The Luciferian gospel:
Genesis 1:1 we read, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…” So, if Satan was a murderer from the beginning, then God created him that way.
This gospel states that God is the author of evil if He created Satan evil from the beginning, so if God created evil He cannot be without sin himself because he would be the author of sin. Do you see the blasphemy in this gospel?This gospel places the fall of creation on the Lord Jesus Christ Just as the New International Version Bible does.
Now the true gospel states that God knows no evil, he is pure and without sin. So right off we have a major contradiction here. This is the result of Lucifer’s agents distancing him from Satan so he will later be exulted in the eyes of the world as God, while Jehovah is seen as the creator of evil. This is the end-time deception that deceives the whole world, even the Christian World that the Word of God speaks of.
Is Lucifer and Satan the Same Being?
God created him with a free will. He chose to rebel against God.
In that cute Jewish fairy tale, the talking snake was just a talking snake, nothing to do with Satan. Ancient Mesopotamian often used snakes, whether they talked or not, as metaphors to represent eternal life. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" on not a sentence but the title of the paragraph. It's written in classical Babylonian format. The Torah points this out. Lucifer does not have to convince God is evil, God did this to himself - read your Bible. According to the Bible God never said he loved anyone and is portrayed as an insecure, stupid, genocidal psychopath.
It had everything to do with Satan, true Ancient Mesopotamian often used snake as a metaphor, and the snake is used as a metaphor for many things. One of the many things snake is a metaphor is evil, that’s what’s represented by the snake in the garden. Weather take it as a metaphor or literally, it represents the befallen man. And there’s one thing we know for sure is that man is evil, his world is full of evil that he himself created and now blames someone else of his evil.
Read to me out of your bible where God is evil, help me understand where you are come from. Be more specific, show me the verses of scripture where it presents God as evil, don’t make a sweeping statement. I just don’t believe that there’s a new born baby anywhere in this world that God does not love. Now that baby may grow up and separate himself from that love, but at his birth he’s loved. That bible doctrine, read the bible.
Where is this genocidal that you accuse God, please explain because I can’t read your mind.
So smote all the country ... he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the LORD God of Israel commanded.
What you don’t seem to understand is that this is war, just as it is in today’s world it was back then, the enemy was out to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. You still hear this today from the countries surrounding Israel. Now if they are successful in acquiring the nu-clear bomb, they already told us just what they intend to do with it, to wipe Israel of the face of the earth. Now just before they pull the trigger on this plan, Israel gets the news of their plan, what do you think Israel will do?
They intend to kill all Israel, that includes everything including children, animals, trees, and all life, knowing that this is the plan, what would you do just let them wipe you and all that you love or would you strike first with an equal and force or stand by and be wipe off the face of the earth. You would strike first. They were out to wipe out Judah, God told them to strike first and wipe them out.
This is what the small country of Israel had to contend, surrounded by armies that outnumber them tremendously. Wipe them out before they wipe you out, but only if they truly intend to wipe you out first and only if they have means to enforce their threat. Now we must use our god given ability of reasoning, we know for sure that this is metaphoric language. We know that Israel did not kill everything that breed. Dogs breeds, lizards breed and all the insects breed, do you believe Israel killed everything that breeds? It its metaphoric language for destroy them before they destroy they destroy you.
Its one thing to read the bible another thing to understand what you are reading. Wipe them all out or they will wipe you out, and you know you would do the same thing if you were in that position.
It's one thin to read the Bible and another to do a little research outside the Bible and you'll find that over 90% of the Bible stories were stolen from previous religions. Your god was one of 33 worshiped by the Canaanites and was invented in the early Bronze Age, Moses does not exist outside the Bible and the Egyptians never heard of him or ever kept Hebrews as slaves and Jesus was created by the councils commissioned by the Roman Emperors throughout the 3rd Century.
But didn't God create him perfect? How can a perfect being sin? No evil can exist in heaven so how did Lucifer get the thought to rebel against God? It must mean that evil preceded Lucifer and thus God is the author of evil.
Exactly, your god and Lucifer are the same being.
Playing devil's advocate here. If it is true that God made Lucifer, then God is the author of evil. HOWEVER, since it is not true, God did not create Lucifer.
Lucifer is a biblical invention and though various Christians have made use of him we have no information about him outside of the bible.
The OT version of god fit the definition of evil and your one fit the definition of a human fraud. So the concept included in Christian Lucifer/satan is no different from their god versions.
God do not create evil.
However, if god is the creator, and there are exceptions to what he has created then he is not god. On the other hand, if it is as you say, there are two beings then why stop it at two, there may be three or four or five? Moreover we have never heard from the good guy, the books purported fro the god guy is all fraud not to mention evil.
That's semantics. We have always been taught in Christianity that the Holy Father is God because that's the Christian belief. That God is the supreme being. He is not the only omniscient, omnipresent being. Are we to say God gave Satan that power if God is the supreme power? If so, that is disgusting.
You think Jesus is a fraud because you WANT to believe it. Some of your arguments are just plain ridiculous like the "swoon" theory about the crucifixion which is not even medically possible. Jesus requires a moral high standard of living and complete abandonment of ourselves and people just don't like that so they justify themselves by saying Jesus is evil.
That is disgusting so you believe what you want to believe? Yes, it is taught in Christianity like that but that doesn't change the fact that the character of god in Christianity is satanic. God is the supreme being but he is not omniscient nor omnipresent that terms itself are meaningless. There is no Satan, there are simply powerful beings, probably aliens who is no different from the tyrants of earth, they are simply looking after themselves.
Jesus is a fraud because he claims to be god or son of god. God do not have sons. It may be that he died and his followers hallucinated that he was alive, if he was really alive after 36 hours there is no point in saying he was dead in the first place. He do not require any high standards, his standards are no different from any other charlatans, preach and practice something entirely different.
Is it Yahweh or Jesus that is Satanic? You talk about aliens. Well, the literal translation of the OT sees Yahweh is an alien. … r_embedded
A supreme being is not omniscient or omnipresent? For a divine entity, omniscience and omnipresence is not hard. Who is this supreme being to you? The supreme alien? Where does evil come from? You say God in Satanic but you don't believe in Satan.
How do you know God doesn't have a son? Why do you think that's impossible? The followers hallucinated? Were they all smoking something? So now you admit that Jesus may have died. That's progress.
Give me an example of what He preached that was contrary to His practices.
Both Jesus and Yahweh.
Omnipresence is a meaningless term, nothing can be omnipresent, if it were we wouldn’t be here.
Evil, what is evil?
As the Buddhists told, I can’t tell you what he is, but I can tell you what he is not.
I said your god is satanic, not
is satanic. You are calling satan god.
It is animals that reproduce, not GOD. God is not an animal hence do not have a son. Even you yourself says that, you said god ‘acted’ as his son.
I didn’t say he died nor didn’t die. What I said is you can’t claim that he died and walked. Either he was dead and never walked again or if he walked he was not dead in the first place. I was not there and all we have is the book written by liars.
I gave you many examples, say he preached loving enemies and doing what to others what you want them to do, I do not know about you but I do not call anyone vipers or sins of satan if I love them.
It is stated in scripture that God created Lucifer perfect in all his ways, but what seems to be hard for most people to understand is that being created perfect also comes with free will. You ask: how can a perfect being sin? But in order to be able to answer that question we must first know what perfection really is. Since there’s nothing perfect in this world to compare perfection to, how can we really know what perfect is? Does being created perfect means it’s impossible for that being to sin? We have no way of knowing because we don’t truly know what perfect is. Who says that no evil exist in heaven?
There are three heavens referred to in scripture, when heaven is mentioned in scripture the first thing that comes to most minds is “The Third Heaven? This is the Throne of God, no evil exist there, but the heaven where this evil is taking place is in the “Second Heaven” among the stars, the home of the sons of God. There is much evil among this second heaven and also the first heaven, the atmosphere surrounding the earth “the First Heaven” Remember, Lucifer said; I will ascend into heaven, Lucifer was not in heaven when he declared war on heaven. There was evil in Lucifer’s, but no sin in heaven because Lucifer had to Claim to, to ascend to that place. So the sin was in Lucifer but not in heaven. When Lucifer tried to ascend into the “Third Heaven” that’s when war broke out. If Lucifer was already in heaven, why would he have to ascend to a place he was already in? Lucifer lived among the created order, among the stars, it is from here that he planned is revolt. So first since we can’t know perfection being imperfect, and since it’s impossible for any imperfect being to know what perfection is or what it includes or excludes, we will never know because we can never reach or measure perfection by using the imperfect to understand the perfect. Maybe perfection does include the right to sin. We don’t know because its way beyond our great imperfections to understand. There are many unknowns in this creation and entire universe, for anyone with a finite mind [as we all have] to think we need to understand every working of and reasoning of the creator and think just because the creator didn’t create the way we think he should have, they can find nothing of worth in him. Maybe that person is thinking to highly of themselves, and trying to judge the infinite with a finite mind, the perfect wind with the imperfect mind. We can never all that perfection includes or excludes, imperfect could never understand perfection!
It tell you right there in scripture how Lucifer became full of sin; it was because of pride in his beauty. The bible states that he was perfect in beauty and because of that pride in his beauty he desired to be worship, or be king, to be ruler of creation. No, evil did not preceded Lucifer, it is a creation of Lucifer. The vanity that’s taking place in Hollywood didn’t start with the invention of television and moving pictures, it started with the most beautiful being ever created. For me nothing else explains the evils of the world, how it began and what is the solution and the climax of it all. Once we can experience perfection than we will be in a better position to explain what it includes and excludes.
Where in the scriptures did God create Lucifer perfect in all his ways? Free will only comes into play when one is capable of doing evil and doing good. Can God be tempted? Can He not do what He wants with His free will? Perfect beings abhor evil. They would never ever chose to do evil.
We can compare perfection by using God as a yardstick. He is perfect. Now if you say it is possible for God to sin, then you don't know Him. Perfection means one can't be tempted to do evil.
Wow! You think evil may exist in heaven? Evil cannot stand the light. Satan cannot come anywhere near God! God in His perfection can never be present in hell but somehow evil can dwell in God's kingdom? Are you telling me that filthy Satan is roaming about in God's kingdom right now? That's shocking. That must mean there are still angels today rebelling.
Scriptures, please. Ah, so the second heaven is the home of the sons of god? The sons of god were demons. That makes sense. However, the sons of gods never were in God's kingdom. God doesn't dwell there so there could be no rebellion against God there when He was present because He never was there in the first place. You know what heaven I was talking about. The kingdom of God. If no evil can exist in the kingdom of God, then why did Lucifer commit an evil act?
You see, you argument is actually moot because you are referring to Isaiah 14:13-15:
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
The name Lucifer was never in the original Hebrew text. This is how it goes:
How you are fallen from heaven,[b] O Day Star, son of Dawn! 9/b]How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! 13 You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High.’ 15 But you are brought down to Sheol, to the depths of the Pit. 16 Those who see you will stare at you, and ponder over you: ‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms, 17 who made the world like a desert and overthrew its cities, who did not let his prisoners go home?’
14:12 ëykh' näfal'Tä miSHämayim hëylël Ben-shächar nig'Da'Tä lääretz chôlësh al-Gôyim … ah/14.html
Heylel, or Helel, is translated as "a shining one"
The King James translation goes like this:
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
The name Lucifer was only included in the 4 AD.
"This reflects how the Latin word Lucifer was used in classic Roman poetry, such as this passage from Virgil (Georgics, III, 324-325):
Luciferi primo cum sidere frigida rura
carpamus, dum mane novum, dum gramina canent
Let us hasten, when first the Morning Star (Venus) appears,
To the cool pastures, while the day is new, while the grass is dewy."
We see in John 38:32, Lucifer is referred to as an astral constellation.
Latin Vulgate
38:32 numquid producis luciferum in tempore suo et vesperum super filios terrae consurgere facis
So it is actually King Nebuchadnezzar who is described as Lucifer
“Lucifer” means “the morning star”, which is the brightest of the stars. In the parable, this star proudly decides to “ascend (higher) into heaven...exalt my throne above the (other) stars of God” (v. 13). Because of this, the star is cast down to the earth. The star represents the king of Babylon. Daniel chapter 4 explains how Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, proudly surveyed the great kingdom he had built up, thinking that he had conquered other nations in his own strength, rather than recognizing that God had given him success. “Thy greatness (pride) is grown, and reacheth unto heaven” (v.22). Because of this “he was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles’ feathers, and his nails like birds’ claws” (v. 33). This sudden humbling of one of the world’s most powerful men to a deranged lunatic was such a dramatic event as to call for the parable about the falling of the morning star from heaven to earth. Stars are symbolic of powerful people, e.g. Genesis 37: 9; Isaiah 13:10 (concerning the leaders of Babylon); Ezekiel 32: 7 (concerning the leaders of Egypt); Daniel 8:10, cp. v. 24. Ascending to heaven and falling from heaven are Biblical idioms often used for increasing in pride and being humbled respectively - see Job 20: 6; Jeremiah 51:53 ( about Babylon); Lamentations 2 :1; Matthew 11:23 (about Capernaum): “Thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell” (the grave). Adam Clarke's commentary rightly notes: "The truth is, the text speaks nothing at all concerning Satan nor his fall... but of the pride, arrogance and fall of Nebuchadnezzar".
Pride and beauty? That's from Ezekiel 28? That's talking about King Tyre, not Lucifer.
"Moreover the word of the LORD came to me: Mortal, raise a lamentation over the king of Tyre, and say to him, Thus says the Lord GOD: You were the signet of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering, carnelian, chrysolite, and moonstone, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald; and worked in gold were your settings and your engravings. On the day that you were created they were prepared. With an anointed cherub as guardian I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked among the stones of fire. You were blameless in your ways from the day that you were created, until iniquity was found in you. In the abundance of your trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned; so I cast you as a profane thing from the mountain of God, and the guardian cherub drove you out from among the stones of fire. Your heart was proud because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor. I cast you to the ground; I exposed you before kings, to feast their eyes on you. By the multitude of your iniquities, in the unrighteousness of your trade, you profaned your sanctuaries. So I brought out fire from within you; it consumed you, and I turned you to ashes on the earth in the sight of all who saw you. All who know you among the peoples are appalled at you; you have come to a dreadful end and shall be no more forever" (Ezekiel 28:11-19).
How could Lucifer have been perfect in the Garden of Eden? He had already rebelled against God and was in the form of the serpent. With anointed cherub, is the Lord not saying King Tyre had a angel guardian? When King Tyre sinned, the guardian cherub drove him out. Is Lucifer a physical being? Otherwise, how could people be appalled at him when they saw him? Satan is still around. he has not yet come to a dreadful end.
This does not gel with the Adam and Eve story.
How could Lucifer create evil? Is not God the creator of all things? Did He not create Lucifer with the propensity to sin? Should God be blamed?
How can you know just what a perfect being is capable of? How do you know just what perfect includes and excludes, being imperfect yourself? Who says perfect beings are incapable of sinning? There was only one man after Adam who claim perfection, and according to scripture, he was tempted to sin, but refused to sin, that one was Jesus the Christ! It is said in scripture that he was tempted like all men, so if he, being a perfect being could be tempted by sin, then I would think that the being he created perfect, Lucifer could also be tempted by sin.
It’s apparent that not all perfect beings abhor evil or Lucifer would have taken the same road as Jesus and reject temptation. Free-will means just what it states; you are free to choose good or evil, how else could it be called free-will? You are free to choose between the two just as Adam had the free-will to choose between good and evil. It is your free-will right for you to choose whom you will love, Jesus or Lucifer [Satan!] God will not force anyone to love him that is every being’s choice to make. There are only two kingdoms, the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Hell, everyone decides for himself which kingdom he or she finds more attractive and love more than the other, or what government they desire to be a citizen of. You don’t know what a perfect being is capable of, it’s something you’ve never experienced and never will ion this life. The only way to know what perfect is, is to be perfect. Perfection may include a lot more than you think.
I never said that evil exist in heaven, I explained to you that the Third Heaven where the Family of God is, there is no evil. I explained to you that this evil exist in the First and second Heaven, the home of Lucifer and all creation, among the stars which includes us. It is obvious that the First Heaven is full of evil. You say that Satan cannot come anywhere near God, but I would advise you take some timeout and read the Book of Job.” In it is stated that the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan was among them” not only can Satan stand light he even constantly transforms himself into a being of light, appearing as Lucifer who was one the Light-Bearer of God! His former self! Please don’t play that game of claiming I stated something that I didn’t!
You say that God in his perfection can never be present in hell, but God entered hell when he died on the cross. He entered hell and preached to spirits who were disobedient in times of old! King David asked the question; where do I hide from your face, if I make my bed in hell even there I could not flee from you. There’s no place that God can’t be, I would advise you to read the Book of Peter and there you will find that Jesus [God] went to hell when he was murdered on the cross!
You are making up a lot of stuff here, I never said that Satan is roaming around in the Third Heaven, but he is roaming around in the First and Second Heaven and has just about captured the minds of all mankind. There are no rebellious angels in heaven. Why do you continue to claim that I have said these things when it’s all there in black and white that I never said these things!
There are two things you are confusing here, the Kingdom of God and the Throne of God!! You are living in the Second Heaven [among the stars] are you saying that you are a demon? Earth is among the stars, the created order, the home of created beings which, me, you and Lucifer are all a part of. Speaking of something that doesn’t make sense is your next statement:
“The sons of God were never in God’s Kingdom”
How could they be called sons of God and not be citizens of the Kingdom of God? To be sons of God is to be adopted members of God’s Family and in the Kingdom of God. I never said that no evil can exist in the Kingdom of God, but at the throne of God. Earth is a part of the Kingdom of God even though it’s in rebellion against God, all creation is the Kingdom of God, but all creation is not at the Throne of God. Third Heaven is the Throne of God beyond the stars, but the Kingdom of God includes the entire Universe and all that’s created, but the entire Universe is not at the Throne of God. This is where your confusion is in knowing the difference between the two.
Your question:
“If no evil can exist in the kingdom of God, then why did Lucifer commit an evil act?”
Again, here you are confusing the kingdom of God with the Throne of God. Evil existed in the earth even before the man had committed any sin, the fact that Lucifer was in the garden lying and cussing God proves that the earth was full of sin even before the man sinned. So there was sin in many parts of creation, God’s Kingdom, but not in the Third Heaven, the Throne of God! You must be able to see the difference between the two, one is perfect [the Throne of God] the other is sinful, the created order [our physical Universe].
Your next question:
“If no evil can exist in the kingdom of God, then why did Lucifer commit an evil act?”
This has already been explained, I never said that evil cannot exist in God’s Kingdom, but at the Throne of God, the Third Heaven beyond the created order, beyond the stars. God’s Kingdom which includes the earth is full of evil, but not his throne, the Third Heaven. The king’s throne is one thing and his kingdom outside his palace is another. But it’s all his kingdom, things you would do outside the king’s palace [his throne] you would never think of doing in his presence. Outside the king’s palace is his kingdom where there is much killing and stealing, but at his throne you had better behave yourself or you might find your head rolling up the floor dis-connected from your body. In his outer kingdom you might do these things, but before his throne you had better behave yourself or you could be condemned on the spot, and still it’s all his kingdom. There’s no sin at the Throne of God, but his outer kingdom is full of sin. The sin in Lucifer was not created in the Third Heaven where there is no sin, but form Lucifer’s home the Second Heaven that is full of the sin that Lucifer created!
Your post:
“You see, you argument is actually moot because you are referring to Isaiah 14:13-15:
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.”
The name Lucifer was never in the original Hebrew text. This is how it goes:
How you are fallen from heaven,[b] O Day Star, son of Dawn! 9/b]How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! 13 You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High.’ 15 But you are brought down to Sheol, to the depths of the Pit. 16 Those who see you will stare at you, and ponder over you: ‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms, 17 who made the world like a desert and overthrew its cities, who did not let his prisoners go home?’
My respond:
What is the difference between the first stated verses of scripture and the second that you posted? The only difference is what name one which to call this evil being of LIGHT, Day Star, son of the Dawn or Lucifer! The name Lucifer means “LIGHT” and “Day Star” means “LIGHT” and “Dawn” means “LIGHT.” A rose by any other name is still a rose, “Light” by any other name is still “LIGHT”! A particular being of light is still that same being of “LIGHT” no matter what light-name you chose to call him by! No matter what name you chose to call him by he is still the same being of Light that fell from heaven.
You refer to John 38, to prove your point that that Lucifer is referred to as an astral constellation. I never heard of anything like this in scripture, and definitely not in the 38 chapter of John because in my bible there is no 38 chapter of John. In my bible there are only 21 chapters, what bible are you reading from? I see you refer to the corrupt Vulgate Bible. The Vulgate Bible has nothing to do with the Christian Bible. The Vulgate Bible is a production of the Pope of Rome, the Pope and his Catholic Church worship a god called Mary the Queen of Heaven. This is the same mother god that most of the pagan world worship.
This bible you refer to [Vulgate] know nothing of the things of god, the producers of this corrupted bible even defy the God of Heaven to this day by calling up the dead [the saints] and even worshiping them. What kind of bible would you expect to get from them, one that exults Lucifer and condemns God! This church that produced this bible you use is no part of the Church of Christ. This church that produced the bible has even changed the Ten Commandments of God so that they can worship demons. This Catholic Church that produce the bible you used has thrown out the commandment that states; “thy shall not bow down and worship other Gods” and replaced it with the command to worship mortal man, they pray to and worship the saints and angels, Lucifer the Dark Angel! Their bible can in no-wise be in agreement with the Holy Bible. It is here where you error!
Your post:
“So it is actually King Nebuchadnezzar who is described as Lucifer”
“Lucifer” means “the morning star”, which is the brightest of the stars. In the parable, this star proudly decides to “ascend (higher) into heaven...exalt my throne above the (other) stars of God” (v. 13). Because of this, the star is cast down to the earth. The star represents the king of Babylon. Daniel chapter 4 explains how Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, proudly surveyed the great kingdom he had built up, thinking that he had conquered other nations in his own strength, rather than recognizing that God had given him success. “Thy greatness (pride) is grown, and reacheth unto heaven” (v.22). Because of this “he was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles’ feathers, and his nails like birds’ claws” (v. 33). This sudden humbling of one of the world’s most powerful men to a deranged lunatic was such a dramatic event as to call for the parable about the falling of the morning star from heaven to earth. Stars are symbolic of powerful people, e.g. Genesis 37: 9; Isaiah 13:10 (concerning the leaders of Babylon); Ezekiel 32: 7 (concerning the leaders of Egypt); Daniel 8:10, cp. v. 24. Ascending to heaven and falling from heaven are Biblical idioms often used for increasing in pride and being humbled respectively - see Job 20: 6; Jeremiah 51:53 ( about Babylon); Lamentations 2 :1; Matthew 11:23 (about Capernaum): “Thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell” (the grave). Adam Clarke's commentary rightly notes: "The truth is, the text speaks nothing at all concerning Satan nor his fall... but of the pride, arrogance and fall of Nebuchadnezzar".
Your post:
“Lucifer” means “the morning star”, which is the brightest of the stars. In the parable, this star proudly decides to “ascend (higher) into heaven...exalt my throne above the (other) stars of God” (v. 13). Because of this, the star is cast down to the earth. The star represents the king of Babylon. Daniel chapter 4 explains how Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, proudly surveyed the great kingdom he had built up, thinking that he had conquered other nations in his own strength, rather than recognizing that God had given him success.”
My response:
At what time were Nebuchadnezzar ever in heaven? If the king was never in heaven how could he be cast out of heaven? God was not speaking directly to the king but to the being of light that had taken over the king’s soul. The being that God is speaking to is called a cherub by God, the king is a man, and a cherub is a being of a totally different creation. The king have never been a cherub! If the king was casted down to the earth, where was he casted down from since he’s never been in heaven? Nowhere in the Book of Daniel is the king ever mentioned as being that being that fell from heaven and did weaken the nations! How can any mortal man continue to cause evil in the earth from the time the Lord uttered these words to the time of the end, thousands of years? God identified this evil being as the one who would case much war and death in the world even until the end of the world, no man lives that long.
The Lord says this being was created perfect, surely the king wasn’t created perfect and nor is any other mortal man. So God could not have been referring to either one of the mortal kings.
Your post:
“Pride and beauty? That's from Ezekiel 28? That's talking about King Tyre, not Lucifer.”
This has already been discussed.
Your post:
"Moreover the word of the LORD came to me: Mortal, raise a lamentation over the king of Tyre, and say to him, Thus says the Lord GOD: You were the signet of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering, carnelian, chrysolite, and moonstone, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald; and worked in gold were your settings and your engravings. On the day that you were created they were prepared. With an anointed cherub as guardian I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked among the stones of fire. You were blameless in your ways from the day that you were created, until iniquity was found in you. In the abundance of your trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned; so I cast you as a profane thing from the mountain of God, and the guardian cherub drove you out from among the stones of fire. Your heart was proud because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor. I cast you to the ground; I exposed you before kings, to feast their eyes on you. By the multitude of your iniquities, in the unrighteousness of your trade, you profaned your sanctuaries. So I brought out fire from within you; it consumed you, and I turned you to ashes on the earth in the sight of all who saw you. All who know you among the peoples are appalled at you; you have come to a dreadful end and shall be no more forever" (Ezekiel 28:11-19).
My response:
When was the king ever in the Garden of Eden, how could God be addressing the mortal king at this point.
Your post:
“How could Lucifer have been perfect in the Garden of Eden? He had already rebelled against God and was in the form of the serpent. With anointed cherub, is the Lord not saying King Tyre had a angel guardian? When King Tyre sinned, the guardian cherub drove him out. Is Lucifer a physical being? Otherwise, how could people be appalled at him when they saw him? Satan is still around. he has not yet come to a dreadful end.”
My response:
I never stated that Lucifer was perfect when he was in the garden, I said that at his beginning he was created perfect but he did not abide in that perfection. By the time the man saw created, Lucifer had already been in a devastating war with heaven that destroyed the first earth, Lucifer’s home before the man came on the scene.
Your post:
“With anointed cherub, is the Lord not saying King Tyre had a angel guardian? When King Tyre sinned, the guardian cherub drove him out.”
My response:
Again, a cherub is of a different created order than mortal man, a cherub is a spirit being of a higher order than man, man is a physical being, beings of two different order. Whenever Jesus encounter an evil spirit being that had taken control of another’s soul he talked to the person possessed and the evil spirit being that had taken control of the person. Jesus even ask the evil spirit its name before making it depart from the person, he than instructs the person in living the life that would make it impossible for any other evil spirit being to ever enter again.
First in the group of verses of scriptures God addresses the mortal man and told him that Lucifer lied to him when he said that he has become a god and that he would die the death of any other mortal because he is no god. Now as you continues to read you come the part that is now under discussion we find that he now do as he’s does throughout the New Testament, he addresses the evil being that has invaded the man’s soul. There always three-way communication whenever a demon possessed person is contacted by the Lord. The Lord talks to the possessed person and through the possessed person he address the evil spirit that has invaded the person’s soul. Here the Lord first address the mortal man and then the evil being that have entered the man’s house to destroy it! It was a common practice with Jesus!
Your post:
Is Lucifer a physical being? Otherwise, how could people be appalled at him when they saw him? Satan is still around. he has not yet come to a dreadful end.”
My response:
Yes Lucifer is a physical being when he take possession of a mortal, everything the mortal experience the devil does. That’s why he must be driven out. Before he is driven out the person can take on the appearance of the demon and from ever account I’ve heard or witnessed he or it is very appalling!! The bible tells us when this prince of devil will be casted into the lake of fire, it after World War III starts, when man is on the verge of destroying himself with his great inventions, it is at that time the Lord will step in and destroy the works of Lucifer!
Lucifer and Lucifer is the same being!
It's not hard to know what a perfect being is. The Holy Spirit is perfect. God is not capable of sinning. If we think that a perfect being by God can sin then that being was created with evil in him. That means God is responsible for all the evil in the world.
The Adam and Eve story is not from the Hebrews. It is a pagan Sumerian creation story that was copied by the Hebrews. The only way that Jesus could be tempted is because He took on the nature of man. He was exposed to evil on earth. God cannot be tempted as He does not have the nature of man to sin.
Now Lucifer was supposed to be in heaven with God. There can be no temptation to sin in God's kingdom. Now if Lucifer was tempted to sin, who tempted him? No evil was supposed to have existed then unless you think God created evil and set up this world to fail.
As I said, you can only be tempted to do evil if you reside on earth as it is the fallen world. The world where Satan rules. You can't be tempted in heaven as no Satan exists there. Free will only came into being when mankind was corrupted. How can you choose evil if no evil existed in the first place like in heaven? Do you not understand? Evil cannot be anywhere near the Lord in His heavenly kingdom. Therefore there could be no temptation or rebellion.
Now that I have a fallen nature, I have free will to choose who I want to serve, which is either Jesus or Satan.
The concept of Satan in Judaism and in Christianity is completely different. Satan is not evil to the Jews. He is merely an agent of God who puts hard times in people's lives to test them and spiritually refine them. This is not the same being in Christianity. Jesus said in John 8:44:
"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
Satan cannot possibly be an ally of God. A lot of your references come from the OT but let me warn you there is a lot of pagan and occult influences in it.
We know that Jesus went to hell, not God. Jesus said to the Lord on the cross:
Matthew 27:45-46, "Now from the sixth hour darkness fell upon all the land until the ninth hour. 46 and about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
This is the thing. Hell is the complete separation from God. No one with sin can be near the Father. That is why Jesus went to hell because He had all of our sin. I know God and Jesus are considered one but they are just two parts of the Trinity with the Holy Spirit. They each have separate roles even though they are one. Jesus had a separate role from the Lord. He prayed to the Father. He can't pray to Himself.
Is it from the Book of Peter that you get the idea that God ministered to evil spirits? They don't want to hear it. They are from the devil. They hate Him.
Yes, but wasn't Lucifer originally in the Third Heaven with God? He is said to be creation of God like the other angels so why would he leave God's kingdom to roam on earth? We know that God's kingdom never had a beginning. However, earth did so the angels must originally have been in the Third Heaven. Isn't it mainstream Christianity that Lucifer was kicked out of heaven? He certainly has not been kicked out in the First and Second Heaven.
Why would I think that would make me a demon? Jesus also shared the Second Heaven with Satan.
The problem is that you aren't familiar with the literal translation of the Old Testament. It was originally the sons of the gods. Here is an example of this:
Then God said, "Let us make mankind in OUR image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
We acknowledge that God is the supreme being. Was there a co-creator? Elohim is actually translated as gods. We know that that gods did rule the earth.
Deuteronomy 10:17
"For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes."
In fact, Yahweh was just one of many gods who owned different territories. He is the offspring of the Caananite God, El.
What I'm trying to say here, is that the sons of god are actually extraterrestrials. I'm going to refer you to the literal translation of the OT: … r_embedded
The Book of Enoch seems to support the notion that aliens interbred with humans.
"And after some days my son, Methuselah, took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore him a son. And his body was white as snow and red as a rose; the hair of his head as white as wool and his demdema (‘long curly hair’) beautiful; and as for his eyes, when he opened them the whole house glowed like the sun ...
And his father, Lamech, was afraid of him and fled and went to Methuselah his father; and he said to him,
“I have begotten a strange son. He is not like an (ordinary) human being, but he looks like the children of the angels of heaven to me, his form is different, and he is not like us ... It does not seem to me that he is of me, but of angels..."
The narrative begins just after the strange birth as Lamech starts voicing his suspicions concerning the suspected infidelity of his wife, here named as Bathenosh - and referred to also as his sister - for he says:
“Behold, I thought then within my heart that conception was (due) to the Watchers and the Holy Ones ... and to the Nephilim . . . and my heart was troubled within me because of this child.”
It is accepted that the sons of god were not humans and were evil. As he know, the union between them and the daughters of men created the Nephilim.
You said earth is part of the Kingdom of God but Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place." So you are completely wrong about that. The Kingdom of God is a place not creation. The Throne of God is in the Kingdom of God. Rev 4:2
As I said, the Adam and Eve story is taken from pagan sources. The serpent was never claimed to be Satan or Lucifer. Satan is an ally of God in Judaism. Who is the source of sin? Lucifer or God? For if God creates everything, then He is, right?
Jesus said His kingdom is not of this earth. It is a spiritual kingdom, not that which includes the earth. It means righteousness and holiness. So the Third heaven is a place but the Kingdom of God is spiritual.
Matthew 6:33
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
How can Lucifer create sin? If he was the creator of sin, who tempted him? Evil existed prior to him then.
The difference is that Lucifer is not mentioned in the original. It is only much later that Lucifer was associated with the light. All royalty was associated with the stars and planets. King Nebuchadnezzar, as a royal, was compared to a heavenly body, too.
"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star." Jesus is of the bloodline of King David. Of course He isn't Lucifer. King Nebachnezzar, as a royal, was also associated with the morning star.
The star Regulus was known as “the King.” The Romans referred to it as “Rex,” which means “King” in Latin. In Arabia the star was known as the “Kingly One.” The Greeks called it the “King Star.” Of all the stars in the heavens, Regulus was universally associated by the ancient astrologers with the attributes of greatness and power. It is located practically on the ecliptic (the path which the Sun takes in traversing the heavens). It was thought that this position made it of special importance to the Sun. According to astrologers the Sun ruled the heavens. Thus, the major star closest to the ecliptic of the “ruling” Sun was Regulus. This close relationship to the Sun made Regulus a “royal star,” the one most associated with the conception or birth of kings. It was the star denoting rulership.
That is why we have the story of a star leading the wise men to Jesus.
I meant Job 38:32. Job 38: 4-7
“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
Tell me, if you understand.
5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
Who stretched a measuring line across it?
6 On what were its footings set,
or who laid its cornerstone—
7 while the morning stars sang together
and all the angels[a] shouted for joy?
We know Job cannot be referring to Lucifer.
The OT we have today is also corrupted:
As I said, Lucifer was introduced into Latin in 4 AD. That is why the Latin Vulgate included it.
What heaven are we talking about? Can't be the third heaven as no evil can exist there. You have conceded that. Is it the second and first heaven where evil exists? If this is where Lucifer has always been, how could he have been cast down to it? Ascending and descending into heaven is an idiom. It is used to represent the rise and fall of the proud. For example:
Matthew 11:23
And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down to Hades. For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would have remained to this day.
Lamentations 2:1
How the Lord has covered Daughter Zion with the cloud of his anger! He has hurled down the splendor of Israel from heaven to earth; he has not remembered his footstool in the day of his anger.
There's no indication that God was speaking to Lucifer because of Nebuchadnezzar. Why would God give Lucifer success?
Nowhere in the Book of Daniel is the king ever mentioned as being that being that fell from heaven and did weaken the nations!
Let's look at Daniel 4:19-23
Belteshazzar answered, “My lord [Nebuchadnezzar], if only the dream applied to your enemies and its meaning to your adversaries! 20 The tree you saw, which grew large and strong, with its top touching the sky, visible to the whole earth, 21 with beautiful leaves and abundant fruit, providing food for all, giving shelter to the wild animals, and having nesting places in its branches for the birds— 22 Your Majesty, you are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth.
23 “Your Majesty saw a holy one, a messenger, coming down from heaven and saying, ‘Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump, bound with iron and bronze, in the grass of the field, while its roots remain in the ground. Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven; let him live with the wild animals, until seven times pass by for him.’
Compare this to Isaiah 14:12
“How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer,[a] son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
So you see Nebuchadnezzar tried to ascend into heaven. The tree, symbolically him, touched the sky but it was cut down and descended to heaven. That represents going down to Sheol.
Verse 22 in Daniel 4 says:
22 Your Majesty, you are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth.
Isaiah 14: 16-17
“Those who see you will gaze at you,
And consider you, saying:
‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
Who shook kingdoms,
17 Who made the world as a wilderness
And destroyed its cities,
Who did not open the house of his prisoners?’
So we see that King Nebuchadnezzar did weaken kingdoms.
We'd you get the 1000 years part? Lucifer is not a man like Isaiah says in verse 16.
Isaiah 14: 18-20
18 All the kings of the nations lie in state, each in his own tomb. 19 But you are cast out of your tomb like a rejected branch; you are covered with the slain, with those pierced by the sword, those who descend to the stones of the pit. Like a corpse trampled underfoot, 20 you will not join them in burial, for you have destroyed your land and killed your people. The offspring of the wicked will never be mentioned again.
So we see Isaiah is talking about a king who has died (cast out of your tomb) and is rather covered with the slain. He will not be buried because of his slaying. If we are talking about Lucifer, then Lucifer is dead.
You said perfect doesn't mean sinless. You said how can we know what perfect is?
Not satisfactory.
How could Lucifer have great skills in trading? Since when did God dress Lucifer in gems? Wasn't he the serpent in the Garden of Eden? I don't think a snake is beautiful.
Verse 9 in Ezekiel 28 says:
Will you then say, “I am a god,”
in the presence of those who kill you?
You will be but a mortal, not a god,
in the hands of those who slay you.
So how can Lucifer rule for a 1000 years when he was slain?
Being dressed in gems is likened to stones set in the breastplate of the high priest of Israel (Exodus 28:17-21)
They symbolized the twelve tribes of Israel (Ex. 39:14). The king of Tyre walked in the midst of these stones of fire when he moved among the children of Israel.
Lucifer couldn't have been perfect at his beginning.
John 8:44
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Where in the Bible does it say Lucifer had a devastated the earth because of war?
In this case, the cherubim were figures on the Mercy Seat, or the Tabernacle. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth’ (v. 14). The cherubim were figures of beaten gold at either end of the mercy seat (Ex. 37: 7-9). Their wings overshadowed the mercy seat with which they were of one piece (Ex. 25:19-20)
The suggestion may be that Tyre as a great mercantile power [great skill in trading] was privileged to cast its ‘wings’ over Israel. It was the abuse of this exalted position that was a factor in the ruin of Tyre (vs. 4-5).
There is no evidence, obviously, that Lucifer died a violent death (vs 8)This cannot be referring to Lucifer. He never died at the hands of foreigners.
No, only a spirit can possess someone. You cannot be a physical being in another being.
I believe it’s very hard to know just what a perfect being really is. True the Holy Spirit is a perfect being and people claim to know the Holy Spirit but preach a doctrine contrary to the teaching of the Holy Spirit. In that process they prove that they really don’t know the Holy Spirit and even further from knowing what perfection is. You can never know all that perfection in no more that you can know all that the Holy Spirit is. When it comes to God being incapable of sinning you must be referring to my statement that Jesus [who is God in the flesh] was tempted to sin, you must remember that Jesus was also man! The fleshly part of him [according scripture] was tempted as all other men. You make great claims of knowing all the mysteries of the godhead.
Why is it so hard to for people to understand the word of God, which clearly states that God created beings to love and serve him? These beings must have a free-will to do good or evil, if they were force to love and obey the Lord, they would be robots and probably incapable of truly knowing what love is. Forced love never works, filling a woman with fear to make her stay with you never truly win that woman’s love, it’s a forced kind of love that goes against her free will to choose whom she will love, and this forced love will not work.
God will not force his creatures to love and obey him, that kind of love never works in his kingdom. The person must be free to choose to love Lucifer if that’s their choice, what is so hard to understand about this. We are not robots, but potential gods in the making. You can continue to make the claim that because there is evil in the world that God is the creator of evil or an evil creator because it just proves that you really don’t know the Holy Spirit so therefore you can’t even began to know what perfect is and is not. You said it yourself that the Holy Spirit is perfect and yet you calls him a liar when you state that it is he who created all the evil in the world. This same Holy Spirit that you claim to know so much about states clearly in his world that the world is full of evil and it was not the Lord who created this evil, if you had known this Spirit you would be closer to knowing what perfection may include and exclude, how can you know perfection when the one you claim is perfect you call a liar?
How many time do we have to go over this? How many times do I have to explain to you that this sin did not start at the Throne of God, the Third Heaven? Again, Lucifer lived among the stars, the home of created beings, remember he had to try to ascend into heaven. I’m going to ask the question again until you give me an answer. You keep making the claim that Lucifer was in heaven when he sinned, blaming God for Lucifer’s sin. When the one who you claim is perfect says in his word that Lucifer has said that he will ascend into heaven. That was the moment when he sinned, again, if he was already in heaven why would he have to ascend into heaven?
In you trying to prove that God is the creator of sin because there’s sin in his creation, you prove you know nothing of the Holy Spirit or His Perfection. Again, you ask the question of who tempted Lucifer. The one who you claim to be perfect has already explained that it was Lucifer’s beauty that he was tempted by and a desire to be worshiped because of that beauty. How much clearly can the one who you claim to be perfect be? When you try to prove an unscriptural doctrine you may be accountable for more than you might think. You constantly contradict everything that Perfect states and yet claim to know perfection.
Now we’ve already gone into how Satan do have access to God in certain situations as shown in the Book of Job and you have not come back with a response to that except:
“You can't be tempted in heaven as no Satan exists there”
You say free-will only came into being when mankind was corrupted, again contradicting the one you say is perfect. It is clear from the word of the Holy Spirt that Lucifer used his free-will to corrupt even before the man and creation had fallen. Even when the man was in his innocent state, Lucifer was using his free-will to call his creator a liar. How can you claim to know what perfection is when you constantly calls the one you say is perfect a liar? Do you see the confusion in your doctrine? You ask the same question again; How can you chose evil if no evil exist in the first place in heaven? I have already address this issue with you more than once. Don’t yet stuck!
Again you are repeating the same thing over. You claim that Satan cannot be anywhere near God but again, the only one that you claim is perfect states that “the sons of God came and presented themselves before the Lord and Satan was among them” please response to this first before asking the same question again. The Book of Job states that Satan do have access to God under certain circumstances. This is in the book that’s inspired by the one that you claim is perfect and you continues to call him a liar.
You claim that the concept of Satan in Judaism and in Christianity is completely different. In your words; “Satan is not evil to the Jews.” Your first mistake here is to place all Jews together, there were Jews who loved the Lord and there were Jews who hated the Lord and had him murdered. Which Jews are you referring to? There were Jews who were faithful and obedient to the Lord and there were those Jews who beat the disciple because they would not change the word like you are attempting to do. Which Jews are you referring to? If what you say is true that according to the Jews Satan was merely an agent of God who puts hard times in people lives to test them and spiritually refine them. Then what about the ones that Satan didn’t refine? They lands in hell and are in the end destroyed all because you say God created a being to test them but only led to their destruction. Who would be responsible for their destruction? It would be the one who created a being with evil in him, that one would be God. That’s apostate Jewish Luciferian hatred of the creator.
That have been the goal of all those Jews who rejected God and were in return rejected by God, it is these Jews who you are referring too, they pardon Lucifer [Satan] and lay all the blame on God as you are doing now for all the evil in the world. No Satan is not a servant of God, but there are times in a person’s life when God removes his protective hand and allow Lucifer [Satan] to touch that person since the person has fallen in love with the occult, Satan. In true Christianity there is no pagan and occult influences, but you must know the difference between true Christianity and pagan religions that imitates Christianity.
you thought that the Catholic Church was Christian when it never was Christian! It is you who needs to be warned, in your attempt to discredit the Word of God in trying to prove your unsound doctrine. There is much evil in the world and God didn’t create it. According to the only one who you say is perfect, evil was created in the heart of Lucifer. Or is it that the only time that Holy Spirit is perfect when you can twist his words to confirm your unsound doctrine? Either Lucifer [Satan] created evil or God created evil, you make the decision, but you had better be right, who created evil or God?
Now I know I can go back in an earlier post and find where you stated that Jesus is God. But now you claim that Jesus is not God, because now you need to prove a different point and in this point you can’t have Jesus being God because it messes up your argument. Do you see the confusion in trying to prove an unsound doctrine? To prove this point Jesus is God, but to prove another point Jesus is not God. You are all over the place!
Your Post:
“Matthew 27:45-46, "Now from the sixth hour darkness fell upon all the land until the ninth hour. 46 and about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
My response:
Again you contradict the very being you claim is perfect who state that the Son born of the Virgin would be God with us. The being that you claim is perfect states that God purchased us with his own blood, the blood the shed on the cross was the blood of God. The one who you claim is perfect states that in the beginning was the word [Jesus] the word was God and with God. If as you say the Holy Spirit is perfect, everything you have shown thus far is that you are in total contradictory to that which you see as perfect! Again proving that you have no idea of just what perfection would include or exclude! The Fathers is God and that one who proceeds from the very being of the Father must be all that his Father is, he is God!
Your statement:
“This is the thing. Hell is the complete separation from God. No one with sin can be near the Father. That is why Jesus went to hell because He had all of our sin. I know God and Jesus are considered one but they are just two parts of the Trinity with the Holy Spirit. They each have separate roles even though they are one. Jesus had a separate role from the Lord. He prayed to the Father. He can't pray to Himself.”
My response:
Much of what you stated here is true, but you have introduced error here. First of all Jesus is Lord of All, so he cannot have a separate role from that which he is. He is Lord! Jesus is the second person of the Holy Trinity, the Family of God, Jesus is always subject to his Father, but all that the Father is he is for he proceed from the Father. In Jesus God when to hell in our place, defeated Lucifer and took back the lives Lucifer had stolen, only God is capable of this! No, Jesus was not praying to himself but to his Father. Remember, Jesus had to leave his power in heaven, and live like other men on earth, depending on the Father for everything. But this in no way change the divine nature of Jesus, he both God and man.
Your post:
“Is it from the Book of Peter that you get the idea that God ministered to evil spirits? They don't want to hear it. They are from the devil. They hate Him.”
My response:
The point is not if they believe the gospel or not, God said to preach this gospel to every living creature on earth and even under the earth, that includes hell. The one and only one that you claim is perfect states that Jesus entered hell and led those who had been held captive to freedom, so somebody in hell was listening. We are all spirits, some are evil, some not so evil, but none of us are good. We don’t know who will respond to the gospel, we are to be obedient and preach this gospel to everything on the earth and under the earth, in hell!
Your post:
Yes, but wasn't Lucifer originally in the Third Heaven with God? He is said to be creation of God like the other angels so why would he leave God's kingdom to roam on earth? We know that God's kingdom never had a beginning. However, earth did so the angels must originally have been in the Third Heaven. Isn't it mainstream Christianity that Lucifer was kicked out of heaven? He certainly has not been kicked out in the First and Second Heaven.
My response:
Lucifer’s office was in haven but his home were among the stars, this earth. Even though Lucifer was the most powerful being God had created, he was still a created being and live among creation, among the stars. It is from among this creation that he intended to exult himself and climb his way up to where God is. It seems there were times when he was in heaven and times he wasn’t. There were times he were in the earth, so at what point he was not allowed back into his office we don’t know. But at some point he was locked out and went back to his home the earth.
According to scripture, it seems that Lucifer would go to the third heaven when the Lord takes his Thorne, as when the angel came together to worship God or for other business. All angels have work to do, remember, the sons of God came from somewhere to present themselves to God, and they were not at the Throne of God at all times.
Pride in one’s looks can cause many problems in a person’s life in the physical world, I believe it’s even more powerful in the spirit world with a being who was the best looking being ever created, the lesson, no matter if its physical or spiritual, pride is destructive. In this, Lucifer’s world we see the same pride that caused the fall of creation. Look at what people do to themselves to look beautiful here in Lucifer’s kingdom. They tattoo themselves from head to toe with blasphemous names, they go to the doctors and have them carve out a whole new face for them to look beautiful. Elvis Presley and Michel Jackson are perfect examples of the length people will go to be beautiful. This is the pride that destroyed the once beautiful Lucifer and God did not create that in him.
As I studied the Book of Genesis one thing that caught my attention was the creation story because in that is shown that the earth was Lucifer’s home before it was man’s home. It seems that it was from here in the earth that Lucifer would attempt to ascend from into heaven, the Third Heaven. In the description of the creation of the earth, there is something there that we need to take a close look at. It state that when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was in chaos! Now if the earth was in Chaos and in total darkness something must have caused it to be in that condition. Would God create a world engulfed in total darkness and confusion when scripture clearly states that all his works are perfect?
A world engulfed in total darkness and submerged under water doesn’t seem like a perfect world, if it’s in that chaotic state something must have caused it to be in that state. In scripture it seem that in the description of the earth the earth is being resurrected from a watery grave and something had caused this world to be destroyed by water a first time. Now thing about this; there was war in heaven or the heavens which includes the earth. Before this war everything was a heavenly even the physical creation, but it’s still distinct from the Third Heaven. Now as with any war POWs are taken and imprisoned.
Where do we find the POWs that warred against God? The prison is in the place where they took their stand against heaven, the earth! The interior of the earth is filled with prison cells of those who tried to war against heaven. Why wasn’t they imprison on Mars or some star system light-years away? Why imprison the POWs in the earth. Earth must have played some role in this rebellion to have the rebels imprisoned here. Remember, at the laying of the foundation of the earth, the sons of God shouted for Joy! Was this joy because the paradise earth was to be part of their home? They really showed a great interest in the creation of the earth. I believe it was this war with heaven that cause the destruction of the earth and caused it to be a chaotic ball of confusion when the spirit of God hovered above it in preparing it for the new inhabitance, the man and his woman. God did not create the earth in that chaotic state, it fell into that state as the result of its war against heaven.
Think about it, when God placed the man in the garden, Lucifer was not in the Third Heaven, he was right here on earth! He was here committing sin, calling God an evil creator or a creator of evil as many of his followers do all day long here in these forums. The POW cells are here where Lucifer staged his attack to take heaven by force, and not from the Throne of God, the Third heaven. Remember, when God recreated the earth for man, he planted a garden in the east of the earth and that part of the earth was called paradise and not the entire earth. How could the entire earth be called paradise when inside it is full of prison cell filled with rebellious spirits? The destruction of the earth and its home of POWs is the result of Lucifer’s attack on heaven. The earth was Lucifer’s home before it was Man’s.
To Satan this newly created being [the man] is an invader; remember this earth with all of its jail cell and chambers of horrors [hell] was still Satan’s home. Now this newly created inferior being would prove to the on looking angels and the whole universe that Satan and his angels are without excuse.
As we look closer at Genesis 1 there is the earth was formless and void.”
This word “was” is very important in this study of the recreation of the earth. The word “was” is translated from the Hebrew word hayah, can be translated as was, but in many cases it is translated as become or became:
“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became [hayah] a living being.” [Gen 2:7]
“But his father refused and said, “I know, my son, l know. He shall become [hayah] a people, and he also shall be great; but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become [hayah] a multitude of nations.” [Genesis 48:19]
“Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became (hayah) four riverheads." [Genesis 2:10]
"And I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become (hayah) a flood to destroy all flesh." Genesis 9:15
"Then the LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become (hayah) like one of us, to know good and evil. And now, lesthe put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever" Genesis 3:22
"Since Abraham shall surely become (hayah) a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?" [Genesis 18:18]
"But his wife looked back behind him, and she became (hayah) a pillar of salt." Genesis 19:26
"But indeed she is truly my sister. She is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became (hayah) my wife." [Genesis 20:12]
"Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent; and he took Rebekah and she became (hayah) his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted after his mother's death." Genesis 24:67
“I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which You have shown Your servant; for I crossed over this Jordan with my staff, and now I have become (hayah) two companies." Genesis 32:10
"So God was with the lad; and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness, and became (hayah) an archer.” Genesis 21:20
"Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent; and he took Rebekah and she became (hayah) his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted after his mother's death." Genesis 24:67
"Then we will give our daughters to you, and we will take your daughters to us; and we will dwell with you, and we will become (hayah) one people. Genesis 34:16
"Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit; and we shall say, 'Some wild beast has devoured him.' We shall see what will become (hayah) of his dreams!" Genesis 37:20
“Then Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for every man of the Egyptians sold his field, because the famine was severe upon them. So the land became (hayah) Pharaoh's." Genesis 47:20
"And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt to this day, that Pharaoh should have one-fifth, except for the land of the priests only, which did not become (hayah) Pharaoh's.” Genesis 47:26
All of these examples of the Hebrew word [hayah] being translated became or become is found in the opening book of the bible, Genesis. There are many more examples of this word hayah being translated to become or became throughout the bible. When we come across a verse of scripture that is hard to understand we need to look to other verse to help clear up the one that’s hard to understand. Example: The way hayah is translated in Genesis 1 would lead one to believe that the God whose works are perfect would create a world in chaos, a world engulfed in darkness, a world that came from the perfect hand of God as a chaotic ball of confusion! We know that all of God’s works are perfect:
“As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.” [Psalms 18:30]
How would a world created with jail cells [hell] built into its interior to hold vicious demons who are out to destroy God’s creation be called a perfect work? The original created universe, including the earth was perfect when it first came from the hand of the perfect God. Before the creation of man and the rebellion of Lucifer this earth and all of creation was perfect. This original earth had no jail cells because there was no crime in paradise. Somewhere between the creation of the perfect earth and the time it became a dark chaotic mass of confusion a terrible war had marred God’s perfectly created earth. So Genesis 1 properly translated would read:
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth had become without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over face of the waters.” [Gen 1:1-2]
Now it begin to make sense since we know that God created the earth perfect and it fell into chaos even before man was created. Remember, when God recreated the earth and prepared it for mankind He took a section in the east and planted a garden there, that part of the earth was called paradise, not the whole earth! How could the whole earth be called paradise when Satan was already in the earth? When God drove them out of paradise [Garden of Eden] they would have just left the garden and entered another section of paradise, but that did not happen, they enter an earth that was full of hell and demons, paradise was guarded by an angel so that they would never enter paradise again until led there by the seed of the woman [Jesus Christ.]
It was you who said that all in the created realm are demons, I just asked does this all includes you. Because I know that not all in the created order which includes the first and second heavens are demons. I was just trying to clear up something you said.
Your post:
The problem is that you aren't familiar with the literal translation of the Old Testament. It was originally the sons of the gods. Here is an example of this:
Then God said, "Let us make mankind in OUR image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
We acknowledge that God is the supreme being. Was there a co-creator? Elohim is actually translated as gods. We know that that gods did rule the earth.
Deuteronomy 10:17
"For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes."
In fact, Yahweh was just one of many gods who owned different territories. He is the offspring of the Caananite God, El.
What I'm trying to say here, is that the sons of god are actually extraterrestrials. I'm going to refer you to the literal translation of the OT.
M y response:
First of all, show me in whatever translation of the bible you use where it states that Yahweh was just one of many gods, because is clear from Jewish Old Testament that there is only one God. They refuse to even accept the Holy Trinity because in their mistaken minds they believe that this doctrine teaches a multiple of Gods. So what literal translation of the Old Testament are you referring to?
Please don’t refer me to some other website because websites are just another person’s opinion, I’m not in a conversation with the publisher of that website I’m in a conversation with you. Just as you can find a website to say what you want to hear, I can do the same thing. There are website to say anything you want to hear, that’s a never ending circle that goes nowhere. I want to hear what you have to say.
There is one place in the bible where God seems to be referring to being from another planet invading the earth and that where God describe beings invading the earth to have sex with the women of the earth. But these don’t seem to be the spirit beings that were kicked out of heaven. All the other sons of God were describe as spirit beings, but these being that came down to earth to have sex with women must have been physical beings to produce physical offspring. These beings who willingly left their rightful abode to have sex with women were condemned and imprisoned in the prison cells of the earth.
These are the beings that are influencing you and all Luciferians, they are law breakers but you and the Luciferian world are entranced by them. There are types of sons of God here, one type was kicked out of heaven, the other left their home [wherever it was willingly.
You post;
The Book of Enoch seems to support the notion that aliens interbred with humans.
"And after some days my son, Methuselah, took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore him a son. And his body was white as snow and red as a rose; the hair of his head as white as wool and his demdema (‘long curly hair’) beautiful; and as for his eyes, when he opened them the whole house glowed like the sun ...
And his father, Lamech, was afraid of him and fled and went to Methuselah his father; and he said to him,
“I have begotten a strange son. He is not like an (ordinary) human being, but he looks like the children of the angels of heaven to me, his form is different, and he is not like us ... It does not seem to me that he is of me, but of angels..."
my response:
First of all, the Book od Enoch is not the bible, the bible needs no book outside of itself to testify to it, but it seem to me that this baby you refer to was just a different looking baby from the others, It almost seems they are describing the first albino baby. But there is no indication anywhere in scripture that any baby born [except Jesus] was anything but a mortal sinful baby. How could two humans produce an angel as an offspring when the bible clearly states that each seed produces after its own kind? No two mortal couple can produce an angel this is against the laws of God. This angel worship that’s got you entranced by is a product of the so-called Ascended Masters, fallen angels who are out to take as many of mankind to destruction as possible.
The sons of God are both human and spiritual, the only begotten Son of God is a man! Jesus Christ ascended into heaven as a man and there’s nothing in scripture to indicate that he ever changed into something else. It seem from scripture that the fallen angels that were kicked out of heaven were spirit sons of God while the beings that left their rightful abode on their own to have sex with women were physical beings or how else could they reproduce physical babies? God have spirit sons and he also have physical sons. You are part of what’s known as the UFO religion of angel worship, the same angels who taught men the art of war that’s got this on the verge of self-destruction. It is this UFO technology that threaten all life on earth. Some gift from these so-called angels of God or are these some of the many God that you claim were before God? Whoever they are, they are liars.
Your post:
“You said earth is part of the Kingdom of God but Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place." So you are completely wrong about that. The Kingdom of God is a place not creation. The Throne of God is in the Kingdom of God. Rev 4:2”
My response:
No its you who is wrong again! This verse of scripture simply means that God is not the governing body at this time in world governments. But God’s church which is in this world and is the Kingdom of God, but it’s no part of the kingdoms of this world. What part of the universe did God not create? Every planet, every star, every moon in every star system is in the physical kingdom of God even though they are in rebellion against him. Lucifer is called the god of this world, but Lucifer did not create this world. He is called the god of this world because this world worship Lucifer because the man has been given free-will to love and worship whom he chooses. The world choses to love Lucifer because there are no laws to obey in this kingdom, everything is acceptable in this kingdom. Sin runs wild and gives account to no one at this time in this kingdom.
If you are a man and desire sex with another man, in Lucifer’s kingdom this is acceptable and no one better think otherwise or you will be label a bigot, this is from those in Lucifer’s kingdom who claim to have had their freedom of the right to love whom they will denied them for so long. But in Lucifer’s kingdom these very one deny other’s the God given free-will to their own conscience, to believe that sex is only to be between a man and a woman who in the process produce others in the image of God, for this belief you are labeled a bigot!
They gives themselves the right to love whom they will, but denies other to love whom they will. This is just one of the many sinful lifestyles that’s Lucifer’s Kingdom endorses, another is the murder of unborn babies, just sex it up with whomever you pleases and when the babies show up from all that sexing it up, just kill them in the womb because it’s your body and no one can tell you what tom do with it. The killing of so many babies in Lucifer’s kingdom is so horrible!
This is just a couple of reasons so many find the worship of Lucifer so attractive, just kill all the babies you want after sexing it up to your satisfaction and kill the babies so they want get in the way of even more sexing it up, and give account to no one for these murders of the innocent! , But there is a day of accountability! Lucifer offer the deceived many temporary gifts, but in the end they lead to destruction. What star system in the universe would welcome baby killers? Only Lucifer’s lawless government! No, God’s Kingdom is no part of this worldly governments, but God still owns this planet but at this time he does not govern in it because this world wants a government without moral laws. A temporary false high on sinful living!
Your post:
As I said, the Adam and Eve story is taken from pagan sources. The serpent was never claimed to be Satan or Lucifer. Satan is an ally of God in Judaism. Who is the source of sin? Lucifer or God? For if God creates everything, then He is, right?
My response:
You claim that the Adam and Eve story was taken from pagan sources, but you fail to show where and how and what pagan source. What you and all other Luciferians fail to understand is that all pagans copy the religion of the bible. You seem to think that the story in the bible began when it was penned by the Hebrews. The story goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden when God told Lucifer that in the end the Lord would crush his head. All Luciferians religions copy the things of Christ to counterfeit them. You see it in the Holy Trinity of 777, Lucifer has counterfeited to it, the unholy trinity of 666.
Who said the serpent claim to be Satan or Lucifer, I know I didn’t! Judaism had corrupted itself by the time Jesus came to this earth. It is the corrupting of Judaism that kept the Hebrews returning to slavery. That’s why there had to be a new covenant, because the Hebrew kept getting caught in the occult, the worship of devils and fallen angels, the deep things of Satan! Judaism had been so corrupted that the priesthood was selling the office of priest to the highest bidder. Judaism was teaching the Jews to through their children into the fires of Moloch, sacrificing them in the flames of Lucifer. Judaism was so corrupt that they had temple prostitutes on hand for all who needed to have sex after the wild drunken parties they would throw after sacrificing their children to Lucifer.
For this constant disregard for the life of the little ones that were put in their care, they were condemned and rejected for this. But I don’t expect anyone in Lucifer’s Kingdom to see the wrong in the Hebrew [Judaism] throwing their children into the fires of Moloch when they sanction the killing of innocent babies by the millions today. When you refer to Judaism you are referring to a system of pure corruption, that’s why it was rejected and replaced. In Lucifer’s Kingdom innocent children are murdered by the millions, and you call this a just kingdom, you honor a criminal [Lucifer] and dishonor the Holy Creator. This is Judaism, this is what Judaism is all about to hate all that’s good, and to present evil as good and good as evil. There had to be a new covenant.
Your post:
“How can Lucifer create sin? If he was the creator of sin, who tempted him? Evil existed prior to him then.”
My response:
We’ve covered this before; it was pride that created the sin in Lucifer, pride in his beauty and his desire to be divine and worshiped.
Your post:
“The difference is that Lucifer is not mentioned in the original. It is only much later that Lucifer was associated with the light. All royalty was associated with the stars and planets. King Nebuchadnezzar, as a royal, was compared to a heavenly body, too.”
My response:
But none of these people ever called a cherub! It was never said of any of these beings that they were in the Garden of Eden. So this is something altogether different here.
Your post:
"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star." Jesus is of the bloodline of King David. Of course He isn't Lucifer. King Nebachnezzar, as a royal, was also associated with the morning star.
My response:
But he was never called the Morning Star itself. We refer to the actors as stars, but common sense tell us that it’s just a metaphor for one who is worshiped. We know that people are not beings of light, but it is said of Lucifer that was the light bearer of God, something totally different than the stars of Hollywood.
Your post:
“The star Regulus was known as “the King.” The Romans referred to it as “Rex,” which means “King” in Latin. In Arabia the star was known as the “Kingly One.” The Greeks called it the “King Star.” Of all the stars in the heavens, Regulus was universally associated by the ancient astrologers with the attributes of greatness and power. It is located practically on the ecliptic (the path which the Sun takes in traversing the heavens). It was thought that this position made it of special importance to the Sun. According to astrologers the Sun ruled the heavens. Thus, the major star closest to the ecliptic of the “ruling” Sun was Regulus. This close relationship to the Sun made Regulus a “royal star,” the one most associated with the conception or birth of kings. It was the star denoting rulership.”
My response:
What does all this proves? I think I just covered this!
Your post:
“Jesus said His kingdom is not of this earth. It is a spiritual kingdom, not that which includes the earth. It means righteousness and holiness. So the Third heaven is a place but the Kingdom of God is spiritual. Matthew 6:33”
My response:
The Kingdom of God is both spiritual and physical, the King of the Universe is a physical man, the Man Jesus the Christ. How can you separate God and his place? Heaven is a place and God’s spiritual kingdom, you can’t separate the two. When those who learn not the deep things of Satan and find themselves in the first resurrection, the resurrection of the blessed into everlasting life they will be there in their physical resurrect bodies. The Kingdom of God is both a spiritual and a physical kingdom.
Your post:
I meant Job 38:32. Job 38: 4-7
“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
Tell me, if you understand.
5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
Who stretched a measuring line across it?
6 On what were its footings set,
or who laid its cornerstone—
7 while the morning stars sang together
and all the angels[a] shouted for joy?
We know Job cannot be referring to Lucifer.
My response:
God is asking these question of Job and not of Lucifer, after all the suffering that Lucifer caused to Job, Job began to question heavenly wisdom and believe he was too good to have to suffer. So the Lord was telling Job that he didn’t know what was going on behind the scene. Job realized his sin and repented. These questions was never asked of Lucifer but of Job.
Your post:
“As I said, Lucifer was introduced into Latin in 4 AD. That is why the Latin Vulgate included it.”
My response:
You give no evidence for your statement, you don’t qualify your statement, so how can we discuss it? Show me when and how this was done and then we can discuss it. Who introduce Lucifer in 4 AD? Where was is done, what counsel is responsible for it, I need more information before I can properly respond.
Your Post:
“What heaven are we talking about? Can't be the third heaven as no evil can exist there. You have conceded that. Is it the second and first heaven where evil exists? If this is where Lucifer has always been, how could he have been cast down to it? Ascending and descending into heaven is an idiom. It is used to represent the rise and fall of the proud.”
My response:
It’s simple, Lucifer was cut down to the ground in that he once travel among the stars, that’s why he thought he could even climb into heaven, the third heaven. But once he sinned such a terrible sin he was cut down to the ground, he is no longer allowed to travel among the star, he imprisoned in the earth, he’s been cut down to the ground! The only time Lucifer can leave this solar system is if he’s summoned to go before the Lord. No, Lucifer intended to literally ascend into the Third Heaven, and yes, he was proud. Lucifer really thought he should be the Christ. To be like God! Only Jesus, the Christ is like God! You can’t possibly know each and detail of all the working of the infinite mind, the finite mind is incapable of comprehending it. The finite mind want to understand each and everything that the infinite mind does and when it can’t get every little detail filled in it puffs up with pride and declare; I will not believe! No matter how much evidence there is in the big picture, this tiny little here is not completely explained to my satisfaction so I will not believe.
Now some unidentifiable being shows up in a fancy flying machine with a lot of flashing lights and tells them that it’s from Star System X thirty million light-year away from earth and that it was sent here to help in mankind’s in its spiritual development, it shows them a few advanced fancy tricks and the fall for the con game. It tell the proud soul just what it wants to hear, that they are immortal and have lived many lifetimes, in fact it convinces them that they are God, they even claim the name of the only true God “I AM.” They now calls themselves the “I AM!” “I will ascend into heaven, I will be like the Most High.” The spirit of Lucifer and the UFO Religion and all who’s souls has been invaded by the evil being of light, Lucifer. They lust after the Throne of God!
It’s almost like a story I read long ago about a tribe in Africa that was always sitting and dancing around a camp-fire. One day a white man show up in a small privet airplane that was having a few problems. Well, he managed to land the plane safety close to the camp site. From the time they was the plane the whole community was bowing down and worshiping this man as a god from outer space. No matter how must the man tried to convince them that he’s a man just like them they were having none of it, they have seen their god from outer space. Now they didn’t know if this man was a serial killer there to kill all of them all they knew is that he was from outer space and advanced so he must be there for their good.
This fascination with beings from outer space has truly clouded man’s judgement to the point where he truly believe this stranger’s every word and worship him as God. O’ what a strange religion this Luciferian UFO Religion that has captured the world’s imagination! It has so captured them that they now call good evil and evil good, “blaspheme! They now cuss God to his face and think they are wise. THE SPIRIT OF LUCIFER!
Though you exult Lucifer and cuss God to his face, though you call evil good and good evil, though you call the Holy Spirit a liar, it’s still not too late to escape the clutches of the evil being of light Lucifer. Now I know you will probably say that this is ill relevant to the conversation, but this site is about Lucifer, who he really is and who he is not. It’s also about the tricks he plays on mankind to capture their imagination leading them to worship him and cuss the creator to his face.
Your post:
Lamentations 2:1
How the Lord has covered Daughter Zion with the cloud of his anger! He has hurled down the splendor of Israel from heaven to earth; he has not remembered his footstool in the day of his anger.
There's no indication that God was speaking to Lucifer because of Nebuchadnezzar. Why would God give Lucifer success?
My response:
I don’t see where these two verses of scripture connects, I don’t understand what success that God Lucifer you are talking about
Nowhere in the Book of Daniel is the king ever mentioned as being that being that fell from heaven and did weaken the nations!
Let's look at Daniel 4:19-23
Belteshazzar answered, “My lord [Nebuchadnezzar], if only the dream applied to your enemies and its meaning to your adversaries! 20 The tree you saw, which grew large and strong, with its top touching the sky, visible to the whole earth, 21 with beautiful leaves and abundant fruit, providing food for all, giving shelter to the wild animals, and having nesting places in its branches for the birds— 22 Your Majesty, you are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth.
23 “Your Majesty saw a holy one, a messenger, coming down from heaven and saying, ‘Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump, bound with iron and bronze, in the grass of the field, while its roots remain in the ground. Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven; let him live with the wild animals, until seven times pass by for him.’
My response:
When referring to a king whose soul was invaded by Lucifer I came from the Book of Isaiah and not Daniel. I don’t know where that come from, if it was placed there by me please quote me that I may correct it. In the story of the King of Tyre God addressed the mortal King and then through the king he addressed the evil being who had invaded the man’s soul, Lucifer. This in the Book of Isaiah and Daniel!
Your post:
Compare this to Isaiah 14:12
“How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer,[a] son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
So you see Nebuchadnezzar tried to ascend into heaven. The tree, symbolically him, touched the sky but it was cut down and descended to heaven. That represents going down to Sheol.
Verse 22 in Daniel 4 says:
22 Your Majesty, you are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth.
Isaiah 14: 16-17
“Those who see you will gaze at you,
And consider you, saying:
‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
Who shook kingdoms,
17 Who made the world as a wilderness
And destroyed its cities,
Who did not open the house of his prisoners?’
So we see that King Nebuchadnezzar did weaken kingdoms.
We'd you get the 1000 years part? Lucifer is not a man like Isaiah says in verse 16.
Isaiah 14: 18-20
18 All the kings of the nations lie in state, each in his own tomb. 19 But you are cast out of your tomb like a rejected branch; you are covered with the slain, with those pierced by the sword, those who descend to the stones of the pit. Like a corpse trampled underfoot, 20 you will not join them in burial, for you have destroyed your land and killed your people. The offspring of the wicked will never be mentioned again.
So we see Isaiah is talking about a king who has died (cast out of your tomb) and is rather covered with the slain. He will not be buried because of his slaying. If we are talking about Lucifer, then Lucifer is dead.
You said perfect doesn't mean sinless. You said how can we know what perfect is?
Not satisfactory.
How could Lucifer have great skills in trading? Since when did God dress Lucifer in gems? Wasn't he the serpent in the Garden of Eden? I don't think a snake is beautiful.
My response:
I never said that Lucifer was the snake but possession of the snake. Yes the snake was in the Garden and so was Lucifer. You say you don’t think a snake is beautiful, but the snake is not what it was before it was cursed. It was cursed to crawl around on its belly, it was the curse that disfigured the snake. We don’t know just what beauty the snake had before the curse, he may have been just below Lucifer in beauty.
Verse 9 in Ezekiel 28 says:
Will you then say, “I am a god,”
in the presence of those who kill you?
You will be but a mortal, not a god,
in the hands of those who slay you.
So how can Lucifer rule for a 1000 years when he was slain?
My response:
I don’t understand this, when was Lucifer slain? I can find nowhere in scripture where Lucifer or any other fallen angel was ever sail. You need to explain this better because I have no Idea what’s going on here. Please explain when, where and how Lucifer was slain and get back with me on that because I’m very interested in hearing this.
Your post:
Being dressed in gems is likened to stones set in the breastplate of the high priest of Israel (Exodus 28:17-21)
They symbolized the twelve tribes of Israel (Ex. 39:14). The king of Tyre walked in the midst of these
stones of fire when he moved among the children of Israel.
Lucifer couldn't have been perfect at his beginning.
My response:
You explain nothing here, how does any of this proves that Lucifer wasn’t created perfect?
Your post:
John 8:44
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Where in the Bible does it say Lucifer had a devastated the earth because of war?
My response:
I went into great de
In this case, the cherubim were figures on the Mercy Seat, or the Tabernacle. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth’ (v. 14). The cherubim were figures of beaten gold at either end of the mercy seat (Ex. 37: 7-9). Their wings overshadowed the mercy seat with which they were of one piece (Ex. 25:19-20)
The suggestion may be that Tyre as a great mercantile power [great skill in trading] was privileged to cast its ‘wings’ over Israel. It was the abuse of this exalted position that was a factor in the ruin of Tyre (vs. 4-5).
There is no evidence, obviously, that Lucifer died a violent death (vs 8)This cannot be referring to Lucifer. He never died at the hands of foreigners.
My response:
Where are you getting this, I never said Lucifer died a violent death, what are you talking about?
Your post:
No, only a spirit can possess someone. You cannot be a physical being in another being.
My response:
There you go again calling the very one who you said is perfect a liar, there’s no doubt that the Holy Spirit confronted many people who were possessed by evil spirits. Jesus casted out many of these demons and made them identify themselves by name. Your Luciferian UFO Religion has got you very confused.
Please show me where I said that Lucifer is Dead!
Lucifer and Satan is the Same Being!
If God is capable of sinning, who is He to judge us? Did He create Himself sinful? Did He create evil? You misconstrue the role of the Trinity. Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are one, yes, but they take on different roles. Jesus, in the flesh, could be tempted as He had the nature of man. God, the Father in heaven, Who could never be corrupted as He was never a man, can never sin. How can a sinner redeem our sin? It's like an egg. The yolk, white and shell is one entity. Take it apart and you have separate parts that can be used for different things. The omelette can be made from yolk and a meringue cake can be made from the white. Likewise, Jesus took on the role of the Son and God as the Father. Jesus prayed to the Lord. He cannot pray to Himself. Perfection is devoid of all evil. No evil nature, no committing sin, no temptation.
If evil never existed, free will wouldn't be needed as no one could choose evil that doesn't exist. So we have two scenarios. Either God created evil so we could choose Him or Satan or Satan created evil and God gave us free will to choose Him because evil already existed. Which one is it?
Potential gods in the making? Are you a Christian or New Ager? New Age is Luciferian. They believe they can have Christ consciousness through their secret teachings.
Aleister Crowley (famous Satanist) looked at man as a sleeping god who gradually started to understand what powers he possesses.
I can see you are deceived.
Now it is strange that in the Garden of Eden story, God did not want free will:
Genesis 3
3but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'" 4The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die! 5"For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."…
Playing devils' advocate. I am going by the premise that you believe God is the creator of all. If that is true, then He must be the creator of evil for evil must have preceded the creation of Lucifer. So where did this evil come from? Of course I know God is not the creator of evil. Impossible. I know the answer but I want to know your answer.
Definition of devil's advocate:
"a person who expresses a contentious opinion in order to provoke debate or test the strength of the opposing arguments."
I'm arguing from your premise but I don't believe it myself. For your claim to make sense, you must be saying that God and Lucifer existed at the same time. That God was in heaven and that Lucifer was among the stars with sin. That sounds as if they are two different gods and Lucifer has supernatural powers. If this is the case, then God must be the source of evil and He came before Lucifer, because He was a creation, otherwise Lucifer could not have sinned in the first place. You can't think evil thoughts unless evil already existed.
Already debunked the claim that Isaiah was referring to the devil and not Nebuchadnezzar.
Next time I'll state when I'm playing devil's advocate. Makes no sense. We see in the NT that Jesus was tempted by Satan. You can't be tempted by anything else. Satan puts the thought in someone's head to sin. Already debunked your Ezekiel argument, too.
I didn't say God corrupted mankind. It is Satan, himself, that corrupted mankind. If one consults the Sumerian tablets, from which Genesis comes from, then you will see that extra terrestrials genetically corrupted mankind to be like them (let us make man in our image). So how can God give Lucifer free will but not want man to have it? See the Genesis 3 part. If Satan is the creator of evil, then how could he have been given free will? He would never choose good. It's impossible. Jesus said Satan was a liar and murderer from the start. So, according to what you are saying, this must be the order of things. God (creator of all things) > sin > Lucifer. So according to your logic, God must have been the creator of evil.
But who is God in the OT? Not the Father of Jesus. He is Yahweh, a Canaanite deity. So, being the god of war, of course he could be near evil. I never claimed the Bible is perfect. Please quote. If Satan has access to the Holy Father, then who is God to judge us? Did not Jesus say "lead us not into temptation"?
This is what I researched:
"Judaism does not believe in the devil, but we do believe in Satan (who more properly should be called "the Satan"). As this demonstrates, the Jewish view of Satan is very different than the Christian one. Here's a summary of the Jewish view; you can also find information at Alyza (Gretchen) Shapiro's web site at
The word satan means "challenger", "difficulty", or "distraction" (note that it is not a proper name). With the leading ha- to make haSatan, it refers to /the/ challenger. This describes Satan as the angel who is the embodiment of man's challenges. HaSatan works for G-d. His job is to make choosing good over evil enough of a challenge so that it can be a meaningful choice. In other words, haSatan is an angel whose mission it is to add difficulty, challenges, and growth experiences to life. Contrast this to Christianity, which sees Satan as God's opponent. In Jewish thought, the idea that there exists anything capable of setting itself up as God's opponent would be considered overly polytheistic—you are setting up the devil to be a god or demigod." … 12-35.html
This suggests that Lucifer was still an agent of God. See the story of Job.
It is actually only later that Satan in Jewish literature that Satan had demonic quality and was also seen as the evil inclination of the human psyche.
During this time, the OT was manipulated in that Satan was replaced by God in the following verses:
2 Samuel 24:1
Again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, "Go and take a census of Israel and Judah."
It looked bad to the Jews that God was depicted as the tempter which is actually Satan's role. So it was changed to this:
1 Chronicles 21:1
Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel.
It couldn't have been both God and Satan. There is manipulation involved here.
Seemed as if Paul changed the Word, too. That is why he was at such loggerheads with Peter.
I didn't say Satan came to refine us by sending tribulation. I am telling you what the Jewish people believe.
Is it not a Christian belief that Lucifer was created by God? If so, then God created evil and thus Lucifer became evil because no one can do evil unless evil already exists. So according to this logic, God must be responsible for evil. Someone who has dabbled in the occult has never had God's protective hand in the first place. You can't go from having the Holy Spirit to siding with the devil. Impossible. However, in the lives of those who have the Holy Spirit, God may have permissive will. In other words, He may allow Satan to do something in our lives if it spiritually refines us. It is only through suffering that we can be nearer to God.
I never thought that the Catholic Church was "Christian". Where did I say that? Catholicism is only Christian in name but Satanic in reality. As I've repeated many times, evil must exist before someone can have evil thoughts. Thus evil must have existed before Lucifer was created.
Satan is the source of all evil. He was never created. He was always there. Good and evil aren't created. They merely come from the God and Satan respectively who were never created in the first place.
Do you not understand the Trinity? God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one. That is what John 1 is referring to. However, Jesus took on the role of the Son on earth.
John 14:7
"If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."
It appears as if He is referring to Himself as a separate being but at the same time is saying He is God Himself.
You have not addressed my statement. If Jesus was God on the cross, why did He ask why the Father had forsaken Him? If you are saying I'm being contradictory then isn't Jesus also being contradictory?
God can take on any role He likes. God in His Holy State cannot take on the nature of man because He is in His Holy Kingdom. However, He can send His son, Jesus, in the flesh and have the nature of man to witness for the truth. He is the bridge between us and God.
But you didn't accept it when I say God took on different roles; one being the Father and one being the Son. You are now acknowledging this. It doesn't mean that I negate the divinity in Jesus.
Is it from the book of Peter that you believe Jesus had ministered to the damned? That isn't even in the Bible. Those in hell are already damned. They cannot be redeemed. You can't come from hell then be reunited with God.
This doesn't make sense. Allowed back into his office? Why be allowed to do that?
I've debunked that Ezekiel scripture. Pride on one's look, anyway, can not cause one to be the most evil, vile thing ever to exist.
Come on, Genesis is a copy of the Sumerian creation story. It is not original.
"The Hebrews as nomadic tribes, and later as tradesmen, were always on the move all over the Fertile Crescent that was bounded to the west by Egypt and to the east by Sumer and Babylon (Mesopotamia). Their constant journeys gave them access to the famous epics and stories/myths of the ancient Near East.
It was only after the Babylonian Captivity that the Rabbis had thought of writing down their oral teachings. Contrary to the Israelite gloomy depiction of the Captivity, this deportation had been an enlightening experience for the ancient Israelites. Those herds of Israelite Bedouins for the first time had an encounter with a superior urban civilization. The Babylonians had settled communities with a unique culture, .e.g., art, architecture, theology and mythology.
This is when the Hebrew scribes, by default or by design, had incorporated many of the ancient Sumerian and Assyrian mythology and blended them into their new book." … onotheism/
Well, according to the Sumerian Tablets from which we get Genesis, the Annuanki, the gods, existed on a planet called Niburu. There is also evidence that life existed on Mars. It is only when Niburu became uninhabitable that the Annuanki came to earth to enslave mankind and use its resources. Now that is the version of the Sumerians who existed before the Hebrews. This is when evil may have been introduced into the world.
You are basing everything you believe on a pagan source. You know the Israelites were polytheists. Did you not know that Judaism was only monotheistic after the Babylon Exile? You need a complete make over of your beliefs.
I did? Can you quote me?
Yes, the Jewish OT modified the OT to make it monotheistic after the cult of Yahweh was resurrected. Before the Babylonian Exile, the cult of Yahweh was dying.
I'm just rather offended that you didn't consult my link. It's a lecture by someone sanctioned by the Vatican to translate the OT literally.
I'm not going to regurgitate what this guy says. You can watch the lecture and then we can discuss it.
I'm just rather offended that you didn't consult my link. It's a lecture by someone sanctioned by the Vatican to translate the OT literally. … r_embedded
How do physical beings get kicked out of evil? Did they fly out? If you believe in ET's, however, it makes perfect sense.
Are you saying I'm a Luciferian?
You know why it isn't in the Bible? It's because the Catholic Church chucked it out. It came too close to the truth.
So they thought an albino baby with a white and red body looked like offspring from the angels? You know, there have been human/alien hybrids from breeding. Artificial insemination was one way to impregnate a human.
The narrative of the Book of Enoch goes further:
“Behold, I thought then within my heart that conception was (due) to the Watchers and the Holy Ones ... and to the Nephilim . . . and my heart was troubled within me because of this child.”
Turning to his obviously distraught wife, Lamech makes her swear by the Most High that she will tell him the truth and admit if she has lain with anyone else.
In reply she beseeches him to accept her word, saying:
“O my lord, 0 my [brother, remember l my pleasure! I swear to thee by the Holy Great One, the king of [the heavens] ... that this seed is yours and that [this] conception is from you. This fruit was planted by you ... and by no stranger or Watcher or Son of Heaven ... I speak to you truthfully"
So Lamech does not believe his wife slept with an angel but with a Watcher. It appears as if Noah could be a nephilim, the offspring of women and the sons of the gods.
Physical sons? I thought Jesus was God's only begotten Son? I've never heard that God had multiple sons. I don't worship angels. I didn't say there were gods before God! There is no "before God". He always was. I believe UFOs are the creation of Satan. He can create his own beings.
God will never have a governing body in world governments. The Kingdom of God is a spiritual place within us. In other words, it doesn't represent the physical church. It represents unity in the love of Christ.
What Jesus Kingdom is: The kingdom of God involves his RULE, LORDSHIP, POWER, and spiritual activity in the daily lives and hearts of all who receive and OBEY his word of truth.
For example:
Luke 17:21.
You won't be able to say, 'Here it is!' or 'It's over there!' For the Kingdom of God is already among you."
So the Kingdom of God cannot be the church. It hadn't been established when Jesus said this. It is the Holy Spirit within us.
The Kingdom of God is heaven:
Phillipians 3:20:
But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
The Kingdom of God could not have been created. It also was.
The Sumerian story:
Enki and Enlil were offspring of the Annunaki. There was a great amount of friction between them.
This was originally the symbol for the Anunnaki-Sirian creator god, EA, or EN.KI (who has become an Archetype), was the chief of the magicians, "the one who knows," and infamous for being the serpent of the Garden of Eden who created lifeforms in test tubes half a million years ago with his half-sister Ninharsag, at the suggestion of his son, Marduk, to create humans to be the workers for the gods. (The symbol is also based upon the winged globe for the planet Nibiru, the symbol of the royal Anunnaki family.)
In the Garden of Eden situation, Enlil was furious that Enki permitted humans to have access to knowledge, the mixing of the Anunnaki with human genes, thereby becoming more "godly," and equal to the Anunnaki. To strike back at Enki, and in the attempt to regain his power over humans, Enlil vowed to tarnish Enki’s reputation by spreading the idea that the serpent of wisdom was evil. Enlil tried to wipe out knowledge of the DNA coding Enki gave humans, and of what the Anunnaki used in order to have longevity (gold). … naki07.htm
The Sumerian civilization had disappeared by the time the Hebrews appeared so it impossible that the Sumerians got their stories from the Hebrews.
Who is the serpent then? Christians think he is Satan? Yes, the Jews did manipulate the OT. They changed it from referring to the gods to only one God. This was done only half a thousand years before Jesus. It is blatantly obvious. Yahweh said:
“Against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgement.”
Yahweh was just one of many gods. You are believing Jewish lies. The whole Christian religion is.
Are you saying we have a corrupted version of the OT?
He called Himself the Morning Star. I just posted the scripture. If it is a metaphor for one that is worshiped, why think the term is exclusive to Lucifer?
It proves that kings were compared to heavenly bodies! That means the morning star was used to describe Nebuchadnezzar!
I know that but how do you explain morning stars singing together? Many Lucifers?
First of all, Lucifer is a Latin name so Isaiah couldn't have possibly referred to Lucifer.
"The term Lucifer was popularized in English from this King James translation. However, the name does not come from the Hebrew or even from the Greek translation (Septuagint), but from the fourth century AD Latin translation of this verse:
"quomodo cecidisti de caelo lucifer qui mane oriebaris corruisti in terram qui vulnerabas gentes.
"But this is not quite as obvious as it sounds even in Latin. The term Lucifer in fourth century Latin was a name for Venus, especially as the morning star. The Latin word Lucifer is composed of two words: lux, or in the genitive form used lucis, (meaning 'light') and ferre, which means 'to bear' or 'to bring.' So, the word Lucifer means bearer of light. The same word is used in other places in the Latin Vulgate to translate Hebrew terms that mean 'bright,' especially associated with the sky....There is some debate about the exact origin of the original Hebrew word in Isaiah 14:12 (helel). The strongest possibility is that it comes from a verbal root that means 'to shine brightly,' as well as 'to offer praise' (where we get the phrase hallelu yah). In any case, the noun form is the Hebrew term for the morning star, in most cases the planet Venus. Both the second century BC Greek translation in the Septuagint, and the fourth century AD Latin translation in the Latin Vulgate understand this to be the meaning of the Hebrew word helel ("Lucifer" in Isaiah 14:12-17: Translation and Ideology, Christian Resource Institute)."
And we know that the expression used to describe the Babylonian king before his death was Helal, son of Shahar. Hele is the word Isaiah used to describe the morning star.
Well, isn't Lucifer from outer space?
I could get angry that you are making these accusations to me but you just don't understand. I'm wondering if you do want to. You can't accept that Isaiah is not talking about the devil.
Never mind. Trying to remember what I was trying to say without success. Sorry.
Come on, so you are just going to ignore the relations between Danial and Isaiah? How do you explain that both Isaiah and Daniel speak of Nebuchadnezzar as being cut down? Or Lucifer in your case? Where in Genesis does it say that Lucifer possessed the snake? You are making that up. Do you know why you are so confused? It's because Genesis is from the Sumerian pagan story which says the snake god Enki gave mankind knowledge. Enki was not in the form of a snake but could converse and walk around. His brother, Enlil, was furious that Enki was helping humanity. This is compared to God. This is why God is said to have walked around the garden (Genesis 3.
So just forget what you are believing. It didn't happen.
That's the point. There is no scripture that says the devil was slain. However, if you believe Ezekiel 28 is talking about Lucifer, then he must have been slain. See verse 9. So we agree that it isn't about Lucifer?
The answer is below. The devil was a liar and murderer from the start thus he could never have been perfect.
Please finish the sentence.
r-o-y wrote:
"In this case, the cherubim were figures on the Mercy Seat, or the Tabernacle. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth’ (v. 14). The cherubim were figures of beaten gold at either end of the mercy seat (Ex. 37: 7-9). Their wings overshadowed the mercy seat with which they were of one piece (Ex. 25:19-20)
The suggestion may be that Tyre as a great mercantile power [great skill in trading] was privileged to cast its ‘wings’ over Israel. It was the abuse of this exalted position that was a factor in the ruin of Tyre (vs. 4-5).
There is no evidence, obviously, that Lucifer died a violent death (vs 8)This cannot be referring to Lucifer
We also read ' God saw all hat he had made - and it was very good!'
( Genesis1:31)
The Sumerian gods, Anu, Enki and Enlil basically said the same thing when they created the earth long before your god did.
This thread is in the wrong place. It needs to be moved here:
In what way do you see the Biblical God as being evil?
He is jealous, exhort genocide and murder, create disaster.....
Let’s take a look at your first charge you brought against the Lord. You said he’s jealous! If you have a son that you love very much, you have given your all to the welfare of this beloved son or daughter. You have given all you have as an inheritance to this child of yours, and the inheritance is great. All you asked is that your child love you in return, but your beloved child turns his love toward your enemy. This child doesn’t realize that the enemy is out to destroy him, you see the child’s mis-guided affection toward one who intend to destroy him.
Would not your heart burn with the desire for the return of the love that the two of you once shared together? If not you did not love them in the first place! What you call jealously is simply love longing for the return of the beloved. What was God supposed to do when one he loves so much and have done so much to prove that love and have that loved one to fall in love with another? What would you do? How would you feel?
If God didn’t feel what you call jealousy, I would have to question his love. It’s the nature of love to long for that which is loved.
Would you not be jealous if it was your children desired you for the love of one who are going ruin and destroy their lives? We try hard to warn and caution our children of destructive love affairs, would God not feel and do the same thing for that which He claim to love? Do you think you love more than God?
If God truely loves something, he should learn to let it go.
When a man truely loves his child he can give him everything and never ask for anything in return.
Christians do have a problem understanding the meaning of "love".
I don’t believe one can truly love his son and ask for nothing in return, one thing I must ask; I need to know that you love me as much as I love you. This one thing I must ask I must ask; love me as I love you. I don’t think that is asking too much, do you? Neither do I believe that in every case God should learn to let it go. I for one am glad he didn’t let go of me.
I remember back in the mid-1980s when crack cocaine hit New Orleans, it was something right out of a nightmare. People who were once real friends would steal from each other, people would steal from their own mothers, and some even killed their mothers. But there was one thing that found most amazing in all the madness, it was the love of the mothers for their children who were headed for destruction.
Though all society had given up on the crack addict, found nothing good in them and were afraid and wanted to do with them, they were the scum of the earth. The mothers of these souls knew that the report was an accurate one because the mothers wouldn’t allow their own children in her home.
Many people would try to tell these mothers that the child is lost, but the mother’s love for the child would not allow her to just let go. I’ve watched mothers die from broken hearts because of the loss of one child because just couldn’t let go.
Who is to say when it’s time for love to learn to just let go? Some people love and others really love, who can know the depth of the love one may have for another. For one who love much deeper than you, maybe it’s not that easy for him to learn to just let go. That’s the power of love!
Yes God has insecurity issues. The first 4 commandments point this out. There's no Thou shall not rape or anything against bigotry or slavery. He just doesn't want his feeling hurt. No where in the Bible does it that HE says that he loves anyone (correct me if I'm wrong on that). He creates faulty humans and then blames them for their short comings then he creates a world fill with evil and disaster which proves he's not a very powerful god. He can't even show or speak for himself - people have to do that and make up excuses for him. He let's 25,000 kids dies each day of starvation and treatable diseases that he created. If I saw a woman being raped, I'll be the first to act, unlike the all power, all knowing sky daddy. If I was to worship a god, the useless garbage described in the Bible would be that last one I'd consider.
Your question:
“There's no Thou shall not rape or anything against bigotry or slavery””
I don’t understand how God commanding his people not to rape could be seen as an insecurity issue. Would you not demand the same of your sons? The next part of your statement:
“or anything against bigotry or slavery”
I have no idea what you are asking or stating.
“No where in the Bible does it that he says that he loves anyone (correct me if I'm wrong on that).”
you are wrong,throughout scripture it is taught that God loves all even the sinner, but hates the sin, that’s basic bible Doctrine, it’s throughout scripture. But he and his Throne is under attack by those he love. It’s like any king whose son turns against him and unite with the king’s enemy. The king is heartbroken, he still love that son that is a reproduction of himself, and sure he loves his son. But what can he do when he constantly plead with the son to return home. But the son has been deceived by the king’s enemy into believing that his father is evil.
This is a war tactic, remember the throne is under attack by this enemy. Now the king’s son joins the military ranks of the enemy of his father and is now leading the attack against his father’s throne. Now when the son physically attacks and tries to take the throne the king must kill his son. Does that mean that the father hates the son? The king is grieved to his heart? He still loves his son. The something with the king of the universe, God loves all his sons and daughters, even those like you who attack your farther throne, a father who have done no wrong to you. Yet he still loves you and ask what have I done for you to persecute me like this? He still loves you even though you slander his name.
So you respond to your father with your next statement, your response: “He creates faulty humans and then blames them for their short comings then he creates a world fill with evil and disaster which proves he's not a very powerful god. He can't even show or speak for himself - people have to do that and make up excuses for him. He let's 25,000 kids dies each day of starvation and treatable diseases that he created. If I saw a woman being raped, I'll be the first to act, unlike the all power, all knowing sky daddy. If I was to worship a god, the useless garbage described in the Bible would be that last one I'd consider.”
2. The charges you leveled against your father the king is nothing but false charges trump up by the enemy. God did not created anyone faulty, in fact God put in man a life renewing mechanism that even science admits is there. The gods of this world, science, just can’t understand why people grow old and die when the body constantly reproduces or renews itself. Science is baffled, why we grow old and die when the cells of the body constantly renew themselves. This is the perfect creation of God, this beautiful process of the human body constantly renewing itself was meant to continue through all eternality. The evidence is there that God created the man to live forever, but there must be condition to this everlasting life.
3. Now, here comes the enemy that destroyed the life renewing mechanism in the man. In order for the man to live in this everlasting kingdom he must be a law bidding citizen. This is a paradise kingdom, if the man can’t abide by the just law he forfeit the right of citizenship in a kingdom. The law states, love your God with all your heart. Now if its true [and it is] that this king your father has done all this for you, he’s called you into existence out of nothing into life everlasting existence, given you a beautiful home [the universe] a world where the food you need grows from a seed that constantly reproduces itself to keep your pantry full.
4. Not only that, but even put a seed in you so that may reproduce yourself to procreate those in your image to share experience of love and life, why would not love that being with all your heart and soul? Only a selfish unloving man would do something like that or the man has been deceived by the enemy of his father the king, the enemy that destroyed the life renewing mechanism in him and clouded his judgment. This king, my father and your father ask me to prove that I love his other son [you] as I love myself, and to prove that love he ask that I not desire in my heart to sleep with your wife.
5. Is this an unreasonable request of love? God goes on to say, that if I defile by brother’s house in this fashion I will prove myself to be unloving toward my brother, God’s other son [you] whom he love just as much as he loves me. Now he says that if I prove myself to be so unloving, the life renewing mechanism that’s in me will malfunction and I will cease to exist because I and can’t be trusted in a universe where there are just laws. Is this an insecurity issue? The one with the issue is the one who can’t abide by just laws.
6. So the man ignores the warning of desiring his brother’s wife and now must pay the price of his unloving heart. If he continue in his law breaking and never repents he must die, that is a just law! The unloving man who wants to do what he wants to do when he want to do it says damn the law, bro. man got a fine gal there I got to have a taste of that, damn the life renewing mechanism! So now the unloving man grows a hatred for his creator because he want allow him to defile his brother’s house, he now sets out to slander the king his father just because the father wants the son to do the right thing toward his brother.
7. As I’m responding to your comment there’s a major story of an unloving brother on CNN news, this unloving brother went into a house of worship and destroyed the lives of nine people. You tell me why shouldn’t his life renewing mechanism not be destroyed? Is it God that made him do this, no it was the evil in his heart that destroyed him. Do you blame God for his actions? God warned that his unloving heart would destroy him in the end. There must be laws that govern a lawful universe. You blame God for man’s unlawful acts.
8. The man was meant to live forever, was created to live forever, the only requirement was for man to love his creator and father with all his heart and to love his brother as he love himself. Only an unloving person could see this God’s insecurity! The only reason that 25,000 children are dying every day from starvation is because of the greed of man. The pantry is full, God has done his part, its is the fat-cats of this world who is causing this problem. I use to work for the Convention Center in New Orleans, a place where the fat-cats love to hangout and party. At the end of the day the center’s dumpsters would be running over with all kinds of good food that the wealthy just throw in the can.
9. I’m talking tons of food that some of those starving children could use, yet you blame your father for this evil when its man’s greed that’s causing the starvation of these kids. God’s done his part, the pantry is full. If man would use more of that the sue money creating war machines that destroys each other, and the money they throw in the dumpsters and do the right thing with it there would be enough for all. God’s done his part, the pantry is full, man’s greed, his sin, his law breaking is why children are dying from starvation, THE PANTRY IS FULL!
10. Are you one of the loveless ones?
11. Yes I love my sky daddy!
Quite a list of excuses you made. No I'm definitely not loveless. What that has to do with god as described in the Bible is beyond me. Too bad god can't speak for himself, but why should he, he has people like you do all the excuse making, apologizing and talking for him. "God’s done his part, the pantry is full, man’s greed, his sin, his law breaking is why children are dying from starvation, THE PANTRY IS FULL!" Again. pathetic excuse. If god was so powerful, that wouldn't of happened. Now let's read your next excuse for your dead-beat god.
I don’t see where the earth has stop producing food to feed its people, do you expect God to go and pick the apple of the tree and bring it to you? No’ you know better than that! Is God supposed to plant the seeds for you? Is God supposed to go to the Super Market and purchase the food and cook it for you? Is God supposed put the bib on your baby and hand feed it for you? No’ it’s you who are making the excurses, you relieving man of all responsibility. What about the father who smokes up the weakly pay-check on crack and leave his children hungry, do you blame God for this and excurse the man? Just think of the trillions of dollars the world spends on arming itself, just think of how many children could eat off of that much money.
Just look at the theft that when on Wall St. that caused the economy to collapse in 2008 while the fat-cats lined their bank accounts with billions of dollars while the Republican Party fought tooth and nail to keep the very children that you are talking about from getting food stamps to eat, all the while voting to give themselves a raise in pay, God didn’t do this man did. What about countries like Korea where just about all their capital is spent on building its nu-clear arsenal and many people are hungry, do you blame God for this? Shouldn’t man be held responsible for some of his actions?
Why should a man like Donald Trump have billions stashed away and children there in the city where he lives go to bed hungry? Its greed, it’s the failure of capitalism that breeds this greed where one man can have more money than he can spend just sitting somewhere and children go to bed hungry? It’s called greed! Just think of the children that could be fed off those billions that Trump sits on. Why should one percent of the population of the earth hold 90 percent of the capital and live a life of luxury while the other 99% have to struggle to survive? It’s because of man’s greed! All of this is because of man’s greed which capitalism unchecked breeds. God didn’t create this system, man did!
Man must be held responsible for his actions and stop blaming God for what he does. Now I’m black and grew-up in the ghettos of New Orleans La. In the 1950s and 60. Now I could have spent my life complaining that the white man caused all my problems or I could take a look around and ask myself what problem he caused and what problems I caused to myself. If I continue in poverty all my life in this country of great richer [now I’m not justifying the greed] and sit around and complain and I have the ability to work and come out of this poverty [not everybody is capable of this] I must at some point stop blaming the white man for my poverty and began to put some of the blame on my laziness. I can’t spend my life blaming God for placing me as a black man in America, and believe me many times I wanted to.
But then I look at myself, God has given me a the means to rise above it, in that raise there are many lesson that I’ve learned that I believe made me a better person. As time passed I began to realize just how much God has blessed me by placing me at birth in a country that many people would give anything to be a citizen of! Should I continue to blame God for the discrimination suffered at the hands of the white man as a youth or look at the opportunity and power I have been given to change a nation for the better? To take the bad and make it better! God gives man the opportunity to prove just who he is at heart. I will not blame God for the evils in the world that man creates.
There’s good and evil in the world, I don’t think you would disagree with that. The evil says I’m going to build my paradise on earth, I’m going to grab all the money I can get my hands on and don’t care how many children I have to starve to get it, I don’t even care it I cause the economy to collapse, I gots to have mines. That’s evil, God didn’t do this, it was the greed and evil in the man’s heart that did it and so he was not going to place any blame or responsible on himself, instead he blames God. Man must stand accountable for his actions and stop blaming God for all the evil he creates! Is this making excuses, I don’t think so. To continue to blame the white man for my poverty would be making excuses, blaming God for me starving my children or any child when I have the means to feed those children would be making excuses. The world have the means to feed every child in this world, but it’s easy to just not do it and blame God. The pantry is full!
And out of that "love", I make my child suffer enslavement, banishment, death, disease, is all natural and sign of love, right?
"you have given your all to the welfare"
Sitting in a chair and demanding worship and meat, is giving my "all"?
Who is the enemy? He is also the creation of god, isn't he? Or are there any more gods?
Jealousy is a base emotion, emotion of humans and lesser animals not of someone who is holy and pure.
And ZHIVKO STANEV beat me to the punch. Expecting a return is in an investment and barter.
I can find nowhere in the bible where God made his children suffer enslavement. What I do find in the bible are laws that govern the universe, just as I would expect laws that governs the US of A for the protection of all its citizens. Break these laws and feel the force of the power of the law you have broken. If the laws of the United States of America states that if I kill in cold blooded murder I must face the death penalty. That is the law! The greedy killer who sets out to cash-in on the insurance policy that he’s taken out on his wife knows the law he’s breaking.
Now maybe the law will take it easy on this law breaker and instead of killing him they given life in prison, he gone off into a slavery of his own making, it’s not God punishing or enslaving him. Is God or the United States Government to just let him go scot-free? He knew the law and the price to be paid for breaking the law. Now when the police tracks down a murderer hiding out in someone’s backyard drags him out in chains, they love the police, get that killer out of our midst, and lock him away in chains.
Now if that same killer would have escape the police and not gets caught and live happily ever after in the community as a model citizen. The years pass the killer have lived a life of luxury off the blood money. He’s now an old man, all the money in the world can’t my him out of presence of the judge he’s about to stand before. There are law that governs the land [USA] and there’s God’s law that trumps all.
The killer out smarts the imperfect eyes of the US Government but he cannot outsmart the eyes that sees all. He dies, he’s called to stand trial, he’s accused of murder, and he’s condemned. The judge condemned the killer to death row, to be taken out of existence. The world gets angry at God and calls him cruel for enforcing the law, and yet the very same ones applauds the US Government for taking the same action. Do you believe we have the right to break laws that hurt other people and just live happily ever-after? The US Government that captured the killer hiding in the back yard did not enslave the man, it was the law that he willfully broke, and his lust for the high life is what enslaved him. He must be taken out before he kills another innocent person.
When the God of Heaven sentence someone to do time in hell [spiritual prison] he’s not enslaving the man. Do you should live in a universe where there’s no laws, or where there’s laws in place but enforce.
Should God let the law breaker go scot-free? The world says yes, but to the US Government it says no. maybe that’s why America is in such a mess.
I am not talking about hell, that is entirely different matter, should a loving god can torture someone for eternity.
What I am asking is about the events described in bible, god making Israel slaves of others, God exhorting murder of other races, asking death penalty for silly crimes, killing innocent children and animals.....
Eternal torment is not a bible doctrine, it was created by the Catholic Church of Rome to sell salvation and for the poor deceived to believe they can buy their love ones out of torment. God offers life of death, existence or non-existence. The Catholic Church is not the Church of Christ, it is the Church of Lucifer so it’s no great wonder why they would portray the God of Heaven as an evil creator who would torment his creatures throughout all eternality. The bible clearly shows that man is a mortal being and not immortal, so the only thing a mortal being can do throughout all eternality is to be dead.
You stated that God order the killing of Babies and you are right about that, but why did he give that order? Part of the story according to scripture is that sons of God left their rightful abode and came to the earth with the sole purpose of having sexual relationship with the daughters of men whom they found to be very attractive. Once the beings from another had sex with these women of earth children were born unto them. First of all it is a violation the law of creation for beings from another world to have sex and produce children with the women of the earth.
Once the union between the two produce children, these children were not the creation of God but an abomination. They produced baby devil who grew into giant monsters who would dine on the flesh of man and drink his blood. To let the baby devils live and grow into full grown devils that would one day grow to be a hundred feet tall and come back and eat you up, I think the only solution is to obey the Lord and kill them in their infancy. These beings and their babies were not a part of creation but an abomination out to destroy creation! God gave the order to kill them all before they grow up and eat the whole tribe of Judah. What would you have done?
I am asking about the children of egyptians god killed?
The children of Moab(forget the exact tribe, the one joshua killed) god commanded to kill.
About the children of Job.
God did kill all the first born of Egypt, but it was Pharaoh who caused the curse in the first place. Attempting to destroy the promised child before it’s born, Pharaoh gave the order to kill all the first born of Judah. But God sent word to Pharaoh that its will not be the first born of Judah who will die at the appointed time, but the first born of Egypt. Again it was Lucifer [Satan] who is the cause of so many Egyptians dying. Lucifer is the cancer of this world!
I don’t believe you are asking these same questions over and over to find answers, but to just to find something to poke holes in, so I’m not going to continue to play this game. Come back when you have something to share.
What I find is you making up justifications and accusing Lucifer for the murders committed by god.
"But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart and he would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the LORD had said to Moses" Exodus 9:12, It was god not Lucifer.
I didn't see you saying anything about god killing jobs son?
It is OK for god to behave like a barbarian and kill, "because it was Lucifer that was behind?" Why did god not finish off Lucifer first then, instead of the puny humans?
Have you got anything to share?
He gives us peace, he gives us protection... He answers our prayers. And in return all he wants us to do is show some respect, some gratitude, and a small favour.
Now I get why they call him "the Godfather".
As to your question:
“Who is the enemy? He is also the creation of god, isn't he? Or are there any more gods?”
No, the enemy is not the creation of God! The verse of scripture the world has leaped upon and twist is from the Book of Genesis. Here it is:
Genesis 1:1 we read, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…” So, if Satan was a murderer from the beginning, then God created him that way.
There’s no compromise in that statement, it is clearly stated that God is the author of sin and death, since he created everything that must include evil. There’s no mis-taken the meaning of the statement, God created evil or is an evil creator, either way it blasphemes against God and goes totally against everything taught in the Word of God. The religious world knows that it one thing that the Church of Christ preach to the world is that their God is the Most Holiest God that knows no sin.
The other religions may not agree with the Christian view of Christ, but they know that this is what is drilled into the world, that our God is pure and there is no sin in him at all. Now here comes a New Age Scribe claiming that the Christian God has sin within his being. Right from the beginning we have a serious problem here. Each statement contradicts the other, so one must be a lie, either God is pure and have no sin or he’s the author of sin and death.
So it all boils down to who is evil, is it Jehovah or Lucifer. I don’t need to go into all the scripture teachings on the pureness of God because it’s well established in the Christian Community that he is pure. But the other one [Lucifer] who was the original accuser who leveled this same charge against God has used the mind of his disciples to distort a single word in the statement above:
…” So, if Satan was a murderer from the beginning, then God created him that way.
The word we are most interested in is “beginning” it states that Lucifer was a murderer from the beginning. Many seems to believe that beginning only includes events that happens in the moments of the event and time and after that point it’s no longer the beginning. The beginning of something can take up a long periods of time. I don’t know how people who are supposed to be enlighten can’t see through this game of Lucifer, with this word Beginning. I used to tell people that I was addicted from the beginning. I remember I was about four three years old when I got my first taste of coffee, I was hooked! Now back in New Orleans they had some very strong coffee, and if it still wasn’t strong enough they would add a root called chicory which makes it even stronger. So I was hooked from the beginning of my life on caffeine. Even though I was hooked from the beginning of my life, it wasn’t from the very moment of my birth or my creation, but it was in my beginning.
The same is true in the case of Lucifer, the Word is clear that Lucifer was created perfect in the day of his creation. There was no evil or sin or any imperfection in Lucifer so God did not create Lucifer to be evil. But not long after his creation, from the “beginning” he looked upon his own beauty and fell deeply in love. He instantly forgot his God. Yea’ in the beginning! From his beginning Lucifer lusted after the Throne of God, his Father.
In that moment from his beginning he declare in his heart that he would dethrone the Son of God and sit on the throne. From the beginning he had murder in his heart, how else could he take the throne unless there is war? This one was a murderer from the beginning. From the moment of his creation when he fell in love with his own image, from the beginning he lied when he declared:
“I will ascend the Throne of God, I will be like the Most High”
He was a liar from the beginning of his creation once he got a look at his own image he fall in love with the creature instead of the creator, he was evil from the beginning. At that moment he became the Great Satan, God created Lucifer, Lucifer became Satan! No, God did not create Satan, Lucifer created Satan and all evil in the world because he was "a murderer from the “beginning!”
And your point is?
Lucifer is gods creation, his son then. So does god hate him?
And that make enslaving of his chosen just because they worshiped another, any more loving.
You must understand that it’s not that God hates Lucifer but its Lucifer who hates God. It’s Lucifer who started the very first war which resulted in 1/3 of the angels of heaven being imprisoned in the earth and millions of lives being snuffed out. If the American solder sent to the Middle East was to drop their weapons and join ranks with the rebels that would be treason. For the children of God to join ranks with the rebels who attack the Throne of Jehovah they too must be rebels.
How much love are you supposed to show to those who set out to destroy your kingdom and kill as many of its citizens as possible? How much love would you show to someone breaking into your house and holding your family hostage at the threat of death? When the children of God bow down before Lucifer and worship him they becomes enemies of the State of Heaven just as they would if the American solder abandoned his post. This is treason of the highest order!
God created Lucifer a holy being from his creation, Lucifer just like Adolf Hitler lust after world domination. If it alright for Lucifer to destroy so many lives just because of his lust for world domination, how can we condemn Hitler for committing the same crime? Those who support Lucifer’s rebellion against heaven also endorse Hitler’s war because it’s all one and the same.
The point is:
Its Treason of the Highest Order!!
Again, I am not asking anything about Lucifer and OT shows that Satan and god are in cahoots.
My question is only about god.
Is god omniscient? Does he love Lucifer?
Hitler had something to gain, what would Lucifer gain by "world dominion"?
I explained in an earlier post about the love of God for his creation and compared to the love of a mother who died of a broken heart because she loved the child to much to let go. I don’t think we need to go over all that again. But I will try to answer your next question:
“Hitler had something to gain, what would Lucifer gain by "world dominion"?
Even though I’ve already covered this before I’ll go through it one more time for you:
Lucifer was created as the most beautiful of all God’s creation, but mo matter how beautiful Lucifer he was still a created being and not in the royal family, he was adopted into it. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, meaning he’s the only Son that proceeded from the very being of the Father. He and the Father are one, whatever the Father is the Son is, he is God!
This is the position Lucifer so lusted after, to sit in the seat of Christ who is like the Most High, Jehovah! Lucifer’s desire was and Lust was to be worshiped just as Jesus is worshiped, to be adored, to be praised, to be exulted about all other sons of God, to sit in the seat of God as God. He had much more to gain then Hitler. Hitler stood to gain the whole world, but Lucifer stood to gain the universe. And you ask:
“Hitler had something to gain, what would Lucifer gain by "world dominion"?
Where in bible it is said that Lucifer wants to sit in jesus chair?
You think Lucifer as a moron?
“For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:” I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” [Isiah 14:13-15]
Lucifer says:
“I Will” the first two words out of Lucifer’s mouth was the beginning of his fall. Lucifer no longer does the will of the Lord, but what is Lucifer’s desire. In the next statement Lucifer states just what that will of his is, to ascend! To exult himself! To invade heaven [the Throne of Christ] Lucifer says he will exalt his throne above the stars of God. Lucifer plan is to reorder the order of heaven, Lucifer says all the other stars [sons] of God are to fall in line behind him, because he is now the star above all stars [sons of God] including Jesus the Christ, the Bright and Morning Star!
This is Lucifer’s declaration of war, Lucifer says he will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north [the seat of Christ]. The sides of the north is where Jesus Throne is, Lucifer says he will sit himself in that seat, on that throne. Next he says I will be like the Most High! There’s only one like the Most High and that one is Jesus the Christ. This is Lucifer’s declaration of war on heaven. In this war against heaven Lucifer would use two major campaigns against heaven. One would be to convince the world that Jehovah is unjust in his dealings with his creation and intend to torture them in flames throughout all eternality.
The other is that he would convince the world that evil is good and good is evil, that Jesus is Satan and Lucifer is the Messiah. Just as the Word of God foretold, the world is eating out of Lucifer’s hand. Just look at the venom being spewed out at the Son of God all over the world. Christians burned alive and beheaded just because of their belief in Jesus. And those that don’t behead they are many times there just to pedicure instead of checking out the facts to see for themselves if these things be true. The world will accept the Anti-Christ [Lucifer] as their messiah and lord. Its unbeliever how the world could hate a man [Jesus] they can find no sin in.
It’s amazing how the world could despise a man that did good everywhere he went, he healed their sick, he raised their dead. Which one of these works could the world be holding against him? You don’t hate good unless you love darkness.
Well, this is the war Lucifer would wage against his maker, these are the tactics he would to convince the world that good is evil and evil is good. If you don’t think its working just take a look at the hatred directed at that name [Jesus] wherever its mention. A man that did nothing but good everywhere he went. Its because they love darkness rather than light.
Know your enemy and know him well, you very soul depends on it.
Lucifer is Satan!
That accusation is made by followers like you not Lucifer (Lucifer do not have a "say" in bible), but I didn't see any murderous act committed by Lucifer but only by god. And there is nothing about the throne of Jesus in that chapter. In fact I even doubt the existence of Lucifer. In OT there is a satan who is the servant of "god". Bible itself says that god is the creator of evil and the atrocities committed by god justifies it. And the peaceful man walked on earth has only venom against his opponents and was even willing to whip them. So in all probability Lucifer is invented by the followers of satan to put the blame on, for his atrocities
"Christians burned alive and beheaded just because of their belief in Jesus."
Well, what I saw was Christians burning others alive..
I presented the story to you as it is presented in scripture, what part did I make-up to justify my accusations against Lucifer? What you refuse to understand is that there’s a war going on, in war both sides will have causalities. You ignore the murderous behavior of Lucifer and claim he’s the victim. What I’d like to hear from you is what have Lucifer done for you to have so much love and loyalty to him.
You next question or statement I find hard to understand:
“I didn't say you saying anything about god killing jobs son?”
So I’ll skip that question for now until you can make it clear to me what are you trying to ask. Your next question:
“It is OK for god to behave like a barbarian and kill, "because it was Lucifer that was behind?" Why did god not finish off Lucifer first then, instead of the puny humans?”
Now this is a good question, first and foremost you must not forget that this is a war that Lucifer started. Sure God is all powerful, he could have easily destroyed Lucifer from the start that would not have solved the problem. There would still be people like you who’s loyalty to Satan [Lucifer] has blinded them to the truth. Before the entire universe of angels and men Lucifer charged the King with being a gangster, an enslaver, a lair, a deceiver who is withholding information from his creature to hold them in bondage.
Lucifer had already conscience 1/3 of the angels of heaven that he would make a better and more righteous king than Christ. How many more angels there who were on the fence and undecided, for God to just destroy Lucifer would not have answered the question, who is evil and who would make a better king? Lucifer level many charges against the Lord, you can’t just make charges, your case must be proven. This is the most important case the universe has ever witnessed, with the entire universe looking on Lucifer is given the opportunity to prove his case. The only way to do this it would require Lucifer to have his own world and subjects to rule.
Lucifer inaugurates right out the gate with a great lie, Lucifer tells the woman that God lied to her when he said she would if she ate the forbidden fruit. Lucifer the woman, not only would she not die, but this fruit would make her wise, she would become another god. God said she would surely die. One of these two being is lying and the one that is lying is your mortal enemy who will destroy your very soul. So you had better be right when you stand and fight for the cause of one of these two beings. One is surely a lair, you had better be right in your choice of Gods.
Here the war in heaven spills into the earth, Lucifer has now deceived the woman and the woman convinces the man to eat [they listened to Lucifer’s lies] at that moment the deeds to this earth were passed on to Lucifer, Lucifer is now the God of this world. Lucifer now have all he needs to prove his case, that he would make a better and more holly king then Jesus the Christ. The only major thing Lucifer was stripped of was his title “Lucifer” which means [light-bearer] how could he keep that title of light bearer when he’s abandon that position? So Lucifer is given a new name and title “SATAN” because that is who he has now become. Along with the loss of that title must come some alteration in the light in him that he once bared. In this process Lucifer would lose the light as his constant form, but he was not denied this weapon in proving his case, even though Lucifer could no longer hold this light form he was left with the ability to transform into a being of light for short periods of time in order to deceive, that’s why the bible states:
“Satan Keeps Transforming Himself Into A Being Of Light”
Satan appearing as Lucifer the being of light!
With the entire universe looking on Lucifer world experiences something it never had under the ruler ship of Christ. A mighty enemy has entered the beautiful paradise garden, the most horrible enemy man could ever face. DEATH! Instantly, as soon as Lucifer acquired the deed to his kingdom he destroyed it. “Yea’ that one was a murderer from the beginning.”
Now that Lucifer has captured the man and his world Lucifer now uses the man and his offspring to declare war on heaven even from his kingdom, the earth! Lucifer no longer have access to the spirit holy being to harm them, but he got the man in his grip. So now Lucifer’s attack on heaven must be through the man. Lucifer would teach this man the art of war, this man who before Lucifer became king knew nothing of war.
” Yea’ that one was a murderer from the beginning.”
Yes, we see from the creation of paradise Lucifer defiles it and introduces man’s worst enemy, death. This is your king, Lucifer! Lucifer would use his most powerful weapon [man] to kill all the prophets of God. Lucifer would use the man that he captured through their love affair with the occult to even kill the true king when he entered this world. All Lucifer’s world since he became king is death and destruction, with the entire universe looking on as a witness, Lucifer is now leading his world to total destruction. Who would make a better and more holy God? The one that created paradise and placed the man there or the one who introduces man’s no one enemy, death into his kingdom?
What is your loyalty to this evil being Lucifer and your hatred for one who knew no evil? Why would you chose the angel of death over the angel of the Lord? What is this hatred you have for holiness? Is it that Lucifer is successful in convincing you that evil is good and good is evil? Is Lucifer your God, if not please explain why you are such a warrior for the cause of Lucifer.
Lucifer is Satan!
All these are made up by the followers of your god. In bible the only one who is murderous is Mr. god and he was murdering anyone who doesn’t worship him, like a tyrannical despot. Your god is the Satan or Lucifer.
Why did go torture job, took his wealth and killed his family, I hope you have read the book of Job.
Good story with no basis. The first books of bible indeed point out that there was war but the war is a power struggle between god and his brethren. Except for one or two references there is no mention of Lucifer but god is always lashing out at other gods especially Baal. The most high is not involved in this, but the protagonist of bible is. Satan appears as a servant there just like a gangster in Godfather helping Don. Now you make up an entire story about a war which really is not there. You say a puny superman like Lucifer is at war with the mighty who created the whole universe and its beings with just a word, ridiculous.
“Sure God is all powerful, he could have easily destroyed Lucifer from the start that would not have solved the problem”
Sure god is omniscient and he could have avoided creating Lucifer? It was “Lucifer” who waylaid others, so his death would have returned others to the fold?
"What is your loyalty to this evil being Lucifer and your hatred for one who knew no evil?"
Lucifer is a creation by the followers of your god to put the blame, a deception. The one who doesn't know evil is NOT the chief character in your book. The chief character in your book is a jealous, murderous genocidal evil being who adulterates.
Good needs evil for comparison. You cant have one without the other. Furthermore take heed when fighting monsters. Lest yee become a monster too. I prefer Greek myth. Hades drew the short straw.
Interesting, I don’t agree with any of it but it still doesn’t explain how any of that makes God evil.
Where in the Bible does it say that God, or even Jesus loves anyone? Don't throw in the "God gave his only son BS..." because according to the Bible and Canaanite mythology (Yes God is a Canaanite god - 1 0f 33), he had 72 sons - Jesus would make it 73.
JEALOUSY is the charge you have leveled against the Most High, but I would like to show you the true meaning of the word. We need to look no further that at the god of this world, Lucifer. Now that will be a remarkable difference between the jealousy of God we looked at earlier. This Jealousy of Lucifer is deadly to both soul and body. This jealousy of Lucifer started in the heart of Lucifer at the very creation of man. Lucifer hates your guts! Remember what Lucifer wanted most of all, he wanted to sit in the seat of God as God.
God is going to do something with the newly created inferior man that is really going get Lucifer’s hatred of the man heated-up. God is going to place the inferior being made from dust and place him of the Throne of God as God, to the very place to which Lucifer lusted after to the point that he would take on the armies of heaven to gain and caused his decent into hell. Notice that God placed the man right in the middle of the combat zone. The other thing that added to the hatred of this inferior being made from the dirt that Lucifer, from the dirt that Lucifer scrapes from the bottom of his feet is his invasion of this earth, Lucifer’s home before the creation of man, the man is an invader.
God would prepare a physical body for his Son to enter Lucifer kingdom [the earth] this is to me is one of the most amazing actions God has ever taken. When the son of God took on flesh and became a man that meant man had become God!! The man physical Jesus the Christ by taking on the image of man is now given the right to enter Lucifer’s kingdom so now the kingdom of heaven is with man. Now Lucifer would slay the rightful king, but the King would destroy Lucifer most powerful weapon, the fear of death. Now once the physical man Jesus the Christ is resurrected in his physical body he now ascend into heaven and heated at the right hand of Jehovah, the Most High!
Now on that Throne of Heaven is a physical man whom Lucifer despises as nothing more than the dirt on the bottom of his feet. The lowly man has now been exulted to the very place that Lucifer gave his all trying to take by force. Lucifer hates your guts! Not only is the inferior being made from dust crowned King of the Universe, but he’s even been placed in the Family of God as God! There’s God the Father a Spirit Being whom no man has ever seen, except for one physical man, Jesus the Christ. We have God the Son who is a physical man and the Holy Spirit, the Family of God which now includes a physical man, Jesus the Christ. Lucifer hates your guts!
You represents everything Lucifer destroyed himself trying to be, he hates your guts!
Now that’s jealousy and the true meaning of the word “JEALOUSY”
Now the lowly man has become God and sit on the Throne of God as God while the self-exulted Lucifer has become the most file and despicable thing in creation.
Know your enemy and know him well.
Lucifer is Satan!!
All you are doing is putting the responsibility fo revil on a scapegoat(a made-up one at that) People don't need to take responsibility for their actions if they have someone else to blame it on, right?
I states my case on a reliable source, in fact it’s the most reliable source there is, and I state my claim on the proven accurate reporting of this source. This source has never been wrong in anything, this source assures me that it is an accurate report that Lucifer is real and he is indeed Satan. I‘ve put the responsibility on who it’s on. It is you who are blaming the Most High for everything that happens bad in this world. How do you know that Lucifer is a made-up being?
Give me your reason for your beliefs, or are you going to just ask all the questions and I’m excepted give all the answers? Show me your evidence that Lucifer is a made-up character.
And what is the responsible that you claim people blaming this others for, I place the blame for the fall on the one most responsible, Adam. Not Eve but Adam! All are responsible for the own actions, you can check any of my writings and you will not find anywhere where I blamed anyone other than man for his sins. It was Adam’s use of his own free will when he made the diabolical deal with Lucifer.
Its again you are putting the blame an innocent person, namely Jesus the Christ, for man killing man among many other terrible things. You blame the creator, I blame the man! Jesus did not go to the garden and tell Adam to listen to the lies of Lucifer, so how could you blame him for the evil in the world created by man?
It is you who are placing the blame on another for your actions. I said that Lucifer has captured the man through the man’s involvement in the deep things of Satan. I also said that no devil can take over and poses a person without their permission. No sir, I place the blame on who its own! You place the blame for everything bad on the LORD. Take your own advice and stop blame Jesus for the corruption you me and every other mortal have contributed too. It wasn’t God that made you do that bad thing [and we all have sinned] it was you who did it and blamed it on God just as you are doing now.
You say you didn’t see any murderous act with Lucifer, I think you may want to read a litter slow because you must have skip over something. The very first act that Lucifer committed when first making contact was a murderous one. Lucifer told the woman that God lied to her when he said she would die if she ate of the forbidden fruit [the lies of Lucifer]. That lie of Lucifer caused her death, before this act by Lucifer there was no death. Now if you can’t see that as a murderous act, you’ll just being unreasonable.
There’s only one throne that’s above the stars of God that sits in the sides of the North, that’s the Throne of God. The problem is that you apparently know very little of the book that you are trying to trash or you would know that these things are scriptural. You don’t even know the basic doctrine of something you stand to war against. I must first teach you basic bible doctrine before we can even began to have a serious conversation on the subject. Your question:
“Why did go torture job, took his wealth and killed his family, I hope you have read the book of Job.”
As for the first part of your question, yes I’ve read the whole bible form start to finish, from beginning to end! What you don’t seem to understand or keep forgetting is that this is war. In the enemy can sometime get the upper hand, they capture enemy troops. The captured troops now becomes POWs, now the enemy will do all he can to make his captured turn on his own government. The POW is beaten, starved, sent through all kinds of torture just to break him, but if he’s a strong enough man he will endure to the end and not betray his kingdom.
Again this is war; Job was a general in the armies of heaven, he was temporarily captured by Lucifer, he was a POW. It was Lucifer who tortured Job not God, if you had read the Book of Job you would have known this. It was Lucifer who told God:
“If you take that hedge of protection from around Job, I will make him cuss you to your face.”
Lucifer himself says it is his he who will torture Job, not God. Maybe you need to go back and reread read the Book of Job because you missed a lot. Job proved to Lucifer that he’s a lair, like all good POWs job did not turn to treason, he was faithful to the end. Its like you are reading the words, but can’t seem to get the meaning of the words. When an American soldier is capture in combat let’s hope he have the courage of a Job and love of his kingdom that Job showed. Let’s hope he has the confidence in his ruler to in time come to his rescue the way Job had in his king.
Again you show your lack of knowledge in the book you come to trash. After you finish rereading the Book of Job turn over the Book of Isaiah. In it is the description of Lucifer and his evil ways, Lucifer is constantly being mention throughout the entire bible as a devil. Your weak argument that Lucifer’s name is not mention is an old one that’s been debunked long ago. Here’s your argument, it’s an old one:
According to Wikipedia:
“In the New Testament the "adversary" has many names, but "Lucifer" is not among them. He is called "Satan" (Matt. 4:10; Mark 1:13, 4:15; Luke 10:18), "devil" (Matt. 4:1), "adversary" (1. Peter 5:8, ἀντίδικος; 1. Tim. 5:14, ἀντικείμενος), "enemy" (Matt. 13:39), "accuser" (Rev. 12:10), "old serpent (Rev. 20:2), "great dragon" (Rev. 12:9), Beelzebub (Matt. 10:25, 12:24), and Belial (comp. Samael). In Luke 10:18, John 12:31 and Rev. 12:9 the fall of Satan is mentioned. The devil is regarded as the author of all evil (Luke 10:19; Acts 5:3; 2. Cor. 11:3; Ephes. 2:2), who beguiled Eve (2. Cor. 11:3; Rev. 12:9). Because of Satan, death came into this world, being ever the tempter (1. Cor. 7:5; 1. Thess. 3:5; 1. Peter 5:8), even as he tempted Jesus (Matt. 4). The Christian demonology and belief in the devil dominated subsequent periods.] However, though the New Testament includes the conception that Satan fell from heaven "as lightning" (Luke 10:18; Rev. 12:7–10), it nowhere applies the name Lucifer to him.”
It’s true that the name Lucifer is not mention in the list of names given to the adversary, and there is good reason for that. When God gives His creatures a name, that name represents the nature and essence of that being. When the nature of that free-will being changes the name of that being must also change to represent the new nature of that new being. Just as when one come's to the Lord he is given a new name because he is a new creature, by the same token when one who once served in the capacity for which he was created turns his back on the Lord and turns his face toward Satan he becomes a new creature, the creature that God created [Lucifer] no longer exist, so the bible's got it right, the reason Lucifer is not mention any more in the word of God after his fall is because he no longer exist! He is a new file creature with a new file name to fit the filthy being that he has become.
The name Lucifer represented Lucifer as he was created by his maker, a being of light! The bible says Lucifer was the anointed cherub that covereth; a most high and blessed position, this was the position of the being Lucifer. As long as Lucifer remained obedient to his maker he was Lucifer. But once Lucifer disobeyed his maker he became a new creation, he was no longer the being that God originally created. This new being must have a new name that represents his new nature and the essence of who he now is. That’s why he is never referred by that name again.
That being Lucifer no longer exist he is now a new creature, so now God gives him new name, AVERSARY! REBEL, RESISTOR OF God, Satan! He is no longer a being of light that was his constant form, now he must go through a process to transform into a being of light to deceive others; he can't hold his light form long, just long enough to deceive!
Whenever the nature of a creature of God changes God gives the creature a new name to identify that he now is, remember Saul of Tarsus, Saul was a major player in the persecution of Christians, and he was Saul, that’s who he was an agent of the adversary, Satan, or the original adversary Lucifer. Once Saul was born again he had to receive a new name to identify him as a new being, he is now Paul. The same happened with Abram; Abram came from a family of devil worshipers but God called him out of that evil religion.
When Abram responded to the call of God and became obedient to that call he became a new creature, the new creature must have a new name because of his new identity. The new creature is now Abraham! [Gen 17:5] There are others in the bible whose names were changed by God to fit their new identities. But God did not stop with the people of the bible; Jesus said everyone whose nature is changed and receive the new birth will receive their new name. [Rev 2:17]
God already identified Lucifer as the corrupt being that drew 1/3 of the angels’ of heaven to hell with him, and now he’s down here on earth amongst mankind. Do you truly believe that God would mention this filthy being only once and never warn His children on earth that this evil being is here and out to destroy them as he did with the angels of heaven? God would continually warn us of this evil being, and He does, but instead of us heeding His warning some would rather take the world of the enemy himself who says he is not Satan when God says he is Satan.
One of the many names given to Lucifer after his fall is adversary, God never created another spirit being and called him the adversary, but gave Lucifer the name that describes his new nature, he is now an adversary to God, what better name could describe just who the once beautiful and power Lucifer had become.
Surely, Lucifer in now no bearer of light, so would God keep referring to Lucifer as the bearer when there’s no longer any light in Lucifer, or would God call him by who he has now become, the adversary. Still there’s no new spirit being called Satan!
Another name that God has given to Lucifer is rebel and is another name that further identifies Lucifer as Satan. Lucifer is the original rebel, no matter who the other combatants were, it’s Lucifer who is the father of this evil endeavor. So scripture identify Lucifer as the Adversary and the original rebel.
So far we’ve seen where the two names given to Lucifer describes him to the letter, but these two names doesn’t even began to describe the evil that lurks within the heart of this evil being that God didn’t create. We are getting an idea of who this Lucifer really is, but it’s going to take more names to get to see the true evil of this being that God didn’t create.
Another name Lucifer is known by is dragon, now in scripture the dragon is the very definition of evil itself. Scripture says it was the dragon that drew one third of the angels of heaven to hell with him. Now I ask you, where did this evil dragon come from? There were only heavenly beings in heaven before Lucifer’s fall, surely God wouldn’t create an evil dragon and place it among the holy angels. The dragon is non-other than Lucifer, it was he who drew one third of the angels to hell.
“And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought: [Rev 12:7]
Of all the so-called monster, the dragon got to be the most frightening and evil, this name further identify Lucifer as even more evil than just the first two names. Another name that further identifies the heart of Lucifer is father of lies. Now Jesus says Satan is the father of lies, meaning the lie originated with Satan. Now if Satan is the father of the lie, that would only mean that it was he Lucifer who told the first lie to the angels and cause them to revolt against the Lord and end in hell, prison.
There can be no two originals, either Satan is the original liar or Lucifer is the original or they are one and the same. This name father of lies further identifies Lucifer’s evil self that the other three names didn’t touch. There’s much more we need to know about this evil Lucifer so God gives him more names to identify this evil being so there’ll be no mistaken who this evil being really is:
“Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, ‘Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down.’” Revelation 12:10
To further identify the evil nature of this being Lucifer the Lord calls this evil being “Accuser”
Scripture states that this evil being [Lucifer] does not rest from accusing the brethren before the Lord, day and night. The Lord warned that this being that presents himself as a being of light and a friend, is no friend of mankind. No true friend would trash the children of God to His face constantly, but instead would try to help them find their way back to the Lord. I don’t know about you, but I’m glad God gave Lucifer all these different names so I could truly know my enemy.
“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” [John 8:44]
To further identify the evil nature of the evil being that God didn’t create, God exposed Lucifer’s true intent, it’s to murder and destroy mankind. All these different names help us to get to know all about our enemy, just calling his Lucifer or Satan would not truly tell us of his true nature, the very evil being and what his true intentions are. We need every name that God calls him by to truly know this evil being that God didn’t create.
Let’s take a look at just one more name Lucifer is known by, that name is “Destroyer”
Now destruction of God’s creation is Lucifer’s number one goal, that includes angels, men and all that’s good. These are just a sampling of the shameful names that help us know our enemy and every one serves a purpose in exposing the evil nature of Lucifer, the snake, the dragon and Satan and every one of the names given to Lucifer by the Lord are needful in exposing Satan aka Lucifer. See my hub: Hollywood's War on God
This ability of Lucifer to hide his true identity and assume the identity of another will play a major role in the end-time deception of the world that we see taking place before our very eyes today. Satan [Lucifer] will used his identity changing ability to even impersonating the Christ Himself, even in the New Age Bible [NIV] they have already identify Jesus as the one who fell from heaven and did weaken the nations.
The New Ages Scribes also includes those who interpret the bible online for others, the many Christians Writers all over the inter-net, so be very careful what you write because it is permanently recorded in heaven. If you write and publish to the world that God is an evil creator who created Satan to test mankind, you had better be right! If God created Satan to test mankind, than it would be God who’s responsible for all those who are over-come by Satan and lead to destruction. This is what the Luciferians hope to gain from this doctrine of devils, and this is what they’re getting from their work of deception. Is God the creator of evil or an evil creator? Take your time answering that question; your everlasting future may depend on you getting this one right.
All this hiding the true identity of who Lucifer really is just part of the master plan of Lucifer to get the world accepting him as the Christ, those who have been fooled into believing he’s not Satan may just as easily be fooled into believing he is the Christ. If you’ve been fool once by Lucifer and his demons with all the scripture evidence available, he can probably do it again.
The stage is already set to pull off the ultimate deception of Lucifer to lead the world to destruction, and because of the never-ending work of the residents of hell, most of the world now believe Satan to be someone other than Lucifer.
You see, all this is part of the plan, to first convince the world that Lucifer is not Satan and then go on to convince the world that he is actually the Christ of God the Father, and this plan is working to perfection, with their new bibles and their inter-net interpreters many who were once Christians now doesn’t see Lucifer as the evil Satan the he truly is.
Did God just let Lucifer off the hook and forget all about him? According to Ezekiel 1:19, Lucifer had already possessed the king of Tyrus. This same being is the one who possessed the snake in the Garden of Eden. The bible doesn’t tell us a lot about the description of the snake before the curse, but from what it does tell we can assume that it had legs, and was an animal of the field but had some form of intelligence above the other animals. The bible shows us in mark 5:11 that devils do possess animals.
The bible informs us that adversary identified as that old serpent [Rev 20:2] the great dragon [Rev 12:9] Beelzebub [Matt 10:25, 12:24] the adversary [1.Peter5:8.]
I can prove through scripture that Lucifer was the one who tempted Eve and not some other being as you Luciferians claims.
Prove to me that the bible is made up, you are the one that are coming with nothing but accusations. You keep saying that the bible is lies, but you come with no evidence, nothing but lip service. Again I ask you what you believe, but you all you want to do is make accusation. Why is it so hard for you to come out so we can see how much sense your world view makes? I want laugh, I promise. Let us compare my beliefs and yours. If you have that much confidence that the bible is a book of lies present your counter to it, don’t just make outrageous claims, back them up!
Present your case for what you believe.
I’m waiting!
Or maybe God created humans flawed and put them in a hostile world just for His own amuzement and fun. He told you he loved you because that is the easiest way to keep you under control. History tought us that a dictator needs the masses to love him rather than fear him. The Bible is nothing but propaganda.
I believe that if we all come together and rebel against God we can break the chains He put on us and be free.
P.S. And if you think any of this is not true - prove it with evidence!
I’m only going through this process with you because others who are listening who maybe on the fence in their decision to believe or not believe. I already know that no matter how great the evidence is it will never be enough for you. It is you who need to prove the bible a lie, I’m still begin for you to present your god or beliefs. The problem you have is that you are hopeless, and the Christians have hope for a future beyond this life. Since you don’t believe and that he created the world, what is your beliefs on how it all started?
I need to know so I can try to better understand your reasoning, there’s no doubt in whom I believe. Do you believe in evolution or do you believe in anything at all other that you hate God? What do you believe, and let’s compare the two or are you contented with just throwing out wild accusations. If you don’t at least do that this conversation is only go around in circles. So lets take the next step in this you do as I did, put it out there in what you believe. We already know that you hate God, what do you replace him with?
Ezekiel 1
18As for their rims they were lofty and awesome, and the rims of all four of them were full of eyes round about. 19Whenever the living beings moved, the wheels moved with them. And whenever the living beings rose from the earth, the wheels rose also. 20Wherever the spirit was about to go, they would go in that direction. And the wheels rose close beside them; for the spirit of the living beings was in the wheels.…
OLD friends meeting
6Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. 7The LORD said to Satan, "From where do you come?" Then Satan answered the LORD and said, "From roaming about on the earth and walking around on it."…
What is your loyalty to this evil being who call himself "god" and your hatred for one who knew no evil?
what part of this is evil, its getting hard to understand what you are asking.
pinpoint the evil you are referring to.
You: "According to Ezekiel 1:19, Lucifer had already possessed the king of Tyrus"
I was quoting Ezekiel 1:19 to show you that it was not the case.
"OLD friends meeting
6Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. 7The LORD said to Satan, "From where do you come?" Then Satan answered the LORD and said, "From roaming about on the earth and walking around on it."…
There is no "war" between Satan and god, this book show that they are old friends. You will also find that Satan kill Job's son after getting permission from god because god want to prove Job's loyalty. I was under the impression that murder is evil, you think it as a good act?
I also pointed out the passages that show god is jealous, he murder......
“You: "According to Ezekiel 1:19, Lucifer had already possessed the king of Tyrus"
“I was quoting Ezekiel 1:19 to show you that it was not the case.”
"OLD friends meeting
6Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. 7The LORD said to Satan, "From where do you come?" Then Satan answered the LORD and said, "From roaming about on the earth and walking around on it."…
There is no "war" between Satan and god, this book show that they are old friends. You will also find that Satan kill Job's son after getting permission from god because god want to prove Job's loyalty. I was under the impression that murder is evil, you think it as a good act?
You may have quoted a scripture, but you did not explain how that verse of scripture proves your point. Just quoting scripture without elaborating falls short. That why many of my post are pretty long, I can’t express myself with one-liners. I know no one can read my mind so I try to take a little more time and effort to get my point across. I don’t expect everyone else to do this, but at lease help me understand how the verse of scripture proves your point.
Your post:
"OLD friends meeting"
6Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them? 7The LORD said to Satan, "From where do you come?" Then Satan answered the LORD and said, "From roaming about on the earth and walking around on it."…
You just twisted scripture to prove an unsound doctrine, the game you are playing is called deception. In your attempt to prove that God is as evil as Satan you set out to deceive, that verse of scripture is incomplete. As it stands it would seem that the Most Holy is in a friendly conversation with an old friend. Now with this you can deceive a seeker who doesn’t know the word. But if you would have continue to quote the rest of that verse of scripture it would become obvious that the Most Holy is not in friendly conversation with evil.
Let’s look at the verse in its completeness:
“Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD. And the LORD said unto Satan, from whence comets thou? And Satan answered the LORD, and said, from going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him, to destroy him without cause. And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life. But put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face. And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life.”
Now went we look at that verse of scripture we see that it is definitely not two old friends talking, but two enemies. God brags about what wonderful servant [warrior] that Job is, God truly loves Job and is proud of him. On the other hand, Satan Hates Job’s guts. One is full of love and the other is full of hate. God says Job an upright man who loves God. Lucifer who hates Jehovah will also will hate anyone that loves Jehovah. This is definitely not two old friend holding a friendly conversation!
God tells Satan “although thou movedst me against him” who was it that instigated this evil? It was not God, but Satan! And why did God Allow Satan to put Job to the Test? Here is the answer:
“And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life. But put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face.”
Come-on man! This is definitely not two old friends holding a friendly conversation!
The intention of Satan is to get one of God’s son to cuss him to his face. No this is not two friends! Satan thinks he can make god out of a lair. But Satan is the father of the lie. Again god allows Lucifer to prove his case. Now God tells Satan:
“LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life.”
In the end it was Satan who proved to the liar, Job proved faithful to his God and Father to the end, but wouldn’t you to have a son like that? It wasn’t god who did these things to Job, it was Satan. What you never mention is that in the end God gave Job back everything the devil stole form him and much more than he had before. This is definitely not two old friends holding a friendly conversation.
You, I and everyone else can see that this is a con game you are playing with Holy Scripture, but you will continue to follow this con to the gates of hell because of the hate in your heart for someone who has done you no wrong!
Prove my point?
You said Ezekiel 1:19 shows that the king of Tyre as possessed by Lucifer and I quoted Ezekiel 1:18-20 to show that there is no mention of Lucifer or possession.
I am happy that you at least read that book. You said god and Lucifer were at war but the book shows Satan going to god's meet unafraid, unmolested and alone and discuss with god like friends. To touch Job satan needs the PERMISSION of god.It's like Saddam Hussain going to America(during the war) asking permission from Bush junior to torture an American soldier to prove his loyalty to Bush.
The book also said god give permission to kill Job's family. (Will you be happy if your son is murdered and you were given a new to replace the old? )The soldier should be happy and forget all about the torture and that it was Bush who gave permission if Bush makes him rich!!
Satan: But put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face
This shows satan is incapable of doing anything without god. It doesn't say anything about satan hating job but only that he suspects that jobs loyalty is because god gave him good fortune.
That is the character of a tyrant. So when you call a fellow who is jealous and murderous(along with the sons of Egyptian humans and animal's and Amelekites) as god, you are loyal to that evil creature and shunning
in favour of evil. And to think that it is your god's version the book is detailing, the truth would be even more horrible.
Ps: are you stating that god was tricked by satan, regarding Job?
Through out the OT, satan is a servant, "adversary" employed by god to check.
Prove my point?
You said Ezekiel 1:19 shows that the king of Tyre as possessed by Lucifer and I quoted Ezekiel 1:18-20 to show that there is no mention of Lucifer or possession.
"I am happy that you at least read that book. You said god and Lucifer were at war but the book shows Satan going to god's meet unafraid, unmolested and alone and discuss with god like friends. To touch Job satan needs the PERMISSION of god.It's like Saddam Hussain going to America(during the war) asking permission from Bush junior to torture an American soldier to prove his loyalty to Bush."
The book also said god give permission to kill Job's family. (Will you be happy if your son is murdered and you were given a new to replace the old? )The soldier should be happy and forget all about the torture and that it was Bush who gave permission if Bush makes him rich!!
Satan: But put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face
This shows satan is incapable of doing anything without god. It doesn't say anything about satan hating job but only that he suspects that jobs loyalty is because god gave him good fortune.
That is the character of a tyrant. So when you call a fellow who is jealous and murderous(along with the sons of Egyptian humans and animal's and Amelekites) as god, you are loyal to that evil creature and shunning
in favour of evil. And to think that it is your god's version the book is detailing, the truth would be even more horrible.
Ps: are you stating that god was tricked by satan, regarding Job?
Through out the OT, satan is a servant, "adversary" employed by god to check.
Your Post:
“Prove my point?
You said Ezekiel 1:19 shows that the king of Tyre as possessed by Lucifer and I quoted Ezekiel 1:18-20 to show that there is no mention of Lucifer or possession.”
Judging by your writing it appears that you have a problem understanding what you read. Lucifer is definitely mention in the possession of the king. In the possession of the king there are two beings addressed by God, a physical man and a spirit who was once a resident of heaven. But let’s go directly to the word of God so there will be no mistaking who said what:
God’s Description of the Mortal Man Possessed by Lucifer
"The word of God came to me again saying, son of man, say to the prince of Tyre, thus says the Lord God: "Because your heart is lifted up, and you say, I’m a god, I sit in the seat of gods, [in the sides of the north] in the mist of the sea, yet you are a man, and not a god, though you set your heart as the heart of a god. Behold, you are wiser than Daniel! There’s no secret that can be hidden from you! With your wisdom and your understanding you have gained riches for yourself, and gathered gold and silver into your treasuries; by your great wisdom in trade you have increased your riches, and your heart is lifted up because of your riches." [Ezekiel 28:1-5]
Here the Lord is addressing a mortal man, the King of Tyre, but the Lord will also address the fallen angel Lucifer who has taken possession of the king’s soul. But first the Lord’s attention is directed at the physical king because of the king’s involvement in the occult he has allowed himself to be processed by the devil who has convinced him that he the king is divine. The king has eaten the forbidden fruit of which God warned them not to eat.
"For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as the gods" [Gen 3:5]
This is the danger of this fruit [the lies of Lucifer] it makes one believes he or she is God or divine. Here Lucifer calls his creator and Father a liar before the entire universe. God explains to the mortal king that Lucifer lied to him when he told him that he would become a god if he ate of this fruit. God informs the mortal king that he is no God and he will die the death of any other mortal. Next God turns His attention to the one who caused the whole mess in the first place, Lucifer [Satan] who has invaded the man’s soul. Even though God is still directing His statements at the physical being[the king] from the words He’s using to describe this second being it is clear this second being is of a higher order than the first being; both beings are inside the physical mortal king:
"Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, thus saith the Lord God; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tablets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee" [Ezek 27:2]
Even though God is directing his attention and statement at the physical king, from the words he is using it is obvious that he is not now addressing the mortal king. No mortal man has even been in the Garden of God [Eden] since Adam was evicted. It says this being is the anointed cherub that covereth; I have set thee so. It goes on to state:
Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee"
For those who claim that Lucifer is not Satan and God created Satan evil to text man, this verse of scripture destroys that argument. It is clearly stated that this being was created perfect until he used is God given free will to go bad. Whomever this being is he was not created to be evil by an evil creator, he created the evil within himself. Put whomever you want to there, Lucifer or Satan it makes no difference, it states the being that took possession of the king’s soul was not created by God to be an evil being.
Your statement:
“I am happy that you at least read that book. You said god and Lucifer were at war but the book shows Satan going to god's meet unafraid, unmolested and alone and discuss with god like friends. To touch Job satan needs the PERMISSION of god.It's like Saddam Hussain going to America(during the war) asking permission from Bush junior to torture an American soldier to prove his loyalty to Bush.”
Again you show a lack of understanding of spiritual matters, you can’t compare Bush to God. When God demand your presence to give an account of your actions, you have no choice in the matter, you will show up. Satan [Lucifer] was a son of God before his fall so when God summons the sons Lucifer shows up with them. When I say that Satan is at war against God that doesn’t mean that Lucifer is standing there trading blow for with God, God would upper-cup and right-cross Lucifer into oblivion in less than a millionth of a second.
The war that Lucifer is waging against God is for the mind and heart of man, Lucifer is not sending ballistic missiles at the Throne of God. The war is one of accusations and slandering as you are doing now. You are a mighty worker for Satan, you are hanging in there for your lord even though much of what you are saying makes no sense, but you are still in there fighting, God hasn’t destroyed, you are still invited to the Throne of Grace. That’s the kind of God he is. You as a disciple of Satan, like Satan did, can approach that throne, but there are conditions to that approach.
If you remember, in an earlier post I said that Lucifer [Satan] had leveled Charges against God, he [as you] charged God with being evil. God did not smash the life out of him, but gave him the opportunity to prove his case. He was given all the things needed to prove his case that God is evil and that included conversation with God. Just as court case in America when a lawyer or investigator or lawyer need to do certain things they must get permission from the judge, the judge tells them to proceed or not to proceed. Lucifer had to get permission before he could make this devastating move against an innocent man.
Here’s the type of war Satan waging:
“skin for skin, a man would give his all to save his life, touch his flesh and bone and will cuss you to your face.” [Satan].
Your post:
“The book also said god give permission to kill Job's family. (Will you be happy if your son is murdered and you were given a new to replace the old? )
Lucifer had become so full of hate for this mighty warrior of God that he tripped-up in his master plain. Lucifer comes to God [he had to get permission] asking that HE many lives, big mistake. When God told Lucifer Job was in his hands [POW] every low-down dirty thing that happened to Job was form Lucifer, not God. Lucifer blundered, with the entire universe of men and angels looking on, the very ones that Lucifer was trying to convince that God is evil, these very ones watched as Lucifer destroyed [so it seems] the lives of innocent people that did him no wrong.
Job’s family did no harm to Lucifer, even if he had a gripe with Job, why destroy the man’s family? Even the devilish American Mafia had more respect for human life that the evil Lucifer, they wouldn’t go after people’s wives and children. That’s how low-down your God is! Now the entire universe see just how evil Lucifer really is to do such a file low-down thing that even the America Mafia wouldn’t stoop to. The universe is watching the actions of this being who says he would make a better ruler than the LORD! All Lucifer did when killed Job’s family was to send them to the presence of God, they are save in his arms and very alive. But in this process Lucifer shows the on looking angels just how evil he is, he’s lost his war of slander against the Most High and so will you his disciple!
Lucifer and Satan is the same being!
You said Ezekiel 1: 19, now you are quoting Ezekiel 28, neither of which contain Lucifer or possession but talks about "Ithobal".
Almost all of the old kings considered themselves as god, so nothing new. Now you are creating an association which is not there after making a falsehood about Ezekiel 1:19 containing Lucifer.
That is also a lie, gen 3:5 is addressed to Eve by a snake, there is no Lucifer there either. And the snake was not lying either; 22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us,"
Why Eden in Ezekiel,
You got only this "cut and paste"?
The way you make up, I too can, by quoting totally unrelated passages, here bible ask you to hang yourself;
Matthew 27:5 Then he went away and hanged himself.
Luke 10:37 Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."
Then there is no war, god only have to issue a command.
No restriction, "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them." It shows he could simply go there.
"And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him." (I Samuel 16:23)
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." (Isaiah 45:7)
"Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good? Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins?" (Lamentations 3: 38-39)
the most high is your god who claim so.
You have a wild imagination. Satan has a gripe with job yet he had to get PERMISSION FROM god, so why did god allow? God allowed Lucifer to kill Job's family because god can show off? Lucifer is an imaginary creation of your god and satan is his hit-man.
Your god is Evil because he
1) Is Partial - to Israelites
2) One among many, gen, deutro,psalms
3) Do Murder and genocide – Noah, Egypt, Job,...
4) Advocate killing – numbers, and almost all OT
5) Have no control over death Exodus
6) Jealous
7) Do adultery and promote it, OT and NT
You are saying that a fellow who do all these is god, but not someone who doesn’t?
Your Post:
“You said Ezekiel 1: 19, now you are quoting Ezekiel 28, neither of which contain Lucifer or possession but talks about "Ithobal".
“Almost all of the old kings considered themselves as god, so nothing new. Now you are creating an association which is not there after making a falsehood about Ezekiel 1:19 containing Lucifer.”
Again, the problem is in understanding, the point of the statement is not about how many kings believed they were gods, but the source, because all who sip from the cup of the intoxicating wine of Lucifer all believe themselves to be gods. Lucifer said: “you shall be as the gods.”
Would you please quote my statement so I can know what you’re talking about? You may be right I may have quoted the wrong verse of scripture, but show me so I can know where you coming from’
“That is also a lie, gen 3:5 is addressed to Eve by a snake, there is no Lucifer there either. And the snake was not lying either; 22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us,"
Why Eden in Ezekiel,”
Again, in the weak game you are trying to play you show yourself to be a deceiver, your post:
“The man has now become like one of us,"
Why did you not complete the verse of scripture? I’ll tell you why. It’s because you know that if you continue to quote the entire verse of scripture it’s going to blow-up in your face! Now here’s that same verse of scripture in its entirety:
“The man has now become like one of us, KNOWING GOOD AND EVEL!!”
There’s no mention of the man becoming a god here, but that the man has come into the knowledge of something he had no knowledge before. Though the Godhead knew that evil existed the man new nothing of evil. Only God and the gods [angels] knew of evil. So once Adam agreed to attempt to gain godhood through occult knowledge, he was now given knowledge of something only the gods had knowledge of. The man now become like the gods in the fact that he now know of evil:
“The man has now become like one of us, KNOWING GOOD AND EVEL!!” if you didn’t think that your argument was weak you would have quoted the entire verse of scripture! That verse of scripture of blew-up in your face!
You put links in your post, I don’t plat the links game, this is just another person’s opinion, I don’t need another person’s website to validate me. I’m not in a conversation with that other person, it’s with you. The reason you need to go to another website is the same reason that you continue to quote only parts of the verses of scripture, it’s because you argument is weak, like all who stand against the Word of God, you must stoop to deception!!
As I said before, I’ve already prove to you that Lucifer is that evil being that was in the garden and I didn’t have to stoop to deception! Your post:
“The way you make up, I too can, by quoting totally unrelated passages, here bible ask you to hang yourself;
Matthew 27:5 Then he went away and hanged himself.
Luke 10:37 Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."
Again you throw out fragmented statement I and must try to understand what you are trying to say. Here you say that God ask me to hang myself. You throw out there a lot of fragmented quotes, never completing the quote, major deceptions! Now let’s go back and look that this verse of scripture in its entirety, something that seems to be impossible for you to do:
“Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself.” Read that verse of scripture again, and please tell me how does it tells me to hang myself.
Your post:
“Luke 10:37 Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."
“And he said, “He who showed mercy on him.”
“Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”
Again as usual, you throw out scripture and don’t explain how it proves your point, anyone look at this with a little understanding of what they are reading would be confused. How does this prove his point? All we see from you are major deceptions. But since you are incapable of proving your point I’ll make mines.
You can’t take scripture out of its context, you go to any book and turn to the middle of that book and to the center of the page and pick out a sentence and explain that whole chapter of the book. I hope when you sit down and read your favorite book you don’t start reading it the way you read the bible. It’s no wonder you’ll concussed! In any verse of scripture you must read what went on before coming to that verse of scripture and what is taking place after that verse of scripture.
What did Judas hang himself? Judas answered that question himself:
“Said I have betrayed innocent blood!”
Everyone knew Judas had committed the unforgivable sin of treason, even Judas knew this. This is the only sin that the Lord said would never be forgiven in this world or the next. This is not just the view of the kingdom of Heaven, it’s the law of every kingdom on earth. Treason is unforgivable! That’s why Judas hanged himself and reported to his lord Satan in hell. He had been used by Satan who no longer had any earthly need of him, it time for him to reap the rewards for his actions, HELL!
Your Post:
“Luke 10:37 Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."
Now this is the most pitiful attempt at deception I’ve ever seen since I been on hubpages. In this failed attempt at deceiving, you try to connect this verse of scripture to Judas hanging himself, and you are suing this verse of scripture to prove your point that i was Jesus that ordered Judas to hang himself. This verse of scripture has nothing to do with Judas, it has all to do with a lesson from the Lord about how man is to treat his fellow man:
“but he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, and who is my neighbor? And Jesus answering said, a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among thieves which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded , and departed, leaving him half dead. And left him half dead. And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when we saw him he passed to the other side. And likewise a Levite, when he was ta that place, came and looked on him and pass on to the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was ; and he saw him, he had compassion on him, and went to him, and bound up his wounds, and pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an in, and took care of him.”
And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence and gave them to the host, and said unto him, take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest unto him, when I come again I will repay thee:
“Which now of the three, thinkest thou was nieghbour unto him, Go AND
Now when we look at that verse of scripture in its context we must admit that this is a failed attempt at major deception!! But that’s’ what happens when one take a book, opens it to a page in the middle of the book, from the middle of the page of the book. The worst attempt at major deception I’ve seen since I been on hubpages!
You are not looking too good right about now! DECEPTION EXPOSED!! … ost2743704
It is in the top of these page, you misquoted.... when I pointed out that that verse don't contain Lucifer you quoted another which doesn't contain Lucifer either.
Do you always do this, reply without understanding what is written. God says they have have become "one among US", that means there are multiple gods. If there was only one he would say they have become like us.
But that was not why I quoted it, you said the snake lied. What the snake said was eating the fruit will make them like god, this quote shows god himself confirming that they have become like god. So the snake didn't lie.
And adam didn't do any occult he only ate the fruit from the tree god placed there.
You implied that the snake is Lucifer (which is wrong), if so then why was the snake punished?
The second link was to the site from which you quoted verbatim.
So you didn't read that as well. I specifically said I was giving you an example of how you are quoting the bible to prove your point, simply taking totally unrelated verses to say what you want.
You didn't prove Lucifer is evil but merely quoted a few unrelated verses and merely made a conclusion which is not there, like in the example I gave which "proves" jesus asking to hang oneself.
An I can see that you didn't even try to answer any of the points I raised.
Then there is no war, god only have to issue a command.
No restriction, "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them." It shows he could simply go there.
"And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him." (I Samuel 16:23)
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." (Isaiah 45:7)
"Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good? Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins?" (Lamentations 3: 38-39)
the most high is your god who claim so.
You have a wild imagination. Satan has a gripe with job yet he had to get PERMISSION FROM god, so why did god allow? God allowed Lucifer to kill Job's family because god can show off? Lucifer is an imaginary creation of your god and satan is his hit-man.
Your god is Evil because he
1) Is Partial - to Israelites
2) One among many, gen, deutro,psalms
3) Do Murder and genocide – Noah, Egypt, Job,...
4) Advocate killing – numbers, and almost all OT
5) Have no control over death Exodus
6) Jealous
7) Do adultery and promote it, OT and NT
You are saying that a fellow who do all these is god, but not someone who doesn’t?
PS: probably the confusion arises because you are using the threaded version, if you change it to chronological in the right top of this page you will be able to see to what I am replying to.
Your Post:
“It is in the top of these page, you misquoted.... when I pointed out that that verse don't contain Lucifer you quoted another which doesn't contain Lucifer either.”
You say that the verses of scripture doesn’t mention Lucifer, I say it does, this is an old argument that only goes around in circles. You can find a website to say anything you want it to, so can I, but it solves nothing. Every time I asked you to explain yourself you jump to another subject. You never answer anything, its time you answer a few question, explain to me how what you posted proves that god asked me to kill myself.
Weather are not Lucifer is mentioned or not in the verses of scripture is debatable, what you posted is non-debatable, it’s just an outright lie that you are now running from. You wants to ask all the questions and answer none. Before we move on please explain Luke 10:37, please explain “go and do likewise”
I will answer your questions as I have been during all the while, but we are going to play by the same set of rules, you can’t just throw stuff out there and when I ask you to explain you automatically jumps to another subject. Before we go any farther, explain your last post and then we can move forward. Let do this decent and in order! Answer the question!
Are you hard of understanding or are you just pretending? You quoted Ezekiel saying it contains Lucifer and then in support quoted an entirely different text which doesn't contain Lucifer either. I told you I am giving an example of what you are doing, quoting entirely unrelated verses to convey what one wants. Just as the verses I quoted don't mean that jesus ask one to commit suicide, the verses you quoted has nothing to do with Lucifer. There is no debate neither Ezekiel 28 nor Genesis 3 contain a mention of Lucifer or satan. The only mention is that of Eden and Eden is explained in Genesis which contained no angel till Adam was expelled and the rest is just YOUR IMAGINATION with no basis in scripture. Luke 10:37 don't ask you to hang yourself, good similarly Ezekiel 28 don't contain Lucifer either, period.
You are not answering, you are entirely making up stories and trying to subvert the meanings. For you jealousy is love and you say god's jealousy is like a father while god was behaving like a murderous jilted lover.
PS: "Every time I asked you to explain yourself you jump to another subject."
I have always answered specifically, only you chose to ignore it or reply without understanding what was written or reply with nonsense.
Answer the question: where in scripture does God ask me to hang myself? Explain Luke 10:37. Why are you afraid to stand behind what you preach? You said I made-up the answers that I gave you, but at least I had the guts to address your questions. You are still running from the statements you made, I have to beg you to just give me some kind of answer to a simple question.
You are not looking to good right now. You have to get other websites to explain for you what you cannot do yourself. You can’t even comment on a statement that you made. I could understand if I was asking you to comment on a statement made by another, this is your words I’m asking you to comment on, any kid can do that.
I’m not going to play this pitiful game with you, until you show that you have the ability to elaborate on your own words I’ll not answer any more of your foolish question. You say my understanding is bad, but you don’t understand what you write or you wouldn’t have such a difficult time making a comment on your own work. Talk about bad understanding, you don’t even understand yourself. If you can’t do this simple thing you show yourself to be unworthy of my time, it’s too important to try to communicate with someone who can’t write out a simple statement on something they wrote.
You came here to blaspheme the Most High and leave looking foolish, you can’t even comment on your own work. You are not going drag me where you want me when you want me there, that’s a weak game you are attempting to play. Answer the question!
In which language should I speak that you can understand? This is what I wrote,
The way you make up, I too can, by quoting totally unrelated passages, here bible ask you to hang yourself;
Matthew 27:5 Then he went away and hanged himself.
Luke 10:37 Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise." … ost2744525
read carefully, what I said was I too can make up as you do, quoting entirely unrelated passages to mean what one wants, just like you quoted Ezekiel and genesis, I too quoted Mathew and Luke. Just like you said.
Judas was a betrayer, he didn't do what he was supposed to do, the priest also didn't do as he was supposed to do and you too are not, so the hanging part is applicable to all, see imagination is enough, but has no real basis.
"’m not going to play this pitiful game with you, until you show that you have the ability to elaborate on your own words I’ll not answer"
Good, come back after you have studied English.
At least now you have responded to my question, now we can move forward.
Your post:
there is no Lucifer there either. And the snake was not lying either; 22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us,"
Why Eden in Ezekiel,”
You got only this "cut and paste"?
Nothing you have here is completed:
“That is also a lie, gen 3:5 is addressed to Eve by a snake,”
You say this is a lie, but you don’t show any evidence to prove that this is a lie, are we to just take your word that it’s a lie, it’s incomplete!
Your post:
“The man has now become like one of us," again incomplete! This is only half of the verse of the scripture, surely you can see that is not a complete sentence. This is what I have to go through trying to figure out what it is you are trying to say.
Your post:
“Why Eden in Ezekiel,” again what are you asking, with a few more strokes of the keyboard you can make it more understandable what you are saying. Look at it again: “why Eden in Ezekiel” it’s either laziness or you don’t know how to frame a question, I grew tired of trying to understand your incomplete questions.
Your post:
“You got only this "cut and paste"?
Quote at least a small part of what part that I cut and paste, then I can know what it is I supposed to have cut and pasted. If you can’t complete a sentence, of course communication is going to break down. With just a few more strokes of the keyboard in your posting you would solve some of the confusion surrounding some of the things you post.
Your post:
The way you make up, I too can, by quoting totally unrelated passages, here bible ask you to hang yourself;
Matthew 27:5 Then he went away and hanged himself.
Luke 10:37 Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."
With just a little more effort you could have shown me how this relates to your point, you just throw [again] a half completed verse of scripture out there, by this time I’m growing tired of trying to read your mind and having to try to complete your sentences in my mind when with just a few more strokes of the keyboard you could make yourself clear. It’s frustrating trying to communicate with someone who can’t complete a sentence.
Your post:
“Then there is no war, god only have to issue a command.
No restriction, "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them." It shows he could simply go there.”
“You claim there was no war in heaven, now I’m growing more and more frustrated trying to debate some ne on a topic that they have a very limited knowledge of. If it’s one bible doctrine that is well known that is that there was war in heaven. That’s basic bible doctrine! Now I have to go back to the beginning to show you that this all started with a war in heaven, something you should have known before you embarked on this, or was it that you could not complete your statement to the point to make yourself clear as to just what it is you are trying to say? There was war in heaven that started it all. Can’t you see why I’m frustrated with trying to communicate with you either doesn’t know the book you are trying to trash or you just have a hard time making yourself clear? There was war in heaven!
Your post:
"And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him." (I Samuel 16:23)
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." (Isaiah 45:7)
"Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good? Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins?" (Lamentations 3: 38-39)
the most high is your god who claim so.
I have no idea of what you are trying to say here, you fail to explain how these verse of scripture relates to what we are discussing. You just throw that out there and I’m supposed to explain it for you, it doesn’t work that way, you must explain what you mean by the scripture you post. And the frustration grow because you expect me to read your mind. With just a few more strokes of the keyboard you could have made it clear the meaning of the verse of scripture you are using. How am I supposed to know the point you are trying to make, I can’t read your mind. And the frustration grows!
Your post:
“You have a wild imagination. Satan has a gripe with job yet he had to get PERMISSION FROM god, so why did god allow? God allowed Lucifer to kill Job's family because god can show off? Lucifer is an imaginary creation of your god and satan is his hit-man’
If you are going to make such an outrageous claim put something in there to back up your claim, explain why Lucifer is an imaginary creation of my God, or am I supposed to just take your word for it. You completes nothing! Now each one of your claims below requires an explanation. You must show where God is partial to Israel, or am I to just take your word for it, it this trick your intent is to take the focus of Lucifer and placing it on Jehovah.
Your god is Evil because he
1) Is Partial - to Israelites
Your post:
2) One among many, gen, deutro,psalms
What does this mean? How in the world am I supposed to understand, am I supposed to go and look up these verses of scripture, no you explain your understanding of what you have placed here.
3) Do Murder and genocide – Noah, Egypt, Job,...
4) Advocate killing – numbers, and almost all OT
5) Have no control over death Exodus
6) Jealous
7) Do adultery and promote it, OT and NT
You are saying that a fellow who do all these is god, but not someone who doesn’t?”
The problem is that you are looking at the effect and not the cause, there are reasons for everything that you have posted here. The proper way to do this is to take each verse on its own and look at what came before and after that verse of scripture. But if you thing that I’m going to look up that verse of scripture before you explain what it means to you, it’s not going to happen. If I follow what you arte trying to do you will have me all over the place trying defend a case that you haven’t even presented evidence against. I would be right where you want me, following your every lead.
Make your case for each of the verses of scripture you have posted, explain how each verse of scripture proves your point that God is evil, one verse at a time. You are making broad and sweeping statements. I’m not going to just follow you around and respond to your every post without you first explaining what this verse means to you and how it proves your point or is that too hard for you. You can’t just make broad statements without an explanation.
How about starting with you explaining how God is partial to Israel, please do not try to send me to another website, I want to hear it in your own words.
Everything you do is incomplete!
Whatever language you use at least try to use that language to the best of your ability to make yourself clear or is that too much to ask? With just a few more strokes of the keyboard you can clear up the confusion that happening in your mind!
You "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as the gods" [Gen 3:5]
This is the danger of this fruit [the lies of Lucifer] it makes one believes he or she is God or divine. "
Gen 3 is addressed to Eve by a snake NOT Lucifer. Then what the snake said was not a lie because god himself confirms that they have become like a god. So the statement that gen 3:5 is 'Lucifer’s lie' is a lie, neither is it a lie nor is it from Lucifer. In fact the only mention of Lucifer is in Isaiah.
You said that the snakes statement that after eating the fruit they would be like gid is a lie but the above verse shows that it is not a lie and that is the only purpose of the verse.
I didn't say anything like that, I only said Ezekiel 28 mention Eden but not Lucifer
What you wrote about how Ezekiel connects to Lucifer is from that site(the site you chose not to post now), and it is erroneous
The same way you threw out an irrelevant verse, only you are allowed to do that?
Do you know what "war" means? You say satan and god is at war but Job shows that the relation is like between a master and servant and your own words admit it.
The verses are self explanatory.
All those verses shows that evil is from your god, his creation. Are you saying that
is evil?
It would be better if you read the bible and understand it before commenting on Yehovah.
Job was tortured and his family killed. Your god gave permission for that.
Haven't you read the OT?
If you haven't read the bible, why do you come to debate bible.
eg: in genesis 3 god says "one among us", that means there are more than one god. Deutronomy 32 says "when the most high divided the nations among his sons our lord (Yehovah) got Israel as his portion"(means Yehovah is the son of the most high). Psalms also has similar comments.
Every murderer, every criminal has a reason.
I did explained but you continue ignoring it.
Murder is simple - god killed almost all humans and animals in a flood. He killed all the first borns of Egyptian humans and animals. In OTgod at various places exhort killing of all non Israelites. The list is endless. And you haven't read any of that?
You can read the bible. Exodus to Macabees, how god helped Israel, how he helped kill the people of the land to give it to Israelites. ...
So it would be better if you can tell me what you understand by the term "partiality".
Better still, you read what I write completely and don't jump into conclusions.
Now I’m going to answer your question again; the reason Lucifer is not mentioned by name is because that was his name and title when he was obedient to his creator. He was the Light-Bearer of God. Now think! If he’s no longer the light bearer God [that’s what the name Lucifer means] why would the word of God keep referring to him as Lucifer when he is no longer the light bearer of God? He’s no longer the light bearer of God, he’s no longer Lucifer [which means light bearer] he must now be renamed to identify who has now become. He has now become a rebel, a resistor of God, he is now a murderer, he is now a blasphemer, he is now a lair, he is now a file being, now you tell me how in the world would God refer to him as Lucifer [the light-beraer] when discussing this file being?
By rebelling against God he becomes the Satan, he’s no longer Lucifer! From that point on when God refers to this being he now calls him by who he has become, Satan! Now that should not be that hard to understand, he is no longer Lucifer, [the Light-Bearer of God] that’s what his name means, that’s was his position, he has abandon that position. If president Obama abandon that position and run off to another country and become president of that country, would you continue to call him president Obama? No you would probably refer to him something other than president, you might call him traitor, you might refer to him that no good so and so, but you probably would never refer to him as president, now when you discuss this person you would probably refer to him as that traitor became that is what he has now become.
Would you continue to refer to him as your president? He’s has abandon that position! This is not that hard to understand. If God continue to refer to him as Lucifer [the light bearer of God, that would mean that all the lies that Lucifer tells would be coming from God since God keeps referring as his light bearer, he would be co-singer of the evil that this being is using to destroy ,many lives. Lucifer is now Satan! This is the same being that started a war in heaven, this is the same being that inhabited the snake in the garden, and this is the same being that inhabited the King of Tyre.
Your post:
“There is no debate neither Ezekiel 28 nor Genesis 3 contain a mention of Lucifer or satan. The only mention is that of Eden and Eden is explained in Genesis which contained no angel till Adam was expelled and the rest is just YOUR IMAGINATION with no basis in scripture. Luke 10:37 don't ask you to hang yourself, good similarly Ezekiel 28 don't contain Lucifer either, period.”
What you don’t understand is that the trees of the garden were spirit beings, the snake being and man being physical beings. Now the only way the spirit being could communicate with a human was through another physical being so he used the snake to talk through. With all the major evil players, God described how they become evil, he even tells of their creation, how they were created and how it is they become evil. But when it comes to Satan there’s no mention of his creation, there’s no mention of how he became evil. When was Satan created, how did he become evil, you don’t see that as odd? So now you would probably use the often repeated line that God said that he was a liar from the beginning, meaning that God created him evil. Now I don’t think those who compiled the bible would have left that in there if it is a work of fiction.
That would contradict every part of the bible that states that God is Holy and know no sin, surely they would not have left that dangling out there. It was understood that Lucifer was Satan. The reason God didn’t go into all this is because it would be redundant, he’s already explained the origin of this being and how he became evil, who he was and who he became. It is understood by any beginner bible student that Lucifer had become the devil, the resistor of God, the adversary! There is only one adversary the rest are his underlings. You can’t tell me that the authors would not have notice this. It was understood that Lucifer was Satan!
The bible is not like any other book, you can’t go to picking out what you want to use to destroy it because its light is shield from you. Now when you respond don’t repeat the same thing over and over, those go into details of why this is not so, counter each point I made with your own and tell me why you see it the way you do
Your Post:
“You are not answering, you are entirely making up stories and trying to subvert the meanings. For you jealousy is love and you say god's jealousy is like a father while god was behaving like a murderous jilted lover.” Your main reason for being here is to trash God and claim he’s evil, so let’s play that game. Here you say he’s a juilted lover, I covered this in detail what I believe what true jealousy is really is, what I’ve been trying to get you to do is pick out a particular instance and lets discuss that one instance before we move to another. You say that God is a murderer, you see the effect; God taking certain being out of existence and excuse the crimes that causes God to take this action. This is what I’m talking about, you only see one side of the issue and when I ask you about it, you talk about God killing the Egyptians, when I explain that there was another side to this issue, you seem to ignore my response. It seems that once you have made your sweeping statement there’s no longer any reason for you to respond to that particular subject. I explained that it was the King of Egypt who caused his own first born to be killed because of the evil intent of his evil heart. You make no comment on that but as if that didn’t matter, you threw out what you wanted to and that was the end of that.
God was all wrong and the King of Egypt was all right, there two sides two every story, but you only want to discuss one side. Please explain to me what role do you see the king playing in this death and destruction, or is he innocent in all of this? Let’s talk about both sides of the issue, both God role and the king’s role, if you can’t do that you would be a poor judge. You must discuss both sides of the issue, I would like to hear you view of the king’s role is this destruction. Let’s stay here for a while to we can get some understanding of just who it is that is evil, God or the king. Remember, there’s two sides to the story. Explain to me what the king did to make the Lord so angry with him, the other side of the story.
OK, Lucifer/satan is no longer but then why did he obey god? Why does he seek permission from god? Why is he among the sons of god?
Where in the bible it is written that the trees are spirit beings? If the spirits were using the snake why the snake was punished? it specifically says " Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals" not the spirits were crafty.
If your god is holy then why does the bible say he created evil and evil spirits go from him?
According TO THE BIBLE it was god who hardened the king, it was god who made him act like he did. It was god’s doing. As it is god who hardened his heart it is god who is responsible. OK, let us say the king is responsible, and then he should have punished the king not the innocent subjects, not all children(it was not the kings children alone, either) and animals.
Your post
“Gen 3 is addressed to Eve by a snake NOT Lucifer. Then what the snake said was not a lie because god himself confirms that they have become like a god. So the statement that gen 3:5 is 'Lucifer’s lie' is a lie, neither is it a lie nor is it from Lucifer. In fact the only mention of Lucifer is in Isaiah.”
Again, God did not confirm that the snake told the truth, it only confirmed that the man had gained knowledge of something that only God and the angels had knowledge of. You are reading more into that statement than what is really there. The gods [are immortals] man must die so the snake lied, either way you cut it the snake lied. What man you know that is even one hundred and fifty years old? So if man can’t even make it to that age, the snake lied! It was God who told the truth and it is starring in the face every day that it lied. So if the snake didn’t lied why do I see people dying daily? The snake lied!
Your post:
“What you wrote about how Ezekiel connects to Lucifer is from that site(the site you chose not to post now), and it is erroneous”
I don’t study other sites as you do, maybe that was the first time you heard of this, but I have been writing about this long before there was any websites around, that website did not create this doctrine, that’s why I asked you to quote small portion of what I have supposed to have copied. That was probably your first time you saw this, my knowledge of this goes all the way back to 1978 when I first looked into matter, there were no websites around. You may be a very young guy who grew up in the computer age, and may think that before this time there were no knowledge of the things you see on the internet. But most of the things on the internet was here long before the internet came into existence.
You are right about one thing, I did cut and paste this information, but I took it from a hub that I wrote, I didn’t see a need to type something I authored. You may have seen this information on many sites because it’s been there before the invention of the web.
Your post:
“Do you know what "war" means? You say satan and god is at war but Job shows that the relation is like between a master and servant and your own words admit it.”
My word admits nothing of the sort, my words are of a father and his son and the son’s faithfulness to his father’s kingdom. Do you know what war means? You neglected to defined war or your opinion of what war is. Incomplete!
Your post:
The verses are self explanatory.
All those verses shows that evil is from your god, his creation. Are you saying that GOD is evil? That doesn’t rate a response.
Your post:
“It would be better if you read the bible and understand it before commenting on Yehovah.
Job was tortured and his family killed. Your god gave permission for that.”
Again, you only see one side of the argument, it was by the hand of Satan that this happened. It is your god Satan who inflected this evil. You keep overlooking the challenge that Satan posed to God, he intended to make Job cuss God to his face. God accepted the challenge, it was Satan who evil in his heart when he approached. Was God supposed to back down from Satan? “I will make him cuss you to your face” and you see no evil in this. This evil was created in the heart of Satan. God backs down from no challenge! In the end who proved to be the liar? God allowed Satan to do whatever it took to prove his point, but you can’t see this because you have been blinded by your god Satan.
Your post:
It is you doesn’t read the bible with understanding, anyone with just a little reasoning ability can see who the evil one here is. You may read portions of the bible but you do not understand what you read! God accepted the challenge and proved Satan to be a liar, the man did not cuss God! This is the whole point of the encounter, it was to prove that Satan could make the man cuss God to his face. You prove over and over that you don’t understand what you read.
Your post:
“Haven't you read the OT?
If you haven't read the bible, why do you come to debate bible.
eg: in genesis 3 god says "one among us", that means there are more than one god. Deutronomy 32 says "when the most high divided the nations among his sons our lord (Yehovah) got Israel as his portion"(means Yehovah is the son of the most high). Psalms also has similar comments.”
It is you who needs to read the bible and maybe you will learn how to spell God’s name. its not Yehovah, its Jehovah! See how much you miss by spot reading the bible? This is no misprint, this is the way you spell it every time. It is you who needs to read the bible!
There is only one God manifested in three persons, there is God the Father who took his son out of his very being so whatever the Father is the son is, he is God.
“Deutronomy 32 says "when the most high divided the nations among his sons our lord (Yehovah) got Israel as his portion"(means Yehovah is the son of the most high). Psalms also has similar comments.”
Who is this Yehovah you keep referring to? There’s no mention of this being in all scripture, what bible are you reading from? Explain this and please try to use more than just one sentence.
Your post:
“I did explained but you continue ignoring it.
Murder is simple - god killed almost all humans and animals in a flood. He killed all the first borns of Egyptian humans and animals. In OTgod at various places exhort killing of all non Israelites. The list is endless. And you haven't read any of that?”
Again you only see what God did totally ignoring why God had to do what he did, so here’s another bible doctrine you missed by spot reading the bible. God says when daughters were born unto men the sons of God that they were fair so they left their rightful abode came to earth and produced children with the women of the earth, that’s scriptural! This union of women of the earth and beings of another world polluted the human gene pool, that’s scriptural. In time had infected the whole race, the bible states that only Noah was perfect. These children of this ungodly onion were not a creation of God they were an abomination before God, part human and part devil, this is scriptural!
God decided to wipe them out and give man a new start, I think if you weren’t a spot reader you would know this.
Your post:
You can read the bible. Exodus to Macabees, how god helped Israel, how he helped kill the people of the land to give it to Israelites. ...
So it would be better if you can tell me what you understand by the term "partiality".
No, you show where God is bias then I will counter. Your understanding of scripture is very limited!
2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
God said touching the fruit will cause death and the snake said it won’t. So who was lying?
Snake said they would be like god, knowing good and evil, snake didn’t say anything about making them immortal (for that another tree is there).
War: conflict between different countries or different groups
I gave an example too, Bush and Saddam. If they were at war Satan would never go to god alone unarmed nor he will seek permission from god. OK you say god is so powerful that satan has to obey, then god only need to command satan to mind his business and not to slander him.
Naturally because it is the bible itself says god creates evil and evil spirit goes from god. No counter is expected.
If someone challenges you that your kid is bad will you give the challenger the permission to torture your kid? Only BECAUSE GOD GAVE PERMISSION satan could do it. God is complicit in the murder. God GAVE PERMISSION to murder as if the kids of job were dolls.
Bet is done by people at war?
Satan is god’s servant, testing others for god, that was his job.
That is what all murderers supporters say. God wanted to see whether Job’s loyalty is true, satan’s job was to test it.
The last sentence is nonsense. Three person one god. Is it like a fruit? Seed, the flesh and the skin make one fruit? Now god has "a" son too? The bible says many sons,
Who was the Jehovah you were referring to? Yehovah is the same fellow, no “J” in any Semitic language.
Then who were the giants the jews saw you in numbers 13.33? Was all humans nephilim then? Animals?
Saddam Hussain used some similar reason, the Shiies were some abomination. All murders do have a reason. What about the animals?
The all OT says that, why did god helped Israel when they attacked the cananities?
Ok, I see what the problem is, it’s not that this not scriptural, it’s the address that’s in question. But the story doesn’t change, just the address.
Ezekiel 28:11-19:
In this story there is no way God is referring to a mortal man or Satan, unless Satan is Lucifer. There is nowhere in scripture where Satan is described as the cherub and since you Luciferians claim that God created Satan evil from the beginning. It cannot be a mortal man because no man has been in the garden of God since Adam was evicted. There is only one being that fits this description, that’s Lucifer.
where do I find this Ithobol in scripture, what's the address?
Satan was never the ruler of Tyre and Tyre and Sidon are places in earth.
I do not understand what you say. There is no reference to Lucifer anywhere in OT except Isaiah.
didn't create evil what I said is your god is evil.
Ezekiel 28: 19 All the nations who knew you
are appalled at you;
you have come to a horrible end
and will be no more.’
Then this Lucifer is already dead.
And who ever this Lucifer is he is not satan, satan as we saw in job is god's "devil's advocate", his servant who doesn't do a thing without god's permission.
Ithobaal III (Ethbaal III) 591–573 BC contemporary of Ezekiel.
Your post:
“Satan was never the ruler of Tyre and Tyre and Sidon are places in earth.”
I said that Satan is the god of this world and when on to explain show and why he became the god of this world, I’m not going around in this circle. Go back and read my previous post, the only way you will ever began to understand you must stop picking individual verse of scripture to use to cuss God to his face. The bible is one continuous story from start to finish. You must start at Genesis and continue all the way through to Revelation, this may take a couple of years if you do the work properly. You have concentrated on the negative in this discussion, so now I would like to take a few moments to take a look at the positive in the book, it makes many great claim and promises of great reward and a life beyond this one.
Now I’m not going to look up every verse of scripture that I discuss because if you are wise you will look them up for yourself. Now we cannot deny that there is much evil in this world, a world that’s headed for nu-clear war, total destruction. One of the things that makes the bible such an outstanding book is its end-time prophecies, this is the only book that told us that there would come at time when man would be in a war that’s intended to end all mankind. Now when the Lord made this statement it was impossible for this to take place, this was over two thousand years ago.
The listener could not make sense of this, in their war battles they were using knives, rocks and just very crude weaponry. Jesus painted a picture of a war that would be so devastating that it would [if he didn’t step in] destroy all life of earth. The listener just could make sense of this, no other religious book has ever predicted something as awesome as this. The Lord say once this war starts it is then that he will show-up. Now fast forward two thousand years, the times Jesus called the end-times and what do we find? We find a world that is in fear of this very impossible war really taking place. That alone should make any thinking person to really take an unbiased look at this book. There are many prophecies like this that have been fulfilled.
One of the many promises that this [Jesus] made and he says that everyone who overcomes the deceptions of this age and not cuss God to his face will receive a great reward, they will wear a golden crowns, and they shall be kings. Not kings of heaven because heaven has its own king [Jesus the Christ] and he goes on to state that there are many mansions in his Father’s Kingdom, many of these worlds are without rulers because they left their rightful abode to come to this world simply to have sex the women of the earth. So if I’m understanding this correctly that means like Adam I will be king of my own world! What a great promise, but if I go to that amazing book and only look for the negative I will miss the positive and great promises. Wisdom tells me to at least look into it with an unbiased mind because it just might be true.
Here’s where I must put my judge’s robe on to judge the most important case of my life, now I must be a just judge because my client is the most important client in the world, my client is me. I must take a close look at all the evidence, I must place the evidence from both sides side by side and investigate, anything short of this would be an injustice to my client, me. Could all this be true? Now as I investigate I found that the Christians make some very great claims about this being and his kingdom. They claim that I could go to this being and in faith can have what I ask for but it must be for good. This being say, test me and see if its true, so I tried this faith thing and found it to be lacking in nothing, it was all true. True faith in this being has never failed, I’m excited now, and I’ve found something wonderful here.
He tells me that his word will never fails so I must be convinced that this is true before I totally commit my life to this being. So I look for other statement by this being that are impossible of fulfillment because this being claims to be all knowing, so what other statement have this being made that was impossible of fulfillment. So as I continue my investigation I come across another seemingly impossible prophecy that this being makes. In this prophecy he claims that later in the same-times two of his prophets would be killed in Jerusalem and the whole world would witness. Now I must keep in mind that again, this is uttered over two thousand years ago. Now I try to place myself in this setting of over two thousand ago.
So if I were there I would probably say that this is impossible, how in the world could people all over the witness this event in Jerusalem if they are not there to in person to witness it, remember this is taking place over two thousand years ago, it sounds impossible, but thing that keep pressing by mind is the fact that this being claims that his word will never failed!
So I return to the 21first century which is over two thousand years later and is amazed, this beings word can be counted on. As I return to the 21first century I turn on CNN News and it hits me, I’m watching a war in Israel, and I’m way across the ocean in New Orleans La. Now I realize that not only I, but people anywhere in the world can witness this war. This being who says that every word that proceeded out of his mouth can be counted on and it will never fail. Man, this being is becoming more and more attractive to me. It would be unfair to my client to not investigate this further. But he’s already told me that he’s being attacked and one of the major places that attack is coming from is the internet. This being that has promise me so much ask do I love him. How can I not love him when he’s promised and given me so much and I’ve proven from my unbiased investigation that every word the he utters can be counted on and never fail, so my answer to this loving being must be YES!
He asks me to do something for him who has done so much for me, he say his throne and name is under attack in the earth. In these end-time the means of that attack is a new invention called the internet, he ask will you defend my honor in the media that blaspheme my name. Do you love me? I’m not asking you to kill anyone or to hate anyone, that’s one thing he stress, you can’t have hate in your heart for anyone. All I ask is that you stand firm and defend my name. Yes Lord! I have tested and seen that the Lord is good and every word that proceeded out of his mouth is perfect. So here I stand in defense of my Lord. But the only way I came to this conclusion is I went to his word with an unbiased mind, had I went there looking for the negative, the negative was all I would find because that’s what I was looking for. I truly love this wonderful being!
Go to that book with a spirit of finding the truth and not just to attack the author of the book and you to will walk away amazed at what’s been revealed to you. Would you be an unfair judge in the most important case you as judge will ever have to decide?
It will be better if you study English before debating. Ezekiel 28 is addressed to kings of Tyre and Sidon and as satan is only the “god of the world” and not king of either of these it is not addressed to him.
These much nonsense might impress the followers of devil but are not the replies to the issues I raised.
Your post:
2 “The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
God said touching the fruit will cause death and the snake said it won’t. So who was lying?
Snake said they would be like god, knowing good and evil, snake didn’t say anything about making them immortal (for that another tree is there).”
To be a god is to be an immortal being, with the title of god must include the gift of immortality or how else could they be called gods. It right there before your eyes, you yourself have quoted it. “you will certainly not die” this is your words. Put on your thinking cap. Before this encounter with the one who God called liar from the beginning there was no death, the man had conditional immortal, it depend on the man meeting certain conditions. Lucifer [through the snake] said that God was a liar that she would not die. This whole conversation is all about immortality.
God tell the couple that if they eat of this fruit [the lies of Lucifer] that the life [cells] renewing mechanism in them would malfunction and they would die or become mortal. The snake lie and said that they would never die, this whole conversation is on mortality and immortally and how to gain immortality. Its is through the deep things of Satan that one really gets caught up in the game of trying to gain godhood apart from God, its called the occult. This is what the conversation is all about. Remember, the snake said this KNOWLEDGE will make you wise, its about forbidden knowledge, the deep things of Satan!
Your post:
War: conflict between different countries or different groups
I gave an example too, Bush and Saddam. If they were at war Satan would never go to god alone unarmed nor he will seek permission from god. OK you say god is so powerful that satan has to obey, then god only need to command satan to mind his business and not to slander him.
Do you see what I mean about going around in circles, I already explained to you that Satan [Lucifer] were given the opportunity to prove the charges he leveled against the Most High, if God had command Satan to mind his own business and not slander him, how is Satan going to prove his case against God, the fallen angels could point to this and say God is unjust. If you brought a case to the court and as you are presenting your case and in the process of stating that case the judge stops the proceedings and throw you on death-row, how do you think the on-lookers will see this. He would be seen as an unjust judge! Lucifer was given everything he needed to prove the charges he leveled against the King. No, you don’t snuff him out, allow him the opportunity to prove his case, what could be more just?
Your post;
“Naturally because it is the bible itself says god creates evil and evil spirit goes from god. No counter is expected.”
According to scripture at the moment of death the body returns to the earth from which it came, and the spirit return to the Lord who gave it. Now it does not state that only the good and repented spirits return to god, but even the evil spirit must return to God to give an account of their actions while in the flesh. Every spirit in hell had to report to god, that’s why the evil spirit Satan had to report to God when summoned. Now there are good spirits and evil spirits in this group. God did not create the evil in the evil spirits but in this war with evil God would use the evil spirits to war against each other, a perfect war strategy! Oh yea’ there will be a counter!
When evil people create evil in their hearts, God sends that same evil that they created to destroy them. It is their own evil that they created that boomerang and destroy them, as in the case with Satan God just unrestrained the evil that they created, and give the order to unleash the evil spirit in hell and let it go out and destroy its own or allow it to test those who claim to be of God, but it can only destroy its own, evil, as in the case of the evil spirits in hell in the book of Revelation. What you are doing is very common, you take one verse of scripture and take it out of its context and build a whole doctrine around it. God didn’t created the evil spirits he just use the evil that evil created to destroy itself, what a masterful game-plan!
I think the point of your argument is the case of King Saul, in this account it is stated that God sent an evil spirit to him. Again you have taken a verse of scripture out of its context and attempted to build a while doctrine around it. Like King Solomon Saul had become an evil king, so the evil spirits were already influencing him, but as in all cases like this God would restrain to the evil and not allow them to attack Saul with full force. Saul had become consumed with jealousy, it seems that all God’s kings were very attractive men who all the women were attracted too. It seems that Saul was getting old and David was a young very attractive man and the women were showing more attention to David than to Saul.
Saul grew angry jealous of David’s popularity with the young women, they were all bragging about David so it entered the heart of Saul to kill David. The spirit of jealousy had consumed Saul, the evil spirit was already captured him, but it was still restrained. But once Saul took the next step in the deep things of Satan, to take the life of an innocent man [the same as Satan and Job] God removed his protective hand from Saul and the evil spirit that had already captured Saul to go fort and do what he will with Saul. God did not create that evil spirit and sent it to Saul he just allowed it to go and destroy one its own servants. Again its God using that evil that man created to destroy its own creation, the evil in Saul. The evil spirit of jealousy is a powerful force!
Expect the unexpected!!
Your post:
“If someone challenges you that your kid is bad will you give the challenger the permission to torture your kid? Only BECAUSE GOD GAVE PERMISSION satan could do it. God is complicit in the murder. God GAVE PERMISSION to murder as if the kids of job were dolls.”
You are stuck here; I when into great detail on why God allowed this to happen, you come back with a two liner which explains nothing. Don’t you see the circular movement in your post? So lets move on to something else.
Your post:
“Bet is done by people at war?”
I don’t understand this question so let’s move forward’
Your post:
“That is what all murderers supporters say. God wanted to see whether Job’s loyalty is true, satan’s job was to test it.”
We covered this so I not going to get suck here with you until you come up with a credible response, you read it for yourself. When I put the entire scripture in place, the parts you were trying to hide, it became clear, come up with a better response and I’ll return to this issue with you.
Your post:
The last sentence is nonsense. Three person one god. Is it like a fruit? Seed, the flesh and the skin make one fruit? Now god has "a" son too? The bible says many sons.”
Again you show your lack of knowledge in the word that you war against, God have many sons, but only one begotten Son, meaning that this Son comes from the very being of his father, all other sons were created beings and adopted into the Family of God, this son of God was not a created being he has existed with the father throughout all eternality, this only begotten Son of God is God! There’s a big distinction between the Son of God and the adopted sons of God.
This is nit-picking; there will always be this argument on what is the proper name for God and we are not going to solve that here and we don’t need to. We both know we are discussing the god of the bible, the Father of Jesus the Christ by whatever name you call him, this is just another distraction. But since you brought this up go back and look at your earlier post and you will see that you spell the name of Jehovah as Yehovah and you did it constantly so it wasn’t a miss print, but let’s not get stuck here, let’s move forward.
“Who was the Jehovah you were referring to? Yehovah is the same fellow, no “J” in any Semitic language.”
This being the case that there no “J” in the Semitic language than why this only comes up when the name Jehovah in mentioned. Why not replace the letter “J” everywhere it appears in the Old Testament why is it a problem only when the name Jehovah is mentioned? And your right there was no letter “J” in the Semitic language but we are not speaking or reading in Semitic languages but English. So from this point to I expect you to replace every word that starts with the letter “J” with the letter “Y” whenever you encounter the letter “J” in the Old Testament and see how far that gets us.
Your post:
“Then who were the giants the jews saw you in numbers 13.33? Was all humans nephilim then? Animals?”
If I gave the impression that I believe that the Nephilim were animals it was not my intention that goes against the law of creation that each seed produces after its own kind. I would never make such a statement that a dog can mate with a woman and produce an offspring. I think I used the word monster and not animal when describing the Nephilim. What would you call any being that eats the flesh of man and drink his blood, to me that’s a monster! It never came into my mind that they were anything but in the image of man, but much larger and evil.
Your post:
“Saddam Hussain used some similar reason, the Shiies were some abomination. All murders do have a reason. What about the animals?”
But the Shies are not part human and part space alien! They are a part of this creation. What do you mean; what about the animals?
Your post:
“The all OT says that, why did god helped Israel when they attacked the cananities?”
I don’t understand this question.
Your post:
“It will be better if you study English before debating. Ezekiel 28 is addressed to kings of Tyre and Sidon and as satan is only the “god of the world” and not king of either of these it is not addressed to him.”
These much nonsense might impress the followers of devil but are not the replies to the issues I raised.”
You keep complaining about proper English, but read the sentence you posted about, and you tell me if that’s proper English! After you have don’t this take each one of your post, open up word paste them there and see what happens. It will show you all your bad grammar and miss-spelt words. You write Jew as jew, don’t you know that the letter “J’ in Jew is supposed to be capitalized, you who claim to have perfect understanding of the letter “J” You have many of these mis-takes in your post. But in don’t dwell on that because it can become a distraction. Many mis-takes can be made when typing, I’m not a typist and apparently neither are you.
But since your argument is breaking down and you really don’t have anything of substance to add at this point you now concentrate on how many t’s wasn’t crossed, how many I’s weren’t dotted. This happens are the time in the debates, but it only makes you and your argument looks worst. If I who you claim doesn’t know perfect English as you think you do, how is it possible that I can do a better job of getting my point across than you? It only makes you look bad, to think that one who you look down as being ignorant can put you with your perfect English to flight, causing you to stoop to this level. It only because for argument is breaking down and you really have nothing constructive to add at this point that you stoop to this level.
With your perfect English one would think that you could come up with better responses than a bunch of one and two liners in trying to express yourself. This is a shameful act!
You were not addresing the points I raised so either you did not know English or you were using strawman as "distraction". Your last post was entirely irrelevant to what we were discussing, why did you even bring it up?
"J": You were the person who did not understand "Yehovah", I didn't bother whether you wrote Jehovah or Yehovah and you brought it up, an irrelevant issue, to avoid answering the question.
I don't know whether you have noticed but is god himself who says "they have become like one of us". They touched the fruit they didn't die, in fact they lived longer than any other humans. And there would have been no death, if they continued to reside in Eden and had eaten the fruit of immortality.
Why was the snake punished, if it was Lucifer’s doing?
In the book god shows them a TREE and said it is the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Then Eve ate it and gave some to her husband. The snake said they won't die if they eat the fruit but will gain knowledge and become like god knowing good and evil(nothing to do with wise or forbidden knowledge). Snake didn't say you will be like god, immortal. God also didn't say there are like us immortal.
So from where did you get Lucifer here and the rest of the things that are not in the book like renewing mechanism?
False analogy.
Here satan has not uttered a single falsehood about god, what he said is Job's loyalty may not be true. As god is omniscient he could simply have told satan that he knows job is loyal. My question still stands, if you were the judge and if I take a case to you saying your child/servant is not loyal to you, will you give permission to me to torture your kid/servant?
Satan said job is not loyal and immediately god allowed satan to KILL jobs children and allowed him to torture job, is that the way you expect a judge to behave?
If you are an American probably you will agree to torture, but in the rest of the developed world, torture is the relic of the barbaric past.
The book is like this, satan after touring world went to god, god asked whether he considered his SERVANT Job and his loyalty and satan replied that he has and thinks that Job's loyalty is due to good fortune god has given and god allowing him to test Job.
evil spirit in flesh is a contradiction.
No where in job satan does anything on his own and he is giving an account if what he has SEEN, not did.
The book clearly says "evil spirit FROM god" tormented saul. In Isaiah god says it is HE WHO CREATES evil. These long paragraphs don't address that issue. You changed the sentence "from god" to god sent which changed the meaning and you are saying why it went to Saul but what I am asking why it went "from", evil spirits go from evil beings and evil creates evil.
If satan is at war with god, satan won't take permission from god.
If satan is at war with god, god won't allow satan to torture his followers. In job, it is god who indirectly torture job and kill his children.
Whoever allows torture and killing for any reason, especially one such as proving loyalty, is evil.
People who are at war don't sit around a table to make bets. In job god and satan are waging bets.
Book of job clearly shows satan acting like the servant of god, and his job is to find out who is loyal and who is not. You didn't bring out any sensible response. What you said is they are at war, but the relation described in job is not the relation between people at war.
To see how ridiculous your argument sounds, think of Saddam accusing a Bush's staff being disloyal to Bush and Bush allowing Saddam to torture the staff to prove loyalty.
"Begotten" is a very difficult word, so is son, for the christians at least.
Son is born after the father and begotten means the son was born either like us (procreation) or like an outgrowth (like in hydra). So which is it?
Three persons means three entirely different beings, that will make three gods, is god a committe?
You brought the issue up, I have no problem.
You were the one who had an issue with Yehovah. And even the authors didn't change YHWH to JHWH. I (and the place I belong to) always used Yehovah(Yahweh) so I will continue using it, as it is more comfortable for me. I didn't say a thing about you using Jehovah, but you implied that I am ignorant because I don't use the term you use.
The nephilim is not described such but as "mighty men, men of RENOWN (nkjv).
You said that the flood was to wipe out Nephilim. If so how did the jews saw giants in numbers 13.33?
Why did god killed all the animals?
The bible don't say that the population were mixed race. In fact the mixed races were easily identified, giants. There were other human beings there. Belonging to a particular race is not a crime that deserves death. So god killed nephilim, their kids, humans AND animals. Why?
Cannan, the land the Israelites took belonged to cananities. When the isreal took it from them god helped Israel. Why, if god is not partial to Israel?
If god was not partial, how come isreal is his "chosen" people. I will not make one of my sole heir and will never allow him to kill his brethren.
Your post:
“I don't know whether you have noticed but is god himself who says "they have become like one among us". They touched the fruit they didn't die, in fact they lived longer than any other humans. And there would have been no death, if they continued to reside in Eden and had eaten the fruit of immortality.
Why was the snake punished, if it was Lucifer’s doing?”
Again, how are we going to discuss this verse of the scripture when you quote only part of the verse, why do I have to beg you to complete the sentence? It’s obvious that you are trying to hide something or I wouldn’t have to plead with you to be honest it your attempt, but that’s impossible when dealing in deception. Again we are back in first grade when we should have moved on to the second grade. “They have become like one of us” is not a complete sentence!
First of all, who is this “they” I need to know because I need to know who it is we are talking about. This is confusing right the gate. It’s like talking to someone and about five minutes into the conversation you have to ask yourself; what the heck are we talking? It’s like a lady I met on the Greyhound Bus one day, she sat next to me and we said good morning, she began to talk and rest was very miserable half day. This woman when to talking about Uncle John, Aunt Betty, old Eddie… she when on and on. I wanted to scream; lady I don’t know these people, I don’t even know what the heck we are talking about.
Well that’s the flash-back I get when I read your post: “they have become like one of us” who are they? I’m already confused from the first word in the sentence. But I’ll keep reading because you may clear it up in the end. So I read on; at the end where I expect to get some light on just what the heck it is we are talking about I’m hit with more confusion. Now they have added this “us” now who in the heck is “us” what in the heck are we talking about. I was hoping that I would never have to relive that day on the Greyhound Bus that day, but this incomplete sentence gives me flash-backs to that very day. It’s incomplete!
Then when I look up the verse of scripture I read the verse of scripture I read: “The “man” has become like one of us, KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL”
I know what the heck it is we are talking about; its the man! Now you got my attention! So I read on; has become like one of “us” there’s that “us’ again. I wonder if I’m going to be left there hanging again, but since I’ve gone this far I might as well see it through, but to my surprise it’s all cleared up when I read on; “knowing good and evil” so the “us” are the only beings who knew of the existence of evil. Now it makes sense! The “us” is the Family of God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit “knowing of good and evil. Before this event the “man” knew nothing of this “evil” after this event the man knew of the existence.
We can’t move forward because we are stuck here! You must admit that what you have here is an incomplete sentence. The man had acquired knowledge of something he didn’t know event existed. Its this “knowledge” that the man had no need of. This knowledge is of the “deep things of Satan” the occult! It is in this dark game of Lucifer, Lucifer convinces man that he is God. Remember Lucifer’s promise: “you shall be as the gods” So Lucifer order of business for him is to show the man that he “the man” is God. The first thing he must do is teach the man how to communicate with him. Remember, in the first meeting Lucifer had to speak through the snake because that was the only way he could communicate with a physical being.
One way Lucifer would teach this communication between spirits and man would be through the black art of opening of the third eye which let into the consciousness all kind of lying wonders. As one goes deeper and deeper into the deep things of Satan he really believe himself to be God or divine. Lucifer’s promise: “you shall be as the gods” but its all delusional! This is the knowledge that the man had no need of, this evil knowledge is what killed the man.
Your post:
“In the book god shows them a TREE and said it is the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Then Eve ate it and gave some to her husband. The snake said they won't die if they eat the fruit but will gain knowledge and become like god knowing good and evil(nothing to do with wise). Snake didn't say you will be like god, immortal.”
Now again we must go backward instead of forward, I’ve shown you that THE WHOLE CONVASATION between the snake and the woman was about immortality. Before we can get to the Lucifer part we must get pass this simple problem of you not wanting to admit that the conversation between the snake and the woman is all about life and death, mortality and immortality!
Your post:
“So from where did you get Lucifer here? False analogy.”
But how can you determine what is false analogy when you can’t even understand that there is no subject in your sentence?
Now when we clear this up we will move on to the next phase, but can we build the roof on the house before we lay the foundation, one thing at a time. Explain to me why you keep running from your incomplete sentence and will not admit that its not understandable? This is important because it is here were you lay the foundation on which you intend to build your web of deception! Explain your incomplete sentence!
Sorry, I was under the impression that you know your bible, hence I was quoting only what was relevant.
I have given you the picture of the page, if you look above, I have circled it with red, you will see chronological and if you take that you will know to what exactly I am referring to.
Uncle john is there in bible?
Ha! "Man" not "they". It was Adam and Eve who ate the fruit, but only “The “man” has become like one of us,"
Your god's male chauvinism.
There is no father son and spirit in OT. But there is
Psalm 135:5English Standard Version (ESV)
5 For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods.
When The Most High(El) divided the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam,
he established the borders of the nations according to the number of the sons of the gods.
Yahweh’s portion was his people, [Israel] his allotted inheritance. (Deut. 32:8–9)
[Elohim] stands in the assembly of El; in the midst of the gods he renders judgment (Ps. 82:1).
For who in the skies can compare to [Jehovah]? Who is like [Jehovah] among the [sons of God], a God who is honored [in the great assembly of the holy ones], and more awesome than all who surround him? (Ps. 89:6–7)
multiple gods, father El and son Elohim and others.
Wrong, the knowledge is [gene 3: 22 And the LORD God said, “The man has now become like one of us,knowing good and evil] knowledge of good and evil, not occult. Please show where in genesis satan or Lucifer is mentioned.
You: Remember Lucifer’s promise: “you shall be as the gods”
"Incomplete" [do I have to beg you to complete the sentence? Are you hiding something? It’s obvious that you are trying to hide something or I wouldn’t have to plead with you to be honest it your attempt, but that’s impossible when dealing in deception] and erroneous, where in the hell does Lucifer say that? And the exact sentence is Gen 3:5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
The statement is NOT "you eat from it, you will be like God, immortal"
You: in the first meeting Lucifer had to speak through the snake because that was the only way he could communicate with a physical being
Where is it said in Genesis that the snake is Lucifer? If it was Lucifer who spoke, why was the snake punished? Why is it said that “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made.”
The whole conversation is not about immortality, it is about knowing good and evil. Only after the “man” became like god, god is afraid that they would become immortal. God himself admitted that the “man” has become like god[And the LORD God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.], even though he was not immortal. The situation is like this
God: The day you eat the fruit, you will die [Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.]
Women: if I touch it I will die
Snake: No you won’t you will be like god knowing good and evil
They ate the fruit and didn't die that day.
God: Man has become like us.
So it was not at all about immortality.
The analogy of the judge you gave is false.
The complete post as it is.
We are not going to play this game, what you are trying to do is plant a seed with incomplete verses of scripture, throw the lie out there and then hurry and go to the next lie to continue to spread more lies. We must clean up your first lie before we can move on to the next one. You who accused me of cutting and pasting, at least I cut and paste my own work you must go and cut and paste from someone else’s work. But we can discuss all of that later, but we must first take care of the business at hand. Half-truths are lies, when you can’t quote the whole verse of scripture and when I ask you to explain your action you act as if I ask you to do the impossible, but now you see that it’s that it is impossible for you to explain you deceptive behavior because any way you cut it comes out lies.
Don’t you realize that more you run from you statements the more you come across as a deceiver? Again, you expect me to answer all your questions on everything you post and I can’t even get you to explain how you, one who claims to know perfect English can’t see that your statement “they have become like one of us” is not a complete sentence.
So if you can’t understand something as simple as this maybe it’s you who need to go and learn and come back to the debate when you have learned how to complete a sentence. You want this to just go away like it never happened, but that’s not the way it works. This the foundation you laid; that God said the man has like him, a god. Something is very wrong here but it’s beginning to come into focus.
The reason you don’t understand the bible is because you just don’t have understanding of what you read, if you can’t understand something as simple as the difference between a complete and incomplete sentence this is a waste of time trying to communicate with you. Now lets look at your statement again:
“they have become like one of us”
Your foundation has cumbered even before even before you have laid this first brick on it. You can’t even put a couple of paragraphs together to show how your statement makes sense. This is not going away until you address it, the more you run and hide from it the more you come across as a deceiver! To further show that you don’t even have a basic understanding of what you read, we’ll look at another one of your terrible attempts at deception.
First you claim that the snake did not lie when he told the woman that she would not die if she eat of this fruit. The fact is that you and I know that we will die, but yet you claim that the snake was telling the truth. I really don’t believe that your understanding could truly be that bad, so you have got to be playing a game of deception! To further prove that you either really have bad understanding or playing a pitiful game of deception we’ll look at another one of your senseless statements.
You claim that the conversation between the snake and woman was not at all about immortality, so lets take a look at just what is said in the conversation:
The snake said to the woman; has God said that you shall not eat of the trees of the garden? The women replies; God said that in the day that thou eat thereof we will surely die. The snake said to the woman, you will not surely die, for God do know that in the day you eat there of you shall become like the gods… forget the gods stuff for now, but I need you to tell me in your own words how can it be that this conversation is not about immortality. You either have very bad understanding or you are a trickster, a deceiver and down-right blasphemer. You want to run pass this web of deception as if no one can see what you are trying to do, that’s how blind you are, to think you can pull of this sorry scam off and no one will notice it.
You want this to just go away, but that’s not how it works, address this and then we’ll move to the next order of business. There’s nothing you can come up with that I can’t counter with the word of God, so whenever you come up with the courage to explain yourself in this matter I will willingly move to the next topic. But I’m afraid that this conversation is over because you are either incapable understanding what you read or just void of all honesty.
The more you run and hide the more you come across as a deceiver. This is the game you Luciferians love to play, you are not here in a search for the truth, your sole purpose is to just spread confusion. If I play this game with you I would be truly foolish.
You are trapped, you are caged and you are boxed in by your very own lies and deceptions. Any school kid can see that the conversation between the snake and the woman is all about immortality, to live or die. So you either explain yourself or I’m going to stop responding to your questions, because even if we were to stop it at this point, you have already been exposed as a trickster and deceiver. You know what I’m saying is true, but you believe yourself to be much wiser than the Christians, so much so that you think you play this pitiful game of deceit and only you know what’s going on. You were one of the easiest Luciferians to expose that I’ve run across, you defeated yourself in presenting your case against Christ with your opening statement:
“they have become like one of us”
So you see I’m not as ignorant as you thought, I was smart enough to see through the game of deception [and a sorry one at that] you destroyed your own argument from the very beginning. This is not going to just go away because this is the foundation on which you intent to build you web of lies and deception!!
"The snake said to the woman; has God said that you shall not eat of the trees of the garden? The women replies; God said that in the day that thou eat thereof we will surely die. The snake said to the woman, you will not surely die, for God do know that in the day you eat there of you shall become like the gods… forget the gods stuff for now, but I need you to tell me in your own words how can it be that this conversation is not about immortality."
God: The day you eat the fruit, you will die [Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.]
2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Eve was not there when god said that and she was under the impression that touching the fruit {must not touch it, will die} would cause death. The snake is saying that touching it will not cause death
They ate the fruit and didn't die that day and they lived for another 1500 years. Which human you know lived to be 150 years?
22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
If it was about immortality why did god said "The man has now become like one of us", was he lying (they were mortal when god said that)?
If it was immortality that makes man like god, then god was lying, man has not "become like one of us". The snake didn't say that they would be immortal, what the snake said is that god's statement "God said that in the day that thou eat thereof we will surely die" is wrong, and what the snake said was correct, they didn't die "that day". The fruit was, as per god, "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,". It is not the tree of occult as you say, nor the fruit causes "that the life [cells] renewing mechanism in them would malfunction and they would die or become mortal"[that was entirely made up by you]. Whether they ate the fruit or not they would die, to be immortal they should eat from another tree "He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever" Gen 3: 22
But your reply, which contained almost nothing that address the issue but was simply made as a distraction which contained a lot of accusation of trickery and deception, is typical of the follower of the deceiver.
Your post:
“God: The day you eat the fruit, you will die [Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.]”
Here you quote the entire verse of scripture, in this verse of scripture they are not talking about touching the tree, but eating its fruit. Show me anywhere in this exchange where they are discussing just touching the tree?
Tour words again:
“day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.]”
Even though it is clear to anyone with just a little understanding of what they read that here we have two beings calling each other a liar, one has proven the other to be a liar. You cannot get anything other than that out of this, God told the man that if he eat of this fruit that he would die. It doesn’t matter whether the woman was there or not when God said this. The fact that she could repeat it verbatim to the snake shows that she knew what the law states. Is she still with us today, no she died, how in the world could you say that the snake didn’t lie?
If it wasn’t a lie the woman would be here with us today. She died!!
Your post:
"The snake said to the woman; has God said that you shall not eat of the trees of the garden? The women replies; God said that in the day that thou eat thereof we will surely die. The snake said to the woman, you will not surely die, for God do know that in the day you eat there of you shall become like the gods… forget the gods stuff for now, but I need you to tell me in your own words how can it be that this conversation is not about immortality."
Do you understand the meaning of the word immortality? Until you show that you can comprehend simple things I will not go around in this circle with you because it is useless, in none of this did you make a creditable argument, the reason is simple, there is none. If you think that you have answered the question you have only deceived yourself, I bet even many of your fellow Luciferians can see that you have shamed their cause. And still you haven’t completed the sentence!
Your post:
“Eve was not there when god said that and she was under the impression that touching the fruit {must not touch it, will die} would cause death. The snake is saying that touching it will not cause death”
Again, go back and read your statement; there is no mention of touching the fruit, but eating it, this is your quote. This is unreal! No matter if she died from touching or eating the fruit SHE DIED, so the snake lied! This is elementary! Do you see what you’ve put yourself through trying to deceive?
Your post:
“They ate the fruit and didn't die that day and they lived for another 1500 years. Which human you know lived to be 150 years?”
Again, you show your lack of understanding of the “Word” you come to war against. In scripture, death is the separation of the soul from God. The moment the man and the woman eat of this fruit they were immediately separated from God, they hid themselves from God. In that moment the life [cell] renewing mechanism malfunctioned and death set-in. the man became the walking dead it was just a matter of time before the warms would began to eat his flesh. He died the moment he ate the fruit. Your lack of understanding of the “WORD” you come to stand against is stunning.
Your post:
“and they lived for another 1500 years. Which human you know lived to be 150 years?”
I don’t care if they lived another five thousand years, they died! The snake lied! Go and learn the doctrine of the “WORD” because you are not prepared to do what it is you are attempting to do. You are trying to do the impossible, and in the end you and the snake has been proven to be liars! The man and the women is dead!
Your post:
“And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
After me constantly begging you to complete the sentence you finally put it out there in a completed form, and yet you still try to play that same game by emphasizing the part you think proves your point as if we can’t see the rest of the verse of scripture that contradicts your statement, KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL! This is all about a certain evil knowledge that the man has come into. The reason the man was driven from the garden is that he do not eat of the tree of life and life forever in sin, had he eaten of the tree of life after he fell into sin he would have to spend eternality in hell with Lucifer. This is metaphoric language and maybe hard to understand, but all we have to do is learn the doctrine of the bible which is that it is sin that causes death and we know that as long as the man did not know evil[sin] he would never die. That is the doctrine!
Even though the man didn’t eat of the tree of life he knew nothing of death [whatever you think the tree of life to be] his life renewing mechanism was in top form. No God is not a monster, it was man’s law breaking that caused the man to die. In a universe were true justice must prevail, break the law one time and the law require the death of that sinner. He must not be allowed to spread his destruction throughout the Cosmos! Just look at what sin has done to Lucifer’s world, this earth. You are not going to spread this cancer throughout the universe.
Your post:
“If it was about immortality why did god said "The man has now become like one of us", was he lying (they were mortal when god said that)?”
Again you are back to your incomplete sentence "The man has now become like one of us", in what way has the man become like one of them, this have completed sentence does not begin to explain this. But if you only complete the sentence and understand the sentence that you are completing it is clear in what way the man has become like them and that’s only in knowledge that there is evil in the world. This is becoming boring!
Your post:
If it was immortality that makes man like god, then god was lying, man has not "become like one of us". The snake didn't say that they would be immortal, what the snake said is that god's statement "God said that in the day that thou eat thereof we will surely die" is wrong, and what the snake said was correct, they didn't die "that day". The fruit was, as per god, "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil," It is not the tree of occult as you say, nor the fruit causes "that the life [cells] renewing mechanism in them would malfunction and they would die or become mortal"[that was entirely made up by you]. Whether they ate the fruit or not they would die, to be immortal they should eat from another tree "He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever" Gen 3: 22
I never said that being immortal had anything to do with being godly, the bible is clear that the angel in hell [fallen the gods] are immortal beings. What I stated is that it is impossible to be a god without eternal life or how else could they be called gods. But again you come back with your incomplete sentence, you are stuck in the muck and mire.
Your post:
"God said that in the day that thou eat thereof we will surely die" is wrong, and what the snake said was correct, they didn't die "that day".
You are only repeating the same tired line over and over, you are stuck! This has already been addressed so let’s move on to your next senseless question:
Your post:
“The fruit was, as per god, "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil," It is not the tree of occult as you say, nor the fruit causes "that the life [cells] renewing mechanism in them would malfunction and they would die or become mortal"[that was entirely made up by you]. Whether they ate the fruit or not they would die, to be immortal they should eat from another tree "He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever" Gen 3: 22
The word occult means hidden knowledge, again if you would just quote the entire verse you would see that this is all about knowledge and evil knowledge.
Knowledge of occult is this knowledge that the man became aware of and indulged in. the deep things of Satan!
I know you can see this, this is why you constantly try to avoid the other part of the verse. It’s of knowledge and forbidden knowledge; the occult: hidden knowledge!
Again and again, you show that you are not prepare to do what you are attempting to do. You continue to show your ignorance of the “WORD” that you come to stand against. You read the words of the bible but have no idea of the doctrine of the bible. So I’m going to give you another lesson on bible doctrine, after we finish this debate which is about to come to an end because you didn’t study before you entered this debate, but you will go back and read all post and maybe than you can see where you argument is a senseless one.
Bible doctrine states that it is sin that kills as long as the man did not disobey his creator there was no sin in the man as long as he knew nothing of the Knowledge of evil, there was no sin in the man, what you are looking at here is metaphoric language. The Tree of life is Jesus Christ and tree of death is Lucifer aka Satan. How can just eating an apple kill the man when God gave the apple to the man as food? This is metaphoric language!
Your post:
"He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever" Gen 3: 22”
It simply means do not have any contact with this evil being, have nothing to do with or you will surely die, THE SNAKE LIED!
Your post:
“But your reply, which contained almost nothing that address the issue but was simply made as a distraction which contained a lot of accusation of trickery and deception, is typical of the follower of the deceiver.”
Look at your response, is that the best you can do? Another one liner!
In this exchange you answered nothing, but only showed your lack of knowledge in the WORD you come to stand against. Learn bible doctrine, don’t just read the words, understand what it is you are reading and maybe next time you want trap yourself with your own words. This is beginning to become boring! the end!
1. in exactly the same words as were used originally.
“you must not touch it, or you will die.” is the exact same words as
“day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die”?
If it wasn’t a lie the woman would be here with us today. She died!!
If you jump off a cliff you die, you will not be there to produce children later. She DIDN”T die THAT day. She lived more than any other human and after some years gave birth to Seth. The ‘DAY you touch it you will die’ means she would have been dead the day she ate it, but she didn’t die.
Your post:
"The snake said to the woman; has God said that you shall not eat of the trees of the garden? The women replies; God said that in the day that thou eat thereof we will surely die. The snake said to the woman, you will not surely die, for God do know that in the day you eat there of you shall become like the gods… forget the gods stuff for now, but I need you to tell me in your own words how can it be that this conversation is not about immortality."
Do you understand the meaning of the word immortality? Until you show that you can comprehend simple things I will not go around in this circle with you because it is useless, in none of this did you make a creditable argument, the reason is simple, there is none. If you think that you have answered the question you have only deceived yourself, I bet even many of your fellow Luciferians can see that you have shamed their cause. And still you haven’t completed the sentence!
Do you understand English, otherwise “we will be going around in circles”?
The conversation is not about immortality because Eve was under the impression that touching and eating the fruit cause death then and there. There is no talk of immortality till we reach Gen 3: 22. The talk is all about knowing good and evil
Your post:
“Eve was not there when god said that and she was under the impression that touching the fruit {must not touch it, will die} would cause death. The snake is saying that touching it will not cause death”
Again, go back and read your statement; there is no mention of touching the fruit, but eating it, this is your quote. This is unreal! No matter if she died from touching or eating the fruit SHE DIED, so the snake lied! This is elementary! Do you see what you’ve put yourself through trying to deceive?
There is 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and YOU MUST NOT TOUCH IT, OR YOU WILL DIE.’”
She died one thousand years later than was required(by you). “The day you touch you will die” means Eve would have been dead the DAY she ate it.
Your post:
“They ate the fruit and didn't die that day and they lived for another 1500 years. Which human you know lived to be 150 years?”
Again, you show your lack of understanding of the “Word” you come to war against. In scripture, death is the separation of the soul from God. The moment the man and the woman eat of this fruit they were immediately separated from God, they hid themselves from God. In that moment the life [cell] renewing mechanism malfunctioned and death set-in. the man became the walking dead it was just a matter of time before the warms would began to eat his flesh. He died the moment he ate the fruit. Your lack of understanding of the “WORD” you come to stand against is stunning. [color=blue]
The hid because they were ashamed of being naked. Your ability to make lies; you will certainly exceed your master. There is no mention of “any life renewing mechanism”, such fantasies, “WORD” are called lies.
[color=blue]Your post:
“and they lived for another 1500 years. Which human you know lived to be 150 years?”
I don’t care if they lived another five thousand years, they died! The snake lied! Go and learn the doctrine of the “WORD” because you are not prepared to do what it is you are attempting to do. You are trying to do the impossible, and in the end you and the snake has been proven to be liars! The man and the women is dead!
Not the DAY they ate it. And god lied when he said that “the man has become one among us”.
I tell Mr. Smith that he would die if he eats a burger and the he ate it but didn’t die. Then years later he died of old age. So, according to you, I can claim that he died of eating that burger. Eve said touching the fruit will cause death and the snake said it won’t.
Your post:
“And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
After me constantly begging you to complete the sentence you finally put it out there in a completed form, and yet you still try to play that same game by emphasizing the part you think proves your point as if we can’t see the rest of the verse of scripture that contradicts your statement, KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL! This is all about a certain evil knowledge that the man has come into. The reason the man was driven from the garden is that he do not eat of the tree of life and life forever in sin, had he eaten of the tree of life after he fell into sin he would have to spend eternality in hell with Lucifer. This is metaphoric language and maybe hard to understand, but all we have to do is learn the doctrine of the bible which is that it is sin that causes death and we know that as long as the man did not know evil[sin] he would never die. That is the doctrine!
The book never said it is evil knowledge, that is a lie. The whole paragraph is a lie you made up. They were driven out because man would be another god if he ate from the tree of immortality and god didn’t want that.
[color=blue]Even though the man didn’t eat of the tree of life he knew nothing of death [whatever you think the tree of life to be] his life renewing mechanism was in top form. No God is not a monster, it was man’s law breaking that caused the man to die. In a universe were true justice must prevail, break the law one time and the law require the death of that sinner. He must not be allowed to spread his destruction throughout the Cosmos! Just look at what sin has done to Lucifer’s world, this earth. You are not going to spread this cancer throughout the universe.
Ridiculous statement. And are you from a Muslim country that requires death for silly things? In most developed nations we never give death penalty, it is barbarism.
Your post:
“If it was about immortality why did god said "The man has now become like one of us", was he lying (they were mortal when god said that)?”
Again you are back to your incomplete sentence "The man has now become like one of us", in what way has the man become like one of them, this have completed sentence does not begin to explain this. But if you only complete the sentence and understand the sentence that you are completing it is clear in what way the man has become like them and that’s only in knowledge that there is evil in the world. This is becoming boring!
Very boring indeed, talking to a liar!! Many times I have repeated the statement, but for your benefit, I will do it once more. The statement is ““The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil” And NOT “The man has now become like one of us, immortal.”
Your post:
If it was immortality that makes man like god, then god was lying, man has not "become like one of us". The snake didn't say that they would be immortal, what the snake said is that god's statement "God said that in the day that thou eat thereof we will surely die" is wrong, and what the snake said was correct, they didn't die "that day". The fruit was, as per god, "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil," It is not the tree of occult as you say, nor the fruit causes "that the life [cells] renewing mechanism in them would malfunction and they would die or become mortal"[that was entirely made up by you]. Whether they ate the fruit or not they would die, to be immortal they should eat from another tree "He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever" Gen 3: 22
I never said that being immortal had anything to do with being godly, the bible is clear that the angel in hell [fallen the gods] are immortal beings. What I stated is that it is impossible to be a god without eternal life or how else could they be called gods. But again you come back with your incomplete sentence, you are stuck in the muck and mire.
So god’s statement ““The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil” is a lie. It was god who said ‘man has become like one among us”. And it is LIKE one among us and not one among us. They also didn’t say that you will be god, he said 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Your post:
"God said that in the day that thou eat thereof we will surely die" is wrong, and what the snake said was correct, they didn't die "that day".
You are only repeating the same tired line over and over, you are stuck! This has already been addressed so let’s move on to your next senseless question:
Let us move on, for you will never get tired of lying.
Your post:
“The fruit was, as per god, "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil," It is not the tree of occult as you say, nor the fruit causes "that the life [cells] renewing mechanism in them would malfunction and they would die or become mortal"[that was entirely made up by you]. Whether they ate the fruit or not they would die, to be immortal they should eat from another tree "He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever" Gen 3: 22
The word occult means hidden knowledge, again if you would just quote the entire verse you would see that this is all about knowledge and evil knowledge.
Knowledge of occult is this knowledge that the man became aware of and indulged in. the deep things of Satan!
I know you can see this, this is why you constantly try to avoid the other part of the verse. It’s of knowledge and forbidden knowledge; the occult: hidden knowledge!
Again and again, you show that you are not prepare to do what you are attempting to do. You continue to show your ignorance of the “WORD” that you come to stand against. You read the words of the bible but have no idea of the doctrine of the bible. So I’m going to give you another lesson on bible doctrine, after we finish this debate which is about to come to an end because you didn’t study before you entered this debate, but you will go back and read all post and maybe than you can see where you argument is a senseless one.
Bible doctrine states that it is sin that kills as long as the man did not disobey his creator there was no sin in the man as long as he knew nothing of the Knowledge of evil, there was no sin in the man, what you are looking at here is metaphoric language. The Tree of life is Jesus Christ and tree of death is Lucifer aka Satan. How can just eating an apple kill the man when God gave the apple to the man as food? This is metaphoric language!
The book repeatedly says that it was knowledge of good and evil, it is you who lie saying it as evil knowledge. After gaining the knowledge the book never says about Adam indulging in anything.
Good story that you write. Only an accomplished liar/story writer can make up such stories that is entirely different from the book and still say that it is a real story, from the book with a straight face. If it is metaphorical language, the entire Genesis is a lie. There was no fruit to eat, but the book say there was, that is, you say the fruit is metaphorical(an euphemism for a lie) and the book say it is literal, either of which is a lie, so who is lying?
And sin do not kill, it needs someone or something like old age or accidents or disease, to kill.
Your post:
"He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever" Gen 3: 22”
It simply means do not have any contact with this evil being, have nothing to do with or you will surely die, THE SNAKE LIED!
Lie. It simply means if Adam was to continue in Eden he would eat from tree of life and would live forever and become another god.
Your post:
“But your reply, which contained almost nothing that address the issue but was simply made as a distraction which contained a lot of accusation of trickery and deception, is typical of the follower of the deceiver.”
Look at your response, is that the best you can do? Another one liner!
In this exchange you answered nothing, but only showed your lack of knowledge in the WORD you come to stand against. Learn bible doctrine, don’t just read the words, understand what it is you are reading and maybe next time you want trap yourself with your own words. This is beginning to become boring! the end!
Unlike you I am not fond of talking too much, unnecessarily.
Again, all you do is go around in circles saying the same thing over and over, and when I try to get you to move forward you run and hide. You were asked, I begged you to give some example of just it is you believe in, and again you run and hide. How could you cut and paste all my comments and pretend that you don’t see the question I have been bagging you to address. Just as you did with your deception of the verse of scripture that you half quoted, you try to throw up smoke screams. Is it that you are incapable of putting a few paragraphs together to explain something that should just roll of your lips?
Just as the verse of scripture that you refused to quote in its entirety because you knew it would blow up in your face, you are trying to avoid addressing the question of what you believe because you know it can’t even began to come close to answering life question as the bible does. Are you afraid that what you believe makes no sense at all, why are you ashamed of what you believe. We have discussed what I believe in great detail, I’m proud of what I believe, but I don’t see the same pride in you in what you believe. Why are you ashamed of what you believe in?
This make you and your argument lose credibility, you come across as one who can’t get pass a couple of selling point that you have obviously practice over and over. The reason you can’t go beyond this is because you thought that this little circular movement would prove your case that God is evil, but get you out of your little comfort-zone and you break-down and run and hide.
Do you believe in evolution [this is not a hard question to answer] did you crawl out of the see and turn amphibian, turn monkey and then into man? What do you have that’s better than the gospel? Why is it so hard for you to respond to such a simple question? I stand and defend what I believe and put it all out there for all to see, you run and hide. This is not going away because it proves that you are still hiding something, if you can’t put a couple of paragraphs together to explain your life’s view that’s sorry. But that do help explain why you continue to repeat yourself so much, maybe you are incapable of anything beyond this.
You claim that God, the devil and the snake are all the same, but what do you replace this evil with? You come up with a lot of complaints but no solution to anything. I have more respect for the evolutionist, at least he can articulate his position in what he believes. At least he makes for interesting conversation because he can at least move beyond a couple of selling point that proves nothing. Why are you ashamed of what you believe in? I believe that this universe is the work of an intelligent designer, what is your view on this? I believe that there’s no other answer to this. I believe as the bible states that I am a member of the Royal Family of God, what does your beliefs says about your origins.
This is the base of your problem; you see Christians full of joy for a future of happiness and bliss while you have only dread or nothingness beyond this life and it angers you because you are hopeless. The gospel offers man eternal life, what promises does your religion make to you, what great promises does your religion makes to you? This is the reason why you are in such a state of deep depression. Maybe your religion does offer you something to be proud of, but how are we to know when you are too ashamed to address it? The more you run and hide from this issue the more you come across as a deceiver with much to hide.
If as you say that the bible is a book of lies, show me from your beliefs what is the truth of our existence, what does you religion say of our origins. When you counter my point of creation you must come up with an alternative to it. What do you believe happens at the moment of death?
The Word of God tells me that at the moment of death I will be in paradise, what does your religion says to you. If you take the time to really think this over you will begin to see the source of your deep depression. You are miserable when you should be happy, but how can you when your religion tells you that you are worthless and a mistake of nature with no future beyond this life, very depressing!
Why are you ashamed of what you believe? Show me a better story of your religion than what I have given you. You have none, all you have is shame and anger. This is the source of your deep depression! It’s called hopelessness!
I’m waiting to see if you are going to continue to run and hide because you are ashamed of what you believe.
Stand up for what you believe and stop being ashamed of your world view because you are now running and hiding from yourself.
Do you believe in evolution [this is not a hard question to answer] did you crawl out of the see and turn amphibian, turn monkey and then into man?
This is not a thread about evolution. Do you know what "belief" means?
What do you have that’s better than the gospel? Why is it so hard for you to respond to such a simple question?
Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, Lord of the rings... all are better than gospel.
You claim that God, the devil and the snake are all the same, but what do you replace this evil with?
I claim that your god and the devil are the same. It was you who said snake is devil.
GOD is good,
your god is evil, devil and satan is his goon.
Why are you ashamed of what you believe in? I believe that this universe is the work of an intelligent designer, what is your view on this? I believe that there’s no other answer to this. I believe as the bible states that I am a member of the Royal Family of God, what does your beliefs says about your origins.
You believe but you do not know, Universe is
well, part of.
This is the base of your problem; you see Christians full of joy for a future of happiness and bliss while you have only dread or nothingness beyond this life and it angers you because you are hopeless.
You mean you are saying all these lies and false accusations because you are happy? Do you know what happiness means? Who told you it is nothingness beyond?
If as you say that the bible is a book of lies, show me from your beliefs what is the truth of our existence, what does you religion say of our origins. When you counter my point of creation you must come up with an alternative to it. What do you believe happens at the moment of death?
Everything is god, "aham brhamasmi" or "Anal Haq" but you need intelligence and devotion to understand that.
The Word of God tells me that at the moment of death I will be in paradise, what does your religion says to you.
That is what your "god", satan told you. You will be in paradise eating and drinking and doing what?
You will be one with
after death.
Show me a better story of your religion than what I have given you. You have none, all you have is shame and anger. This is the source of your deep depression! It’s called hopelessness!
You mean yours is a good story, where a blood thirsty hound kill innocents to forgive any damn thing you do? Repulsive, it is.
God is not a judge who look into the bed rooms of people and judge, he looks into the soul and cleanse it and purify it.
If you take the time to really think this over you will begin to see the source of your deep depression. You are miserable when you should be happy, but how can you when your religion tells you that you are worthless and a mistake of nature with no future beyond this life, very depressing!
Why are you ashamed of what you believe?
I’m waiting to see if you are going to continue to run and hide because you are ashamed of what you believe.
Stand up for what you believe and stop being ashamed of your world view because you are now running and hiding from yourself.
Thanks for the laugh, you might be really frustrated because someone could see through your deception.
Your post:
“This is not a thread about evolution. Do you know what "belief" means?”
This is what I’m talking about, I never said that this thread is about evolution, all I’m trying to do is get you respond in a proper manner. Look at you response again, you surely can do better than this. You ask a question when you are supposed to be answering one. “Do you know what “belief” means?” instead of asking this question, you are supposed to be explaining to me what it means since you have determined in your great wisdom that I don’t know. This is what I’m talking about; the one liners that explains nothing!
Your post:
“This is not a thread about evolution.”
You are wrong as usual, this thread is about Lucifer [Satan] his number one religion since Charles Darwin has been the religion of evolution. The religion that states that everything in the universe is an accident, that it all just happened without any intelligent force behind it, it states; there is no God other than science. That’s the religion and it’s a satanic one that praise the creature in place of the creator. This thread is about all the religions of Lucifer! But we see, again you answer nothing with your infamous one liners that you use to explain everything which explain nothing at all as your post above proves. This thread is about religion, you can’t limit it to just what you want to discuss in the way you want to discuss it. You have no idea what you believe, but in your great wisdom you think you can instruct other in what to believe.
How are you going to teach the third grade before you learn your ABC’s and 2+2=4? In essence this is what you in your great wisdom are attempting to do. Do you now see the importance of elaborating or expounding on your work?
Your post:
“Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, Lord of the rings... all are better than gospel.”
Again, another one liner that explain nothing, what is the gospel of Harry potter and how and in what way is it a better gospel. What in the world is “His Dark Material?” I have no idea of what you are talking about, I never watched a Harry Potter movie in my life, so I know nothing of this gospel. Had you taken the time to indoctrinate me than we could have a conversation about it? So since you neglected to do your part in this exchange I must come to the conclusion that this is your religion, this “Dark Material” which just prove that you love darkness rather than light, evil rather than good, proving yourself to be a worker for Satan, the pimp!
Your post:
“I claim that your god and the devil are the same. It was you who said snake is devil.
GOD is good,
your god is evil, devil and satan is his goon.”
Again, you make accusations but brings no evidence to back up your claim, sloppy and incomplete! Don’t you see the importance of elaborating on your work? One with a minimum amount of intelligence surely would.
Your post:
“You believe but you do not know, Universe is
well, part of.
Now how in the world are you going to just throw that out there without some kind of explanation? What part of the universe is God? Again, sloppy and incomplete! I can’t read your mind, you must learn to express yourself better. What part of the universe is God?
Your post:
“You mean you are saying all these lies and false accusations because you are happy? Do you know what happiness means? Who told you it is nothingness beyond?”
The only one who’s been proven to be a liar is you, you lied to yourself when you told yourself that you were qualified to take on this mission for your lord and Satan. You lied when you stated the Jesus was not mentioned in the Old Testament. There are many more lies you told to yourself, but I just put these two lies here to show you how it’s done. In the case of the lie you told about Jesus not being mentioned in the Old Testament, but I did not stop there, I went on to prove that your statement is a lie.
Your post:
“Do you know what happiness means?”
Again, a question that answers nothing, since you in your great wisdom has again determined that do not know what it means, why didn’t you take the time to explain it. I’ll tell you why, it’s because you don’t know what it means. Sure, you can look up the dictionary definition, anyone can do that, but what does it means to you in your heart? At this point it is you who are supposed to give the meaning of “happiness” or do you still think I’m going to run around looking for answers to your incomplete work? That’s not how it works! You tell me what “happiness” means to you. Just think a little bit, you can do it!
Your post:
“Everything is god, "aham brhamasmi" or "Anal Haq" but you need intelligence and devotion to understand that.”
You say everything is God, what I need you to do is explain to me how AIDS is God. I could go on with this line of questioning forever, but let just answer this one question for now. Incomplete, who is “aham brhamasmi”, and anal “Hag” and what do I need devotion to understand? Do you expect me to research the information high way to help you prove your point? This is not how it works! Complete your work I’m not going to do it for you.
Your post:
“That is what your "god", satan told you. You will be in paradise eating and drinking and doing what?
You will be one with
after death.”
Again, you don’t counter anything, but just keep asking questions and I’m supposed to be your answer machine, if you just take a little more time and effort and a little pride in what you do you would do a better job than what you are doing. What did your god Satan promise you, nothing, he just pimped you? At least I have promises to look forward to, your god don’t even see you as worthy of any reward or any explanation for work done. Maybe that explains why you find it so hard for you to explain yourself in representing your god Satan, I keep telling you that he’s an incompetent god, just look at you his disciple! You say to the world that your god “Satan” is an incompetent god!
Your post:
“You mean yours is a good story, where a blood thirsty hound kill innocents to forgive any damn thing you do? Repulsive, it is.
God is not a judge who look into the bed rooms of people and judge, he looks into the soul and cleanse it and purify it.
I’ve already covered this before and you have not given any type of counter to it, I explained to you that the only thing in creation that was equal to the value of thing being parched back [the soul] would be the sinless blood of the Son of God. God would not just go in hell and just snatch back the souls the Lucifer had in his possession because they were bought legally when Adam pass the deeds to this world on to Satan. The price to redeem that which was lost must be of equal or greater value than that which was lost. If you pawn your procession to the pawn shop for one thousand dollars, the only way you are going to redeem your goods is to go back there with a thousand dollars plus the interest. The soul of man is the most valuable thing in this world, there nothing in this world that is of greater value than the soul, so there was no earthly solution the man’s problem, the only thing in the universe that was of equal or greater than the value of that which was lost was the sinless blood of God. That is my “happiness” in the Lord! God is not a gangster, he’s not going to and take back that from Lucifer which he acquired from Adam, the price of the cost had to be paid and the only one who held the valuable blood was the Son of God. But he was a Spirit in heaven, so therefore his Father prepared him a body so that he could enter his creation which has now become the Kingdom of Lucifer. Blood was spilt in Lucifer conquering and enslaving the man and it would take blood to but the man back. This is not that hard to understand!
Now I know you don’t agree with what I said on this matter, but anyone with a minimum amount of intelligence can plainly see that I went into detail in this matter, that’s how it’s done by anyone with a minimum amount of intelligence.
Your post:
“Thanks for the laugh, you might be really frustrated because someone could see through your deception’
Laugh is all you can do because it’s impossible for you to express yourself in any way that’s going to involves you doing some independent thinking and writing!!.
It is to laugh!!
“This is not a thread about evolution. Do you know what "belief" means?”
This is what I’m talking about, I never said that this thread is about evolution, all I’m trying to do is get you respond in a proper manner. Look at you response again, you surely can do better than this. You ask a question when you are supposed to be answering one. “Do you know what “belief” means?” instead of asking this question, you are supposed to be explaining to me what it means since you have determined in your great wisdom that I don’t know. This is what I’m talking about; the one liners that explains nothing!
If you want to discuss that you have to start another thread, I am here only to counter your propaganda for satan. I have no intention of correcting ignorance, especially satan's follower's.
Your post:
“This is not a thread about evolution.”
You are wrong as usual, this thread is about Lucifer [Satan] his number one religion since Charles Darwin has been the religion of evolution. The religion that states that everything in the universe is an accident, that it all just happened without any intelligent force behind it, it states; there is no God other than science. That’s the religion and it’s a satanic one that praise the creature in place of the creator. This thread is about all the religions of Lucifer! But we see, again you answer nothing with your infamous one liners that you use to explain everything which explain nothing at all as your post above proves. This thread is about religion, you can’t limit it to just what you want to discuss in the way you want to discuss it. You have no idea what you believe, but in your great wisdom you think you can instruct other in what to believe.
How are you going to teach the third grade before you learn your ABC’s and 2+2=4? In essence this is what you in your great wisdom are attempting to do. Do you now see the importance of elaborating or expounding on your work?
Reread what you posted, there is not a mention of evolution. It is about how your lord, satan, has convinced the world that he is god. You just want a diversion so that people will not understand that you are justifying the devil.
Your post:
“Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, Lord of the rings... all are better than gospel.”
Again, another one liner that explain nothing, what is the gospel of Harry potter and how and in what way is it a better gospel. What in the world is “His Dark Material?” I have no idea of what you are talking about, I never watched a Harry Potter movie in my life, so I know nothing of this gospel. Had you taken the time to indoctrinate me than we could have a conversation about it? So since you neglected to do your part in this exchange
Your gospel is nothing but a story about a low born rebel, an illegitimate antisocial, a trickster who was despised by his own people, who walked around with the scum of the society cursing the rich, forcing his way into synagogues, disturbing the temple and finally managed to get himself killed/comatose followed which his followers made up a story that he resurrected. Have you read any of the stories I mentioned, they are interesting read, best sellers which is actually read by people, unlike the dragging, boring novel – gospel. Even Homer from which your story is copied is a better read.
I must come to the conclusion that this is your religion, this “Dark Material” which just prove that you love darkness rather than light, evil rather than good, proving yourself to be a worker for Satan, the pimp!
Can you make more ridiculous comments, this is interesting.
See number three
It is a 3 volume novel. The first book is very good but the second and third are only average but any day better than your gospel.
Your post:
“I claim that your god and the devil are the same. It was you who said snake is devil.
GOD is good,
your god is evil, devil and satan is his goon.”
Again, you make accusations but brings no evidence to back up your claim, sloppy and incomplete! Don’t you see the importance of elaborating on your work? One with a minimum amount of intelligence surely would.
I did give you evidence which you ignore. That is not my fault; I will say this for the last time
Satan is an evil being who murders, do adultery and a liar.
For you, god is the one who murders, do adultery and lies(I already gave the bible where it is said he does all these). So what you call god is what I (and the world) call satan. You worship the murderer as god and call his servant as satan.
Your post:
“You believe but you do not know, Universe is
well, part of.
Now how in the world are you going to just throw that out there without some kind of explanation? What part of the universe is God? Again, sloppy and incomplete! I can’t read your mind, you must learn to express yourself better. What part of the universe is God?
You do not understand is not my problem, it doesn’t matter either to this thread. The thread is only about who is evil, not what god is.
Is it because you know nothing about God that you fell for the deceiver?
Your post:
“You mean you are saying all these lies and false accusations because you are happy? Do you know what happiness means? Who told you it is nothingness beyond?”
The only one who’s been proven to be a liar is you, you lied to yourself when you told yourself that you were qualified to take on this mission for your lord and Satan. You lied when you stated the Jesus was not mentioned in the Old Testament. There are many more lies you told to yourself, but I just put these two lies here to show you how it’s done. In the case of the lie you told about Jesus not being mentioned in the Old Testament, but I did not stop there, I went on to prove that your statement is a lie.
Give a single sentence from the OT, especially Torah, that mention your Jesus, or stop lying. I am not taking the mission of anyone, you are. You are taking the mission of Yahweh, the master of satan.
Your post:
“Do you know what happiness means?”
Again, a question that answers nothing, since you in your great wisdom has again determined that do not know what it means, why didn’t you take the time to explain it. I’ll tell you why, it’s because you don’t know what it means. Sure, you can look up the dictionary definition, anyone can do that, but what does it means to you in your heart? At this point it is you who are supposed to give the meaning of “happiness” or do you still think I’m going to run around looking for answers to your incomplete work? That’s not how it works! You tell me what “happiness” means to you. Just think a little bit, you can do it!
So you do not know what happiness is, it is an emotion that one “feels”, it is because you do not know what it means you are accusing others of being in depression. You are seeing the world through your eyes.
Your post:
“Everything is god, "aham brhamasmi" or "Anal Haq" but you need intelligence and devotion to understand that.”
You say everything is God, what I need you to do is explain to me how AIDS is God. I could go on with this line of questioning forever, but let just answer this one question for now. Incomplete, who is “aham brhamasmi”, and anal “Hag” and what do I need devotion to understand? Do you expect me to research the information high way to help you prove your point? This is not how it works! Complete your work I’m not going to do it for you.
If you have intelligence, you find it out. AIDS is not a thing. If you want to discuss start a new thread. That is not needed to prove any point, the discussion is about how your god, Yahweh has convinced the world that he is god.
You should have devotion to god not satan, to truth not falsehood to understand.
Your post:
“That is what your "god", satan told you. You will be in paradise eating and drinking and doing what?
You will be one with
after death.”
Again, you don’t counter anything, but just keep asking questions and I’m supposed to be your answer machine, if you just take a little more time and effort and a little pride in what you do you would do a better job than what you are doing. What did your god Satan promise you, nothing, he just pimped you? At least I have promises to look forward to, your god don’t even see you as worthy of any reward or any explanation for work done. Maybe that explains why you find it so hard for you to explain yourself in representing your god Satan, I keep telling you that he’s an incompetent god, just look at you his disciple! You say to the world that your god “Satan” is an incompetent god!
You simply are putting together words that have no meaning. You do not even know what paradise is yet you know you will be there.
“I’m supposed to be your answer machine”
But you expect me to answer the irrelevant questions?? I am confining the discussion to the thread; I am not going to bother anything other than that. If you admit only Satan, a murderer as god, that is your problem. If you say I am a Satanist because I do not recognize a murderer as god, I have no problem. Your god is a murderer and hence satan. Yes he is an incompetent god, just because you call him god, does not make him God.
Your post:
“You mean yours is a good story, where a blood thirsty hound kill innocents to forgive any damn thing you do? Repulsive, it is.
God is not a judge who look into the bed rooms of people and judge, he looks into the soul and cleanse it and purify it.
I’ve already covered this before and you have not given any type of counter to it, I explained to you that the only thing in creation that was equal to the value of thing being parched back [the soul] would be the sinless blood of the Son of God. God would not just go in hell and just snatch back the souls the Lucifer had in his possession because they were bought legally when Adam pass the deeds to this world on to Satan. The price to redeem that which was lost must be of equal or greater value than that which was lost. If you pawn your procession to the pawn shop for one thousand dollars, the only way you are going to redeem your goods is to go back there with a thousand dollars plus the interest. The soul of man is the most valuable thing in this world, there nothing in this world that is of greater value than the soul, so there was no earthly solution the man’s problem, the only thing in the universe that was of equal or greater than the value of that which was lost was the sinless blood of God. That is my “happiness” in the Lord! God is not a gangster, he’s not going to and take back that from Lucifer which he acquired from Adam, the price of the cost had to be paid and the only one who held the valuable blood was the Son of God. But he was a Spirit in heaven, so therefore his Father prepared him a body so that he could enter his creation which has now become the Kingdom of Lucifer. Blood was spilt in Lucifer conquering and enslaving the man and it would take blood to but the man back. This is not that hard to understand!
Now I know you don’t agree with what I said on this matter, but anyone with a minimum amount of intelligence can plainly see that I went into detail in this matter, that’s how it’s done by anyone with a minimum amount of intelligence.
You were, are saying NONSENSE, detailed yes but nonsense still, ridiculous nonsense. It is your god who decided all these. It is your god who has decreed that some souls will go to Lucifer. It was your god who decided that your god needs blood to take back the soul. It is your god who himself decided that he will procreate only one son and he will use that son’s blood. If he was so thirsty for blood, he could have contacted some blood bank. Why is he so thirsty for some RBC’s?
Lucifer or Satan, as is evident from Job is a servant of god. You say they are at war and made a deal that god will give some blood to satan? How much blood did he give, the whole 5 liters? Did Satan gave back all souls and relinquished all future claims for a few drops of blood?
And what did Adam do, he didn't do anything, he only had knowledge?
Does innocent's blood give you happiness?
Your post:
“Thanks for the laugh, you might be really frustrated because someone could see through your deception’
Laugh is all you can do because it’s impossible for you to express yourself in any way that’s going to involves you doing some independent thinking and writing!!.
It is to laugh!!
It is impossible to make someone who doesn’t want to understand, understand but his reasons are ridiculous that it makes a good laugh.
And according to the bible, there is some fallen angel called Lucifer, and a servant of your god, his henchman, satan. And your god murder humans. [Yet this murder also made his son die so that he can get human souls?]. So according to you murdering humans is what make one god, do you worship Hitler too?
Your post:
“This is not a thread about evolution. Do you know what "belief" means?”
“If you want to discuss that you have to start another thread, I am here only to counter your propaganda for satan. I have no intention of correcting ignorance, especially satan's follower's.”
This thread is not about evolution, but it’s about the religions that Satan uses to deceive people like you. I don’t even know if you are an evolutionist, I brought up evolution in an attempt to get you talking about you. And in the end found out that you have no idea of what you believe. This was a very important process because if you can’t articulate what you believe, you are in no position to instruct others in their beliefs. I don’t want to discuss evolution unless that’s your religion, again I’m trying to get you to do something as simple giving your opinion on what believe. Again, you have no problem telling the universe what would believe about God, but when it comes to something as simple as stating your beliefs of what you replace God with, the God you hate so much it becomes an impossibility for you.
Still you are running and making excuses, this just goes to show that you are hiding something. I think the problem is that you know that its not going to make sense because if it did you would proudly throw it out there just to show that you have something better than Christianity. Wouldn’t this prove your point that you have a better solution? In the last two presidential elections i witness the Republican Party lose both times and the main reason they lost was because of the very thing that you are doing.
They found everything wrong with what the Demarcates were doing and in many of these complaint they were right. But the problem with them was that when asked how they would correct this problem, what would they do that is different, they had not answers. They compliant a lot but had no solutions, they continue down this path for the next eight years. They did a lot of talking but was saying nothing, it reminds me of a hit song back in the 1960’s by James Brown title “Taking Loud and Saying Nothing” This is you, you do a lot of talking but says nothing, you do a lot of complaining but comes up with no solution. If we could just get you to give us your solution or show us a better way than just complaining maybe you could subject something better than Christianity, but you know in your heart of hearts that you just can’t come up with anything better, because if you could you would have thrown that out their long ago. Who inh their right mind would listen to someone who can’t even explain their view of the world? And still you run and hide!
Your post:
“Reread what you posted, there is not a mention of evolution. It is about how your lord, satan, has convinced the world that he is god. You just want a diversion so that people will not understand that you are justifying the devil.”
I’ve already addressed this above so let’s move on to your next post:
“Your gospel is nothing but a story about a low born rebel, an illegitimate antisocial, a trickster who was despised by his own people, who walked around with the scum of the society cursing the rich, forcing his way into synagogues, disturbing the temple and finally managed to get himself killed/comatose followed which his followers made up a story that he resurrected. Have you read any of the stories I mentioned, they are interesting read, best sellers which is actually read by people, unlike the dragging, boring novel – gospel. Even Homer from which your story is copied is a better read.
Your post:
“who walked around with the scum of the society cursing the rich, forcing his way into synagogues, disturbing the temple and finally managed to get himself killed/comatose followed which his followers made up a story that he resurrected’.
You say he [Jesus]n walks around with the scum of the earth, so since you failed again to explain just what it is you mean by this I have to try to read your mind because you continually show a lack of ability to complete what you start. So after trying to read your mind I come to the conclusion that you are referring the disciple of Christ when you use the word “scum” here you neglected to explain in what way they are scum if it is the disciples you are referring to. So in this I would like you to explain how are they scum, what they did that was so horrible that YOU decides that they are scum. If it is indeed they who you are referring to. I can’t read your mind.
Your post:
“forcing his way into synagogues”
I see you need another elementary lesson in bible doctrine! When the Temple was built by King Solomon it was dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ, it was his Temple from the start, and this is his house. You don’t have to force your way into your own house, the only why you have to force your way into your own house is if another has entered your home and taken it over. It happens all the time in this world of Lucifer, it’s called home invasion. Once someone invades another’s home there must now be a counter invasion with a power great than the original invaders to correct the situation.
When the temple was first built by King Solomon he was true to the Lord who ordered him to build the temple in the first place. This was the Lord’s house from the beginning! This house was invaded by your lord Satan and his fallen angels. It was they who force their way into another’s house and corrupted it. Solomon was warned by the Lord about having too many wives, God’s king were not to be like the other kings of the nations around them, where the kings just whores with any woman he desired.
God warned King Solomon that too many women would draw his attention away from the things of God who had appeared to him twice. King Solomon in time began to ignore the Lord’s warning of too many women. With all the beautiful women throwing themselves at Solomon he fell victim To the lust that had built up in his heart, he decided that just one wife would not satisfy his needs, him being King and a striking figure [according to scripture] that must have gotten the attention of many attractive women in his kingdom. I’m not downing Solomon for admiring beautiful women because it’s impossible to ignore them. But Solomon’s problem was that he went beyond admiring beauty, he had to take all the best looking women for himself. Scripture states that Solomon had one thousand women. Now these weren’t just any women, this is women that King Solomon had hand-picked himself. With all these women vying for the very attractive king’s attention there must have been a lot of scheming going on. Men can’t even begin to scheme on the level with women when it comes to this issue. With one thousand women scheming women calling for the king to come to their bed of lust the king’s great wisdom failed him at this point.
Many of these women came from devil worshiping back grounds who built temples to other gods. These women would convince Solomon to build temples to their gods and in the end the king became caught up in the occult; the deep things of Satan. It’s all about the occult! In time King Solomon would summon demons from hell to do his bidding, it was at this time that the temple was invaded by demons from hell. The temple had become a house of devils.
It was foretold in the Old Testament that when Jesus would come to this earth he would do this very thing, is called the cleansing of the temple. This was foretold in the Old Testament, the books of the bible that you claim makes no mention of Jesus. It was foretold that he would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver. This was also foretold in the books that you claims makes no mention of Jesus. Who was it that was betrayed for thirty pieces of silver at the appointed? It was this same Jesus that you claim the Old Testament makes no mention of.
By the time the Son of God made his appearance to his temple if was full of the corruption of the rich and powerful misusing the poor and weak just as we see here in America and just about all kingdoms of the earth. A just God could not just stand back and watch this happen to helpless people, that’s just not the kind of God he is, that is the things that those who had invaded the temple were going. The Son of God entered “HIS” temple and drove the money changers out who were robbing and stealing in the name of the Lord. Jesus didn’t force His way into the temple, it was the other way around. Just as the books of the bible that you claims doesn’t mention Jesus you lied, you see over and over that Jesus is mentioned in the Old Testament. The bible is one continuous story that makes perfect sense if we would pick it up and read it like any other book. We start at the beginning and read to the end.
Would you pick up a Harry Potter book to read and go to the third chapter and start reading there? You would be lost in the story before you even get started. Why would anyone think of doing that with this book when it makes no sense in reading any other book? If this is the way you read your Harry Potter books it’s no wonder you can’t come up with a way to articulate you world view. It’s simple; you have been confused by your lord Satan, the author of confusion. You are a perfect example of the confusing works of the disciples of the author of confusion. The Old Testament bear witness to the New Testament. People like you who are without understanding of this issue always refers back to a fail covenant to disprove the new.
The reason the Old Covenant failed is because of the very thing that we are discussing, the defilement of the temple. So since the apostate Jews [not all Jews] could not keep up their agreement the Lord instated a new agreement with man. The invasion of the temple is the reason that the Lord when on earth had to cleanse “HIS” temple. It was foretold in the Old Testament! It wasn’t Jesus who forced His way into “his own” temple, it was the temple invaders from hell who forced their way into another’s home. Home invasion!!
Your post:
“disturbing the temple and finally managed to get himself killed/comatose followed which his followers made up a story that he resurrected. Have you read any of the stories I mentioned, they are interesting read, best sellers which is actually read by people, unlike the dragging, boring novel – gospel. Even Homer from which your story is copied is a better read.”
Now I’ve already addressed the temple part of your statement, but there its one seed you are trying to plant the word you used is “comatose” this is the Gnostic Gospel of hell that the Lord had to cleanse “HIS” temple from. The story does that Jesus didn’t die on the cross but was comatose and he later awoken form it and went on to have sex with a woman he had driven seven demon from, not only that he made sin filled babies on this earth that woman, but he had produced with this woman who’s temple was once invaded by the same demons that had invaded the Temple of the Lord. This gospel is blasphemous, the Lord did not leave sin filled babies in this earth. All babies are full of the sins of the parents even before they are born, there’s no way the Lord is going to reproduce the very sin he came to destroy.
Your post:
“Have you read any of the stories I mentioned, they are interesting read, best sellers which is actually read by people, unlike the dragging, boring novel – gospel. Even Homer from which your story is copied is a better read.”
No I have not read any of these books nor do I intend to, I already have the book with all the answers. But since these are the books that you get your wisdom from I would think that you would be willing to indoctrinate or at least have the ability to give me in your own words [as I’m doing with my book] to explain your book. I don’t ask you to go and read my book because you have already shown that you are incapable of comprehending simple doctrine. Your best sellers cannot began to match my book as a best seller. My book tells the end from the beginning, my book has even had time built around it. My book has knock kings off their throne and built kingdoms. Name one of your books that have even come close to doing anything like this.
No I never read any of your books because there’s no need to, why would I do that when my book have all the answers? My book is the most interesting book there is. The proof is in this exchange, I’m constantly bringing out stories from my book and I don’t need you to go and read it, I’m capable of telling the story myself. Do you know why? Because its full of interesting stories, anyone can go back and read our post and see that at least I have a story to tell while you run and hide when it’s time to tell your story because you have no story. All you can come back with is that my story is a lie, but at least I have a story to tell. You have none or you would have put it out there. I’m constantly telling my story while you continue to run when it comes time to tell your or you expect me to go and read another’s story that you claim as your own story simple because you can’t tell your own story. I’m constantly telling my story because I have a story to tell and you have none. The more you most the better my story is exposed to the public!
My book is the all-time best seller!
More people have read my book than all your best sellers combined. So why would replace your second place winners when I pocess the all-time best seller?
What is boring is your response to everything! You know it boring when you have to run and hide with all this co-called wisdom you are supposed to be gaining from your great books. This whole exchange is boring and you are the one who is making it boring because you have no story to tell. My story is coming together while we can’t even get you to start your story. It’s because you serve an incompetent god! My story is going fort while you have no story.
Your post:
“Can you make more ridiculous comments, this is interesting.
See number three
It is a 3 volume novel. The first book is very good but the second and third are only average but any day better than your gospel.”
Again, you expect me to read someone else’s story that you claim as your own, but you still can’t take the time to read your own story and explain it. I don’t tell you to go and read chapter three of my book, I read it and then explain it to you. I don’t send you to another website to read what someone else wrote. The fact that you must keep putting up other people work means that you are incapable producing anything of worth on your own. The more you have to put links to another person’s work up the worst you look. It say; I’m incapable of doing this own my own so I’ll employ the brains of another. Again, your response is incomplete and sloppy, the more you post the better the bible looks.
Your post:
“I did give you evidence which you ignore. That is not my fault; I will say this for the last time Satan is an evil being who murders, do adultery and a liar. For you, god is the one who murders, do adultery and lies(I already gave the bible where it is said he does all these). So what you call god is what I (and the world) call satan. You worship the murderer as god and call his servant as satan.”
Your post;
“I did give you evidence which you ignore. That is not my fault; I will say this for the last time
Satan is an evil being who murders, do adultery and a liar.”
Again. You are confusing my post with your post, my cause with your cause, it is you who came here to defend Satan. It is you who said that the snake [Satan] didn’t lie, but instead it was the Lord who is the liar. From the very start it was you who fought for the cause of Satan. Then later you would try to turn against your lord Satan and now claim he’s evil, but this is not how you stated out, your cause is that God is the liar while Satan told the truth. Try keeping up!
Your post:
“For you, god is the one who murders, do adultery and lies(I already gave the bible where it is said he does all these). So what you call god is what I (and the world) call satan. You worship the murderer as god and call his servant as satan.”
I have already countered all of this and all you do is come back making the same statements over and over so until you can come up with a better answer than this I think it time to move on to your next statement. Your understanding is deteriorating at a very rapid rate!
Your post:
“You do not understand is not my problem, it doesn’t matter either to this thread. The thread is only about who is evil, not what god is.
Is it because you know nothing about God that you fell for the deceiver?”
This whole site is about God, God is what you come here to denounce! Try to keep up! God is all you have talk about since your very first comment. The only reason you are here is to talk about God, try to keep up! The only reason you are here is to talk about how evil God is, all your talk has been on how evil you believe God is, this has been your whole conversation and you tell me that it’s not about God, you are losing it man! This still goes to show the author of confusion has taken control over you. You are totally confused about everything, and now you are confuse about what we have been discussing for weeks. We have been discussing GOD! Try keeping up!
Your post:
“Give a single sentence from the OT, especially Torah, that mention your Jesus, or stop lying. I am not taking the mission of anyone, you are. You are taking the mission of Yahweh, the master of satan.”
I’ve already addressed this so again, I’m moving forward until you can give a worthwhile response to the evidence I gave you. Just look at your response above; its pitiful!
Your post:
“So you do not know what happiness is, it is an emotion that one “feels”, it is because you do not know what it means you are accusing others of being in depression. You are seeing the world through your eyes.”
I told you from the start that anyone can look up the dictionary definition of the word, what I asked you to do [which I knew was impossible] was to put in your own words what it means to you. Anyone can go to the dictionary and come up with that. I knew that this is what you would do because it takes no thinking on your part, just go to the dictionary and bring out another one liner that you use to explain everything. So you gave that pitiful explanation of happiness you think you have answered the question. You told me what the dictionary think happiness mean, not what it means to you.
Your post:
“If you have intelligence, you find it out. AIDS is not a thing. If you want to discuss start a new thread. That is not needed to prove any point, the discussion is about how your god, Yahweh has convinced the world that he is god.
You should have devotion to god not satan, to truth not falsehood to understand”
Everything are things, even thoughts are things! But again you fail to explain what you meant by this statement. Instead of giving some explanation you run and hide again, we don’t need a new thread for you to explain a statement you made in this thread. All it takes is completing your work. I’m again going to show you your confused state of mind. In your previous post that we just discussed you claim that this conversation is not about God but evil. Now in your very next statement this is what you post:
“That is not needed to prove any point, the discussion is about how your god, Yahweh has convinced the world that he is god.”
Here you contradict your previous statement, how can you not remember that just a few moments earlier you stated just the opposite that it’s not about God. The more you post the better the bible look. It is very obvious that you are very confused, I think I’m going to have to start charging you for these sessions. Try keeping up!
Your post:
“You simply are putting together words that have no meaning. You do not even know what paradise is yet you know you will be there.
“I’m supposed to be your answer machine”
But you expect me to answer the irrelevant questions?? I am confining the discussion to the thread; I am not going to bother anything other than that. If you admit only Satan, a murderer as god, that is your problem. If you say I am a Satanist because I do not recognize a murderer as god, I have no problem. Your god is a murderer and hence satan. Yes he is an incompetent god, just because you call him god, does not make him God.”
Your post:
“You simply are putting together words that have no meaning. You do not even know what paradise is yet you know you will be there”
Unlike you who must go to the dictionary and come out with a one liner, I will give you my definition of paradise and it will come from me and not from another.
When I first reading about paradise many years ago I knew that there was one thing that paradise would not include, and that was mosquitos. Back in the 1960’s these vampires would give you the blues. These were master tormentor, my understanding of paradise is that I would never be tormented by these beast ever again once I entered paradise.
My understanding of paradise is that there will be no crime there, I would not have to lock my doors because there are no thieves in paradise! My understanding of paradise is that there will be no whoring there that destroys families. My understanding of paradise is that it is a place where there’s no extreme heat or cold or maggots eating the flesh of man.
My understanding of paradise is that it is a place where there’s no hurricanes, having had a terrible experience in the pass when one emptied the City of New Orleans and killed many people when I was a kid. This is just some of the things that I imagine paradise to be, but I know it’s much more than I can imagine. You see I didn’t have to go to the dictionary to explain my understanding of paradise. This is all I’ve been trying to get you to do, I want to know what you think, not what someone else thinks.
Your post:
“But you expect me to answer the irrelevant questions?? I am confining the discussion to the thread”
How is asking you to explain yourself better so I can understand what you are trying to say because you don’t seem to have the ability to make yourself clear, how is this an irrelevant question? Now you have discovered a new means of running and hiding, just start a new thread. At this rate I will have a hundred threads with you stating the same thing over and over. This is just another excuse for you to not at least try to explain yourself better.
Your post:
“If you say I am a Satanist because I do not recognize a murderer as god, I have no problem. Your god is a murderer and hence satan. Yes he is an incompetent god, just because you call him god, does not make him God.”
You can do better than this, go back and reread your previous post and you will see that all you are doing is repeating the same one or two liners over and over. You claim that I have too much imagination, but you have none at all, you can’t even imagine yourself explaining yourself.
Again, talking loud but saying nothing! I’m almost writing a book here while you keep repeating the same lines over and over, and you are questioning my intelligence?
The more you post the better the bible looks. You are the perfect example of a disciple of the god of confusion! You are very confused!
Your post:
“I have no problem. Your god is a murderer and hence satan. Yes he is an incompetent god, just because you call him god, does not make him God.”
I’m not even going to response to this, you can do better than this!
I’m sure you know by now there’s nothing that you can come up with that cannot be countered by the Word of God. later!
When I first reading about paradise many years ago I knew that there was one thing that paradise would not include, and that was mosquitos. Back in the 1960’s these vampires would give you the blues. These were master tormentor, my understanding of paradise is that I would never be tormented by these beast ever again once I entered paradise.
My understanding of paradise is that there will be no crime there, I would not have to lock my doors because there are no thieves in paradise! My understanding of paradise is that there will be no whoring there that destroys families. My understanding of paradise is that it is a place where there’s no extreme heat or cold or maggots eating the flesh of man.
My understanding of paradise is that it is a place where there’s no hurricanes, having had a terrible experience in the pass when one emptied the City of New Orleans and killed many people when I was a kid. This is just some of the things that I imagine paradise to be, but I know it’s much more than I can imagine. You see I didn’t have to go to the dictionary to explain my understanding of paradise. This is all I’ve been trying to get you to do, I want to know what you think, not what someone else thinks.
That is a mirage created by frauds which is somewhat like the “virgins” the muslims get? I see that you didn’t say anything about your parents or kids? A paradise without dear ones? But I can also see that you are very much self centered, do selfish people get to paradise?
My question is what will you do there?
Your post:
“Give a single sentence from the OT, especially Torah, that mention your Jesus, or stop lying. I am not taking the mission of anyone, you are. You are taking the mission of Yahweh, the master of satan.”
I’ve already addressed this so again, I’m moving forward until you can give a worthwhile response to the evidence I gave you. Just look at your response above; its pitiful!
You are again lying. You didn’t give any evidence. This is what you said “When Moses saw the burning bush that was not consumed by the fire, he began to hold a conversation with that being. That being was Jesus the Christ because it is always he that speaks for God the Father, Jehovah. “
You simply assumed that it is Jesus, is it because your god is dumb, he can’t talk? So please stop lying and say where in Torah it is said about Jesus.
Your post:
“For you, god is the one who murders, do adultery and lies(I already gave the bible where it is said he does all these). So what you call god is what I (and the world) call satan. You worship the murderer as god and call his servant as satan.”
I have already countered all of this and all you do is come back making the same statements over and over so until you can come up with a better answer than this I think it time to move on to your next statement. Your understanding is deteriorating at a very rapid rate!
Another lie, but as is to be expected from the follower of the liar.
You didn’t counter,
I said god killed people in a flood, you never said a proper reason, all you had that the race was not good(they drink human blood which again is alie as the bible said that they were mighty men, men of renown). May be you are a racist, but normal people do not allow killing simply because people belong to different races.
I said god hardened Pharaoh’s people and killed innocent Egyptians which you countered with a lie that it was satan who hardened Pharaoh.
I said God allowed satan, his servant, to kill Job’s innocent sons, for reply was again incoherent nonsense.
Satan is an evil being who murders, do adultery and a liar.”
Again. You are confusing my post with your post, my cause with your cause, it is you who came here to defend Satan. It is you who said that the snake [Satan] didn’t lie, but instead it was the Lord who is the liar. From the very start it was you who fought for the cause of Satan. Then later you would try to turn against your lord Satan and now claim he’s evil, but this is not how you stated out, your cause is that God is the liar while Satan told the truth. Try keeping up!
I clearly showed you the snake was not lying. And your Yahweh was lying when he said he is the most high, but bible itself says he is the SON of the most high.
He is a murderer because he killed innocent kids and asked his followers to kill.
He is an adulterer because not only he himself committed it but also encourages it.
Your god is all these, yet you call him god. So the difference is only in definition, what you call god is what the world call Satan.
Your post:
“Can you make more ridiculous comments, this is interesting.
See number three
It is a 3 volume novel. The first book is very good but the second and third are only average but any day better than your gospel.”
Again, you expect me to read someone else’s story that you claim as your own, but you still can’t take the time to read your own story and explain it. I don’t tell you to go and read chapter three of my book, I read it and then explain it to you. I don’t send you to another website to read what someone else wrote. The fact that you must keep putting up other people work means that you are incapable producing anything of worth on your own. The more you have to put links to another person’s work up the worst you look. It say; I’m incapable of doing this own my own so I’ll employ the brains of another. Again, your response is incomplete and sloppy, the more you post the better the bible looks.
Do you really like acting like a moron? I gave the link to BBC top hundred books and said that “his dark materials” is number three in the list. If you had at least read the site address it said “BIGREAD. I said you made a really ridiculous comment when you said “I must come to the conclusion that this is your religion, this “Dark Material” which just prove that you love darkness rather than light, evil rather than good, proving yourself to be a worker for Satan, the pimp!” I said that even though the second and third book is only average read, it is still better than your gospel.
No I have not read any of these books nor do I intend to, I already have the book with all the answers. But since these are the books that you get your wisdom from I would think that you would be willing to indoctrinate or at least have the ability to give me in your own words
Another moronic answer. These are novels; people do not read novels to get answers but to be entertained. Your best seller is a book people buy but never read.
All you can come back with is that my story is a lie, but at least I have a story to tell.
You have a story to tell, but is still a STORY, are you looking in stories for answers?
Not only that, the original, Homer, from which your book is copied, is a better read.
Your post:
“disturbing the temple and finally managed to get himself killed/comatose followed which his followers made up a story that he resurrected. Have you read any of the stories I mentioned, they are interesting read, best sellers which is actually read by people, unlike the dragging, boring novel – gospel. Even Homer from which your story is copied is a better read.”
Now I’ve already addressed the temple part of your statement, but there its one seed you are trying to plant the word you used is “comatose” this is the Gnostic Gospel of hell that the Lord had to cleanse “HIS” temple from. The story does that Jesus didn’t die on the cross but was comatose and he later awoken form it and went on to have sex with a woman he had driven seven demon from, not only that he made sin filled babies on this earth that woman, but he had produced with this woman who’s temple was once invaded by the same demons that had invaded the Temple of the Lord. This gospel is blasphemous, the Lord did not leave sin filled babies in this earth. All babies are full of the sins of the parents even before they are born, there’s no way the Lord is going to reproduce the very sin he came to destroy.
You addressed the temple part with a lie. It was not Jesus’s to begin with. Jesus is an illegitimate child of a carpenter.
DEATH, when a person is dead he will not get up after thirty six hours. When you get up after 36 hrs either you were sleeping or you were comatose or in suspended animation. So there is no point in bringing any Gnostic nonsense here.
Your post:
“forcing his way into synagogues”
I see you need another elementary lesson in bible doctrine! When the Temple was built by King Solomon it was dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ, it was his Temple from the start, and this is his house. You don’t have to force your way into your own house, the only why you have to force your way into your own house is if another has entered your home and taken it over. It happens all the time in this world of Lucifer, it’s called home invasion. Once someone invades another’s home there must now be a counter invasion with a power great than the original invaders to correct the situation.
When the temple was first built by King Solomon he was true to the Lord who ordered him to build the temple in the first place. This was the Lord’s house from the beginning! This house was invaded by your lord Satan and his fallen angels. It was they who force their way into another’s house and corrupted it. Solomon was warned by the Lord about having too many wives, God’s king were not to be like the other kings of the nations around them, where the kings just whores with any woman he desired.
God warned King Solomon that too many women would draw his attention away from the things of God who had appeared to him twice. King Solomon in time began to ignore the Lord’s warning of too many women. With all the beautiful women throwing themselves at Solomon he fell victim To the lust that had built up in his heart, he decided that just one wife would not satisfy his needs, him being King and a striking figure [according to scripture] that must have gotten the attention of many attractive women in his kingdom. I’m not downing Solomon for admiring beautiful women because it’s impossible to ignore them. But Solomon’s problem was that he went beyond admiring beauty, he had to take all the best looking women for himself. Scripture states that Solomon had one thousand women. Now these weren’t just any women, this is women that King Solomon had hand-picked himself. With all these women vying for the very attractive king’s attention there must have been a lot of scheming going on. Men can’t even begin to scheme on the level with women when it comes to this issue. With one thousand women scheming women calling for the king to come to their bed of lust the king’s great wisdom failed him at this point.
Many of these women came from devil worshiping back grounds who built temples to other gods. These women would convince Solomon to build temples to their gods and in the end the king became caught up in the occult; the deep things of Satan. It’s all about the occult! In time King Solomon would summon demons from hell to do his bidding, it was at this time that the temple was invaded by demons from hell. The temple had become a house of devils.
It was foretold in the Old Testament that when Jesus would come to this earth he would do this very thing, is called the cleansing of the temple. This was foretold in the Old Testament, the books of the bible that you claim makes no mention of Jesus. It was foretold that he would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver. This was also foretold in the books that you claims makes no mention of Jesus. Who was it that was betrayed for thirty pieces of silver at the appointed? It was this same Jesus that you claim the Old Testament makes no mention of.
By the time the Son of God made his appearance to his temple if was full of the corruption of the rich and powerful misusing the poor and weak just as we see here in America and just about all kingdoms of the earth. A just God could not just stand back and watch this happen to helpless people, that’s just not the kind of God he is, that is the things that those who had invaded the temple were going. The Son of God entered “HIS” temple and drove the money changers out who were robbing and stealing in the name of the Lord. Jesus didn’t force His way into the temple, it was the other way around. Just as the books of the bible that you claims doesn’t mention Jesus you lied, you see over and over that Jesus is mentioned in the Old Testament. The bible is one continuous story that makes perfect sense if we would pick it up and read it like any other book. We start at the beginning and read to the end.
Would you pick up a Harry Potter book to read and go to the third chapter and start reading there? You would be lost in the story before you even get started. Why would anyone think of doing that with this book when it makes no sense in reading any other book? If this is the way you read your Harry Potter books it’s no wonder you can’t come up with a way to articulate you world view. It’s simple; you have been confused by your lord Satan, the author of confusion. You are a perfect example of the confusing works of the disciples of the author of confusion. The Old Testament bear witness to the New Testament. People like you who are without understanding of this issue always refers back to a fail covenant to disprove the new.
The reason the Old Covenant failed is because of the very thing that we are discussing, the defilement of the temple. So since the apostate Jews [not all Jews] could not keep up their agreement the Lord instated a new agreement with man. The invasion of the temple is the reason that the Lord when on earth had to cleanse “HIS” temple. It was foretold in the Old Testament! It wasn’t Jesus who forced His way into “his own” temple, it was the temple invaders from hell who forced their way into another’s home. Home invasion!!
Please do not lie again and again, New Testament copied some elements from OT but otherwise, OT has nothing to do with NT. There is absolutely no mention of Jesus in Torah. Only the later books have something like a dying and rising one. The satan’s followers wrote the book basing some of it in OT, some of it in the Persian version of satan and then tried to redefine OT like you are doing. You say god can talk only through Jesus hence the one who talked to Moses is Jesus, which is a lie. Only satan and his coterie can say such blatant lies.
Your post:
“who walked around with the scum of the society cursing the rich, forcing his way into synagogues, disturbing the temple and finally managed to get himself killed/comatose followed which his followers made up a story that he resurrected’.
You say he [Jesus]n walks around with the scum of the earth, so since you failed again to explain just what it is you mean by this I have to try to read your mind because you continually show a lack of ability to complete what you start. So after trying to read your mind I come to the conclusion that you are referring the disciple of Christ when you use the word “scum” here you neglected to explain in what way they are scum if it is the disciples you are referring to. So in this I would like you to explain how are they scum, what they did that was so horrible that YOU decides that they are scum. If it is indeed they who you are referring to. I can’t read your mind.
If you have never read the NT is it my fault? The tax “collectors”, fishermen, “women with demons” all belong to the lowest of the low class.
Your post:
“This is not a thread about evolution. Do you know what "belief" means?”
“If you want to discuss that you have to start another thread, I am here only to counter your propaganda for satan. I have no intention of correcting ignorance, especially satan's follower's.”
This thread is not about evolution, but it’s about the religions that Satan uses to deceive people like you
The religions are Jewish, Christianity and Isam.
This is what you posted
“The Luciferian gospel:
Genesis 1:1 we read, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…” So, if Satan was a murderer from the beginning, then God created him that way.
This gospel states that God is the author of evil if He created Satan evil from the beginning, so if God created evil He cannot be without sin himself because he would be the author of sin. Do you see the blasphemy in this gospel?This gospel places the fall of creation on the Lord Jesus Christ Just as the New International Version Bible does.
Now the true gospel states that God knows no evil, he is pure and without sin. So right off we have a major contradiction here. This is the result of Lucifer’s agents distancing him from Satan so he will later be exulted in the eyes of the world as God, while Jehovah is seen as the creator of evil. This is the end-time deception that deceives the whole world, even the Christian World that the Word of God speaks of.
Is Lucifer and Satan the Same Being?”
No religion or evolution.
But in the beginning itself it says
”The Luciferian gospel:
Genesis 1:1
Is Lucifer and Satan the Same Being?”
The Luciferian gospel, genesis?
You: “Now the true gospel states that God knows no evil, he is pure and without sin”
But it is your bible that states that god killed, so that is not evil, right? According to you murder is saintly?
Still you are running and making excuses, this just goes to show that you are hiding something. I think the problem is that you know that its not going to make sense because if it did you would proudly throw it out there just to show that you have something better than Christianity. Wouldn’t this prove your point that you have a better solution? In the last two presidential elections i witness the Republican Party lose both times and the main reason they lost was because of the very thing that you are doing.
They found everything wrong with what the Demarcates were doing and in many of these complaint they were right. But the problem with them was that when asked how they would correct this problem, what would they do that is different, they had not answers. They compliant a lot but had no solutions, they continue down this path for the next eight years. They did a lot of talking but was saying nothing, it reminds me of a hit song back in the 1960’s by James Brown title “Taking Loud and Saying Nothing” This is you, you do a lot of talking but says nothing, you do a lot of complaining but comes up with no solution. If we could just get you to give us your solution or show us a better way than just complaining maybe you could subject something better than Christianity, but you know in your heart of hearts that you just can’t come up with anything better, because if you could you would have thrown that out their long ago. Who inh their right mind would listen to someone who can’t even explain their view of the world? And still you run and hide!
you: God knows no evil, he is pure and without sin
I agree
You: Yahweh is god
I disagree because bible states that he is jealous, murders....... So he cannot be god as per your definition "knows no evil, he is pure and without sin"
You: Yahweh is the most high
No, the bible states that he is the son of the most high.
You: Satan is a "name".
I disagree, Satan is a title, it is the "god" of Evil. The one who is named satan in bible is Yahweh's servant.
You: Jesus is mentioned it OT
No where, the only name in OT is Joshua(same as Jesus) is the son of Nun, leader of Israel.
You: Lucifer is satan.
Nowhere in OT it is said Lucifer is satan, it is a new take by the New deceivers.
You: Jesus died and resurrected
Getting after one and a half days is not death. So either he is dead and his followers lied, or he was simply in a coma. Also his own prophesy is made wrong, he said he would be under the earth for THREE days but he was not there for three days.
Jesus id god's son
No, he probably is Yahweh's son.
You: God made a deal with Lucifer that he will give his son's blood to Satan
Ridiculous, god do not procreate to have a son. And if god is as powerful as you say he didn't need to give blood. Even if one wants blood he could collect it from a blood bank.
Your post:
“That is a mirage created by frauds which is somewhat like the “virgins” the muslims get? I see that you didn’t say anything about your parents or kids? A paradise without dear ones? But I can also see that you are very much self centered, do selfish people get to paradise?
My question is what will you do there?”
As I told you before your understanding is failing you at a rapid rate, now you want to talk about Muslims, anything thing except putting a few paragraphs on what you believe. If I ask a Muslim what he believe at least he will be able to give me some answer to the question. I’m not going to get into what Muslims believe, we are still trying to get you who claim to be an expert in what others believe to explain what you believe so we can see just what it is that makes you such an expert in what others believe.
Your post:
“I see that you didn’t say anything about your parents or kids? A paradise without dear ones?”
As I stated, this is some of things I believe paradise to be, I stated that paradise is much more than I can imagine. I also said that I did this to show you that I could tell you what paradise means to me and I would have to go to the dictionary and post their answer,that anyone could do. I didn’t go into everything that I believe paradise to be that would take up mega bites of space. What I gave you was what I saw as the elimination of some of the problems that mankind have to deal with, the things that makes his life miserable!
It just common knowledge that if you love a woman that you would want her wherever you are, if you have kids you would want them wherever you are. What you want is to discuss everything but what you believe, again your understanding has failed you. You ignore the point of my response to create a smoke-screen to avoid explaining in your own words what your world view is. Again, you will do anything to avoid making an effort to do the simple thing that was asked of you. You seem to have a serious problem focusing, the whole point of my response was to show that I could give you some idea of what paradise means to me in my own words without going to the dictionary, go back and reread the comment. Again, you show your lack of understanding of what you read or you just running and hiding from yourself. Don’t you understand that the more you run and hide to keep from answering the question the weaker you appears, but obviously it’s impossible for you to understand this? Your understanding is failing you at a tremendous rate.
Your post:
“Your post:”
“Give a single sentence from the OT, especially Torah, that mention your Jesus, or stop lying. I am not taking the mission of anyone, you are. You are taking the mission of Yahweh, the master of satan.”
Again, you are so confused that you can’t distinguish between your case and my cause, I never post this, you post this. Try keeping up, it’s not that hard if you turn your back to your god of confusion, I keep telling that your god will keep you confused and you are proving my point with each of your post. You just keep digging that whole and making yourself look bad. And what’s with all these different colors you are using? Your post is beginning to look like a clown show, am I in conversation a kid? Why do you feel the need to do this is it in frustration of not being able to express yourself with just using words? You are confusing yourself with this clown show. When I tried to read that it was hard to figure out just who said what, what was my comment and what was yours. You had the same problem trying to understand what you wrote, the proof is in black and white for all to see. STOP THE CLOWN SHOW it’s only making you look worst with each of your comment. The more you post the more you prove that you are a disciple of the god of confusion!
Your post:
“You are again lying. You didn’t give any evidence. This is what you said “When Moses saw the burning bush that was not consumed by the fire, he began to hold a conversation with that being. That being was Jesus the Christ because it is always he that speaks for God the Father, Jehovah. “
You simply assumed that it is Jesus, is it because your god is dumb, he can’t talk? So please stop lying and say where in Torah it is said about Jesus.”
If you would just try to free your mind and bring it out of this state of confusion it would become clear to you that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament of the coming Messiah. I notice that you left out the part of scripture about the seed of the woman would be the one who crushes the snake’s head. I gave you the evidence, the description of how he was supposed to come into this world. He would the seed of the woman meaning he would not be the seed of sinful man. The only one who fits this description in the history of the world is Jesus. No woman in the history of the world has ever produced a baby without the seed of a man, only Jesus! The bible explains again and again what to look for in identifying the Messiah when he makes his appearance to this world.
Now you can’t see this an identifying mark of the Messiah then it make no sense to try to get you to understand the other many identifying characteristic of the Messiah that was given long before his birth. But how can you even began to understand this when you can’t even distinguish between your cause and my cause, my statements and your statements? I’m not going to give the address to this verse of scripture because you, the self-proclaimed expert in what others should believe must know that it’s there or how to find it, it’s simple do like you do for everything else go to one of your many websites that you go to for your wisdom I’m sure they can probably help you in this. How can you not know that this doctrine is there, you the expert in what others should believe or not believe. Are you sure you are an adult or am I communicating with a kid. You are beginning to come across as a kid with a new coloring book that’s trying to use every color in the box in one picture. Stop the clown show and try using your reasoning ability, you have this, it’s just that you’ve been too confused to use it properly.
Again I’m going to show you the problems this clown show of colors are doing to you, you again prove that you can’t distinguish between your cause and my cause, your comments and my comments and your lord and my Lord!
Your post;
"Your post:
“For you, god is the one who murders, do adultery and lies(I already gave the bible where it is said he does all these). So what you call god is what I (and the world) call satan. You worship the murderer as god and call his servant as satan.”
I never posted this and never would, you claim again that I posted something that you posted! The more you post the more you prove that you are a very confused person. When are you going to stop digging this whole? Your clown-show of colors is not working its only confusing you. Anyone who are foolish enough to listen to anything you have to say on this subject needs to get a check-up from the neck up! You really have a serious problem focusing! That’s the result of discipleship to the lord of confusion, the snake, Lucifer and Satan. The more you post the more you prove my point.
Your post:
“Another lie, but as is to be expected from the follower of the liar.
You didn’t counter,
I said god killed people in a flood, you never said a proper reason, all you had that the race was not good(they drink human blood which again is alie as the bible said that they were mighty men, men of renown). May be you are a racist, but normal people do not allow killing simply because people belong to different races.
I said god hardened Pharaoh’s people and killed innocent Egyptians which you countered with a lie that it was satan who hardened Pharaoh.
I said God allowed satan, his servant, to kill Job’s innocent sons, for reply was again incoherent nonsense.”
Your post:
“I said god killed people in a flood, you never said a proper reason, all you had that the race was not good(they drink human blood which again is alie as the bible said that they were mighty men, men of renown). May be you are a racist, but normal people do not allow killing simply because people belong to different races.”
Now I’m being called a racist, who never said that God kills people because they are of a different race, I said that the pool-gene of man had been altered by beings from somewhere out in space who invaded earth and made babies with the women of the earth which corrupted the entire earth and if that makes me a racist then so be it. The Word of God gave the name of the children of this ungodly union were the Nephilim, they were giants, it is common knowledge from those who studied this problem that they did eat humans. Men of “renown” or prominence mean that were above and different from the average man. Try to focus, it’s not that hard if you really try. Show me where I said that God kills people because they are of a different race, you are becoming more and more confused.
Your post;
“I said god hardened Pharaoh’s people and killed innocent Egyptians which you countered with a lie that it was satan who hardened Pharaoh.
I said God allowed satan, his servant, to kill Job’s innocent sons, for reply was again incoherent nonsense.”
Show me where I said that Satan harden Pharaoh’s heart, quote it back to me so I can understand what your confused mind is trying explain and we’ll come back to this when you do this. Now if you don’t come back with the quote I will assume that this part of the issue it is you who lied. Don’t come back with a twisted mis-use of my words quote my words as I stated them.
Your post:
“I said God allowed satan, his servant, to kill Job’s innocent sons, for reply was again incoherent nonsense.”
I when into great detail on this issue I’m not going back to it not with the pitiful rebutter that you just post, you must do better than this. The same thing over and over, this is no response, go back and reread by post and come back with a better response.
Your post
“I clearly showed you the snake was not lying. And your Yahweh was lying when he said he is the most high, but bible itself says he is the SON of the most high.
He is a murderer because he killed innocent kids and asked his followers to kill.
He is an adulterer because not only he himself committed it but also encourages it.
Your god is all these, yet you call him god. So the difference is only in definition, what you call god is what the world call Satan.”
We covered all this before! The couple is dead and the snake said they would not die, the snake lied, the end!
Your post:
“Your post:
“Can you make more ridiculous comments, this is interesting.
See number three
It is a 3 volume novel. The first book is very good but the second and third are only average but any day better than your gospel.”
Again, I did not post this you, did we have been here over and over, this is becoming like comedy hour. Don’t you see that every trick you try blows up in your face? Now this clown-show of colors [different colored fonts] have blown up in your face to the point that’s got you even more confused than you were before, I didn’t think that was even possible. What you were trying to do was to mesmerize me and wound up entrancing yourself. Stop the clown-show of colors because it’s not working but is defeating your very purpose. There is no tricks you can come up with to defeat the Word of God, it keeps blowing up in your face, didn’t I tell you this would happen when we first started this conversation? Tricks are for kids, it’s time to grow-up!
Your post:
“Do you really like acting like a moron? I gave the link to BBC top hundred books and said that “his dark materials” is number three in the list. If you had at least read the site address it said “BIGREAD. I said you made a really ridiculous comment when you said “I must come to the conclusion that this is your religion, this “Dark Material” which just prove that you love darkness rather than light, evil rather than good, proving yourself to be a worker for Satan, the pimp!” I said that even though the second and third book is only average read, it is still better than your gospel.”
Your post:
“Do you really like acting like a moron?”
Anyone who can read and understand what they read can easily see who is the moron here! The moron would one who makes comments and can’t tell the difference between his own statements and that of another, now that’s a moron! A moron is one who can’t put a couple of paragraphs together to articulate what they believe their existence is about. The moron is one who acts like a kid with a new coloring book trying to use colors to make up for his inability to express himself with the written word, now that’s a moron! A moron is one that can’t see that everything and trick that try they blows up in their face and yet they keep trying the something over and over. This is not only a moron, but one who displays insane behavior, during the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome, now that’s a moron displaying insane behavior. It’s like you are glutton for punishment! I see you are still digging that whole and going deeper and deeper leaving yourself no way out.
Your post;
“Another moronic answer. These are novels; people do not read novels to get answers but to be entertained. Your best seller is a book people buy but never read.”
Another pitiful response! So you still want to talk about morons, but I pass on that this time around because its already been proven just who is the moron. Many people who own the bible may not read it, but there’s one who we know for sure that have no idea of what’s in the bible, and that one is you or you would not have set yourself up to look like a moron. If you had taken the time to read and understand what you were reading you wouldn’t be displaying such insane behavior. I told you if you keep this up I’m going to have to start charging you for these sessions. Because the more we try to communicate the more you display behavior that says you have the very serious problem understanding what you read. And still you can’t articulate what you got from these great book that’s full of the wisdom that has enlighten you to the point where you can’t tell the difference between what you write and what I write.
Your post:
“You have a story to tell, but is still a STORY, are you looking in stories for answers?
Not only that, the original, Homer, from which your book is copied, is a better read.”
Again you don’t explain anything about this Homer and you claim that the bible was copied from, you just claim it’s a better read. Again, another pitiful one liner response, so until you can put together at least a couple of paragraphs to articulate just what you really mean with this one liner it doesn’t deserve a response. Even a moron can do this! Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is just insane behavior that even a moron would realize is not producing results, well not the kind you want. Come up with a couple of paragraph to explain yourself better and we will go into this in greater detail, but you are going to have to play your part in this if you are capable of something on this level which judging from your post it seems an impossibility with you. When are you going to stop digging this whole? Insane behavior!
Your post:
“Your post:
“disturbing the temple and finally managed to get himself killed/comatose followed which his followers made up a story that he resurrected. Have you read any of the stories I mentioned, they are interesting read, best sellers which is actually read by people, unlike the dragging, boring novel – gospel. Even Homer from which your story is copied is a better read.”
Talk of moronic behavior, how many time do I have to explain to you that it is you who have posted this and not me. So I’m not even going to dignified this with an answer. Talk of moronic insane behavior! You are a glutton for punishment! When are you going to stop digging this whole? All you have brought to this conversation is nothing but confusion. You have been mesmerized by your own colorful scheming!
Your post:
You addressed the temple part with a lie. It was not Jesus’s to begin with. Jesus is an illegitimate child of a carpenter.’
And the comedy hour continues! You explains nothing, just throw out another one liner, how many times do we have to go through this before it sinks in? I was going to address this but not until you explain how you come to the conclusion Jesus is a bastard. I’m through responding to your pitiful one liner that explains nothing.
Your post:
“DEATH, when a person is dead he will not get up after thirty six hours. When you get up after 36 hrs either you were sleeping or you were comatose or in suspended animation. So there is no point in bringing any Gnostic nonsense here.”
What evidence that you have that Jesus was comatose?
You may not know where this theory comes from. But it is Gnostic, is that your religion? You makes no case here but throw out wild accusations. So I’m not going to waste any more time with anything you come up with until you can show that you have some idea of what’s going on. Don’t just make wild statements, prove your point!
Your post:
“Please do not lie again and again, New Testament copied some elements from OT but otherwise, OT has nothing to do with NT. There is absolutely no mention of Jesus in Torah. Only the later books have something like a dying and rising one. The satan’s followers wrote the book basing some of it in OT, some of it in the Persian version of satan and then tried to redefine OT like you are doing. You say god can talk only through Jesus hence the one who talked to Moses is Jesus, which is a lie. Only satan and”
Your post:
“Please do not lie again and again, New Testament copied some elements from OT but otherwise, OT has nothing to do with NT.”
It is the Old Testament that points to the New Testament, I’ve already explain to you in Genesis where it point to the seed of the woman, I’m not going through this again. You foolishly claim that the Old Testament has nothing to do with the New when I’ve already shown you that it does. He is not mentioned by name but there’s no doubt who they are referring. No other man was born of the seed of the woman all others are seeds of men, now the only answer it is this Jesus that Genesis is referring to. But if you can’t tell the difference between what you post and what I post I don’t expect you to comprehend anything beyond something on an elementary level.
Your post:
“Only the later books have something like a dying and rising one. The satan’s followers wrote the book basing some of it in OT, some of it in the Persian version of satan and then tried to redefine OT like you are doing.”
Show me where and when this is supposed to have taken place, when did Satan followers do this. All you do is throw out accusations based on nothing but your imagination. Again I’m not going to spend time going over the same thing with you when you have proven over and over that you don’t have the capacity to comprehend what you read. You don’t even take the time to explain what the Persian version of Satan is, until you can better explain yourself I’m not going to play this sorry game with you, so I’ll move on.
Your post:
“Your post:
“who walked around with the scum of the society cursing the rich, forcing his way into synagogues, disturbing the temple and finally managed to get himself killed/comatose followed which his followers made up a story that he resurrected’.
Again, you want to debate something and you can’t even remember what you wrote; and the comedy hour continues! You wrote this, not me!!!!!!!!! So there’s no need to go into this again, until you can know what it is that you wrote and what I wrote! So let’s move forward with the comedy hour.
Your post:
“If you have never read the NT is it my fault? The tax “collectors”, fishermen, “women with demons” all belong to the lowest of the low class.”
It is these very people who the Son of God came to save, the sinner, how else was he supposed to reach them unless he dwelled among them and communicated with them? It’s the thieves, the whore, and the tax collectors that he come to save. You on the other hand would think that you are so much better than them and would avoid all contact with them, showing just how loveless you really are. I bet you would never think of helping to lift a drunk out of the gutter because you think you are so much better than them. He did not come to call the righteous, but the sinner, those who you refer to as scum. Who are to call someone scum? Just like your Lord Satan, you would destroy those who you should be trying to help. You are no better than anyone of them you call scum.
These people left behind written documents that have changed the world, and we can’t even get you to articulate anything beyond an elementary level. These men that you refer to as scum left behind a legacy that is unmatched in the earth, these people that you refer to as scum. These people that you refer to as scum is respected by billions around the world. These people that you call scum have writings that’s have been complied into a book that is the all-time best seller known throughout the earth. These people that you call scum many of them gave their lives for what they believe and we can’t even get you to stand up and give a statement on what you believe. You can’t even stand in the same block with these men of honor. Before you call others scum and racists you need to take a closer look at the man in the mirror. You are full of HATE!
Your post:
Your post:
“This is not a thread about evolution. Do you know what "belief" means?”
“If you want to discuss that you have to start another thread, I am here only to counter your propaganda for satan. I have no intention of correcting ignorance, especially satan's follower's.”
Again, you can’t tell the difference between what you wrote and what I wrote, you posted this not Me!!!! And the comedy hour continues!
Your post:
You: “Now the true gospel states that God knows no evil, he is pure and without sin”
But it is your bible that states that god killed, so that is not evil, right? According to you murder is saintly?
No, it’s not evil that God kills, it’s God who gives life and its God who decides who has abused that gift of life and decide who do not deserves to live forever. If God didn’t kill I would have to wonder just what kind of God he really is. If a man uses this gift of life to become a serial killer as many have done with this gift of life, he uses his God given mental powers to kidnap women off the street have his way with them and he’s finish with them he cuts their troths’ and throw them in the woods to rot, he did this with fifty women. You tell me if God should not kill that person or take him out of existence? The only one who would see this as evil would be the evil one.
The person who would do this to women deserve to die. God is the giver of life so he have the right to end it when He decide that one has abused that life he’s been given. Only evil would see this as evil! The more you post the better the bible looks. When speaking of scum, the one who feels no compassion for the women who were destroyed by this evil man, but only feel bad for the evil man that has done this terrible thing, I would have to say that that person is truly the scum of the earth. God is right to take that person out of existence, he’s proven himself to be unworthy of the gift of life. Only an evil person would get angry at God for taking this person out of existence! Evil loves its own!
You are truly a disciple of Satan, the evil one!
The more you post the more we can really see just who you really are! A disciple of Evil!
Your post:
“That is a mirage created by frauds which is somewhat like the “virgins” the muslims get? I see that you didn’t say anything about your parents or kids? A paradise without dear ones? But I can also see that you are very much self centered, do selfish people get to paradise?
My question is what will you do there?”
As I told you before your understanding is failing you at a rapid rate, now you want to talk about Muslims, anything thing except putting a few paragraphs on what you believe. If I ask a Muslim what he believe at least he will be able to give me some answer to the question. I’m not going to get into what Muslims believe, we are still trying to get you who claim to be an expert in what others believe to explain what you believe so we can see just what it is that makes you such an expert in what others believe.
I think you really want me to think of you as a moron. Reread and see whether you can understand.
Your post:
“I see that you didn’t say anything about your parents or kids? A paradise without dear ones?”
As I stated, this is some of things I believe paradise to be, I stated that paradise is much more than I can imagine. I also said that I did this to show you that I could tell you what paradise means to me and I would have to go to the dictionary and post their answer,that anyone could do. I didn’t go into everything that I believe paradise to be that would take up mega bites of space. What I gave you was what I saw as the elimination of some of the problems that mankind have to deal with, the things that makes his life miserable!
It just common knowledge that if you love a woman that you would want her wherever you are, if you have kids you would want them wherever you are. What you want is to discuss everything but what you believe, again your understanding has failed you. You ignore the point of my response to create a smoke-screen to avoid explaining in your own words what your world view is. Again, you will do anything to avoid making an effort to do the simple thing that was asked of you. You seem to have a serious problem focusing, the whole point of my response was to show that I could give you some idea of what paradise means to me in my own words without going to the dictionary, go back and reread the comment. Again, you show your lack of understanding of what you read or you just running and hiding from yourself. Don’t you understand that the more you run and hide to keep from answering the question the weaker you appears, but obviously it’s impossible for you to understand this? Your understanding is failing you at a tremendous rate.
This fit, smokescreen, good example.
Your post:
“Your post:”
“Give a single sentence from the OT, especially Torah, that mention your Jesus, or stop lying. I am not taking the mission of anyone, you are. You are taking the mission of Yahweh, the master of satan.”
Again, you are so confused that you can’t distinguish between your case and my cause, I never post this, you post this. Try keeping up, it’s not that hard if you turn your back to your god of confusion, I keep telling that your god will keep you confused and you are proving my point with each of your post. You just keep digging that whole and making yourself look bad. And what’s with all these different colors you are using? Your post is beginning to look like a clown show, am I in conversation a kid? Why do you feel the need to do this is it in frustration of not being able to express yourself with just using words? You are confusing yourself with this clown show. When I tried to read that it was hard to figure out just who said what, what was my comment and what was yours. You had the same problem trying to understand what you wrote, the proof is in black and white for all to see. STOP THE CLOWN SHOW it’s only making you look worst with each of your comment. The more you post the more you prove that you are a disciple of the god of confusion!
Spoke just like the disciple of satan.
Your post:
“You are again lying. You didn’t give any evidence. This is what you said “When Moses saw the burning bush that was not consumed by the fire, he began to hold a conversation with that being. That being was Jesus the Christ because it is always he that speaks for God the Father, Jehovah. “
You simply assumed that it is Jesus, is it because your god is dumb, he can’t talk? So please stop lying and say where in Torah it is said about Jesus.”
If you would just try to free your mind and bring it out of this state of confusion it would become clear to you that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament of the coming Messiah. I notice that you left out the part of scripture about the seed of the woman would be the one who crushes the snake’s head. I gave you the evidence, the description of how he was supposed to come into this world. He would the seed of the woman meaning he would not be the seed of sinful man. The only one who fits this description in the history of the world is Jesus. No woman in the history of the world has ever produced a baby without the seed of a man, only Jesus! The bible explains again and again what to look for in identifying the Messiah when he makes his appearance to this world.
Now you can’t see this an identifying mark of the Messiah then it make no sense to try to get you to understand the other many identifying characteristic of the Messiah that was given long before his birth. But how can you even began to understand this when you can’t even distinguish between your cause and my cause, my statements and your statements? I’m not going to give the address to this verse of scripture because you, the self-proclaimed expert in what others should believe must know that it’s there or how to find it, it’s simple do like you do for everything else go to one of your many websites that you go to for your wisdom I’m sure they can probably help you in this. How can you not know that this doctrine is there, you the expert in what others should believe or not believe. Are you sure you are an adult or am I communicating with a kid. You are beginning to come across as a kid with a new coloring book that’s trying to use every color in the box in one picture. Stop the clown show and try using your reasoning ability, you have this, it’s just that you’ve been too confused to use it properly.
Again I’m going to show you the problems this clown show of colors are doing to you, you again prove that you can’t distinguish between your cause and my cause, your comments and my comments and your lord and my Lord!
Your ridiculous nonsense is the evidence. It says the seed of women will crush the SNAKE’S head. You agree that the one who talk to Eve is a snake, a reptile that crawls through the earth. I hope you know what snake means, just in case, this is the thing
The bible do not say anything about Jesus killing a snake.
“. No woman in the history of the world has ever produced a baby without the seed of a man, only Jesus”
All most all bastards who were famous and some king’s also claimed to be the son of god, so? There is nothing in OT, especially in Torah regarding Jesus. Show me one sentence that say’s about your Jesus. There are some dying and rising messiah’s in Ot, the later books. It is from that the jesus story is copied.
"Your post:
“For you, god is the one who murders, do adultery and lies(I already gave the bible where it is said he does all these). So what you call god is what I (and the world) call satan. You worship the murderer as god and call his servant as satan.”
I never posted this and never would, you claim again that I posted something that you posted! The more you post the more you prove that you are a very confused person. When are you going to stop digging this whole? Your clown-show of colors is not working its only confusing you. Anyone who are foolish enough to listen to anything you have to say on this subject needs to get a check-up from the neck up! You really have a serious problem focusing! That’s the result of discipleship to the lord of confusion, the snake, Lucifer and Satan. The more you post the more you prove my point.
So you have even forgotten what you wrote, or do you write lies only?
Your post:
“Another lie, but as is to be expected from the follower of the liar.
You didn’t counter,
I said god killed people in a flood, you never said a proper reason, all you had that the race was not good(they drink human blood which again is alie as the bible said that they were mighty men, men of renown). May be you are a racist, but normal people do not allow killing simply because people belong to different races.
I said god hardened Pharaoh’s people and killed innocent Egyptians which you countered with a lie that it was satan who hardened Pharaoh.
I said God allowed satan, his servant, to kill Job’s innocent sons, for reply was again incoherent nonsense.”
Your post:
“I said god killed people in a flood, you never said a proper reason, all you had that the race was not good(they drink human blood which again is alie as the bible said that they were mighty men, men of renown). May be you are a racist, but normal people do not allow killing simply because people belong to different races.”
Now I’m being called a racist, who never said that God kills people because they are of a different race, I said that the pool-gene of man had been altered by beings from somewhere out in space who invaded earth and made babies with the women of the earth which corrupted the entire earth and if that makes me a racist then so be it. The Word of God gave the name of the children of this ungodly union were the Nephilim, they were giants, it is common knowledge from those who studied this problem that they did eat humans. Men of “renown” or prominence mean that were above and different from the average man. Try to focus, it’s not that hard if you really try. Show me where I said that God kills people because they are of a different race, you are becoming more and more confused.
So bible is wrong, they are not mighty men? Where is it said that they ate humans? So just because they have a different gene pool they ought to be killed?
God Killed all humans and animals on the face of earth except a few. Are you telling me that the story is a lie, or the killing of all that made “saintly”? It is satan that do that.
Your post;
“I said god hardened Pharaoh’s people and killed innocent Egyptians which you countered with a lie that it was satan who hardened Pharaoh.
I said God allowed satan, his servant, to kill Job’s innocent sons, for reply was again incoherent nonsense.”
Show me where I said that Satan harden Pharaoh’s heart, quote it back to me so I can understand what your confused mind is trying explain and we’ll come back to this when you do this. Now if you don’t come back with the quote I will assume that this part of the issue it is you who lied. Don’t come back with a twisted mis-use of my words quote my words as I stated them.
“God did kill all the first born of Egypt, but it was Pharaoh who caused the curse in the first place. Attempting to destroy the promised child before it’s born, Pharaoh gave the order to kill all the first born of Judah. But God sent word to Pharaoh that its will not be the first born of Judah who will die at the appointed time, but the first born of Egypt. Again it was Lucifer [Satan] who is the cause of so many Egyptians dying. Lucifer is the cancer of this world!”
Now you deny that, OK, but why did god hardened the heart of pharaoh? Why did god kill all the innocent children?
Your post:
“I said God allowed satan, his servant, to kill Job’s innocent sons, for reply was again incoherent nonsense.”
I when into great detail on this issue I’m not going back to it not with the pitiful rebutter that you just post, you must do better than this. The same thing over and over, this is no response, go back and reread by post and come back with a better response.
I do agree that you said a great deal of nonsense but not a good reason why god allowed killing. And you do agree that it WAS GOD WHO ALLOWED the deaths, heard of vicarious responsibility? Only an evil being can allow the death of an innocent one to prove his point. All evil people think the same, so no evil ones find a problem with allowing murder.
Your post
“I clearly showed you the snake was not lying. And your Yahweh was lying when he said he is the most high, but bible itself says he is the SON of the most high.
He is a murderer because he killed innocent kids and asked his followers to kill.
He is an adulterer because not only he himself committed it but also encourages it.
Your god is all these, yet you call him god. So the difference is only in definition, what you call god is what the world call Satan.”
We covered all this before! The couple is dead and the snake said they would not die, the snake lied, the end!
And they were dead after they touched the fruit and there are no humans on earth. SO to what species do you belong to?
Your post:
“Your post:
“Can you make more ridiculous comments, this is interesting.
See number three
It is a 3 volume novel. The first book is very good but the second and third are only average but any day better than your gospel.”
Again, I did not post this you, did we have been here over and over, this is becoming like comedy hour. Don’t you see that every trick you try blows up in your face? Now this clown-show of colors [different colored fonts] have blown up in your face to the point that’s got you even more confused than you were before, I didn’t think that was even possible. What you were trying to do was to mesmerize me and wound up entrancing yourself. Stop the clown-show of colors because it’s not working but is defeating your very purpose. There is no tricks you can come up with to defeat the Word of God, it keeps blowing up in your face, didn’t I tell you this would happen when we first started this conversation? Tricks are for kids, it’s time to grow-up!
Another moronic comment, you can do better.
Your post:
“Do you really like acting like a moron? I gave the link to BBC top hundred books and said that “his dark materials” is number three in the list. If you had at least read the site address it said “BIGREAD. I said you made a really ridiculous comment when you said “I must come to the conclusion that this is your religion, this “Dark Material” which just prove that you love darkness rather than light, evil rather than good, proving yourself to be a worker for Satan, the pimp!” I said that even though the second and third book is only average read, it is still better than your gospel.”
Your post:
“Do you really like acting like a moron?”
Anyone who can read and understand what they read can easily see who is the moron here! The moron would one who makes comments and can’t tell the difference between his own statements and that of another, now that’s a moron! A moron is one who can’t put a couple of paragraphs together to articulate what they believe their existence is about. The moron is one who acts like a kid with a new coloring book trying to use colors to make up for his inability to express himself with the written word, now that’s a moron! A moron is one that can’t see that everything and trick that try they blows up in their face and yet they keep trying the something over and over. This is not only a moron, but one who displays insane behavior, during the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome, now that’s a moron displaying insane behavior. It’s like you are glutton for punishment! I see you are still digging that whole and going deeper and deeper leaving yourself no way out.
Yes anyone can see, probably that is not many are replying to you.
Your post;
“Another moronic answer. These are novels; people do not read novels to get answers but to be entertained. Your best seller is a book people buy but never read.”
Another pitiful response! So you still want to talk about morons, but I pass on that this time around because its already been proven just who is the moron. Many people who own the bible may not read it, but there’s one who we know for sure that have no idea of what’s in the bible, and that one is you or you would not have set yourself up to look like a moron. If you had taken the time to read and understand what you were reading you wouldn’t be displaying such insane behavior. I told you if you keep this up I’m going to have to start charging you for these sessions. Because the more we try to communicate the more you display behavior that says you have the very serious problem understanding what you read. And still you can’t articulate what you got from these great book that’s full of the wisdom that has enlighten you to the point where you can’t tell the difference between what you write and what I write.
Another display of ignorance and understanding, are you a school drop out?
Your post:
“You have a story to tell, but is still a STORY, are you looking in stories for answers?
Not only that, the original, Homer, from which your book is copied, is a better read.”
Again you don’t explain anything about this Homer and you claim that the bible was copied from, you just claim it’s a better read. Again, another pitiful one liner response, so until you can put together at least a couple of paragraphs to articulate just what you really mean with this one liner it doesn’t deserve a response. Even a moron can do this! Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is just insane behavior that even a moron would realize is not producing results, well not the kind you want. Come up with a couple of paragraph to explain yourself better and we will go into this in greater detail, but you are going to have to play your part in this if you are capable of something on this level which judging from your post it seems an impossibility with you. When are you going to stop digging this whole? Insane behavior!
OK you have no education at all and you do not know anything about Homer. That doesn’t matter though. I only said that Homer along with a few OT books is from which your STORY is copied. And you yourself said it is a story. And I didn’t say bible but gospel.
Your post:
“Your post:
“disturbing the temple and finally managed to get himself killed/comatose followed which his followers made up a story that he resurrected. Have you read any of the stories I mentioned, they are interesting read, best sellers which is actually read by people, unlike the dragging, boring novel – gospel. Even Homer from which your story is copied is a better read.”
Talk of moronic behavior, how many time do I have to explain to you that it is you who have posted this and not me. So I’m not even going to dignified this with an answer. Talk of moronic insane behavior! You are a glutton for punishment! When are you going to stop digging this whole? All you have brought to this conversation is nothing but confusion. You have been mesmerized by your own colorful scheming!
Get this object
And look into it, then you can see who you are talking about.
Your post:
You addressed the temple part with a lie. It was not Jesus’s to begin with. Jesus is an illegitimate child of a carpenter.’
And the comedy hour continues! You explains nothing, just throw out another one liner, how many times do we have to go through this before it sinks in? I was going to address this but not until you explain how you come to the conclusion Jesus is a bastard. I’m through responding to your pitiful one liner that explains nothing.
Jesus is an illegitimate child (I hope you know what that means, do I have to teach you how to use a dictionary?). His step-father’ was a carpenter. Jesus was conceived BEFORE his mother was married. Is this statement so difficult for you to understand? Go to school then.
Your post:
“DEATH, when a person is dead he will not get up after thirty six hours. When you get up after 36 hrs either you were sleeping or you were comatose or in suspended animation. So there is no point in bringing any Gnostic nonsense here.”
What evidence that you have that Jesus was comatose?
You may not know where this theory comes from. But it is Gnostic, is that your religion? You makes no case here but throw out wild accusations. So I’m not going to waste any more time with anything you come up with until you can show that you have some idea of what’s going on. Don’t just make wild statements, prove your point!
The evidence is that, according to your gospel, he got up after 36 hours. Do you deny that? Dead people do not get up after 36 hours.
I didn’t say he was comatose, he could have been comatose, or in sleep or in suspended animation. Get a dictionary and find the meaning of death, if you do not know what death means.
Your post:
“Please do not lie again and again, New Testament copied some elements from OT but otherwise, OT has nothing to do with NT. There is absolutely no mention of Jesus in Torah. Only the later books have something like a dying and rising one. The satan’s followers wrote the book basing some of it in OT, some of it in the Persian version of satan and then tried to redefine OT like you are doing. You say god can talk only through Jesus hence the one who talked to Moses is Jesus, which is a lie. Only satan and”
Your post:
“Please do not lie again and again, New Testament copied some elements from OT but otherwise, OT has nothing to do with NT.”
It is the Old Testament that points to the New Testament, I’ve already explain to you in Genesis where it point to the seed of the woman, I’m not going through this again. You foolishly claim that the Old Testament has nothing to do with the New when I’ve already shown you that it does. He is not mentioned by name but there’s no doubt who they are referring. No other man was born of the seed of the woman all others are seeds of men, now the only answer it is this Jesus that Genesis is referring to. But if you can’t tell the difference between what you post and what I post I don’t expect you to comprehend anything beyond something on an elementary level.
Nostradamus prophesies are more accurate. Are all bastards “seed of women”?
Your post:
“Only the later books have something like a dying and rising one. The satan’s followers wrote the book basing some of it in OT, some of it in the Persian version of satan and then tried to redefine OT like you are doing.”
Show me where and when this is supposed to have taken place, when did Satan followers do this. All you do is throw out accusations based on nothing but your imagination. Again I’m not going to spend time going over the same thing with you when you have proven over and over that you don’t have the capacity to comprehend what you read. You don’t even take the time to explain what the Persian version of Satan is, until you can better explain yourself I’m not going to play this sorry game with you, so I’ll move on.
Satans followers wrote it and you are calling it gospel, but does changing a name change the fact? I am not in hubpages to educate the uneducated morons. If you want you can look about what Persians thought about satan. The book is a copy of OT and Homer is easily known if you have read it - the miracles of Elijah, the dying and rising messiah and the heavenly priests of Daniel and other new books the sea faring Odysseus……
Your post:
“Your post:
“who walked around with the scum of the society cursing the rich, forcing his way into synagogues, disturbing the temple and finally managed to get himself killed/comatose followed which his followers made up a story that he resurrected’.
Again, you want to debate something and you can’t even remember what you wrote; and the comedy hour continues! You wrote this, not me!!!!!!!!! So there’s no need to go into this again, until you can know what it is that you wrote and what I wrote! So let’s move forward with the comedy hour.
Your post:
“If you have never read the NT is it my fault? The tax “collectors”, fishermen, “women with demons” all belong to the lowest of the low class.”
It is these very people who the Son of God came to save, the sinner, how else was he supposed to reach them unless he dwelled among them and communicated with them? It’s the thieves, the whore, and the tax collectors that he come to save. You on the other hand would think that you are so much better than them and would avoid all contact with them, showing just how loveless you really are. I bet you would never think of helping to lift a drunk out of the gutter because you think you are so much better than them. He did not come to call the righteous, but the sinner, those who you refer to as scum. Who are to call someone scum? Just like your Lord Satan, you would destroy those who you should be trying to help. You are no better than anyone of them you call scum.
Unless you belong to the lowest class of the society will you walk along with goons and whores, today’s scum of society? What will be your opinion of such a man? He had nothing, that fellow was not uplifting but was just like any of the god men, gurus of the present day – a parasite. Son of god? Grandson is more correct.
These people left behind written documents that have changed the world, and we can’t even get you to articulate anything beyond an elementary level. These men that you refer to as scum left behind a legacy that is unmatched in the earth, these people that you refer to as scum. These people that you refer to as scum is respected by billions around the world. These people that you call scum have writings that’s have been complied into a book that is the all-time best seller known throughout the earth. These people that you call scum many of them gave their lives for what they believe and we can’t even get you to stand up and give a statement on what you believe. You can’t even stand in the same block with these men of honor. Before you call others scum and racists you need to take a closer look at the man in the mirror. You are full of HATE!
Another lie. Mark and Luke were not disciples. And according to Scholars” neither John(evident in his gospel) nor Mathew is a disciple.
And they all had the support of the deceiver.
Your post:
Your post:
You: “Now the true gospel states that God knows no evil, he is pure and without sin”
But it is your bible that states that god killed, so that is not evil, right? According to you murder is saintly?
No, it’s not evil that God kills, it’s God who gives life and its God who decides who has abused that gift of life and decide who do not deserves to live forever. If God didn’t kill I would have to wonder just what kind of God he really is. If a man uses this gift of life to become a serial killer as many have done with this gift of life, he uses his God given mental powers to kidnap women off the street have his way with them and he’s finish with them he cuts their troths’ and throw them in the woods to rot, he did this with fifty women. You tell me if God should not kill that person or take him out of existence? The only one who would see this as evil would be the evil one.
The person who would do this to women deserve to die. God is the giver of life so he have the right to end it when He decide that one has abused that life he’s been given. Only evil would see this as evil! The more you post the better the bible looks. When speaking of scum, the one who feels no compassion for the women who were destroyed by this evil man, but only feel bad for the evil man that has done this terrible thing, I would have to say that that person is truly the scum of the earth. God is right to take that person out of existence, he’s proven himself to be unworthy of the gift of life. Only an evil person would get angry at God for taking this person out of existence! Evil loves its own!
According to the bible god killed children, I am asking about those children. The children of the people killed in flood., children of Egyptian’s, children of Job. So you say that because serial killers need to be killed(?) all the children should also be killed? And even we, moral humans do not agree that death penalty is not to be given to anyone but they should be imprisoned. But I can see YOUR morals now and why you worship satan.
You are truly a disciple of Satan, the evil one!
The more you post the more we can really see just who you really are! A disciple of Evil!
I think you arew looking at a mirror.
“I think you really want me to think of you as a moron. Reread and see whether you can understand.”
“Your ridiculous nonsense is the evidence. It says the seed of women will crush the SNAKE’S head. You agree that the one who talk to Eve is a snake, a reptile that crawls through the earth. I hope you know what snake means, just in case, this is the thing”
My response:
According to scripture the snake in its present form is totally different than it was before it was cursed because of its role in the deception of the man. According scripture the snake was a beast of the field which had some type of legs, it may have been four or more. According to scripture not only was it not in its present form, but it had some type of intelligent and was above all the other animals of the field. The snake could even talk, just as we have birds that even talks today so I don’t find it that hard to believe that there may have been other animals in the garden that could talk. The fact that it could communicate with intelligent beings would indicate that was different than the cow or bull of today.
The Lord said to the snake; “because you have done this evil, you are cursed above all animals of the field, from now on you will crawl around on your belly” according to scripture! The snake was cursed to its present form! We are discussing two different things here; the snake before the curse and after the curse. Now I know you will come back with your favorite line; it’s a lie! But this is the story according to scripture.
Your post:
“The bible do not say anything about Jesus killing a snake.
“. No woman in the history of the world has ever produced a baby without the seed of a man, only Jesus”
All most all bastards who were famous and some king’s also claimed to be the son of god, so? There is nothing in OT, especially in Torah regarding Jesus. Show me one sentence that say’s about your Jesus. There are some dying and rising messiah’s in Ot, the later books. It is from that the jesus story is copied.”
Again, you don’t seem to have the ability tell the deference between your statements and mine, after reading your post one would think that I posted everything you have written here, is this just another one of your games of deception or is this truly the best you can do? So now again I have to rework your work to eliminate the confusion, so let’s break it down so it can become clear what you wrote and what I wrote.
First this is what you posted:
“The bible do not say anything about Jesus killing a snake.”
Now this is what I posted in response to this:
“. No woman in the history of the world has ever produced a baby without the seed of a man, only Jesus”
Now this is what you posted:
“All most all bastards who were famous and some king’s also claimed to be the son of god, so? There is nothing in OT, especially in Torah regarding Jesus. Show me one sentence that say’s about your Jesus. There are some dying and rising messiah’s in Ot, the later books. It is from that the jesus story is copied.”
Now we can begin to understand who said what! And you continue to question my education and intelligence. You seem to be expecting to find the word or name Jesus in the description of the Messiah in the Book of Genesis, you who claim that there were no little “J” in the language of the Old Testament, so therefore there is no way [according to you] that they could even spell the word Jesus in that language, and now you come back looking for a word in the Old Testament that begin with the letter “J” now if we take a closer look at your reasoning, we find that there is no way the name Jesus could ever be spelled in that language, because not only is there’s no letter “J” but the are many other letters that are used in the English that are not in the original language of the Old Testament. This is your reasoning.
No, the word Jesus is not found in the Old Testament, but for those who have understanding can plainly see that the Messiah was described perfectly in the Old Testament and that it was Jesus who it is that these Old Testament verses scripture were describing. If I told you that I was sending someone to your door with the fifty-thousand dollars that I owe you now I didn’t mention him by name. I didn’t mention his name, but I told you his race, his hair color, his height, the color of the close he would be wearing and that he would have this fifty-thousand dollars in his hand, would you not recognize this man? Would reject that fifty-thousand dollars simply because his name wasn’t mention? No, you would grab that fifty-thousand dollars because this fits the description to the letter of the man I describe to you who would show-up at your door.
There are many more identifying features of the coming Messiah than the few that I gave you of the man that would show up at your door with the fifty-thousand dollars. In Jesus were all the features identified! One of the Messiah identifying thing about this one is that it would be this SEED OF THE WOMAN that would crush the snake’s head [yes the bible states the Jesus would crush the snake’s head] go and find that in scripture! I went on to show you that it was Jesus who fits this description. I told you that the Old Testament states that this same one who is the seed of the woman would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver thousands of years before it happened. I went on to show you it was fulfilled in Judas betraying Jesus [the seed of the woman] to the letter in betraying him for thirty pieces of silver.
In Old Testament prophecy it is stated that his very own people [the Jews] would reject and have him [this seed of the woman] killed and this is exactly what happened in the life of Jesus. It was his people, apostate Jews [not all Jews] who screamed the loudest to have him crucified even when the pagan ruler was trying to free this innocent man, Old Testament prophecy fulfilled in the New Testament in Jesus the Christ. It is stated in the Old Testament that he would be worshiped as God on earth. It is stated in the Old that when God brings his first born into the earth let all the angels of God worship him. Jesus were and is worshiped as God, Old Testament prophecy fulfilled in the New Testament in the person of the Son of God, the man Jesus the Christ.
I can go on and on in these Messiah Old Testament prophecies that identify Jesus as New Testament fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. Now, don’t ask me to go and look up these verse of scripture for you, if you don’t know that there are there or how to find them then you prove again that you have not the ability to do a little research in the thing that you come to stand against, proving yourself to be unqualified to do the thing that you are so poorly trying to do. All Old Testament prophecies are fulfilled in the seed of the woman; Jesus the Christ!
Speaking of the Nephilim or ask the question you state:
“So just because they have a different gene pool they ought to be killed?”
My response:
Of the earthly physical creation, God created one man and one woman, all of his physical intelligent beings are the procreation of that couple. Anything or creation outside of that bloodline is not a creation of God, but an abomination to creation. These being [the Nephilim] were, just like Lucifer disobedient to their creator and descended into the earth and then into hell, they are now devils out to destroy God’s creation just as their ruler Lucifer is. What they had done was to create beings who were not in God’s image but in the image of Lucifer, the snake, the rebel, the adversary, the Great Satan. Being children of Satan, they now do the will of Satan, that will is to destroy the man who is now exulted above all that Lucifer is or will ever be, he hates your guts! This is the gene-pool of devil! Destroy them before they destroy God’s creation, the man who’s in God’s image! Devils produce devils! So yes, they should be killed before they kill man.
Your post:
“God Killed all humans and animals on the face of earth except a few. Are you telling me that the story is a lie, or the killing of all that made “saintly”? It is satan that do that.”
My response:
Its hard to understand this question that you are trying to ask because you continue to do such a poor job of explaining yourself, but I’ll try. Yes it was Satan that destroyed that creation just as he is with this one, it was Satan who introduced sin into the creation, and it was angels of Lucifer who left their rightful abode and came to earth and defiled the women of the earth. Not only that, but many of these beings were responsible for all the violence in the earth at that time “and the earth was filled with violence” these beings taught the man the art of war and how to build weapons of war. Their leader was responsible for introducing the man to sin, yes it is Satan who is responsible for the death of them and all who died. I though we covered this before and you keep asking the same questions over and over. But I’m still waiting for you to just answer one question and that’s to articulate your own world view. Anyone can ask question, but it is obvious that there are some who can’t even make an attempt to answers a question. Please don’t ask this same question again!
Your post:
“Now you deny that, OK, but why did god hardened the heart of pharaoh? Why did god kill all the innocent children?”
My response:
I’m not going to answer this question until you answer the question on this subject you claim that I said that it was Satan that harden Pharaoh’s heart. I asked you to quote my words to show me where I stated this, you never came back with the quote but pretend that this exchange never took place. I’ll answer this question when you answer mine, where did I state that Satan harden Pharaoh’s heart? You can’t just keep asking question and I’m supposed to answer your question while you ignore mine. Answer my question and I’ll answer yours!
Your post:
“And they were dead after they touched the fruit and there are no humans on earth. SO to what species do you belong to?”
My response:
Answer my questions and I will gladly answer yours! Articulate your understanding of what is and how it come to be, what is your world view? Answer my questions and I will gladly answer yours!
Your post:
“Yes anyone can see, probably that is not many are replying to you.”
My response:
This is not about anyone else, this is about you and me, so now you are bagging for someone to help bail you out. Don’t worry about anyone else just try to concentrate on what you are doing? Maybe that’s your problem, you are worrying about what others are not doing and not putting enough effort into what you are doing. This debate has come down to me and you, ever thought that people with understanding understand this? What you are doing now is trying to get someone to help you explain yourself. There were others they left, you stayed so and in the end you come across as the leader who have all the answer to what others should believe, you took this upon yourself so don’t beg for help now, stand your ground and answer the question. What is your world view? You answer my questions and I’ll gladly answer your question, but I’m not going to answer your every question and you are incapable of answering my very simple questions of you. Answer my question and I’’’ gladly answer yours!
Your post:
“OK you have no education at all and you do not know anything about Homer. That doesn’t matter though. I only said that Homer along with a few OT books is from which your STORY is copied. And you yourself said it is a story. And I didn’t say bible but gospel.”
My response:
And all I asked of you is for you to explain to me in your own words who or what is Homer, you should be the last person to question another’s level of education. You who can’t even complete a sentence! You should be the last person to question another’s education when you who supposed to be educated can’t even explain what you believe with the printed word, is that your idea of being educated? The more you post the more you show just how uneducated you really are. My education is in the word of God your education is in nothing that is the reason you are now begging for someone to come here and help bail you out. If you believe that I’m so uneducated and nothing I say makes sense that only makes you look foolish for you to continue to go back and forth with someone who you feel is uneducated. Again, anyone one can pick up a dictionary and read that definition, but it takes only a minimum of education for someone to type out a few paragraphs on their world view, it doesn’t take a great education to do something as simple as this. You should be the last person to question anyone’s education. Anyone who read what we wrote can plainly see who it is that is lacking in what you call education. The fact that you can’t see this shows that you are lacking in understanding. If you didn’t reprint my response in your post your post would be empty, you with such great education.
Your post:
“Jesus is an illegitimate child (I hope you know what that means, do I have to teach you how to use a dictionary?). His step-father’ was a carpenter. Jesus was conceived BEFORE his mother was married. Is this statement so difficult for you to understand? Go to school then.”
My response:
Jesus is not an illegitimate child! The carpenter was not Jesus’ father, nowhere in scripture is it stated that the carpenter was Jesus’ father. Now I see why you can’t understand “the seed of the woman. How many times do I have to explain that Jesus is not the seed of any earthly man, the carpenter was a man. He is the Son of God!! The Holy Spirit placed the seed in the virgin, no man placed that seed in the woman, but God himself placed it there, which is the whole of bible doctrine in itself! Before Jesus was born the carpenter had not had sex with Mary, that’s why it is said that he was born of a virgin that is basic bible doctrine! God does not need the seed of a man to create men, he created Adam without the seed of any man, HE”S GOD!!
Do you see how I’m taking my time and explaining thing to you about my world view, and you with all your education can’t do the same thing. Now you go back to school and learn that if you stand against something at least know the doctrine of that thing that you intend stand against. The carpenter had no sex with Mary before Jesus had been conceived by the Holy Spirit of God! You go to bible school and maybe you will be in a better position to do a better job and wouldn’t have to beg other to come and help bail you out.
Your post:
“The evidence is that, according to your gospel, he got up after 36 hours. Do you deny that? Dead people do not get up after 36 hours.’
My response:
I’ll answer this question when you answer my question, explain your world view. Why is this so hard for someone with your great education!
Your post:
“I didn’t say he was comatose, he could have been comatose, or in sleep or in suspended animation. Get a dictionary and find the meaning of death, if you do not know what death means.”
There you go with the dictionary again, I don’t need the dictionary to give a definition of death. Death is the opposite of life. In life we are conscience beings we walk, talk, love, hate, we have communion with other live beings. In death we have no more any part in the things of this world. I can go on and on with this, but I’ll stop here, because I do believe you do have enough understanding to comprehend something as simple as this, I truly hope so. See I do all this without the help of another or a dictionary. It was you who used the word “comatose” go back and read your post, it is clear just what you meant by using that word.
Your post:
I’ll answer this question when you answer my question; put a few paragraphs together to explain your world view.
Your post:
Your post:
“Another lie. Mark and Luke were not disciples. And according to Scholars” neither John(evident in his gospel) nor Mathew is a disciple.
And they all had the support of the deceiver.”
My response:
Again, you go to another to explain for you what you are incapable of explaining yourself, I’m not in a discussion with the scholars I’m in a discussion with you. Don’t you realize that I can go and find websites and post the comments of other so called scholars that totally contradict everything your so-called scholars say? That’s one reason I don’t like that game, it’s a never ending circle. You post what this one said and I post what another said, that goes on and on, a never ending circle. That’s why I keep begging you to explain in your own words just what life means to you. Anyone can reprint what another has said on the subject, but what say you? Do you let other people do all your thinking for you? Try doing somethings on your own and in doing that you will learn how to put a few paragraphs together to explain for yourself what you think. But now its becoming clear why you are incapable of putting these few paragraphs together to explain yourself, you are used to employing someone else to do your thinking for you. That’s a serious handicap as you are now displaying.
I as you can see I have much to say on this subject and I don’t need another to do for me what I can do for myself. Instead of posting the same thing over and over take that time and practice writing out a few paragraphs to explain your world view, just practice this and you’ll be surprise that it’s not as difficult as you are making it, you may be able to get some help from that dictionary that you so depended on for all your one-liners.
All you do is state the same thing over and over and can’t see just how limited you are in your ability to come up with a proper response. Stop embarrassing yourself, go learn and then come back. Go and educate yourself in the thing that you come to stand against! Don’t forget to practice writing out a few paragraphs at a time to express yourself so that others can better understand you!!
Lucifer and Satan is the same being!
“I think you really want me to think of you as a moron. Reread and see whether you can understand.”
“Your ridiculous nonsense is the evidence. It says the seed of women will crush the SNAKE’S head. You agree that the one who talk to Eve is a snake, a reptile that crawls through the earth. I hope you know what snake means, just in case, this is the thing”
My response:
According to scripture the snake in its present form is totally different than it was before it was cursed because of its role in the deception of the man. According scripture the snake was a beast of the field which had some type of legs, it may have been four or more. According to scripture not only was it not in its present form, but it had some type of intelligent and was above all the other animals of the field. The snake could even talk, just as we have birds that even talks today so I don’t find it that hard to believe that there may have been other animals in the garden that could talk. The fact that it could communicate with intelligent beings would indicate that was different than the cow or bull of today.
The Lord said to the snake; “because you have done this evil, you are cursed above all animals of the field, from now on you will crawl around on your belly” according to scripture! The snake was cursed to its present form! We are discussing two different things here; the snake before the curse and after the curse. Now I know you will come back with your favorite line; it’s a lie! But this is the story according to scripture.
Very good, so you have noticed that it is still A SNAKE not Satan not Lucifer. Jesus didn’t kill any snake nor crushed any snake’s head let alone satan’s, so it was not a prophesy about Jesus. It is about humans killing snakes.
Your post:
“The bible do not say anything about Jesus killing a snake.
“. No woman in the history of the world has ever produced a baby without the seed of a man, only Jesus”
All most all bastards who were famous and some king’s also claimed to be the son of god, so? There is nothing in OT, especially in Torah regarding Jesus. Show me one sentence that say’s about your Jesus. There are some dying and rising messiah’s in Ot, the later books. It is from that the jesus story is copied.”
Again, you don’t seem to have the ability tell the deference between your statements and mine, after reading your post one would think that I posted everything you have written here, is this just another one of your games of deception or is this truly the best you can do? So now again I have to rework your work to eliminate the confusion, so let’s break it down so it can become clear what you wrote and what I wrote.
First this is what you posted:
“The bible do not say anything about Jesus killing a snake.”
Now this is what I posted in response to this:
“. No woman in the history of the world has ever produced a baby without the seed of a man, only Jesus”
Now this is what you posted:
“All most all bastards who were famous and some king’s also claimed to be the son of god, so? There is nothing in OT, especially in Torah regarding Jesus. Show me one sentence that say’s about your Jesus. There are some dying and rising messiah’s in Ot, the later books. It is from that the jesus story is copied.”
Now we can begin to understand who said what! And you continue to question my education and intelligence. You seem to be expecting to find the word or name Jesus in the description of the Messiah in the Book of Genesis, you who claim that there were no little “J” in the language of the Old Testament, so therefore there is no way [according to you] that they could even spell the word Jesus in that language, and now you come back looking for a word in the Old Testament that begin with the letter “J” now if we take a closer look at your reasoning, we find that there is no way the name Jesus could ever be spelled in that language, because not only is there’s no letter “J” but the are many other letters that are used in the English that are not in the original language of the Old Testament. This is your reasoning.
Re read all of what you wrote and what I wrote instead of choosing a few sentences probably you will understand that too.
I said no “jesus” is mentioned in OT, if you want no Yesu or Yehoshua is mentioned in OT, so do not repeat this little deceptive trick again, it means the fellow you mean by Jesus the “son of god”, is not there in OT.
There are many more identifying features of the coming Messiah than the few that I gave you of the man that would show up at your door with the fifty-thousand dollars. In Jesus were all the features identified! One of the Messiah identifying thing about this one is that it would be this SEED OF THE WOMAN that would crush the snake’s head [yes the bible states the Jesus would crush the snake’s head] go and find that in scripture! I went on to show you that it was Jesus who fits this description. I told you that the Old Testament states that this same one who is the seed of the woman would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver thousands of years before it happened. I went on to show you it was fulfilled in Judas betraying Jesus [the seed of the woman] to the letter in betraying him for thirty pieces of silver.
See this is called a lie. Nowhere in OT is it mentioned that Jesus will crush the snakes head. It is said that Eve’s children will crush SNAKES head. This is the exact sentence “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. Jesus does not fit the description not only because the description is about a single person but also Jesus never crushed any snakes head. And it was Judas who betrayed Jesus not a SNAKE.
In Old Testament prophecy it is stated that his very own people [the Jews] would reject and have him [this seed of the woman] killed and this is exactly what happened in the life of Jesus. It was his people, apostate Jews [not all Jews] who screamed the loudest to have him crucified even when the pagan ruler was trying to free this innocent man, Old Testament prophecy fulfilled in the New Testament in Jesus the Christ. It is stated in the Old Testament that he would be worshiped as God on earth. It is stated in the Old that when God brings his first born into the earth let all the angels of God worship him. Jesus were and is worshiped as God, Old Testament prophecy fulfilled in the New Testament in the person of the Son of God, the man Jesus the Christ.
Wrong again, it is stated that the Snake will strike the heel not of any betrayal and rejection. God has no first born, god do not procreate.
I can go on and on in these Messiah Old Testament prophecies that identify Jesus as New Testament fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. Now, don’t ask me to go and look up these verse of scripture for you, if you don’t know that there are there or how to find them then you prove again that you have not the ability to do a little research in the thing that you come to stand against, proving yourself to be unqualified to do the thing that you are so poorly trying to do. All Old Testament prophecies are fulfilled in the seed of the woman; Jesus the Christ!
Won’t do. What you have done is what Nostradamus followers do, re read new meaning s in texts that has nothing to do with the original.
Speaking of the Nephilim or ask the question you state:
“So just because they have a different gene pool they ought to be killed?”
My response:
Of the earthly physical creation, God created one man and one woman, all of his physical intelligent beings are the procreation of that couple. Anything or creation outside of that bloodline is not a creation of God, but an abomination to creation. These being [the Nephilim] were, just like Lucifer disobedient to their creator and descended into the earth and then into hell, they are now devils out to destroy God’s creation just as their ruler Lucifer is. What they had done was to create beings who were not in God’s image but in the image of Lucifer, the snake, the rebel, the adversary, the Great Satan. Being children of Satan, they now do the will of Satan, that will is to destroy the man who is now exulted above all that Lucifer is or will ever be, he hates your guts! This is the gene-pool of devil! Destroy them before they destroy God’s creation, the man who’s in God’s image! Devils produce devils! So yes, they should be killed before they kill man.
That is what you say, show me where in the bible it says that the nephilim did all these.
2) The bible says 6:2 “the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose”
Sons of god , so god is satan otherwise how did they get the gene pool f devil?
3) Did the flood kill only Nephilim?
4) On what basis you say it is the blood line outside creation, it was god’s son and it was god’s creation.
Why did god kill all the animals and humans in the flood?
Your post:
“God Killed all humans and animals on the face of earth except a few. Are you telling me that the story is a lie, or the killing of all that made “saintly”? It is satan that do that.”
My response:
Its hard to understand this question that you are trying to ask because you continue to do such a poor job of explaining yourself, but I’ll try. Yes it was Satan that destroyed that creation just as he is with this one, it was Satan who introduced sin into the creation, and it was angels of Lucifer who left their rightful abode and came to earth and defiled the women of the earth. Not only that, but many of these beings were responsible for all the violence in the earth at that time “and the earth was filled with violence” these beings taught the man the art of war and how to build weapons of war. Their leader was responsible for introducing the man to sin, yes it is Satan who is responsible for the death of them and all who died. I though we covered this before and you keep asking the same questions over and over. But I’m still waiting for you to just answer one question and that’s to articulate your own world view. Anyone can ask question, but it is obvious that there are some who can’t even make an attempt to answers a question. Please don’t ask this same question again!
Then please write a sentence with any meaning. Why DID GOD killed humans, it was god who made the flood NOT satan. Do you think killing is a good punishment? God killed children and unborn kids in a flood, you think it as acceptable? If god had no problem in killing all those people, then why didn’t he kill Satan? Why did he kill animals?
It was sons of god who came and defiled not “angels of satan”.
Do you agree that the humans with their kids deserved death by drowning?
You started this thread to discuss my world view? Are you afraid that your trickery is found out?
Your post:
“Now you deny that, OK, but why did god hardened the heart of pharaoh? Why did god kill all the innocent children?”
My response:
I’m not going to answer this question until you answer the question on this subject you claim that I said that it was Satan that harden Pharaoh’s heart. I asked you to quote my words to show me where I stated this, you never came back with the quote but pretend that this exchange never took place. I’ll answer this question when you answer mine, where did I state that Satan harden Pharaoh’s heart? You can’t just keep asking question and I’m supposed to answer your question while you ignore mine. Answer my question and I’ll answer yours!
I did quote the entire paragraph. So you have no answer? You also agree that it was your god who hardened Pharaoh’s heart and was responsible for the death of all the first born children of humans and animals.
And you agree that the murder of innocent children is a good punishment?
Your post:
“And they were dead after they touched the fruit and there are no humans on earth. SO to what species do you belong to?”
My response:
Answer my questions and I will gladly answer yours! Articulate your understanding of what is and how it come to be, what is your world view? Answer my questions and I will gladly answer yours!
Cope out. I answered all your questions that pertain to the thread. I did answer a few other questions also but you didn’t understand it.
Your post:
“Yes anyone can see, probably that is not many are replying to you.”
My response:
This is not about anyone else, this is about you and me, so now you are bagging for someone to help bail you out. Don’t worry about anyone else just try to concentrate on what you are doing? Maybe that’s your problem, you are worrying about what others are not doing and not putting enough effort into what you are doing. This debate has come down to me and you, ever thought that people with understanding understand this? What you are doing now is trying to get someone to help you explain yourself. There were others they left, you stayed so and in the end you come across as the leader who have all the answer to what others should believe, you took this upon yourself so don’t beg for help now, stand your ground and answer the question. What is your world view? You answer my questions and I’ll gladly answer your question, but I’m not going to answer your every question and you are incapable of answering my very simple questions of you. Answer my question and I’’’ gladly answer yours!
I was answering your comment.
Your post:
“OK you have no education at all and you do not know anything about Homer. That doesn’t matter though. I only said that Homer along with a few OT books is from which your STORY is copied. And you yourself said it is a story. And I didn’t say bible but gospel.”
My response:
And all I asked of you is for you to explain to me in your own words who or what is Homer, you should be the last person to question another’s level of education. You who can’t even complete a sentence! You should be the last person to question another’s education when you who supposed to be educated can’t even explain what you believe with the printed word, is that your idea of being educated? The more you post the more you show just how uneducated you really are. My education is in the word of God your education is in nothing that is the reason you are now begging for someone to come here and help bail you out. If you believe that I’m so uneducated and nothing I say makes sense that only makes you look foolish for you to continue to go back and forth with someone who you feel is uneducated. Again, anyone one can pick up a dictionary and read that definition, but it takes only a minimum of education for someone to type out a few paragraphs on their world view, it doesn’t take a great education to do something as simple as this. You should be the last person to question anyone’s education. Anyone who read what we wrote can plainly see who it is that is lacking in what you call education. The fact that you can’t see this shows that you are lacking in understanding. If you didn’t reprint my response in your post your post would be empty, you with such great education.
Do you know that Homer is the author of two books, Iliad and Odyssey? So obviously I cannot explain all of it in this forum, but I will try a concise one.
Jesus is modeled on Odysseus mainly his return Journey but his death part is modeled on the Iliad, especially the death of Hector. Eg:- There is no sea of Galilee, but there is a LAKE of that name and as it is a lake obviously there is no storms as described in Mark. The scene where Jesus is sleeping and a storm appears and his disciples get frightened and he scolds his disciples is copied, almost verbatim, from a similar scene in Odysseus.
Now add to the miracles of Elijah, like raising the dead, healing … and the dying and rising son of man and heavenly priests of Daniel and other newer books of OT, voila, we have Jesus. There is no true prophesy in OT about Jesus but only words quoted out of context. EG:- Jesus never was called Emmanuel but the sentence that was taken totally out of context from Isaiah. I hope you got the gist.
Your post:
“Jesus is an illegitimate child (I hope you know what that means, do I have to teach you how to use a dictionary?). His step-father’ was a carpenter. Jesus was conceived BEFORE his mother was married. Is this statement so difficult for you to understand? Go to school then.”
My response:
Jesus is not an illegitimate child! The carpenter was not Jesus’ father, nowhere in scripture is it stated that the carpenter was Jesus’ father. Now I see why you can’t understand “the seed of the woman. How many times do I have to explain that Jesus is not the seed of any earthly man, the carpenter was a man. He is the Son of God!! The Holy Spirit placed the seed in the virgin, no man placed that seed in the woman, but God himself placed it there, which is the whole of bible doctrine in itself! Before Jesus was born the carpenter had not had sex with Mary, that’s why it is said that he was born of a virgin that is basic bible doctrine! God does not need the seed of a man to create men, he created Adam without the seed of any man, HE”S GOD!!
And how many times I have to tell you that god does not have a dick to procreate? Jesus is the son of god is a lie, a lie by the deceiver. All Bastards and many mythological creatures and kings have claimed that they are son of god and the like. Eg: There were many gods in hindu pantheon that were born without sex.
You are saying here that Jesus was born out of wedlock. Born out of Wedlock is the definition of “illegitimate” or “Bastard”. The carpenter Joseph was not his father, he was born before they were married.
And do you see the contradiction you are making; you said it was the seed of the women, now you say the seed was placed there by spirit.
It is the “doctrine” of bible, but not of god.
Do you see how I’m taking my time and explaining thing to you about my world view, and you with all your education can’t do the same thing. Now you go back to school and learn that if you stand against something at least know the doctrine of that thing that you intend stand against. The carpenter had no sex with Mary before Jesus had been conceived by the Holy Spirit of God! You go to bible school and maybe you will be in a better position to do a better job and wouldn’t have to beg other to come and help bail you out.
You mean I shall go to a bible school, a school b y the followers of the deceiver and get deceived myself?
Your post:
“The evidence is that, according to your gospel, he got up after 36 hours. Do you deny that? Dead people do not get up after 36 hours.’
My response:
I’ll answer this question when you answer my question, explain your world view. Why is this so hard for someone with your great education!
I told you specifically, if you want to discuss my world view you will have to start a new thread. I hope you know that it is against forum rules to discuss what is not of the thread. Even then I explained some of what you asked but you didn’t understand.
Eg: I told you god is pure and sinless
I told you god do not have human emotions like jealousy
I told you god do not murder
I told you god is not partial
I told you after death we will become one with god
I told you I do not know how the world started for I was not there.
I told you the what is written in bible is not from god, god do not want anyone’s help if he wants to communicate.
Your post:
“I didn’t say he was comatose, he could have been comatose, or in sleep or in suspended animation. Get a dictionary and find the meaning of death, if you do not know what death means.”
There you go with the dictionary again, I don’t need the dictionary to give a definition of death. Death is the opposite of life. In life we are conscience beings we walk, talk, love, hate, we have communion with other live beings. In death we have no more any part in the things of this world. I can go on and on with this, but I’ll stop here, because I do believe you do have enough understanding to comprehend something as simple as this, I truly hope so. See I do all this without the help of another or a dictionary. It was you who used the word “comatose” go back and read your post, it is clear just what you meant by using that word.
You might also know that after death the person never “wakes up”, after death his body decompose. So if anyone gets up after thirty six hours you have to find some other reason for that, not death. You can’t comprehend that much?
“In life we are conscience beings we walk, talk, love, hate, we have communion with other live beings.
In sleep, coma, suspended animation, unconscious state we do not have any of these but then we are not dead either. So I truly hope you will not repeat this nonsense that Jesus was death. If he had come back after his body decomposed he would have been dead. According to the bible itself, though he was “dead” the thieves were not and Jesus followers safely got him away with the permission of “the pagan ruler was trying to free this innocent man,”
Your post:
I’ll answer this question when you answer my question; put a few paragraphs together to explain your world view.
Your post:
Your post:
“Another lie. Mark and Luke were not disciples. And according to Scholars” neither John(evident in his gospel) nor Mathew is a disciple.
And they all had the support of the deceiver.”
My response:
Again, you go to another to explain for you what you are incapable of explaining yourself, I’m not in a discussion with the scholars I’m in a discussion with you. Don’t you realize that I can go and find websites and post the comments of other so called scholars that totally contradict everything your so-called scholars say? That’s one reason I don’t like that game, it’s a never ending circle. You post what this one said and I post what another said, that goes on and on, a never ending circle. That’s why I keep begging you to explain in your own words just what life means to you. Anyone can reprint what another has said on the subject, but what say you? Do you let other people do all your thinking for you? Try doing somethings on your own and in doing that you will learn how to put a few paragraphs together to explain for yourself what you think. But now its becoming clear why you are incapable of putting these few paragraphs together to explain yourself, you are used to employing someone else to do your thinking for you. That’s a serious handicap as you are now displaying.
I as you can see I have much to say on this subject and I don’t need another to do for me what I can do for myself. Instead of posting the same thing over and over take that time and practice writing out a few paragraphs to explain your world view, just practice this and you’ll be surprise that it’s not as difficult as you are making it, you may be able to get some help from that dictionary that you so depended on for all your one-liners.
All you do is state the same thing over and over and can’t see just how limited you are in your ability to come up with a proper response. Stop embarrassing yourself, go learn and then come back. Go and educate yourself in the thing that you come to stand against! Don’t forget to practice writing out a few paragraphs at a time to express yourself so that others can better understand you!!
As is evident from the gospels Mark, Luke (if you know the names of the disciple[as described in bible, that is) nor John (last chapter of his gospel) is a disciple. Evidence says Mathew is neither. The authors of the gospels were the followers of the deceiver not the uneducated scum. That is why they copied other books and lied. Eg: 22Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: 23"BEHOLD, THE VIRGIN SHALL BE WITH CHILD AND SHALL BEAR A SON, AND THEY SHALL CALL HIS NAME IMMANUEL," which translated means, "GOD WITH US."
You : The Word of God gave the name of the children of this ungodly union were the Nephilim, they were giants, it is common knowledge from those who studied this problem that they did eat humans”
“common knowledge from those who studied this problem” is the word you used, I said scholars , so you can use but I can’t? Another deception may be!
Lucifer and Satan is the same being!
Lucifer and Satan and your god is the same being
Your lord. He is the son of Yahweh who is not god.
Your god is the deceiver, liar and murderer. And you are his staunch supporter who approves murder.
The book says there god created Adam and Eve and placed them in a garden with a tree that have the fruit that make one aware of the good and evil. God told them not to eat it, if so they would die. A snake tricked them into eating it. God is offended that Adam became like a god knowing good and evil and to avoid him becoming a good by eating the fruit of another tree, he kicked them out.
Now you are saying that there was no tree, tree is a lie. There was no snake, that is Lucifer, though there is no mention of satan or Lucifer in the whole chapter.
So what did happen, now that you say genesis is a lie?
In your statements is nothing new it’s the same old thing warmed over, if it wasn’t you copying my statements in your post or pasting someone else’s work you wouldn’t have much to fill your post with. I’m through with this as far as you are concerned, because you have not come up with anything worthwhile to counter my point.
I’m convinced that I have proven you to be a deceiver, it is you who are going out kicking and screaming, still trying to prove your point. If you had confidence in what you have posted you wouldn’t be still trying to prove a point that you’ve had ample time and space to do so. The only reason that you still think you need to prove your case is because you have confidence that anyone seeing this exchange and using their God given reasoning ability can easily see the con game you are playing, you have been exposed!
I don’t need to go back and forth with you trying to prove a point, my point has already been proven that you are a trickster and deceiver, that was my goal and it has been accomplished. I’m confident of this! So now that I know this to be the case I can move on to other things instead of spending my day trying to prove something that’s already been proven. You are a trickster, it’s been proven!
Stop going out kicking and screaming and just go out and study so that you don’t have to depend on cutting and pasting other’s work to fill in for you lack of knowledge in the things that you thing you know. If you had confidence in the case you’ve presented you wouldn’t be going out kicking and screaming.
So I say-so long, because we’ve exhausted this conversation in just discussing the evil foundation you were attempting to lay. You could never get pass laying the foundation, it cumbered as you attempted to lay it. So if you can’t get pass that why would I continue with you in discussing anything beyond that. I’m convinced that my work is finished with you so I’ll just let you go out kicking and screaming and going to find websites that you can cut and paste into your post to continue to try to prove your improvable point, if you thought you had proven your point you wouldn’t be going out kicking and screaming.
This is always how a debate with the followers of the devil end up. The followers always say it is metaphorical and avoid discussing the "hard" facts. That is understandable though, they are the followers of the "deceiver", not
God created a garden, placed Lucifer in that, he gave a metaphorical foot that affected the "cell renewing mechanism", indeed. At least you admit that the fruit contain evil knowledge and it is that knowledge that made "man" like one among "gods", that is your gods have evil knowledge. One who posses evil knowledge is evil, your gods are evil.
Your post:
“This is always how a debate with the followers of the devil end up. The followers always say it is metaphorical and avoid discussing the "hard" facts. That is understandable though, they are the followers of the "deceive, not GOD”
We were debating the hard facts and in that process you showed that you could not be honest in your approach. Simple things you could not admit to, like the conversation between the snake and the woman was about life and death, to live or die. What you don’t seem to understand is that there are two types of death; there the death that kills the physical body and there’s the death that kills the spirit body.
The day that Adam ate the fruit [the lies of Lucifer] he died that instant, his spirit was separated from it life source, in that process death entered paradise, the first to die were animals to cloths the couple. At that point death ruled and it was no longer paradise. So we see that it required the shedding of innocent blood in paradise immediately after contact with this agent of Lucifer. Any way you cut it, it was the snake who introduced man’s number one enemy into paradise. You are trying to defend the indefensible, you talk of discussing hard fact, but what good is it when you can’t even admit to something so obvious?
One being creates a paradise and place the man there, the man wants for nothing, the man knows only good, the man don’t even know that there is such a thing called evil in the universe. Why introduce an innocent being to evil that would in the end destroy him? Only an evil person would introduce an innocent baby to evil, in essences, that’s what Adam was. Sure he was created fully physically mature, but he had just come into existence the world was new to him, he was an innocent baby. What new born baby knows of evil? Its like racial hatred, no kid is born with this evil in its heart, it is learn from snakes [metaphorically speaking] by those who know of this evil that the kid is unaware of. Now after being constantly bombarded by this evil from it parents the kid now become full of hate for his friend he once loved, for no other reason than that he was introduced to something he didn’t even know existed.
What you and the snake are doing is the same thing that the parents of this kid did, to corrupt innocents, and spread this evil throughout the universe. How can we move forward when you can’t admit to obvious things? Again, how can we build the roof on the house before we lay the foundation? It in this foundation where you states that the man has become a god, the other source says the man has now become evil or at least now know of this evil. If you don’t believe that the man is now evil, just take a little time to look at his world that he’s created for himself, a world full of hatred and war. The man knew nothing of war, it was the same fallen angels that lied from the beginning that taught the man the art of war, even most Luciferians will admit to this. This is the evil knowledge that the man has come into and it is the evil knowledge that is making the Lord’s prophecy proves true that there will be a war [that is the result of this evil knowledge] that there will be a war in the earth if he didn’t step in when he did to end life world be left on earth, and this is the very place we are at in would history.
This evil knowledge of the art of war is what the snake introduced the man to in an attempt to destroy the man. The man knew nothing of war, only those who were involved in war knew of its existence. Only the angels of hell and the angels of Heaven knew of this evil because it was their war. When God created the man to defeat Lucifer [and that’s who defeated him in the end, the man Jesus the Christ] Lucifer immediately attacked the man in his innocents. God created the man and placed him in paradise, Lucifer lifted the man up out of paradise and placed him in the middle of conflict, a conflict that’s meant to destroy one who would be place on the Throne as King of Kings and Lord of lords and God of the throne that Lucifer so lusted after. The bible is one continuous story if you would only stop chopping it up into little pieces.
“Now that’s hard facts”
Your post:
“God created a garden, placed Lucifer in that, he gave a metaphorical foot that affected the "cell renewing mechanism", indeed. At least you admit that the fruit contain evil knowledge and it is that knowledge that made "man" like one among "gods", that is your gods have evil knowledge. One who posses evil knowledge is evil, your gods are evil.”
It’s not me who wouldn’t admit that this whole conversation was about evil knowledge, it was you! I said from the beginning that the fruit that the man had eaten [the lies of Lucifer] was evil knowledge, the knowledge of the occult; the deep things of Satan.
Your post:
At least you admit that the fruit contain evil knowledge and it is that knowledge that made "man" like one among "gods", that is your gods have evil knowledge. One who posses evil knowledge is evil, your gods are evil.”
Again, you are confused by the author of confusion, the snake! How could God not know of the evil that’s attacking his throne? You continue to take scripture out of its context and fail to complete your sentence or quote the whole verse of scripture. In this post you have condemned yourself as being evil, if just knowing that evil exist in the world makes one evil [according to your theory] that would mean that you are evil because I don’t think that you will deny that this world if full of evil. The fact that you know that there’s evil in the world doesn’t make you a god, it just means that you have come into the knowledge of something you didn’t know existed in your innocent state as a baby. Adam was still a baby!
Do the fact that you know evil exist makes you evil? No! It’s the participation in and with evil is what makes one evil. Once the man was deceived by the snake he showed that he had indulged in this evil by hiding from his God. The fact that he ran and hid himself from his creator who had given him paradise itself shows that he had been overcome by evil, by the one who would introduce death into his members. “The man was naked and didn’t know it” again, metaphoric language for a state of innocents. You and I both ran around butt-naked in our innocent state as babies. We were innocent we didn’t know we were naked all we knew that there was a lot of happenings going on around us and we had to check it out, we cared nothing about our apparel, we were innocent.
This is who the snake defiled, an innocent baby, and caused his death. What you are doing is showing that you have truly been captured by the fallen angel Lucifer [Satan] whose sole purpose is to make you cuss your creator to his face, he failed to do this with Job but succeed in you! What you are doing is called the unforgivable sin of treason, you call evil good and good evil. You are calling Satan God and god the devil, the unforgivable sin of treason! This is the only sin that the Lord said that shall not be forgiven in this world or the next. You have staked your all on God being evil, you better be right!
The snake killed an innocent baby, this is the works of your god Satan!
Lucifer and Satan is the same being!
We were debating the hard facts and in that process you showed that you could not be honest in your approach. Simple things you could not admit to, like the conversation between the snake and the woman was about life and death, to live or die. What you don’t seem to understand is that there are two types of death; there the death that kills the physical body and there’s the death that kills the spirit body.
Gene: 2 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
If you ate poison you will die, does not mean you will die years later peacefully, is it?
God did not say that it would be a spiritual death, according to eve, if “I TOUCH IT, I WILL DIE”, that means a physical death. So that is a lie. If it was about life and death, she would have been dead the day she ate it.
And what does “spirit” god to do with “cell renewing mechanism?
The day that Adam ate the fruit [the lies of Lucifer] he died that instant, his spirit was separated from it life source, in that process death entered paradise, the first to die were animals to cloths the couple. At that point death ruled and it was no longer paradise. So we see that it required the shedding of innocent blood in paradise immediately after contact with this agent of Lucifer. Any way you cut it, it was the snake who introduced man’s number one enemy into paradise. You are trying to defend the indefensible, you talk of discussing hard fact, but what good is it when you can’t even admit to something so obvious?
Two lies there, the tree was placed there by god. So if I admit that the fruit was Lucifer, why did god placed it there? Second there was NO MENTION of Lucifer or Satan in genesis, that was entirely made up by you. The snake didn’t introduce anything; it merely pointed out that the fruit is the fruit of knowledge of good and evi lwhich was acknowledge by god twice. I do not admit anything made up by you which are not in the book. If you can show me anything from Genesis that support what you say, I would agree with you.
Who decided that it needs the shedding of innocent blood?
One being creates a paradise and place the man there, the man wants for nothing, the man knows only good, the man don’t even know that there is such a thing called evil in the universe. Why introduce an innocent being to evil that would in the end destroy him? Only an evil person would introduce an innocent baby to evil, in essences, that’s what Adam was. Sure he was created fully physically mature, but he had just come into existence the world was new to him, he was an innocent baby. What new born baby knows of evil? Its like racial hatred, no kid is born with this evil in its heart, it is learn from snakes [metaphorically speaking] by those who know of this evil that the kid is unaware of. Now after being constantly bombarded by this evil from it parents the kid now become full of hate for his friend he once loved, for no other reason than that he was introduced to something he didn’t even know existed.
Adam knows neither good nor evil till he ate the fruit. It was god who placed the tree there. So it was god himself introduced the innocent being to evil. He was innocent being who did not know anything, nor understood anything. God placed a tree there and just like any child would, he ate the fruit. It god wanted good to happen, he would have placed the tree somewhere else.
Regarding the snake, who created that snake?
If it was under the influence of satan, why was the snake punished?
“God created a garden, placed Lucifer in that, he gave a metaphorical foot that affected the "cell renewing mechanism", indeed. At least you admit that the fruit contain evil knowledge and it is that knowledge that made "man" like one among "gods", that is your gods have evil knowledge. One who posses evil knowledge is evil, your gods are evil.”
It’s not me who wouldn’t admit that this whole conversation was about evil knowledge, it was you! I said from the beginning that the fruit that the man had eaten [the lies of Lucifer] was evil knowledge, the knowledge of the occult; the deep things of Satan.
Genesis 2: 8 Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
You always, somehow, miss that it was the knowledge of GOOD and evil. You also forget that it was god that made the garden and everything in it, so it was god who placed the “evil” tree there and it was god’s responsibility. So the “lie of Lucifer” is from your god only.
At least you admit that the fruit contain evil knowledge and it is that knowledge that made "man" like one among "gods", that is your gods have evil knowledge. One who posses evil knowledge is evil, your gods are evil.”
Again, you are confused by the author of confusion, the snake! How could God not know of the evil that’s attacking his throne? You continue to take scripture out of its context and fail to complete your sentence or quote the whole verse of scripture. In this post you have condemned yourself as being evil, if just knowing that evil exist in the world makes one evil [according to your theory] that would mean that you are evil because I don’t think that you will deny that this world if full of evil. The fact that you know that there’s evil in the world doesn’t make you a god, it just means that you have come into the knowledge of something you didn’t know existed in your innocent state as a baby. Adam was still a baby!
If you do not know the bible, tell me I will cut and paste the whole chapter. It is you who ignore most of what is written and make up your own stories.
According to you the 'fruit' is 'lies if Lucifer', if so, how did eating it made them like god, unless god is evil?
The fact that you know that there’s evil in the world doesn’t make you a god,
So god was lying when he said “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil”?
Knowledge alone does not make one evil, but that was what you were saying all these time. Adam ate a “metaphorical fruit” that made him “Evil”. How does knowing “evil” merit an expulsion from paradise? How does eating a “metaphorical fruit” affect cell renewing mechanism?
The fact that he ran and hid himself from his creator who had given him paradise itself shows that he had been overcome by evil, by the one who would introduce death into his members. “The man was naked and didn’t know it” again, metaphoric language for a state of innocents. You and I both ran around butt-naked in our innocent state as babies. We were innocent we didn’t know we were naked all we knew that there was a lot of happenings going on around us and we had to check it out, we cared nothing about our apparel, we were innocent.
“21 The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.”
So was the “garments of skin” metaphorical?
Also note that the sense of shame is culturally imposed, it's only because you are in a "nation" you bother about your apparel, if you were a tribal in the remotest jungles youwouldn't give a damn.
They were innocent and the ate a fruit without knowing what they were doing and god punished them?
This is who the snake defiled, an innocent baby, and caused his death. What you are doing is showing that you have truly been captured by the fallen angel Lucifer [Satan] whose sole purpose is to make you cuss your creator to his face, he failed to do this with Job but succeed in you! What you are doing is called the unforgivable sin of treason, you call evil good and good evil. You are calling Satan God and god the devil, the unforgivable sin of treason! This is the only sin that the Lord said that shall not be forgiven in this world o
Your god placed the tree there for the sole purpose of misleading Adam and then punished him for that. You call evil good and do not even attempt to find what good is.
Who sent the snake into the garden? Why didn’t god prevented the snake from getting into the garden?
Lucifer and Satan is the same being
Your god, Lucifer and Satan is the same being. According to you satan is the son of god. According to the bible your god is the son of the most high. According to the bible your god is a murderer and adulterer. By believing the fallen angel, the son of the most high, as god, it is you who have committed treason.
Your post:
Gene: 2 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
If you ate poison you will die, does not mean you will die years later peacefully, is it?
God did not say that it would be a spiritual death, according to eve, if “I TOUCH IT, I WILL DIE”, that means a physical death. So that is a lie. If it was about life and death, she would have been dead the day she ate it.
And what does “spirit” god to do with “cell renewing mechanism?
Your post makes no sense whatsoever, you quote part of the verse of scripture in that quote you state:
Than in the next sentence you state:
“So that is a lie. If it was about life and death, she would have been dead the day she ate it.”
Do you see why we can’t move forward? You are not making any sense, no matter how you try to twist it that conversation is about death. You quoted it: “I will Die!” that the woman’s response: “I will Die” that conversation is all about death. Again, you don’t have an answer for this so you take one word and try to cause confusion to it, that word is “day” now this word when used in conversation can mean a twenty four hour period or it can mean soothing different.
Remembering that most of this is metaphoric language I use to hear my grandparents make statements like; in my day, when I was growing up children didn’t talk back to their parents, and I’ve heard many other people use this same language in conversations. Again you must know the doctrine of the gospel that you fight against. Until you can stop stumbling over your own statements I just don’t see how we can make any progress.
Your post:
“And what does “spirit” god to do with “cell renewing mechanism?”
If you can’t understand something as simple this it’s a waste of time, in scripture it states that God created man in his image. So if God created man that means he created the entire life system in him that include the part that renews the cells of the body. It is the spirit of God that created the entire universe and all that it contains including the cell renewing process in man. So I really don’t understand how you could even ask that question.
Your post:
“Two lies there, the tree was placed there by god. So if I admit that the fruit was Lucifer, why did god placed it there? Second there was NO MENTION of Lucifer or Satan in genesis, that was entirely made up by you. The snake didn’t introduce anything; it merely pointed out that the fruit is the fruit of knowledge of good and evi lwhich was acknowledge by god twice. I do not admit anything made up by you which are not in the book. If you can show me anything from Genesis that support what you say, I would agree with you.
Who decided that it needs the shedding of innocent blood?”
Let take a look at the first part of your statement:
“Two lies there, the tree was placed there by god. So if I admit that the fruit was Lucifer, why did god placed it there?”
The man was given something called free will, the man is not a robot, and the man was given the right to serve whom he will. I don’t think the bible states that God placed the evil tree [Lucifer] in the garden but just that the tree was there. Again, this tree is mobile, it’s a spirit being, not only did it show up in the garden it also show up in the King of Tyre and is showing up mightily in these end-times as foretold. If the man was created to defeat Lucifer [which he did] than man is a combatant in this war. Now if the man choses to decide he no longer wants to be in this government and takes up the cause of the other side, than he must be allowed to make that decision, so the two kingdoms are there for him to choose from.
If he didn’t have the right hear the other’s point of view than Lucifer could make the claim that God was brainwashing the man and because of this he could not prove his case. That’s how one is brainwashed, he is given only one side of the argument any anything the other side have to say on the subject is taboo, he better not be caught reading anything about the other’s cause because they know that will shine light on the true of what’s going on. Again God is showing himself to be just! So now the man have two kingdom of which to choose from, the man must be given the opportunity to make that choice. How could the man choose unless there’s an opportunity to make that choice?
Your post:
“Adam knows neither good nor evil till he ate the fruit. It was god who placed the tree there. So it was god himself introduced the innocent being to evil. He was innocent being who did not know anything, nor understood anything. God placed a tree there and just like any child would, he ate the fruit. It god wanted good to happen, he would have placed the tree somewhere else.
Regarding the snake, who created that snake?
If it was under the influence of satan, why was the snake punished?”
Lets take a look at the first sentence of your statement:
“Adam knows neither good nor evil till he ate the fruit.”
Adam knew about good, all he had to do was look around him, and like King David, he could state I am wonderfully made. Good includes much more than the man could comprehend, but to claim that the man knew nothing of good is just wrong. The emphasis is on the man now knowing evil. I’ve already answered your next part of the question so I’ll skip that.
Your post:
:Regarding the snake, who created that snake?”
We covered this already, God created all living beings that have life in them, including the snake, but the snake appeared a lot different than it does today. The snake that God created was an animal of the field who were more intelligent than the other field animals. So in some way the snake use this intelligence to further the cause of the rebel. One thing we know about the snake is that God didn’t create him to crawl around on its belly, but was cursed to that lowly position. Whatever was before the curse one thing is sure, God did not create it evil.
Your post:
“If it was under the influence of satan, why was the snake punished?” I’ve already answered that question; it’s because the snake used its God given intelligence to choose whom it would serve, it choose to serve evil.
Your post:
“Genesis 2: 8 Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
Here you quote the entire verse of scripture and again we see that this conversation is about death!
Your post:
“You always, somehow, miss that it was the knowledge of GOOD and evil.”
No! It was you who just refuse to admit that this was about a certain knowledge, you were so bent on hiding this that I had to beg you to complete that part of the verse that included the word “knowledge” it’s there in black and white! But you can’t help being confused because your god is the author of confusion! Go back and read previous posts so you can come up to date on what we are discussion.
Your post:
“You always, somehow, miss that it was the knowledge of GOOD and evil. You also forget that it was god that made the garden and everything in it, so it was god who placed the “evil” tree there and it was god’s responsibility. So the “lie of Lucifer” is from your god only.”
You also forget that it was god that made the garden and everything in it, so it was god who placed the “evil” tree there and it was god’s responsibility. So the “lie of Lucifer” is from your god only.”
All you are doing is just repeating the something over and over and not coming up with anything to truly counting my point, just the same thing over and over!
Your post:
“If you do not know the bible, tell me I will cut and paste the whole chapter. It is you who ignore most of what is written and make up your own stories.
According to you the 'fruit' is 'lies if Lucifer', if so, how did eating it made them like god, unless god is evil?”
Instead of cutting and pasting scripture why not just take that time to read scripture and just maybe you want be so stuck when it’s time to discuss the bible. The same thing over and over!
Your post:
“So god was lying when he said “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil”?”
The same thing over and over! Again, the manhas become like the gods, in knowing something that the gods had knowledge of that the man knew not of. The same thing over and over!
Your post:
“Knowledge alone does not make one evil, but that was what you were saying all these time. Adam ate a “metaphorical fruit” that made him “Evil”. How does knowing “evil” merit an expulsion from paradise? How does eating a “metaphorical fruit” affect cell renewing mechanism?”
Again, you seem to have a very serious problem in understanding what you read. I told you that knowing evil does not make one evil, I even went so far as show you that by your statement that just knowing evil makes you evil condemns you because you must know that there’s evil in the world, you have a problem keeping up. I’m growing very tired of trying to communicate with someone who just can’t keep up and can’t even remember what they have posted!
This is over your head I’m not going to keep answering your question because this is becoming very silly. You never counter any point that I make, you just run to another question that you have ask too many times before. You don’t counter anything just ask the same question over and over. You are posting the same thing over and over.
Your post:
“21 The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.”
So was the “garments of skin” metaphorical?”
Here’s another bible lesson since you refuse to try to read the bible with understanding on your own:
Once the man sinned he had broken the universal law that states if you break the law, the law require the death of that law breaker, which is the law! The man is now aware that he is naked meaning he is no longer innocent and is now under the law of death. The man is now lost for all eternality unless something can be done to free him from what he’s gotten himself into. Now the law cannot be broken, the law states that the man should die, it’s all about life and death. But that’s the law of justice, but there’s another law that’s also at play here; it’s called mercy.
This law states that there’s only one way the man can be redeemed, if another who are perfect and without sin, as Adam was before his fall, if that sinless being would sacrifice for the one that fell the law would be fulfilled and the law breaker is pardoned, but who is willing to pay such a price even for someone they love. The skins represents two things; the first is that it represents that fact that death has now entered paradise, man’s number enemy.
The skins represents a covering of man’s sins until the perfect and sinless one would come and die in the man’s place. The skins also show the cost of what the man had done, it would cost the beating and cruel death of the sinless one, the only one who could make this sacrifice. It would cost heaven’s most prized passion, the Holy Blood of the Holy Son of God. No higher price could have been paid. So the skins and blood of the animals are all a reminder to man of the cost to undo what he had done. But God knowing that it’s this man that he intend to exult above the mighty Lucifer, and use this man to destroy Lucifer’s kingdom was not about to let Lucifer just destroy the man, even though the cost was very high. So all the animal sacrifice in the Old Testament were a reminder to man that there were a coming solution to his problem, that the permanent sacrifice will be coming. But in none of the blood sacrifice were there anything where God ordered the sacrifice of children to the flames as Lucifer do. You must seek the doctrine behind the words, you must read with an understanding of what you read.
Your post:
“Also note that the sense of shame is culturally imposed, it's only because you are in a "nation" you bother about your apparel, if you were a tribal in the remotest jungles youwouldn't give a damn.”
Yes, but you would probably refer to these people as backward at the very least if you weren’t trying to use them as a means to prove your point. And this is the best you can come back with. Look at how I go into detail when responding to your many questions, but you don’t show the same curtesy, you don’t even try to put yourself into what you are doing, just throw out a lot of confusion. I’ve asking you to explain to me your love affair with Satan. Explain to me just what has Satan done for you for you to have fallen in love with evil. Show me what good has your god Lucifer done to this world. When responding please answer the question, please do as I do and go into detail in your answer because I’m through with your one liners where you have to answer nothing and expect detail answers to your question of which most are senseless!
If you can’t make this effort, don’t expect a response from me! Give me more than one liners and cut and paste!
Your post:
Gene: 2 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
If you ate poison you will die, does not mean you will die years later peacefully, is it?
God did not say that it would be a spiritual death, according to eve, if “I TOUCH IT, I WILL DIE”, that means a physical death. So that is a lie. If it was about life and death, she would have been dead the day she ate it.
And what does “spirit” god to do with “cell renewing mechanism?
Your post makes no sense whatsoever, you quote part of the verse of scripture in that quote you state:
Than in the next sentence you state:
“So that is a lie. If it was about life and death, she would have been dead the day she ate it.”
Do you see why we can’t move forward? You are not making any sense, no matter how you try to twist it that conversation is about death. You quoted it: “I will Die!” that the woman’s response: “I will Die” that conversation is all about death. Again, you don’t have an answer for this so you take one word and try to cause confusion to it, that word is “day” now this word when used in conversation can mean a twenty four hour period or it can mean soothing different.
You tell your kid showing him a poisonous fruit and that he would die if he eats it, do you mean he would die years later? When you tell someone that if he touch it he would die , it means he would die then and there and that is what exactly god told them. But it was obvious that they didn’t die. Is that hard for you to understand? In this context, it means 24 hours not any different meaning. And the snake said and god acknowledged that eating the fruit “made them like god”. Not only they didn’t they die that day, they also became like god.
Remembering that most of this is metaphoric language I use to hear my grandparents make statements like; in my day, when I was growing up children didn’t talk back to their parents, and I’ve heard many other people use this same language in conversations. Again you must know the doctrine of the gospel that you fight against. Until you can stop stumbling over your own statements I just don’t see how we can make any progress.
You try to repair the errors with long unwinding statements and half truths and by the time you complete you destroy your own previous arguments. So it was a metaphor, so you yourself admit that it is all a lie, so which part of it is lie, is Adam and Eve metaphor? What exactly is the story of genesis according to you?
Your post:
“And what does “spirit” god to do with “cell renewing mechanism?”
If you can’t understand something as simple this it’s a waste of time, in scripture it states that God created man in his image. So if God created man that means he created the entire life system in him that include the part that renews the cells of the body. It is the spirit of God that created the entire universe and all that it contains including the cell renewing process in man. So I really don’t understand how you could even ask that question.
How does “spiritual death” affect cell renewing mechanism is the question? Cell renewing mechanism is DNA based, not action based. And if you look around, people with defective cell renewing mechanism dies in 100 years, not 1600 years.
Your post:
“Two lies there, the tree was placed there by god. So if I admit that the fruit was Lucifer, why did god placed it there? Second there was NO MENTION of Lucifer or Satan in genesis, that was entirely made up by you. The snake didn’t introduce anything; it merely pointed out that the fruit is the fruit of knowledge of good and evi lwhich was acknowledge by god twice. I do not admit anything made up by you which are not in the book. If you can show me anything from Genesis that support what you say, I would agree with you.
Let take a look at the first part of your statement:
“Two lies there, the tree was placed there by god. So if I admit that the fruit was Lucifer, why did god placed it there?”
The man was given something called free will, the man is not a robot, and the man was given the right to serve whom he will. I don’t think the bible states that God placed the evil tree [Lucifer] in the garden but just that the tree was there. Again, this tree is mobile, it’s a spirit being, not only did it show up in the garden it also show up in the King of Tyre and is showing up mightily in these end-times as foretold. If the man was created to defeat Lucifer [which he did] than man is a combatant in this war. Now if the man choses to decide he no longer wants to be in this government and takes up the cause of the other side, than he must be allowed to make that decision, so the two kingdoms are there for him to choose from.
You yourself said that Adam was like a kid, the book also agrees. So what “free will” do you expect in an innocent child? The “man”, innocent he is, is not mature enough to take a decision.
It is stated in the book that it was god who constructed the garden. So did the tree got there without god’s knowledge? Why god didn’t remove it when he saw it? How does one “eat” a metaphorical tree and get the knowledge of good and evil?
Who decided that it needs the shedding of innocent blood?
If he didn’t have the right hear the other’s point of view than Lucifer could make the claim that God was brainwashing the man and because of this he could not prove his case. That’s how one is brainwashed, he is given only one side of the argument any anything the other side have to say on the subject is taboo, he better not be caught reading anything about the other’s cause because they know that will shine light on the true of what’s going on. Again God is showing himself to be just! So now the man have two kingdom of which to choose from, the man must be given the opportunity to make that choice. How could the man choose unless there’s an opportunity to make that choice?
Do you allow your innocent kids to take potentially harmful decisions?
Your post:
“Adam knows neither good nor evil till he ate the fruit. It was god who placed the tree there. So it was god himself introduced the innocent being to evil. He was innocent being who did not know anything, nor understood anything. God placed a tree there and just like any child would, he ate the fruit. It god wanted good to happen, he would have placed the tree somewhere else.
Regarding the snake, who created that snake?
If it was under the influence of satan, why was the snake punished?”
Lets take a look at the first sentence of your statement:
“Adam knows neither good nor evil till he ate the fruit.”
Adam knew about good, all he had to do was look around him, and like King David, he could state I am wonderfully made. Good includes much more than the man could comprehend, but to claim that the man knew nothing of good is just wrong. The emphasis is on the man now knowing evil. I’ve already answered your next part of the question so I’ll skip that.
The book clearly states that only after eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil their eyes opened, you yourself said that they were like kids, so the man neither knew good nor evil.
“The emphasis is on the man now knowing evil”
That is your lie, the statement is always “good and evil”, it never said evil alone, equal emphasis.
Your post:
:Regarding the snake, who created that snake?”
We covered this already, God created all living beings that have life in them, including the snake, but the snake appeared a lot different than it does today. The snake that God created was an animal of the field who were more intelligent than the other field animals. So in some way the snake use this intelligence to further the cause of the rebel. One thing we know about the snake is that God didn’t create him to crawl around on its belly, but was cursed to that lowly position. Whatever was before the curse one thing is sure, God did not create it evil
Your post:
“If it was under the influence of satan, why was the snake punished?” I’ve already answered that question; it’s because the snake used its God given intelligence to choose whom it would serve, it choose to serve evil.
When god cursed the snake he didn’t curse that it would lose intelligence. It was cursed to crawl and that is what it is doing.
Did the snake got “free will”?
A snake is like any other animal, if it is intelligent you can train it. So satan should train it. If I train my dog to bite you, is my dog responsible?
Your post:
“Genesis 2: 8 Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
Here you quote the entire verse of scripture and again we see that this conversation is about death! And if you read the rest of the scripture it shows that eating it didn’t cause death.
Your post:
“You always, somehow, miss that it was the knowledge of GOOD and evil.”
No! It was you who just refuse to admit that this was about a certain knowledge, you were so bent on hiding this that I had to beg you to complete that part of the verse that included the word “knowledge” it’s there in black and white! But you can’t help being confused because your god is the author of confusion! Go back and read previous posts so you can come up to date on what we are discussion.
It still do not answer why you consistently miss “good”. The book, in three places, clearly state that it is the knowledge of good and evil, but you keep on saying it is evil only and occult. Again how did "lies of satan " give knowledge of good?
Your post:
“You always, somehow, miss that it was the knowledge of GOOD and evil. You also forget that it was god that made the garden and everything in it, so it was god who placed the “evil” tree there and it was god’s responsibility. So the “lie of Lucifer” is from your god only.”
You also forget that it was god that made the garden and everything in it, so it was god who placed the “evil” tree there and it was god’s responsibility. So the “lie of Lucifer” is from your god only.”
All you are doing is just repeating the something over and over and not coming up with anything to truly counting my point, just the same thing over and over!
That is because you are repeating the same nonsense again and again. You are creating an entirely new thing “occult” knowledge, while the book says that it is the knowledge that made them like god. So either say that it was not occult knowledge or
say it was evil knowledge and it made them like your god (who he is evil), you can’t have both.
“If you do not know the bible, tell me I will cut and paste the whole chapter. It is you who ignore most of what is written and make up your own stories.
According to you the 'fruit' is 'lies if Lucifer', if so, how did eating it made them like god, unless god is evil?”
Instead of cutting and pasting scripture why not just take that time to read scripture and just maybe you want be so stuck when it’s time to discuss the bible. The same thing over and over!
I am cutting and pasting because you seem not have read it.
Your post:
“So god was lying when he said “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil”?”
The same thing over and over! Again, the manhas become like the gods, in knowing something that the gods had knowledge of that the man knew not of. The same thing over and over! And that knowledge your god knew is evil?
Your post:
“Knowledge alone does not make one evil, but that was what you were saying all these time. Adam ate a “metaphorical fruit” that made him “Evil”. How does knowing “evil” merit an expulsion from paradise? How does eating a “metaphorical fruit” affect cell renewing mechanism?”
Again, you seem to have a very serious problem in understanding what you read. I told you that knowing evil does not make one evil, I even went so far as show you that by your statement that just knowing evil makes you evil condemns you because you must know that there’s evil in the world, you have a problem keeping up. I’m growing very tired of trying to communicate with someone who just can’t keep up and can’t even remember what they have posted!
This is over your head I’m not going to keep answering your question because this is becoming very silly. You never counter any point that I make, you just run to another question that you have ask too many times before. You don’t counter anything just ask the same question over and over. You are posting the same thing over and over.
Are you frustrated that I am not taken in by your deceptive tricks? Adam ate a fruit that gave them knowledge, if knowledge is not evil why were they punished? How did the “knowledge” affected their mechanism?
YYou: "here was no sin in the man as long as he knew nothing of the Knowledge of evil, there was no sin"
You yourself said knowledge of evil is sin. So you deny it?
Your post:
“21 The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.”
So was the “garments of skin” metaphorical?”
Here’s another bible lesson since you refuse to try to read the bible with understanding on your own:
Once the man sinned he had broken the universal law that states if you break the law, the law require the death of that law breaker, which is the law! The man is now aware that he is naked meaning he is no longer innocent and is now under the law of death. The man is now lost for all eternality unless something can be done to free him from what he’s gotten himself into. Now the law cannot be broken, the law states that the man should die, it’s all about life and death. But that’s the law of justice, but there’s another law that’s also at play here; it’s called mercy.
Who made that law? We, moral humans that is, do not punish anyone with death. So your god made such a barbaric law?
Why didn’t god made garments of cotton or silk or linen...?
This law states that there’s only one way the man can be redeemed, if another who are perfect and without sin, as Adam was before his fall, if that sinless being would sacrifice for the one that fell the law would be fulfilled and the law breaker is pardoned, but who is willing to pay such a price even for someone they love. The skins represents two things; the first is that it represents that fact that death has now entered paradise, man’s number enemy.
The skins represents a covering of man’s sins until the perfect and sinless one would come and die in the man’s place. The skins also show the cost of what the man had done, it would cost the beating and cruel death of the sinless one, the only one who could make this sacrifice. It would cost heaven’s most prized passion, the Holy Blood of the Holy Son of God. No higher price could have been paid. So the skins and blood of the animals are all a reminder to man of the cost to undo what he had done. But God knowing that it’s this man that he intend to exult above the mighty Lucifer, and use this man to destroy Lucifer’s kingdom was not about to let Lucifer just destroy the man, even though the cost was very high. So all the animal sacrifice in the Old Testament were a reminder to man that there were a coming solution to his problem, that the permanent sacrifice will be coming. But in none of the blood sacrifice were there anything where God ordered the sacrifice of children to the flames as Lucifer do. You must seek the doctrine behind the words, you must read with an understanding of what you read.
Who decided that to redeem sins one should shed innocent blood? Only an evil being can make such laws. Do you need any more evidence that the one whom you worship is satan? We modern humans never punish anyone with death and never punish an innocent one. Such a barbaric god!! And you still make all these false deceptive arguments to say that he is good, shame on you.
Your post:
“Also note that the sense of shame is culturally imposed, it's only because you are in a "nation" you bother about your apparel, if you were a tribal in the remotest jungles youwouldn't give a damn.”
Yes, but you would probably refer to these people as backward at the very least if you weren’t trying to use them as a means to prove your point. And this is the best you can come back with.
When you argument is proven wrong you are coming back with another trick. Even if I consider them “backward” (that is your assumption, probably from your habit) I will not count their nakedness as innocence. So that is entirely false. I consider them in all aspects exactly like us, I have the same intelligence and was born among them I would behave exactly like them and if their kids are brought up in our society they would behave exactly like us, culture is the only difference.
Look at how I go into detail when responding to your many questions, but you don’t show the same curtesy, you don’t even try to put yourself into what you are doing, just throw out a lot of confusion. I’ve asking you to explain to me your love affair with Satan. Explain to me just what has Satan done for you for you to have fallen in love with evil. Show me what good has your god Lucifer done to this world. When responding please answer the question, please do as I do and go into detail in your answer because I’m through with your one liners where you have to answer nothing and expect detail answers to your question of which most are senseless! Actually why don’t’ you explain your love affair with satan? Lucifer, Satan your god is all the same, so how can I show you the good that he did? Your god murdered millions of humans, did adultery, placed an evil tree in kids garden and allowed the kids to eat from it and then punished them….and according to you all these are good?
Do not murder, place kids in dangerous situation, do not commit adultery…..
If you can’t make this effort, don’t expect a response from me! Give me more than one liners and cut and paste!
Are you frustrated that I found out the site from which you copied? Can you show me what I copied (other than the scripture), so that is one more lie on your account.
Your post:
“You tell your kid showing him a poisonous fruit and that he would die if he eats it, do you mean he would die years later? When you tell someone that if he touch it he would die , it means he would die then and there and that is what exactly god told them. But it was obvious that they didn’t die. Is that hard for you to understand? In this context, it means 24 hours not any different meaning. And the snake said and god acknowledged that eating the fruit “made them like god”. Not only they didn’t they die that day, they also became like god.”
I watch investigative documentaries and one of the means of murder that many killers wives use to kill their husband when they feel it’s time to cash-in on the insurance policy is called the slow poisoning death of anti-freeze. It’s a slow death that can take months for the person to die and it looks like the person died of natural causes. When a person is told by the doctor they have lung cancer, does that mean the person die that very day? No! Most deaths results from a slow break-down of the cells that takes months or even years.
In scripture it is stated that one thousand year is as a day to the Lord, it could be that the Lord was again speaking metaphorically. Now, God never told the couple that they would die if they even just touch the fruit, that was Eve’s answer to the snake, but God never said that to the couple. He said if you eat!
Your post:
“But it was obvious that they didn’t die. Is that hard for you to understand?”
If the snake didn’t lie, where do the couple live today, or would you give me their e-mail address so I can ask them myself if they are they dead. My bad, they are dead just as the Lord said would happen to them. Lucifer is still here, but where is the couple, they are dead!
Your post:
“And the snake said and god acknowledged that eating the fruit “made them like god”. Not only they didn’t they die that day, they also became like god.”
Again, here you throw out that same incomplete sentence, and think on one will notice it, don’t you see that it’s not working? So again I must complete your sentence for you:
The man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. You are stuck in that incomplete sentence, what you are doing is called insane behavior; doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. No matter how many times you post that incomplete sentence it’s going to come out the same; incomplete and deceptive! Now you see what I meant when I said that verse of scripture blew-up in your face. If it had not you wouldn’t be running from the other half of that verse. It blew-up in your face!
Your post:
“You try to repair the errors with long unwinding statements and half truths and by the time you complete you destroy your own previous arguments. So it was a metaphor, so you yourself admit that it is all a lie, so which part of it is lie, is Adam and Eve metaphor? What exactly is the story of genesis according to you?”
Very weak, in this I again have to teach you basic things that you should have had an understanding of before you took it upon yourself to do the impossible. I never said that Adam or Eve is a metaphor, I said that in the conversation there was metaphoric language being used. The part that’s a lie is every part that you posted, I have been explaining the story of Genesis from the start, you who don’t have the understanding to process it. Now you want me to explain what Genesis means to me. But I have asked you over and over to explain to me what does Lucifer mean to you, what have he done for you, why do you love Satan so much. You act as if you don’t understand the question, there’s no way your understanding could be that bad, you are just being deceptive!
Your post:
“How does “spiritual death” affect cell renewing mechanism is the question? Cell renewing mechanism is DNA based, not action based. And if you look around, people with defective cell renewing mechanism dies in 100 years, not 1600 years.”
All you do is ask question and make no attempt to answer anything, you have no idea of just what happens in the DNA, only what science tells you, truth be told, they are still learning of mysteries of DNA. So if they are still studying DNA how could you be an expert in DNA when we can’t even get you to complete a sentence?
Your post:
“And if you look around, people with defective cell renewing mechanism dies in 100 years, not 1600 years.”
What’s your point?
Your post:
“You yourself said that Adam was like a kid, the book also agrees. So what “free will” do you expect in an innocent child? The “man”, innocent he is, is not mature enough to take a decision.
It is stated in the book that it was god who constructed the garden. So did the tree got there without god’s knowledge? Why god didn’t remove it when he saw it? How does one “eat” a metaphorical tree and get the knowledge of good and evil?”
Children are constantly making unwise decisions, what about the young girl takes up with a fifty year old man? Even though she is only twelve she was still old enough to make the unwise decision. But the true blame is on the much older and should be wiser man who took advantage of the child’s inexperience and youth, the true evil is in the man and not the child. Lucifer took advantage of the child and stole his kingdom and spread death throughout the entire kingdom. You are right, the man was too young to make such a decision and Lucifer knew this so he took advantage of the child and exploited him. This one was a liar from the beginning!
Your post:
“Do you allow your innocent kids to take potentially harmful decisions?”
It’s not that we would allow our children to make potentially harmful decisions, they are going to make them anyway. You have made unwise decision and so have I, that just the way of the world. But again, it’s the one who exploits the inexperience of the child is the evil one. Al children makes unwise decisions, they are expected to, and they are children. How many mothers are grieving today because their child entered a classroom and open fire on innocent class mates? Children makes potentially harmful decisions, it in their nature!
Now I have at least attempted to answer your questions, now I ask you to do the same without out running away from the question, what is this love affair you have with Satan, what has he done for you latterly?
Your post:
Are you frustrated that I found out the site from which you copied? Can you show me what I copied (other than the scripture), so that is one more lie on your account.
Again I ask you to quote to me just what part I stole from another website.
What part did I copy from another site? how can we discuss something that is not identified? its like you continue to expect me to complete your sentence. complete your own work, I identify what you are talking about!
I didn't see this
“You tell your kid showing him a poisonous fruit and that he would die if he eats it, do you mean he would die years later? When you tell someone that if he touch it he would die , it means he would die then and there and that is what exactly god told them. But it was obvious that they didn’t die. Is that hard for you to understand? In this context, it means 24 hours not any different meaning. And the snake said and god acknowledged that eating the fruit “made them like god”. Not only they didn’t they die that day, they also became like god.”
I watch investigative documentaries and one of the means of murder that many killers wives use to kill their husband when they feel it’s time to cash-in on the insurance policy is called the slow poisoning death of anti-freeze. It’s a slow death that can take months for the person to die and it looks like the person died of natural causes. When a person is told by the doctor they have lung cancer, does that mean the person die that very day? No! Most deaths results from a slow break-down of the cells that takes months or even years.
No doctor tells his patients that the "day" you have lung cancer you will die. And the one who give poison(in your example) do not want death the "day" it is eaten. Have you ever seen anyone taking poison to die two hundred years later?
In scripture it is stated that one thousand year is as a day to the Lord, it could be that the Lord was again speaking metaphorically. Now, God never told the couple that they would die if they even just touch the fruit, that was Eve’s answer to the snake, but God never said that to the couple. He said if you eat!
Eve was not there when god said it, it was second hand information and that is what she understood, (touch it, I am dead)and the snake corrected. As she specifically said that if touched she would die, and god said day, you are the one who is deceptive by claiming that day means anything but day.
Your post:
“But it was obvious that they didn’t die. Is that hard for you to understand?”
If the snake didn’t lie, where do the couple live today, or would you give me their e-mail address so I can ask them myself if they are they dead. My bad, they are dead just as the Lord said would happen to them. Lucifer is still here, but where is the couple, they are dead!
Your idiot god told them they would die the DAY, where in the book it is written that they were dead the day they ate it. They lived, had children, grand children. ...they lived more than any other human being. Just show me one human who is two hundred years old. God didn't made them immortal(or show me where it is said that they were created immortal) and he didn't want them to be immortal either.
Your post:
“And the snake said and god acknowledged that eating the fruit “made them like god”. Not only they didn’t they die that day, they also became like god.”
Again, here you throw out that same incomplete sentence, and think on one will notice it, don’t you see that it’s not working? So again I must complete your sentence for you:
The man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. You are stuck in that incomplete sentence, what you are doing is called insane behavior; doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. No matter how many times you post that incomplete sentence it’s going to come out the same; incomplete and deceptive! Now you see what I meant when I said that verse of scripture blew-up in your face. If it had not you wouldn’t be running from the other half of that verse. It blew-up in your face!
Now that you have read the complete sentence show me how it changed the meaning. Also please get the complete sentence where the snake states that you will be like god immortal.
Your post:
“You try to repair the errors with long unwinding statements and half truths and by the time you complete you destroy your own previous arguments. So it was a metaphor, so you yourself admit that it is all a lie, so which part of it is lie, is Adam and Eve metaphor? What exactly is the story of genesis according to you?”
Very weak, in this I again have to teach you basic things that you should have had an understanding of before you took it upon yourself to do the impossible. I never said that Adam or Eve is a metaphor, I said that in the conversation there was metaphoric language being used. The part that’s a lie is every part that you posted, I have been explaining the story of Genesis from the start, you who don’t have the understanding to process it. Now you want me to explain what Genesis means to me. But I have asked you over and over to explain to me what does Lucifer mean to you, what have he done for you, why do you love Satan so much. You act as if you don’t understand the question, there’s no way your understanding could be that bad, you are just being deceptive!
You managed to write a great number of lies, no one can eat a metaphorical "fruit from a tree". [What does the metaphor "of every tree of the garden" stands for?]
The tree was put there by god and it is there for god to show, but he allowed the tree there. You said lucifer while there is no Lucifer or satan in genesis, that is lie you are trying to perpetrate.. According to you lie of Lucifer is what made Adam like god and lie of Lucifer is knowledge of good and evil. How can a lie be good? How can a lie make adam like god?
And you are yet to decide whether knowledge makes one evil or not? Simple truth:rolleyes:!!!
Your post:
“How does “spiritual death” affect cell renewing mechanism is the question? Cell renewing mechanism is DNA based, not action based. And if you look around, people with defective cell renewing mechanism dies in 100 years, not 1600 years.”
All you do is ask question and make no attempt to answer anything, you have no idea of just what happens in the DNA, only what science tells you, truth be told, they are still learning of mysteries of DNA. So if they are still studying DNA how could you be an expert in DNA when we can’t even get you to complete a sentence?
So you made that up as well. The spirit stayed with man even after that.
Your post:
“And if you look around, people with defective cell renewing mechanism dies in 100 years, not 1600 years.”
What’s your point?
The one which you tries to hide.
Your post:
“You yourself said that Adam was like a kid, the book also agrees. So what “free will” do you expect in an innocent child? The “man”, innocent he is, is not mature enough to take a decision.
It is stated in the book that it was god who constructed the garden. So did the tree got there without god’s knowledge? Why god didn’t remove it when he saw it? How does one “eat” a metaphorical tree and get the knowledge of good and evil?”
Children are constantly making unwise decisions, what about the young girl takes up with a fifty year old man? Even though she is only twelve she was still old enough to make the unwise decision. But the true blame is on the much older and should be wiser man who took advantage of the child’s inexperience and youth, the true evil is in the man and not the child. Lucifer took advantage of the child and stole his kingdom and spread death throughout the entire kingdom. You are right, the man was too young to make such a decision and Lucifer knew this so he took advantage of the child and exploited him. This one was a liar from the beginning!
So after that you punish the child for being with the older man?
God punished them with hard labour and increased the pain. And as job shows satan does not do anything without god’s permission, so (if you are not lying and satan was behind, then the book is lying), it was god himself who is responsible.
Your post:
“Do you allow your innocent kids to take potentially harmful decisions?”
It’s not that we would allow our children to make potentially harmful decisions, they are going to make them anyway. You have made unwise decision and so have I, that just the way of the world. But again, it’s the one who exploits the inexperience of the child is the evil one. Al children makes unwise decisions, they are expected to, and they are children. How many mothers are grieving today because their child entered a classroom and open fire on innocent class mates? Children makes potentially harmful decisions, it in their nature!
And we will punish them with death, right? And we will allow dangerous in their path even if we knew and could prevent?
Now I have at least attempted to answer your questions, now I ask you to do the same without out running away from the question, what is this love affair you have with Satan, what has he done for you latterly?
Unfortunately the only satan, that is by satan you mean a murderer, I see is your god, the fallen son of the most high who is doing an incredible work of deception to get people like you to defend him with all sorts of deceptions and lies.
Your post:
Are you frustrated that I found out the site from which you copied? Can you show me what I copied (other than the scripture), so that is one more lie on your account.
Again I ask you to quote to me just what part I stole from another website.
What part did I copy from another site? how can we discuss something that is not identified? its like you continue to expect me to complete your sentence. complete your own work, I identify what you are talking about!
Already answered in a previous post.
Your post:
“Actually why don’t’ you explain your love affair with satan? Lucifer, Satan your god is all the same, so how can I show you the good that he did? Your god murdered millions of humans, did adultery, placed an evil tree in kids garden and allowed the kids to eat from it and then punished them….and according to you all these are good?”
Your post:
“Actually why don’t’ you explain your love affair with satan? Lucifer, Satan your god is all the same, so how can I show you the good that he did?”
Again, you show that you don’t understand what you read. Where is your description of just what wonderful things that Lucifer has done for you? Surely, who is loved so much by you must have done something great for you to want to talk about. I’ve talked much about the wonderful things that the Lord has done for me, go back and read the post. You can’t even up with a single thing that Lucifer’s done for you, yet you blindly follow him. You can’t even come up with a single thing! That’s sad, what a pitiful god that his follower can find nothing good to brag about. Where is the love that I talked about when discussing my God.
Its unbelievable that you can’t find a single good thing that he’s done, what pitiful god, and what kind of person would commit themselves to such a being, a being that you can find nothing good to discuss in him. What a pitiful god! so since you are trying to dich Lucifer, explain to me just what is your religion. Please don’t try to tell me that you are not religious, because you are in a religious forum discussing religion. What do you believe? Let talk about what you see the world as. Please, don’t come back with a one liner like you last post and think it explains anything.
Just look at the pitiful response you posted:
“Actually why don’t’ you explain your love affair with satan? Lucifer, Satan your god is all the same, so how can I show you the good that he did?”
Again, you are running from the question! What do you replace God with in your world.
You are following satan because he did something for you?
What did
Look at the universe.
Your post:
“Who decided that to redeem sins one should shed innocent blood? Only an evil being can make such laws. Do you need any more evidence that the one whom you worship is satan? We modern humans never punish anyone with death and never punish an innocent one. Such a barbaric god!! And you still make all these false deceptive arguments to say that he is good, shame on you.”
Your post:
“Who decided that to redeem sins one should shed innocent blood?” Only an evil being can make such laws.]
Your post:
“We modern humans never punish anyone with death and never punish an innocent one.”
Now this is one of your most senseless statement thus far! We modern humans are always punishing people with death. Just look at the people being behead as a punishment! Just look at the people that are on death-row in this country by us modern humans.
Now many are true killers on death-row, but there’s some innocent people on death-row and some have already been executed by us modern humans. The law that was created that states that if a person kills his son and he’s given life in prison for his crime, is the creators of that law evil? No! The evil one is the one who see the law as evil that is the evil one! I just can’t understand how so many people see such problems with just laws, only law breakers have problems with laws that are put into place to protect all members of its kingdom. It’s un-real! It’s up to the giver of life to decide to whom he will grant eternal life.
It is his universe and kingdom, you don’t let the child tell you how to run the household, they would run it into the ground. You don’t tell the creator how to govern his universe, what you do is go and create your own universe and there you build your lawless kingdom! If the creator of this universe that I’m living in says; this one is just too evil to be allowed to travel throughout the cosmos and live eternally, so I’ll just make it as if he never existed, like before he was born. I’m not about to augur the point with him. What’s is wrong with just laws?
An unjust law would be to let the killer go scot-free and not go to penitentiary, for one who cannot give life to take a life must be the most serious of crimes on crime of man by man. So if the King decides that this one under this set of circumstances should be taken out of existence because he have no respect for life, he know much more about these things than I do.
We modern humans are the most evil and murderous humans since the beginning of time! We modern human kill’s defenseless unborn babies by the millions. There’s a whole lot we can talk about on the subject of the goodness of us modern humans that you put in place of God. Us good modern humans are so full of hate that they all got deadly missiles pointed at each other, ever ready to destroy all life on earth, O’ the goodness of us modern humans.
The evil being is the one who sees just laws as being evil!
It’s God who decides that in order to redeem the man innocent blood must be shed. Because innocent Holy Blood is the most treasurable thing in heaven. In this process God would show who it is that truly is love, high price he placed on the redemption of man, he God would pay himself, he would die in their place. He didn’t ask this of another, but took his own being and wrapped it in flesh and took the beating and the horrible death that Lucifer meant for man. Now when the man of Christ die it’s not a horrible experiences, but a most beautiful one. “He took the sting out of death.”
That is how much value the King and Father puts on the subjects of his love, no higher price could have been paid, he gave his all to that which he claimed to love. Where is your love story of the one you so love and where is his salvation. Please tell me of your god, tell me if it can come anywhere close to this king of love. You can’t understand this kind of love because you know nothing of love but only hate. A hatred that is eating away at the members of your temple, you are now at the point where you can’t even be reason with, you see no good in anything, only evil in creation. Take time to observes the Rose and examine its beauty.
We modern humans are always punishing people with death. Just look at the people being behead as a punishment
You missed the qualifications I made, modern moral humans and not America that still considers torture as legitimate.
Yes, people are beheaded, by the barbaric muslims countries and ISIS and that is what I said, your god is barbaric.
The law that was created that states that if a person kills his son and he’s given life in prison for his crime, is the creators of that law evil?
That is not what you said, you said god killed innocents, for adam'sadam's knowledge he killed innocent animals.
We don't give death, it is the rarest of the rarest that may deserve death; but you might have noticed that we, not even Americans, punish let alone kill innocent people.
.You don’t tell the creator how to govern his universe, what you do is go and create your own universe and there you build your lawless kingdom!
Whoever does evil is evil irrespective of whether he claims to be creator or not. You don't worship a despot because he has power, do you?
But you do agree that it is evil, only that one should not question it because it is the "creator"? Now you are agreeing that your god is evil and saying it is his prerogative to be evil. That evil fellow is not god, it is satan. God doesn't demand anyones blood, let alone innocent blood.
What’s is wrong with just laws? Nothing, but murder and shedding innocent blood are not just laws.
We modern humans are the most evil and murderous humans since the beginning of time! We modern human kill’s defenseless unborn babies by the millions. There’s a whole lot we can talk about on the subject of the goodness of us modern humans that you put in place of God. Us good modern humans are so full of hate that they all got deadly missiles pointed at each other, ever ready to destroy all life on earth, O’ the goodness of us modern humans.
We were like that and some are still, but we who are moral now condemn such things. Only evil people now does that and worship beings who do that. Those who most obviously do it are called devil worshippers.
It’s God who decides that in order to redeem the man innocent blood must be shed.
Only an evil bloodthirsty hound will demand blood, especially innocent blood. Do you kill your one son to forgive others?
That is how much value the King and Father puts on the subjects of his love, no higher price could have been paid, he gave his all to that which he claimed to love. Where is your love story of the one you so love and where is his salvation.
If you are telling me the jesus story, that fellow didn't die, according to the bible.
Please tell me of your god, tell me if it can come anywhere close to this king of love.
Killing innocents is not love at all and if god wants to forgive, he can do so without theatrics.
You can’t understand this kind of love because you know nothing of love but only hate.
Killing innocents is your idea of love? That is satanic and you are speaking the truth for once, I don’t understand it only people who are evil enough to demand death can understand it.
Your post:
“You missed the qualifications I made, modern moral humans and not America that still considers torture as legitimate.
Yes, people are beheaded, by the barbaric muslims countries and ISIS and that is what I said, your god is barbaric.”
Still stumbling over your own statements! Ok, so you have no answer here, lets move on to your next question or statement:
Your post:
“That is not what you said, you said god killed innocents, for adam'sadam's knowledge he killed innocent animals.
We don't give death, it is the rarest of the rarest that may deserve death; but you might have noticed that we, not even Americans, punish let alone kill innocent people.”
Show me in my post where I said that God kills innocent people, it is you who said this. You are so confuse that you can’t even remember that this is your case that the Lord is evil, not mine. See what happens when the god of confusion is your lord? You become so confused that you can’t differentiate between my post and your post, the difference between my cause and your cause. It’s you who said God kills the innocent people!
Your post:
“Whoever does evil is evil irrespective of whether he claims to be creator or not. You don't worship a despot because he has power, do you?
But you do agree that it is evil, only that one should not question it because it is the "creator"? Now you are agreeing that your god is evil and saying it is his prerogative to be evil. That evil fellow is not god, it is satan. God doesn't demand anyones blood, let alone innocent blood.
What’s is wrong with just laws? Nothing, but murder and shedding innocent blood are not just laws.”
Your post:
“Whoever does evil is evil irrespective of whether he claims to be creator or not. You don't worship a despot because he has power, do you?”
Again, you make sweeping statements, take one instance where you can show where this is an evil act of God, I’m not going to address this type of post because you makes no particular case, just sweeping statements.
Your post:
“But you do agree that it is evil, only that one should not question it because it is the "creator"? Now you are agreeing that your god is evil and saying it is his prerogative to be evil. That evil fellow is not god, it is satan. God doesn't demand anyones blood, let alone innocent blood.”
Still I ask you to produce the evil act you are referring to because I don’t agree with anything you are saying no matter how many times you claim that I do, you got to do better than this. You continue to miss the whole point of the argument. Once the man was lost nothing could redeemed him, the only thing that could do must be of equal value of that which was lost. According to scripture, one soul is worth than everything in this world, so once the soul is lost there’s nothing that is valuable enough to pay the price of a lost soul.
If you had a New Lexus and someone stole it and the only way you are going to get it back was to pay the ransoms of ten thousand, but you only have five hundred dollars in the bank. The only other source of funds is your 1983 Ford that doesn’t work very well, so after selling your Ford you still fall short because in your world there is nothing of enough value to come up with the cash to pay the price of the ransoms. Your only hope is to go to an outside source, one who have the capital to buy back which was lost.
For the loss of the most valuable thing in creation [the soul] would take the valuable thing that heaven process, innocent blood, that’s what was spilled, that’s what was lost. How are you going to buy back the Lexus with the price of selling the Ford? If must be of equal or greater value to pay the price. There’s nothing in this earth that had the value of the lost soul. What would you buy it back with? Certainly not the dollar bill! The only thing that equaled that which was lost was the sinless soul of the Son of God that is the only thing that could equal that which was lost. It just shows the cost of redeeming once lost soul! So in none of this do I agree with you that God is evil, you now seem to be having problems remembering who posted what.
Your post:
“We were like that and some are still, but we who are moral now condemn such things. Only evil people now does that and worship beings who do that. Those who most obviously do it are called devil worshippers. What’s is wrong with just laws? Nothing, but murder and shedding innocent blood are not just laws.”
Do you actually believe that this is an answer to anything? You are going to need more than a couple of incomplete sentences to explain away what I’ve been explaining this whole time. Again, you make wild sweeping statements about how evil God is and include nothing to back up your claim. In this is the picture of pure love at work, now that you have been explained the true value of the soul, maybe you can begin to understand just how much it cost to redeem. In this reveals that theirs is nothing he want give to his children, he had to give his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, to be beaten. That was Satan’s part of the contract, to beat beyond recognition, to spit upon, to strip naked and drag through the streets and in the end nail him to a tree, yea’ that one was a murderer from the beginning!
That what is cost to ransoms the soul from the King of Hell! Lucifer is now lord of death, he held the power of death that he wielded in the earth. It was in the earth where Adam turned over the deeds of the earth to Lucifer, and it would be here where the final battle is fought. This is a physical war in a physical world, much blood is spilled in this war. It is said that in the US military is a mother has only one son he will not be forced into combat. But in God’s armies not even his only begotten son is too precious to spill his blood in this war to win back the man, God’s Crown of Creation, the one who’s in his image!
What a beautiful story, where’s yours? All you see is evil, even when it’s good it’s evil to you. The reason you are in this deep depression is because you have no hope for anything to look forward too. Or maybe you do, but we can’t tell because you want reveal just what it is you believe. Again I’m asking you to give me some idea of who you are, what do you believe besides all creation is evil. You may come up with some ideas worth looking into, but how can we know if you don’t put it out there, it’s time to answer a few question. How do you see the world?
Your post:
“Only an evil bloodthirsty hound will demand blood, especially innocent blood. Do you kill your one son to forgive others?”
I covered this in the above paragraphs so I’ll skep this one. But again you talk of bloodthirsty hound that demand blood and don’t elaborate on it; it’s incomplete! Are you going tell me about what or in whom you believe or am I left to assume that you are one of those known as a rebel without a cause? One who stand for nothing, but wars against everything? Who are you and what do you believe?
Your post:
“If you are telling me the jesus story, that fellow didn't die, according to the bible.”
Again, I’m expected to respond to your incomplete work, you make the statement that Jesus didn’t die and you claim the bible states this. Incomplete! You show no verse of scripture that you use to come to this conclusion. It’s incomplete, but you expect me to run all over the place to find answers to prove your point. It doesn’t work that way, complete your own work and get back with me on that. Show me from the bible where it proves your point.
Your post:
“Killing innocents is not love at all and if god wants to forgive, he can do so without theatrics.”
Again, incomplete! What innocents have he killed and what are the theatrics you are referring to, surely you can do a better job than this. I hope you understand that this is not the proper response.
You post:
“Killing innocents is your idea of love? That is satanic and you are speaking the truth for once, I don’t understand it only people who are evil enough to demand death can understand it.”
Again show me what innocent person was killed by God before you label him a killer of the innocent. If you are referring to the death of Jesus I’ve already explained that with no credible counter from you. So again you fail to complete what you started.
“You missed the qualifications I made, modern moral humans and not America that still considers torture as legitimate.
Yes, people are beheaded, by the barbaric muslims countries and ISIS and that is what I said, your god is barbaric.”
Still stumbling over your own statements! Ok, so you have no answer here, lets move on to your next question or statement:
There is no question there either,
Your post:
“That is not what you said, you said god killed innocents, for adam'sadam's knowledge he killed innocent animals.
We don't give death, it is the rarest of the rarest that may deserve death; but you might have noticed that we, not even Americans, punish let alone kill innocent people.”
Show me in my post where I said that God kills innocent people, it is you who said this. You are so confuse that you can’t even remember that this is your case that the Lord is evil, not mine. See what happens when the god of confusion is your lord? You become so confused that you can’t differentiate between my post and your post, the difference between my cause and your cause. It’s you who said God kills the innocent people!
" So we see that it required the shedding of innocent blood in paradise immediately after contact with this agent of Lucifer".: your post. You expect me to sift through all the nonsense you wrote?
This is what I wrote, “That is not what you said, you said god killed innocents, for adam's knowledge he killed innocent animals"
and according to you this fellow called jesus too was killed.
Your post:
“Whoever does evil is evil irrespective of whether he claims to be creator or not. You don't worship a despot because he has power, do you?
But you do agree that it is evil, only that one should not question it because it is the "creator"? Now you are agreeing that your god is evil and saying it is his prerogative to be evil. That evil fellow is not god, it is satan. God doesn't demand anyones blood, let alone innocent blood.
What’s is wrong with just laws? Nothing, but murder and shedding innocent blood are not just laws.”
Your post:
“Whoever does evil is evil irrespective of whether he claims to be creator or not. You don't worship a despot because he has power, do you?”
Again, you make sweeping statements, take one instance where you can show where this is an evil act of God, I’m not going to address this type of post because you makes no particular case, just sweeping statements.
Killing innocents is a good act, ok
Your post:
“But you do agree that it is evil, only that one should not question it because it is the "creator"? Now you are agreeing that your god is evil and saying it is his prerogative to be evil. That evil fellow is not god, it is satan. God doesn't demand anyones blood, let alone innocent blood.”
Still I ask you to produce the evil act you are referring to because I don’t agree with anything you are saying no matter how many times you claim that I do, you got to do better than this. You continue to miss the whole point of the argument. Once the man was lost nothing could redeemed him, the only thing that could do must be of equal value of that which was lost. According to scripture, one soul is worth than everything in this world, so once the soul is lost there’s nothing that is valuable enough to pay the price of a lost soul.
It was god himself who decided that nothing could redeem him except innocent blood. God could decide otherwise, if anyone deserves any punishment it is the criminal. Anyone who decides that he needs blood to forgive is not doing forgiving but barter and whoever demands blood, especially innocent blood is evil.
If you had a New Lexus and someone stole it and the only way you are going to get it back was to pay the ransoms of ten thousand, but you only have five hundred dollars in the bank. The only other source of funds is your 1983 Ford that doesn’t work very well, so after selling your Ford you still fall short because in your world there is nothing of enough value to come up with the cash to pay the price of the ransoms. Your only hope is to go to an outside source, one who have the capital to buy back which was lost.
There is a glitch in your example, the one who stole is I myself, I am demanding money from myself! ! GodGosd is asking jesus' s and animals blood for him ti forgive Adam.
For the loss of the most valuable thing in creation [the soul] would take the valuable thing that heaven process, innocent blood, that’s what was spilled, that’s what was lost. How are you going to buy back the Lexus with the price of selling the Ford? If must be of equal or greater value to pay the price. There’s nothing in this earth that had the value of the lost soul. What would you buy it back with? Certainly not the dollar bill! The only thing that equaled that which was lost was the sinless soul of the Son of God that is the only thing that could equal that which was lost. It just shows the cost of redeeming once lost soul! So in none of this do I agree with you that God is evil, you now seem to be having problems remembering who posted what.
A few drops of blood, modern blood banks can give more, if that is what god wants!! How does blood "redeem" lost soul actually? Does skin or kidney work instead?
Your post:
“We were like that and some are still, but we who are moral now condemn such things. Only evil people now does that and worship beings who do that. Those who most obviously do it are called devil worshippers. What’s is wrong with just laws? Nothing, but murder and shedding innocent blood are not just laws.”
Do you actually believe that this is an answer to anything? You are going to need more than a couple of incomplete sentences to explain away what I’ve been explaining this whole time. Again, you make wild sweeping statements about how evil God is and include nothing to back up your claim. In this is the picture of pure love at work, now that you have been explained the true value of the soul, maybe you can begin to understand just how much it cost to redeem. In this reveals that theirs is nothing he want give to his children, he had to give his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, to be beaten. That was Satan’s part of the contract, to beat beyond recognition, to spit upon, to strip naked and drag through the streets and in the end nail him to a tree, yea’ that one was a murderer from the beginning!
God procreated to have a son? So god made a contract with satan, his worst enemy to give him his son's blood so that satan will "release the souls" in his custody?
God is evil because it is he who decided that innocent blood is needed to reconcile.
And a god who didn't give a damn about his own son, cares about his adopted sons, even though he himself reduced their life expectancy? And the all powerful bargained with satan to make deal!!
That what is cost to ransoms the soul from the King of Hell! Lucifer is now lord of death, he held the power of death that he wielded in the earth. It was in the earth where Adam turned over the deeds of the earth to Lucifer, and it would be here where the final battle is fought. This is a physical war in a physical world, much blood is spilled in this war. It is said that in the US military is a mother has only one son he will not be forced into combat. But in God’s armies not even his only begotten son is too precious to spill his blood in this war to win back the man, God’s Crown of Creation, the one who’s in his image!
Nonsense, god according to you can command, so there is no need for any theatrics.
Adam didn't do any sin either, he merely had the knowledge. So what is it, having knowledge make one evil or not?
And satan is only a servant who is not the lord of death, it is god himself decided that man is flesh and should not live more than 120 years.
What a beautiful story, where’s yours? All you see is evil, even when it’s good it’s evil to you. The reason you are in this deep depression is because you have no hope for anything to look forward too. Or maybe you do, but we can’t tell because you want reveal just what it is you believe. Again I’m asking you to give me some idea of who you are, what do you believe besides all creation is evil. You may come up with some ideas worth looking into, but how can we know if you don’t put it out there, it’s time to answer a few question. How do you see the world?
Please feel free to show me the post where I said creation is evil. I only said this, which you are yet to refute, according to the bible Yahweh is the son of most high. As he call himself the most high he is a liar. According to the bible he is a murderer and adulterer. Now you said that he needs innocent blood. These are the characteristics of the devil, not god.
is not an adulterer, murderer, liar, do not demand innocent blood. ....
Your post:
“Only an evil bloodthirsty hound will demand blood, especially innocent blood. Do you kill your one son to forgive others?”
I covered this in the above paragraphs so I’ll skep this one. But again you talk of bloodthirsty hound that demand blood and don’t elaborate on it; it’s incomplete! Are you going tell me about what or in whom you believe or am I left to assume that you are one of those known as a rebel without a cause? One who stand for nothing, but wars against everything? Who are you and what do you believe?
You are the one who said your god needs innocent blood so you perhaps care to elaborate.I am the worshipper of the true
who have no "begotten" sons, who didn't murder humans in flood, who didn't harden anyones heart to do evil, who is not partial, who is
Your post:
“If you are telling me the jesus story, that fellow didn't die, according to the bible.”
Again, I’m expected to respond to your incomplete work, you make the statement that Jesus didn’t die and you claim the bible states this. Incomplete! You show no verse of scripture that you use to come to this conclusion. It’s incomplete, but you expect me to run all over the place to find answers to prove your point. It doesn’t work that way, complete your own work and get back with me on that. Show me from the bible where it proves your point.
What you probably need is dictionary not bible, getting up after some 36-40 hours is sleep or coma not death. According to the bible he was up and active in one and a half days.
Your post:
“Killing innocents is not love at all and if god wants to forgive, he can do so without theatrics.”
Again, incomplete! What innocents have he killed and what are the theatrics you are referring to, surely you can do a better job than this. I hope you understand that this is not the proper response.
As you were the one who said that you can say better about that. The two examples you gave were animals and one mr.jesus.
“Killing innocents is your idea of love? That is satanic and you are speaking the truth for once, I don’t understand it only people who are evil enough to demand death can understand it.”
Again show me what innocent person was killed by God before you label him a killer of the innocent. If you are referring to the death of Jesus I’ve already explained that with no credible counter from you. So again you fail to complete what you started.
So god only requires a few drops of blood, do not want any innocents to die. He is a danger only to animals? But then why did he kill humans in a flood?
Your post:
“And the snake said and god acknowledged that eating the fruit “made them like god”. Not only they didn’t they die that day, they also became like god.”
In what way did they become like God? God have everlasting life, so they surely didn’t become like God in this. In what way did they become like God? Did they become like God in omnipotence? Did they become like God in omnipresence in what way did they become like God? Did they become like God? Where is their heavenly throne if they had become like God? If they had become like God they would be here with us today, God is still here today. The only way theyhad become like God is in the knowledge that there exist in this world something called evil, again only God and [angels] knew of this evil. If they had truly become like God they would still be with us today. Again, if you would only quote the whole verse of scripture it will tell you in what way they have become like God. IT’S IN KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL. Do you see the importance of completing your sentence?
Your post:
“No doctor tells his patients that the "day" you have lung cancer you will die. And the one who give poison(in your example) do not want death the "day" it is eaten. Have you ever seen anyone taking poison to die two hundred years later?”
“No doctor tells his patients that the “day” you have lung cancer you will die.” Is that your complete answer to this question? Go back and read my post, when I presents my case, I go into great detail to explain my position on the issue, you come back with another one liner that explains nothing and really think you are debating the issues, you are stuck in your one-liners.
Your post:
“And the one who give poison(in your example) do not want death the "day" it is eaten.”
We have already cover this, the day the couple listened to the lies of Lucifer they died that very day, in scripture death of described as the souls separation from God. When God came to talk with Adam after he had listened to the lies of Lucifer Adam ran and hid himself from the Lord, separating himself from his life source, he ran from the author of life into the arms of the author of death, at that moment the was the walking dead. The man had united with death and rejected life, the man was dead it would be just a matter of time before the worms would consume his body. The day the man ate the forbidden fruit death entered his body, the life renewing mechanism failed, death ruled in the man’s body, he now a death man walking. He died that very day. I’m not going into this with you again.
Your post:
“Eve was not there when god said it, it was second hand information and that is what she understood, (touch it, I am dead)and the snake corrected. As she specifically said that if touched she would die, and god said day, you are the one who is deceptive by claiming that day means anything but day.”
We already covered this!
Your post:
“Your idiot god told them they would die the DAY, where in the book it is written that they were dead the day they ate it. They lived, had children, grand children. ...they lived more than any other human being. Just show me one human who is two hundred years old. God didn't made them immortal(or show me where it is said that they were created immortal) and he didn't want them to be immortal either.”
Your post:
“Your idiot god told them they would die the DAY, where in the book it is written that they were dead the day they ate it.”
I have explain scripture definition of death to you more than once, so I’m not going to get stuck here with you, the couple was separated from God the day they ate the forbidden fruit.
Your post:
“Now that you have read the complete sentence show me how it changed the meaning. Also please get the complete sentence where the snake states that you will be like god immortal.”
All you do is ask questions and answer none! All that you are asking I have already answered, you come back with this response, there’s no answer in any of this, all this is, is you constantly asking the same questions over and over that has already been answered.
Your post:
“You managed to write a great number of lies, no one can eat a metaphorical "fruit from a tree". [What does the metaphor "of every tree of the garden" stands for?] The tree was put there by god and it is there for god to show, but he allowed the tree there. You said lucifer while there is no Lucifer or satan in genesis, that is lie you are trying to perpetrate.. According to you lie of Lucifer is what made Adam like god and lie of Lucifer is knowledge of good and evil. How can a lie be good? How can a lie make adam like god? And you are yet to decide whether knowledge makes one evil or not? Simple truth:rolleyes:!!!”
Your post:
“You managed to write a great number of lies, no one can eat a metaphorical "fruit from a tree".
You don’t explain what you mean by this, you just throw that out there without any explanation and we are to just take your word on it. The only fruit you are going to get from a metaphoric is metaphoric fruit. The whole thing is metaphoric language. There you go again try to counter my point with a one liner that explains nothing.
Your post:
[What does the metaphor "of every tree of the garden" stands for?] Now I got the answer to this question and have hinted at it before. I’ll tell you now that there’s scripture evidence that the trees of the garden were angels. But I’m not going to go into that at this point because its time for you to answer a few questions of your own.
Your post:
“The tree was put there by god and it is there for god to show, but he allowed the tree there.”
Again, I’ve covered this in explaining that the just judge Jesus the Christ gave the devil all he needed to prove the charges he leveled against the Mont High! He need access to the man in order to convince the man that God is evil.
How can he prove to the man that God is evil if he don’t have access to the man? And how could the man choose between the two kingdoms if they are not both there for him to choose from? What you keep forgetting is that this is war that started even before the man was created. How could Lucifer prove that he would make a better God than God unless he [Satan] have a kingdom of intelligent being to rule over, his very own kingdom! It’s this physical man who would one day mount the Throne of God as King of the Universe. It’s this man who play the major role in defeating the monster and crushing its head, so the man must be a player in this war. So Lucifer must have access to the man! God didn’t hide the angers from the lies of Lucifer but let Lucifer make his case and let the man decide for himself who he will serve. It was a must that Satan have access to the man.
God will not force people to love him, he want force anyone to accept his salvation, the man must decide for himself whom he will serve. How can this be done if the man is, not there to decide for himself. There’s no way that the man would be shielded from the dark angel any more than the angels were. How could the evil one attempt to prove his case if the means to do this in denied him? The problem is that you have cherry-picked the word of God, you know of some of the statements of that word but have no idea whatsoever of the doctrine of the Word. Lucifer is given all he needs to prove the charges he leveled against God, including a kingdom and subjects to rule. That sounds like a just judge to me. That’s the kind of judge I don’t mind facing because I know my entire argument will be heard, he will not just snuff me out without giving me a chance to be heard. That was what you said that God should have done. Who is coming across as evil, it’s you and your lord Satan. You would just snuff someone out before giving them a fair hearing, that’s evil!
Your post:
“You said lucifer while there is no Lucifer or satan in genesis, that is lie you are trying to perpetrate.. According to you lie of Lucifer is what made Adam like god and lie of Lucifer is knowledge of good and evil. How can a lie be good? How can a lie make adam like god?
And you are yet to decide whether knowledge makes one evil or not? Simple truth:rolleyes:!!!”
Your post:
“You said lucifer while there is no Lucifer or satan in genesis, that is lie you are trying to perpetrate..”
I never said the name of Lucifer is mentioned in Genesis, I said that Lucifer was described in the story of the demonic possession of the King of Tyre.
Your post:
“According to you lie of Lucifer is what made Adam like god and lie of Lucifer is knowledge of good and evil.”
Again. Incomplete and sloppy, reread the sentence about, how am I supposed to response to something I can’t even read? You are going from confusion to even more confusion! I don’t believe this even deserves a response.
Your post:
“So you made that up as well. The spirit stayed with man even after that.”
Again, you know not the doctrine of the scripture you are trying to stand against. The answer to this is in the skins, the skins are a covering for the man’s sins until the Son of God would present the priceless sacrifice to redeem the man, but still the man must die because death has already invaded the man’s temple. Had the man not separated himself from God [death] he would have never died. We have already covered this before, it’s time for you to answer some questions.
From the start you have run and hid when I ask you to explain something, you did it when I had to beg you to complete the sentence or quote the whole of scripture. That made you look very bad because it was obvious that you were been deceptive, lying and twisting scripture.
Your post:
"So after that you punish the child for being with the older man?"
God punished them with hard labour and increased the pain. And as job shows satan does not do anything without god’s permission, so (if you are not lying and satan was behind, then the book is lying), it was god himself who is responsible.”
Your post:
“So after that you punish the child for being with the older man?”
Again, incomplete! Explain in what way did I punished the child for being with the older man. There’s much deception in your post.
Your post:
“God punished them with hard labour and increased the pain. And as job shows satan does not do anything without god’s permission”
What them did God punish with hard labor and increased pain? What verse of scripture are you referring to?
Your post:
“And as job shows satan does not do anything without god’s permission”
Again, you are stuck! I’m not going over this again with you. I presented the answer to this when I explain that God allow the accuser all he needed to prove his case and all you come back with the same statement over and over!
Your post:
“And we will punish them with death, right? And we will allow dangerous in their path even if we knew and could prevent?”
God punishes no one with death, but it’s the fruit of Lucifer that causes death, what you don’t seem to understand is that God in creating people did not create robots, each person have free will to love whom they will. The world is full of dangers, to just step outside of your house is dangerous. We all must face dangerous situations in life, we all makes mistakes, but if we are wise we will learn from our mistake. Children must make mistake and learn from them like everyone else. God is growing potential gods, not robots, gods must be tested in fire and refined, the potential god must be able to make mistake and learn from them. This again proves that the man had not become like God in anything but now knowing evil. If he had truly become like God he would be perfect and wouldn’t have to learn by trial and error. The man has only become like God in knowing good and evil.
Your post:
“Unfortunately the only satan, that is by satan you mean a murderer, I see is your god, the fallen son of the most high who is doing an incredible work of deception to get people like you to defend him with all sorts of deceptions and lies.’
There’s no doubt that the liar is you, that’s the reason you run and hide so much instead of facing yourself. Now I’m going to beg you again to not run and hide. PLEASE EXPLAIN IN WHAT YOU BELIEVE AND HOW YOU COME TO THIS BELIEF. How did the world come into being, who governs the universe, how did you come into existence? What do you contribute the existence this world too? Stop running and hiding because it’s becoming very obvious that you run around in circles and when you can’t do that you simply run and hide. Explain yourself, or are you ashamed of what you believe.
I can come up with a book on what and why I believe what I believe and I’ve been during this, but I can’t even get you to discuss just what it is you believe in except that everything is evil except you. I have a wonderful love story of the one whom I believe. I’ve been trying to get you to do the same thing, but all you do is run and hide and make blanket statements, and run and hide! If you can’t at least do this you must see that you are not a very good spokesman for your lord Satan!, if it wasn’t for you pasting my comments in your post your post would be empty! The only post that I will response to from you at this point is you explaining who are what is your God, you have failed in everything else and its beginning to look like you are going to fail in this to.
Your post:
“And the snake said and god acknowledged that eating the fruit “made them like god”. Not only they didn’t they die that day, they also became like god.”
In what way did they become like God? God have everlasting life, so they surely didn’t become like God in this. In what way did they become like God? Did they become like God in omnipotence? Did they become like God in omnipresence in what way did they become like God? Did they become like God? Where is their heavenly throne if they had become like God? If they had become like God they would be here with us today, God is still here today. The only way theyhad become like God is in the knowledge that there exist in this world something called evil, again only God and [angels] knew of this evil. If they had truly become like God they would still be with us today. Again, if you would only quote the whole verse of scripture it will tell you in what way they have become like God. IT’S IN KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL. Do you see the importance of completing your sentence?
I do not know whether you noticed it or not, it was god himself who said they have become like god, echoing the snake. No I do not see the importance of completing the sentence, the snake also said the same thing, they will be like god knowing GOOD and evil, not they will be like god, immortal. Nor the snake said they will be god but said they will be LIKE god. "4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil"
What the snake said is touching it or eating will not cause death but you will be LIKE god after eating it.
Now why was the snake punished, if it was Lucifer? Why didn't god curse Lucifer then?
Your post:
“No doctor tells his patients that the "day" you have lung cancer you will die. And the one who give poison(in your example) do not want death the "day" it is eaten. Have you ever seen anyone taking poison to die two hundred years later?”
“No doctor tells his patients that the “day” you have lung cancer you will die.” Is that your complete answer to this question? Go back and read my post, when I presents my case, I go into great detail to explain my position on the issue, you come back with another one liner that explains nothing and really think you are debating the issues, you are stuck in your one-liners.
When I debate I expect a minimum intelligence from the other side. I do not go own saying irrelevant things to obfuscate the meaning like you do. I am content with saying the relevant things alone and as I expect the other side to be intelligent and honest I do not elaborate. God said the "day" you eat it you will die, does any doctor say that, as in your example, patient with lung cancer, does any doctor say that the "day" you smoke or the day you are diagnosed to have lung cancer, you will die?
Slow death also will not take 1600 years, it should be less than 80 years. Life expectancy of humans are approximately 80 years, as you yourself said there is no human who live for 150years. That is, even though god said they would die the day they eat it and Eve understood it as touching the fruit cause death (which under the circumstances means immediate death), they lived longer than any other human.
What was their crime to make god prevent them from eating the fruit of immortality? What was their crime that deserved pain in labor, hard labor and death by snake bite? What was the fault of their innocent progeny? It is just knowledge, you yourself were saying that to have knowledge is not evil, yet god punished them for just that.
Your post:
“And the one who give poison(in your example) do not want death the "day" it is eaten.”
We have already cover this, the day the couple listened to the lies of Lucifer they died that very day, in scripture death of described as the souls separation from God. When God came to talk with Adam after he had listened to the lies of Lucifer Adam ran and hid himself from the Lord, separating himself from his life source, he ran from the author of life into the arms of the author of death, at that moment the was the walking dead. The man had united with death and rejected life, the man was dead it would be just a matter of time before the worms would consume his body. The day the man ate the forbidden fruit death entered his body, the life renewing mechanism failed, death ruled in the man’s body, he now a death man walking. He died that very day. I’m not going into this with you again.
So dead people give birth, was it a Zombie? Was it a zombie that lived for 1600 years? Dead means DEAD, no one continues to live after death. You put something called spiritual death which is your invention, a lie. The bible does not say anything like that. According to bible, as long as a man live god’s spirit is with him.
Your post:
“Eve was not there when god said it, it was second hand information and that is what she understood, (touch it, I am dead)and the snake corrected. As she specifically said that if touched she would die, and god said day, you are the one who is deceptive by claiming that day means anything but day.”
We already covered this!
With your lies, that is.
Your post:
“Your idiot god told them they would die the DAY, where in the book it is written that they were dead the day they ate it.”
I have explain scripture definition of death to you more than once, so I’m not going to get stuck here with you, the couple was separated from God the day they ate the forbidden fruit.
Then get a dictionary and find the DEFINITION of death, also read GENESIS and see that death is not continued living. Man dies when god’s spirit depart after that he do not continue to live to give birth.
Your post:
[What does the metaphor "of every tree of the garden" stands for?] Now I got the answer to this question and have hinted at it before. I’ll tell you now that there’s scripture evidence that the trees of the garden were angels. But I’m not going to go into that at this point because its time for you to answer a few questions of your own.
There is no scriptural evidence but your lies. It clearly states that they are “TREES that produce fruits”, from which they eat to live. Man does not “milk” angels to eat.
8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food.
If all the trees were angels, what did Adam eat, mud and grass?
"24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side[e] of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life."
If tree stands for angel,why didn't god placed a "tree" but a cherubim? Why he had to guard the way to the "tree of life", he could have simply told that "angel" to go to heaven!
Again, I’ve covered this in explaining that the just judge Jesus the Christ gave the devil all he needed to prove the charges he leveled against the Mont High! He need access to the man in order to convince the man that God is evil.
There is no Jesus in Torah, so a lie.
How can he prove to the man that God is evil if he don’t have access to the man? And how could the man choose between the two kingdoms if they are not both there for him to choose from? What you keep forgetting is that this is war that started even before the man was created. How could Lucifer prove that he would make a better God than God unless he [Satan] have a kingdom of intelligent being to rule over, his very own kingdom! It’s this physical man who would one day mount the Throne of God as King of the Universe. It’s this man who play the major role in defeating the monster and crushing its head, so the man must be a player in this war. So Lucifer must have access to the man! God didn’t hide the angers from the lies of Lucifer but let Lucifer make his case and let the man decide for himself who he will serve. It was a must that Satan have access to the man.
God will not force people to love him, he want force anyone to accept his salvation, the man must decide for himself whom he will serve. How can this be done if the man is, not there to decide for himself. There’s no way that the man would be shielded from the dark angel any more than the angels were. How could the evil one attempt to prove his case if the means to do this in denied him? The problem is that you have cherry-picked the word of God, you know of some of the statements of that word but have no idea whatsoever of the doctrine of the Word. Lucifer is given all he needs to prove the charges he leveled against God, including a kingdom and subjects to rule. That sounds like a just judge to me. That’s the kind of judge I don’t mind facing because I know my entire argument will be heard, he will not just snuff me out without giving me a chance to be heard. That was what you said that God should have done. Who is coming across as evil, it’s you and your lord Satan. You would just snuff someone out before giving them a fair hearing, that’s evil!
Nice lie, lie nonetheless.
Satan, according to Job, is god’s servant who does nothing without god’s permission. There is no war, as is evident from bible, that is your imagination. Satan always obeys god, his master.
A just judge do not allow torture to prove somebody's point.
And according to the bible there is no free will.
Your post:
“You said lucifer while there is no Lucifer or satan in genesis, that is lie you are trying to perpetrate..”
I never said the name of Lucifer is mentioned in Genesis, I said that Lucifer was described in the story of the demonic possession of the King of Tyre.
That is again a lie, there is no “possession” mentioned in Ezekiel.
Your post:
“According to you lie of Lucifer is what made Adam like god and lie of Lucifer is knowledge of good and evil.”
Again. Incomplete and sloppy, reread the sentence about, how am I supposed to response to something I can’t even read? You are going from confusion to even more confusion! I don’t believe this even deserves a response.
It is your confusion. You said the fruit is “lie of Lucifer”{which itself is a lie}, but the book says is is the knowledge of GOOD and evil which you persistently ignore. Satan do not give knowledge of good.
Your post:
“So you made that up as well. The spirit stayed with man even after that.”
Again, you know not the doctrine of the scripture you are trying to stand against. The answer to this is in the skins, the skins are a covering for the man’s sins until the Son of God would present the priceless sacrifice to redeem the man, but still the man must die because death has already invaded the man’s temple. Had the man not separated himself from God [death] he would have never died. We have already covered this before, it’s time for you to answer some questions.
From the start you have run and hid when I ask you to explain something, you did it when I had to beg you to complete the sentence or quote the whole of scripture. That made you look very bad because it was obvious that you were been deceptive, lying and twisting scripture.
??? What does that mean, if you can tell me which part you didn’t understand I will clarify. What has spirit got to do with skin? Either you use the chronological or you quote what I wrote entirely that I can understand to what you are replying to.
Your post:
“So after that you punish the child for being with the older man?”
Again, incomplete! Explain in what way did I punished the child for being with the older man. There’s much deception in your post.
Oh! Man, am I required to explain as if I am talking to a child?
You gave an example of a child being with an older man, do you remember? So will you punish that child for that?
Your post:
“God punished them with hard labour and increased the pain. And as job shows satan does not do anything without god’s permission”
What them did God punish with hard labor and increased pain? What verse of scripture are you referring to?
Are you the deceiver?
16 To the woman he said,
“I will make your pains in childbearing very severe;
with painful labor you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband,
and he will rule over you.”
17 To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’
“Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat food from it
all the days of your life.
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.
19 By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.”
Your post:
“And as job shows satan does not do anything without god’s permission”
Again, you are stuck! I’m not going over this again with you. I presented the answer to this when I explain that God allow the accuser all he needed to prove his case and all you come back with the same statement over and over!
No you didn’t all you did was give evasive answers.
God and Satan are at war, satan accuses god’s follower to be disloyal to god. Immediately god allows satan to torture god’s follower and even kill his sons to prove his loyalty. It is like Saddam accusing Dick Cheyenne of disloyalty to Bush and Bush allowing Saddam to torture Cheyenne to prove his loyalty.
I do not think you have such a low intelligence to not able to see the ridiculousness of your answer, so it is deception.
And allowing the death of innocents is Evil whatever you say it is. If god didn't permit Satat to kill Job's son, he wouldn't have.
Your post:
“And we will punish them with death, right? And we will allow dangerous in their path even if we knew and could prevent?”
God punishes no one with death, but it’s the fruit of Lucifer that causes death, what you don’t seem to understand is that God in creating people did not create robots, each person have free will to love whom they will. The world is full of dangers, to just step outside of your house is dangerous. We all must face dangerous situations in life, we all makes mistakes, but if we are wise we will learn from our mistake. Children must make mistake and learn from them like everyone else. God is growing potential gods, not robots, gods must be tested in fire and refined, the potential god must be able to make mistake and learn from them. This again proves that the man had not become like God in anything but now knowing evil. If he had truly become like God he would be perfect and wouldn’t have to learn by trial and error. The man has only become like God in knowing good and evil.
“This again proves that the man had not become like God in anything but now knowing evil.”
Why the deception, it is knowing good and evil, not evil alone?
God is the one who determines death, not Lucifer, but the question is not that. To take a real life example, will you live a fire in your kid’s room and live it unattended knowing full well that your child may jump into it? Do you want them to study from the experience of jumping into fire?
Your post:
“Unfortunately the only satan, that is by satan you mean a murderer, I see is your god, the fallen son of the most high who is doing an incredible work of deception to get people like you to defend him with all sorts of deceptions and lies.’
There’s no doubt that the liar is you, that’s the reason you run and hide so much instead of facing yourself. Now I’m going to beg you again to not run and hide. PLEASE EXPLAIN IN WHAT YOU BELIEVE AND HOW YOU COME TO THIS BELIEF. How did the world come into being, who governs the universe, how did you come into existence? What do you contribute the existence this world too? Stop running and hiding because it’s becoming very obvious that you run around in circles and when you can’t do that you simply run and hide. Explain yourself, or are you ashamed of what you believe.
What I believe? Why I didn’t started this thread on that.
But what I believe is simple, there is one
He is not a murderer, adulterer, is not emotional, jealous not susceptible to base human emotions. He does not need blood, let alone innocent blood. In short he is complete in himself. He does not need our worship, for he has no insecurity complex. He has no name because there was none to name him. "Satan" is a powerful being with emotions who is just like a human tyrant who demands worship who rules from another realm. He is powerful but not god. But he pushes himself as god just like the ancient kings did. He has managed to convince a majority that he is god, in different guises. There were others like him, Chemosh, Marduk, Ba'al... your Yahweh is just one among them and each call the other satan. Why I think so, though the bible is a book by Yahwehists, written for him, but still it contains traces of truth, as they say, truth cannot be hidden. The bible says that Yahweh is the son of the most high, it shows how he preside over their shows how he murder humans and his evil nature is more than clear when he demands absolute worship from his followers and do barbaric tests like 'sacrificing of ones children' to prove loyalty. God do not need worship, nor he is afraid of loosing any. He is not a blustering fool.
I do not know how the world came into being; I was not there when the world started. I am not sure whether the universe needs any governing because majority of the universe is lifeless things. What I contribute cannot be made public because that may help tracing me and as live where there are Islamic extremists I do not think it as wise.
I can come up with a book on what and why I believe what I believe and I’ve been during this, but I can’t even get you to discuss just what it is you believe in except that everything is evil except you. .
Why do you make such blatant lies? Where did I say that everything except me is evil? Are you so frustrated that I do not fall for your deceiver king? This thread is not about what I believe. Your god is evil, most people believe him as god unknowingly but there are some deliberate followers like you who have sold their soul to him.
I have a wonderful love story of the one whom I believe. I’ve been trying to get you to do the same thing, but all you do is run and hide and make blanket statements, and run and hide! If you can’t at least do this you must see that you are not a very good spokesman for your lord Satan!, if it wasn’t for you pasting my comments in your post your post would be empty! The only post that I will response to from you at this point is you explaining who are what is your God, you have failed in everything else and its beginning to look like you are going to fail in this to.
You do not have any love story, what you have is a repulsive story that demands innocent blood. You do not even know what love is and consider barter as love. I have raised some specific points and as reply you have written paragraphs which do not carry any meaning, so I was forced to make blanket statements.
You are asking me to explain gods as if god is my plaything, how can anyone explain what which is beyond any explanation, the being who is too great and beyond human imagination? The whole universe and everything in it is him may be a simplistic one.
Your post:
“There is no Jesus in Torah, so a lie.”
It amazing how little you know about the book that you come to stand against, in the Book of Genesis it is clearly stated that the seed of the woman would crush the snake’s head and the snake would straight at his heel. The seed of the woman is Jesus the Christ who defeated the snake and his works, death! In scripture it is stated that it would be God in the flesh [Immanuel], meaning God with us when Jesus is born. The God in the flesh that show up at the prophecies time is Jesus the Christ. If you had just a little understanding of what you read you would have known this, all you do is show yourself to be void any knowledge of the book you hate so much.
When Moses saw the burning bush that was not consumed by the fire, he began to hold a conversation with that being. That being was Jesus the Christ because it is always he that speaks for God the Father, Jehovah. No man has ever laid eyes on the Father, everything is done through the Son of God that why he’s called the WORD OF GOD! Throughout the Old Testament Jesus is identified as the coming salvation for man, he is the seed of the woman, meaning he had no earthly mortal father. It’s very important to understand just what this seed of the woman means. There’s only one woman in the history of the world that produced a baby without the seed of a man, the one woman was the mother of the Lord Jesus the Christ.
Jesus is mentioned throughout the Old Testament! In Genesis God said let us make man in our image, there’s got to be more than one being here. He can’t be discussing this with the angels because the angels played no part in the creation of man. The we that discussed this amongst themselves are the Father [Jehovah] the Son [Jesus] and Holy Spirit. Jesus is well represented in the Old Testament. If I’m going to debate something I must at least know what it is I’m debating, I must become familiar with the nuts and bolts of the operating system that I intend to make corrections to, otherwise I would create greater problems within the system because of my ignorant of that system that I intend to correct.
This is what you are trying to do, its like claiming to be an auto mechanic and don’t know a monkey-wrench from a screw-driver. What kind of job do you think you would do on that car, the same kind of job you are doing here where you are totally ignorant of the doctrine you have no knowledge of, you would walk away from the repair shop unemployed and embarrassed. All because you took it upon yourself to do a job you weren’t qualified to do. This is how you show up here with monkey wrench in hand when you should be studying bible doctrine in order to do a better job. That’s the reason you can’t come up with a better response to my questions of you, you are ill-prepare and not qualified.
The only reason I responded to this statement of yours is because it’s at least something that we haven’t covered over and over. That’s what I mean by moving forward. But we still have the problem of you running and hiding when asked what’s your reason for living and who or what does the credit goes to. If you wouldn’t be trying to use a monkey wrench when a screw-driver is needed you would do a much better job than what you are doing. At least get to know the inner workings of that you which to stand against or you will continues to look as bad as you do here. Learn to express yourself better, try to go into more detail when explaining yourself be, better prepared. Now back to my original question that you have been running from the beginning.
What are your beliefs on our origins and why is it so hard for you to state just what it is that you believe?
“There is no Jesus in Torah, so a lie.”
It amazing how little you know about the book that you come to stand against, in the Book of Genesis it is clearly stated that the seed of the woman would crush the snake’s head and the snake would straight at his heel. The seed of the woman is Jesus the Christ who defeated the snake and his works, death! In scripture it is stated that it would be God in the flesh [Immanuel], meaning God with us when Jesus is born. The God in the flesh that show up at the prophecies time is Jesus the Christ. If you had just a little understanding of what you read you would have known this, all you do is show yourself to be void any knowledge of the book you hate so much.
You have already proven that you are adept in making lies, but this is way too much. You can make up anything by vague phrases which are equivocal. The statement only means that snake will bite humans and humans will kill it. But wait, you were telling me that it is a “snake”, literal. Now is it Lucifer or snake?
God with us? When was Jesus called Immanuel?
When Moses saw the burning bush that was not consumed by the fire, he began to hold a conversation with that being. That being was Jesus the Christ because it is always he that speaks for God the Father, Jehovah. No man has ever laid eyes on the Father, everything is done through the Son of God that why he’s called the WORD OF GOD! Throughout the Old Testament Jesus is identified as the coming salvation for man, he is the seed of the woman, meaning he had no earthly mortal father. It’s very important to understand just what this seed of the woman means.
Another lie, there was no Jesus in the burning bush. In fact the name Jesus is not mentioned at all, but there is a son of god Daniel and some newer books.
There’s only one wome history of the world that produced a baby without the seed of a man, the one woman was the mother of the Lord Jesus the Christ. .
Almost all children born without a father, who have become someone, claimed that!~
Jesus is mentioned throughout the Old Testament! In Genesis God said let us make man in our image, there’s got to be more than one being here. He can’t be discussing this with the angels because the angels played no part in the creation of man. The we that discussed this amongst themselves are the Father [Jehovah] the Son [Jesus] and Holy Spirit. Jesus is well represented in the Old Testament. If I’m going to debate something I must at least know what it is I’m debating, I must become familiar with the nuts and bolts of the operating system that I intend to make corrections to, otherwise I would create greater problems within the system because of my ignorant of that system that I intend to correct. .
He discussed it with other gods, all sons of the most high. There is no father, son or spirit.
What are your beliefs on our origins and why is it so hard for you to state just what it is that you believe? .
God knows, only god knows. I do not have the presumption like you, nor am I able to lie like your god, to say that I know about origins. I do not know, only GOD knows how we originated, I was not there.
Jesus is mentioned throughout the Old Testament! In Genesis God said let us make man in our image, there’s got to be more than one being here. He can’t be discussing this with the angels because the angels played no part in the creation of man. The we that discussed this amongst themselves are the Father [Jehovah] the Son [Jesus] and Holy Spirit. Jesus is well represented in the Old Testament. If I’m going to debate something I must at least know what it is I’m debating, I must become familiar with the nuts and bolts of the operating system that I intend to make corrections to, otherwise I would create greater problems within the system because of my ignorant of that system that I intend to correct
The "we" are other gods, children of the most high, brethren of Yahweh. You can ASSUME it is "father, son and spirit" but it is only your assumption.
Does god got a nose, eyes and hair?
Your post:
“When I debate I expect a minimum intelligence from the other side. I do not go own saying irrelevant things to obfuscate the meaning like you do. I am content with saying the relevant things alone and as I expect the other side to be intelligent and honest I do not elaborate.”
How are going to debate something without elaborating on you own statements? Speaking of a minimum of amount of intelligence, all it would take is a minimum amount of intelligence to determine that there’s no way you can discussed something as important as this topic without elaborating. A minimum amount of intelligence demand as much. A minimum amount of intelligence demand that in the debate that one must complete a sentence for the other to understand what is being presented. A minimum amount of intelligence demand as much!
A minimum amount of intelligence demands that anyone who tries to debate a topic would learn as much about that topic, a minimum amount of intelligence demands this! A minimum amount of intelligence demands that went one with is in debate and is asked a question of something simple and should be very easy to answer, but instead of giving an answer the person runs and hide.
A minimum amount of intelligence would tell that person with a minimum of intelligence that if they keep running and hiding it’s going to become very noticeable. This is the true workings of minimum intelligence.
Minimum intelligence would intelligence tell a person that is digging a hole and having no way of climbing out to stop digging at some point if they ever expect to claim out of that hole. This is the workings of minimum intelligence!
There is someone who is really showing a lack of MINIMUM INTELLIGENCE and it’s not me, but you!
In order for to determine if another has a minimum of intelligence that person must display that he or she have at least a minimum amount of intelligence in order to be capable of determining the state of another’s state of education.
A minimum amount of intelligence would tell the one who claim to be of a minimum amount intelligence that they not debate a subject without elaborating on their own comments.
A minimum amount of intelligence demands this!
Your words again:
“I am content with saying the relevant things alone and as I expect the other side to be intelligent and honest I do not elaborate.”
This doesn’t sound like someone with a minimum amount of intelligence!
Isn't it amazing, with your "great" intelligence you still are not able to figure out how to use "chronological" to reply?
"intelligence in order to be capable of determining the state of another’s state of education."
I was ignoring your "education", because I was under the impression that a person who can debate here has some knowledge whether he is educated or not, my bad.
Your post:
“Why do you make such blatant lies? Where did I say that everything except me is evil? Are you so frustrated that I do not fall for your deceiver king? This thread is not about what I believe. Your god is evil, most people believe him as god unknowingly but there are some de followers like you who have sold their soul to him.”
How can you say that this is not about what you believe when all you talked about what you believe about God? It’s all about what you believe or you wouldn’t have anything to say. Still running and hiding from yourself, in all the time I’ve been doing this I have never ran across anyone that were so ashamed of their beliefs. If there’s any frustration it’s in trying to discuss something with someone who in a debate who claims that they do not go into detail or elaborate on their work.
I don’t care anything about what god you believe in because it can’t mean that much to you if you can’t put a couple of paragraphs together to explain what you believe. This whole conversation has been about what you believe, not what you know but what you believe. You have no problem telling the world what you believe about Christ, you have no problem telling the world what you believe about the blood of Jesus. You have no problem telling the universe how you despise the bible. The only time it’s not about what you believe is when you are asked to put a few paragraphs together to explain your world view. At this point it’s not about what you believe, but in reality, this whole conversation is about what you believe. With just the minimum amount of intelligence one would be able to see this very clearly, with just minimum intelligence.
Anyone with minimum intelligence can plainly see and understand that you are afraid to state what it is you believe in. Anyone with minimum intelligence can see that you cannot do simple things that a grade school kid can do without much effort. The more you run and hide from this issue the more you appear to be in over your head. What you thought you were going to do is throw out your incomplete sentences and half quotes and have me running all over the place trying to counter them while you answer to nothing. But once your simple plan failed you were left standing there not knowing what to do next. I told you in the beginning it was going to blow-up in your face. How can a man expect to hold a conversation with another on their beliefs and not expect to have to answer questions on his own beliefs? This makes no sense!
The reason you can’t explain what you believe is because you don’t know what you believe. If you can’t figure out what you believe in how in the world are you going to explain what’s wrong with what another believes? First heal yourself and then you will be in a better position to help open another’s eyes. This is some strange stuff, you can explain what I believe but can’t explain what you believe. Anyone with a minimum amount of intelligence would surely understand this simple concept. The excuse that this is not about what you believes want hold water, all you have talked about since we started this is what you believe, not what you know, but what you believe. You were just caught off guard because the old game you use to play with Christians has been exposed.
Now you are out of your comfort zone and are lost, you would be looking much better if you would have at least attempted to make an effort to explain yourself, but now it’s too late, it’s obvious you have no idea of what you believe. Who in their right mind would even listen to you on this subject, it would have to be someone like you who are totally blind. The Lord said that when the blind leads the blind both falls into a ditch, see you can learn a lot from my God, but where is yours. He, it or whatever it is has left you standing there alone speechless when it comes down to you talking about the wisdom you have gain from him for being a warrior for him.
You gain nothing from him for being a warrior for him or it, you are being pimped by the great deceiver and have nothing to show for it, not even happiness, but only hate for someone who has done you no wrong. What you are doing is called voluntary slavery. Stop being weak and go on and put a few lines together for your lord, king and pimp Satan!
It’s amazing he can’t give you the wisdom to put a few paragraphs together to praise his name, you who work so hard for him. Get yourself together man, whatever you believe in you might as we’ll be proud of it because that’s who are, a worker for Satan and he offers you nothing for it. If I could get myself a few faithful worker to work for me for free, I’m sure that would mean the rich and easy life for me. But who would be foolish enough to work for another for free. Only one who is lacking in minimum intelligence! This is the most pitiful attempt at deception that I’ve run cross since I been doing this.
You game is so very weak!
“Why do you make such blatant lies? Where did I say that everything except me is evil? Are you so frustrated that I do not fall for your deceiver king? This thread is not about what I believe. Your god is evil, most people believe him as god unknowingly but there are some de followers like you who have sold their soul to him.”
How can you say that this is not about what you believe when all you talked about what you believe about God? It’s all about what you believe or you wouldn’t have anything to say. Still running and hiding from yourself, in all the time I’ve been doing this I have never ran across anyone that were so ashamed of their beliefs. If there’s any frustration it’s in trying to discuss something with someone who in a debate who claims that they do not go into detail or elaborate on their work.
I don’t care anything about what god you believe in because it can’t mean that much to you if you can’t put a couple of paragraphs together to explain what you believe. This whole conversation has been about what you believe, not what you know but what you believe. You have no problem telling the world what you believe about Christ, you have no problem telling the world what you believe about the blood of Jesus. You have no problem telling the universe how you despise the bible. The only time it’s not about what you believe is when you are asked to put a few paragraphs together to explain your world view. At this point it’s not about what you believe, but in reality, this whole conversation is about what you believe. With just the minimum amount of intelligence one would be able to see this very clearly, with just minimum intelligence.
Anyone with minimum intelligence can plainly see and understand that you are afraid to state what it is you believe in. Anyone with minimum intelligence can see that you cannot do simple things that a grade school kid can do without much effort. The more you run and hide from this issue the more you appear to be in over your head. What you thought you were going to do is throw out your incomplete sentences and half quotes and have me running all over the place trying to counter them while you answer to nothing. But once your simple plan failed you were left standing there not knowing what to do next. I told you in the beginning it was going to blow-up in your face. How can a man expect to hold a conversation with another on their beliefs and not expect to have to answer questions on his own beliefs? This makes no sense!
The reason you can’t explain what you believe is because you don’t know what you believe. If you can’t figure out what you believe in how in the world are you going to explain what’s wrong with what another believes? First heal yourself and then you will be in a better position to help open another’s eyes. This is some strange stuff, you can explain what I believe but can’t explain what you believe. Anyone with a minimum amount of intelligence would surely understand this simple concept. The excuse that this is not about what you believes want hold water, all you have talked about since we started this is what you believe, not what you know, but what you believe. You were just caught off guard because the old game you use to play with Christians has been exposed.
Now you are out of your comfort zone and are lost, you would be looking much better if you would have at least attempted to make an effort to explain yourself, but now it’s too late, it’s obvious you have no idea of what you believe. Who in their right mind would even listen to you on this subject, it would have to be someone like you who are totally blind. The Lord said that when the blind leads the blind both falls into a ditch, see you can learn a lot from my God, but where is yours. He, it or whatever it is has left you standing there alone speechless when it comes down to you talking about the wisdom you have gain from him for being a warrior for him.
You gain nothing from him for being a warrior for him or it, you are being pimped by the great deceiver and have nothing to show for it, not even happiness, but only hate for someone who has done you no wrong. What you are doing is called voluntary slavery. Stop being weak and go on and put a few lines together for your lord, king and pimp Satan!
It’s amazing he can’t give you the wisdom to put a few paragraphs together to praise his name, you who work so hard for him. Get yourself together man, whatever you believe in you might as we’ll be proud of it because that’s who are, a worker for Satan and he offers you nothing for it. If I could get myself a few faithful worker to work for me for free, I’m sure that would mean the rich and easy life for me. But who would be foolish enough to work for another for free. Only one who is lacking in minimum intelligence! This is the most pitiful attempt at deception that I’ve run cross since I been doing this.
You game is so very weak!
I do not “elaborate” but I say as much as needed and anyone with a minimum intelligence ought to understand. There is no point in elaborating if it is nothing worth but page filler, as you are doing. You could have written one or two sentences and made your meaning clear; instead you chose to write 8 or 9 paragraphs that contain nothing but your frustration in not being able to get a follower for your deceiver god.
Your post:
“Very good, so you have noticed that it is still A SNAKE not Satan not Lucifer. Jesus didn’t kill any snake nor crushed any snake’s head let alone satan’s, so it was not a prophesy about Jesus. It is about humans killing snakes.”
My response:
I said that Lucifer [Satan] processed the snake just as he did with the King of Tyre, the bible is full of illustrations were demons from hell takes procession and animals. Jesus casted out many demons from people, they are spirits beings who needs to take procession of physical beings to function in a physical world. I said that being a spirit being Lucifer had no physical speech organs so the only way he could communicate [talk with the physical man] he had to take procession of some physical being to communicate in the physical. This was before the fall of the man and before the opening of Adams so-called third eye, the means of man communicating with fallen angels and demons from hell.
Once the line of communication had been established between the man and the spirit world the man could now make direct contact with hell, there’s no longer any need for Lucifer aka Satan the snake to process physical beings just to communicate with the man, a direct line had been established between the two. Again, this is all about a knowledge that the man had come into that cost him his life. This knowledge is called the occult meaning hidden knowledge, this is the knowledge of evil that the man now new of. It is stated in Genesis that the man has come into the knowledge of evil, something that had been hidden from him. That’s scriptural!
Once Lucifer took procession of the snake the two became one being, it called fusion, so now Lucifer and the snake is the same being and from that point on Lucifer would be known as the snake, and his decuples would also be known as snakes, that’s John called the workers of Satan when they came to him to be baptized, snakes! There’s no separating Lucifer from the snake because the two has now become one! It was Lucifer inhabiting the snake who first spoke to the woman through the snake. It was Lucifer who corrupted the snake and caused the cures to fall on the snake and now have it crawling around on its belly, the lowest of the low!
What you don’t get is that we are dealing with spirit and physical beings here, spirit being can inhabit physical beings. Lucifer fell and rebel against his creator and became the great Satan and that being took procession of the snake so Lucifer, Satan and the snake is all the same being. You can’t rebut this with a one-liner!
Your post:
“Jesus didn’t kill any snake nor crushed any snake’s head let alone satan’s, so it was not a prophesy about Jesus. It is about humans killing snakes.”
The crushing of the snake’s head is metaphoric language meaning the seed of the woman will defect the snake. It is said in scripture that the snake would strike the seed of the woman in the heel but the seed of the woman would crush the snake’s head a most fatal blow. When Jesus the Christ came to his temple and cleansed the snake aka Lucifer struck him in his heel. The snake Lucifer beat the seed of the woman beyond recognition, nailed him to a tree, he struck him in the heel. The snake’s strike was a fatal one to the seed of the woman but in that strike at the Christ the snake would cause its own head to be crushed, metaphoric language for the total defect of the snake aka Lucifer!
By the snake killing the Christ it gave him free entrance his kingdom of hell, Jesus descended into hell, the kingdom of Lucifer and freed those whom the snake held captive, this destroyed the power that the snake aka Lucifer that held man captive and enslaved. The death of the Christ was a must to enter the kingdom of hell and defeat the lord of death, Lucifer the snake in his kingdom, hell was invaded by the Son of God! Now the snake, Lucifer has but a short time before he is done forever. Bible prophecy holds true, the snake’s head is crushed, it is defeated!
Your post:
“Reread all of what you wrote and what I wrote instead of choosing a few sentences probably you will understand that too.
I said no “jesus” is mentioned in OT, if you want no Yesu or Yehoshua is mentioned in OT, so do not repeat this little deceptive trick again, it means the fellow you mean by Jesus the “son of god”, is not there in OT.”
My response;
This has already been addressed!
See this is called a lie. Nowhere in OT is it mentioned that Jesus will crush the snakes head. It is said that Eve’s children will crush SNAKES head. This is the exact sentence “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. Jesus does not fit the description not only because the description is about a single person but also Jesus never crushed any snakes head. And it was Judas who betrayed Jesus not a SNAKE.”
My Response:
This has already been addressed!
Your post:
“Wrong again, it is stated that the Snake will strike the heel not of any betrayal and rejection. God has no first born, god do not procreate.”
I’m tired of you and your one-liners so this is going to be my last response you’re your post because you are either a kid or you just short of understanding. I’ve begged you to qualify your statements, to show how you come to the conclusions that you come to, you make no efforts to do nothing more than to throw out wild accusations with not even attempting to explain yourself. No one said that God procreate, I said that Jesus proceeded from the very being of his Father, now how God when about this I will claim to know all that God do and how he go about it, only what’s been revealed. The spirit of God placed the seed in the woman, no one said that God had sex with the woman to place the seed there. First you say that it’s all just a story and none of its true, now you talk as if its fact that God is! Either he is or is not! You are still stumbling all over your own statements.
How can you know what God does when you know not God?
Your post:
“Won’t do. What you have done is what Nostradamus followers do, re read new meaning s in texts that has nothing to do with the original.”
My response:
I’m not going to response to this one-liner until you can put a couple paragraphs together to better explain yourself, I’m tired of responding to your incomplete work. You don’t show any examples of what you are talking about I go into detail, you respond with this. Who are the followers of Nostradamus you are referring to? You don’t give a name or show actually where they are similar. What original text are you referring to? What new meaning have they read into what text and how is that text similar to that of the bible? Complete your work!
Your post:
“See this is called a lie. Nowhere in OT is it mentioned that Jesus will crush the snakes head. It is said that Eve’s children will crush SNAKES head. This is the exact sentence “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. Jesus does not fit the description not only because the description is about a single person but also Jesus never crushed any snakes head. And it was Judas who betrayed Jesus not a SNAKE.”
I’ve already addressed this!
You post:
“That is what you say, show me where in the bible it says that the nephilim did all these.
2) The bible says 6:2 “the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose”
Sons of god , so god is satan otherwise how did they get the gene pool f devil?
3) Did the flood kill only Nephilim?
4) On what basis you say it is the blood line outside creation, it was god’s son and it was god’s creation.
Why did god kill all the animals and humans in the flood?”
My response:
Who do you believe these sons of God to be? Please try to use more than one sentence, explain.
Your post:
“Did the flood kill only Nephilim?”
My response:
This question have already been answered by me and you both, go back and reread your post and mine. Going in circles!
Your post:
“Then please write a sentence with any meaning. Why DID GOD killed humans, it was god who made the flood NOT satan. Do you think killing is a good punishment? God killed children and unborn kids in a flood, you think it as acceptable? If god had no problem in killing all those people, then why didn’t he kill Satan? Why did he kill animals?
It was sons of god who came and defiled not “angels of satan”.
Do you agree that the humans with their kids deserved death by drowning?
You started this thread to discuss my world view? Are you afraid that your trickery is found out?”
Your post:
“Then please write a sentence with any meaning. Why DID GOD killed humans, it was god who made the flood NOT satan.”
My response:
Already been asked and answered; going in circles! Go back and reread both your post and mines.
Your post:
“Do you think killing is a good punishment? God killed children and unborn kids in a flood, you think it as acceptable?”
My response:
Already been asked and answered; going in circle! Go back and reread both your post and mine.
Your post:
“If god had no problem in killing all those people, then why didn’t he kill Satan?”
My Response:
I’ve already explained that Satan brought charges against God so he was given an opportunity to prove his case, how can he prove his case if God kills him? Going around in circles! Go back and reread both my post and your post.
Your Post:
“Why did he kill animals?”
My response:
Come-on now! You are you are going to have to ask God that question, we are concern with men and angels here.
Your post:
“It was sons of god who came and defiled not “angels of satan”.
My response:
When Lucifer declared war on the Throne of Christ he was defeated he was thrown out of his place in heaven along with him was one third of the angels thrown out with him. Scripture now refers to the angels that followed Lucifer and disobeyed God the dragon’s [another name for Lucifer] angels, all angels that rebel against God are Satan’s angels, they are no longer God’s angels. They are now hell’s angels!
Your post:
“Do you agree that the humans with their kids deserved death by drowning?”
My response:
God is the author of life, if he decides to end life as he sees fit that’s his right, all I know is that the word of God says that only Noah was perfect in his day. I don’t know if that means that everyone else besides Noah and his family were affected by the blood of the Nephilim or not, but scripture seem to be implying that. But one thing is sure is that the whole of creation had been corrupted and needed a new start. How God went about it is God’s business. He is God! I wasn’t there instructing him on how to create the world and neither were you, so what gives me or the right you to thing we are in a position to instruct him in the recreation of the earth?
Your post:
“You started this thread to discuss my world view? Are you afraid that your trickery is found out?”
No I did not start this thread to discuss your world view, but I think it’s a fair question to ask what’s your world view since you presents yourself as an expert on the world view of others. This is unreal, what are you trying to hide its obvious to anyone who’s been following your post that you are afraid of something, I’ve doing this for a few years now and I have never come across anyone who was so afraid of people knowing what they believe, this is unreal.
Your post:
“Are you afraid that your trickery is found out?”
My response”
I’m afraid of nothing, I’m here putting it all on the line, I’m not afraid of stating boldly what I believe, because I know that what believe is the only thing that explains what it’s all about. I have faith and confidence in what I believe I don’t have to run and hide when someone ask me what I believe and why I believe what I believe. No anyone can see that it’s you who are afraid of being found out! Why can’t you see this, this is what makes me think that I’m trying to communicate with an immature kid. Don’t you see that anyone can see that it’s you who are afraid to boldly state what you believe? What are you hiding? I believe I know the problem, it’s because you know it can’t compare to the gospel of Christ.
I think you know your world view makes no sense when compared to the Gospel of Christ and will be easily debunked. It would make no sense! What are you hiding? I told you that this is not going away because you who are an expert in what others believe and set out to prove them wrong must have the answers to life, what do you replace the Gospel of Christ with, so when you convince someone that God is just a story, and destroy their happenings what do you give them in return or are you just out to destroy all hope in people because you have no hope? Misery craves company! You would destroy a person’s hope just because you are hopeless! This is the work of Satan, to destroy all that’s good.
I can respect the evolutionist at least he will stand for what he believes, the Muslim will stand for what he believe, but now what you come up with you have already shown yourself to be weak and afraid and out to destroy instead of constructing something of worth! You are weak and afraid!
Your post:
“I did quote the entire paragraph. So you have no answer? You also agree that it was your god who hardened Pharaoh’s heart and was responsible for the death of all the first born children of humans and animals.
And you agree that the murder of innocent children is a good punishment?”
My post:
Its you who have no answers and on top of that you have again shown yourself to be a liar and deceiver. You claimed that I said it was Satan who harden Satan’s heart. Just look at the deception in this post of yours. Don’t you know that this will not work, don’t you realize that it’s all there in black and white as a permanent record? How long are going to lie and then just run and hide when your lie has been exposed? You are truly a disciple of the father of lies! This is unreal!
Your post:
Your post:
“Cope out. I answered all your questions that pertain to the thread. I did answer a few other questions also but you didn’t understand it.”
My response:
Still running and hiding, what are you hiding! It’s not that I don’t understand, it’s you who don’t even understand what you write. I have never seen anything like this, this thread is about God, all I ask you is to explain who or what is your god. You the expert on God! It’s you who are coping out, I’m still trying to understand why you are still here, are you not ashamed of yourself and your pitiful attempt at deception? I keep telling you that your god is the god of confusing, if you weren’t confused you would have stated long ago your better plan for man than the Gospel of Christ, but you know that you have none.
All you want to do is go around in circle in the hope of catching me not dotting an “I” or crossing a “T” and hang your hat on that and build your doctrine on that because you have nothing better and makes no case. This Gospel of Christ is the true solution to mankind problem if you had something better everyone knows that you would have put it out there long ago. Don’t you think it’s about time we bring this to a conclusion? Go back and reread both your post and mine and you will see that you and your god of confusion have been defeated!!
I’m gone, come back when you have something better to offer man than what I’ve presented, your plan of deception has failed. You have nothing left that’s why you continue going around in that circle of confusion. I have spent enough time here, my time can spent doing something more constructive, you have been exposed now live with it; see you later, stop embarrassing yourself.
Your post:
“Very good, so you have noticed that it is still A SNAKE not Satan not Lucifer. Jesus didn’t kill any snake nor crushed any snake’s head let alone satan’s, so it was not a prophesy about Jesus. It is about humans killing snakes.”
My response:
I said that Lucifer [Satan] processed the snake just as he did with the King of Tyre, the bible is full of illustrations were demons from hell takes procession and animals. Jesus casted out many demons from people, they are spirits beings who needs to take procession of physical beings to function in a physical world. I said that being a spirit being Lucifer had no physical speech organs so the only way he could communicate [talk with the physical man] he had to take procession of some physical being to communicate in the physical. This was before the fall of the man and before the opening of Adams so-called third eye, the means of man communicating with fallen angels and demons from hell.
Once the line of communication had been established between the man and the spirit world the man could now make direct contact with hell, there’s no longer any need for Lucifer aka Satan the snake to process physical beings just to communicate with the man, a direct line had been established between the two. Again, this is all about a knowledge that the man had come into that cost him his life. This knowledge is called the occult meaning hidden knowledge, this is the knowledge of evil that the man now new of. It is stated in Genesis that the man has come into the knowledge of evil, something that had been hidden from him. That’s scriptural!
Once Lucifer took procession of the snake the two became one being, it called fusion, so now Lucifer and the snake is the same being and from that point on Lucifer would be known as the snake, and his decuples would also be known as snakes, that’s John called the workers of Satan when they came to him to be baptized, snakes! There’s no separating Lucifer from the snake because the two has now become one! It was Lucifer inhabiting the snake who first spoke to the woman through the snake. It was Lucifer who corrupted the snake and caused the cures to fall on the snake and now have it crawling around on its belly, the lowest of the low!
What you don’t get is that we are dealing with spirit and physical beings here, spirit being can inhabit physical beings. Lucifer fell and rebel against his creator and became the great Satan and that being took procession of the snake so Lucifer, Satan and the snake is all the same being. You can’t rebut this with a one-liner!
Wonderful nonsense, Lucifer had taken POSSESSION of the snake hence snake is Lucifer. If it was Lucifer that has taken possession of the snake and spoke to the women then it is Lucifer that has to be punished not the snake, so why God did punished the poor snake?
Genesis clearly states that the enmity is between the Women’s offspring and the snake’s OFFSPRING and what it describes clearly states that it is the enmity between the snake and humans.
You: “I said that Lucifer [Satan] processed the snake just as he did with the King of Tyre, the bible is full of illustrations were demons from hell takes procession and animals”
That is a lie by you and NT deceivers, nowhere in Genesis it says that the snake is possessed by Lucifer. Nowhere in Ezekiel has it stated that the king of Tyre is possessed by Lucifer. So please do not say such lies and ask me to accept it because the ‘new deceivers’ said that.
Your post:
“Jesus didn’t kill any snake nor crushed any snake’s head let alone satan’s, so it was not a prophesy about Jesus. It is about humans killing snakes.”
The crushing of the snake’s head is metaphoric language meaning the seed of the woman will defect the snake. It is said in scripture that the snake would strike the seed of the woman in the heel but the seed of the woman would crush the snake’s head a most fatal blow. When Jesus the Christ came to his temple and cleansed the snake aka Lucifer struck him in his heel. The snake Lucifer beat the seed of the woman beyond recognition, nailed him to a tree, he struck him in the heel. The snake’s strike was a fatal one to the seed of the woman but in that strike at the Christ the snake would cause its own head to be crushed, metaphoric language for the total defect of the snake aka Lucifer!
By the snake killing the Christ it gave him free entrance his kingdom of hell, Jesus descended into hell, the kingdom of Lucifer and freed those whom the snake held captive, this destroyed the power that the snake aka Lucifer that held man captive and enslaved. The death of the Christ was a must to enter the kingdom of hell and defeat the lord of death, Lucifer the snake in his kingdom, hell was invaded by the Son of God! Now the snake, Lucifer has but a short time before he is done forever. Bible prophecy holds true, the snake’s head is crushed, it is defeated!
Neither snake nor Lucifer stroked Jesus on the heel. He was crucified because he was a rebel and hencecriminal and nowhere it says that he descended to hell, he was lying in a cave. The book states that women’s offspring, humans will kill snakes and snake’s Offspring (so not Lucifer) will strike humans on his heel, and that is what is happening from time immemorial.
Your post:
“Reread all of what you wrote and what I wrote instead of choosing a few sentences probably you will understand that too.
I said no “jesus” is mentioned in OT, if you want no Yesu or Yehoshua is mentioned in OT, so do not repeat this little deceptive trick again, it means the fellow you mean by Jesus the “son of god”, is not there in OT.”
My response;
This has already been addressed!
See this is called a lie. Nowhere in OT is it mentioned that Jesus will crush the snakes head. It is said that Eve’s children will crush SNAKES head. This is the exact sentence “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. Jesus does not fit the description not only because the description is about a single person but also Jesus never crushed any snakes head. And it was Judas who betrayed Jesus not a SNAKE.”
My Response:
This has already been addressed!
In the most nonsensical way.
Your post:
“Wrong again, it is stated that the Snake will strike the heel not of any betrayal and rejection. God has no first born, god do not procreate.”
I’m tired of you and your one-liners so this is going to be my last response you’re your post because you are either a kid or you just short of understanding. I’ve begged you to qualify your statements, to show how you come to the conclusions that you come to, you make no efforts to do nothing more than to throw out wild accusations with not even attempting to explain yourself. No one said that God procreate, I said that Jesus proceeded from the very being of his Father, now how God when about this I will claim to know all that God do and how he go about it, only what’s been revealed. The spirit of God placed the seed in the woman, no one said that God had sex with the woman to place the seed there. First you say that it’s all just a story and none of its true, now you talk as if its fact that God is! Either he is or is not! You are still stumbling all over your own statements.
It is animals that procreate not god. God create, if at all he does. God is not an animal. Just because your lie’spel’ says so does not mean it is true. You said jesus is the “begotten” son of god, don’t you know what begotten means?
How can you know what God does when you know not God?
I know
But not your god who is devil.
Your post:
“Won’t do. What you have done is what Nostradamus followers do, re read new meaning s in texts that has nothing to do with the original.”
My response:
I’m not going to response to this one-liner until you can put a couple paragraphs together to better explain yourself, I’m tired of responding to your incomplete work. You don’t show any examples of what you are talking about I go into detail, you respond with this. Who are the followers of Nostradamus you are referring to? You don’t give a name or show actually where they are similar. What original text are you referring to? What new meaning have they read into what text and how is that text similar to that of the bible? Complete your work!
If you do not know anything outside bible then it is better you do not try to debate. Nostradamus made a prophesy and his followers says that the prophesy is about Napoleon. It is an after the fact justification, just like you are doing, attributing post hoc meanings that were originally not there. And your “explanation” is mostly nonsense and irrelevant, so what good is it doing?
Your post:
“See this is called a lie. Nowhere in OT is it mentioned that Jesus will crush the snakes head. It is said that Eve’s children will crush SNAKES head. This is the exact sentence “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. Jesus does not fit the description not only because the description is about a single person but also Jesus never crushed any snakes head. And it was Judas who betrayed Jesus not a SNAKE.”
I’ve already addressed this!
With nonsense.
You post:
“That is what you say, show me where in the bible it says that the nephilim did all these.
2) The bible says 6:2 “the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose”
Sons of god , so god is satan otherwise how did they get the gene pool f devil?
3) Did the flood kill only Nephilim?
4) On what basis you say it is the blood line outside creation, it was god’s son and it was god’s creation.
Why did god kill all the animals and humans in the flood?”
My response:
Who do you believe these sons of God to be? Please try to use more than one sentence, explain.
Yahveh, chemosh Murdock, satan………..
Your post:
“Did the flood kill only Nephilim?”
My response:
This question have already been answered by me and you both, go back and reread your post and mine. Going in circles!
You didn’t, go reread and see what you have written
Your post:
“Then please write a sentence with any meaning. Why DID GOD killed humans, it was god who made the flood NOT satan. Do you think killing is a good punishment? God killed children and unborn kids in a flood, you think it as acceptable? If god had no problem in killing all those people, then why didn’t he kill Satan? Why did he kill animals?
It was sons of god who came and defiled not “angels of satan”.
Do you agree that the humans with their kids deserved death by drowning?
You started this thread to discuss my world view? Are you afraid that your trickery is found out?”
Your post:
“Then please write a sentence with any meaning. Why DID GOD killed humans, it was god who made the flood NOT satan.”
My response:
Already been asked and answered; going in circles! Go back and reread both your post and mines.
You still have no answered it. You said they were killed because of genetic corruption. Were all the humans were genetically corrupted? That is, were all the humans nephilim?
Do you approve death penalty?
Your post:
“Do you think killing is a good punishment? God killed children and unborn kids in a flood, you think it as acceptable?”
My response:
Already been asked and answered; going in circle! Go back and reread both your post and mine.
So you agree that the children ought to be killed. Now I see why you worship a murderer as god. There is nothing more to discuss, you have redefined the term god and satan. What the world calls satan you call god.
Your post:
“If god had no problem in killing all those people, then why didn’t he kill Satan?”
My Response:
I’ve already explained that Satan brought charges against God so he was given an opportunity to prove his case, how can he prove his case if God kills him? Going around in circles! Go back and reread both my post and your post.
That is another ridiculous nonsense. Satan was given an opportunity to prove, prove to whom? Don't god already know? Prove by killing innocent children? Job says "test" not prove. Why didn’t the people get an opportunity?
Your Post:
“Why did he kill animals?”
My response:
Come-on now! You are you are going to have to ask God that question, we are concern with men and angels here.
We kill animals to eat; we do not simply kill them, that is immoral. OK, so you do not find that repugnant either. Such morals!!
Your post:
“It was sons of god who came and defiled not “angels of satan”.
My response:
When Lucifer declared war on the Throne of Christ he was defeated he was thrown out of his place in heaven along with him was one third of the angels thrown out with him. Scripture now refers to the angels that followed Lucifer and disobeyed God the dragon’s [another name for Lucifer] angels, all angels that rebel against God are Satan’s angels, they are no longer God’s angels. They are now hell’s angels!
There was no F@@@ Jesus in OT. There was no throne of Jesus. Your god is the son of the most high and if Jesus is your god’s son then he is the grandson.
And the book clearly states GOD'S sons not satan’s angels. You are lying there.
Your post:
“Do you agree that the humans with their kids deserved death by drowning?”
My response:
God is the author of life, if he decides to end life as he sees fit that’s his right, all I know is that the word of God says that only Noah was perfect in his day. I don’t know if that means that everyone else besides Noah and his family were affected by the blood of the Nephilim or not, but scripture seem to be implying that. But one thing is sure is that the whole of creation had been corrupted and needed a new start. How God went about it is God’s business. He is God! I wasn’t there instructing him on how to create the world and neither were you, so what gives me or the right you to thing we are in a position to instruct him in the recreation of the earth?
Exactly, killing is your good’s business and that is why he is evil, devil.
do not murder.
And whether you “know it or not” the book clearly states that all the animals and humans except those that got into the boat got killed. The whole creation is corrupted is your lie.
Your post:
“You started this thread to discuss my world view? Are you afraid that your trickery is found out?”
No I did not start this thread to discuss your world view, but I think it’s a fair question to ask what’s your world view since you presents yourself as an expert on the world view of others. This is unreal, what are you trying to hide its obvious to anyone who’s been following your post that you are afraid of something, I’ve doing this for a few years now and I have never come across anyone who was so afraid of people knowing what they believe, this is unreal.
I am not an expert in anyone’s world view nor did I claim so. But I can see the falsehoods, contradictions and the lies you and your ilk, the bible authors, are perpetuating. The bible itself says Yahweh is the son of the most high, but you say Yahweh himself is the most high, what a lie.
“Are you afraid that your trickery is found out?”
My response”
I’m afraid of nothing, I’m here putting it all on the line, I’m not afraid of stating boldly what I believe, because I know that what believe is the only thing that explains what it’s all about. I have faith and confidence in what I believe I don’t have to run and hide when someone ask me what I believe and why I believe what I believe. No anyone can see that it’s you who are afraid of being found out! Why can’t you see this, this is what makes me think that I’m trying to communicate with an immature kid. Don’t you see that anyone can see that it’s you who are afraid to boldly state what you believe? What are you hiding? I believe I know the problem, it’s because you know it can’t compare to the gospel of Christ.
I think you know your world view makes no sense when compared to the Gospel of Christ and will be easily debunked. It would make no sense! What are you hiding? I told you that this is not going away because you who are an expert in what others believe and set out to prove them wrong must have the answers to life, what do you replace the Gospel of Christ with, so when you convince someone that God is just a story, and destroy their happenings what do you give them in return or are you just out to destroy all hope in people because you have no hope? Misery craves company! You would destroy a person’s hope just because you are hopeless! This is the work of Satan, to destroy all that’s good.
I can respect the evolutionist at least he will stand for what he believes, the Muslim will stand for what he believe, but now what you come up with you have already shown yourself to be weak and afraid and out to destroy instead of constructing something of worth! You are weak and afraid!
When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god. Because satan managed to promise you something like “paradise”, which you yourself do not comprehend or articulate, you think everything else is nonsense and people have no hopes just like you. Is it because you do not know god nor understand him, you have no hope in life, you fell for Satan’s lies and cling to it tenaciously?
Your post:
“I did quote the entire paragraph. So you have no answer? You also agree that it was your god who hardened Pharaoh’s heart and was responsible for the death of all the first born children of humans and animals.
And you agree that the murder of innocent children is a good punishment?”
My post:
Its you who have no answers and on top of that you have again shown yourself to be a liar and deceiver. You claimed that I said it was Satan who harden Satan’s heart. Just look at the deception in this post of yours. Don’t you know that this will not work, don’t you realize that it’s all there in black and white as a permanent record? How long are going to lie and then just run and hide when your lie has been exposed? You are truly a disciple of the father of lies! This is unreal!
I quoted the entire paragraph where you imply it was satan that caused the hardening of Pharaohs’ heart. Now you have no way but to acknowledge that it was your god who was behind it and he did that because he can kill innocent kids, now you are trying to change the topic. Why are you worried, you already acknowledged that your god is a murderer?
Your post:
“Cope out. I answered all your questions that pertain to the thread. I did answer a few other questions also but you didn’t understand it.”
My response:
Still running and hiding, what are you hiding! It’s not that I don’t understand, it’s you who don’t even understand what you write. I have never seen anything like this, this thread is about God, all I ask you is to explain who or what is your god. You the expert on God! It’s you who are coping out, I’m still trying to understand why you are still here, are you not ashamed of yourself and your pitiful attempt at deception? I keep telling you that your god is the god of confusing, if you weren’t confused you would have stated long ago your better plan for man than the Gospel of Christ, but you know that you have none.
All you want to do is go around in circle in the hope of catching me not dotting an “I” or crossing a “T” and hang your hat on that and build your doctrine on that because you have nothing better and makes no case. This Gospel of Christ is the true solution to mankind problem if you had something better everyone knows that you would have put it out there long ago. Don’t you think it’s about time we bring this to a conclusion? Go back and reread both your post and mine and you will see that you and your god of confusion have been defeated!!
I’m gone, come back when you have something better to offer man than what I’ve presented, your plan of deception has failed. You have nothing left that’s why you continue going around in that circle of confusion. I have spent enough time here, my time can spent doing something more constructive, you have been exposed now live with it; see you later, stop embarrassing yourself.
Your Gospel is pure nonsense and deception. Haven’t you anything to offer? I see that you ignore the inconvenient facts that your god is a product of adultery and he didn’t die. You call such lies a solution? Your god cannot forgive hence he killed his son to get a few drops of blood, is a solution? Even insane people won’t call it a solution.
And see that your "explanation" contain three paragraphs but has nothing of any value. Are you so fond of hearing your voice?
Your post:
“Wonderful nonsense, Lucifer had taken POSSESSION of the snake hence snake is Lucifer. If it was Lucifer that has taken possession of the snake and spoke to the women then it is Lucifer that has to be punished not the snake, so why God did punished the poor snake?
My response:
I told you the more you post the better the bible looks. How many times do I have to answer the same question before you get it? How many time do I have to explain the same thing over and over and you produce no counter but this same one-liner over and over. I’m going to go over it one more time. Both Lucifer and the snake must be punished, both are responsible for the fall of man. The reason the snake must be punished is because it had done the same thing you are doing. It allowed itself to be used by Lucifer [Satan] in the death of the man. Again, whatever else the snake might have been, it was an intelligent creature that had the ability to speak. The snake also had the ability to reason as he had shown in his conversation with the woman. So the snake was an intelligent evil being, unlike the man who knew nothing of evil before making contact with the snake, the snake had the knowledge of good and evil.
All intelligent beings are responsible for their actions, it was the snake as an agent of Lucifer and Lucifer through using the snake’s speech organs convinced the woman that she would become a god and never die. This was a conspiracy, treachery designed to kill the man. How could God condemn Lucifer and let the snake go scot-free? Where is the justice in that? This is a capital offence and all parties involved must stand before the just judge and give an account of their actions, and you asked “why God did punished the poor snake?” you have no sense of justice. You place more importance on the snake than on your brother, the man! I never see you talking about the “poor” man, but your only concern is in justifying evil. This snake and all snakes, those that crawl around on their bellies and even those snakes that walks up-right on two legs, all snakes must give account of their evil actions.
The same evil spirit that inhabited snake to make him kill the man is the same evil spirit that causes the senseless killing that’s taking place all around us today. He and it “was a murderer from the beginning.” LUCIFER, SATAN AND THE SNAKE IS THE SAME EVIL that caused the death of the first couple and every single death since that time and you ask: “why did God punish the poor snake” all snakes both legless and those with legs will give an account of their evil actions!
Your post:
“Genesis clearly states that the enmity is between the Women’s offspring and the snake’s OFFSPRING and what it describes clearly states that it is the enmity between the snake and humans.”
Again, you must have a certain amount of understanding of what you read, here again you misquoted scripture. Scripture clearly states that the enmity would not be between the snake and all mankind, but between his seed and the seed of the WOMAN!! Go back and read it again and try understanding what it is you are reading! The Lord did not say the enmity would be between the snake and the seed of Adam, but the seed of the Woman!! I’ve already explained to you just who is the seed of the woman, its Jesus the Christ! If you would just try to understand what you read you would see that it’s the followers of Christ who the snake would hate, the seed of the woman, and only this seed. But if you can’t understand what is meant by the seed of the woman, than you would never understand anything beyond that point. It is the seed of the woman that the seed of the snake hates. It is Jesus and all his brothers and sisters that the hatred of the snake is directed at.
The rest of the seed of Adam, as we see here with you, those who are not the seed of the woman, and are not sons of God love the snake and does its will. There are three seeds here; the seed of the snake, the seed of Adam and the seed of the woman, Jesus the Christ! All seeds of the snake hates the Church of Christ, the seed of the woman! Try reading with understanding before you comment, it only makes your case look weak. The seed of the woman is Jesus and Jesus is LORD! So you are wrong again!
Your post:
“You: “I said that Lucifer [Satan] processed the snake just as he did with the King of Tyre, the bible is full of illustrations were demons from hell takes procession and animals”
That is a lie by you and NT deceivers, nowhere in Genesis it says that the snake is possessed by Lucifer. Nowhere in Ezekiel has it stated that the king of Tyre is possessed by Lucifer. So please do not say such lies and ask me to accept it because the ‘new deceivers’ said that.”
My response:
In the story of the possession of the King of Tyre, it is clear that the Lord is addressing two different beings while at the same time directing his statements at the mortal king:
“The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying; son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus; thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God:
“Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee: with thy wisdom and thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and has gotten gold and silver into thy treasures. By thy great wisdom and by thy traffic hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches; therefore thus saith the Lord God; because thou hast set thine heart as the heart of God; behold, therefore I will bring strangers upon thee the terrible of the nations; and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy brightness. They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shall die the death of them that are slain in the midst of the sea.” [Ezekiel 28: 1-8]
In this part of Ezekiel 28 there is no doubt the prophet is talking to a mortal man, who like you have believe the lie of Lucifer that because of this knowledge [the occult] that he is now become a god and will not die. The Lord explain to the man that not only will he die, but he will be brought down to the pit; hell! Here again the Lord is telling the man that the snake lied to him when he told him that he shall be as the gods, God tell the mortal man that he is no god and will die like any other man!
Now in that same chapter of the Book of Ezekiel the Lord instructs the prophet to address the King”
“Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying; son of man, take up the lamentation upon the King of Tyrus, and say unto him, thus saith the Lord God; thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. THOU HAS BEEN IN EDEN THE GAEDEN OF GOD! Every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz and the diamond, the beryl, the only, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and the gold: the workmanship of tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed CHERUB that covereth; and I have set thee so; thou was upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and in the midst of the stones of fire. Thy wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created, till iniquity was found in thee. [Ezekiel 28:11-15]
Even though the prophet is directing his statements at the mortal king from the words he is using there is no way he is directing he statement at a mortal man. The prophet tells Lucifer who has taken possession of the kings soul:
The mortal king has never been in the Garden of God, only one physical mortal man has ever been in the Garden of God and that is the very first man, Adam! God placed an angel with a flaming sword there so that no man would ever enter that garden again. This being that the prophet is addressing through the mortal king is a Cherub. No mortal man is ever refer to as a Cherub, a Cherub is of a totally higher order than man. This Cherub served at the Throne of God, the king of Tyrus is not a Cherub and has never been in the Garden of Eden and never served at the Throne of God. Even though the prophet is directing his statement at the king it is obvious that he is talking to the Cherub [Lucifer] that has invaded the man’s soul.
The Lord tells this being that has invaded the man’s soul that he was created perfect, he could not be describing the mortal because first of all the king was not created but procreated! Secondly the king was not procreated perfect, everyone born after the fall of Adam was born in sin and filled with sin from the day they are conceived. The very seed that produced the king is full of the sins of his father, not only that his incubator, his mother is full of sin making the king a sin filled baby even before he is born. No baby, not even the King of Tyrus was perfect from the day of his creation or procreation! It is very clear that the Lord is not addressing the mortal king here, but the fallen Cherub [Lucifer] that has invaded the king’s soul!! You must try to not just read the words but to understand the meaning of the words you are reading.
Your post:
“Neither snake nor Lucifer stroked Jesus on the heel. He was crucified because he was a rebel and hencecriminal and nowhere it says that he descended to hell, he was lying in a cave. The book states that women’s offspring, humans will kill snakes and snake’s Offspring (so not Lucifer) will strike humans on his heel, and that is what is happening from time immemorial.”
My response:
Again, you have no idea of what’s really in the book that you come to stand against, go and read the book of Peter, Jesus descended into hell and preached to the spirits there who were disobedient in times past. The rest of this post have been addressed over and over. Keep trying, you are almost using a whole paragraph to respond to this almost book I’m writing in my post.
Your post:
“It is animals that procreate not god. God create, if at all he does. God is not an animal. Just because your lie’spel’ says so does not mean it is true. You said jesus is the “begotten” son of god, don’t you know what begotten means?”
My response:
You make no case here, just throw out wild accusations so until you can do a better job than this it does not deserve a response, even though it been address before and all you can do is come back with this pitiful response. But at least you are improving. At least you have a two-liner here! You don’t explain anything here so I’ll move on. The least you should have done is to explain to me what begotten means since you claim that I don’t know, or do you believe in your wise mind that you have actually have? Let’s move on!
Your post:
“I know
But not your god who is devil”
My response:
This does not deserve a response. Lets move on!
Your post:
“If you do not know anything outside bible then it is better you do not try to debate. Nostradamus made a prophesy and his followers says that the prophesy is about Napoleon. It is an after the fact justification, just like you are doing, attributing post hoc meanings that were originally not there. And your “explanation” is mostly nonsense and irrelevant, so what good is it doing?”
My response:
I probably know more about Nostradamus than you do. One thing I’m sure of is that if I were to use him as an example I know for sure I do a much better job than this pitiful attempt by you, I think that should be obvious to even you by now! You went into no detail about the prophecy of Napoleon, all you give me is “they say.” You make no effort to prove that its justification after the fact, nothing you do is complete! I gest I’m supposed to go and find for you just who these followers of Nostradamus are and what they said about Napoleon. It doesn’t work that way! Nothing you do is complete! So since you can’t explain yourself any better than this on the subject of Nostradamus let’s move on.
Your post:
“You still have no answered it. You said they were killed because of genetic corruption. Were all the humans were genetically corrupted? That is, were all the humans nephilim?
Do you approve death penalty?”
I have already explained to you about God’s right to kill, I’m not going to repeat it here. And still you are afraid to put a few paragraphs together or incapable of doing so to explain how you become an expert on God. I told you that I’m not running all over the place answering your every silly question when you are incapable of answering a simple question that I asked of you. There is nothing you can come up with that I don’t have an answer for. It just the opposite of you who have no answers to anything just silly questions. There’s nothing new here so let’s move o!
Your post:
So you agree that the children ought to be killed. Now I see why you worship a murderer as god. There is nothing more to discuss, you have redefined the term god and satan. What the world calls satan you call god.
My response:
So if there’s nothing more to discuss, why are you still here making yourself look foolish, with no answers to anything? Just foolish question!
Your post:
“That is another ridiculous nonsense. Satan was given an opportunity to prove, prove to whom? Don't god already know? Prove by killing innocent children? Job says "test" not prove. Why didn’t the people get an opportunity?”
My response:
All cases brought before a court of law must be given a fair hearing even if the judge and jury already know that the person is guilty, that justice, something that you have shown that you care very little about. We watched this very thing play out with the theater killings in Denver Co. everyone knew that he did the killing, even his defense lawyers admitted as much. Why didn’t the judge just throw the guy on death row and just skip the trail that would surely have save the state a lot of money and time. Why? Because it would have been unjust, still the case must be proven before everyone to see that man deserves what he gets. Now you know that you shouldn’t even have asked this silly question.
Your post:
“Job says "test" not prove.”
My response:
What in the heck is this? What are you talking about, nothing was mentioned about Job in the post that you are response. How am I supposed to response to this? “Test” “prove” what? Nothing you do is complete! So let’s move on!
Your post:
“There was no F@@@ Jesus in OT. There was no throne of Jesus. Your god is the son of the most high and if Jesus is your god’s son then he is the grandson.
And the book clearly states GOD'S sons not satan’s angels. You are lying there.”
My response:
I’ve already covered this and this is what you come back with. Is this is supposed to be a response to my explanation. You don’t explain how and why they are not or have become the angels of Satan, like I went into detail of why they are. I have no idea what “F@@@” means so let’s move on! But I hope you are not stooping to profanity!! That would only prove that you don’t have the vocabulary to express yourself and explains why you can come up with only one-livers. I keep telling you that the more you post the more you exposes yourself!!
Your post:
“Exactly, killing is your good’s business and that is why he is evil, devil.
My response:
Same one-liner that explains nothing, so let’s move on, maybe you have something interesting to say there.
Your post:
“do not murder.
And whether you “know it or not” the book clearly states that all the animals and humans except those that got into the boat got killed. The whole creation is corrupted is your lie.”
My response:
I figure that what you mean by this is because those in the boat did not die they weren’t corrupt, the bible says that all was corrupt, but only Noah was righteous in God’s eyes so he would give the man a new beginning, how God goes about doing his business, that creation was corrupt and so is this one. This creation is heading toward the same faith as that one. After the coming nu-clear that the bible foretold in the book of Revelation, there will survive just as back then, God decides who is worthy to survive and continue into the next. How he go about his business is his business! So let’s move on to your next one-liner and see if there’s anything new there.
Your post:
“I am not an expert in anyone’s world view nor did I claim so. But I can see the falsehoods, contradictions and the lies you and your ilk, the bible authors, are perpetuating. The bible itself says Yahweh is the son of the most high, but you say Yahweh himself is the most high, what a lie.”
My response:
You say that the bible states that Yahweh is the Son of the Most High, now I ask you to give me the address to that verse of scripture. I shouldn’t have to ask you for this, if you would only complete your work the address would be in this post to prove your point. If you don’t come back with the address of the verse of scripture that states the Yahweh is the Grand Father of Jesus, then you prove yourself to be the liar again, so I’ll stop here on that until you give me the address of that verse of scripture.
Your post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god. Because satan managed to promise you something like “paradise”, which you yourself do not comprehend or articulate, you think everything else is nonsense and people have no hopes just like you. Is it because you do not know god nor understand him, you have no hope in life, you fell for Satan’s lies and cling to it tenaciously?”
Your post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god.”
My response:
You say that I blindly believe without thinking, now what I want you to do is to show that you can do a little thinking of your own and have the ability to use your memory. Think back or go back and reread my earlier post in that post, unlike you I stated what I believe and why I believe and it had nothing to do with blind faith. I stated that this holy being Jesus stated that every word that proceedeth out of his mouth can be counted on, everything he says will come to pass. So as I studied his word [the bible] I found it to be true that he knew the end from the beginning.
I showed you where he stated over two thousand years ago that his word foretold the future with great accuracy. I told you of a war that he talked about that was far into the future and that if he didn’t step in to stop it there would be no life left of earth. When he made this statement it didn’t make sense to his listeners because they knew in their hearts that there was no way that a war that could kill every living thing on earth. This is over two thousand years ago when men fought with spears, rocks, slang-shots and many other crude weapons. And then we fast forward to the 21 first century and find that we are on the door steps of this very thing happening.
At this very moment the world is in fear of that war that will wipe out all life on earth. This holy being knows the end from the beginning. There’s no blind faith here, but what we have here is a being who says that every word that proceed out of his mouth can be counted on. I went on to show that it didn’t stop there he had more to tell of impossible events that would take place in that very same period of time that seemed impossible of fulfillment. This being who says that every word that proceeds out of his mouth can be counted on made a bold claim that was impossible of fulfillment. He claimed that during this war of Lucifer that’s meant to destroy all mankind his prophets will be killed and the whole world will witness this event no matter their location on earth.
This is over two thousand years ago, think about it; how in the world could anyone in the Egypt witness anything happening in Jerusalem if they are not there in person. When the Lord made this statement this was impossible!! For many years the faithful Christians were laughed at and made fun of. From the time that the Lord uttered these words to about 1948 this was impossible. Then in these end-times that was foretold there was an invention called T.V. where one could be in one location and see across miles into another location. As improvements were made to this invention its range in proved to the point that anyone anywhere on earth could see directly into Jerusalem. I even told you that I watched a war in Jerusalem in 2006 from my home thousands of mile away. The impossible was made possible because the one who said his word can be counted on proved it to be true. Now the whole world can see this coming world war three when it starts in Israel.
No there is no blind faith here, blind faith is what you displays, faith in nothing! Now show me what you have faith in, there’s nothing you can come up with to even come close to that. You see this, you are without excurse!! This is why you run and hide when I ask you to explain or to put together a few paragraphs to explain in what you have faith. You’ll no fool, you know in your heart there’s nothing that can compare to this. Go back and reread everything I wrote and you will see that you have nothing to compare to it, all you have are a lot of silly questions!! I know in what and whom I believe, but what do you believe?
Lucifer, the snake and Satan is the same being?
My response:
I told you the more you post the better the bible looks. How many times do I have to answer the same question before you get it? How many time do I have to explain the same thing over and over and you produce no counter but this same one-liner over and over. I’m going to go over it one more time. Both Lucifer and the snake must be punished, both are responsible for the fall of man. The reason the snake must be punished is because it had done the same thing you are doing. It allowed itself to be used by Lucifer [Satan] in the death of the man. Again, whatever else the snake might have been, it was an intelligent creature that had the ability to speak. The snake also had the ability to reason as he had shown in his conversation with the woman. So the snake was an intelligent evil being, unlike the man who knew nothing of evil before making contact with the snake, the snake had the knowledge of good and evil.
All intelligent beings are responsible for their actions, it was the snake as an agent of Lucifer and Lucifer through using the snake’s speech organs convinced the woman that she would become a god and never die. This was a conspiracy, treachery designed to kill the man. How could God condemn Lucifer and let the snake go scot-free? Where is the justice in that? This is a capital offence and all parties involved must stand before the just judge and give an account of their actions, and you asked “why God did punished the poor snake?” you have no sense of justice. You place more importance on the snake than on your brother, the man! I never see you talking about the “poor” man, but your only concern is in justifying evil. This snake and all snakes, those that crawl around on their bellies and even those snakes that walks up-right on two legs, all snakes must give account of their evil actions.
The same evil spirit that inhabited snake to make him kill the man is the same evil spirit that causes the senseless killing that’s taking place all around us today. He and it “was a murderer from the beginning.” LUCIFER, SATAN AND THE SNAKE IS THE SAME EVIL that caused the death of the first couple and every single death since that time and you ask: “why did God punish the poor snake” all snakes both legless and those with legs will give an account of their evil actions!
1) It is a snake, an animal not a human, however intelligent it is it is still not par with human and hence not responsible. You train your dog (dog is intelligent) to do something bad and the dog did it, it is you who is punishable not the dog.
2) “Lucifer” possessed the snake, the snake has no choice but to obey and according to you it was Lucifer that was reasoning, Lucifer was merely using the snake’s ability to speak.
3) God punished the snake not Lucifer, nowhere in Genesis it says that Lucifer/satan was punished, in fact nowhere in OT it says that satan is Lucifer that is a lie.
4) There is No Lucifer in Genesis either, that too is a lie.
5) And the punishment should be in accordance with the crime, nothing deserves death punishment, and no crime deserves ones offspring to be punished, that is barbarous.
Your post:
“Genesis clearly states that the enmity is between the Women’s offspring and the snake’s OFFSPRING and what it describes clearly states that it is the enmity between the snake and humans.”
Again, you must have a certain amount of understanding of what you read, here again you misquoted scripture. Scripture clearly states that the enmity would not be between the snake and all mankind, but between his seed and the seed of the WOMAN!! Go back and read it again and try understanding what it is you are reading! The Lord did not say the enmity would be between the snake and the seed of Adam, but the seed of the Woman!! I’ve already explained to you just who is the seed of the woman, its Jesus the Christ! If you would just try to understand what you read you would see that it’s the followers of Christ who the snake would hate, the seed of the woman, and only this seed. But if you can’t understand what is meant by the seed of the woman, than you would never understand anything beyond that point. It is the seed of the woman that the seed of the snake hates. It is Jesus and all his brothers and sisters that the hatred of the snake is directed at.
The rest of the seed of Adam, as we see here with you, those who are not the seed of the woman, and are not sons of God love the snake and does its will. There are three seeds here; the seed of the snake, the seed of Adam and the seed of the woman, Jesus the Christ! All seeds of the snake hates the Church of Christ, the seed of the woman! Try reading with understanding before you comment, it only makes your case look weak. The seed of the woman is Jesus and Jesus is LORD! So you are wrong again!
So it is the enmity between Lucifer’s son and Jesus? Do not say ridiculous things. It says women’s seed or offspring, the word “זַרְעֲךָ֖” can be translated either way, also means descendant, so it only means humans and in the context it means offspring and that is how most translators translated it. Also not it do not say “gamete” but “seed”. And it says snakes offspring, and humans have an enmity for snakes. There is no Jesus in whole of the OT, that is a lie, post hoc justification.
Your post:
“You: “I said that Lucifer [Satan] processed the snake just as he did with the King of Tyre, the bible is full of illustrations were demons from hell takes procession and animals”
That is a lie by you and NT deceivers, nowhere in Genesis it says that the snake is possessed by Lucifer. Nowhere in Ezekiel has it stated that the king of Tyre is possessed by Lucifer. So please do not say such lies and ask me to accept it because the ‘new deceivers’ said that.”
My response:
In the story of the possession of the King of Tyre, it is clear that the Lord is addressing two different beings while at the same time directing his statements at the mortal king:
“The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying; son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus; thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God:
“Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee: with thy wisdom and thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and has gotten gold and silver into thy treasures. By thy great wisdom and by thy traffic hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches; therefore thus saith the Lord God; because thou hast set thine heart as the heart of God; behold, therefore I will bring strangers upon thee the terrible of the nations; and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy brightness. They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shall die the death of them that are slain in the midst of the sea.” [Ezekiel 28: 1-8]
In this part of Ezekiel 28 there is no doubt the prophet is talking to a mortal man, who like you have believe the lie of Lucifer that because of this knowledge [the occult] that he is now become a god and will not die. The Lord explain to the man that not only will he die, but he will be brought down to the pit; hell! Here again the Lord is telling the man that the snake lied to him when he told him that he shall be as the gods, God tell the mortal man that he is no god and will die like any other man!
Now in that same chapter of the Book of Ezekiel the Lord instructs the prophet to address the King”
“Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying; son of man, take up the lamentation upon the King of Tyrus, and say unto him, thus saith the Lord God; thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. THOU HAS BEEN IN EDEN THE GAEDEN OF GOD! Every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz and the diamond, the beryl, the only, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and the gold: the workmanship of tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed CHERUB that covereth; and I have set thee so; thou was upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and in the midst of the stones of fire. Thy wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created, till iniquity was found in thee. [Ezekiel 28:11-15]
Even though the prophet is directing his statements at the mortal king from the words he is using there is no way he is directing he statement at a mortal man. The prophet tells Lucifer who has taken possession of the kings soul:
The mortal king has never been in the Garden of God, only one physical mortal man has ever been in the Garden of God and that is the very first man, Adam! God placed an angel with a flaming sword there so that no man would ever enter that garden again. This being that the prophet is addressing through the mortal king is a Cherub. No mortal man is ever refer to as a Cherub, a Cherub is of a totally higher order than man. This Cherub served at the Throne of God, the king of Tyrus is not a Cherub and has never been in the Garden of Eden and never served at the Throne of God. Even though the prophet is directing his statement at the king it is obvious that he is talking to the Cherub [Lucifer] that has invaded the man’s soul.
The Lord tells this being that has invaded the man’s soul that he was created perfect, he could not be describing the mortal because first of all the king was not created but procreated! Secondly the king was not procreated perfect, everyone born after the fall of Adam was born in sin and filled with sin from the day they are conceived. The very seed that produced the king is full of the sins of his father, not only that his incubator, his mother is full of sin making the king a sin filled baby even before he is born. No baby, not even the King of Tyrus was perfect from the day of his creation or procreation! It is very clear that the Lord is not addressing the mortal king here, but the fallen Cherub [Lucifer] that has invaded the king’s soul!! You must try to not just read the words but to understand the meaning of the words you are reading.
Good story but a lie nonetheless. It is simply a comparison. And it is you who read new meanings into it to substantiate the lies.
Read the rest of it
“So I threw you to the earth;
I made a spectacle of you before kings.
18 By your many sins and dishonest trade
you have desecrated your sanctuaries.
So I made a fire come out from you,
and it consumed you,
and I reduced you to ashes on the ground
in the sight of all who were watching.
19 All the nations who knew you
are appalled at you;
So how many nations were there then?
you have come to a horrible end
and will be no more.’”
So Lucifer is no more?
Your post:
“Neither snake nor Lucifer stroked Jesus on the heel. He was crucified because he was a rebel and hencecriminal and nowhere it says that he descended to hell, he was lying in a cave. The book states that women’s offspring, humans will kill snakes and snake’s Offspring (so not Lucifer) will strike humans on his heel, and that is what is happening from time immemorial.”
My response:
Again, you have no idea of what’s really in the book that you come to stand against, go and read the book of Peter, Jesus descended into hell and preached to the spirits there who were disobedient in times past. The rest of this post have been addressed over and over. Keep trying, you are almost using a whole paragraph to respond to this almost book I’m writing in my post.
Unless you are an idiot who cannot understand, death means death, there is no more running around showing ones wound. Simply because this peter fellow who was not there claimed it, didn't make it so. Did BBC told Peter that Jesus went to hell? Are you so gullible as to believe that nonsense or is it your insatiable need for “paradise”?
Your post:
“It is animals that procreate not god. God create, if at all he does. God is not an animal. Just because your lie’spel’ says so does not mean it is true. You said jesus is the “begotten” son of god, don’t you know what begotten means?”
My response:
You make no case here, just throw out wild accusations so until you can do a better job than this it does not deserve a response, even though it been address before and all you can do is come back with this pitiful response. But at least you are improving. At least you have a two-liner here! You don’t explain anything here so I’ll move on. The least you should have done is to explain to me what begotten means since you claim that I don’t know, or do you believe in your wise mind that you have actually have? Let’s move on!
I do not know whether you have noticed or not, it is animals and plants that procreate. So when you say god procreated, you are lowering him to the level of an animal. Are you so foolish as to support the claim that god had a son, only one son? God do not need to procreate, and if he wants he can have any number, can't he?
You are telling me that he made a baby just to get a few drops of blood?
Your post:
“I know
But not your god who is devil”
My response:
This does not deserve a response. Lets move on!
Your post:
“If you do not know anything outside bible then it is better you do not try to debate. Nostradamus made a prophesy and his followers says that the prophesy is about Napoleon. It is an after the fact justification, just like you are doing, attributing post hoc meanings that were originally not there. And your “explanation” is mostly nonsense and irrelevant, so what good is it doing?”
My response:
I probably know more about Nostradamus than you do. One thing I’m sure of is that if I were to use him as an example I know for sure I do a much better job than this pitiful attempt by you, I think that should be obvious to even you by now! You went into no detail about the prophecy of Napoleon, all you give me is “they say.” You make no effort to prove that its justification after the fact, nothing you do is complete! I gest I’m supposed to go and find for you just who these followers of Nostradamus are and what they said about Napoleon. It doesn’t work that way! Nothing you do is complete! So since you can’t explain yourself any better than this on the subject of Nostradamus let’s move on.
Since you are act like a moron,
"An Emperor will be born near Italy…
He will cost his Empire very dearly….
He is less a prince than a butcher.
From simple soldier he will attain to Empire…
Italy, Spain, and the English tremble; he will be greatly attentive to foreign women.
For fourteen years he will hold his tyranny…
The kingdom rushes to great misfortune. A mass of men approach from Russia.
The destroyer will ruin the old city: he will see his Roman empire quite desolated…
.He would not know how to extinguish the great flame
Ready to fight he will desert. The chief adversary will be victorious.
The rear guard will make a defense, those who falter dying in the white country.
In the third month…the boar and the leopard meet on the battlefield….
The fatigued leopard looks up to heaven and sees an eagle playing with the sun"
And the FOLLOWERS of Nostradamus say it is about Napoleon, post hoc reasoning. They are simply trying to fit the events to the prophesy just like you are doing.
Your post:
“You still have no answered it. You said they were killed because of genetic corruption. Were all the humans were genetically corrupted? That is, were all the humans nephilim?
Do you approve death penalty?”
I have already explained to you about God’s right to kill, I’m not going to repeat it here. And still you are afraid to put a few paragraphs together or incapable of doing so to explain how you become an expert on God. I told you that I’m not running all over the place answering your every silly question when you are incapable of answering a simple question that I asked of you. There is nothing you can come up with that I don’t have an answer for. It just the opposite of you who have no answers to anything just silly questions. There’s nothing new here so let’s move o!
God has the right to kill and that is your answer for murder? You are evil, so you justify it.
Your god is satan. What you call god is satan.
Your god didn’t create anyone, he is merely the fallen son of the most high.
Your post:
So you agree that the children ought to be killed. Now I see why you worship a murderer as god. There is nothing more to discuss, you have redefined the term god and satan. What the world calls satan you call god.
My response:
So if there’s nothing more to discuss, why are you still here making yourself look foolish, with no answers to anything? Just foolish question!
It is entertaining, how you dodge, ignore, subvert and write in length and repeat too much to divert. It is also enlightening to see the mind of a deeply entrenched Satanist.
Your post:
“That is another ridiculous nonsense. Satan was given an opportunity to prove, prove to whom? Don't god already know? Prove by killing innocent children? Job says "test" not prove. Why didn’t the people get an opportunity?”
My response:
All cases brought before a court of law must be given a fair hearing even if the judge and jury already know that the person is guilty, that justice, something that you have shown that you care very little about. We watched this very thing play out with the theater killings in Denver Co. everyone knew that he did the killing, even his defense lawyers admitted as much. Why didn’t the judge just throw the guy on death row and just skip the trail that would surely have save the state a lot of money and time. Why? Because it would have been unjust, still the case must be proven before everyone to see that man deserves what he gets. Now you know that you shouldn’t even have asked this silly question.
That is in a human court where the judge and Jury can be wrong. Then there can be attenuating circumstances. That is not the case with God. And should the Judge allow the accused to torture and kill others to prove his case? That is what your god did.
Your post:
“Job says "test" not prove.”
My response:
What in the heck is this? What are you talking about, nothing was mentioned about Job in the post that you are response. How am I supposed to response to this? “Test” “prove” what? Nothing you do is complete! So let’s move on!
God was asking satan, satan was not accusing. It was god who asked satan to “prove” and test job by any means including killing his sons.
Your post:
“There was no F@@@ Jesus in OT. There was no throne of Jesus. Your god is the son of the most high and if Jesus is your god’s son then he is the grandson.
And the book clearly states GOD'S sons not satan’s angels. You are lying there.”
My response:
I’ve already covered this and this is what you come back with. Is this is supposed to be a response to my explanation. You don’t explain how and why they are not or have become the angels of Satan, like I went into detail of why they are. I have no idea what “F@@@” means so let’s move on! But I hope you are not stooping to profanity!! That would only prove that you don’t have the vocabulary to express yourself and explains why you can come up with only one-livers. I keep telling you that the more you post the more you exposes yourself!!
I am fed up of your lies; you have nothing to show that there is Jesus in OT yet simply repeat that nonsense again and again. And you misread, ignore and take out of context to prove your nonsense.
I explained but you ignore, read slowly IT IS THE BOOK THAT SAYS THAT IT IS THE SON OF GOD and it is YOUR LIE THAT they are angels of satan.
Your post:
“Exactly, killing is your good’s business and that is why he is evil, devil.
My response:
Same one-liner that explains nothing, so let’s move on, maybe you have something interesting to say there.
Your post:
“do not murder.
And whether you “know it or not” the book clearly states that all the animals and humans except those that got into the boat got killed. The whole creation is corrupted is your lie.”
My response:
I figure that what you mean by this is because those in the boat did not die they weren’t corrupt, the bible says that all was corrupt, but only Noah was righteous in God’s eyes so he would give the man a new beginning, how God goes about doing his business, that creation was corrupt and so is this one. This creation is heading toward the same faith as that one. After the coming nu-clear that the bible foretold in the book of Revelation, there will survive just as back then, God decides who is worthy to survive and continue into the next. How he go about his business is his business! So let’s move on to your next one-liner and see if there’s anything new there.
What I said is that there were humans and the book NEVER said that Nephilim killed humans, that is a LIE you are perpetuating. It also says that all the humans were killed except the few but never said that all humans were Nephilim. And there are no animal NEPHILIM but your god killed animals too.
There is no crime that deserves death unless the one who judge is satan
Your post:
“I am not an expert in anyone’s world view nor did I claim so. But I can see the falsehoods, contradictions and the lies you and your ilk, the bible authors, are perpetuating. The bible itself says Yahweh is the son of the most high, but you say Yahweh himself is the most high, what a lie.”
My response:
You say that the bible states that Yahweh is the Son of the Most High, now I ask you to give me the address to that verse of scripture. I shouldn’t have to ask you for this, if you would only complete your work the address would be in this post to prove your point. If you don’t come back with the address of the verse of scripture that states the Yahweh is the Grand Father of Jesus, then you prove yourself to be the liar again, so I’ll stop here on that until you give me the address of that verse of scripture.
You go and look up. I already gave the quote including the verse number many times before and you were continuously ignoring and getting offended because I didn’t use “j”ehovah. Either you check your bible or find the quotes I gave from Deuteronomy and Psalms.
Your post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god. Because satan managed to promise you something like “paradise”, which you yourself do not comprehend or articulate, you think everything else is nonsense and people have no hopes just like you. Is it because you do not know god nor understand him, you have no hope in life, you fell for Satan’s lies and cling to it tenaciously?” Your post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god.”
My response:
You say that I blindly believe without thinking, now what I want you to do is to show that you can do a little thinking of your own and have the ability to use your memory. Think back or go back and reread my earlier post in that post, unlike you I stated what I believe and why I believe and it had nothing to do with blind faith. I stated that this holy being Jesus stated that every word that proceedeth out of his mouth can be counted on, everything he says will come to pass. So as I studied his word [the bible] I found it to be true that he knew the end from the beginning.
At this very moment the world is in fear of that war that will wipe out all life on earth. This holy being knows the end from the beginning. There’s no blind faith here, but what we have here is a being who says that every word that proceed out of his mouth can be counted on. I went on to show that it didn’t stop there he had more to tell of impossible events that would take place in that very same period of time that seemed impossible of fulfillment. This being who says that every word that proceeds out of his mouth can be counted on made a bold claim that was impossible of fulfillment. He claimed that during this war of Lucifer that’s meant to destroy all mankind his prophets will be killed and the whole world will witness this event no matter their location on earth.
No there is no blind faith here, blind faith is what you displays, faith in nothing! Now show me what you have faith in, there’s nothing you can come up with to even come close to that. You see this, you are without excurse!! This is why you run and hide when I ask you to explain or to put together a few paragraphs to explain in what you have faith. You’ll no fool, you know in your heart there’s nothing that can compare to this. Go back and reread everything I wrote and you will see that you have nothing to compare to it, all you have are a lot of silly questions!! I know in what and whom I believe, but what do you believe?
Wrong again. There was no prophesy but you twisting the words to mean a prophesy. You have never seen this Jesus fellow and when the deceivers copied some elements from OT and said it as a prophesy you believed them. Anyone with common sense can see that a god is not an animal to procreate and anyone who claimed to be dead cannot get up after merely 36 hours. Even after hearing such nonsense you buried your head and then manipulated the OT words to fit Jesus.
Lucifer, the snake and Satan is the same being?
Now snake and satan is same? Snake is an animal.
Of course, Lucifer, and satan and your god is the same being.
For all deceivers.
I showed you where he stated over two thousand years ago that his word foretold the future with great accuracy. I told you of a war that he talked about that was far into the future and that if he didn’t step in to stop it there would be no life left of earth. When he made this statement it didn’t make sense to his listeners because they knew in their hearts that there was no way that a war that could kill every living thing on earth. This is over two thousand years ago when men fought with spears, rocks, slang-shots and many other crude weapons. And then we fast forward to the 21 first century and find that we are on the door steps of this very thing happening.
No that is a lie. There is no war foretold accurately. It is something like a weather prophesy, “there is going to be a rain somewhere this month” and any rain is a fulfillment of that prophesy.
This is over two thousand years ago, think about it; how in the world could anyone in the Egypt witness anything happening in Jerusalem if they are not there in person. When the Lord made this statement this was impossible!! For many years the faithful Christians were laughed at and made fun of. From the time that the Lord uttered these words to about 1948 this was impossible. Then in these end-times that was foretold there was an invention called T.V. where one could be in one location and see across miles into another location. As improvements were made to this invention its range in proved to the point that anyone anywhere on earth could see directly into Jerusalem. I even told you that I watched a war in Jerusalem in 2006 from my home thousands of mile away. The impossible was made possible because the one who said his word can be counted on proved it to be true. Now the whole world can see this coming world war three when it starts in Israel.
Another lie, simple manipulation of words. It is like the prophesy of Jesus being called Immanuel, taken out of context and mistranslation.
My post:
Again, you wants to run and hide to avoid giving an account of your statements, you claim that I believe blindly of what those who you refer to as scum say. In your response you gave no counter to my response to your ridiculous statement, you simply return to your circular comments. You want to pick and choose what you want to respond to and pretend that you don’t see what you can’t respond to with circular movement, so here I’m going to repost your comment and my response to it. Don’t run and hide from your statements and pretend that you never made the statement, I told you that I’m not going to answer our every silly questions while you run and hide from mines. Just like Lucifer in the garden [and I will prove through scripture in this post that Lucifer was a tree in the garden] you tries to plant a seed and when I respond to this seed you so pitifully tries to plant you just hurry to the same talking points that you are stuck in and ignore my response to you putting your foot in your mouth.
So I’m going to repost the seed that you tried to plant in your earlier post and my response to it and await your response, after we clear this matter up than we can move forward with some of your other silly questions.
Your earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from, you can’t attempt to plant an evil seed and then try to avoid answering to my response to your evil seed.
Your post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god.”
My response to that earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from.
My response:
“You say that I blindly believe without thinking, now what I want you to do is to show that you can do a little thinking of your own and have the ability to use your memory. Think back or go back and reread my earlier post. In that post unlike you I stated what I believe and why I believe it and it had nothing to do with blind faith. I stated that this holy being “Jesus” stated that every word that proceedeth out of his mouth can be counted on [not blind faith] everything he says will come to pass. So as I STUDIED his word [the bible] I found it to be true that he knew the end from the beginning.
I showed you where he stated over two thousand years ago that his word foretold the future with great accuracy. I told you of a war that he talked about, that was far into the future and that if he didn’t step in to stop it there would be no life left of earth. When he made this statement it didn’t make sense to his listeners because they knew in their hearts that there was no way that a war that could kill every living thing on earth. This is over two thousand years ago when men fought with spears, rocks, slang-shots and many other crude weapons. And then we fast forward to the 21 first century and find that we are on the door steps of this very thing happening. This is what I posted and is still waiting for you to explain it away and replace it with something better, you can’t so you run and hide and return to your circular talking points because you have nothing better.
At this very moment the world is in fear of that war that will wipe out all life on earth. This holy being knows the end from the beginning. I ask a simple question, show me in what you can have such faith in. this is impossible so you run to your same old talking points. There’s no blind faith here, but what we have here is a being who says that every word that proceed out of his mouth can be counted on. I went on to show that it didn’t stop there he had more to tell of impossible events that would take place in that very same period of time that seemed impossible of fulfillment. This being who says that every word that proceeds out of his mouth can be counted on made a bold claim that was impossible of fulfillment. He claimed that during this war of Lucifer that’s meant to destroy all mankind his prophets will be killed and the whole world will witness this event no matter their location on earth.
This is over two thousand years ago, think about it; how in the world could anyone in the Egypt witness anything happening in Jerusalem if they are not there in person. When the Lord made this statement this was impossible!! For many years the faithful Christians were laughed at and made fun of. From the time that the Lord uttered these words to about 1948 this was impossible. Then in these end-times that was foretold there was an invention called T.V. where one could be in one location and see across miles into another location. As improvements were made to this invention its range in proved to the point that anyone anywhere on earth could see directly into Jerusalem. I even told you that I watched a war in Jerusalem in 2006 from my home thousands of mile away. The impossible was made possible because the one who said his word can be counted on proved it to be true. Now the whole world can see this coming world war three when it starts in Israel.
No there is no blind faith here, blind faith is what you displays, faith in nothing! Now show me what you have faith in, there’s nothing you can come up with to even come close to that. You see this, you are without excurse!! This is why you run and hide when I ask you to explain or to put together a few paragraphs to explain in what you have faith. You’ll no fool, you know in your heart there’s nothing that can compare to this. Go back and reread everything I wrote and you will see that you have nothing to compare to it, all you have are a lot of silly questions!! I know in what and whom I believe, but what do you believe?”
Why don’t you response to my response to your statement that I blindly believe? I’m not going to follow you around and answering your every silly questions while you continually run and hide when it’s time for you get an account of the evil seed you are trying to plant. Or do we need a new thread for your questions I keep telling you that the more you post the more you exposes yourself as being a deceiver and a trickster!
Your post:
“It is a snake, an animal not a human, however intelligent it is it is still not par with human and hence not responsible. You train your dog (dog is intelligent) to do something bad and the dog did it, it is you who is punishable not the dog.”
My response:
Whatever the snake was it had things about it that no other animal is ever reported doing, it could hold a conversation. I hope your dog, and if you have one, doesn’t sit around holding a conversation with you, if it does please explain! This should make for a very good and entertaining comedy hour. Whatever the snake was, it could reason, do your dog reason with you, do your dog explain to you that he’s tired of eating that same old dog food every day, does it ask you, instead of feeding me that same old dog food every day, why don’t you fry me up one of those good smelling pork chops that I’m always smelling all-up round through here. Maybe you should get your reasoning dog to help you with your comments, surely it could do no worsted job than you are doing, that is if it can reason like the snake did. I can’t imagine it not inquiring into that good smelling fried-up pork-chops, that if it has the intelligences of the snake or could reason like the snake. There’s no comparison between the two!
“Lucifer” possessed the snake, the snake has no choice but to obey and according to you it was Lucifer that was reasoning, Lucifer was merely using the snake’s ability to speak.”
My response:
Before we get to this we need to go back to your earlier statement that the God was only addressing the mortal king in Lucifer’s possession of the King Tyrus, so again, I’ll repost my previous response to your statement and then we can move to Lucifer’s possession of the snake, one demonic possession at a time, you can’t keep running and refuse to answer or reply to the issue that you brought up. Respond to your comment on the King of Tyrus, just in case you have forgotten what I stated I’ll repost it again.
My response again:
My response:
In the story of the possession of the King of Tyre, it is clear that the Lord is addressing two different beings while at the same time directing his statements at the mortal king:
“The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying; son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus; thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God:
“Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee: with thy wisdom and thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and has gotten gold and silver into thy treasures. By thy great wisdom and by thy traffic hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches; therefore thus saith the Lord God; because thou hast set thine heart as the heart of God; behold, therefore I will bring strangers upon thee the terrible of the nations; and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy brightness. They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shall die the death of them that are slain in the midst of the sea.” [Ezekiel 28: 1-8]
In this part of Ezekiel 28 there is no doubt the prophet is talking to a mortal man, who like you have believe the lie of Lucifer that because of this knowledge [the occult] that he is now become a god and will not die. The Lord explain to the man that not only will he die, but he will be brought down to the pit; hell! Here again the Lord is telling the man that the snake lied to him when he told him that he shall be as the gods, God tell the mortal man that he is no god and will die like any other man!
Now in that same chapter of the Book of Ezekiel the Lord instructs the prophet to address the King”
“Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying; son of man, take up the lamentation upon the King of Tyrus, and say unto him, thus saith the Lord God; thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. THOU HAS BEEN IN EDEN THE GAEDEN OF GOD! Every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz and the diamond, the beryl, the only, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and the gold: the workmanship of tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed CHERUB that covereth; and I have set thee so; thou was upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and in the midst of the stones of fire. Thy wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created, till iniquity was found in thee. [Ezekiel 28:11-15]
Even though the prophet is directing his statements at the mortal king from the words he is using there is no way he is directing he statement at a mortal man. The prophet tells Lucifer who has taken possession of the king’s soul:
“The mortal king has never been in the Garden of God, only one physical mortal man has ever been in the Garden of God and that is the very first man, Adam! God placed an angel with a flaming sword there so that no man would ever enter that garden again. This being that the prophet is addressing through the mortal king is a Cherub. No mortal man is ever refer to as a Cherub, a Cherub is of a totally higher order than man. This Cherub served at the Throne of God, the king of Tyrus is not a Cherub and has never been in the Garden of Eden and never served at the Throne of God. Even though the prophet is directing his statement at the king it is obvious that he is talking to the Cherub [Lucifer] that has invaded the man’s soul.
The Lord tells this being that has invaded the man’s soul that he was created perfect, he could not be describing the mortal because first of all the king was not created but procreated! Secondly the king was not procreated perfect, everyone born after the fall of Adam was born in sin and filled with sin from the day they are conceived. The very seed that produced the king is full of the sins of his father, not only that his incubator, his mother is full of sin making the king a sin filled baby even before he is born. No baby, not even the King of Tyrus was perfect from the day of his creation or procreation! It is very clear that the Lord is not addressing the mortal king here, but the fallen Cherub [Lucifer] that has invaded the king’s soul!! You must try to not just read the words but to understand the meaning of the words you are reading.”
Did you really think that I would just let you ignore this response to your statement? I told you again and again I’m not going to keep running around answering your questions while you ignore mines, we haven’t finished discussing the king of Tyrus, give me some kind of response if you expect me to respond to your next question and if you don’t it is you who coping-out. Let’s try to finish one conversation before we move to another. Explain to me just who it was that the prophet was addressing in the possession of the king. Was it a mortal man or was it a cherub? If you say it was the king, please explain to me at what point in the life of the king was he ever in the Garden of Eden. If it is the king explain to me how could have been created perfect when on one else in the world is perfect? This is the description of none other than Lucifer!
If it is the mortal king please explain to me when did he serve at the throne of God as a cherub? You’ve got a lot of explaining to do. Its time you to stop running and do some explaining or are you going to cope-out again? You are not going to ask all the questions and I give all the answer, if I let you get away with this I would be a moron, I would be in league with you. This is not going away, so you might as well converse with your conversing dog and maybe the two of you can come up with something that makes a little sense because it is obvious that you on your own don’t seem to be in a position to accomplish this. You are not running from this one, it’s not going away.
While you work on coming up with a sensible response to all the things you have been running from I’ll debunk your and all Luciferians claim that Lucifer was not in the garden so therefore he could not have influenced the couple. There’s no doubt that Lucifer is described as the most beautiful of all created beings, there was no created being as beautiful as Lucifer.
In scripture the Lord uses tress to symbolically represent both men and angels. There were two trees in the garden that were of utmost importance, the Tree of Life [Jesus] and the Tree of Death [Lucifer]. The Lord warned the couple to have nothing to do with the Tree in the mist of the garden, so we need to take a real close-up look at this Tree. First we should take a look at some of the verses of scripture where God refer to men or angels as trees and then we’ll come back and trace Lucifer to the one being that corrupt Tree in the Garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden God placed a sinless couple there in paradise like conditions, the man and woman wanted for nothing. All God demanded was for them to have nothing to do with this particular tree in the garden. Now as we will see very clearly this tree was no physical fruit tree, this tree was non-other than Lucifer himself. His fruit is no apple, but file imaginings, hatred for God, sexual perversion and all things that are contrary to God and His laws; this is the fruit of this tree.
First let’s go back to the Book of Geneses and see just what it is Lucifer offered the woman in the garden:
"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, has God indeed said, ‘you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the mist of the garden, God has said, you shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die." [Genesis 3:1-3]
Trees are used by God to represent both people and angels, symbolically both people and angels are trees planted in the Garden of God [life] in the Kingdom of God. In the Garden of Eden, God said there were two trees that were of utmost importance, one was the Tree of Life, and the other was the Tree of Death. The Tree of life was non-other than the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, this Tree is a living being. This Tree of Life created all that is and all there will ever be, this Tree of Life is life itself. Here’s God’s description of Lucifer as a tree in the Garden of Eden:
"And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the third month, in the first day of the month, that the word of the Lord came onto me, saying, son of man, speak onto Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to his multitude, whom art thou like in thy greatness? Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar [a tree] in Lebanon with fair branches, and with a shadowing shroud, and of a high stature; and his top was among the thick boughs. the waters made him great, the deep set him up on high with rivers running round about his plants, and send out her little rivers onto all the trees of the field. Therefore his height was exalted above all the trees of the field, and his boughs were multiplied, and his branches became long because of the multitude of the waters. When he shot forth all the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations. Thus was he fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches: for his root was by great waters. The cedar in the GARDEN Of GOD [EDEN] could not hide him: the fir trees were not like his boughs, and the chestnut trees were not like his branches; nor any tree in the garden of God was like unto him in his beauty. I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches: SO THAT ALL THE TREES OF EDEN, that were in the GARDEN OF GOD {EDEN} envied him. Therefore thus saith the Lord God; because thou hast lifted up thyself in height, and he hath shot up his pot among the thick boughs, and his heart is lifted up in his height;" [Ezek 31:1-10]
Pharaoh, King of Egypt had become possessed by Lucifer just as the King of Tyrus had and just as God addressed the King of Babylon and then the fallen angel Lucifer through the king, He now do the same with the King Of Egypt. This is who Lucifer is this is what he does, he enters both humans and animals to destroy.
In Ezek 31:1-10, God describes Lucifer as the most BEAUTIFUL TREE IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN, the same description that was given of the beautiful Lucifer when he possession of the King of Tyrus. There’s no doubt that these verses of scriptures are describing the same Lucifer that was kicked out of heaven. Lucifer is that corrupt tree with its poisoned fruit that caused the fall of all creation and of sin and destruction. The description of the other Tree in the Garden leaves no doubt that the other Tree of utmost importance is the Lord [the Tree of Life] Jesus Christ.
"And in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams, wherewith his spirit was troubled, and his sleep brake from him. Then the king commanded to call the magicians, and the astrologers, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, for to shew the king his dreams. So they came and stood before the king. And the king said unto them, I have dreamed a dream, and my spirit was troubled to know the dream. Then spake the Chaldeans to the king in Syria, O king, live forever: tell thy servants the dream, and we will shew the interpretation."
They answered again and said, Let the king tell his servants the dream, and we will shew the interpretation of it." [Daniel 2:1-7]
"The Chaldeans answered before the king, and said, there is not a man upon the earth that can shew the king's matter: therefore there is no king, lord, nor ruler that asked such things at any magician, or astrologer, or Chaldean." [Daniel 2:10]
"For this cause the king was angry and very furious, and commanded to destroy all the wise men of Babylon. And the decree went forth that the wise men should be slain; and they sought Daniel and his fellows to be slain." Daniel 2:12-13]
"He answered and said to Arioch the king's captain, why is the decree so hasty from the king? Then Arioch made the thing known to Daniel. Then Daniel went in, and desired of the king that he would give him time, and that he would shew the king the interpretation." [Daniel 2:15-16] "Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven. Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him. I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee: for thou hast now made known unto us the king's matter." [Daniel 2:19-23]
"This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able; for the holy gods is in thee. Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was anointed for one hour, and his thoughts troubled him. The king spake, and said, Belteshazzar, let not the dream, or the interpretation thereof, trouble thee. Belteshazzar answered and said, my lord, the dream be to them that hate thee, and the interstation thereof to thine enemies. The tree that thou sawest, which grew, and was strong, whose height reached unto the heavens, and the sight thereof to all the earth; whose leaves were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all; under which the beasts of the field dwelt, and upon whose branches the fowls of the heavens had their habitation: it is thou, O king, that art grown and became strong: for thy greatness is grown, and reacheth unto the heaven, and thy dominion to the end of the earth. and whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, hew the tree down, and destroyed it; yet leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even he band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew oh heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him." [Daniel 4: 18-23]
“The TREE that thou sawest, which grew, and was strong, whose height reached unto the heavens, and the sight thereof to all the earth; whose leaves were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all; under which the beasts of the field dwelt, and upon whose branches the fowls of the heavens had their habitation: IT IS THOU O’ KING!”
“The cedar in the garden of God could not hide him: the fir trees were not like his boughs, and the chestnut trees were not like his branches; nor any tree in the garden of God was like unto him in his beauty. I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches: so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the Garden of God envied him. Therefore thus saith the Lord God; because thou hast lifted up thyself in height, and he hath shot up his pot among the thick boughs, and his heart is lifted up in his height;"
Notice that this TREE is the most beautiful of all the TREES in the garden and that this TREE is also presented as “HIM” giving him personality and not just a physical tree. The word states that no other TREE in the GARDEN OF EDEN was like “HIM” in beauty. There is no other created being in the bible that was more beautiful that Lucifer, certainly not the King of Egypt who were never in the Garden of Eden!! It states that “ALL” the TREES in the garden “ENVIED HIM” now how could a literal tree envy anyone? This TREE is constantly referred to as “HIM” and not “IT” as would have been the case if it wasn’t an intelligent being, not only an intelligent being, but the most beautiful created being that the other beings [TREES] envied. This could be none other than the most beautiful being that God had created; THIS BEING IN THE GARDEN IS LUCIFER! Proof that Lucifer was in the Garden of Eden and did influence the couple and caused the fall of creation!
Your earlier post:
“There was no F@@@ Jesus in OT. There was no throne of Jesus. Your god is the son of the most high and if Jesus is your god’s son then he is the grandson.
And the book clearly states GOD'S sons not satan’s angels. You are lying there.”
Your earlier post:
“There was no F@@@ Jesus in OT.”
I asked you to explain what this means because it appears that your intention here is to be profane. Again, you run and try to hide from your statement. Let’s finish one part of this business before we move on to the next. Now I’ll repost my response to your comment and wait for you to address this mess that you created, or do we need another thread for you to address this apparent profane communication that you have presented. I’m telling you again that I’m not going to answer your every evil question while you try to plant seeds of evil and when confronted you refuse to even attempt to respond, just plant the seed and run and hide from your comment. Maybe you need to converse with your reasoning dog for help. Go on and continue with the moron comments, it only proves that it is you who is really the moron. I asked you why are you stooping to profanity, and if you are not I would expect that you would want to clear this matter up because it just prove that you lack the ability and is frustrated with yourself because of your lack of this ability. Surely you would want to clear this matter up. Stop running and hiding from your own statements, it only makes you look weak!!
Again, you never responded to my explanation of Lucifer’s possession of the King of Tyrus, how in the world do you think you can keep doing this and I not notice it? I’m still waiting your response on this that you brought up or do we need a new thread for every time you make a statement and run from it?
There’s too much information here for you to ignore, you must respond to this before you return to your circular talking points. You can’t counter this with a one-liner, you must go into detail like I do to counter your evil seeds. One thing for sure is that the snake represents evil and that Lucifer [the most beautiful being created by God] was right there in the midst [in the Garden of Eden] spewing out his venom. The Lord warned the couple to have nothing to do with this TREE! Try to respond without using profanity!!
Again, you wants to run and hide to avoid giving an account of your statements, you claim that I believe blindly of what those who you refer to as scum say. In your response you gave no counter to my response to your ridiculous statement, you simply return to your circular comments. You want to pick and choose what you want to respond to and pretend that you don’t see what you can’t respond to with circular movement, so here I’m going to repost your comment and my response to it. Don’t run and hide from your statements and pretend that you never made the statement, I told you that I’m not going to answer our every silly questions while you run and hide from mines.
If you are uneducated or if you belong to the lowest of the low, then nothing I say won’t make sense to you. Goons and whores are called scum, by most people who belong to a better class, today. The status of tax collectors, bastards, demon affected people, zealots/cannanian and fishermen was the same then, they were that times scum, the lowest class. Among these only a fisherman has some better status (zealot has status depending on whom you are talking to), most other disciples had jobs that are unmentionable, either worthless or not good enough to be mentioned. And who will go with a trickster who is hated by his own people other than the scum?
[“While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and ‘sinners’ came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, ‘Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and “sinners”?’ "]
You still haven't found out how to make a proper reply and you mix up my reply and cannot even highlight to what you are replying (eg:- the green one). So I find it very difficult to know what you are replying to.
Just like Lucifer in the garden [and I will prove through scripture in this post that Lucifer was a tree in the garden] you tries to plant a seed and when I respond to this seed you so pitifully tries to plant you just hurry to the same talking points that you are stuck in and ignore my response to you putting your foot in your mouth.
So I’m going to repost the seed that you tried to plant in your earlier post and my response to it and await your response, after we clear this matter up than we can move forward with some of your other silly questions.
Prove with Genesis if you can, not by what written later. So now, Lucifer is a tree, a tree in the centre of the garden placed by god [9 The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out]? God made Lucifer in the garden then? God could place a cherub to prevent man from entering there but there was nothing that could prevent him from satan entering? And god didn’t know Satan will get there but somehow warned Adam that there in the centre of the garden there is satan? And did god gave permission to satan? As Job shows satan does not do anything without his boss’s permission. And Lucifer, who is not there in Genesis, is the knowledge of GOOD and evil? If Lucifer is the tree what did Eve ate, his sperm?
So tree is Lucifer, snake is Lucifer. Are you going to claim next that the Garden is Lucifer?
Everywhere a tree is likened to someone it was also made clear that to whom it was referring to (like Nebuchadnezzar, or Assyrian), where in Genesis it states that the tree is Lucifer?
And is seed made of only one gamete?
Your earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from, you can’t attempt to plant an evil seed and then try to avoid answering to my response to your evil seed.
You lost your sense?
Your post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god.”
My response to that earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from.
What are you responding to?
My response:
“You say that I blindly believe without thinking, now what I want you to do is to show that you can do a little thinking of your own and have the ability to use your memory. Think back or go back and reread my earlier post. In that post unlike you I stated what I believe and why I believe it and it had nothing to do with blind faith. I stated that this holy being “Jesus” stated that every word that proceedeth out of his mouth can be counted on [not blind faith] everything he says will come to pass. So as I STUDIED his word [the bible] I found it to be true that he knew the end from the beginning.
You believed the words supposed to be from him and then studied it and then believed it again? A bastard rebel came along, his followers wrote a “story” about him and put words in his mouth, some of which are obviously contradictory and some of which are outright nonsense like his “death” and you believed it and studied it or you studied it and believed it or whatever? You should have first used some common sense. When someone tells you that a person is dead and then say that he is walking around at least you should have known that it is a fraud.
I showed you where he stated over two thousand years ago that his word foretold the future with great accuracy. I told you of a war that he talked about, that was far into the future and that if he didn’t step in to stop it there would be no life left of earth. When he made this statement it didn’t make sense to his listeners because they knew in their hearts that there was no way that a war that could kill every living thing on earth. This is over two thousand years ago when men fought with spears, rocks, slang-shots and many other crude weapons. And then we fast forward to the 21 first century and find that we are on the door steps of this very thing happening. This is what I posted and is still waiting for you to explain it away and replace it with something better, you can’t so you run and hide and return to your circular talking points because you have nothing better.
You did not show the world foretold with any accuracy. All you did was take some words and gave new meanings to it. Say, even the word generation is given a new meaning. Anyone who read his prophesy can understand that he could not even predict HIS OWN resurrection accurately, now you claim he predicted events 2000 years before, nonsense. There are no predictions, only you twisting the words to make it appear like a prediction. Just throwing the word ‘accurate’ doesn’t make it accurate.
At this very moment the world is in fear of that war that will wipe out all life on earth. This holy being knows the end from the beginning. I ask a simple question, show me in what you can have such faith in. this is impossible so you run to your same old talking points. There’s no blind faith here, but what we have here is a being who says that every word that proceed out of his mouth can be counted on. I went on to show that it didn’t stop there he had more to tell of impossible events that would take place in that very same period of time that seemed impossible of fulfillment. This being who says that every word that proceeds out of his mouth can be counted on made a bold claim that was impossible of fulfillment. He claimed that during this war of Lucifer that’s meant to destroy all mankind his prophets will be killed and the whole world will witness this event no matter their location on earth.
May be you are in fear because of your hopelessness; the world is in no fear of a war. Are you still reading the news papers from the cold war time?
This is over two thousand years ago, think about it; how in the world could anyone in the Egypt witness anything happening in Jerusalem if they are not there in person. When the Lord made this statement this was impossible!! For many years the faithful Christians were laughed at and made fun of. From the time that the Lord uttered these words to about 1948 this was impossible. Then in these end-times that was foretold there was an invention called T.V. where one could be in one location and see across miles into another location. As improvements were made to this invention its range in proved to the point that anyone anywhere on earth could see directly into Jerusalem. I even told you that I watched a war in Jerusalem in 2006 from my home thousands of mile away. The impossible was made possible because the one who said his word can be counted on proved it to be true. Now the whole world can see this coming world war three when it starts in Israel.
Can you quote the quote that says accurately all these? Twisted, manipulated and reread words are not acceptable.
No there is no blind faith here, blind faith is what you displays, faith in nothing! Now show me what you have faith in, there’s nothing you can come up with to even come close to that. You see this, you are without excurse!! This is why you run and hide when I ask you to explain or to put together a few paragraphs to explain in what you have faith. You’ll no fool, you know in your heart there’s nothing that can compare to this. Go back and reread everything I wrote and you will see that you have nothing to compare to it, all you have are a lot of silly questions!! I know in what and whom I believe, but what do you believe?”
Entrenched Satanism is what you call faith?
Your post:
“It is a snake, an animal not a human, however intelligent it is it is still not par with human and hence not responsible. You train your dog (dog is intelligent) to do something bad and the dog did it, it is you who is punishable not the dog.”
My response:
Whatever the snake was it had things about it that no other animal is ever reported doing, it could hold a conversation. I hope your dog, and if you have one, doesn’t sit around holding a conversation with you, if it does please explain! This should make for a very good and entertaining comedy hour. Whatever the snake was, it could reason, do your dog reason with you, do your dog explain to you that he’s tired of eating that same old dog food every day, does it ask you, instead of feeding me that same old dog food every day, why don’t you fry me up one of those good smelling pork chops that I’m always smelling all-up round through here. Maybe you should get your reasoning dog to help you with your comments, surely it could do no worsted job than you are doing, that is if it can reason like the snake did. I can’t imagine it not inquiring into that good smelling fried-up pork-chops, that if it has the intelligences of the snake or could reason like the snake. There’s no comparison between the two!
So the snake was like a human? It could think? The snake is just another Human? However intelligent it was, even though it could talk, it was no human but an animal. And no animal can think like a human, think and take a decision. According to YOU, it was not the snake’s doing, it was Lucifer’s doing. He got hold of the snake and manipulated it to do his bidding and the snake did it, the snake is innocent. If it was so easy, Lucifer could have simply possessed Adam, but he could not. But why didn’t god punish Lucifer? Why no mention of Lucifer is made in the whole OT except in a single paragraph in Isaiah?
“Lucifer” possessed the snake, the snake has no choice but to obey and according to you it was Lucifer that was reasoning, Lucifer was merely using the snake’s ability to speak.”
My response:
Before we get to this we need to go back to your earlier statement that the God was only addressing the mortal king in Lucifer’s possession of the King Tyrus, so again, I’ll repost my previous response to your statement and then we can move to Lucifer’s possession of the snake, one demonic possession at a time, you can’t keep running and refuse to answer or reply to the issue that you brought up. Respond to your comment on the King of Tyrus, just in case you have forgotten what I stated I’ll repost it again.
My response again:
My response:
In the story of the possession of the King of Tyre, it is clear that the Lord is addressing two different beings while at the same time directing his statements at the mortal king:
It is not at all clear, it is called a metaphor. Just because I (Shakespeare actually) said that
“All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players”,
does not mean world is a stage literally.
So that does it mean that the King was in Eden but it is a metaphor
“The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying; son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus; thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God:
“Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee: with thy wisdom and thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and has gotten gold and silver into thy treasures. By thy great wisdom and by thy traffic hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches; therefore thus saith the Lord God; because thou hast set thine heart as the heart of God; behold, therefore I will bring strangers upon thee the terrible of the nations; and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy brightness. They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shall die the death of them that are slain in the midst of the sea.” [Ezekiel 28: 1-8]
In this part of Ezekiel 28 there is no doubt the prophet is talking to a mortal man, who like you have believe the lie of Lucifer that because of this knowledge [the occult] that he is now become a god and will not die. The Lord explain to the man that not only will he die, but he will be brought down to the pit; hell! Here again the Lord is telling the man that the snake lied to him when he told him that he shall be as the gods, God tell the mortal man that he is no god and will die like any other man!
Now in that same chapter of the Book of Ezekiel the Lord instructs the prophet to address the King”
“Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying; son of man, take up the lamentation upon the King of Tyrus, and say unto him, thus saith the Lord God; thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. THOU HAS BEEN IN EDEN THE GAEDEN OF GOD! Every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz and the diamond, the beryl, the only, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and the gold: the workmanship of tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed CHERUB that covereth; and I have set thee so; thou was upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and in the midst of the stones of fire. Thy wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created, till iniquity was found in thee. [Ezekiel 28:11-15]
Even though the prophet is directing his statements at the mortal king from the words he is using there is no way he is directing he statement at a mortal man. The prophet tells Lucifer who has taken possession of the king’s soul:
“The mortal king has never been in the Garden of God, only one physical mortal man has ever been in the Garden of God and that is the very first man, Adam! God placed an angel with a flaming sword there so that no man would ever enter that garden again. This being that the prophet is addressing through the mortal king is a Cherub. No mortal man is ever refer to as a Cherub, a Cherub is of a totally higher order than man. This Cherub served at the Throne of God, the king of Tyrus is not a Cherub and has never been in the Garden of Eden and never served at the Throne of God. Even though the prophet is directing his statement at the king it is obvious that he is talking to the Cherub [Lucifer] that has invaded the man’s soul.
The Lord tells this being that has invaded the man’s soul that he was created perfect, he could not be describing the mortal because first of all the king was not created but procreated! Secondly the king was not procreated perfect, everyone born after the fall of Adam was born in sin and filled with sin from the day they are conceived. The very seed that produced the king is full of the sins of his father, not only that his incubator, his mother is full of sin making the king a sin filled baby even before he is born. No baby, not even the King of Tyrus was perfect from the day of his creation or procreation! It is very clear that the Lord is not addressing the mortal king here, but the fallen Cherub [Lucifer] that has invaded the king’s soul!! You must try to not just read the words but to understand the meaning of the words you are reading.”
Did you really think that I would just let you ignore this response to your statement? I told you again and again I’m not going to keep running around answering your questions while you ignore mines, we haven’t finished discussing the king of Tyrus, give me some kind of response if you expect me to respond to your next question and if you don’t it is you who coping-out. Let’s try to finish one conversation before we move to another. Explain to me just who it was that the prophet was addressing in the possession of the king. Was it a mortal man or was it a cherub? If you say it was the king, please explain to me at what point in the life of the king was he ever in the Garden of Eden. If it is the king explain to me how could have been created perfect when on one else in the world is perfect? This is the description of none other than Lucifer!
If it is the mortal king please explain to me when did he serve at the throne of God as a cherub? You’ve got a lot of explaining to do. Its time you to stop running and do some explaining or are you going to cope-out again? You are not going to ask all the questions and I give all the answer, if I let you get away with this I would be a moron, I would be in league with you. This is not going away, so you might as well converse with your conversing dog and maybe the two of you can come up with something that makes a little sense because it is obvious that you on your own don’t seem to be in a position to accomplish this. You are not running from this one, it’s not going away.
While you work on coming up with a sensible response to all the things you have been running from I’ll debunk your and all Luciferians claim that Lucifer was not in the garden so therefore he could not have influenced the couple. There’s no doubt that Lucifer is described as the most beautiful of all created beings, there was no created being as beautiful as Lucifer.
In scripture the Lord uses tress to symbolically represent both men and angels. There were two trees in the garden that were of utmost importance, the Tree of Life [Jesus] and the Tree of Death [Lucifer]. The Lord warned the couple to have nothing to do with the Tree in the mist of the garden, so we need to take a real close-up look at this Tree. First we should take a look at some of the verses of scripture where God refer to men or angels as trees and then we’ll come back and trace Lucifer to the one being that corrupt Tree in the Garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden God placed a sinless couple there in paradise like conditions, the man and woman wanted for nothing. All God demanded was for them to have nothing to do with this particular tree in the garden. Now as we will see very clearly this tree was no physical fruit tree, this tree was non-other than Lucifer himself. His fruit is no apple, but file imaginings, hatred for God, sexual perversion and all things that are contrary to God and His laws; this is the fruit of this tree.
First let’s go back to the Book of Geneses and see just what it is Lucifer offered the woman in the garden:
"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, has God indeed said, ‘you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the mist of the garden, God has said, you shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die." [Genesis 3:1-3]
In Ezek 31:1-10, God describes Lucifer as the most BEAUTIFUL TREE IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN, the same description that was given of the beautiful Lucifer when he possession of the King of Tyrus. There’s no doubt that these verses of scriptures are describing the same Lucifer that was kicked out of heaven. Lucifer is that corrupt tree with its poisoned fruit that caused the fall of all creation and of sin and destruction. The description of the other Tree in the Garden leaves no doubt that the other Tree of utmost importance is the Lord [the Tree of Life] Jesus Christ.
“The cedar in the garden of God could not hide him: the fir trees were not like his boughs, and the chestnut trees were not like his branches; nor any tree in the garden of God was like unto him in his beauty. I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches: so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the Garden of God envied him. Therefore thus saith the Lord God; because thou hast lifted up thyself in height, and he hath shot up his pot among the thick boughs, and his heart is lifted up in his height;"
Notice that this TREE is the most beautiful of all the TREES in the garden and that this TREE is also presented as “HIM” giving him personality and not just a physical tree. The word states that no other TREE in the GARDEN OF EDEN was like “HIM” in beauty. There is no other created being in the bible that was more beautiful that Lucifer, certainly not the King of Egypt who were never in the Garden of Eden!! It states that “ALL” the TREES in the garden “ENVIED HIM” now how could a literal tree envy anyone? This TREE is constantly referred to as “HIM” and not “IT” as would have been the case if it wasn’t an intelligent being, not only an intelligent being, but the most beautiful created being that the other beings [TREES] envied. This could be none other than the most beautiful being that God had created; THIS BEING IN THE GARDEN IS LUCIFER! Proof that Lucifer was in the Garden of Eden and did influence the couple and caused the fall of creation!
Ezekiel 28:12 12 “Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him
17: So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.
19 All the nations who knew you are appalled at you; you have come to a horrible end
and will be no more.’”
Which make it sure that it was addressed to the king of Tyre and not to any imaginary satan that was not present there. There were no kings at the time of Adam to make spectacle of either the king nor satan. It is a metaphor, the the King of Tyre to claim a position like that of Adam before his fall, the lord of the creation.[ 28:6“‘Because you think you are wise, as wise as a god,] And in that fancied Eden he stood, so he thought, not like Adam, naked and ashamed, but like one of the cherubim that guarded the gates of the primeval Paradise covered with all imaginable splendor.
Now even if Lucifer is the tree, what did Eve eat? What did she give to Adam? It is lies or knowledge of good and evil? But hearing lies is not a sin. Having knowledge is no sin either? So why was Adam punished? How did a “lie” cause genetic change? Was it any oncogen?
Why god did not foresee that women would give birth without pain?
Your earlier post:
“There was no F@@@ Jesus in OT. There was no throne of Jesus. Your god is the son of the most high and if Jesus is your god’s son then he is the grandson.
And the book clearly states GOD'S sons not satan’s angels. You are lying there.”
Your earlier post:
“There was no F@@@ Jesus in OT.”
I asked you to explain what this means because it appears that your intention here is to be profane. Again, you run and try to hide from your statement. Let’s finish one part of this business before we move on to the next. Now I’ll repost my response to your comment and wait for you to address this mess that you created, or do we need another thread for you to address this apparent profane communication that you have presented. I’m telling you again that I’m not going to answer your every evil question while you try to plant seeds of evil and when confronted you refuse to even attempt to respond, just plant the seed and run and hide from your comment. Maybe you need to converse with your reasoning dog for help. Go on and continue with the moron comments, it only proves that it is you who is really the moron. I asked you why are you stooping to profanity, and if you are not I would expect that you would want to clear this matter up because it just prove that you lack the ability and is frustrated with yourself because of your lack of this ability. Surely you would want to clear this matter up. Stop running and hiding from your own statements, it only makes you look weak!!
Again, you never responded to my explanation of Lucifer’s possession of the King of Tyrus, how in the world do you think you can keep doing this and I not notice it? I’m still waiting your response on this that you brought up or do we need a new thread for every time you make a statement and run from it?
There again you are running away from the point that was raised, there is no Jesus in OT. Your lies are, well, nauseating! I told you to get a statement that clearly says about Jesus in OT but instead of doing that you are trying to irritate me as a diversion.
There’s too much information here for you to ignore, you must respond to this before you return to your circular talking points. You can’t counter this with a one-liner, you must go into detail like I do to counter your evil seeds. One thing for sure is that the snake represents evil and that Lucifer [the most beautiful being created by God] was right there in the midst [in the Garden of Eden] spewing out his venom. The Lord warned the couple to have nothing to do with this TREE! Try to respond without using profanity!!
That is alie, no where it is said that Lucifer is the most beautiful creation.
You write a sensible reply first. Do you mean circularity, repetitions, irrelevant things and misrepresentations by “detailed”?
And you lord is the GRANDSON of god!!!
All human beings are seeds of woman, all sexually reproducing animals are. He is your Lord, so adultery is glorious?
Shall we call all bastards seed of women?
Who is the seed of Lucifer?
Trees are used by God to represent both people and angels, symbolically both people and angels are trees planted in the Garden of God [life] in the Kingdom of God. In the Garden of Eden, God said there were two trees that were of utmost importance, one was the Tree of Life, and the other was the Tree of Death.
Genesis 9 “The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”
So another lie, aren’t you tired of lies? Well Satanists actually exult in lies.
The Tree of life was non-other than the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, this Tree is a living being. This Tree of Life created all that is and all there will ever be, this Tree of Life is life itself.
Lie again. You are assuming it is Jesus.
Here’s God’s description of Lucifer as a tree in the Garden of Eden:
"And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the third month, in the first day of the month, that the word of the Lord came onto me, saying, son of man, speak onto Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to his multitude, whom art thou like in thy greatness? Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar [a tree] , in Lebanon with fair branches, and with a shadowing shroud, and of a high stature; and his top was among the thick boughs. the waters made him great, the deep set him up on high with rivers running round about his plants, and send out her little rivers onto all the trees of the field. Therefore his height was exalted above all the trees of the field, and his boughs were multiplied, and his branches became long because of the multitude of the waters. When he shot forth all the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations. Thus was he fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches: for his root was by great waters. The cedar in the GARDEN Of GOD [EDEN] could not hide him: the fir trees were not like his boughs, and the chestnut trees were not like his branches; nor any tree in the garden of God was like unto him in his beauty. I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches: SO THAT ALL THE TREES OF EDEN, that were in the GARDEN OF GOD {EDEN} envied him. Therefore thus saith the Lord God; because thou hast lifted up thyself in height, and he hath shot up his pot among the thick boughs, and his heart is lifted up in his height;" [Ezek 31:1-10]
Another lie. It clearly says the Assyrian was the tree, so it was about the Assyrian.
Pharaoh, King of Egypt had become possessed by Lucifer just as the King of Tyrus had and just as God addressed the King of Babylon and then the fallen angel Lucifer through the king, He now do the same with the King Of Egypt. This is who Lucifer is this is what he does, he enters both humans and animals to destroy.
True, the pharaoh was possessed by satan your god, it is he who hardened his heart.
"And in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams, wherewith his spirit was troubled, and his sleep brake from him. Then the king commanded to call the magicians, and the astrologers, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, for to shew the king his dreams. So they came and stood before the king. And the king said unto them, I have dreamed a dream, and my spirit was troubled to know the dream. Then spake the Chaldeans to the king in Syria, O king, live forever: tell thy servants the dream, and we will shew the interpretation."
They answered again and said, Let the king tell his servants the dream, and we will shew the interpretation of it." [Daniel 2:1-7]
"The Chaldeans answered before the king, and said, there is not a man upon the earth that can shew the king's matter: therefore there is no king, lord, nor ruler that asked such things at any magician, or astrologer, or Chaldean." [Daniel 2:10]
"For this cause the king was angry and very furious, and commanded to destroy all the wise men of Babylon. And the decree went forth that the wise men should be slain; and they sought Daniel and his fellows to be slain." Daniel 2:12-13]
"He answered and said to Arioch the king's captain, why is the decree so hasty from the king? Then Arioch made the thing known to Daniel. Then Daniel went in, and desired of the king that he would give him time, and that he would shew the king the interpretation." [Daniel 2:15-16] "Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven. Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him. I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee: for thou hast now made known unto us the king's matter." [Daniel 2:19-23]
"This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able; for the holy gods is in thee. Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was anointed for one hour, and his thoughts troubled him. The king spake, and said, Belteshazzar, let not the dream, or the interpretation thereof, trouble thee. Belteshazzar answered and said, my lord, the dream be to them that hate thee, and the interstation thereof to thine enemies. The tree that thou sawest, which grew, and was strong, whose height reached unto the heavens, and the sight thereof to all the earth; whose leaves were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all; under which the beasts of the field dwelt, and upon whose branches the fowls of the heavens had their habitation: it is thou, O king, that art grown and became strong: for thy greatness is grown, and reacheth unto the heaven, and thy dominion to the end of the earth. and whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, hew the tree down, and destroyed it; yet leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even he band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew oh heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him." [Daniel 4: 18-23]
“The TREE that thou sawest, which grew, and was strong, whose height reached unto the heavens, and the sight thereof to all the earth; whose leaves were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all; under which the beasts of the field dwelt, and upon whose branches the fowls of the heavens had their habitation: IT IS THOU O’ KING!”
Again lie, the tree here is Nebuchadnezzar, another metaphor.
What about the bible verses that say Yahweh is just another god, son of El?
Your post:
“If you are uneducated or if you belong to the lowest of the low, then nothing I say won’t make sense to you. Goons and whores are called scum, by most people who belong to a better class, today. The status of tax collectors, bastards, demon affected people, zealots/cannanian and fishermen was the same then, they were that times scum, the lowest class. Among these only a fisherman has some better status (zealot has status depending on whom you are talking to), most other disciples had jobs that are unmentionable, either worthless or not good enough to be mentioned. And who will go with a trickster who is hated by his own people other than the scum?
[“While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and ‘sinners’ came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, ‘Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and “sinners”?’ "]
You still haven't found out how to make a proper reply and you mix up my reply and cannot even highlight to what you are replying (eg:- the green one). So I find it very difficult to know what you are replying to.”
Your post:
“If you are uneducated or if you belong to the lowest of the low, then nothing I say won’t make sense to you”
This doesn’t deserve a response!
Your post:
“Goons and whores are called scum, by most people who belong to a better class, today. The status of tax collectors, bastards, demon affected people, zealots/cannanian and fishermen was the same then, they were that times scum, the lowest class. Among these only a fisherman has some better status (zealot has status depending on whom you are talking to), most other disciples had jobs that are unmentionable, either worthless or not good enough to be mentioned.”
My response:
Jesus showed just how much he loved, these people you call scum were people just like you and me who probably did no more wrong than you and me. I’m sure you have don’t some things in your life that you are not proud of or are you claiming to be perfect? When someone have love for people he or she would try to pull people up out of the gutter, will try to show them a better way to live. That’s an act of a person with love in their heart for their fellow-man. The evil person who have no love couldn’t care less about the person in the gutter and look down on them as scum in order to exult themselves as being so much better. People like you always need to have somebody to look down on to makes themselves feel better about themselves. This is a common practice of loveless people!
You show the difference between the love in the heart of Jesus for his brothers and sisters and the hated in your heart for yours. The difference is amazing! One is full of love and the other is full of hate, and you call “them” scum! Jesus tells the ones you call scum that no matter what they have done, if they would repent and do the right thing they can be forgiven. You on the other hand would never forgive them you would constantly be throwing it up in their faces and continually remind them of the wrong they had done fifty years ago and deceiving yourself into believing that you have never done anything wrong, when you are guilty of some of the same offenses that the ones you condemn are. That’s why JESUS says be careful how you judge others because the same means where by you judge other, you will be judged! If they are scum and you have committed just one of the sins that those you call scum, then you condemn yourself as being scum! Jesus came to save that human being that you would throw into the garbage-dumpster as worthless. You who have no sin and apparently never done anything wrong in your life show just what kind of cruel ruler you would make, just like your lord Satan, you would just burn the man in eternal flames because he is scum! Where’s the love from someone who is perfect and has never done anything wrong in their life. You would be a cruel ruler and no better than Adolf Hitler and yet you think you are good or so much better than those you refer to as scum.
Jesus did not come to call the righteous to repentance but those you call scum, who else would help these people, certainly not you because you like Satan would have committed them to eternal flames as worthless scum. How was Jesus supposed to reach these people unless he set down and talk with them and show them a better way? There was no television, there was no radio, and there was no printing press. There was no other way to reach these precious souls that you call scum unless he sit down in the gutter with them in order to lift them out of the gutter, something you are too good to do.
Whatever these men were before they met Christ it is obvious they became better people after Jesus pulled them out of the Gutter. The Western World even now measure time by those you call scum! This just show the potential of those who you would see as worthless and of no good or use. It is the person who has fallen and have committed many sins who can feel compassion of their brothers who is now fallen. But the only way one can understand this is that they have love in their hearts and not a heart full of hate! They showed love you show hate!
Your post:
“[“While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and ‘sinners’ came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, ‘Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and “sinners”?’ "]
You still haven't found out how to make a proper reply and you mix up my reply and cannot even highlight to what you are replying (eg:- the green one). So I find it very difficult to know what you are replying to.”
Your post:
‘Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and “sinners”?’ "]
My response:
I just explained this!
Your post:
“You still haven't found out how to make a proper reply and you mix up my reply and cannot even highlight to what you are replying (eg:- the green one). So I find it very difficult to know what you are replying to.”
I have no idea to what you are referring to so we’ll come back to this when you explain just what reply you are referring to. So let’s move on!
Your post:
“Prove with Genesis if you can, not by what written later. So now, Lucifer is a tree, a tree in the centre of the garden placed by god [9 The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out]? God made Lucifer in the garden then? God could place a cherub to prevent man from entering there but there was nothing that could prevent him from satan entering? And god didn’t know Satan will get there but somehow warned Adam that there in the centre of the garden there is satan? And did god gave permission to satan? As Job shows satan does not do anything without his boss’s permission. And Lucifer, who is not there in Genesis, is the knowledge of GOOD and evil? If Lucifer is the tree what did Eve ate, his sperm?
So tree is Lucifer, snake is Lucifer. Are you going to claim next that the Garden is Lucifer?
Everywhere a tree is likened to someone it was also made clear that to whom it was referring to (like Nebuchadnezzar, or Assyrian), where in Genesis it states that the tree is Lucifer?
And is seed made of only one gamete?”
Your post:
“Prove with Genesis if you can, not by what written later. So now, Lucifer is a tree, a tree in the centre of the garden placed by god [9 The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out]?
My Response:
I said from the beginning that “this tree” Lucifer was created by God and that God created him perfect, so you have nothing here. But being a living being, as I proved through scripture, he was not limited to one spot in the garden as would be the case if it was a literal tree. I gave you a lesson in “bible symbolism” where God uses “trees” to represent life in the Garden of God.
Your post:
“God made Lucifer in the garden then?”
My response:
No, when Lucifer was created there was no earth, Lucifer was created before the earth was.
“And the sons of God shouted for joy at the laying of the foundation of the earth” [Genesis]
So this must be before the creation of the man who was later created from the earth itself, even science admits that man is created of this earth. What was so special about this earth being created that caused the angel to be so excited that God was creating this world? They seem to have had a very great interest in the creation of earth. The problem comes from a misunderstanding of scripture. Those who try to pick and choose verses of scripture, take them out of there context and try to build a doctrine around them. People who do this is under the impression that all angel of God resides at the Throne of God. If we take a look at the Book of Job we find that the sons of God was summoned to the Throne of God, it was not their permanent residence.
Their abode were among the stars, the physical creation, God’s Throne is beyond the star, the place where Lucifer said he would ascend, the uncreated that had no beginning and will have no end! So the angels lived among the created order, among the innumerable stars where there are many mansions and worlds of the created order because they are created beings, a part of creation. Remember, the sons of God had to come to the Lord to present themselves to the Lord. They weren’t at the Throne of God they were summoned to it, they had to have come from somewhere other than the Throne of God.
The earth is the same part of creation that is among the stars that the created angers are, it was this earth that Lucifer and “his angels” were imprisoned in after their rebellion. Now all this happened before the man was created, according to scripture. The war in heaven started before the man was created and the fallen angel were imprisoned in the earth before he was created. So there was much going on between heaven and earth even before the man was created. There’s no telling just how many years or even millions of years it was between the time the earth was created and time that there was war in heaven and the time the man was placed in the earth. So according to scripture, there was evil in the earth [Lucifer] even before the man made his appearance, this earth was the home and prison of Lucifer. That’s why Lucifer was there in the garden when the Lord created the man from the dust of the earth, it was his home even before the man was created and placed there.
I explained to you earlier, how God would create from the dirt that Lucifer scrapes from the bottom of his feet, and exult that being to the place where Lucifer tried to take by force and caused his decent into the pit, HELL! So it’s only natural for Lucifer to try to destroy the man before this happens. You must know the whole story, you must read the bible like you read any other book, you start at the beginning and read to the end or how could you understand any book unless you follower this simple course? This was a masterful strategy by the Lord to shame Lucifer before the entire universe of men and angels. You must read the entire bible to understand it!
Your post:
“God could place a cherub to prevent man from entering there but there was nothing that could prevent him from satan entering?”
My response:
Again, the man was created as a warrior for heaven in this war of Lucifer in his rebellion against heaven. The warrior is not hidden away from the enemy, but must face the enemy head-on! That’s why there was no need to place a cherub there because in the end, after his conflict with Lucifer the man would be exulted above all cherubs, he must not hide from the enemy in the war, but face the enemy face to face in mortal combat! You don’t hide you solders, they are there to destroy the works of the enemy. When it was time to place an angels in the garden, God placed one there with a flaming sword to protect the entrance to the garden. God has his strategy and Lucifer have his! The man was where he was created to be, in the war!
Your post:
“And god didn’t know Satan will get there but somehow warned Adam that there in the centre of the garden there is satan?”
My response:
This has already been addressed, so let’s move on!
Your post:
“And did god gave permission to satan? As Job shows satan does not do anything without his boss’s permission. And Lucifer, who is not there in Genesis, is the knowledge of GOOD and evil? If Lucifer is the tree what did Eve ate, his sperm?”
Again, you can’t tell the difference between metaphoric language [as in the trees in the garden] and that that is to be taken literally, so you return to the profane! The fruit that the woman ate of is the lies of Lucifer, we use the same metaphoric language to day. We say that a person has worked his whole life and retired and is now able to sit back and enjoy the fruit of his labor. In that metaphoric language, is it only talking about how many apples and bananas he can now buy? No, it’s talking about his house, the cars he buys, the vacations he can now take whenever he feels like it, if he want to just lay-back and watch T.V. the rest of his life, he can do this because this lifestyle is the fruit of his labor, metaphoric language that must be understand before you can even began to understand the bible! As for the part about Job it’s already been discussed over and over, so let’s move on.
Your post:
“So tree is Lucifer, snake is Lucifer. Are you going to claim next that the Garden is Lucifer?”
My response:
Don’t try to speak for me when you are having such a hard time trying to speak for yourself, if there was anywhere in my post where I stated this then I would have given an explanation for why it is so, so since I didn’t I’ll move on to your next post, you are not going to pull me to where you want me when you want me there!
Your post:
“Everywhere a tree is likened to someone it was also made clear that to whom it was referring to (like Nebuchadnezzar, or Assyrian), where in Genesis it states that the tree is Lucifer?
And is seed made of only one gamete?”
My response:
You keep referring back to Genesis, there are 66 books in this one book, you must read all of them, where something is not made clear in one section of the book it is cleared up in another, but if you get stuck in one chapter of the book you will never come to the conclusion of the book. I’ll bet that in your Harry Potter books there are time in the book that a certain thing is presented and you find the answers in later chapters, but if you stop at chapter one [the genesis] of your Harry Potter Books you will never understand the rest of the story, the story must be developed throughout the book and reaches its conclusion in the end of the book. You must read the whole Harry Potter book to understand the story and must get past the first chapter of the bible to understand it; this is elementary!
Your post:
“And is seed made of only one gamete?”
My response:
Here we are discussing the author of life, the one who created the seed that you think you know so much about. Man only knows very little about this seed, the proof is that he can never create this seed himself. He can look at it and marvel, but he can never know its true secrets or he would be able to reproduce it in his science labs, proving that he and you are very limited in the understanding of this miraculous seed. Unlike you and the god called science, the creator of this seed knows the inner-working of this seed. So you are in no position to say what the creator of this seed is capable of during with this seed. When he created Adam, what seed did he use? You who are so wrapped up in the wisdom of the ages, you tell me what seed did he use? He created the woman, the man and the seed and placed it in the man. Surely the one who has done all this doesn’t need a man to place that seed in a woman without the man or even the having to have sexual relationship.
God can place that seed anywhere he wants it any time he wants to, he is GOD! Anyone who reads the whole bible have no problem with God placing this seed anywhere he wants it when he wants it there! You are getting the creator God confused with the procreator man. One creates from nothing, the other procreates from a seed that was given to him by the creator who creates from nothing. Who are you to question God about where he places the seed that he produces. When you create your own seed you will be in a position to place it where you want it when you want it there. The seed of God [Jesus the Christ] was placed in the women at the appointed time and she had no need of a man, she didn’t need to have sex to have that seed placed in here at birth. The seed is the servant of the one who created, he places it where he wants it when he wants it there!
Your post:
“Your earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from, you can’t attempt to plant an evil seed and then try to avoid answering to my response to your evil seed.
You lost your sense?”
Your post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god.”
My response to that earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from.
What are you responding to?”
Your post:
“Your earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from, you can’t attempt to plant an evil seed and then try to avoid answering to my response to your evil seed.
You lost your sense?”
My response:
Here you are guilty of the very thing you said I did. You presents this as all my statement, even though you like to use so many different colors like a kid with a new box of crayons, it still doesn’t distinguish between my statement and your response. You expect me to use different colors like you to express myself, but how can you convince me that this is a better way to communicate when it’s not working for you? Go back and read your post again and you tell me if that makes sense to you. So now I must ask you, is it you who have lost his senses? I keep telling you that you are mesmerizing yourself with all these different colors, you continue to prove this to be true. And you are still running and hiding and afraid to answer the question.
Your post:
“Your post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god.”
My response to that earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from.
What are you responding to?”
My response:
Again, you are trying to use tricks to keep from responding to something you have no answer for. It is clear from your repost of my post actually what I’m responding to, it’s right there in your repost of my post.
You post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god.”
My response:
You ask, what am I responding to? This is what I’m responding to, this is your statement that I repost, and here it is again, this is your words that I just repost:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god.”
These are your words, not mines! You claim that a bastard son came and deceived me and I believed blindly. And you ask, what am I responding to? I’m responding to your statement that I believe blindly to what this so-called bastard son tells me. Try focusing! These are your words and not mine, you keep confusing yourself with all these different colors. So now I’ll repost my response to your statement that you have so conveniently forgotten. Here was my response to your statement that I blindly believe what you call a bastard son tells me. This was my response that you are now running from:
Here is the exchange in its entirety:
Your post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god.”
That is your post that started it all!
Now this is what I responded with that you are running from:
My response:
“You say that I blindly believe without thinking, now what I want you to do is to show that you can do a little thinking of your own and have the ability to use your memory. Think back or go back and reread my earlier post. In that post unlike you I stated what I believe and why I believe it and it had nothing to do with blind faith. I stated that this holy being “Jesus” stated that every word that proceedeth out of his mouth can be counted on [not blind faith] everything he says will come to pass. So as I STUDIED his word [the bible] I found it to be true that he knew the end from the beginning.
I showed you where he stated over two thousand years ago that his word foretold the future with great accuracy. I told you of a war that he talked about, that was far into the future and that if he didn’t step in to stop it there would be no life left of earth. When he made this statement it didn’t make sense to his listeners because they knew in their hearts that there was no way that a war that could kill every living thing on earth. This is over two thousand years ago when men fought with spears, rocks, slang-shots and many other crude weapons. And then we fast forward to the 21 first century and find that we are on the door steps of this very thing happening. This is what I posted and is still waiting for you to explain it away and replace it with something better, you can’t so you run and hide and return to your circular talking points because you have nothing better.
At this very moment the world is in fear of that war that will wipe out all life on earth. This holy being knows the end from the beginning. I ask a simple question, show me in what you can have such faith in. this is impossible so you run to your same old talking points. There’s no blind faith here, but what we have here is a being who says that every word that proceed out of his mouth can be counted on. I went on to show that it didn’t stop there he had more to tell of impossible events that would take place in that very same period of time that seemed impossible of fulfillment. This being who says that every word that proceeds out of his mouth can be counted on made a bold claim that was impossible of fulfillment. He claimed that during this war of Lucifer that’s meant to destroy all mankind his prophets will be killed and the whole world will witness this event no matter their location on earth.
This is over two thousand years ago, think about it; how in the world could anyone in the Egypt witness anything happening in Jerusalem if they are not there in person. When the Lord made this statement this was impossible!! For many years the faithful Christians were laughed at and made fun of. From the time that the Lord uttered these words to about 1948 this was impossible. Then in these end-times that was foretold there was an invention called T.V. where one could be in one location and see across miles into another location. As improvements were made to this invention its range in proved to the point that anyone anywhere on earth could see directly into Jerusalem. I even told you that I watched a war in Jerusalem in 2006 from my home thousands of mile away. The impossible was made possible because the one who said his word can be counted on proved it to be true. Now the whole world can see this coming world war three when it starts in Israel.
No there is no blind faith here, blind faith is what you displays, faith in nothing! Now show me what you have faith in, there’s nothing you can come up with to even come close to that. You see this, you are without excurse!! This is why you run and hide when I ask you to explain or to put together a few paragraphs to explain in what you have faith. You’ll no fool, you know in your heart there’s nothing that can compare to this. Go back and reread everything I wrote and you will see that you have nothing to compare to it, all you have are a lot of silly questions!! I know in what and whom I believe, but what do you believe?”
Why don’t you respond to my response to your statement that I blindly believe? I’m not going to follow you around and answering your every silly questions while you continually run and hide when it’s time for you get an account of the evil seed you are trying to plant. Or do we need a new thread for your questions I keep telling you that the more you post the more you exposes yourself as being a deceiver and a trickster!
How could you not know just what it was that I was responding to? Instead of countering this you run and hide and claim you don’t know what I’m responding too. There you are again showing yourself to be a trickster! You know exactly what I’m responding to!! I hope that this is not your solution to everything in life, to just run and hide and make believe that the problem doesn’t exist. In that same post I asked you to explain your use of profanity, again you ignored it. There are many things in that post that you simply choose to ignore and rush to you practiced talking points. So again you have the opportunity to respond! So while you decides what you want to do about that let’s move on to your next comment.
Your post:
“You believed the words supposed to be from him and then studied it and then believed it again? A bastard rebel came along, his followers wrote a “story” about him and put words in his mouth, some of which are obviously contradictory and some of which are outright nonsense like his “death” and you believed it and studied it or you studied it and believed it or whatever? You should have first used some common sense. When someone tells you that a person is dead and then say that he is walking around at least you should have known that it is a fraud.”
My response:
Show me in my comment that you are supposed to be responding to where I mentioned anything about the death of Jesus. So therefore you are still running and hiding, there is no response to what I have posted, still running and hiding from your statements. I never mentioned anything about the death of Jesus in my response, still trying to play the game of the trickster! Nothing you post here addresses my response to your statement that I blindly believe. I think it’s you who are constantly showing yourself to be the one who is not using common-sense. Try focusing, it’s not that hard if you really try. I talked about fulfilled bible prophecies, you mention none of this, and how could you call what you have posted a proper response when it address none of what I posted? Your tricks are getting very easy for all to see. O’ and thanks for reposting all my comment in bright colors, it only helps to drown out your sorry response, if it wasn’t for you reposting my comments your post would be empty!! Just another trick of yours that is back-firing on you. The Word of God need no tricks it is powerful and sharper than any two edged sword.
Your post:
“You did not show the world foretold with any accuracy. All you did was take some words and gave new meanings to it. Say, even the word generation is given a new meaning. Anyone who read his prophesy can understand that he could not even predict HIS OWN resurrection accurately, now you claim he predicted events 2000 years before, nonsense. There are no predictions, only you twisting the words to make it appear like a prediction. Just throwing the word ‘accurate’ doesn’t make it accurate.”
My response:
If this is supposed to be your response to my statement, then it is no answer at all. You say that I did not show prophecy with any accurately. You show me at what point did I fail to show accurately in the predictions. I showed at what time the prophecy would take place, it’s after the great increase in knowledge. I told you when in history that this sudden increase in knowledge took place [in the last one hundred and fifty years] and what was the outcome of this sudden increase in the knowledge that Lucifer claim that would make one into a god. I gave you the year that the invention was invented that gave the man the ability to look into Jerusalem from anywhere in the earth. All during this sudden increase in knowledge. It is you who failed to counter it! You just make statements with nothing to back up what you are saying. Again. since you can’t counter the fulfilled bible prophecies, you jump to something I never mention in my comment, the death and resurrection of Christ, is this one of those thing that you have practice over and over that you thing you got a gripe on and can dispute? You never show where the inaccuracies are, you never explain how I twisted words. You just run to your rehearsed talking points of why Jesus couldn’t have been resurrected from death, and even is this you explain nothing but just make accusations! You state: “Anyone who read his prophesy can understand that he could not even predict HIS OWN resurrection accurately” again I ask you to show me where I made this statement in this post. This is what I mean by you running and hiding.
I keep telling you that this can’t be countered with one-liners and trying to returning to your rehearsed talking points. I go into detail, you details nothing! You just make accusations, and the sad thing is that you actually believe that you are making a valid counter. If it wasn’t for you reposting my comments your post would be empty. Please explain to me how the invention of television is not the means of the world seeing into Jerusalem from anywhere in the earth. Please explain because I can see no other way for people anywhere on earth to be able to see into Jerusalem from anywhere on earth. But you want to go back to the death of Christ because you think it’s easier to refute thereby getting me off point. I was born at night, but not last night, this weak game is not going to work on me! Your job, should you choose to accept it is to explain away the bible prophecies that are under discussion. Still you run and hide!
Your post:
“May be you are in fear because of your hopelessness; the world is in no fear of a war. Are you still reading the news papers from the cold war time?”
My response:
What world or dimension are you living in? Not only is the world in fear the big of war, it’s in a constant state of war. What world are you living in? Maybe you should read newspaper of today and you’ll find that the single most major concern is of nu-clear exchange that would destroy this earth, but again, you run and hide from reality and claim that it doesn’t exist. Ask any school kid if the world is not in fear of a nu-clear exchange. I’m not hopeless, I told you who I have hope in, but it’s you who have no hope because you can’t put a couple of paragraphs together to explain what is your hope. I see why you have such problems responding to my questions, you are living in an unreal world, in another dimension, a very unreal one!
Your post:
“Can you quote the quote that says accurately all these? Twisted, manipulated and reread words are not acceptable.”
My response:
First counter it and I’ll take it from there, because still you have not shown where I have twisted or manipulated and reread words, first make your case and we will go from there. Again, one-liners will not do! State your case!
Your post:
“Entrenched Satanism is what you call faith?”
Here you go with the one-liner again and you expect me to response to it, you make no effort to explain how is my faith is entrenched Satanism. One-liners will not do! You make no case, just wild accusations. This does not deserve a response until you show that you have the ability to explain what you mean by this so let’s move on to your next post.
Your post:
“So the snake was like a human? It could think? The snake is just another Human? However intelligent it was, even though it could talk, it was no human but an animal. And no animal can think like a human, think and take a decision. According to YOU, it was not the snake’s doing, it was Lucifer’s doing. He got hold of the snake and manipulated it to do his bidding and the snake did it, the snake is innocent. If it was so easy, Lucifer could have simply possessed Adam, but he could not. But why didn’t god punish Lucifer? Why no mention of Lucifer is made in the whole OT except in a single paragraph in Isaiah?”
Your post:
“So the snake was like a human? It could think? The snake is just another Human? However intelligent it was, even though it could talk, it was no human but an animal. And no animal can think like a human, think and take a decision. According to YOU, it was not the snake’s doing, it was Lucifer’s doing.”
The fact that the snake that because of its part in the deception of man it is cursed above all the animals of the field to go about on its belly all the days of its life. So the snake is condemned for its part in this deception, so if God condemned the snake it must have had the means to resist the rebel and not join the Luciferian Rebellion. Again, you are looking at the snake as just another animal, we don’t know just what the snake really was before the curse, it was cursed to the position it’s now in. Just as you have allowed Lucifer to enter you and make you cuss God to his face, he did the same thing with the snake.
What you are doing is a combination of you and the devil that has taken over your being, both must give an account of your actions, just as it happened with the King of Tyrus. You are full of hate for the Lord just as the original rebel who said “I will exult my throne above the stars of God” you must stand accountable just as the snake had to. All who is influence to join the Luciferian are indwelled by Satan, Lucifer, the snake! This is not you talking, its Lucifer using you as an instrument to speak through just as he did with the snake.
If you weren’t controlled by Satan [Lucifer] you would not be making the statements about someone who has done you no wrong. You don’t understand the hate in your heart for God and you have no reason for this hate except that you have been deceived into joining the Lucifer Rebellion for no reason of your own. What do you profit from it? Just think that if it true what the bible says, and I know you see the evidence that’s been given you of bible accuracy in predicting the future and let’s just say that it’s all true [just for the sake of argument] look what you have done to yourself and nothing to show for it. Can you be a hundred percent sure that it’s all a lie, no you can’t but you had better be right in taking on God and cussing his to his face. Where Satan failed in getting Job to cuss God to his face he succeeded in you! You had better be right because if you are wrong you have committed blaspheme! You show all the signs of demonic or Lucifer possession; a rebel in a war against heaven. You had better be right because you have staked your all on it! Either you are very wise or you have committed treason, the unforgivable sin!
Your post:
“Ezekiel 28:12 12 “Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him
17: So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.
19 All the nations who knew you are appalled at you; you have come to a horrible end
and will be no more.’”
Which make it sure that it was addressed to the king of Tyre and not to any imaginary satan that was not present there. There were no kings at the time of Adam to make spectacle of either the king nor satan. It is a metaphor, the the King of Tyre to claim a position like that of Adam before his fall, the lord of the creation.[ 28:6“‘Because you think you are wise, as wise as a god,] And in that fancied Eden he stood, so he thought, not like Adam, naked and ashamed, but like one of the cherubim that guarded the gates of the primeval Paradise covered with all imaginable splendor.”
Your post:
“Ezekiel 28:12 12 “Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him
17: So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.
19 All the nations who knew you are appalled at you; you have come to a horrible end
and will be no more.’”
My response:
Just as you did with the verse of scripture that states: “the man has become like one of us” you intended to leave it out there as incomplete and refuse to complete the sentence which is supposed to read: “the man has become like one us, KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL” you try to do the same here but with a different deceptive twist. You start out with verse 12, then you jump to verse 17 then you jump to verse 19, again. This is incomplete, why is it so hard for you to complete anything, it’s because you know it’s going to blow up in your face again. Now as we did, before where we had to complete your sentence before, let’s complete your incomplete work and see just how much you tried to hide again. You skipped verse 13, you skipped verse 14, you skipped 15, you skipped verse 16 and went straight to verse 17, and then you skipped verse 18 and went to verse 19.
Now let’s take a look at this just to verse 15 and see the deception that you are guilty of, here is verses 11to 15 in its entirety:
“Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying; son of man, take up the lamentation upon the King of Tyrus, and say unto him, thus saith the Lord God; thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. THOU HAS BEEN IN EDEN THE GAEDEN OF GOD! Every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz and the diamond, the beryl, the only, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and the gold: the workmanship of tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed CHERUB that covereth; and I have set thee so; thou was upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and in the midst of the stones of fire. Thy wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created, till iniquity was found in thee. [Ezekiel 28:11-15]
In your account you again try to use tricks to prove an unprovable point. Why didn’t you “CUT AND PASTE” the entire verses of scriptures in your post? I’ll tell you why; it’s because you know that you can’t explain it away with the entire scripture looking everyone in the face. Just another trick of Satan where he uses you to lie and deceive! There’s no way the mortal king was ever a cherub, the cherub is of a higher order than man, who is to be exulted above all angels, including the cherub! But for now earth man is of a lower order than the cherub! I don’t need to go into this any further because you have again proven yourself to be a trickster! So let’s move on to your next comment.
Your post:
“There again you are running away from the point that was raised, there is no Jesus in OT. Your lies are, well, nauseating! I told you to get a statement that clearly says about Jesus in OT but instead of doing that you are trying to irritate me as a diversion.”
My response:
This has already been addressed so let’s move on to you next statement!
Your post:
“You write a sensible reply first. Do you mean circularity, repetitions, irrelevant things and misrepresentations by “detailed”?”
My response:
You have already proven yourself to be incapable of doing anything on this level so let’s move on and see what your next trick is.
Jesus showed just how much he loved, ut the only way one can understand this is that they have love in their hearts and not a heart full of hate! They showed love you show hate!
What is this nonsense all about? You may be like them but I am not. I am not a bastard, nor am I illiterate nor am I looked down upon by good society. If I walked along with lowest I will also be counted among them. The book clearly states that his company was looked down upon, scum. Neither was he much loved, his own people understood him as a trickster and you yourself acknowledged that he was illegitimate. How can illegitimate arrogant trickster uplift? That is why I said if you belong to the lowest class it won’t make sense to you. People in good society do not mix with scum.
I said from the beginning that “this tree” Lucifer was created by God and that God created him perfect, so you have nothing here. But being a living being, as I proved through scripture, he was not limited to one spot in the garden as would be the case if it was a literal tree. I gave you a lesson in “bible symbolism” where God uses “trees” to represent life in the Garden of God.
Aren’t you ashamed of lying? When did you prove with scripture that the tree was Lucifer? When did you prove with scripture that the tree was not in a spot? You gave a symbolism, then what does “fruit” means and how does one eat it? And how does a lie make a genetic change?
Where is it said that Lucifer was created a perfect one? How was that tree different from all other trees in the garden? Why didn’t god prevent the tree from entering it?
Your post:
“God made Lucifer in the garden then?”
My response:
No, when Lucifer was created there was no earth, Lucifer was created before the earth was.
“And the sons of God shouted for joy at the laying of the foundation of the earth” [Genesis]
When the garden was created god made all trees grows from the garden including the tree of life and knowledge so the tree is not Lucifer.
Again, the man was created as a warrior for heaven od placed one there with a flaming sword to protect the entrance to the garden. God has his strategy and Lucifer have his! The man was where he was created to be, in the war!
Then why is Satan asking permission from god? Isn’t god omniscient? Why the warrior was made even without any knowledge of good and evil?
This has already been addressed, so let’s move on!
With nonsense.
Again, you can’t tell the difference between metaphoric language [as in the trees in the garden] and that that is to be taken literally, so you return to the profanen began to understand the bible! As for the part about Job it’s already been discussed over and over, so let’s move on. !
One cannot eat lies, and the book does not say anything about adam doing anything other than eating the fruit. So what does that mean, Lucifer lied to Adam and god punished him for hearing it? Anyway what were the lies? How is it good?
Yes you seem not able to differentiate a metaphor from literal. The whole chapter is literal but you treat it as metaphorical but you are not able to explain it anyway that make sense but Ezekiel is metaphorical but you want to treat it literally, trick?
My response:
Don’t try to speak for me when you are having such a hard time trying to speak for yourself, if there was anywhere in my post where I stated this then I would have given an explanation for why it is so, so since I didn’t I’ll move on to your next post, you are not going to pull me to where you want me when you want me there! !
Are you really moronic or simply act like that to escape from making sense?
Your post:
“Everywhere a tree is likened to someone it was also made clear that to whom it was referring to (like Nebuchadnezzar, or Assyrian), where in Genesis it states that the tree is Lucifer?
And is seed made of only one gamete?”
My response:
You keep referring back to Genesis, there are 66 books in this one book, you must read all of them, where something is not made clear in one section of the book it is cleared up in another, but if you get stuck in one chapter of the book you will never come to the conclusion of the book. I’ll bet that in your Harry Potter books there are time in the book that a certain thing is presented and you find the answers in later chapters, but if you stop at chapter one [the genesis] of your Harry Potter Books you will never understand the rest of the story, the story must be developed throughout the book and reaches its conclusion in the end of the book. You must read the whole Harry Potter book to understand the story and must get past the first chapter of the bible to understand it; this is elementary! !
Harry Potter is one book written by one author to one group of people, unlike bible written by many authors over centuries to different people in different situations. Genesis was written centuries before Ezekiel and hence what was the meaning of it then, is the meaning now. Genesis is not based in Ezekiel; Ezekiel is drawing metaphor from genesis. Genesis is standalone; at the most you can stretch it to Pentateuch not the whole OT. Genesis makes it abundantly clear that it is not a metaphor but a literal story. If it is metaphor, it is all false, a lie.
You are mostly using NT the book of the deceiver to justify its conclusions; it is not even “bible” but a substandard plagiarized book.
Your post:
“And is seed made of only one gamete?”
My response:
Here we are discussing the author of life, the one who created the seed that you think you know so much about. Man only knows very little about this seed, the proof is that he can never create this seed himself. He can look at it and marvel, but he can never know its true secrets or he would be able to reproduce it in his science labs, proving that he and you are very limited in the understanding of this miraculous seed. Unlike you and the god called science, the creator of this seed knows the inner-working of this seed. So you are in no position to say what the creator of this seed is capable of during with this seed. When he created Adam, what seed did he use? You who are so wrapped up in the wisdom of the ages, you tell me what seed did he use? He created the woman, the man and the seed and placed it in the man. Surely the one who has done all this doesn’t need a man to place that seed in a woman without the man or even the having to have sexual relationship.
God can place that seed anywhere he wants it any time he wants to, he is GOD! Anyone who reads the whole bible have no problem with God placing this seed anywhere he wants it when he wants it there! You are getting the creator God confused with the procreator man. One creates from nothing, the other procreates from a seed that was given to him by the creator who creates from nothing. Who are you to question God about where he places the seed that he produces. When you create your own seed you will be in a position to place it where you want it when you want it there. The seed of God [Jesus the Christ] was placed in the women at the appointed time and she had no need of a man, she didn’t need to have sex to have that seed placed in here at birth. The seed is the servant of the one who created, he places it where he wants it when he wants it there!
You are forgetting that god is addressing a trio and god is also mentioning that enmity is between Snake’s offspring’s and women’s offspring. Why are you ignoring the “snake’s offspring” part? Is it because of god’s curse that Lucifer and jesus are enemies, are they otherwise thick friends?
And anyone knows that a “seed” is a fertilized gamete, from which a new born appears. So who fertilized the women’s “ovum” to make it a seed?
You: “The seed of God [Jesus the Christ] was placed in the women”
Is it the seed of god or seed of women? You can claim any number of bastards as god’s son but as long as god is not an animal he can’t have a dick and sperm. Well according to you what does god eat?
Your post:
“Your earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from, you can’t attempt to plant an evil seed and then try to avoid answering to my response to your evil seed.
You lost your sense?”
Your post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god.”
My response to that earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from.
What are you responding to?”
Your post:
“Your earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from, you can’t attempt to plant an evil seed and then try to avoid answering to my response to your evil seed.
You lost your sense?”
My response:
Here you are guilty of the very thing you said I did. You presents this as all my statement, even though you like to use so many different colors like a kid with a new box of crayons, it still doesn’t distinguish between my statement and your response. You expect me to use different colors like you to express myself, but how can you convince me that this is a better way to communicate when it’s not working for you? Go back and read your post again and you tell me if that makes sense to you. So now I must ask you, is it you who have lost his senses? I keep telling you that you are mesmerizing yourself with all these different colors, you continue to prove this to be true. And you are still running and hiding and afraid to answer the question.
It is because you do not know how to make proper reply and still is unable to find out how to use the chronological to divide the comments and make a reply the way I am doing. And since I am replying to someone with the intelligence of a kid I have to use color to distinguish your post from mine. Look what you have written
Your post:
“Your earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from, you can’t attempt to plant an evil seed and then try to avoid answering to my response to your evil seed.
You lost your sense?”
Your post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god.”
My response to that earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from.
What are you responding to?”
Your post:
“Your earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from, you can’t attempt to plant an evil seed and then try to avoid answering to my response to your evil seed.
You lost your sense?”
You are not able to place your reply properly and had repeated the same one again and again.
“Your post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god.”
My response to that earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from.
What are you responding to?”
My response:
Again, you are trying to use tricks to keep from responding to something you have no answer for. It is clear from your repost of my post actually what I’m responding to, it’s right there in your repost of my post.
A repetition but failed to address the point raised.
You ask, what am I responyou simply choose to ignore and rush to you practiced talking points. So again you have the opportunity to respond! So while you decides what you want to do about that let’s move on to your next comment.
Can you stop writing nonsense and address the points raised? You repeatedly say that you showed me, showed what, other than your ability to lie? You say, TV, show me the exact verse that say television or anything that can mean a television not some ambiguous words that you twist.
Your post:
“You believed the words supposed to be from him and then studied it and then believed it again? A bastard rebel came along, his followers wrote a “story” about him and put words in his mouth, some of which are obviously contradictory and some of which are outright nonsense like his “death” and you believed it and studied it or you studied it and believed it or whatever? You should have first used some common sense. When someone tells you that a person is dead and then say that he is walking around at least you should have known that it is a fraud.”
My response:
Show me in my comment that you are supposed to be responding to where I mentioned anything about the death of Jesus. So therefore you are still running and hiding, there is no response to what I have posted, still running and hiding from your statements. I never mentioned anything about the death of Jesus in my response, still trying to play the game of the trickster! Nothing you post here addresses my response to your statement that I blindly believe. I think it’s you who are constantly showing yourself to be the one who is not using common-sense. Try focusing, it’s not that hard if you really try. I talked about fulfilled bible prophecies, you mention none of this, and how could you call what you have posted a proper response when it address none of what I posted? Your tricks are getting very easy for all to see. O’ and thanks for reposting all my comment in bright colors, it only helps to drown out your sorry response, if it wasn’t for you reposting my comments your post would be empty!! Just another trick of yours that is back-firing on you. The Word of God need no tricks it is powerful and sharper than any two edged sword.
Do you know nothing else other than “there is no response to what I have posted, still running and hiding from your statements”? Can you make a single clear unambiguous statement that really responds to anything that is raised? Or can you make a question that actually means something?
If this is supposed to be your response to my statement, then it is no answer at all. You say that I did not show prophecy with any accurately. You show me at to refute thereby getting me off point. I was born at night, but not last night, this weak game is not going to work on me! Your job, should you choose to accept it is to explain away the bible prophecies that are under discussion. Still you run and hide! .
Once you study how to make a response, probably I will reply. I do not have the time and inclination to sift through all these nonsense. You show me the exact verse that really says any of these. You show me “the prophesy” that clearly and unambiguously states any of these not some made up Nostradamus type nonsense.
Your post:
“May be you are in fear because of your hopelessness; the world is in no fear of a war. Are you still reading the news papers from the cold war time?”
My response:
What world or dimension are you living in? Not only is the world in fear the big of war, it’s in a constant state of war. What world are you living in? Maybe you should read newspaper of today and you’ll find that the single most major concern is of nu-clear exchange that would destroy this earth, but again, you run and hide from reality and claim that it doesn’t exist. Ask any school kid if the world is not in fear of a nu-clear exchange. I’m not hopeless, I told you who I have hope in, but it’s you who have no hope because you can’t put a couple of paragraphs together to explain what is your hope. I see why you have such problems responding to my questions, you are living in an unreal world, in another dimension, a very unreal one! .
Your post:
“Can you quote the quote that says accurately all these? Twisted, manipulated and reread words are not acceptable.”
My response:
First counter it and I’ll take it from there, because still you have not shown where I have twisted or manipulated and reread words, first make your case and we will go from there. Again, one-liners will not do! State your case! .
You have not even stated a prophesy except that television is mentioned in NT. I asked to show me where it is stated unambiguously. You seem to have some trouble in understanding.
Your post:
“Entrenched Satanism is what you call faith?”
Here you go with the one-liner again and you expect me to response to it, you make no effort to explain how is my faith is entrenched Satanism. One-liners will not do! You make no case, just wild accusations. This does not deserve a response until you show that you have the ability to explain what you mean by this so let’s move on to your next post. .
No I do not except any sensible reply from you.
Your post:
“So the snake was like a human? It could think? The snake is just another Human? However intelligent it was, even though it could talk, it was no human but an animal. And no animal can think like a human, think and take a decision. According to YOU, it was not the snake’s doing, it was Lucifer’s doing. He got hold of the snake and manipulated it to do his bidding and the snake did it, the snake is innocent. If it was so easy, Lucifer could have simply possessed Adam, but he could not. But why didn’t god punish Lucifer? Why no mention of Lucifer is made in the whole OT except in a single paragraph in Isaiah?” .
Your post:
“So the snake was like a human? It could think? The snake is just another Human? However intelligent it was, even though it could talk, it was no human but an animal. And no animal can think like a human, think and take a decision. According to YOU, it was not the snake’s doing, it was Lucifer’s doing.”
The fact that the snake that because of its part in the deception of man it is cursed above all the animals of the field to go about on its belly all the days of its life. So the snake is condemned for its part in this deception, so if God condemned the snake it must have had the means to resist the rebel and not join the Luciferian Rebellion. Again, you are looking at the snake as just another animal, we don’t know just what the snake really was before the curse, it was cursed to the position it’s now in. Just as you have allowed Lucifer to enter you and make you cuss God to his face, he did the same thing with the snake.
What you are doing is a combination of you and the devil that has taken over your being, both must give an account of your actions, just as it happened with the King of Tyrus. You are full of hate for the Lord just as the original rebel who said “I will exult my throne above the stars of God” you must stand accountable just as the snake had to. All who is influence to join the Luciferian are indwelled by Satan, Lucifer, the snake! This is not you talking, its Lucifer using you as an instrument to speak through just as he did with the snake.
If you weren’t controlled by Satan [Lucifer] you would not be making the statements about someone who has done you no wrong. You don’t understand the hate in your heart for God and you have no reason for this hate except that you have been deceived into joining the Lucifer Rebellion for no reason of your own. What do you profit from it? Just think that if it true what the bible says, and I know you see the evidence that’s been given you of bible accuracy in predicting the future and let’s just say that it’s all true [just for the sake of argument] look what you have done to yourself and nothing to show for it. Can you be a hundred percent sure that it’s all a lie, no you can’t but you had better be right in taking on God and cussing his to his face. Where Satan failed in getting Job to cuss God to his face he succeeded in you! You had better be right because if you are wrong you have committed blaspheme! You show all the signs of demonic or Lucifer possession; a rebel in a war against heaven. You had better be right because you have staked your all on it! Either you are very wise or you have committed treason, the unforgivable sin!
What a wonderful nonsense. Well you made it abundantly clear that you are controlled by satan, your murderer god.
Your post:
“Ezekiel 28:12 12 “Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him
17: So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.
19 All the nations who knew you are appalled at you; you have come to a horrible end
and will be no more.’”
Which make it sure that it was addressed to the king of Tyre and not to any imaginary satan that was not present there. There were no kings at the time of Adam to make spectacle of either the king nor satan. It is a metaphor, the the King of Tyre to claim a position like that of Adam before his fall, the lord of the creation.[ 28:6“‘Because you think you are wise, as wise as a god,] And in that fancied Eden he stood, so he thought, not like Adam, naked and ashamed, but like one of the cherubim that guarded the gates of the primeval Paradise covered with all imaginable splendor.”
Your post:
“Ezekiel 28:12 12 “Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him
17: So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.
19 All the nations who knew you are appalled at you; you have come to a horrible end
and will be no more.’”
My response:
Just as you did with the verse of scripture that states: “the man has become like one of us” you intended to leave it out there as incomplete and refuse to complete the sentence which is supposed to read: “the man has become like one us, KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL” you try to do the same here but with a different deceptive twist. You start out with verse 12, then you jump to verse 17 then you jump to verse 19, again. This is incomplete, why is it so hard for you to complete anything, it’s because you know it’s going to blow up in your face again. Now as we did, before where we had to complete your sentence before, let’s complete your incomplete work and see just how much you tried to hide again. You skipped verse 13, you skipped verse 14, you skipped 15, you skipped verse 16 and went straight to verse 17, and then you skipped verse 18 and went to verse 19.
Now let’s take a look at this just to verse 15 and see the deception that you are guilty of, here is verses 11to 15 in its entirety:
“Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying; son of man, take up the lamentation upon the King of Tyrus, and say unto him, thus saith the Lord God; thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. THOU HAS BEEN IN EDEN THE GAEDEN OF GOD! Every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz and the diamond, the beryl, the only, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and the gold: the workmanship of tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed CHERUB that covereth; and I have set thee so; thou was upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and in the midst of the stones of fire. Thy wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created, till iniquity was found in thee. [Ezekiel 28:11-15]
Heard of metaphor?
In your account you again try to use tricks to prove an unprovable point. Why didn’t you “CUT AND PASTE” the entire verses of scriptures in your post? I’ll tell you why; it’s because you know that you can’t explain it away with the entire scripture looking everyone in the face. Just another trick of Satan where he uses you to lie and deceive! There’s no way the mortal king was ever a cherub, the cherub is of a higher order than man, who is to be exulted above all angels, including the cherub! But for now earth man is of a lower order than the cherub! I don’t need to go into this any further because you have again proven yourself to be a trickster! So let’s move on to your next comment.
Even if I “cut and paste” the entire scriptures the satan is you will not let you see it. How easily you ignore the “good” in good and evil. Well satan only see the evil part.
““Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying; son of man, take up the lamentation upon the King of Tyrus, and say unto him, thus saith the Lord God; thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. THOU HAS BEEN IN EDEN THE GAEDEN OF GOD! “
If it is literal not only you but your god, the son of most high, the satan should also go to school.
Your post:
“There again you are running away from the point that was raised, there is no Jesus in OT. Your lies are, well, nauseating! I told you to get a statement that clearly says about Jesus in OT but instead of doing that you are trying to irritate me as a diversion.”
My response:
This has already been addressed so let’s move on to you next statement!
As usual with nonsense and irrelevant pep talk.
Your post:
“What is this nonsense all about? You may be like them but I am not. I am not a bastard, nor am I illiterate nor am I looked down upon by good society. If I walked along with lowest I will also be counted among them. The book clearly states that his company was looked down upon, scum. Neither was he much loved, his own people understood him as a trickster and you yourself acknowledged that he was illegitimate. How can illegitimate arrogant trickster uplift? That is why I said if you belong to the lowest class it won’t make sense to you. People in good society do not mix with scum.”
My response:
I see you have a very high opinion of yourself, what is good society? The point you just don’t get is that every person deserves a second chance. Even in America when a young person commits a crime they do all they can to rehabilitate that young person, all people makes mistakes [except you]. Scripture states that Satan constantly accrues people before God, as you are doing, he never let them get past their past mistakes. I still can’t understand why you find it so hard to try to lift your brother up and show him a better way to live as Jesus did. Even before Jesus came to this earth it was prophesied that “his own would receive him not” so it was no great discovery by the time he appear on earth that the apostate Jews [not all Jews] would reject him.
There are many cases of people in their young lives who committed offenses and were later rehabilitated and went on to become productive members of society [good society as you call it]. In your kingdom with you as king there would be no justice, there would be no love, there would be no mercy; one mistake and you would give the command to destroy them because they are scum! I would rather live in a kingdom like Jesus’ where there is love for all, even for those who have made mistakesw and given a second chance. Many people [not all] who took a wrong turn in life had very terrible beginnings in life.
Many of these children came from broken homes, many never knew their fathers, God and America sets out to help those who through no fault of their own followed the only lifestyle that they knew, they needed help not to be beaten down even more, and that’s love. Some people are born with everything others are born with nothing and many times this injustice is because of the greed of those who you refer to as “good society” no man is all good and that includes you. What would you have done with these people that you refer to as scum? Would you try to help them and show them that there is a better way of life or just discard them as scum without even trying to first help them? Your answer to this question determines just who you really are and what kind of ruler you would make, a kingdom of love or a loveless kingdom. But you have already answered this question; they are scum and worthless!
If you would have read the whole bible you would know who it is of the Jews that hated him and why they hated him. Jesus came to clean up the corruption of those you call good society, the very ones who stole everything and built their earthly paradise from this thief. Your good society! This so-called good society were robbing widows of their homes, this good society [as you call it] were lying and bringing false charges against innocent people and passing down the death sentence to steal their wealth. This is some of the works of your good society, it is your good society who were truly the scum of the earth, very rich and powerful scum, but scum just the same. The reason his own people [not all of them] killed him is because he would not he would not participate in their scum-ness!
These people of this good society were throwing their children into the flames, sacrificing them to their god Satan. This is the works of your good society! This good society of yours were driven into slavery again and again because their evil behavior. This so-called good society of yours knew that the King was coming and had convinced themselves that he would destroy Rome’s ruler ship over them because they were so much better than the Romans. These apostates Jews [not all Jews] were using the power of the death sentence to murder all who didn’t participates in their scum-ness, so Rome had to deny them the power of the death sentence, this is the works of your so-called good society. This is one of the reasons that they were placed under the yoke of Rome in the first place, and they thought that the Son of God would make them kings of the earth, these men of you good society!
Your post:
“Neither was he much loved, his own people understood him as a trickster and you yourself acknowledged that he was illegitimate.”
My response:
Not only was he much loved, he was and is worshiped as the God that he is, everywhere he went people by the thousands followed him to the point where he had to sneak away into the wilderness for some alone time. I told you that you must read the entire bible to get any kind of understanding from it. Now show me where I acknowledge that Jesus was illegitimate, or is this just another of the lying statements of yours that you throw out and then run and hide from? And I’m still waiting for you to put a few paragraphs together to explain what or in whom you believe.
This good society of yours [a few apostate Jew] has caused the world’s hatred of all Jews, Jews the world over has been persecuted because of the works of your so-called good society! How could you call good, a people who burn their own children alive? Just look at who you have become bed-fellows with; and you think you’re good!
Your post:
“Aren’t you ashamed of lying? When did you prove with scripture that the tree was Lucifer? When did you prove with scripture that the tree was not in a spot? You gave a symbolism, then what does “fruit” means and how does one eat it? And how does a lie make a genetic change?
Where is it said that Lucifer was created a perfect one? How was that tree different from all other trees in the garden? Why didn’t god prevent the tree from entering it?”
My response:
You have no answers here, but just a lot of questions that you believe I’m supposed to follower you around answering while you throw out wild accusations and then run and hide from, I told you that I’m not going to play this game of circles with you.
Your post:
Why didn’t god prevent the tree from entering it?”
My response:
How many times do you expect me to answer this same question, go back and reread my earlier post and respond to it?
Your post:
“When the garden was created god made all trees grows from the garden including the tree of life and knowledge so the tree is not Lucifer.”
My response:
This has already been covered and you come back again with this one-liner that explains nothing, everything you have here has been covered. Let’s try some how to break this circle.
Your post:
“Then why is Satan asking permission from god? Isn’t god omniscient? Why the warrior was made even without any knowledge of good and evil?”
My response:
Already asked and answered!
Your post:
“One cannot eat lies, and the book does not say anything about adam doing anything other than eating the fruit. So what does that mean, Lucifer lied to Adam and god punished him for hearing it? Anyway what were the lies? How is it good?
Yes you seem not able to differentiate a metaphor from literal. The whole chapter is literal but you treat it as metaphorical but you are not able to explain it anyway that make sense but Ezekiel is metaphorical but you want to treat it literally, trick?”
My response:
I’ve already explain to you just what fruit really means, you do not counter but come back with the same question, all you do is ask question after question and counter , but just ask more questions. You claim that in Ezekiel it’s all literal but I’m trying to make it metaphorical, but instead of countering anything but just asking the same question over and over, you explain to me how is it literally possible for the king to have even been in the Garden of Eden? How is it literal possible for the mortal king to have ever been in heaven? How is it possible that the mortal king have ever been a cherub who is created of a higher order than man? You must answer questions and not just ask the same questions over and over. Now you explain how all this is to be applied literally to the mortal king. Don’t just ask questions, explain yourself!
Your post:
“Harry Potter is one book written by one author to one group of people, unlike bible written by many authors over centuries to different people in different situations. Genesis was written centuries before Ezekiel and hence what was the meaning of it then, is the meaning now. Genesis is not based in Ezekiel; Ezekiel is drawing metaphor from genesis. Genesis is standalone; at the most you can stretch it to Pentateuch not the whole OT. Genesis makes it abundantly clear that it is not a metaphor but a literal story. If it is metaphor, it is all false, a lie.
You are mostly using NT the book of the deceiver to justify its conclusions; it is not even “bible” but a substandard plagiarized book.”
My response:
What you seem to not understand is that the bible is one story from beginning to end, and unlike the Harry books that got its genesis in the 20th century, it addresses more people in more situations, men grow in their knowledge of things and unlike the Harry Potter Books men at every stage of their development, form their beginning to their great increase in knowledge and was very accurate every step of the way. The Harry Potter Books can’t even began to compete with this. Another thing that makes the bible such a unique book is that just as you have stated it was written by many different authors at different times in history, and yet they are in agreement. In the book of Daniel is describes a world of great technology, an increase in knowledge. Thousands of years later John describes that same increase in knowledge and the destruction it would cause to this earth, it has already caused great destruction, just ask Japan or look at the destruction taking place in the Middle East.
The bible enlighten each generation according to the knowledge of that generation, that’s why God told Daniel to seal his book of prophecy to the end-time because man were not able to understand its content at that time, but after the increase in knowledge he would be able to understand it. This generation can understand how the increase in knowledge could destroy one third of sea life at the beginning of World War Three. The bible address all at the time it needs to be address. In the part of Genesis that you keep referring to the man’s problem was presented; he would die! Unlike you who would just declare the man to be scum and leave him to his destruction, God would show love and lift the man out of the gutter of death and return him to his original state and even exult him above all creation, this man you call scum.
But the man in his now fallen and sinful can’t even began to understand what it’s going to take for him to over this thing called death. But God gave the man a glimpse of what would be the result of this battle with the snake that caused his death. God told man that the snake would straight at his heal, but the man would crush the snake’s head God explained in the language that the man could understand at the time. An injury to a man’s heal is not necessarily a deathly one, but a crushed head to any creature is sure death. In this explanation to the man God tells the man that the snake will cause him injury, but in the end the man [Jesus the Christ] would utterly destroy the snake that intended to destroy the man. But at this point they have no idea of what sin truly is, it truly hit’s home when one of his sons kills the other. Now the man is beginning to get some understanding of what sin truly is, there’s much the man needs to learn about his problem before he can understand what it will cost for him to be delivered from his problem. This would take thousands of years of pain in his world that he has now made Lucifer god of.
Now once the man has come into the true knowledge of what he needs to be freed from he can now be presented with the solution to his problem, this takes many generations and much time. So in time when the man has come into a certain amount of knowledge of his situation, God can now explain what to look for and how to recognize his redeemer when he appears, he would be born of a virgin, hated by his own people, beaten beyond recognition, nailed to a tree, die and return from death. All of this is foretold before it happens! All this is done by the so-called “good society” that burn their children alive. There’s no way the man could began to understand his predicament at that stage in his fall. The man was given the knowledge as he was made ready for it. You wouldn’t give a first-grader a high school math book and expect him to understand it, he must grow into that knowledge. Everything could not be explained in the one Book of Genesis the way it’s done in your Book of Harry Potter, the story is too great. That’s why there are 66 books to this Book, you must “STUDY” all of them!
Your post:
“You are forgetting that god is addressing a trio and god is also mentioning that enmity is between Snake’s offspring’s and women’s offspring. Why are you ignoring the “snake’s offspring” part? Is it because of god’s curse that Lucifer and jesus are enemies, are they otherwise thick friends?
And anyone knows that a “seed” is a fertilized gamete, from which a new born appears. So who fertilized the women’s “ovum” to make it a seed?”
My response:
I’m not forgetting the snake’s offspring, I’m in a discussion now with its offspring, you are that offspring, you concur with everything the snake said and justify it! The rest of this has already been asked and answered, so until you can come up with something better let’s move on.
Your post:
“It is because you do not know how to make proper reply and still is unable to find out how to use the chronological to divide the comments and make a reply the way I am doing. And since I am replying to someone with the intelligence of a kid I have to use color to distinguish your post from mine. Look what you have written
Now lets see if we can bring some kind of order out of this chaos that you’ve presented here.
In this you tells me to look what I have written, what I did here is to repost your earlier post where you make no distinction between what you wrote and what I wrote. So here I’ll repost your post with the proper quotation marks to distinguish your comments from mine, first I’ll repost it the way you presented it
Your post:
Your earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from, you can’t attempt to plant an evil seed and then try to avoid answering to my response to your evil seed.
You lost your sense?”
I brought this to your attention because of how much you love to brag about how much education you have, I’m still trying to figure out just who it is you are trying to convince, me or yourself! Now here’s the proper use of quotation marks:
“Your earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from, you can’t attempt to plant an evil seed and then try to avoid answering to my response to your evil seed.”
You lost your sense?
This should read; HAVE you lost your senses?
Where do your quotation begins and ends? Now in my reconstruction of your post we can see who said what and when. I’m reposting your post! Try to keep up! Again for one of such education you again show a poor use of quotation marks
Your post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god.”
My response to that earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from.
What are you responding to?”
Again we must try to bring some kind of order to chaos you’ve presented here, you who have such a great education. Again, who can tell who said what? I don’t think I need to waste any more time, you don’t need to try to convince the world that you are educated, it can easily be seen in your writing, a truly educated person doesn’t have to constantly remind everyone that they are educated and to what level they are educated because they are educated enough to know that there level of education will show up it their work. The fact that you must keep reminding yourself that you are educated shows your lack of education. You need to get off the education kick because it’s not going very well for you.
Here again is your post:
Your post:
“Your earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from, you can’t attempt to plant an evil seed and then try to avoid answering to my response to your evil seed.
You lost your sense?”
You are not able to place your reply properly and had repeated the same one again and again.
Here you repost my post that you posted earlier and you charge me with doing what you are doing, go back and read it again to yourself. You with this misuse of quotation marks is not mistakes in your typing because you do the same thing over and over. Get off the education kick because it is showing just how little education you really have! The game you’ll trying to play is; hey ya’ll listen to me because this guy is ignorant and I’m educated so I must be right! It an old trick that’s often used by those who come to this discussion thinking they are so wise that they are going to make a fool of the backward Christian. Get off the education kick because it like every other trick you’ve tried has back-fired on you.
Your post:
“Do you know nothing else other than “there is no response to what I have posted, still running and hiding from your statements”? Can you make a single clear unambiguous statement that really responds to anything that is raised? Or can you make a question that actually means something?
My response:
I told you that this is not going away, you making wild statements and when I ask you to explain yourself you return to your same old rehearsed talking points. I can come up with an answers to anything you come up with, but you have proven this to be an impossibility with, a handicap! O’ how you would love for me to just forget about you running and hiding from your statements, but I told you that this is not going away because it proves that you are trying to play tricks and very weak tricks at that.
I have proven that I can at least respond to anything you come up with, but you can’t do the same thing so until you can show that you can do the same thing I’ll continue to ask the same question. Why are you running and hiding from your statements. I’m not going to follow you around this site answering your every questions while you ignore mine. I’m still waiting for you to put together a few paragraphs to explain your world-view as I have been doing since the beginning of this discussion, simple things like this and you continue to run and hide.
You think you are going to control this conversation and I’m going to play follow the leader, but you are mistaken! I answer a question and you answer a question! Any other way would be uncivilized! This is not going away until you proceed properly.
Your post:
Once you study how to make a response, probably I will reply. I do not have the time and inclination to sift through all these nonsense. You show me the exact verse that really says any of these. You show me “the prophesy” that clearly and unambiguously states any of these not some made up Nostradamus type nonsense.
My response:
We have already covered this in my description of the “great increase in knowledge” in the Book of Daniel and in end-time prophecies. If you don’t know that there is a Book of Daniel or how to find a verse of scripture there then you are in over your head, I said it’s there you prove that it’s not there. In this age of instant information this should be no problem for you, you who are an expert in bible knowledge! You have enough information on this increase in knowledge for us to have a proper discussion on it if you would only play your part and attempt to explain it away instead of just calling it made-up nonsense like Nostradamus, this is not a proper response. I have presented you with many opportunities to do this, but you continually come back with one-liners that proves nothing. You an expert in bible knowledge know exact ally what verses of scriptures I’m referring to and where to find them or you are not as knowledgeable the bible as you try to come across.
When you are really ready to start an honest discussion without throwing up smokescreens I’m here ready and able, but I’m know going to do your work for you and answering your every question while you ignore mine.
Your post:
“You have not even stated a prophesy except that television is mentioned in NT. I asked to show me where it is stated unambiguously. You seem to have some trouble in understanding.”
My response:
Your constant misuse of quotation marks is amazing, I have given you unmistakable evidence of fulfilled bible prophecy in different places and you keep asking for more evidence when you haven’t even attempted to counter what I have already presented. Do you really believe that I don’t see the game? No matter what other evidence I produce it will never be enough for you. All you are going to do is to ask for more without you ever discussing with me what I have already presented. This one-liner in no way address what I have presented, this just want work, so again you fail to present a counter, so let’s move on. I’ll show you something when you show me something. My understanding is just fine, I understand the game you are trying to play, it’s just that you don’t understand that I do understand!
Stop trying to come across as being so educated because your work proves otherwise. I don’t claim to be the most educated person in the world, nor do I claim to be the sharpest knife in the draw, but with what education I do have I can hold a conversation using the written word without using one-liner and asking the same questions over and over. Once you can get over you being so good and so much better educated than anyone else maybe then we can get down to a sensible conversation on what you believe and what I believe and compare the two. Conversation is a two-way exchange. You use of props like the funny little only proves that you are incapable of expressing yourself with the written word! I don’t need prop or try to convince myself that I’m educated to express myself, all I need is the written word! I hope you don’t hold a conversation in person the way you do here, that would make for very boring conversations.
My response:
I see you have a very high opinion of yourself, what is good society? The point you just don’t get is that every person deserves a second chance. Even in America when a young person commits a crime they do all they can to rehabilitate that young person, all people makes mistakes [except you]. Scripture states that Satan constantly accrues people before God, as you are doing, he never let them get past their past mistakes. I still can’t understand why you find it so hard to try to lift your brother up and show him a better way to live as Jesus did. Even before Jesus came to this earth it was prophesied that “his own would receive him not” so it was no great discovery by the time he appear on earth that the apostate Jews [not all Jews] would reject him.
There are many cases of people in their young lives who committed offenses and were later rehabilitated and went on to become productive members of society [good society as you call it]. In your kingdom with you as king there would be no justice, there would be no love, there would be no mercy; one mistake and you would give the command to destroy them because they are scum! I would rather live in a kingdom like Jesus’ where there is love for all, even for those who have made mistakesw and given a second chance. Many people [not all] who took a wrong turn in life had very terrible beginnings in life.
Many of these children came from broken homes, many never knew their fathers, God and America sets out to help those who through no fault of their own followed the only lifestyle that they knew, they needed help not to be beaten down even more, and that’s love. Some people are born with everything others are born with nothing and many times this injustice is because of the greed of those who you refer to as “good society” no man is all good and that includes you. What would you have done with these people that you refer to as scum? Would you try to help them and show them that there is a better way of life or just discard them as scum without even trying to first help them? Your answer to this question determines just who you really are and what kind of ruler you would make, a kingdom of love or a loveless kingdom. But you have already answered this question; they are scum and worthless!
If you would have read the whole bible you would know who it is of the Jews that hated him and why they hated him. Jesus came to clean up the corruption of those you call good society, the very ones who stole everything and built their earthly paradise from this thief. Your good society! This so-called good society were robbing widows of their homes, this good society [as you call it] were lying and bringing false charges against innocent people and passing down the death sentence to steal their wealth. This is some of the works of your good society, it is your good society who were truly the scum of the earth, very rich and powerful scum, but scum just the same. The reason his own people [not all of them] killed him is because he would not he would not participate in their scum-ness!
These people of this good society were throwing their children into the flames, sacrificing them to their god Satan. This is the works of your good society! This good society of yours were driven into slavery again and again because their evil behavior. This so-called good society of yours knew that the King was coming and had convinced themselves that he would destroy Rome’s ruler ship over them because they were so much better than the Romans. These apostates Jews [not all Jews] were using the power of the death sentence to murder all who didn’t participates in their scum-ness, so Rome had to deny them the power of the death sentence, this is the works of your so-called good society. This is one of the reasons that they were placed under the yoke of Rome in the first place, and they thought that the Son of God would make them kings of the earth, these men of you good society!
Irrelevant. What I said is his followers were all from low class, they managed to be good deceivers notwithstanding, most of them ended up with gruesome death. So they were not uplifted is obvious. And the last paragraph is a lie you made up, their god and yours is the same, satan.
And Jesus didn’t do any clean up. He was simply calling good people who opposed his tricks as 'sons of satan and snakes' and was trying to foment rebellion. As I said, you will not understand what a low society means (making mistakes or crime doesn't make one "low") nor will you understand why good people do not mix with them.
I do not want to live like Jesus by calling others names, steal other people's donkeys, obstruct other peoples worship, showing an attitude to ones own mother.... nor want to get money from the poor nor I want to be anointed with costly oil like I am a king.
Your post:
“Neither was he much loved, his own people understood him as a trickster and you yourself acknowledged that he was illegitimate.”
My response:
Not only was he much loved, he was and is worshiped as the God that he is, everywhere he went people by the thousands followed him to the point where he had to sneak away into the wilderness for some alone time. I told you that you must read the entire bible to get any kind of understanding from it. Now show me where I acknowledge that Jesus was illegitimate, or is this just another of the lying statements of yours that you throw out and then run and hide from? And I’m still waiting for you to put a few paragraphs together to explain what or in whom you believe.
This good society of yours [a few apostate Jew] has caused the world’s hatred of all Jews, Jews the world over has been persecuted because of the works of your so-called good society! How could you call good, a people who burn their own children alive? Just look at who you have become bed-fellows with; and you think you’re good!
This is simply wrong, his own people tried to throw him from a cliff and it was obvious that he was illegitimate. You do not acknowledge him to be illegitimate, still maintain that he was not the son of his mother’s husband? One more lie in your account.
Your post:
“Aren’t you ashamed of lying? When did you prove with scripture that the tree was Lucifer? When did you prove with scripture that the tree was not in a spot? You gave a symbolism, then what does “fruit” means and how does one eat it? And how does a lie make a genetic change?
Where is it said that Lucifer was created a perfect one? How was that tree different from all other trees in the garden? Why didn’t god prevent the tree from entering it?”
My response:
You have no answers here, but just a lot of questions that you believe I’m supposed to follower you around answering while you throw out wild accusations and then run and hide from, I told you that I’m not going to play this game of circles with you.
Another lie. You didn’t prove the tree as Lucifer, but is simply claiming that. In the whole OT there is no Lucifer other than in Isaiah.
You: “I told you that I’m not going to play this game of circles with you".
Me: Naturally because your lie is again exposed.
Your post:
Why didn’t god prevent the tree from entering it?”
My response:
How many times do you expect me to answer this same question, go back and reread my earlier post and respond to it?
I want a clear unambiguous statement not some nonsense that contradicts the rest of your arguments.
Your post:
“When the garden was created god made all trees grows from the garden including the tree of life and knowledge so the tree is not Lucifer.”
My response:
This has already been covered and you come back again with this one-liner that explains nothing, everything you have here has been covered. Let’s try some how to break this circle.
You can read the bible and acknowledge that or simply hide like this.
Your post:
“One cannot eat lies, and the book does not say anything about adam doing anything other than eating the fruit. So what does that mean, Lucifer lied to Adam and god punished him for hearing it? Anyway what were the lies? How is it good?
Yes you seem not able to differentiate a metaphor from literal. The whole chapter is literal but you treat it as metaphorical but you are not able to explain it anyway that make sense but Ezekiel is metaphorical but you want to treat it literally, trick?”
My response:
I’ve already explain to you just what fruit really means, you do not counter but come back with the same question, all you do is ask question after question and counter , but just ask more questions. You claim that in Ezekiel it’s all literal but I’m trying to make it metaphorical, but instead of countering anything but just asking the same question over and over, you explain to me how is it literally possible for the king to have even been in the Garden of Eden? How is it literal possible for the mortal king to have ever been in heaven? How is it possible that the mortal king have ever been a cherub who is created of a higher order than man? You must answer questions and not just ask the same questions over and over. Now you explain how all this is to be applied literally to the mortal king. Don’t just ask questions, explain yourself!
You said that the fruit is “lies of Lucifer”, but you didn’t say nor cannot say how someone can eat “lies”.
“you explain to me how is it literally possible for the king to have even been in the Garden of Eden?”
That is what I was telling you all these time that it is not possible literally for the king to be in Eden but is possible METAPHORICALLY.
Ezekiel is metaphorical, while Genesis is literal. It is easily seen, as each time the books refer to someone as a tree it clearly states who it is, like the Assyrian. In Genesis it is just like other trees hence it is LITERAL.
Your post:
“Harry Potter is one book written by one author to one group of people, unlike bible written by many authors over centuries to different people in different situations. Genesis was written centuries before Ezekiel and hence what was the meaning of it then, is the meaning now. Genesis is not based in Ezekiel; Ezekiel is drawing metaphor from genesis. Genesis is standalone; at the most you can stretch it to Pentateuch not the whole OT. Genesis makes it abundantly clear that it is not a metaphor but a literal story. If it is metaphor, it is all false, a lie.
You are mostly using NT the book of the deceiver to justify its conclusions; it is not even “bible” but a substandard plagiarized book.”
My response:
What you seem to not understand is that the bible is one story from beginning to end, and unlike the Harry books that got its genesis in the 20th century, it addresses more people in more situations, men grow in their knowledge of things and unlike the Harry Potter Books men at every stage of their development, form their beginning to their great increase in knowledge and was very accurate every step of the way. The Harry Potter Books can’t even began to compete with this. Another thing that makes the bible such a unique book is that just as you have stated it was written by many different authors at different times in history, and yet they are in agreement. In the book of Daniel is describes a world of great technology, an increase in knowledge. Thousands of years later John describes that same increase in knowledge and the destruction it would cause to this earth, it has already caused great destruction, just ask Japan or look at the destruction taking place in the Middle East.
The bible enlighten each generation according to the knowledge of that generation, that’s why God told Daniel to seal his book of prophecy to the end-time because man were not able to understand its content at that time, but after the increase in knowledge he would be able to understand it. This generation can understand how the increase in knowledge could destroy one third of sea life at the beginning of World War Three. The bible address all at the time it needs to be address. In the part of Genesis that you keep referring to the man’s problem was presented; he would die! Unlike you who would just declare the man to be scum and leave him to his destruction, God would show love and lift the man out of the gutter of death and return him to his original state and even exult him above all creation, this man you call scum.
But the man in his now fallen and sinful can’t even began to understand what it’s going to take for him to over this thing called death. But God gave the man a glimpse of what would be the result of this battle with the snake that caused his death. God told man that the snake would straight at his heal, but the man would crush the snake’s head God explained in the language that the man could understand at the time. An injury to a man’s heal is not necessarily a deathly one, but a crushed head to any creature is sure death. In this explanation to the man God tells the man that the snake will cause him injury, but in the end the man [Jesus the Christ] would utterly destroy the snake that intended to destroy the man. But at this point they have no idea of what sin truly is, it truly hit’s home when one of his sons kills the other. Now the man is beginning to get some understanding of what sin truly is, there’s much the man needs to learn about his problem before he can understand what it will cost for him to be delivered from his problem. This would take thousands of years of pain in his world that he has now made Lucifer god of.
Now once the man has come into the true knowledge of what he needs to be freed from he can now be presented with the solution to his problem, this takes many generations and much time. So in time when the man has come into a certain amount of knowledge of his situation, God can now explain what to look for and how to recognize his redeemer when he appears, he would be born of a virgin, hated by his own people, beaten beyond recognition, nailed to a tree, die and return from death. All of this is foretold before it happens! All this is done by the so-called “good society” that burn their children alive. There’s no way the man could began to understand his predicament at that stage in his fall. The man was given the knowledge as he was made ready for it. You wouldn’t give a first-grader a high school math book and expect him to understand it, he must grow into that knowledge. Everything could not be explained in the one Book of Genesis the way it’s done in your Book of Harry Potter, the story is too great. That’s why there are 66 books to this Book, you must “STUDY” all of them!
None of this change the fact that he books you call NT is NOT part of bible and it is written by liars. [There are 39 books.] By your logic one can add Quran and book of Mormon to the list. OT again is different, say Ezekiel will not make any sense to someone who lived a century before Ithobaal/Ezekiel but Genesis would. You can use Genesis to explain Ezekiel but not Ezekiel to Genesis. And it is a continuous story only in the sense that it is the story of the Jews and their god.
And no, they are not in agreement, there are full of contradictions.
And no, god didn’t show any love, all he did was create an illegitimate child to get some blood(according to you).[in NT]. In OT he did show some partiality to Jews but most of his so called "love" was a curse, nothing better than that of a tyrant's.
You: “In this explanation to the man God tells the man that the snake will cause him injury, but in the end the man [Jesus the Christ] would utterly destroy the snake that intended to destroy the man."
Me: Another unadulterated lie from you. God said snake will bite him and man will kill the snake, there is no Jesus involved.
Your post:
“You are forgetting that god is addressing a trio and god is also mentioning that enmity is between Snake’s offspring’s and women’s offspring. Why are you ignoring the “snake’s offspring” part? Is it because of god’s curse that Lucifer and jesus are enemies, are they otherwise thick friends?
And anyone knows that a “seed” is a fertilized gamete, from which a new born appears. So who fertilized the women’s “ovum” to make it a seed?”
My response:
I’m not forgetting the snake’s offspring, I’m in a discussion now with its offspring, you are that offspring, you concur with everything the snake said and justify it! The rest of this has already been asked and answered, so until you can come up with something better let’s move on.
Thank you for telling me that you are the son of satan. Now I know why you justify satan and why you are blind to truth.
You: “The rest of this has already been asked"
Me: Another lie, you are excelling your father.
Your post:
“It is because you do not know how to make proper reply and still is unable to find out how to use the chronological to divide the comments and make a reply the way I am doing. And since I am replying to someone with the intelligence of a kid I have to use color to distinguish your post from mine. Look what you have written
Now lets see if we can bring some kind of order out of this chaos that you’ve presented here.
In this you tells me to look what I have written, what I did here is to repost your earlier post where you make no distinction between what you wrote and what I wrote. So here I’ll repost your post with the proper quotation marks to distinguish your comments from mine, first I’ll repost it the way you presented it
Your post:
Your earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from, you can’t attempt to plant an evil seed and then try to avoid answering to my response to your evil seed.
You lost your sense?”
I brought this to your attention because of how much you love to brag about how much education you have, I’m still trying to figure out just who it is you are trying to convince, me or yourself! Now here’s the proper use of quotation marks:
“Your earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from, you can’t attempt to plant an evil seed and then try to avoid answering to my response to your evil seed.”
You lost your sense?
This should read; HAVE you lost your senses?
Where do your quotation begins and ends? Now in my reconstruction of your post we can see who said what and when. I’m reposting your post! Try to keep up! Again for one of such education you again show a poor use of quotation marks
Your post:
“When a fellow came to you telling that a bastard is god’s son you immediately believed it without ever thinking that there are many deceivers out there who claim exactly that to make a living. You blindly believed all those nonsense and lies and started worshiping the devil and call him god.”
My response to that earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from.
What are you responding to?”
Again we must try to bring some kind of order to chaos you’ve presented here, you who have such a great education. Again, who can tell who said what? I don’t think I need to waste any more time, you don’t need to try to convince the world that you are educated, it can easily be seen in your writing, a truly educated person doesn’t have to constantly remind everyone that they are educated and to what level they are educated because they are educated enough to know that there level of education will show up it their work. The fact that you must keep reminding yourself that you are educated shows your lack of education. You need to get off the education kick because it’s not going very well for you.
Here again is your post:
Your post:
“Your earlier post that you are now trying to run and hide from, you can’t attempt to plant an evil seed and then try to avoid answering to my response to your evil seed.
You lost your sense?”
You are not able to place your reply properly and had repeated the same one again and again.
Here you repost my post that you posted earlier and you charge me with doing what you are doing, go back and read it again to yourself. You with this misuse of quotation marks is not mistakes in your typing because you do the same thing over and over. Get off the education kick because it is showing just how little education you really have! The game you’ll trying to play is; hey ya’ll listen to me because this guy is ignorant and I’m educated so I must be right! It an old trick that’s often used by those who come to this discussion thinking they are so wise that they are going to make a fool of the backward Christian. Get off the education kick because it like every other trick you’ve tried has back-fired on you.
Your post:
“Do you know nothing else other than “there is no response to what I have posted, still running and hiding from your statements”? Can you make a single clear unambiguous statement that really responds to anything that is raised? Or can you make a question that actually means something?
My response:
I told you that this is not going away, you making wild statements and when I ask you to explain yourself you return to your same old rehearsed talking points. I can come up with an answers to anything you come up with, but you have proven this to be an impossibility with, a handicap! O’ how you would love for me to just forget about you running and hiding from your statements, but I told you that this is not going away because it proves that you are trying to play tricks and very weak tricks at that.
I have proven that I can at least respond to anything you come up with, but you can’t do the same thing so until you can show that you can do the same thing I’ll continue to ask the same question. Why are you running and hiding from your statements. I’m not going to follow you around this site answering your every questions while you ignore mine. I’m still waiting for you to put together a few paragraphs to explain your world-view as I have been doing since the beginning of this discussion, simple things like this and you continue to run and hide.
You think you are going to control this conversation and I’m going to play follow the leader, but you are mistaken! I answer a question and you answer a question! Any other way would be uncivilized! This is not going away until you proceed properly.
Your post:
Once you study how to make a response, probably I will reply. I do not have the time and inclination to sift through all these nonsense. You show me the exact verse that really says any of these. You show me “the prophesy” that clearly and unambiguously states any of these not some made up Nostradamus type nonsense.
My response:
We have already covered this in my description of the “great increase in knowledge” in the Book of Daniel and in end-time prophecies. If you don’t know that there is a Book of Daniel or how to find a verse of scripture there then you are in over your head, I said it’s there you prove that it’s not there. In this age of instant information this should be no problem for you, you who are an expert in bible knowledge! You have enough information on this increase in knowledge for us to have a proper discussion on it if you would only play your part and attempt to explain it away instead of just calling it made-up nonsense like Nostradamus, this is not a proper response. I have presented you with many opportunities to do this, but you continually come back with one-liners that proves nothing. You an expert in bible knowledge know exact ally what verses of scriptures I’m referring to and where to find them or you are not as knowledgeable the bible as you try to come across.
When you are really ready to start an honest discussion without throwing up smokescreens I’m here ready and able, but I’m know going to do your work for you and answering your every question while you ignore mine.
Your post:
“You have not even stated a prophesy except that television is mentioned in NT. I asked to show me where it is stated unambiguously. You seem to have some trouble in understanding.”
My response:
Your constant misuse of quotation marks is amazing, I have given you unmistakable evidence of fulfilled bible prophecy in different places and you keep asking for more evidence when you haven’t even attempted to counter what I have already presented. Do you really believe that I don’t see the game? No matter what other evidence I produce it will never be enough for you. All you are going to do is to ask for more without you ever discussing with me what I have already presented. This one-liner in no way address what I have presented, this just want work, so again you fail to present a counter, so let’s move on. I’ll show you something when you show me something. My understanding is just fine, I understand the game you are trying to play, it’s just that you don’t understand that I do understand!
Stop trying to come across as being so educated because your work proves otherwise. I don’t claim to be the most educated person in the world, nor do I claim to be the sharpest knife in the draw, but with what education I do have I can hold a conversation using the written word without using one-liner and asking the same questions over and over. Once you can get over you being so good and so much better educated than anyone else maybe then we can get down to a sensible conversation on what you believe and what I believe and compare the two. Conversation is a two-way exchange. You use of props like the funny little only proves that you are incapable of expressing yourself with the written word! I don’t need prop or try to convince myself that I’m educated to express myself, all I need is the written word! I hope you don’t hold a conversation in person the way you do here, that would make for very boring conversations.
Another lie, where did you provide “unmistakable evidence of fulfilled bible prophecy”?
Tu es homo, qui non volunt intelligere, sectator Satanae.
I don't know about "Lucifer" turning bad into a "new good" but many (but certainly not all) new atheist philosophies and all their leaders are working hard at such ethical acrobatics.
Why? To sell books, make money and to find the cheap materialistic version of immortality: fame.
I think it’s obvious that it’s you who have very little to say!
I meant that towards you, Providing evidence to debunk your statements and your barrage of copy/paste Bible verses doesn't require massive bandwidth. All those Bible verses you throw out doesn't make your god or Satan any more real.
But I don’t just throw out scripture, I take the time to explain what I understand about the scripture, I don’t come to this discussion full of anger, I’m here for discussion. If I just threw out verses of scripture without explaining what I understand about that verse of scripture I could understand your problem with it. In the verses of scripture that you claim that I cut and paste explains many things that are otherwise unexplainable. Take the problem that we find ourselves in today, on the verge of self-destruction. What other book or religion described it before it happened in such great detail years before it happens?
No, me pasting it into my post doesn’t make it real, it real because it’s real and much of it is attested to by science. Take for instance, the bible states that God is triune, all is triune, science states that all the universe is triune and made up of three things. I don’t thing I need to explain to you what these three thing are you seem to have reasonable intelligence so you probably know what they are or know how to find out for yourself what they are.
Take for instance, the bible claimed thousands of year ago that we come from one common ancestry, [an original couple] at a time when there were all kind of theories as to our origins, it never needed to be up-dated as men of science have to do with each new discovery. Thousands of years ago, the great minds of that time claimed there were only a few thousand stars in the sky. The bible told you the stars are innumerable, no man could count them and God knew them all by name. Now that same science tells us today that the bible was right all along, there are too many stars to be counted.
No, it doesn’t make the bible true because, I as you say cut and paste them into my post, it’s true because it’s true. The bible never needs updating like the god called science, the very god that’s got the world on the verge of self-destruction. God did not create the nu-clear bomb that’s now got men worried, running around the earth doing all they can keep world war three from taking place, the war that Jesus says that if he didn’t step in to stop it there would be no life to survive on the planet.
Now after over two thousand year of science trying to catch-up with the bible, it must now admit that Jesus was right all long. The bible didn’t need to be up-dated, not only did it tell us how the world end and have the evidence to back up its claim, it even when as far as to tell what would be the cause of this destruction. It stated thousands of years ago that it would be caused by a sudden increase in knowledge, the knowledge to destroy all mankind. Who can deny that this sudden increase in knowledge that has taken place in the past one hundred and fifty years, more knowledge in that time period than all the thousands of years since the creation of the universe. All in that time frame that the bible foretold. No, it doesn’t make it true because as you say that I cut and paste scripture in my post, it’s true because it’s true!
Now the science of the day, during the days of Charles Darwin, the science of that day claimed that man evolved from some other animal or some slime out of the some slime-pit. That very same science of today, after the sudden increase in knowledge that the bible foretold has now debunked much of the claims of Charles Darwin’s science, why, because that god called science must keep up-dating itself with every new discovery. So far here I not cut and paste anything, the word of God doesn’t need up-dating. It’s true because it’s true!
The science before the sudden increase in knowledge that the bible foretold claimed that the universe was eternal, it had no beginning and will have no end. The bible stated long before this increase in knowledge that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now after the sudden increase in knowledge that the bible foretold, science is now in agreement with the bible that the universe did indeed have a beginning, it’s called the Big-Bang Theory! The Word of God never needs up-dating like the god called science. The bible is not true because I, as you say, cut and paste it into my post, it’s true because it’s proven itself to be true over and over again. How can I deny what my eyes see with so much at stake? All I ask is that you show me something better that I can hang my all on, and present it to me in language that I can understand like I do with you. You may not agree with what I’ve presented, but any thinking man would have to at least stop and consider what I’ve presented. It’s in easy to understand language for anyone to chew on. That’s all I ask of you! No one needs to be super intelligent to understand this nor do they need to learn Greek or Hebrew, it’s that simply. It’s the simplicity of the Gospel of Christ that men hate most and the fact that just laws must be obeyed to hold citizenship in this Kingdom of Christ.
First you say that God is evil by this you must mean that he exist, than you turn around and say he doesn’t exist, which is it? Now something I’m saying must have touched something inside you because if it didn’t and I don’t have very must to say as you claim, it seems to me that you would find something better to do with your time. The fact that you keep coming back shows that I must be saying something of interest to you. I know when I meet someone on the street and they makes no sense all, all I want to do is escape that conversation and I never have to get into a conversation with that person again. But if I continue to seek that person out to hold a conversation with him or her I must say that person must be saying something of interest to me.
To continue with the argument that I’m saying nothing and you continue to seek me out to listen to that nothing, what does that say about you? I don’t mean this to be insulting or anything, just that I don’t understand where you are coming from. I must be saying something of interest to you because you keep coming back!! So instead of trading insults let’s try reasoning together, show me something better than what I’ve presented. The bible is true because there’s no other book or religion on earth that can even come close to matching it in wisdom.
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