Do you think that worrying has a positive aspect to it?

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  1. kallini2010 profile image78
    kallini2010posted 11 years ago

    Do you think that worrying has a positive aspect to it?

  2. profile image0
    Sri Tposted 11 years ago

    No. Because everything is impermanent. Worry is the habit of thinking disturbing thoughts. To disturb oneself is not healthy. It can lead to fears and depression. Negative states of mind come with a price. It's never a good idea to linger in them.

    1. kallini2010 profile image78
      kallini2010posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe so.  But people who are always happy seem suspicious if not bland.

    2. profile image0
      Sri Tposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It feels better to be happy than to be miserable. Both are choices.

    3. story-maker profile image61
      story-makerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Im completely agree with you. recently i wrote a hub about it: … al-Control check this out.

    4. Billie Kelpin profile image85
      Billie Kelpinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Kallini, I think you're touching on something that seems to be pervasive in our society at the moment - the emphasis on being positive, positive, positive.  There's a certain lack of honesty about it, I find.

    5. cat on a soapbox profile image95
      cat on a soapboxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is good to aim to be positive, but sometimes we just feel down. This is natural. Life isn't meant to be always happy, and to give the impression that it is does a disservice to people- esp. our youth. Life is about balance. Yin and yang.

  3. Tusitala Tom profile image65
    Tusitala Tomposted 11 years ago

    When we think about it objectively, worrying solves little.  It does not alter events.  It makes us feel worse.  If we complain or mention our worries to others and they're sympathetic it generally makes them feel worse.  It's a bit like complaining.  This also solves little if anything.

    On the other hand, if our worrying brings us to a point where we make a decision of overcome our worries by taking some action, then it can have a positive aspect to it.   For example, if we know we've got a problem or a worry about an outcome, we can posssibly seek advice on how to get beyhond the worry.   This might mean going to someone who can give us an answer which will allay our fears.   They might even be able to tell us how we can solve what is worrying us.  This, of course, makes both them and us feel better.   So more pleasant feelings are created and that has to be positive.

    Same with complaining.   All we do is make other people unhappy or annoyed.  But if we decide to take action, it puts a different slant altogether on it.

    1. kallini2010 profile image78
      kallini2010posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      "Worry is a rehearsal of what might go wrong and how to deal with it; the task of worrying is to come up with positive solutions for life's perils by anticipating dangers before they arise" - initial role of the emotion "worrying".

    2. Billie Kelpin profile image85
      Billie Kelpinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Kallini, I really like that quote.

  4. cjpooja26 profile image63
    cjpooja26posted 11 years ago

    I think it has positive aspect because when you are worrying about something that means that thing matters in your life and that is why you are getting disturbed. Yes it is not healthy and but its human nature we keep worrying about which we hesitate or care.

  5. cat on a soapbox profile image95
    cat on a soapboxposted 11 years ago

    In general, worry is counter-productive and bad for our health. That said, worry in small degrees helps us to stay controlled and focused. When we are "worried" about doing well on an exam, in an interview, or when giving a speech, for instance, our concern helps to keep us at peak performance over the short-term. Excessive worry that causes prolonged stress like that of health, financial, or relationship issues needs to be resolved because it is the harmful kind. This is where counselling, faith, and therapy come into play.

  6. Billie Kelpin profile image85
    Billie Kelpinposted 11 years ago

    My mother, wonderful person as she was,  was a classic worrier. As an adult, the worry about me and my family that she expressed, and maybe, more importantly, my tearful response after I would hang up the phone with her was destructive to my marriage and family. She would worry if she knew I was driving "too far."  She would worry if she heard there was a tornado warning in our town.  She would excessively worry if one of us had the flu or some other malady. Her most oftenly expressed phrase was "I'm so worried about..." Since I didn't feel I could ever express my anger to my mother about her worrying about me, my husband and daughter were the brunt of my own inward angst.  Considering that my mother was a truly good person, I have analyzed her worry and have come to the conclusion that somewhere in the back of her mind, in the subconscious recesses of her brain, was the psychologically unhealthy view (we might even call it superstition ) that worry was the price she paid to keep us safe. I think she believed that if she worried enough, thus suffered enough, some cosmic equity would be paid, and no harm would come to us. Fortunately, by the time my daughter went off to live in New York and became an actress, my mother had passed on to the eternal non-worry state.  She would have driven herself crazy knowing her grandaughter lived in 5th floor walk-ups, roller-bladed up and down Broadway, and took the subways at 1:00 in the morning after performances.  Fortunately, my mother's excessive worrying led me to realize worrying about things over which I have no control is an exercise in futility.  The "gift" of negatives in our lives is that often, if we're aware enough, we can take the negative to which we were exposed and turn it around in our own lives, so that it actually becomes a positive.

    1. kallini2010 profile image78
      kallini2010posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I am sure that if your mother knew how to get rid of constant worrying, she would have done it. It is not something we enjoy.  But the worst thing people  normally say: "Don't worry - be happy!" It does not work this way.

    2. Billie Kelpin profile image85
      Billie Kelpinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Kallini, totally agree. My mom was a great humanitarian and if she would have been able to release herself of this, she would have. "Don't worry, be happy," is a great little song with a message that we can sing to ourselves, but that's about it.

    3. kallini2010 profile image78
      kallini2010posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The reason I asked the question is my reading a book "Emotional Intelligence".  It is for the first time I came across of description of worry having positive attributes.  But with our high polarity thinking "black & white", we miss on understand

  7. shivanchirakkal10 profile image57
    shivanchirakkal10posted 11 years ago

    Every  action have a equal and opposite action. If you have worrying about something, automatically your mind and body will start to think to face it.
    The good effect of worrying is that you can advice other people who will be in such situation.
    The same time, worrying  on every thing is not a healthy habit. Try to normalize your  mind is very necessary.

  8. Louise Lately profile image60
    Louise Latelyposted 11 years ago

    I don't think there's anything negative about worrying a little - it can get you organised and lead to discussing your thoughts with others. But I never think that excessive worrying is a good thing - it can lead to depression.

  9. dailytop10 profile image85
    dailytop10posted 11 years ago

    Not at all. Worrying can't help him save or keep your special someone safe. However, it's something we can't avoid especially if the people we treasure most are involved.

  10. ChitrangadaSharan profile image91
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 11 years ago

    To worry is human nature and is difficult to avoid.
    I have hardly found anyone, who does not worry. Some worry more, while some worry less. But, I do not think it has a positive impact on anything. It can adversely affect your health.
    A worried person makes others lives also troublesome. If there is a problem or an issue, the best solution can be obtained by being cool and composed, rather than being constantly worried.
    There are certain things on which we do not have any control, but still we are worried......

  11. Seek-n-Find profile image70
    Seek-n-Findposted 11 years ago

    No--it doesn't.  Worry is a "fear-based" emotion and the very act of worrying produces a chemical reaction in the brain that is sent through and manifests throughout the entire body.  People who tend to have habits of negative thoughts and feelings often times have physical symptoms or even illness eventually as a result. 

    There is a phrase I like--it goes "You empower what you behold."  This is sort of like the law of attraction--fixating and worrying about things can actually play a role in those things being more likely to occur.  Worry also distracts a person from living in the present.  Worry almost always takes a person into the future (sometimes into the past but that is usually more regret,etc.) and their focus/attention is on things that haven't happened yet, or may never happen.  It "steals" a persons capacity for peace, joy, and a sound mind in the present. 

    Worry can often keep people from being true to themselves or making decisions that are sound.  Worry can control people and can strangle (when you look into the origin of the word one of the definitions is related to choke or strangle) a person's quality of life because instead of living their life and making decisions that are best and from a place of peace they may try to avoid, react from a place of fear, and end up going into indecision and/or confusion. 

    Being cautious or careful or concerned can be productive--these things are not the same as worrying.  Thinking through something or being aware of potential dangers can be quite helpful but when the line is crossed into worry it becomes counter-productive. 

    The flip-side or the literal positive side of "worry" is meditation.  Back to the origins of the word, worry means "to mediate or chew on."  The picture is similar to that of a cow chewing and chewing and chewing on the same piece of cud.  Worry is chewing on something that produces fear-based results.  Mediation, however, is the ability to think/ponder something at a level of depth but on a positive spectrum.

    1. Billie Kelpin profile image85
      Billie Kelpinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Love the quote:  "You empower what you behold."  My mom used to say, "The thing I feared most has come upon me," but the quote you cited has the spin of giving the person more control over his or her worries or fears.

    2. cat on a soapbox profile image95
      cat on a soapboxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Seek-n-Find. I love your phrase "You empower what you behold." Thank you! I am sure to call on it often.
      Cat smile

  12. Neinahpets profile image80
    Neinahpetsposted 11 years ago

    Well I suppose a positive aspect to worrying would be that if you are the type that forgets things easily or the type that if you let something go for a while to get it off your mind that everything falls apart, then worrying would be a good thing to keep you focused.  ...but even that has it's downsides.  Worrying is really a double edged sword.

  13. profile image50
    InspiredEyes70posted 11 years ago

    Worrying doesn't solve alot of things. It may turn out positive but it doesn't solve anything positive or negative

  14. Crissylite profile image76
    Crissyliteposted 11 years ago

    Everyone has dealt with worry at some point. Here are some reasons why worrying doesn't make things better. Stop worrying and gain more peace. read more

  15. TerryK81 profile image59
    TerryK81posted 11 years ago

    To some people, I believe that worrying is good depending on what's worrying you. Truthfully, worry raises stress, blood, and risk of heart-problem levels. And old comic pic I once saw had the caption: "Worry is like a rocking chair; It gives you something to do but it gets you nowhere."
         There is "healthy" worry, and then there is "excessive" worry which can and has caused stroke and heart attacks. Healthy is a worry you have, but then you have all the evidence and sound-reason to put it from your mind; Excessive would be anything that unreasonably causes you to stress and freak out, and depending on circumstances, in both cases you've let paranoid thoughts needlessly run you rampant. Could also be that some who worry a lot may not just worry a lot;       Anxiety can be the cause, and also can be the reason some people have ridiculous amounts of alcohol in their homes. Worrying is better off controlled and caged, or else it will run you and give you wrinkles and grey earlier than normal.


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