Does Rick Santorum's Argument Make Any Sense?

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  1. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    Rick Santorum talking on a Christian news show states that Obama should oppose abortion because he is a black man.
    I swear I watched this 3x and the logic still makes zero sense ... to me. If someone can explain, please do! Thx. MM

    1. lady_love158 profile image60
      lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It's simple, black people for so long were denied basic rights life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, just because of the color of their skin, the same is happening to the unborn when they are aborted without being given a choice, without the protection that is guaranteed by all in the constitution, the rights that blacks fought so hard to achieve.

      Besides, everyone knows that abortion was intended to be used to control the population of black people.

      1. Doug Hughes profile image61
        Doug Hughesposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        'everyone knows that abortion was intended to be used to control the population of black people.'

        That's an irrational statement at so many levels, it's incredible.

        1. lady_love158 profile image60
          lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Irrational? How so? Do you know anything about Margret Danger? Read the link I posted.

          1. profile image0
            PrettyPantherposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            You act as though Margaret Sanger herself invented abortion.  Since it's been around for as long as women have been getting pregnant, your argument that it was intended to control the black population is ridiculous.  You and Rick should get along famously.

          2. profile image0
            Texasbetaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Abortion goes back 2300 years! Are you kidding me? Do you have a single thought you didn't get from Glenn Beck?

            1. lady_love158 profile image60
              lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              So so was slavery but you kins seem to think America invented it. Sanger's fouding of planned parenthood was to implment her belief ineugenics.

              1. Doug Hughes profile image61
                Doug Hughesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                The existence of Glenn Beck proves ONE man is a fool. It doesn't prove anything about ALL republicans. Sanger has been dead for almost 50 years and her opinions in 1930 are not those of the modern woman. The ability of the right to seize on 100 year-old statements of pioneers in the women's movement  to distort modern politics is beyond irrational.

                1. uncorrectedvision profile image60
                  uncorrectedvisionposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Sanger was a eugenicist and saw all none whites and even Eastern and Southern Europeans as inferior to Anglo-Saxon "racial stock."  She was a monster whose goal was to decrease the birth rate among the inferior yet is still heralded by those wonderful modern woman as a champion.  It isn't Sanger's ideas that are the problem today it is that those ideas are woven into the fabric of contemporary women's politics.

                  1. Doug Hughes profile image61
                    Doug Hughesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    BULL!  Sangers ideas from 1920 to 1940 which wingnuts want to call racism and eugenics are a side show. A distraction intended to drag the conversation away from real issues. If we are talking about a womans right to control over her own body and you wish to disagree with the modern movement, quote a current leader. Or at least one who hasn't been dead since the 60's.

    2. Stump Parrish profile image60
      Stump Parrishposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      He ends with the statement that he finds it to be inconceivable that a black man would say, we are going to decide who are people and who are not. That could be taken two ways as I am sure he knew before stating it. 1, based upon how the blacks were treated as less than human by the christian whites, how could a black man develop the same attitude about another human. 2, How dare a black man attempt to take over one of the white christian's primary duties, determining who is human and who is not.

      It doesn't suprise me that this is going on considering how much success they have had teaching black communities to hate the homosexual community. How dare the white christians determine that a homosexual is less than human and not entitled to the same rights christians enjoy?

    3. uncorrectedvision profile image60
      uncorrectedvisionposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Black babies are more likely to be aborted.  Abortion is marketed to black mothers.  Until Jesse Jackson entertained presidential aspirations he called abortion a black holocaust.  It is simple, really, as a proportion of population blacks abort more often than whites.

      1. Stump Parrish profile image60
        Stump Parrishposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Rather than allow comprehensive sex education and the availablitity of contreceptives that would decrease abortions,  the christian right prefers to keep them coming. Abortions are being forced onto the black communities by the puritanical mindset of the mainstream christian. Rathe than allow proper sex education to be taught they prefer to have babies killed. It gives them something else to feel holier than tho about. Itr never enters their head that they are actually increasing the very thing they want to decrease. Amen.

    4. profile image55
      C.J. Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I took it to be about the numbers. Is it not true that Black Mothers have more abortions?

      I would like to point out that there is a subtle accusation of racism going on in this thread here. This is why Holder said we are COWARDS. Its OK to discuss race issues. Stating statistical facts are NOT racist. Attributing those statistics as being characteristic of a specific race is. I don't think this guy was doing the later.

  2. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    "Everyone" knows abortion was intended to control the black population? I didn't know that. I've never heard that before.
    Sounds a lot like Rick Santorum's claim that all biologists agree that life begins at conception. All biologists do NOT agree with that statement at all.
    For the record, abortion has been around for centuries. Long before blacks in America.

    And for the sake of argument. By this logic, WOMEN should oppose abortion because, like blacks, women were denied full rights and had to fight for the right to vote, a place in the workforce, equal pay, etc.
    Surely no one can expect WOMEN as a "class of citizen" to reject abortion on these grounds. That's ludicrous.

    1. lady_love158 profile image60
      lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yes the founder of planned parenthood Margret Sanger (a liberal) held this view. Read and learn... … ortion.asp

      1. profile image0
        Texasbetaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Grow up! Do you read anything before you post this drivel? Even basic wikipedia talks about its history.

        You are ridiculous.

  3. BillyDRitchie profile image59
    BillyDRitchieposted 13 years ago

    Specifically, black women should oppose abortion the most, since it is black female babies that are most often aborted....

  4. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    That's not how I read her....
    She worked on the Lower East side of Manhattan, where a lot of poor European immigrants lived...

    She was trying to help those poor women, who had baby after baby after baby and the husband could not support them all. Plus, those women died young. Hard life for all involved.

    1. lady_love158 profile image60
      lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this … and-racism
      You should read this then. By all accounts Sanger was insensitive at best and a racist at worst.

      1. profile image0
        Texasbetaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I could say the same about you

        1. lady_love158 profile image60
          lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You could say anything you want about me but who would listen to a fool?

    2. profile image55
      C.J. Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Read the history. She was a hard core racist.

      1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
        Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I've "read the history" and haven't found anything indicating that Sanger was a "hard core racist." Please enlighten me. Sounds like you are trying to smear someone because of your own personal beliefs. If Sanger held racial views that progressive people would disagree with today that may be because she was born in 1876 to a generation in which racial beliefs that are not acceptable today were not uncommon. A racist 100 years ago is one thing and a racist today is something entirely different. The election of Obama has brought a lot of racist cockroaches out of the woodwork.

        1. profile image55
          C.J. Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          She not only believed in womans reproductive rights and health. She was also a HUGE promoter of eugenics. She believe that only the "Right" people should be reproducing. She believed that abortion could be used as a tool to manage the population. Ensuring that the best genetic lines were being propogated. Sound familiar? The history is there Ralph. You know it. If you choose to read a one sided account of history you will make comments like you have. By the way did you see the latest news on that wonderfull organization she is credited with starting?

 … 06135.html

          These guys are FEDERALLY FUNDED RALPH. What a waste!

          1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
            Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            You said she was "a hard core racist," but you haven't provided evidence of that. Plenty of people jumped on the eugenics bandwagon. For example, James Watson. I don't support eugenics, however, Sanger's main work involved birth control. Don't you agree that drugstores should be allowed to sell condoms and that birth control should be taught in high school sex ed classes. Just where are YOU coming from?

            You are trying to smear a good organization just because of misconduct by one individual. Nothing could be more one-sided.

            1. profile image55
              C.J. Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Ralph, anyone interested in the truth can google Margret Sanger, Eugenics, ABCL, The Negro Project that started in Harlem. It's all there.

              1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
                Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Sounds to me like you're trying to use ancient history to smear Planned Parenthood and efforts to disseminate information on contraception. It just doesn't was to equate planned parenthood today with eugenics 70 or 80 years ago. If you don't believe in contraception, don't practice it.

                1. profile image55
                  C.J. Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Smearing? Hardly, stating the history is a matter of fact. If you start wrong and don't make corrections you will finnish wrong. Recent events within their organization prove that. Regardless of past or recent events, Federal dollars spent on an organization that supports something as divisive as abortion is unexceptable. If Planned Parenthood is such a worthy cause, they should have NO trouble gettting private donations. Here is an organization that gets a third of it's money from the Federal Government. St Jude hospital gets approximately 14%. Go figure...

                  1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
                    Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    The federal government has thrown $1.5 billion away on "abstinence only" programs. Does that make you happy?

           … ?task=view

                    "Planned Parenthood receives federal tax dollars through Title X of the Public Health Service Act of 1970. The funding is for reproductive health care services, including family planning, and cannot be directly spent on actual abortion procedures except in cases of rape, incest or to preserve the life of the mother."

  5. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    Leave it to Santorum to make it a race issue.

    It's a FREEDOM issue. Freeodm of life. Choice. Destiny.

    Unless you want to live their lives FOR them, take care of the babies FOR them, you have 0 say.

    1. BillyDRitchie profile image59
      BillyDRitchieposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, I guess  the idea of taking responsibility for your own actions is a bit too much to ask, huh?

      Just kill it and get rid of it.....yeah, that's much better....

  6. I am DB Cooper profile image87
    I am DB Cooperposted 13 years ago

    I think Santorum's argument exposes an underlying "us versus them" mentality that still causes a major rift in race relations to this day. Is Obama, who is identified as a black man in the media even though he's just as "white" as he is "black", supposed to oppose abortions because it was historically used to suppress the black population or because it currently affects the black population disproportionately? The hidden inference is that Barack Obama has a vested interest in the population of one race over another.

    It may not seem that way on the surface, but what Santorum said is divisive politics in its ugliest form. This is the same kind of thing that went on for decades with the "Southern Strategy", which the GOP officially apologized for 7 or 8 years ago.

  7. Ralph Deeds profile image69
    Ralph Deedsposted 13 years ago

    Seems to me Sarnorum's comment was racist, suggesting that Obama's position would or should be determined by his race. Santorum is an arsehole.

    1. lady_love158 profile image60
      lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Would you think he was an anti-semite for assuming a Jew would be against returning Jerusalem to the Palestinians?

      1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
        Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        It would be just as big a mistake for Santorum to assume that because someone was Jewish that they would have a particular position on Palestine as it was for him to impute an opinion on ANY subject to Obama because he's black.

  8. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    "Santorum is an arshole."

    Big Time!

    1. Rajab Nsubuga profile image60
      Rajab Nsubugaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      So is abortion, Big Time!

      1. lovemychris profile image82
        lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You don't like it? Don't have one!

  9. profile image0
    SirDentposted 13 years ago

    An interview with Sanger by Mike Wallace.  You can read the transcript or click to watch the v ideo. … ret_t.html

    1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
      Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The worst thing in the interview is Mike Wallace advertising Philip Morris cigarettes at a time when anyone with a brain in their head was aware of the health hazards of smoking. Margaret Sanger acquitted herself perfectly well.

      What's your point, Sir Dent?

  10. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    I see absolutely nothing in that interview that makes me believe Margaret Sanger was a racist. She was a nurse, a woman who grew up in a family of 11 whose mother died early.
    She advocated birth control -- not abortion.

    BTW, the absolute BEST part of the interview is the sponsorship!
    Phillip Morris, yes indeedy! And here's the interviewer himself, waxing eloquent on how wonderful Philip Morris CIGARETTES are!
    Oh, the irony, the irony!

  11. katiem2 profile image60
    katiem2posted 13 years ago

    It makes no sense to me whatsoever

  12. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    Thank you, Katiem.
    I feel better, like maybe I'm not losing my ability to reason after all smile!

    1. katiem2 profile image60
      katiem2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      No really its crazy to even say that, I think he's the one with reason issues....  wink

  13. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    oh, i think we all know what his "reasons" (read: motives) are.

    1. katiem2 profile image60
      katiem2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yes we do... he def has an agenda

  14. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    When Black women in America have the personal, educational and economic opportunity to thrive as women and as mothers, perhaps we will see the abortion rate in that demographic segment go down.

  15. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    Sanger advocated birth control, not abortion.
    The modern equivalent is pro-choice people.
    Prevention is preferable!

  16. profile image0
    SirDentposted 13 years ago

    Former director of a planned Parenthood clinic. … pLRftkoiPQ

    1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
      Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like the same scam the Tea Baggers pulled on ACORN.

      1. profile image0
        SirDentposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        No scam.  You should read about Abby Johnson.  You will then see why she no longer works for PP.

        1. Ralph Deeds profile image69
          Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          So what does it prove? The scammers destroyed ACORN with some edited, staged entapment videos. But I don't think the same thing will happen to Planned Parenthood. They have much more middle class support.

  17. Beelzedad profile image57
    Beelzedadposted 13 years ago

    Funny, I'm still waiting for any argument from Santorum that does make sense. smile


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