Will Muslim and Budhist people go to heaven?

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  1. crystolite profile image62
    crystoliteposted 13 years ago

    I would really like to know if Muslims and Budhist people go to heaven because since Christianity says that one can't go to Heaven unless they believe in Jesus. I have a Muslim and a Budhist friend and these guys are more righteous than most Christains i know and i don't want them to go to hell just because they are not Christians.

    1. Greg Sage profile image39
      Greg Sageposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      And the lesson you're learning from this is....?

    2. CARIBQUEEN profile image63
      CARIBQUEENposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I do not think we have any authority on who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. We just try to assume from our various religious readings.   'Our heavenly status' is left up to God - let us just wait and see ( that is if we get there ourselves).

      1. Richieb799 profile image75
        Richieb799posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Good point, its all down to how you interpret it, the bible also tells Christians 'Thou shalt not judge', so by telling others they will go to hell aren't they themselves disobeying god?

  2. wilderness profile image90
    wildernessposted 13 years ago

    The gospel of John, chapter 3, is pretty explicit on this.  You will go to heaven if and only if you believeth in him.  Righteousness and actions do not matter; only belief does. 

    They will go to hell instead.

    1. crystolite profile image62
      crystoliteposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It's not fair.....is the Christain God a gangster God? so God is basically threatning us to believe or we go to hell. sad

      1. wilderness profile image90
        wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yes.  The Christian God portrayed in the Holy Bible is a gangster, much given to evil actions and with little or no morals.  He is an angry and psychotic child, demanding His way and providing punishment of death and Hell whether He gets it or not.

        Few Christians believe this of course; rather their God is one of love and kindness.  All that needs be done is to ignore half the writings of His prophets and saints, while "interpreting" the remainder to say what is needed to produce that God of love. 

        If you wish to believe differently that what is very plainly stated then ignore it and make up your own rules for salvation.  It may not happen but at least you will die feeling good that your friends will be in Heaven.  It is the Christian way, after all.

    2. Dolores Monet profile image91
      Dolores Monetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, so you are in charge of who goes to heaven and who goes to hell?

      1. wilderness profile image90
        wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Certainly not I, Dolores!  I merely repeat the words of John, whom is said to have gotten them from God.

        Were it up to me we could all go to heaven.  Except perhaps the spammers filling HubPages with garbage. smile

    3. Friendlyword profile image61
      Friendlywordposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Righteousness and actions do not matter; only belief does.


      1. recommend1 profile image59
        recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        No - it is a childish joke from the bible

      2. wilderness profile image90
        wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        What reommend1 said.

        Nevertheless, the third chapter of the book of John in the Christian bible has numerous references to just this.  Over and over it is repeated that belief in God (Christ) is not only necessary for an admittance ticket to heaven, but is the ONLY thing necessary.

        Of course, it is often twisted by the fundies to the effect that if you believe in God you will somehow automatically do only good things.  Flawed logic at best; human beings are pretty well known for doing what they want to, not what they know is right.  A quick look at the statistics of sexual affairs will show this pretty clearly.

      3. Jerami profile image58
        Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hay friendly   ...    hope all is good for YA

    4. Jerami profile image58
      Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think it depends upon who we are talking to, when we say that which we say.
         When I say something that is a truth ...  spoken to a 16 year old daughter,  might not be true for a four year old son.

         I may have two sons of the same age, but depending upon the personality of each;  what is truth spoken for one may not apply or the other.

         Why wouldn't the same apply to diferent groups of people.

         One of my sons loved school, playing football, and good grades.

         My other son loved working in manuel labor, sweeting and having a geter Done attitude.

         Of course I carried a different dialogue with them both.

         It is written that Jesus spoke these words to the Hebrew people,   Where is it written that Jesus couldn't make whatever kind of deal with some other group of people.

         Is your morgage deal exactly the same as that of your neighbors?

         Did your brother and your sister have the same set of rules to follow from your parents prospective.   Of course they didn't.

         Jesus said to the Hebrew people who had broken their covenant with God that Jesus was the only way past their transgression.   And also for anyone else who chooses this path.

         Is Jesus the only path to rightiousness?
      For those that he was talking to, Yes!   

         All them other folks?   I am sure that a way was provided.

      1. wilderness profile image90
        wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I'm sorry, Jarami, but that smacks of the very twisting of words I mentioned above. 

        The Holy Bible was put together by gentiles (under direction from God) for use by gentiles.  And, I suppose, heathen non-believers.  It was not written solely for use by Hebrews.

        While Jesus did give a few directions for living a good life, he never (that I am aware of) gave any other explicit directions on what was needed to enter heaven.   Remembering that Jesus came to save all peoples, not just the Jews, I can only conclude that His directions applied equally to all people regardless of who the actual listeners at the time were. 

        You (and I) gave our different children different rules, but we did not communicate the same rules to both and then expect one to follow different, unstated, rules. 

        Your explanation would seem to indicate that God has done just that by providing the world with His Holy Word, but that road can only lead to madness and disappointment.  Unreasonable in the extreme.

    5. twobmad profile image60
      twobmadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      yeah... you should read the bible as a whole. if you take a scripture portion out of context, you will be misled.

  3. profile image0
    Emile Rposted 13 years ago

    Yes, according to a post from a believer a couple of weeks ago. Heaven is segregated. Each religion gets their own piece of it.

    No. According to many posts I've seen by believers. The only way to heaven is through Christ.

    Yes. According to some believers. Everybody good gets in.

    No. According to some believers. Only their particular sect goes to heaven. Buddhists, Muslims, atheists and all other Christians are out of luck.

    Take your pick. Just don't tell anybody. It's bound to start an argument. Everyone appears to have a different opinion, backed up by the infallible word of god.

  4. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    "Heaven is segregated. Each religion gets their own piece of it." If it's just like here why go to heaven, and what the sense of being here. Apparently no one learned anything.

    1. profile image0
      Emile Rposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I know. When I read that, I was shocked that the guy hadn't deleted it once he realized what he had said. It was beyond ludicrous.

  5. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    'Gangster God' - great one.

  6. TMMason profile image61
    TMMasonposted 13 years ago

    The Millenium of Christ will give all those who have never learned of Christ, the oppurtunity to know and accept or reject him as their Saviour.

    1. Evolution Guy profile image58
      Evolution Guyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Right wing fascists get saved? Color me shocked.

      1. profile image0
        Emile Rposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        lol lol

      2. TMMason profile image61
        TMMasonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Keep talking Evo, you show your true self everytime you spout your hate.

  7. Dolores Monet profile image91
    Dolores Monetposted 13 years ago

    I don't know, but I love Jesus, and I just can't understand how a person can say ' I love Jesus and the rest of you can go to hell.'

    1. crystolite profile image62
      crystoliteposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I know....it baffles me

  8. Dolores Monet profile image91
    Dolores Monetposted 13 years ago

    it's mean

  9. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    According to the late Joseph Campbell,most people in the world don't consider Christianity a religion.

  10. Kayte profile image38
    Kayteposted 13 years ago

    Someone said that most people don't consider Christianity a religion, that is just silly, Christianity is one of the largest and most well known religions of them all, second God demands belief, he is not asking you for it, like a Father he demands his children to obey him, period. Now as to whether others will be condemned to hell, you won't know what God's decision is on that subject till judgement day regarding Muslims, they believe in one most high God, and they believe in Christ, however they do not attribute him the deity he deserves. However, one of the ten commandments says that you should not worship any image so therefore Buddhist would indeed be in some serious trouble. All however have the opportunity to turn to Christ before it is too late, so whether those people are indeed going to hell is not known to any man, the choice is God's

    1. crystolite profile image62
      crystoliteposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I personally believe that every religion is like a gang indirectly claiming to be the best or the way, especially christainity. I have read the bible from old to new testament many times and the God in the bible comes across more like a human instead of an all knowing omnipotent God.

  11. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    "like a Father he demands his children to obey him"
    Just an inquirery: How can one achieve any god-like attributes, by never making decisions, but only obeying orders?

  12. Driving Teacher profile image56
    Driving Teacherposted 13 years ago

    Christian belief in Jesus to Salvation is rather a mysterious belief. I kind of like wilderness comment though smile

    Ok back to the point did you know Muslims believe in Jesus as a mighty prophet of God? The difference is Christianity believe in Jesus as God, a man God.

    Muslims believe in the oneness of God and that non of his creations are equal to him and nor does he share any of his attributes. Rather than worry about your muslim friends burning in Hell, have you thought they might be thinking the same about YOU burning in hell?

    Ask yourself one simple question, if Jesus is the salvation, what will happen to the nations and prophets that came before Jesus, will they burn in hell? If we are talking about the uniqueness of Jesus being born without a father a miracle, then is not Adam a more special and unique? As he does not have a father or mother!

    1. TMMason profile image61
      TMMasonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The Prophet of Allah Jesus son of Mary (peace be upon him) will descend at the end of time and judge among the people with justice, following the Law of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He will break the crosses and kill the swine. "ie kill the Jews and Christians." HE shall put an end to the payment of the jizya. He will only accept Islam from the people. The People of the Book, the Jews and Christians, will all believe in him before his death, after he descends at the end of time. Allah has stated, "There is none of the People of the book but must believe in him (as only a Messenger of Allah) before his death. And on the Day of Resurrection, he (Jesus) will be a witness against them." [an-Nisa, 4:159]


      This is not the same Jesus Christians are waiting on.

      Islamic texts categorically deny the idea of crucifixion or death attributed to Jesus by the Bible.[4][19] The Qur'an states that people (i.e., the Jews and Romans) sought to kill Jesus, but they did not crucify nor kill him, although "this was made to appear to them." Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified but instead, he was raised up by Allah unto the heavens. This "raising" is understood to mean through bodily ascension.

      That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-
      Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise;-

      —Qur'an sura 4 (An-Nisa) ayat 157-158[20]

      If jesus was not ressurected, then Christianity is not true. And Islam's main purpose is to replace the corrupted religions of Judaism and Christianity, so if Islam is the true word of God, then all Christians who agreee to such, may as well give up Christianity.

      Also, Musliims believe that the face of Jesus was placed on the one carrying the cross for him to the site of the crucifixion, and that, that man was hung up in Jesus' place. So allah would murder an innocent man to remove his jesus from the world alive? That seems to be in contradiction to the God I know, and the message the true jesus preached his entire life.

      Just some food for thought on the Islamic Jesus.

    2. TMMason profile image61
      TMMasonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      See my original post to answer your question about those who do not know of Jesus from before his birth.

      And Jesus was sinless and having God as his true Father, he is worthy to pay the price incurred by the first man and woman, who were also a direct son and daughter of God, and all us afterwards

  13. Joseph Lane profile image59
    Joseph Laneposted 13 years ago

    If there is a God, I doubt they are plagued with the petty secular biases as their human creations. So ya, sure, if God exists and if there is a Heaven, I figure an honest and good Buddhist or Muslim has just as good a shot as an honest and good Christian of getting into Heaven.

  14. recommend1 profile image59
    recommend1posted 13 years ago

    We are already in heaven - it is only you christians and Muslims who have to wait for entry until after you kill each other and anyone who disagrees with you, and indigenous peoples, and of course you have to get all that gold for your gods and it seems to help if you are a right wing nut or a paedophile.

    1. DangerZone profile image57
      DangerZoneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      so when you die ((and we all are going to die)) it's only a matter of time

      where are you going to be when you die out side this heaven as you say ???

      what and where are you going to be ??? there is something missing in your words.

      I am a MUSLIM and i will talk on what you have said about ISLAM

      1- Who are you to talk about ISLAM without knowing and educating it ???

      2- I guess that you don't know me so how could you describe all MUSLIMS with hatred and kill anyone who disagrees with us ((MUSLIMS))

      If we do, i think you weren't reading my reply and were buried after i kill you ((as you said that Muslims kill anyone disagrees with them))

      3- why do every one says that MUSLIMS are terrorists , The ISLAMIC GROUPS in Afghanistan or any other place don't connect with the ISLAMIC religion or rules .  and surely you will not agree with what i have just said .

      1. recommend1 profile image59
        recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You will note that I specifically said christians and muslims - I get my information from the psychotic books and actions of both religions over the past 1500 to 2000 years, a history of war, murder and repression.

        I have nothing against individual Christians or Muslims practising their beliefs in ways that do not negatively impact on the lives of everyone around them - but both sects seem bent on escalating the hatred and violence orchestrated from their respective books.

        1. earnestshub profile image70
          earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Beautifully put!

          I think you just expressed what most un-indoctrinated people feel about these tomes and their insane ramblings.

          1. recommend1 profile image59
            recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you for the applause big_smile   but it is not very hard to see all this in perspective from the outside is it ?

            1. earnestshub profile image70
              earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              You are right of course. It is easier from the outside by a long way. smile

        2. DangerZone profile image57
          DangerZoneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Did you get your information of hatred from the QURAN or the HOLY BIBLE ???

          when you see those books you will see that they have no hatred

          lets get an example :

          JEWS in Palestine , do you know how many group murdering for innocent people not in wars ??? ,  then as you said about ISLAM & CHRISTIAN when you read the books of histroy&&&&&.....etc

          then i guess i have to say so on JEWS

          but don't you think it is injustice to make it for the innocent & guilty people ???

          i think that the guilty have to take his punishment but not to punish innocent people because their religion was like the guilty ones !!!

          & for your information

          the ISLAMIC conquests were to install the ISLAMIC religion and rules among the whole world not as many religions which were for the people in its same place

          and there were 3 options in that time
          1-get into islam
          2- not to be a Muslim but pay a fee as the islamic community will protect you and let you live peacefully with your own religion
          3- the war (( this choice was the last one as this was for the enemies of islam who envy and wants to fight and destroy Islam..... and many of non MUSLIMS got into ISLAM because of the kindness and Piety of REAL MUSLIMS, Do you know that the words MERCY, PEACE & COMPASSION are mentioned in the QURAN about 355 times

          so what these mean ??? hatred, terrorism??? i guess not and you all can make sure of my words and information and you will know the truth but listen to both sides and not to be in ones side and leave the other

          & Thanks reccomend1 for this great conversation hoping that you have got a little bit of information that might help you in the future:)

          1. wilderness profile image90
            wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I like those options, but they really need re-worded slightly for better understanding of what is really being said:

            1.  Become a slave to the religion and VIPs of Islam.  Particularly distasteful, of course, to non-muslim women.

            2.  Pay "protection" to keep from being destroyed.  The Mafia has been known to require the exact same kind of "fee" to remain in business.  Of course, once you have paid the piper it not only never ends but tends to continually grow.

            3.  Go to war to protect themselves against the rabid Muslims requiring that they live according to Islam.

            Nice choices!  Personally I will always choose #3 when invaded (by Muslims or anyone else).

            1. DangerZone profile image57
              DangerZoneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              1- it is not regular in that time to get into ISLAM and who get into it is fully convinced with

              2- I think that where ever you are you pay a fee for the government and it is a high one for your protection, services at the street you walk on and the hospital you get in it when you are sick, even you pay a fee for your home & income .....etc

              i am sorry but i will add
              2.1- MUSLIMS already pay something like a fee allover the world called ((ZAKAAT)) this fee is payed yearly
              1)  your money and it is 2.5% of your money or for the price of your properties except your home property
              this is the non-optional ZAKAAT or fee

              we have alot of optional-ZAKAAT i cant count them to you because they are alot

              BUT i can tell you that these money where are they going to go to ???

              The Qur'an mentions eight categories of individuals who qualify to receive Zakaat:
              1. The poor - Fuqara'
              2. Needy - Al-Masakin
              3. Those who collect/distribute Zakat - 'Amileen 'alayha
              4. Those whose hearts are to be won - Mu'allafatu Qulubihim
              5. Those enslaved, to free the captives - Ar-Riqaab
              6. Those in debt - Al Ghaarimeen
              7. In the path of God - Fi sabil Allah
              8. Wayfarer - Ibnul-Sabeel

              so what is wrong to get from non-MUSLIMS a fee ??? they live freely with their religion with no need from them to participate in any fight or war or to defend his home , doesn't that deserves a fee like what we are doing right now in our countries ???!!!!!!!

              3- i guess that you got it wrong , this option was in the age of ignorance in the Arabian Peninsula, their life in that time was based on wars and of coarse these groups in the Arabian Peninsula was only protecting itself but ISLAM made them to be from enemies to be friends

              and what about ISRAEL doesnt it kills innocent men, women,children, and even old-aged people ??? why don't you say that on them ??? ISLAM fought in wars with making their opponents know but ISRAEL made a war but where is the opponents ??? children or women ??? Why don't you say that JEWS are murders ??? because it is really injustice to accuse other JEWS also it is injustice to accuse ISLAM or CHRISTIAN

              so please don't be in one side and make the other side the wrong one whatever does he have the right or not  ... and we all don't have the right to accuse any religion because we will never be just even if we did our best , we have GOD who will just between all of us who will punish the guilt ones

              1. profile image0
                Emile Rposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                You seem a little testy, so I won't comment on most of your post, but I do want you to know that your statement that your God will punish the guilty ones doesn't give a lot of comfort to me, since I don't believe in your god. It would be nice if religion could stop all of the fighting and give the rest of us a little peace.

                Posts like yours don't lead me to believe any of you are interested in trying.

                1. DangerZone profile image57
                  DangerZoneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  see all my comment and you will answer your question

                  i meant by guilty ones those who are making murders , i swear i didnt mean any thing else

                  And i am not advertising for ISLAM or GOD or any other religion

                  i only try to get you all some information about ISLAM or correct alittle bit of your information about ISLAM

                  also i will not get benefited whether you get in ISLAM or not

                  you will not give me money for that

                  if you want to get to ISLAM so you are welcome & if you not you are also welcome

                  1. profile image0
                    Emile Rposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    I think my point was, all of the religions seem to make you all so very emotional. No wonder you are always fighting. And then, it's as if you imply that it is inevitable; when you say no one can be just. And your god will sort it out. I'm tired of hearing this from all religions. We need to put finding solutions above this argument over god.

              2. wilderness profile image90
                wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                #2 option - who were they being protected from?  As the non-muslim in a muslim society, I can only assume that they are being "protected" from muslims.  This is the same protection racket run by the mob - pay me for protection or I will destroy you.

                Particularly offensive is that apparently there was no fee nor one needed prior to muslims moving in.  At that point protection somehow became necessary.  Again, a typical protection racket.

                1. DangerZone profile image57
                  DangerZoneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  hey take a deep reading

                  didn't i tell you about the age of ignorance in the Arabian Peninsula??

                  try to search for this age and you will see that they were living on wars and get from the other opponent the victory prize which was their money, properties and take their citizens and leaders as slaves to them

                  ISLAM protected non-MUSLIMS from that and also ISLAM forbids the slave trade or taking a slave for you or to work for you with no wadges for his work

                  YOU also didn't answer me about the point of JEWS and ISRAEL

                  waiting for your reply smile

              3. Beelzedad profile image58
                Beelzedadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                It's called "extortion" - look it up in the dictionary.

                No, they don't deserve to be extorted.

                And yet, the different Islamic factions are still killing each other over their own internal beliefs for which they disagree.

                Are you referring to the past or the present? smile

                1. DangerZone profile image57
                  DangerZoneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  well firstly hi sir ..

                  extortion is a strong word don't you think so ??

                  and where is the extortion in ISLAM ?? you mean in the fee of non-MUSLIMS

                  then i guess you havent read all my comments

                  i said that MUSLIMS have their own fee which is called ZAKAAT

                  i think when you come to my house lets say in RAMADAN

                  i will not let you hungry as we are Fasting !!! i will surely let you eat and drink as you are a non-MUSLIM but i think it is my right to delay your dinner a little bit just to eat with you

                  the same thing that MUSLIMS pay their own ZAKAAT to Develop the services, protection and to help the poor

                  so when the non-MUSLIMS pay also a fee as the development will be for them also and protection for their jobs , homes & their place for praying

                  and if ISLAM is an extortion as YOU have just said

                  why do you think the non-MUSLIMS were accepting and still living between us in a peaceful way ???

                  & why there were Migrations from EUROPEAN countries to ISLAMIC ones  ??? surely there is no one can be so crazy to go to people who are like a GANG like someone above have said

                  1. Beelzedad profile image58
                    Beelzedadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Then, if you wish, you can use the terms "exacting or felony" if that makes it easier to swallow. Extortion is what it is, regardless of what you want to call it.

                    Yes, I know. It forces one to give up 2.5% of their possessions to be distributed to the poor and needy. Of course, the entire concept of giving to the poor and needy is to do it out of moral and ethical judgment, not force.

                    Do they have any choice in the matter?

                    Strawman argument. There are far more people moving away from Islamic countries than there are moving to them. smile

          2. recommend1 profile image59
            recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I am famous for seeing as many sides as I can find !  and I agree that there are many words of peace and love in both books, but alongside them are as many words of hate and war,   and the clear result of both books impact on the world has been overwhelmingly war and hate.

            It has been nice chatting with you and I hope I have been able to widen your view a little smile

          3. Greg Sage profile image39
            Greg Sageposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Islamic conquests were no more about installing Islam in the rest of the world than the Christian crusades were about spreading Christianity.

            Both were extreme examples of religion being used as a cover for political and financial ambitions.  Looking back today and failing to recognize that fact only shows that the opiate of the masses is still as effective today at leading lambs to the slaughter.

            If you don't know the history of the author, you don't know what you've read.  Some of the most practical advice in life may just be asking yourself who is trying to sell me something and WHY?  What is the TRUE motivation.

            Religion was ABSOLUTELY NOT the motivation for the crusades, the inquisition, etc.

  15. Valerie F profile image60
    Valerie Fposted 13 years ago

    I like how C.S. Lewis put it in the Last Battle. "All find what they truly seek." I also like the rather revolutionary premise of his book The Great Divorce, the idea that people go to Hell because they reject Heaven. I am a Christian. I do believe Jesus is the Way, but I also believe God is merciful,knows the hearts of each person better than we do, and rewards everyone who, to the best of their understanding, desires friendship with God with that.

  16. CMHypno profile image83
    CMHypnoposted 13 years ago

    I have to say that if heaven is full of religious nuts of any persuasion, I'm rather glad that in the minds of our religiously zealous friends I have a one-way ticket downstairs! More fun and better company! smile

    1. Valerie F profile image60
      Valerie Fposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I am certain that if anyone goes to Hell at all, "religious nuts" will be among them. Jesus said not everyone who says, "Lord, Lord," really in their hearts desires friendship with God.

  17. twobmad profile image60
    twobmadposted 13 years ago

    But you have to define what is being righteous. Which is more righteous... nearly or not at all?

  18. profile image0
    Valemanposted 13 years ago

    As there really is no such place as heaven, I don't see that it matters what religion someone is.  We all go to the same place - the nothingness from which we came.

    1. profile image0
      Emile Rposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Wow. That's a depressing way to put it. Suddenly I feel like Atreyu in the swamp of sadness.

  19. Richieb799 profile image75
    Richieb799posted 13 years ago

    The Buddhist interpretation of heaven is achieving enlightenment so according to them they've already reached it smile


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