For those of you that don't believe in hell nor heaven what do you think is afte

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  1. PoetasDsigns profile image60
    PoetasDsignsposted 11 years ago

    For those of you that don't believe in hell nor heaven what do you think is after death than?

  2. point2make profile image60
    point2makeposted 11 years ago

    If there is no God then there is nothing after death but darkness........If there is a God then a lot of us have a whole lot of explaining to do!

  3. profile image0
    lambservantposted 11 years ago

    The same place where John Lennon is - lol! I cannot answer this question seriously because I firmly believe in both heaven and hell based on what Jesus tells us.

    1. SwordofManticorE profile image69
      SwordofManticorEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      LoL? So where is John Lennon, in hell? And you find that funny?

  4. NotPC profile image57
    NotPCposted 11 years ago

    Most people, including myself, who don't believe in heaven or hell probably have the view that it is impossible to know what happens after death, so it is pointless to try to understand what happens. Philosophy 101.

  5. Dr. Haddox profile image61
    Dr. Haddoxposted 11 years ago

    What is after death? Has anyone been there "to the place of after-death," and back, to tell us what is there? It is okay to believe in heaven or hell. It is okay to believe anything. But, if one has not been to "beyond the grave," then one can not say, for sure, what is there. It is okay for one to have faith and to believe in heaven and hell. But one cannot say what one does not know. Oh, I take it back, one can say what one does not know but "Does that make it true?" I have just make a case for those who find it difficult to believe in heaven and hell, that's all. Belief in something that one has not seen is a difficult thing for most people.
    Dr. Haddox

  6. bethperry profile image82
    bethperryposted 11 years ago

    Valhalla, Freyja's Court, or the abode of the goddess Hela -which is filled with varying afterlifes, from castles of plenty to the dungeons of despair (where wrongdoers think about their transgressions until they are spiritually evolved enough to deserve reincarnation).

  7. serasera profile image59
    seraseraposted 11 years ago

    There is a very interesting documentary called "Afterlife" which interview people who died and came back to life. I suppose you can argue that the images that they saw were caused my the brain shutting down, but who knows. We can really know until it happens to us. The existentialist thought goes that there is no meaning to the world other than the meaning we give it. We create our own realities, therefore heaven and hell or any sort of afterlife is a creation of our own.

    Although the nature of the universe is linear that does not mean it has a beginning and an end. For their to be nothing there has to be something. In order for there to be something there has to be nothing. Hinduism talks of different stages of the universe, called yuga's. At the end of the fourth yuga Brahma, the god of creation, destroys the universe and recreates it. In some school's of thought there is an extended period of time where there is nothingness between cycles.

    I personally do not believe in a fire and brimstone, endless torture kind of hell. That image was largely created by Dante in "The Inferno". Hell is simply knowing there was a God and a heaven, and you must spend eternity knowing that you failed to accept him or did not repent for your misdeeds in life. I choose to believe in some sort of "afterlife". But I also chose to believe in ghosts, so....

    Who knows, we may or may not have an eternal soul that transcends this world. Or maybe not. Maybe we're stuck in a constant cycle of reincarnation that can only be purged by Nirvana. Maybe we are in hell. Maybe we're in heaven. Who knows. Unless their is a heaven or a hell, we'll probably never know.

    1. marshacanada profile image70
      marshacanadaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't believe in heaven or hell and I have no way to be sure if there is any personal consciousness that exists after death. However I hope to do my best in the time I have alive.

  8. shivanchirakkal10 profile image56
    shivanchirakkal10posted 11 years ago

    We those have not believe in hell or heaven have chance to visit the people who are in the 'Q' in hell and heaven. ( no permission to enter inside ).
    First we visited  the 'Q' in hell. For most wander we find that the people who acted as the most blessed people of God, is in this 'Q'. Priest  of Christianity, Muslim, Hindu and all other religion are waiting there.
    Next, we visited  the 'Q' in heaven. There we met poor people from all around the world.
    They told us they are in the 'Q' about 6 years. And have no idea when they will get chance to enter inside.
    Where we will go? Then we saw some 'space vehicle' little far from there. We went there. One man with a Ledger book is sitting there. We our self introduced to him. He told us that he is waiting for us. He explained that those of us wish to get re-birth can apply for that and those who do not want re-birth can select heaven or hell. He again told in hell & heaven we will be treated as VIP and will provide the best living atmosphere. In his laptop he showed us the view of the Flat and villas  where we will be accommodated.
    I thought to get re-birth in earth is better,so I selected it. He asked me to enter in a space vehicle. This is the re-birth center from where you directed to earth.

  9. irenemaria profile image60
    irenemariaposted 11 years ago

    According to the Bible, nothing happens. When you are dead you are gone. See Eccl chapter 9 verses 5 and 10

  10. Veroniquebee profile image64
    Veroniquebeeposted 11 years ago

    As a Jedi, I think I have my "future" cut cleanly for me - "there is no death, there's only the Force". Becoming one with Force definitely sounds good to me.

  11. cam8510 profile image91
    cam8510posted 11 years ago

    I certainly don't believe in hell.  I discounted that when I read (not read ABOUT, but actually read) the Egyptian myth called the Am-Tuat.  I find most Christians will not read this ancient work which precedes any biblical writing by centuries and precedes any biblical references to hell or a Lake of Fire by mellennia.  It gives details of Pits of Fire overseen by a giant serpent.  The enemies of Ra are cast into the Pits of Fire where they wail and lament (cf weeping and wailing of the Bible) for eternity.  The concept of hell and Lake of Fire were borrowed from Egyptian myth. Christians shouldn't deny this if they refuse to at least read the Am-Tuat.  I have written an article on this subject, not published here, which I am glad to available.

    As for heaven or any place of consciousness after death there is this to consider.  We are energy.  Energy in this physical realm is not lost, it cannot simply disappear.  It may pass on to a different form, but never disappears.  For this reason I leave open the possibility of something after death.  What that may be is anybodies guess. 

    I say all of this as a former Evangelical Christian, former Bible College student, former Pastor, former Missionary.  It was a difficult time for me as I wrestled with what I had believed since the day I came into this world.  I have been able to set aside the parts I have problems with yet retain a basic belief in God.

    1. SwordofManticorE profile image69
      SwordofManticorEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      well I am a Christian, but I have to say that I find your answer impressive. I believe in the spiritual realm of God my Father, but as for the doctrine of hell. An invention to maintain control out of pagan myths.

  12. jellygator profile image89
    jellygatorposted 11 years ago

    Most likely, decomposition. Just like what happens to fallen leaves.


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