Was keeping several older children in a group home. They complained of black widow spiders in their shoes. They began pulling their shoes out and turning them upside down. A black widow would fall out. I felt something in the toe of my own shoe. I took it off, and out fell the largest black widow you've ever seen. I was panicked, then woke up.
Any observations or comments?
Nothing can kill you. You can do anything. You will do very well on HubPages. You will lead others through the dangerous waters of online publishing. That is why you asked us here about your dream.
Interesting. Let me chew on it a little while.
Love your answer glassspider. Laughing all the way as spiders eat each other and offspring.
Hehehe...I never even thought of it that way! That's something I always say when I want to think about something. How cool that it gave you a chuckle. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Dreaming about spiders can mean many things. It could be your subconscious warning you that you need to take a look at the people around you. There may be someone deceitful in the group you spend time with. They could also be encouraging you to explore your creative side a bit more and that inspiration is right in front of you. It could also be telling you to expect a major transformation in your life or it may be showing you a connection between your past and future.
The children in your dream could be the "deceitful" ones. Often, the most deceitful are disguised as innocents. You said you work in the mental health industry. Perhaps a co-worker or patient is planning something against you. Since the children are complaining about the spiders, it could mean that the deceitful one is jealous of your creativity or something else...
The shoes themselves could be something to look at, but in this case, I would say it is a clue as to who you should be careful of. Perhaps someone you know has something interesting about their feet? Another explanation could be that they are wearing the shoes they will try to "stomp" you down with.
In all cases, I would think that the dream is telling you to take a step back and examine the people around you, as well as examine the actions you are using with or around them.
Hope this helped, good luck
Okay, in dreams the symbols are complex; they can have many meanings and the most relevant meanings are in your head…so it’s difficult for someone who hasn’t worked with you extensively to know about your personal symbology.
It may be helpful for you to try to free associate without censoring yourself. Write the words for each relevant symbol on a sheet of paper (i.e. older children, group home, black widow spider, shoe) and then write everything that comes to mind about each one—this might help you make some connections you weren’t aware of (don’t erase “mistakes” they’re not mistakes).
It may also help you to consider the symbols as some part of yourself. What parts of yourself might the older children represent? What part of yourself might the spider represent? Your toe is the furthest part of you from your center…Is some small part of you threatening to poison a more central part of you (inner child, perhaps? It strikes me that older children in a group home might symbolize the struggle for autonomy—are you holding yourself back somehow)?
Spiders often symbolize mothers in classic psychoanalysis—the black widow is particularly venomous. How’s your relationship with Mom? Is there something going on right now that reminds you of a nasty situation with your Mom (ETA: or a mother figure)? Obviously, you don't need to answer these questions here, or for me...just when you think about the dream you might want to think about these questions as well.
Obviously the dream is based in fear. You are afraid of something, and apparently it’s all around you. Most likely something that you think you ought not to be afraid of (or else it wouldn’t show up in a dream wrapped up in symbols). What’s needed is to find out WHAT you are afraid of…As your dream indicates, on some level whatever it is that you fear has the ability to “kill” you (symbolic death, I assume).
That's what I've got so far...
Dream characters we don't know in waking life are usually representations of ourselves….our mind thinks in pictures and tries to convey dream symbols when we are in a receptive state of mind such as when we are sleeping..we tend to be too busy to notice the symbols in waking life..
The Black Widow spider has a beautiful red perfectly formed hourglass on their tummies. This is telling you that time is a concern of yours or that time is of the essence.
Black widow spiders stay outside on their low constructed web during the warm weather..but cold weather drives them inside…(yours were inside) It appears something about your life is cold or has cooled down..so it's time to go inside/inward and seek a warm place to abide or to rekindle something you feel you've lost or may be losing.
The web can mean the collective consciousness and since there was not a web you may feel that you are not so connected to others..or you have the need to connect to someone or others.
Only the female is a threat..the male isn't…since no one was bitten..your dream may involve a male in your life or a masculine force which can also mean your logical thinking or the left brain. Are you thinking too much?
Since female black widows sometime eat the male after mating..do you feel consumed by something?
Since Black widows don't usually bite unless they have eggs or young, and their venom doesn't kill an adult human, the fear of the black widow is senseless.. your fears are without basis…
Just my input..
I'm so appreciative of your interpretation. It means a lot to me to have this much response. Whether it actually means this or not, the fact remains that I have been given some good input from different perspectives, which is very helpful to me right now. Your input has much truth and meaning. I'm forever trying to put the puzzles together, perhaps that's why I make life so difficult. Thank you.
Having had similar dreams, what usually follows is a triumph of sorts meaning you are about to tackle something down. It's a good omen. Even though it is a black widow.
I purchased a book called,
"Dictionary of Dreams" it is a book that helps you understand dreams and their messages
They say that a dream with a black widow spider, is symbolic of feminine power, and it could mean you a need to keep your distance from a tempting situation, you need to keep it hidden, as in your shoe.
your subconscious is telling you to wear socks
Well to me it seems like there is something that you fear and have yet to overcome it. Your dream is telling you that you possibly will have to face that fear soon.
This is totally separate from my actual phobia. Deeper.
I already did face my fear....see my site name? If you read my hubs, you'd know too.
Just because u have faced one fear doesn't mean that another can't appear.
And u asked so I simply gave my opinion doesn't mean it's right just what I see
You're right, you know. I'm in a mid-life crisis.....and I'm a freakin crisis assessor! Go figure...
I know who the deceivers are, I think. Guess I'm gettin too deep now. Thank you for your interpretation.
You're welcome. Hope everything works out for you
I would agree that the spiders would represent deception or someone not on the up and up, the children are innocence and you are surrounded by them as well, which means you are completely innocent, or unaware that this person or people cannot be trusted. The shoes are a vehicle for their deception (they are hiding), but you find them out. It was a warning. Be careful and alert and aware until these frauds slip up or you somehow figure out who he/she/they are. Have a nice night : )
According to Buddhism, there is unhealthy fear and healthy fear. For example, when we are afraid of something that cannot actually harm us – such as spiders – or something we can do nothing to avoid – such as old age or being struck down with smallpox or being run over by a truck – then our fear is unhealthy, for it serves only to make us unhappy and paralyse our will. On the other hand, when someone gives up smoking because they are afraid of developing lung cancer, this is a healthy fear because the danger is real and there are constructive steps they can take to avoid it.
We have many fears-fear of ism, fear of , fear of being separated from people we love, fear of losing control, fear of commitment, fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of losing our job, the list is never-ending! Many of our present fears are rooted in what Buddha identified as “delusions” – distorted ways of looking at ourself and the world around us. If we learn to control our mind, and reduce and eventually eliminate these delusions, the source of all our fear, healthy and unhealthy, is eradicated.
But if these fears are delusions, then they aren't real. Fears emit feelings which cause emotion. 'Fear' of something and the 'actual act' of it (like commitment, failure, rejection, abandonment, losing) are 2 different things. Right?....
There are two types of fear, deluded or unhealthy and non-deluded or healthy. These can also be divided into fear of the inevitable and fear of the evitable. The key to dealing with fear is to check which type of fear we have, and to transform our unhealthy fears of what we can do nothing about into healthy, appropriate fears of what we can do something about.
These are all fascinating and thought provoking interpretations. I especially appreciate your input Hokey, it makes sense to me, and a friend of mine has also been talking to me about Buddhism. I may go with him tomorrow to learn how to chant and stuff. As for the dream, heres my take: It sounds to me like part of you is worried that you may have made an oversight. An oversight that could cause you grievous harm, whether it be professionally or personally. Its as though you fear you've missed a crucial detail, which could impair your safety in one form or another, and this detail may be so obvious, that even a child could see it. I'm just wondering if you might be doubting your own competancy, and worrying that others may find you out, via an embarassing oversight on your part. I'm not saying in any way, of course, that this fear is justified. But Ive worked in the health care field, and I know how conscientous we must be, with regards to the safety of our clients and ourselves. I know we often fret about details and problem solving and documentation and the like. And I also know that health care workers can be very judgemental of one another, and that the old adage (acronym) of C.Y.O.A. is abundant in this field. That being said, it just sounds to me like youre a conscientous, compassionate professional who worries about her own human frailty..which to me is a good sign. If you thought you were perfect, you probally wouldnt be very good at your job.
I've read that a dream has to "appear" more than once to be considered a sign or an omen. When a dream happens just once it could be indigestion and nothing more. But dreams over a period of time, and with a common theme, could indicate something more. When I was a kid I had recurring dreams of soldiers on charging horses that were jumping over barriers against an enemy. It happened over and over for awhile. Still can't figure out that one.
This is definitely something for me to soak up. I'm glad you made me aware of this. I'm learning more as I go along.
creativity in risk of being poisoned. even some of the things you are comfortable with, that you've had for some time and grown attached to as source of enrichment. They are all at risk from the same factor. A black widow has an hourglass on its stomach, a symbol of time. Sand running out. To keep time going, the hourglass needs to be flipped.
Most of my dreams (strange ones or "basic" ones) can be traced back to whatever my head was exposed to in recent days - something on tv that struck me, a comment I or someone else made, something I saw online, something I saw at the store that "registered" with me, etc. Then it's like my dreams shake up a wacky combination of those things, dump them out, and there I have it. I'd guess that if you think back to where each element of the dream may have been something you thought about/ran into in the last week or so, you may get some clues.
Even when I've had emotional things to process, the processing comes in the form of stuff I've run into. The story line of the dream, and how I was feeling in the dream, is more the clue to what the dream was about. The "props" in the dream, at least for me, are more like handy images to stick on feelings. If you "back down" to how you were feeling in the dream, and then ask if you have anything in life that makes you feel that way - that's a good way to track it down.
I have not read the thread but I think the dream suggests a fear that an unseen thing is going to harm you. The fact it was in a shoe suggests that it has to do with some path you are on. (probably just jittery about having an error that might catch up with you) And spiders in dreams mean many or manifold errors. possibly suggesting that you are actually fearful of this alot.
I read your profile, so I may be influenced by that...this is my thoughts...you feel responsible for young people...possibly high school or college age...the spider may represent the poison of medication that they are given for mental health...you may feel it is poison,
You find the biggest one in your shoe...maybe you are the one who will bring them the medication. But you discover the spider before it causes any damage.
I just had a strange dream of standing on a frozen sea. There were stranded whales but then they were able to get back into the ocean after the frozen waves parted (like in the bible). The waves were huge (three stories high). I felt a sense of fear.
...Your dreams are for you to interpret, and no one else. I don't care what "they" say...
do not fear these symbols they only represent the day to come. When you see this widow, send good thoughts, then run like your ass is on fire
REM sleep is necessary for memory consolidation, and learning. We dream only during REM sleep. In my opinion, dreams are not interpretable, they are merely a result of the random neuronal firing in your brain to strengthen new connections you made during the day.
I understand the scientific studies on the subject, but if that's true, then why can I start dreaming within seconds of so-called "cat napping?" They need to seriously revamp that REM theory.
Because you can fall directly into REM sleep if tired enough - and if you need a "cat nap" you are probably tired enough
You do realize that, what you just said, is a cover-up for feign facts. Rapid Eye Movement studies are... Oh, never mind, I'm trying to relax.
Not true at all, must you make me quote studies to you? lol
I'm really getting bored of arguing with people on an Internet forum that could just as easily be some fat guy with a tub of butter that hasn't left his chair for years
Not true at all... I'm actually an athletic, sexy, endowed intellectual with a propensity for big booty girls, violence & alcohol - believe it or not!
Well, those other folks you've been arguing with might have fit your sorry description, but that's not my problem. Ha-ha!
I'm familiar with REM, thanks for asking. BUT, like most things, there is gray ground that your little textbooks won't ever cover.
yeah.. Obsure is a sweetheart.. a really great gal!
You wish! And you have a narrow penetrating device, Miss Girth-phobic! LOL! Oh, your man is calling you to dinner, com'on sweet Greek, as he tells you from behind...
There are grey areas to the grey areas. If there is one line I've grown to loathe it's "that is beyond the scope of this book."
If they had traded in the scope for Listerine maybe we wouldn't have that problem! o_O
So, you admit there is grey areas to your REM worship?
lol REM worship? Hardly... I just don't believe in dream interpretation. The question of dreams occurring outside of REM sleep is irrelevant to that position. There is such a thing as sleep onset dreams - which are different from the dreams had during REM sleep ... I was just counting on nobody knowing the difference so this whole conversation wouldn't happen... thanks OD
You sure have a long, roundabout way of saying I was correct...
This statement was incorrect -> "We dream only during REM sleep"
I had neglected sleep onset dreams, which you pointed out.
Happy? lol
Still doesn't affect the continual-activation theory of dreams though; however, I don't "religiously" subscribe to it. I'm divided between it and the activation-synthesis theory of dreams or any of the other neuronal explanations for dreams.
I just think that the interpretable dreams theory is BS, and that Freud, though a pioneer of psychology as we know it, was nuts
I feel so lucky to be surrounded with all of these psychological experts!
There is always something called "fresh outdoor air." It's totally great...
I'm back just had to pass a kidney stone thats all!
Are those reflective thoughts upon thine self, Greek One?
If this were my dream I would look at it this way - the older children are taking care of something they are afraid of, and they all have the same kind of problem, but they know just what to do about it and so they all empty their shoes of the spiders. Spiders, especially black widows, can hurt you badly, but in this case they didn't hurt these children.
Then you realize you have the same problem (only bigger, maybe because you have had it longer) as these kids had and now you can take their example and solve the problem the same way they did, by dumping it out of your shoe. (eliminating something scarey from your life so it can't hurt you)
The spiders crawled in when you all weren't looking - it's not anyone's fault you all have these problems, and if you look at the people you work with (especially if some are older children) maybe you will see what problem you all have in common and then see how they deal with it. It looks like they just release their problems before they can hurt them. Maybe you can do this too. Lots of times kids give us help we didn't expect to get - in this case, help with a big problem that may seem pretty scarey and harmful but if you deal with it right away it won't hurt you.
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