Tonight toward the end of his show Keith host of Countdown on MSNBC announced that this would be his last segment. I was Shocked. He didn't explain why, or if he would be on another channel. He calmly read Thurber, which he does every Friday. At the end he asked the cameras for a wide screen shot and threw the papers as usual.
I immediately went to the computer to see if there would be more information..there was not. The way it was written was as if it just happen, he had a four year contract, of which only two years had been completed. MSNBC stated they allowed him to get out of his contract. This is really odd.
Keith was my life line to truth and morality in political news. I could always count on Keith to relay exactly what happens without taking things out of context or emblishing. Keith usually butted heads with Bill O'Reilly/The O'Reilly Factor(Fox), Sean Hannity (Hannity)Fox and the nut Glenn Beck also on Fox.
Anyone out there know..please advice me..thanks.
This indicates it was a decision made by comcast. Didn't know they had a political slant. Next thing you know fox will be the only "news"(cough, cough, choke) service you can log onto with comcast internet service.
I did enjoy his sarcasm, but he was biased. But then again, news has become more entertainment than news - at least in the last ten to twelve years. I always took his commentary with a giant block of salt. But there is no denying, like him or hate him, he was a smart and engaging personality.
"Keith was my life line to truth and morality in political news."
Me too. And I LIKED his humor!!! Where else can you go to hear someone say "That woman is an idiot" whenever Palin showed up?
But, maybe he isn't the "tone it down" kind?
Certainly none of the Fox people are!!
But you know....Lawrence O'donnell is good too. He does not get pushed around by the bully crowd!
Maybe Keith will show up somewhere else....
Because Comcast was called "button-down conservative".......not exactly an Olbermann area
""Keith was my life line to truth and morality in political news."".
That explains quite a bit.
That's right;
"Olbermann’s departure is certain to disappoint legions of fans who viewed him as standing up to the conservative establishment.
He was radicalized by the abuses of the Bush administration and the Iraq War."
No one else on TV was speaking up to them!! All we had was the cheerleading from Fox, and the down-playing by the msm.
Olbermann spoke truth to power, when no one else would.
"Olbermann’s departure is certain to disappoint legions of fans"
Does 12 make a legion?
If he had "legions" he would have been worth any amount of money to MSNBC. Only after decades of trouble making and FCC fines Howard Stern has made millions for satellite radio. Maybe Olberman will make that transition and prove how much he is worth in the free market place. Oh, wait, he already did and it was much less than he expected. Well at least he can sit on his butt for 99 weeks before making a "comeback." Perhaps by then enough people will have forgotten what a maniac he is and watch him again.
Keith went away simply because " Keith was unable " to speak the truth and his viewership was in the toilet. Fox News " Bill O'Reilly" has more viewers than that off MSNBC and CNN combined! Yes it is true, refer to Nielson Ratings. Keith was abrassive, rude and in general a spineless progressive liberal and the viewers could not stand it...He lies, and he lies more. That is why he is no longer on the air and I doubt seriously he will get another gig...Good bye Mr. Olbermann...
I'm about as moderate as one gets, but I think we should all agree that speaking the truth and getting ratings have little to do with one another.
I agree with you, but the Fox watchers DO believe they are hearing the truth!!!
And they also believe that calling for people to be "shot in the head" is no worse than calling Palin an idiot.
I think it's human nature to believe what is easiest to believe, regardless of one's politics. The shame of contemporary society is that we too often feel like we have to pigeon-hole the "other" in order to define ourselves.
Naturally, I have opinions like anyone else, but I usually feel like my opinions are far less important than attempting to see where others are coming from.
Really I thought truth was determined by majority vote and there is no more responsive and constantly active voting system than a free market place. Olberman lost in a free market place, perhaps the most free market place (outside of radio). Viewers vote with their time and he lost the vote.
If people are incapable of determining the "truth" or where they should invest their own interests, efforts, opinions and votes than perhaps we should hand ourselves over to a ruling elite and go plow the kings fields.
Oh! You gave that one up a bit easily didn't you?
You see I do believe that people are capable, with sufficient information, to decide best where to place their own personal, individual efforts. If we reject that notion we re-embrace the tyrant.
I thought you Brits were experts on sarcasm?
Truth should be determined by the individual. Reality, on the other hand, is usually determined by the majority. If our truth and the majority opinion align, well, that's a lucky day.
I agree except that I believe he will get another job somewhere. He does sports commentating, and there's probably some other liberal waste-yard that will put him back on the air.
Well, sometimes you have ample evidence of "where people are coming from", and if you think it is wrong, that is enought to make you stick to your convictions. (I wanted to say guns)
IF you have a whole host of people saying things that you know are not true, but they are repeated and repeated and repeated and there is no opposing place for you to's a one-sided affair!
And I HOPE that is not what is coming with this Comcast take-over....another right-leaning tv station!
Or even a "fair and balanced" one.
If we have a far right place for far-righties, we need a far left one for the lefties as well!
Corporate America has been buying up media and news outlets and Ralph Nader has an interesting article warning the public about this..
http://citizenactionmonitor.wordpress.c … n-america/
I won't miss Keith. I like O'Donnell much better. Now, if we can just get rid of Beck and Rush!
Get rid of Beck and Rush? Liberals wish!
If you don't like them, all you have to do is change the station, change the channel, or simply turn the radio or t.v. off. Then go about your business. Good grief.
"Get rid of Beck and Rush? Liberals wish!"
Liberals and one moderate republican apparently.
This sheds more light on Keith's problems: … countdown/
I'm wondering if he might have gotten into hot water for his surprising anti-Obama rant (about selling out to the rich in the Bush tax bill extension).
He is well respected as a sports announcer and that may be his next gig. Or, maybe after taking some time off, he may be back. It happened once before.
The timing of this (right after the NBC/Comcast merger) is suspicious. Perhaps he couldn't work for a company involved in one of the most troubling mergers of our time.
I have Comcast as a provider, and I don't understand them.
They bill you 1 month ahead, so your current bill is what you owe for this month and the next one combined. Makes no sense.
Pay me today for a hamburger next week!
Anyway---you may be right DB....or he just couldn't "clean up"Â like they wanted him too....which is dam ironic, because he never suggested shooting people!
But Bill Maher thinks when he ended "worst persons", it was over.
Well, Big Ed says he won't change.....I hope so.
"liberal waste-yard" ---ya see how they don't practice what they preach!!!
Nice, remember....Beck TOLD you!!
Must be nice must be nice must be nice
no more kill kill kill kill kill kill...............
But hey--at least Russshhhhhhh is now officially an idiot. As if he wasn't before. That Chinese rant of his was embarrasing.
Keith Olbermann was kicked off the air?!
Hallelujah!!!! This year is gonna be better than I thought. I have to feel sorry for the Libbies, now that their deranged leader is gone they won't know what to think.
Of course I'm gonna miss those lefty rants. They were incredibly amusingly laughable.
At least they weren't scary nuts.
shoot in the head
strangle with my bare hands
pour gasoline down Pelosi's throat
Yeah.....worst person in the world was vile compared to that!
As usual you don't make any sense to me, but that's okay. As long as you know what you're talking about.
google "Glenn Beck's violent rhetoric"...educate yourself.
Your violent rhetoric examples are one-sided and there's plenty of evidence that the lefturds have violent rhetoric but I knew that and I'm kicking myself again for responding to your posts.
"lefturds" Not very polite.
I bet you'll like this one. You can pass it on to your KKK friends. … _with_guns
I resent and see it as a personal attack that you think I would associate with Ku Klux Klan members. I've reported you.
I find that equally offensive but am not surprised at all by the lengths some scoundrels will go when their wits run out.
I don't mind the namecalling, some of it is just all in fun and I can take it. But I draw the line on this one.
I will defend to the death a man's right to speak his mind, regardless of whether I agree with him. The line for me is being called a racist.
Oh, by the way, wasn't this all about Kieth Olberman. Last time I checked he was white and German - twist that as you will.
I would defend any person's right to free political speech. Calling me a racist is not political speech.
Liberal "lefturds" is okay. KKK friends is offensive?
Typical female conservative of late; they like to dish it out then play the victim when it gets dished back at 'em.
You're just angry because I didn't believe you when you said you ran a business. I looked at your profile, you work for a government agency, it's your boyfriend who ran a ranch. And if you don't have a clue about what's obviously going on here, there's nothing I can do to enlighten you.
Do you know how to starve a rancher(works for farmers, too)? Blow up their mailbox that way the subsidy checks stop.
Haven't you gotten the memo? Words like "blow up" are supposed to be stricken from the english language because the "progressives" (how ironic) think it can spur people to violence. However, violent video games and violent lyrics in rap music are okay.
Does that mean Shining Handsome Obama's buddy Billy Ayers can't talk about his wonderful past of bringing death and destruction?
Well there's an exception for lefties like Ayers. They have a Cause. Big C. They want to bring Hope and Change -- they keep saying the same thing over and over but as long as it's a different person who says it, it's new.
That's all you've got to go on is the past. And your skewered propagandized version of it.
Try dealing with the present for once why don't you?
Olbermann is gone, Beckles and Limbutt live on....just WHO is in charge here? WHO is Politically Correct?
"I'll take 100 for neo-con/big business/corporate America"
ding ding ding.....right you are Chris!!!! Chris for 100!!
Wow, you are right. The loudest, most annoying is usually right. Sorry, I keep forgetting that. Olberman is gone because he was vitriolic and abrasive alienating vast audiences that might come to MSNBC if it adopted a more "moderate" tone. The direction that it is going may result in more people hearing a liberal view point more subtly expressed - like that great broadcast success Katie Couric.
As for bringing up the past ---- GEORGE WALKER BUSH ---- run with that for a bit. The past is prologue and some people are monologue. I am monochrome or haven't you seen my profile pic.
George Walker Bush is the present. We are living under the policies his adminstration put in. SOME people are trying to put in new ones....of the kind they were elected to do.
You can't separate Bushco from today. Hello!!! His tax-cuts were just re-newed by the current Repub crop....that is right in your face NOW!
The tax rate renewal could not have been accomplished without Democrat votes and a presidential signature. As for undoing the impact of GWB - Democrats had absolute control over the Congress and the Presidency for a year. Shining Handsome Obama may as well be another Bush son. … /18/cheney … -to-bagram … ama_adopts
Oh yeah, let's not forget Gitmo is still open and then there is the little matter of tax rates and this new "pro" business tone that SHO has adopted.
Thanks for the evidence uncorrectedvision of the total hypocrisy of the libturd brigade. They go on a deranged rampage branding Bush as imperialist, yet when the Big Zero does the same thing and even stronger the silence is so deafening that all you hear are crickets.
"Olberman is gone because he was vitriolic and abrasive alienating vast audiences that might come to MSNBC if it adopted a more "moderate" tone."
And Fox?
Do they have to adopt a more "moderate" tone as well?
Or does their left-hate, Liberal-hate, Obama-hate get to continue on as always?
They have found an audience. A much larger audience than MSNBC. I suppose they will continue what they are doing as long as it is successful.
You did, by the way, miss the sarcasm - Katie Couric is a flop. On the Tiffany Network where Americans were fed Walter Cronkite's disguised liberalism by the millions during dinner five nights a week for over a decade. No longer. Presented with an alternative people have voted with their remotes and they have not chosen MSNBC.
LOL! Watch out, that classy side of yours is showing.
The bison ranch was my idea, is in my name, and 70% of the capital invested is mine. No subsidies from the government, not even a loan. I know it's hard for your tiny closed mind to grasp, but it's true.
And, I am not mad. I'm just going to call you out on your little game every time I see you play it.
But thanks for having me re-read my profile. I'm married now so I'll need to change that.
I see the personal attacks continue...This new thing of having to completely destroy anyone who dares disagree with them.
Pretty Panther wrote
"I know it's hard for your tiny closed mind to grasp, but it's true."
Indeed the personal attacks continue.
Hi Jim! So nice of you to drop by and defend FK while she accuses me of making stuff up just because it doesn't fit in with her stereotype of liberals.
Have a nice day!
It was obvious that you hadn't started a business before. Sorry, I just didn't believe you.
That's because you are a classy lady, through and through.
She didn't accuse you of anything.
She said she didn't believe you.
But, you did attack her personally.
My favorite part of the forums is when someone happens along and claims someone else has attacked someone.
Its done in hopes of a hubpage staffer coming along and banning the supposed offender.
I don't want anyone banned, Never have, never will, unless they threaten me or something like that. As far as I'm concerned, FK can say whatever she wants; she just needs to remember that I will also respond as I see fit, her whining notwithstanding.
Well I took whining tips from the libtards so I guess I learned from the masters. Thanks.
I haven't seen her whine.
The false allegations of personal attacks do seem like whining to me.
I assume you are referring to FK, since I haven't used the term "personal attack" anywhere in this thread, until now, of course....?
You would assume wrong.
I refer to uninvited writer.
It's not a game. If you can't tell the difference between a personal attack and a general snark, then it doesn't really say much about you. Doug Huges and Deeds have done that and called people teabaggers. we all know that's not a personal attack. But you're willingness to abet a personal attack shows a bad side of you.
Thank you for confirming that you just started a business. There was no need for a personal attack and calling my mind tiny just because I called you out.
Yes--their big one is to say if you disagree with them, you hate America.
Extremely offensive, and used big time during Bushco to silence dissent.
Same MO today......if you're not with us, you're against America.
"Lefturds" Hm, setting a really fine example there aren't you?
He asked for more than he was worth and MSNBC let him go instead of paying for the extra cheese on his medium pizza.
If obermann still had his show I can see him nominating the president of MSNBC the Worst Person in the World!
What happened to Keith Olbermann is the same thing that happened to Phil Donohue for speaking out on Iraq and the Smothers Brothers and Pete Seeger for criticizing the government on Vietnam. Comcast which has bought NBC denies having anything to do with it. Based on my experience with Comcast I trust them even less than NBC.
Seriously? Seriously? Seriously, you are comparing the vacuous Phil Donahue and the rabid, frothing, madman, Kieth Olberman to the Smothers Brothers? Really? Honestly?
The Smothers Brothers and Pete Seeger were fired for speaking out on the Vietnam war. Donohue was silenced by NBC for spealing out on the Iraq invasion, and NBC and the other networks treated us to nightly commercials for the invasion of Iraq by neocon "experts" selected by the Pentagon or Cheney's goons. I'm not sure why Olbermann was fired. He spoke out against a lot of things--Iraq, Afghanistan and others. He hadn't been getting along with NBC management for some time.
You mean Donahue wasn't dismissed because he is increasingly irrelevant in a world in which he no longer fits and cannot draw flies if the putrefaction of his world view wasn't washed away by Marlo's association with St. Jude's?
I ran into Knuckles and Lefty - oops I mean - Righty at a Dick Cheney's goons reunion the other day - they miss the old days when we put on our brown shirts and arm bands and kicked in front doors and knocked heads together at NBCCBSABCCNNMSNBCTIMENEWSWEEKNYTIMESLATIMESWASHINGTONPOST and made them all toe the line or else.
Increasingly irrelevant? Donohue was prescient enough to realize that invading Iraq was a huge mistake. When he said so he was broomed. He was smarter than the foreign policy establishment--Washington Post, NY Times, Council on Foreign Relations, et al. They permitted the issue to be framed incorrectly--i.e., if Iraq had WMD we had not choice to invade; if Iraq didn't have WMD there was no need to invade. This was wrong. We had lived for 60 years previously with Russia and China's thousands of nuclear weapons ready to launch at the U.S. 24-7. Iraq had neither motive nor means to deliver WMD at the U.S. We survived nicely without Bush's cockamamie "premptive war" policy edict. The result--30,000+ Ameican soldiers and 100,000 Iraqis killed, half the Christians driven out of the country, and a destabilized Iraq aligned with Iran. Donohue was smart enough to forsee this and you're saying he's irrelevant? Gimme a break!
i almost got rid of my satellite tv because of that channel.
i dont like paying to hear the stuff that came out his mouth or others on that channel. i even called the satellite tv people. they agreeded with me and so did a few cable tv reps that came by the house. karma i think
Funny--you can get Fox for free with your basic cable. MSNBC you have to pay x-tra for!!!
Funny huh?
Geuss they want to make it easier for you to watch Fox than MSNBC.
Errr, WHICH liberal media????
Um, cable providers are different from media outlets, love. They most likely chose the most popular cable news network for availability on basic because it will draw more customers.
That pesky capitalism, anything for a profit thing again, I know....
I think all this speculation might be premature. From what I've read, it was likely that Olbermann wanted out to pursue other interests.
"to pursue other interests."
This usually translates...."he got fired".....
Sometimes it translates to that. I don't think so in this case.
LMC, I don't think there is any evidence that censorship had anything to do with Olbermann leaving MSNBC. I have a feeling that KO will have greater freedom to pursue his interests now that he is free from them.
Holy carp (as Brenda would say).
It's one thing to disagree with/question someone's political views as expressed here.
To question someone's personal business experience based solely on what is (or is not) written in their Hub Pages profile is assuming a LOT.
But you know what they say about never "assume" -- because it makes an ASS out of U and Me
A lesson the libturds never seem to learn.
Speaking of Brenda I haven't seen her for awhile.
Has she been banned?
Haven't seen her either. Don't know of any banning.
I don't always agree with her religious theories but she sticks to her guns.
Gosh, another impressive winning argument! I'm in awe!
Stick around, you haven't seen anything yet.
This exchange between jim and flighty answers Quarks' question on another thread....Are Dolphins smarter than humans?
I'd have to say you can see the answer to that one!!
I dont know whats wrong with you guys , not understanding MSNBC , I had them figured out when IMUS was fired.
Any chance that MSNBC just woke up and said "Hey, this guy is getting eaten alive in the ratings....we need somebody who can, oh I don't know....GET VIEWERS!".
Or does that make too much sense?
It makes no sense.
He's the one who got the ratings up. If you read that article habee linked to, it said that MSNBC has always had a problem with him, because he's "uncontrollable". They now feel fine with getting rid of him, because the audience is there....thanks to him.
Maybe he wanted to leave too, because he knows what is all spells censorship of liberals, while the right sails on--saying whatever they feel like.
It is as it has always been.
You're kidding, right? Olbermann got the ratings up? When Bill O'Reilly pulls more viewers in his time slot than MSNBC and CNN combined?
And where is this censorship of liberals? Almost every cable news network and most certainly the big 3 network news outfits have a decidedly left bent.
I'd love for you to find a single conservative who is in favor of eliminating liberal free speech.
The pornographer-in-chief Rupert Murdoch.
Then perhaps you can explain why Murdoch has no problem hiring liberals to be a part of Fox News?
In the early eighties I knew several left wing journos who worked for right wing newspapers.
They wrote copy with a left slant and the sub-editors edited it to a right wing slant.
Um, perhaps they wrote it with a left slant and the editors simply removed the left slant.
In many leftist circles that would be enough to qualify as right wing journalism.....
Helen Thomas and Rick Sanchez got fired.....not really liberals, but it was a Politically Correct Issue...shhhhhhhh.
Meanwhile, Limbutt can call Obama a jack-Ass and Beck can say he hates white people.
"Almost every cable news network and most certainly the big 3 network news outfits have a decidedly left bent."
Which ones are against the wars? Which ones are for the public option? Which ones called for an investigation into the Bush administration?
Helen Thomas retired after the firestorm following her comments about Jews. She is free to say that, but as with any speech, their may be repercussions. In no way does that mean she cannot speak her mind.
And yes, Rush and Beck can say what they wish, it is their opinion and their right. Just because you disagree does not mean that they should not be allow to say it.
Um, news organizations ideally should not be for or against wars or public option or any other subject... they are there to report the news. If you want somebody to be in favor of something, then check out an opinion show, which both Olbermann and Hannity are.
That is something I've been wondering about--ARE there ANY news organizations that are not biased one way or another? I would really like to know the answer, so I can check them out.
I mean one that both sides can agree on is neutral...if that's possible...
lol...Obviously, I meant Republican/Democrat, because so many are so far apart in their views...but the Tea Party and any others are quite welcome to chime in, too!
I don't know, call me weird but I don't think news should be about reporting sides; it should be about reporting the truth whatever that might be.
I don't think any of the major US news outlets do a great job of that.
I'd say CNN and Fox are the most balanced as far as their news reporting......their bias becomes apparent in their choice of op ed shows.....
Helen Thomas said: "You can say whatever you want about president Obama, but in America--you cannot criticize Israel." That is censorship.
Sanchez....what did he say that was so offensive? He got fired, for what? If that's not censorship, what is?
And no one has answered why The Bush FCC fined Stern out of a job on commercial radio.
They were going to SHUT STATIONS DOWN that played him! Not censorship?
And you said that the top 3 news organizations are left-leaning. How?
I kind of think "toning it down" IS censorship.....whether Olbermann took it upon himself or not. He seems to be the only one practicing that.....
If you say they all have the right to say what they want...then bring open sex talk back to commercial radio and TV---and put those 7 swear words back into play!
Um, actually you can say whatever you wish about Israel, nobody is stopping you. Helen Thomas can still say whatever she wishes as well.
I'm free to call my boss a goat buggering pervert.....he is equally free to unceremoniously show me the door. There are consequences that come with free speech.
Rick Sanchez also offered unflattering critiques of his employers, which he is free to do, but nothing says his employers have to continue to pay him for the privilege.
And I'm hoping Howard Stern needs no explanation.
by Ralph Schwartz 7 years ago
What are your thoughts on Bill O'Reilly leaving FOX?The O'Reilly Factor, a long running conservative talk show, is being pulled off of the air on allegations that host Bill O'Reilly harassed former employees (FOX has already paid a settlement of $13 million in lieu of a trial and the possible...
by Susan Keeping 13 years ago
Sometimes he makes sense forget what the 1st time was but I was impressed then too.
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What do you think about Bill O'Reilly being fired from FOXNEWS because of his history of unprofessionalism towards female colleagues?
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It's sad when Bill O'Reilly is the voice of reason...
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by Grace Marguerite Williams 7 years ago
Do you think that Bill O'Reilly will lose his job with FOX NEWSas a result of past litigation filed by female colleagues? Do you believe that because of Bill O'Reilly's status that FOX NEWS will protect him despite previous litigations against him filed by female colleagues?
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