Would you pursue...?

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  1. Syrusv37 profile image81
    Syrusv37posted 13 years ago

    Would you pursue...?

    Would you still pursue someone or something you loved even if everyone you knew was against it? Even if they told you it was stupid and would never work?

  2. profile image0
    Longhunterposted 13 years ago

    Some would. Some wouldn't. I did and was told 'I told you so' by some since my life didn't live up to their expectations.

    Do what you love and love what you do 100%.

    Then, as long as you're paying your own way, taking care of your responsibilities, and not hurting yourself or others, they should have nothing to say. Good luck.

  3. profile image0
    AMBASSADOR BUTLERposted 13 years ago

    Absolutely yes. I will always pursue my heart and soul desires no matter what the results of it becomes because of it. You must be true to yourself and let the chips fall where they may. Example: For me personally is my 1 unpublished hub which is now at 933 ever views and got more visitors this month from Brazil and United States in New York, New York City. I am still on page 1 and 1st on page 1 on Google with my 1 unpublished hub. All things are possible do not give up in your hopes and dreams.

  4. dashingscorpio profile image80
    dashingscorpioposted 13 years ago

    Yes! Life is a "personal journey".
    Each of us has to live our own lives and in order to do that it requires us to make our own decisions and follow our hearts.
    Probably the worst regret of all is looking back on a dream you did not pursue simply because someone else talked you out of it. You are responsible for your own happiness!

  5. LeopardMan profile image59
    LeopardManposted 13 years ago

    I definitely would. My life is so completely different from any other person that my reasons can never be like those of others. And the other way around... We're all unique. And what makes my heart miss a beat might be too boring for someone else.

    My life can only be guided by my life.

  6. joleenruffin profile image61
    joleenruffinposted 13 years ago

    Yes, we each have to make our own decisions. We can't let others make our decisions for us or we will only have regrets. Make your own choices and live with whatever blessings or consequences follow.

  7. profile image0
    Edliraposted 13 years ago

    It depends on a lot of  circumstances and conditions but in principle, YES!!!
    Everyone should make their own choices and face the consequences or enjoy the outcome! Why learn from other's experience, when you can grow building yours.

  8. profile image0
    Butch Newsposted 13 years ago

    Yes I would.  Life is short and you miss every opportunity you don't take.

  9. Rob Hanlon profile image60
    Rob Hanlonposted 13 years ago

    Hell yeah, if I was 19 years old like you I would !

    If you don't, then there is the possibility of it turning into a regret.

    Good luck.

  10. kevrock529 profile image59
    kevrock529posted 13 years ago

    You have to go with your gut feeling. You can accept other people's opinions, but shouldn't let that be to complete basis of your decision. It never hurts to try!

  11. Marie-Renee profile image79
    Marie-Reneeposted 13 years ago

    Definitely yes! I did pursue something that my family did not agree with but in the end when they saw how committed I was to it, they came to understand. They still did not approve but they at least understood that it was something that I loved doing and rather than lose me they just tried to understand. It was painful deciding against my family's wishes, it always is, but if I had done what they wanted I knew I would forever be wondering the what ifs and what nots and in time might resent my family for that. And my family realized that too.

    I do feel it is important to listen to their side, why they are against, it but in the end what makes you happy and fulfilled, what you feel is right should be the main and deciding factor. Then again you have to live with what you decide. If everything goes right, then you will be happy you decided to pursue it. If it doesn’t go right then you have only yourself to blame but then always remember you got something out of it, you were happy once about your decision.

  12. profile image51
    crazydaisyposted 13 years ago

    Yes, if you believe in it, then jump in head first.  Its easy for people to sit on the sidelines and make opinions about what you should or shouldn't do.  Its much more loving to lend your opinion if asked, and then tell that person that you will support whatever they choose even if you don't agree.  Those people are your friends and to be valued.

  13. awoodog profile image60
    awoodogposted 13 years ago

    Yes I would for sure,we can't live our lives through others eyes. We have to do what is right for ourselves. I have spent too long living worried about what others thought. Live for yourself.

  14. medicfrogs profile image66
    medicfrogsposted 13 years ago

    Yes of course!!!!!! If everyone had listened to negativity like that, the earth would be flat, the light bulb would still be a candle, and horse-drawn carriages would be our fastest mode of transportation.

  15. Jaymeyaroch profile image61
    Jaymeyarochposted 13 years ago

    I would, because my happiness should matter to those around me.  If those I'm near tell me that anything I can dream up isn't worth it, they don't deserve me.

    And I would leave, and I have left, relationships (not just romantics ones) where the other did not respect anything that I did or cared about how I felt.

    Of course, I care about the happiness of those around me, and I certainly value their opinions about people, things, and ideas.  If they had valid reasons for not wanting me to pursue something, I would definitely look into it.  If you can't trust those around you, you need new friends.

    However, it would not be the basis of my rejection of anyone or anything.  That decision is mine and mine alone, and I will make it as it pertains to my well being and happiness.

    "I am only resolved to act in a manner that will ensure my own happiness without reference to you or to anyone so wholly unconnected with me."  - Elizabeth Bennett to Lady Catherine deBurg, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

  16. Drew nite profile image61
    Drew niteposted 13 years ago

    To be honest, love can be a big deceiver. It can cause us to think on one dimension (a limited level). It can cause use to ignore the truth, and ultimately hurt our selves or even worst, hurt others. But, love can be be right even though others see it as being wrong, so I would say that it all depends.... 

    Depends on the circumstances:  If I loved her, but we were of different faith, I would peruse her. If I loved her but she was a cheater, I would let her go.

    The "something" also depends on what the circumstances are too: if I was trying to achieve a dream and it was realistic, I would go for it, but make a new plan if the dream was truly unachievable.

  17. phiphi profile image60
    phiphiposted 13 years ago

    I talked to her for about a month before we "hanged out" well it would take her days to txt back because she works full time and a student full time. I know if i pursued this relationship there wouldnt be enough time to talk to her . I mean i could hang out with her a few times a month , but aside from that she was very emotionally distant.

    Our personality didnt click that well , and this would have been a lopsided relationship where i did most of the work. The only good thing i saw from this is she is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen and she is totally my type.

    Well did i do the right thing and not pursue it any more? Detailed answers are much appreciated thanks guys!

  18. sammyfiction profile image61
    sammyfictionposted 13 years ago

    Of Course!
    I met my loved one at work - I was his assistant, thus he was my boss, so it was unsantioned(spelling) for us to be more than friendly. But we moved passed that and were adults about it, and here we are, just passing our 3 year point! Go for it! You are your life - not anyone else!

  19. Ashantina profile image60
    Ashantinaposted 13 years ago

    Who do you live for.. other people or yourself?

  20. 123chri123 profile image40
    123chri123posted 13 years ago

    It depends on the calibre of people that are against it,if they are elders,you have to give it a serious thought because,there is adage that says,what elders could see,a child can not see it,even if he climbs a tall tree.

  21. tinaweha profile image61
    tinawehaposted 13 years ago

    I might pursue it for a set amount of time...like 6 months, then move on to something else.  Then, when I was older, I might try again...it depends on what the someone or something was.

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