Does reading what your friends are up to on Facebook make you feel bad about your own life?
There was a recent study done concerning how people feel after logging on to Facebook. The study concluded that many people end up feeling bad about themselves and feel like their friends are leading a more fun and active and interesting lifestyle than they are. Do you feel bad after reading what your friends are up to? Do you feel like your life is boring in comparison? Do social networks make us feel bad?
Not really. Sometimes I feel a little envious, especially of those that travel more than me. Sometimes I feel a lot grateful for what I have in comparison. Mostly, because they are my friends, I am happy for their successes and adventures and instead of being envious, I set goals for myself so that I can achieve some of the things that seem so attractive. I am never envious of my true friends because I only want the best for people I care about.
Also, I always figure that you never really know what someone else's life is really like. You don't know what happens behind closed doors. You only know what they choose to share and everyone likes to brag just a little. Sometimes, they sound much happier than they really are.
I don't have a lot of money, but I have a loving family that is solid and secure and that is more important to me than anything anyone else brags about on FB. There is a lady I know that travels everywhere and has a really exciting life on the surface. She is beautiful, has cute kids, a ton of $$ and gorgeous home. She has a great job and tons of friends. But she recently got divorced, which I think is tragic. In the end, all the money and adventures in the world can't take the place of a loving family and having your best friend to grow old with.
No, I don't feel bad. Also, I don't believe everything that I read on there. I'm actually bored with FB.
No, not at all. People that have really interesting lives don't spend most of their time on FB bragging about them.
No to the original question, but I was quite naive about social networks when I began life with a laptop. My feeling about Facebook is "scary". I no longer participate. I am glad that I was somewhat restrained in my participation. I was amazed at how easy it was to traverse and land on a photo and go to that individual's page. Of course, it's a social network, but it was still shocking to me now that so many are so trusting. Even a potential employer can and does google an applicant name to check out their interests and participation on the internet. It makes for a "stalkers" dream! I can understand how our young can easily be manipulated and hurt by criminal minds with evil intent. The internet is here to stay and it is apparent that the need for clear boundaries and future laws will ensue.
I would say, personally, my limited Facebook experience was a lesson in learning to value and protect my privacy. I have learned stalking (or just plain creepiness) is a potential not exclusive to Facebook, and it is important to realize it extends to all internet sites and participation. Cyberspace is vast and forever...and connections have the serious potential of miscalculations, misinterpretations and misunderstandings. Everyone who has ever sent an email knows the trials and tribulations of trying to convey an idea only to have it completely misinterpreted by the receiver. There can be consequences that should not be taken lightly.
I have my life and don't feel bad about what others say they do. I know that a lof of it isn't true. I just hope everyone has health and can concentrate on positive things, not on using lingo that they think is going to make them be big and bad but in reality their a fool.
I actually feel a lot better most of the time. It may be my age, but a lot of my friends seem to focus on unimportant, trivial things like going out to clubs or playing video games. I feel lucky that I've already found a direction and purpose in life, and everyday make great strides in it. My life may be boring and bland to others, but I love it.
Then again maybe I'm the annoying one on Facebook that is making other people feel bad!
Not at all. I actually feel bad for the ones who feel the need to reveal the color of their bowel movement or share meaningless pictures of meals starting burn chicken in a Tupperware container.
I must admit sometimes I look at some post and I think wow they are eating crossiants in paris and I am melting snow to flush my yes sometimes I feel bad. Then othertimes I can't help but feel like my life hasn't gone to pot after all!
I typically feel the opposite after checking my Facebook. It seems my friends have nothing more interesting to talk about than the weather or how their day is going so far - and that's on a good day.
I definitely don't feel intimated by the bad days either, a spew of emo ridden abbreviations doesn't invoke envy in me.
Now if one of my friends was a rockstar and posting about his adventures on the road...I probably still wouldn't feel bad because I'm content being myself and would be happy for them.
Absolutely not. I'd have to wonder if there was an agenda behind this "scholarly study."
If either you are reading them all, or they are constantly posting what they are "up to" neither of you have a life! people that actually have a life are too busy, to be spending every moment, thinking "did I tweet that, or tell every one on facebook that I spilt my milk?"
heres a quote to digest....
"People are so skilled at not facing real issues and they're even better at trying to cover them up by living make-believe lives and inventing false personalities. It is time to take a stand and confront fear!" (the definition of fear originally is to flee from or run away from problems.Rather than facing your own life head on, many are opting to live behind the computer... it should be for business and knowledge not false realities/virtual friendships and realities..its really rather disturbing and sick)
the quote is from "the confident Woman"
Interesting! When do busy people find the time to post every little activity, anyway???
At times i do feel bad, but they've made their lives the way they want and i should also if i want to feel good about myself
long time ago , i was using facebook and when my female friends add male friends , i was feeling jealous and at that point i understood that facebook existence is not good . Even last days owner Mark's profile hacked , so who can believe it is safe to publish your photos , your address , your friends , your number , your school etc ? What i prefer to you is , focus something related with famiyl , because in that century i saw that people love cyber world more than real world , and i wish people can see the beauty of a flower when rain outside instead of looking computer screen 8 hours .
on soem things i read i can get a little envious
but on most things people write on their comments, i end up thinking to my self, "yeah, and? . ."
the amount of uniteresting things people write, like "going shop, be back soon" "going toilet, be 10 minutes"
you don't need to tell us these things, just do it and come back, we don't want to know that you've not changed your socks in two days
so, in answer to the question, sometimes, but mostly no
I dont feel bad about myself, except that I am reading about my friends, instead of talking to them. All jokes aside, if it is important enough to my friend to post it, then I feel it should be important to me as well.
There is no doubt that many of my friends have much more interesting lives, but I am content living the one I have.
Good question!
Yes, I feel bad at times, especially when my friends go to different places and I see pictures of them having fun. I also feel insecure when i read their info and their credentials are astounding. I am happy for the but i just can't help it. I just use it to my advantage, I am becoming more motivated to achieve more and I am realizing what i am missing into my life. Social networks have many advantages, people should see them.
Not at all. It just keeps me informed and I choose to remain informed.
No. I'm really not a talk on the phone type of person. Facebook allows me to keep in touch without actually having to call someone. I also have family members who are on my friends list and sometimes they respond to my inboxes faster than actually returning a phone call. I am really proud of some of the things we are all doing with our lives. I think it would be a waste to constantly keep up with the next person, true friends would be proud of their friends accomplishments.
I can definitely see how that study is correct and would make people feel down in comparison to others. I try to limit my use on Facebook, not because of reading other peoples status's but because I believe it just not a good habit to be on it all the time looking at peoples pictures, reading their commments, etc. I do not feel bad about reading other peoples comments. Everyone has different things that happen in their lives and we should really learn to be happy and content with what WE have and not try to compare ourselves or lives to others.
No, not at all. I don't let what others are doing affect how I feel about my life and my interests. I'm happy for them if they are busy and live fulfilled lives.
What fascinates me and makes me a little sad is how people are texting every segment of their lives. I literally see "feeds" that are a litany of one-liners outlining every move they make:
"I turned on the TV."
"My mother called."
'I am going to bed now."
These things make me a little sad when I think about the way our world is going.
Facebook is a great tool to keep informed on what's currently going around people. I use the positive happenings of people as motivation to create the same positive in my life. And I agree, people who really enjoys their life doesn't need to brag about it.
Nah I enjoy reading others stuff and take an active part in their conversations. Yeah my wall is a bit plain and boring lol but I am not really one for telling everyone what I am doing every moment of the day.
I can see how and why some people begin to feel 'down' or 'envious' about peoples status' on such sites as Facebook etc but for me personally I feel that probably 90% of people's status' are written for the very same reason BY these people.
Not everyone is happy and content at the happenings in their lives and they wish it could be more exciting etc but I can also assure you that a majority of the postings are indeed fictional to help the author feel better about their lives as well.
This doesn't make it a bad thing just a little bit transparent, if people are down about their situation in some way, this is a good avenue for them to vent their frustration and get feedback from their 'friends' via a social networking site without it sounding to needy.
I myself take everything on such sites with a huge pinch of salt, because as you rightly point out it can have a negative and damaging effect if you let don't
Your 'real' friends should always be there and you all know what the deal is, this is why they are classed as your 'real' friends, not just people you went to school with, and never liked but accepted their friend request on Facebook
not really, most of the time what they post are not real anyway.
I don't feel bad about my own life, but sometimes I am envious of better jobs and when people travel. That's just the way it is...I also feel like people exaggerate a ton on fb, and that people tend to expose too much of their personal life via facebook. When reading other posts...I am also grateful that I don't have to deal with some issues as my peers such, diapers, and husbands. Not to say that I am not happy for my friends and their choices, but I can admit that I'm content that I don't have to deal with all that right now in life!
What an awesome question; and I have to say yes, I do feel bad when I see people I know doing cool things. It serves as motivation for me though, pushing me to work harder.
Well, i really don't feel bad about my life knowing that things can turn around any day so long i am not lazy and i have projects i am working on. and so long i believe in God and pray to Him every day, i can never feel bad or jealous about anyone and what they are up to anywhere.
i found face book as a great way to keep up with friends that hadnt seen i years, class mates etc, and some family that i keep up with on FB better than in life...... i do stand in amazement at some of the things that people post,... i hate, HATE, att. whores,... for god sakes, iether go out and get a life or hurry up and jump off the D*** bridge,.... i disslike the "june cleaver" posters that think i care how much you love and addore your kids, your spouse, your church, how much you love jesus, and tell me that if i dont repost this, then i'm less loving or christian or wtf ever,.... i laugh a lot,... i actualy feel better most of the time, its like reading the tabloid covers in the groc check out,... hey i'm screwd up but at least i'm not having an alien baby in a trailer park in mississippi next door to elvis.
No, it makes me feel better about mine!!!
It seems like all people do on Facebook lately is complain about their problems so I think my life seems fabulous in comparison to some of the things I read.
Sometimes. Sometimes I feel less interesting because a lot of friends post about where they traveled or which event they're attending and I KNOW I won't be going. I feel like a piece of furniture at times. Then again at times I feel intelligent and more conceited because of all the typos and grammatical errors I come across! Lol
They would only make us feel bad if we get our self worth from outside sources. If you are solid within who you are, then when you read about your friends, you would only feel happy for them, and maybe you might get some ideas for yourself, but it's not due to feeling inadequate.
Well maybe if they just got back from an awesome vacation in Hawaii then maybe I'll feel like I need a vacation and I'll probably be a little bit jealous, but not bad about myself.
Besides most of my friends just write pointless stuff anyway.
Not at all, because by the time I get around to looking at FB I'm usually about to go to bed on a weekday and have work in the morning. Yes, I am jealous of my friends who are at the beach on a Wednesday morning or what have you, but then again, I'd much rather be employed than getting tan on the beach. The weekends on the other hand, I get to enjoy more than them because they typically have no money to go out. Even for the friends who are fortunate to have enough money to do whatever they want whenever they want, it doesn't make me feel bad, but it makes me wish to win the lottery haha, but then again who really cares, I enjoy what I do so that's all that matters to me.
No, I'm fine with my own life. My life might be considered boring - I'm 76 and don't do a lot of traveling or anything else now. But I lived a full life, raised four children and have enjoyed 11 grandchildren, and am now expecting my 8th great grandchild. I have a good husband who does everything to make my life better. Why would I feel bad about what others are doing?
I've heard that som people actually feel better about their own life when they read about others troubles.
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