Are Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert Smart or Dumb?

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  1. peoplepower73 profile image82
    peoplepower73posted 19 months ago

    They both put their mouths in gear before their brains.  MTG is proposing a "National Divorce of  the country and LB wants Christians to pray for Biden's death. Are they smart or dumb? 

    In my view, they are both.  They are dumb because they don't think through what they are saying, but they are smart in keeping their names in the spotlights for the preposterous things they say and propose. Anybody who watches any news knows the names of both of them, including Georg Santos. I think they have taken a page out of Trump's playbook.

    MTG's proposal is to separate the country politically into red states and blue states, thinking it will reduce the size of government. Either she knows nothing about the civil war or it doesn't matter to her. She has supported McCarthy ever since she knew he was running for speaker of the house and now she sits in a powerful position along side McCarthy.  She also thinks she is going to be Trump's VP if he gets elected again.

    Boebert on the other hand, has been asked to resign from congress by the Faithfull America group because she has asked to pray for Biden's death. But according to her, she thought the pray meant to impeach Biden. The group plans to gather 20,000 signatures to petition her removal from office.

    George Santos and Lauren Boebert have cosponsored a bill to make the AR-15 the national rifle...Go figure!!! … e-hell-up/ … gn-1785401 … e9b8882466

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 19 months agoin reply to this

      "George Santos and Lauren Boebert have cosponsored a bill to make the AR-15 the national rifle...Go figure!!!"

      Actually, this sounds like a reasonable counter attack to the lie that the AR-15 is an "assault weapon" in the military sense, and that it is perhaps the most popular rifle in the country.

      1. peoplepower73 profile image82
        peoplepower73posted 19 months agoin reply to this

        Wilderness:  Are you denying that the AR-15 can't be used as an assault weapon?

    2. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 19 months agoin reply to this

      They, Boebert and Santos, are the poster children for the Republican Party. The party does not care how it looks to the rest of the country to have such personages in such visibility and high esteem within the party. It speaks volumes to the kinds of people Republicans are.

      The Right's obsssion for control through intolerance and tyrannical behavior goes beyond all common sense....

      1. peoplepower73 profile image82
        peoplepower73posted 19 months agoin reply to this

        Cred:  It speaks volumes about the kinds of people who voted them into office.  Their base must be as ill informed as they are. I know no one ran against MTG in her district.  This explains how LB won a second term.

    3. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 19 months agoin reply to this

      Please listen to Boberts sermun. The context in no respect asks anyone to pray for the death of Biden. Please watch the video of her sermon. … n-days-few

      I need not quote because one needs to stop and truely listen to her words, and they will realize that she did not imply that anyone should pray for the death of Joe Biden, but for his impeachment. You need to post full context, IMO, when making such a claim. 

      Perhaps you did not watch the video? Please do.

      1. peoplepower73 profile image82
        peoplepower73posted 19 months agoin reply to this

        The link that you shared also has a link to twitter. Notice, she is only quoting part of Psalm109:8.  The rest of it says: "Let  his children be fatherless, And his wife be a widow." 

        She MTG, and Santos are loose cannons in the GOP house. I am not going to take it down because it shows how ill informed congressmen can become dangerous by influencing others with their ignorance.

        There is a reason The Faithful America Group of 20,000 members  wanted her to resign from congress. In our culture today, that scripture could motivate someone to do something really bad within the context of Biden and his family. But thanks for dropping by. … 38053?s=20

        1. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 19 months agoin reply to this

          I certainly would not ask you to take a comment own. I just asked if you would listen to the video.

          That is quite an accusation. Maybe you should have posted the video so users could at best hear all of her words. 

          Boebert at times overstates her view and can be hyperbolic when speaking.

          I will agree, her language could cause someone to take her literally or even add context to her words.

          I think in this case some did add their own spin to what she actually said.
          I watched the video again, and I feel she was talking about getting rid of Biden via impeachment.  I mean in 2021 ---  Boebert Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

          She brings it up frequently in her speeches or anytime she is on media shows.

          Do you really feel Boebert asked that Biden be killed?

          1. peoplepower73 profile image82
            peoplepower73posted 19 months agoin reply to this

            Not by actually homicide, but certainly metaphorically and  politically. Don't forget on Jan. 6, they were looking for Pence to hang him and I don't think that was a politically hanging. 

            She may not have even known what Psalm 109:8 was about, but the people she was preaching to did and so did the Faithfull America Group. I was in Toastmasters for 20 years and one of the first things they teach you is know the comprehension level of your audience.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image86
              Sharlee01posted 19 months agoin reply to this

              It could have been a dog whistle. As I said she can be very hyperbolic with her words. I think you are right when you say --- some nut could pick up on those words as being literal.

              I  think we can agree politicians are not prudent,
              with their words these days. It leads to unclear messages, and ultimately even feeding the climate of hate.

              1. abwilliams profile image66
                abwilliamsposted 19 months agoin reply to this

                Speaking of hidden or unclear or dumb messages. and "feeding the climate of hate", look no further than the comment you responded to Shar.

                People were looking for Pence to hang him, really? There was a posse in the Capitol Building that day too? Tracking him down, did they have a tree with them too? Oh that's right......they were allowed to construct an execution gallows right outside the building, to be utilized once he was nabbed!

                I am so tired of all of this racket!!!

                1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                  Sharlee01posted 19 months agoin reply to this

                  I am right with you. Very tired of the lies, and corruption.

                2. peoplepower73 profile image82
                  peoplepower73posted 19 months agoin reply to this

                  ab:  If you would have watched what was happening on Jan. 6, instead of watching Fox News, you would know there was a posse in the Capitol and they were chanting hang Mike Pence. Welcome to reality, not naivete.

         … -says.html

                  1. abwilliams profile image66
                    abwilliamsposted 19 months agoin reply to this

                    I was listening to talk radio in real time,as people were calling in by the dozens to explain what was happening.
                    As far as threats of hanging Pence, where was Epps? Where were the other outsider agitators? Come on now! Even it was a staunch Trump supporter, Cred has used the terms, people should hang, heads should roll, gallows should be in the political forums. I have always figured he was angry about something, never figured him to form a posse.

                  2. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 19 months agoin reply to this

                    It is well and good that you continue to share your views about Jan 6th. footage.

                    Can you share your thoughts on the current videos that Carlson has released that show media, as well as many of our lawmakers, lied in regard to Officer Sicknick's death, and the information on the Shaman?

                    We had many in the media make the claim the officer was beaten to death, killed, and even use the words murdered.

                    Even after the DC medical examiner claimed he does of natural causes many continue to make those claims. Do you feel we were entitled to the truth in regard to Officer Sicknicks death or should many still be believing he was killed?

                    No one was charged in his death, but the media have little interest in following up on that part of the story. The two men that did commit crimes against Sicknick were arrested and had their trials.  Here is an article that offers information on what the two men were charged with, and what proceeded.  I will let you form your own view on the outcome.

           … -law-feds/

                  3. peoplepower73 profile image82
                    peoplepower73posted 19 months agoin reply to this

                    ab: Listening to a radio is not the same thing as watching Jan. 6 on live TV.  I guess with you, a picture is not worth a thousand words.  That gallows was there for the whole world to see.  Do you recall on the radio that they even mentioned a gallows was built?

                    Talk to Mike Pence and his family being rushed to a safe secret place while the mob  was searching for and  chanting "Hang Mike Pence." The secret service even had a car waiting for him and his family, but he refused to take it because he knew he had to continue with the certification process and he didn't know where the secret service would take him.

    4. Kathleen Cochran profile image74
      Kathleen Cochranposted 19 months agoin reply to this

      MTG moved from out of state to a rural part of Georgia that was a Trump stronghold. It was made up primarily of the "disenfranchised" who like politicians who rock the boat to get attention. The more outrageous, the more they love them.
      If the media doesn't stop giving her daily coverage because of the "stupid" things she says, we'll end up with MTG for President one day, the way they fed us Trump.
      Also, the GOP-led Georgia legislature has carved up the metro counties that have voted Democrat in the last two presidential elections and put small portions of them into districts like MTG's so their votes don't count anywhere any more. The county I live in voted against her by 66%. It wasn't a drop in the bucket.

    5. peoplepower73 profile image82
      peoplepower73posted 19 months agoin reply to this

      Are Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Green, and Mat Gaetz in over their heads?  They are accusing Biden of events that occurred on Trump's watch, but they didn't have a clue.

      That is what happens to hot shot freshman congressmen when they don't do the research. In my view, they want to set the world on fire, but don't have a clue as to how to do it. They are like trying to flying an airplane without taking any flying lessons and keep on crashing. … eam-2023-3

      1. peoplepower73 profile image82
        peoplepower73posted 19 months agoin reply to this

        This just in, When are they going to learn? … &ei=23

        1. GA Anderson profile image81
          GA Andersonposted 19 months agoin reply to this

          They got part of the message in the 2022 midterms. The fringes of the party became more extreme, but their dominance lessened. More Republican,(especially seated ones)  politicians and primary strategists ventured away from the fold on a few issues. Maybe when their division causes them to lose the 2024 presidency they will get the rest of the message.


          1. Kathleen Cochran profile image74
            Kathleen Cochranposted 19 months agoin reply to this

            From your mouth, GA, to God's ears.

    6. peoplepower73 profile image82
      peoplepower73posted 18 months agoin reply to this

      Here is what The GOP Committee Chair thinks about how to handle MTG. She is now in a very influential position as she sits at the right hand of Trump and McCarthy. … &ei=14

    7. peoplepower73 profile image82
      peoplepower73posted 18 months agoin reply to this

      This is how Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert take Jan. 6 prisoners and make them martyrs for the insurrection they committed. This is the twisted world they are trying to make us live in today. … &ei=24

    8. peoplepower73 profile image82
      peoplepower73posted 17 months agoin reply to this

      When is MTG going to learn to keep her mouth shut? She will probably run to Kevin McCarthy. She sits at his right-hand now and she will complain that she was mistreated even by the GOP.. … index.html

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 17 months agoin reply to this

        In my view, her outburst is feed to her home state base, as well as MAGA Republicans. I think the Swalwell comment on his affair with an alleged Chinese intelligence operative would certainly hit a home run with her constituents.

        Do you think her demeanor is benefiting her politically? Will her outburst get her reelected?

    9. peoplepower73 profile image82
      peoplepower73posted 17 months agoin reply to this

      People got upset when I called MTG and LB trailer trash, but now she calls Biden and his son white trash and the entire Biden family, The Biden Crime Family.  It's a case of the pot calling the kettle black, no pun intended. … amp;ei=135

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 17 months agoin reply to this

        Not sure anyone here supports MTG's expletives. Maybe, just that you stooped to that level, to call her Trailer trash. Hey, I certainly do the same when very pissed off. But should we?  Hey, we are all human... LOL

        I think you might remember, I claimed she has a right to share her view, due to freedom of speech. However, I expressed she should have found a more professional, acceptable way to share her thoughts.

        1. peoplepower73 profile image82
          peoplepower73posted 17 months agoin reply to this

          Expletives are swear words. I have not heard her swearing.  But she has no filters when it comes to insulting others.  In fact, some of her statements insult the intelligence of those who know better.

          Her goal is to become VP for either McCarthy or Trump. She has a net worth of over 10 million and l believe she is willing to spend it on whatever or whom ever serves to achieve her goals.

          She went from the back row of politics to the front row in two short years and is now the teachers pet.  She now has two powerful committee positions: House Oversight that's investigating the Biden family business dealings, and Homeland Security.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 17 months agoin reply to this

            I use the word expletive to also denote empty words. Words one does not need to use and add an insult. Like why should anyone need to accompany the word trash with white? Trash an empty word.

            I certainly hope she will never come close to becoming the VP. I will say yes, she has a powerful position, and this is a concern.
            She also belongs to the freedom caucus.

  2. FatFreddysCat profile image84
    FatFreddysCatposted 19 months ago

    If Greene and Boebert are "smart," I'd hate to see the dumb ones.

    1. peoplepower73 profile image82
      peoplepower73posted 19 months agoin reply to this

      FFC:  They are only smart in knowing how to stay in the limelight of the news cycle.

  3. alahiker28 profile image78
    alahiker28posted 19 months ago

    Our country is at a crossroads. We have either conveniently forgotten or choose not to recall the atrocities of war and yet we are spiraling toward both a global war and a civil war. There are many who suggest they are willing to die for Trump, Greene, and the likes of their extreme views. The only way they can put their money where their mouth is guess what - you got it, assault weapons. Those who live on the other extreme are denouncing weapons so will it be a fair fight between the two extremes? The MAJORITY of Americans just wants a livable wage and the freedom and peace to enjoy it. The MAJORITY never gets what it wants anymore it seems. We spend all of our time sensationalizing the views of all extremes instead, and that includes transgender, another very small minority. My point is not to tout a belief in one side or the other, nor to denounce gender identity. My point is that the least get the most in the current American model. We need to re-invent ourselves again.

    1. peoplepower73 profile image82
      peoplepower73posted 19 months agoin reply to this


      I think there are fringe groups on both sides of the aisle.  However, the groups on the right are more radical and are more embolden because of Trump, Fox News and all the MAGA news outlets. 

      They play to audiences who tell them what they want hear.  The truth doesn't matter as long as what they are hearing coincides with their values and  belief systems.  It's all  about ratings to bring in money that flows to the top.

      Those groups always existed, but Trump and all the right wing media have brought them to the surface and given them a voice to not only speak, but to act on their values and beliefs.  That's what Jan. 6 was about. It not only reached the fringe groups like proud boys and oath keepers, but it reached into congress and local governments.  Look at the governors who were willing to create a fake election slate to make it look like Trump won the election. Look at all the people who have gone to jail on Trump and company behalf.

      Congress is now made up of people like the  Freedom Caucus. and members of Qanon.  I agree with you.  They are in the minority, but with the new order in congress, they have leverage. How can there be any semblance of law and order when Trump and his cohorts defy subpoenas. They make a mockery of the courts and the DOJ with their high paid lawyers distracting, delaying, and defying justice?

      That is the role model, their right wing groups follow.  Trump and his cohorts are in legal jeopardy, but they are still running for election as if nothing has happened and their supporters could care less about it. That's why MTG thinks she is going to be Trump's VP, Lauren Boebert wants the AR-15 to be the National Rifle, and George Santos lies his a** off every chance he gets.  They have a great role model.

  4. Sharlee01 profile image86
    Sharlee01posted 19 months ago

    In my view, yes the  Republican party is fractured, but most in the party IMO, should have enough common sense to support the people's candidate. I do realize we have many pedestal dwellers,  that may not support the Republican candidate. Sort of cut off their noses to spites their faces.     I guess if that occurs we sort of get what we deserve as a party that can't hold their noses,  and supports a candidate that won the primary  -- The people's choice.

    Because their noses are stuck up too far in the air.

  5. abwilliams profile image66
    abwilliamsposted 19 months ago

    Mr. Epps or whomever started the hang Mike Pence chant, meant it figuratively, as well, it would seem.

    1. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 19 months agoin reply to this

      With a mob of 2000 people storming the Capital building, who know what would of happened had they found VP Pense? Even this crew of misfits werent so dumb as to assault the Vice President of the US, or were they?

      1. Sharlee01 profile image86
        Sharlee01posted 19 months agoin reply to this

        I must jump in... If this mob was hell-bent on really getting their hands on Pence or anyone, the sheer numbers that were at the capitol could have torn that building apart if they were of the mind to. They could have as a mad mob might --- searched out anyone they were looking for. The law enforcement was overpowered, and the protesters were well into the capitol.

        If they were of the mind too. they literally could have held the entire hiding Congress hostage, in my view.

        1. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 19 months agoin reply to this

          The guys were numb nuts for the most part, they were more interested in soiling things as the opportunity to do that was right before them. The congressional members were hidden and I don't believe that these 'patriots' would not have taken some action if anyone was found and identified.

        2. peoplepower73 profile image82
          peoplepower73posted 19 months agoin reply to this

          Sharlee:  That is strictly hypothetical on your part.  You don't know what could have happened.  What we do know is that they were motivated by Trump, because they believed Pence didn't do the right thing according to Trump. 

          Pence was supposed to stop the certification process, bring in the fake electoral slate and then re-elect Trump as president.  We also know they were looking for Pence while chanting Hang Mike Pence. We also know that a gallows was built.

          How many of these people were hopped up on drugs? It was clear to me there was crowd mania. Crowd psychology shows that during crowd mania, the crowd acts as one where any of the their actions can be justified to satisfy their leader.  In this case Trump was the leader :  "We are going to Fight Like Hell." If Trump is taken out of he equation, there would be no Jan. 6.  It is that simple.

          1. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 19 months agoin reply to this

            Yes, Trump was the leader: "Go peacefully to the Capitol and speak to your legislators".

            Some leader, right?

            1. peoplepower73 profile image82
              peoplepower73posted 18 months agoin reply to this

              Wilderness: Why do you continue to downplay Trump's actions? This is what  Trump actually said and in context.

     … -riot.html

          2. Sharlee01 profile image86
            Sharlee01posted 19 months agoin reply to this

            First --- Both Cred and I were merely sharing our views, in a back-and-forth.

            "CREDENCE2 WROTE:
            With a mob of 2000 people storming the Capital building, who know what would of happened had they found VP Pense? Even this crew of misfits werent so dumb as to assault the Vice President of the US, or were they?

            My return comment --  I must jump in... If this mob was hell-bent on really getting their hands on Pence or anyone, the sheer numbers that were at the capitol could have torn that building apart if they were of the mind to. They could have as a mad mob might --- searched out anyone they were looking for. The law enforcement was overpowered, and the protesters were well into the capitol.

            If they were of the mind too. they literally could have held the entire hiding Congress hostage, in my view."

            And I must say the last paragraph in your comment is very much your own shot at being "strictly hypothetical ". your view. You have little way to prove anyone was "hopped up on drugs". 

            In my view, if those protesters were of a mind to hurt or destroy that building --- they could have.

            1. peoplepower73 profile image82
              peoplepower73posted 18 months agoin reply to this

              Excuse me, what do you call bashing in windows and doors?  Isn't that  "hurting government property?"  I said they may have been hopped up on drugs, not that they were.  You are right.  It was hypothetical on my part, but everything else I presented is verifiable in the videos.

              After assessment of the damage, The architect of the Capitol said the damage by the mob of rioters was going to be in excess of 30 million dollars

     … trump-riot

              1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                Sharlee01posted 18 months agoin reply to this

                Just pointing out we all have views. I respect yours. How about you just consider mine? I would be pleased with that.

                1. peoplepower73 profile image82
                  peoplepower73posted 18 months agoin reply to this

                  Let's face it.  What we are trying to do on these forums is to change each others views and get each other to see things from our view point. I respect your views when they are verifiably correct. I guess by now, you realize that I do the research to get as close as I can get to the truth.

                  I still believe the root cause of  Jan. 6 is Trump.  If he had not been there, Jan. 6 would not have taken place.  There would have been a peaceful transfer of power to the next duly elected president. All the investigations by the GOP and Carlson's clips of it being a peaceful event are all for naught.

                2. peoplepower73 profile image82
                  peoplepower73posted 18 months agoin reply to this

                  MTG is at it again.  This time it is an alleged bomb at the southern border turns out to be a roll of duct tape filled with sand.

         … amp;ei=149

                  Boebert accuses Biden administration of “more than 25 percent of federal employees not logging into work” while teleworking. It turns out it happened in 2020 on Trump's watch.

         … -clue/?msn

                  These two are trying so hard to make a name for themselves.  And they are doing that, it's called the clueless pair.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 18 months agoin reply to this

                    They certainly are keeping your attention. So, maybe they are making names for themselves.

  6. abwilliams profile image66
    abwilliamsposted 19 months ago

    Oh it isn't up to an angry mob of 5,000 storming the Capitol building.....yet?!
    It'll have to be upped soon, with both adjectives and numbers, with the rest of the story finally coming out

  7. Kathleen Cochran profile image74
    Kathleen Cochranposted 18 months ago

    Usually when a republican talks about less government what they mean is less regulation. And that usually doesn't turn out very well.

    1. peoplepower73 profile image82
      peoplepower73posted 18 months agoin reply to this

      Kathleen:  That's very true.  Trump deregulated that part of the banking industry that has caused the Silicon Valley banks to fail. Trump changed the FDIC 50 billion threshold to 250 billion, even for small banks.

  8. Live to Learn profile image60
    Live to Learnposted 18 months ago

    I see those two as the same as AOC and Omar. I'd like to see a swing where we elect statesmen and stateswomen in this country. But I doubt that is going to happen in this climate.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 18 months agoin reply to this

      Well said

  9. abwilliams profile image66
    abwilliamsposted 18 months ago

    I can't agree with that, MTG and Boebert don't hate America, just what has been happening to it for far too long.

    1. peoplepower73 profile image82
      peoplepower73posted 18 months agoin reply to this

      Boebert and MTG don't hate America.  They just don't do the research before opening their mouths. And that can be very dangerous as they have a  huge viewership of people who get the wrong information. … amp;ei=138

  10. abwilliams profile image66
    abwilliamsposted 18 months ago

    Don't think they have made any claims of perfection. Give me America-loving over America-hating Reps, every day.

    1. peoplepower73 profile image82
      peoplepower73posted 18 months agoin reply to this

      What reps hate America? Just name as many as you can. In any case, here is another one of MTG's folly's. … &ei=33

  11. Kathleen Cochran profile image74
    Kathleen Cochranposted 17 months ago

    MTG will continue until the good people of Georgia vote her out. Unfortunately, the good people are not in the GOP-controlled state legislature who have carved up her district to ensure she retains her seat for the indefinite future. Our only hope of getting rid of her is if a providential wave of intelligence washes over northwest Georgia in the next year. That is very unlikely.

    Sharlee: Her outburst and all the ones that will follow are exactly what will continue to get her elected. You really have to wonder about folks who admire that. And I can say that because those folks make up my neighboring counties.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 17 months agoin reply to this

      "Sharlee: Her outburst and all the ones that will follow are exactly what will continue to get her elected. You really have to wonder about folks who admire that. And I can say that because those folks make up my neighboring counties."

      I must agree. She seems to be the voice of those she represents. I feel anyone that represents the people in Congress should use proper decorum. There is always a way to share an opinion in a professional manner, without shouting or insulting one's person. Our Congress should serve as examples of how to communicate in a manner that is civil.

      1. peoplepower73 profile image82
        peoplepower73posted 17 months agoin reply to this

        MTG did exactly what I expected her to do.  She went and told Kevin McCarthy how she was mistreated by the big bad committee she is serving on. She must have really polished his apple if you get my drift. … amp;ei=128

        1. Sharlee01 profile image86
          Sharlee01posted 17 months agoin reply to this

          Yes, she did... I get your drift... LOL

          She is going to be one that will shock us time and time again. She certainly makes sure she is front and center.

      2. peoplepower73 profile image82
        peoplepower73posted 17 months agoin reply to this

        MTG does not care about legal boundaries or decorum. She thinks she is hot stuff and until McCarthy slaps her hands, she will continue to spew her conspiracy loving, vitriolic diatribe against those she attacks. … &ei=70


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