Heavenly Father don’t harm any but lets us fall in the hands of destroyer devil when rejecting Him we seek devil as Adam and Eve did. Then disasters follow. U.S.A. leaders pretending Christianity is the ringleader of ultimate weapons’ manufacturers and users. It is blatant opposition of Christ-principles. So these weapons boomerang. The al-queda and its leader Laden was the brainchild of U.S.A. Had not Christ said that sword will turn against the swordsman?
They may say that public has very little say in political affairs. If they don’t join in Heavenly Father’s works and protest against those sins, they become an accomplice. Those who do Heavenly Father’s work will be certainly protected by Him as we often see. Even if they die they will not die futilely as in 9/11. They shall go to Heavenly Father too.
I have protested against my Indian government’s atom bomb policy by fasting before the parliament several years and by poster campaigns, while being a Christ worker. If now saner people of U.S.A. engage in positive Christ work and start protesting its antiChrist actions worldwide, then certainly they shall be saved, if not in body then in souls. Others will be victim of disasters like 9/11 or worse. Don’t forget million killer A-bombs are sleeping under their feet.
We have televangelists and Christian authors who make money with wild claims like Katrina was god's punishment for abortion or homosexuality. They also made claims that the quake that hit Haiti was due to a 'pact with the devil'.
A few centuries ago, the devout faithful blamed droughts or other adversity on 'witches' - and would bern a few at the stake. (Not confessing was proof of guilt - but so was confessing.) It's not clear that this ever solved a drought, but it gave farmers something to do while they were waiting for rain.
In this century, the weather is better understood - and it's getting harder to find a crowd who will be swayed by fearmongering whatever fettish you fear. But do try - I get tired of insulting teabggers.
yes, one of the lastest was some nutcases saying bushfires in Australia killing people were punishment from god. There's the tsnaumi that killed loads of people - where was god in that? Earthquakes that killed people. There are rational and logical explanations for these events that don't involve god and the devil.
From my collection, 9/11 was the result of religious extremists acting out what they believed
Apart from the god aspect of this post - I can agree with the idea.
The god part, if that is what motivates you to protest about these obvious ills then power to your banner.
the U>S>A> seems to be the policemen of the world, we have become the strongest nation of the world, but over the past 50 years America has gotten farther and farther away from God, we started by removing God from our schools, the majority of Christians have taken God out of their lives, society denies God even exist,
And now we ask why God allows things to happen, as time goes by you will see more and more rough times ahead, the good times are over. the economy may never be better than it is now,with the unemployment, people will have to do something to feed themselves and their family.
The more we push God out of our doors, puts the sword coming back at us
That could not be further from the truth. And shows a complete lack of reality. It just goes to show you haven't a clue.
Living life doesn't require a god.
Understanding life doesn't require a god.
So please....
The notion of the US being the policeman of the world was always laughed at by the 'world' outside the US. The recent criminal actions in Iraq have pretty much hammered the last nail in the coffin that particular bit of disinformation.
You are so right. I remember back when I was in school we began our day with a prayer. Now they aren't allowed to pray because it might "offend" some one. Now they have guns, knives and drugs in school.
They want to push God out, then complain when the devil comes in.
Our Creator, Father, Redeemer, Friend, Helper.
The Almighty God.
Isiah 9-6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be Wonderful, Counselor, THE ALMIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, The Prince of Peace.
Yeah, I mean Jesus.
so you think they have knives at school because they no longer have prayers at school?
Yeah. Look what is happening in the schools since they took God out.
Children learn things, instead. Great, isn't it?
Yeah, they learn all about guns and knives and drugs and sex.
Ya know, the things that never entered our minds when we were young.
If your kids don't want to learn anything but that, then you have a serious problem on your hands. Perhaps, they have lost the ability to think? Too much reading the bible, perhaps?
Hate to disappoint ya, but my kids are grown with kids of their own.
My grand kids, in elementary school, so no, I don't worry about that with them, yet. I just read the news papers and watch the news. That's where I get my information. Ya know, the news. Very informative.
Oh yes, and the news is always true. They aren't trying to get ratings or anything like that.
Yeah, those kids is running around with knives, guns and drugs just for the news tv ratings.
agree Beelz, they learn reguardless and what we allow, we teach!
it's very simplistic to think that that those things are linked. How do you know all the additives in food don't have something to do with it? And many other factors in society - like cost of living causing stress etc
The bone of contention is not about the belief of God or eliminating God from government but it is about not attributing or crediting Christianity as the religion of America' Chhristians require the belief in Christ to validate a belief in God. America is not based on Christianity. A fact that creates dissention in this country. There are al least three other son-of god saviours recorded in history prior to the story of Christ. All were born to a virgin, visited by kings after being born in a barn and ultimayely crucified. During the dark ages religion was used to control people and the bleaker life appeared the stonger the control held by religion. Life in America has become bleaker and bleaker in the last forty years and consequently evangelism is at a peak with ministers making millions from fearful people.
Maybe 9/11 happened because you guys chose the wrong religion?
Your question shows a complete lack of reality and should tell you what you refuse to realize. There is no god.
You are looking at life as if it is the absolute. If you could categorize each planet and star beyond our reach and without a doubt claim that you found no God, then maybe your definitive statement that "There is no God" might have some validity. Otherwise the vanity that we all have, which puts us at the center and not the edge, blinds the possibility of any other existence than ours.
And had you thought about your post before posting it, then maybe you would have said something worth while.
However, I don't put our existence at an absolute and there happens to be more of a possibility of life somewhere else than there is any sort of possibility of a god in existence.
So please....
You are the one that stated there was no God, not I. That means you shut the door on possibilities. Then when someone has a rebuttal you devalue the thought. Then you say life is possible somewhere else, what is it?
So Please...
Your problem here is considering "god" as a life form. That is an assumption.
I can see there being other life other than Earth.
So do try to keep religion out of the conversation. Hence, you keep "god" out of the equation.
You want to talk about possibilities of life on other planets in other universes...then fine. But, separate the conjecture of a god.
I never said God was a life form, even God himself doesn't claim to be a life form. He claims to have created forms of life. I am only challenging you original statement that there is no God.
You know, as I do, that this subject can go on till death do us part. I always find it engaging and respect your opinions even if we differ.
You're insinuating it's real by using the word "himself" or "he". You're making it real. Duh!
That's nice.
Your God-idea is opposite of mine. Please read my posts in this forum specially 'Want to see God?' My father was an atheist and was a blessing to me. But he died after being a believer. So i love atheists as they resist the idea of a Revelation Hell-sending god which is worse than devil. Love
Oh please, give me a break.
Of course he died a believer. He feared death in the end, even though he claimed he didn't. No doubt.
Resist the idea of revelation? Please, you get your information from the same place as 99.9% of the rest of the people on the planet, from a religious book. And, you read it just like they do without understanding the metaphors contained within it.
But, you're welcome to your irrational beliefs, however, I just want to make sure you realize that that's just what they are..irrational beliefs.
So u believe in rationality and Hell-sendinng god of revelation. Be a true atheist as my father was!
Majority is not truth. 99.999% belived that sun rises and only Galileo believed it not.
The question is GOD V NO GOD
Why would anyone create such a fantasy from NO EVIDENCE and the reasoning of philosphy that there is no 'need' for such a thing to exist at all, and if there was such a thing it could not operate the way stone age myths portray. It cannot answer my prayer becasue it would take something from someone else to do it - and if it favoured me because I mumbled the right words and behaved like an ignorant juvenile, then it would not have the function stated for it.
Hey Joy,
When you see the falsehood of religion. Then you have no choice but to throw out it's concept of god.
When one sees the falsehood of Skepticism; then one has no choice but to throw out the unreasonable non-belief with certainty.
People allowed 911. People who were religious. Very religious.
That's what being very religious has always lead to ..... killing.
Fanatics, not religious. I personally don't like religions of any kind, but I have to disagree with you on this. Fanatics of any sort (religious or skeptics) are the ones responsible for chaos throughout history.
Yes, and Joan D'Arc was a Spiritualist. She did hear the voices as do I!
joan of arc was a revolutionist who was burnt for wearing mens clothes it had nothing to do with spiritualism although the CATHOLIC religion at the time called it heresy. Ya can't go blaming born again christians for things catholics done 600 plus years ago.
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en& … p;gs_rfai=
People who hear voices are under strong delusion from a number of sources that have nothing to do with God. That was in 1425 could have been an illness of the inner ear, bipolar disorder but the God of the bible does not work that way.
Right on earnest.
I'd go with religious fanatics there klarawieck.
Not too many non-religious people around blowing up things in the name of nothing.
Why God allowed 9/11?
When did the Creator- God Allah YHWH allow it? Please quote from Him.
the question is like asking why god allows 1 out of 7 to starve?..why god allows earthquakes to happen , why god allowed flood in Pakistan...why god allowed ww2 or ww1 or mao or stalin or hitler or jenghis khan and so on...well god does not allow or disallow anything...it is all human and natures act...we might keep believing that god has anything to do with how world and earth operates but that is not the case..because if that would have been real..god would have been most irresponsible or most weak entity in universe...
Indeed. Was the Bubonic Plague a punishment from God? Because the folks in the middle ages were so much less Godly than modern folk are...
Hey! Heaps of people in the Middle Ages tried very hard to be on God's side, Jeff.
Why do you think these great and glorious cathedrals that took more than one generation of workers to build were built?
Everyone was trying to get right with God.
Still plague came.
During the great fire of London hundreds of people took shelter in St. Peters. Some of these people were crushed by a great statue. In any event they did not survive and nor did St. Peters. The present day St. Peters was designed by Wren after the fire.
"Everyone was trying to get right with God.
Still plague came."
Exactly my point, Rod. Disasters happen, regardless of the population's level of piety.*
*measured in mustardseeds on a macro-level, but since most people haven't got enough faith to move mountains, we usually have to subdivide it into the percentage of a mountain that a given person's faith can move. Most people's faith must be measured, for example, in pico-alps
The difference between disasters of nature and manmade is that former is mindless machine like and latter is by mind. That mind can be motivated by good or evil, sin or virtues. so both types cant be equated. But God can protect His own even in mindless natural catastropes. Noah's ark was such in that natural disaster. But popular piety is not following Christ.
It is true that floods, famine, plague , pestilence and other calamities do come as a natural phenomemon; but when a Messenger or Prophet comes then it is first Prophesized and then they come as a Sign from the Creator-God Allah YHWH as it happened in the time of Noah.
The event Just happened; the Creator God Allah YHWH did not allow or authorise it.
You mean the Creator-God Allah YHWH should check everything bad to happen by using His force. Is that exactly you mean? Instead of everything happening under a principle; He should intervene and let not anything bad happen.
Please make a list of things you mean that should not happen.
God did not allow 911 to happen! It is something men did! If men are stupid enough to kill each other... God is not going to intervene!
The main point is that there is no God - so he could not stop it - it is the evil of mankind - though I agree it was a terrible thing.
Also, if there was a God (There is not!) he could not stop it as he was meant to give man freedom - stopping something prevents freedom.
Hope no one finds this offensive but that is the truth!
That is your belief! We all have a right to our beliefs in this world! However I disagree!
God does exist! He just does not interfere with the natural progression of man! And he will not intefere when things happen that are man's fault!
That is your truth ns1209 but that doesn't make it "the truth".
God exists if you believe in him or not!!
This thread provokes many more thoughts. The hijackers obviously believed in their God strongly enough to kill themselves along with many others. The Christians believe in a God much different than the hijackers. So we have two groups that believe as much in their God as the other, what to do?
We are creatures that need answers, but look out into the heavens and see the organization of things. Planets revolving within solar systems, solar systems within universes, and these within galaxies, what in the world is keeping all this organized? It's certainly is not us, we have our hands full with our own little problems.
God did not allow 9/11. People allowed it by pushing God out of their lives.
That is absolutely correct woman of courage! Everyone blames God for every mistake man has ever made! Most who blame him don't even believe he exists! Man has pushed God out of their lives and expect him to do miracles and feed the hungry when he has told us to feed the hungry!
God must be so angry with man that he's getting revenge by not feeding the starving.
If he's told you to feed the starving, why hasn't he told other Christians to take their own kids to Disneyland instead of bothering him?
Is Disneyland a priority over food?
Yes it is...without Disneyland there are at least 4 Disneyland theme parks employee count between 5 and 8 thousand each. Without those jobs...people would go hungry.
That's great reasoning for god to ignore the starving and let tens of thousands die daily. Nice to see you care.
Oh you've seen through my facade I'm really a cruel and evil person..
There you've got me figured out. I don't care if thousands starve as long as I get my manicure. Mwahaaa.
Mother earth gave her bounty to men but it was abused and so they suffer. If they can't feed their children they shouldn't be having so many. Send Contraceptives. If they didn't starve mother earth would soon be overrun with humans.
Tell me you've got a bleeding heart... Horsepuckeies
You have it backwards, it's not God ignoring man, it is man ignoring God. God is giving man the opportunity to feed the starving, instead man gives the resources to Wall Street, big bonuses to friends and man lavishes himself with yachts and luxury goods. It's man yielding to greed, God gave the choice.
Beelzedad are you still stuck on the starving argument? Seriously? It's time you come up with a new argument! I know I know... you want all christians to admit that God doesn't answer any prayers...because you say he doesn't exist! Well it's not gonna happen! God does exist! It doesn't matter if you believe or not!
Be nice now Beelzedad! Try to come up with a new one! ok?
Beelzedad why is it that you are hung up on feeding starving people around the world? Let me ask you another question. Why instead of complaining about it dont you do something on your part to help feed the hungry. If your too busy complaining about it you cant be doing too much to help with the problem. You are just causeing more problemd by starting arguments and then switching to another thread to complain about God not feeding the hungry. How about taking some of the money that you made off the ONE hub you wrote and buy a porkchop or two and send it to Africa where hungry children will really thank you for it
Then you might experience a blessing from God whom you blatently regard as non-existent
Your contempt for your fellow humans shines through your slimy posts. If you can't answer his simple question you could at least just shut up.
AP I dont think anyone pulled your strings but I love you brother and God does too whether you choose to believe in him or not
oh my goodness, that question has been answered correctly so many times, I have lost count.
No - I don't think so. I have seen any number of contortions, evasions and downright ridiculous attempts at an answer - but no direct answer. Like your religion - saying there WAS an answer when there was not is delusion and one step toward insanity.
Your god refuses to feed them and instead grants prayers for parents to send their kids to Disneyland.
We have to do that, your god is too busy with Disneyland making Christian kids happy. He refuses to feed the starving and would much rather spend his time on playland rides.
If you close your eyes real tight and wish upon a star, click your heels three times, you'll be back in Kansas.
Has god answered any of your prayers recently? Don't you wish that instead of answering your prayers, he answered the prayers of the starving instead?
Or, would you rather he spend his time on you?
God answers my prayers everytime I take another breath
I thought christian love and prayer was supposed to be all about somebody else getting the chance at taking the next breath - but then that does not seem to work does it.
It doesn't make sense for anyone to blame God when they don't believe he exist.
If people blame God then they don't have to take any responsibility for anything that is wrong in the world. They can believe that nothing is man's fault.
They want us to not believe?
They want to destroy our hope, our joy?
They are quite selfish really. They don't have hope so they don't want us to either.
We have felt God's power, his love. They are wasting their time trying to change us.
You are so right. God has been too good to me, so I have no reason to doubt his love.
I didn't see any evidence of "God's power & love" when I was xtian.
You mean christian right? Bailey, I have been through pain, so I know how it feel to hurt. I understand there are things your mother, and others have said to to you to cause that pain.God always love you even when you didn't feel loved. I am not just writing this for the fun of it. I am writing this because I am a living witness of God's love in spite of what I been through. I learned that when we are going through our trials and disappointments, that is when we should draw closer to God. I opened up to God and he healed my wounded heart. If he did it for me, he can do it for you. I am saying this from experience.
@stilljustwonderin If people blame God then they don't have to take any responsibility for anything that is wrong in the world...
very well said..neither god should be blamed if something goes wrong , nor god should be praise when something works fine...blame and praise should be taken both by humans...yes but if one blames god for everything which goes wrong , then that person must praise god too for everything which works and if a person praises god for everything then that person must blame god for everything wrong..
one cannot be selective in only praising or only blaming...
Sometimes or often or always it is the human perception which is wrong; so in that case he is wrong not the Creator-God Allah YHWH.
what is there other than perceptions ,my friend...
By Tom Hays, The Associated Press
NEW YORK, N.Y. - A Pakistani immigrant who tried to set off a car bomb in Times Square was sentenced Tuesday to life in prison by a judge who said she hopes he spends some of his time behind bars thinking "carefully about whether the Qur’an wants you to kill lots of people."
Faisal Shahzad's thirst for bloodshed showed no signs of waning as he and U.S. District Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum sparred repeatedly over his reasoning for giving up his comfortable life in America to train in Pakistan and carry out a potentially deadly May 1 attack in the heart of Times Square.
Instead of exploding, his massive bomb in the back of a sport utility vehicle sputtered, attracting the attention of a street vendor, who alerted police. The discovery set off an evacuation of the tourist-laden area and a massive investigation that resulted in his arrest two days later as he sought to flee the country.
"You appear to be someone who was capable of education and I do hope you will spend some of the time in prison thinking carefully about whether the Qur’an wants you to kill lots of people," Cedarbaum told Shahzad after she announced his mandatory life sentence, which under federal sentencing rules will keep him behind bars until he dies.
Shahzad, 31, responded that the "Qur’an gives us the right to defend. And that's all I'm doing."
Earlier, Shahzad offered a lecture of his own for Americans, saying he felt no remorse.
"We are only Muslims ... but if you call us terrorists, we are proud terrorists and we will keep on terrorizing you," he said.
At another point, he said: "The defeat of the U.S. is imminent."
Cedarbaum said her sentence was very important "to protect the public from further crimes of this defendant and others who would seek to follow him."
During Shahzad's statement, Cedarbaum cut him off at one point to ask if he had sworn allegiance to the United States when he became an American citizen last year.
"I did swear but I did not mean it," said Shahzad, a former budget analyst from Connecticut who was born in Pakistan. (Their qur'an allows them to lie in fact to do whatever they have to do to obtain whatever their goal is - i added this)
"So you took a false oath," the judge told him.
Shahzad demonstrated throughout the half-hour proceeding in Manhattan that he had not wavered in the months since he pleaded guilty in June to 10 terrorism and weapons counts, some of which carry mandatory life sentences.
"I want to plead guilty and I'm going to plead guilty a hundred times forward," he said in June.
On Tuesday, he picked up where he left off.
"If I'm given 1,000 lives I will sacrifice them all for the life of Allah," he said at the start of a statement that lasted several minutes and was interrupted several times by the judge who said she wanted to hear what he had to say about his sentencing. "How can I be judged by a court that does not understand the suffering of my people?"
Shahzad, who last year received explosives training in Pakistan to prepare for his bombing attempt, said attacks on Americans will continue until the United States leaves Muslim lands.
"We do not accept your democracy or your freedom because we already have Sharia law and freedom," Shahzad said.
Two deputy U.S. marshals stood behind Shahzad throughout the sentencing.
Shahzad had instructed his attorney not to speak, and smirked as the judge announced her sentence. When a prosecutor tried to speak, the judge told him it wasn't necessary.
Asked by the judge if he had any final words, Shahzad said, "I'm happy with the deal that God has given me."
Here is your real enemy, when islam gets here, you will be wishing they were christians.
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