Hey Hubbers,
I guess I am going to take a different tact, so as to draw out the unsuspecting.
Knowing what I know, I've learned about people, each one pretends to be someone they are not, up to the point where causality takes control of their life.
Many things make people act or react a certain way and what many people on the forums fail to demonstrate is civility.
This comes from three things- (a) righteousness of believers and (b) confidence of non-believers in truth, and (c) then the rest.
However, what many fail to realize is, since we are online, and those who are believers and those who are not believers, want to express their views, there still seems to be a missing element.
The missing element is the "true" intentions behind those who are believers? And, only those who are believers. Believers, strive off, hope that they are right and there are even some who know it is a hoax, but promote it for monetary gain or to usurp a position of power and wealth(such as the Pope).
How does one truly know whether or not a "believer" is telling the truth or not?
So, regardless of anything else- believer base their faith on hope and nothing more. It is the ones who perpetuate the hoax for their own gain are just as likely to be among those who chat in the forums, that are a major problem and usually make the most noise.
Only reason being, if any Christian did like they were suppose to in the first place, then they would be STEADFAST QUIET about their belief, because tolerance is require, as is restraint, because believer supposedly know better to bother with those who will argue about "God's word". True believers do not need to defend their faith- that's no one here.
Thank you for your time. You are more than welcome to rip it to shreds and do whatever you like. To me, the obvious truth is in the forum threads.
Feel free to deal amongst yourself. I'll be glad to watch.
Hi friends
What logic is there? Why should not the believers defend their faith and give a walk over to the confused Skeptics? I know they have no reason to defend; if they have they should come with it.
Jesus, Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster ; all defended their faith.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
This would have made a great hub. You should make it into one. At least make some money off the long rant.
may be a little short, but I believe that you can expand on it. I for one would love to read more, I totally agree with your expression. Religion and faiths always will raise an eyebrow or two:0)
In the Bible it states that followers of the Word are to help others understand the Word. We are not to be silent as to the fact we believe in God. Or His Son Jesus, who came to proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven as our reward for following the Commandments. If we do not help others understand the consequences of ignoring Gods commands, it is also Written that He will hold us accountable.
The challenge today is that Satan has blinded so many people and even Churches to the adherence to His (Gods') commandments and has caused prayer to be thrown out of schools and is trying to destroy our marriages and anything else that God deems good and pure. This is my statement as a believer. And as a person who knows the times we live in are about to end. Jesus is coming soon!!
Is that the best you got. Now, that's funny!
Your post only strengthens my position in the OP. Enjoy.
You were lookin' for....a longer post, maybe? LOL Cagsil.
I believe it's perfectly within my rights to agree with another poster. Not ALL my posts are long and involved ya know. sheesh!
But, that's the whole point Brenda, my dear lady.
You posting is precisely what the OP was all about. Hence, you bring your faith of hope to the forum, so as to pat someone else on the back for something they said.
That is the action of ignorant person, who did not read the OP or at least read most of it. I'm not saying your are ignorant, just that your actions are or do you fall into the other category I mentioned. If so, that would explain so much about you.
The fact that you posted and said very little, tells a lot about you, just from the action you did do. So, with that said, I'll let you ponder it and see if you can figure out what I mean.
Thank you for stopping by, I learned something new about you. I'm not planning on tell you, but I did want you to know that though.
Aww now Cagsil
Your original post says you're glad to watch while people discuss amongst themselves. But you didn't just watch. Okay with me. I think I was being vewwwy good, don't you, by just being quiet and agreeable.
But I'm so glad to provide you with entertainment! And glad you think you're getting to know me well. Nothing worse than being ignored, is there? Why can't you just ignore me? Am I of so much interest to you? Ask me anything. Come on. If I don't wanna answer it, I'll say nunya. But if you do wanna know really, I'll try to answer. Hint----it could just be that I was in a thoughtful mood tonight, instead of some ulterior motive you hinted at! lol
You only posted to mock.
What I learned is for me, it is private. Nothing I plan on ever telling you. Regardless. And, I will keep learning(not what you think) either way.
I am never ignored when I am in the company of others. I would even venture out to say, that I am never alone.
Why would I want to ignore you? You are posting in my thread. DUH! And, I do not find you interesting at all. But, that nothing much to worry about, I'm sure you will dismiss it anyways.
Your joke? See, your action is interesting? It does make you interesting, just the action. The words themselves- show true self in how we speak. To write is to consciously think, therefore the words roll out of the brain and on to the screen. It happens with more experienced typers, especially in forums and chatrooms.
Again, Thank you for your input. It was fun learning experience.
So, which do you qualify as?
One of hope? I guess, but then again, who really knows if you are speaking true about your feelings, one can never be sure.
Jesus didn't teach the disciples to go out and convert the unrightious.
Jesus sent them out to feed the hungry. Feed the wanting mind. Teach to those that wanted to learn.
I think that Jesus taught the disciples a sence of hurry up cause that Hebrew Nation that these prophesy had been given to were about to soon be fulfilled.
Anyone should agree that all prophesy was written to that Hebrew Nation that ceased to exist early in the second century.
Thank you Arthur, but as I stated in the OP..
How can one tell the difference? Whether you are telling the truth?
Honestly it would not affect me either way. You could either take me on my word or not. I have no desire to convince you of my beliefs.
But, my point is the arguing that commences on forums. It's absolutely ridiculous and pointless, unless those who come on are not really in the faith of it truly, and find it necessary to keep up pretenses regardless, because they are so used to doing offline.
So, that would conclude a lot of people on here, really do not understand or much less know anything about their own religion or are fakes to perpetuate it further.
Either way, doesn't sound good.
What seems to happen here is a Christian starts a thread wanting to share about their belief. An atheist can do the same thing. Start a thread about their unbelief. Then, one or the other, shoots out either a spark of sarcasm at the other or a huge cannonball of attack. Then, the battle begins. Boom, boom, back & forth, digging. Going way to far. But it always starts at that first "dig", or first "shot".
I think of a statement a therapist told me once, "One usually gets defensive when attacked."
So, everyone knows it happens from both believers & nonbelievers.
So that's the way I see it
Thank you Donotfear. I appreciate your participation and input.
This was a very thought provoking post Cagsil, with a good approach. What stood out for me in this post, with much truth & meaning, is this:
(Some of us DO know better).
It's a wee reminder that not all the Christians want to argue, be defensive, and sound dogmatic... nor will all argue, period. It's pointless, pointless, pointless.
Good posting material. Heck, we don't all agree with each other but then, we all don't have to fire back at each other either.
And again, how would one know the different between a believer who is outspoken on the forums and a fraud(a person who perpetuates the hoax for their own gain)?
No one can be sure of anything on a computerized forum. Sure, it is considered a public forum, but people are still sitting behind a computer screen and cannot be seen.
The words they use, can give them away, if they are not careful and I have run into a few here. Just to let you know, and no I am not mentioning any names. But, I've learned of a few.
Yeah, true. In the cyber world you never know for sure. There's really no way to tell. You know, sometimes one just gets a "gut feeling" (yeah, it's not logical, but I hafta use it!) You could look at one thing though: what kind of 'fruit' does this person produce?
Oh I do not really enter the religious forums. I just noticed the category, but the question was intriguing.
Is it okay that people manipulate others into believing in god? So, they can live off the efforts of others.
If a person told you they were a believer and you took them on faith to be telling you the truth and later found out that they had been lying the whole time, what kind of damage do you think that does?
Thank you Brenda...I know you are a believer...the whole point of being a believer in Jesus is that you do not enter into pointless arguments. You either believe or you have been deceived. And I see many who have been deceived. Maybe I missed the point of the question, but as a believer and follower of the Word, I spoke as I do normally. I do not believe the point of forums is to argue about anything, but to discuss rationally and learn from one another.....
I didn't post to mock at all. You're the one who mocked me for simply agreeing with another poster. As I said, you must've expected a longer post.
I'm very clear about my stances, etc., so I dunno why you're having a problem.
Whatever. I'm getting way too sleepy to cater to your wild-running imaginations.
And the simple fact that you are now posting to save face or justify your actions. When they were already known. You forget, I have been around awhile. Therefore, I've learned much more than you ever thought possible.
You posting this, after such a long time, simply shows that you had to contain your anger enough to try and type. It is nice to see that you try and turn the responsibility of your actions on to another person for blame.
Give me a break. Go pout in the corner and pray to your god, maybe just maybe you would understand your own religion. And, hopefully become a better human being out of it all.
It's just a guess.
You must be kidding.
I wasn't angry at all.
What's got you so paranoid tonight, Cagsil?
What other person are you accusing me of "turning the responsibility" to?
Whatcha want from me, Cagsil?
You do want something. What is it?
I think you're just upset that I wasn't the first poster to answer your tirade so you could pick on me first! lol
I have no "religion" really. But that's a great idea---to go pray to my God! But there'll be no "pouting in the corner". Born-again Christians have the option to go boldly to the throne of grace. I would wish you would someday take that option too!
I classify myself as a peaceful, tolerant, loving Christian who believes in helping do God's work on Earth - feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and uplifting the downcast. It's easy to preach to others, but it's harder to actually take action to make the world a better place. IF someone asks me to share my beliefs, I'm more than willing.
Nice to see two terminally confused people arguing about their confusions, saves the trouble of posting anything sensible here
Okay Cagsil, as much as I hate to I will tell you where I fall.
I was taught, and shown in the Bible, that we are supposed to be a good example. That is, if I am a public sinner, I should not preach my belief in God, because if a person I preached to sees me sinning, they might think it's an acceptable behavior and not a sin.
In this way I must be culpable for my own sin and the sins of those who follow my example.
I have never set a very good example. I am human and I fail. I like to drink, but don't anymore, and when I did drugs I liked them. I had to learn to hate things that are bad for me. I was a smoker for many years, and just now quit.
As long as I have any addictions or sinful amoral tendency, I must not preach my beliefs. I am not what one would call a "good Christian". I don't go to church, and although I pray, and help people as much as I can, I am a sinful creature. My sins only hurt me. That does not make them any less sinful.
It is the way I was raised. I am not preaching, just stating a fact. As far as preaching goes, the Bible was very clear. If the people you preach to do not want to hear, you are supposed to walk away, and kick the dust from your feet. That's in Acts, I think, not sure.
I have no right to preach, I am a sinner. Forgiveness does not give me any right to preach.
But, isnt every persons reality unique, and belonging to that individual alone? So, whatever a person chooses to hold as true, IS true for them. You have your truth, I have mine. I firmly belive though, that a common ground can always be reached, no matter how many different opinions there are in one room.
I've never understood the desire to put labels on people and shove them into little boxes myself.
I have to agree. I remember a remark to that effect by George Carlin. "Just because I wear shoes, doesn't mean I should go around nailing soles to their bare feet."
I think there is room for those who wear shoes and those who go barefoot.
I agree. My only question is...can I talk about my shoes without people assuming that I want them to wear the same shoes as me? Can we all look at each others' shoes (or lack thereof) without people getting offended and going ape-sh*t? Or is that just too much to ask?
Excellent question! I remember the best pair of shoes I ever had. They didn't hurt my feet and didn't need broken in. From the first moment i put them on I wanted to wear them all the time. It was more comfortable than going barefoot. They were called Easy Spirits.
Then everyone told me Reeboks were better, and Filas and so on. I tried their shoes but they weren't comfortable to me. Finally I went to buy the easy Spirits again. The store was gone.
Perhaps I should have stuck with my shoes and let them have theirs.
That is a true story, every word.
I don't have any anymore, they're just too expensive...but wow, were they great shoes. I currently have a pair of Harley Davidson boots I found on sale...and they are also awesome. In my opinion.
I believe you can find the Easy Spirits on the 'Net.
Everyone's feet are a little different...that's why we need so many different kinds of shoes. IMO.
Cool! I have no job right now, and it was the expense that made everyone tell me other shoes were better. No other shoes lasted as long as that one pair of Easy Spirits.
But you are right, all of us have different feet, that's why there are so many different shoes.
The way that I view religion/God and belief and/or faith is personal to me-and I am okay with the way I believe, just as I am okay with the way that someone else believes... (If God made us all-I am fairly sure he is okay with us all and that there is more than one way to believe in God, for whatever reason we have to choose to believe)
I think I wrote a hub on the whole issue---something that referred to crackers...I prefer my crackers one way-as you prefer yours another way...but we both still eat crackers
I like the thought behind your post- I am not sure how to tell one way or another who is true or not??? I guess you just have to have faith, and be true to yourself, rather than judge another persons character....But that's just me and my take on the subject-and I have yet to be appointed God to say if I am wrong or right
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