Rush Limbaugh and the Lord's Resistance Army

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  1. profile image0
    Sooner28posted 13 years ago

    As most people who are not living under a rock know, Joseph Kony, the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army, has been kidnapping children in Uganda in order to force them to be soldiers and sex slaves.  Then a documentary surfaced called "Invisible Children."  It moves the heart and emotions.

    In 2011, Rush Limbaugh actually defended this group when Obama sent the military to fight them.  He accused Obama of trying to "wipe out Christians." This, along with his constant race baiting (calling Obama an "angry black man") and sexism (calling Sandra Fluke a slut and all feminists "feminazis"), is sufficient justification for any companies who still advertise with him to pull out, and for the Armed Forces Network to show some courage and remove Limbaugh from their radio options.

    1. habee profile image93
      habeeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Why do people even listen to this blowhard?

      1. profile image0
        Sooner28posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ask them!

      2. MelissaBarrett profile image59
        MelissaBarrettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        My husband listens to him when we are in the car together.  He says it's funny to watch the veins on my temples throb.  He also says he learns new and interesting words from me.

        1. profile image0
          Peelander Gallyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I can't help but wonder why you're married to him.

          1. MelissaBarrett profile image59
            MelissaBarrettposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Cause people are more than their political opinions?

            1. profile image0
              Peelander Gallyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Your example makes it sound as though he does support the things Limbaugh says, which in this case are moral, not political.

              1. MelissaBarrett profile image59
                MelissaBarrettposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                No, my husband doesn't call women sluts.  But in many cases he does agree with Rush's political views.  That's not moral either, that's political.  There is a difference.  I'm sorry if you can't see it.

                1. profile image0
                  Peelander Gallyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Well that's good, though it's unfortunate that he does listen to Limbaugh in earnest and not just to get your goat.

    2. lovemychris profile image82
      lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree! Clear Channell needs to let him go.
      He's had a long time and made a lot of money spewing hate.

      As someone wrote yesterday...if they don't let him go--it will show they are just an arm of the R party, like Fox.

      1. profile image0
        Sooner28posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        They probably are though?  Limbaugh makes them a lot of money, and until listeners actually stop tuning in, I don't think he will be off the air.

        1. lovemychris profile image82
          lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Oh, they def are! And this will prove it. And if Focus on the Family doesn't target him..they will be revealed too.

          They can't stand fart jokes and sex talk, but calling moms and daughters sl*ts is ok!

          1. profile image0
            Sooner28posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            That's a good point actually.  If a woman shows a little bit of cleavage it's the end of the world; but directly calling a woman a slut and a prostitute and saying YOU WANT TO SEE TAPE OF HER HAVING SEX is fine...

            1. lovemychris profile image82
              lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              It's perversion...and if they want to be associated with it.....Perverts-Are-Us!

    3. ackman1465 profile image60
      ackman1465posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I listen to Limbaugh, often.... My reasoning is that he has a large following (they used to be called, "Dittoheads," remember?), and I'd like to keep current of the hate, untruths and extremism that this character espouses.  After all... best to "keep your enemies close."

      The man reminds me of a high school sophomore who gathers his friends around and spends time mimicing, taunting, and criticizing others in his/her school or town.  It's really slightly amusing... but is also disappointing... because SO MANY (listeners) believe that this guy actually has something worthwhile to say...

      I'm amazed that anyone listens to him....

      1. profile image0
        Peelander Gallyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I've tried to do that; once a year or so ago I sat down to actually watch an episode of Glenn Beck's show, and it was so farcical and straight up idiotic that I could not make myself sit still and continue watching and listening, it was painful. He literally didn't even say anything, just talked in circles leading up to "an idea" I'm sure he couldn't have even articulated if he'd had one. Then he brought on some random people who were proponents of isolationism, fundamentalist Christian doctrine, various liberal brainwashing conspiracy theories and other degenerate forms of ignorant fear mongering.

        I don't think freedom of speech should be stifled even when it's as outrageous and dangerous as this, but Limbaugh needs to be sued for libel, abandoned by his sponsors and publicly ostracised for what he said if nothing else. He's a sick, misogynistic pervert and generally a horrible person. Always has been. It's very troubling to know that so many people agree with him and these other hateful talking heads.

        1. Ralph Deeds profile image71
          Ralph Deedsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Beck is looney. Limbaugh is diabolical.

  2. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    Clear tapes are on us. wink

  3. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    Russshhhhh's special edition wink

    From his private collection. "Women you Love to Hate"...or Hate to Love, what's the dif?

  4. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    The "Girl and the Bishops".

    "Frisky Under Oath"

    "Manhood on Loan from God" 

    "Femi-Nazi Love"

    didilup didilup didilup...

  5. Xenonlit profile image59
    Xenonlitposted 13 years ago

    I want him thrown off Armed Forces radio as of yesterday and can't believe that the military will not do it. His brand of extremist nonsense has no place here or overseas (which is where I relied upon AFN for radio and TV) and under the government programs that he hates so much.

    We have enough unstable extremists hiding their stuff while on active duty already. We don't need these clowns getting fed their psychotic junk on the taxpayer's dime!

    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe military leaders agree with him?  It wouldn't surprise me, since it's still a mostly male dominated system, and you can still get in professional trouble for cheating on your spouse.

      I don't know why they won't drop it.  It's really a lack of courage on their part to keep him on.

  6. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    "Those Koch pr*cks are flooding media with disinformation. They lie about Social Security, Medicare, etc."

    Same Team. It's all a big club. Destroy Democracy.

    1. Lions Den Media profile image61
      Lions Den Mediaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      How is it Koch lying about SS and Medicare? Social Security by definition is a ponzi scheme and is broke, as is Medicare. You speak of Democracy --where in the Constitution does it say anything about social security and the nanny state? For the first time there are more people retired than are paying into SS. It is not as though there is a "Trust Acct" with your name on it. And don't forget it is liberal progressives that thought this garbage up so that they had more money to steal and spend on buying votes.

      1. lovemychris profile image82
        lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this
      2. profile image0
        Peelander Gallyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I don't know if you've heard of places like Germany and Sweden, which are welfare states and also based on representative democracy.

        1. profile image0
          Sooner28posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          And also have strong economies!

          1. profile image0
            Peelander Gallyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            And happy, well-educated people who retire with large pensions, advanced and efficient infrastructure and clean, safe cities. The U.S. is practically still in the bronze age in comparison.

            1. profile image0
              Sooner28posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Why do you always use facts?  They are so annoying!

              1. profile image0
                Peelander Gallyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Actually, my arguments are flawed and ignorant. I've been brainwashed by the liberal media. Obamacare is fascism. My hat is bread. Your logic is invalid.

                1. profile image0
                  Sooner28posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Now you are getting it!

  7. Credence2 profile image80
    Credence2posted 13 years ago

    Rush is bankrolled by the 1% and the corporate entities because he is seen as the mouthpiece to persuade the'man in the street" to ally with those that do not have their interests at heart, that is Rush's mission and the reason why he gets paid the big bucks.

    But in recent days, it is obvious that he has outlived his usefulness on the air, his bombast has gone to far. The GOP recognizes that he has sullied the brand, perhaps beyond repair before November. Rush, he won't go quietly, he is already attacking the myriad of sponsors that do not want their brand associated with his idiocy.

    Like Flounder said to the trouble makers of Delta House in the film "Animal House"

    "This is great"

    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I'm just wondering if more sponsors will have a conscience and pull out also.  I can hope!

    2. Lions Den Media profile image61
      Lions Den Mediaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      So why are your panties in a bunch because some guy on the radio called some broad a slut? Ms. Fluke opened herself up to the assault. I'm surprised Maher, SNL, Letterman, or Stewart didn't do a skit, but then again the woman is a liberal so she gets a pass. These people like Maher called Palin the "C" word and it is not cute, but none of you sanctimonious self righteous hypocrits point that out. You don't point out that Maher called Laura Ingraham a whore.

      What apparently people like you object to is someone with a particular view that is relentless and confident in expressing his/her opinion. Fluke has had her 15 minutes thanks to Limbaugh, and she will probably make a career of this. Only in America could she become a millionaire complaining about the taxpayer not paying her to have sex.

      1. Ralph Deeds profile image71
        Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "then again the woman is a liberal so she gets a pass."

        Fluke gets a pass?? Incredible statement.

        1. lovemychris profile image82
          lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I's laughable.
          Here's what they do....
          deny deny deny
          Then turn the accusations on the victim!

          She's a sl*t for not liking being called a sl*t.
          Or, it's her fault she was called a sl*t, so why blame Russsshhhhh?
          Or, she made him call her a sl*t, because he's never seen such depravity...

          Poor Poor Russsshhhhh! The victim of a smear campaign!

      2. profile image0
        Peelander Gallyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I can only hope that you're either successfully trolling or that, one day, you're going to feel like the biggest loser ever for agreeing with Limbaugh.

  8. Bibowen profile image90
    Bibowenposted 13 years ago

    This is much-ado-about nothing. Sophomoric bobble heads on the left, like Bill Maher say a lot worse. If you've got a lot of moral outrage pent up, unleash it on the goons that deserve it. When it comes to spewing hate, Rush is a lightweight --and that's saying something since Rush is light on little.

    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Again red herring and the tu quoque fallacy.  It doesn't matter if every liberal in the world said nasty things.  It also doesn't change the moral judgment against Limbaugh's statements.  They are despicable on their own terms.

      1. profile image0
        Peelander Gallyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        The point goes to fallacious reasoning. And anyway, most people would agree that Bill Maher is an arrogant jerk even if they do agree with his political views.

  9. profile image0
    Will Apseposted 13 years ago

    I couldn't imagine any other country tolerating a man (any man) calling a woman (any woman) a slut on the airwaves in a political debate.

    Political orientation is irrelevant. It brings anyone associated with politics in the US into disrepute.

    I am amazed the guy can find any defenders at all. I am even more amazed that he expects to turn up to work again.

    Having said that, people get the political discourse they deserve. And it seems Americans don't deserve too much.

    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      He is filthy rich, so he has quite a following.  Most of the Republican leaders are also afraid to say anything negative about him, due to the backlash it can cause. 

      I also agree that Americans get the political discourse they deserve.  We were talking about birth control recently!

      1. Paul Wingert profile image59
        Paul Wingertposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Romney and Santarum will say anything to be president. About Limbaugh's comments about calling Sandra Fluke  a "slut" and "prostitute", all Romney said was "....I wouldn't used those words. So Romney thinks that calling her that crap was okay, but would of used different words. If these GOP clowns don't have the balls to stand up to that ass***e Limbaugh, how would they stand up to the psychos in the Middle East and elsewhere if elected? By the way, I hope Sandra Fluke sues that windbag for slander.

      2. lovemychris profile image82
        lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, and I imagine he could ruin you if he wanted to....just look what Beck did to Van Jones, and Breitbart did to ACORN and Shirley Sherrod.

        So, I geuss they'll tolerate his perversions and nasty hate until he picks the wrong target.

        Until then, Democrats, black people, immigrants and women can be thrown under the bus.

        meanwhile...don't you tell a fart joke, or mention body parts.

  10. profile image0
    Sooner28posted 13 years ago

    George Will, the conservative commentator said it best.

    "Instead, Mr. Boehner comes out and says, Rush's language was inappropriate. Using a salad fork for your entree, that's inappropriate. Not this stuff. I mean, and Rick Santorum says well, what he says was absurd, but an entertainer is allowed to be absurd. No. It is the responsibility of conservatives to police the right in its excesses, just as the liberals unfailingly fail to police the excesses in their own side. And it was depressing, because what it indicates is that the Republican leaders are afraid of Rush Limbaugh. They want to bomb Iran, but they're afraid of Rush Limbaugh."

    1. Lions Den Media profile image61
      Lions Den Mediaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      "Unfailingly"? Where is the left in "policing" Maher or Stewart or a host of others.

      And please, keep your little skirts on and stop being so one is afraid of Limbaugh unless he has the power to tax and shut down the internet, or perhaps he has arrest powers I don't know of -- no that's Obama!! So again, why are you afraid of Limbaugh?

      1. profile image0
        Sooner28posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Strange you would equate two comedians, one that did go over the line with Palin, and another that simply shows the lack of logic in almost anything conservative, as examples of some kind of vast, racist, sexist liberal echo chamber that does not even exist.  Stewart has had a cornucopia of conservatives on his show, including neocons such as Bill Kristol, and current GOP president candidate Newt Gingrich.  He also uses facts, something which the right seems to no longer think exist outside of Fixed News.  You cannot even equate the two at all.

        When Ed Schultz called Laura Ingram a "right-wing slut" I didn't defend him at all.  It was wrong; but Schultz also doesn't have a history of racist and sexist comments.  He also apologized right the first time.

        Again I ask, WHY you are defending the indefensible, and doing a poor job of it too?  It adds NOTHING to your point to say "other people do it too!"   It's a simple logical fallacy known as tu quoque, which attempts to deflect criticism by saying another person is performing the action also.  If I tell you not to cheat on your spouse, and I am cheating on my spouse, it does not change the fact that you SHOULDN'T CHEAT ON YOUR SPOUSE.  Just because I am a hypocrite, it does not follow you can suddenly claim that it is moral to cheat on your spouse.  You are distracting from Limbaugh's incendiary comments.  Stay on topic.  Say Limbaugh was wrong for what he said about Sandra Fluke.  If you choose not to, well, the rest of the readers can see your position clearly.

  11. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago
    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This needs to spread!

  12. jandee profile image83
    jandeeposted 13 years ago

    As somebody who must be under a rock!! I am happy to stay there!
    What an outrageous 'mouth all mighty'is this Rush Limbaugh.

    First time I have heard him ,or of him. Racist,sexist much more. He is just poison.

    Sad thing is I know one hubber who actually says all the same things which is bad for hubpages for allowing this stuff,although  he(hubber) carefully covers it in sweet innocence-maybe I am wrong as a foreigner and maybe that is the way,in the regard free speech ! I certainly don't

    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Well if you are a foreigner I would say you aren't living under a rock tongue.

      But if you are interested, a simple Google search will come up with a plethora of statements Rush has said that are borderline racist, and in some cases straight up sexist.

      I also have noticed some people seem to echo Rush's sentiments.  However, perhaps truth will "collide with error" and change their minds someday.

    2. Lions Den Media profile image61
      Lions Den Mediaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      So Jandee, you believe in free speech and the rights of others to voice their opinion so long as it is speech and opinions you approve of?

      Would you be considered sexist or hateful because you disagree with Limbaugh and consider him "poison"? Or perhaps you just hate men. Or maybe you hate men with a conservative point of view? Hey, at least you have an open mind.

      1. jandee profile image83
        jandeeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        LDM,you certainly make a lot of assumptions,I never 'said'I agree with free speech!  Just what is it?? As for your 'considerations' Are you mad??I think you are as 'daft'as him !!

  13. profile image0
    Sooner28posted 13 years ago

    I used to listen to him three days a week when I was in college when I had my lunch break, just to see what he was saying.  His analysis was not always crazy, but it was mixed with all of the other vile things he says.  There's plenty of other places to find political analysis without the race-baiting that goes with it!

    If you consider that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 permanently re-aligned the South to the Republicans, it may not seem quite as surprising.

    1. Druid Dude profile image62
      Druid Dudeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Let's all give a big round of applause for Pope Limbaugh I

      1. profile image0
        Sooner28posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Scary thought...

  14. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago
  15. Express10 profile image79
    Express10posted 12 years ago

    Sooner28 I am with you on this one. A long time ago I watched his t.v. show & soon tired of the strange turns his views took. If he thinks President Obama is an angry black man, he has not seen much in his sheltered multi-millionaire life. Of course he would support blacks killing blacks so defending Kony's LA and calling them Christians doesn't surprise me. Much of what he spews is vile. He likes race baiting and misogyny and likely won't stop. I'm glad some of his sponsors pulled out but he now blames them to his listeners by saying "they don't want your business anymore" and "I made them a lot of money."

    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's all about the level of personal attacks he has engaged in.  He can call Obama a socialist marxist atheist all he wants.  Or he could call Obama a weak leader that doesn't know how to deal with foreign enemies.  It annoys me, but it doesn't reach the level where I would actively want his sponsors to pull out in an organized campaign.  Free speech allows me to use him as an example of irrational thinking! 

      But his level of vitriol against Obama and women is beyond ridiculous.  We can vote with our money, deciding where we want to shop.  Sponsors should take note of that fact.

  16. Wizard Of Whimsy profile image59
    Wizard Of Whimsyposted 12 years ago

    1. profile image0
      Peelander Gallyposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
        SomewayOuttaHereposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        lol...that's just gross...oh my mind, my mind...ouch! hurts

      2. Wizard Of Whimsy profile image59
        Wizard Of Whimsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        His skull should be!

    2. Evan G Rogers profile image59
      Evan G Rogersposted 12 years agoin reply to this
      1. Wizard Of Whimsy profile image59
        Wizard Of Whimsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Evan, I'm not familiar with that character but it does resonate.

        1. Evan G Rogers profile image59
          Evan G Rogersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          In the show "Futurama" he is "hedonism bot"

          1. profile image0
            Peelander Gallyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Aww yay someone caught the reference.

    3. Lions Den Media profile image61
      Lions Den Mediaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Did you superimpose Limbaugh's head on your body? Be honest now! Hey, fat people need loving too.

      1. Wizard Of Whimsy profile image59
        Wizard Of Whimsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        LDM, can't you recognize a predominant trait in the Republican party of fat cats . . . and the demagogues who do their bidding?

        Oh and by the way . . .

    4. ackman1465 profile image60
      ackman1465posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm disappointed to see this obviously-doctored caricature of Limbaugh... since it takes away from any serious discussion of the idjit, Limbaugh...

      Many have heard me describe Limbaugh's dialogue as simply "Sophomoric"... meaning the immature and child-like rantings of a High School sophomore.  If we stick just to the man's words, then we will continue to see him (and his opinions) as unworthy of much credence.....  It's sad, indeed, that he has an audience of as many as 12-14 million who actually believe he has something to say... to add to the political dialogue.... and, therefore, hang on his every word....

      1. Wizard Of Whimsy profile image59
        Wizard Of Whimsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Gee, I would think an "Engineer and pre-eminent thinker" would be able to comprehend satire.  Limbaugh isn't worthy of "serious" discussion — ridicule is more effective when it comes to clowns and mountebanks.

        1. ackman1465 profile image60
          ackman1465posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Wizard:  I have no gripe with satire, in general.... or, even, your submittal... EXCEPT that I think that this string is sufficiently droll that, by posting the pic, you allowed people to believe that we (you and I seem to be in-agreement, here) are willing to be as childish as the one we chide for that behaviour...

          1. Wizard Of Whimsy profile image59
            Wizard Of Whimsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Well Ackman, I wondered two things after rereading your posts.  1. How much time you took to peruse the image and 2. if the significance of the image went over your head.  I have no way to know, of course, but I suspect the answers are: 1. Not much and 2., yes.

            The photo-toon is inspired by art history and it's a classic Bacchanalian pose.  Bacchus, you may recall (or may not, seeing as to you being and engineer and not likely to be trained in the classics) was the Roman god of wine and was associated with sloth and debauchery. 

            Who better to use on an Oxicotin-addicted, four-wifed, lazy bully who slandered a defenseless young college kid?

            I'm fine with free speech and willing to defend it, but when it's harsh abuse by a hypocrite—well it get's me angry and I like to vent my indignation in a positive and (I think) creative way. 

            Words don't do it for me—images do!

            You may think it's "childish," but you try and learn Photoshop and then create an image that will fly around the internet and evoke Limbaugh's  evil with humor and derision in an instant. 

            Incidentally, my favorite part of that image is the logo that says: "Excellence In Demagoguery."

  17. Charles James profile image69
    Charles Jamesposted 12 years ago

    Freedom of Speech unfortunately requires freedom for Rush to say what he wishes.

    We cannot have freedom of speech only for those we agree with.

    1. ackman1465 profile image60
      ackman1465posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you, that we have to let everyone - even idiots - have their say.  I listen to Limbaugh because he is a widely-listened-to character... and I like to have his diatribes "in my pocket" so that I might react to "others" ... who claim to "follow" him... but who, obviously, aren't listening to him... OR, have "hearing problems" wherein they are skewing even what he sez in order to advance some opinion.....

    2. MelissaBarrett profile image59
      MelissaBarrettposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Freedom of Speech isn't quite that simple.  Yes, you have the right to state your opinion... but when you step over the line into slander/libel/defamation of character then you can be legal responsible for your actions.

      In addition, freedom of speech doesn't mean their are no consequences for your actions.  His sponsors were completely within their rights to pull their accounts and the station would also be within their rights to fire him.

      The only thing that freedom of speech protects you against is government persecution.  And even that has limits.

      1. profile image0
        Sooner28posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Good points from Ackman and Melissa both!

    3. Ralph Deeds profile image71
      Ralph Deedsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      "Freedom of Speech unfortunately requires freedom for Rush to say what he wishes.'

      Only so long as advertisers are willing to pay for his hateful, lying drivel. And they seem to be bailing pretty fast. I hope so.

      1. profile image60
        logic,commonsenseposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Apparently you still listen to him if you are judging his work.

        1. Wizard Of Whimsy profile image59
          Wizard Of Whimsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I don't know how anyone could not listen to the GOP's Hatred-Troll—Limbaugh's abusive slander has been forced on everyone watching or listening to the news lately. (I'm  wondering if you have any common sense or logic whatsoever.)

  18. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    UPDATED: The 58 companies we know have dropped Limbaugh. (There are at least 40 more.)

  19. profile image0
    Sooner28posted 12 years ago

    More great news!

  20. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    Yeah, he may be going the way of Beckles the Evil

  21. Charles James profile image69
    Charles Jamesposted 12 years ago

    He who lives by the market dies by the market?

    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I would agree that this is so.  Private decisions by individuals to express their outrage at the corporations supporting Limbaugh, and the corporations making the business decision to remove their advertisers from his show.

  22. Wizard Of Whimsy profile image59
    Wizard Of Whimsyposted 12 years ago
    1. Ralph Deeds profile image71
      Ralph Deedsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's great news!

  23. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago
    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Haha this is quite amusing!

  24. LauraD093 profile image70
    LauraD093posted 12 years ago

    Sooner28 I was wondering who would tackle the Kony phenomena. I am so glad it was you that took a "stab" at getting the information out here. As always you are so direct in your writing and comments it is like taking a political upper-cut at times. Not once has a Hub or comment left by you not left me thinking and at times emotionally engaged. Ty you for once again hitting us in the chin with some of the facts.

    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you very much Laura.  My main goal is to get people to reflect on something I find troubling in society.  They don't even necessarily have to agree with me, just that they think about the issue more than they otherwise would. 

      I try not to be offensive on purpose, but sometimes it really cannot be avoided.

  25. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 12 years ago

    "American consumers traditionally support companies and organizations that are in line with their values and I don't think many people would want to associate with a company that supports someone who attacks the character of a private citizen by calling her a 'slut' and a 'prostitute.'"

    Buh Bye.

    And please DO let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!


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