Please read the link below....
<snipped - no promotional links in the forums>
The link didn't bring me to any actual News on the subject...
I think what's been happening is more along the lines of "inclusion"---we're being urged to include other religions or to say "Happy Holidays". It's being put forth as more of a "soft" attack on Christmas and a demand to say "Happy Ramadan" or whatever (ironically a deceptive tactic, 'cause why would Christians want to sanction an unChristian holiday specifically?)
I hate the "all-inclusive" carp. If people want to celebrate Ramadan or Hannukah or whatever, let them celebrate separately. Christmas isn't the same as those celebrations. They're free to join Christians in our celebrations honoring the Christ, but we shouldn't be forced to include nonChristian celebration in Christmas celebration.
It doesn't matter who or what might suggest, or demand, I stop saying Merry Christmas, I'll still say it!
One of these days Brenda...Onnnne of these days...
And I hope you have a delightful Hanukkah, Brenda!
I don't celebrate Hanukkah, but thanks for wishing me a "delightful" anything at all, livelonger.
not in the least. christmas is part of our culture so they can leave if they don't like it.
Is it fair that Christians make us wear pink underwear?
Is it fair that random posters can start an argument with a false generalization, demanding we respond to it as it if were fact?
Come on, pull the other leg, it's got bells on.
If its Not Broke don't let someone try and fix It! Merry Christmas Every Body! And Happy Holidays to you Heathens Too GOD Bless Us everyone Amen.
Is it fair that our freedom of speech and freedom of worship be negated because someone is offended by what we say. Hey, look at the first amendment of our Constitution. Tell those people that if they are offended by our constitution write one of their own in a land of slavery. We are the freedom lovingpeople of the world.
You do know that liberty is idolotry to the Musslim, right?
The Constitution does in fact allow you the freedom to offend us with your speech, however I don't know why anyone would want to pursue offending others and much worse than that, use the Constitution to defend themselves.
I don't get it either. Just because the constitution defends the right to be an ass, doesn't mean that people have to use that right.
If you are getting some deep-seeded sadistic glee out of wishing someone Merry Christmas (just to prove you can)... you're doing it wrong.
So when they stop tto pray, they are not offending any one. Is freedom of speech and freedom of religion right for one or all?
Making an ass of yourself is in the mind of the beholder just as being offended is in the eye of the beholder.
Are we arguing the legality of it or the tact of saying it to someone who obviously isn't Christian?
The only solution is convert said individual and therefore make the greeting more meaningful and less uncomfortable for all concerned
We should not be arguing the legality of it because it is obviously legal. And I don't believe that anyone would say "Merry Christmas" to someone who is obviously not ChristiaN. Doyou know anyone like that? I don't
So what is your point?
You bring up Muslims stopping traffic in America to pray.
Where does this happen and what does it have to do with anything?
We have laws which protect my son from learning your beliefs (creationism) and muslim beliefs.
See America is great!
My point is that the Cponstitution grants freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Specifically the Constitution says the Congress cannot abridge the free exercise. Conc;lusion The Christian and the Muslim have to right to practice their religion as long as it does not deprive another of his/her rights. the right "Not to be offended" is not one of the rights in the Constitution.
So the very best thing to do to get even with them is to wish them Merry Christmas?
Once again, you are doing this whole "Merry Christmas" thing wrong.
There is a difference between saying "Merry Christmas" to someone of another faith and unwittingly offending them and malicious "Merry Christmases" to those you know don't share your views just so you can say "HA HA, I can say it and you can't stop me, I win"
There is also a difference between a religious observance and a greeting. One is required by faith, the other is completely voluntary.
But yes, you "generally" have the right to say Merry Christmas to anyone you like. I would go now to the nearest Mosque and scream it at the top of your lungs. That'll show them.
Where are you getting the assumption that anyone is wishing a non Christian "Merry Christmas." If a person knows another person is a non Christian, he doesn not wish that person "Merry Christmas.
If and when you stop to pray, do you think you're not offending others?
Our eyes also behold, Don.
I can pray sillently and no one will ever know. Is that offending you? How do you know what I am thinking? Does my thinking offend you. No wonder you chose to call yourself a Troubled man. Sounds as though you are easily offended. Perhaps the smell of the world is your upper lip.
Perhaps, but I've walked into restaurants where Christians are praying and praising Jesus for their abundance.
Usually, they're offended by our conversations while they're praying.
Your beliefs can be offensive, but I haven't seen anything to give me cause to scrutinize your thoughts.
Insulting me personally is also offensive, Don. Was that your intent?
No, it was not my intent to insult you, but that does illustrate the point of how you can become offended without cause. Right?
No, you insulted me personally which is a huge difference from being offended with others praying. I find it hard to believe you wouldn't know those differences unless you were a small child.
So tell me, wjhy is saying "Merry Christmas" more offensive that have the Muslims stop traffic to pray five times a day? Wow, double standards?
In every Muslim country and it has happened in the US. Check it out,
Where in the us do Muslims stop in the middle of the road to pray?
Is there YouTube videos of this?
What does anything that happens Ina Muslim country have to do with us?
Nothing unless they desire to force their beliefs on us.
I don't know about stopping traffic, Don.
But, just because both you and the Muslims have the right to practice your religions doesn't mean you're not going to be offended by those practices.
I am most certainly offended by Christians and Muslims equally for evangelizing their religions, but I'll stand by their right to do so.
The problem isn't about rights, Don. The problem lies within the practice of evangelizing itself.
How sad. Christians and commanded to "Go and make Disciples." Now it thatoffends you, the next time someone tries to evangelize you, just tell them politly that you are not interested. Hey, a litle politeness takes care of every situation.
It is far more polite to NOT evangelize your religion.
If someone wishes to not take responsibility for their actions of evangelizing their religion and use the defense that Jesus is commanding them, then the authorities have no choice but to stop them on the grounds of insanity. They might even be considered dangerous to the public and have to be taken into custody for their own protection.
So you state your opinion. IUf everyone had your popinion no one would respond to the evangelistic call. But not everyone has your opinion. so don't judge the rest of the world by your own thoughts. Let those who will respond. The message is Whosoever will may come. Sostay away. Your choice. But people are free to ask in a Constitutional Republic such as ours.
So, who exactly is supposed to respond to the evangelistic call?
If someone already follows another religion, they don't want to hear it.
If someone does not follow a religion, they don't want to hear it, either.
If someone is a Christian already, no need to spread the word to them.
So, who is left to evangelize, Don?
Yes, you are free to disrespect, alienate, and spread hatred to others with your speech, Don. We already covered that.
Well, you believe everyon is already convinced that he/she is right and all of the reasoning or emotional appeals or shouting won't change minds. So with your attitude, it is obvious that you can do nothing but hate those with whom you disagree. You illustrate the p[oint once more.
In other words, you can't answer the questions and explain who exactly wants to hear evangelizing?
Just say so, Don.
The command is given to all Christians and they are to make Disciples of anyone who will hear the Gospel. I thought the answer was oibvious.
Only too obvious, or more precisely, oblivious.
That's to be done in the range of normal everyday conversation. NOT evangelizing.
Yeah. And THAT is why we don't like you. Not because of your religious beliefs, but because you insist upon annoying the rest of us with them.
If you'd mind your own business, we could all be happy. But you can't do that, because your silly belief system tells you to annoy us.
Christians cause their own problems. You deserve every nasty look you get when you annoy people with your religion.
My God commands me to urinate on the intruders...
See how that works?
I don't know. I just tell people "Happy Holidays" to avoid the issue altogether. This way even if the person is an atheist, I can always say that I COULD be referring to New Year's.
That would depend on whether you're Muslim or not. If you're not Muslim it wouldn't matter what they demand would it?
That's true, Penny. The complainer gets the attention and Muslims are the complainers in this case.I believe you might lose your head if you said "Merry Crhistmas" in a Muslim country. Religios intolerance is practice by some liberals in this counhtry.
Yes Don, in a religious state, you might not be able to freely practice your religion. That is why you live in a Secular state that allows you those freedoms. If we lived in a Christian state, for example, you might be the one wielding the axe.
So wishing someone a "Merry Christmas" ias the proper thing to do. that is unless you wish som bigot a "Merry Christmas" and offend the bigot. Why have you been agreeing with me allof this time and argueing the point. Mertry Christmas.
I wouldn't agree. Christ has nothing to do with the pagan Yule celebration or December 25 other than that was the date chosen when the Julian calendar was adopted.
Would that make the person who is offended by Muslims praying also a bigot?
Hey, Dec 25 is the accepted time, and I am aware of the reasons why. But that doesn't matter does it?
Only if that person insists that his way is the only way. In a free society, shouldn't all have the same rights?
Oh, nonsense.
It's not "intolerant" to suggest that you ought to keep your fantasies to yourself.
In a free society you should be able to express your thoughts regardless how insane they are., I have noticed that some liberal minded people object to free speech. But why would they not object. They hate everyone who disagrees with them. Right? At least that MHO
Yes, Don, you have a 'right". Polite people don't annoy others with our inner foolishness. Proselytizing is annoying - but you don't care, right?
So, If I asked you to talk about the Lord Jesus Christ, and you told me you weren't6 interested, I would drop it at that. But how am I supposed to know that you aren't interested until I ask? And if you get annoyed simply becau8se I ask in a po0lite manner, you proved my point. Right? I would not know that you were a bigot until you reacted in an uncouth manner In fact, it would indicate that you lack self control.
Cause only bigots are annoyed constant conversion attempts.
rolleyes, you are the one who used the constan. I specifially limited the conservation to one question. If the person is not interested, let it go, Was that not what I said?
Has it occurred to you at all that non-Christians and even Christians like myself who are not apparently not Christian enough are harassed on a regular basis by those wishing to talk to us about Jesus. You are not the only worker on God's Great Referral Program. If ten people a day asked you if you wanted to talk about Buddha for 15 or 20 years, how would you feel?
Hey, you are making assumptions that you hg=have no basis to make. And I would gladly discuss any theology with any reasonable person who is interested in arriving at the truth.
But as I have said, and you have ignored. If you don't want to disscuss religion, I will not hound you into my beliefs. No Christian forces beliefs on any other person.
We are not interested in hearing about your religion. Is that clear? Do you need for me to repeat it again? Can you stop evangelizing now and try to respect the wants and needs of others?
Thanks muchly.
I have not told you anythiong about my religion. The subject is my right to to freely exercise my religion. That is my First Amendment right.
If I walked up to you and started telling you that religion is irrational, you'd be annoyed.
But I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't ever do that to anyone.
No, I would not be annoyed. I would simply leave you unless you want to reason your point. There si nothing like good debate to reach the truth. Now if you are unreasonable, I would not attempt to reason with a closed mind. And I hope you wouldn't either.
Sure, no problem, why anyone would want to do such a thing and then defend their insane thoughts with the right to free speech is baffling.
Is that really what you believe free speech to be?
Usually, free speech allows intelligence to prevail over oppression or ignorance, not the other way round.
And you... Do you really care whether the Muslims are offended by Christians or vice versa? How do you have a dog in this fight?
Well, I assume the Constitution gives everyone the right to practice his religion as he wishes. that's why the country was formed. Religious freedom. so my dog i9n the fight is that if one religion has rigts that the others do not have, there is oppression. Religious and political freedom is the essence of our Constitution. It can be lost by those who deny rights to some while extending the same rights to others. Equal rights is my dog in the fight.
Wow, so wasn't talking to you. I know what your dog is in this fight... convert the unwashed masses by attacking them with malicious "Merry Christmases" Still would like to see you stand outside a mosque wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.
We know that not to be true by the fact that you are offended by Muslims praying and stopping traffic. You believe you have the right to evangelize your religion which means taking it out from behind closed doors and making it a public issue. You are further offended if people are offended by your evangelizing.
I see no equal rights there.
I( did not say that I was offended by that. I simply used that as an example for equal rights among all religions. Don't put words in my mouth.
Of course, we have to stop the religious conflict and wars. It has to end or it will be the undoing of us all.
Err... Okay, so have you chosen a side to throw down with... oh great peacemaker?
My side is for human beings, uniting mankind, that sort of thingy...
Religions make sure that will never happen.
LMAO... Keep fighting the Good Fight.
Let me know when you win... I'll send you a cake or something.
Cookies yes, the cake only if you win your bid for World Peace.
Exactly, Troubled Man, and when you deny someone to speak you may well stop the besrt solution. You assume that the ignorance cannotbe corrected by intelligentr reasoning of others. It can, and as you point out it usually is.
The last school I worked at had a high population of Muslim families. When christmas came round I thought it would be best to wish everyone a happy holiday. When I had the Muslim mom's (sometimes dad's but less often since they didn't do the school run) all started saying "Merry Christmas" to me, well I got over it. I never had one get upset if I said marry christmas and when I talked to them about it they thought it was silly to be upset over someone wishing you well, whatever the holiday or reason. Sense is not something that everyone has tho....
I think it's a grand holiday that was cultivated by the Christians. Maybe Muslims who are offended should not participate. I don't hear anyone up in arms about recognizing Ramadan.
When I was in Saudi Arabia I was often told merry Christmas by work colleges and friends as the holiday approached, I even received official work emails - whilst I worked the whole day as it is not recognized as an actual
The point is if the people in the birth place of the Muslim religion can say it then there really is no problem... It is just idiots who try to make a big deal about their and others religions that spoil these things!!
I thought you were still in Saudi. Are you still in the Gulf?
A bunch of religious zealots trying to tell others how to greet us during December?
Thank God Christians don't do that
I have a hard time saying Happy Holidays. I grew up saying Merry Christmas because most everyone I know celebrates Christmas. In the south, it's almost assumed so I just say Merry Christmas. I don't mean to offend anyone but it's a hard habit to break and sometimes when I do try to say Happy Holidays, I feel like it's hard not to offend people who only celebrate Christmas. I think this makes me realize that saying Have a Nice Day is better than anything else. But like I said, it's not meant to offend, it's a part of my culture and faith.
If we have to respect their culture and traditions, shouldn't they respect others?
I usually greet someone with "Merry Christmas non-believer!... you will no doubt burn in Hell one day, so please enjoy the cool winter while you can oh you soon-to-be-damned."
Then I direct them to one of my Hubs and ask that they click on any link that they might find interesting
That is a violation of HP TOS.
May you burn in Hell for all eternity.
Good teaching from my 103 year old Mom: "Your rights end at the end of the other guy's nose!" Sure wish other guys had moms such as mine.
Oh you guys are fun fun!
Happy Easter (Resurrection Day) in advance! (Wonder how many well-wishes I'll lose there)......
in the right hand are two words. they are "happy holidays" .
I've never had someone turn those words down for the two i hold in my left.
which are "F You".
for that I'm thankful.
My comment meant that we can do almost anything, but once we physically harm another person we have gone too far. Ask my Mom, she'll explain it to you.
What?! People are bringing religion into Christmas these days? Whatever next? Tuh!
If someone wishes me happy Ramadan, I thank them.
If someone wishes me happy Hanukkah, I thank them.
I'm not Muslim or Jewish. I'll take any sort of good wishes I can get! I'll never understand how anyone can feel offended by hearing "merry Christmas."
What's up with the change in the thread title, I wonder? At least....from my view it now shows symbols that weren't there before....
Something i am very happy not to participate in but i am neither inclined to be all legalistic about it.
Romans 14:5 One person esteems one day above another: another esteems every day alike. Let every person be fully persuaded in his own mind.
I don't think particulars are important so long as we remember to walk in mercy and that we adhere to the principles of The Christian Way and that is to give all year round.
Brenda ty . the holidays aren't the same when the kids have all grown and the toy trains no longer run around colorful wrapped boxes.
tends to put me in a foul mood.
In my 55 years of life no one has ever gotten offended if I have said Merry Christmas or demanded I not say it...
The same here. I have never met a Muslim that showed anything but respect and compassion.
I do not believe in Muslim bogeymen. I do believe in psychotic individuals that are filled with hate, I do not think they are defined by race, religion or sexual identities.
Neither have I. Although, to be honest, I don't randomly greet people I don't know with "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays".
Those that I do know, I know enough about their lives to know which holiday they celebrate and greet them appropriately. It's not anything I ever really thought of consciously, but it just seems to be good manners to me.
I'm probably one of the nastiest and most militant atheists here.
If you know I am an atheist and wish me a Merry Xmas I'll ..
Wish you one back.
It's a time of year. It has zero religious significance to a large number of people. The tree matters, the presents, the food matters and the religious part doesn't mean squat. It's exactly the same as "Happy Fourth of July!" to most of us.
Now, "Praise Jesus" will get you an unfriendly look. But that's the extent of my reaction to that too. In fact, I'd almost rather you DID say something like that. It's always good to know who the, umm, excessively religious people, are. Forewarned, forearmed..
*Grins Evilly*
Joyous Festivus Pcunix!
A Muslim person never demanded, or even asked me to stop saying Merry Christmas. I think everyone gets too carried away with political correctness. I extend my Ramadan wishes to them, but their holy days are usually solemn, and don't have the party sense that many Christian holidays have. I live in NJ and we have a large Muslim population here. We have everybody here, and in spite of being an overpopulated state, we work it out pretty well, I think. It's the same with Jewish people, their New Year is solemn, they atone for what they have done that may have hurt another. I made a mistake of wishing somebody a "Happy" one once, and had it explained to me. I am not Christian, but have been celebrating Merry Christmas' all my life, and will continue to say it that way.
I'm still waiting for footage of Muslims stopping traffic in America to pray on the roads...
Why not just humor them? Tolerance is a virtue. Intolerance just leads to division, hatred and bloodshed. In the words of Rodney King"Can't we all just get along?"
Words of wisdom, Druid Dude. The Muslim people in the company where my husband works asked if there was a spare room where they could observe their prayer times. The boss was an enlightened and kind person, and asked what they needed. They had no need of anything, but the room was repainted and recarpeted. They have to face Mecca, and on Ramadan, both of them, it begins and ends with the phase of the moon. Something I know lots about. Times when my family members were sick, or worse, died, many of those Muslim people said special prayers for me. I'll take any I can get, because the intent behind them was good, and I was very touched. Why do people always want to think the worst about each other?
No Muslim in my area has been against people saying Happy Xmas. I and other Christians also wish them a Happy Ramadan for their Celebrations.
This all reminds me of Scrooge and Jacob Marley. Too many Griches running around. They just need a nice eggnog spiked w/ rum.
I have a merry christmas hub up. run it every year. I'm not a christian, but I also don't cotton to people being intolerant of others.
You do realize that if you have free speech to offend someone, they also have the same free speech to cuss you out when you do such... They also have the free speech to ask you not to do it again...
And... free speech is only free speech in public areas. If I own a business, I can tell you to leave if you offend me. I can tell my employees what or what not they can talk about if they wish to keep their job, I can kick you out of my house if you say something that angers me...
The funny thing is that free speech is only in public areas, but, conversely, there is also separation of church and state in the same areas... cool eh?
Exactly and with separation of church and state, we are losing the rights to free speech. Cool. Indeed it is.
No, you aren't. You just don't have big brother to back you up. It then becomes on the individual to believe whatever they wish without having it governmentally sanctioned. America isn't a Christian country... it never was and I pray to God that it never is. Christianity is just the major religion. If it can't keep it's followers without relying on laws to force people to follow it, then it needs to either evolve or die.
Exactly why when big brother doesn't back you up, they have limited your freedom of speech. Look at what is happening in Europe. Hate Crimes are committed by speakers, and it is also happening in the US. We are limited by the government as to what we may say; therefore, freedom of speech is is no longer a right.
Wow... That entire reply made no sense at all.
You understand that you do have the right to talk about your religion all you want in areas where your free speech is protected? Freedom of speech only means that the Government won't prosecute you for what you say. It doesn't mean that the Government needs to stand up for your views.
The Government is not limiting what you say. I'm not sure where the hell you are getting that they are...
However the government can and will limit what it allows itself and it's employees to say. It has to protect freedom of religion.
And you do realize that when they limit the places that I may speak my religious views, they have prohibited the free exercise of my religion. And if you say that it is not frre on public property, I would ask you why not? Hey, anyone can say anything in the privacy of their own home.
And John Kerry wanted to shut down the Tea Party. so we do have people who would deny others the right to speak. You need to study a little more US history. It has been revised.
WHERE does the government limit your freedom of speech? Let me know and I will protest them myself. Seriously, with big signs.
What the government does is limit it's own speech. It hasn't done jack to limit yours.
Thanks, I've studied American history. What exactly do you want to debate about it?
You won't believe it but here it is. I heard it on ABC NEWS butthis is the first source I found. … tery-52927
If the allegations are true, it means that a cemetery official overstepped his authority and it is being investigated. That is not a governmental limiting of your freedom of religion... as a matter of fact the fact that it is under investigation is a sign that those freedoms are being protected.
But the fact is that the person in charge interpreted the law for himself in light of what the Courts have ruled. Therefore, the law being misinterpreted denied one man the right of a Christian funeral.
Thank you for admitting that it was an individual, not the government.
That's because he didn't have a Christian funeral, it was a Military funeral.
I see accusations by a third party to practices that are being denied by the VA.
No facts.
I lol hard when it said this guy went "undercover" to a funeral.
I saw that too, but decided not to point out how horribly disrespectful it is to "crash" a funeral to find evidence to support an agenda.
Nor, apparently does the fact that these investigations will probably require the widow to be pulled in for questioning about the day of her husbands funeral when it isn't her that is instigating the investigation occurred to anybody.
Yes, and you should see that one man was denied a Christian funeral due to the misinterpretation. that is also a fact.
Where does it say the woman wanted a Christian funeral?
Got your facts mixed up I think. I don't see that anywhere.
It be one thing if the widow of the man actually complained.
In fact, the opposite is often what we get from annoying Christians.
My father very definitely expressed his wish that there NOT be any religious services accompanying his death.
And yet, at the simple gathering we had to remember his life, one of his idiot religious friends just could not honor that and had to lapse into crap about how he was "looking down on us" and "safe with the Lord". Had my father really been looking down,he might have aimed a giant wad of spit at that fools head. As it was, he insulted many of the rest of us with his religious nonsense.
“The Obama administration continues to prevent the word ‘God’ from being used at the funerals of our heroes,” said Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas). “It’s unacceptable and I’m going to put a stop to it as fast as humanly possible.”
There ARE atheists in foxholes, Don. There are also soldiers who are not Christians. John Culberson is trying to force his Christian beliefs on others.
Evangelicals aren't happy with just having the same rights as all of us.
They need to have it in our government, our schools, tv, radio, everywhere.
You have stated an opinion that you cannot support with documentation.
Just as you have the right to speak your religious views, we have the right to make sure we don't hear them.
That is beyond ridiculous.
You have every right to practice your religion. Nobody will interfere with that and if they ever tried, you'd even find atheists like me standing beside you to shout them down.
YOUR fantasies have no place in OUR government. That's what separation of church and state is about and our founding fathers put it there TO PROTECT YOUR RELIGION.
Exactly the point, Pcunix. You deny evangelicals a role in government and let everyohne else have a role in government.
It is the same with abortion. It was illegal for nearly two centuries and now the law has changed. The Constitution is the same, but the interpretation is different. Therefore, we now prohibit anyone with the former belief from serving in government. Why? Because some people believe they are right and others believe they are wrong. And you wouldexclude Evangelicals solely on your belief that they have no place in government.
Can you not see your flaws?
I vote against evangelicals because they can't seem to separate their religion from their jobs. No one is denying evangelicals a role in the government but the voters.
Abortion is legal because the supreme court ruled that it was. If pro-lifers don't get elected because of their views then the PUBLIC decides that.
I would take that as a sign that the majority of people don't like your rules. That's the way democracy works...
I don't like the evangelical viewpoint... I don't want them to create laws when their judgement is hazed by their religious viewpoints. I don't want to be held to their standards because, quite honestly, I find most of the evangelical viewpoints to be sinful.
Now, how hard would you be screaming for separation of church and state if the majority of lawmakers suddenly converted to Hinduism?
Evangelicals are dangerous, not only to themselves, but to other people, which is why they are NOT allowed any power position.
Abortion is about women's rights. Get over it.
Yes, society evolves and continues to evolve toward equality.
This interpretation?
Answered in my first statement. They are dangerous to themselves and others.
No, we can tell the difference between who and what type of people are dangerous. Yes, I realize that the pathetic politicians already in office are just as dangerous, but at least RELIGION is left out it.
It's not a matter of that, they are dangerous, more so than others.
Apparently, you cannot see the flaws which are directly pointed out to you. Thus, talking to you will only lead nowhere.
I don’t want to start any crap I am just curious how abortion can be reconciled as lawful with it directly impedes an Americans first right of three in, "Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness"
Like I said, I don't want to start a war over this post just a thought that came to me when reading your post Cagsil, BTW good to have you back!
You're looking at it from the wrong perspective to begin with, which is why you've reached the conclusion you've reached. Not a surprise for someone with a religious frame of mind. It's lawful simply due to the rights of women. However, without having to post a long post explaining....let me just point you in the direction of a hub I wrote that addresses this particular topic, considering I am a rights advocate.
Individual Rights versus General Morality is the name of the hub I wrote that explains. Be my guest to have at it.
Thank you, much appreciated and it's good to be back.
That was kind of a cheap shot
If I wanted to talk about it in a religion context I would have done so.
I'll read the hub, thanks.
It wasn't meant as a cheap shot, but most people who are against abortion, or better yet against pro-choice are religious folk. It's a fact and there's no two ways about it. It wasn't personal, just truth.
That's like saying, "Ducks like to swim, no I would not ike fries with my burger." Still truth but irrelivent to the topic at hand.
There's no truth in this statement?
The topic at hand is about Muslims demanding that people refrain from saying Merry Christmas.
You're the one that brought up abortion, which in turn, brought up individual rights. Both are related to the topic at hand, because both are about individual rights.
Therefore, irrelevant. But, nice try.
Are you claiming that a fetus is an American citizen? I think you'd be alone in making such a determination.
Excluded from government? Our government is full of religious fruitcakes!!
We can see your flaws. No one can deny an evangelical to serve in government, there are laws for that and we all uphold them.
However, the evangelical MUST keep his religious beliefs out of the government, just like any other elected official must do, whether they are Muslim, whatever...
Are you saying, Don, that an evangelical in government should be following Jesus command to make Disciples while he's doing his job?
Lots of funny replies here!
My take: I say "Merry Christmas." Don't like it? Ignore me. Don't know how? Consult my children, they do it very well.
Fact. Evangelicals believe humans and dinosaurs walked the earth at the same time.
This is what makes me lose respect for them intellectually.
How, in good conscience, can anyone elect them to office?
by lyjo 12 years ago
Are you comfortable saying Merry Christmas or do you say Happy Holidays? Why? Do you know the...right thing to say to the right person? Do you think we have become too Politically Correct?
by Kenneth Wayne 8 years ago
Just curious why you can't say Merry Christmas anymore? I have never got upset when someone said Happy Hanukkah. The way I see it, someone is just wishing good times based on whatever their background is. I think it's very nice. I'm sure I'll regret the onslaught of religious debates that will...
by Flightkeeper 14 years ago
Are you doing anything to make it more Christ centered? I was thinking of taking out the Christmas tree, the stockings, Santa Claus, the Nutcracker figures. Heck I didn't realize I had all this stuff. Maybe I'll have a small tree and just put lights. I have a Nativity...
by katherinethorell 13 years ago
Should people get so upset over being told Merry Christmas?Merry Christmas is supposed to be a respectful wish of good will to others. So should people take it to a level that it's not intended,as a derogative put down towards their individual faiths? Seems a silly misunderstanding to me but what...
by ALL4JESUS 13 months ago
Any idea of who created that great graphic? I have seen in bumper sticker but know nothing of its origin.
by Shauna L Bowling 6 weeks ago
I'd like to wish all of you who celebrate the season (and are still alive and well here on HP) a Merry Christmas with a link to Bob Seger singing my favorite Christmas song, "The Little Drummer Boy". The emotion he brings forth is so uplifting and the musical arrangement is amazing....
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