NO God would champion religions that are populated with spectators instead of practitioners who are smug about their beliefs and who wear their faith like a "Members Only" badge.
NO God would allow famine-stricken nations with children crying out in their suffering, their mothers' hearts breaking, their fathers desperate, to exist on his so-called creation.
NO God would permit little children to be kidnaped, raped, tortured, beaten, abused, or to live in fear.
NO God would look the other way when animals suffer the most unimaginable torment and fate at the hands of the creatures he supposedly gave them to - Man.
NO God would give a book to the world so chock-full of conflicting content and glaring inconsistencies - It would be perfect, like God.
NO God would make Man jump through hoops to please him, then punish him anyway for a tiny thing like looking back.
NO God would give his "children" innate characteristics and traits, then punish them for acting on those traits.
NO God would command his children, or instill fear in them.
the world's newest atheist.
All of the past gods have allowed these things to happen. Not much use to us, are they?
If man had just began life on earth, and his relationship with God had just begun, then we might be better equipped to understand. We might be better equipped to dictate to God what our requirements are. However he has been trying to convince us that we are not everything that we suppose that we are.
We are entering into the argument that man has been making with God way late in the day. We read the last page of a book and condemn the whole concept of the book ???
And we do this, not for the content of the book but, for all of the revues of the book that we have seen and heard.
Don't turn your back on God because his fan club sucks.
I know that I have told my children that if you know better go for it, but don't blame me when it flies back in your face.
Does that mean that I do not exist or that I did not love them when I let them go in their rebellion?
If I were new to my belief and was searching for answers, I do not think that I would find them in the mountains of interpretations being pushed by religiosity.
There is a Truth and no one can give it to you.
Do not jump on anyone's band wagon. Listen to the music but don't jump on the wagon.
My dear.. I for one am a Christian. I believe in the spirit of God. He fought for us. As well as his son. Jesus. On the Cross. I also believe in the bible. I feel for you to believe in this.
God doesn't want his people to suffer. He wants us to succeed and brush our fears away, come together to figure out a way where no one suffers. I for one am a born again. He asks all of us to help one another. He gives us the tools so we can do what we need to do. He is only a spirit. He gives us strength so we can achieve our what ever. I for one recommand everyone listen to God/Jesus spirit.
Also, if you go to church ask a minister this. And see what he says. The issues you mention hurts God more than you know. By going to church. Together you with Gods strength.. can help with the issues you mention. That is why we have church/ community outreach in your town.
I also forgive you for bashing God spirit.
Mankind had better get busy and repair everything in the opening post and stop waiting around for someone else to do it.
Or, they can stand there an point fingers at someone who they do not know and do not believe in. Which is easier, instead of doing something.
We should ask ourselves:
"how many things do I say someone else should repair while I just stand there?"
We should ask ourselves.
"do I do all that I can to put an end to the evil I observe?"
don't you see that is why so many people don't believe in God? because they themselves couldn't just sit by and let someone beat the crap out of a sackful of puppies or an innocent child. and we are puny, weak, imperfect humans. God is like all powerful and everywhere and knows the beginning, middle and end of everything and does nothing. i am not blaming God for this world's ugliness - i ask why he has apathy for something he loves.
You said there is not a god, title of the topic, so mankind can repair everything then.
No need to question someone you do not believe in and if there is a god, he does not answer to mankind anymore than a judge answers to you in his court room.
People are apathetic, so ask them why they do nothing about evil, suffering and pain, forget about any god helping, see what you and mankind can do because they find fault with any supposed god.
If there is a god, he might say "hey, you do what is in your power to do and anything you cannot do, I will do and until you do all you can do I will do nothing"
actually this was not an argument, even though in your mind it does appear to be a logical fallacy. i was just expressing my feelings in response to some of the threads around here.
Actually it is an argument, admittedly a weak one. When you start with "I don't see how", then you reach a conclusion based on your stated incredulity, you are making an argument.
I wrote a hub about it. … -Evolution
You are not the first person to make these statements, and you certainly will not be the last.
The basic answer to your questions is "God does not do any of these things. We do it all ourselves. God does not interfere because we have FREEWILL".
However, fuller explanations and individual answers to ALL of your questions, and many more, can be found in the "Conversations with God" books by Neale Donald Walsch.
Please note that these books have NOTHING to do with any religion.
I know your are disappointed. I am too. But God aloud what we aloud. He gave us free will and dominion over this earth. He set the pattern, how we will manage we will have. He cannot change His Word. I you change your word (like let say promise) you might destroy yourself. God has to keep His World. God is not manager of this planet, we are.
We vote for example president or congress. What we voted we have. God will not vote for us. He will not believe or love for us, we have to.
Hey Cossette,
What I want to say is not meant to be demeaning or rude, it is just something that is coming straight from my heart OK?
Even if we did invent God, imagine what the world would be like if we hadn't? You think the world is horrible now? can you even fathom the horrors and unspeakable crimes that may be committed if there were no Higher Powers 'so to speak' to keep us in even a little bit of line?
I know its hard to believe right now, especially when we are inundated with terrible happenings every moment of every day. I know, I often question my faith as well. But like my Grandfather once told me in my years of rebellion;
"Megan, I believe because it gets me to heaven if there is one, and if there isn't? well, I won't know the difference will I? I'll be dead!"
Though my faith is not based on a doubt that there is a heaven, it made me think all the same in ways that I had never thought before. I hope this helps, because you seem to be hurting. Take care,
Cosette, Cosette" clam down there!! If there was a god,and he spoke to you, would he say that he belonged to any club?
Everyone says"god does this and god does that" but god cant do any thing without the help or hindrance of you and I. Kind,regards Love
You are right, no God would ever do this. But...
There are Men and women, humans of power all over the world. Dictators, Presidents, Parliments, Kings, that are doing this every day. And "WE" as Humans are allowing them to.
It is not right.
Hi Love
I think you have God confuse with Religion. One has Absulutely nothing to do with the other. Religion teaches you fear and hate in the name of God. GOD wrote his word on your heart. You know what is right and wrong and what is good and evil. You knew it from about the age of twelve. Just think! You are not gonna find GOD written on any page in any book. You may find GOD again in the face of your first child or just looking up at the night sky. He's not in a book and he's certainly not in your logic. We being alive and spinning around out here in space makes no sense at all. So just calm down, get to someplace quite and listen to GOD he's right there under your nose.
Could it maybe be that all of these things that exist are there to inspire us to overcome them? In the process could it happen that we learn to confront and cure them? And maybe in the end it draws us all closer to each other?
You cannot grow without doing something to make it happen. Would it be better if God gave you everything and you would not have to work to change or understand anything? I agree that the things you say are awful and my understanding of their existence is equally limited but is it Gods' will that they should be forever and always?
To quote a famous man "Faith without works is dead"
To quote another famous man: “Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.”
Exactly. The faith is active, it is action on faith. The work fallows the faith. When faith is wrong then work is wrong. When faith is right the action is right. Vlad.
Ahh, you surely do protest a LOT about a God you claim to not believe in!
And yet there are Christians being persecuted against because of this....If you were to meet me today, and started talking, you would never know if I were a Christian, unless you asked....We open up, when asked about our Christianity, but believe actions speak louder than words.....
Yes - this is another truth teller. This one has never once started a conversation - ever. Always and only if she is asked. Well done. Excellent work. I will fight the persecution against you with all my strength. We need to fight, fight fight.
Nothing about her beliefs here:
Nothing -only love for her fellow man. No mention of her beliefs. Never once will she start the conversation - but - if asked - will humbly announce her beliefs - quietly.
Well done - you Martyr you. Excellent work. Sorry you are persecuted when you never mention your beliefs.
Be strong. I will fan you. Thank you for quietly believing and never pushing. Ever. Not one thread started. Ever.
Powerful proof.
Might be a dangerous thing to say there is no God unless you can prove it. As to your questions of why God allows so many things, consider that maybe God is showing us what life on earth is like without his presence, having "free will" and disobeying Him. There are many people like you in the world who dont believe and want their way. This is how life is when you get YOUR way.
God doesn't do all those things, sweetie. He gave us free will. And look at what we've done with it.
hey there. nowhere have i ever said God does these things. he just doesn't see them...but since he is omnipresent, he has to see them and more than that, BE there when they are happening. what if America and her allies had looked the other way when Hitler was in power?
yes Man is brutal but he is also good and does what he can within his imperfect powers to right wrongs and seek justice. so why doesn't God who is perfect and almighty step in?
(i know...i sound like a broken record)
anyway you seem pretty nice. thank you for being so respectful!
No God is no good, most of the time. Some feeble human beings need a God to keep on living. If there 's no God, they will have to live in fear. And we don't want that . Do we ?
Very Very True, this makes me think of John Lennon;
"Immagine there's no conutries, its not that hard to do. Nothing to Kill or Die for, and no religions too."
Fear and superstition starts it.
Nahhhh if he was that crap he would be writing Hubs.
If God did exist:
He would shake his head at those who professed their belief more than they proved it
He would feel shamed as we spent money on needless wars ... money that could feed the famine stricken children of the world
He would cry for the children that are kidnapped, raped, tortured, beaten, or abused ... as he would not be able to understand how his greatest creation could accomplish the most evil of acts
He would be frustrated at how his words had been jumbled together in a book, lost in interpretations that are confusing, contradictory, and meaningless to his flock
He would question why mankind continues to build monuments to him, and profess to know what he expects ... when all he asks for his tolerance
He would wonder why his children fear him, as he never meant for them to fear his beauty
... and then he would walk away, ashamed that his own creation never understood their existence. And perhaps ... he would start anew elsewhere, distraught by how his first creation had missed his message and billed him to be an angry, vile, demanding being that is all about obedience - not love
Ah yes, God does exist ... but he is probably God for another race now, as we squelched away all of our chances to prove we were worthy, as we grew more concerned with how to interpret his message to control others than we did to interpret it to make something of our own lives
one of the few who watched God as he departed
Why would he cry for our misfortunes? He knew everything before creating this universe. Remember ?So he couldn't be surprised.
all the things you wrote above, are some of the things why I stopped believing
I don't know Cosette, somebody cruel created the word 'lisp'. think about it.
Why is everything blamed on God? There are demons here too! If God made everything perfect there were not be any indifferences and everyone would believe in the same thing. God is not the cause of it all we the people can think for ourselves that is why we has given us minds. We know what is right and what is wrong do we not?
No we don't. We learn. And by christian beliefs God ,who is all knowing, all almighty and all 'everithing ' is the creator of this world. so he's responsible. We are only the sheep in Jesus flock
Even though he's all knowing,he's not responsible, he gave us free will to think and to choose for our selves and also the understanding to know right from wrong,Let me ENLIGHTEN you if I shoved a hand grenade down your foolish mouths and blow each of you to smithereens,I alone would be responsible for that, the FBI and the CIA would be coming after me not after GOD,even GOD would be preparing a swift Judgment leading to a hot little corner in the pit of ever rising smoke and flames,everybody is gonna get whats coming for them, believe it or not,say what you will now but understand this!
even "death and hell we suffer in this life" who's evil works are being blamed on God will also be destroyed {"Revelations 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the {lake of fire}. This is the second death."}
First you say He does not exist /then you blame Him and say He is responsible!
How does that work? How can you feel hate and dread for a being after saying it does not exist!
Why care if he exist,what is your terror under the night sky,he gave you free will to choose Him or to choose everything else that seems better than Him, you are free to think thinkers!
hating him is not going to help adjust your useless lives any better
than it already is adjusted!
If you're going into the darkness at least be proud and bold about it ,I know I would be if that was my choice, and stop making the Devil laugh at your senseless pussbag assumptions and comforts here on the forum !
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!you LAMERS!lol LOL LOL!........................loL
'First you say He does not exist /then you blame Him and say He is responsible!'
I meant you believers think that, of course !
and i don't hate God, as I can't hate something that doesn't exist
And who's full of hatred here? It looks as you are, shouting in caps. Listen to yourself!!! So childish!
They must blame somebody except themselves. But God loves them anyway. He said he will forgive their offenses of Him.
It is not necessary also prove He is. Proof will not save anyone. Faith will. Vladimir
Sure there is. But he's not all good - because good is a subjective term - and he's certainly not human.
Where do I begin to explain God to someone who does not know Him?
First a foremost we must try to understand Isaiah 55:7-9 7"Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. 8For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to serve a God I completely understand.
1)Religion has nothing to do with God. "Jesus is the most influential person who has ever lived. The difference between Jesus and religion is that Jesus is God's way to reach man, and religion is man's way to reach God." unknown No Religion will get you to heaven NONE The answer is Jesus Christ John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." It’s an exclusive group anyone can join. Even you!
2)People are starving because we are not feeding them, you're blaming God for a problem WE created and some governments have the means to feed their people, but they are corrupted by power and would rather let their people starve. We have free will and there are very sick people who don't really know God who do these acts, so why do you blame God for the actions of free men? Christians and others give to starving nations daily. What have you done to help the problem besides complain and blame God? We call these people evil, But if there is no God good and evil are subjective, but the only say what is bad because you know what is good, but if there is no God raping, killing is no different then giving to poor or helping your fellow man. You can’t borrow God for morals and blame when people don’t follow God’s ideals. Believe it or not we have FREE WILL. If God did not give you free will and you were forced to obey Him this forum would not exist. If you really want to follow atheism where it really leads I’ll show you your future in two words Friedrich Nietzsche.
3)We are in a falling state since the original sin of Adam. 1 Corinthians 15:22”For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” Before the flood nothing ate meat because the world was perfect. Genesis 1:29-30 29And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. 30And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
After the Flood, we could eat meat Genesis 9:3 “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs. But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.” ie no red meat(which is also a medical fact) and no cannibalism.
4) Regarding the bible If you don't know God how can except to understand His Word?
5)The old testament show that God does not tolerate sin, the new testament shows how you can escape God’s wrath(that’s why atheist tend to refer to the old testament always because if they stay atheist that’s all they’ll ever know of God is His wrath). We all deserve His Wrath(Romans 3:12,Romans 3:23). Have you ever lied? That’s make you a liar.(Revelation 21:8 ) Have you ever stolen anything? That make you a thief.(1 Corinthians 6:9-10 ) Have disobeyed your parents? Have you hated someone? That make you a murderer.(1 John 3:15 ). You show me a good person I’ll show you a liar. The wage of all sin is death. BUT even though we are ALL sinners, God loves us so much He came to earth as Jesus Christ to suffer and die for ALL of our sins. All we gotta do is repent ie turn away from our transgressions and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. It’s simple ,but atheist still don’t get it “God uses the simple to confound the wise” It’s a free gift Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. no "good" deed will ever be enough to repay God. You can't earn your salvation, no penance nothing the good works you see Christians do it not to earn anything it’s a natural reaction to being saved from hell and being the given the gift of everlasting life. This is the part atheist don’t seem to understand and God predicted you and people like you from the beginning of time. (1 Corinthians 1:18, 2 Peter 3:3-5)
6)Those who fear God don’t know Him. I as believer am in utter awe of His perfect love and amazing power that has transformed my life and that is where all fear dies. I’m saved by the grace of Jesus Christ. I am a sinner I’ve lied, stolen, lusted, coveted I’ve broken all the commandants and I deserve Hell, but because God so loved the world he gave came to earth as Jesus Christ to die on the cross your all my sins and yours We’ll never be able to pay him back, my good works are a reaction to the grace I received from Jesus, I can never pay God back for what he has done for me. I’m free! Praise Jesus Christ!!
Last Question Are you saved?
That should do it. Maybe some more Youtube proof would help. I am joining your fan club right now - you are wonderful. Fantastic. !!
The TRuth Hurts. Love it - you are very, very, very good. DId I say Good I meant God? Joining now. I hope - really really hope you will allow me to be your fan.,
i don't know why that's funny
i will read thetruthhurts' fabulous post and respond in a bit.
I sure hope he allows you to join his fan club. I've never observed anyone pee their pants on here before!
I cannot accept praise from anyone, the only recognition I want is from Jesus Christ on the day of His return, because I’m simply doing what He has laid upon my heart to do. I don't know what kind of game your playing, but if you really want to know about Him I'll be more than glad to tell you how I came to know Him and Why I know He is.
actually, i was a practicing Catholic throughout my childhood. i had what i felt was an intimate knowledge of God and i loved Jesus and believed him to be the Son of God.
why not? what is wrong with being understood? doesn't that being children closer to their parents? the only ones who need mystery, smoke and mirrors are illusionists and street preachers. and why does the bible assume people who don't believe are wicked?
i was a humble servant of the Lord when i was a child and teen and never lorded my religion over nonbelievers or made them feel small or outcast because they didn't believe as i did. "religion has nothing to do with God"? that's like saying pregnancy has nothing to do with sex. the two are inseperable!
i am not blaming God. i am questioning whey he looks the other way. i wouldn't look the other way if i witnessed that. i would do everything in my power to stop it! and since he has powers greater than a thousand Supermans, why do nothing?
i am not talking about eating meat. i am talking about animal abuse, do you not know the difference?
there you go again, assuming ALL non-believers are ignorant of scripture, or don't know God. it's so easy to paint people into corners with labels, isn't it? i am SPIRITUAL but i don't believe in the Christian depiction of's ridiculous. why not just say 'ok, that's cool' instead of 'you're going to burn in Hell' or whatnot. and it doesn't matter how good you are, how kind...if you are not "saved" you might as well forget about it, is that what you are saying?
i have never hated anyone but even if i did, how would that make me a "murderer"?
1 John 3:15 “Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.” This is how I know you don't understand God's Word.
There is no such thing as an ex Christian. Either you A)weren't really Christian then or you're B)not really and atheist now. I think you’re B
When your parent told you not to do something did you always understand Why? And when you didn’t get you’re way didn’t you mad with them too? It's the same way with Jesus.
then why spell it out in the ten Commandments (thou shalt not kill). why not say 'Thou shalt not hate'?
that is true, i do not fully understand the Bible - do you? there are scholars out there who study it their whole life and still don't fully understand it.
gosh, thanks!
for your erudition, i was very devout. do you know what that means? the problem with labels is they are too specific...we are all made up of layers in many shades of gray.
ok. maybe YOU can tell me why your God looks the other way, or why he plays headgames with people. i really want to know! so far no one has ever answered this. is it because there in no answer?
I wrote a hub on the ex-Christian deal please refer to that.
Let me get this straight you hate God for punishing Lot's wife for looking back(disobeying God) and you hate him for my punishing rapist today? How much sense does that really make? Everyone we face judgment. EVERYONE. You may think they're getting away with something, but they are not God cannot lie when he says He'll punish sins He will.(Revelation20;11-15)
You must first FULLY submit(to a Christian submit means to go under the protection of God) to God and His will then and only then will you realize whose playing head games with you... it's satan.
i am not going to read your hubs. please post any narrative in which i say i HATE God.
please also post any content in which i commented on any discussion about "punishing rapist".
i have no idea what you are talking about.
Pease tell me what is your feeling toward the God of the bible. You inferred God allows rape I presume you want them to be punished, cause God cannot take away free will.
If you won't read the answers to your questions why ask them?
wHen did I say he was a bad god? I just said he wasn't good, because the term good is subjective. He just is. Thanks for the sarcastic insult on my beliefs.
haha! how ignorant!!. so, if there was a God then we would all be happy, happy, happy.... the reality of it is that there are evil things happening in the world, but as humans do not take responsibility, it is just easy to blame God for all. hahaha ridiculous.
pull the plug on atheists
If there were no God then "Raiders of the lost ark" would have been a real crappy movie.
Satan causes these things, only for god there would be NOTHING but suffering!
That would be the satan that god made, If you cannot see the madness in this you don't want too! :LOL:
Haha, Earnest, god is love, but Satan is 30 and two sets to one up.
this madness you refer to - that is free will.
satan, God's creation disobeys him through free will.
but we all seem to want a perfect life where God controls all and makes thing good and good only, creating a place where evil does not exist, because it only exists through free will that God has allowed. Therefore God is at fault for giving man free will, and we'd be better off not existing or existing as puppets
and robots.
We will go on and on killing and destroying as long as closed minded people want to fight over who's god is right. It is simple. There is no god.
God permits wickedness. that is true. instead of asking me a question, please answer mine. why does he permit wickedness?
I did several times Free Will and Everyone we face judgment. EVERYONE. You may think they're getting away with something, but they are not God cannot lie when he says He'll punish sins He will.(Revelation20;11-15)
well i am not going to look up your scripture.
if you were walking down the street and saw someone kicking a sack full of puppies, would you try to stop him, or would you shrug and say 'they have free agency'?
if you walked on and saw someone molesting a child, would you try to stop him, or would you shrug and say 'they have free agency'?
do you see where i am going with this?
what if both persons had a gun?
do you see what I did there?
you can't expect to waltz through life and be a hero without the consequences.
the question is, does your mindset change when you consider them?
especially if hes all good, all knowing and all powerful
He doesn't like it either, however, he is a forgiving spirit.
He is a loving spirit.
where did you answer? seriously, i'm not seeing it. this is not deliberate on my part. i don't play games like that...
You seem confused do you not realize you and I are too wicked.
As a Buddhist, I believe that there is no God. There is only suffering and a means to end suffering...
What kind of loving God allows so much suffering in this world? The 6 million Jews during the holocaust, the over 20 million Russians under Joseph Stalin, and Pol Pot in what used to be Cambodia...The list goes on. What God allows helpless babies, like my friend's baby be born with her heart and lungs outside her body? She's innocent! Or other babies that are born without arms, legs, or eyes? And please don't tell give me that old stand-by about how His logic is higher than ours or mine and that we just don't understand but must trust him. That trick only works when I was 4. I follow Buddhism because it makes perfect sense. Where is the logic in Christianity?
I urge everyone to read the Dhammapada to learn more about the teachings of Buddha.
Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler were all evolutionist who believed killing their own people would speed up the evolutionary process, and Hilter thought Jews were not evolved as the Germans and thus must be killed. That what you get when you take God out of Creation. Don't take my word look it up your yourself.
Why would God allow this? What about defenseless babies? Where was your God then during this spell of mass murder and suffering? Where was your powerful God that allows Moses to part the Red Sea, turn water into wine, and smite the Babylonians but cannot stop the sufferings of millions for millenias? Answer the question, don't justify the acts of hatred of the few.
Why not? You use the evil actions of a few men dictate your belief in no God, If there is no God how do know killing is wrong is abortion wrong? Why? I know, but how do you know?
Again, YOU ARE NOT ANSWERING MY QUESTION. What kind of LOVING AND COMPASSIONATE GOD ALLOWS THIS TO HAPPEN? Even as children, we know right from wrong. When I was 5 I stuck my hand into the fire place and knew instantly that it was dangerous and hot and that I should not do it again. What you are suggesting is that we be reminded of the atrocities in this world by sacrificing the innocent that harmed no one? Karma can better explain this. What does your God explain?
babies go to heaven. They are are killed by actions of people who have feel will(women who are prochoice, abusive parent,poor nations) what part free will is not sinking in.
You are going off topic...Why does God allow them to be born so cruelly...Unlike you, I can answer this question. What does your God say?
Why does God allow them to be born that way, or why is it what we do that influences the way they are born? Or is it safe all along to drink, smoke and take prescription drugs while living in a polluted environment during pregnancy?
Why we have pain and suffering goes back to the original sin of Adam, by that sin pain, suffering, death. Sin ruined God's perfect creation, and it will never be the same until Jesus Christ returns. If you want to stick wit birth look to Israel God said when you follow His will you will be blessed, but when you don't a whole host of things will occur one being childbirth will not be blessed. Look at America we celebrate sin loudly and then blame God for tragedies’ like 9/11 and Katrina. This is absurdity. Since I answered your question. How do you know right from wrong?
By the way, did I do this? You must have me confused with someone else.
TTH did this to me also. i think they have canned responses at the ready and then just insert them here and there
What? Pleas explain. I answered your questions, but you won't accept the answers.
Do really want to start that up again. You deleted all the comments I made so no one would see I answered your questions. So please.
Then why did you delete everything? Because you knew you were wrong, but instead of questioning your religion your deleted the truth. Interesting. Joseph Smith was a liar, and I will never practice my apologetics to defend a false prophet. Period!
Or ask condeluted questions which end in the answer being in your favor or all else is a falsehood.
So using the Bible only, do you believe that the world is round, if so, back it up with the Bible.
Do you believe in dinosaurs? if so back it up with the Bible.
The word dinosaurs was invented way after bible was written, but the animals were there.The Behemoth Job 40:15-24
The Leviathan-Job chapter 41, Psalm 104:25, 26 and Isaiah 27:1
tanniyn (dragon) =dinosaur
behemoth= brachiosaurus
keep em coming.
Isaiah 40:22-- Do you believe Jesus earn his Godhood? If so back that belief up with the BIBLE in context. sources Jesus earned His godhood and salvation - Mormon Doctrine, McConkie, p. 129; Mortal Messiah, vol. 4, p. 434
Nope hes talking about the dome above the Earth. hence you believe the Earth is flat. What about the dinosaurs?
Job 22:14 the word sphere was not invented until after the bible was written, nice try.
wrong again, based on biblical texts one can only conclude that the earth is a flat square with a dome above it where God lives. the proof is in the pudding this was herasy for thousands of years, the church even ex-communicated Columbus and others for speaking the very herritical idea.
Now prove biblically that there are planets other than earth.
hey i heard that inteliigent designers believe that dinosaurs coexisted with Man, and that they were even on the ark. is that true, or just a nasty rumor?
that would be a new age thought sorry doesn't count if it wasn't in the Bible, it didn't happen.
yep, there's creation science group called Answer in Genesis, if you're really seeking check them out, it's a great resource.
How many wives did Joseph Smith have? Is the doctrine and teachings for the practice of plural marriage still in your present-day LDS Scriptures Doctrines and covenants 132?
Thanks for that before...Please read the Dhammapada! It's great. I try to read it everyday. The Juan Mascaro translation is probably the best adaptation. You da best
i will.
i am a seeker.
it's too bad no one understand this.
cheers. i have to go shampoo my hair.
I answered the qustions in my first reply in this forum please refer back. You claim we get are morals from are parents, if that's what if our parents were immoral, my dad was. If there is a moral law there must be a moral law giver. If not moral law is subjective and I could kill anyone because those are morals as I view them.
Say, what if a chemical allowed multiple births to be mutated and go wrong.
Is that still God's fault for allowing man to be intelligent and create useful yet harmful substances and releasing them into the environment without the public's consent?
Was it God's fault that the United States did nothing when escapee Jews from concentration camps informed them about what was happening in Germany?
Was it God's fault that Joseph Stalin assumed his role as dictator of Russia an ensue committing those horrid crimes?
Maybe we should go back to the perfect days when God ruled us and we had no free will to do what we wanted, that way we could never do wrong with God pulling our strings.
How does something make perfect sense in an imperfect world? Why can sense be perfect but the world cannot?
You're right on one thing, the Dhammapada explains a lot, and seems to answer your own questions in the process, and none of it blames God.
Why does God "look the other way" when things go wrong? Why do you bypass the real problem which is man, and blame everything on God?
When someone murders a person, do you overlook that man with satan lurking over his shoulder and blame the death on God?
What is with your infatuation with man, to believe that we are perfect, nothing we do can go wrong, and when wrong happens it must be none other than God?
Why do you want God to hold your hand throughout your life, to clean up after all of your messes and pay attention to your each and every need and desires?
And I'm glad you've gone to church and participated in a religion, but that doesn't mean you've known God. There will be people who are practically born in religion and the church and won't go to heaven STILL.
Sorry to be vague, in this world where you have to prove everything to make people believe you, where fact is simply one person saying something with anything he can call proof, and having other people "pass it on" in order to become "true", when fact is whatever we want it to be, as long as we're "right"
with God you need to seek Him for yourself and your questions.
actually, God never held my hand in life. and i asked him to in prayer. isn't that what we are taught - to pray?
anything i got in life...i got myself. i stopped asking God to help me a LONG time ago.
i am not infatuated with Man.
i wonder why a perfect all powerful God sits and does nothing when people suffer. if you don't want to answer the question, that's fine. i am interested in expressing my viewpoint and listening to people with some answers, not to trade volleys with someone that go nowhere.
going to the liberry tomorrow...thanks!
Oh I see.
You want God to answer to you why He lets man do whatever his wishes? As in, why does man have free will?
Why do people suffer what?
Why not ask why Americans dump millions of food each year and how we contradict ourselves by actually housing homeless and poor people (excuse the recession period).
War? Why one chooses to fight another battles (the leader) without knowing in full detail of the actual situation?
As in why do people make money off other people getting and staying sick?
Abuse? As to why our systems of justice are flawed and release the evil yet bring harm to the innocent? Or why the laws can't protect the people who don't have money to pay others to look "the other way"
Mind you these are few examples, but I wonder...
What is it do we suffer that we do not bring upon ourselves?, that is the question I ask if you actually want an answer, or just to find one that happens to suit you.
nowhere do i say we are not responsible for what we are!!!!
i don't need an answer to "suit me".
so far no one on this thread who believes in the Christian God can justify his apathy.
What about the muslim god? Or the hindu one? Or the jewish one?
why can't god be in all religions, as you've previously stated the two subjects are one in the same.
The irony in that you state you don't need an answer that you want, is that there are many posts giving you answers and you're not satisfied.
No, you don't want an answers, because that's what's already been given and will continue to be given.
You want satisfaction, and maybe you'll find it, or maybe you won't.
And if you do agree that we have brought upon us the suffering that we endure, why continue with this discussion.
Please tell me something we don't cause harm to ourselves with, for that is the only thing or things that you can bring up to complaint with God for, no?
For if man is to blame for what man suffers, why bother looking for sources anywhere else?
I'm a bit to confused as what you're seeking. You want answers, but you've refused them so far. You agree that we are what we bring, yet look for the problem somewhere else.
Tell me, instead of asking why God does what you say he does, what would you rather He do differently?
AND ALL THAT IT'S YOUR GOD CREATION ! I'm really fed up now !! Goodbye !
can you be so serious?
I'll assume you skimmed to protect you and prevent me from amusing myself.
But let me remind you, I've just written things that man has done to man himself, and you've blame that on God, therefore you would agree if I were to say you'd rather be a robot than have the free will which has lead to what I've briefly described, no?
Actually you have no say, your reply has made your decision for you.
Man is God's creation, so I blame man's doings to God. I suppose he knew what he was doing ?
I'm happy I've amused you. As your so basic you're very easily amused!
Oh come on, very great explanation I may say myself. You've impressed me, but to reach so low to prove yourself of something.
So, let me get this straight, because God created us and we're such a mess, it's his fault?
You're belittling yourself as well as you are I in order to prove something?
I'm not proving anything. And I can care less if you think I'm belittling me. Maybe i just want to be at your level. Trying to understand you.
Try an English class and you'll be on a good head start
More than an English class i will need a master in psychology
I can't take a master in psy. in whatever language I prefer. And for English I write, read and understand it the best I can .If that's not enough it's not your problem. It's mine. so what's your problem.? Your life is not what you expected ?. You sound so bitter !
Ah ha ha! No just a Masters in Ballsology.
can you be so serious? '
joining your laughter
I'm never serious, when I comment on silly posts
sadly you've seemed to quote your own in the process, allow me to join you
Oh! I respect your views cossette but i have seen too much
muchhhhhhh freakyyyyy stuff in the Australian Outback not to believe that there is no God.I guess i am justttt goingggg
to playyyyyyy it safeeeeeeee.
haha!! anyone can disagree i don't mind. that's what makes the world go 'round.
there IS no God,ok contrary statement,but yours nevertheless.
Im inspired to create a post of my own , but theres already too many and I have a feeling it would only feed my procastination ,sigh, but if I did it would read.
If you think there is no God, why is He on your mind again?
While I often question the existence of God, I cannot say that it is not beneficial to first believe in God and his simple preachings and then later change your mind. Religion has taught us morality... and that's any religion - not just Christianity. Without morality, where would this world be?
My religion is kindness.
Also job was speaking about rinosseruses, giraffes, serpents, and the Devil. still nothing pointing to Dinosaurs.
The word dinosaurs was invented in 1842 way after bible was written, but the animals were there.The Behemoth Job 40:15-24
The Leviathan-Job chapter 41, Psalm 104:25, 26 and Isaiah 27:1
tanniyn (dragon) =dinosaur
behemoth= brachiosaurus
keep em coming.
Doesn't prove anything, noone ever even thought of the big thunder lizards untill they were discovered by archaeologists. you still prove nothing.
lol okay you still got some questions to answer!
i already answered them twice. You just didn't accept the outcome.
How many wives did Joseph Smith have?(give me the number) Is the doctrine and teachings for the practice of plural marriage still in your present-day LDS Scriptures Doctrines and covenants 132?
I can answer and answer, and answer and he still asks the same questions. Broken record.
Now how did people get to the Americas? And give an answer directly from the Bible.
come on man lolol what did you get all that straw?
That is a strange sentence, can you back it up with the bible?
Still avoiding my questions? how ironic.
I wonder why? Oh yeah! It's because they are stupid ones.
You think questions regarding the bible and your religion and pointing out how there are two different things is stupid then, why do you insist on calling yourself Christians? You’re not.
No you convieniently missed the point which is that the Bible is an abriged collection of ancient Israli wisdom, the fact is that the Bible does not contain the entire history of the world, you can't say that you have heard the entire story because there are many factions of history which are missing from it, especially from the accounts of Genisis, Judges, kings, and Chronicles. there are too many books mentioned that are not contained in the old testament scriptures, along with the careless transcribing of the new testament.
This is why my religion constitutes a restoration of the gosple, to restore the missing pieces, priesthoods, ordinences, and organization, for the edifying of the body and the perfecting of the Saints.
I refuse to believe that the world is in such disarray, that the Lord has left his children to themselves to be tossed to and fro by every whim of doctrine without knowing the master plan, to say that you don't believe in organized religion is to say that God is not organized.
If you do not accept it that is fine, but telling me that I don't believe in Christ is like saying that the sky is purple. it's bunk; it in of its self is unchristian in character, and it's flat out wrong.
Is that what your LDS leader told you to say whenever you run into a Christian. You’re not a true believer in Christ you've put all on your faith in Joseph Smith a treasure seeker, a drunk, a liar who killed at least two men and had 33 wives and thinks God is a man and not spirit like the bible states. That's why you're not Christian.
you've got your facts confused with fiction. He was a true prophet and I know that he was one. And how do you suppose I know of a cretainty? Because I have prayed for the Lord to reveal the truth to me and I have in reality received an answer.
I have felt the resplendent joy of the true gosple of Jesus Christ manifest in my life and noone can tell me otherwise. I have seen miracles, and felt the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost in my heart and in my home. He was a saint and a prophet of God, and I love to honor the man whom God honors.
He saw God and Christ at his right hand, and though he was hated and persicuted his entire life for saying that he had seen God, yet it was true. He knew it, he knew that God knew it, and he could not deny it. I believe that the Lord has a people on Earth, a temple attending, sabbath observing, tithe honoring, gosple practicing, solemn and meek people.
Bottom line, if it looks like a Christian, acts like a Christian, and believes in Christ, it's a Christian.
Sorry man but you loose, I am a Christian and there's nothing you can say that will take that away from me.
Let me guess how you Smith was a prophet "you can feel in your heart," right? The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9
No we was visited by and angel of light(Satan) and received "secret knowledge" contrary to scripture and Jesus own words and led Smith and your church away for God. Period. If you believe Adam was God, Satan and Jesus were spirit brothers, believes you're works will get you to heaven, if it has to refer to other books outside the Word of God and believe you will one day be like the Most High. It is a goat posing as a sheep. Isaiah 14:12"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit."
This is the core of the LDS religion to one day be gods, it comes from satan himself. So turn to Jesus alone don't rely on your works, because you can never pay back what God has done for you. "If you want to make God laugh tell me how "good" you are." We are ALL sinners, Jesus alone is the Saviour! I challenged you as a warning, but you refuse so I must leave to your fate.
Matthew 7:21-23 21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works. 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets unto his servants the prophets.(ie. Joseph Smith) Amos 3:7
Ye are Gods and all of you are children of the most high. Psalm 82:6
Is it not written in your law...Ye are Gods? John 10:34
Heirs of God and joint Heirs with Christ. Romans 8:17
Changed into the same immage from glory to glory. 2 corinthians 3:18
If a son then an Heir of Christ. Galations 4:7
When he shall appear, we shall be like him. 1 John 3:2
Him that overcometh shall sit with me in my throne Revelations 3:21
Now who made up the "being like God" doctrine?
Smith was a false prophet, a liar, a killer and he hated Christians, that's why he invented the book of mormon to led you away.
You LDS just love to used the bible out of context and, in the same breathe deny the bible is correct. What a dizzying intellect. It's funny how the LDS only say the bible is mistranslated when it conflicts with Smith's lies. Interesting.
Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtle than any animal of the field which Yahweh God had made. He said to the woman, “Has God really said, ‘You shall not eat of any tree of the garden?’” 3:2 The woman said to the serpent, “Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat, 3:3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’” 3:4 The serpent said to the woman, “You won’t surely die, 3:5 for God knows that in the day you eat it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
satan wanted to be God and those who share that desire, have the mind of satan. Period.
You anti mormons just love to take obscure writings out of context and twist them around to present them as core doctrine. And in the same braeth say the Bible is perfect, but which version are you talking about?
Modern English 1901 Masoretic Text, The Inclusive
American King James Version
Amplified Bible
An American Translation
An American Translation Modern English 1976 Masoretic Text, .
Analytical-Literal Translation
ArtScroll Tanakh (Old Testament)
Berkeley Version Modern English 1958
Bible in Basic English Modern English 1949
The Bible in Living English Modern English 1972
Bishops' Bible Early Modern English 1568 Masoretic Text, Textus Receptus
Children's King James Version Modern English 1962 Revision of the King James Version. by Jay P. Green
Christian Community Bible, English version Modern English 1986 Hebrew and Greek
Clear Word Bible Modern English 1994
Complete Jewish Bible Modern English 1998 Paraphrase of the Jewish Publication Society of America Version (Old Testament), and from the original[clarification needed] Greek (New Testament).
Contemporary English Version Modern English 1995
Concordant Literal Version Modern English Restored Greek syntax. A concordance of every form of every Greek word was made and systematized and turned into English. The whole Greek vocabulary was analyzed and translated, using a standard English equivalent for each Greek element.
A Conservative Version Modern English 2005
Coverdale Bible Early Modern English 1535 Masoretic Text, the Greek New Testament of Erasmus, Vulgate, and German and Swiss-German Bibles[which?]. First complete Bible in Modern English and first printed Bible in English
Darby Bible Modern English 1890 Masoretic Text, Textus Receptus
Douay-Rheims Bible Early Modern English 1582 (New Testament)
1609–1610 (Old Testament)
Latin, Greek and Hebrew manuscripts Old Testament completed in 1582, released in two parts in 1609 and 1610
Douay-Rheims Bible (Challoner Revision) Modern English 1752 Clementine Vulgate
EasyEnglish Bible Modern English 2001
Easy-to-Read Version Modern English 1989
English Jubilee 2000 Bible Modern English 2000 Reina-Valera (1602 Edition)
English Standard Version Modern English 2001 Revision of the Revised Standard Version.
Ferrar Fenton Bible Modern English 1853 Masoretic Text and the Westcott and Hort Greek text
Geneva Bible Modern English 1557 (New Testament)
1560 (complete Bible)
Masoretic Text, Textus Receptus First English Bible with whole of Old Testament translated direct from Hebrew texts
God's Word Modern English 1995
Good News Bible Modern English 1976 Formerly known as Today's English Version
Great Bible Early Modern English 1539 Masoretic Text, Greek New Testament of Erasmus, the Vulgate, and the Luther Bible.
Green's Literal Translation Modern English 1985 Masoretic Text, Textus Receptus
Holman Christian Standard Bible Modern English 2004 Masoretic Text, Nestle-Aland Text.
Jerusalem Bible Modern English 1966 From the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, with influence from the French La Bible de Jérusalem.
Jewish Publication Society of America Version Tanakh (Old Testament) Modern English 1917 Masoretic Text
Judaica Press Tanakh (Old Testament). Modern English 1963 Masoretic Text
Julia E. Smith Parker Translation Modern English 1876 Masoretic Text, Textus Receptus
King James 2000 Version Modern English 2000 Revision of the King James Version.
King James Version Early Modern English 1611 Masoretic Text, Textus Receptus.
Knox's Translation of the Vulgate Modern English 1955 Vulgate, with influence from the original[which?] Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
Lamsa Bible Modern English 1933 Peshitta
Leeser Bible, Tanakh (Old Testament) Modern English 1994 Masoretic Text
The Living Bible Modern English 1971 American Standard Version (paraphrase)
The Living Torah and The Living Nach. Tanakh (Old Testament) Modern English 1994 Masoretic Text
Matthew's Bible Early Modern English 1537 Masoretic Text, the Greek New Testament of Erasmus, the Vulgate, the Luther Bible, and a French version[which?].
The Message Modern English 2002
Modern King James Version Modern English 1999
Modern Language Bible Modern English 1969 Also called "The New Berkeley Version"
Moffatt, New Translation Modern English 1926
James Murdock's Translation of the Syriac Peshitta Modern English Peshitta
New American Bible Modern English 1970
New American Standard Bible Modern English 1971 Masoretic Text, Nestle-Aland Text
New Century Version Modern English 1991
New English Bible Modern English 1970 Masoretic Text, Greek New Testament
New English Translation (NET Bible) Modern English 2005 Masoretic Text, Greek New Testament
New International Reader's Version Modern English 1998 New International Version (paraphrase)
New International Version Inclusive Language Edition Modern English 1996 Revision of the New International Version.
New International Version Modern English 1978 Masoretic Text, Greek New Testament.
New Jerusalem Bible Modern English 1985 From the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, with influence from the French La Bible de Jérusalem.
New Jewish Publication Society of America Version. Tanakh (Old Testament) Modern English 1985 Masoretic Text
New King James Version Modern English 1982 Masoretic Text, Textus Receptus
New Life Version Modern English 1986
New Living Translation Modern English 1996
New Revised Standard Version Modern English 1989 Revision of the Revised Standard Version.
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures Modern English 1950 (New Testament)
1960 (single volume complete Bible)
Quaker Bible Modern English 1764 Masoretic Text, Textus Receptus
Recovery Version of the Bible Modern English 1985 Revision of the American Standard Version.
Restored Name King James Version Modern English.
Revised Version Modern English 1885 Revision of the King James Version, but with a Textual Criticism New Testament text: Westcott and Hort 1881 and Tregelles 1857
Revised Standard Version Modern English 1952 Masoretic Text, Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament.
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition Modern English 1966 Revision of the Revised Standard Version.
Revised English Bible Modern English 1987 Revision of the New English Bible.
Rotherham's Emphasized Bible 1902
Simplified English Bible Basic Modern English.
The Story Bible Modern English 1971 A summary/paraphrase, by Pearl S. Buck
Taverner's Bible Early Modern English 1539 Minor revision of Matthew's Bible
Thomson's Translation Modern English 1808 Septuagint, Textus Receptus
Today's New International Version Modern English 2005 Revision of the New International Version.
Third Millennium Bible Early Modern English 1998 Revision of the King James Version.
Tyndale Bible Early Modern English 1526 (New Testament)
1530 (Pentateuch)
Masoretic Text, Greek New Testament of Erasmus, with some influence from other[which?] translations. Incomplete translation. Tyndale's other Old Testament work went into Matthew's Bible.
Updated King James Version Modern English 2004
A Voice In The Wilderness Holy Scriptures Modern English 2003 Masoretic Text, Textus Receptus
Webster's Revision Modern English 1833 Revision of the King James Version.
Westminster Bible Modern English 1936 Greek and Hebrew
Wyclif's Bible (1380) Middle English 1380 Vulgate
Wilclif's Bible (1388) Middle English 1388 Vulgate
Young's Literal Translation
I will refer you to my earlier posts, God wants us to be like him
Be ye therefore perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect.
Why are you bible-bashing, "Christian"? Because you know you are not Christians. Simple. You use the bible to bait new members than you turn around and say you can't trust the bible, but can trust the writings of a man whose parents practiced the occult and he himself was a treasure seeker who was tarred and feathered and almost castrated trying for to seduce a 13 year old girl and who was married to 30+ women and killed at least 2 men and the list goes on and on. Joe Smith never knew Jesus. If he did he would’ve never started and religion that that calls Jesus a liar and glorifies man. And teach that God was a big man and you and be a god on some other planet and Jesus earn his godhood through works and obedience, and there will be marriage in heaven when Jesus says the exact opposite. Can you name a single Book of Mormon “precept” that Joseph Smith claimed would get a man “nearer to God” that is not found in the Bible? If Smith’s claim that “precepts” can be found in the Book of Mormon that are not found in “any other book” is true, why are you not able to find a single Gospel precept taught in the Book of Mormon that is missing from the Bible? Doesn’t the fact that all of the Gospel precepts in the Book of Mormon are also found in the Bible prove that the Bible is not missing “plain and precious” Gospel truths? Since Jesus promised at Matthew 24:35 that His “Word” would “not pass away,” isn’t the Book of Mormon calling Jesus a liar by claiming that Jesus didn’t keep His promise to preserve His precious Gospel truths from being lost? Which should we believe? Jesus or the Book of Mormon?
Since Jesus promised at Matthew 24:35 that His “Word” would “not pass away,” isn’t the Book of Mormon calling Jesus a liar by claiming that Jesus didn’t keep His promise to preserve His precious Gospel truths from being lost? Which should we believe? Jesus or the Book of Mormon?
If the Book of Mormon is God’s means of clarifying Gospel truth as prophesied in 1 Nephi 13:34, why are there over 100 Mormon splinter groups that all affirm the Book of Mormon as their foundational Scripture? If the Book of Mormon’s Gospel is really so “plain,” why do all these churches disagree about what this “Gospel” really is?
If Biblical Scripture was distorted by the so-called “abominable church” of 1 Nephi 13, why is there no evidence of this corruption found in the thousands of manuscripts we possess of the Bible today, many dating prior to the formation of the Catholic church? How could these manuscripts all agree with 99.5% accuracy if “plain and precious” truths were removed?
These teachings are Anti Christ thus Anti Christian. We will never be gods because we are SINNERS and we can never earn our salvation. I tell you the truth about your religion and you since you cannot refute the truth I must be anti-mormon? I'm not anti mormon, I am anti-mormonism, because it is anti Christ. If I’m wrong according to your teaching I’ll another chance, or at least get to the third heaven(which is another false teaching) but I’m right you’re worshipping a false Jesus, by obeying the laws or a false prophet and are going to hell. No second chances. That’s the truth. Period.
I am trying to understand why you are accusing me of Bible bashing when you are doing the very same thing. This is what bible bashing is; you take passages from the scriptures and use them to discredit other peoples religious views. Are you saying that you are not doing this?
How can you back up the accusation that “Mormons do not trust in the bible” when it is one of our four standard canonized works of which we study on a daily basis? Our articles of faith state that “we believe in the Bible as far as it is translated correctly.” This s a very prophetic statement for it’s time because there are so many different versions of the bible and even more ways to interpret the meaning of their content. Hence the reason that there are so many varying Christian religions and none of them believe the same thing.
I find it interesting that you use labels like “occult” for organizations like the Freemasons who if not for their beliefs we would not be enjoying our constitutional right to the freedom of religion. (Something that our country takes for granted every day) Although my religion has little to do with the Masons, I find it interesting that the LDS faith would embrace the same sentiment that all people are entitled to practice or worship who or what ever they please. (We however, worship God almighty.)
Critics who assume plural marriage "is all about sex" may be basing their opinion on their own cultural biases and assumptions, rather than upon the actual motives of Church members who participated in the practice.
Joseph Smith's polygamous marriages to young women may seem difficult to understand or explain today, but in his own time such age differences were not typically an obstacle to marriage. The plural marriages were unusual, to say the least; the younger ages of the brides were much less so. Critics do not provide this perspective because they wish to shock the audience and have them judge Joseph by the standards of the modern era, rather than his own time.
Now you accuse Joseph of killing two men, but conveniently leave out the fact that it was in defense of his own life, the end result being his martyrdom. This again shows that you do not wish to show the complete story only a shocking version which misconstrues the facts and characterizes him as a murderer, question was David a murderer? And if so have you omitted the books written of him or by him? What about Gideon, Abraham, Sampson, Elijah, were they murderers? Even Paul the apostle witnessed against Stephen who was stoned to death, yet you still consider him an Apostle.
Joseph knew God, he saw him, and Christ on his right hand, he walked with Christ on a daily basis.
The Book of Mormon has many marvelous and unique doctrines that expand on the Biblical text. The sincere reader knows that all scripture is inspiring. The prophet Nephi in the Book of Mormon makes the bold claim that it would contain "many plain and precious" doctrines that originally existed in the Bible, but were subsequently removed, either deliberately or by error (1 Nephi 13:26–40). The following is a partial list of some of these "many plain and precious" doctrines that are found in the Book of Mormon, but are either not found in the Bible, or are not spelled out clearly enough to prevent great debate and disagreement among Christians seeking to know the will of God.
Doctrines relating to the Savior and his mission
Christ offereth himself unto all who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit (2 Nephi 2:7, 3 Nephi 9:20) (see also Psalms 34:18)
Christ shall redeem men from their sins, not in their sins (Alma 11:34–37, Helaman 5:10-11) (see also Matthew 1:21)
Why Christ, being perfect, still needed to be baptized (2 Nephi 31:4–10) (see also Matthew 3:13-15)
The perfect plan of mercy and justice (Alma 42:11-15,22-30, Alma 34:10-16)
In addition to our sins, the Savior took upon him our pains, afflictions and temptations, that he might know how to comfort and strengthen us (Alma 7:11–12)
The infinite nature of the atonement (2 Nephi 9:7, Alma 34:10-12)
The atonement is "infinite and eternal". (Alma 34:14)
We don't need to know how the atonement works for it to work - it starts working "immediately" when we ask God to apply it in our lives. (Alma 34:31)
Without the resurrection, all men would become angels to the devil, subject to the devil, and be miserable forever. (2 Nephi 9:8–10)
All things given of God are a type of Christ and testify of Him (2 Nephi 11:4, Alma 30:44)
How the Law of Moses was the schoolmaster to Israel (Mosiah 13:27-31, Alma 34:13-14)
How Christ is both the Father and the Son (Mosiah 15:1-9)
Who are Christ's seed, as described in Isaiah 53:10? (Mosiah 15:10-14, Mosiah 5:7)
The nature of the resurrection: "this mortal body is raised to an immortal body, that they can die no more, their spirits uniting with their bodies, never to be divided; thus the whole becoming spiritual and immortal..." (Alma 11:45)
The Plan of Redemption was prepared from the foundation of the world, (Alma 12:25), Jesus Christ is central to that plan (Ether 3:14)
Christ's redemption is retroactive in saving the faithful who preceded it (Alma 39:15-19)
The premortal spirit body of Jesus Christ looked just like his mortal body (Ether 3:6-16) (see also Genesis 1:26-27)
What the devil doesn't want us to know
Murmuring quenches the Spirit (1 Nephi 3:5–6)
How Satan will be bound during the millennium (1 Nephi 22:26)
Satan is the father of all lies (2 Nephi 2:18)
Satan's techniques for ensnaring men (2 Nephi 28:19-30)
The evil spirit teaches that a man must not pray (2 Nephi 32:8)
Satan whispers to people that there is no hell nor devil (2 Nephi 28:22)
What motivates Satan - retribution for his misery (2 Nephi 2:18, 2 Nephi 2:27)
What is meant by 'the chains of hell' (Alma 12:9-11)
Laboring diligently in the vineyard protects us from sin and the cunning snares of the devil (Alma 28:14)
Anti-Christ defined (Alma 30:6-60)
The devil hates all men, including those that follow him (Alma 30:60)
"Wickedness never was happiness" (Alma 41:10)
Pride is Satan's most effective tool for our destruction (3 Nephi 6:10-16)
Satan is the father of all contention (3 Nephi 11:29)
The purpose of life
"Adam fell that men might be, and men are, that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25)
The fall of Adam and Eve was part of God's plan – had he not fallen, they would have remained in the garden forever, knowing no joy or misery, doing no good nor evil, having no children. (2 Nephi 2:22–25)
"For it must needs be that there is an opposition in all things" (2 Nephi 2:11)
In mortality, men are given all choices, and "they are free to choose liberty and eternal life through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil." (2 Nephi 2:27, Helaman:14:30-31)
This life is a probationary state, a time to prepare to meet God. (Alma 42:1-10,13, Alma 12:24 (20-24), Alma 34:32)
Do not procrastinate the day of your repentance (Alma 34:32-34, Helaman 13:38)
True wisdom, foolishness defined (2 Nephi 9:28–29,42)
The blessings of obedience to God's commandments (Mosiah 2:41)
The natural man is an enemy to God. What we must do to become saints (Mosiah 3:19)
The answer to the age-old question: 'Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?': The Lord tries the patience and faith of his people (Mosiah 23:21)
"O, remember my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in they youth to keep the commandments of God." (Alma 37:35)
Because men's hearts are false, unsteady and quickly lifted up in pride, God must chasten them with many afflictions, lest they completely forget Him. (Helaman 12:1-6)
We have a fullness of joy when we labor to bring souls unto Christ (3 Nephi 28:9-10)
Faith, Repentance, Baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost and Enduring to the End
No unclean thing can enter into the kingdom of heaven (1 Nephi 10:21,1 Nephi 15:34, Alma 7:21, Alma 40:26, Alma 45:16)
The still, small voice of the Spirit is felt (1 Nephi 17:45)
At the resurrection, those who do not repent shall have a perfect knowledge of all our guilt, uncleanness and nakedness, while the righteous shall have a perfect knowledge of their enjoyment and their righteousness, being clothed in purity. (2 Nephi 9:14)
"We are saved by grace, after all we can do." (2 Nephi 25:23)
It isn't enough to have faith once, repent once, and be baptized. We must press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end. (2 Nephi 31:19-20)
Baptism existed before John the Baptist (2 Nephi 31:4–6,8,11–12 Mosiah 18:10,13,15–17)
The fruits of pride (3 Nephi 6:10–16)
The only source of inequality of men is due to sin and transgression (Alma 28:13)
How to retain a remission of your sins (Mosiah 4:11-26)
How to endure to the end (Mosiah 4:29-30)
To gain salvation, men must repent, keep the commandments, be born again, cleanse their garments through the blood of Christ, be humble and strip themselves of all pride and envy, and do the works of righteousness (Alma 5:14-35)
Our sins hold us back and bind us down to destruction (Alma 7:14-16)
How to nourish and grow our faith in Jesus Christ (Alma 32:6-43)
We are to have "faith unto repentance" (Alma 34:15-17)
The gospel is defined (3 Nephi 27:13-21, (also referred to as "the doctrine of Christ") 3 Nephi 11:31-41, 2 Nephi 31:10-21)
We receive no witness until after the trial of our faith (Ether 12:6)
"If men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." (Ether 12:27)
You cannot have faith and hope without being meek and lowly of heart (Moroni 7:43-44)
"And the first fruits of repentance is baptism; and baptism cometh by faith unto the fulfilling the commandments; and the fulfilling the commandments bringeth remission of sins." (Moroni 8:25)
The remission of sins brings meekness and lowliness of heart, which in turn bring the visitation of the Holy Ghost (Moroni 8:26)
Qualifications for baptism
We must be willing to follow the Savior with full purpose of heart and with real intent. (2 Nephi 31:3, 2 Nephi 31:10-13)
We must repent of our sins, thereby witnessing unto the Father that we are willing to take upon us the name of Christ. (2 Nephi 31:3, Moroni 6:2–3)
We must be willing to come into the fold of God, and to be called His people ((Mosiah 18:8)
We must be willing to bear one another's burdens, willing to mourn with those that mourn, comfort those that stand in need of comfort. (Mosiah 18:9)
We must be willing to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all places, even until death. (Mosiah 18:10)
We must be willing to serve God, keep His commandments, and desire to have His Spirit poured out more abundantly upon us. (Mosiah 18:10, Mosiah 21:35)
Notwithstanding the Savior being holy, he was baptized to witness to the Father that he was willing to keep his commandments. (2 Nephi 31:7)
We must repent, be baptized and become as a little child or we can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God. (3 Nephi 11:37–38)
We must have a broken heart and a contrite spirit. (Moroni 6:2-3)
Baptism not for infants (Moroni 8:4-23)
Baptism and repentance are for those that are accountable and capable of committing sin (Moroni 8:10)
Preparation precedes revelation (1 Nephi 16:23,24,28,29)
We are not to perform anything without first praying, that God will consecrate the performance for the welfare of our souls. (2 Nephi 32:9)
How to understand the things of God (1 Nephi 15:2–4)
Trust not in the arm of flesh (2 Nephi 4:34,2 Nephi 28:31)
"Seek not to counsel the Lord, but to take counsel from his hand." (Jacob 4:10)
The answer to the question 'Does it do any good to pray for others?' (Mosiah 27:14)
Where, When and What we are to pray for (Alma 34:17-27)
If we do not care for the poor and the needy, the Lord will not answer our prayers (Alma 34:28-29)
We are to live in thanksgiving daily (Alma 34:38)
The Savior's sermon on prayer in the Americas: we are to hold up His light by following His example of praying always (3 Nephi 18:15-25) (see also 3 Nephi 11 - 18 for examples of the Savior praying among the Nephites)
If a man offers a gift, or prays grudgingly to the Lord, it is the same as if he gave nothing - except he shall do it with real intent, it profits him nothing (Moroni 7:6-8)
Charity is the pure love of Christ. (Moroni 7:47) We are to pray with all the energy of our hearts to be filled with this love (Moroni 7:48, Moroni 8:26)
We are to pray with real intent, having faith in Christ (Moroni 10:3-5) (see also James 1:5-6)
We are to ponder before asking God the truth of any thing (such as the Book of Mormon), then pray with real intent (i.e. be willing to do what the Lord tells you). A testimony of the truth then comes by the power of the Holy Ghost (Moroni 10:3-5)
The power of the Scriptures
To profit and learn from the scriptures, we are to 'liken' them unto ourselves (1 Nephi 19:23)
Why we need the Book of Mormon in addition to the Bible (2 Nephi 29:1-14, Title Page (see end of last paragraph))
The scriptures "enlarge the memory" of the people (Alma 37:8)
"Yea, we see that whosoever will may lay hold upon the word of God, which is quick and powerful, which shall divide asunder all the cunning and the snares and the wiles of the devil, and lead the man of Christ in a strait and narrow course across that everlasting gulf of misery which is prepared to engulf the wicked— And land their souls, yea, their immortal souls, at the right hand of God in the kingdom of heaven, to sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and with Jacob, and with all our holy fathers, to go no more out." (Helaman 3:29-30)
For our day
The answer to the age-old question 'How can God be a god of love, yet have commanded the Israelites to destroy the Canaanites?' (1 Nephi 17:32–45)
When nations ripen in iniquity, the Lord destroys them. (1 Nephi 17:37-38, 2 Nephi 1:7, Alma 45:16, Ether 2:8-12)
Before destroying them, he sends prophets to warn them (2 Nephi 25:9)
People are ripe for destruction when they cast out the righteous from among them (Helaman 13:12-14) (see also Genesis 18:23-33)
Priestcraft defined and condemned (2 Nephi 26:29-31)
God is a God of miracles, the same yesterday, today, and forever, but works among the children of men according to their faith (2 Nephi 27:23, Ether 12:12 (7-22), Mormon 9:7-11,15-21, Moroni 7:27,37 (35-38) Moroni 10:7-19)
"All things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator." (Alma 30:44) (Note that none of the 300+ exoplanets discovered move in a regular form! see also Abraham 4:16-18)
Two more proofs there is a God: (2 Nephi 2:13)
Our conscience (the light of Christ) witnesses to good and evil acts. Evolution didn't give us that!
We and all things exist- if there were no God, all things would vanish. (Note that this answers one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of physics - why was there one part in a billion more matter than antimatter created at the Big Bang (broken symmetry)- leaving us!)
Under what circumstances we are justified in going to war (Alma 43:45-47, Alma 48:14-16,Alma 43:29-30)
The coming forth of the Book of Mormon is a sign that the Lord has commenced to gather Israsel and fulfill his covenants (3 Nephi 29:1-9)
"Touch not the evil gift, nor the unclean thing" (Moroni 10:30)
How we can become an instrument in the Lord's hand:
keep the commandments throughout our lives, and actively do good to bless those around us (2 Nephi 1:24)
do much good in word and deed (2 Nephi 3:24)
bring people to a knowledge of the truth, even though you may endure "much tribulation and trials" Mosiah 23:10)
Help people escape bondage (Alma 1:18)
"Be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show forth good examples in me" (Alma 17:9-11)
see also Alma 26:3, Isaiah 54:16, and references to "servants" in Jacob 5.
Other plain and precious things
"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass, and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls" (Alma 37:6, 1 Nephi 16:9)
The Lord will not give a commandment without preparing a way for us to obey it. (1 Nephi 3:7, 1 Nephi 17:3)
The guilty take the truth to be hard (1 Nephi 16:2)
Joseph of Egypt's vision of what would befall his posterity to the last days (2 Nephi 3:5–16)
The best sermon on gratitude and humility ever given (Mosiah 2:19-25)
The difference between physical death and spiritual death (Alma 12:16)
How to teach with power and authority (Alma 17:1-3)
The preaching of the word of God has a more powerful effect to lead people to do that which is just than anything else, even more powerful than the sword. (Alma 31:5)
When we are slothful and forget to exercise faith and diligence, then the Lord's marvelous works cease in our life, and we do not progress in our journey (Alma 37:38-46)
"Bridle all your passions, that ye may be filled with love" (Alma 38:12)
The Spirit of Christ is given to every man to know good from evil (Moroni 7:16-17)
Everything which invites men to do good, and to believe in Christ is sent from God. Everything which persuades men to do evil, believe not in Christ, and deny Christ is of the devil (Moroni 7:16-17)
The role and ministry of angels (Moroni 7:25,29-32)
By the power of the Holy Ghost, men may know the truth of all things (Moroni 10:5)
You use Matthew 24:35 to conclude that god says that his words will always be the same and nothing will be diminished from the texts which have been passed down throughout the generations, this is an oversimplification of scripture. In the verse the Lord refers to his covenants with his children, it is his words which are his promises to the inhabitants of the Earth, and clearly this is referred to, amid the perils described throughout through out the last days, and though the world will end, his promises will be kept, and we will be resurrected.
Lets not ignore the fact that an apostasy was predicted as well. 2 Thesselonians 2:3 For that day shall not come accept there come a falling away first.
In conclusion, you believe lies about my church and will continue to believe them even if they are proven wrong, as I have stated to you before,(Prophecy fulfilled.) Hence the Spirit of God does not reside with you. You can use all manners of sophestry and reasoning to prove your assertations, but you cannot reason with true faithfulness in Jesus Christ.
I am laughing so hard right now I cant stand it!
Ok ok
I Have made some long speeches, some call them sermons, but you Onusonus have taken the crown!!
I cannot believe how long this is and believe= me you can ask anyone in here for ME to say that, must be long! LOL
having said that, I do not agree with what you believe, but my hats off to you for now your fingertips must be bleeding! LOL
obsessed with grammar
now who could that be, i wonder. what with all these alter egos turning up these days...
now, TheTruthHurts, i don't like labels. i consider myself a very spirutual person. i don't believe in your Christian god. i hope that explains it.
and i am not asking your god to explain himself - i am asking you, his "followers", "disciples", "believers", however you want to be referred to, to explain it.
thank you, you "believer". you have a pleasant day also
p.s. i don't see how dinosaurs could have been on the ark...two T-rexes, two Stegasauruses, etc. Then again i never understood how it had room for regular animals like whales, elephants, rhinos. etc...
ever heard of babies, and why would water creatures need to be on an ark to survive a flood....of water?
OMG, are you kidding? This was a joke statement right...right?
well, Noah was tasked with snagging two of EVERY creature...i assumed that included sea creatures. so he took BABY animals?
that is the first time i heard that. what verse is that part in?
what about fresh water fish? how could they survive when waters flooded the earth, dilluting itself with salt water from the seas and rain?
there are many ways sea creatures can die...certainly not from drowning. if it rained for forty days and forty nights, there would be no sunlight, which would kill off plankton. other things would be affected including sea temperatures, currents, PH, etc.
what did those guys eat on the ark for forty days?
what did the animals eat?
where did they store all the food?
So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth — men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air — for I am grieved that I have made them." Genesis 6:7
what did the animals do that merited their death? they don't sin.
Genesis 6:20"Two of every type of bird, every type of domestic animal, and every type of creature that crawls on the ground will come to you to be kept alive."a lion and a house cat are different species, but are the same kind. Noah did not gather every species, Common sense. Why would any smart man carry the oldest largest creatures to re-populate the earth. Come on. Btw the math add up perfectly the current earth population if 8 people survived the flood as the bible states. Do you realize how big the ark was there was plenty of room for everything they needed. Why do you put animals on the same plain and humans God made man in His image to rule over everything on the land.
If your rotten neighbor and your favorite dog were both drowning which would you save? I would save the man no matter how rotten, because he was made in God’s image. What say you?
Read the entire book of Genesis and you'll have your answers you seek, and I gave you a source with all the scientific evidence in favor of the creation account and the flood account(Answers in Genesis), but you refuse to look, what more can I do.
hee hee
better to paint me as a wounded soul than answer straight, thoughtful sincere questions with straight, thoughtful sincere answers.
I take back the 'hurt' thing, and I am not praying for you and making you feel uncomfortable or weird right now. Sorry if I misread your words, tis the brandy, as per Eaglekiwi...cheers
If I didn't see pain I would not have responded, if prayer makes you feel weird, imagine how Christians feel when we read your words, because we know the God you don't. I'm not fighting you. Goodnight Cosett.
Please dear god answer my prayer and protect me from your followers.
No, no. God does exist. I've found Him. Two days ago. I've hidden him in the cupboard at the top of the stairs. Promise you won't tell anyone. OK?
Cosette you have made a clear and accurate case against the bible and religion, I cannot argue with it.
well said!
I just say they got the wrong god or wrong idea or something, something just got them all mixed up. Of course ya'll know my thoughts about his so called god.
cosette wrote:
NO God would champion religions that are populated with spectators instead of practitioners who are smug about their beliefs and who wear their faith like a "Members Only" badge.
NO God would allow famine-stricken nations with children crying out in their suffering, their mothers' hearts breaking, their fathers desperate, to exist on his so-called creation.
NO God would permit little children to be kidnaped, raped, tortured, beaten, abused, or to live in fear.
NO God would look the other way when animals suffer the most unimaginable torment and fate at the hands of the creatures he supposedly gave them to - Man.
NO God would give a book to the world so chock-full of conflicting content and glaring inconsistencies - It would be perfect, like God.
NO God would make Man jump through hoops to please him, then punish him anyway for a tiny thing like looking back.
NO God would give his "children" innate characteristics and traits, then punish them for acting on those traits.
NO God would command his children, or instill fear in them.
the world's newest atheist.
Any logical thinking person could not reason otherwise.
The psychology is clear. Any god who wrote or behaved in the ways laid out in the religious tomes would be deemed psychotic.
Religionists do not get the hurt felt by others when they claim that little children are tortured and raped because of the devil or, original sin, or whatever. All apparently god made!
The human condition is the problem, and we are learning why... fast!
Nothing to do with any man made gods, it is down to bad access to good brain chemistry!
The human DNA is pretty badly made too and when the loonies keep out of trying to stall science on "moral" grounds, DNA will be refined to promote the uptake of seratonin and dopamine to normal levels.
Simple test:
Take mdma and then sprout about your god!
You will see the light again, only this time with your brain working more like it should!
Religionists will not take drugs! They are immoral.
The truth is they take them all day unknowingly, and the prescription drugs they take are mostly dangerous, but they have an excuse not to learn. It's called the bible.
Oh hell I forgot why I came again ( slaps side of head) ,waves hello and heads back out for a cheeseburger
lol I know huh. I just stop by for the laughs. Have a cheeseburger for me. I am friggin hungry but cannot satisfy my appetite plus I got this migraine like head ache that wont quit.
I bet a cheeseburger would make it all better. Pickles, tom and cheese only please.
Ohhhhh I hate those kinda headaches ,sigh's, I only seem to get them when tiredness and chemicals hit(food) at the same time,boom , friction on the nervous systems....throw in noise and idiots Im a strong contender for violence ...
2 cheeseburgers comin up and a lime shake
Thank you! I never had a lime shake before but it sounds like it could be good.
Hey! Easy on the cheeseburgers! I only came to hubpages to ogle your bodies!
lol, virtual cheeseburgers only have like 0 calories. They are the new in thing.
Oh boy!!! Gimme 5 with double cheese, I'll get the coffees and soft drinks!
Yeah, you know what screw 2. I want five too!
I see no hurt, just an honest response to the many posts that state that there is a god.
Ok that was wrong
I opologise to readers if these pics are offensive ,they are not necessarily the views of the company
Ok guys ,thanks for the company ,back to Bible study...( though Ive spied a side door )
omg haha
hey, Truth:
you know, the Hubble found *millions* of galaxies...surely there are creatures on some of those planets in those millions of galaxies. so God must have created them where do those aliens go when they die? do they have the Ten Commandments too?
You are without excuse it's simply a denial game now, I'm done playing. The hurt in your words led me to reply. I’ll be praying for ya. Praise God! Have a great evening.
Great question. There can surely be no doubt that ET's exist. What do the religious believers say? Do they have their own ET heaven? Do they share it? Is there one heaven per planet, per race, per galaxy?
i think you ask hard questions, and me as christian do not know the answer to all because i is not God. there are somethings that only God knows. we have limited knowledge in the very huge universe. a thing i know is that God exists for me, because i have had an encounter him. might anyone deny my encounter to be genuine?
i have heard it all before, just because atheist have yet to experience an encounter with God, they close the mind and say "there is no God" that is not very rational thinking...
pull the plug on atheist
There are a lot of unanswered questions in this thread. A thread that was started by someone who doesn't believe there is a God or he doesn't exist. Just because she or any of the others haven't stated that they had an encounter with God doesn't give you the right to come in here and say pull the plug on atheist.
She is asking logical questions, who knows maybe if someone could answer her in a logical path it might lead her to change her mind, it might not but without even trying to answer the questions you never no.
Instead again all we see is people wanting to attack the people who do not believe or are questioning his very being. Did you not have questions before your so called encounter with him? I bet you did.
Anyways, before another person comes in here to attack anyone it would do you all well to consider the questions that are asked and try to offer up an explanation for them that would logically make sense to the OP.
i am thinking you just read the last part of my post! and who are you to tell me what i should say or not? not much as i could say what you should say here in the forum.. right?
pull the plug on atheist
You said
'i have heard it all before, just because atheist have yet to experience an encounter with God, they close the mind and say "there is no God" that is not very rational thinking...'
We don't need to experience any encounter with God as we don't believe.
So to think 'there's no God' is an irrational thinking? More irrational is to think there is
And about you encounter with God, I'm not commenting, as for sure i will hurt your feelings
And to say 'pullthe plug on atheists' is very rude an shows a terrible lack of understanding.
see you are so closed to the idea of having an encounter with God, and now you go calling people close minded! you contradict yourself. hahaha:D
Lol: Where do I say that I'm close to an encounter with God ? I said I didn't need the experience .
and about your encounter with God I said:
'And about you encounter with God, I'm not commenting, as for sure i will hurt your feelings'
So as you see I've said i wouldn't hurt your feelings. And you return to me calling me hypocrite.
Thank you so much !I seethat you're a fine example of 'christian love '
I want someone to explain to me how a 982 yr old man could build this ark to begin with and then gather all these animals? It's rubbish.
Oh and then you want to convince me that incest is a sin but hmmm well if only 8 people were aboard this ark and they were all related?
LOL... I didnt understand either. But in noans time..There was way way way lesss sin in the world. So GOD created us to live forever. But as time went by more sin entered> so thats why nobody really lives that long anymore> rubbish maybe but look around us>>>
We ate from the tree of knowledge not the tree of eternal life so that explanation doesn't fly with me.
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