why are some people on here obsessed with god?

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  1. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 14 years ago

    why are some people on here obsessed with god?

    every question they ask or answer has to do with god. is this an obsession or are they trying to prove their love and faith?

  2. Mark Ewbie profile image61
    Mark Ewbieposted 14 years ago

    I can't fathom it.  It's like the most fanatical following of someone.  I don't have a problem with people believing or not believing - that's up to them - but why some people feel the need to spout what is essentially their view as though it is the one truth.... it's like some MLM salesman trying to flog you something.

  3. naijainvestor profile image60
    naijainvestorposted 14 years ago

    I do not think they are obsessed with God. they are just trying to acknowledge his existence and share their knowledge of him with others.

  4. profile image0
    AMBASSADOR BUTLERposted 14 years ago

    For me it is the real thing of the mystery of life. I have experience it in my own life. I know what is waiting for me on the other side of death. I have a tip for those who are interested in it. This is the greatest show on the earth and our life is a movie in the grand scheme of things on the earth. I am just a character who have seen and experience the other side of death for human beings on August 1, 1982 A.D. This is it! Turn out the lights the party is over for many people who are blinded by the light.

  5. Beege215e profile image58
    Beege215eposted 14 years ago

    Obsessed is a good word to use here. The only one they need to prove anything to is God, not myself or other hubbers. IMHO, those that put on a great show of faith have little faith in themselves.  Religion has the rites, rituals and rules for them to follow, and they have no need to make decisions like a real grown-up.  Everything is  clearly laid out in the good book as either God's word and gift, or the devil's trick.  No choices necessary.

  6. Dave Mathews profile image61
    Dave Mathewsposted 14 years ago

    Why are some people on here interested in trying to turn the beliefs of others away from God?

  7. Ruchira profile image76
    Ruchiraposted 14 years ago

    your question makes me smile smile

    The reason people ask questions about God is 'cause they themselves are puzzled by his "wonderful" creation and would like discussions over it.

    Whom would they try to prove their love and faith? Is it to the people on this planet? what would they get out of it? any bonus points of good will? nah, I don't think so smile

  8. F.B. Spannigan profile image60
    F.B. Spanniganposted 14 years ago

    You are right. Completely obsessed. I find things on here saying "God" this and "God" that. I mean, settle down people!

  9. AngusNz profile image61
    AngusNzposted 14 years ago

    From somebody who doesn't care either way there are people for and against and they are equally as loud.

  10. 6hotfingers3 profile image60
    6hotfingers3posted 14 years ago

    It could be there are just as many people asking about God. I think people on both sides of the bar want to know as much as they can. Some want to confirm their belief and some want to prove they are right about their disbelief.

  11. Born Again 05 profile image79
    Born Again 05posted 14 years ago

    I am not ashamed of my love for Jesus. He is my Lord and Savior. Am I obsessed?  Guilty!  Romans 10:14,17  "How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."  If as a believer I don't share my faith, how will anyone ever know that they can have the FREE gift of eternal life just by accepting it?

  12. Jean Bakula profile image87
    Jean Bakulaposted 14 years ago

    I was wondering the same thing. And if you even suggest that maybe the scriptures have a deeper meaning, or interpretation, your answer gets piles of red down checks. I posed a question about why most Christian churches all believe they are right, and all the others are wrong. There doesn't seem to be much unity, and to blindly believe whatever someone tells you without research is quite unintelligent. I don't know the percentage of Christians that have read the whole Bible, but I only know Jehovah's Witnesses that always read it. At least I did that before I formed the opinion that Jesus was a great person and Master, but I can't take that may leaps of faith to believe he was the Son of God.

  13. Blessitbe profile image59
    Blessitbeposted 14 years ago

    Isn’t this the Religion and Philosophy Questions? What better topic the Lord, why they can't handle the TRUTH?

  14. nlclark profile image60
    nlclarkposted 14 years ago

    I think people are looking for answers to the unknown or they need confirmation of what they already think they believe.  Others are so excited about what they believe, that they want to share it.

  15. Man from Modesto profile image77
    Man from Modestoposted 13 years ago

    Some are trying to prove their faith. Others have a sincere desire to save souls from an eternity in Hell.

    Have you ever been in the grocery store and saw someone about to buy a brand of something you tried last week, and it is terrible? It is a friendly effort to spare someone from a bad dinner.

    Hell is for ETERNITY. We don't want others to go there.

    The best thing I have in this life is my relationship with my Father in Heaven and with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

    And.... the spirit in a man compels him to do what he does. When he is filled with the Holy Spirit of God, he naturally desires to do what Jesus did- preach the gospel, perform acts of love, cast out devils, and heal the sick. It is his natural course.

    As Jesus said, "If you love me, you will obey my commands."

  16. Darrell Roberts profile image68
    Darrell Robertsposted 13 years ago

    I think most people would want to focus on what they think is most important in life.  If most people believe that God is the one we answer to while we are alive as well as when we die, then, yes they mostlikely would want to contribute to sharing ideas about God, to display thier love and share their faith.

    Some people think sex is the most important thing in the world.  I think they give the same amount of energy to sharing their ideas about that sex, for others it is money.

    I say many people are focused on the idea of connecting with the Devine, some people are just more intense than others.
    People should respect the right of others to believe what they want.
    Best wishes.


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