Approximatey 3 months ago when I joined Hub Pages, this place was friendly, inviting, neutral, and supportive. It was funny with the likes of fiery, eaglekiwi,and darkside, sometimes with blondepoet-though she is just mostly adorable. But then it got junked up with racist comments and hateful, spiteful,rude comments from nowhere that were completely unprovoked.
so since a lot of people like to argue in the religous threads....this one should find favor....
truly crazy crap can we all agree?!
Oh i am right behind you Asher. I am so sick of all the religious threads. I hate seeing them and don't understand.
The religious comments I get on some of my hubs make me laugh. Already I am going to be abused by the catholic church, I am surrounded by darkness, I am being deceived by Satan and some other comments I can't remember.
Oh, this comment wasn't on hubpages but elsewhere which was something to the effect of god being an anvil that will smash atheist.
Yea its so weird to me because any religious person I truly know always accepts the person I am and does not pass judgment.
I got a "great" one the other day. The Hub was about the origins of Halloween but also how I celebrate it. I wrote it last year and forgot it existed until I got the e.mail there was a comment. The person said she didn't read the Hub and that Halloween is the devil's day and shouldn't be celebrated. Then she said "Halloween" should be "halloween", but only after she typed, "holloween". If she had read the Hub she would have seen that the whole point of it was that I celebrate it with little children in mind and decorate with cutesy pumpkins, kittens, and nice mums on the stairs. (She must be looking for the Halloween Hubs early in order to make sure she gets them all. It's a real good thing she's out there being vigilant and educating heathens like me - with all my cutesy pumpkin faces and kittens and flowers, and all that awful stuff. ) I posted the comment just to make her "brilliance" public. (Hey, Liza... )
Whether you are 16 or 66 the advice is still the same. If you don't want to be criticized, called names, ridiculed, jeered, poked, etc. Then don't say anything worth hearing.
If you put your opinion out there, people are going to stomp on it. Stop wearing your feelings on your sleeve. Most of the comments toward you aren't "intolerant"; it's just how people respond when they disagree. Some are more direct, others indirect. Some are highly sarcastic; others, less so. But if you are going to participate in the "opinion-giving" game, you have to develop a tough skin for it.
But, if you still think them your enemies, then consider them your friends (I accidentally typed "fiends"--Freudian, I guess)anyway. My opposition only encourages me to think clearer and write better. Take the railing that you receive from your opposition and use it toward your advantage.
There are rules, of course: do nothing that is immoral, illegal, unethical or fattening....
What I told you was not just advice; it's money in the bank. Now, go spend it.
Asher, I've thought the racist comments and hateful, spiteful,rude comments from nowhere that were completely unprovoked have pretty much been here all along.
It's all over the net. Always has been since the dial-up bulletin board days.
now you guys are truly awesome! did you see the site????
ok, I am a devout Baptist, but I don't push my beliefs down ppl's throats, have friends from all walks of life, love the Africans and MIddle Easterns the most, though many in the U.S don't like them and can't understand why I get so much hate mail, hate comments, hate forum messages, and ppl being so rude here. I know Hub Pages is a good place, but until the hate is at undetectable levels or not so perverse, I won't publish here again. I can't see why I would open up my talent to ppl and then be crushed by their hatred.
I think when ppl don't see a face, it's easier to hate because they are just a cyber-entity.
I didn't come here to convert anyone. I've always said that my mere walk in life and how I conduct myself speaks louder than words or sermons or threads on religion!!!!!
Beliefs are those things which we hold dear to our heart, so it's no wonder people argue about religion ... as religion is all about belief.
Me? I was brought up a Methodist. Now, My God doesn't like it when you smoke, or when you drink too much, as you are doing harm to your own body, but also understands that you are human, and that it's impossible to live a perfect life ... which is why he forgives you.
What's the price for his forgiveness? You need to ask for it. Not a bad deal, eh?
So, why have I strayed from my faith? In actuality, I haven't, but I have strayed away from the church that houses it, because I have watched these people grow bitter over the years as they pass judgment upon one another ... and I learned years ago in Sunday school that judgments aren't ours to pass. As such, I kept my beliefs and went my own way.
As for why people are so mean? We're an aggressive species by nature ... we had to be to survive our earlier years in the wild. Unfortunately, man has yet to realize that these aggressive ways don't fit well in the civilized world and are no longer needed.
I don't hate angry people nor do I fear them ... I pity them, for not knowing the calm peace one receives by not allowing themselves to be angered so easily.
Never fear them nor be angry with them Asher, nor should you allow them to push you away ... true faith is about realizing human frailty (especially our own) and understanding that the most important judgment we can pass, is the one we pass upon ourselves ... as no other judgment we make upon another being matters ... as that judgment is not for us to give.
There will always be those that belief is a sword and shield you must carry into battle, but it's actually a gentle lamb you look after in a field. Those who live to understand that statement will then understand that our creator's purpose is not to control us or to force our belief ... but instead ... for us to care for one another and to learn all there is to know. After all, why would out creator make such a large universe, then ask that we plant our head in the sand and refuse to learn about everything around us.
There is room for science and religion to live together ... or else our creator would not have created them both. And what science tells is not lies, just because it doesn't coincide with a book written by men. Instead, we must look at The Bible, and all other religious texts, in the context they were originally given ... as a collection of moralistic stories we could read and learn from,given the limited knowledge we started off with.
The Bible isn't about facts, it's about lessons, and the first lesson learned is that we spend far too much time using it as a portal of truth, when in fact, we should see it as a portal by which we can learn how to better ourselves and live good lives.
That's why I get so upset when versus are thrown around as proof, as belief is not based on what you can prove (from a book or otherwise), but by what you are willing to believe, and I can assure you that our creator cares not how many versus we have memorized or understood. In fact, he should care little for that, as it's the man who can lead by example who earns his way, and not the one who tries to throw others on the path with his words.
As such, God is as different to you, Asher, as he is to me, and there is nothing wrong with that. There's also nothing wrong if you say 'I don't believe in God', though scriptures will tell you different. It's man that puts out this dogma that we must all swear our allegiance, while leading lives in the opposite direction. And yet, I can assure you that any creator would be proud of the man who denied his existence, yet somehow managed to lead a good life ... as that would be a man who managed to stray from temptation on his own.
So people can preach all they want, as there are pulpits in Heaven as there are in Hell, but the man who preaches the loudest contains his words to himself and preaches instead through his actions, as anyone can question the intent and meaning of a scripture, but no man can question the intent and meaning of a good deed.
So to Asher and others I say ... look through that which pains your eyes, for then you will see past it to find that is good. And trust me ... there's still a lot of good in this world, we just often get so caught up in what's bad that we forget to look for it.
As for being a devout Baptist ... Asher, I would respect you whether you were a Baptist, a Methodist, A Hindu, a Buddhist, an Agnostic, or an Atheist. The label you chose to wear determines nothing of the quality of the person wearing the shirt. A such, the denomination you chose is meaningless info to me, as it does nothing to determine how you should be treated.
It's actions that make the man (or woman) and once you learn to live by that rule, you discover the world to be a much better place, as you can then realize that the actions of others do nothing to shame yourself, and that your role is to serve as an example of your belief ... not a herder to bring sheep properly into a flock.
I don't know if nay of that helps, but it's all part of a big belief system I have assembled that helps me make it through each day. I remain accountable to myself, and allow others to do the same.
After all ... afterlife is a big lottery. If there is no afterlife, then we all act our roles with no reward to be had. And if there is truly an afterlife, then we roll the dice with the road we decide to travel ... with the hopes it's the right one.
I'm betting mine on the fact that any creator would be benevolent and understanding, and would care more for what we become, than how many we could steer around ... as it is all meaningless if we preach to the wicked and forget to improve our own image.
I am one of those who strayed out the door and have never returned to religion. I like your moderate and thoughtful comments though, refreshing! I do not believe in a god, but that's OK, we can agree to disagree it seems .
Asher, I love your hypocrisy. From my point of view a big chunk of hateful or annoying garbage during last several months came from your own mouth.
I have to admit though that lately you seem to more or less behave. Or was it because you took a break from HP?
Asher - I would have to agree with Misha. Most of the hateful crap has been coming from you. I was ignoring you because of it, and finally got fed up of your hypocritical, hateful, behavior followed by pious references to god - outside the religion forum.
This is one of my issues with your religion, and it has nothing to do with hating anyone or you in particular. But the next time you interject your irrational beliefs into a non-relevant discussion, I will make fun of them. Just like i did last time.
You don't see it as pushing your beliefs, but that is because you do not seem to understand how passive/aggressive that behavior is. Odd how you always end up in conflict and it is never your fault huh? You were just going along minding your own business, praising the lord and all of a sudden, you get attacked for no reason by hateful people.
The therapy is free.
And yes the website was funny.
Question for all here:
If you have read the sermon on the mount, can you find a fault with any of it no matter who said it or wrote it or "made it up?
Even if you no not believe in God, can you agree with it's teaching?
And just in case we have forgotten what it says.....
I picked the paraphrased version because it read like we talk on the street.
Matthew 7
A Simple Guide for Behavior
1-5 "Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It's easy to see a smudge on your neighbor's face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, 'Let me wash your face for you,' when your own face is distorted by contempt? It's this whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor.
6"Don't be flip with the sacred. Banter and silliness give no honor to God. Don't reduce holy mysteries to slogans. In trying to be relevant, you're only being cute and inviting sacrilege.
7-11"Don't bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This isn't a cat-and-mouse, hide-and-seek game we're in. If your child asks for bread, do you trick him with sawdust? If he asks for fish, do you scare him with a live snake on his plate? As bad as you are, you wouldn't think of such a thing. You're at least decent to your own children. So don't you think the God who conceived you in love will be even better?
12"Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. Add up God's Law and Prophets and this is what you get.
Being and Doing
13-14"Don't look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don't fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The way to life—to God!—is vigorous and requires total attention.
15-20"Be wary of false preachers who smile a lot, dripping with practiced sincerity. Chances are they are out to rip you off some way or other. Don't be impressed with charisma; look for character. Who preachers are is the main thing, not what they say. A genuine leader will never exploit your emotions or your pocketbook. These diseased trees with their bad apples are going to be chopped down and burned.
21-23"Knowing the correct password—saying 'Master, Master,' for instance— isn't going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obedience—doing what my Father wills. I can see it now—at the Final Judgment thousands strutting up to me and saying, 'Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking.' And do you know what I am going to say? 'You missed the boat. All you did was use me to make yourselves important. You don't impress me one bit. You're out of here.'
24-25"These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundational words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit—but nothing moved that house. It was fixed to the rock.
26-27"But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don't work them into your life, you are like a stupid carpenter who built his house on the sandy beach. When a storm rolled in and the waves came up, it collapsed like a house of cards."
28-29When Jesus concluded his address, the crowd burst into applause. They had never heard teaching like this. It was apparent that he was living everything he was saying—quite a contrast to their religion teachers! This was the best teaching they had ever heard."
"Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults — unless, of course, you want the same treatment."
Good advice. Why are you so upset when this happens?
Have you not read the bible? All the time you try and force your irrational beliefs on people - they are going to react against it.
For an all-powerful super being you are not so bright.
My fav. bit is it read like we talk on the Street.
Who talks like that on the Street? You are right on Mark.
Happy to know you appear to agree with the part you picked out
Yes - I do not agree with letting your Jewish slaves go free after only 7 years. I think you should keep them longer.
Sarcasm noted.
Here is some for you Mark.
You will die in your sins and have been a slave to them you entire life so your belief will be your destiny.
Put that in your throat and swallow it Mark !!!
And please do NOT cry that I hit to hard...your a soldier, gear up and deal with it and move out !!!
Duly passed through the digestive system and down the toilet where it belongs.
My beliefs are as ethical, positive and un-selfish as I can make them given my understanding of the way the world works.
You do not know any of them - but they do not include a magical invisible super being.
If that condemns me to anything, then so be it. In fact, I spit on any creator that would make it so and look forward to becoming a member of the other team.
I'm siding with Mark on this one, though I changed what Mark decided to place in bold print, as I felt the other statement he made was more important.
This is a man who choses to do right by others because he sees it as a means of decency, and not out of fear of any divine retribution. He choses to be civilized ... simply because he can.
If I were God (and I'm surely not) I'd be yanking this guy upstairs whether he believed in me or not, as he has strong moral character.
"devine" is spelled...
And "This is a man who choses to do right by others because he sees it as a means of decency....he has strong moral character."
This is all well and good for him.
Messiah did NOT say a man comes to the Father by doing this.
This is Mark's "righteousness" and that is ALL that it is and what God (not me) says about that is this.
"All of your righteousness is no more than a used menstrual rag."
His insistent mockery and scoffing is evident of his heart too.
What sense does this make? if decency is the quality of right, all you've said is "he does right because he sees it as a means of doing right." And being "civilized" must itself have some criteria by which it's evaluated. Otherwise, it's just cultural prejudice. Absent any properly-basic criteria, how is it that the Roman civilization was superior to Alaric or Attila?
Absurd rhetoric.
Thanks for reminding me why I do not subscribe to your irrational beliefs.Too bad.......................
I make my own way.
"IF" they are irrational then stop wasting what little time you have left on the planet and DO NOT read them, much less reply so you can have more to read and reply to Mark.
I think the term I am looking for here is "that is".....totally crazy!!!
If you "make your own way"...then get some cow pies and make it man.
Go buy a luxury home or mow the lawn or pick berries man!!!
Sorry _ I have made it one of my missions in life to dispel the hatred spread by you guys.
Is that a bad thing?..........
Is is a sin?
1- You do NOT believe in sin, so do NOT ask.
2- The only bad thing for you is, you have double minded disorder like earnestshub, you have told me you do not want to talk to me ever again and yet here you are.......AGAIN !!!
Did you learn that in the military?
Say one thing and do another?
Not in my boot camp you did not.
"As for why people are so mean? We're an aggressive species by nature ... we had to be to survive our earlier years in the wild. Unfortunately, man has yet to realize that these aggressive ways don't fit well in the civilized world and are no longer needed. "
I disagree that we are all aggressive by nature. The reason people get "mean" with religious stuff is seen in the example I gave above. Here I was, minding my business and having a Hub from last year that essentially said we can make Halloween sweet and cute if we don't like skeletons and witches. Out of the blue (and in August) somebody decides first to make sure to let me know she didn't read the Hub and then goes on to tell me about the "devil's day" (as if I didn't already know that some people associate it with that). Then, this nut throws in a correction to the spelling in a tone that was clearly intended to be arrogant and condescending.
That, of course, then turns me (usually without a mean or aggressive cell in my body) "mean". I don't care who likes or doesn't like what I write, but this fool was out "looking" (without even reading to see what the actual message of the Hub was). If she wants to worry about the devil she could find a whole lot more "devil" on the Internet than in that harmless little Hub with a big smiley pumpkin on it. (I have my own self-righteous thoughts about good and evil, and I happen to have disdain for clowns that are looking for evil (and lecturing about it) where it doesn't exist. Hence, people get "mean".
That site is hilarious! It will be the topic of discussion between my friends and I for a long long time to come. How did you find it!?
a local rock station...when I'm not 'shoving my religous crap down people's throats' like some people here think(how truly insane...I don't even recall making much of any religious comment or discussion....)I love my clasic rock music. Dee Snyder said that this website was completely outrageous...I had to go home and see if it was true!
If a person truly believed in their religion, there would be no need for converting others, or spreading bile. When a person, of low esteem, sees someone contradicting what they have been taught to believe, they see it as a confrontation instead of a different viewpoint. They need to check themselves and their own beliefs before they start trying to correct others'.
I agree with you Davina. If the only means of ascension was to be converted by another human being, and there were thousands of different religious movements throughout the world (which there just might be) then we would be forced to accept conflicting views from them all and would find it impossible to ever do what was right.
We all must chose a path for ourselves and hope it's the right one.
Here's my analogy of why religion is so troublesome for many, and I am making it real basic to illustrate my point ... not to poke fun at religion ... as I feel it's important for everyone to understand the issues regarding people's confusion with belief.
Let's go to a make-believe world and let's call it 'Quark'
'Quark' has a supreme being names Pathos and he spoke to the first Quarkian leader and told him what he expected of this new race. As a good person, he went back and spread the word to his people.
The supreme being said 'be good to one another' and this first leader gave the word to his people, exactly as it was given to him.
However, this needed to be recorded, so others that follow would know the golden rule. Scribes gathered and decided that rule was far too vague, so they illustrated things to do (and not to do) that would place people on the right path.
Out of this session came 3 Quarkian Bibles that each tell a person how to be good, and the people of Quark each chose one and stood behind it, certain their book was more right than the other two.
As time passed on, more division occurred over the three books, with many Quarkians ready to go to war for their beliefs. After all, each believed their book to be right and the other two wrong. If they all didn't say the exact same thing, then surely only one of the books could be true and the other two obviously false.
More time passed by and the Quarkians entered the nuclear age. By now, their beliefs were strong enough to kill over them, and they escalaated a nuclear race that pressed on to war - killing off most of the people on this planet.
However, a few who refused to take part in the fighting survived. All their lives they were confused by the existence of the three conflicting bibles, so they chose to believe in none of them, and instead, just did their best to live good lives.
While the others fought on, they built themselves a deep underground bunker and hoped for the best ... which proved to be a good survival tactic.
When they emerged from underground, the supreme being returned, very saddenned to see most of his children gone. And so, he went on to tell their new leader the golden rule 'be good to one another' with the hope it wouldn't lead to the same division that wiped out his people the first time.
And what does all of that have to do with anything here? It simply means that we are often arguing over words that were written before our existance and given to us as truth, without ever conceiving the possiblity they might not all be exactly correct.
The fact that many different religions and bibles exist tells us that not a single religion is 100% right, but the proponderous of so many religions tells us there must be something we should be believing in.
And so ... to take the safe road, we could take the commonalities in all and assume they must be the truth, for if it is present in all, then it should be part of the original message we received so many years ago.
So, as we travel like messengers for our faith, we need to ask ourselves ... what if we found we gave thousands the wrong message and they believed us ... denying them an afterlife.
That's why I believe that religion is a subject to be presented with a 'that's what I believe' attitude, and not with a 'this is what you must believe' attitude. Allow others to decide what is right, and know that at least one person will put all the pieces together and find themselves to be a survivor. It might be you, or it might be someone else, but at least you will know that you believed in something until the end and (if your beliefs were wrong) you didn't drag anyone else under the rocks with you.
Is that to say that I'm right? I'm no more a wise prophet than anyone else, and I would prefer not to carry a flock down a hazardous mountain pass, should I prove to be wrong. Still, I would like the opportunity to travel that road alone, and I'm prepared for whatever may come.
Too right AK I am all for peace and respecting others opinions without getting into a boxing ring, ROFL
It is ridiculous to say that a person has to believe in a supreme being in order to be a good person, or make the right decisions in life. My great grandfather was a preacher and a rapist. There are all types in this world. Whether you believe in God, or not, he does NOT make your decisions for you. If you are a good person, it is because YOU decided to do what YOU believe is right. If you think that a person cannot distinguish between wrong and right if he/she is an atheist, then you are sorely mistaken. What you believe is NOT who you are. Saying that atheists are bad people is prejudicial and unkind. Where in the bible does it say that Christians are supposed to be prejudicial and unkind?
I don't think the point is that atheists cannot distinguish right from wrong. In fact, I find that many atheists do have a keen sense of what is right. Many atheists know that Hitler was wrong to gas the Jews and that torturing little children is wrong.
The point is not that they do not have a sense right and wrong; the problem is that the atheist has no justification for opposing such horrors. The most he can muster is "I feel" or "I believe" these things are wrong. But this "feeling" hardly rises to the level of a sentiment or nostalgia, like the attachment I might have for my old car. Those sentiments make him "comfortable"; he feels good when he affirms them. But he lacks a basis for calling such actions "evil" or "wrong."
I heard an atheist debating a Christian say that the reason that the Nazis were wrong in WWII was because the Nazis went against the consensus of western civilization. So, I suppose that if Hitler was trying to save the Jews and the western nations were trying to make lamp shades out of them, then Hitler would still have been equally "evil."
For the atheist, there is no ground for him to assert the morals that he and I both want to affirm.
It is interesting that you know how an atheist feels about things since you are a believer. What about agnostics? Tell me how I feel since you are apparently psychic.
Dear oh deary me - you do have a low opinion of us atheists.
This is so pathetic it is not really worth a response. I am sure when you teach your children this sort of thing, they will grow up hating atheists - like it tells them to in the bible.
You have no ground for your morals. Judging by your last statement. I thought lying was a sin?
No? Guess not - still, I suppose when you call it "politics," it is not really lying.......
You christians are good at that. I heard one say once that atheists have no ground for them to assert their morals because they are unable to base them what an invisible super being told them.
The fact that you are unable to understand that there is nothing inherently "right" or "wrong" in anything speaks to your lack of education and close mindedness more than anything else. I am sure you mean well. Pity it comes across as so hateful, and starts so many wars and murders. Too bad................
after reading all this...I'm glad I have fire insurance...I'd rather be irrational and be wrong about any God than be right and believe in NO God.
Now, Mark, find someone else to pick on, because you won't hear another peep about religion from me....
One things are for certain.
1-The atheist says he knows there is NO God. Or at least he tells himself that.
2-The agnostic has his doubts still.
One sits on the fence, the other has jumped in the lake.
Actually, many people I know to be atheists were once deeply religious, then turned away when they felt they had been passed over by God.
In a sense, religion takes some blame for this, as the mentality is often given that one will get anything they pray for ... and when that doesn't work, they blame the person who prayed for not having enough belief.
(and before we debate that one, I was brought up in a Christian church by a family that believed deeply in God - and yes - they would preach that all things were possible through prayer - and I'm not saying that all church's do this, just the ones I have been to in the past)
If I were a deity, I wouldn't be handing out miracles on command either, so I think it unfair when people are told to expect miracles in return for their prayers. Instead, I think prayers are a reminder that we are seeking something that is important to us, and if it fits into our creator's plan he lets it happen
As for agnostics, I know them extremely well, as I fall within this group. I believe in something I can't meaningfully explain, and because I can't speak of it in a way to make others understand I won't share the full depth of my beliefs.
Many agnostics have no problem believing in a creator, they just aren't willing to keep switching churches to go to the one that is guaranteed to send them to heaven.
Their confusion often lies in the fact that religion seems to serve man far better than it does God, as each sect (Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Muslim) have differing views on how one should live and each promises they are right.
This might help you understand the confusion of the agnostic ...
Let's say hubpages decides to never allow anyone post again unless they maintain a hub author score of 90 or higher, and lets add that Hubpages themselves will never divulge how this can be done.
However, several members of Hubpages say they have spoken to Paul Deeds personally and he has given them all the secret formula. Now, all of them have a different success formula, but each one promises their formula is correct and that there are inherent flaws in all of the rest.
Oh yeah ... the clincher ... if your score goes below 90, you are removed from Hubpages forever.
Not cool ... eh?
That's what the agnostic is faced with ... he can not determine who is right and who is wrong and each religion promises him that they are the correct one ... who is an agnostic to believe?
There isn't a religion in the world that will point to another religion as being more right than they are, nor is there one that would admit they were wrong, and they all offer the same proof ... the existence of everything surrounding you.
That's why agnostics cling to science, as at least science offers things that can be proven. You heat a rock and it burns you, thus heating a rock makes it hot. That's provable.
However, if someone says ... If you believe in Karma you will reincarnate as a higher being, where do you get the proof for that?
Faith ... but faith in what, as we have already established that not every religion can be completely right as they contradict one another.
Whose truth is the truth? That is the problem of the agnostic ... and for every Christian that would come in here and tell me Jesus is the truth, a Muslim would come in to tell me Mohammed is the truth. Could they both be right? Could they both be wrong? As no one can offer concrete proof, an agnostic can never know, thus the reason they are confused.
I do not believe that there would be so many different denominations of Christianity if people would pay more attention as to what the teacher (Jesus) taught and said.
There are as many different denominations as there different interpretations.
I can not reiterate this enough...READ THE WORDS THAT ARE WRITTEN IN RED. That is what Christianity is SUPPOSED to be about.
If ya wanted to hide a great big diamond, the best way would be to bury it under 1,000,000 fake diamonds. Everyone else would get tired of looking before they could find the real one.
That's an interesting statement, but what purpose would there be to hiding the right one? Now you definitely have me intrigued.
Messiah hid a lot of things so that ONLY the seeker would find them.
If He put everything out in the open it would be trampled under foot by dogs.
We do NOT tell our children everything, we hide from them some things until they inquire and seek it out. This is wisdom.
Well elelyone You have said it all right here, I leave it for others to comment. Your way or the highway...
For the (I lost count) is not my way.
It is His way, take it up with Him, not me.
I just deliver the message.
You deliver one persons opinion... the same as the rest of us.
No, you deliver "your" opinion.
I deliver Another's.
The rest of us, smartass, you know, the whole of humanity except you and a few followers of your particular tooth fairy.
Strange Earnest, you told me you were going to play with your boomerang and not talk to me anymore.....about 10 times now. And where are you once again?
Wherever I like to be at any given time. You got pulled up for this type of BS on another thread, slow learner uh? You're crap rips threads, but I guess that's what you like to do. Should make you about as popular as doggy doo here.
That's why I actually stay away from religion. I hate fighting. There is no point so why fight? We believe in different things so get over it, agree to disagree, don't try changing other ppl, and you'll get along just freakin' fine.
God is NOT religion, God is God, stay away from religion and draw near to God and He will draw near to you and put you around ppl that think the same way about what i just said.
Men make religion, men do NOT make God.
yes I know all about God I am Catholic but I hate ppl who try to force their beliefs down anyone's throats. that is why whenever my friends and I talk about God or religion or our beliefs we don't say you are wrong and you are right. it's stupid and pointless to fight about God and religion. Don't go trying to shove your belifs down my throat. I don't play that way!
Where here am i doing that? I was actually trying to agree with you.
God is NOT religion, God is God, stay away from religion and draw near to God and He will draw near to you and put you around ppl that think the same way about what i just said.
Men make religion, men do NOT make God.
LOL you read my comment wrong. Just stating that people better not try shoving their beliefs down my throat. I don't go for any of that. :-) Just like I bet you don't either.'s just that you replied to me and your last comment was...
"Don't go trying to shove your beliefs down my throat. I don't play that way!"
oops sorry about that lmao I should write more and explain myself better. I do that sometimes where I don't explain what I mean. Bad habit I know
Oh great thanks earnest now I'll probably have dog poop associated some way in my dreams tonight lol Over active imagination over here LMAO.
Sorry about that crazdwriter! I bet you don't do a lot of dog walking then!
No my puppy lives with my parents now. And I live in apartment with my husband and 3 cats. We can't have a dog yet. But I did do a lot of dog walking back in the day when I was living with my parents and going to school lol
My family have dogs, cats and a parrot named "Eric." Love the critters! Don't love cleaning up after them tho!
Aaaa but Earnest the cleaing up part is the most fun of having pets. And yes that was sarcasm lol. In my whole life I've had 5 dogs, though we had to give one away, now 3 cats (dad's allergic 2 hamsters, don't remember how many fish, and 3 guinea pigs. And I still want my baby albino corn snake. yep I'm one othose kinda girls who aren't afraid of reptiles, snakes or any creature actually.
That is so cool from my point of view! None of em worry me, I love all of them except mosquitoes, march flies and house flies, who are my sworn enemies and cut down as the foul little buggers they are!
LOL you go ahead and kick their butts. yea I may not be afraid but ooo the flies and mosquitoes do annoy enough to get their butts swatted and killed. Or I let the cats chase them. Always keeps them entertained. Well time for bed need my sleep because I have lots to do tomorrow. *gag* lol nice chatting with you earnest and ttyl
God's truth is as the diamond. The false teachers and false prophet do not wanting to be recognized, so they hide the truth. They can not destroy it so they bury it under tons of false interpretations so that the truth can not be seen.
It's truly a shame that people who call themselves religious say these kind of things.
The Bible says in Matthew 5:44, But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
It also says in 1 Corinthians 13:2, And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
Please allow me one more, the Bible says in John 3:17, For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
As you can see being religious is not the same as being Christ like, which is what the word Christian literally means. Not that I am perfect because I have said many things I wish I could take back (even though I am a Christian, I am still a sinner), but those words still hurt the cause of Christ. Please forgive these religious people and most of all please don't let their sin keep you from rejecting Jesus.
I will be writing my first hubpage tonight and I pray it will be one that will make sense to you.
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