Paid forum posting is a business that's growing rapidly because of the glut of money in politics and the desire of commercial interests to promote their products and to blunt criticism.
Should paid forum posters be forced to acknowledge that they are being paid? Should they be banned from posting for pay? Info:
...or just google "paid forum posting" and you'll get over 9 million hits on the subject.
Hey? Are you getting paid to post your tripe?
That would explain a lot!
Well would you make such an ass of yourself for nothing?
No, but I would do it for $15 an hour if I were allowed to use a pseudonym.
Lady Love, please feel free to put a good word in for me with your employers, I will change my whole politic outlook overnight.
Oh yes! The Koch brothers pay me 5000 a week to convince the ten liberals that post on hubpages to switch parties!
Then why did you take this extremely broad topic extremely personally? I see no mention of your name, it must have touched a nerve.
This statement alone, shows you lack any forward type thinking. It's not about those who post, but is about membership of the community.
It has nothing to do with those who post at all. Those who post are the active people in the forums and nothing more. Those who read the forums, because they like to keep up on topics, to learn but not get involved, are the ones YOU would really be talking to in the first place. It's everyone.
HP's primary market is US citizens.
Your motives and number of posts, demonstrates more aggressiveness than the average person, therefore you could very well be paid for your post. Your motives, to me, are obvious- you are about control of people, distortion and misinformation, scarred with a hatefulness that spews out in your words.
Not to mention, you've also another problem, YOU yourself and your own actions, show you're not any better than the politicians you support. Yet, you fail to see it. Ironic.
If I were a Conservative (and I am on many things) I would be very concerned that postings like yours only make the right look bad.
As many times as you have been asked if you're a paid poster, you never gave a straight "No" answer.
Paid posting is legal and some maintain completely moral but the readers should know if they're reading somebody's heartfelt opinion or a 2-cent per word diatribe.
I'm sure that if the answer is 'yes', then Lady Love would have no problem saying 'no'. I base that observation on the complete inaccuracy of some of her forum posts.
My guess is that she is not a paid poster, but a genuine extremist.
"Extremist"??? Did Chuck Schumer tell you to use that word??? Lol!
You have posted around 15 posts per day for 7 months exclusively on the Hubpages political forums, probably enough for a novel, probably enough time to have worked a second job. Most people would consider that extreme.
Unless, you are being paid, say $5 per forum post. That would bring you in $75 a day in revenue. Makes more sense to me
So it isn't possible that I'm passionate about politics and expressing my views? It's not possible for conservatives to feel as strongly as the leftist socialist that seek to destroy this country?
Sure, but the smart way to do so is by writing your own stuff, on a blog. Because you could find yourself actually achieving something significant, like making a name for yourself as a correspondant.
It will also see people who subscribe to your views begin to respect you and follow you. Trying to force your views down the necks of people who don't share them and will never share them isn't achieving anything whatsoever.
One of your right wing friends posted a link to this blog the other day:
That has been built on a free wordpress theme. Think about it, he has a busy and profitable website, you have thousands of pointless forum posts being read by people that couldn't give a sh*t about what you have to say.
So maybe you are passionate, but you certainly haven't challenged your passion into something productive and worthwhile over the last seven months.
Says you! No one makes money on hubpages its a scam! Besides I have a job among other interests...I might soon produce a radio program... I don't have time to do hubs right so I enjoy a little debate I like to see how others think... but the libs here are angry because I'm not like them or because I post too much its all jealousy and hate from the left and im not surprised by it at all being this site is based in the most liberal city in the country! I'm not intimidated by it either! I've done nothing wrong except bare my feelings to a bunch of strangers some of whom obviously have a problem with me... well that's life... you can't please everyone... just ask Obama! Lol
Are you being compensated in any way for posting in the HubPages forums?
I would say on balance, no, not enough consistency of thought and no follow through either.
We're waiting.............ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Just a thought Jason, what if she was being compensated for posting? What would HP's reaction be to it? I'm curious?
I wouldn't know, and I'm not asking here as a representative of HubPages.
But it would be, at the very least, plenty of reason for people to ignore her posts.
I don't recall anything in the TOS that would apply.
From what I read, it seems that it's all legal (if not ethical).
I'm laughing about two things:
1) The assumption that I don't make any money.
2) The shear stupidity that you showed in somehow relating my suggestion that you set up a wordpress blog with Hubpages in any way at all.
ll, you don't know any of us. Have you listened to anyone who opposes your views? You laugh, your scorn, you make a fool of yourself on an international online forum. I actually feel sorry for people like you because your life is consumed with finding fault in others simply because of a political belief? It's a belief, it's not who we are. It's as bad as those over in the religion forum putting others down because of their personal beliefs. There's really no difference.
Why not let us see more of your poetic self?
Yes mom... lol! You don't really participate so how would you know? I always listen to other's views and I've had some good discourse with those that have bothered to engage which I must say is few. It never occured to you though that its you lefties here that don't listen to my views you attack and ridicule you said as much in your post! But somehow its me that has the problem?
Wow are you off base, check out how long she has been on this site, how many posts she has made, and you will see she participates a lot more then you. If I was in need of a caring person I would go to her first as she actually does more here then just bashing Obama, unlike you!
Lady Love, you don't have any views!
All you ever do is copy and paste the views of others, you don't engage in debate. . . name calling is not debate, neither is attack and ridicule debate!
I don't participate? I don't post on your threads often, I choose not to participate for obvious reasons. I used to post more often on the political forums until they turned into nothing but trollish rants. I have better things to do with my time.
I am not a leftie or a libtard or any of the names that are thrown around here. My views differ from yours, so what? You don't know me.
Extremism on either end doesn't really balance anything, and some of what you say about Obama is hysteria. I would think someone like you would realize it's not a President who runs the country.
It's simply an office.
Whatever your reasons for not participating, they aren't obvious to me. Your use of the word extremism shows you are on board with the Schumer talking points for describing the opposition on the right! Well done!
Hi Lalo! I understand you're getting some action on the side. Hook me up!
As long as you aren't too smart you may qualify, FK! That's the only requirement, obviously!
Lol! Email me and I'll send you all the info!
No, this is what I'm talking about, wingnuts on both ends of the political spectrum.
A wingnut is someone on the far right wing or far left wing. The telltale sign of a wingnut is that they always confuse partisanship with patriotism.
The quote is from John Avlon who wrote the book Wingnuts: How The Lunatic Fringe Is Highjacking America. … of-decency
Now I'm off to get some work done.
This is a very good answer.
Though in this particular case, I think the best course is to start ignoring LaLo's posts, whether or not she's paid.
If she's paid, then we should make sure she's not getting a response, so her employers will decide it's not worth it.
If she's not paid, the obsessive level of her posting suggests a mental problem and feeding that obsession isn't going to be good for her condition.
Another personal attack? What's wrong with you people? Grow up!
I am not accusing you of being a paid poster, I'm saying "if".
As for my other observation, it's an observation based on your behaviour.
Not even close to a save but thanks for playin! Lol
It's possible.
But is it the case? You still haven't answered the question. Are you compensated in any way for posting on HubPages?
She ridicules the idea every time it comes up, but I have yet to see her actually deny it.
To be honest, I do find it sort of hard to believe that the HubPages forums would be the target for a campaign like that, but such campaigns certainly do exist, so I guess anything's possible. The sheer volume of posts by obvious and suspected sock puppets in this forum is suspicious, imho, especially since they miraculously started showing up out of the woodwork shortly after Obama's election and inauguration. Before that, I really don't remember the same degree of baiting and other trollish behaviors - there could be some fairly heated differences of opinion, but they usually seemed sincere, whereas some of the current batch come off like automatons who'd blame a hangnail on Obama and his evil socialist plans for world domination.
Kerry -
We know that there are forums all over the web which cover any possible subject that anyone could be interested in. Why would someone sign up with HP, a site for writers, and then do nothing but start thread after thread in the forums?
I've learned that paid forum posters are very common, so why wouldn't they infest HP?
Most readers wouldn't be interesting in reading rant after rant by someone who is paid to push an agenda -- if they knew it. The thing I take issue with is that it seems to be perfectly legal to post without disclosing the fact that someone is being paid.
Truthfully, I don't know if anything could be done about it from a technical standpoint and if not, nothing can be done, period.
I agree.
They also don't participate as much as start new threads trotting out whatever the Tea Party is fuming about for the day.
I would have been skeptical myself that anyone would bother given the relatively small audience in this forum, but maybe those paying are looking at HubPages's overall size and assuming the forum is all of it (they certainly aren't getting their money's worth!).
I don't doubt that the very big money that's behind the Tea Party isn't probably terribly internet savvy, but probably understands that the Intertubes had something to do with Obama's election so they'll continue to throw some money at good old fashioned propaganda, given how well it's worked with Fox News, except broaden their distribution strategy.
well you are a hate filled hate monger and try to spread your bile everywhere you go
should it be outlawed?
no that would be idiotic.
How is "someone posting online" any different than "someone talking on the tv", or anything else?
Just cuz money's involved doesn't mean that it's evil
The real way to stop "paid forum posting" is to make sure it doesn't change your mind. The money will stop flowing when it has no effect.
outlaw it? seriously? government isn't big enough to police that.
Sometimes it's hard for me to remember why I used to think that you were nuts. . . .
Outlawing frequent posting for monetary gain on the other hand would be easy to outlaw no Government required.
Actually, you mean instituting TOS rules would be easily done.
However, enforcement of said TOS Rules and those who violate? Is something altogether more difficult to do, and would most likely requirement government intrusion upon privacy laws.
Just a thought.
How is that even a possibility to outlaw?
If blowing 20 bucks to have some guy write "McCain is awesome" is actually WORTH something, then it's your fault for reading it!
Who knows, maybe I am nuts. I just have yet to hear a good argument against most of my beliefs.
We can't control paid posting. But we can, as a community, request that HP look at implementing some controls. Then again, they are quite busy monitoring the several thousand legitimate hubbers, as well as all of the forum posts.
One potential "plant" is like a pimple on the ass of an elephant (pun INTENDED).
Boy, am I naive...I had no idea people were actually paid to post on!
If that's true, then here's what I think: lady_love and lovemychris are the same person, and this person makes enough by playing a dual role that, being paid to post on this forum, is the only job they need!
(j/k...I think)
Well someone did make the comment LL worked for some newspaper?
Dont know how repetitous postings would help as a backlink though.
Sure must have alot of free time or be one dedicated political fan.
LOL. If one person tried to play both roles, it could result in permanent brain damage. Maybe this mystery person had to sign a waiver before starting work
Put Lady Loveless next to Rush Lamebrain and Glenn Beck....
Fox will syndicate her no time...
Boy do I love the forums! You never know what subject is being discussed.@Cagsil *scratching my head* how would HP know payment was actually being made from the post?
Freedom of Speech -whats that all about again
(Ducks for cover)
Freedom of Speech does have it's limitations.
I read a little on this subj. earlier today. It seems that posters are paid by the post -- from a penny to 50 cents per.
That's not a lot so you need to keep a lot of posts going. You start repeated threads and keep them going with an eye toward getting 20 word posts back (the min. that they pay for).
Not all pd. posters work for an online agency, some are retained by political groups, businesses and gov'ts. China is famous.
If you post an opinion and get back a bunch of obvious talking points, you've tripped somebody's keyword tracer.
With the online agencies, you're a private contractor so you pay your own tax. I don't know how the privately retained posters are handled.
Are you thinking of giving it a shot? It wont work. You're too intelligent.
Well, as the super rich Leona Helmsley once said, "Taxes are for the little people."
by which taxes are automatically deducted from their wages.
Being an outside contractor requires "self-employment" tax to be applied, not a standard deduction of an employee of said company.
Two different things entirely, when it comes to taxes.
Those who actually work as employees, yes taxes are taken out of their earnings.
I was making known that those who are sub-contractors or contractors, who work outside said company, actually have to file their taxes based on the rules of "self-employment". That's all.
So the question hasn't been ladylove a paid forum poster or not?
Should be illegal. But who can tell? They are not voluntarily going to admit it. There is no way to tell. What you can only get is witch hunts, character assassinations, charges that may or may not be true, no evidence, no trials. Kind of like Guantánamo. Then all the bad guys have to do is do insinuations on anybody they don't like, discrediting good people. People have a right to be stupid without getting paid.
I'm sorry, I disagree. If someone chooses to remain stupid? There is something wrong with them.
No one can reserve the right to be stupid. Ignorance isn't blissful, when accountability can still be applied to said individual.
And, yes my example has a simple message.
Example: If a person gets into another person's car, it is their responsibility to know everything there is about that person and the vehicle- such as, "Is the driver a legal driver?", "Is the car registered legally?", "Is there a valid inspection sticker on the car?". Accountability is going to come to the persons' in the vehicle.
Just my thought on your statement.
For some people, negative attention is preferable to positive attention.
We could short-circuit the whole thing by all just posting back, "Yes, dear."
With no one to rant against (e.g., people ranting back at your rants), the behavior will stop.
But that, of course, would require cooperation. Kinda like herding cats....
Agreed. Or not reply at all. I wonder if she gets paid if no one replies to her posts?
Maybe works like a Dear Aggie thing, the more posts (1-10,10-20 etc).
Anyway sound advice above.
I usually don't because I can't see them! The forum filter saves me from politics and religion threads. I take a look at times, but I love not seeing the threads.
People who always agree with people I find boring. Course no one agrees with me so I am never bored.
ladylove might not be a lady or even a man ,maybe they represent a group..
Oh ooops wasnt going to post anything..
I think it would be fairly easy to control. Limit forum posting privileges to be in reasonable proportion to hubs published. Or limit number of threads one is able to start in a 24 hour period. I would think such limitations would be very reasonable, not hurt any serious person, and discourage paid for postings from using your site.
The whole thing is about honesty. Being paid to spout propaganda, and discussing political views among one's peers, are two different things. The paid propagandist will never admit to anything contrary to what they are paid to post. You can tell the difference if you look closely.
A paid poster ruins any chance at civilized debate among honest citizens. It's hard enough as it is!
Have to agree - for me, anybody who is paid to post political views is also a troll, and I treat them as such. They are more interested in creating discord and starting fights than engaging in constructive debate.
I think that it is political spam and probably against the TOS in some way to run a campaign for profit from this supposed writers forum.
I would vote that we should all report them as spam every time they appear until a mod takes time off upsetting the regulars and does something about them.
Annoying as she is I would much rather she stayed put to face the ridicule of all those she mocks.
Don't turn her into a martyr.
I don't think that stopping her flood of irritating and generally meaningless posts is martydom - it is just removing another source of spam.
Oh, I agree, I just don't think barring her is the way to do it. Far better if she curbs herself.
I personally suspect she is doing far more to increase Obama's popularity then she will ever realize. I would criticize him a lot more if I didn't see the ridiculous stuff posted here daily, somehow its really hard to want to have anything in common with someone like that. Maybe its the dems that hired her to make the rep's look totally insane
might be...quiet possible....on pay roll of obama to get sympathy for him
Oh yes! Though my interest in Obama is only technical, he's not my President after all, I'm a lot less inclined to be critical than I otherwise would be.
Yes, as a president I'd actually classify him as a disappointment (though not a total loss like his predecessor), but since I know that any thread I post criticizing his policies will just turn into another ludicrous "omg, he's an evil Muslim socialist!11!!" rant, I rarely bother. You can't have an interesting debate with that sort of mindless hatred.
...and as if by magic, it appears, playing the martyr. Another few cents earned for that post
Not just the left - I have seen conservatives, libertarians, and political nihilists equally bored by the incessant flow of meaningless threads.
It is starting to resemble Chinese water torture - eventually we will all agree just to make them stop
I would like to point out that I did not make this post!!
For the first time in a ling time I diasagree with you !
Like garbage hubs they pollute the quality of these pages - and they are all about raising the profile of their lies and propoganda.
The forums rate in Google the same as anything else - and once in a while a subject can go viral and become a news item, through the lie itself or through some excellent counter - BUT the name of the post goes on - and as we know any news is good news in politics and the rubbish still has teh opening title.
Paid posters should be removed in the same way that rubbish hubs are being removed, they are spam and harm the whole site.
I agree with what you say, but do not know how HP would be able to tell who is getting paid. It'd be kind of wrong of them to just assume.
My thinking is that paid-for posters don't have time to write real hubs, and must utilize forums that allow them unlimited forum postings. If they can't get what they need here, they would be likely to move to greener pastures. If Lalo could only post one nonsensical hate-thread per day, then we'd see much less of her, and if she is a paid-for poster, she'd have to move elsewhere to make her quotas.
I dunno, I think it makes sense.
No it doesn't! Nothing any of you say makes sense! The only thing clear to me is the hate you and your lib friends spew at those that don't share your views! Perhaps all of you are employed by OFA or
No, I am not. See how easy that was. I don't know, maybe you already answered the question. I didn't care enough to read the whole thread.
HP forums aren't figuring real big in my future. I'll miss some people, but the quality has gone way down. I find I'm not learning anything here anymore about anything, and when that happens, it's time to move on.
I will miss some people. Not you.
Whatever it is, I hope you get it worked out. Noone should have to live with such hatred.
You can just ignore her.
She's being paid to provoke you. Seriously. Just ignore her.
that would cut down anti obama threads considerably on hubs...
Notice a pattern? It's everyone on the left that wants me gone... hate free speech much? Lol! Here in practical real life situations your beliefs are revealed for all to see! People that don't share your views are to be silenced. Do you really think its a stretch to think Obama and the democrats feel the same way especially with him using the FCC to control the internet by executive order going around congress?
Opposing dissent is anti American it goes against the very foundation of the principles of this country! But you lefties don't care about that do you?
I don't think it's dissent that people are annoyed by. Personally I enjoy a good debate with someone whose views are different to mine.
But people, including myself, have noticed that there are a huge amount of anti-Obama and anti-Democrat posts on the forums every day, and the problem is that none of them really cover any new ground. We just keep having the same debates: unions vs anti-unions, tax-cuts vs bail-outs, welfare vs welfare cuts. It's the same people giving the same opinions, and nothing changes. It's just kind of... boring.
But Lady Love, you are the one who hates free speech! Look at your counter arguments "But you lefties don't care about that do you"!
Is that really the best you can do?
Cut free from copy and paste you are floundering.
Your whole post is a rant against free speech!
Where have I called for limiting your speech? Do you see me conspiring with other posters to ignore you? Did I start a debate whether john holden is a piad poster and should he be allowed to spew his garbage?
Clearly your argument has fallen flat and is without any basis in fact or evidence of support.
Where have you called for limiting my speech!! Try your last post!
You probably don't see debates about whether I should be banned or not because I don't make several threads a day copying and pasting something from the American Thinker or similar and tacking on a random rant to it.
And that's a good troll tactic, why has my argument fallen flat? Not just because you say so surely, after all, you would never deny me free speech would you?
@Lady_Love: Are you paid for posting political views on Hubpages?
@John Holden: Are you paid for posting political views on Hubpages?
There you go - fairness in action
Nope, cause I have seen very right wing people post here that they find your posts hateful and distasteful. I do consider them right wing as this is the only thing I agree with from them, the difference between genuine right wing folks here and you is I respect them....
lady_love, do you have a job? Seriously I want to know how you get paid for spamming online forums.
LaLo, If the Obama administration is going against the things you believe in, and if you do not like the policies that are in place, (WHY DON'T YOU CONTACT THE WHITE HOUSE, THE HOUSE, THE SENATE, THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, AND THE SUPREME COURT WITH YOUR VIEWS)? Bombard each of the above with as many threads per day as you clutter up HP forums with.
Maybe they will do something that will appease your appetite for what you consider should be the proper way to do things.
If you really want to accomplishment something, post some of your correspondence with and answers from some of the above entities.
This will at the very least show that you are trying to do something about government and not just trying to stir up the masses with inuendos and politically biased rhetoric that you have forwarded from some partisan publication or web site.
It is obvious that everyone that reads the threads on the HP forums knows your opinions. Don't you think it's time you took some positive action?
Put your money where your mouth is and get productive instead of devisive. Who knows, you may even get some positive results.
fo·rum -noun 1. place or assembly for public discussion [fawr-uhm] [Origin: 1425–75; late ME < L: marketplace, public place, akin to forīs, forās outside, foris DOOR]
Now why don't you people get off your high horse and contribute something positive? You should be thanking me for bringing some life to these forums!
fo·rum -noun 1. place or assembly for public discussion [fawr-uhm] [Origin: 1425–75; late ME < L: marketplace, public place, akin to forīs, forās outside, foris DOOR]
Not, I notice, a place for ranting. Or for people paid to post and rabble rouse.
As emptye vesselles make the lowdest sounde: so they that haue least wyt, are the greatest babblers.
1599 Shakespeare Henry V iv. iv. 64
Gee sounds like a personal attack yet another piling on... oddly I don't see you much in the forums you must be part of the mod mentality because obviously you haven't read many of my posts.
What's a mod mentality?
I was more of a rocker, I am afraid.
Not sure what mentality or frequency of posting in the forum has to do with anything - as you were keen to point out, you didn't start this thread. It was merely questioning the intentions of paid posters
You chose to make it all about you - there is nothing forcing you to post in this thread. If you are not paid for posting, this thread doesn't apply to you. If you are, we are making sure that you work hard for your money
The head banging must have made you forgetful I was responding to your reply to me. You might want to put down the pot pipe and pay attention.
The thing you are bringing most to this forum is hate filled rhetoric!
You are so bound to spread partisan garbage, that you even put your own biased spin on articles.
We don't need people like you, who use misdirection ploys for partisan leverage.
If you are so damned determined to change the way things are, why don't you contact those that can make the changes, instead of depressing others with your constant stream of hate and inuendos?
As for me contributing something positive, I am currently working with a group that has a bill here in Minnesota to change our monetary system from one of debt to one of wealth.
This you can look up as minnesota senate file #65.
Now, how about you do something positive, and prove it.
Personally, I'm not going to contribute to any thread LaLo starts anymore. Yes, a boycott of sorts. Leave it to her own party to tell her how ridiculous her posts are. And, cut down on her income from posting here. The money, that's the thing!
No loss... I have yet to see you ever make what could be called a "contribution".
Don't address me anymore, paid propagandist! I don't wish to converse with your ilk anymore and I don't want you addressing me. I promise not to read your garbage anymore, LaLo. You have joined the ranks of 3 other useless posters here I refuse to interact with on the forums.
You refuse to deny you are paid for posting by a political group so that's enough for me. If you were merely a common citizen giving your views there would be no problem. But I don't believe this is the case.
So, cram it and don't address me anymore!
Lol! I thought you weren't going to post anymore...libs never keep their word! Lol
I've asked this...person not to address me anymore. I said I would not respond to the threads she starts anymore. Nor address her either. I will keep my word on this. I suggest others do the same. Let her stew in her own bitter juices!
Knowing that she's a paid shill makes it all the more easy.
I'm with you.
Who - seriously now - would pay someone to post on a forum, and why? This all seems a little paranoid.
Only if you believe it doesn't happen. The same political backers who fund rallys and hire protesters to attend. Or do you not believe this happens? It's simple, merely ignore the paid posters and they won't get paid anything. Watch how quickly they disappear from the forums then. Give it a try and see for yourself!
I realize liberal groups did that in Wisconsin, but at least there you are paying for a photo-op for the nightly news. What is the justification for spending money to have someone post on a forum? The post will be lost in a million others in a few minutes, and when was the last time you saw someone change their political position on a forum based on what someone else posted? It would be a ridiculous waste of money. I could understand paying for blogs/hubs as they sit there and potentially lots of people can read them, but forum posts? I dunno.
Your thoughts on why someone would spend so much time posting irrational threads on a writing site and not write anything of substance?
Procrastinating and avoiding other work while still appearing busy?
I think you're wrong about that, RD. I've been paid to make posts on forums before - not here. My posts were benign - about travel, restaurants, things like that. FRIENDLY POSTS! lol. I was paid per post, and it didn't matter if people responded or not.
I'm all for freedom of speech, and I think LL has the right to post all she wants. I don't have to read it, though. I've always found it suspect when a person only sees one side all the time. For example, I've both condemned and supported Obama, W, and Palin on these forums, depending on the specific action they took. Anyone who says Obama is perfect and that W never did anything good - or vice-versa - is not a rational, thinking individual.
LaLo and LMC are like two sides of the same coin. I must admit, however, that LMC sometimes seems more rational because she has criticized Obama from time to time, while I've never seen LaLo say anything good about our current POTUS.
As you know, I'm not a liberal, but I'm not a far-right conservative, either. I agree with what another poster said - LaLo is making the rest of us moderate-conservatives look bad! lol
I don't know, perhaps it's just me, but I prefer to discuss politics with those speaking their own minds. Not what they are being paid to say. Instead of discussions with common folks about problems facing our country, I don't want to be talking with those who only care about making money for the number of people they anger or influence or for how many threads they start.
In the case of paid political posters, truth isn't important to them during the discussion. If one knows they are debating with a paid poster on a public thread you don't think it would make a difference in how their opinion was received? Get real, Holle!
If the paid posters admit it, I have no problem with them. But if they try to pass themselves off as common interested and concerned citizens only, slug slime they are! I sorta like honest posters best, for some reason.
And you did admit to being paid to post, but not to an agenda which might affect peoples lives or put them in jeopardy if you lie to them. Do you see the difference? Paid political forum posters won't admit to it. Slug slime!
I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I don't like hate-filled posts of any kind, but I think if HP tries to stop political posting, we'll have a witch hunt on our hands. What I really wonder is this: Do the views posted by LaLo honestly represent her beliefs? Will we ever know?
No - I would NEVER post stuff like that for money! Like I said, I just posted stuff like what campgrounds we had been to, beaches we had visited, restaurants where we had dined, etc.
i understand that, Holle. I don't want HP to try and stop political postings. They can't even stop crap from being published here, much less paid political wackos. But paid posters are spammers, no different than those we are told to report or flag.
I suppose wanting to discuss politics with ordinary honest citizens is too much to ask here.
You just can't keep away can you?? Lol!!
My last words to you because you apparently have trouble with comprehension. You didn't start this thread, person! I only pledged to not participate or respond to those you instigate. I will not co-operate with a shill, nor their attempts to spread false news or propaganda. Even you should be able to understand my statement!
Maybe you could point out a falsehood or a propaganda that I posted.
I usually stop following threads once they reach a certain length, but this one had me grinning all the way through.
I'm sure LaLo is flattered to be the subject of so much attention.
Memo to the left: if you don't like the anti-Obama threads being staarted, then why don't you try starting some pro-Obama threads to balance the scales.
Or does that make too much sense?
Or is there not enough material to support such threads?
Yea that guy who wears a squirrels bum on his head dont even get this much attention
Boy do things change, I remeber asking a participant in these forums if they were part of a political orginization posting for propoganda. That was deemed a personal attack, yet now it seems it is alright to devote whole threads to the issue?
Ahh wait a sec, I thought the member was posting for left wing orginizations, that must be the difference.
You got reprimanded for asking? If so, then that was pure BS on the part of the moderator! I don't care which side it is, paid political forum posters are scumbags! This is the main problem with the political forums. How can anyone have a civilized discussion about politics when some are paid to prevent it?
This is why the same old posters continue to spread the same old debunked links. Are they ashamed when they are shown to be liars? Hell no! They simply post more of the same garbage knowing they will always have a few like minded wackos to back them up.
These types do hurt their party much more than they will ever help it. But it makes me feel bad for those in the same party being represented by the paid wackos! We don't need this type of stuff here! It makes the whole site look bad!
Randy, do you not remember the MadameX fiasco?
Not really, Arthur. I seem to remember her storming off the site or something of that nature. Yes, I can see why she would be suspect. I think she is still here, by the way, just under another guise on the forums. Want to guess which poster?
There are some of us from both sides who wish to be able to respect the others views, and learn from them, for that matter. Some of us are able to do this, but not with paid posters muddying up the waters with pure unadulterated BS. I suppose this is too much to ask, though!
I doubt there are people specifically being paid by political operatives to "sway" opinion on HubPages. I think it is very possible that mid-sized political websites are throwing people a few bucks to stir up traffic to their websites by using their articles as the basis for controversial forum topics, though.
I have never experienced paid posting yet, but I think it should not be outlawed since it would be hard to determine which forum posts are paid or not.
I confess , the minute I saw this thread I said to myself , "This cannot go on , Donald Trump pays me to post conservatively on HP. forums , my guilt is killing me ." I go to the mail box every morn to pick up my check , well actually he doesn't actually pay me money , Trump has promised me a position in the upcoming second and possible third term term .
However , after all of the hype and pressure from the left in anti- Trump BS. I am going to demand more pay , free higher college costs and health care .................:-]
by experimenter 7 years ago
I have a list of more than 100 (106 to be exact) do follow forums, I'm just wondering if it's really effective before I register in all of them, signing up with 106 websites isn't a joke, it's time consuming so I'm just wondering if anyone here have tried it before, and what's the result?? ...
by Elsie Nelson 13 years ago
The count is off. I posted two separate posts to the same thread and the first one registered as my having made 330 posts, but so did the second one (which should have said 331 posts). As I said, it doesn't bother me in the slightest, just something I've noticed tonight. It's not...
by Raymond D Choiniere 13 years ago
Hey Staff,There is a glitch in the forums. I have experienced it a half dozen times now.I have edited a post, and the edited part is not to be found in the post. I don't know what the problem is, but it continues to occur.It is beginning to get frustrating. I'll post something, then go back to edit...
by bpo-outsourcing 15 years ago
I have already posted this question in Interaction==>Question tab, but seems like nobody found it... wink! So, here I am posting it again...Is there any limit or maximum number of posts each day?Thanks in advance!
by Writer Fox 13 years ago
I'm trying to post to the "Extreme makeover" forum and tried to include a link to my hub. When I hit the "submit", I get this message:The BBCode syntax in the message is incorrect. Quote tag missing end bracket.What is this? Sorry, I'm not a coder and have no idea...
by chigoiyke 14 years ago
I have benn having many problems posting here on forums or even replying. Is it only me or is it general. There have benn some problems with posting, it keeps prompting irrelevant notice when you try to post. is it also happening to you?
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