If you're not going to get the vaccine, which is scientifically proved to be effective in preventing COVID, then insurance companies should drop you from their policies.
This is going to happen, and when it does, will not be anything other than capitalism and the free market at work.
If I'm an insurer, I'm dropping anybody who can't prove they're vaccinated because they represent a much higher risk of me having to pay out.
The alternative would be having separate insurance for the unvaccinated at much higher rates. However, as an insurer, the risk is so high, I'm not sure such a policy would be worth my time. That said, I'm sure they could calculate appropriate rates.
"Your health and wellness should be put at risk, because your health and wellness are at risk."
This is a comprehensive, well thought out, and unarguable point. You have defeated the anti-vax community singlehandedly.
First, what if they get something other than COVID? Still not insured?
Second, is that a path we should be careful of? Will we not insure fat people? Those that smoke? People that engage in dangerous sports? Folks that work outdoors (skin cancer)? Where does it end?
Then perhaps insurance companies can provide a carrot to the vaccinated - discounts on their insurance rates. Announce a national policy. All vaccinated people will see their insurance rates cut in half. Something like that.
That would be nice! If my insurance rates were cut in half I might even see my SS check go UP for once instead of down nearly every year.
If, that is, the politicians didn't double the medicare rates to pay for the extra medicaid for the unvaccinated people that get COVID...
That better than no health insurance to non vaccinated. Better than free donuts, pizza beer, icecream for free vaccines.
Our best insurance is our off grid community of 20 people do not allow vaxxers within our eco village. That insurance us not to not join the vaxxers genocide.
Is that not already happening Wilderness?
In Spain, there is a national healthcare system like in the UK.
Once I was out of this system for a year and had to look for private health insurance.
As because I've got Epilepsy no health insurance wanted to cover me with anything realted to epilepsy (acidents etc.)
Now I back on the national health service again, no problem there.
Where does it end? Well, insurance is a business, they take more care about the insurance company than the insured person. That's called capitalism.
So yes, I can imagine insurance companies making vaccinations mandatory, or you have to pay more.
It appears to me that people don't exactly have a problem when other people simply want mandated vaccines or facing a raised price, or whatever other consequences we could think of. The problems seem to arise when people appear to be having some sort of social/sociopolitical orgasm, if you can forgive my tasteless jest, at the thought of forcing people they don't like to do something they want them to do. This is a common theme throughout history as well, and letting people feel as if the decisions they've made were purely by their own hand is truly the only way to gain a long-term victory.
Then again, I'm included by the ignorant into the anti-vax crowd because I'm waiting until October 1st, 2024, to get my jabs.
People don't think about the bigger picture.
People are upset if the government asks you to get a vaccine to slow down Covid to help the hospitals and the stress on the care sector.
It's the same reaction as smokers are upset because they are not allowed to smoke anymore in airplanes or in government buildings. STOP that's against my freedom! I have the freedom to smoke where I want and when I want.
Nope, you don't, as smoking is not just a personal risk but also a communal risk.
The same with vaccination! It's not just a personal choice, it's a choice that affects the whole society and people should think about that. But most are too occupied with screaming "Freedom", forgetting that freedom is something for all and not just for one person.
Perhaps if the media made it their prerogative to present unbiased facts rather than sensationalism, more people would be ready and willing to get the jabs. Alas, it goes back to what I said, people want to get their social/sociopolitical rocks off any way they can, and that makes most anything difficult to follow factually.
According to the data, though, it doesn't seem to have much more than a marginal effect for a shrinking minority of people to refuse the vaccines, so I don't understand all of the uproar. I especially don't understand it within the context of other vaccine-treatable diseases not forcefully pushed anywhere near the same way. It's all a hot mess that I think people should have the right to personal choice on like most other things that are societal concerns we completely ignore.
There are a lot of things in the society where you don't have a personal choice. As there is the law of the country.
You don't have the personal choice to smoke in a bus
You don't have a personal choice to ignore a red traffic light
You don't have a personal choice to dump you rubbish everywhere you want.
etc etc.
Personal choice is limited and rightly so otherwise it would be one big mess.
Still, there's lots of freedom in the western world to say that you don't want a vaccine and to ignore the red traffic light.
To get sick and perhaps die is that person's own free choice. What's not in the person's own freedom is to kill somebody else in an accident.
Just sounds like preemptive punishment based on that false equivalent. If I can go to work without the flu shot, even encouraged to come to work or face consequences if I do not while sick, then COVID should be treated much in the same way. If you agree that all illnesses should be treated the same way, if the government can do the same with how the law views it all and the way they treat them, I'll support mandates and consequences like with most other issues.
Until then, this is one issue in a sea of bigger problems they're honing in on in some sort of possibly-reactionary, politicized maneuver that is confusing and enraging everyone on all sides. At the end of the day, we can all agree that this was and continues to be handled in a disgustingly poor way. From my personal perspective, the government wants me to make concessions when they will not do the same for me, which is why I will wait until the jabs switch over to the standard model for compensation.
If politicians can play the game of give and take with impunity, so can we, and so should we. Anyone who does not want a mutually fair exchange I can only assume they want to take some sort of moralistic, virtue-signaling stance, or otherwise don't understand the gravity of the data and their decisions.
I do fully agree.
It's disaster politics. During a disasters, politicians can do things they normally can't as the public would oppose.
Like the politics after 9/11 with the patriot act for instance. mass surveillance and tapping phones, all legal. etc
The same happens today.
And I do fear for things like covid-passports. Showing an app when you want to enter a mall.
It's where we're heading and I don't like it a bit.
I think waiting for an upgrade, as you plan to do is not a bad good idea. I would have done it myself as well, but I want to fly to the UK and so I need that jab.
I had two Pfizer jabs, and no side effects at all. So I guess it depends a bit on the circumstances of every individual. If you're working in a bar in a city, I def. can imagine you don't want to wait. If you live in a small town and do outside work, you wouldn't have any problems at all.
"From my personal perspective, the government wants me to make concessions when they will not do the same for me...."
That happens all over the world and is in my point of view not a right-wing nor a left-wing trait...sadly enough.
In the meantime, we've got to make the best of it. And not judge that quickly or point fingers.
Good friends of mine don't go for a vaccination, and although I've a different opinion I can accept that.
I don't play polar politics anyways, right and left are two punchlines to the same joke ideologically, and the only way to get some concessions is to refuse to make any of our own sometimes. We are in agreeance, though, personal choice is key to these matters until more data is available, or at least there are more viable nuanced options rather than just giving the government the middle finger or taking it on the chin with a smile.
I could swing either way, it all depends on how they choose to handle it going forward.
Please don't compare tobacco smoking to Covid deaths. Even after gave examples like the WHO TOP ten ways to die annually over Covid yearly, people just ignore and blow it all off.
TB, flu, smoking many others are still very contagious. Tobacco has killed 100 million in this world and 4 times greater than Covid the last aunnally. Yet the Vass majority don't move a hair. It's tying to make sense like God picking his favorite right religion to be with him in heaven.
The point, which you seem unable to comprehend, is that there are limitations to where you can smoke based on its affect to others. You don't have complete freedom to exercise your personal right to kill yourself by smoking.
Governments and doctors once told us in an era, tobacco is healthy for us. At least tobacco was the greatest genocide in history revenge by the true American natives. As for American natives were the greatest. Genocide in humans history.
Here we are ready for another one
It was the second hand smoke that is damaging that control those views.
No proof that vaccines work. All I know the speed of Covid deaths even in the slowest season. Had double in speed since the vaccines roll outs and top vaccines speaker claim it will get ten times worst.
No proof vaccines work has to be the most ridiculous comment I have seen here in a while.
Double the speed of Covid deaths is no way a sign of proof. In our village there are 19 non vaxxers and one anti vaxxer. Many here would take out insurance not for vaxxers in our village. It's mostly one-sided even though the world is near 7 billion not fully vaccinated. No democracy here.
Neither is quadruple the speed of Covid deaths, nor 100X the speed of Covid deaths.
Fortunately none of those things have happened. Not even the double. Instead the number of Covid-19 deaths has dropped like a stone.
You mean from the worlds end of 2020 under 2 million deaths.
To 4.3 million in August total.
Is not double the speed of the Covid deaths.
Time to get a new adding machine.
Hey, CP, my daughter and her boyfriend JUST tested negative for Covid 19 ... after (both of them) contracting it, testing positive and getting over it in about a week.
Her boyfriend was vaccinated. They caught it from someone who tested positive, who had been vaccinated.
Its all a hoax and a problem for the totally unhealthy.
The deaths for the older people ... could they have been given antibiotics?
Could they have lived had they been treated properly?
No, instead they died. How convenient.
No wonder New York's Governor is getting out of dodge. Ordered OUT.
Keep up the good work. I'm too furious to continue. Taking a break.
So using global numbers, but not comparing death rates to vaccination rates seems pretty pointless as evidence of your claim that vaccinations don't work.
In the US:
December 2020 had 70,981 deaths in the month before vaccinations started.
July 2021 with 50.8% fully vaccinated had just 8,100 deaths during the month.
Canada - December 2020, 3,400 deaths in the month, zero vaccinations.
Canada - July 2021, 385 deaths in the month, 58% fully vaccinated.
That's called proof.
"You don't have complete freedom to exercise your personal right to kill yourself by smoking."
Really? What law are you breaking?
Do you really not know of any? Amazing. Search laws restricting smoking. You'll find plenty.
Read what you wrote. "complete freedom to exercise your personal right to kill yourself by smoking."
That has NOTHING to do with smoking restrictions. People can still legally smoke as much as they like. There is no law against it. So, you CAN exercise your personal right to kill yourself by smoking.
Understand what I wrote. "complete freedom to exercise your personal right to kill yourself by smoking."
As much, but not wherever. A limitation would then equal a lack of complete freedom. If you cannot go somewhere and do something, you do not have complete freedom.
Okay, we can play with words a little.
You have complete freedom to engage in smoking. I agree, you do not have limitations on where you can engage in the activity. So, in that sense, you do not have "complete" freedom. But, you do have freedom to kill yourself by smoking.
Funny, cannibis is generally illegal only in a few countries and has killed nobody directly
Tobacco deaths 100 million not banned in every country in the world.
Yet controlled away from the public.
Self consumed.
Unvaccined banned from almost everyway.
No where to go soon.
Not consumed
Covid 4.3 million debatible deaths
I was talking about laws and freedom Paloma, not comparing deaths.
But the example illustrates that our so-called "freedom" is connected with the freedom of our neighbours, the neighbourhood, state, country, world.
There are rules in a society and thanks to those rules people die less often of throat cancer, lung cancer, traffic accidents, killings etc.
To reduce the deaths of Coivid something had to be done. One of the things is vaccination and minimalize gatherings, wearing a mask etc.
If you feel that your personal freedom is more important than to regain the freedom of a society then I ask you to think again.
When are a few countries with very minimal mask, no mandate for vaccines, and no lockdowns. With lower Covid deaths per capita than ones with lockdowns and discrimination against unvaxxers.
What countries would one find to be better over all for freedom and no dictatorship to chooses of?, mmmm..
The ones with no vaccines mandates , no lockdowns and far more freedom and less Covid deaths. Easy, no brainer.
Besides I care most for my family who are all on board and serve self first.
If others are happy fighting over with double speed deaths this year. Let the suicides continue shyrocking and festivals of death celebrate depopulation. Billionaires are most please, even if they don't show it behind the dark masks when on camera.
The greatest fear in the world are people who fear of what others may think of them.
Sheep gone wild with sheep dogs.
Not joining the double masks anti social 6 feet apart going over the cliff with those toxic sheep.
Hey why not band all unvaccined human beings like they did in Nazis era. Do some banding like the Jewish Star.
Take away their jobs, or any schooling. Give them steep fines and prison like they do in some countries. Let's stop them from food or shopping for anything. No Rec center, no car licences. How about no assembly of any kind online or any social gathering. Make it immediately lock them up into cages like they weed users. For they are all worst than rapest, terrorism murderers and violence Criminal combined and worst ever known to man kind. How dare they have control of their own minds and bodies.
How about lethal injection by Faucism and Kill Gate 5th wave Covid vaccines. This should last for a 100 years like the flu shots. Kill kill kill with lies lies lies. Man this feel great like a hanging who steal over a loaf of bread
"How dare they have control of their own minds and bodies."...and use that control to kill other people.
You forgot that small part of the equation.
No time in history in my lifetime people have ever been so barbaric , cruel over one viruses. Add on the 10 other greater ways to die. Why don't we all stay home and masterbate all ourselves to death. Can we get any more phyco insane than this. Plenty of billionaires will sponsor these world events too. They love throwing money at it.
At any time in your lifetime has one virus killed over half a million people in the US alone?
From WHO top ten killers
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. ...
Trachea, bronchus, and lung cancers. ...
Diabetes mellitus. ...
Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. ...
Dehydration due to diarrheal diseases. ...
Tuberculosis. ...
And flu
About 32% die of heart disease globally.
Covid 0.005
How many of those others are contagious?
Flu in Canada would of killed Me 30 time over Covid in my life times.
Just the same for nasty flu Covid. Stay at home only if your sick. Now we have a genocides by vaccines undeveloped and a mix toxic cocktail of too many various for big profit and destruction on every level.
I wonder what the percentage of people who they have attributed to having died from Covid had those health issues already?
According to CDC only 6% is purely Covid viruses on Covid death certificates. The other 94% is two more health condition that they could of die of. Like flu almost disappeared, whole basketball team had cancelled basketball games in the pass, now it's Covid. What worst is media continuely harming our immune systems by fear mongering.
Hey, why not band all unvaccinated human beings as they did in the Nazis era. Do some banding like the Jewish Star.
that's old fashioned thinking Paloma,
Those stars are integrated into Google Analytics..
They don't have to brand you to know what religion you have, sexual preference, ethnic background, health problems, age, consumption habits. Etc. That's all recorded. Don't worry. Surveillance Capitalism is already in full swing, smarter than the Nazi's. Their goal is not to kill but to squeeze every penny out of you.
"It's time for alarm bells. It's time for me to play the part of Paul Revere: "The communist tyrants and dictators are coming! The communist tyrants and dictators are coming!" They're coming first for unvaccinated Americans.
This is 1938. I'm a Jew. I now understand just a little of what it felt like to be a Jew in 1938. No, it's not the Holocaust. Nothing can be compared to the Holocaust. Ever.
Now Democrats want American citizens, not illegal aliens, not criminals, but patriots born in this country, to produce papers 24/7. We'll need papers to enter restaurants, bars, nightclubs, concerts, casinos, conventions and hotels and to board a train, plane or bus. We'll need papers to enter a supermarket, or we'll starve to death.
All for the crime of being unwilling to inject an untested, rushed to production, experimental, "for emergency use only" shot into our bodies.
What happened to the war cry of Democrats: "My body, my choice"? It only applies to murdering babies, but it doesn't apply to dangerous experimental shots we don't want injected into our bodies.
Weren't Jews injected with experimental drugs by the depraved Nazi government? Wasn't that a key part of the Nuremberg trials? That no government could ever again inject experimental shots into the bodies of unwilling citizens? Isn't that a basic human right?"
https://www.wnd.com/2021/08/welcome-193 … accinated/
It must be hard to live with your level of paranoia.
What do you mean now? You've had to produce papers to go to elementary schools, play on sports teams, enroll at colleges, enlist in the military.
That you see this as some new phenomenon is your just excluding so many scenarios that already exist along the same lines.
As as for patriots, I'm not sure that applies to those only concerned with their own well-being. It seems a patriot cares about their fellow citizens as much as themselves.
Choice of home school, private, are options. Religious refusal has been allowed for public schools, medical exception has been allowed.
Choice, no one has to join the military.
Choice, no one has to play on a sports team.
Do you see what is absent in this scenario we are now talking about with Covid?
Do you recognize what would be over-reach by the government that forces you to have proof of vaccine, or be exempted and ostracized?
Like France's government now wants to do, jail people for not having it and going out in public?
France doesn't have freedom and liberty, they have a totalitarian state that punishes and imprisons those who do not acquiesce to their demands.
The people of France have no control over what goes on in their Nation, they are powerless to stop their government. America is not far behind in this, like France, we have no control over the borders or getting our government to stop the millions pouring in every year. We have no control over the government declaring an "emergency" that seems without end, stripping away our rights, such as landlords who cannot evict tenants for any reason, no matter what harm they have wrought.
The American political 'elite' flouted the norms of governance and journalism. They misled the public about the origins of the virus and the true risk that it posed. They claimed unprecedented powers to impose untested strategies, with terrible collateral damage.
Some Governors took it upon themselves to enact draconian restrictions on their people (while ignoring all of them and living the 'elite' lifestyle to its fullest). As evidence of their mistakes mounted, they stifled debate by vilifying dissenters, censoring criticism, and suppressing scientific research.
To Big to Follow the restrictions forced on the rest of America companies like Amazon and Walmart reaped billions in profits during the lockdowns while millions of small businesses were closed, many of them for good... displacing millions of workers, and many jobs forever lost.
The panic was started by MSM "left" news sources. As the virus spread early last year, they highlighted the most alarming statistics and the scariest images, estimating a fatality rate 10 to 50 times higher than the flu.
Just as they spread inflammatory information regarding police brutality and racism as if it was occurring on every street in America every minute that went by, they flamed the hysteria of this virus.
So, there are those that recognize the hypocrisy they see in their political leaders and media, and there are those that buy into it. Ignoring things like Obama's birthday party on Martha's Vineyard just the other day, where hundreds gathered... without wearing masks or social distancing. That Delta variant we are all supposed to be going back under lack-down for doesn't apply to the elites, be they CA Governor or former President.
Wonder why that is?
Seems to me that the anti-vax crowd is choosing their own ostracization, while also making the claim their freedom should give them a right to endanger others.
Who is talking about lock downs for delta. Love to hear of someone saying that, but my thinking is you invented that just to feel persecuted. Everyone at Obama's party had to be vaccinated and it was held outdoors in accordance with CDC guidelines. The mask guidelines are for indoor settings currently - not that I'd expect you to know what the CDC says about current safety requirements.
So it just seems like you're inventing violations of CDC guidelines to make yourself angry at them libs.
Very interesting, coincide with my gut.
If I were you I would not use a smartphone, as "they" track you and know your behaviour.
If I were you I would not use a computer as all the cookies on the websites suck information used to let you consume more.
In today's capitalism, you are the product.
You have a choice. Live without electronic equipment and off the grid.
or accept all the bad and good things of modern society.
I have no idea how what I wrote relates to what you wrote.
Didn't understand your connection with the holocaust either.
I guess I was thinking about surveillance capitalism.
Since poverty kills most, they doing it anyway. Since most if not all grand corporation aim is for big depopulate, they are doing an grand job towards it so far . It's the same group that created the second world war. The writing is on the wall, the pattern and facts are clear and deep down every knows yet too afraid to ask or do. It written in my prior hubpages ten years ago. My nightmare shows something like 100 million people will die before turning on our owners and authorities. Maybe not as bad as the second world war.
Being fearless and very intuitive, I lack paranioa for my trusting family and self. Only have deep concerns for most everyone else. Laying low for 2 to 4 years in our off grid community.
And if you drink soda, you should be dropped for being willing to get diabetes. Beer drinkers, forget it, you brought that liver damage on. Went to the beach, sorry, no insurance cause that you clearly opted for that skin cancer.
Yeah, sorry, can't really get behind you here.
Must be a cure all vaccines for every Heath condition.
Billionaires can't stop thinking of ways to kill the masses.
I'm cheering them on for mass depopulation. For people of obesity like most of Covid death victims can die off quicker. Billionaires must save us from the weak and stupid.
I am sure the Billionaires are looking at it in exactly that way. ^^
Sometimes being sarcastic hits closer to reality than you think.
Again, none of these other behaviors is contagious. This is a special case. I think unprotected sex would be a better example.
Aids too would be like Covid yearly or malaria. Environmental lockdowns are next
Please please!!! stop world again and let me off.
You're talking about dropping them for not making choices that affect their own health in your original post. Unprotected sex is probably a good example, but the slope will get slippery pretty quickly once you start the marbles rolling.
So is the only stick in this situation the increased risk of getting COVID?
... I'm sure they could calculate appropriate rates....
Insurance companies do this all the time, doing calculations and squeezing statistics. They will either increase the rates or they will exclude Covid19 related expenses if not vaccinated.
It is almost like a law of nature. And it is not black or white. There will be no all in our all out coverage.
It leaves the vaccination decision to your free will. But the path to decision making goes through your wallet.
Funny you mention Capitalism there... you do know how that works right?
If there is a need, someone will fill that need, and make a profit.
If a percentage of Insurance companies drop their customers for not getting the vaccine, those customers will just go to someone who will provide them the coverage they need. That simple.
You mean vaccinated pay more. According to my numbers of covid deaths since the roll out.
The opening argument is unfair and prejudicial. I have not received the vaccine because I'm allergic to some of their ingredients. I'm allergic to medications that end in "ine". Some of the ingredients found in those meds are in the vaccines.
To penalize me for something I have no control over is unfair, unfounded, and flat-out wrong.
Don't be so judgmental.
yes, the obese, those with diabetes and those who are malnourished should also be dropped. They are the ones dying from Chinese covid microbes.
The ones who feast on processed foods.
Damn, I totally agree. There's this whole thing on processed oils used in almost all processed foods that is seriously disturbing. Try to get away from these processed oils. You almost can't.
Great more free donuts, beers, pizza and ice cream for free vaccines.
I was the first full-time sandsculptor 45 years ago. I made sure with new sculpture companies did not report accidents because our industry would have to pay 10% insurance extra. We got away with it until 15 years ago. Today insurance is so high in sandsculptor industry it's hardly worth anymore. Then started tiny housing communities in Latin America because I sense the collapse of our totally system. Luckily I'm living in an off grid community, right now in Canada.
Wow! I had never thought of this but I can see companies trying to pull this off.
I actually don't believe they will be able to fo that one.
This is a pandemic that goes across the world.
People need compassion & humanity right now...not more turmoil.
Everything is in hyper inflation mode. Because of the monotary collapse world wide. Covid is the main distraction.
There I agree with you Paloma.
As Climate Crisis is far worse than Covid.
More people die from air pollution than Coivd.. every year. No vaccine there yet...
Back to normal? Forget it. COVID is mild with the things to come.
The mask is here to stay.
No mask of shame for me, only if I'm forced to temporarily.
Yes, environment lockdowns is next, can't wail!!!
... which the Chinese people must wear.
There is a lot of air pollution you don't see Kathryn. For instance industrial Ozon. I don't know where you live, but the small particles in the air can be brought to you over huge distances.
they can cause chest problems, shortening life span, causing asthma, bronchitis, and other respirational problems, risk of respiratory infections, heart disease, lung cancer, premature deaths.
Google it. Airpollutution is a serious problem worldwide and not just for people in the city.
It's 9 times more toxic air pollutants inside a building than outside. I've my tiny houses more for outdoor living in clear smaller communities.
air pollution is highly underestimated. Because you think that your air is ok if you live on the countryside with healthy food and greenery. But just like plastic particles, air particles travel fast distances.
That's a good question. As a child would ask. Why?
Always be curious.
I thought you were about to point out something relevant to the discussion.
Maybe you were tricking us. Thats childlike too.
Ah, oké. I didn't understand your question, Kathryn. as And..? can mean anything without a specification. That's why I couldn't answer you. Or I could, in a million different ways.
But you were saying that I went off topic?
Perhaps I did. But we were talking about masks.
I'm about to go have a large gathering for a barbecue in a public park. No one will be wearing masks, but there will be squirrels. Gotta live life, eat good food, enjoy good company, and feed cute squirrels, man.
There is no reason whatsoever to wear a mask outside. The chances are incredibly slim to get something outside (unless you start kissing and doing it in the park after dark, o yeah......)
Have a lovely bbq.
... only good dipped in sugar. But sugar is bad. Can't have sugar in this time of Chinese killer microbe. Stay healthy. Step away from anything that will clog up your intestines and create a moist, cozy environment for the killer microbe to thrive in.
Listen to looney tunes woman on internet for advice about COVID. All will be well and you will evade the evil China virus. In fact, all internet advice is better than advice from scientists and doctors, who are paid by Pharma companies to promote vaccines that contain microchips that will track your every movement.
May I please have a chip that auto-fills paperwork for me? So tired of killing trees for bureaucracy.
Hi Shauna, the covid vaccine is an MRNA vaccine and just contains a piece of the crown of the virus so that your body’s immune system will learn that it is a foreign antigen and so that if you do get the virus your immune system will attack it so you won’t have to experience actually having the illness which can have such lethal consequences and affect your health adversely for the rest of your life. I’ve never heard that it belongs to a group of medications that end in “ine.” You might want to ask your doctor about this. I can’t take many medicines that are in this category as well. I’m very sensitive to them and have an adverse reaction when I do. But, I did get the vaccine for covid and I haven’t had any adverse reactions to it. I’m very glad that I did have it as I wouldn’t want to take the risk of getting inflammatory pneumonia, blood clots and long term damages to my health that this virus and its variants pose.Whatever you decide, good luck to you!
Just wait 6 months and find out what happens.
Lora, my mom and I both have "ine" allergies. It was her doctor that told her she can't take the Moderna or Pfhizer vaccines. I looked up the ingredients in the aforementioned vaccines and both have ingredients that end in "ine".
She was approved for the J & J vaccine, and has had it administered. However, the reports of blood clots has me very gun shy. So far, with my very strong immune system, and taking precautionary measures, I've not gotten sick throughout this whole pandemic. I haven't even had a cold. I choose to keep doing what I'm doing.
Half the nation feel the same. We are not alone by any means.
In fact, my daughter's friend who lives in Florida took the first vaccine, not sure which one. She developed ear clogging symptoms in one ear and now she can't hear out of it. She will not risk taking the second.
I knew a person her entire leg turned purple. Like legal drugs, except worst.
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