I have received death threats and hate mail from homosexuals and atheists due to my biblical beliefs, I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this? It's very disturbing.
from Hubpages? if so, you need to report them to hubpages staff.
One was and I reported him/her but most were outside.
I'm sure it was some democrat just bad mouthing Sarah. Calm down.
The Treats are coming from you christians. Homosexuals, Doctors that perform Abortions, and little innocent boys are being being RAPED, TORTURED, and KILLED by Christians. I understand there's saying out there the "some people are too stupid to live."
But I'm sure it's not a direct threat to most people.
People with Christian names are wrongly thought of as Christians.
True Christians will not do any of the things you have mentioned.
I'm using the word in the wrong way alot. On purpose. Because I'm a Christian and I wont let these people get away with their hate and murder in the name of my God.
You're right about that. True Christians should be compassionate to everyone. In this way, we can show Christ's love.
"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Mattew 5:16
I do not believe that this is true - you may have invited the attention of a moron - but I do not think this would be particularly for your religious beliefs
Well it was, I kept one that was written to me through my email but it's so profane I can't paste it.
Take the profanities out and post it.
People need to see, things like this, otherwise just seems like high drama.
What are they going to do wait for you to come home from work.
Highly unlikely, but if you are fearful. Do as we do buy a gun.
You could paste that lol
Not from homosexuals yet, but aliens send me such threats every other week. You know, tin foil helps a lot, trust me on that!
I'm still wearing the tin hat you sent me Misha.
Thank you for that! I can tune in Putin's love songs!
Why do people feel the need to bleat about such things to their fellow writers?
Is it that they also feel the need to create animosity so that they get a rise or noticed by others?
Do they realise that that is a disorder?
How Dare anyone Intimate that non-believers are responsible for death threats and hatemail!
How disgustingly Low is that?
@ Brie Hoffman
WGAS about your biblical beliefs... If you don't jam them down people's throats.. you won't offend normal people....
But you certainly Will.. creating threads like this one!
May I suggest that you Get Some Help for your Imaginery Problem!
There certainly is something very anal about this sort of BS!
If you have allegedly had such mail that you believe came from a source here then take it up with the HP Admin. AND keep it out of the forums! (for obvious reasons).
If your alleged mail comes from another source, deal with that source directly and keep it out of the forums! (For obvious Reasons!)
I agree maybe she should stop jamming it!
No one likes having someone elses beliefs shoved down their throats.
Would you like a Homosexual telling you to become a Dyke.
or would you want an athiest telling you not to believe. I think not.
I think that you really have set the bait, got what you expectd, now want to bitch about it. You really have brought it on yourself.
You have to be mistaken. Take a look at who you may think of, as being capable of harming someone. These are good people. They are you and me.
Such people are obviously severely threatened by any belief system they think is counter to their own. It shows incredible insecurity and fear, and they are emotionally stuck, defending and fighting. It is disturbing.
However, the more at peace you are with your own beliefs, the less you will need to preach them (because living them will be enough), or be affected by such threats, and the more you'll be able to move away from that negativity.
Homosexuals and Atheists are known for this kind of behavior, that's why God gives his permission to hate them and tell lies about them.
I do not lie and God says we are to do good to those that hate us. It's not OK for Christians to hate anyone, but telling the truth is not hatred (as some might believe).
Telling people what you believe to be the truth can sometime cause people their lives. Lie to me Baby!
@Brie Hoffman truth is subjective matter..you may hold your personal opinion but what is truth is not in your or mine domain to judge..even if we go by scriptures ...well god has last say not mortals..we can't make judgments
Are Homosexual Atheists those who don't believe they are gay?
..and thanks to Quaker Brand Oats, also regular!
Or maybe those who kneel often, but never in prayer.
well, if you're writing about anything controversial in a hub, as you are, you're going to receive angry responses. I just read one of your hubs, if you don't like the response, deny it. at some point, you need to accept that not everyone believes like you.
I do and I know that the things I write about (well, some of them) are controversial. The purpose of this was that I wanted to know if other people, other hubbers, have had the same experiences.
I am having a difficult time believing how really insensitive some of you are being about this. What possible difference could it make that you dis agree with Brie's views that is still no reason to make crude jokes about a very serious problem.
Thanks Ohma. I have to say it's very disturbing when someone writes to you saying that you die a quick death.
saying that they hope you die a quick death...sorry for the error.
Those homosexual atheists will stoop to anything!
I would have thought quick would be better than slow myself.
Woody Allen's thoughts on the matter. "I don't mind dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens"
Hi, Brie,
First of all, threats are nothing to laugh about, you guys. If Brie got a threat (an actual threat*), this is serious stuff. Nobody should be threatening anybody over an article on hubpages. (For all of me, the only threats people should issue are ones like these: "Clean up your room, or you don't get to watch TV." or "If you harm one hair on my kid's head, you'll wish I'd never been born."
Second, though, a threat looks like this: "If you [do something I don't like] I'm going to [do something unpleasant to] you."
"I hope you get sick," is not a threat.
"I hope you die a quick death," isn't even a threat.
Mean-spirited, rude, nasty, and reprehensible, to be sure. But it's not a threat.
"I'm going to ensure that you die a quick death," (or words to that effect) however, is a threat, and should be reported to your local law enforcement, or perhaps even the F.B.I., if the threatener is not from your area.
Brie check out the conversation in the chatters thread you will understand quickly why it is a very serious matter to me.
Not sure what her views are, but I would be curious what these death threats say and how one can be sure they are coming from homosexuals and/or atheists?
I am assuming that these views are controversial and anti-those groups? Doesn't mean that any threats are coming from those communities. I'm sure such views can offend heterosexuals and religious people as well
It does not matter what her view on religion or homosexuality is. The fact that she received the threat for voicing her opinion is the problem.
Yes I do understand that it was likely to be just some random jerk that thought it would be funny but there is also the possibility that she has attracted a true nut case that knows enough about her to be able to contact her through her personal e-mail and that is cause for alarm.
i think it does matter if one claims certain group(s) of people of making such comments and doesn't provide evidence to support that.
I also think it matters if ONE person sent such a threat, that these groups be associated with that threat.
Ohma: that's terrible...that you witnessed such a horrible murder. I won't complain anymore!
I hardly ever get nasty comments or threats from religionists on my hubs. Maybe it's cos I tell em to rack off!
I copped a beauty the other day though on my hub "The biblical god is a psychopath."
It was so scathing and dumb assed that I left the comment for all to see!
Your whole hub is nasty so I'm not surprised. My hubs, however are not. I do not go into long diatribes calling people psychopaths I merely believe in the God of the Bible.
I call people phychopaths when they promote murder with no concern for the people they target. What is your definition of a homicidal maniac? Wheather they carry a Chainsaw or slap on a Bible; they both use their weapon to kill people.
Oh yes. That would be this god.
"I will sweep away everything in all your land," says the LORD. "I will sweep away both people and animals alike. Even the birds of the air and the fish in the sea will die. I will reduce the wicked to heaps of rubble, along with the rest of humanity," says the LORD. "I will crush Judah and Jerusalem with my fist and destroy every last trace of their Baal worship. I will put an end to all the idolatrous priests, so that even the memory of them will disappear. For they go up to their roofs and bow to the sun, moon, and stars. They claim to follow the LORD, but then they worship Molech, too. So now I will destroy them! And I will destroy those who used to worship me but now no longer do. They no longer ask for the LORD's guidance or seek my blessings." (Zephaniah 1:2-6 NLT)
It's religion that's nasty!
Baal Worshipers and the rest were guilty of throwing their babies onto burning hot metal arms of the Baal gods that were made out of metal. They practiced infant sacrifice among other practices and that is why God said they would be destroyed. And it is true all who do not worship the true God will go to hell. Watch this vid about Anton Lavey's last words before dying. He was the head of the church of Satan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sZcUsrbvfI
This is not entirely true though is it?
Not only do you believe in the invisible Super Daddy in the Sky, you also believe that you are instructed by the invisible Super Daddy to
You also feel comfortable judging others publicly and telling them that you are judging them in god's name.
So - I tell you now - if you go around judging, admonishing, correcting and rebuking people and twisting the meaning of the bible to give your self leave to do so - they are going to become offended.
"Judge not lest ye be judged." is a pretty plain and simple instruction. But you chrsitians will not follow it. And you are shocked that you get a negative reaction when you preach and do not follow the preaching?
Now - I don't condone these threats you have received, (if in fact you received any, and going on the past performance of people such as yourself - I seriously doubt it) but - I think you should stand up and admit that you provoked people into threatening you - don't you? Surely the tittle of this thread should be,
"I provoked people into threatening me by publicly judging, admonishing, correcting and rebuking them,"?
Wouldn't that be more honest?
I get death threats from Christians every single day. Why? Because the bible tells me I will die if I don't believe the nonsense in it.
But - it is OK if god does the threatening. Right?
I mean - what do you think you are going to achieve by starting this thread? Stop people from becoming atheist or gay because those people threaten others when provoked?
Talk about dishonesty. No wonder people are sick and tired of your religion. It teaches this sort of behavior.
Of course - what I will say about these "death threats" is the people threatening you are not real homosexuals and atheists.
Did anyone notice there hasn't been one quote of a threat that Brie supposedly recieved. I would have told everybody by now just what the treat was. She has not posted a threat by a real of fake gay person of Atheist!
The purpose of the thread is to see of others had received such threats. The reason that I haven't quoted any is because I delete them.
Dear me. Is lying for Jesus OK now?
I get threatened by Christians every day. In fact - you just threatened me with hell if I do not believe the garbage you believe.
Not a threat
Good luck making yourself in to a martyr, because that seems to be your goal.
Not a threat
That was not a threat, but I see you are very, very proud of Christians who LOLOL "die for their faith" LOLOLOLO.
Which is the height of stupidity as far as I am concerned - or evolution in action...........
Oh, I think you’re being a little a harsh on her.
I mean, she’s a woman. What could possibly come from the words of a woman other than truth? Just look at how Adam lied to God about Eve eating the apple.
Besides, she looks very intelligent and reminds me of a smart Republican woman who wanted to run for office a while back.
And you took her statement out of context. It wasn’t a threat. It was truth.
A threat is what I received in an email a couple of weeks ago in response to a hub on black holes. I was told that when I go to Hell, the blazing hot pokers of demons will be penetrating my black hole for all of eternity....ouch!
I just wish people would go back to sending me the regular death threats, where I am told that I will die a quick death. Now that I can handle with a smile
Waitwaitwait....someone writes a hub you find nasty, and threats are okay?
I saw it as confirmation and proof of what I was saying!
I get after-life threats from heterosexual christians.
Some of them have been pretty brutal. But whatever. *shrug*
Things that I would be sensitive about if somebody disagrees with me are the things that I don't post for the whole wide world to read.
Offense is taken, not given.
(Here's where you say I'm a giver, not a taker)
I get that sort of comment too!
"You're not goin to heaven! You're gonna rot in hell for a thousand years if you don't obey (enter particular sky fairy here.)
They're apparently not threats though, it's just that we're too stupid to believe in the said sky fairy.
er ... sure!
don't be TOO upset, everyone know there won;t be any Australians going to heaven
I hope not! It's bad enough putting up with all the good religionists here. Like many Australians I couldn't stand being around them all the time.
how DARE you make fun of us believers and claim we have had a negative effect in the world, when you are partly responsible for this...
you better PRAY there is no God!
Oh I do! I do!
Paul Hogan is not entirely my fault! He is your average Australian, just like Bruce Willis is the average American.
I'm proud to say I am an average Canadian, and thus look like this...
You look familiar! I may have met you in Banff!
Not too likely, passed my religious beliefs by then.
Beautiful memories, amazing friendly people, and most importantly as an Aussie, good heating!
Western Canadians scare me... kinda like your Outback lol
It's always different as a tourist, although I had met some very switched on people in Vancouver, and did notice a bit of awkwardness as we got further away from the city. Kamloops was just weird!
hey????? watcha talking about Greek One!!!! I know, I get it - it's just not the centre of the universe.....come on out to western Canada and I'll show you what it is all about.....you 2 earnest!
you're both just a couple of city dwellers!
I would love to visit but I have a whole bunch of rioters in the streets this weekend because of the G20 and I have to go kick some ass first
I was wondering if you'd be by. I was just watching CBC and the reports. I was out all day and happened upon the news. WOW!! and I guess there are some pretty violents ones from out of the country - just to cause problems rather than bringing their message. They'll be on guard all night - 12 hours already!
No kicking ass allowed! There's enough going on there!
Is that your poster up above?...curious....
nah.. i only did one poster, and that was a while ago...
opps sorry.. i forgot this was a gay-bashing forum
Now you've done it Greek One! You've turned me all homosexual with that poster!
Thanks.. I am the backdrop in this particular pic..
they posed the young man in front of my stomach
sorry, I can't see you.
I just can't seem to look beyond the... foreground.
hee hee
guilty as charged! I live in a city of 4 million.
Used to be a "bushy" though!
...not bad Greek One! I moved over to the chatter's thread - this one is getting too long - was commenting further about the G20 in TO.
...ohhhhh...so it's your poster Earnest! btw that's not a cat......I'm not quite a bushy....just don't live with millions of people!
Sunset Boulevard is a long way from Melbourne Australia mate!
..... and that ain't no puddytat!
I got used to the millions of people, the city is about 190 mile by 100 mile in size, so there is room to swing a cat, or even put up a found cat poster.
Before I joined HP, I got an e-mail that did actually upset me.
The person told me with love and sincerity that she would care for my daughter in heaven, in my absence.
Then things got ugly.
I wonder how many religious people would even understand how insulting that is. Considering how often I hear comments similar to this, from people who are not actively harassing me , my guess is not too many.
Regardless, like all things this is a two way street.
Wouldn't it have been better to start this thread without calling out specific groups of people?
I don't say 'I'm being harassed by a christian", I say "I'm being harassed by a jack-ass".
It's the love and sincerity part that is so diabolical and evil.
diabolical is the perfect word for it.
I tried to explain to this person why what she said was so wrong. I was naive. Anything I said was nothing more than another platform for her to quote scripture at me. In all caps no less.
what is that saying... don't throw the first stone in a glass house?
maybe I'm paraphrasing a little. hee hee
When a person is threatened Christian, Non-Christian etc. you cannot take the threats lightly. Track there ip addresses report them to there provider, report them to the FBI, even your police department.
Friendlyword and Earnest are also great people , yes all of us are entitled to our opinions but we also have to be careful of other people's feelings. I always remember what Jesus would do, and I truly do not try to point fingers at another person's beliefs or choices, I try to embrace them and understand when you do that they tend to listen.
I really like you. I'm really sorry you were takin advantage of by this flim flam artist. Why would you take this opportunist seriously? Most likely it's Brenda trying to distract people from her murderous ways.
I hope not but Brie has been here for along-time and dealing with my past experiences with psycho stalkers I truly take all of them seriously. It would be sad if anything happened to anyone on HP
Show me a news clip where a gay man beats a Christian Woman to death with a bat.
Show me the You Tube video of an Abortion Doctor shooting a talk show host in the head.
Show me any evidence that points to Christians having the time to fear anyone or anything. They are too busy wishing people were dead, preparing to die, or killing innocent people while they wait to dance in heaven with other murderers, thieves, and child molestors.
I am not another person, called Brenda, like AEvans said I've been here for quite some time ...over 2 years. There are many Christians who die for their faith everyday. And, unfortunately, based on some of the things I've heard from the people here, and the way the culture is going I am sure that there will be martyrs in America soon as well. There is so much hatred towards anyone who believes the Bible.
i dont think there is hatred towards anyone who believes in bible or quran or vedas or torah as long as one keeps faith personal..when one tries to impose/covert/ridicule/judge others on basis of one's faith, problem arises...same applies to atheist too..what i believe is my personal matter and none has right to question it but at same time i have to respect what others believe and do with their life..as long as that space would exist ..all is well..
It was late last night so I came back to read this thread again, I can attest to this, I have not ever seen a gay man or a lesbian woman beat a person who believed in God with a baseball bat nor have I ever seen it in the media. Now a Christian and a non-Christian I have read of happenings but again I cannot honestly sit here and say I have read or heard of anyone dying because someone disagreed with what another person was saying. I wonder if she would share the e-mail but eliminate the language out of it. But again the answer to your question my friend, is "No" I have not seen any abuse against a Christian from a gay person or non-believer.
The best thing to always do is to report any attacks to HP not a single soul should be submitted to abuse. For all we know it is a straight person claiming they are gay or non-christian to attack or maybe it is a Christian looking to attack another Christian and using the non-religious tactic to place fear in her. Some of those who are believers can also be cruel and inhumane there is a darkside too.
As for me I do not wish bad things on anyone, nor harming innocent people what I see as a Christian is to many people who claim to believe are veering far to the right and forgetting what the words that were taught really mean, what is shameful is that religion has changed so much, it is becoming dark and unholy.
how did they get your email?
This seems strange because homosexuals are notoriously non violent, and Athiests are notorious for taking this P*** out of religious people rather than actually being violent towards them. (Why would any sane perrson beat up an insane person, they are best just taunted or avoided)
Spot on mate! No non believers I know ever take this stuff seriously.
We do however take the p**s if we get told we are off to hell cos we didn't belief the fairytale!
Dont try to bring common sense into this argument. It will just make your head hurt.
over zeal in anything can make any sane person go insane..be it be religious or atheism..
First they posted on one of my hubs (which I deleted) then they wrote to me directly (which I marked as abuse).
Could you please allow those posts on your hubs to be seen by the rest of us the next time it happens? Copy and paste it here for us to discuss but don't delete the original until we've had a chance to discuss?
Would that be fair?
An atheist homosexual person stole my baby! They steal everybody's babies!
I saw one the other day walking down the street pretending to be a person with human rights!
I say burn them all at the stake. (lovingly of course!)
I got a threat once too and I certainly don't post controversial hubs. I reported it and went on about my life.
Some people just get some kind of sick thrill out of sending nasty emails, most are nothing to worry about. They come from people of all beliefs.
I think that yours was prob, more because you sort of come on quickly and state your mind. You did this to me at first, so I looked at you as grumpy.
You are usually right, but often mannerisms provoke people that are unstable.
In this ladies case, she needs to know that Religion is a hot topic, not for the faint hearted. Also don't recall, you coming out and whining about the threat.
Am just seeing this for the first time: this is crazy. Anybody that still does not believe im God at this time probably does not believe we are living in the 21st century. Give it up. Oh.. Why threaten a guy (as I want to believe) for his opinion? Damn, its 2010 folks. Get enlightened.
I think that if the OP is going to make those serious accusations in public forum, there should have been some evidence provided. Without the evidence, the accusations cannot be verified by anyone.
What would be the point of the thread if the accusations are not verified?
Are we supposed to take this on faith?
I agree that if you get a death threat, you should report it to your local police. It's against the law and you never know when someone will actually try to make that threat a reality.
But complaining about "homosexuals" (the use of this word is probably the clearest sign that you hate them) and atheists making death threats to you in this forum seems a little like you're trying to curry sympathy and make yourself sound like a martyr.
I don't hate anybody, but that doesn't mean that I don't think it's a sin (homosexuality) just like it's a sin to commit adultery or fornication. We are all sinners but that doesn't make the sin not a sin. Your use of the word hate is hateful to me and offensive, so why don't you stop being a hypocrite and live by your own words.
Do you think people classifying the KKK as a hate group, and thereby using the word "hate," are being hateful themselves? It's simply calling a spade a spade.
In my experience, people who claim to "hate the sin but love the sinner" actually hate the sinner, too. Would celibate gay couples be allowed to get married in your book?
Besides, you and people like you are making absolutely no attempt to make fornication, adultery, divorce, or other Biblically proscribed activities illegal, only gays' right to get married. So, maybe you have to explain why you think certain sins should be made illegal, while others should be legal and up to the individual to avoid out of their own free will. Does it have anything to do with the fact that you, and/or people you love or are friends with, might be "guilty" of sins like fornication, adultery, and divorce?
"Would celibate gay couples be allowed to get married in your book?"
That question makes no sense
Fornication and adultery are not being forced upon anyone, homosexuality is.
I think a person should be judged on what they do, not on what they believe at least in regards to the law.
So - what you are saying is - divorce is illegal and you are being forced into a homosexual encounter?
You are a big fan of judging I see. Can I judge you on what you are doing here?
Surely she is being forced, under death threats - that's what this thread is all about
Oh - in that case....... You stick in there Brie. Don't be tempted. Be strong!
I think the Greek might disagree with me here.
Mark: maybe you should actually read my hubs instead of perusing the titles!
What I am saying is adulterers are not asking for legal rights, nor are fornicators.
They don't need to, because they already have them. Fornicators, adulterers, and divorced people can all get married. Hypocritically, certain Christians are not trying to strip them of the right to get married.
And so called homosexuals can get married to as long as it is to someone of the opposite sex.
You want gays and lesbians to marry people they don't love?
Would you want to marry a gay man? Would you want a female family member or close female friend to marry a gay man?
I read what little I could stomach of your "God told me to judge you," hubs as I could stand, thanks.
But divorce leads to adultery and divorce is now legal.
Still not understanding how some one else wanting the same legal rights as you enjoy is "forcing homosexuality" on you.
So - you think it should be legal to go against the word of god and get a divorce, and be legal to go against the word of god to fornicate - because both of these were made legal years ago.
And you are fine with that. But you don't want gay people to be able to marry? Because that would be forcing homosexuality on you the same way as you have already had adultery and fornication forced upon you.
But homosexuality is worse?
Lost me.
Try again.
You do know god sez women should not preach - right?
It does not say that women should not preach;
(Titus 2:3) The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
Let's put it this way if there was a push for plural marriages to be legalized I would be just as against those.
I see - so you see yourself as behaving in such a way as a holy person would behave? Interesting what a high opinion you have of yourself. Preaching is not the same as teaching. You should teach your children - not preach to men.
Not going to deal with the divorce/adultery/fornication etc that has been forced on you?
Since you know the scripture so well you should know the one that says not to throw your pearls before swine.
I would not go so far as to call you "swine," but - if the cap fits............
So adulterers and fornicators are not asking for legal rights, since they already have them.
Does that mean that once gays have equal legal rights, then you won't have a problem with them because they won't be asking for them? Good to know.
However, asking for rights is not at all what things "being forced upon anyone" means.
Homosexuality is being forced on people? People are being forced to be homosexual? What do you exactly mean by being "forced upon people"?
Not in this forum thread. You haven't explained how homosexuality is being forced upon you in a way that divorce, fornication, and adultery are not.
So I guess it depends on who is judging. Maybe the Native Americans should get to judge all of our actions.
Judging is a neutral term, one can judge poorly or well, it's difficult not to judge at all (if not impossible if you want to be honest with yourself).
"Fornication and adultery are not being forced upon anyone, homosexuality is."
Wait wait wait...someone's trying to force you to be gay?
no no, Jeff, I think she is complaining that human and civil rights should be abolished because she doesn't like what people are doing with their freedom.
I was skeptical about this thread because of the title. If the main issue is the harassment, that's one thing - and there is action that can be taken in that event. But if the issue is the gays and the atheists, I really can't see this as anything more than whining.
Brie, if the threats you get are legitimate, deal with them the right way. Deleting them and then opening a forum that calls out broad groups instead of the individuals who are bothering you does not help your cause.
But it does prove beyond a reasonable doubt that homosexuals and atheists are nasty, nasty people who will threaten you with death.
Of course - as a good Christian woman - she is assured a seat in paradise next to Jesus - so I am not really sure what the issue is. I would have thought she would be grateful to be sitting next to baby Jesus without having to have committed suicide.
Waiting on her to respond to my point that the bible threatens me with death every day. Not holding my breath though. That would be a sin..........
I simply asked a question...whether others had been harrassed like this from one of these groups, you don't have to be on here, you can just go your way. If you want to argue and if I want to answer you I will. If I don't I won't. You seem to think that you are the only one entitled to an opinion on this board.
That's the farthest thing from the truth. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, especially on a forum that is open to the public.
Like I said, there are two issues here. Legitimate harassment, death threats, and stalking are wrong. I've seen several hubbers give suggestions for dealing with this.
Any of us who write about controversial topics get the same kind of negative feed back. That's how things work. It's not about religious preference or sexual orientation. It's about unhinged people.
If your death threats are like the after-life threats that I get, and they most likely are, they are meant only to upset you. If the messages get personal as happened with me, then take care of it.
I'll agree with you that it's no fun. At the same time, if I posted in a forum that I'm being harassed by christians and heterosexuals, you better believe there would be a backlash from religious conservatives who would be offended that I lumped them all into one category and then passed a broad judgement on them.
I didn't post that, I asked a question!!!!
Awwww. And then you were persecuted and martyred for no reason?
You must be very, very pleased - now you are the same as wot jeebus is.
Dear me.
@brie honestly there are far greater sins occurring in world today compared to homosexuality..1 out of 7 are starving..genocides , terrorism , killing of animal species ..the list is endless..if i would have been god my primary focus would have been to save various species which are getting extinct , make sure global warming is fixed , make sure none starve then worrying about how many are straight and how many are not..
I agree and I am against those as well and have volunteered in order to stop some of the groups you mentioned.
If you don't knock it off you are in danger on spending eternity with a long-haired hippie who never married, hung out with guys, and was a pacifist, and you'll all be singing really awful tunes and bowing down as worshipful slaves for as long a time continues to an old, white-haired guy with a really bad temper .
Now THAT is a threat to shudder over.
Why not take a snap shot of all these threats and show us, i'm a bit of a doubting Thomas.
Ok, this is the only one I kept and is the most recent (this person posted a comment on my Oprah hub that I thought was uncalled for and then sent this note to me. It is one of many but the others I deleted:
Hi.....I commented on your hub about Oprah and Tiger Woods being role models and you deleted my comment. I'm not interested in having a one sided debate. I've read your hub the past few days and have seen how you conduct yourself- deleting comments when they don't fit your agenda. You're right- it's your hub, your blog, your whatever- do as you wish. All I have to say is I have observed you have a lot of hate within you. I have not heard you expound on your hatred of gays but you did make the one comment; i commented on that and was deleted. i don't believe in god but I still pray that people like you and your followers die a quick death. Seriously, my only hope in this world is that you are in your 40's/50's/whatever and that people like you will die off soon. You claim a loving god but then express SO much hatred. I don't believe in god but i love my fellow man, believe in good...if i should burn in hell despite all of that well then fuck me. I have seen all the well thought out, intelligent responses and questions posed to you that have been met with childish insults, curt responses and in general avoiding the questions posed to you. That's because you have no answers. You assume this pulpit (as is your right) to express your hatred. I just feel bad for all these people that know no better. I know and have known plenty of religious people who I get along with fine, who are open to other views, who hold no hate for other religions and views within them. you are far different.....you are the worst type of person and while I definitely feel you have a right to say anything you want to, I wish you would not be so close-minded. And before you say that I'm bad because I'm wishing *you* ill will, please remember I only wish ill on those who harm or hate others. Peace.
If the cap fits............................
No doubt this is an ugly personal attack, but it's not a direct threat IMO.
If it upsets you (well, you are saying it does, I'm not patronizing you) then report it.
For my part I blow this stuff off. I don't deny comments of any kind on my hubs except blatant spam. It keep the crazies out of my in-box.
If a fool wants to put himself on display, I'll go ahead and open the display.
Sorry Brie, but there are NO death threats there.
Anybody can publicly pray and hope that president Obama and all the Democrats die a horrible & painful death.
These are nothing but personal wishes & opinion that people are entitled to; just like people who wish Hell upon others. These are not threats to cause bodily harm, a totally different issue.
You call THAT a threat?
Reading between the lines, I have much more sympathy for the other person than I do for you.
If we want to return to true Christian values should we not also fight for women to lose their right to request a divorce?
If you want to use religious values to fight agaisnt gay rights, by your own standards you should also fight to revoke a huge amount of women's rights which have appeared over the last 70 years.
Personally I think it is up to a person what they do, and gay civil unions do not distrb me in the slightest. While I would be lieing if I said the thought of two men going at it did not revulse me a little, I do not think it is my place to stop them from doing it because of MY particular tastes.
Really, this whole topic is not what I posted, I merely asked a question to see if others had received death threats.
I receive death threats from Christians every day. But - that is OK - right? I am going to die for not beleebing. Right?
Anyhoo - got a Kwestion.
Seeing as you are going to live forever if you die for Jeebus .................
Why would a death threat bother you?
No one wants to die by another's hand, if that were the case then it would be no sacrifice should one decide to lay their life down for Christ.
So you do not get to live with Jeebus? Odd that you are so antagonistic in that case. Scared? Looks like it to me.
it wasn't a death threat as such, merely an insult. However if this was sent over hubpages I would report it, you can also send them the email that this was sent from if you believe it was form a hubpages user.
While I am not religious, and definitely disagree with religion, it is a sad state of affairs that you have received this.
Hoewver, before you complain so much about people disliking you for your point of view, maybe you should consider how insulted others may feel by your point of view, and why your opinions might drive someone to send you an email like this.
thisisoli: I have no problem with people disliking me for my point of view, I am used to it, but this went further than that and unfortunately this was not the worst that I have received but the others have been deleted. If you notice my hubs are not that controversial and this particular hub was about Heroes not about anything controversial. However, even if it was controversial I have no problem with people disagreeing and even being passionate but I do try and keep people to the subject and not allow them to degrade into subjectivity and name calling and death wishes. When it goes that far I delete them, but this person emailed me personally so I kept it.
Maybe, that's the problem here. You may not think your hubs are controversial but it's quite obvious others do think they are controversial, so much so that you admit to receiving many of these kind of responses.
If you're receiving so many of these responses, don't you think you might want to rethink your hubs before publishing them?
Maybe your hubs are very controversial. Others seem to think so.
I haven't read your hubs thoroughly. I looked them over briefly and got the impression of a passionately religious person. That kind of stuff is of no interest to me, so I did not dive in.
I don't know what you said or didn't say. I saw some stuff in your profile that sounded like "hate the sin, love the sinner" and that malarkey always causes my lips to curl, but I didn't see anything that would cause me to actively dislike you - though I could easily have missed that, of course.
Whatever, apparently someone got the idea that you are hateful toward homosexuals. If that's true, I can understand their feelings: I don't like people like that. I wouldn't go so far as wishing unpleasant things for you; I'd wish for enlightenment.
If it is not true, then you are simply expressing your thoughts badly or the other person can't read. There could be fault on both sides, of course.
But this thread honestly seems like hate-bait. I don't know that you intended that, but intended or not, the title alone is going to provoke unpleasantries. If that was simply an error, it is regrettable but forgiveable. If you wanted to stir up the pot deliberately, again I can only wish for you to learn better as you go through life.
This is my profile:
I live and work in Manhattan. I enjoy writing about life in the city among other things, political and religious topics as well as practical "how to" subjects. I hope you enjoy the variety of my hubs. Moreover, I have opinions and ideas about almost everything so stay tuned!
I have mentioned that I am against gay marriage and that very belief is enough for some to say that is hate. In fact I might just do a hub on the whole "hate" tactic that some people use to censor speech that they do not agree with. Last I heard this was still America, maybe I didn't get the memo that it was no longer land of the free!
I think it is hateful to call a sincere belief in God and the Bible hateful IMHO.
The first paragraph is my profile not the second.
To be frank, I don't believe you.
But if you have death threats of any kind from amy person tell the cops. And realise it is it is the person who made the threat who is responsible for it, not every other member who shares a demographic category with them be it atheism, sexual orientation, nationality or hair color.
Right, it wasn't in your profile. It was somewhere I got to, but that's why I did not jump to condemn you - I could have been reading something too quickly out of context.
As to whether being against gay marriage is hateful, I'd have to say it is something close to hate. It's not necessarily angry hate, but it is interfering in someone else's life (or trying to). If you vote against it, yes, I think you are doing something very ugly and it certainly doesn't have an admirable motivation behind it.
Gay people love. It is heart wrenching to see stupid laws interfere with rights that committed couples should enjoy. If you are a part of creating such laws, you are part of an exceptional cruelty.
Again, I can't hate you for being cruel. I can only wish that you will become a more empathetic person.
Do you actually know any gay couples? I do and I am very unhappy about what they have to suffer in some places. They are good, kind, wonderful people. They deserve better.
I, personally think its hateful of someone to use that term "hateful" about someones belief in the God of the Bible, so we are even.
Nevertheless: I have known maybe a half a dozen gay people (maybe a dozen) in my lifetime. I actually have liked all of them, but when they find out that I am a Christian and believe in the God of the Bible they quit associating with me. I do not judge their behavior, I sin, they sin, but they don't like it when I say "they sin" so that is that. There are only 2 remedies for sin either you pay or Jesus pays, I prefer the latter for myself thanks.
You believe in a god described in one version of one book. There are many such books and many creator beliefs. It is extraordinarily conceited of you to insist that YOUR beliefs about such things should affect how other people live their lives.
Homosexual marriage harms no one. THAT is why people say that your beliefs are harmful, hateful or (as I said) cruel.
By the way, I do not believe you when you say that people quit associating with you simply because they discover you are religious. People simply do not do that. There is some other reason - of course it could be something completely unrelated to what we are taking about here, but the odds are against that.
I'd guess you've done some preaching and moralizing. Just a guess, of course. Either that or you just never pick up the tab? Naww, I'm going to stay with my first guess.
LOLOLOL How old are you? 6?
See how it is not that you are a Christian that is the problem. It is that you publicly judge them and tell them they are doing something wrong. Guaranteed to provoke a negative reaction.
Which is what you seem to want.
Your god does not exist. You must be very angry - and it shows. But - great job on starting this fight here. Jesus must be very proud of you.
Have you been unreasonably persecuted for your faith in the Lord enough yet?
Nonsense. Are you divorced by any chance?
You do not believe your speech is being censored on hubpages, do you? Are people not allowing you to express yourself?
"I hope you die" is not a threat. "I'm going to kill you" is.
See the difference?
And to answer the original post, No, I've never been threatened with death for being a Christian. I've been threatened with Hell* for being the wrong kind of Christian, though.
*As if any human being has the authority to condemn me to Hell.
death threats from who?
their ideas are the only weapon they have . and both are squirt guns at best
Isn't it fun when those who want to suppress other rights do so in the name of freedom?
Yeah! Like my right to believe and say what I want! Or maybe you would like to suppress that hmmm?
You can BELIEVE whatever you want. It's when you try to make other people live by your beliefs that we have a problem.
Homosexuality does not harm you. Gay marriage does not harm you. Your belief that some creator god dislikes homosexuality is simply a belief you hold. It's not fact, and should not be used to harm other people.
As I said before, I think you are cruel. I happen to be an atheist, but many Christians hold the same opinion. They read the same book you do, but they come to a different conclusion. You might do well to think about that and become a better person.
I'm not so interested in your definition of what a "better person" is, the term good, better and best only has meaning within the confines of God anyway. I'm more interested in what God thinks.
And yes, homosexuality and gay marriage does do harm and that is why I oppose it. It is your belief that it doesn't and it is my belief that it does.
All laws are made to make other people live by other peoples rules and/or beliefs. In this country (so far) we have the right to pursue what we think is right, for you to say that I am cruel is cruelty in my book.
You cannot provide any evidence of harm caused by gay marriage or homosexuality.
Again, I'm an atheist, so your insistence that you know what some god thing thinks is just meaningless noise to me, but other Christians disagree with you also.
Most would say you demonstrate massive conceit to say you know what that supposed creator thinks about anything.
I wonder how much you really know about religion. Do you know the myths and gods that preceded yours? Do you know how your religious writings were created, what was tossed out, what arguments were made and why? Do you know the politics?
I doubt it. Oh, you'll say you do, but if you truly did, you could never be so confident that you or anyone else has a lock on truth.
Oh, well, enough. I need to get to bed. Family party tomorrow. I hope that someday you become wiser and learn empathy for others. It's good for you.
Yes, I know all about that and it has been debunked. If you would like a link regarding that subject I would be glad to provide it but I don't think you are really interested in the truth.
Brie, Judging others is a sin to, yes we are all entitled to our opinions but when we express them we should do it with love and not anger or hate, you cannot lead a horse to water without showing love and compassion. That is what Jesus would do, I was lead to believe out of love not because someone told me what I did was wrong, all of us have fallen short of the Glory of God and we are not without sin. Embrace others, love them and in turn they will respect you and your opinions. Gaining knowledge from each other is what makes the world a better place.
And it would be imperative that all of you Christians get rid of the concept of hell or all your compassion means nothing. How can one talk of love, and this kind of unfair and extreme violence at the same time?
Judging others is NOT a sin: http://hubpages.com/hub/Judge-Not-Lest-Ye-Be-Judged
Gay people getting married does harm? How so?
Homosexual orientation (being attracted to people of the same sex) causes harm? How so?
Or do you mean to say sex, regardless of sexual orientation, can and does cause harm?
I just think of all the time wasted with people judging how others live their life.
I am not worried about what other people are doing, most people aren't.
But when people want me to change a 2000 year old definition?
That has been planted in my head as long as I can remember? If the ramifications were ONLY that these people were given equal rights under the law as Male/Female couples, I'd say sure. But I don't know that this is true.
Civil unions can do the same thing. Can't they??
Why does the 2000 year old definition have to be chnged?
Why did an even longer tradition of slavery need to be changed?
Why did we need to change the tradition of not letting women vote?
The slaves didn't care about a name tag.
They just wanted equal freedom.
It IS about equal freedom.
Sure, civil unions. Fine if the State STOPS sanctioning marriage. If everyone only gets the union from the State, then it's all good. Otherwise, it's discrimination.
Like I said earlier. No mater what ya get, Some one will always find a way to not be satisfied and want more.
Equal rights aren't enough.
I have to disagree (the statement) - male and female are clearly different, separate, but we can consider equality for them - equal is just not necessarily 'sameness' it can be a balance.
well technically - yes they can - as a man I have no right to abortion, maybe a right to object to one, no right to demand one - etc etc. Semantics maybe but if a principal such as equality is faulty then that fault should be addressed and/or understood.
If, for some magical reason, you had a baby inside of you, you would be able to have an abortion. In fact, I would probably encourage it because that is terrifying.
"But why do you want to be Loretta, Stan?"
"I want to have babies."
"That's ridiculous!"
"Don't you oppress me!"
"I'm not oppressing you, you haven't got a womb! Where's the foetus gonna gestate, you gonna keep it in a box?"
hello Jerami
It looks like equal rights is the whole argument. If people in civil unions has the same 200 or so federal rights that married couples now have; that would be equal rights for everyone.
This is classic 'kite-flying' tactics. The whole story is a fabrication in the same manner as those fake christian stories that tell a long sobbing tale of terminal illness and then the miraculous cure and 'finding jesus' in the glow of it all. Pure BS.
I am interested to know how homosexuality and gay marriage cause harm
They practice their art of homosexuality in public and it is disgusting for right minded people to view such acts as holding hands or touching and it harms them.
It is a well known fact that homosexuals prey on young children to entice them into a life of evil homosexuality.
And God hates his creations.
And they will hit on everyone in eyesight, whether gay or not.
And finally, if you actually believe this type of total drivel that homosexuality causes harm to anyone I feel sorry for you.
I don;t believe it... i am just wondering who does and if they can explain their thinking to me
Greek one, the truly unfortunate answer is that I just did. That kind of garbage is the best answer you'll get from people. I have actually heard these "reasons" given, although the last one wasn't worded quite that way. And no, they cannot explain their thinking; even to themselves it is incomprehensible and without sense. They don't want it, they don't want anyone else to have it, and any rationalization at all will serve the purpose.
I WOULD actually add one more - a homosexual couple cannot add new life in the form of children for indoctrination into the church in order to fill their coffers with coin and power.
maybe the just hate those with good fashion sense?
I doubt that they actually hate anyone. They just want everyone to live the same lifestyle as they do, aka the Taliban. They don't care about anyone's belief system, lifestyle or ethical structure except their own - they have the "right" systems and everyone else is to join them in those beliefs.
I don't know but if you find out please let me know, it is a very good question.
By the way enjoyed the pic, very nice.
I'm a straight, single woman with no children. (Not by choice)
When you boil it all down, it's interesting to see how many of the anti-gay marriage arguments also apply to me.
when you women STOP seeing us men as mere sex objects!?!?!?!
It's almost enough to drive a man to homosexuality just so that he can avoid the CONSTANT harassment!
lolololo, you know all of you men enjoy it! It is always nice to enjoy eye candy, men do it to us so we just give back what is given. lololololo
Its about the eye candy! Now you sound like my husband! lololololo
It's about the what? Isn't there another name for those water attachments? A hose, a snake, lolololo
Well, sure!
Elbows just aren't that interesting.
Hey Greek One, where do we get some of this "harassment?"
I know a place that just charges $20 for each 'harassment dance'
Someone orta just stand off and pass you lines!
It is a very sad reality and is a testament to the fact that there is a growing feeling of animosity toward religion in general, and toward Christianity in particular.
To the secular mindset, the Biblically inclined is backwards, unprogressive and certainly not very intelligent. Even further, for the militant atheists, religion is most certainly a stain, a cancer that must be removed and even cut off by the forceful implantation of education and enrollment into the secular, materialist world view.
All these ideas certainly are not new, nor can they be ignored neither. Rather, they make us realize that the condition of our esteemed religion is most truly precarious and can never be forgotten or taken for granted.
Finally, the homosexual is a subject for further thought. It is most certainly a serious one, and I do not think that we can forget that only fifty years ago, the majority of people in the developed nations, still had enough sense to realize that homosexual orientation was unnatural; or at least, not quite permissible in society.
Today, such a truth is no longer admitted to by everyone.
Could it be that it is religion that causes that animosity?
Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)
You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)
"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
Nah, nothing to cause any animosity here!
The greatest challenge for the man imbued with the spirit of his age, is to put himself in a position to understand and see the point of someone coming from another period in time.
The Bible not only reflects the Revelation of God, but it also shows evidence of the progression that man makes throughout History.
There is a gradation in the Revelation of the Law of God. From the Law of Sinai, of Justice and Retribution, to a Law of Love and Forgiveness. For the theologian, not all sins are equal. Some sins deserve greater punishment for the matter involved is of a greater seriousness.
But for someone who has been educated in a humanist and secular mindset, it is difficult to accept the reality of sin, and of the weight associated with its consequence.
Humanism, has done a lot. It has helped us understand of the dehumanization involved in putting another member of the human species to death. However, it has not rendered the Law of God obsolete.
In short, although the Old Testament truly is difficult to understand for its severity, it cannot be occulted and is to be understood in the Light of God's Revelation, which is Progressive and instructive.
Religion only seems to cause animosity, because the mind of post-modern man does not seem able to be expansive enough. There is not enough charity in hearts, and as a result, little understanding; that is to say, empathy.
Well this is just silly. You have an apparently omniscient god who has yet to learn to control his psychotic emotions in the OT, graduating to a more humane god as his son in the NT.
Mankind has known and recognised psychotic behaviour for some time now, but why a god who is all knowing would not know this at any point in time is incredulous!
As for the size of the religious concept of "sin" the biblical god smites left and right for the smallest of things!
Evidently we are to believe in a god who is smaller than man, hopelessly psychotic and his own son, who killed himself because his father (himself) screwed up making man!
"There is a gradation in the Revelation of the Law of God. From the Law of Sinai, of Justice and Retribution, to a Law of Love and Forgiveness. For the theologian, not all sins are equal. Some sins deserve greater punishment for the matter involved is of a greater seriousness."
Hi Stephane
That was a very well thought out comment. I agree with all of it. What you say is all very true. So why do you think the writer of Leviticus wants to kill everybody for everything? I think you can give me quite a detailed observation of this person's mindset. This was surely some man with serious issues. You are vary intelligent and can tell me if you believe God had anything to do with the writing of this book in the Bible. I would love to hear your evaluation of this man. Do you think he felt the revelation of God when he wrote Leviticus? Is the fault in my lack of understanding or empathy? I would respect your opinion on this matter. I think you have great insight.
Hi there Elpaso.
Your comment is certainly thoughtful. I am not for one, an expert on the Old Testament. However, I think that at the time of the Dispensation of the Law of Sinai, God adapted his teaching to the level of the Israelites.
As you know, God does not condone evil, nor does He condone killing. However, He explicitly asked on repeated occasions to the Israelites to wage war and even be merciless towards their opponents.
At the time, God was the God of Justice. He was Terrible and the Israelites felt his Wrath many times. You must understand that God used the Israelites to exact his Judgment on other peoples, who were pagan and certainly not greater sinners than the Israelites themselves.
Human nature is the same. Whether this nature belongs to the Jewish, Christian or even the Muslim religion. Man is stained by sin, and because he so identifies with his own time and own people, he often lacks the virtue of charity which makes for true universality and the ability to see all people, as creatures divinely created.
As such, the Israelites had many of the same inner compulsions that many Christians and Muslims had during the Crusades, or during the Great War between France and England. It is essentially a religious feeling that elevates one's people and nation above the desires of Charity.
But over and above these, is the Providence of God which makes use of Evil to bring a greater good. Out of those wars waged by the Israelites came a particular good, the possessing of Land and a greater Good, the continuation of the Work of Salvation in Palestine, ultimately realized in the Coming of Jesus-Christ, the Incarnate Word.
As you can see, God is the Law-giver. He once asked Abraham to offer his own son as a sacrifice to God. But behind that act was foreshadowed God's sacrifice of his own Son toward humanity. It is God who decides what is Good and what is Evil. This does not mean that God is irrational. No, he is Reason himself. But his Reason is unlike human reason, for it is imbued with the Thoughts of Love, a most providential predilection for the Good of man.
Why so sad? Do you miss the witch burnings?
Your religion is a cancer on society. Always has been and always will be. Any progress made has always been in the face of religious resistance. Any sensible society would have done away with it years ago - but - the fear is strong in believers.
And your appalling credo "Man has dominion over the earth," will be our downfall yet.
I am not surprised by your statement. In fact, I am of the party that true religion makes man free. Christianity is most fully the religion of no compulsion, in which Faith, the Grace of accepting and receiving the friendship of God, is accepted out of man's free volition.
I do accept that Christianity has had its moments of horror in History. In reality, to look only at Christianity or at religion as the cause of man's suffering is I think to reduce the scope of our intellectual assessment of events. Christianity, which more than any other, is the religion of Love, of Peace and of Redemption, also is a religion carried by men.
It is not to religion that we must point fingers, but rather, to tainted human nature; tainted as it is by the consequences of the Sin of the Origin which incapacitates man and makes his passions, the powers that often bind his will and incline him towards things which are evil.
Nonetheless, it may perhaps be time for the common man, to see the great good that Christianity has also done for the world. Western civilization, unlike all other cultures, has truly benefited from the seed of Christianity, which to say the least, has humanized the common life of humanity. You are welcome to disagree with me; however, any lecture of History that is only willing to lay the blame on Christianity, is certainly not complete.
I never said any such thing. But - you have not made any sort of argument other than to say "Christianity is good" - which has been proven to be nonsense.
"humanized the common life of humanity"? What does that even mean? Oh - you mean we exploit workers in China instead of in our own country now? Sure - in that case.
Seems to me you are just defending your ridiculous beliefs and choosing to ignore the massive - and I do mean massive - amount of grief and ill will caused by your religion.
Just imagine where humanity could have been if we had not been constantly held back by this ridiculous belief system?
Who knows?
I think we are where we are in spite of, not because of. But - I understand that you need to convince yourself that Christians are better than others - and will never be able to understand why that attitude will always, always cause fights and conflict. Sad.
The question to be asked, is whether there has been a culture, or civilization that has not been in its foundations and at its inception religious.
Whether one looks East or West, one cannot forget that religion has inspired cultures and has changed the lives of thousands of people. The religious sentiment, is not something that ought to be defended. In reality, it is a natural orientation that is expressed not only in the sphere of religion itself but also in the feelings that one holds for one's own country. The religious feeling is essentially a feeling of deep, and reverent gratitude.
But that is besides the point. You are saying that religion has held back the progress of humanity. But in reality, Progress is in truth a Christian idea. What did the men of the Enlightenment purport to do when they militated and revolutionized the political order? They wanted to realize within history, the divine absolute of Civilization brought about by the veneration and the deification of human Reason.
To tell you the truth, there is little substance in your arguments. We need not go into the contributions that Christianity have made in the humane, social and intellectual life of Europe. We need not go into the spiritual and religious good that Christianity has done for the world. What is at stake here, in my view, is to expose the truth of religion and the rational reality of religious sentiment.
In the end, there is an additional question to be asked: has there been in the continuum of history, a civilization borne out of explicitly stated atheistic principles?
Think well, and you will realize that, the answer is almost always in the negative. The logical and ensuing question is thus, why?
And the answer to your question is: fear. Mankind has never had all the answers, and in particular the answer to how he is to continue life after death. The unknown is nearly always feared. Religion provides ALL answers in the single sentence "God did it", thus removing the fear.
I might add that religion is promoted through violence to nonbelievers (heretics routinely murdered or shunned for knowing answers that were different than the churches) combined with charismatic leaders. That combination has always been effective (witness Hitler) even when the message is absolute nonsense.
Fear of death and the unknown. Purposefully propagated by the ruling elite using religion as a sop.
No cultures or civilizations have been religious at their inception. None. Religion is one of the several tools used to expand their power. Nothing more or less.
To be perfectly honest - it seems you are blinded by your desperate need to believe you are not going to die, and have chosen to willfully ignore the fact that much of the progress we have made as a civilization was against the wishes of the Christian church in power at that time. Have you ever read any history books? Does a tortuous legal system that favors the wealthy based on "Christian values," outweigh the murder of the American Indians and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of Africans in the USA? You tell me.
You have not actually made any points other than to unwittingly prove my point that religion is used solely to control mass groups of people to do the bidding of a small group.
Religion, nationalism, money? All the tools of the trade. I really suggest educating yourself before using that stock, "lots of people believe in god - therefore it must be true," argument which is at the root of your defense of religion.
As to your use of the word "Reason." I only ever see this used by believers incorrectly. There is no reasoning a way to a god. It is not possible to do this unless you deliberately lie to yourself. The only "reason" can be - "it makes me feel better to believe."
As I said before - who knows where we could have been if we had actually developed ethical and moral standards that we chose to implement instead of this - frankly ridiculous - threat of judgment after death. You know - where the rich get what is coming to them and you get your reward.
If your religious feeling was indeed just a one of gratitude - there would not be all this evangelizing and - this thread would not ever exist. Take a look at the ill will and arguments on it. Denial is a powerful tool.
Neither can we forget that only just about a century ago, the majority of people in developed nations still had enough sense to realize that blacks were inferior and that women naturally belonged in the home and in the kitchen without equal rights or the ability to head a household, and these were not permissible in society.
Oh, wait, that's not SENSE is it?
You are right. We cannot forget the fact that the secular world itself has made a lot progress, but that is beside the issue.
The issue at hand, I presume, is to enable human individuals of today, to be willing to have a more complete picture of Christianity. The Marxist understanding of History has done irreparable damage in how we present and view the forces that have shaped human societies.
Progress, as we call it, is not otherwise strange to Christianity. The error, I presume, lies in a lecture of history that seems to forever condemn religion and Christianity in particular, on the side of irrationality and of obscurantism; whereas the secular view of the world stands illuminated, so to speak, with the light of the children of God.
This has been the view of History since the time of the Enlightenment, and too often historians have been animated with an a priori inclination toward religion, for lack of properly understanding it and due to an overly rationalistic understanding of History, which I lament has resulted in the current climate of animosity toward religion.
Well, we are in the End Times and the Bible predicted all of this and worse so pray and be alert. The good thing is that it's almost over, Jesus will reign soon!
If these are the end times why are you wasting so much of your limited time online?
Why not go to Disney World or taste some "forbidden fruit" just once before you meet Jesus?
We have been in the "end times" for 2000 years, according to the people that lived in them. As you noted, however, the bible predicts much worse - I figure it will be another 2000 years before that "much worse" happens and the end times are actually here.
"All these ideas certainly are not new, nor can they be ignored neither."
Well, they're not new only in the sense that Christians were persecuted in the early days of the Church. But 'those ideas' weren't held by atheists back then; they were held by folks who felt that their polytheistic religions were being threatened by the new one with only the one God. Eventually, the church triumphed and paganism was stamped out/driven underground throughout Europe, and 'those ideas' with them.
The noises coming from atheists these days are new, and it's not so much because Christians are treating atheists any differently these days (as a group, we've behaved abominably toward atheists ever since Christians first got enough power to persecute others) but rather because the atheists have been getting braver and standing up for their rights.
I just read your hub "Muslim World: how Muslims will take over the world via population growth" and some of your follow up comments. I find your opinions in this hub very saddening. I hope people instead of threatening you though will try to engage you in reasoned and rational argument. As much as I find your opinions here disturbing, I think we all have a responsibility not to make things worse by firing insults or threats. Free speech for all, and let's debate each other on that level.
I have no problem with an honest debate, however, some are incapable of it.
By "debate" I assume you mean sticking your irrational opinion to them?
Or is there some wiggle room in "Jesus will reign soon!"?
I'm thinking not. LOLOL
Still - great fight. Lots of ill will and hatred created. Well done.
I know it sounds disturbing but just ignore the immature bullies they will get bored and go away - I recieve threats from druggies in my neighborhood where I live - I just ignore em - if someone were really going to actually do something - they would just do it - they wouldn't talk about it Take care and keep on writing
Thanks starme77, I do ..do that I was just wondering if others had had the same experiences.
I had one that said " Jesus is poop ". But that's all. Funny thing is, the hub wasn't about Jesus, it was about Hebrew. So, I just deleted it and shook my head.
The thing is, if you're writing something that makes people have strong emotions, then you should ask yourself if you are insensitive to people who are different to you.
You can have strong beliefs but if you express them as a way to condemn others, you really will get negative feedback.
Judging people is not Christian at all. First take the log out ...so to speak. Love your enemies. I think that the general message of Christianity is love, love and compassion.
The good samaritan and all that. So. If your words are causing hate, then perhaps you are not writing from a compassionate and loving place. Don't use the word as a weapon. It is meant to salve wounds not inflict them.
"Don't use the word as a weapon. It is meant to salve wounds not inflict them."
Can I get an amen?
i wonder what that word really means... I bet my 17 dollar esprit coupon its twisted around (cecliabeltran gets a new mission)
On another hub, Brie replied to my comment by saying that I would one day come face-to-face with Jesus and she hoped that day came sooner rather than later.
But, of course, because that comment came from a Christian Fundamentalist it had nothing behind it but the best of intentions and could not possibly be construed as veiled hate speech.
Now here is a real question - how could anyone know (unless the writer specifically mentioned it) that a specific message was from a homosexual or an atheist, and the harmful intent in the message was the result of a disagreement with Biblical beliefs?
Psychologists have a word for this - I think it is called transferrance - where you project your beliefs onto someone else. (I believe the Bible and I hate atheists and homosexuals so therefore when I am criticized it must be an attack from an atheist or a homosexual and it must be because of my Bible beliefs.)
This type of Christian Paranoia is what is really scary - it is the type of paranoid thinking that led David Koresh to nuke his group of followers and their kids with fire and brimstone at Mount Carmel. It is the same type of absolutist nonsense that led Osama bin Laden to organize an attack on the U.S.
It is the type of thinking that is the enemy of freedom - the very reason this nation was founded with a secular government - to protect us from Absolutist nutcases and their paranoid agendas.
You are a bigot. The reason I knew that it was because of the homosexuality is because she/he posted something on one of my hubs which I deleted!
Furthermore, I remember you and I said what I said in hopes that you would come to know Jesus before you died rather than after (because if it is after it will not be pleasant) that is not a threat that is a fact in which you have full control over.
If anyone has committed "hate speech" it's you in the way your portray Christians, what a hypocrite!
"You are a bigot."
She says that in the spirit of love, Winston.
Witch: No?
No, of course what really matters
Is the blame,
Somebody to blame.
Fine, if that's the thing you enjoy,
Placing the blame,
If that's the aim,
Give me the blame-
Just give me the boy.
You're so nice.
You're not good,
You're not bad,
You're just nice.
I'm not good,
I'm not nice,
I'm just right.
I'm the Witch.
You're the world.
I'm the hitch.
I'm what no one believes,
I'm the Witch.
You're all liars and thieves,
Like his father,
Like his son will be, too-
Oh, why bother?
You'll just do what you do.
- Into the Woods
Brie Hoffman wrote:
Well, we are in the End Times and the Bible predicted all of this and worse so pray and be alert. The good thing is that it's almost over, Jesus will reign soon!
Ron Montgomery
If these are the end times why are you wasting so much of your limited time online?
Why not go to Disney World or taste some "forbidden fruit" just once before you meet Jesus?
Jerami writes In order to figure out where we are headed; all that is necessary is to look over our shoulder and see where we have come from and where we are at today.
When we lo this with any of our lifes issues as a nation and a world. look at current events, It is imposible to not see a dozen train wrecks comming all at the same time.
It is not hard to see that ever since WWII; we have been living in a house of cards and a big wind is blowing.
There isn't very many cards still supporting everything that we are depending upon.
I haven't seen any signs of economic recovery yet.
A few more months of millions of gallons of oil pouring out into our oceans daily is killing many fish. (this is not just a Gulf of Mexico problem).
Another punch in the face of financila recovery!
We don't know yet the damage that all of that ash and sulphur is going to do to the farmland in Europe?
Having earthquakes becoming so commonplace that we hardly notice them any more, even when 1000s die.
I don't know if the U. S. can survive another Hurricane Catrina.
I can see where we have come from in the last 55 years. That is as far as I can remember.
I can see that this civilization can not take many more punches. Our legs are wobbly.
And the opposition hasn't broken a sweat. Doesn't seem to have slowed down a bit.
Seems to me that in a couple of years we will be looking at today as the "Good old days"
============================================================Brie Hoffman wrote:
Well, we are in the End Times and the Bible predicted all of this and worse so pray and be alert. The good thing is that it's almost over, Jesus will reign soon!
Jarami, there is nothing new about any of this. WW I was the war to end all wars - a worse one was unimaginable. Before that was Gengis Khan and people probably felt the same about his war.
Thousands of earthquakes around the world have always happened - the only difference is that there are more people available to die from them.
The great depression was at least as bad as the current one.
Volcanoes have been far, far worse in the past than "current" ones. Krakatoa, for instance. Even the explosion of Mr. St. Helens was a firecracker by comparison.
Hurricanes have always happened, just like the earthquakes there are more people available to die from them.
There will always be both man made and natural disasters. Neither one denotes the end of the world, or even of mankind. While we might kill 99% of us via nukes, some will almost certainly survive and the earth certainly will. As I noted above, we have been in the end times for 2000 years - just ask the people that lived during the times.
I hope that you are right..
And as soon as we see any kind of turn around I will feel better.
But as far as the prophesy goes... When we erase the thousands of interpretations, and read what they actually have to say instead of accepting "False" interpretations concerning what is written.
Everything does coincide with what is happening today.
I gotta go again the wife gotta have the computer
If she gets up I'll sneak back in in a bit.
I am not wasting my time, my hubs are my teachings "online" and they have helped quite a number of people. I have over 200 views and over 300 fans so I can only assume that some are being helped and taught and encouraged. However, this is not all that I do, I also evangelize in hopes of participating in the salvation of souls, which is the greatest thing a person can do on this earth. Since our lifespans are but a moment here anyway.
The only soul we need to save is our own.
It is really delusion indeed to think that you could save "souls".
What we can do is share our life lessons and share what inspires us and why. Those who are able to relate will be comforted. That's all we have to do. Saving souls is ridiculous.
only the owner of the soul can save her own soul.
Especially when it is only a self protective brain function!
every body needs a safe place inside their heads.
The whole thing is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life. — Sigmund Freud
"A god is a personification of a motivating power or a value system that functions in human life and in the universe—the powers of your own body and of nature."
Chap. I, Myth and the Modern World, p. 28. -Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth
OK, that does not sound very biblical. Not a bad way of seeing it though.
Close enough.
Jung's thought descendants are way cool.
I agree. I like Von Franz myself. I know she is early post-Jungian and I like more modern post stuff, but she saw Hitler perform a speech live, and her view of it is so clear and terrifying I find her very credible.
I reckon she was on to something when she tried to explain how some people can't reason any better than a cow too!
I am not familiar with Von Franz. Will look it up, thanks.
Jung's work was the reason for all that Hitler Aryan race crap. Ah well. Eyes of the beholder indeed.
Maria Luise Von Franz is her name. She is very Jungian in structure, but has like Hillman examined other ways of presenting. The Australian Peter O'connor is another good read.
I know too many books, not enough time.
Somehow I have found the time to consume all of Jung over the years.
I can't imagine I would miss her. I love Hillman too much. I often quote him. Have you read his book In Search of Character and Calling?
I have all of Campbell's books. For me, he nailed it. He nailed the thing that would not be nailed.
I have not read that book by Hillman but I will now!
Campbell has one thing over Jung. Ease of understanding!
"It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure."
He is a story teller. Jung however just broke that wall for us to penetrate the unconscious fog.
I think we need to talk about this in another forum but it should be under a controversial topic. Would you do it?
I would. From my point of view, this forum is pretty controversial.
If that is the case, then you have no complaints if others don't agree with your evangelizing. To them, you are spreading hate speech and they are responding in kind.
Too true - to inform anyone that their lifestyle, morals, beliefs, etc. are "evil", "sinful" or just plain "wrong" can only invite reciprocity from some. When the talk becomes more active and different lifestyles are actively promoted as evil with attempts to curtail other peoples freedoms or with demands that they change to meet our own belief as to what is "right" the reaction gets even larger.
And according to my calculations from analizing what the prophesy says , Not what they have been interpreted to say...
This Church age does come to an end between 2012 and 2015.
Coincidence ??? I don't think so !!
Ron Montgomery
If these are the end times why are you wasting so much of your limited time online?
Why not go to Disney World or taste some "forbidden fruit" just once before you meet Jesus?
Sorry Ron I forgot to comment on your statement....
That sounds like a good Idea.
I've met many people who say they truly believe we are lving in the end times. These people are still buying houses, putting money into retirement accounts and sending their kids off to college.
I wish that I had been doing that.
And if I had I'd be stocking up on dry goods and 55 gal drums of peanut butter and stuff like that.
And then I thought ??? Do I want to have all that food and have to defend it from a bunch of hungry people.
Do I want to have to say no when a hungry little child wants my peanut butter sandwitch?
I know if I give her one she will go back to her tribe and tell them where the food is.
No I'd just as soon be first to starve.
Those people that you spoke of really don't believe it themselves or figureing what If I'm wrong? My children will be OK They are hoping that they are wrong.
Basically cross that bridge when they come to it.
They are thinking with a posative attitude and hoping that they are wrong.
Enjoy life to the fullest while they can.
Ron: I don 't know why, I'm not one of them.
According to Christian beliefs,one must forsake sins at the time of salvation.Homosexuality may or may not be worse than other sins although God does call it an abomination.
Those involved in the lifestyle of homosexuality want to continue living in the sin while claiming Gods salvation.Therein lies the problem of accepting homosexuals into the Christian community. Those that openly forsake the practice are readily accepted.
How about if we don't give a flying fig about your particular God's salvation. Can we then be left to just live in peace?
pathetic threads are the life of the party. The more ridiculous, the better. But you can't fake ridiculous, you just have to really be ridiculous.
Gee I wonder why she would get anyone offside?
Perhaps by making threads like this one with a title like
"Death Threats from Homosexuals and Atheist" I don't believe a word of this, how would she know and where is the proof? She has been asked to provide the email. She may have to write one!
You are so absorbed in your hatred of Christians maybe you didn't notice that I already did provide the email.
I haven't seen you acknowledge the fact that there is no death threat in the one email you posted on here. So if you were not talking about that email, don't post it... but if you are talking about that email, don't exaggerate. And you haven't posted anything from atheists yet either though you did mention them.
I already said that the others I deleted...I'll be sure to save any future ones that's for sure!
that's what I thought, then you didn't already provide what you were talking about because you deleted them. Don't tell someone you did provide them.
And, this statement coming from someone who has made the decision to use Tom Cruise as a picture for his/her avatar???
Sounds more like a sock-puppet talking or some sort of troll looking to bait someone. Hmmm.....?
Is the image Diablo better than Tom Cruise? Tom Cruise is the epitome of the divine proportion. His face fits Da Vinci's mask.
I do not understand how an avatar makes someone immediately a sock-puppet or troll. I would think the text itself would need to be analyzed.
Anyway, this was not my account, and I didn't chose this avatar. I don't see why that should matter, avatars are irrelevant.
Well, if you were here long enough(since you are using someone else's account, as you said yourself), then you would know that my statement has validity.
I don't understand this post either, either what you're trying to say or your sentence structure. If I'm here long enough, am I to notice that avatars instead of people's posts are an example of whether or not they are trolls? And since I'm using another's account, I haven't been here that long, posting for 6 weeks (tho the account is only 3 months old).
Should I change my avatar, and then I'll not be trollish anymore?
I didn't know it was illegal to use a Tom Cruise avatar.
I didn't say it was illegal to use it. It actually goes against common sense to use an actual person's face, in place of oneself.
My avatar isn't someone's face, but is indeed a figure from a video game. There is a difference you know.
Ok, you are more entitled to be considered to have a more credible opinion because you used the fallen angel of diablo as your avatar. Can we go back to topic now?
As a Christian, I have to ask myself why the OVER focus and obsession with homosexuality and homosexuals?
You would think there would be a mass movement against coveting your neighbor’s possessions, or not honoring your parents or using the Lord's name in vain... these were actual Commandments, after all, and these sins are far more prevalent in our society.
If we choose to focus on sexual issues (because they are so taboo), then why not a mass movement and condemnation against adultery or pre-marital sex? Why not a movement against the sexual practices of married heterosexuals who engage in acts that are not designed for procreation? Why not a condemnation of unsupervised dating?
Is it perhaps because it is easy to pick on a minority of the population who engage in acts that we might not find tempting, rather than to look at the log in our own eyes first?
Well, to be fair, there is a mass movement and condemnation against pre-marital sex. It's resulted in the oh-so-successful abstinence-only sex education. (As if the only thing a person needs to know about sex is this: Don't do it!)
But as for the rest of the stuff, nobody* gets bent out of shape when a legislature gets around to repealing (or a court overturns) old laws against blasphemy, for example.
I think you're dead right, Greek: it's not only easy to pick on gays (we don't need to change our own behavior), it's safe (gays are a tiny minority who don't generally fight back) and self-satisfying (it makes us feel good that there's someone who's not coming to heaven with us--it shows that since they're bad, we must be good by contrast).
*At least, if they do, they are few and not very loud.
you're right about the pre-marital sex thing...
but being a married man, I'm out of the loop on that one, and i have been more focused in overcoming the obstacles in the way of post-marital sex.
the sex is the relationship, the rest is the masquerade.
if there is a problem with the sex, there is a problem. If there is a problem with the relationship, the self does not have a good relationship with itself.
which means your life is too.
there is no age for great sex after 20.
Remove the word Sex and replace it with "I" and you get the picture.
I do that with Sex pronouncements and G-d pronouncements.
"Sex is hot"
"I am hot"
"G-d is cruel"
"I am cruel"
"G-d is good"
"I am good"
"Sex is boring"
guess what "I am boring"
Sex and G-d are mirrors of the self.
As Socrates said, when he no longer had a sex drive in old age, he was "released from the jaws of a wild beast".
socrates was ofcourse not talking about sex with a woman, which goes back to homosexuals and atheists.
In old age, you just become more honest and the lack of energy makes you not bother with women you have no desire to know.
oh... i prefer short to diablo, do you?
Since you put it that way, then hell yes, I agree with you!
If there is nothing wrong about Diablo's face (or non face) there is definitely nothing wrong with tom cruise.
Tom cruise is short? I always thought he just liked his women over 7 ft tall.
I heard Tom Cruise sued the council in Hollywood.
Evidently the law suit states that they built the roads and walkways too close to his ass!
Hi Cecillia. Why would I be asleep at 1pm in the afternoon!
I am writing online, building an adword campaign and making a new website as well as being here on the forums. I am a busy little Aussie!
ohh...I'm talking to myself again. Sorry. carry on!
my avatar is of a guy who has been dead for about 3000 years..
so I think i'm safe
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