Are Christians held to a higher standard of behavior than non-Christians?
The most ludicrous thing I've heard yet is someone saying they wish there was a test to see whether one is a true Christian. What the hell do you need that for? So you can judge a Christian and jump all over them when they screw up? Why do non-Christians think they know what being a Christian is all about? And if they expect Christians to be perfect, why would they choose to stay and be imperfect?
We have a society where 6% of young adults say there are no absolutes of right or wrong but what you feel. And Christians say "here are standards, and they aren't set lower than what you're doing now to feel moral".
As a result, they get held to a higher standard than average because their standards are higher than the average.
But I like Dennis Prager's story of listing the ten commandments and asking which 3 people would remove if given a choice, and different people had different answers, the most popular being removing the one on now adultery. Then he asked why take that one versus others.
One person said remove thou shalt not kill. Others objected. Prager said if there is no absolute right or wrong, just what you want to say are the rules, you can't say adultery is OK and murder isn't. And if he wants to say murder is OK but adultery isn't, at least he now has reinforcement for his values.
The group then came down to "yeah, these rules are the ideals for society, even if we don't want to live by it", because no one wants to be the betrayed spouse, the murder victim, have their stuff stolen, have someone lie about them on the stand to send them to prison, be told you can't take days off because there is no need for it, etc.
Lk 18:19 "...Why call thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, GOD!" (JESUS talking!) Why did HE say this? HE was "in the flesh" at the time & flesh is "subject" to sin (Rm 8:8)!
tw-my hubs are not the place to provide doctrines of men. only scripture answers are acceptable. real Christians follow Jesus not men. men usurping His place is why the church system is apostate unqualified leaders unequipped , called by men
Your doctrine reflects "spin off" of traditional "Catholic teachings!"
JESUS is ONE SPIRIT (I Cor 12)! JESUS is GOD r can't u wrap ur "peanut brain" around that? If ONE SPIRIT, why's there a Father, Son & HS (Catholic)? They're HIS GLORIES FOO
The "true Christian" thing is sort of an annoying question, but I can understand that question coming from some in society. Why? Because most of us say we believe something, and we point our fingers at those who're outside the church (body of believers), but we don't show the fruits of our beliefs. In other words, there's a ton of hypocrisy coming out of the church these days. And this is the case in too many Christian leaders as well.
One of the more recent and destructive situations was that of Ted Haggard's homosexual liaisons. The fact is, he should not have been in a leadership position because he hadn't allowed the Holy Spirit to prepare him for it. What do I mean by that?
Every Christian is to undergo a sanctification process in which Christ does what he did with the original disciples, and that is to cleanse them to the point of having a Christ-like character formed in them. Once this is accomplished to a point where God is satisfied that the particular disciple is ready for leadership, that person is then released into leadership. This is what God did on the Day of Pentecost when the disciples received power from the Holy Spirit. Ted didn't go through this process, and thus still had issues of heart that could readily pull him into sinful behavior (see James chapter 1 for more on that).
I'm not suggesting that a Christian that's called and released into leadership is perfect - we see in scripture that Peter and Paul were both still being cleaned up - but that Christian is, by God's determination, ready to be used by him in a very public way, or to be used by him in another way that will impact the lives of many of his sheep.
Since the vast majority of Christian leaders lack this training by Christ, the flock is led into mediocrity, a state of lukewarmness that Christ warns about in Revelation. In this state, Christians don't grow up into Christ so he can use them in true ministry. Society sees this lukewarm state of most, and rightly calls it hypocrisy.
That is a really cool answer. Shucks I don't agree with all of it. But most of it.
This is also a great answer. Too bad most people don't understand this and take those leadership positions.
Hx: Where was Paul "being cleaned up" (II Cor 12:7)? Not arguing because I agree with most, just want to know if I've missed something!
hx- yes you hit the nail on the head, they go to school. get a degree and go to work, in most cases they are not even truly born again so what can be expected. that is why the world, is so messed up, they lead people to themselves and not Jesus
U hate Paul too who was an educated lawyer r did he "lead ppl to himself & not Jesus?" TWISTED!
GOD knew who to "choose" to cont "fulfilling law" once HE ascended! He "chooses" who HE pleases!
Gal 1:12 "Didn't rec nor was taught by man!"
I think it's when other self-professed Christians deny the Christianity of those who's actions they may dislike.
For example Hitler - everyone seems to say 'oh, but he wasn't a Christian' - the man himself references Christianity and God in his speeches for the reasons behind his actions, was raised Christian.
Or when someone says 'oh, Catholics/Protestants/Mormons/JWs/any other different branch of Christianity aren't Christians - hey don't worship this way or that, they're a cult' - err, no, they worship the same God and his Son Jesus.
I think this is the problem that the person may have been suggesting a 'test' for - because ones journey with God/s is their own, very personal, and really cannot be defined by others, even if they worship differently.
aA test would make that much easier to say - see? You is, she is, he is, but I'm not.
Higher standard? You'd think that with the standards that those who aren't Christian seem to be held to (eg LGBT Being advised to be chaste, because it's pleasing to God, even if they don't believe, being denied things because 'God') that others are held to higher standards than I see many (not all) Christians hold themselves
To. But, if the standards are to be Christ like - then maybe you are, but everyone's pretty forgiving because Christ is a pretty awesome dude, and forgiving, and really hard to be exactly like.
I answer this in the most respectful way, I do not wish to start an argument, just have discussions, or at least put my thoughts out there. Thanks
You are an "unbeliever" I respect! No, not "that they dislike," but against what GOD has said as with various denominations. One may thk "personal," but if against His Word, err. Some LGBT have hi morals/values but Rm 1:25-32! Flesh= Mk 10:18!
Denying Hitler was Christian was what I meant.
Romans - again not God! Paul of Corinth and mistranslated - the words mean effeminate and soft...not homosexual (given the word itself doesn't exist in the time of Paul, or even until the 1900s)
I blv WORD (II Tim 3:16 "inspired by GOD")! Mistranslated? Rm 1:26-27 "..for even women did chg the NATURAL USE into that which is AGAINST NATURE (v27) And likewise also the men leaving the NATURAL USE of the woman..." Homo or "natural use"=SAME!
Ahhh, but what would be natural for you as a heterosexual would be unnatural for me as a homosexual. Also - Paul again, + more about turning people from paganism than homosexuality. Context is key. All of it.
GOD defines "natural use" (Gen 1:27-28; " fruitful & multiply..")!
NO! Paul cont JESUS' Mission telling ALL of the "SPIRITUAL" NEW COVENANT! MOST have read "everything" BUT the Bible!
Jesus says NOTHING on homosexuality. AT ALL. Nor, you said yourself, the NT wipes out all the rules of the OT - another carried over I suppose? Why is it only homos and not the laws of adultery etc? as a lesbian who has children - I've been fruitful.
What GOD did is not a "rule" but a FACT (male & female made He them Gen 1:27-28)! Having great morals & values not GOD'S def of "fruitful" esp when n viol of WORD! Yes, "carried over" (Rm 1)! "Adultery" is addressed in WORD!
What about Jeffrey Dahmer? You want to say Hitler was Christian. Well Dahmer was atheist. I really would only look at Jesus Christ to see what Christianity is all bout. Man falls short is what the Bible says.
Hitler + a number of others committed atrocities in the name of religion. Dahmer + others - can u point out where they committed these acts BECAUSE and ONLY because of atheism? They were sociopaths who hapn 2 b atheist.
Nor - i hv child, fruitful.
I'm really sick of people claiming that Hitler was acting in the name of religion. He was not. He was a psycho who wanted power. It was not about Christianity! Get that through your heads!
It's a shame you're sick of it Loli. Doesn't change the multiple instances that religion seemed to shadow his every step that we can point to.
Yet when asked about instances where atheism was a key role to ppl like Stalin, crickets everywhere...
Read!!! … n_religion
Let this be the link to end all arguments once and for all!
Hitler himself mentions his faith as part of his reasons in his speeches. From the horses mouth even. Wikipedia? The encyclopaedia any one can edit? It cannot be used as a reference in university assignments, as it is untrustworthy. Try again.
About 3/4 way down, in capitals, he talks about his lord and saviour being a fighter.
Your turn - non Wikipedia or faith based sites. Mine is a site based on him - no bias.
So do I get this right. Maniacs -- ISIS and Hitler use a religion. So that has anything to do with the religion? Freaks may love trees -- we do not chop down wonderful trees. Religion is not to blame, sickness of mind is.
Eric, this is none other than a pathetic attempt to invalidate and bash Christianity. If we can prove Hitler was a Christian, then the whole religion is evil. What if Hitler was lying, and telling people what they wanted to hear? The point is that regardless if you agree with the actions of those affiliated with your same religion, you don't get to say if they are "true christians".
They might suck as people, but they're Christians. Plain and simple.
If Hitler (As MOST) didn't "WAIT" (Acts 1:4) for the HOLY SPIRIT; who do you think his christ was?
ALL can say I "know" Christ and/or "I Believe," but IF they don't live under New Cov (which HE died for), who do they worship (Gal 1:6-9)?
What a way to misinterpret what I said. Im saying just becus u don't like what he did (Hitler) doesn't mean he wasnt a Christian. Just as ISIS r Muslim, but not like all Muslims. I hv never bashed or inferred otherwise. There is no persecution here.
Interesting. Because most of us in the western world are Christians -- especially 80 years ago. Then bad stuff should be blamed on Christians.
Well I guess I should just hang my head in shame and not even try.
Sometimes I wonder if the conversations I and others have on here is all in our heads.
Where did I blame Christians? I merely said you can't say he isn't. I don't like that Stalin happened to be an atheist, but I don't deny he was. Most Christians, Muslims, Atheists are great people - but we can't pick + choose only the good 1's.
So why did you spend the energy to point it out? You had a point to make, why back down from it now? Crazy people are crazy.
Read my answer - it was in relation to the question - including where that question came from. I felt that the person she was talking about had meant her comment in relation to people denying others were Christian. THAT is the point I was making.
Hitler could have said whatever he wanted. He could call himself a Christian. Please read the NT and exactly what Jesus said, and decide for yourself whether or not Hitler was acting like a true Christian. I would think the answer is obvious.
Ah, but see - it's not up to you or I to say who is and who isn't a tru Christian. Like I said - Dahmer, Stalin did things I dislike + r atheists - I don't deny that, even tho i dislike it. If Hitler said he was, it's not up to u to decide if he was.
Remember Judas? "Looked" wrong to men, but "fulfilled Scripture!" I Pet 3:19 gave Judas opportunity!
Exd 33:19; Rm 9:15 "GOD have mercy on whom HE pleases!"
Look @ Peter! Violent-Cut soldier's ear off (Jn18:10)! Don't "look rt" to us!
I Sam16:7!
Hitler used religious phrases to manipulate people. He and his followers were, in reality, pagan occultists who sought to return Germany to a pre-Christian utopia that never existed. He hated Christians as much as he hated blacks and Jews.
EVERYTHING is done to "FULFILL" Scripture! Doesn't "look right" to us!
Look @ Israel Today! NO ONE will EVERY "destroy!" Small but powerful! GOD'S Chosen!
Ann - Given none of us were actually there - both explanations for his faith r theory. Thank u 4 yr info - I do believe u. But my point was that it is not our job to decide who is and isn't a true Christian, evn if we don't like what they've done.
No, both explanations are NOT theory. There were plenty of people who knew him personally, and there is plenty of documentation. The fact that we were "not there" doesn't make an uncomfortable truth merely a theory. That is a co-out.
As Judas actions "didn't look right to us," neither did Hitler's! GOD said in Is 45:7 "I create good & evil" for "fulfillment of Scripture" or "His Will!" GOD Judges not us! If we continue, Matt 7:1, we sin!
Ann rt "theory" viol WORD (Jn21:22)
Hate this 250 character limit.
Our "job" is to hold our brothers and sisters in Christ accountable. If they stray, we are to tell them so and guide them back. In today's world, we are to "judge" them.
Ann you have spoken some truth in that we are to be concern for our fellow brother and sisters. But we must know our limitations as well. The relationship is totally between God and them. We are responsible for our own.
Like Father and child.
Ann is RIGHT! Google "Is it Right to Judge" & STUDY Scriptures given! GOD "LOVES" for us to "judge" but ONLY with HIS WORDS (righteous judgment) not "our" opinion!
K&T: Why I keep telling u ur "teachings" TWISTED!
To answer the question is a big hell yes! You bet I hold myself to a higher standard because of my relationship with Christ. I like to think of it this way. When you want to do something unloving, invite Christ along with you and see how that works.
Hey I want to be called out when I fall below the two great commandments. I want someone to question whether or not I am a true Christian and I want someone to tell me so when I do not act like one.
Give me a test. But do not expect perfection after I pass.
When I was young I loved to be in school. Now that I am older I love to be in the school of life. Teach me Jesus.
To be honest I like the non-Christians to judge me. I have made some corrections based on their overt judgment of me.
This is a very good answer. You are right. It is so easy to backslide!
Eric, your answer here is based purely on conjecture and prejudice against atheists and other religious groups. How can u state such without knowing what standards each individual human lives by? I'm sure I hold myself to just as high a standard as u
I reread what I wrote. Wow someone really has to work at it to find insult here. Good for you.
A higher standard than who? Who are the people who u are holding yourself to a higher standard over? Did I miss something? U asked to be "called out" but I'm pretty sure u didn't mean that.
GET -- a higher standard for myself. Not compared to you but compared to me if I did not set a higher standard. I have no idea what your standards are.
"Teach me Jesus?" JESUS has left instructions - The Bible! W/O "STUDYING" v "talking," JESUS will NEVER "teach you!"
NOW, read the Bible "in chronological order" to find "The Gospel of Christ" under the New Covenant, after HIS ascension for TRUTH!
Eric, ok. But I myself don't see the need to involve a relationship with Jesus. I do the same thing on my own just by being aware of my individual shortcomings.
@Norine: U are absolutely right,the bible even gives instruction on how to treat slaves
Hey get -- I like that concept. I don't need to have a personal relationship with Jesus either. Need is not the factor. Thanks for raising that thought.
Get: Thank GOD you're NOT my JESUS! You are an IGNORANT "prejudice" FOOL! Gal 3:28 says "There is neither Jew nor Greek (& I see that you're NOT)..."IN CHRIST JESUS!"
Continue to show ur "IGNORANCE" (Can't) Getitrite!
Norine, u can throw a tantrum all u want. It still doesn't change the TRUTH. My great Grandmother was a slave. I can't look at her picture and think that what she went through was totally supported by the God I serve. U should be completely ashamed!
Sorry Get, but so was mine! Joseph (Gen 39) was slave also but became ruler.
What doesn't seem "right" to us is right in GOD'S sight! Matt 20:16 "The last will be first, & the first will be last!"
And most of us remain a slave today. Most all work for "the Man", "the Government". Don't do what the man wants and you will be disciplined, fired, cut off, held down. It is about what the master wants and always has been.
They can't touch one who is "IN CHRIST" (Gal 3:28)!
nor-do u ever read what you write? you espouse too much foolishness .
scripture tells us we will know them by their fruit. i see your fruit and you come up say lacking. much of your doctrine is not scriptural but you push it any way
Oh, I give WORD (as everyone can "see")! It's just that it doesn't align w/your "traditional" Catholic teachings!
Gal 1:12 "For I neither rec'd it of man, neither was I taught it. but by the REVELATION of JESUS CHRIST!"
Did u "WAIT"(Acts 1:4)?
Pretty sure the point of the comment was to have a way of exposing the true and utterly shameless hypocrites of Christianity...not to crap on those who mess up from time to time.
It was a pretty stupid statement regardless. What she cannot understand is that Christians are people too, and they will mess up from time to time. No one can be perfect. That is the reason we need a savior. What would you do with test results?
....i really cant grasp how it's possible for someone to respond to a comment without reading any of it.
I read it. My question is when you get the test results on whether the person is a real Christian, what do you do with that information? Isn't God the only one who can judge that? Who do you think you are?
So Loli, you've never, not once, said someone or a group of people are not true Christians?
Because if you have, the irony is all the more obvious...
I think it's more that others are denying that certain people who've committed atrocities are Christian when it doesn't work like that - bad or good, if they said they are Christian they are whether you like it or not
It's funny because I'm looking at a comment of Loli's right now of her saying that if a tree yields bad fruit, its not the work of god and just because someone says they are Christian, it doesn't mean that they are.
And yet, she decides to lecture others of judging the non Christ like actions of supposed christians.
Those who are "true" Christians (& only GOD knows this), the "spirit" is "righteous" by FAITH (Rm 3:22)! But our "soul" is continuously "changing" (2 Cor 3:18) into the likeness of Christ. Until then, "man" sees error but not GOD="heart" GOD!
Many people call themselves Christians, but only few behave as one. A Christian who lives in accordance to God's word, should have control over his/her behavior. A true Christian has the spirit of God (Holy Spirit) with and within him. "And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord." (Is 11:12)
"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path" (Ps 119:105). A true Christian has limits to what he/she can do, because the WORD serves as a guide, it serves as an instruction, it serves as a law! "The people perish for lack of knowledge." [[Maturity is not in knowing God's word, Maturity is in doing God's word]]. Well, no one is actually perfect, including we Christians, which means the level of one's maturity is not restricted to one's religion. There are many factors to be considered.
Non-Christians on the other hand can have a high standard of behavior than Christians and vice-versa. Speaking in a worldly sense, one's background, culture and family type, can be a constituent in shaping one's behavior; which can positively or negatively affect the nature of one's etiquette.
Someone once said "your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behavior does." I'm not so much in rapport with this quote, because in order to change your behavior, you need to change your beliefs. It only makes sense if you believe in the right thing.
Christians are born again for a purpose, to leave there old life and live a new, holy, and righteous one. But remember that there is something called "backsliding," which is as a result of sin or lack of understanding.
/No one is perfect, we are saved by God's grace/
I am "righteous by FAITH" (Rm 3:22)! I live under NEW COV or Christ "Died in Vain" (Gal 2:21)!
Tell Peter he should've "controlled his behavior" when he cut off soldier's ear (Jn 18:10) & JESUS w/him!
Hosea 4:6 "Lack of knowledge" applies to u!
If you said that bcos of my statement in the first paragraph, then I guess you didn't read through the whole post. Yes, we are righteous by faith, but we are not perfect. Did I say anything abt righteousness?
U say "behavior" unrighteous! Not so when "correcting" w/WORD! God knows the "heart!" U "look" as mere-man!
Bottom Line: Thank GOD for Grace & Mercy!
la- excellent answer. ingnor norine she is never on point, just a master of confusion
Sounds "precisely" like something SATAN would say "U will not surely die" (Gen 3:4)!
U're a "murder" persuading one "against" the Word of God!
Be Careful (Jer 23:1)!
Thanks Charlie.
I might have probably said something wrong that Norine is trying to correct, but she is not precise telling me my mistake. I made mention of "behavior" five times, Norine please which one are you referring to? (1st, 2nd, . . .)
"Control over behavior?" AGAIN, tell Peter when cut off ear & denied Jesus, tell JESUS in Temple, tell Paul ego tripping!
They were & had Holy Spirit!
Explain those "unrighteous behaviors" in sight of men!
I know the test...
You believe in God, go to heaven yourself, if they are there too well they are a Christian lol.
Where will that leave you - if an "unbeliever?"
If there is a heaven & "they are there too," then there is a "HELL!"
What a pity... Robert, why the silence? If you truly believe in what whatever you believe in, why don't you kindly respond/reply to the above statement Norine made.
I do not think that a "higher stand of behavior", whatever the hell that suppose to mean..., has anything to do with religion.
You could question if a "true" Christian exists at all. There are so many different forms of Christianity that it is difficult to say who is the "true" one. Personally it sounds a bit arrogant if somebody would proclaim him/herself a true Christian. This would mean that only his/her point of view towards Christianity is the right one. Such an attitude has lead to many a war. Whole Christian groups where murdered by other Christian groups like the Cathars because they where not proper Christians.
Let's cut the crap and simply judge someone by what he/she does instead of looking at his/her religion.
IF we "look" at what one does, Peter would be in "HELL" (cut off ear, denied JESUS 3x's,etc)!
The ONLY way one can "judge" someone is their BELIEF aligns with "rightly divided" WORD!
Gal 1:6-9! We're living AFTER Acts 2 (NEW COV) or "ACCURSED!"
So all people who lived before Jesus and didn't know HIM, like Moses, Adam and Eve,Noah,Jacob,David etc. Live in Hell?.
Their are many people who believe but do terrible acts, believe is not a way to juge people.
GOD is a “Just” GOD went into grave & preached to prisoners to afford them the SAME opport we have under NEW COV (Grace & Truth; I Pet 3:19)! MOST “Christians” don’t “BLV” r they wouldn’t argue “their” belief w/WORD & have NO POWER (Jn4:2
Thans not an answer to my question.
Do Adam and Eve live in Hell?
Am I GOD? WORD said "He went into the grave & preached to prisoners" but ONLY GOD knows who "heard!"
GOD told us to "mind our business" when it comes to who is in heaven (Jn 21:22) "...what is that to thee? Follow thou me.
ps- you have shown tour TOTAL lack of understanding of scripture so hang it up no one want to hear you Christian bashing, ps there is one & only one form of Christianity. all the church system is an invention of men that do not understand
It sounds like your "doctrine" is "spin off" from Catholics believing there is a Father Son & Holy Spirit & not IAW I Cor 12; Eph 4:4-6;Jn1:10;14;5:23;20:28; Col 2:9; I Tim 3:16; Heb1:8-9; Rev1:8-9;22:13; Is 9:6;43:10-11;44:24!
Unblvr=not in
Charlie there are more forms of Cristianity. Do you have the right understanding of the scripture? I bet the Greek orthodox church will disagree with you.
Gal1:7-9"There r some of u who would "pervert the gospel of Christ." But though we r an angel fm heaven, PREACH ANY OTHER GOSPEL unto u than what we have preached, let him be ACCURSED! As we said before, so say I now again...LET HIM BE ACCURSED!"
peter- thats ok with me, they are a false church. scripture makes it clear there are to be NO divisions in HIS church. but its ok to have in the churches of men they are not of God.. Jesus agrees with me and that is what matters to me.
Yes your "Jesus agrees with u and that is what matters to u." What about THE JESUS? Do u blv n Acts 2:42 as THE JESUS said? Do u blv I Cor 12 as THE JESUS said? Do u live AFTER Day of Pentecost as THE JESUS said?
What "Jesus?" Urs? Lk18:10-14!
Funny you mention Cathars. Cathars (influenced by Manichaeans), Augustine was a Manichaean before, but later he became a Christian and adversary of Manichaeans. His writing formed the spirit of the inquisition. (was this hate for his self-delusion?)
Cathars LIARS too! Only the WORD of GOD is true!
El S. If he just believed and never followed the instructions Building the Ark how could they survive. It certainly depended on faith which he never seen rain. The way people say they never see proof of God. Until the proof came to late for many.
As ppl say they "believe" but don't follow "After the Cross," or "After the Day of Pentecost," they will be "lost" so says WORD (Gal 1:6-9)!
IT IS WRITTEN whether 1 has been "taught" or not!
Yes but they shouldn't be. The standards are set by God and they apply to all thinking and feeling human beings. They were given free choice by God so that they can choose their own way. In the eye of God, we are all sinners. It is with the grace of God that we are saved. Leave the judgement to God in the end. During this life, we should just abide by his Commandments best we can.
U answered ur "late abortion" Q!
"Commandments?" II Cor 3:17 "Now the Lord is that Spirit: & where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." He NOW (under New Cov where w live) "puts his "laws" n our hearts & minds(Jer 31:31-33;Heb8:10
jl- not really true. nonChristians have not committed to follow Christ. professing Christians have. we are TO JUDGE The fruit of those professing Christ but NOT TO judge those that do not. too bad most church people are not taught that.
"Church ppl" like u?
Gal 1:12!
As JESUS, everyone thought HIM "crazy" too! Jn 15:18 If not, not JESUS!
Better "search the Scriptures" (Acts 17:11)!
Yes. If Christians are going to preach about morality, then they should live morally and should be held to higher standards than those who are not preaching morality. Otherwise, they are just hypocrites by definition. Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
We are "righteous" by FAITH" (Rm 3:22) & r "changing fm glory to glory" (II Cor 3:18) into HIS likeness but, until then, "war" cont inside of us (soul) Eph 6:10-18!
Listen to Rise & Fall TJ Cait Lyrics on YouTube! Who are you?
norine your answer in no way pertains to the question. no wonder we are getting tired of your self righteous foolishess. either stay on subject or be quiet.
This area wasn't a resp to Q but a comment to MM'S resp!
If you're speaking of my resp below, it clearly tells why we "appear" unrighteous in the sight of "mere-man" (u), for we r chging fm "glory to glory" (2Cor3:18)!
GOD=a HEART GOD(Matt5:8)!
Morality in "mere-man's" sight is diff fm GOD'S (I Sam 16:7)!
"Birds of a feather flock together" (PS 119:63)! What does that say for u Celafoe?
Only GOD can "see heart!"
Tell JESUS;Matt21:12;Tell Peter Jn18:10; Tell Paul Rm 7:15!
There is one clearly set Forth in scripture and all real CHRISTIANS should fully embrace it . they have a right to expect more from us if we claim to be Christians.
Matt 7:20
20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
Matt 7:25 "..& the rain came & winds blew & beat upon that house; & it fell not: for it was founded upon a ROCK" (JESUS) or "The Gospel of Christ" AFTER "The Day of Pentecost" under NEW COVENANT (Acts 2 FWD) or Gal 1:6-9!
Christians are notorious for bad behavior, and we often give excuses for why we ... When our sin is pointed out to us, either by a Christian or a non-Christian, the ... and light in the world, then we are supposed to be held to higher standards
Satan is notorious for "looking as man does" (I Samuel 16:7)! Unfortunately, you do not know GOD! GOD look @ one's "heart!" Can you? If not, it's only your "opinion" & doesn't amount to a hill of beans!!!
If u can't prove comments w/WORD=NOTH
Interesting response there Raj. tha Ka for sharing.
No one is "perfect" (Rm 3:23) not even JESUS (in flesh;Mk10:18)!
If 1 does what WORD says "WAIT"(Acts1:4) for HELP(Acts1:8); then HE changes us (perm) from "glory to glory" (2Cor3:18). If we do, we're on our way!
"Spiritual" journey! Join us!
Amen! (Spiritually)!
Jn 4:23-24 ("MUST")!
Eph 2:9 ("NOT BY WORKS" or doing yourself)!
Holy Spirit changes us from "glory to glory" (II Cor 3:18)!
It has nothing to do with religiosity. I believe that people who are more intelligent, evolved, & spiritual should maintain high standards. After all, they do possess a higher consciousness level & should know better than to regress to lower consciousness levels. People of higher consciousness level regardless of ethical, moral, religious, &/or religious beliefs should uphold higher standards as they know better & are of a higher moral ground. It is called maturity, insight, & being in touch with one's higher nature or God consciousness.
"Intelligence" has NOTHING to do with SPIRITUALITY! That seems to be your hang up (Prov 3:5) as was Paul's (2 Cor 12:6-16)!
When over educated = "problem" re: ego/pride (IJn2:16)!
After all, the majority of Jesus' disciples were mere fisherman!
Practice of the laws of the Bible have gone. Christianity, today, is reduced to believing in Jesus alone. Anybody can do anything.
In trying to convert the immigrants, missionaries in the USA blame Hollywood's effect on American women because they cannot give a proper answer to other orthodox immigrant's concerns about morality.
Gal 3:24 "laws" brought us unto Christ!" Under NEW COVENANT HE "puts HIS "laws" in our hearts & minds" (Jer 31:33) via Holy Spirit (Jn 14:26) & we don't want to "do anything!"
"In trying to convert immigrants," they're teaching taught n sem
That... is ludicrous. John 8:7 : "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone against her." It's amazing how a plethora of non-Christians are guilty of the same thing they accuse us of... Christians aren't supposed to judge; we're just supposed to pass the word of God and the one he sent forth, his son, Jesus Christ. The most integral part of the Christian doctrine is we aren't saved by our works, or how "perfect" we are, but by grace. True Christianity is admitting one is imperfect, yet still striving to correct our errors and walk in the light of Christ, while accepting the imperfections of others and believing those individuals will walk the same path we do. True Christianity is, in this life, a never-ending struggle to fulfilling God and Christ's expectations, NOT sitting on a high-horse looking down on others. How can we look down on our brethren and sisters when we're all here on Earth, on the same level? The only ones with the right to do that are those in heaven.
The only false Christians, the worst ones, I can think of are those who lie and use Christianity for their own ends. Those people performing business and gambling in the church that Jesus lost his anger on are those types.
" Christians aren't supposed to judge;" Who "taught" u that? Ps37:30! "JUDGMENT" comes fm HIS WORD ;HE "JUDGES!"
Want more Scriptures saying GOD "loves" JUDGMENT?
"accepting the imperfections of others" Matt 18:15-17. Don't u tell "child" wrg
I think it's not so much a "higher" standard as a double standard. There has been a systemic undermining of our Judeo-Christian heritage and beliefs (and I am including both Canada and the US in this), coupled with unrelenting attacks on Christians, typically in the form of mockery and insults rather than logic and genuine attempts to refute foundational Christian beliefs. It's insidious. Just as an example, I recently looked to follow a couple of Facebook pages because they were science pages, and having seen some shares from them, I thought they'd be interesting. Instead, I found that most of the pages engaged in anti-Christian bigotry. They might claim to be against all religions, but it was specifically Christianity they mocked.
One reason is decades of anti-Christian indoctrination. The other is safety. Mock a Jew, and you'll be accused of anti-semitism. Mock a Muslim might get you killed. Mock a Christian, and you typically just get them ticked off, and then you can mock them for being "un-Christian" by becoming angry. Christians aren't allowed to become angry or defend their faith, or ever ever make a mistake, because then they aren't "real" Christians and hypocrites or whatever the favourite insult is of the time.
Basically, Christians are held to an impossible standard, because the goalposts are constantly being moved, while others are basically exempt from judgement. Because.
"Because" they have "leaned to their own understanding" (Prov 3:5) via tradition, teachings, & haven't "studied" the Word of God!
I wish "believers" would "wipe the slate clean," & "Study" (II Tim 2:15)!
Why I am attempting to answer this question I am laughing uncontrollable at your quoted words "What the" H"do we need that for" .
But to answer while we are to be good examples
and encourage one another , we solely are in dedication to the Heavenly Father.
Our relationship in good standing has nothing to do with proving to another how we feel from our heart about the Heavenly Father.
Example on a husband and wife relationship
It would be a privacy of concerns and its just between you two.
The same with our worship and love for our heavenly Father. No one can say what he feels about you. Because its between you and him.
So if people are saying different then they have been misinformed.
IF "Christ dwells in us," (we may not change overnight), the world should see "some type of change!" Don't you think?
Matthew 7:15-20!
The world has been judged .do we want to please the world or do we please the one who gave us life.
John 12:31 , the ruler of this world will be cast out.
What are we going to do with Matt 7:15-20! SOMETHING should be "seen" in this world! Don't u think?
Yes, "the ruler of this world (Satan) has already been defeated" but what are we going to do with Matt 7:15-20? SOME "change" should be "seen!"
Verse 20 says you will recognize those men. Who pose sheep but our wolves. True scripture. But not side tracted to Jesus command of preaching door to door.or where the opportunity leads you. Matthew 28:19-20 his departed words are more important.
True, the Holy Spirit gives "gift" of "discernment" to recognize! But character should chg & be seen by world 2!
Re: 2x2: Under the law (The Gospels)! Acts 8:29: Why did the Spirit tell Philip to go to chariot "alone?"
"Departed Words"=Acts 1:4-
Norine I know this much you will stick to your reasoning .
Which is some things you say are okay. But the other is not. Again the world will be cleaned acceptance from the world will not save your life with God.
" will not save your life with God.?" I don't see anything GOD said w/that statement! U "judge!!!"
But get this: Gal 1:6-9 "If anyone preach ANY OTHER gospel"="ACCURSED"! What gospel? After Acts or AFTER "New Covenant!"
Now that is WORD!
Norine its been a good vacation with out you and your attacks on comments . you will never agree to my comments I certainly do not agree with yours. So when you post I will just not answer , I love peace.
Just giving TRUTH (WORD)!
Peace now, pay later!
Well we could test Islam the exact same way in which Christianity is being tested. Let the true religion of tolerance and peace win!!!!
Let's prove Islam is the religion of peace, love and tolerance. Lets:
1) Build churches in Saudi Arabia
2) Send all our gays and transgendered to Saudi Arabia and Iran as good will ambassadors.
3) Send all our politically enlightened college students to Saudi and Iran to teach micro-aggressions to their clerics.
3) Send all Syrian refugees to Saudi Arabia and Iran where they will doubtless be tolerated peacefully and welcomed.
After all, the most perfect exemplars of devout Muslim behavior are Iran and Saudi Arabia. If they don't know how to do Islam then no one does.
Without the Holy Spirit (JESUS), it won't "pass the test" (Spiritually) ANYWHERE!
I think they are, and they held to account for their beliefs more so than non-christians.
That's right. Unbelievers/non-Christians have no law/guide nor restriction to their actions, "where there is no sin, there is no law." But unbelievers should also note that "sin is lawlessness." (1 John 3:4b)
R u a "babe" in Christ?
Gal3:23-25 {paraphrasing} "Before "FAITH" under law who was our "Schoolmaster" to bring us "unto" Christ, but AFTER "FAITH" we no longer need a "Schoolmaster!" Law (written) gone! Now "puts His laws in our hearts & minds
I'm not trying to prove rt! I'm hear to remind r tell TRUTH in HIS WORD! New Cov became eff in Acts 2! "BELIEVERS" should ONLY live under "Grace & Truth" which is NC! If so, do as apostles & baptize in JESUS' Name, ALL SPIRITUAL-ONE SPIRIT (I
I don't follow any one particular religion. However I do believe in God. As a believer, I think that believers should be held to a higher standard. If one is going to be preaching about morality, then one should be a moral person.
I agree with you 100 percent.
But Like Noah who also believed in God as you was Gods Friend. What made that possible Gen 6:22 "And Noah did according to all that God commanded him he did just so "
Because of that he saved his family .7 other lives.
If you "don't follow any one particular religion," you don't "believe" in JESUS who IS GOD! Gal 1:6-9 says "If u preach (blv) any other gospel" (other than what Paul taught), let him be "ACCURSED" (2x's)!
"Blving" there is a God v IN GOD=diff
I respect the bible and the verses in it. The Christianity spreads good things to others. for ex: For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
This is true psychologically, if we forgive others we don't have any grudges on others who did evil to you. So this will avoid the problems further.
I think its depend on ours persistence of views its not that the standards. Its the matter of the behavior of the individual behavior whether he or she is christian or non christian.
Science or pscyh haven't "caught up" to GOD! Pscyh just "figuring out" GOD is TRUTH! Morals (behavior:unblvrs) is not of spirit which chgs w/situation! Convicted "Blvrs," who have done as Eph 6:10-18="unwavering" & can "stand" regardless situati
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