including Hitler. Even though Hitler was evil, he was a great orator.
If you watch some Trump and Hitler speeches with the sound turned off, they seem to use some of the same body language, especially when they pump their arms up and down.
https://www.businessinsider.com/donald- … bed-2015-8
Pathetic, maybe. But for sure what is pathetic is the millions of people spreading hate, spreading their vitriol on social media, promoting as much divisiveness and discord as possible and then sitting back in their easy chair and saying "I played no part in the violence in our society. I didn't kill anybody!". Thats pathetic!
Pathetic, maybe. But for sure what is pathetic is President Trump spreading hate, spreading his vitriol on social media, promoting as much divisiveness and discord as possible and then sitting back in his easy chair and saying "I played no part in the violence in our society. I didn't kill anybody!". That's pathetic!
Yep. And it is SO different than the people right here on HP spreading their vitriol on social media.
Figured that would be a response - I can do whatever I please and it has no effect, but Trump must adhere to much higher standards than I set for myself.
But you continue with the Trump bashing - I'm not particularly interested. My only point was that we as a people are playing a part in the violence we suffer, and it is not a small part. And then we blame it all on the political figure of the "wrong" party, and anyone that belongs to that party, as if assigning blame to someone else relieves us of our own responsibility for what we're becoming.
Okay, I agree with that last paragraph.
I mean, as a for instance, somehow we have to come together on gun control issues. I think red flag laws are a good start, but I agree with you that you just can't bury your head about violent video games and how our culture has changed in terms of how we expose our children to violence on a daily basis.
I will say this though, Trump is different. He's expressing the hate. With Obama, he wasn't going on Twitter daily and launching hate-filled invectives at people. For the most part, the hate was directed at him. Now, would the hate be directed at Trump regardless of what he says? Probably, Bush was called a Nazi so I have not doubt. The point is, this President is different.
Let's remember that you have a President actively promoting a conspiracy theory that Jeff Epstein was murdered by the Clintons.
We generally get a president that we deserve and that mirrors our own morality. Usually.
But if you think Trump's invective, usually against those that have first attacked him, take a look at posts from some of our own here on HP. Jake Earthshine comes to mind, and there are others as well. He has been termed insane, a racist, a misogynist, and a white supremacist, just for starters. We also see that anyone supporting any (any!) of Trumps proposal suffer the same name calling and hate speech.
So...not pointing at you directly, but if we want something different the first project is to clean up our own act and THEN demand it. Walk the walk, in other words. Yeah - this president is different than the last (but no different from some from the past), with his loose and uncaring mouth. If we don't like it, though, clean up our own act first and quit spreading the hate and anger. Then require a president that aligns with our own sense of what is acceptable and what is not.
Including not just empty words, but the actions as well! We're finding that many of our elected "leaders" are true slimeballs at heart...and then put them right back in office!
A meme here on HP ( https://hubpages.com/politics/forum/344 … ost4090268 ) says it well; although an exaggeration in some places (don't all memes?) it has far too much truth in it to ignore.
Beating people unconscious with bats and hammers and rocks is not simply "far left who yell at a driver" to quote your words.
Antifa promotes violence and hatred. Be honest for a change.
https://wjla.com/news/nation-world/why- … and-oregon
https://www.independentsentinel.com/ant … with-bats/
1. You are linking to ANOTHER set of links to anonymous, right-wing websites that mangle facts for the sake of Trump propaganda.
2. When will you people ever learn?
3. Your links have nothing to do with the video we were discussing.
4. A right-wing "journalist" claims he was attacked, but oddly, no one got charged.
Be honest for a change? How hypocritical. And how dare you try to equate a protest by the far left with mass murder by the far right.
Utterly shameless.
You know, Promisem, I think it is too.
Talk about a right wing "crock"?
Thanks, Credence. Some of the comments are so out of touch with logic, facts and reality that I'm beginning to wonder who these people really are.
We know who they are, they will do anything to support their movements and their favorite step children, lie, distract and mislead. I wonder how many violent fists fights and assaults have been associated with Right leaning mobs? Of course, we are not going to hear about that.
Regardless of what they say, MURDER TRUMPS ASSUALT
Agreed, we won't hear about violence from the far right. When I posted the list below on another thread, the only response I got was a denial that it was right-wing violence.
- Massacre in El Paso targeting Mexicans
- Bomber in Vegas targeting synagogues
- Burning of black churches in Louisiana
- Mass murder of blacks at a Charleston church
- Mass murder of Jews at a Pittsburg synagogue
- Mass murder at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin
- Mass shooting and murder at a San Diego synagogue
- Charlottesville race riot and murder
- Obama and Pelosi bomber who just got sent to prison
More deflection, as usual.
However, I see you are unable to debate intelligently. Well, as Mike is fond of saying, "Bless your heart." Not everyone has the gift of reading comprehension or fact finding. I'm sure you and Randy and Jake will have fun trolling all by yourselves.
How is his post a deflection? Every numbered item, with the exception of number 2, directly addresses you post. Are you not capable of responding?
"1. You are linking to ANOTHER set of links to anonymous, right-wing websites that mangle facts for the sake of Trump propaganda. " If this is not true, simply prove it to be false.
"3. Your links have nothing to do with the video we were discussing. " If this is not true, simply demonstrate how the links do relate to the video,
"4. A right-wing "journalist" claims he was attacked, but oddly, no one got charged." If this is untrue, prove it.
Prove to us that 1) you have "the gift of reading comprehension", and 2) you are "able to debate intelligently" by addressing his statements.
And yet you don't address any of my factual points. You simply resort to the usual personal attacks by the far right on here.
Comparing intelligence requires at least some intelligence.
Are you attacking me personally for countering your comment that "Legal protesters by members of the far left (ANTIFA) who yell at a driver...??" You do understand this is Forum, right?
Bless your heart. You don't know any better. Let me spell it out for you. Beating people unconscious is NOT the same as yelling. Intelligent and reasonable people know that.
I am sorry it is so difficult for you to understand that yelling vs. beating people unconscious is not the same thing. Maybe if ANTIFA had beat you unconscious instead of just yelling at you,,,, maybe then you would understand.
But of course, they would never beat you unconscious because you support their violence. That is why, bless your heart, you will never understand the pain of an elderly man who was beat senseless, as well as many others, at the hands of your friends in ANTIFA.
FYI: This forum is about ANTIFA, in case you've already forgotten.
You attacked me personally out of the blue.
You still aren't addressing my points.
You still fail to realize we were talking about a specific incident and not something else.
You still equate protests by the far left with mass murder by the far right.
You still think right-wing propaganda websites tell you the truth.
I find it hard to believe that anyone with such a callous disregard for people can be an expert on "savvy dating" or any other kind of relationships.
Two things.
1. No reasonable person could say something isn't askew in Portland. I saw the video. If you are talking about the conservative I think you are.
2. Decent, reasonable, non emotional voices on both sides have called out the asinine habit of blaming a group for the violence of an individual.
I expected better of you.
" A right-wing "journalist" claims he was attacked, but oddly, no one got charged." There were charged with his assault.
Come on this journalist has been all over the media, Antifa beat him so badly he was hospitalized and had a brain injury. You seem to disapprove of the link that has been provided to prove this claim. I have added a few that you should approve of.
https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2019/07/0 … ay-vpx.cnn
https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/45471 … ain-injury
"When will you people ever learn"
What a smug self-righteous thing to say...
You are talking to a guy who glossed over racist comments by Joe Biden. I presume, because Biden is a democrat.
Wow, what a true cheap shot. That's the lowest comment you have made to me in years. None of my comments toward you have been personal or disrespectful.
I thought you and I had worked out a reasonable level of civility despite some differences of opinion. I was wrong. So be it.
I will forgive you if you delete the post or apologize.
Bullcrap. I asked you for a source for the comment you claimed he made.
I thought calling Biden racist because he said poor kids (meaning black) are as bright as white kids is ridiculous.
Nor did I change the wording. I came back with another part of the same quote to show his intent.
You took my comments personally because I dared to challenge you. Nothing I said deserved such a cheap shot.
I'm not Biden. How could I take your comments personally? I find it sad that Trump can use a standard every day term and it is argued as racist but Biden makes a racist statement and it is glossed over.
This is why I don't take outrage from the left seriously.
You don't seem to take right-wing massacres seriously, either.
See the thread about a more logical explanation. I take all massacres seriously. I just don't come to ignorant conclusions.
I've read all the exchanges here, and I have a crystal clear picture of what has transpired.
You're right. She hasn't seen the other threads.
Are you referring to me? Your statement makes no sense.
I wasn't referring to you, I was agreeing with you, as far as the comment about me was concerned,
Live to Learn.....Promisem stated he would "forgive you." I found that quite odd, but I will stay out of your threads from now on. It is in my nature to defend women who should not apologize unnecessarily.
Don't be that way. Like I said. I appreciate the sentiment. I'm like you. If I see someone I think is being a bully I stand up for the person I think is being bullied. The demand for an apology from him I ignored because it was an ignorant request.
But, in all fairness, I did comment about the fact that he tried to gloss over a racist statement because it came from a Democrat. So, he was within his rights to react.
I appreciate the sentiment but I did get fretted that a racist statement by a Democrat got glossed over by a hubber and I did comment to that effect. That hubber got upset in response.
Still stalking me. More ignorant garbage. Again, he claimed he was attacked. Again, no one was charged despite plenty of video evidence.
From your own ignorant links:
"But Ngo, who has demanded that Portland police take more action, expressed dismay Thursday that none of his alleged attackers have been arrested or held accountable."
Again, when will you ever learn?
They're desperate to change the focus from their president's fueling of white supremacist hate and this is the best they can do.
I had the same thought. It's a distraction from the massacres of blacks, Jews and Hispanics by white supremacists.
I can't believe my former party has sunk so far down into the gutter.
I knew the same ones who always defend Trump were behind this thread. It's all they can do to try and rationalize his actions and words. It's almost a daily routine....
Yes. Ditto. The same old crowd who has Trump hatred on the brain so heavily, can't have a thought which doesn't include some attempt at insult to those they disagree with on that one subject.
We know you guys hate Trump. We know you guys hate anyone who doesn't hate Trump.
This thread wasn't about Trump. I would say the best you've done is showcase, once again, that anything goes if you are a Trump hater. The foolishness in Portland is just a ok with you because, they claim they are anti Trump.
I don't hate anyone, but I know it's easier on your conscience to call our legitimate criticisms "hate."
Delusions are hard to counter.
Once again using the "hate" term like Limbaugh and Hannity to describe Trump's many antagonists. Why don't you throw in the Right's usual "you just hate America" or the well used, "you're not patriotic", BS for a change, LTL?
Hard to find words... I guess I can say I am pleased they represent the left.
You left out many many others who were cheated by Trump in his many lawsuits, failed businesses, and bankruptcies, Mike. Of course we don't know what political affiliation they have, but I'd wager they'd want a chance of confronting him themselves.
I think there are some people here Randy who, every time a discussion ensues about some kind of hate crime or other crime against blacks or hispanics or whomever, they seemingly always counter with some suggestion that it's really white people who are being maligned in this country.
Seems like classic racist behavior to me. Can't engage a simple issue without falling back on how bad white people have it. Reminds me of how white people got all bothered by "Black Lives Matter" by saying "All Lives Matter". Also classic racism.
They are indeed committed, Crank. Here in the Deep South I'm inured--if not immune--to racists claiming god, guns, and white men rule. Trump supporters all..
I don't know if you haven't seen the footage the rest of us have seen but Antifa doesn't target only what you label white people. They target anyone and everyone who disagrees with their ideology and tactics.
They've attacked whites, blacks, brown people, gays, etc. Any they choose to.
The left is the group always concerned with identity politics. Not the right.
Antifa is just the red headed alt left stepchild that the main stream left refuses to call out for their behavior and that's the real problem. By not calling it out for what it is most are left to assume they approve.
Antifa is what happens when people get sick and tired of being marginalized. Kind of like the Black Panthers. While white people generally hate their tactics, pushing people toward a place where violence is their only option is what happens when you're marginalized and people in power only pay lip service to your concerns.
Antifa's originaly "charter" was anti-fascism. I'm sure it's gotten beyond what its organizers intended. However, racists conveniently lump in BLM with the organization for the simple reason of marginalizing that groups concerns as well. The original intent of the two groups has little to do with each other, but you will see your classic racists lump them together as if they're the same thing.
You can say Antifa is "left" all you want - like left because anti-fascism is left and fascism is right on the political wheel. Go ahead. Just shows your ignorance. The main difference is that Antifa isn't a functioning organization within liberal politics whereas white nationalists are part of Trump's core support. There's a big difference there. The left still marginalizes Antifa. The right has normalized white nationalism.
Again, the footage shows a bunch of hostile white kids, interspersed with a smattering of people that might be identified as marginalised groups.
They agree with pretty much everything some in Congress now espouse so don't say they aren't left. If you claim neo Nazis are right then you've got to take responsibility for the other far end.
It's shocking you don't understand the difference. The left does not claim these people as members nor does it encourage their activities. Not a single liberal I know has anything to do with Antifa, though most liberals I know are indeed anti-fascist. Are you?
However, neo-Nazis now appear to be a core part of Trump's base. Next time you're rallying with them, ask them if they feel welcome in the Republican Party.
"The worst part is how prominent media figures and politicians glamorize and even promote antifa as a movement for a just cause. CNN’s Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon have defended antifa on-air. Chuck Todd invited antifa ideologue Mark Bray on “Meet the Press” to explain why antifa’s political violence is “ethical.”
https://nypost.com/2019/07/17/liberals- … escalates/
But Mike, all of the above is politically correct for some. Hypocrisy has become epidemic among those on the left. I always wonder, when one buries their head in the sand, how do they keep sand out of one's eyes?
"So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. Just knock the hell .... I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise."
(Donald Trump)
"I'll beat the crap out of you"
(Donald Trump)
"You know, part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore, right?"
(Donald Trump)
"The audience hit back and that's what we need a little bit more of."
(Donald Trump)
"They used to treat them very, very rough, and when they protested once, they would not do it again so easily . . . we've become weak."
(Donald Trump)
"Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court, don't worry about it."
(Donald Trump)
"I'd like to punch him in the face."
(Donald Trump)
"Maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing"
(Donald Trump)
Are you suggesting one is ok and one is not?
That reply was to another comment.
In your case: "Are you suggesting one is ok and one is not?"
I am suggesting that a Trump supporter calling The Left hypocritical on the issue of violent statements given everything that Trump has said, is so far beyond hypocritical, it enters the realm of the absurd.
Call it all out, as I have done. Across the board. Giving no quarter to either side. It's either all or nothing. If you don't look at it all squarely in the face you are a hypocrite.
Did you even read the list Mike posted? Perhaps you are blind to the actual words these fools spoke? They talk about KILLING, they talk about blowing up, they talk about shooting a president, they talk about get in their faces, they talk about assassination! None of your Trump quotes come close to these forms of threats. It continues to amaze me how liberals can justify these forms of threats, and place such value in Trump's "I'll beat the crap out of you"
(Donald Trump)
Compare, what you have listed to those of what Mike poted. Perhaps you will see the hypocrisy or better yet why do you think the lefts statements should be excepted without concern?
I have no reason to trust anything you or Mike post on any subject. So when you provide links to reliable sources that prove every one of those quotes is an accurate reflection of what the person said, then I might pay them some credence.
Until then:
White Nationalist Terrorist: *kills hispanic people and justifies it using exactly the same language Trump uses to describe immigrants*
Sharlee01: "[The Left] talk about KILLING, they talk about blowing up, they talk about shooting a president, they talk about get in their faces, they talk about assassination!"
In your own words: "I always wonder, when one buries their head in the sand, how do they keep sand out of one's eyes?"
I do too.
Gee, suppose we shouldn't talk about the Bernie Sanders supporter who shot a Republican Congressman. I suppose we should also gloss over the fact that the shooter in Dayton, OH was a supporter of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Let's just not deal with those facts.
Are you saying the list of the statements from leftist is untrue? They are all very well documented.
I asked you if either Joe Biden's full comments or Cory Booker's full comments were accurately reflected in Mike's list. You haven't responded. I also asked you if you find either of those full comments to be objectionable. You haven't answered.
To refresh your memory....
Full Biden remarks:
"When a guy who ended up becoming our national leader said, 'I can grab a woman anywhere and she likes it' and then said, 'I made a mistake,'" Biden said Tuesday of Trump, according to video of the remarks posted on Facebook by the University of Miami College Democrats.
"They asked me would I like to debate this gentleman, and I said no. I said, 'If we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him,'" said Biden,
Cory Booker, 4/20/19:
While speaking to members of the West Las Vegas church on Saturday morning, Booker also shared a story in which he encouraged one of his own supporters against violence.
“I go to these meetings sometimes – I talk a lot about this one, the time where a guy comes up to me in the beginning before I spoke and he says to me, ‘I want you to punch Donald Trump in the face.’ And I looked at him and I go, ‘sir, that’s a felony,’” Booker said laughingly in audio of his remarks provided to The Hill, before adding, “and black guys like us we don’t get away with that. We don’t get away with that.”
Booker then said he told the supporter to listen to how he addressed issues.
“But I actually encourage him, I go, ‘Sir, listen to me, and then come up to me afterwards if you still think Donald Trump should be punched in the face.’ And I spent my time talking about the issues like I have here,” he said.
On 7/23/19
Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) said Monday that while he sometimes feels like "punching” President Trump, Democrats could not win by “fighting him on his tactics.”
Speaking to NBC's Seth Meyers, the 2020 presidential candidate recounted a past interaction with a supporter who suggested that he take a swing at the current president.
Echoing comments he made in April, Booker said that while “my testosterone sometimes makes me want to feel like punching" Trump, it wouldn't be good for the country or for Democrats as they seek to beat Trump in 2020.
This addresses only the first two items on Mike's list. Do you believe the statements on the list are accurate representations of Biden's and Booker's remarks? Also, do you find these full statements to be obhectionable?
I don't find your example statements objectionable.
I must follow up by asking do you think 5 through 13 are objectable? Do you think the majority of these statements use verbiage that speaks of violence?
Okay, so you don't find the full statements of #1 and #2 to be objectionable. Do you also agree that the full comments were misrepresented on the list?
You asked about #5-13. So far, of the two on the list that I have investigated, both have been a mischaracterization of the full remarks. That leads me to doubt the accuracy of the remaining statements on the list. Numbers 5-8 are celebrities. Can we agree that comments from celebrities are not as weighty as comments from the POTUS or other elected officials or public servants? I'd prefer not to check every comment on the list for accuracy, and unless I confirm it, I will not assume they are accurate given that the first two clearly were not.
#9 BLM chant they want dead cops and fry them like bacon.
https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/black … ton-rouge/
The above link discredits the allegations of a dead cops chant. I could find no reliable source to confirm or debunk the "fry them like bacon" chant.
That's #9. Do you care to tackle #10 or are you still willing to accept Mike's list at face value?
I think what I'm saying is pretty clear. Why should I accept something is true just because you and Mike say it is? When you provide links to reliable sources that prove every one of those quotes is an accurate reflection of what the person said, then I might pay them some credence. PP has already shown some of them are not an accurate reflection, which reaffirms my cautious stance.
Every point on Mikes list can be well document on youtube.
THanks for the links. The claims you and Mike say are true were numbered 1 - 13. So I've numbered the evidence you have posted based on the claim it relates to, as I see it.
You provided no evidence in your comment that relate to claims 1 - 4 that I could see.
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VTfHN1lTo8
Claim: Snoop Dogg made a video of a fake assassination. The video does depict Snoop Dogg pointing a toy gun at the head of someone who resembles Trump, as the words "BANG" come out of it. I have no idea what Snoop Dogg's political affiliation is, so I don't know on what basis you claim this relates to "the left"? He could be a fiscal conservative for all you know. But it does depict what was suggested, so I'll say it's mostly true for that reason alone.
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMCwx0q_82c
Claim: "Kathy Griffin posed with a severed bloody head of the president". Kathy Griffin did pose with a (fake) severed bloody head depicting Trump. True.
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF4_CuHjXE8
Claim: Depp joked about assassinating the president. That's a reasonable interpretation of what he said. True.
8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87uZ_atahP8
Claim: Madonna said she "wants to blow up the White House". She did not. As the video you posted clearly shows, she said: "Yes, I am angry. Yes I am outraged. Yes I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House, but I know this won't change anything. We cannot fall into despair." So the full quote shows her suggesting violence is not the answer, which is the opposite of what you and Mike suggested. False.
9. Claim: Black Lives Matter chanted they want dead cops and fry them like bacon. The video shows a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Minnesota, where some people did chant "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon". But the "dead cops" claim has been debunked. So half true.
10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Afu5kn6yhwI
Claim: "Antifa routinely assault conservatives". This video shows a group of anonymous people, with no outward signs of affiliation, smashing things and throwing fireworks. Unproven.
11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCNI0uXq1q8
Claim: AOC called border agents "Nazis". Neither of these videos show any such thing. Unproven.
12 and 13.
Claims: "Congress refuses to call out Ilhaam Omar for making anti-semitic remarks" and "The Squad supports terrorists of Palestine and Hamas and spews anti semantic (sic) rhetoric" . These videos do not prove either claim. In fact the speaker in one video makes a pretty good case against the hypocrisy of Republicans in Congress. Both unproven.
So 9 out of the 13 claims are unproven or shown to be false by the evidence you provided.
Of the four claims that are true, half true or mostly true, three are related to celebrities deliberately saying/ doing things intended to shock, rather than actual violent acts, or credible threats of violence.
As I suspected these claims do not demonstrate a propensity for violence on the left. They demonstrate the lengths to which some people will go to try to distract from the very real acts of terrorism being committed by white nationalist terrorists, who mimic the violent rhetoric used by mainstream right wing politicians, especially Donald Trump.
Now go ahead and compile a list of violence-related statements or acts from people affiliated with right-wing ideologies, and let's compare the two. Something tells me you won't. I wonder why?
I have not made any claims that there are not crimes committed by a right-wing activist? In my opinion, there is no defending violent rhetoric, no matter who commits it. Not sure why you would ask me to defend anyone on the right or left that support violence? I am not interested in defending any form of violence. It much seems you are very willing to defend some very factual incidence of violent ideology.
The point is that if you did such a comparison, you would see that the far-right has extremism all sewn up. In terms of extremist violence there is simply no equivalence between left and right wing extremists in the United States, particular in recent years.
A left-leaning celebrity saying something related to violence in an effort to shock, does not equate to a right-wing extremist killing tens of people because of their race, and that's just one of the examples of right-wing extremist violence I could cite.
The fact you are so desperately trying to avoid admitting is that right-wing ideologies currently resurgent in the country (neo-Nazism, White Supremacism, White Nationalism) breed violence.
Again I made no comparison between Right-wing groups and left-wing groups. I commented on Mikes list initially. I disagree with your analogy of the power celebrities have on promoting violence. They have a media platform to spread their ideology to a large audience.
You seem to be presuming to be able to predict what my thoughts re? This is odd. As I said I have not made any claims that there are not crimes committed by a right-wing activist? As I said in my last comment. In my opinion, there is no defending violent rhetoric, no matter who commits it. Do you fully read my comments or just have a mental block and concoct what you had hoped I would say? Once again I do not condone violence in any activist group, right or left. It is very clear and factual there is violence being committed on both sides.
After reading your comment it is obvious it's not me that is
"desperately trying to avoid admitting is that right-wing ideology currently resurgent in the country (neo-Nazism, White Supremacism, White Nationalism) breed violence." It is you not willing to admit the left does the same...
"Again I made no comparison between Right-wing groups and left-wing groups."
Exactly. You should. But I don't seem to be getting anywhere communicating with you. Maybe it's the way I'm communicating, so I'll translate my thoughts into language you may better understand:
The right has more whack jobs committing terrorist acts of violence in the country than the left does.
I'm not sure what it is about the ideas of the right that makes it so appealing to fanatics. The religious element? The fascist element? A combination of the two? Whatever the case may be, recent terrorist attacks show that violent nut bars seem to flock to the right, much more in this country in recent years than to the left.
So no, you are not making a comparison between left and right, I am. You understand? Me entiendes? Tu comprends? Sie verstehen? Sometimes I do feel like I'm speaking another language.
Keep you left and right idealism. Out of our left and right lanes. We have places to go that don't involve your temper tantrums
"Keep you left and right idealism. Out of our left and right lanes. We have places to go that don't involve your temper tantrums"
1. grammar is your friend.
2. are you certain "idealism" means what you think it does? Unless of course you meant to suggest I am seeking perfection, or that I hold the philosophical belief reality is fundamentally cerebral. If so, I'm not sure how either of those makes sense in the context of what's being discussed.
3. I'm sorry you find this fact disturbing, but it is reality. More fanatics committing terrorist acts of violence in the country right now subscribe to right-wing ideologies than to left-wing ideologies. Would you like some statistics to support that view? I do love a good statistic.
Ray is from "Westpalmbeach" according to his profile. Also spelled that way on his profile. Also he lists "nonsense political satire" as one of his talents. So there's that, Don.
An average of 2 pedestrians die every hour in the United States hit by vehicles.
Yeah, Aware, but they are accidents, not someone running around deliberately shooting people.
So therefore it's okay to murder people at the same rate? You equate the two as somehow the same? Oh right, I forget you live in Limbaugh territory. Never mind!
The average commuter spends one week stuck in traffic every year.
"Exactly. You should. But I don't seem to be getting anywhere communicating with you."
And you know why? Because you have a hard time respecting anyone else opinion. You very much appear to think your ideology on any given subject is pure truth, the final word. I find this odd... Just in your comment, you accuse me of being hard to communicate with. This is clearly because I don't agree with your individual thought process.
Not sure why you would say that? I always try to communicate showing facts when I can. And certainly, rarely insult someone else's opinion. I am blunt, but give respect to others even when disagreeing. I don't hide behind innuendos as many do. I have as much right to give my view as anyone else here on HP forum. I think it sad just to add a snarky two words just because you can... Don clearly was insulting, and my response was appropriate.
Does that mean you accept the fact there are currently more whack jobs from the right committing terrorist acts of violence than there are from the left? Or are you just going to pretend that's not the case and continue complaining about the likes of Madonna and Johnny Depp saying shocking things? If so, then your concern about politically motivated violence can't be that serious.
I have seen no real proof of your theory in regards that there are more whack jobs that lean right So, it would be very hard to discuss that subject. In my opinion, Antifa is a violent group, they come to fight and destroy property. There is one difference, the groups on the right, as a rule, apply for permits. They make no secret of where they will be protesting and what they will be protesting, and they don't wear masks. They also don't destroy property. In regards to celebrities, they have a good forum to promote their beliefs. When they speak out it, as a rule, their words are covered by media. They also use social media, and as a rule, they have a large following on social media. So, in my opinion, they have as much or more influence than President Trump hen it comes to words...
"I have seen no real proof of your theory in regards that there are more whack jobs that lean right"
Then you're not paying attention:
"This map reflects 32 domestic terrorist attacks, disrupted plots, threats of violence, and weapons stockpiling by individuals with a radical political or social agenda who lack direction or influence from foreign terrorist organizations in 2018"
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/ … n+2018.pdf
"[Antifa] also use social media, and as a rule, they have a large following on social media. So, in my opinion, they have as much or more influence than President Trump hen it comes to words..."
That statement is too idiotic for words, and I think you know it.
All of what Mike posted is well documented. One can choose to understand some of the statements in a different context. Can't fault you for that. Everyone has an opinion.
Well documented as mostly false. You forgot the "as mostly false" part.
I think she meant alternate facts instead of "a different context."
This thread, and the Charlottesville thread, and plenty of parts of other threads, are just blowing my mind. The amount of nonsense and lies some people will defend....it's kind of making me ill. I think it's time for a break from the never ending drivel.
It is tempting to simply let them pretend there's nothing Trump is doing or saying wrong. This what they want though...
Welcome to my world Sandy. Now you can understand why I find it so hard to find reasonable discussions to join.
I've never forgotten how Kellyanne Conway swallowed right before spitting out the phrase "alternative facts," as though she was pushing back the vomit rising from her gut, revolted by what she was about to say.
I've since decided it was quaint of me to think she felt any remorse at all.
Don, I don't believe you didn't cite sources.
Don't need to. I'm using your standard of truth. I typed it, therefore you have to accept it as true.
I don't agree. I don't have to accept it as true. I have to accept you provided statements without sources. So, it is what it is.
The same way the Right keeps the slime out of theirs.....
You know what Randy, you don't hear the extreme vile statement from Republicans.
Did you even read the list Mike posted? Perhaps you are blind to the actual words these fools spoke? They talk about KILLING, they talk about blowing up, they talk about shooting a president, they talk about get in their faces, they talk about assassination! None of your Trump quotes come close to these forms of threats. It continues to amaze me how liberals can justify these forms of threats, and place such value in Trump's "I'll beat the crap out of you"
(Donald Trump)
Compare, what you have listed to those of what Mike poted. Perhaps you will see the hypocrisy or better yet why do you think the lefts statements should be excepted without concern?
BS. What a load of garbage, Shar. We put up with this crap against President Obama for eight years. Eight years of people posting photos of him with a noose around his neck. 8 years of the n-word being launched about. 8 years of him being called a Muslim and charges he wasn't born in the U.S. and charges he was illegitimate because of it.
How convenient you just forget all of that and excuse it away. And now the racists got what they wanted and they're having a field day. Join the crowd!
You beat me to it, Crank. Some indulge in hypocrisy as they protest THEIR anger against the left. They forget what Obama had to endure and his words were never as inflammatory as Trump's.
Good, deflect hen in trouble facing facts bring in Obama. Why not just compare the vile statements Dems have a history of making against Trump's pretty mild statements.
Stock market under Trump: up 29%
Stock market under Reagan: up 118%
Stock market under Obama: up 148%
Stock market under Clinton: up 210%
So tell me why you aren't singing the praises of Obama and Clinton particularly when this is your measure of Presidential success and President Trump's OWN measure of success?
Must add Trump has only been in office a little over two years. Under President Donald Trump, the Dow topped 25,000 points for the first time in HISTORY Investor confidence under Trump has been boosted by strong fundamental conditions and likely the president's pro-business agenda. The U.S. economy has added 6.3 million jobs in the last months, and the unemployment rate now stands at 3.7 percent, the lowest level since the 1960s.
I suggest we wait until Trump leaves the WH to check his final numbers.
Good, you add that. And why don't you go look up where the stock market was a little over two years Obama was in office and then explain to me why you weren't singing Obama's praises then and why you weren't singing his praises when he left office and your 401k hadn't evaporated. Oh, hey, I'll look it up for you: 46%. That must mean that Obama was a better President than Trump?
And I'll repeat - George W. Bush did this same thing - pro-Business, de-regulation. Oh, where did that get us? What you fail to understand is that Obama was pro-business, pro-capitalist, pretty much center when it came to economic policy.
There's something analogous in this recent immigration raid - tear the families apart, vilify the men and women who are coming here and working and finding jobs. Let the businesses do whatever they want. Is that what you mean by pro-business?
I notice no reaction to the Obama poster. No condemnation. No nothing. Just laughter. So funny. That Muslim deserve what he got.
Do you think families would be "torn apart" or people would be "vilified" if they followed the law? Or are the tear jerking labels applied to criminals equally, whether citizens or not?
Do we "tear apart families" of drug dealers, repeat DUI offenders, thieves, etc, or is it just those that violate immigration laws? Do we "vilify" murderers, crack producers, tax evaders, etc. or is it just the one set of criminals that violate immigration laws?
I just got off jury duty where a man was convicted of threatening a shop owner with a bottle of wine and having marijuana and a pipe, his third offense and he could be facing years of imprisonment. Don't know if he was married with children or not, but if he was we certainly tore his family apart - is that different somehow from those violating immigration laws, work restrictions, DWP laws, etc. every day that passes?
Should we simply ignore any lawbreakers that have kids? Let them do as they please rather than "tear the families apart"?
I am not sure when this conversation drifted into everything Obama? It is very clear we have a different opinion on Obama and his job performance. So, I find it very futile to continue anything Obama. I actually have called him the do-nothing president, and I will stick with my opinion.
And now you deflect to yet anther subject, immigration. I can make this conversation short and to the point. I fully approve of ICE riads especially of businesses that are breaking our laws. I am totally for following our immigration laws, deporting anyone that can be deported legally... In regards to separating their children. The parents are responsible for the well being of their children. They made the decision to break the law. I expect our laws to be followed in regards to deportation. Not sure of what happens when a parent is here illegally and has a child here? Hopefully, the parent will take their child or children with them when they are deported. Otherwise, it's sad for the child. Again up to the parent that broke our laws... Hopefully, that covers my opinion on" women coming here to work illegally". Hopefully, the business owner is.prosicuted. We have laws that provide people to come work in America legally, I expect all immigrants to follow those laws.
Makes a difference, doesn't it, when 3 examples are over 8 years and 1 is only two and a half? Is it possible that the comparison is used to draw a desired conclusion?
Yes, it makes a big difference. Trump's tenor has shown record after record being broken in regards to our economy. Not sure why anyone would even want to compare his job performance. Especially only two years in.
Some just need to grasp at straws.
I'm afraid you folks aren't keeping up with the economy.
How do they do this? I really don't know.
The information I find says the NY Stock Exchange closes at 4 pm Eastern Time.
Your link has a published date and time of 2:47 am Weds. 8/14/2019. I thought that must be a typo. How can an article be written about the closing numbers almost 14 hours before the market closes.
In looking for confirmation I found an ABC News article that said essentially the same thing and it's published date and time was 4:06 pm - 6 minutes after the market closed.
I can understand preparing an article and grabbing the last minute details to finish it, but 6 minutes - that's fast. But given the focus to be first with the news, I suppose it is understandable.
Any thoughts, besides a typo, for your link's published time promisem?
Many website content management systems such as the two I use track both the original date and time as well as the dates and times of any updates to an article.
I believe 2:47 a.m. at CNBC was the original publication time and that the article was updated repeatedly since that time. In fact, the article does say "Last update 15 minutes ago". ABC is probably showing only the time for the most recent update.
"How do they do this?"
If you mean how do people track the economy, it's just a matter of watching a few numbers on a regular basis:
- The 1-year trend of the stock market
- 1-year trend of the 10-year Treasury bond
- Federal Reserve's GDP Now report
I check them every day to protect and make changes in my retirement accounts. The numbers often show when bad news is on the way, kind of like a weather forecast.
I can assure you I am keeping up with the progress being made in regard to our economy.
Then how do you explain this list?
- Panic buying in safe havens of gold, silver and Treasury bonds.
- 30-year Treasury bonds reach a historic low.
- Stock market teeters on a collapse that many experts are predicting.
- Government yields worldwide turn negative. You have to pay them to hold your money.
- Federal Reserve cuts interest rates to stop the plunge.
- 2-year and 10-year bond yields invert, which has predicted every recession in the last 50 years.
Shar, I gave you a fact. The stock market was up 148% when Obama left office and you call him the do nothing President.
What do you call Trump given the facts?
Facts must suck for you.
In regards, to my comment do nothing president...Two words can depict my feelings about Obama time in office... Syrian genocide. He sat by while 500 thousand Syrians were killed. As I said we are two years into Trump time in office... I don't feel one can compare a two-year tenor to Obama's 8-year tenor. "Facts must suck for you." Yes facts matter, I guess anyone that would be truly interested in facts would compare at the end of Trump's time in office. I think it wise we agree to disagree in regards to Obama's job performance. Historians will depict his accomplishments and his great failure which was the genocide in Syria. Not many leaders are associated with genocide, now are they.
I am not trying to be argumentive. Simply pointing out my feelings in regards to Obama's presidency.
Wilderness, I actually think you and I agree on immigration. My point was simply that the immigrants are being vilified.
Why are the businesses not being vilified for hiring them?
Why don't we find the CEO's of those companies and send them back to where they came from?
Good, deflect when in trouble facing facts bring in Obama. Why not just compare the vile statements Dems have a history of making against Trump's pretty mild statements. I am not deflecting to any other subject. Sorry, address the subject.
You are clearly the one with trouble understanding facts.
The stock market when Obama left was up 148%. In the same amount of time he was in office that Trump is in now, Obama nearly doubled Trump's stock market accomplishment.
Yet, Obama is the do-nothing President?
And when pictures of the President you voted for are circulated featuring him hanged, you want us to play nice with the opposition's President? How does that work?
Syria? We were talking about the economy.
You're what I call a hypocrite. And you appear to be mathematically illiterate. 25,000! And Obama was the first to 19,000! So what? Almost every President has hit a stock market peak because the stock market overall has been rising since its inception. That's one of the dumbest comments I've ever seen.
You provided a metric for presidential job performance - the stock market. I did not provide the metric. YOU DID. You said we can say Trump is great by how the stock market is doing.
You said Trump is doing great because of the stock market.
Yet, the facts show that Obama did better. He did better overall and he did better when you compare the same amount of time in office.
Yet, you say Trump is great and Obama sucks. That's called hypocrisy. You used a metric that supports the conclusion that Obama was twice as good as Trump during his first two years in office, but your conclusion was the opposite of that.
And I don't believe for a second you care about Syria nor do you have any idea how that problem should be solved (to be fair, nobody does). Bringing up the Middle East is the ultimate deflection since there's no solution over there and Trump has done little to nothing there as well. Do you actually, suddenly believe that the Syrian issue has been solved? They've been doing what they've always done and nothing Trump has done since he's been in office has altered it in any way.
I'll leave you alone and stop attacking you. I can have better conversations with my 8-year-old.
My comment
Good, deflect when in trouble facing facts bring in Obama. Why not just compare the vile statements Dems have a history of making against Trump's pretty mild statements. I am not deflecting to any other subject. Sorry, address the subject.
You have a difficult time staying on the subject? I started out on this thread discussing the subject. You deflected off subject. Anyone can see the progression. You do this frequently. I never accused you of attacking me? I was polite and said we must agree to disagree. I made an attempt to stop the conversation giving you my opinion about Obama. It is you that chose to make an attempt to converse. It s very clear we don't agree on anything. Let's call it a day. I won't comment on your posts please do me the same courtesy.
I am not willing to deflect to another subject... It makes it easy for you not to address my comment. We are discussing Mikes post of all the nasty violent statements liberal celebrities, as well as politicians, have made. And in my book, they will outdo any of Trump's rally statements. I can see you have your head in the sand, and fingers in your ears. Your outrage goes nowhere when you deflect and don't address the subject!
Compare, what you have listed to those of what Mike poted. Perhaps you will see the hypocrisy or better yet why do you think the lefts statements should be excepted without concern?
Full Biden remarks:
"When a guy who ended up becoming our national leader said, 'I can grab a woman anywhere and she likes it' and then said, 'I made a mistake,'" Biden said Tuesday of Trump, according to video of the remarks posted on Facebook by the University of Miami College Democrats.
"They asked me would I like to debate this gentleman, and I said no. I said, 'If we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him,'" said Biden,
I am thankful for men like Joe Biden (and my husband, my brother, my two sons, my best friend's husband....you get the idea) who will defend myself and other women against creeps like Donald Trump.
That's one on the list. More to come as I have time.
PP, seriously? This again?
Let me ask you this. If this is true, why wasn't law enforcement notified? Why did her parents bypass the legal consequences and instead go for a civil lawsuit for financial damages? Here is where the story gets a little offbeat.
You have a 13 year old daughter. She tells you she has been raped by a prominent businessman. Which of the following do you do.
1. Do nothing.
2. Contact law enforcement and let them begin an investigation.
3. File a civil lawsuit for a financial damage award.
I would do #2 and tell them I'm the one who sent him from this world. I would NEVER consider not contacting law enforcement and having an investigation and instead file a civil lawsuit for financial damages. What kind of a parent wants to make money off of their child's rape?
THEN, drop the civil lawsuit when it gets media attention.
The entire situation stinks. Yet, the press still runs with it.
All examples alleged? Odd none would bring charges?
No charges against Biden, either, so what was your point again? Or did you have one?
Very true... Guess that might just make one think? I guess my point was, anyone can be accused, but it would hold water if charges were filed.
Maybe you need to read the comment I was responding to.
No charges against Biden, either, so what was your point again? Or did you have one?
Very true... Guess that might just make one think? I guess my point was, anyone can be accused, but it would hold water if charges were filed."
See what I mean?
Do you think Biden's statement, the full statement, was a reasonable response to a man who is now President of the United States bragging about grabbing women's pu$$ies without their consent?
What about Cory Booker's full statements? Were those accurately reflected on Mike's list? Do you find Booker's full comments to be objectionable?
I prefer not to deflect I was comparing Dems vile statement Mike posted against Trump's rally statements. I think you have broadened the subject without addressing the subject I was commenting on.
I would be interested in what you think on that subject? Check page 2 of this thread
Um, I am posting the full comments rather than letting Mike's false characterizations of those comments stand. They are a precise response to two items on Mike's list. Your post about Biden's touching allegations was off-topic.
So, I repeat:
Do you think Biden's statement, the full statement, was a reasonable response to a man who is now President of the United States bragging about grabbing women's pu$$ies without their consent?
What about Cory Booker's full statements? Were those accurately reflected on Mike's list? Do you find Booker's full comments to be objectionable?
Is it fair to say that when President Donald Trump made that statement he was NOT a politician and had NO serious plans to become one? It happened long before he ran for president.
Bottom line this her mother dropped the lawsuit.
After getting paid off. Trump has a history of doing so.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_aff … nald_Trump
Yes, very true. However, we will never know hat now, will we? Just not willing to condemn anyone just because I can. You must realize most knew Trump very well long before he ran for president? His womanizing, his business dealings, his personality? And I might add anyone that was not aware of the above mentioned certainly has gotten to know the man over the past two years? Not sure when some will realize it's part of why he won. Many were done with the promise, you everything politician.
I know what's coming. Hillary won the popular vote... Saved you some time, and energy. We still have the electoral college. And once again we are ready to use it... Up to our representatives to change the way we choose a president. And that status quo reps just have not done anything in regards to changing how we elect a president. So, kicking around the "Hillary won the popular vote means nothing.
To me, the bottom line is if your child is raped you go to the police and seek justice. Skipping that step and filing a civil suit for a financial reward just plain stinks.
Thankful for men like Joe Biden? Do you have any idea how he got the nickname "Creepy Uncle Joe?"
"Within the past week, two women have accused the former vice president of unwanted touching: Lucy Flores said he kissed the back of her head at a campaign event in 2014, and Amy Lappos said he “put his hand around my neck and pulled me in to rub noses with me” at a fundraiser in 2009. These accusations, coming in the #MeToo era, have prompted a reevaluation of Biden’s history of showing physical affection toward women and girls."
https://newrepublic.com/article/153457/ … eepy-uncle
Cory Booker, 4/20/19:
While speaking to members of the West Las Vegas church on Saturday morning, Booker also shared a story in which he encouraged one of his own supporters against violence.
“I go to these meetings sometimes – I talk a lot about this one, the time where a guy comes up to me in the beginning before I spoke and he says to me, ‘I want you to punch Donald Trump in the face.’ And I looked at him and I go, ‘sir, that’s a felony,’” Booker said laughingly in audio of his remarks provided to The Hill, before adding, “and black guys like us we don’t get away with that. We don’t get away with that.”
Booker then said he told the supporter to listen to how he addressed issues.
“But I actually encourage him, I go, ‘Sir, listen to me, and then come up to me afterwards if you still think Donald Trump should be punched in the face.’ And I spent my time talking about the issues like I have here,” he said.
On 7/23/19
Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) said Monday that while he sometimes feels like "punching” President Trump, Democrats could not win by “fighting him on his tactics.”
Speaking to NBC's Seth Meyers, the 2020 presidential candidate recounted a past interaction with a supporter who suggested that he take a swing at the current president.
Echoing comments he made in April, Booker said that while “my testosterone sometimes makes me want to feel like punching" Trump, it wouldn't be good for the country or for Democrats as they seek to beat Trump in 2020.
Someone's freedom of protest is not allowed to infringe on others freedom and liberty of movement. Freedom of movement is a human right. Above any constitutional right. Get the hell out of our way.
You really want an answer to whether you are wrong? YES you are. AntiFa has never massacred 250 people with AK47s or AR15s since the beginning of 2019.
That would be YOUR white Nationalists like the Proud Boys.
Posts like yours make me furious. I am ANTI Fascism. Why aren't you?
I had 3 brothers and half brothers who served in WWII when they were teens. Did you? They fought to stop NAZIs who now want to spread their hate and bigotry. Do you?
My father left Italy as a 7 year old boy because of FASCISTS. At that time, Fascists were confiscating properties, killing off property owners and to ensure no one would inherit, they killed of the oldest male in the family.
Were you cheering when your White Nationalists mowed down and killed a young girl in Charlottesville, held up traffic as they paraded down a main street with lighted tiki torches and armed with their AK47s?
Sorry black Lives DO matter. White males who are so threatened by black Americans are bigots. Time for you to admit it.
More left wing violence to come. Antifa and SJW's fighting to expand government, even though they think the government is racist and corrupt.
Does this mean the murders provoked by Trump's rhetoric are over for a while?
Or the Dayton murders provoked by Elizabeth Warren, Time will tell.
Shouldn't you be applauding Trump for his support of leftist red flag laws, bump stock bans, and tariffs? Or is it just about the party for you?
Not at all aa, it's about the country I'm often accused of hating by the right. Did Warren instigate the shooter in Dayton to shoot his sister?
It is kinda of dumb to compare the El Paso shooter who wrote a litany manifesto with a white nationalist bent with the shooter in Dayton. Just because someone supported Trump or Warren is not itself a motivation for a massacre.
What policy did Elizabeth Warren put forth as reason for the Dayton shooter to attack? What association? Just because he supported Warren politically?
There is no question based on the very words of the El Paso shooter from whose rhetoric he was getting his inspiration for the attack.
Do we continue to compare pineapples with hand granades? How dumb is that?
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