If you're wrong about God, what then?

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  1. profile image0
    Elliott_Tposted 14 years ago

    So here's an interesting question, whether you believe in God or not: How big of a deal is it if you're wrong?

    Atheist: If you believed there was no God and then you died and met him, how big of a deal do you think that would be? What would you have missed in your life or what would you stand to lose in the afterlife?

    Believer: If you believed in God and then you died and that was it, there was no God, how big of a deal would that be for you? What would you have missed in your life, or what would you lose by missing an afterlife?

    Since forums have a tendency to get completely off track very fast, I would ask you to only post a reply if you have a sincere response. I think the believer vs. atheist responses themselves will prove enlightening to a person on either side.

    1. LeslieAdrienne profile image72
      LeslieAdrienneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Most Believers have worldly experiences prior to being born-again. So, if we are wrong, we would not have missed anything of life. We would or rather I would be content in that my life was lived in love, peace and service to my fellowman....

    2. profile image0
      Baileybearposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      which god? - there are many apparentlly

    3. Beelzedad profile image61
      Beelzedadposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      We can entertain any sort of "What if" question, but those questions that involve myths and superstitions can only be answered with pure speculation and imagination. And, since the questions are pointless and irrelevant, so would be the answers. smile

    4. William R. Wilson profile image59
      William R. Wilsonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      If there is indeed a god, I don't think I'd be any better or worse off if I subscribed to some religion or other. 

      Quite honestly, if this god really gives a carp whether I followed Jesus or Mohammed, or listened to the Pope instead of reading the King James Bible, or chose to meditate rather than pray in a church... I don't really want to follow that god anyway. 

      Such a god would not be a just, loving god, and thus, unworthy of my respect.

      1. jagandelight profile image68
        jagandelightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        the point of no God is mute because there is indeed a God; a merciful, compassionate, forgiving, and loving God. Without God I would not be here on this earth and if I lived my life without Him as I did in the past my life was no life at all so I am missing nothing but gaining everything. Wont you try God and see for yourself that He is real and how much better a life you would have, what do you have to lose? Only your sins and gain righteousness and everlasting life.

    5. megs78 profile image59
      megs78posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      good question!  I often think this way myself as my grampa once told me; 'better safe than sorry!' smile  But then my mother told me that there is no room for security blankets.  You have to firmly believe.

    6. qwark profile image60
      qwarkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      God? God?...what the heck is this "god" thing you are talking about.
      Pls explain...ty
      Qwark     :-)

    7. Shadesbreath profile image77
      Shadesbreathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You might be interested in the conversations that go on around what is known as Pascal's Wager.  Livelonger's reply gets at some of the conversation.  While it may seem a safer bet to choose God over not choosing him, given the possibility of eternal damnation, the reality is that the question is totally ignoring every other possibility. You have created a false-binary.  God or not god, based on one type of god.  When in reality the question is: this god, that god, the other god, some other god, any other god, many other gods, mean gods, nice gods, cruel gods, bored gods, absent gods, spiteful gods    OR   no god.

      From there, your question becomes much more complicated. Worshiping a kind god makes sense, but what if you worshiped a god that actually hated being worshiped?  What if you worship the wrong god?  Etc.

      And that assumes we have the ability to control our beliefs as opposed to the other way around.  Also, etc.

      If you are really interested in this "interesting question" as you posed it, the conversation has been had for a long time and in fascinating detail by lots of very clever thinkers.


      1. profile image0
        brotheryochananposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thats all i needed to read. When one takes God out of the equation then impossible things are truly impossible, BUT when you add God into the equation, seas part and souls are saved.

        You only have to read the bible to know this is the path to God.
        in the beginning...
        set my people free
        i will be a god and they shall be my people
        for god loved the world he gave is only begotten son
        everlasting life

        and all the blessed beautiful parts in between that compose the ardent struggle of a God to produce a successful society without sin that he could be amongst. His wrath, tears, rebukes and plans to not so much as have quantity, but quality as every good baker strives for, the perfect loaf of bread.

        Its fine to say oh there are so many Gods i don't know which one to choose. So pray about it. diligently seek the face of God and He will hear you because really, who else is listening.

    8. pennyofheaven profile image85
      pennyofheavenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It wouldn't matter to the athiest or the believer would it....because you would be dead?

    9. Dave Mathews profile image61
      Dave Mathewsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      then I've wasted a few hours reading The Bible and enjoying what I've read.   But on the other hand if I'm right, I'll join God in Heaven and you may spend an eternity wishing you'd changed you mind and become a believer.

    10. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
      Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Your "if" ... is quite similar to Ali's "if" ... in replying to a Question about God's Existence and the matters of Rewards and Punishment in the Hereafter ... as far back as early seventh century A.D..

      Ali's reply was ...

      "I do good, and abstain from evil ... because, I Believe, there is a God ...  Therefore, in Supposing, that there really is a God, I am a winner ... But supposing there was no God ... then you are the loser ... not me ...
      I remain a Winner in both theoretical eventualities."

    11. PieterTheProphet profile image60
      PieterTheProphetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It is impossible to be wrong about God.

    12. Dian'swords4u profile image61
      Dian'swords4uposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If you believe the Bible, then you are not wrong about God.

    13. profile image0
      just_curiousposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think people on either side would have missed out on much. I don't guess atheists have more fun than believers, but I bet the believers will have more fun in the afterlife, if they were right.

    14. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
      Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Ali, Peace be on him, in answering a similar question, said ...

      "Since ... there is a God, I Pray, and do the good deeds, for I fear him ... I will surely be rewarded by Him, so at the end of the day, I will be a winner ... and supposing, as you ask, there is no God [God Forbid] I am still a winner ... for being a Good Human, while I lived ..."

      I don't know, why am I posting my reply to your question ... once again.

  2. Jaggedfrost profile image61
    Jaggedfrostposted 14 years ago

    If I find out there is no God, I will live with the knowledge that I was of use to my fellow men.  I will know that I dragged quite a few from the gutters of desperation and wonder how they managed with no one to help them when they couldn't do it on their own before.

  3. livelonger profile image91
    livelongerposted 14 years ago

    There are infinite different possibilities.

    God could exist and have demanded that you followed a particular "correct" religion, or else face an eternity of punishment.

    God could exist and have demanded nothing, no worship, no particular beliefs, no particular deeds.

    God could exist and could punish those who blindly believed, and instead reward the skeptics.

    God could exist in the form of a giant pink unicorn, and reward all creatures with one single horn and/or pink skin.

    God could not exist in which case it would seem there would be no consciousness or life after death, so no regrets or any other sensation.

    (This is just a handful of possibilities that pop to mind)

    No one can convincingly say they know the answer.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Most Christian believes there is a hell.
      Most Christian believe most people go to hell
      Most people in the world do not believe in Christianity
      Why pick on 3% atheists, why not pick on most people in the world

      Why sent your entire life preparing to meet the Lord, when it’s most likely you is going to meet Lord Satan.

      Why not why say, Satan be GONE!!!

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Oh forgot, most christians are picking on most demonic people of this world.

    2. kirstenblog profile image77
      kirstenblogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Don't you think God would do a better job of making these demands, ya know provide constant updates as to the prefer sacrifices to make for each generation, with twitter it would be easier then ever now! Hey guys, I like my sacrifices young and juicy, oh and can someone tell Madonna to cove up a bit more, she is getting downright scary with them body builder muscles!

      This seems much more likely with the hands off approach this deity has had over the last few hundred years or so.

      Oh the irony here is delicious, this God has a sense of humor!

      Can we place orders with this God? I am thinking soft silk like pink fur instead of skin smile

      My ego no like! Good thing with this one there is no longer any ego to like or dislike smile (ego is I believe the root of desire for an afterlife and personal significance in relation to the expanse of existence)

      My idea is that God is the mind of the universe, and we are the ideas of the mind. Does not really matter if you believe, don't believe, believe something totally different, care or don't care. The point being that these are all valid perspectives that would contribute to a fuller understanding for said Mind of the Universe smile.

      This is what makes it fun big_smile

  4. jay_kumar_07 profile image59
    jay_kumar_07posted 14 years ago

    If you belive and noticed the things in your life period are not controled by you means you have to belive GOD.PL pass your Exam.

    People did not noticed any thing in their life, pl allowe them
    freely. They are already passed.Do not worry about them.

  5. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 14 years ago

    It really does depend on which or what sort of god it is. Still - having lived my  life firmly based in the here and now, in love, peace and service to my fellow man, I feel assured that it won't be upset with me for doing what talking monkeys do naturally and I will not have missed anything.

    I hope it is Thor. There is a God worth Worshipping. big_smile

  6. profile image0
    brotheryochananposted 14 years ago

    This is a large gamble.
    Experience has taught me that gamblers entertain the illusion that they win and this would seem consistent with any atheistic viewpoint - illusion and that they are winning. smile

    He has improved my life. Given me peace and inspired me to do greater things than my own morality would have enticed me to do even though, i was pretty much a godly sort from the get go, certainly not a liar and i grabbed the truth when i heard it, unlike some who ignore truth and run away to return with an ice ball later for some unsuspecting person who just wants a straight answer, but i digress.
    God does exist and for that reason alone I (and many others) will be singing (hopefully on key lol) forever and a beautiful planet where the wiles of the sinful do not exist. Oh, in a spiritual body, woohoo. With a God who thinks our sense of humor and personalities are just terrific!

    1. Beelzedad profile image61
      Beelzedadposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Notice how the believer who fantasizes an afterlife does so in accordance with what they want or believe they'll get as opposed to what their scriptures offer. smile

      1. profile image0
        brotheryochananposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You have scriptures that say otherwise?

        1. Beelzedad profile image61
          Beelzedadposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          No, just reality. smile

  7. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
    mistyhorizon2003posted 14 years ago

    As my Step Dad always says: 'If we die and there is a God it is great and we will shall know we were right to believe. If however we die and there is nothing, no God etc, then we won't know anything about it anyway so we won't be disappointed, in other words it will just be as if someone turned the lights out'

  8. Tom Cornett profile image81
    Tom Cornettposted 14 years ago

    Think of God as a boss we've heard about but never met.  We are supposed to work without supervision. If he returns and we did a good job...cool!  If he never returns and we did a good job....cool!  If we sucked at our job....boss or not...it's pretty simple....we suck!

  9. Jerami profile image59
    Jeramiposted 14 years ago

      Tom Cornett

       both kool

  10. profile image50
    paarsurreyposted 14 years ago

    If you're wrong about God, what then?

    Just correct your concept.

    1. skipper112 profile image60
      skipper112posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      realy 'correct to what' ??????

  11. profile image50
    paarsurreyposted 13 years ago

    If you're wrong about God, what then?

    Just correct your belief; if you know you are wrong.

  12. qwark profile image60
    qwarkposted 13 years ago

    I repeat:
    "God? God?...what the heck is this "god" thing you are talking about.
    Pls explain...ty"
    Qwark     :-)

  13. Momma Mia profile image64
    Momma Miaposted 13 years ago

    Seeing truly is believing! Unfortunately the majority of people have not seen the higher existance that awaits us after we leave our vessel. Fortunately some have.....and try desperately to let others know of that heavenly place.
      Being of a scientific and sound mind.....I am one of the ones that have encountered such.  Out of body experiences is what I speak of. Before I had many of the same questions as do the scientist of today and as many here on the forum. 
    As a youth I was studing to become a missionary.  Read the Holy bible a few times.  The words meant nothing to me.....after my head injury I lost a total of 3 years memory (2 past and one forward) I do not now own a bible.  I do not attend church (since age 17)  My family and church teachings were lost (head injury) and I had my first out of body at 21.  From age 16 -21  I partied like there was no today...or tomorrow and God did not exist in my world. 
       From the out of body I changed my life and have spent countless hours talking with people about God. Without need of bible or verses.......just their belief in what i was saying....they believed me..  I am not forceful with my beliefs as it is not needed and no one will ever listen if I was. Most atheist and agnostic want to believe in something and seems to me that is why there is always forums and chat about this subject. all religion is flawed, as it is hearsay mostly and what is left Of Gods word has been altered or completely revised....for the control aspect.  I have seen personally modern day miracles and I have full knowledge that God exist.   Yes in my heart and my soul will rest one day in that beautiful light that I have been engulfed in 4 times. 
       I continue to help others find God for themselves....but I can assure everyone.........arguments and insults will never set a stage for others to find comfort in God and peace within themselves. 
         May all find God......within your hearts. May God find the ones that can't find their hearts.


    1. Beelzedad profile image61
      Beelzedadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, but please don't state you're of a scientific and sound mind and then make claims of pseudo-science nonsense. Thanks.

      Yes, but the latter is most likely a result of the former. smile

  14. humagaia profile image57
    humagaiaposted 13 years ago

    If you're wrong about God, what then?
    If I am wrong about there being any god, then when I die, and it becomes evident that such a being exists and I am privy to its existence, I can say 'oh well I was wrong'.
    If I am correct and there is no god, then I am worm meat and it won't have mattered either way. At least I will not have wasted any of my time taking notice of religioso's that can give no physical evidence of an existence of any god.

    1. profile image50
      paarsurreyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      One should look into as to how one would convince me that one does exist; we have never met one another physically so please tell me an argument that you really exist; you yourself are sure of your existence but how would you make me sure that you exist, existed and will exist. I think in the same line of argument we may know existence our Creator-God Allah YHWH.

    2. profile image50
      miansmasposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      let me explain in simple term. How many things you have seen with your own eyes forget about scientists.
      Have u seen  VIRUS = NO but u believe there is virus
      Have u seen SMELL = NO but u believe .......
      Have u seen ATOM= NO but u ..........
      Have u seen MARS(planet) = No , but...............
      Similarly I have not seen GOD = NO , but I believe there is.
      GOD said believe me coz u coming to me n i will punish u of all the bad things u did,
      NOW then if there is no GOD , u die fine
      BUT if there is n u die - where will u , me or millions of other go - go back= NO - dats it taste the painful punishment of HELL for ever.

      1. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        lol lol

  15. BillyDRitchie profile image59
    BillyDRitchieposted 13 years ago

    Well, I'm a Christian, so if I'm wrong about God then well, that's it.  Turn out the lights, the party's over.  But if I'm right, it's all good for eternity.

    Now if the athiest is right, he's no better off than me....lights out.  But if HE is wrong, and there is a God, then he has a lot more to lose than I do.

    Just sayin...

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If you’re right, you’re just only one step closer to heaven, as to winning the grand lottery ticket to heaven

  16. Eaglekiwi profile image73
    Eaglekiwiposted 13 years ago

    If I was wrong about God ,then I had a great life filled with peace and joy. Gods instructions were(are) to protect me ,not harm me.

    1. profile image53
      BeckyAposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Well said!!

  17. profile image50
    paarsurreyposted 13 years ago

    One should look into as to how one would convince others that one does exist; we have never met one another physically so please tell me an argument that you really exist; you yourself are sure of your existence but how would you make me sure that you exist, existed and will exist. I think in the same line of argument we may know existence our Creator-God Allah YHWH.

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
      Uninvited Writerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If God posts on an online forum then maybe I would believe. I really want to know what drugs you are on based on you recent postings.

    2. PieterTheProphet profile image60
      PieterTheProphetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I am more interested in finding out if you think you exist and how you know.  For the most part we are all about our senses; so a person's  evidence of them self is only available through them self.  If there were a connection problem between that particular self and their senses would they have any idea that they were here?  The God question almost seems unimportant.  What grabs my attention is the fact that humankind has spent a great deal of it's (so called) existence pondering the existence of god or gods; and fighting about it. Clearly we are obsessed.  Perhaps we can not get past the fact that we think that we are here..and then thinking about the thinking about that.  Maybe the entire exercise is all about us convincing our selves that we exist.

      What if God couldn't hear or see.. what would God do?  May be the only reason we are here is to let God know that he exist.  That could very easily lead to the conclusion that with out us God wouldn't exist.

      Wrong or right might have nothing to do with it.

      1. profile image50
        paarsurreyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I don't agree with you.

      2. profile image50
        miansmasposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        my friend tell me who is protecting me n u from harmful rays of sun (UV rays)
        Who has created gravity in earth,
        Why rain falls in tiny drops and not in big volume to perish the whole town or city
        Get more knowledge and u will find GOD

        1. Cagsil profile image70
          Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          lol lol

  18. pablomontana profile image59
    pablomontanaposted 13 years ago

    live                                             .......................................................

  19. puregrace profile image69
    puregraceposted 13 years ago

    I think it's because we all know deep down in our souls, our inner being, that there is a Creator God. And that there is life after this one. We all hope for a good life everlasting, but we want it our way, and there comes the struggle.
    We push the truth away, down, cover it up, numb it, in so many ways...but for the believer, when God reveals Himself to him or her, realizes that there is a reason for his or her existence that is our of this world!

  20. Rafini profile image81
    Rafiniposted 13 years ago

    How big of a deal would it be, to me, if I died & discovered there was no God?  Well, if I could still think, I would be mighty disappointed that I wasn't a b!tch on purpose!!

  21. CertifiedHandy profile image59
    CertifiedHandyposted 13 years ago

    Short post and to the point. Believing, trusting in Him and living according to His commands is a win-win. Not believing is a gambler's worst nightmare; to crap out ie in the deep do-do...

    1. Mark Knowles profile image58
      Mark Knowlesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Good Grief! - so you choose to believe in the Kristian Invisible Super Daddy because you are scared it might be true and he is such a nasty Invisible Super Daddy he will hurt you for not believing.

      How sad for you. No wonder your religion causes so many wars if it is based on this sort of reasoning.

      Believe or else. sad

    2. Beelzedad profile image61
      Beelzedadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      So, if we don't believe in your god, we are in a world of hurt?

      But, that's the same thing all the other religions say, too?

      So many choices of threats on my afterlife, so little logic in their reasoning. smile

  22. qwark profile image60
    qwarkposted 13 years ago

    Golly! I can't get anyone to tell me what the heck this "god thing" is you are asking about!
    How in the world can anyone answer: "If you're wrong about God, what then." if there's nothing to offer but opinion in reference to a definition of "it?"
    If there's naught but an opinion, why would one even consider an answer?...except, of course, just for the fun of it.
    Qwark  smile:

  23. C.V.Rajan profile image59
    C.V.Rajanposted 13 years ago

    If I am wrong about God, then...

    in all likelihood I will argue that I am right and God is wrong!

    1. lone77star profile image73
      lone77starposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      C.V., this sounds like ego talking, but I've been wrong before in my interpretation. Can you explain, or were you merely giving a "tongue-in-cheek" response to show the futility of considering God doesn't exist?

  24. networkrecruiting profile image60
    networkrecruitingposted 13 years ago

    I would rather believe and later find out there is no God than don't believe and find out there is a God.
    The heavenly father is the creator of the world and he will be the distroyer of evil at the end of the world.

    Why would anyone want to live their life without having God's hand guiding them along the way?
    Why would they want their life to end in eternal damnation for living a sinful life?
    What is the fear that's stopping them from believing?
    Why would you want to class yourself with the murders and gunmen as sinners heading for the same place?

  25. lone77star profile image73
    lone77starposted 13 years ago

    My views about God keep changing, so I've been wrong several times already. My ego has been bruised up pretty badly (self-inflicted), so I don't really care anymore about whether or not I'm wrong. Like a scientist, I just want results.

    The CIA tried to make "remote viewing" work a few decades ago, but couldn't. Why? Because their experiment was set up wrongly. Pity. It would've been so cool to have had invisible spy cams in every nook and cranny of the Kremlin. That's the "God" part of us, sans ego.

    A friend of my Dad's could do the remote viewing thing. You could ask him to describe a room his body had never visited, and he could even read off the titles of the books on your bookshelf. Pretty slick. Me? I've only experienced remote viewing once. Definitely cool. And even cooler to have it happen without drugs or physical trauma to mess with your head.

    I don't rightly know the nature of this "God" thing everyone is talking about, but I know it exists in some form or another. Perhaps it is merely the combined spiritual aggregate of all of us (bodies and egos excluded).

    I believe in a cause for the effect we call the universe (this one and any others which might exist). That seems only logical. There is no other effect studied by science which remains without a cause. I'm not talking about a rock creating another rock; I'm talking about conscious, spiritual source creating the constructs of space-time and allowing into that matrix the seeds of quanta and electro-magnetic forces--Big Bang, in other words.

    If you think you are your body and ego, then you can't get from here to there. Entering the spiritual realm is impossible with such solid baggage. That's the "eye of the needle" effect. I found that out over thirty years ago, in the vicinity of Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles.

    I don't care if I'm wrong or right. I just want the result of full spiritual awakening. I've already experienced some of it. Now, I want the whole enchilada. Yum! Oh, yeah. Having already been there for a short visit, I can attest to one thing: this God thing is definitely about love. And I didn't have to die to find that out.

    1. Beelzedad profile image61
      Beelzedadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Unlike you, scientists do care whether they are right or wrong, please don't confuse them with your personal beliefs.

      Yeah, sure.

      Sorry, but the Big Bang does not align with your faith based assertions.

      Was that where you decided your god existed when a lane of traffic opened up? That was really funny.

      And, that's what it usually boils down to with believers, they just don't care whether they're right or wrong. This is a result of religious indoctrination and does not allow for clarity of understanding, communication or relevance to reality. smile

  26. Precious Pearl profile image75
    Precious Pearlposted 13 years ago

    I will have lost nothing by loving and serving my Lord.  A life that is filled with peace, joy and expectation of great things is not a waste.  It is because that I believe that I am forgiven that the capacity for forgiveness is greater than if I didn't believe.  That in itself makes it worthwhile ... and loving people as He has loved me ... that is the icing on the cake.  So wrong or not ... I will have lived a life worth living!

  27. profile image50
    paarsurreyposted 13 years ago

    One should look into as to how one would convince others that one does exist; we have never met one another physically so please tell me an argument that you really exist; you yourself are sure of your existence but how would you make me sure that you exist, existed and will exist. I think in the same line of argument we may know existence our Creator-God Allah YHWH.


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