Is there a difference between an opinion and an informed stance on a subject?

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  1. securityproducts3 profile image39
    securityproducts3posted 12 years ago

    Is there a difference between an opinion and an informed stance on a subject?

  2. Freewind Ginger profile image61
    Freewind Gingerposted 12 years ago

    Yes, we can all have opinions but not all of them are neccessarily based on fact. It is my opinion that before you make a definite statement on a subject, research it if it is a topic you really don't know much about or perhaps the subject may give you an uneasy feeling, but to be fair to yourself and to others whom you are speaking to, make sure you have all the correct facts and can speak about with some knowledge.

  3. skgrao profile image68
    skgraoposted 12 years ago

    If the opinion is correct and informed stance is correct there is no difference.
    If any one is correct than there is a difference.
    If any one is wrong than there is difference.
    If both are wrong than there is difference.
    If there is some adjustment than there is no difference.
    If there is no adjustment than there is difference.
    If there is threat in one than there is no difference.
    If there is threat in both than there is a big Problem.
    If there is no problem than there is no difference.
    What is the subject if you tell I can help.
    If you can't tell than ask another question differently.

    1. Mikel G Roberts profile image75
      Mikel G Robertsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      "thEn" just saying...

  4. Tusitala Tom profile image68
    Tusitala Tomposted 12 years ago

    Yes, an ego.   The 'informed stance' probably feels he or she has read more books, passed certain exams, or done more living in the area that's being opinionated by the the other.

  5. Greensleeves Hubs profile image92
    Greensleeves Hubsposted 12 years ago

    'Opinion' is a generalised term. It may be based on evidence and experience or it may be based on faith. Everyone has opinions but the factual basis behind them may vary from zero to absolute truth.
    'Informed stance' is more precise and carries more weight because it is based on information or knowledge. It may still not be correct, but at least there is substance behind the belief.
    Although everyone can have opinions, perhaps debate and discussion would make the world a wiser place if everyone turns their opinion into an informed stance before opening their mouths. (Well that's my opinion anyway!)

  6. Mazzy Bolero profile image67
    Mazzy Boleroposted 12 years ago

    Ideally, you would form your opinion only after learning all the facts and considering them logically and objectively.

    In reality, this rarely, if ever, happens.  People start out with what they want to believe, then gather evidence to support their viewpoint, ignoring all evidence to the contrary.  Sometimes they even invent the evidence.

    It's especially true if a person has decided to dislike another person. Then they will gather ammunition, twisting everything they can.  They will try to convince others that they have an informed stance, not simply a bias.  Needless to say, I have been on the receiving end of this!

    We often are completely unaware of why we have the opinions we do about issues and people.  We think we hold them because of the rationalizations we create, but in reality, it's an unconscious process. We are not as rational as we think we are.

  7. spirituality profile image58
    spiritualityposted 12 years ago

    Sure, having an opinion doesn't mean you actually took the time to research the topic. In fact, on most subjects we form opinions without really looking into them. It's more efficient that way.

    An informed stance is way more specific. You have an informed stance if you did do research - whether because it's your job or because you're really interested .

  8. krishnnaa profile image38
    krishnnaaposted 12 years ago

    Yes, there is  clear difference. But we can make opinions based on informed stance on a subject, which may be more credible.

  9. DAWNEMARS profile image60
    DAWNEMARSposted 12 years ago

    Great question. Here in Holland everyone loves to give their opinion on everything. This is of course a hoot for the scientific-minded/trained. An informed stance requires knowledge/evidence while an opinion can be little more than a "gut" reaction.

    On the other side of the coin however, scientists will change their informed opinions in the light of new evidence and supporting theories. Theories are re-created or dismissed in the light of new ones.

  10. Mikel G Roberts profile image75
    Mikel G Robertsposted 12 years ago

    Not really... All opinions are based on an informed stance, sometimes the information used to establish the stance is erroneous however and this is why things that were accepted as fact (the Earth is flat) become accepted as false as new information comes to light.

  11. Eric Mulford profile image61
    Eric Mulfordposted 12 years ago

    I had a prof in Bible College who used to sat "With the light I now have". That is a great statement to proceed any statement of opinion. Of course that also indicates that it is an informed stance and not based upon a "feeling" I have because of last night's pizza.

    The question reminds me of a statement from logic class - all bulldogs are dogs but not all dogs are bulldogs. An informed stance is declared as an opinion but not all opinions are declared as an informed stance.

    I loved to ask the strongly opinionated, "and how did you come to that conclusion?" If it is an informed stance they love to share. If it is simply an opinion the look they give is classic.

    My position about opinions is everyone is entitled to mine!

  12. Chuck Bluestein profile image63
    Chuck Bluesteinposted 12 years ago

    No there is not! Here is the proof. You ask a cardiologist if you should get a heart operation. Is he informed on heart operations? Yes! He says "yes." Now you ask a drunk in a bar and he says "no." So you get a ►2nd opinion◄. Another cardiologist says "no."

    Are Supreme Court Justices informed on the law? Yes? Do they often disagree and have different opinions. Yes! There are facts and opinions. Whether an opinion is well informed or not is an opinion. Now you ask a cardiologist how many hearts a person has and he says 2. He is well informed and wrong. Do not know if he is senile or on drugs or drunk. A drunken garbage collecter says that a person has one heart. He is corrent. Fact.

    Is Obama a good president? The answer is an opinion. Does Obama have 2 eyes? The answer is fact. Is abortion legal in the U.S. now? The answer is a fact. Should abortion be legal? The anwer is an opinion. Is global warming really happening? Experts disagree so it is opiniion.

    Are you going to die some day? That is opinion since many doctors say that you will and many doctors say that you will live forever! Just kidding. It is a fact! Will you die next week? That is opinion.

  13. howlermunkey profile image71
    howlermunkeyposted 12 years ago

    I would say they are very close, but not the same. We process information all the time and then decide what to do with it. The slight difference I would say would be the key word "informed", as you can have an opinion without having any information at all --
    example -- "In my opinion, aliens exist"

    whereas "an informed stance" suggests that the person has, or at least thinks, they have some information to back their opinion.

    "Aliens exist, I saw a white owl outside my window, then I was in this large spaceship., they probed me".

  14. profile image0
    msorenssonposted 12 years ago

    An opinion is based on past experience, intuition and your willingness to answer a question, and this does not necessarily merge with a logical information.

    For example, if asked what kind of treatment should be undertaken for a particular kind of cancer, I can give logical answers based on what is in the literature after I go back to the literature which I understand. That would be an informed stance.

    If asked what my opinion would be to the course of treatment,, it would be entirely different from the first answer. Based on who is asking, I may or many not give my opinion when I think it  or know it unwise to do so.

    By definition, an opinion is biased as opposed to the logical presentation of facts.

  15. SidKemp profile image71
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    I learned in childhood that anyone's view on something was an opinion, but that a good opinion was based on fact. By that, an informed stance is a good opinion.

    As I've grown, I see there are other elements beyond fact, as well: Proper use of logic; trust of one's feelings; integration with one's values; evaluation according to ethical principles; proper use of multiple perspectives from different fields of studies and even different cultures: All these go into a well-informed opinion.

    in forming a stance from an opinion, I think it is important to ask two more questions: Is my thinking really my own? That is, where I have taken ideas from others, have I truly evaluated them? And, how rigid is my stance? Am I open to listening and reconsidering? If my own presuppositions turn out to be wrong, or new information comes in, or I'm shown an error or unseen harmful consequence of my stance, would I change?

    To me, answering all these questions allows us to develop a well-formed stance, and then be open to learning and growing further. People who do this are able to truly solve problems by working together to evolve a new level of thinking.

  16. Marsei profile image94
    Marseiposted 12 years ago

    In my opinion is just that.  An informed stance is an opinion backed up by facts.  It's still an opinion because one has to agree with those facts and not another set of facts.

    1. profile image50
      frumpletonposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes and sometimes we later find out that the "facts" really were not true.  So I think an opinion is just that

  17. MOEFLATS profile image68
    MOEFLATSposted 12 years ago

    An opinion can be had by either someone who has intimately experienced a phenomenon(the subject as you put it) or by someone who hasn't.  In my instance, I report my very intimate experiences with mind-control/electronic harassment/gangstalking.  One can construct many "maps" of the process.  Mine is going to be different from other individuals because I have a completely different psychological profile than other victims.  However, the end goal of the "stalkers" is one of 2 things:  1.  get you to radically change your life for the better or else 2.  Destroy your will through 1984-like mental assaults so that you get your ideas and feelings from an outside source.  Sometimes, there is simply a more advantageous way to regard this particular situation so as to minimize negative/paranoid feelings, which only worsen the experience.

  18. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 12 years ago

    Some people state their opinions just because they "feel" a certain way, but are unable to substantiate their views with facts.  Others state opinions based on facts as well as their experiences.  Still others state their views based solely on the facts.

    Of these, the most reliable is the last.

  19. Darrell Roberts profile image71
    Darrell Robertsposted 12 years ago

    Opinions are more based on feeling. Informed information is more scientific based on facts and analysis.

    Best wishes

  20. Vahid Hendabadi profile image60
    Vahid Hendabadiposted 10 years ago

    I think yes, because everyone has their own vision of the issues at the

  21. tamarawilhite profile image82
    tamarawilhiteposted 8 years ago

    Opinions have less information on which they are formed versus an informed stance.

  22. profile image50
    frumpletonposted 8 years ago

    I think that being brave enough to self-examine ourselves is a hard thing for a lot of people to do.  It is a good thing to do, though.  Some people may have been "put down" so much during their life that they don't dare to try and find out if they could be mistaken.  It would only be one more slur on their self esteem.

  23. Reluctant Revival profile image55
    Reluctant Revivalposted 8 years ago

    There is no difference between an opinion and an informed stance on a subject, because at the end of the day it is just your opinion against their opinion.


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