all your unanswered
- 6,158Did Trump Really Try To Implement a Coup?
IslandBites (2 months ago)
- 790What to do About Russia and Ukraine?
Nathanville (2 months ago)
- 560It's NOT ONLY a Woman's Right to Choose that is Disappearing ...
My Esoteric (5 months ago)
- 490The 118th Republican House
My Esoteric (7 months ago)
- 73Trump's Actual Campaign Slogan Should Read 'Make America Russia'
Miebakagh57 (9 months ago)
- 171Has Donald Trump Killed the So-Called Republican Party?
My Esoteric (9 months ago)
- 34Why do people risk death to get into America?
Sharlee01 (20 months ago)
- 0Are Republicans Trying to Defund the Police?
My Esoteric (20 months ago)
- 7Who will control the Senate in 2023?
My Esoteric (2 years ago)
- 85Did SCOTUS Finally Kill the Voting Rights Act?
My Esoteric (2 years ago)
- 222Is America's Constitutional Democracy Dead?
My Esoteric (4 years ago)
- 5,161The Impeachment of Donald Trump!
My Esoteric (4 years ago)
- 0Mueller Report - Basis of the Investigation
My Esoteric (5 years ago)
- 104Is the Sitting President, Donald Trump, a Russian Asset?
Ewent (5 years ago)
- 42With or Without Congress
Hxprof (5 years ago)
- 27Americans Think the Shutdown is Trump's Fault - Do You?
My Esoteric (5 years ago)
- 8Have Conservatives Fulfilled Donald Trump's Dream of Becoming King?
My Esoteric (5 years ago)
- 40By Leaving Syria, Donald Trump Has Upset the World Order
My Esoteric (5 years ago)
- 36Is (has) Donald Trump Destroyed America?
My Esoteric (5 years ago)
- 69Why Does Donald Trump Give a Pass to Murderous Dictators and Rulers?
My Esoteric (6 years ago)
- 9Should Bob Mueller Have Named Putin as a Conspirator?
ahorseback (6 years ago)
- 77Trump calls democrats at State of the Union treasonous.
peoplepower73 (6 years ago)
- 3Asgardia - a space nation. Is this a good idea?
jackclee lm (7 years ago)
- 23Do you think it is time for a civics test for public service?
ahorseback (7 years ago)
- 4"Elections have consequences" - Barack Obama
jackclee lm (7 years ago)
- 5A Continuing Discussion of the Election of Trump and his Inauguration
jackclee lm (7 years ago)
- 19Does Donald Trump Have Ties to the DNC Hack?
Sychophantastic (8 years ago)
- 4Is Sony's decision 2 cancel The Interview a threat 2 National Security
Robert Ellsworth (9 years ago)
- 12Esteemed Governor Andrew Cuomo indicated that New York State has no
wilderness (10 years ago)
- 147The Government Shutdown
adagio4639 (10 years ago)
- 6Does America really need to be democratic?
Mitch Alan (11 years ago)
- 6Is the federation violating the US Constitution?
innersmiff (11 years ago)
- 3A Naive Question About Democracy
wilderness (12 years ago)
- 47Khrushchev told us.....
Josak (12 years ago)
- 11A question of Equality or Invasion
readytoescape (12 years ago)
- 38Does The Press & Media Treat Sarah Palin Fairly?
2besure (13 years ago)
- 19Our Fantasy Nation
DTR0005 (13 years ago)
- 46Is being gay and marijuana punishments worst than the crime.
Castlepaloma (13 years ago)
- 1Obama the Winner in Lame Duck Session
C.J. Wright (13 years ago)
- 10Truth or Fiction - Books Banned by Sarah Phalin
American_Choices (14 years ago)
- 44"The rise and fall of America" a MUST READ for all
Jonathan Janco (14 years ago)
- 4Composition of parliaments
nextstopjupiter (14 years ago)
- 7Is Representative Democracy truly representative?
rhamson (14 years ago)
- 58Should we start requiring background checks on political candidates?
Cagsil (14 years ago)
- 2Obama - Dr No
wyanjen (14 years ago)
- 33Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain....
The Dix View (14 years ago)
- 61Do you believe the United States is bankrupt?
MikeNV (14 years ago)
- 7Democracy is the only road to socialism
gamergirl (14 years ago)
- 56your political party
Lisa HW (14 years ago)