Bringing Heaven to Earth

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  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    The Lord's Prayer, which Jesus gave us, outlines bringing heaven to earth. What is heaven? How can we bring it to earth?


    1. gmwilliams profile image82
      gmwilliamsposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Such a WONDERFUL post.   As the state of humanity know, the idea of heaven on earth is a very long way off.  Humankind is still in the Kali Yuga stage.  Humankind although it has evolved somewhat is still in the lower stages.   Humankind has many times created hell or hells on earth because of humankind is concentrated at the lower stages or planes.  There were enlightened souls that tried to create heavens on earth but they are crucified either literally or psychologically by ostracization or marginalization.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
        Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        ... isn't that the truth!!

        New Book just out, you might like, gm:

        America Before: The Key to Earth's Lost Civilization
        Hardcover – April 23, 2019
        by Graham Hancock  (Author)

        1. MizBejabbers profile image88
          MizBejabbersposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for recommending Graham Hancock's new book. I've met Graham Hancock on several occasions and am enthralled by almost everything he has to say. He is a true spiritualist and is working to make earth a sacred planet.

      2. Miebakagh57 profile image69
        Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

        You, Gus? Talking religion or philosophy?

    2. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      My study of the Bible where Jesus said as I've paraphrased "the kindom is within us" and I think the psalmist it was who said "heaven is god's throne and the earth his footstool". Together they mean to me there's a "new birth" we go through once we balance our karmic debt to earth like caterpillars go through to become butterflies. What that morphing does is begin to restore to our minds how to live nude (until our hair returns), eating and drinking from the earth like all other environmental living beings. We are said to be sons of god so once we obtain the abilities Jesus demonstrated we are god (Gen. 1:26-8) on earth for another replenishing of it.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
        Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        "Thy (God's) will be done ..."

        What is God's will?

        1. The0NatureBoy profile image56
          The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          God's will, KLH, is for every human to live the 2 genders, 4 ethnics, 12 eastern Zodiac signs and 12 Western signs multiplied by each other for the 150 different attributes each life-forces are to incarnate as individually and all combinations of while on our earth's sojourn. Then human become Born Again by morphing into man since human are to man what tadpoles are to frogs and caterpillars are to butterflies, an early stage of, in our case, man which is the same as god.

          1. MizBejabbers profile image88
            MizBejabbersposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Elijah, you speak in riddles (kind of like Jesus spoke in parables), but I do know exactly what you mean.

            1. The0NatureBoy profile image56
              The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              There are a few people, MizB, who can understand, they think outside of what we have been taught to accept as truth and usually well on their way up the mountain of enlightenment. Since first observing your writings and posts I have realized you are climbing that mountain. To climbers riddles, allegories, metaphors nor symbol-types holds then down for long, but the valley people who aren't interested in climbing it baffles them.


              1. MizBejabbers profile image88
                MizBejabbersposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Peace, love and light to you, my friend.

        2. jacharless profile image72
          jacharlessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Well, if the text is accurate, Creators will is that all of humanity be saved [spared the curse of sin and its effects: including physical death] and come to the knowledge of the true truth [that they are the immortal reflections of Creator].

          Ironically, the theologies of science and sensationalism have subverted that message and sold humanity on the concepts of self-determination, economics and finite repetition.

          1. Live to Learn profile image60
            Live to Learnposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            I think you give science and sensationalism too much credit here.

            The reality is that Creator, for whatever intents and purposes, is a passive and unseen observer in the reality we exist in. Reality has proven that self-determination is the primary force that sustains us in this life, economics cannot be avoided in the pursuit of sustaining oneself in this existence and finite repetition (I assume you mean the constant life/death cycle) is the only observable reality we have to go by

            If some profound truth, other than the one we live in, existed I have no doubt that truth would have been available to all of us, by now. We can find peace, we can find personal enlightenment, we can feel that we have transcended and feel one with the spiritual.

            But, I haven't ever seen the spiritual put food on a plate, a roof over one's head or save someone from a natural disaster. I have seen those who would aspire to lead spiritually remove the food and shelter from the person seeking and I have seen those who aspire to lead creating disaster.

            I'm not attempting to negate the search for meaning on a cosmic level but  if you denigrate the obvious reaction and necessary interaction with observable reality isn't that also, to some extent, denigrating the Creator?

            1. The0NatureBoy profile image56
              The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              Live to Learn, The reason spirit doesn't provide e those things for us is because we, following it's intent, deviated from living as ecologically as all other earthen lifes do. Our so called created state had all of those provisions with the sky our roof, the earth our floor, the horizon our walls and plants our food, our deviation caused us to forget whence we were to live so the things you mentioned is our own doings as directed by spirit.

              1. Live to Learn profile image60
                Live to Learnposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Interesting, since we have ample evidence of humans living that way, right now. I see no evidence living that way has provided them any benefits, other than poverty and hunger.

                1. The0NatureBoy profile image56
                  The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  I have experienced the peace living without the mental stress of seeking, what I have discovered, I don't need is the benefit proven to me. No one can experience that peace unless they are objectively participating in the life, they can't look at others without experiencing it and say that's not for me.

                  Looking over my baby, child and adolescence years I constantly went between poverty and prosperity and accepted them both equally, had I preferred one over the other I don't think I could ever have come to accept the past 40+ years of my nomadic life. So, the key to accepting what is called impoverished living is objectivity.

            2. jacharless profile image72
              jacharlessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              Perhaps I do credit too well the forces of reason.

              Yet, the reality is humans cannot be divided by “physic” or “spirit”. In reality, spirit is physic. I would even go so far as to state without spirit, physic has no relevance, no purpose. What is solidified (physical) is still the spirit, only in a form more tangible, as the definition implies. Humanity is both. This is the actual definition of “heaven on earth”. A seamless expression of intangible-tangible.

              For example, if I super cool nitrogen and oxygen it results in ice. Yet if i super heat the same it becomes unvisible vapor. The same elements expressed in two unique forms. They are identical items, expressed differently.

              But, to understand your point, it is duality that seeks to divide each and every thread, regardless of the title humans select as their distraction: humanist, theist, atheist, etc. This was and is the problem at its core.

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
                Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                - duality is the problem. The solution is unification.


                1. The0NatureBoy profile image56
                  The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  The unification is always there, it is man's constant use of descriptive adjectives based on our sense perceptions is the cause. To recognize the solution, stop using the judgmental adjectives growing on the tree of knowledge and use things nomenclatures to have the divisions disappear from our minds.

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    "... use things nomenclatures have,

                    so the divisions disappear from our minds."

                    use "things" ?

                    what things?

                    the act
                    or process
                    or an instance of naming

                    - The assigning of a name to each distinct species.
                    - a system or set of terms or symbols especially in a particular science, discipline, or art.
                    The nomenclature of inorganic chemistry.
                    - An international system of standardized New Latin names used in biology for kinds and groups of kinds of animals and plants.

                2. jacharless profile image72
                  jacharlessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  Precisely, love. Reunification.
                  And herein, as the cliche goes, lies the rub.

                  Perhaps, the easiest aspect, which requires little or no intervention by humans, is the physical bodies transformation into an immortal stasis.

                  The real challenges are two. First, the mind must be abandoned in the aspect we currently use it. While there are an estimated billion-trillion threads of organically and genetically programmed information within, the purpose of the mind is not to reason but to enable us to do and understand, without effort or lack of potency.

                  Second is the ego, which completely blocks, veils, smothers and ultimately kills our life-force. For all intents and purposes, I define that force as Creator power. Others dub it faith. It is THAT power which set in motion this thing we call creation. It is that power which was breathed into us and it is that same power that manifests Heaven-Earth, again 100% intangible-tangible. I vaguely recall a quote in text about a mustard seed-size measure of that power can either literally or figuratively move a mountain of obstacles. A friend referenced it like an atomic explosion, where a single atom results in a massive release of energy. His wife prefers the genie interpretation: "phenomenal cosmic power, in an itty bitty living space". Ha! I guess both make a good point.

                  As stated earlier, it is not so much why or how but rather when. It is critical to note when man was made. At which stage of creation did he come into view. The system of creation is quite remarkable. The layers of each building upon another until a beautiful planet housing a million varieties of life was formed. Yet, it is after all these events that humans are said to have appeared -either by carbon date method or theological consideration. 260k or 6k does not really make much difference in the bigger picture. And, it easily explains the why. The intangible could not view its creation from a creations perspective. It required a seamless conduit that was both tangible and intangible to explain and provide an optic, provide proof - if the term fits - that creation happened.

                  Into man was put all that knowledge - and up until he fell into madness was (i believe) continuously refilled with more. The fluidity alone must have been inexplicable. It is also just as remarkable how far removed from that fluidity we have gone - even our very own DNA and brain usage show the extent of that cutoff.

                  In order to avoid that snuffing-out and manifest that original Heaven-Earth, we must enable that power to take full control, regardless of the minds' protest and bodies complaint - and it will protest to the nth-sharpness of a razors edge imaginable, I'm sure. However, once that power is unleashed within, the mind and body will actually have no choice but to comply. And, despite all the complex explanations given by countless variations of theology; all the endless facts presented by science; thousands of years of knees bend, arms lifted up, ritual prayers recited, it is the simplicity of the entire thing that strikes the most profound truth.

                  Just as man did not struggle through the birth of creation, equally he should not struggle for reunification. Seems more likely we are approaching that reconnect in the wrong perception. Using our own logic to dictate how and when it should happen, instead of accepting and allowing the joy of that experience itself to make that transformation a reality. I would imagine that same inexplicable joy, that child-like wonder, on the first mans face when he awakened to creation.

                3. MizBejabbers profile image88
                  MizBejabbersposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  Find the teachings of the real Christ. The teachings of the "christ" in the bible are nothing but man's alter ego via the Roman Catholic Church whether it be the RSV or the KJV or any of the other translations for Catholics and Protestants.
                  "How?" Just ask the creator. Even man's alter ego says "seek and ye shall find."

              2. Live to Learn profile image60
                Live to Learnposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                I do believe the force that animates our minds is something of the spiritual so, yes, I agree spiritual is physical.

                The problem is believing that to be true is not proving it to be so. I don't know what point (other than self gratification) is served by making claims of truth.

                I've spent quite a lot of time in my life listening to those who claim some form of enlightenment and all I've discovered it boils down to is people who might have an ounce of truth to share but that truth drowns in the bs they pile on top of it.

                This reality. The here and now. If that is all we can experience collectively, and we each are a fusion of the spiritual and the physical, then all I can make of it is that spirit wants us to focus on that here and now, collectively. If there wasn't something important here I doubt the spiritual would have bothered with the physical.

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  [Verse 1]
                  If you can just get your mind together
                  Then come on across to me
                  We'll hold hands, and then we'll watch the sunrise
                  From the bottom of the sea

                  But first, are you experienced?
                  Have you ever been experienced?
                  Well, I have

                  [Verse 2]
                  I know, I know you probably scream and cry
                  That your little world won't let you go
                  But who in your measly little world
                  Are you trying to prove that
                  You're made out of gold and, eh, can't be sold

                  So uh, are you experienced?
                  Have you ever been experienced?
                  Well, I have

                  [Verse 3]
                  Let me prove to you
                  Trumpets and violins I can hear in distance
                  I think they're calling our names
                  Maybe now you can't hear them, but you will (haha)
                  If you just take hold of my hand

                  Oh, but are you experienced?
                  Have you ever been experienced?
                  Not necessarily stoned, but beautiful

                     "ARE YOU EXPERIENCED?"

                  Written by Jimi Hendrix

                  About “Are You Experienced?”
                  The album’s psychedelic title track, which author Sean Egan described as impressionistic in his book Jimi Hendrix and the Making of Are You Experienced, featured the post-modern soundscapes of backwards guitar and drums that pre-date scratching by 10 years. Psychedelic Rock.

                  1. Live to Learn profile image60
                    Live to Learnposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    Jimmy Hendrix died from inhalation of vomit due to barbiturate intoxication.

                    And yet, he gets a song dedicated to a bringing heaven to earth thread.

                2. jacharless profile image72
                  jacharlessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  Today is literally all we have. We cannot return to yesterday nor leap ahead into tomorrow. And even if we did, either would, if fact, still be today. So, yes, the here-now is all there truly is.

                  As for the collective in unison, in many respects they are, only not in sync with the intangible. 14+ billion eyes viewing creation is a wonderful thing, each set with its own unique purview and perspective.

                  What must be strange is the results of all that physic data - including our sensory and self-analysis being transmitted back to the intangible, through what little spark remains in man. Personally, I would not want to be the programmer of that database. Ha! But, I do think there is purpose behind this animation - and it cannot be just 80 years of economic slave labor repetition, with a ticket to the "happy place" or “permanent deletion”.

                  1. Live to Learn profile image60
                    Live to Learnposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    I see no logic in either a 'happy place' or 'permanent deletion'. Neither would warrant a reasonable outcome for what little we do for the little bit of time we inhabit this existence.

                    I've never imagined all of the physic data being transmitted back to the intangible and cataloged. And, I assume we still have the same size spark as our ancestors did.

                    I do think that which animates each of us made a conscious choice to participate in a reality that precludes understanding of the why and how of that initial choice. Somewhat like Jesus.   He had more of a knowledge than we do, but that lack of full understanding was still very much a part of who he was.

                3. The0NatureBoy profile image56
                  The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  Love the Rain, you said "I don't know what point (other than self gratification) is served by making claims of truth" and I say if one believes they will seek how to understand it in its depth.

                  We are here to assist others' understanding so we must learn to experience individually with objectivity and them bring our findings to the collective for comparing our findings or, in many cases, revealing our findings to the collective. Because we usually become prejudicial for not agreeing with the collective we tend to reject some of our own experiences to be a part of the collective. There lies the problem with being the collective rather than an individual within the collective.

          2. The0NatureBoy profile image56
            The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            JACharles, I believe the texts are so accurate that my life has been devoted to proving it and I've found nothing to suggest otherwise in my 43+ years of being born again. That is why I posts here on Hubpages, it is the only one of the many I have been on who still allows me to post such radical beliefs.

            1. jacharless profile image72
              jacharlessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              Well, kudos to HP for allowing such posts. However, having been through the doldrums of what is coined born again, can testify that most are paraders and weekend wannabes - likened to atheists, with a more “robust” sales pitch.

              Still, the fundamental truth is humans are, by definition and not application, 100% carbon beings and 100% “spiritual” beings. They were designed as the physical expression of an un-solidified force. They are the eyes of Creator, the viewport and experience that is creation. No other creature has been so fortunate. Sadly, humanity has not welcomed this event, instead choosing the self, the ego, over the aforementioned, in what is nothing short of a violent and finite replication of the concept known as Utopianism.
              It is here that duality reveals itself. When Adam went down the rabbit hole. Man listened to himself and as a result killed himself. His own mind consumed him and led him far from home. He has since done everything in his own power to claw his way back to that place of immortality. Alas, and thankfully, he has been fruitless in this venture. Memorizing and spewing ancient texts  have proven useless. Sure, it satisfies the ego - the ha satan - but does nothing to manifest that heaven on earth.

              1. The0NatureBoy profile image56
                The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, I give HP its deserved kudos every time I can.

                Most claiming born again can't give a conception, gestation, trivial, birth and which stage of babyhood, childhood, adolescence or adulthood they are in, http://prop1.orgf/protest/elijah/book#birth.htm is mine. Neither do they realize tadpoles becoming frogs and butterflies reborn from caterpillars are physical examples of the new birth Jesus meant when he said you must be born again and to follow how The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit require that radical of a change like frogs' no longing living in the water (knowledge of good and evil) for living on the land.

                Actually, JACharles, the prefixes hu = cut from man and wo = woven from man which means we are less than man as, unbeknown to Adam, he renamed both genders woven from man since the one the other was taken from remained incomplete after the flesh was closed up and why woman need the new birth to become man again. Only man are 100% physical and 100% spirit, human and woman are not. Otherwise we are in agreement.

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  - whats the difference between human and man, again?

                  1. The0NatureBoy profile image56
                    The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    Hew is what the prefix "hu" in human is and means cut from man while "wo" in woman means woven from man.

                2. jacharless profile image72
                  jacharlessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  On a sidebar, am enjoying your vocabulary.
                  My only quip would be that since females are woven from man, they would also be 100% spirit. And definitely agreed, human - the current stasis of the collection - are not.

                  1. The0NatureBoy profile image56
                    The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    The Adam and Eve metaphor provides us with woman as woven from man while Jacob's working for 2 wives gave female it's definition of price paid to male or man since male is another word for man defined mind able to comprehend all things. In both cases it's because boys consider themselves superior to girls as Eve's curse is designed to reveal she was no longer an help meet meaning equal.

    3. MizBejabbers profile image88
      MizBejabbersposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      To bring heaven to earth, esoterically means to make earth a sacred planet. In 2012 it was announced that 7% of humans had advanced spiritually enough to guarantee the ascension of the earth into a sacred planet if we continued to work on it. (Graham Hancock was there...really admire that man.) I noticed that The0 mentioned something about "man being nude". I don't interpret it that way. Once earth becomes a sacred planet, it is what the Bible speaks of as "heaven on earth" and the humans on earth will have new bodies. Christians speculate on what "new bodies" means, but spiritualists interpret this as shedding our painful human bodies for spiritual bodies of light. With bodies of light, humans will have no need for clothing, so I guess The0 is correct, after all. The timeline given for this ascension and transformation of humans is between 300 and 500 years.  My European ancestors came to this country between 400 and 300 years ago.That isn't very long when one thinks about it.

      1. gmwilliams profile image82
        gmwilliamsposted 5 years agoin reply to this


        1. MizBejabbers profile image88
          MizBejabbersposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Åre you a spiritualist? Much of the time you sound like one. Peace, love and light to you.

          1. gmwilliams profile image82
            gmwilliamsposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, I categorize myself as a New Ager.

        2. Miebakagh57 profile image69
          Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Hi, Gus, you seem to be carried away with Mizbejabbars! Let's see you.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
            Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Its, Grace.
            not Gus!

          2. MizBejabbers profile image88
            MizBejabbersposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Miebakagh, I think that is because Grace and I understand true spirituality, as does Kathryn. From what you've written, you understand only the physical. from your answer to Kathryn, what does time have to do with it? That's an earthly mesurement.

            You ask her: "Okay, what is your take on when the spine and buttock muscles got tangled?"

            I find that to be totally irrelevant to her correct explanation of chakras. (And very low grade and unspiritual as well.)

      2. The0NatureBoy profile image56
        The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        What you say is true about new bodies, MizB, but the 5% (wise virgins) of the population who enters the safe heaven, Armageddon, for terminating the others 95% (including the foolish virgins) they will be living nude and according two "My sex Education" while relishing the earth (Rev. 20:4-5) for the alternative world (Rev. 21) that follows for as long as this material one has lasted, like a year's average for evenings and mornings of a day are 11 hours each.

        1. MizBejabbers profile image88
          MizBejabbersposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          What happened to "My Sex Education"? I went back to reread it, and it was not there anymore.

          1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
            Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Do heaven and sex-related? Who do you want to do the sex act with in heaven?

            1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
              Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              The energy goes either up or down along the spine, according to your  conscious focus. If your bliss is in the lower chakras, you become enmeshed in matter, delusion, and misery because there is a long way to go to get back to the higher chakras where one has more light, joy and expansion. And after all, the higher you go, the closer you are to the final escape into everlasting bliss.

              Of course, some will not agree with this simple explanation.

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
                Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

                For this to take place, at a higher level, I think you have to go a long way in time say, above 30minutes? Okay, what is your take on when the spine and buttock muscles got tangled?

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  Q. above 30minutes?
                  A. Its based on your desire, 100%. Prolly, lifetimes.
                  Q. Okay, what is your take on when the spine and buttock muscles got tangled?

                  A. Adam and Eve

                  1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
                    Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    Question #1= pass.

                    Question #2= FAIL

                    Recommendation: Take a further lesson or course work in sex education well, and do your homework well.

            2. Live to Learn profile image60
              Live to Learnposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              If you are wondering who you'll have sex with in heaven, you've missed the difference between physical and spiritual.

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
                Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

                There is no need to make love in heaven. This explains why those teaching guru are not right.

              2. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Don't tell me sex is not spiritual. When my partner and I were making love, she called out. OH, MY GOD!!!.

                That is proof, I am God, or at least her Daddy.

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this
                  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    Thank you

                    For that Judeo/Christian documentary

                2. Live to Learn profile image60
                  Live to Learnposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  In your dreams.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    I dream for a living, so I have the ultimate power. Everyone is God, it's just most don't put it into a practice.

                3. Miebakagh57 profile image69
                  Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  Hi, castlepaloma, I am not one who held the belief that sex is not spiritual. You had told this incident before when we discuss GOD, right?

                  Sex is spiritual. You can make love with your partner on earth anywhere. But in heaven? That is nonsense. Do you have your heaven? Okay, go on! You can't make love with your spouse in my heaven.I'll throw you and her to the river! Others may lol, but you are forbidden.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    By evidence and fact base, I would have to say spiritual heaven is nonsense. I think there is heaven and hell on earth. One of them is making love to the one you love. No greater pleasure in heaven and laughing is second. When both happen at the same time, I am God.

          2. The0NatureBoy profile image56
            The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            I edited it and used "bitch" in place of "girl-dog" as I discovered is not acceptable and just edited it out, hopefully it will be up soon.

            1. MizBejabbers profile image88
              MizBejabbersposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              While "bitch" is a term for a female dog, people have misused it so now it does have a bad connotation. Too bad. Same for words like "gay," which was widely used in Victorian literature to describe a happy lively person and "queer" which was used to describe a strange person, animal or object. I guess one could still say he'd found a queer-looking rock.

      3. Miebakagh57 profile image69
        Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Then what do you say of the big bang theory? Will just this 7% only survived the bang? Heavens help us the majority. Zealots are a lot of sinners.

    4. Miebakagh57 profile image69
      Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, Kathryn, you can talk the Bible? Welcome.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
        Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Not really. It's too baffling.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
          Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Okay, and noted as we goalong.

  2. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    ... the first lines of the prayer:

                    "Our Father, which art in Heaven,
                           Hallowed be thy Name.
                             Thy kingdom come,
                               Thy will be done,
                                    On Earth
                               As it is in Heaven."

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
      Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, friend, no need for me to go into a long talk. I think the best example can be found in the Bible on this question. Bringing heaven on earth is like when Prophet Moses build the Tabernacle of witness with God's specification as was shown him on the Mount. Do you agree? Thanks.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
        Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        I have no idea.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
          Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

          While you ask for it, eh?

      2. The0NatureBoy profile image56
        The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Miebakagh, Heaven is actually a state of conscious and can be anything like Wilderness said in one of his posts slow here. However, the spiritual application of it means to morph into the state the Christ demonstrated during his final earthly sojourn, he became an angel or god on earth.

    2. aware profile image67
      awareposted 4 years agoin reply to this
  3. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    Is this prayer not included in the Koran?

    1. Live to Learn profile image60
      Live to Learnposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think it would matter if it were included in the Koran. Islam may be a monotheistic religion but in practice is a 180 degree opposite of the path laid out by Jesus

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
        Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        But the Koran is very similar to the Bible. In fact, plagiarized by Mohamed.

        1. Live to Learn profile image60
          Live to Learnposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          I didn't say parts weren't plagiarized. But, the ancient  understanding and implementation of Mosaic law being similar to the modern application of sharia law has nothing to do with Jesus and his teaching on the understanding of the reason for cosmic law, as it applies to humanity.

    2. Miebakagh57 profile image69
      Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

      You mean the Lord's prayer as seen in the Holy book?

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
        Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        ... what else?

  4. wilderness profile image95
    wildernessposted 5 years ago

    As "heaven" is an idea, just as "nirvana", "utopia" and and others are, it cannot happen.  If nothing else all are dependent on providing "perfection", but every person has a different concept of what perfection is.

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
      Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      ... what is it to you, wilderness?

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Well, that's another problem.  One day it is quietly sitting in a forest with my wife, or bicycling through the redwoods.  The next it is playing with my grandchildren on the beach (spent some time teaching them how to boogie board, and the look on the little boy's face, that had been afraid of the water in the past but learned to swim, was heaven indeed).  And the third it is a lobster dinner.

        It changes according to my mood and what is available.

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
          Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks, wilderness.

      2. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
        Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        What would Perfection on Earth be to YOU.

        Dare I post such a thread?

        1. MizBejabbers profile image88
          MizBejabbersposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          I think that would be an interesting thread for you to post, Kathryn. I would answer you.

  5. schoolgirlforreal profile image75
    schoolgirlforrealposted 5 years ago

    No, it means, may thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. but in Ephesians, it says we live in the heaven lies, meaning when we accept the Lord, we now have peace of mind and soul. When we sin, we get separated from God, and we must confess immediately, or soon to be forgiven and have our friendship with him restored.

  6. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 5 years ago

    Many people must have alot of time on their hands to be deeply emotional focus on up or down part of Hell or Heaven. Alot of BS of Be All, in a la la Land of ignorance.

    My focus is on less suffering for the planet and I. Wail promoting a thriving life of health and happiness.  Or I don't know really what you are doing with your lives?

    Try cannabis, and grow a third eye.

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
      Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Catlepaloma, castlepaloma?

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
        Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        The third eye already exists within each one of us. Thats an amazing thing.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Many monolethical religions and Goverment cultures don't want you, to ever open your third eye. Because it opens up your self control and your soul. That is why Goverments and much of Religion  created cannabis to be illegal worldwide. Cannabis opens up your third eye, as to becoming your own God. Cannabis has been around in ancient time far longer than politicians and Corporatism powers to be.

          We as in, humans, and many animals) have cannabinoid receptors and an endocannabinoid system that processes cannabinoids (like those found in cannabis). You won't find the Jesus gene or codes physically as evidence in my body, or even find most people on earth aware of Jesus. Yet you will find Jesus using Cannabis holy oil as his miracle herb for healing. Cannabis will heal the nation, not alcohol.  Cannabis will deprogrammed lies, wail accepting and processing cannabis in our bodies?  Endocannabinoid System The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is one of the body’s largest neurotransmitter networks.  THC, always works to achieve balance, or homeostasis, meaning maintaining a stable internal environment despite changes in the external environment. Or, balance for our systems, despite the constant chaos of the outside world. As you can imagine, this is a crucial physiological system to keep us healthy. At its most simple, the ECS’s communications are composed of messengers and receptors. The brain naturally produces endocannabinoid molecules in your brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune cells. Explore In-Depth: CBD vs. THC Endocannabinoids, like anandamide, act like the body’s natural THC. THC does the Sanskrit word for “bliss”, making it the body’s natural “blissful” molecule. There are also plant cannabinoids that are found in cannabis about 600 times more powerful than THC. Cannabinoids look for and activate cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) and when they get together they tell your body to feel a certain way and do certain things. They also affect and regulate the way other bodily systems function, like your immune, nervous, and gastrointestinal systems.

  7. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    To bring heaven to earth is to INTEND to bring heaven to earth.


    1. have (a course of action) as one's purpose or objective; plan.
    "the company intends to cut about 4,500 jobs"
    synonyms: plan, mean, have the/every intention, have in mind, have in view, have plans, aim, propose, aspire, hope, expect, be looking, be going, be resolved, have resolved, be determined, have set out, purpose, be plotting.

  8. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    tend / verb
    1. regularly or frequently behave in a particular way or have a certain characteristic.
    "written language tends to be formal" Synonyms: be inclined, be apt, be disposed, be prone, be liable, have/show a tendency, be likely, have a propensity: "I tend to get very involved in my work."

    be liable to possess or display (a particular characteristic).
    "Walter tended toward corpulence. Synonyms: incline, lean, swing, veer, gravitate, be drawn, move; go or move in a particular direction: "the road tends west around small mountains."

    tend / intransitive verb
    1. to pay attention
    apply oneself

    tend to your own affairs
    tend to our correspondence

    Do we tend to bring heaven to earth?
    If we tend to our lives like gardens which are destined to bring forth wonderful bounties. … ive-verbs/

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
      Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Hello, Kathryn, it seems you have answer the question to your thread. What else?  "If we tend to our lives like like gardens which are destined to bring forth wonderful bounties." Thank you.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
        Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        intending, imagining, tending, and a little pre-tending. smile

        Amazingly it all starts in the mind.
        ... as soon as you you dream it, wish it, will it

        and then work it!

        smile Thank YOU, Miebakagh.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
          Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks, Kathryn, you'll very much be welcomed. Enjoy the day.

        2. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          The only evidence or fact base of a heaven, hell or God would be source from your imagination. If you want to find the source of all your problems are. You will always find in your mind. Everything you have ever achieved in your entire life, all came first from your imagination. Everything achieved in mankind human history all first came from the imagination. All ideas of heaven, hell and God concepts all came from ones imagination.

          Cannabis is the best medicine known to man, even Jesus used in many of his holly oil miracle healing.

          If there is an God outside ourselves, the only other logical explanation would be. Is if aliens were our God above us. Because they are more intelligent and harmless. Pope Francis believes aliens are our saviours. So maybe the cannabis plant came from another planet too. Since stupid authorities treat it like Illegal aliens too.

          You humans are very, very stupid, from the movie, Planet 9.
          Ed Wood worst movie director in history, or was he?

          1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
            Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Hello, castlepaloma, what is all this up to? You may like to give yourself some break.

            As for the questions in the last parag. I don't know, period.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              When others talk about bringing heaven to earth? Why dose this question or statement get so outrageous and complicated? When I listen to others making things up about heaven it frustrates me to no end. WHERE nobody is any closer to solution for everyone

              My opinion the source of all and every problem comes from the mind. The tool of imagination is the greatest tool known to man to simplified the complicated topics where nobody has a solution. My way of finding solutions is always going back to the source of all problems, the mind. This problem of heaven is the kind of problem that nobody is capable of knowing until you have traveled to this spiritual world heaven and have come back to tell us about it. Otherwise heaven is all made up in your mind making unproductive imagination and no closer to any solutions.

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
                Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

                castlepaloma, "The tool of imagination is the greatest tool known to man to simplified the complicated topics where nobody has a solution. My way of finding solutions is always going back to the source of all problems, the mind."

                You are welcomed. I am marking this down well as worthy of note. Last month, I apply such a trick and it works. Now, here I found you a real and resourceful educator. Many thanks indeed.

  9. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    If its all in our mind, what about the mind of God? Isn't our mind, proof of God's mind?
    I think so.
    But who cares about God's mind.

    Well, I do.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Your mind came first, then afterwards you can imagine millions of different God's. It doesn't make them all true. Probably your third eye first developed from a cannabis burning bush. Just to help you to cope with survival.

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
        Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Hi, castlepaloma, are you thinking of Prophet Moses experiencing the burning bush. When it comes to matters of a god, you will talk on cannabis and the third eye. If without cannabis the third eye is not functional, I wonder what sort of god a person is. Do you need cannabis to dream? there is a much better method. Imagination if I have to remind you. What else? Thank you.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Cannabis has cross all world cultures and religions throughout human history. Agriculture is a human invention and basis of modern civilization."  Possibility that marijuana may have actually been world's first agricultural crop, leading to the development of civilization itself
          6,000 BCE Cannabis seeds and oil used for food and medicine in China.  The anointing oil used by Jesus and his disciples contained an ingredient called kaneh-bosem which has since been identified as cannabis. Was Jesus a Stoner? The incense used by Jesus in ceremonies also contained a cannabis extract. There is little or no doubt about a role for cannabis in Judaic religion.

          Referring to the existence of cannabis. Jesus anointed his disciples with the oil and encouraged them to do the same with other followers. This could have been responsible for healing eye and skin diseases referred to in the Gospels. Old Testament but modern scholarship shows that cannabis was used sacramentally by Moses and the ancient Israelites. Cannabis appears by name five times in the original Hebrew text of the Bible. All worldwide Religions and cannabis have a much deeper connection before the insane outlawed of 1930s.

          1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
            Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

            With much respect, show proofs.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              You want proof?  I can't prove Moses exist anymore than Merlin the Magicain, maybe they knew each other. I can't prove Jesus exist with all his 200 entitlements and all his copycat stories. The  oil ingredient called kaneh-bosem which has since been identified as cannabis. We incense used by Jesus in ceremonies also contained a cannabis extract. There is little or no doubt about a role for cannabis in Judaic religion as it has been written.

              Referring to the existence of cannabis in anointing oils used in ceremonies. Jesus anointed his disciples with the oil and encouraged them to do the same with other followers. This could have been responsible for healing eye and skin diseases referred to in the Gospels.Old Testament but modern scholarship shows that cannabis was used sacramentally by Moses and the ancient Israelites. Cannabis appears by name five times in the original Hebrew text of the Bible according

              Ancient Jews were using cannabis oil in their religious rites, and if Jesus was given the title of “anointed one,” then it’s likely that Jesus was anointed with cannabis oil. That could have been his first serious interaction with weed. And that would also mean that Jesus was immersed in a culture where spirituality and cannabis were closely linked.

              It all comes down to that pesky word “kaneh-bosm.” If Benet is right, and it means cannabis, then it seems very probable that Jesus was familiar with sacred weed oil.

              He Used Holy Oil To Stop Seizures. He also used it to heal people.

              During Jesus’s lifetime, epilepsy was often described as demon possession. And the New Testament is full of stories where Jesus “casts out devils.” In today’s language, we would describe this as curing epilepsy. Interestingly, medical marijuana—and especially cannabis oil—is regularly used today to treat epilepsy and to stop seizures.

              The things we’re learning about marijuana’s ability to heal epilepsy help us understand how Jesus performed his miracles. Again, if we connect all the dots, it keeps pointing back to cannabis. Jesus, anointed with holy cannabis oil, regularly used that same oil to heal people with epilepsy. It’s all adding up Exposed

              Along with the anointing oil angle, there’s another theory for how Jesus may have discovered weed. The theory: that he discovered cannabis while traveling through Southeast Asia.

              The New Testament accounts for only a portion of Jesus’s life. It talks about him as a boy. But then it suddenly skips ahead to his later adult life. There’s no record of all those years in between. At least no Biblical record.

              Some researchers think that Jesus may have traveled east during these so-called “unknown years.” If this theory is true, Jesus spent time studying with monks and mystics from various spiritual traditions throughout Pakistan, India, and Tibet. And some of those traditions include the religious use of cannabis.

              When Jesus came back to Jerusalem to pursue his own ministry, he may have continued using weed the same way he learned in his travels.

              He Liked To Talk About Peace And Love like a hippie.

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
                Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Jesus was an avatar, (already enlightened,) who went to India to impart knowledge. Not learn. He did not need a plant, (especially marijuana yikes !) to help him heal. He used God's energy directly.

                Marijuana was cultivated in the days of Atlantis utilizing bio-genetics. It is a man-made plant. It was not one found in nature. The effects of THC are bad. The metabolic effects linger for at least two weeks. It will make you absent-minded, forgetful, unconscious of time, lazy and irritable. It will soften your gums over time. It is extremely yin. The eyes of pot smokers are dry/red and their mouths are dry, (commonly known as cotton-mouth.) High doses of THC  can cause anxiety.
                Pot smokers have been throwing up uncontrollably for some reason in CO.

                "Cannabis may help us feel less nauseous by activating specific parts of the central nervous system, but what else might be happening in the gut itself? According to study authors from
                Temple University, activation of CB1 receptors (primarily by THC) may result in the following gastrointestinal actions:

                Inhibition of gastric acid secretion
                Lower esophageal sphincter relaxation
                Altered intestinal motility
                Visceral pain
                Reduces gastric motility
                Delays gastric emptying..."

                PS California is nothing like Colorado  ...


       … c-cannabis

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  ... anyone who smoked pot ever knows its not that great. Hopefully, everyone will realize this novelty is no good. And the novelty wears off.

                  Pot will NOT bring heaven to earth.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    There are many religions based on cannabis. They can't ban it, can't demonize it or demolish them anymore than Judeo/Christians throughout history.
                    At least cannabis will live before and afterward mankind heads for excinction.

                    Since more people say they are spiritual sided than Religious, maybe christainity is headed that downward direction.

                  2. gmwilliams profile image82
                    gmwilliamsposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    Of course not.  Drugs are just a temporary fix.  Drug also can be...…….QUITE a NEGATIVE fix.  Drugs can turn into a......HELLISH fix.  The only way to a permanent fix is meditation & contemplation.

                2. Castlepaloma profile image76
                  Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  At least that is better than reefer madness report. Where it's turns men into serious killers and women into whores, plus public enemy number one.

                  In moderation and selective strains cannabis will treat everything you mention. Before 1930s who outlawed it,  it was the most diverse medicine in World history. Do your research OR be the part of the falling house deck of cards.

                  1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
                    Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    "In moderation and selective strains cannabis will treat everything you mention." Putting a person to sleep with the drug for surgical purpose is not treating the person. It is tolessonthe pain to experinced.

                    Even this has adverse side effects. My doctor once administer the drug tome before surchuing a serious matchet cut on my left hand wrist and tendors. Did that heal the wounds inmoderation? No!

                    I am a hairly. Nearly all the hairs on both my left and right hand turns grey! I had to restore partially with basil greens!

              2. Miebakagh57 profile image69
                Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Hi, Castlepaloma, what is this your proof supporting? You did not get at the heart of the question. Your mania loquetum is too long.

                I do not ask whether Jesus use weed, marijuana, and cannabis. But you just go to give proof of that. QEF.

                If Jesus uses weeds as you claimed, the Roman Prisons in Jerusalem is waiting for him and his followers and can accommodate them nicely. Such characters are in many of the United States jails.

                Your officer Chuck Norrish went as far as the moon to get them to face the law! Now, your prisons are full of such characters.

                Cannabis, marijuana, and any mind-bending weeds have become a tool in the hands of Satan. Did you know that his mind is warp? Tohu bahu? Satan try and is still trying to use such weeds to straighten out his mind! The result? He has no successes yet!

                Prettily, Satan is still unable to extract the good ingredient in medical marijuana that housewives used to make a chop plate nice. While Jesus was preaching to the crowd, her sister Martha is complaining against her sister Mary in not giving out a hand in chopping the greens, not the grass!

                Nowhere. The greens contained all the best of vitamin A, B-complex, C, K, folate, phytonutrients, plus trace elements.

                Kathryn goes “…anyone who smoked pot ever knows it's not that great.” That means you have to dry it first. The processes destroyed every nutrient in the greens and leave the Tahu Bahu to Satan and his gangs.

                Concluding, noman that smokes pot is right in his or her mind. Sniffing the weed is equally the same. A physician prescribing the drug has to take care of the destructive side effects.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                  Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  I'm an urban farmer and sculptor. Plan A is now to develop cannabis in PEI Canada as it is legal finally and the best medicine known to man. Your God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.

                  Do you believe your God or the US politicans propaganda devil weed story.
                  My Plan was to move completely to Colombia, because I was so sick tire of  Goverments total destructive attitude toward  every healthy green living, eco housing, green farming  I created. I'm happier here now with the change of the most important and productive and diversity plant cannabis on the face of this earth. I wish every Country to be green first in the world  Cannabis is a happy soft drug herb. My goal  is for every country to have their gross national product as happiness. The cannabis is best known as the happy drug. I rarely get high, only when I need medicine or to safetly party with some of my best friends.

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    you use it carefully, you add.

                  2. Miebakagh57 profile image69
                    Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    It seems you misunderstand every point in my response. I am not out against people farming cannabis. Thousands of thousands do. So, you are not an exception.

                    My God is not the US government so you think. My God id you said: "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food." I am writing and another new story likewise on fruits and vegetables soon to be publishing. Glad I do.

                    Take the root of the pumpkin leafy greens. Do you know it kills? And instantly.! That stronger than cannabis! Try it soon.

                    Farm your cannabis. Do what is good with it. If I happen to live near you, I would appreciate some leaves for my morning salads!

                    I wrote an article on eating fruits and vegetables every day on HubPages, and it was featured.

    2. Miebakagh57 profile image69
      Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

      You, Kathryn, cares about God's mind? Have you proofed? Then, prove it. We as human beings can at times take much on ourselves not realizing that.

      When we assume "god" in certain situations, we lose balance. Let me prove that to you. The first personality or more homely entity that did that is Satan. When he assumes "God" it is rebellion against his creator who was then the only God. I hope this gives you guys and gals food for some thought?

  10. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    To stay away from drugs is to stay away from stress. To stay away from stress, use exercise.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Marrijanna is what I use to relax from stress. To sleep well over troubled nights. To lower my blood pressure to normal. Before cannabis treatment. First I decided to get rid of synthetic pills because my heart valve was at stage 2 hypertension, wail the hero was cannabis that saved my life.

      Kathryn, did you ride on a horrific roller coaster scare, wail eating too many Girl Scout COoKiEs?

  11. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    Heaven on earth is to enjoy the body. How it moves, how it gets oxygen, how it pumps blood.
    The nervous system is miraculous and we only have one. The nervous system includes the brain. Take care of your brain. Stay off the mind altering substances. Use your natural high to get high.


  12. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    Too much food is detrimental. Too much alcohol is detrimental.
    Too much of these things will cause you to be in pain. Then you rely on pharmaceutical products, (and everything else) to reduce pain. NO! Just use hot/cold packs, Tiger balm and Arnica cream or gel.
    Be patient. You can handle a little pain. It will soon go away if you take cold baths/showers, saunas, steam baths, hot water baths/showers ...

    and relax.

  13. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    Stay away from products which contain sugar, white flour and corn flour. Get as many nutrients as you can by enjoying a wide variety of vegetables, grains and legumes. Milk products in moderation and meat products in moderation. A Mediterranean diet is best. … anean-diet


    (You know this stuff, but just to remind you in time for Mother's Day ...)

  14. Miebakagh57 profile image69
    Miebakagh57posted 5 years ago

    To relax well, a person had to learn simple relaxation techniques. To sleep well, you have to master relaxation. Drugs and sleeping pills make the sleepless night circle goes on and on.

    Doctors and medicine men are tired of putting a person on the pill. Doing certain stretching exercises in the evening, taking a warm bath, and reading a very interesting book or novel aids one to sleep soundly like a baby.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      With microgreens every day, cannabis about 3 times a week at night and good exercise. My health has been the best it has been in 10 tens years. So good in fact, I will be teaching professional other how to be your own best doctor in the world. I only trust hospital for emergency.

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
        Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

        I like and welcomed microgreens. Hospitals are too far for treating ill-health. While emergencies? That's okay with me too. But no cannabis or pot in the night for me.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Believe me, cannabis criminal lies will have  worldwide domino effect Cannabis will be the fresh new light upon the world since the internet. And a very rare billions of dollar gold rush

          1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
            Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

            They are all in your prisons.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              This is the very sick world we live in. For 85 years cannabis has been illegal in every country in the world. About 85% of American today approve of medical marijuana. At 80% consciousness of the people over powers any assumed Authorities and always has been throughout human history. Authorities have been the leading cause of death in the world.  Cannabis will be legal in the US in every state in 5 years. The is 5 years ahead of my prediction of 15 years ago.

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
                Miebakagh57posted 5 years agoin reply to this

                I will be watching all these as you said. The USA is foremost in destroy drug trafficking in the world.

                1. The0NatureBoy profile image56
                  The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  The USA is the biggest drug traffickers in the world, Maybe you don't know about the Iran-Contra affair, in the 1980s, where it came to light that the US was importing drugs from the Contras to sell {AS ILLEGAL} to street dealers to buy weapons to sell to Iran.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    US run Afghanistan opium poppy, in which is dominant in world productions. US police dress like troppers, shoot your dog, then raids your home and take everything you own including your house. Then they take your integaty away with a criminal record. Then you can't a job or travel . Then in many cases you learn a real criminal job like selling coke, stealing and odd times murder.

                    Many police corruption worldwide have been taken this position. They would reep the harvest at harvest time, then sell it on the black market. Totally backward allowing reverse crime on the wrong people. Police kill 8 to 40 times more than the terrorist do and should be put into a cage for ruining family lives.

                  2. MizBejabbers profile image88
                    MizBejabbersposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    That is exactly why the U.S. wants to keep the sale of street drugs illegal. For years the CIA has financed their operations with illegal drug sales. They are afraid they won't exist without their "black market money."

  15. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 5 years ago

    How did I misspelled intigrity, that is the most important thing to get right. Hmmm

    There seems there is two camps for Jesus.

    It feels like Nature Boy comes from the holly spirit, where the laws are blended into his heart.

    Then there are the other Bible camp. Where it says, grant Julius Caesar what is Caesars. Then I look at the front of the book, It says King James. These overly rightousness kind of sheep beaters, I am not for.

  16. Kathryn L Hill profile image77
    Kathryn L Hillposted 5 years ago

    I enjoy life too much, maybe. What I see, taste and touch. I like playing in this world without acknowledging where it all comes from. But Im working on it, by catching myself.
    That was a good question.


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