If Jesus was teaching forgiveness, Why did Judas hang himself?

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  1. days leaper profile image61
    days leaperposted 14 years ago

    If Jesus was teaching forgiveness, Why did Judas hang himself?

    Was Judas as bad as claimed?  It was after all his first and only act of stepping outside the orthodox /set up -if that's the right word.
        Did he give up his right to discipleship with this act?

  2. profile image48
    tonykaldasposted 14 years ago

    i think he did this because of guilt that he betrayed his teacher , his guide !!

  3. diabetesreporter profile image69
    diabetesreporterposted 14 years ago

    I do not believe it was that Judas was not paying attention so much as he was lacking in faith.  Judas obviously knew the difference between right and wrong. He had the best teacher anyone could ask for. However, like all humans, Judas was born into sin and was an imperfect human being. He made mistakes, even though he obviously knew better. We all do things that we know are wrong from time to time. That is the nature of humanity.

    Just as important to the question is the concept of free will. All human beings are born with free will. It is God's greatest blessing (and curse) to humans. Judas chose his own path. It's like the saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink". Judas may have known the scripture and the concept of right/wrong, good/evil inside out. His free will allowed him to freely choose between right and wrong though.

    There is a big difference between talking the talk and walking the walk. Few of us do the latter, unfortunately.

  4. profile image56
    fallsfellaposted 14 years ago

    Read throught the New Testament and you will find that Judas never was a believer.  Judas was the treasurer for the disciples and he stole money from them all the time.  Read the story of the Last Supper and Jesus knew Judas would betray Him just as He knew Peter would deny Him three times.  Judas hung himself because he had a guilty conscience and because he realized he'd been lied to by the leaders of the temple and the only way out for him was to kill himself.

  5. Dave Mathews profile image59
    Dave Mathewsposted 14 years ago

    It is reported in the Gospel Writings that as Judas was leaving the room to go and complete his task in fulfilling the Holy Scriptures of the Prophets, that Satan entered Judas. I know it sounds stupid and silly to say this BUT "The devil made him do it."    He was Possessed even though being an Apostle of Christ.

    Brother Dave.

  6. micadeolu profile image46
    micadeoluposted 14 years ago

    I will answer your question as brief as possible for clearity. Jesus truly taught forgiveness and demonstrated it. Judas did not ask or show any form of remorse after Jesus gave the indication He was going to be betrayed by him. And look at it from this angle again, if Judas had repented, the work of salvation Jesus was commissioned from heaven would not have been a success.

    Judas's case was just like Pharaoh's whose heart was hardenned by God just for the purpose of showing His power among the Egyptians.

    It is not that God is being unjust, He always know and has power to stop evil. But there is one part of his divine principles that He will never break. That is your power and freedom of choice.

    The reason for this is that you are from Him and will return to Him one day, but He does not want you to return to Him void of  even one of the attributes that make up His divinity which you carry with you and that is your freedom to choose from good or evil.

  7. profile image0
    brotheryochananposted 14 years ago

    A person can ask for forgiveness and their sins will be washed away but if they just continue doing the same bad things, forgiveness is moot, eventually god gives them over to uncontrite hearts. (romans something lol)
           Judas walked with christ for 3 years, he was always the complainer, scoffer, scorner, who, as it is noticed, never had a good thing to say.
          I don't really accept that judas wasn't paying attention in class because with jesus teaching of forgiveness there had to be a change of life, a true repentance that leads to that person turning their life around and undoing all the bad, in short, becoming a new person founded on the belief system of jesus christ. Judas was not about to change himself or his life and he knew that, so asking forgiveness or repentance was out of the question, therefore he hanged himself out of the despondency of his evil, self condemning heart.
          Like most of the unsaved worlds population, they choose to disbelieve and like judas, one day it will be too late.

  8. days leaper profile image61
    days leaperposted 14 years ago

    I came across a psychic Master; who showed me that mankind doesn't necessarily have all the right answers.  ...And I'm no exception.  Well worth reading and decide for yourself who is right. read more

  9. terced ojos profile image61
    terced ojosposted 14 years ago

    Noone knows except Judas himself.

    Human beings can be very complex; one can only speculate what was going on in the mind of Judas.

    Maybe we'll get to ask him one day.

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