The Sunday NY Times Magazine cover story this week reports on the current state of the standoff between Iran, Israel, the US and other countries over Iran's nuclear facilities and intentions. It's a very frightening article because it says that an attack by Israel on Iran may be imminent and could well result in a war in the Middle East. Netanyahu and Barak appear to be preparing for an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, and Mossad is reportedly responsible for the assassinations of several Iranian nuclear scientists recently. Former Mossad chief Meir Dagan disagrees because of likely unfortunate consequences to Israel and the difficulty of achieving anything more than a temporary delay in the nuclear program.
It seems that we are force to consider the end of peace in America and all of America's freedoms once or twice a month. We have been scared for the last two 1/2 Presidencies. Many Americans over the last decade have become dependent on anxiety medication. So I'm not gonna worry, I believe this like most other scares, will turn out to be just another scare. It's always something Ralph, you know how it goes. I hope Israel don't, but I won't worry until they do.
If this occurs, not only will there be a war in the Middle East but this could further escalate into World War III with quite distrastrous and devastating effects. Just leave Iran alone- the world has enough to worry about besides being intrusively concerned with Iran's nuclear weapons. However, we must be vigilant regarding Iran's sociopolitical stance.
I hope not. We have more than enough problems to deal with in the world. Furthermore, war is good for business but horrendous for the ordinary people including the soldiers who think they're fighting for "our way of life" - whatever that means - or for "freedom". Utter nonsense!
It's interesting to note that the "leaders" - Bush, Obama, Clinton - haven't, don't and won't send their own children to fight for "freedom" and "democracy".
I doubt it. I feel that Israel is more likely to attack an American warship. The Israel's have submarines. I think they will use a submarine to blow up a US ship, claim it was the Iranians and the war will be between the US and Iran. If the US will be party to this deceit, I'll leave that to you to decide.
Why would the 'CIA' Spooks use Israel for such an action? Wasn't Israel taught such tactics by those same spooks that went through El Savador, Libya and NY Tower 7?
Let's be honest (if that's possible) - De-Stabilizing international economies and securing more improved US power structures falls on at least one specific US Agency with open policies and airspace, along with very similar objectives to the Seven Sisters!
Whose laid bets on the December 2012 Mayan Prediction being Duck Shoved on the World in the name of WoMD, Homeland Security or Iranian Shoe Throwing! Sheesh... Where do Bush and Blair stand on this one?
Can we believe ANYTHING in the papers anymore after the Murdoch's despicable actions and slippery payouts... even if it is NY Times?
What about Israel being a consenting ally and a fervent actor in destabilizing those Arab countries around it?
Which ones?
The Hamas rock snipers and throwers from Beirut!
The PLA bus bombers!
or The Palestinian Rocket Launchers of Gaza!
But you still Dodged my Question - Why are you Spamming Sheep?
Rafken, I definitely adhere to your line of thought that favors rationality versus hatred like most of the people on this platform. You analyze the facts and stick to it!
Well, you keep on thinking
Such move definitely obeys to the American strategic logic. We've been subjected since the invasion of Kuwait to the real reason behind every American military intervention in the world, oil. We are not duped anymore we clearly see what are the targets and our objectives. Now, what bothers me is why do we let them, by them I mean the oil elite, pursue their aggression?
As citizens don't we have our word to say or are we eternally condemned to follow like puppets?
Danger is hidden behind our flag and the Israeli one! I am outraged to be manipulated of such manner and be gagged!
What is, as Americans, our recourse? Close our eyes and let it happen as usual or develop a counter mass opinion? Where is our youth? Where is our revolutionary minds? Where is the spirit of the Vietnam protest?
Playing angry Birds on their I Phone or Updating their status on Facebook
Entangled in Xbox, or sexting on their cellphone....
It is our duty to protest! No more they dictate and we follow like Panurge's sheeps!
Let's establish a world government and put an end to all this national friction. A world government would help stabilize resources, so that religious concerns would no longer control the economies of non believers.
Religions are not their concerns. Let's be realistic there!
Who would establish this world governemnt the US would easily be defeated with its failing economy and limited nationla unity. People have tried what you envisage before, it never works.
Are you blind? A world government is what most intelligent people are fighting.
We already have a world government. It's called US empire.
The US can establish a world empire any time it wants to because our navy is bigger than the next thirteen navies put together, our land forces have the highest technology, and we have enough nuclear stuff to wipe out the planet ten times over, but we don't.
Would Islamic leaders show the same restraint if they had this stuff?
"Would Islamic leaders show the same restraint if they had this stuff?" Would say your one-world-govenment is not off to a good start.
Lew, yes America is an abuser. It is the reason why foreign countries need to develop their nuclear powers to balance us. It is not a matter of defense but invasion for oil.
I'm sorry, but the US could have taken that oil anytime it wanted to. Instead we build their economies. Once they have enough money they think they don't need us anymore and start screaming rape.
That oil would stay underground forever if not for our technology. Those people would still be poor and without any freedoms.
LewSethics - Sorry but I am not sure what planet you are on - time to put down the pipe dude
Build their economies? Perhaps, however, I haven't noticed the 'people' of said economies benefiting in any way. You talk braun not brains.
I just wish that Russia and China will support Iran in an attack. And let see if the U.S. with all its military machinery will stay or leave as I will presume it!
So far no coalitions stood against the U.S.-Europe-Israel axis? Are the U.S., the world ready for this eventuality?
Where is the point of people reacting without a thorough or at least a rational understanding of the facts and events?
I am tired reading comments based upon air, analysis referring to hatred versus realism!
Our navy...bla,bla,bla...Does it justify their action and why? If it happened to us, if we were the target for the same reasons, how would you think, what would you do?
Israel and the U.S. have no RIGHTS to decide for US. We pay them, the least would be that the government refers through a referendum to US not to the congress and personal interests. ENOUGH!
WHERE IS YOUR POINT? Are you Jewish or American? In what way Palestinians concern you?
You'll probably FEEL IT when you Sit Down Again!
Why are you Spamming Sheep here?
If you are an American I understand you, you would be more Israeli than American!
A real American will care for his land, his people! He would stand behind Israel to attack another country with his American soldiers! Where are the Israeli soldiers?
Why would America pay with American lives? Why not sending Israelis? Maybe because they can think to our contrary?
I don't want my country, my people to go fight for personal interests!
The Israeli soldiers are standing behind the US
cheering them on all the way, paid for by US tax dollars.
Are they on the field supporting you! Where are they? Why would not they be with us in that case? Cowards that they are!
No rationale behind your argumentation. I can destroy any of your argumentations! Where is the point in dialoguing with you?
Cheering them all the way to their death. Cannon fodder.
That's your level of intelligence! Come on show me how smart you are! How many of us read Rafken's last hub? How many of us will dare contradict based on evidence or at least on commonsense?
Hey... Easy on the assumption that you understand my level of intelligence mate!
Factually, if you missed the point.. then no special level of intellect is required to deal with your challenge...
So... the Israeli Army decided to invite its critics to a New Club!
How well do ya dance fella?
We like to play around in forums with no substance, when it comes to rationalize a thought everybody is gone?
Maxorama could write anything that anyone could understand?
And after, we will be surprised because the international community hates us! What do we do to express our disagreement to send our kids instead of Israelis to fight? Although we have our interests, oil obviuosly?
And, any US president who wants to get re-elected needs the Israel lobby.
How come so few people can see your point Hollie? Is it a secret or as Americans, we are dummies?
I don't believe Americans are dummies maxoxam. These arguments regarding Israel have been had so many times on these forums. As a Brit, I have learned that Americans (generally, not as a majority) are tired of Israel, too. There are lots of intelligent, thinking people here on Hubpages who are completely opposed to Israel's ambitions. Only a few speak out, though. Which is quite frightening.
"Iran is a target of U.S. hostility not just for its vast energy reserves and natural resources, but because of major geo-strategic considerations that make it a strategic springboard against Russia and China. The roads to Moscow and Beijing also go through Tehran, just as the road to Tehran goes through Damascus, Baghdad, and Beirut. Nor does the U.S. want to merely control Iranian oil and natural gas for consumption or economic reasons. Washington wants to put a muzzle around China by controlling Chinese energy security and wants Iranian energy exports to be traded in U.S. dollars to insure the continued use of the U.S. dollar in international transactions.
Moreover, Iran has been making agreements with several trade partners, including China and India, whereby business transactions will not be conducted in euros or U.S. dollars. In January 2012, both Russia and Iran replaced the U.S. dollar with their national currencies, respectively the Russian rouble and the Iranian rial, in their bilateral trade. This was an economic and financial blow to the United States.
Russia and China with Iran are all staunchly supporting Syria. The diplomatic and economic siege against Syria is tied to the geo-political stakes to control Eurasia. The instability in Syria is tied to the objective of combating Iran and ultimately turning it into a U.S. partner against Russia and China."
I read recently Knol, that Iran will find her way around the sanctions by using gold for the transactions. That should piss Goldman Sachs off, I imagine.
Thank you! Can you justify our intervention with your knowledge of the situation, Knolyourself?
Exactly hollie! Where are they when it comes to speak up, to act???? Hidden...
America doesn't need cowards in those hard times! I don't want to pay for their wars!
"Only last week, Saudi Arabia and China rolled out a project for a giant oil refinery in the Red Sea. And India more or less secretly is deciding to pay for Iranian oil in gold - even bypassing the current middleman, a Turkish bank.
Asia wants a new international system - and it's working for it. Inevitable long-term consequences; the US dollar - and, crucially, the petrodollar - slowly drifting into irrelevance. "Too Big to Fail" may turn out to be not a categorical imperative, but an epitaph."
Nothing to say but to agree with you! However is a war against Iran justified given your knowledge or are you copy/paste someone else's opinion?
if only the Us, Uk and the other dominant arses, would have the sense to see, that by reverting to the gold standard now, we could all be saved. No need for bloodshed.
Considering only the present conditions, if I lived to be a thousand I could not think of a single justification for war against Iran. You got any suggestions?
We Occidentals take our superiority for granted, Iran by opposing the world (last measure : payment with gold)displayed its resourcefulness!
No I see none and I'm ashamed for my country!
Not one. Two hundred years I believe, is the last time Iran had attacked another nation. Enter Iraq, AMDJ's another Hussein we are told. Do they seriously think we will buy this BS again?
Think Americans will buy anything. They used to say in San Francisco 'throw a brick and hit an artist'.
In America throw a brick and hit a con artist.
It's not just Americans that are gullible, Knol. In my country so many people still buy into "large families on welfare caused all of this countries problems" London, fraud capital of the world. Islamaphobia in my country is rife, with many believing that Iran should be attacked because AMDJ breeches human rights. if it wasn't so tragic, it would be funny.
People in general just cannot seem to fathom how evil the powers that be are. And should the sink to such a level? Even the "evil doers" cannot imagine what they are. So how is the new laptop?
The new laptop is great thank you. But it isn't a Mac (nevermind) Simplistic, but for the uninformed (not you) ten reasons why we should not attack Iran. … 8-january-
Also, unrelated (me thinks) but you may find this an enjoyable read. … org-lukacs
Iran is the road to the areas North of it and the last region of untapped oil. We were unable to secure Pakistan and Afghanistan and tried that route. We would have gone to Iran directly but without Iraq there was not enough oil to do so. We thought Iraq would be a cake walk but we all know how that turned out. Its not a matter of Israel but when will the West go to war and secure Iran into the oil pipe line. The Nuclear option behind the fanatic leadership of Iran only fuels the fire but one has to wonder what options they have. If anything they are only playing into the hands of this madness of national security. The only question is when and what are the cards being played until peak oil eventually arrives and the final game of last man standing begins. In all of this is a one option game of my way only and leaves fewer options until someone wins.
The militarism, broad influence of religious zealots, ethnic resentment, turbulent politics, resource constraints and pathological self-righteousness of Israel, Iran and the rest of the countries of the Middle East make large-scale conflict almost inevitable.
It is just a question of when.
This would not be an issue without America's longstanding blind support for Israel. And Iran would not be pursuing nuclear weapons if America had not let Israel get them.
All those things you speak of are fog and not even factors. This is all about greed and control on a global scale and has nothing to do with anything else. Until the power brokers have what they want and are profiting from it is the one and only goal driving this.
I read somewhere "online" that is the start of the end once Israel becomes a country, it will exist for 1 generation and the 2nd coming of Christ will appear. I am just reporting it so no need to ridicule or attack me. I am on the fence on this.
It is hard to chose between Iraq and Israel on the vileness scale.
Well, if this is all just global politicking for power...I wonder, when USA is knocked off it's place, will Israel still be her friend?
Somehow, I doubt it.
I think they will go where the power fact, I read that Goldmine Suckers is already moving it's fangs into China, and away from USA.
NO paying for what they did, No recompense to the American people.
And their cult is buying the American election as we speak.
did you know--Romney's wealth is so outrageous...add up the past 8 presidents and DOUBLE it!
And did you see that guy who wrote a book, these cult of Bankers are psychopaths?
This has got to be the end of the road...and if they bomb Iran, it's suicide. Funny too--are they projecting? Because for years Israel denied having Nuclear fact, a new book has come out claiming that is why Kennedy was killed, because he was going to expose and shut down the Dimon nuclear plant.
All I know is, the apartheid state they run has brought down the wrath of hades to their door. And we're guilty! No running away, no escaping the results of OUR complicity. We must start acting right. NOW. IMO IMO
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Dempsey Told Israel That US Won't Join Their War on Iran
Gareth Porter, Inter Press Service: "Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey told Israeli leaders Jan. 20 that the United States would not participate in a war against Iran begun by Israel without prior agreement from Washington, according to accounts from well-placed senior military officers."
Read the Article … 1328209116
What infuriates me is the idiots in this country that WILL want us to join in because they think moronic prophecy will be fulfilled and bring back Jeebus.
It's bad enough that we will risk another major war for oil. It is maddening that religious idiocy is part of this.
Now please: I am well aware that MOST religious people don't subscribe to such nonsense. This is not an anti-religious rant. It's only howling anger at that tiny minority that is hoping for this.
Iran's nuclear program, the plot to assassinate the Saudi diplomat on our soil and the threat to close the straits are all calculated plots to elicit an aggressive response from the U.S. Why?
Iran's govt does not have popular support and they know their days are numbered. The only way to rally support for Ahmadinejad and the ruling clergy would be to have open conflict, or war, with the U.S. -- and if Israel is involved, so much the better, from Iran's point of view.
I don't see the U.S. taking the bait. The U.S. is getting out of the Mideast, and there is zero support to get involved in another endless conflict. As for Israel, Israel is sabre rattling to push the rest of the world to do something about Iran's nuclear ambitions. War would be disastrous for Israel and they know it.
What about oil? Mideast oil is more of an economic factor than a strategic factor for the U.S. since we get less percentage of our oil needs from the Mideast than most other countries. The seems that it's going to be up to China and other nations, whose economic life depends on Mideastern oil, to get involved in this (very risky) conundrum.
Like it or not oil users, we are ALL knee deep in this. Welcome to the club.
Well, depends on what you believe....I read reports that said Mossad assasinated that guy and blamed Iran...
And an American newspaper editor even suggested Mossad assasinate Obama for the sake of Israel!
Out of hand is right.
As you say, it all depends on what you believe.
USS Liberty.
Attacked the ship, and blamed Iran, in order to have USA go against Iran.
Very similar to Ohlmert AND Bibi saying "9/11 was good for Israel", to go against muslims, and Palestine in particular....IMO
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