Its a scientific fact that People who have nothing better to do with their lives, than try to convert everyone they encounter to their beliefs, are generally a little unbalanced.
True..sometimes. But it's also a fact that atheists spend their time in these religion&beliefs forums, mocking the religious, because they have nothing better to do. That doesn't seem too 'balanced' either.
I believe but I do not try to change anyone, each to there own but this should be an interesting thread, one can only imagine what is going to happen. Welcome to hubpages! I hear the engines running so I am going to get out of the way before the flag drops. ::::::::::
A scientific fact? Someone actually wasted time doing a study? Me? i figure if the world is overpopulated the afterlife could end up the same way so why be too aggressive about recruiting?
I don't think it's just a 'religion' problem.
Anyone who tries to shove anything down everyone else's throat is a problem.
Whether it be MLM, politics, religion, atheism, sport... there's always one person who takes it far too seriously and feel that it's their mission in life to enforce their point of view on others.
I agree. At least this is a BALANCED definition!
Amen!!! Can I have a hallelujah in the house!
so true, and you notice here, the lions bait and feed each other!
You left out your only source of this crud. "Cos the bible tells me so!"
See until you used the word 'crud" I had no interest in getting into all this.
Then again, I have a hub to write . . .
I did. I published a hub. That's what this is all about to me . . . not talking sh8t in the forums.
I tend to stand somewhere in the middle of the whole religion vs. non-religion debate. When asked, "what's your faith?" or "do you believe in God," my typical response is that I am open-minded. I simply don't know. I can't prove either the existence, nor the absense, of God, and therefore, for me, or for anyone for that matter, to be able to draw a definitive conclusion to either argument is impossible on the basis of fact.
This is not to say that there is anything wrong with believing in something, but I certainly think that keeping an open mind is more productive and healthy overall, from a mental standpoint.
Bull..what science have you studied??? That which supports your opinion...
Its a scientific fact that People who have nothing better to do with their lives, than try to convert everyone they encounter to their beliefs, are generally a little unbalanced; I would not say they these people are unbalanced but devoted to their beliefs that they only see that there beliefs are the only good beliefs. people have the right to there own beliefs but not to require every one they meet to have to beleive in there beliefs is wrong and not fair.
This would apply to the atheist position as well.
The elephant in the room here is that non-believers are just that. Non-believers.
No alternative belief is required. Non belief is not a religion, but a lack of it.
Because someone does not believe in the sky fairy does not mean they are asking you to believe in anything else, they are suggesting that you stop forcing your fairy down everyone else's neck.
Care to elaborate? Or do you just want to say a naughty word?
12 pages of attempts to debate, and now you act like you have no clue why I say "bulldust" to the last post??????
I could probably elaborate. Calling God a "sky fairy" is a way of aggressive atheist proselytizing. You are basically saying that believers, in your world view, are "condemned" to an earthly existence of being aggressively and persistently insulted, and our reward for converting to atheism will be that you treat us civilly and stop insulting that which we hold dearest.
I hold REALITY dearest, yet believers go right on insulting me constantly with their irrational views.
Don't forget: The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.
Very insulting!
So you really have a problem with God and not believers. Why do you not take it up with Him?
God does not exist! but psychopathic, power seeking despots once did(as today), and their insane assertions is what I have a problem with.
Unfortunately, you choose to be gullible enough to actually believe these sick lies from centuries ago, from those seriously disturbed people, so you are going to oppose me. I am aware that you must do any and everything in defense of your sacred nonsense, even, up to, and, including dying for it!
You do realize you've just described christian proselytizing tactics to a 't' don't ya? Only christians take it much, much farther.
Nonbelievers either abandon their thinking skills, or are shunned by society, labeled rejectors of goodness and condemned to an eternity in hell. But you call atheists aggressive for using the term skyfairy?
So if some Christians do it, that makes it okay for atheists? All this shows is that you're no better.
Wha;t is dearest to you? Your family? Your friends? Reality as you see it? How would you like it if I spoke of those things in belittling terms?
And Christian proselytizing tactics also include establishing schools, orphanages, food banks, relief agencies, and hospitals that do not require anyone receiving assistance to convert, letting actions speak louder than words. But you knew that. You just prefer to suggest that proselytizing is about words and insults rather than actions. In the process, you perpetuate the notion that you, as an atheist, don't really care that much about reality but about demonizing the opposition.
Valerie, chill. I was addressing what you said, not writing an essay on the missionary tactics of Catholics, or I certainly would have mentioned the good works used to lure people in.
You know, honestly, if someone insulted my family, I'd very likely just be done with them. It wouldn't make me mad.
Unless perhaps it hit too close to the truth. If someone said your family is a bunch of ignorant rednecks, it wouldn't bother me because I know it's not true. If someone called my father a drunk, that would make me mad, because it would hurt, because it was true.
If it wasn't true though then it wouldn't bother me.
So that's TWO people who support this theory of proven fact but I have yet to see the study!
I think everyone in here needs to just go write a hub!
Perhaps reading a bit more would be beneficial for some.
Welcome to HubPages. You start out on an interesting note. I can already see the reaction coming.
Therefore, I'm posting this and leaving.
Welcome to HubPages! I look forward to reading more of your work. From one who is obviously "unbalanced", I sincerely hope you have a productive and profitable time on HP.
So - you have been told now on numerous occasions that going out and spreading your beliefs in this fashion is offensive and causes conflict. In fact - actually generates animosity towards you and The Mormon Church Corporation Inc.
How many times do people have to tell you this to make you stop being so offensive? Or is it always going to be a case of spreading your religion is more important than any conflict caused because the ignorant heathens do not understand?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. OK, let's investigate what preaching I've done.
Welcome to HubPages!
Yes, thou shalt convert to Mormonism! Yeah, right... This opener is sure to lead them to the waters of baptism.
I look forward to reading more of your work.
Alrighty, then, I'll have to get the Captain Crunch decoder again to figure what preaching I did in this comment.
From one who is obviously "unbalanced", I sincerely hope you have a productive and profitable time on HP.
As a response to the initial post I am accepting the title of unbalanced. The last part of the comment, after the little comma there, was a sincere extension of good will and hope of prosperity while on HubPages.
Sorry if I don't understand your charge that I am preaching again and purposely inviting ridicule. From the breakdown analysis above of the genuine post I submitted, I detect no preaching and no hatred.
Not to worry, though, I accept my ignorance and will continue to work on deciphering the message on the Captain Crunch decoder. Thanks, really, for your fine forensic analysis of my post.
Hmmm. I see Golden extending a welcome, identifying himself as "unbalanced", and wishing him well on hubpages. And you call that preaching ?
Looks like imagination gone verbal. If that post contained preaching or the other figments mentioned in your post - I don't see it. The fanatics are obvious.
Welcome to hubpages Holly
No need to welcome Mark to hubpages, he has been here longer than most of us!
Will all of the unbalanced people on any side, please arrange yourselves around the perimeter so we can see where we should stand?
No, never mind. Just keep running your various routes.. That's what makes it interesting.
I'm the short guy at the end of the gym on stag row. I can't seem to get a dance so I'll just keep thumb wrestling with the other stag row guys.
Who would be the one to decide which folks are balanced?
My uncle used to toast this:
May all those who love you, surround you with joy.
May all those who don't, have their ankles broken - so that you may know them by their limp.
Let's just bash the unbalanced people in the knee like Nancy Kerrigan. We'll see them coming a mile away.
Rochelle, you are absolutely incorrigible, and I adore you!
Such "shoving" is generally based on insecurity in one's self, in particular believing they need to "win" or "earn" God's favor. It's a sad, white-knuckle approach to not being worthy to exist. (So says I...)
Welcome!this should be an interesting post to watch.Good luck.
Welcome to the Hubs. Who is shoving religion down your throat? Are you exagerating a bit? So you oppose people who try to do good and live righteous lives....hmmmmm.....well you'll be in good company here! Where do you people come from?
Hey, Sneaks, I'm over hear on stag row. You wanna dance? If not, how 'bout a thumb wrestle.
Hey Golden! I would love to do either and lets call it male bonding! You and your family doing ok? Did you get my post about our summer trip?
Yes, I got the post and look forward to making it happen. I'm glad the other thread died. Talk about beating a dead horse.
You know, I remember at twelve years of age having both of my kidneys worked on during several massive surgeries. Before that, however, my mom practically had to shove castor oil down my throat as part of the preparation. It was most distasteful to me and angered me so. Yet, many many many many years later I understand the reason for the oil, and the benefit gained from doing so. Moral of the story: At the time, we may vehemently dislike what we are fed, but in time we continue to see the fruit of those seeds planted.
By the way, Sneaks, I must adhere to Church standards - no double clutching during a dance!
There better be light between us or you know how the neighbors will talk!
A little place called sanity sneak, you should visit!
Welcome to Hubpages! you are off to an interesting start. good luck, and I hope you have very broad shoulders.
I've always believed that living in a manner that serves as a role model to others is much more effective than "shoving religion" down anyone's throat. But that's just me!
I think that applies well to all ways of being in the world habee.
What. You mean actually doing what Jesus told us to?
How dare you girl, you know better than that!
cabcaster: Q in disguise. hmm.
just replied to this exact statement from another forum posting, which has now become a thread by a 'new' hubber. coincidence, anyone...hmmm.
The forum title is religion and beliefs, not religion. So you want it all your way do you?
Those who don't share your particular belief should go away?
lol No. You wouldn't want these forums to go away either would you? Else how would you get your daily dose of fun?
Personally I wish they would go away, but fanatics just keep posting their belief in a hate filled doctrine, and some of us don't like that, we simply want to point out that your beliefs are not true, cause conflict and wars and promote a belief in stone age thinking.
Conflict of beliefs in general = war. Atheism is a belief that contributes in conflict equally as much as any other religion or 'irrational belief'.
Methinks you do fib.
Were the religion forums such an aversion to you, you actually *would* stay away. However, for what it's worth, I think you and several others supply the appropriate daily dose of Vitamin A for those who clearly lack it. Just sayin'...
[Vitamin A: Atheism. Get it? For many, perhaps not enough....)
Earnest I just have to ask how you manage to visit the library or a book store. I mean, there are all kinds of books there - even religious ones. Do you walk past them to get to what you want? Do you verbally assault the patrons in the religious book section? I truly wonder as it seems you post the same things to every religious thread unable to stop yourself.
And I do agree with darkside wholeheartedly. Holly
What in hell are you talking about?
You don't like to read ALL of your own book is that what the problem is?
Do you abuse all the non believers when you go to a book shop? Grow up!
I am wondering how you manage to be civil in a store with religious books because you sure don't pull it off on the forums!
Asking you a question is abuse? Get real - Holly
Do you actually read thread Holly or just knee jerk react to them?
I still have no idea how you come to your conclusions, but it is not with any form of logic!
You object to your own scripture perhaps?
For people who claim tolerance and subscribing to a broader view than a christian I find the behavior does not match your claims. Asking a question is part of a discussion. Spouting off words purely intended to offend is just juvenile.
Again, I am pondering how someone who cannot bypass a religious thread without dropping mockery upon it can walk past religious books in public without doing the same. Or maybe religions only cause such a reaction only on forums?
Tantrum, we disagree on many things. But the biggest difference between us is that I do not hunt you down on the forums to ridicule you as you do to me. Holly
As I said before, you're always looking for a fight.
So I'm hunting you ? Sorry but no!
Sometimes I find your posts funny and I reply accordingly.
I do this with a lot of other hubbers as well.
It is a shame you are unable to comprehend how shallow and intolerant you are to those who are different from you. That you are also brazen about it only conjures up pity.
A grown up would abandoned the hunt, but you are too "cool" to do that. Maybe someday. Holly
They all have persecution complexes.
After the "Religion is a Delusion" thread, a certain rotund mormon actually emailed me to tell me not to address his posts anymore.
An unreasonable paranoia seems to go hand in hand with their delusion.
Ditto. Funny how his all powerful God can't give him the smarts to win in an intellectual debate.
What's really funny is that those like you who know God is not real keep fighting against Him.
What's so funny about pointing out errors in judgment, delusions, and trickery? I don't get what you are trying to convey. I'm not fighting against a nonentity. That would be psychotic. I'm fighting for the truth, which none of you believers can grasp.
You, too, eh? Funny stuff. Like it was our fault he ran his mouth off talking so much crap. Like every single post of his in that thread -and they were certainly many- were full of hypocritical insults. I guess he got a temporary ban or something and blamed it on us in his own mind.
Whatever. They all show their true stripes in time.
That's exactly what every believer does when they quote the gospel or talk about their gods, they offend, intentionally.
Because this is a discussion forum and a book store is not.
No one is trying to ridicule YOU personally, Holly. It is your religion that is being ridiculed.
Sheesh Now comes Q...
First of all, I did not spout a shred of scripture...Earnest has a handle on that. I was attempting to participate in a discussion without promoting a religion, but that was apparently too much to expect of the "broadminded" here. It is obvious there is an inability for some to civilly respond to a simple question, even harder for some to do so maturely.
We both know it is personal Q, why would you deny the obvious?
Answering the simple question ....anyone? Holly
But, you do agree with the scriptures presented here and you do talk about your god.
You believe it is personal because you take your religion personally.
Read the thread...I observed a response and asked a question. I do not believe I promoted or assaulted any god or God, but I did ask if a hubber is able to walk past religious books better than he is able to bypass a religious thread. After that the "spouting" began by the "broadminded" wise ones.
Tantum - the question was posed a few times with slight verbage changes in hopes of getting a legitimate answer. Get a dictionary, learn to read, grow up...something.
This question by the way is just a question and doesn't affect any portion of my faith or religion. Curiosity prompted me to ask is all. Why the flack ? Apparently God only knows. Holly
So how would you like it if we ridiculed atheism?
You do, and your religious leaders would do worse if they were legally allowed to. The scary thing is that you'd agree to it, even though it may bring you sadness, because your leaders would convince you it was what god wanted.
You may deny it, but we know this is true because it's happened before.
So living my life as I see fit is belittling to atheists?
No idea where you got that from, Mr. Dent.
So because different people have done it before, that gives you the right to accuse me and my religious leaders without proof of doing (or wanting to do) the same or worse?
Stalin killed believers by the hundreds of thousands in an attempt to eradicate religion from the Soviet Union. By the same stunning logic you've used, that gives me the right to accuse you and Richard Dawkins of attempting or wanting to do the same.
Feel free to do so, but it isn't the atheists who believe in magic, myths and superstitions. So, how will you ridicule atheism?
"Oh look, there's one of those atheists, they don't believe they can pray to a god and violate the physical laws of the universe like we can. Silly atheist."
How sad !!
you're always looking for a fight !
so boring !!
Hehe I think this is rich coming from you tantrum
This for those who believe in the biblical god, just to let you know what makes your beliefs so dangerous.
Kill People Who Don't Listen to Priests
Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)
You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)
"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)
Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. (Exodus 21:15 NAB)
You want to believe in the bible? Then read some of it!
I agree with you on that Earnest..But do people actually believe in those things in this day and age? Seriously..biblical people?
Yes, they do. We just don't let them practice it anymore.
So biblical people of god believe that death is an apt punishment for these 'crimes'?? If so..well that is sick.
Believers in the Bible also believe the lesson of John chapter 8, which is that while some people may deserve execution for their crimes, no mortal human is qualified to carry out the sentence.
Believers in the Bible also believe that death is the consequence of ALL sin.
We also, however, believe reconciliation is available for all who genuinely want it, and that we are commanded to forgive.
What's so sick about that?
Earnest is just quoting the yucky parts of the Bible out of context again.
Yes the "believers are no longer able to silence dissent by killing all non believers as the bible dictates.
Death for Hitting Dad
Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. (Exodus 21:15 NAB)
Death for Cursing Parents
1) If one curses his father or mother, his lamp will go out at the coming of darkness. (Proverbs 20:20 NAB)
2) All who curse their father or mother must be put to death. They are guilty of a capital offense. (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)
Death for Adultery
If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)
Death for Fornication
A priest's daughter who loses her honor by committing fornication and thereby dishonors her father also, shall be burned to death. (Leviticus 21:9 NAB)
Death to Followers of Other Religions
Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)
More love from god.
Kill Sons of Sinners
Make ready to slaughter his sons for the guilt of their fathers; Lest they rise and posses the earth, and fill the breadth of the world with tyrants. (Isaiah 14:21 NAB)
God Will Kill Children
The glory of Israel will fly away like a bird, for your children will die at birth or perish in the womb or never even be conceived. Even if your children do survive to grow up, I will take them from you. It will be a terrible day when I turn away and leave you alone. I have watched Israel become as beautiful and pleasant as Tyre. But now Israel will bring out her children to be slaughtered." O LORD, what should I request for your people? I will ask for wombs that don't give birth and breasts that give no milk. The LORD says, "All their wickedness began at Gilgal; there I began to hate them. I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions. I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels. The people of Israel are stricken. Their roots are dried up; they will bear no more fruit. And if they give birth, I will slaughter their beloved children." (Hosea 9:11-16 NLT)
Perhaps some more love will help!
And at midnight the LORD killed all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn son of the captive in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed. Pharaoh and his officials and all the people of Egypt woke up during the night, and loud wailing was heard throughout the land of Egypt. There was not a single house where someone had not died. (Exodus 12:29-30 NLT)
Earnest is demonstrating how an atheist would shove their non-beliefs down other peoples throats
Or letting them know what their beliefs are!
Apparently they either ignore the hateful crud spouted or don't know about it.
I never tell religionists to become atheists or threaten them. I just don't think they are very sane.
Just quoting their bible for them.
I find your dedication to public service quite laudable myself.
Thank you, that means a lot to me.
I enjoy your honest efforts too!
Yeah, there are definately things I don't like getting shoved down my throat.
It's amazing how many atheists are convinced of how intelligent and superior they are for rejecting an essential aspect of the human condition in favor of simplistic and unbridled narcissism, yet they express their great sophistication through the reasoning and persuasive techniques of a three year old!
Neurosis is an essential part of the human condition? I learn so much from you tk! So it is you who has the big picture on religion? I am in total awe of you tk, you are a legend in your own lunch time!
Religious belief is megalomania, some of us are just not that dumb and can see what sits behind having a special invisible friend to threaten others with.
'It's amazing how many atheists are convinced of how intelligent and superior they are for rejecting an essential aspect of the human condition in favor of simplistic and unbridled narcissism, yet they express their great sophistication through the reasoning and persuasive techniques of a three year old!'
your incredible words ! LOL
Oh !! you're so smart !! LOL!
So Atheism is Narcissism ? and what is Religious people then ? when they're all the time saying ,they were created as God's image ? Comparing themselves with a God image !!
Pleaasseee !!!
Thanks for the laughs !
While I won't go as far as the OP,
I wish sometimes that people could leave religion to themselves in social settings and stop trying to convert me!!!!!
Apparently, everyone here IS a convert.
They either were born atheist and converted to religion, or they were indoctrinated into reigion and converted to atheism.
Then there are the ones who were of one religion and were converted to another religion. And then there are those who had nothing at all, but had so much "shoved down their throats" they are TOTALLY confused,
And ..... Oh, I give up. This is tiring.
My parents left it up to me whether or not to believe in God, I looked at the subject and then decided, at a young age, that it was as much nonsense as all the other fairy stories.
I have never really been religious.
People rarely go from one religion to another because each religion is mutually exclusive. They deny the existence of another. It is hard for you to worship one true god and denounce all others, then decide that this god is stupid, and move on to another god, who is the one true god etc.
It's not that difficult. I was raised Catholic, then became agnostic, then dabbled in Wicca, then became more strongly atheist, then got into Shinto and Zen Buddhism, then studied for a few years to convert to Judaism (that actually was the most difficult of my attempts at switching religious affiliations), then attended church with some non-specific Protestant friends, then came full circle, and I'm a practicing Catholic again.
@ holly
you said:
Tantum - the question was posed a few times with slight verbage changes in hopes of getting a legitimate answer. Get a dictionary, learn to read, grow up...something.
and still attacking me ! LOL!
I hope you get the same fun as I, with these threads !!
Tantrum - give it up or atleast a flippin rest. I have not attacked you. You asked about the question and I gave you an answer. And still you....Whatever. Holly
OP People who shove religion down your throat
People that do not want a tatoo when they sit down in a Tatoo Parlor usually end up getting one if they hang around there long enough.
Did the operator of the parlor force it upon them?
LMAO. I've been on this planet for 45 years, and I've NEVER had tattoo parlour owners come to my front door and try to persuade me to have tattoos done.
But I HAVE had Jehovah's Witnesses come to my door on numerous occasions (twice in one day last week - obviously they think people in my neighbourhood are poor miserable sinners LOL).
There's a crucial difference between (a) opening your doors (whether you're a tattoo parlour or a church) and letting people come to you of their own free will, and (b) knocking on people's doors and trying to convert them, i.e. infringing their privacy and basically being a complete bloody nuisance.
You get no arguement from me on that. Get a waterpistol.
I was actually speaking of people that come to any forum of any topic and accuse those that are carrying on any conversation of craming anything down anyones throats.
I think that most churches have the wrong idea about evangelising.
Harrasment is harasment regardless of who is doing it.
Water pistol? I have begun using an organic, anatomically-attached, all-natural fluid cannon on these invaders.
It's quite effective.
Either that or tell them that you would love to talk to them about it but need to go back inside and check on your child who has chicken pox. They will be gone before you can say Jimmy cracked.
As I deeply cherish our First Amendment rights to free expression and free exercize of religion, I don't mind the door-to-door missionaries at all. I either say honestly that it's not a good time, or if I do have the time, I'm polite, hospitable, and full of very difficult questions.
After very friendly and long discussions, we all part ways hopefully with something to think about. But they never come back.
If you don't want anyone turning up on your doorstep, just post something on your door indicating that.
EmpressFelicity said...
But I HAVE had Jehovah's Witnesses come to my door on numerous occasions (twice in one day last week - obviously they think people in my neighbourhood are poor miserable sinners LOL).
Truthfully when the J.W.s have come by my house I wasn't busy so I talked with them. Found out what they knew about scripture (not much) and they left with a diffrent attitude.
I don't go looking for them but when they come into my lair...
They be trying to get away.
Come to think about; it they never came back.
Well, I too am tired of having had evolution shoved down my throat. Evolutionists don't come knocking on my door though! They BARGE right in, and overtake virtually every TV channel I have.
I can't even watch some really cool docco's without hearing all their "billions of years ago....this" or "evolved....that" %#*?X>. Then, in the same breath, talk about what a wonderful "creation" it all is.
To the author: Its an even more crystal clear fact that if someone is mentally weak enough to let anyone shove any belief about anything anywhere.. they have no one to blame but themselves. grow a set.
Those who are forcing their beliefs on another are really people who are so afraid to let go and see that there is more to the world then what surrounds them.
In many ways those people had been saved from evil (abuse) by their faith. Some of them mean well and may back off but never change. Some are simply greedy and accepted sociopaths who never defeated their abusive back ground..
The best way is to piss them off by doing the same, but for the sake of peace, I dismiss them. It is hard not to get tempted to shove my faith down their throat in return, and by all standards, I am no angel.....Ha ha ha..
"Religion" isn't the only thing that people ever try to shove down other people's throats.
Just watch the liberal agenda. And it's very mean and abusive about it too.
The is a great tool for shoving religion down the throats of everyone.
Perfect for shoving down loads of crap, Mr. Dent, I agree, and am glad to see you making sense for a change.
I don't see any atheist threads being loaded here day after day.
I think the atheists are just trying to point out they do not like this hate filled crud being repeated adnauseum by those who keep hearing the little sub-conscious voice saying to them, "I don't believe this crud either, but if I repeat it often enough or get others to believe it I will feel safer."
The subconscious knows all!
Alot of the threads in the religions forums are people trying to communicate with a specific group of people who believe in specific things. TRYING is the key word here. They haven't asked you to hijack or participate, yet you are claiming it is forced upon you. There is a huge differnce between being forced to participate on a religious thread and not being able to ignore a christian thread in cyber space.
Again I truly wonder how you function in a book store, or how you manage to drive past a church without screaming. I bet there are groups of religious people gathering tonight right in your town. Maybe even had it announced in the newspaper to let other religious people know about it. Why haven't you barged in there and demanded they stop cramming it down your throat? Because your claim would be inaccurate, just as it is on these threads.
Your logic is about as good as I would expect it to be!
Read your own posts.
Why would you be on a thread with the title "People who shove religion down your throat."
You want to tell the world a bunch of fairy stories then get all wobbly when others oppose it.
It is logical to wonder if the behavior on the forum is congruent to real life behavior:)
What I find amusing is that you claim I am "all wobbly" over you opposing my beliefs! Oppose them - I am fine with that. I couldn't even care less. All I have stated is that I am a christian, and you have been off and running over it. Maybe a bit over zealous in YOUR witch hunt?
But you do care, and you have every right to put your point of view - as do those with opposing views. and they are all ABOUT religion. My personal view is that any discussion is good, verbal dogfights are amusing and personal abuse should be kept to the minimum.
"I don't see any atheist threads being loaded here day after day."
You're not paying attention. Or are you trying to play 'cute' with threads vs. posts? Gosh, how very, very clever...
Like I said logic is not your strong suit.
Threads are threads, posts are posts.
The thread is what the religionists put up endlessly, the posts are the replies they get. Simple really, don't put up the threads, and you won't have any posts!
Yeah, that's why dogs chasing their own tails should be taken seriously... gosh, how clever!
OK I am starting to think ESL. What is it you don't understand? Religious threads here, not atheist threads, or don't you know the difference.
Religionists stop putting up threads like Jesus loves you, and nobody posts a reply!
"OK I am starting to think ESL."
If you need some help, let me know.
Maybe the Jesus loves you hubbers would like to reply. There might be threads for moms of twins - do you hijack them because you are not a mom of twins? There may be a thread for people who are allergic to dogs - do they need your blessing to communicate on a thread? Why does it have to be ok with YOU to have the right to exist? God complex?
Missed it again eh? These threads are why you get replies from all sides. Look at the threads fer gords sake!
Nobody is telling you to believe in something that tells others If you don't buy my psychotic god, you are going to be on the nasty end of life, yet that is what almost every thread on this subject amounts to.
Get real!
Missed it again! Who died and made you the authority on what threads can exist? Don't you get it? You are telling me what people can and can't start a thread on (insert whatever you like) if Earnest doesn't believe it! Can't you hear yourself?
I have the right to start a thread on anything within the TOS even if you think it is stupid. Maybe I want to communicate with people who like driving Fords. But if Earnest likes Chevy and thinks Fords are crap - well - he is going to run in and out of the thread talking smack about Fords. Do ya think it is going to make Ford people agree with you?
Do ya get it? Try to read it slow if it helps.
Try to read it slow?
what a condescending stupid thing to say! I do not have too much fear of being slower intellectually than anyone who believes in crud like this. Your example is about as dumb as it gets here, and that is saying something.
"Missed it again" was a compliment? Get real.
Avoiding the heart of the matter does not dismiss it. I have asked fair questions and tolerated your insults. You discount me for being a christian, now you move on to insult my intellect, and still avoid the truth. I think your views on tolerance, prejudice and censorship are obvious.
Posted by you a few posts back:
Like I said logic is not your strong suit.
Threads are threads, posts are posts.
The thread is what the religionists put up endlessly, the posts are the replies they get. Simple really, don't put up the threads, and you won't have any posts!
Empty arrogance, a weird self importance that will not be contradicted, meaningless criticism of any discussion, pointless attacks on people who actually say something. TKSensei = Sad Oh = Cagsil ????????
Ah well, Mr. Dent, it was a brief spark, anyway.
@ Holly...
The reason religious fundamentalists/fanatics, like these 'atheists', cannot allow anyone to have an opinion different than their own is a deep seated fear that they are wrong. If they allow others to examine the course they have chosen and if these others find that they are wrong (like they believe deep down they are)....
suffice it to say they fear the embarrassment and ridicule. Therefore they MUST prevent any kind of discussion that might lead to proof of their being wrong. Or in the absense of proof that anyone think differently than they do because they need the reassurance that they aren't wrong in their choice.
Admitting that what they fear the most may/might be true, is simply unacceptable.
Way to go! The truth is that you need to start thread after thread because you don't even believe this crud yourselves. How could you? Everything you don't know, is answered with "The Fairy did it!"
Then why must you interfere with every religious thread made?
You have made your point, move on go stalk the threads where the people that agree with you hang out...oh wait...they all hang out in the religious threads...hmmmm
Another good argument against religious threads in general
and again you prove my point for me, you're not here for anything other than sabotage. The prevention of our RIGHT to have religious threads and hold religious conversations.
It is our right to believe what we do, it is not your right to decide for us what to believe.
You believe you're right...ok go forth enjoy your life and all the hope and contentment your beliefs bring you.
I'll keep mine.
GOD exists, and God loves you too, even if I don't.
So much for understanding the basic fundamental of "GOD"?
This from a guy that can't even hold a conversation without proving himself wrong with his own statements???
another Blah Blah Blah Blah...thanks for playing...
You're too funny. Again, Thank you for playing, as you would put it.
Ah there it is. "Thanks for playing"
"old man," "thanks for playing," "blah blah blah," "come up with an original thought and we can talk." wash and repeat.
Not one of these is original, in fact if we took these away you may be mute!. Then you tell others they repeat stuff.
No mirrors in your house eh?
Religion and BELIEFS! Remember the last bit, this thread is about shoving religion down peoples throats. Just a reminder of what the forum is, and which one you are in.
Gee the bold is impressive, makes everything true!
Blah Blah Blah Blah...
Original- o·rig·i·nal   /əˈrɪdʒənl/ Show Spelled[uh-rij-uh-nl] Show IPA
1.belonging or pertaining to the origin or beginning of something, or to a thing at its beginning: The book still has its original binding.; fresh; inventive; novel: an original way of advertising.
3.arising or proceeding independently of anything else: an original view of history.
4.capable of or given to thinking or acting in an independent, creative, or individual manner: an original thinker.
5.created, undertaken, or presented for the first time: to give the original performance of a string quartet.
6.being something from which a copy, a translation, or the like is made: The original document is in Washington.
Teaching yourself English? Insults need to have meaning to be useful. Would you like to go back to "Thanks for playing?"
Hey Earnest step up and meet Jman, I am his first fan and he's so excited he started a thread. Too cute.
Insults? *sigh*
debates with unarmed people...
And we have seen your view time after time, you are one of the biggest offenders here with constant meaningless threads and posts.
I keep trying to point out to you and your religious mates that this forum is "Religions AND beliefs", but as usual you only see what you want to see.
and again your opinion means nothing to me. I don't care what you think, what you say or what you believe. So telling me what you think and what you believe is instantly dismissed as the ramblings of a bitter old man that has nothing to offer... A man that has not impressed me with his intellect, his knowledge or his ability to hold a rational or logical discussion.
That from you?
The age comment speaks volumes about who you are. I have noticed that you bring up age as soon as anyone disagrees with you.
Your father would be proud!
Do you hate older people that much?
everything speaks volumes... it is your catch phrase... come up with an original thought and we can talk...
What a weak kneed cop-out after your abusive remark!
come on calling me a Drongo was better than that? What are you scared of another ban?
That would be right! Like I said you keep telling us who you are!
Why don't you go and report everyone who disagrees with you again?
come on Earnie you can do it...
If you try really really hard.
Original- o·rig·i·nal   /əˈrɪdʒənl/ Show Spelled[uh-rij-uh-nl] Show IPA
1.belonging or pertaining to the origin or beginning of something, or to a thing at its beginning: The book still has its original binding.; fresh; inventive; novel: an original way of advertising.
3.arising or proceeding independently of anything else: an original view of history.
4.capable of or given to thinking or acting in an independent, creative, or individual manner: an original thinker.
5.created, undertaken, or presented for the first time: to give the original performance of a string quartet.
6.being something from which a copy, a translation, or the like is made: The original document is in Washington.
Like I said to China man
That's the best you can come up with?
How Embarrassing.
{and it is spelled you're}
Hi Mikel - you are on form today
You have just described every reason that everyone is on here arguing, you only missed out that when something smells like s**t, tastes like s**t, looks like s**t, it probably is s**t.
It is our logic given right to respond to your god given stuff
But it is not your RIGHT to prevent us from saying what we believe or examining our beliefs in civil conversations.
Since your beliefs are just as unfounded and unprovable as ours you really don't have a leg to stand on.
I am more logical than the whole of you and yet I believe in God. You have failed in every attempt to convince me or to prove to me that your beliefs are correct...
move on, there may be some gullible kids on the playground somewhere...
so we agree -
I am more logical than the whole of you and yet I DO NOT believe in God. You have failed in every attempt to convince me or to prove to me that your beliefs are correct...
the only problem is I'm not trying to convince you of anything, it is you that are trying to convince me and anyone that agrees with me. And you are failing, miserably.
But you are trying to convince people when you put up religious threads or like you are doing now, commenting on them.
The preachers who put up most religious threads are looking for gullible drones to win over to their market, or flock whichever way you look at it. If the idea had any credibility it would attract people for itself. There is some really creepy guy around here who deals in magic - don't you think it is a good idea to oppose those dangerous controlling ideas too? or do you think he should be left to take the kiddies off to some dark corner of the playground on his own ?
Blah Blah Blah Blah...same old mind numbing indoctrination you have been spouting since you came to HP...
Blah Blah Blah....
"I am more logical than the whole of you "
LOL! That is funny and you don't even know why! LOL!
Not too many gullible enough to buy your beliefs! Kids are getting a lot smarter these days!
"The fairy did it" won't even wash with the little ones anymore.
I have not seen anyone preventing you from saying anything, what I see is you trying to do that. "Thanks for playing" now off you go!
Yet, again. It seems to miss the entire underlying problem. No matter, I'm sure you'll think up some logical excuse to give "I didn't know?".
At which time, you can just be left to blame yourself. To form an belief based on "GOD" supposed existence is futile and a waste of valuable human resources.
But, you keep thinking you're right and things will show themselves in due time.
aren't you suppose to be flagging my hubs?
For you're information, I don't flag hubs. If I see a problem with a hub, then I take it up with the hubber themselves.
Don't try to make me out of the bad guy? Your insinuation is an insult to my integrity, and I will not have it.
I do nothing in my life, with the purpose of harming anyone. If you cannot handle my words, then you need to get over your ego. It is your ego which has diminished your ability to logical rule out what anyone has to say. If you're not open minded, as you claim to be, then you wouldn't have your attitude you have with Earnest.
Just a thought. Trying to make me look bad, only makes yourself look foolish. But, nice try.
That would only occur to you if you do it. It would never occur to most people.
Like your age remark. Small minded.
You are really good at saying who you are accidently.
One can simply read your hubs to observe the complete lack of logic, understanding, rationale and reason, despite the fact you believe in gods. In fact, if you didn't believe in gods, one would have to wonder why.
You made claims of "proving" both Newton and Einstein were wrong without even having a shred of understanding of either one of their theories. There are websites dedicated to those who do the same thing.
There's also a fallacy you continue to embrace: … proof.html
This is purely from conjecture! You are WRONG!!!
PROVE IT! If you can't then go find someone else to bother.
Don't get snippy, you are the one who judged, without ever even analysing anything about why I am a non-believer, and I could assure you that I have no doubt about the total delusion of your foolish belief, and fear nothing about your nonsensical closed-minded view of reality. Is that proof?!
It is my GOD given RIGHT to get snippity if I so desire!
Stop telling me what to do, how to think or what to believe!
If you have proof show me if not go find some.
The burden of proof is on YOU! I only asserted my opposition. You conceived the original premise.
which is yet another twisted, long winded way of saying you don't have any proof what so ever...
until you do, God Bless, I'll pray for you. Night
In these forums we have to tolerate your emotional and nonsensical tirades that have nothing to do with the art of argument.
Your confrontational style is moot unless backed with a reasonable defense of your assertions. Your ignorance of the art of debate is stifling, yet you go right on debating as if you make sense.
Mikel, for once, I wholeheartedly agree with you.
Too Bad you edited out the like these Atheists part of that statement you say you agree with, changing the statement to something else...
It made no sense whatsoever with those words, now it makes perfect sense. No charge for editing.
Good grief! Q has stooped to altering another hubbers post to change its entire meaning. So does that mean I could do this:
From Qs previous post to Mikel:
"One can simply read your hubs to observe the logic."
And be morally right? Or does that only apply when promoting an atheistic view point?
Yea I agree, it isn't the first time Q has done that.
In fact anytime Q can't think of a way to dis-prove an opposing view-point Q,or Mark or Jeffrey says that something other than what was communicated was communicated. Just to hijack the point so other people don't see the truth of the original statement.
The original point to the post in question being...The Atheists, posting in this thread, are a religious fundamentalist group made up of Fanatics incapable of accepting, or admitting, that they may be wrong.
More nonsense, Mikel? Of course, we are capable of admitting we are wrong. The problem is that believers are incapable of demonstrating they're right and have to use logic that demands the physical laws of the universe bend to their whims.
More Editing? What happened to the rest of the point? Oh that's right you want people to look this way and not that way...
creative editing of truths, isn't that simply hiding the truth?
Desperate people do desperate things.
Goodnight Holly, I'll deal with them for a while...
Hold up a mirror - it may help Then again...just don't go getting banned! Night
LOL, no worries they aren't capable of...well anything...
Mikel - you are doing what you claim everyone else is doing ! you are demonstrating precisely what you are disagreeing with. Maybe you should go to bed with Holly, figuratively speaking of course.
That's the best you can do?
how embarrassing.
Chinaman - I am a married christian woman and I do not appreciate the sexual overtone of this post. I do not flirt on these forums and you are so far out of line. Figuratively speaking, you can go to...
I woke up and looked to see what was up
I thought "Same old s--t"
Sometimes I get SOOooo angry seeing people that have nothing to say other than "YOU ARE SO STUPID" And I want to pick them up and shake um
And some times I get SOoo angry reading the same old stupid stuff that I also want to say "YOU are sooo stupid". And want to shake them too.
I think that everyone thinks everybody else is stupid.
And I think that they are right.
God Bless and keep you all...Especially the Atheists.
Peace and Love...Goodnight
Atheists and other nonbelievers have as much right to post here as anyone else. Just as some of you sometimes feel you have a need to post your version of truth, we in response do as well. Just as some of you sometimes simply like to discuss your beliefs with others, we do as well.
What is telling however, I would like to point out, is that nonbelievers generally don't get all mad about the opposing viewpoints, and generally don't tell people who disagree with them that they have no right to post.
It is healthy for people to have to face the fact that their viewpoint may not be correct. If nonbelievers left the forum, believers would have little to really discuss, except for of course, whose god is bigger and who got miraculously healed or saved, hellelulah amen ad nauseum.
You (and Springboard) are breaking the rules:
1. No long posts (nobody reads more than one or two lines)
2. No long words
3. Always mis-spell any 'hard' word
4. Never under any circumstances ever prove anything
5. Always get offended by everything you mis-read
6. Always flounce off, not sign off
Reread the thread. Numerous times nonbelievers stated believers have no right to have a thread about what they believe. And the hostility from them is unmistakable.
Show me where someone in this thread said you have no right. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but I'd like to see that.
Talk about LAZY...look at page 9 of this thread, there is a posting from china man...
China Man said on page 9:
But you are trying to convince people when you put up religious threads or like you are doing now, commenting on them.
The preachers who put up most religious threads are looking for gullible drones to win over to their market, or flock whichever way you look at it. If the idea had any credibility it would attract people for itself. There is some really creepy guy around here who deals in magic - don't you think it is a good idea to oppose those dangerous controlling ideas too? or do you think he should be left to take the kiddies off to some dark corner of the playground on his own ?
Wherein is he saying religionists have no right to post?
See this is why I asked Holly to show me. Because experience has taught me that religionists tend to have some comprehension challenges, rendering reality into something esle entirely.
China Man didn't say religionists have no right to post. Not at all did he say that.
Sorry, It was on page 8 not nine. If you had simply done the research yourself instead of begging someone else to find it for you....anyway...
China man wrote: Another good argument against religious threads in general
Which proves the agenda of some atheists including, I believe, yourself. Good luck, you'll need it, because so far you have all failed miserably. Failed to convince anyone of your point, and failed to stop the beliefs that you oppose. Which your agenda suggests is your reason for bombarding the religious forums with your propoganda.
I could get technical and point out that he does not say religionists have no right, but you will of course construe it as you wish.
I will say that I won't assume too much out of it. I am not sure what he meant to say, but will point out that it was in response to your own post wherein you seem to be suggesting that there's no point in discussing religion from differing viewpoints.
Speaking for myself, you're wrong in your assumption that I wish to stifle religious discussion. I believe the exchange of ideas helps to open peoples' minds. No I don't expect that a Holly will ever change her mind about things, but the discussion leads to change.
If religionists are left strictly alone, then that lends validation to their destructive beliefs, the perpetuation of a myth that has long outlasted its usefulness, if ever it had any.
The worthwhile lessons Jesus is said to have taught have failed to promulgate themselves via the religions he is credited with founding. This is evident by the prominence of the personal relationship concept.
The kernel of truth ought to be extracted. Every part of the religion works to prevent that. I don't want to see religious discussion stifled, I want to see religion changed entirely into something based on a foundation of actual truth. That won't happen in my lifetime, but it will never happen if we place false and destructive religion in a "do not touch" box.
So anyway, all you got to back up the claim that nonbelievers say religious people have no right to post their stuff is one questionable sentence from one person? Forgive me for not being impressed by their so-called persecution.
Some of what you have stated with the exception of the first couple of sentences and the last paragraph is well stated and I agree with.
The fact that I only cited one instance as a sample of proof, does not negate the existence of many many many many many many many many many other examples not listed. In as much as this fact did not escape the attention of anyone with an adult reasoning level means that this last jab of yours merely portrayed you as childish.
Can you prove your TRUTH? What are your facts?
Honey I don't have a TRUTH. TRUTHS are the domain of the religious, and the pseudo-religious. But I do know the difference between truth and falsity, and I don't need a charade of mystical enlightenment to see it.
NOT True, in fact as proven in this thread, many times 'non-believers' are simply here to hijack the thread, provoke those they disagree with, and prevent a point of view they can't prove to be wrong from being communicated.
Very True
LOL...While I think your sense of self importance is a little bit exaggerated, it is however true that I would miss you if you were to leave the religious forum completely.
We can't prevent a point of view from being communicated. We can only point out whereat we disagree, and why. It's not our fault if believers have trouble with their communication skills. But, as I said, we generally don't get all mad about it and tell people they have no right to post.
Oh my gods, that is too funny coming from you.
You have a right to post anything you want anywhere you want within TOS, which I understand prohibit harrassment and cyber-stalking.
That being said, it's still at the very least rude for the same atheists to show up on religious threads even as innocuous as something along the lines of "God has blessed me," with "God doesn't exist and you're delusional for thinking he gives a rat's rear about you."
I don't show up on the LDS boards demanding repeatedly to know where those golden plates are. I don't show up on the Buddhist boards and loudly and repeatedly declare that I think the First Noble Truth is far too pessimistic. I don't troll the Hindu boards looking for opportunities to blame all Hindus for violence against Christians and Muslims and repeatedly tell them that there is no Krishna, Rama, or Ganesh. I rarely visit the skeptic boards and only comment to say I think skepticism is healthy and should be reasonably applied to every position on every issue. (In other words, the true skeptic questions theism and atheism.)
I think just stating I'm Catholic makes it clear enough what I believe without knocking other people's beliefs.
I already agreed that some atheists -just like believers- are less polite than others. But personally I find it hard to blame anybody for speaking the truth. You'll say it's "their truth" but honestly by all logic and reason it's the truth, period. We're not going to agree on that or on much else either.
Do Hindus in some way threaten catholicism or catholics? Do they hold beliefs which condemn or insult you? Do they tend to promote an agenda which imposes its beliefs on the catholic way of life?
Then bad comparison to christians in relations to atheists.
Pandoras Box said The kernel of truth ought to be extracted. Every part of the religion works to prevent that. I don't want to see religious discussion stifled, I want to see religion changed entirely into something based on a foundation of actual truth. That won't happen in my lifetime, but it will never happen if we place false and destructive religion in a "do not touch" box.
Jerami said... I also wish that the truth could be taught in religion. As long as there are 1,ooo diffrent "Interpretations" of the one truth and 1000 different people thinking that their Interpretation is it. ????????
I've been many years UN-interpreting the end time prophesy and believe that everything comes together if we understand it
Like all the other religious posts, there is no debate, just people trying to ram scripture!
Nope. Non-belief is just that, non belief. Saying one does not believe is not the same thing as saying one does, because one requires belief and all that goes with it. Non-belief is just that. Non-belief.
Not too many posts or threads trying to prove a lack of belief, just people who say that they don't buy it.
I don't recall anyone saying, "If you don't believe you are gonna die in hellfire."
"Nope. Non-belief is just that, non belief."
Not really.
Frankly, I don't think you would be able to grasp the concepts involved. No hard feelings.
You were the only one quoting scripture Earnest...I was trying to debate the point. You were trying to shove your beliefs (nonbelief) down my throat like there was no tomorrow. I still wonder how you manage to function driving past a church or walking through a bookstore when you cannot ignore a single christian thread. If you would quit discounting legitimate questions, stop patronizing, and stop with the warring scripture - we might communicate. Funny thing is...All along I have agreed that no one has the right to force their belief OR NONBELIEF down anyones throat Holly
Reread the thread with that in mind and you'll see it is true.
What are the weirdest beliefs anyone has ever imposed on you?
I think its all just concern for the fellow man on both sides, one side doesent want to let the other be fooled/burn in torment (kinda sweet really)
I don't think anybody imposes any beliefs on anyone. We either choose to believe or we don't. Nobody can make anyone believe anything against his or her will.
It is an imposition when laws and societal norms are crafted to fit a religious viewpoint to the exclusion of those who refrain. This sort of thing is what is meant when people refer to having religious views imposed upon them.
We live in a democratic republic, not a tyranny of the minority.
I chose to live in a part of the country that is overwhelmingly LDS. I'm not LDS. There are a few things about living here that can make me feel a bit uncomfortable, but the fact remains that I decided, when I moved here, that the good outweighed the bad, and as long as everyone else is treated fairly, the LDS majority can do what they want, and i have no right to impose on them or dictate to them that, say, DI has to accept my donations on Sunday.
Really bad comparison. Anyway, my point was only to illustrate to you the meaning of the term impose.
I understand completely. I don't think you understand the concept of living in a democratic republic. The minority doesn't get to make the decisions. Societal norms are created by the majority in societies, sometimes with, but mostly without, any consensus with the minority.
I live in a society where drinking coffee is far enough outside the social norm, it can be hard to find a good cup.
There cannot ever be a democratic republic. It's an illusion supported by those who perpetuate the "altruistic" ideology of government.
A republic deals with only what it must- domestic and foreign threats, this means criminal elements(done by local law enforcement) and foreign threats(outside of the U.S.)
The democratic republic you claim to be in existence is a myth. Not every citizen has a voice and not everyone believe in the election process with good reason.
If you're talking about the 1% minority doesn't rule in the U.S., you're talking out some orifice of some sort. Simply because the top 1% control most of the wealth, which apparently continues to rule over the other 99%.
Please, whatever you do- open your eyes, there isn't anything about our society that is truly a democratic.
Gee that's tough.
I live in a society where homosexuals are denied the right to marry, where christian extremists are rewriting history, where catholic priests are molesting young boys, where if it were known that I was an atheist I wouldn't be able to find a job and the parents of my children's friends would forbid their children to associate with mine, where brains are rotting and science is scorned, where I'm told this is a christian nation and if I don't like it to get out, and where a recent president stated that atheists weren't real citizens at all.
So excuse me for feeling it necessary to promote a more realistic viewpoint amongst the people who explicitly or by their tacit agreement promote this unhealthly viewpoint and would destroy the true spirit of the founding of this country.
I dont see the problem with speaking of ancient prophecies that came true. There is no evidence that there is no God except by your own words, and I have a testimony that there is in fact a God. And along with professing scripture, I believe that the most important thing that God gave to us is free agency, and those who wish to supress that God given right, are victims of the most offensive delusion ever conceived.
You follow a 2000 year old story written by goat herders that claim to know an invisible fairy and in the same breath talk about delusion?
Yeah, and some people think that monkies gave birth to people.
You would be gravely mistaken, as would they be. The Earth gave life to humans. No mystical "GOD" entity created humankind.
Sorry, didn't happen.
Where did the Earth come from? How did life begin? (Proof now not speculation)
Was Earth always here? If so why all of a sudden was there life?
Why wasn't life all the same?..and if it split into diverse creatures..why did the splitting into groups slow down or stop?
Why is the microcosm so much like the macrocosm?
Just asking for your views..
Haven't you heard? It was all a random happening with no outside help at all.
And yet perfect not mutated or out of order
Right, and also the perfect distance from the sun to sustain life.
There are many planets in our universe that are in the same position, it's called the Habitable Zone and is not a phenomena particular to earth but a phenomena particular to almost every solar system.
Explain why we've found little to no evidence of life on any planet other than this one, then. Or are you expecting me to believe this in the absence of proof?
Nothing like making yourself look foolish, but I guess to each their own. It's not a matter of where it came from, but how it came about? You play with words well and seem to be very good at twisting/shaping sentence, to tied others up.
It evolved. WOW! (*what you don't seriously think some super "GOD" type person simply put people on Earth.) Common-sense says otherwise. If you even use it in the first place?
Yet, another question to make yourself look foolish. Do you like to do this to yourself? If so, please seek help for your affliction. But, to make sure I answer your question- No, it wasn't always in existence. If you ask how it was created? I would seriously suggest you go back to get re-educated.
Now, this is one of the most oddest question of all-time. What would make you think ALL life would be the same? WOW! You must not have a clue about much. Btw- it would be nice if you and the rest of your religious folk, quit asking "WHY". And, the reason I say that is, because it's the oldest trick in the book.
To understanding LIFE itself, is to understand that the "WHY" is inherently useless and effective at the same time. The "Why" insinuates a reason or explanation- which means you're looking for answers to questions you know is already based on the human psyche. Therefore, you can deny anything you choose or disagree with.
No you are not. You're asking meaningless questions based on the psyche of all human beings. You are not looking for my view, because my view does nothing, because YOU see it as subjective, which is it not.
I've done the objective study of religion and fake "GOD". I know it's hoax, I don't believe it to be a hoax. I have relieved myself of my early years of indoctrination, as well, as any attempts for others to insist "GOD" is indeed fact.
It's not. The fact the religious "fruitcakes" or nuts or whatever, choose to believe in "GOD" and then open their damn mouth about it, as though it's fact. It is disturbing that people can buy into this garbage.
Yes, indeed, I was a catholic child, grown into an catholic adult. At 22 I began doctrine living and for a great number of years I studied, and studied religious scripture, christianity philosophy, ancient world history, religious world history, sciences(biology, psychology, philosophy) and I walked through each piece of information.
And, when all say and done- Religion was realized as a hoax. And, the funniest part of all of it is that the religious folks who claim to follow Jesus, are not. But, that's another story.
Oh and since we are already talking on the subject, which I thank you for- read my new hub and let me know what you think?
Otherwise, have a grand day.
Patronizing. Prejudiced. Insulting. And tacky to plug your new hub while doing that garbage!!!! Were you attempting to discuss or debate, or were you just trying to step on someone to elevate yourself a bit? Holly
If you took the time to look at the hub you would see that it was directly related to Deborah's posed questions.
Throughout the post he ripped her up one side and down the other. Then he self promoted. Integrity? Civility? Trying to "enlighten" an inquiring mind? Yeah that must be it. Holly
I simply pointed out to Deborah the silliness of her questions, and how I came to that conclusion. It's a shame you see it as demeaning. I was only pointing out the obvious, which sometimes is actually escaped from some people.
I find it funny that you see it as an attack of her. I know that she is educated enough to already have the answer to her questions and she was simply testing my philosophical ability to discern truth.
Unfortunately, she received more than she asked for. Because, it was required, because of what I do know about her.
Again, if you don't understand, then say so. Otherwise, don't try to interpret my words, your view is skewed and bias by your religious teachings. So, with that said. I bid you a good day holly.
How nice? And, you think you're selfish attitude is any better. At least I speak the truth. There wasn't a single shred of those words which were not truth of my life.
If you don't like it, too bad. I wasn't talking to you in the first place.
I was responding to someone who asked me some questions. So much for etiquette? Again, nice to see.
As for anything else, like my new hub. I promoted my hub because it was more relevant to the topic which she was discussing with me.
Therefore, have a great day holly.
First off, Cags, these forums are public domain as I am so often reminded. When you participate in a thread it is subject to everyone. That I responded to you in the tone you dispensed should be expected.
Calling hubbers fools, and telling them they need to be re-educated, and claiming she was "testing your philosophical abilities" - you act like a world reknown professor when you are only a fellow hubber! We are all people with opinions.
Claiming my view is "skewed" by religious teachings - I could be equally arrogant and demeaning discounting your view for being male. Do you honestly believe any one person has a grasps on all the truths and that they are hanging out on hubpages day after day?
A few months back I suspected you wanted to start a new religion, now I think you believe you are the only one who knows the "truth". Get help and get over it. Holly
My, how the mighty and righteous victim has fallen.
Maybe they do, but I'm not one of them. This would have to be a very wrong interpretation.
I find it odd that written communication was only developed a few thousand years ago. One would think that if the human race existed for millions of years, there would be some earlier evidence of language development. But there's nothing unless you trust junk science like carbondating.
Where is your religion shoving tool Onus? Don't you know you should keep it with you at all times?
Well I was thinking of the holy Spirit. This looks more like an extraction device. But I do have cupcakes.
Do you mean you don't trust carbondating?
I hope so, 'cause that means someone else besides me is distrustful of it (more like, distrustful of the scientists' ability to interpret their findings)....
Oh, come on now, not all scientists are bad, just the ones who like to shove atheism down your throat.
That is an intellectually dishonest thing to say, Brenda. I seriously doubt you know anything about carbon dating to make such a statement and little or nothing at all about scientists and what they do.
Humans evolved into more or less what we see today not millions of years ago but less than 200,000 years ago.
I find it curious that we find it within ourselves to interpret every other chapter in the bible yet we are unable to interpret the genesis account.
Why can it not be...
God said let it be and "BANG" here it is.
1:2 Gods spirit moved upon the face of the waters.
(God touched the waters with his life giving energy? and life abounded (Evolved))
1:24 And God said let the earth bring forth the living creatures after his kind,cattle and creaping thing....
this is how (1:25) And God created the beast of the earth..(By saying to the earth , bring forth....)
This would be using less skills of interpretation than most other interpretations extracted from scriptures by allowing creation and evolution to be compatible.
As I said before "why not use the same powers of interpretation here as are used everywhere else in scripture" ??
That is good to hear. There aught to be more. Most of the "believers" I read on here seems to be argueing against this view.
Jerami, you're one of the very few sane religious regulars on here. I don't always agree with exactly what you say, but I respect your cool headedness and open mind.
By the way, if you're looking for particular sects, methodists come to mind.
Nothing. I repeat nothing is to be taken literal from the bible or any religious scripture. Simply because of the date of the human language and how far evolved language had become.
About 99% of the scriptures are metaphorical. Therefore, translation is required. It cannot be taken at face value or literal.
The Metaphorical words used require interpretation or translation. Especially, from the religious linguistics are ancient and not in English.
I hoped that helped.
I understand what you are saying about translation.
Interpretation is another matter.
If I am going to believe that God told me something, I do not think that I am suposed to interpret what he said like a child would do in order to get around something their parents tell them to do or not to do. Interpretation openes the door to most any belief.
At least you see that.
You don't realize is that the words were not in English, some words are translated successfully and others are interpreted. That's what you're missing.
In the scriptures, the words in religious tone used with metaphors of an ancient language, no longer in existence, there are going to be some words that simply didn't exist and the context of sentence and sentence structure were at the most basic beginning. You would be lucky if the language has more than 30,000 words to it, and that's any language.
How many times do you find the word "I" used? And, when?
Just a thought.
Ok I'll conceed in that respect. But once it has been "interpretated" once to put into our language we should not keep interpretating it again and again etc.
Do you know 'why' the New Testament exists and it contradicts much of the Old Testament?
I have a few suspisions. love to hear your short version.
I bet I agree with at least some of it,
The Roman Catholic Church didn't like the path Christianity was on, due to the Pauline Letters philosophy.
Paul's interpretation of Jesus' work was completely wrong. He really never did understand Jesus.
No one has asked me if I knew? So, I've been waiting for an opportunity to tell someone. I found it fairly interesting.
You do notice that the Church has switch from Jesus supposedly preaching "GOD", to Jesus being "GOD" or divine birth right.
It dismisses everything taught before hand. Jesus was nothing more than a human male, who taught people about Life.
I think that Jesus was the Messiah spoken of in the old testament. As far as the new testiment?? I think that it did turn Christianity in a totally diffrent direction to say the least..
What you "know" is just more anti-Catholic conspiracy theory. Better put on your foil hats and look out for the Pope's black helicopters....
Thank you for your unintelligent response. Completely meaningless and baseless. Again, I told you before, when you learn something about what you're talking about and stop making comments, for which, you haven't a clue about in the first place.
You're view is skewed by your religious belief. But, then again, Have a great day!
I have always been surprised at how few believers actually know how the Bible, both New and Old Testament, came into being, Cags.
They just assume it has always been here. Many think it was written by God himself and in English to boot! Many of these same people trust science to save their lives or make them more comfortable in the home and workplace. If their children get sick, they want scientifically developed medicines and techniques, along with the machines needed, to cure their ills.
But for some reason, they think these same learned men falsify their findings just to disprove God doesn't exist. The believers do not realize they are not even close to being important enough for this to happen. The scientists and scholars have better things to do than try to fool those who are already fooling themselves.
Jerami, I thought you read my genesis hub. I am going to do a second one but the first has just been revised. I should do the whole first chapter then eh?
No I haven't read it yet, I think I tried to discuss this topic months ago and no one wanted to, I read something that spured this reaction.
I had published it under "The Genesis Project" unfortunately, not a single view in a month, so I re did it asked in Hub Makeover and got great ideas. So I tore it down and rewrote the whole thing.
Have you published it yet, I caint wait to read it. A long time ago I got some crazy concepts about stuff I read in Genessis.
Yeah, it is just verses 1-3 I haven't gotten to spoken word really, just barely touched on that subject. I thought you read it.
No I would have commented and sang your praise
Are you talking about beating the odds my genesis?
Yeah. It was different before, the dr stuff was dispersed throughout.
Been a while since I have read Genesis. I'll go back through it and see If I can remember any of those twisted thoughts I once saw when reading it.
We can share thoughts??
The sky fairy thing is irritating, dismissive and demeaning even to average atheists such as myself. I detect more than a whiff of fear in non believers who come out with that sort of thing, a desire to run as far and fast as possible from ideas they find disturbing. There is certainly no respect for the average person, who is, in fact, religious.
Valerie, Too atheists god simply appears as a sky fairy, after all there is as much chance of their being a sky fairy as thre is a god.
Infact I think I do believe in teh sky fairy, prove me wrong with something that also wouldnt disprove god.
Atheists compare religion to sky fairies, they don't use it as an insult, you have to realise that Atheists simply insult irrational beliefs such as christianity, much as a christian would make fun of someone who believed in santa at the age of 40.
Valerie, life has been found on bacteria, and statistically there is a high chance of life on other planets, but there is also a low chance of us ever crossing the vast distance to reach them, or them reach us.
However there is no evidence supporting a theory of God.
A high statistical chance of life existing on other planets is not the same as proof of life actually existing on other planets.
Meanwhile, there is ample logically sound philosophical proof that God exists. Read Anselm, Paley, and Aquainas when you get the chance, just for starters.
Meanwhile, don't insult my intelligence. Referring to God as a sky-fairy is a clear way of saying that believers are mentally stunted sorts who regard fairy tales as nonfiction. It is an insult.
Most of the posts in religion are for like-minded believers. Atrheists are not like-minded to anyone but atheists. The whole point is this. If I post somehting about Jesus to discuss with other believers, atheists jump in and flood the thread with their opinions, insults, jokes, etc. . .
If atheists start a thread in Atheism, most Christians would leave it alone. Most of the time Atheists start threads in the Christianity forums. Who is imposing what on Whom?
Speaking for myself, I do try to stay out of threads which are clearly meant for believers only.
Dent, if you want to post discussions for like-minded believers, then the place to do that is on a Christian website, or start a group in Yahoo groups or somewhere similar. There are ample opportunities.
HubPages is a secular forum which has threads on a variety of topics, all of which are open to everyone to debate the issues raised. Debating means presenting both sides of the argument. You can't open a thread and demand that only one side of the argument can participate.
Maybe I was foolish to think that the reason for all the sub categories in religion were to separate different belief systems? If that is not their purpose, they may as well be removed and call it only a religion forum. Subcategories are meaningless.
Why do people who are so certain that God does not exist bother going on and on about it in forums? I never see dozens of forums about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. Then again, most people have NO DOUBT about the non-existence of Santa.
Why don't y'all just go write a hub!?
I can explain that!
Nobody is writing that Santa, the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy are real!
Nah, don't think that's it since I see plenty of literature about Santa! Still, at least you tried to inject some humor into this thread.
Now y'all really do need to go write a hub!
I would just like to see a link to the scientific study-lol!
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