President Trump was shot at a rallly in Butler, PA today

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  1. abwilliams profile image68
    abwilliamsposted 8 months ago

    He is going to be okay, the Secret Service was amazing, instantly surrounding him!
    I think we have all feared that this could happen. There has been so much hate and vitriol directed at this man! The shooter was, apparently, aiming for the President’s head, he was bleeding around his right ear.
    The shooter has not been apprehended as of yet.
    Praying for Donald Trump, praying for our Country!

    1. Ken Burgess profile image67
      Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      They almost got him.  Off by an inch.

      Considering that had to be close to a klick away... Hard to imagine anyone closer being able to go undetected and then getting away after the attempt.

      Trump probably moved a couple inches at just the right second.  It was enough.

      1. abwilliams profile image68
        abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        I am shaking. Oh my God!

        1. TheShadowSpecter profile image73
          TheShadowSpecterposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          There were two little boys standing almost directly behind President Trump.  They could have been family members of his, but I'm not sure.  I hope they were not hurt.  It's bad enough that someone tried to kill President Trump, but it's unconscionable that the sniper would open fire when there were little kids standing close to where President Trump was standing.

          1. abwilliams profile image68
            abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            I think it's fair to say that anyone capable of doing this, is warped and has no conscience or regard for life.

        2. Ken Burgess profile image67
          Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          Yup, I was right.

          He was "hundreds of yards away in a sniper position".

          An inch away from death, that wasn't fake.  It takes a pro to make a shot like that under those conditions.

          1. abwilliams profile image68
            abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            An assassination attempt.
            God help us!

            1. Miebakagh57 profile image72
              Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

              God save America!

    2. peterstreep profile image80
      peterstreepposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      Maybe a stupid question... But isn't it time to ban guns in the US?

      1. abwilliams profile image68
        abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        Not stupid, just not practical.  The only ones who would be affected by it, would be the law-abiders.

        1. peterstreep profile image80
          peterstreepposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          I think there are a lot of law-abiders with a clean record....until the first shot...
          You can prevent a lot of innocent deaths and accidents.
          How many more political murders, school mass shootings and gun accidents does the US need?

          1. Ken Burgess profile image67
            Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            We had very few of those back when sanity ruled over our society... in fact, weapons were much more commonplace, many Americans learned how to shoot rifles at ranges and clubs.

            Its not the weapons, its a sickness in our society.  The gun violence is but a reflection that something is wrong.

            Then there is the other matter... the reason why America has not had its Stalin or Hitler or Mao revolution where tens of millions are slaughtered is because the American people are armed.

            Period.  Reality.

            A society is not free if it is not armed.  You folks in the EU especially have benefited from 75 years of America being your military and your protectors... you have been able to sit safe and sound in your stable nations that America has provided and protected.

          2. wilderness profile image89
            wildernessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            "You can prevent a lot of innocent deaths and accidents."

            Unfortunately that "common sense" statement is not corroborated by either experience or statistics.  The number of guns in a society has NO correlation with the homicide rate.

            1. peterstreep profile image80
              peterstreepposted 8 months agoin reply to this

              In 2022, there were 45,222 gun deaths in the United States, which per capita, is significantly higher than in other industrialized countries.
              Amnesty International.

              that's another statistics.
              Another statistics is: selling weapons is big money. Just like cigarettes I can imagine that the companies making guns are manipulating the public opinion in favour of guns.
              I would think it's open for debate on a political level... Because to me it's completely crazy to have armed guards at a school...
              But perhaps that's a culture difference between Europe and the US.

              1. tsmog profile image84
                tsmogposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                Throwing fuel on the flames take a peek . . .


                1. Credence2 profile image79
                  Credence2posted 8 months agoin reply to this

                  Why am I not surprised, Texas sucks and is inhabitable for good progressive oriented people

                2. Readmikenow profile image95
                  Readmikenowposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                  See, if you live in a place where there is quite a bit of hunting that makes sense to me.  What happens when you need ammo and the ammo stores are closed?  This would meet that need.

                  How I see it this makes sense.

                  1. tsmog profile image84
                    tsmogposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                    All I see is someone saw $$$$

              2. wilderness profile image89
                wildernessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                For any (any) two countries you can list, comparing gun ownership vs homicide rates that prove more guns = more deaths I can find two more that, using your pair vs my pair, "prove" the opposite twice over.

                There is no correlation between the two.

                1. tsmog profile image84
                  tsmogposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                  How about just the states as the sample set? A study back in 2013 arrived with;

                  "Objectives. We examined the relationship between levels of household firearm ownership, as measured directly and by a proxy—the percentage of suicides committed with a firearm—and age-adjusted firearm homicide rates at the state level.

                  Methods. We conducted a negative binomial regression analysis of panel data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Web-Based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting Systems database on gun ownership and firearm homicide rates across all 50 states during 1981 to 2010. We determined fixed effects for year, accounted for clustering within states with generalized estimating equations, and controlled for potential state-level confounders.

                  Results. Gun ownership was a significant predictor of firearm homicide rates (incidence rate ratio = 1.009; 95% confidence interval = 1.004, 1.014). This model indicated that for each percentage point increase in gun ownership, the firearm homicide rate increased by 0.9%.

                  Conclusions. We observed a robust correlation between higher levels of gun ownership and higher firearm homicide rates. Although we could not determine causation, we found that states with higher rates of gun ownership had disproportionately large numbers of deaths from firearm-related homicides.

                  The Relationship Between Gun Ownership and Firearm Homicide Rates in the United States, 1981–2010 published at American  Journal of Public Health (Oct 9, 2013)
         … 013.301409

                  Good enough for me. However, that is me.

                  1. wilderness profile image89
                    wildernessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                    Great.  Another discussion of suicide (caused by guns) and firearm homicides.

                    It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if there are no guns, guns will not be used to kill with.  Nor to postulate (but not prove) that fewer guns will lower the firearm homicide rate.

                    But that isn't what I said.  I said that there is no correlation between the number of guns in a society and the homicide rate, whether by guns, cars, poison, arson, clubs, hands/feet or any other tool.  And there isn't.  There is no correlation to be found between the homicide rate and the gun ownership rate in any (developed) country in the world.  The raw data, reasoning and conclusions can be found on my carousel in you are truly interested and not willing to simply accept what the gun haters tell you.

                    All that is left is to recognize, understand and accept that without a gun an insane murderer (they are all insane IMO) will find another tool.  It may be his/her own hands and feet (would it surprise you to find that there are more people kill in this country by hands and feet than all long guns combined, whether a hunting rifle, a shotgun or that dreaded "assault rifle"?) or some other tool.  But taking away the gun does NOT stop the carnage or even slow it.  That was tried not that long ago in Australia, where they took all the semi-automatic weapons in the span of a single year...and watched as the decline in homicide rates maintained the same, slow slide it had been on for years. No change. They didn't even see a decrease in the number of mass murders!  It was, however, declared a wonderful success because the murder rate did fall (forgetting to mention that the rate of decrease did not change) and because the bodies did not have so many bullet holes in them.

              3. Credence2 profile image79
                Credence2posted 8 months agoin reply to this

                It is more than just culture, it reflects on a foundation of civility that has taken two societies on totally different courses.  I have to say that our approach is the inferior of the two.

              4. Ken Burgess profile image67
                Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                I wonder how many studies they have done to determine how many hundreds of millions have died in nations that weren't well armed, and therefore were taken over by extreme totalitarian leadership that turned on the people?

                People in the EU have been able to live in exceptional security and stability because America has stood on that wall and protected you, your nations have lived in a peaceful time that you didn't even have to defend with your own lives.

                No wonder why the EU is shaking with fear and paranoia that 'the Russians are coming! the Russians are coming!'

                The tragedies we see today are not caused by the guns, they are a reflection of a sickened society whose illness is apparent for all to see.

                Never more than under this Administration and this time.

                1. peterstreep profile image80
                  peterstreepposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                  Ken you are talking about apples and I´m talking about pencils...
                  I am talking about civilians with guns
                  You are talking about the armies of countries.
                  two completely different things.

    3. Miebakagh57 profile image72
      Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

      How pretily nice of you.                                               'real' Donal Trump, is a human being. He had all human faults.                                              Critically, he wasn't that at heart. Giving him a second chance is an option.

  2. abwilliams profile image68
    abwilliamsposted 8 months ago

    The shooter is dead.
    Sadly, a rally attendee is dead.

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image72
      Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

      I'm very curious why the  FBI shoot him instantly dead? Why didn't the agent aim at Thomas Mathew Crook leg or arm? Really sad.

  3. Valeant profile image77
    Valeantposted 8 months ago

    Many Americans are convinced Trump poses a direct threat to America.  And sadly, many believe they were robbed of the chance to get justice in the courts for the many crimes Trump has obviously committed by a corrupted Supreme Court.  Unfortunately, this may end up being the first of many attempts against his life for those reasons.

    1. Readmikenow profile image95
      Readmikenowposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      I never expect the low-life left to have any sense of right or wrong.

      They never disappoint me.

      1. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        Enjoy your ban.

        1. Ken Burgess profile image67
          Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          Nice, good to see your priorities for the Forums.

          Don't debate ideas, get banned all those you take offense with.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            Calling someone a 'low-life' for noting that people think Trump is a threat to democracy for his blatant, and ham-handed, attempt to steal a presidential election isn't really 'debating ideas,' now is it?

            1. abwilliams profile image68
              abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

              If you don't have anything to add to the topic, only more vitriol which has brought us to this place, then please, just step away V. This was an assassination attempt. A Trump supporter was killed, other supporters were critically injured, children were in the audience, and must be completely traumatized by this.
              If you cannot understand any of this, then it is best that you walk away.

    2. Ken Burgess profile image67
      Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      I would imagine that the effort it took to wait for the SS team to do an initial security sweep of the area long before President Trump's apperance...

      Identify the place for a sniper position, then get to that position without detection days prior to the event, remain undetected during the security sweep prior to his arrival...

      And then take a shot that is a mere inch off from a distance of no less than one klick away...

      That wasn't some Progressive Leftwing lunatic that buys into all the nonsense you consider fact and reality coming out of his basement, or college dorm, to make the attempt.  That's for damned sure.

      Or it could have been someone able to weave through the security, someone capable of blending in, or working his way through the weak spots to get within range to take a decent shot...  much more unlikely, that would take some Jason Bourne type stuff to pull off.

      And again... no way some untrained schmuck, some dumb ass Antifa punk or what have you could do that, not in their wettest dreams.

      It was a pro.

      1. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        Already starting with the conspiracies.  Not surprising really.

        1. Ken Burgess profile image67
          Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          Ahhh no...

          Just analyzing what I know and putting out the most probable hypothesis I can think of.

          Have you ever been part of a Presidential visit, have you ever met with his SS to do a spot review and sitrep?

          Are you a former Sniper?

          Do you hunt, ever sit in a deer blind waiting?

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            'Probable hypothesis' - aka, conspiracy theory.  Again, nice attempt to re-write what you're really doing here.

            1. abwilliams profile image68
              abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

              What are you doing here?

          2. Readmikenow profile image95
            Readmikenowposted 8 months agoin reply to this


            It appears you may be right on the pro angle. 

            The shooter fired from an elevated position outside the rally.

            "Shooter fired multiple shots from "elevated position" outside of Trump rally, Secret Service says

            A shooter fired multiple shots from an “elevated position” outside of the Trump rally before United States Secret Service personnel “neutralized” the shooter, the law enforcement agency said.

            “During Former President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on the evening of July 13 at approximately 6:15 p.m., a suspected shooter fired multiple shots toward the stage from an elevated position outside of the rally venue,” the Secret Service statement said.

            Secret Service personnel “neutralized the shooter, who is now deceased,” the statement continued.

            “U.S. Secret Service quickly responded with protective measures and Former President Trump is safe. One spectator was killed, and two spectators were critically injured. This incident is currently under investigation. and the Secret Service has notified the FBI,” Anthony Guglielmi, chief of communications for the Secret Service, said in a statement.

   … 6950b09c84

            However, the snipers I knew from my Army days would never take a shot unless they 100% certain they could hit the target.  Snipers are amazing soldiers.  Very patient.

            Makes me wonder if this was an assassination attempt or a message.

            1. Ken Burgess profile image67
              Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

              I would have to know the windage, the elevation, etc. to know how I would classify that in my own mind, as difficult, extremely difficult, not within my ability, etc.

              Then add to that, Trump was moving, his head shifted a second prior to his reaction.  Which depending on the angle of the shot, might have been the difference from being another JFK and just being grazed.

              Will be interesting to see some real snipers put out some videos on their takes in the not too distant future.

      2. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        "It was a pro."

        Possibly, or a very lucky amateur.

        I've been to these rallies.  They don't really put anyone through a metal least not the ones I've attended.  I have been asked to take out my phone and press buttons...I guess to show it wasn't a detonator of some kind.  It's obvious who the Secret Service are in the crowd.

        I think the left-wing media with all of their anti-Trump propaganda has played a major role in all of this.  The weak-minded are easy prey for all the nonsense they spew forth.

        1. Ken Burgess profile image67
          Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          From the distance they are reporting?

          The ability to get to that location and get the shot off?

          I don't see any 'lucky amateur' pulling it off.

      3. Miebakagh57 profile image72
        Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

        How and when that boy of 20 tutrn pro? Seem he was implant? Or program there? What's that register Rep vote-Dem$15? Whacky politics.

      4. MizBejabbers profile image91
        MizBejabbersposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        There is such a thing as beginner's luck (I'm not using that as a compliment here, just stating a fact). I think they've ruled out that this kid was a pro.

  4. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 8 months ago

    All I can say at this point is that as a bloodied President Donald Trump is being led off the stage he raised his fist in defiance and I saw him mouth the words "Continue to fight"

    I want to know who is the shooter and if he had any connections to liberals or the democrat party.

  5. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 8 months ago

    Former President Trump issues statement after attempted assassination
    Former President Trump issued a statement on the shooting incident at his rally in Pennsylvania on Truth Social.

    "I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!"

    1. abwilliams profile image68
      abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      Divine intervention.

  6. Valeant profile image77
    Valeantposted 8 months ago

    Never has there been a greater projection than that one.  Considering someone was convinced to go to the Capitol on January 6th based on easily identifiable lies from their far-right media.

    1. abwilliams profile image68
      abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      Go away. You are here to pick a fight, and it's not the time.

      1. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        You go away.  You started a public forum topic.  I'm sorry that you cannot handle any opinions that don't support your own positions.

        1. abwilliams profile image68
          abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          You are only attempting to make trouble. I am genuinely concerned for all affected by this, for Trump, his family and for this Nation.

      2. Ken Burgess profile image67
        Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        Best video I have found so far, clean, good sound...

        Reaction time was slow, that is a good indicator no one there was expecting it, Trump's initial reaction was bewilderment, he clearly did not know what was going on in the initial seconds.

        The part where he is saying, "let me get my shoes" ... I mean come on, the guy is being shot at and he is staying calm enough to want to get his shoes... crazy.

        1. abwilliams profile image68
          abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          Thanks Ken, I will check it out.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image67
            Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this


            This one here, on my playback it says -2.08:15 the guy is talking about the person shot in the head at the rally, he was on the scene trying to help.

            That helps lay to rest any claims you may here in the coming days about it being staged or fake.

            1. abwilliams profile image68
              abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

              Unbelievable, but it has already started.

              1. Ken Burgess profile image67
                Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this



                Trump 2024... America needs real leadership again!


        2. abwilliams profile image68
          abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          Yes agreed Ken, an initial moment of bewilderment/shock, but almost instantly followed up with the defiant clinched fist.

          I just heard that 8 rounds were spent and that the sniper was at 450 ft.

  7. abwilliams profile image68
    abwilliamsposted 8 months ago

    Amen and hear, hear!!

  8. tsmog profile image84
    tsmogposted 8 months ago

    Return gunfire in less than 4 seconds. hmmm . . .

    1. Ken Burgess profile image67
      Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this


      I would have to see how it went down.

      One witness said he saw the person come out from one building and jump to the other, from rooftop to rooftop.

      Seeing the facility, I'm not sure I understand what he was saying... but it sounds as if the shooter was hidden, then moved into position and took the shots.

      It is possible that they were in the process of getting clearance to take him out, and the difference between that authorization to take him out and the shooter getting in place to take his shots were mere seconds apart.

    2. Ken Burgess profile image67
      Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      Wanted to get back to this one...

      Some things I have uncovered, and until it becomes clear that this information is becoming public, I am going to chill on speculating hereafter.

      The buildings that the shooter was able to gain access to, according to protocol, should have been sealed from public access and at the very least, had local authorities on site preventing access.

      Those overseeing the security of this event had to deliberately decide not to have security (let alone a SS agent) assigned to a building/facility that close.

      This I know, which is why I initially said the shooter had to be at least a klick out, I remember the protocol and procedure fairly well, anything within 1 klick is swept and assigned days, weeks, in advance of such an event.

      Anything within 500 feet... has to be a deliberate decision, it was no mistake, they do this for a living, day in, day out, the procedures and repetition make such a 'mistake' impossible, these are supposed to be the best at security in the USA.

      Another bit of information I have heard about...

      From a sniper on location...

      "I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the secret service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at president Trump."

      "I didn't follow the orders though, as soon as the shooter opened on Trump I returned fire despite strict orders to not engage. I had eyes on the shooter for three minutes watching him fiddle with his rifle and adjust the scope, it was obvious he was a shooter yet I wasn't allowed to engage. After I killed the shooter I was arrested, questioned by the FBI, and just released an hour ago. Already lost my job for not following orders, but I'm glad I took the shots anyway."


      OK it went public, thankfully its getting out there...

  9. tsmog profile image84
    tsmogposted 8 months ago

    uh oh!

  10. tsmog profile image84
    tsmogposted 8 months ago

    Jump to 13:40 of the BBC broadcast to listen to a witness sharing his observations of the shooter. He and others attempted to point it out to police and secret service. He actually saw the shooter get on the roof.

    Attacker at Donald Trump’s rally killed by US Secret Service sniper by BBC

    1. Ken Burgess profile image67
      Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      Yeah, that one was funny... Orange man talking about the assassination attempt of the original Orange man...

      Now this one was good, much new respect for Megyn Kelly, this was a knock out, a home run production:

      Megyn Kelly's Message About the Need to Vote Trump After He Survives Horrific Assassination Attempt

      1. tsmog profile image84
        tsmogposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        Yeah, I'll give her a brownie button for that one. No, two. Almost 70,000 views in an hour with 690 comments. Just think what she will garner after sunrise.

        But, a good production bringing alive the MAGA moment! Kudos!

  11. Valeant profile image77
    Valeantposted 8 months ago

    Pretty sure the tentative identification of the shooter as being a 20-year old can dampen that 'pro' theory.

    1. Readmikenow profile image95
      Readmikenowposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      Age doesn't matter.  A person can be an Army sniper at the age of 18.  All that is required is they go through the training.

      I agree with you.

      He was not a professional.  Eight shots were fired. Four people were hit, which means four shots went astray. Not the work of a professional. I do wonder the type of rifle that was used and if a scope was used.  I'm sure we will find out sometime in the future.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image67
        Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        We will never know, they will run interference with the truth, like they always do... from here on out you will find out only what they want out in the "official" story.

        "Former President Donald Trump was about 400 to 500 feet (120 to 150 meters) from the suspected gunman at the time of the shooting."

        Agents would have surveyed all the rooftops with a line of sight ahead of time.

        This person concealed themselves until Trump's speech began.

        There would have been counter snipers in a higher position, and/or a spotter helicopter with a sniper assigned.

        The job of the counter snipers are to put themselves in the position that overlooks the “best” sniper positions.

        They assess the area ahead of any such visit and then request what is needed so they can occupy the position they chose for giving them the best vantage point.

        Security sweeps should have been done of those buildings in advance of Trump's arrival, despite being outside the security zone, because the rooftops allowed access to a good shooting vantage, the security sweeps done prior to the President's visit would have identified this.

        Counter snipers prep the location.  Distances to potential sniper positions would be pre-determined and noted. Wind, temperature, and other factors that affect doping a shot would be monitored.

        Secret Service counter sniper teams mark buildings in a manner that lets the counter snipers quickly identify them to response teams. Counter sniper teams also have radio codes to identify sides of buildings, specific windows or doors, and other features.

        Co-ordination with local authorities, with local swat and police sniper teams, reactionary forces on standby, all are linked together and coms are tested long before a President, or former President running to be President again arrives.

        I will stand by my earlier statements, this was not some Leftwing loon that crawled out of his mom's basement with an AR-15 that pulled this off.

        You have to know enough about what you are going up against and how the security of such an event works to be able to counter them and get into such a position without being stopped prior to taking a shot.

        Either that, or a whole slew of Secret Service and their support teams need to be replaced for being completely incompetent.  Hard for me to know how bad things have gotten in that regard, I saw people reacting in those clips that would never have made the cut 25-30 years ago.

        1. Readmikenow profile image95
          Readmikenowposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          Watch this from Sky News in Australia.  They provide some interesting clips you won't see in mainstream American news.

          After watching the video you have to ask yourself

          1. Why didn't police respond when people told them there was a man on a roof with a gun?

          2. How did a man on a roof with a gun not be seen by the Secret Service?

          3. How was he able to get off 5 shots before being taken out?

          4. Why was the security so lax?

          This stinks and someone needs to be held accountable.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image67
            Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            The police probably were.  The police know to stay in their lane at events such as those.

            There are people assigned to handle that, counter snipers and spotters.

            The various units work together, but are separate, communicating information during the event between units, takes time to verify things.

            He moved into position, he was spotted as he moved into position, the delay time from when he got in position and took his first shot, and they got clearance to take him out, was mere seconds.

            I keep saying, this guy had to have planned this out, had to understand how the security sweeps worked, in order to avoid detection, and get into that position as Trump began his speech.

            Was it lax, or was it standard, with the shooter understanding what he was up against, and successfully countering it?

            1. Readmikenow profile image95
              Readmikenowposted 8 months agoin reply to this

              How did a 20 year old guy get so much information about security?

              1. Ken Burgess profile image67
                Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                I would imagine with some effort.

                What we learn about him will have to be taken with a grain of salt. 

                Remember that school shooter in TN a couple years back, and what they made sure didn't become public knowledge.

                Didn't support the narrative, they will do damage control on this like they do everything else.

  12. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 8 months ago

    Mayorkas denied 'repeated requests' for more Secret Service protection for Trump, GOP lawmaker says

    The House House Homeland Security Committee will probe the Secret Service allegations

    A House Republican lawmaker is alleging that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas denied stronger Secret Service protection for former President Trump multiple times.

    Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla., made the accusation hours after Trump was grazed by a bullet at his Saturday Pennsylvania rally.

    "I have very reliable sources telling me there have been repeated requests for stronger secret service protection for President Trump. Denied by Secretary Mayorkas," Waltz wrote on X. … maker-says

  13. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 8 months ago

    Is this proof that democrats are starting to realize their propaganda is dangerous?

    "Biden campaign pulling ads in wake of Trump rally shooting

    President Biden's campaign says it is "pausing all outbound communications" and was working as quickly as possible to bring down its TV ads in the aftermath of the deadly shooting at former President Trump's Pennsylvania rally on Saturday.

    The Democratic National Committee told Fox News that it is in the process of pulling down ads that it went up with on Monday on 57 municipal buses in Milwaukee. … y-shooting

  14. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 8 months ago

    I think Bill Barr has put things accurately.  Especially the part about "grossly irresponsible."

    "Dems need to stop with 'existential threat' rhetoric about Trump: Former AG Barr
    Democrats must end their 'grossly irresponsible talk,' Barr said

    Former Attorney General William Barr told Fox News that "the Democrats have to stop their grossly irresponsible talk about Trump being an existential threat to democracy. He is not."

    The statement came just hours after a would-be assassin shot at former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

    Republicans lost no time tying the attack to rhetoric from Democrats accusing Trump of being authoritarian, a dictator or anti-democracy.

    Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, a contender for Trump's vice president position, after the attack posted on X, "Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump's attempted assassination." … 2021-02-02

    democrats can't win on the issues so they have to create lies.

    Like a fellow Republican said in a recent conversation.  IF the democrats believe that comments by President Donald Trump led to January 6th, then democrats have to own that their comments have led directly to an assassination attempt on the life of a former president.

    1. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 8 months agoin reply to this

      And what about Trump and his grossly irresponsible talk? I say give a few days for this to blow over and the Democrats need to resume coming on strong against Trump, his campaign and all the rubbish that it represents, and not be intimidated.

      We should not allow ourselves to be intimidated by the actions of a 20 year old with a rifle as the Republicans  are the ones that support the greater availability of firearms throughout society. As they have always said in the wake of massacre sort of shootings,"Let Us Pray".

      This form of political statement is not condoned by any of us, even by me against a pig like Trump, one of few inhabitants in this universe that I have nothing good to say about regardless of his fate one way or the other.

      1. GA Anderson profile image82
        GA Andersonposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        Cred, you should take a break from politics. The hatred in your comments is as harmful to you as it is off-putting to others.

        We've interacted here for a dozen years, my intentions are those of a buddy. Hopefully, that's how you take it.


        1. abwilliams profile image68
          abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          Thank you GA, it allowed me to delete my comment, which wasn't as kind or respectful.

        2. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 8 months agoin reply to this

          There is no break from politics considering the choices that lie before us and the danger that lies therein, so I don't care what the opposition thinks.

          Instead you support Mike's position regarding the Dems being over the top in their rhetoric over why this shooting occurred. Not a peep out of you, so YOU are one of THEM undercover?

          Well buddy, this is a tantamount to war for me as Justice  Alito  commented it ultimately will be our side or theirs, and it is not going to be yours if I can help it.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            Exactly, they will gladly blame Biden's rhetoric, despite it being the prevailing thought among the majority of Democrats for a while now, while giving Trump a free pass for his rhetoric that led to J6, Cesar Sayoc, Cincinnati, Buffalo and El Paso.

          2. Ken Burgess profile image67
            Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            GA is right, and I have noted this to you as well.

            Used to be I was more of the hothead, and you brought rational and reasonable counters to many of my posts, those were the days prior to Trump ever being elected.

            Too much darkness in your posts today... which is not rational, you are defending a warmongering dementia-ridden corrupt establishment hack.

            You are treating this crew of incompetence and corruption (Biden Administration) as if they have done immense good in the world and are worthy of defending.

            They are not... this is the worst Administration in terms of world safety, co-operation and peace we have had in our lifetimes... this is the worst Administration in terms of spending what we don't have and burying Americans with debt (inflation) that we have had in our lifetimes.

            You are not defending America from evil... you are defending the evil in control of America, so it can do more harm to Americans and the country that has provided more people opportunity and prosperity than any other nation in human history.

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

              'Too much darkness in your posts today... which is not rational, you are defending a warmongering dementia-ridden corrupt establishment hack.'

              Funny how in the same post that accuses, the end is pretty dark.  We get a daily fearmongering post from the person here criticizing Cred for doing similar things.  Let alone that we often state Trump as the lesser of two evils.  That's hardly 'defending' anyone.

              And many of us in this forum have moved further away from center.  GA used to be a fence-sitter.  In my opinion of his posts now, he's gone over to MAGA.  Not red-hat wearing MAGA, but definitely in support of the cult.

              And while the right lays out their concerns about a second Biden term, we on the left are going to exercise those same rights in here.  We will not 'go away' or 'take a break from politics' to let a violent domestic terror cult assume control of our once-proud nation.

            2. Credence2 profile image79
              Credence2posted 8 months agoin reply to this

              GA is wrong and the response I gave to him intiatially would apply to you as well, Ken.

              With Trump and his threatened regime, Democracy itself is in the darkness. I am not giving him, the things he stands for nor any of his supporters an inch, and unfortunately that includes you, as well.

              So, I am no longer rational because I don't buy the right wing rubbish that you seem to purvey all of the time? I beg to differ.

              I like America as it is, you can keep your MAGA Revolution and you can bet that I will seek to undermine it at every opportunity.

              I am satisfied with President Biden and his record and would not replace him with Trump no more than I will exchange a turd in the place of a diamond tiara. Much of what you state here your opinion and I don't share it.

              1. Ken Burgess profile image67
                Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                I wanted to come back to this, because I found someone who speaks directly to it.

       … 4624099543

                The entirety of it is worth a listen (all 3:53 minutes) this was a response in regards to the debate performance of Biden, however, my response is found specifically in 3:09 to 3:53.

                America has a real problem...

                The Biden Administration, is truly unfit, truly corrupt, and if you don't believe any of that... fine... but Biden is unfit to go on as President.

                If we can accept and deal with that very real fact, we can at least find one spot of common ground.

                In essence Biden, and the Biden Administration, cannot be allowed to continue for four more years.

                The Alternative is Trump.  This also is because of the Biden Administration that spent the last three years villainizing him, berating Americans for supporting him, and never letting us forget about him.

                And then, the reason why the only other option is Biden, is they refused to do debates, refused to allow RFK or anyone else give Americans an alternative to consider... as the link details.

        3. Valeant profile image77
          Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          What you interpret as hatred is a genuine concern of someone openly threatening the people that oppose him is elected to such a powerful position - and one the Supreme Court just said can violate the laws in multiple ways and get away with it.

          1. Readmikenow profile image95
            Readmikenowposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            You and Cred are what Bill Barr is talking about.

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

              Considering how Bill Barr has a history of distorting the truth, I could care less what he talks about.  Trump remains a threat to democracy and the actions people like Cred and I want to see to combat that is a massive voter turnout.   

              Plus, there's plenty of culpability to go around to how we got here.  Congress refused to hold Trump accountable for his crimes.  The courts just refused to hold Trump accountable for his crimes.  Some Trump- and GOP-hating whack job decided to assume the role that those two branches of government abdicated.  That is wrong, but so is exempting any citizen from accountability for violating our laws.

            2. Credence2 profile image79
              Credence2posted 8 months agoin reply to this

              Why would I give a rats a$$ about the opinion of Bill Barr, another Trump-Chump?

          2. Readmikenow profile image95
            Readmikenowposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            There has not been any attempts on the life of biden.

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

              No, just the organizing and inciting of a violent attempt to prevent him from taking office.  Just calls for military tribunals.  Just death threats to many who try and hold Trump accountable.

              And let's not pretend there hasn't been action taken against former Democratic presidents.
     … -rcna92094

          3. GA Anderson profile image82
            GA Andersonposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            No, it isn't. It's zealotry.


            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

              Oh, so it's zealotry to oppose someone who tried to steal an American election?  To speak out against someone whose violent rhetoric has already led to at least five acts of domestic terror in our country?  We would probably say it's zealotry to stand behind the person responsible for those kinds of actions.

              1. GA Anderson profile image82
                GA Andersonposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                Is that what you read from my comment?

                You won't find any reference or inference to "opposing" anything. There was no hook for your comment. All you offered was ' . . . but Trump . . .'  My comment to Cred wasn't about Trump. You're off-base . . . again.


                1. Valeant profile image77
                  Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                  When you infer that someone's opposition to an extremist candidate, one that has incited multiple domestic terror attacks, just has to be 'zealotry,'  I think it's easy to see who is off-base...again.

          4. wilderness profile image89
            wildernessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            "...and one the Supreme Court just said can violate the laws in multiple ways and get away with it."

            That would apply to Biden, right?  The court was pretty clear about that.

            Hadn't we better be concerned that Biden will grab a machine gun and go to work from a White House window?

            1. Valeant profile image77
              Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

              Not we, but you can be concerned about that.  Biden as both fragile dementia sufferer and mass shooter.  The opposing dichotomies of the right continue.

          5. Credence2 profile image79
            Credence2posted 8 months agoin reply to this

            Yes, MAGA and Trump supporting keep throwing their damnable red paint on everything, but it washes off.

  15. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 8 months ago

    Sky New in Australia provides an interview with a person who saw the shooter on the roof before the rally and alerted police.

    How could a shooter get a onto a roof with a gun and have direct line of fire?  The Secret Service did not do their job.  ALL roof tops with direct line of sight are cleared at an event with a politician.

    This is very suspicious.

    Watch this from Sky News in Australia.  They provide some interesting clips you won't see in mainstream American news.

  16. abwilliams profile image68
    abwilliamsposted 8 months ago

    Question asked and answered.

  17. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 8 months ago

    It is obvious by the reaction of many liberals that this is a real thing. I wish help for liberals.  I hope many seek it.

    “Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason.”

    Watch this video as more proof than reading the responses here on HubPages.

    1. Valeant profile image77
      Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      Not as much as we hope the many MAGA supporters can escape the cult that convinces them to attack their own Capitol or an FBI office - or to believe the lies of a conman about election fraud that he clearly fabricated.

    2. abwilliams profile image68
      abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      Mike, my FB status and, also, update to one of my articles regarding the persecution of Trump:

      Saturday, 7-13-24, at a Trump rally in Butler, PA, a 20 year old, from a sniper position, attempted to take out & end the life of President Donald Trump. Trump was only injured, the sniper is dead! Sadly, a rally attendee is dead, and others are critically injured. Children in the audience, forever changed by this, and for what? Because, until now, it's the only thing which hasn't been attempted by his haters; putting an end to the monster which has been created and lives, in their warped minds.

      I am praying for the families affected by this horrific day, for Trump & for the U.S.

    3. tsmog profile image84
      tsmogposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      Until TDS is in the DSM-5 or the arriving DSM-6 it is just pure political BS.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image67
        Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        Is it now?

        GA often likes to refer to Jack Nicolson’s role in A Few Good Men…

        I like to think of that time as to when Hollywood and American institutions began taking aim at the very persona and make up of what made America strong.

        They came up with terms like ‘toxic masculinity’ and ‘patriarchy’ and ‘dead white men’.

        Messaging is deep and strong in this regard and our MSM sources have spent years building Trump into the most reprehensible villain in human history.  Trump represents it all, toxic masculinity, patriarchy, white men, etc.

        That is a pretty impressive feat, that a massive media campaign can turn an American Icon into the world’s biggest threat truly shows the power of propaganda and the psychology of mob conditioning.

        Now there are people who know what is going on, and for political beliefs and agendas push this messaging with all their efforts, we see people in this forum that fit the mold to a T, they exist here only to denigrate Trump and any who dare support him, constantly amplifying the worst elements of Trump and his supporters, embellishing the negatives whenever possible.

        America is in a tough place… easily 30% of America believes the rhetoric they have heard for a decade now, Trump is worse than Hitler, Trump will destroy Democracy, hates and abuses women, will imprison and/or execute all his opponents, and so on.

        And some 30% of Americans can see through all the BS, recognize the immense harm done by the Biden Administration, see clearly the threats of allowing this Administration to continue… compounded by the fact that we are presented with an incoherent and incompetent President suffering with declining mental faculties and a VP that has shown herself to be equally incoherent and incompetent without the excuse of dementia.

        Then you have the 40% in the middle that don’t like either choice or are driven by single topic issues and could care less about anything else, issues like Abortion, or ease of entry into the country and access to government services, decide for them who to vote for.

        The 30% that hate Trump… HATE Trump.  Their hate and fear has been pumped up like Arnold Schwarzenegger on steroids back in the 70s.

        The 30% that support Trump are not necessarily the 30% that realize how badly Biden has done, but for convenience's sake I will lump them together.

        Let's just hope they don’t do a Zelensky and suspend elections indefinitely… I don’t put it past this crew to create an excuse to do just that.

        1. tsmog profile image84
          tsmogposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          Again, until TDS is in the DSM-V or the upcoming DSM-6, its political BS.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image67
            Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this


            Consistent... ok then.

            Trump derangement syndrome has not yet made it into the DSM-5, but social scientists and psychologists have noted it and written about it under various labels for years.

            Two different forms of the syndrome have been identified. In the first iteration, the affected person is so overwhelmed by their fear that Donald Trump could regain power that they can barely spare attention for anything else.

            They have trouble sleeping, their work performance suffers, and their children begin to ask questions about the lack of attention which they are displaying.

            Personally, I like this one:
            Dr. Bezmenov's DSM-V diagnostic of the TDS mind virus pandemic
   … osis-dsm-v

            Does it work the other way, and people follow Trump as if he is a savior?

            Of course.

            Just like there are those that see the same thing in Biden, believe it or not.

            But that type of idolizing is not the same as TDS...

            Those who suffer from TDS are those that have bought into and believe the constant media barrage against him... it is very similar to how to repetition and messaging was used to build up the Third Reich or the Chinese Communist Party, only in reverse, making Trump the embodiment of every evil, every threat, every wrong done.

            While also attempting to make the people believe the only one who can save them from Trump is Biden (and the Democrat Party).

            Unfortunately, and of course, their are other parties involved in stoking the division within America as well, a Nation divided and at war with itself is much less of a threat to outside forces, like China, Russia, etc.


            I should add, it is not just Progressive/Left that are suffering from TDS, there are those that are not overly political in other matters, or may even be considered 'Conservative'... weak minds that are susceptible to mass media propaganda that has been a deluge on the American psyche for a decade now will fall for this consistent messaging regardless of their other beliefs.

            To summarize TDS:

            1. tsmog profile image84
              tsmogposted 8 months agoin reply to this

              I got a good chuckle with satirical article by Yuri Bezmenov, though it as all satire does bear truths to an extent. I bookmarked it for later. 

              I am glad you got it worked out for yourself.

              I'm going to keep an eye on you, Ken.


              1. TheShadowSpecter profile image73
                TheShadowSpecterposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                Whoa!  That insect in that picture you posted is scary-looking.  Like something out of one of those science-fiction movies that show blood and gore.

                1. Ken Burgess profile image67
                  Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this


                  1. abwilliams profile image68
                    abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                    This is random, but since satire has bee introduced...
                    An individual on X, shared a picture by the Babylon Bee, as the gospel, in response to my comment about the selfless man/husband/father, who died at the rally, sheltering his family.(unbelievable in itself that this person chose this particular comment to go after me!!!)
                    I proceeded to explain satire to said individual, via a definition. He immediately followed up with the standard bag of go-to words/phrases... dirtbag, deplorable, mean tweets, black and kettles, Yada Yada Yada

                    I fear that this individual and so many others are so far gone, they'll never make a return to reality again! Not sure where that leaves America! sad

  18. tsmog profile image84
    tsmogposted 8 months ago

    Trending . . .

    Conspiracies or stirring the pot . . .

    Trump Shooting Conspiracies Are Coming From Every Direction by Wired Magazine (July 14, 2024)
    From Republican lawmakers claiming Biden ordered the attack to the left claiming it was all staged, the internet is flooded with baseless Trump assassination attempt conspiracies. … spiracies/

    "In the minutes and hours after a 20-year-old repeatedly shot at former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, social media platforms, message boards, and encrypted chat groups lit up with conspiracies about the shooting.

    From wild claims that the incident was a “deep state plot” devised by President Joe Biden to allegations that the entire incident was staged to boost Trump’s chances of winning the election, the conspiracies came from all sides of the political divide. They were driven not only by online conspiracists and random accounts online, but also by elected lawmakers.

    “They tried to jail him and now they’ve tried to kill him,” representative Greg Steube of Florida wrote on X."

    Money, money, money . . . $$$,width-300,height-225,imgsize-1349597,resizemode-75/just-hours-after-donald-trump-shooting-t-shirts-go-on-sale-in-china.jpg

    Trump attack T-shirts go on sale in China moments after US rally shooting incident by the Economic Times (July 14, 2024) … s?from=mdr

    "Shortly after Donald Trump was targeted in a shooting incident during a rally in Pennsylvania, Chinese online retailers wasted no time in offering souvenir T-shirts adorned with photos depicting the aftermath of the assassination attempt on the former president."

    Get 'em for about $14 on Amazon. Pick and choose your preference. … _sb_noss_2

  19. Valeant profile image77
    Valeantposted 8 months ago

    For those who wonder why many of us saw this coming, here are some examples.

    When a madman hammered nearly to death the husband of then–House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump jeered and mocked.

    One of Trump’s sons and other close Trump supporters avidly promoted false claims that Paul Pelosi had somehow brought the onslaught upon himself through a sexual misadventure.

    After authorities apprehended a right-wing-extremist plot to abduct Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Trump belittled the threat at a rally. He disparaged Whitmer as a political enemy. His supporters chanted “Lock her up.” Trump laughed and replied, “Lock them all up.”

    Trump has been celebrating the violence against political opposition openly in his rallies.  That a Republican shooter would get his message that violence is acceptable isn't really a stretch.  He just didn't think a member of his own party might turn that violence against him.  Let's hope this is eye-opening for him and his rhetoric.

    1. abwilliams profile image68
      abwilliamsposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      It is "not a stretch" for me to suggest that not even this..."has opened your eyes" to your own "rhetoric".

      1. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        Weak projection attempt.  But usual for us to see his supporters deny any culpability that he might have.

    2. Readmikenow profile image95
      Readmikenowposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      You haven't listed your source.

      Why am I not surprised?

      Stop the propaganda.

      1. Valeant profile image77
        Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        Because I expect people, as functioning adults, to be able to check the validity of my claims that they might doubt.  And I am so often incorrect in my expectation that MAGA supporters have that ability to use Google to educate themselves when they are not sure about something.  Let alone that many of the things I state are public knowledge to those of us that follow politics.

        Stop the willful ignorance to basic information.

        1. Readmikenow profile image95
          Readmikenowposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          It's not there.

          You are making this stuff up.

          If you make a claim it is up to you to support it.

          1. Valeant profile image77
            Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            Yeah, like I said, I gave Trump supporters too much credit for the ability to research basic facts.  But here, I'll spoon-feed you on one of the claims.  It took all of five seconds to find multiple links:

   … ry-speech/
   … r-AA1jDg50
   … 21604.html
   … er-attack/
   … a-00119243

            Now, I realize that none of these came from Truth Social, so in your mind they must all be faked.  You'll deny the reporting as you deny all other basic facts that make Trump look bad.  In what I call TDS - Trump Demagogue Syndrome.  Good news though, we can get you help for that affliction.

            1. Readmikenow profile image95
              Readmikenowposted 8 months agoin reply to this

              I read every article you posted.

              Here is what you said “

              “One of Trump’s sons and other close Trump supporters avidly promoted false claims that Paul Pelosi had somehow brought the onslaught upon himself through a sexual misadventure.”

              None of them said anything about sexual misadventure.  Here is what one stated.

              “Donald Trump Jr. took to social media to mock Nancy Pelosi's husband, sharing a meme that shows a Paul "costume" consisting of a pair of underwear and a hammer.

              "Got my Paul Pelosi Halloween costume ready," read the caption for the meme, which 44-year-old Trump Jr. shared to both Twitter and Instagram.”

              Very inappropriate but nothing about sexual misadventure.

              Here is the common quote from President Donald Trump in what you posted.

              Trump said he would “stand up to crazy Nancy Pelosi“ if reelected president, asking a crowd of supporters, “How’s her husband doing by the way?” and saying a “wall around her house” didn’t do a “good job” of protecting her 82-year-old husband from an intruder who fractured his skull with a hammer during a break-in last year—prompting laughter from the crowd.

              There is nothing mocking.  Nothing about sexual misadventure.  That is blatant disinformation.

              This is the problem.  Liberal media misleads its readers and takes things out of perspective.

              It really has to stop.

              1. Valeant profile image77
                Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                Yeah, figured you deny reality, as always.  You're predictable that way.

                1. Readmikenow profile image95
                  Readmikenowposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                  What you provided didn't back up your accusation.

                  Prove me wrong.  Show me something in any of those stories you provided that says anything about Paul Pelosi and sexual misadventure.

                  It's not there.

                  That is reality.

                  1. Valeant profile image77
                    Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

                    Maybe because the majority of those links were proving the mocking claim - which I stated I would, in under five seconds, easily provide multiple sources to support what I stated.  I'm sorry you lack the ability to understand the basics by the headlines that four of the five provided were to support that part of my statement and felt the need to deflect to something I wasn't really addressing.

                    What I showed was that it took a miniscule amount of time to show this entire forum that your lie about there being nothing there on the web to support my statement was your latest laughable fabrication.  A child could have found those links.

  20. abwilliams profile image68
    abwilliamsposted 8 months ago

    Did you really just use Google and educate in the same sentence!?
    Bye V, you take care now, ya hear?

    1. Valeant profile image77
      Valeantposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      Why, are you going somewhere?  I'll be here all week sharing stuff that apparently Trump supporters deny.

  21. Ken Burgess profile image67
    Ken Burgessposted 8 months ago

    Well I sifted through quite a few videos of from people who think they know a lot about security that goes on during a Presidential visit... to find something worth sharing.

    I like his explanations, keeps it simple, adds some personal introspection... enjoy.

    1. Readmikenow profile image95
      Readmikenowposted 8 months agoin reply to this

      Interesting video.

      Still didn't explain to my satisfaction how people can be yelling about a person on a rooftop with a gun and be ignored.

      It was a security failure.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image67
        Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        "It was a security failure"

        Yeah.  Something like that.

        A facility 500ft away from the former/front-runner for President, with no Security detail assigned.

        Yeah, and of course just a crazy kid with no training went there.  Sure.

        That's the story.

      2. Ken Burgess profile image67
        Ken Burgessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        It would be hard to articulate my explanation, my opinion, on this in type.
        Just too much to convey, while trying to build a foundation of understanding.

        I came across this individual's explanation, and I think it works well, to explain how deeply disturbing this effort to kill Trump really is.

        From the time of 4:00 to 8:40 pretty much covers it:

      3. MizBejabbers profile image91
        MizBejabbersposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        I agree with you. I saw the interview with two guys on the news right after it happened. Why were they not listened to?

    2. IslandBites profile image93
      IslandBitesposted 8 months ago

      Right-wing commentator Raheem Kassam tweeted in late October, “They’re still pretending it wasn’t Paul Pelosi’s gay lover.” Republican Rep. Clay Higgins of Louisiana tweeted in late October that the assailant was a “male prostitute,” then deleted the tweet.  "That moment you realize the nudist hippie male prostitute LSD guy was the reason your husband didn't make it to your fundraiser," Higgins wrote over a picture of Nancy Pelosi holding her hands over her face.

      And Musk, also in late October, tweeted a link to a baseless article alleging the incident involved a dispute between Pelosi and a prostitute. Musk wrote, “There is a tiny possibility there might be more to this story than meets the eye.” He deleted his tweet hours later.

      Maybe their memory is worse than Biden's. yikes Conveniently.

      There are a lot of those jokes here too.

    3. IslandBites profile image93
      IslandBitesposted 8 months ago

      4chan? SMH

      1. Ken Burgess profile image67
        Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

        Some of us, like me, have experience and know how to get info.

        Some others, you I presume, go to 4chan to get info.

        You must, you seem to know what is on it.

        1. IslandBites profile image93
          IslandBitesposted 8 months agoin reply to this



          1. Ken Burgess profile image67
            Ken Burgessposted 8 months agoin reply to this

            I agree, smile

            I have that reaction whenever you chime in.

        2. tsmog profile image84
          tsmogposted 8 months agoin reply to this

          Do you use the dark web much? I do.

    4. abwilliams profile image68
      abwilliamsposted 7 months ago

      Amen Miebakagh, I will never give up on America!

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image72
        Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

        You're much welcome.

    5. Miebakagh57 profile image72
      Miebakagh57posted 7 months ago

      To me all this sounds whacky, roadcoaster, and nilly-nilly.                                          'real' Donald Trump, was being persecuted on all fronts full circle, prio to the assassination attempt.                                        Again, right there in the Representatives, a anti- Trump person is seeking for government withdrawal of Trump's special security privilege which the FBI, a govermental agency provided during election campaigns.                                    And again, what's this Rep-register voter cum Dem$15 thing all about?                                     Seriously, and critically, that boy Thomas Mathew Crook, seems likely to be implanted on that rooftop.                                    The FBI agents around Trump's campaign precincts seems likely to be aware of the issue, but are ignoring. And immdiately, gun shots ran out, and Trump was hit, the agents desend on Captain America, and take him away to safety. Crook was killed, instead of how to get information from him.

    6. abwilliams profile image68
      abwilliamsposted 7 months ago

      The left put a target on Donald Trump the day he descended Trump Tower to announce his intentions.
      I have never seen such hate in my lifetime, which I still do not understand!
      DJT wants what I want for my children and grand children; a chance, an opportunity, a long life, unobstructed liberty and endless pursuits, which bring them both joy and satisfaction.

      1. MizBejabbers profile image91
        MizBejabbersposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        What goes around comes around. Watch a few videos of his rantings at his rallys.

    7. tsmog profile image84
      tsmogposted 7 months ago

      For the curious NPR published a timeline of the events surrounding the attempted assassination of Trump. It begins with July 3rd and Crooks activities and goes through July 19th. An interesting read offering perspective to intermingle with what one already knows from what ever means.

      Trump's close call: A detailed time line by NPR (July 20, 2024) … et-service

      The opening paragraphs are . . .

      "The July 13 attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump has stunned the country as it approaches Election Day on Nov. 5. Here is an in-depth look at the events surrounding the shooting that wounded Trump at a Butler, Pa., political rally.

      Leading up to the rally

      Over several months prior to the July 13 attack on former President Donald Trump, the man ultimately identified as the shooter, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, receives multiple packages at his Bethel Park, Pa., home that are marked "hazardous material," according to The New York Times, citing a federal law enforcement memo."

      The last entry/paragraph is . . .

      "July 19: The chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., says Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle will testify at a July 22 hearing at 10 a.m. ET. "Americans demand answers from Director Kimberly Cheatle about the Secret Service's historic security failures that led to the attempted assassination of President Trump, murder of an innocent victim, and harm to others in the crowd," Comer says in a statement."

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image72
        Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

        The link reporting is fair enough.                                      And likewise, the statements made by  Chuck, Schuner, Nancy Pelosi, and Joseph Biden, and others.                                      Americans shouldn't be enemies. Let the gap closed.


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