Why can't people discuss race in a productive manner?

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  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    As a dumb teenager locker room telling stupid jokes, Ape in heels is not true, yet may sound funny to some idiots.

    When many claim Michelle Obama is a man
    I don't know to laugh or be totally shocked if that was true.

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
      Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Michelle Obama is not a man. You can tell by how she acts and talks. Her voice is high. She seems catty just like a woman. She is not a man even though she has many masculine traits. It happens.

      Heaven help us if she runs for president. I say this because I know she wants socialism too. The color of her skin has nothing to do with it.

      BTW Ben Carson is in with Trump and I am sure he is way more black than the POTUS! Why did Carson run for President? Because so many people BLACK AND WHITE wanted him to!!

      1. Credence2 profile image78
        Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        "BTW Ben Carson is in with Trump and I am sure he is way more black than the POTUS! Why did Carson run for President?"

        I don't know if you are qualified to talk about who is more black than another? The yardstick you're using is the one always used by conservative and is without any merit.The predominant opinion among Real BLACK community was to support Mr. Obama.

        I think that I would know a little bit more about this than you, perhaps?

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
          Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          uh, his mother was white. I think that pretty much makes him half black.

          Carson's ancestry: (Both parents were from Georgia.)
          "I strongly suspect James Ash is Ben’s ancestor, and that his claim of being born in Africa is correct. This is unusual: a 100-year-old black man, telling the census takers in 1870 Georgia that he was born in 1770 in Africa!"
          http://www.theroot.com/articles/history … s_roots/3/

          1. Credence2 profile image78
            Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I see your angle here, but there is more to being Black than just ancestral lineage. In other word, you are only partially right.

            1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
              Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Oh really?  so you think Obama speaks for the blacks????  when he is genetically half white?

              I think he speaks for himself and himself alone which is pretty much … hate to admit it… white.

              1. Credence2 profile image78
                Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

                I do know, unless you want to be presumptious, I can't figure out why Obama got 95 percent of the Black vote, mine included. That seems pretty 'Black' to me.

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  cuz his skin was black… you know the cookie thing.  he talked a bit black , but not like Carson.
                  You know whites put on airs.

                  ("put on airs and give oneself airs:
                  Fig. to act better than one really is;")

                  1. Credence2 profile image78
                    Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    What is 'talking Black'?

                2. Live to Learn profile image61
                  Live to Learnposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  Your statement makes it sound like blacks voted for color. Sounds racist.

                  1. Credence2 profile image78
                    Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Your perception is incorrect like that of most conservatives that never seem to understand. Blacks generally vote democratic regardless of the color or gender of the Presidential candidate at least 85 percent or more in recent election cycles. We've have bad experiences with GOP in recent years and they are not trusted. The fact that Obama was a novel Black candidate made for the other 10 percent over the standard 85 percent. How many Irish Catholics out of pride, came to vote for JFK in 1960 in greater numbers than you would normally expect. It is interesting that when WE show those kinds of affiliations, it is racist. But, it is natural for anyone else, I wonder where that comes from?

                    So you need to reorient yourself to see it from the shoes of another, who is a better position to know what is behind this.

      2. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Kathryn .  If some on the left want to point out racism where it doesn't exist - let them , they will never learn of reverse racism anyway  , BUT Is there anything  better than watching the pitiful meltdown of celebrities in shock !
        I have to admit  , I am enjoying that like a little kid in a candy  store !

        Have you seen ,

        Miley  Cyrus
        Joe Scarborough
        Msn and crew
        Rachael Maddox ?

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
          Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          I heard pathetic and dripping Miley C.
          Thats enough don't you think? roll

    2. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      And yet there is always the sexual curiosity.  Slave owners felt that way yet made thousands of babies with slaves.

      I was surprised my mother told me that a white boy named Gary Tate came looking for me.  At the time I was a freshman in college.  I took a class with Gary Tate when I was a 9th grader.  He was captain of the football team and popular.  I hadn't had a class with him in four years, yet he was looking for me.  Several other white guys attempted to talk to me in the shadows.

      These guys might have considered me an ape but it was clear that they wanted an encounter.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
        Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        good grief. roll

        1. dianetrotter profile image60
          dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          THey probably thought i was pretty sexy...which I was.  However, they had images to keep up.

      2. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        In Canada you will find interracial couple more often than the US. I have had 3 black girlfriends in my life. Only one black girlfriend where I had trouble in a Community where even KKK tried to drive out my girlfriend and her family, also her son was killed by whites. 

        She was a minister of God in a church in a small town and told me white guys only wanted sexual encounters, not a relationship. I took alot of heat and pressure from the towns people for being a couple with her. She ended up dumping me because I could not be saved by her Religion.
        Also was hassle by Royal over refusing to be a Snitch for a pot grow-opp. That was enough, was not just leaveing the town, Now leaving the Northern hemisphere, I know of places more kind and friendly..

        1. dianetrotter profile image60
          dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          KKK???  In Canada???

          You lead a very interesting life.  How did you two get together if she was a minister?  You don't have to go into details just give us the high points.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            This small rocky mountain boarder town was like the show Twin peaks. She just came up to me at a local farmers market and started chatting. Then she just kept inviting me to all kinds of events all year. She was attractive yet her being a fundamentalist I thought we would be safe being good buddies.

            She owned a big sports store and we shared alot of fun trips on nature hikes and kayaking. One day I was shocked she put the moves on me, next thing I knew we were a Couple.

            After some time she realize I''m a very curiously and open person and that made her too uncomfortable on some topics. Then she found out she could not save me , Then dumped me. Otherwise we had really good times together.

            1. dianetrotter profile image60
              dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              She got distracted by your charm.  By then you considered her a hypocrite or should have.  She should have invited you to festivals and sports events on college campus.

              You kept it short but I got the whole picture.

            2. Say Yes To Life profile image81
              Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Castle Paloma - you intrigue me!

              1. dianetrotter profile image60
                dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Me too!

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  He needs to move to Bolivia ASAP.

                  1. dianetrotter profile image60
                    dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Are you in Bolivia?

                  2. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Hey, at my age, I can always use some attention, it"s not about geography.  Lol.

            3. Say Yes To Life profile image81
              Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Diane - actually, one of the lowest divorce rates in the US happen between white husbands and black wives.

              1. dianetrotter profile image60
                dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                From talking to friends in interracial marriages, I understand that it takes real love for that kind of marriage to last.  Relatives can really bring pressure on the marriage.  For those that stay together, good for them!

              2. Say Yes To Life profile image81
                Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                I heard it's because they're the most hard core realistic.  On the other hand, black husbands with white wives have the highest divorce rates, because they're the least realistic.

  2. profile image52
    pgwposted 7 years ago

    In answer to your question. No. absolutely not. Slavery should NEVER be forgotten. Just as the Holocaust should never be forgotten. Slavery should have its place in history, just as the holocaust does. People should be accepted for who they are now, not Who or what their ancestors were. BUT, if ALL Americans can't accept this premise, there will always be the issue of racism.  Racism has nothing to do with the color of ones' skin, or their ethnicity, it has to do with ignorance, intolerance and denial of reality.

  3. jo miller profile image93
    jo millerposted 7 years ago

    Thank you for beginning this forum.  It is an important topic that we should all try to make progress on. 

    One of the reasons I believe we have trouble talking about race is that as human beings we have a tendency to be defensive when our faults are pointed out.  So when slavery is brought up, whites sometimes respond defensively, like "well they were well fed ", meaning " Why do you have to keep bringing that up and reminding us of our imperfections?  We're Great.  Remember."

    It's a little like a marriage where there has been a betrayal and one party has been deeply offended.  The offender would like for the victim to move on so that he/she will not be reminded of the terrible thing he/she has done.   But if the relationship is to endure, the offender needs to give the victim time to grieve.  And the victim gets to decide how long that is.

    The victim also has a responsibility to fight fair, to say, "You did a bad thing that I'm deeply hurt by, but I know you are not all bad.  None of us are perfect.  I have my faults too.  Let's try to mend this relationship."  They need to learn to trust again.

    In this country, we need to first admit we have a race problem and then commit to admitting to our own faults and trying to mend our relationships.  Blacks may often be the offended party, but they are not without their faults.  It is no more fair for blacks to discriminate or prejudge based on race than it is for whites.  And they are sometimes guilty of that.

    1. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Jo, Where have you been???  Thank you for joining us!  You summed up the problem in a nutshell.  I think the problem is that some are willing to pursue the relationship.  Others are not.

      1. jo miller profile image93
        jo millerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you, Dianne.

        I have been on HubPages for a while but have never been very active.  I've never liked the forums very well, especially the political ones because most people talk over each other.  I am motivated now to speak out on these issues more because of this recent election. Also, I'm trying to renew my interest in writing which I have neglected for a while.  Wish me luck on that.

        I think you are right: Some are willing to work on the relationships and some are not.  Just like in a marriage.  That's why many marriages fail.  We're never going to convert everyone.  We should reach out and build relationships where we can and not waste our time engaging in these circular discussions that just deepen the ruts we're already in.

        1. dianetrotter profile image60
          dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          I will certainly encourage you... I hope.  I agree.  People get into spats and disrespect each other to the point they are talking about each other's mother.  Then they start cussin!  (without the g)

          I think out little group here is unique in that we all hang in for some reason.  We have different views and we try to listen to each other pretty much.  It gets intense every now and then.  That is exactly the time not to pack up and go home.  We seem to work through it.

          Keep posting please!

    2. Credence2 profile image78
      Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Jo Miller, welcome to the fray!!

  4. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    Sad Truth ,   Democrats mostly , and leftists in general  have "Painted Themselves into a Corner " by the invocation of racism rhetoric since the Obama  coronation .  Why one might ask ? Because the accusatory racism rhetoric cannot and never will be as important after his election  as it is right now .   Many issues  pertaining to the  categorizing and differentiating  of our fellow humans  have arisen   since  his inauguration,   In truth it all  began and continues in the truest essence of simply "name-calling ", and SADLEY  once the -Fad -of name calling is done , mostly by our young and youth , TRUE  race relations will take a back seat from it's own importance once again .

    I'm as sure of that as I am that the first person to speak out against the candidate Obama  was falsely called "racist"  ,  Why because many leftists began down a road of sophomoric name calling  until the gorged themselves on their primal need for   pigeonholing   everything around them , including within their small minds  . As is the first  characteristic of this new left  ,    There is also a truth FAR  beyond the  shallow understanding of the mindlessness   of that name called "racist " , that the young will never get .

    IS there is nothing worse than a society that hears , "The sky is falling " so much and so often that it develops a thick skin to it's real possibility,  reality  and one truth ?

    1. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      ahorse, I honestly haven't seen a difference in racial experiences before and after Obama's election.  Probably you noticed because we have never had a Black president before.  In addition the Black president is speaking about racial issues.  But I could be wrong.  I'd love to hear of examples.

    2. Misfit Chick profile image76
      Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Dang, sorry peeps - I had no idea LtL & H were in here bullying people like this until I saw this discussion floating back up to the top of 'best' on HP.

      Allow me to clear things up a bit for Trump voters who may still be confused about where the racist, misogynistic, 'idiot' or whatever accusations are coming from on behalf of NOW clearer-thinking INDEPENDENTS (not 'liberals' or 'democrats') who are VERY ANGRY with the election results:

      The reason why you didn't see these protests when Obama won in 2008 was because the majority of people weren't nearly as concerned about Obama having a 'hateful disposition' meant to intentionally stir up hard feelings among our DIVERSE population AND the entire world. Also, he had the 'book knowledge' and some political experience to do the job. We may have elected 'someone unusual'; but we didn't elect an irresponsible, hate-mongering, spiteful jerk.

      Obama & Hillary have both been quite gracious losers. The other side was threatening us with GUNS if they lost!! I suppose we should all be grateful.

      Hillary lost for three reasons:

      1) The electorial college vs popular vote. FYI, because the GOP won BUT didn't win the popular vote means that MOST people in this country did NOT vote for their policies. Thus, the protests. For those of you who are so full of glee about being able to ‘have your side finally heard’ – No. Your side won because LIBERALS & Independents (especially white ones) also sided with you; because they saw it as a way to reset the government. Those liberal bast*rds! LoL! I predict a 3rd Party win next election - or a very close call!

      2) The majority of white Christian women for some reason obviously don't think the same way about things as other Christian women of other races. The same thing goes for Christian men; but they have an easier time throwing their racist, misogynistic excuses in the same bin as every other drama-queen-white-guy in our country at the moment.

      3) Comey's conveniently-timed, illegal stunt that was obviously specifically-designed to remind people of Hillary's 'badness' over The Donald's at a critical juncture AT THE END of the race. Cuz of HER big, bad EMAIL lies, lies, lies, right? Don is incapable of lying to you?!

      This part is just for 'Live to Learn' since she somehow missed it on BOTH threads that contained this response while INSISTING that I hadn't addressed people like HER, yet. You're right up there with every other smug liberal defending their decision!

      I DO NOT think that every person who voted for Donald Trump is racist & misogynistic; NOR do I actually think ANY of you are stupid (with regards to voting during the election) - even white Christians, believe it or not.

      AGAIN, *I* was one of those people who thought the anticipation of the wait that built up when the swing states couldn't be called for hours - was kind of fun. One of the female news anchors said it best during that time, "It's like being in the delivery room and waiting to see if its a boy or a girl!" Yeah, it was kind of exciting to see 'which way' we were going to go... I wasn't even SORT of afraid who was chosen; and I'm still not.

      It was in the aftermath of seeing the stats - and what they say about us as a country - that set me (and many others who were also originally 'okay with either' candidate) off on this rampage. It isn't that we are trying to change anything other than to get people to LOOK AT THEMSELVES IN THE MIRROR - EVERY. LAST. ONE. OF. YOU. (LtL)

      Until we start seeing some heartfelt apologies from Trump (he just needs to keep talking - he just keeps digging his hole deeper); and some semblance of 'unity' beyond telling those of us who didn't vote for him to just deal with his obviously underhanded BS - no, there will be no peace.

      Trump: "If the election were based on total popular vote I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily."

      Translation: by concentrating my efforts in the red, fanatically-evangelical Christian states; I WON the electorial vote of this election by playing on their 'majority' hate, racism & misogyny like one of God's angels with a harp! I was IRRESISTABLE!

      If I would have targeted and/or included the perspective of blue, more balanced states whose populations actually live & THRIVE among DIVERSITY (clashes or nor clashes) - and actually have educations beyond The Bible to understand the scope of LIFE better - my message would have had to be entirely different; and likely, much more complicated for simple white folks to wrap their minds around.

      How's that for politically-incorrect for sassy conservatives who PRIDE themselves on this special talent? What do you think? 10? 9.5? 8.5?

      I know, just RECENTLY I'm starting to see all kinds of NEW retorts about how PoC get all the benefits; and 'someone I know who also deserved it - and is white' - can't get the same benefits. Hmmmm... there MUST be a conspiracy AGAINST whites going on!!! *eye roll* Check your statistics. There are PLENTLY of 'bad' whites who SUCK pennies out of your personal wallet, also!!

      The reason is as OBVIOUS to us WHY Trump was speaking to the people he was; the WAY he was; and WHERE he was for two years - as it was when McCain chose Sarah Palin as his VP - to incite & manipulate the hearts & minds of religious conservatives whom they consider to be their most ardent supporters for the reasons I've listed below.

      Its just that they managed to get away with this stunt because it was hard to see over that extended period of time. Some people saw it ahead of time - and we didn't believe them; because MOST of us BELIEVED that people could NOT actually be manipulated like this.

      How the GOP Intentionally-manipulates white Christian conservatives:

      1) White Christians, in particular, vote only the way Republicans and/or their Preachers TELL them to (Franklin Graham!) - like, KEEP voting FOR the rich because THEY have the money to let us work menial jobs beneath them so they can pay us peanuts; and their money can 'trickle down' to us humble folks. (Jesus doesn't want anyone to have any money anyway, right?)

      2) Vote FOR wars because we all know that whomever we are fighting are NOT Christians; and therefore we are 'on the side of God' when we go to war. Those heathens NEED to either accept JC as their savior and DO WHAT WE WANT THEM TO DO - or DIE. Its unfortunate, but NOT OUR FAULT that they will go to hell.

      3) Vote FOR anyone who is Pro-Life in order to eliminate abortions in this country (no matter WHAT); because GOD is judging us for murdering babies - and apparently, not anything else. It AMAZES me how much they completely ignore trying to fix the REASONS WHY women choose abortion & attempting to address those issues. It should also be noted that CHRISTIAN WOMEN are the ones who acquire the MOST abortions in this country (search for my hub question titled, Why do Christian women utilize the 'sin' of abortion the most). There are statistics.

      4) They are so damn scared of HELPING each other out through what they consider to be 'socialism' - its ridiculous! What a bunch of SELFISH, UNLOVING, HATEFUL brats. Sorry, LOVE is not a word that comes to mind. Jesus Christ was at least a semi-Socialist.

      If you are a Christian, (no, don't worry if you're not a C); and HATE me for saying any of this - do a heart check - every once in a while it does WONDERS. I know, because I am someone who managed to realize how mind-controlling that religion IS and squirmed my way OUT. Christians have absolutely NO IDEA what it means to actually be FREE - although they sure believe they are. Its HARD to admit that the big eye controls YOU.

      Our deep divisions are as profitable as any war; and are very possibly perpetuated intentionally. It is always the SAME government in that office - just varying shades of who cares about the people who live here. The chasm that exists through both America & The World is a lot more simple than most people realize. Christians & ex-Christians Prove God Exists by Debunking Salvation: Science & Spirituality Reveal the Real Jesus Christ http://hub.me/akagx
















      1. jo miller profile image93
        jo millerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I think you know the wrong Christians.  I'm a white Christian woman and I've voted Democratic since 1964, the year the Civil Rights bill was passed.   Evangelical, Franklin Graham Christian are not the norm, though they are the loudest.  I've never attended a church where my pastor told me how to vote, and I've attended all my life.

        1. Misfit Chick profile image76
          Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Like I've said, I'm well-aware that there are MANY people who voted for what they believe are completely logical reasons - and have absolutely no intention of admitting that there is anything at all wrong with the way the GOP has obviously manipulated this election. ONLY liberal elitists (which, I am somehow thrown in with) would DO that. This is the problem... most of us understand that white evangelical Christians (especially women) CAN'T vote for the othe side because of their beliefs about abortion. If you're so dang smart, you should know better; and NOT be able to scroll past this list of incriminating Trump photo-crap quite so easily.


          1. dianetrotter profile image60
            dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Misfit, you are being disrespectful to Jo.

            Analogy - We often see incidences of Black people who have commited crime on television.  That does not mean that all Black people or even a high percentage commit crimes.

            We know David Duke is a Klan member.  That doesn't mean all white people are in the klan.

            There are Christians that supported Trump.  Thata doesn't mean all Christians supported Trump...certainly not the pastors at my church with more than 6000 members.

            I saw a poster on Facebook that said, "You cannot be a Christian if you are not a Republican."  That statement is ludicrous.

            I think you have a bad experience that underlies what you are saying.  Stereotypes about any group is not acceptable.

            1. Misfit Chick profile image76
              Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Do you really think you're telling me something I haven't heard, yet? Disrespect, anger and flat-out MEANNESS seems to be the only thing Trump supporters respond to; and we've learned HOW to be mean from them, also. They're RIGHT! Its an incredibly useful & cathardic venting tool!!

              There is a reason why EVERY Christian should be taking a HARD look at themselves; PLUS I've already stated that I am WELL-AWARE that not every Christian voted for Trump - and that not every single one is racist & misogynistic for voting for him.

              It is the fact that they DIDN'T 'all vote mostly the same way' that is getting white Christians, especially, into hot water. I have a collection of very poignant links that Christians wrote for each other; but obviously they haven't read them. Perhaps I'll post that long list, next.

              In this response to Jo, I said: "If you're so dang smart, you should know better; and NOT be able to scroll past this list of incriminating Trump photo-crap quite so easily."

              In combination with: "You cannot be a Christian if you are not a Republican."

              Are pretty much proof of this stuff that I will repost again so that it is handy:

              1) WHY did so many people vote the way they did (ie. white - especially Christian - women & men vs other races?). Christian men have an easier time blending in with all the rest of the angry white men who voted; while the split among women is much more evident. Again, why do white Christian women vote so differently than Christian women from other races who have every reason to be at least as angry? The same question goes to white Christian men.

              2) White Christians, in particular, vote only the way Republicans and/or their Preachers TELL them to (Franklin Graham!) - like, KEEP voting for GOP's rich WHITE conservatives because THEY have the money to let us work menial jobs beneath them so they can pay us peanuts; and their money can 'trickle down' to us humble folks. (Jesus doesn't want anyone to have any money anyway, right?)

              3) Vote FOR wars because we all know that whomever we are fighting are NOT Christians; and therefore we are 'on the side of God' when we go to war. Those heathens NEED to either accept JC as their savior and DO WHAT WE WANT THEM TO DO - or DIE. Its unfortunate, but NOT OUR FAULT that they will go to hell.

              4) Vote FOR anyone who is Pro-Life in order to eliminate abortions in this country (no matter WHAT); because GOD is judging us for murdering babies (but apparently not for anything else). It AMAZES me how much they completely ignore trying to fix the REASONS WHY women choose abortion & attempting to fix those issues. It should also be noted that CHRISTIAN WOMEN are the ones who acquire the MOST abortions in this country (search for my hub question titled, Why do Christian women utilize the 'sin' of abortion the most). There are statistics.

              5) They are so damn scared of HELPING each other out through what they consider to be 'socialism' - its ridiculous! What a bunch of SELFISH, UNLOVING, HATEFUL brats. Sorry, LOVE is not a word that comes to mind. Jesus Christ was at least a semi-Socialist.

              6) THE APOCALYPSE IS COMING - FOR TWO MILLENIA, CENTURIES & DECADES, NOW!!! Every Democrate is an actual (literal) demon; so you damn well had BETTER vote Republican!!! I'm still waiting for a response from all the preppers who were so sure that Obama was the anti-christ!!

              These are the reasons why most white Christians voted for Trump. As I've said, we're still waiting to hear from them regarding WHY white Christians vote so VERY much DIFFERENTLY than their Christian counterparts of other races. Its HARD to admit that the big eye controls YOU.

              Republicans intentionally manipulate white Christian every election - or at least, they try to. We really didn't think it was possible for them to be so directly manipulated like they were:

              Trump: "If the election were based on total popular vote I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily."

              Translation: by concentrating my efforts in the red, fanatically-evangelical Christian states; I WON the electorial vote of this election by manipulating their Christian fears like one of God's angels with a harp! I was IRRESISTABLE!

              The reason is as OBVIOUS to us WHY Trump was speaking to the people he was; the WAY he was; and WHERE he was for two years - as it was when McCain chose Sarah Palin as his VP - to incite & manipulate the hearts & minds of WHITE religious conservatives whom they consider to be their most ardent supporters. For this reason, there will be NO PEACE until we start hearing something from him aside from the SAME hate, division & spitefulness that he used to get into that office.









              1. dianetrotter profile image60
                dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                You seem very angry.  That type of stress will shorten your life.  I wish I could figure out the why's and how's of many things but I can't. 

                I am a Christian and wish there were some way I could help you deal with the pain.  Over time I have dealt with hatred, jealousy, discrimination and humiliation.  My relationship with Jesus Christ helped me to grow strong.  You know that you have the victory when, after being tried in the fire, you are able to emerge with the peace of God.

                I will pray for you.

                1. Misfit Chick profile image76
                  Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  I don't need your prayers, keep 'em. With your attitude, they would do far more harm than good. If you want to help, stop treating me and people like me with your righteous condemnation. My issue isn't the fact that racism, misogyny & ignorance exist in this country - that part is normal. Its how pathetic your excuses are either for yourself or these people. I don't know which it is for sure, and I don't care.

                  I've been a fanatical Christian in the past, I know why these people are thinking they way they are AND why they voted the way they did. LOOK at my pic, I'm a middle-aged WHITE girl from the midwest - transplanted to Seattle. If it seems as if I am not nearly as angry at all the irresponsible, reckless, SPITEFUL liberals (not just white ones) who voted Trump because of their own controversial issues - my apologies. To be sure, I'm just as angry with know-it-all atheists and many other 'groups' who consider themselves to be so damn brilliant.



                  1. dianetrotter profile image60
                    dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Can you give us some suggestion as to how to move forward.  Nothing wrong with giving past as a foundation; however, I am interested in your solutions.

            2. jo miller profile image93
              jo millerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Dianne, don't worry about me.  I don't bully easily, but I also don't get in to those circular, insulting discussions that don't advance the ideas but dig the ruts deeper.  You know, 'when they go low.'

              1. dianetrotter profile image60
                dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                We go ^!

                I had surgery on one hand and a cortisone shot in the other yesterday.  I'm not able to post much right now.  I am reading though!

                Good for you!

      2. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
        Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Your words and images are banned from my consciousness.

        1. Misfit Chick profile image76
          Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          This stuff was obviously banned from your consciousness a while ago. But, you're right - there doesn't seem to be much point in talking to know-it-alls like you. I think I've practiced my pitch long enough. Thanks for giving me absolutely no reason to give a sh*t about the opinions of your braintrust.

          If anyone happens to be watching any protests in Seattle in the future - possibly Inaguration Day - that's where I'll be, with the protestors, spreading my ridiculous, outrageous idealogy. Plus, I am well-aware that this is a spiritual war, not a physical one. My spotlight article is going to be plastered everywhere we can find to post it.

          If the GOP wants to continue manipulating people's minds the way they do, then its time for the reality of religions to come into the light and be revealed. They no longer do us any good.




          1. Live to Learn profile image61
            Live to Learnposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I have to say you appear to be less open minded than about 99.9% of the hubbers here. Your constant barrage of belittling comments and hate filled rhetoric leaves most in the same position you are toward Kathryn. Not interested in bothering to attempt to interact with you.

            People come to their opinions over the years because of their interactions with others. An open minded person, whose only interaction in a political discussion with you would leave them with a bitter taste in their mouth toward liberals. You make liberals appear low browed and incapable of any semblance of culture. You do your cause a grave disservice, in my opinion.

      3. dianetrotter profile image60
        dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Wow!  Did you leave anything out?

        I am a Christian.  I hope I am not brow beating anyone.  If you think so, let me know.

        1. Misfit Chick profile image76
          Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Actually, I have missed a few things... Just making sure everyone understands my full position before the fur starts flying, more. smile

  5. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    When Trump speaks about whites he is careful not to offend them except personally individual whites.

    What Religion besides Zionist dose Trump not offend. Plus what race besides whites has Trump not offended. US NATO dose this strategy all the time get cultures or countries to fight each other, then take the money and run. Or US comes in to crush the rest when they are too weak to fight anymore.

    Black votes were lowest For Trump, maybe because he says things like black are responsible for 81% of white homicides.

    Or how about 1000s of Muslims were celebrating on the street near the Twin Tower when it collapsed. He saw it with his own eyes from his Trump tower building also saw it on TV. Which both are proven false. Then Bragg's on how his Trump building is the tallest in NY now that twin towers are gone.

    Then blames it on Bin Ladin in which ladin claims he did not. Zionist have the great passion for Islamic terrorist yet too afraid to expose themsevles as Zionist.

    1. Live to Learn profile image61
      Live to Learnposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Trump brags about having the tallest building now?

      There's a conspiracy theory for the left to grab on to. MaybeTrump was behind 9/11.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Rockefeller and Rothschild would be top suspect for 9/11 along with 3 world wars. Many Americans are claiming this 11/9 will be worst than 9/11.

        Rothschild help Trump out from a bankruptcy 30 years ago and has had him under their wing for a purpose. I think Putin has now become the wild card.

  6. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
    Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years ago

    the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

    who feels superior and who feels inferior is not specified in this definition.

      In which case, minorities can be racist, as racism has nothing to do with the AMOUNT of people who have certain/shared genetic characteristics.

  7. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    We can always count on one thing liberal -
    - If there is one bad cop - all cops are evil
    -If it's one bad soldier -all soldiers are mass  killers
    -One hamburger with a finger in it -all burgers are  polluted
    -One clan association in the bunch  all of them are racist
    Sensationalism besides  fantasy, is the  main ingredient to the pseudo intellectual activist, without it , the cause is completely lost .

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
      Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      <One hamburger with a finger in it -all burgers are polluted.>
      yikes No wonder I don't touch hamburgers ... ever.
      Yes, you are right, ahorseback. Just because a couple of cops hoped up on coke mistreated me, doesn't mean all of them will.
      Just because one president raped women under the influence of Coke doesn't mean all presidents will.
      But what about the ones who do get hopped up on coke, power, greed, lust?
      What about the human propensity toward greed and power?  It comes down to human nature. We just like the rush of power and getting it all/ breaking the law and moral laws in the process, caring not for consequences. Some get away with more than others. Some have no soul.
      Some do.
      Getting Soul.
      That's the only solution.
      And it can't be forced.

    2. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this


      There are many Americans who support tyranny and police brutality that are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Anyone entrusted with the power given to police officers must necessarily be held to a higher standard. A farmer having a few shots of whiskey and smoking a joint at lunch time, and then going out in the barn to shovel manure is of no great concern. Especially if when he is done shoveling manure he walks back to the farm house, eats a hot meal , and starts making more babies.

      But an airline pilot who has the same for lunch is of the greatest concern. His job responsibilities are far greater than the farmers. The lives of hundreds of people are in his hands. There are many occupations that require a higher standard. Law Enforcement is one of them.But the Police are essentially above the law. They are answerable only to themselves. Their powers are far to great and must be limited. They must be brought to heel and treated like public servants, not overlords and highway men who can have their way with any citizen. For instance, there are many women who have been raped by cops. And I suggest that there are many sexual assaults that go unreported because the women are afraid to come forward.

      I am also sick and tired of hearing these liars and cowards saying they killed an unarmed person because they "feared for their life". First of all, if a majority did not mistreat and disrespect the public, and help the government extort money from the citizens, then they would not be hated by so many people. And let's not forget that a majority of the white cops killed are killed by white people. They are despised even by their own kind! And you will find that many of those killed are dirty, and involved in drug trafficking, prostitution, or some other illegal activity.

      Furthermore, I have yet to hear a Fireman say he refused to go into a burning building to save a child because he "feared for his life".  I respect Fireman because overall they respect people, and put their lives on the line every time they go out on a call.  But I have no respect at all for donut eaters who extort money, and who mistreat and murder people with impunity. If a police department of 50 men has only one bad apple, that is one too many. And if that bad apple is allowed to operate for years with impunity, then we can only understand that those officers who look the other way are enabling the bad apple. Thus they are just as bad. And just as the image I posted earlier states:

      1. A Cop's job is to enforce the laws. All of them.
      2. Many of the laws are manifestly unjust, and some are even cruel and wicked.
      3.Therefore every Cop has agreed to act as an enforcer for laws that are manifestly unjust,or even cruel and wicked.

      Thus there are no good Cops.

      1. Say Yes To Life profile image81
        Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        My understanding is that you can tell how corrupt a police force is by the crime rate of a particular city.  The higher the crime rate, the more corrupt the police force.  Apparently, Oakland has had a corrupt police force for half a century, and it's getting worse.  This year, they fired the Chief of Police because he was involved in prostitution.  They hired someone else, but he quit after a few days; same with the person who followed him.  Last I heard, Oakland does not have a Chief of Police.

        Growing up in Oakland, my experience with the police is that they are indifferent.  I never heard of any instances of police brutality.  It happens on occasion now, but still black men - unarmed or otherwise - are far more likely to be attacked by other black men than by the police.

        I'm SO GLAD my brother and I am no longer there!!!

      2. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
        Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I disagree. You are trying to find good excuses for Disappearing the current society and political system.
        Try as you may you are not going to Disappear it. Nor should you because there is great good in our society, way of life and system of government. Too bad you were indoctrinated by your parents with negativity and a sense that all should come crashing down. That all is smoke and mirrors. That there is NO GOOD anywhere, except in your pants, (as you often mention,) until everything brought to this continent by the European White race is Disappeared …
        Good Luck.
        You need it.

        1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
          wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this


          The  Death of Capitalism: A Great Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth

          Kathryn, First of all, this conversation is between me and you. My parents were honorable people who refused to bow down to a racist system. If they would have turned the other cheek instead of arming themselves with a shotgun and a rifle, the evil racists would have ran them off of their farm! You know nothing of my family. You did not know that when my father died there were as many whites at his funeral as there were Indigenous or African people. You also did not know that local Law Enforcement looked the other way when my parents took up arms and declared war on the white racists. That is because although he  did not want to offend the racists, the Sheriff also did not agree with their evil tactics. And so his attitude was to let it play out one way or another. And of course, the cowards soon backed down once the shooting started. If local Law Enforcement had been in league with the racists, my parents could not have defeated them.

          You like many others here have consistently confused the issue to fit your narrative. I am sure there are those who do this on purpose. My perspective is not an indictment of the white race. I am as white as I am Indigenous. It is not possible for a man to be racist, or even bigoted against himself. There are many whites and mixed race people who are against the Police State, the evil of Capitalism, and the Imperialist, and racist nature of the United States. This is more a matter of good versus evil, as opposed to simply a matter of race. Furthermore, concerning racism, it is more of my responsibility to speak out and destroy this evil than it is for a black man or a full blood Indigenous. Why? Because my evil white ancestors caused this problem in the first place. If a man makes a mess on someone else's floor he is bound to clean it up. It is not the greater responsibility of those who have been offended to clean up the mess created by my European ancestors! I am ashamed of what has happened here, and what continues to happen. There is nothing to be proud of.

          This is a positive and proper attitude that more mixed race and white people need to adopt. It is a great deception that we are not responsible for the past. But as a witness before God and man I tell you that we are as responsible for the past as we are for the present and the future. And that is because it is all connected. The past, just like the future, is not set in stone. There is much confusion in the world today because the people have turned against God. Because of human arrogance, and the manipulation by evil entities, the people have instead come to rely on an imperfect and primitive science to provide them with answers and solutions. But in turning away from God they have turned against themselves.

          However, it is interesting to witness the excuses delivered on behalf of a corrupt and decadent society. If you are truly a member of the working class, then you have also been misused, exploited, dishonored, and cheated by this evil system. And so, rather than being your enemy, I am your champion on a white horse bringing a basket full of roses, and I have come to avenge you, and to restore your honor.

          America has always only benefited the very rich and powerful, regardless of race. Any gain, freedom, or privilege that you enjoy is only a fraction of what has been stolen from you by your overlords. The concept of "Real Estate" is a perfect example of how the most perverse evil can be laid out in front of the masses, and over the period of just a few hundred years be accepted as the norm. In fact, many Americans cannot envision a world without Real Estate. God created the Earth as a habitat for all of the creatures that have been seeded here in the Earth. A man has no right to claim for himself more than what he needs to survive and to prosper. But men, exercising their free will, have ignored the natural law of God in favor of laws they have created for themselves. They have created their own laws to justify greed, theft, murder, and slavery. Yes Kathryn, this world as you know it is coming to an end, and on that day there will be a great weeping and gnashing of teeth among the greedy and the very rich. But the rest of the world will rejoice.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
            Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I was probably an indian in my last life. I would not care that I was mistakenly called an Indian by those guys. Who cares. I know I had a good life in my last life as an Indian tom-boy maiden, swimming, riding horses, hunting, cooking, lounging by streams and gathering wild carrots. And I miss those days in this life. I have lamented in this life that we are not in touch with Great Spirit and we are rude to nature. The whites were barbaric compared to us Indians. There was more innocent joy, power and excitement in being tuned into the plants, the animals, the elements of weather, the cyclical events of the seasons, stars, moon and sun. Now we understand and are in touch with very little. So, If you could clear out the craziness and confusion caused by our overly complicated ways and restore the innocent joy, power and awe of life I felt in my last life, I would be ever so grateful.
            but, I don't get how the heck you see it happening!

            1. Say Yes To Life profile image81
              Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              I may have been a Native American in a past life, too!  If these were pre Columbian times, I would LOVE to have lived in the Pacific Northwest!

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Well, when I was a child,  four of my friends play cowboys and Indians. Four of them chooses to be cowboys and I picked Indians.
                Still today today I stand by the truth warriors of the idigenious our true Savior of diversity natural environment, since we are biologically organisms first.

              2. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
                Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                not me. I would like to have been right where I am now. (So Cal) Only more near the coast. Like within walking distance. When my daughter and I visited Long Island recently we came across an Indian nation: The Shinnecock Indian Reservation. Later in the evening, we went to a fair down the road where many Indigenous teens were having fun. I asked one of the youths how he won the stuffed Pooh Bear he was carrying around. He told me which booth and how to play to win the bear … And I did! Later in the evening he came up to my daughter and I and said he would like us to have his bear. (He handed it to my daughter of course.) I was quite touched by this sensitive kindness. She let me keep it. I will always treasure both Pooh Bears very much.

      3. dianetrotter profile image60
        dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I love your analogies.  That fireman thing is right on!

      4. dianetrotter profile image60
        dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        If you have a barrel of apples and one if rotten.  Why do you take it out?
        Think of crabs in a barrel.  They keep pulling each other down.  (requires a little more introspection)
        You prune trees and plants so they will grow.

        Maybe that helps when dealing with one/two bad officers in a force of 500 goods ones.  When you recognize a dying leaf, you take it out.  The officer that killed Tamir Rice had been fired from another city and they recommended that he not be hired.  How did their advice go unheeded?

    3. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      stereotyping (of any kind) is the main culprit that keeps any conversation from being productive.

  8. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    Part time I do security supervisor. Reason why is because between Governments and laws enforcement, they have by far created more harm and screwed me more than anyone.

    I have reported over years about 50 causes of mostly grand theift and some murderer's. Yet not one got solved from tbe world famous Royal Mounty Police.

    I firmly believes the justice system create criminals for profit. Mostly policing for profit by spending vast majority of time patrolling pot posseion and traffic violators. If they spent the same amount of time on investigating murderer and theift they actually be doing their job, rather than being worst than the criminals.

  9. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    Cops are rapist and murderer and I assume some are good people.  (Kidding)

    There are cops that are good people, it is their systems that is very corrupted and criminal.

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
      Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      They protect the good from the bad.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Yaaahhh ..rrrightt..

  10. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    Reality check ;

    The native-isation is a dream we all have had at  one time or another but -we cannot be children again .  THAT is reality .  Many chose not to live completely in reality but  adorn themselves in the Hollywood version of  fair maidens and Squanto  the magic man wannabe's.     Lets get real  people  if  your imagination at midnight is playing tricks on you again .  All one has to do is walk out on your streets again  and listen to the nighttime  traffic , America is not now nor will ever return to the days of the great garden of imaginative utopia  ,   Cartoon caricatures aren't real  ,  I suggest to you  semi- pro historical re-enacting  ...........That's the closest you'll get to all "that which once was "  , sorry .    I am a realist , if nothing and more    ,  I grew up on the street , in the reality of poverty , in the indignation of present day America , the one that you created and you and you and you  .........

    There is only today ,   there is only reality ,  no yesterday and  no " That which once  was  before white man "  ,   We all have to live with our DNA  12.5 % central African , 8  % native American  , 28 % north -western European  and the whatever remains of  today are  ,As to  the blame for your reality , --- When  It just becomes   easier   to point your finger at  whatever fancies your "blame game " and rant about the life you should have had , you lose !

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      From a person who dreams for a living I would disagree. The more you dream, the less you believe. When You loose your dreams you can loose your mind and your our universe cease to exist. Everything you have achieved in life was all once imagined.

  11. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
    Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years ago

    "The Shinnecock Indian Reservation is a self-governing reservation. By 1859, the current borders of 800 acres (3.2 km2) were established.
         The Shinnecock Indian Nation is a federally recognized tribe of historically Algonquian-speaking Native Americans based at the eastern end of Long Island, New York. This tribe is headquartered in Suffolk County, on the southeastern shore. Since the mid-19th century, the tribe's landbase is the Shinnecock Reservation within the geographic boundaries of the Town of Southampton. They are descended from the historic Pequot and Narragansett peoples of southern New England, whose bands also occupied eastern Long Island.
          The Shinnecock were recognized by the United States government in October 2010 after a more than 30 year effort, which included suing the Department of Interior. The Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs, George T. Skibine issued the final determination of the tribe's recognized status on June 13, 2010. The first Secretary of the Interior to visit the Shinnecock Indian Reservation was Sally Jewell, who visited in 2015. She was joined by Kevin K. Washburn, the Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs. One of the purposes of the visit was to highlight renewable energy initiatives.
         In 1972 the Shinnecock Native American Cultural Coalition (SNACC) was formed to establish a Native American arts and crafts program. Traditional dancing, beadwork, Native American crafts and music are studied. A group called The Youngblood Singers was formed. Dedicated to learning traditional Algonquian songs, chants, and drum rituals, they travel throughout the Northeast performing at powwows and drum contests. The Cultural Enrichment Program is a sharing and learning process that the community has engaged in to ensure that the ideals and traditions of their ancestors are passed down through the generations. It involves sharing knowledge of food, clothing, arts, crafts, dance, ceremonies, and language."
    FROM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinnecock_Indian_Nation

  12. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    Zionist Jew own media and entertainment industry so they inject their opinion and bias into the shaping and America into any way they like with their propaganda machine.

    Personally I live outside the box and then most often look in unttached to view how really sick our systems really is.

    Basically the people are good. When I see the conflicts of race and equality riots, I know propaganda systems plans are at work at divide and conquer then to weaken and kill on every level of our lives. Most part Zionist are in control of our lives.

    The Zionist agenda is to put to death 2/3 of the world's population, then the Zionist world order aim is to totally enslave us as they delustion themselves they another higher intelligence species and the rest of us are just wild beast upon the earth all the serve them. I don't except this living lie and it's hypnotized method on me. I am moving to a place where people Govern themselves and live healthier lives. In order to strengthen myself then to give back a different way of thinking and healthier living in body, mind and soul. Sorry to say North America is finished,the dark empire is done it's dirty with far worse to come. Your lives will completely change soon.

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Since the sixties in America , I have never seen a group of people more biased and prejudiced than the new liberals , your  "Zionist Jews," rant , your  categorizing ,  pigeon holing and  pin-holing of all the different peoples in order to  explain the ideological  missions and agenda's of the left .. Why do liberals  invest so heavily in the differentiation of  ALL groups of peoples ?   Your sensationalizing  of all ideological differences , by such categorizing , illustrates PERFECTLY just where the left in America   comes from though ,and quite too ................. Thank you for that !. 
      "Personally , I live outside the box "..........does that make you a political exile ?    Or did you personally chose to be an ex-patriate yourself ? 

      No one really needs to concern themselves with America haters .

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Just because I disagree with your aims and solutions for America dose not make me a hater. My mind and vocabulary rejects the word hate, and every time I must return your gift to me of the word hate, to its rightful owner you, horse.

        You keep calling me a liberal too, is nonsense too.  When I'm a heavyweight to recommended in abolishing the US Federal Government that make me more conversative than you.

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          One , Maybe in your mind you reject the word  hate , but your entire history  of   forum posts shows an obvious politically motivated and very personal  hatred of America and all things America ! Two  , how exactly does conservatism   allow for the annihilation of the U.S government ?

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            One time I THOUGHT America was well put together, could not beat it. The last decade I notice much more arrogant and ignorance, it is just not normal. I don't blame so much the common America man as the Corporation franchise that play a game of chess with peoples lives.  I prefer a more effective game for all people of tit for tat. I am just a small fish like all of you swimming among sharks. The shark dose not hate me or finds I am his enemy, he just wants to eat me to survive and have babies, there is no justice in nature too. ZIONIST are the same way they think the world wants to exterminate them. To survive Zionist believe they must control the planet by new world  order to survive. Most of my life was thriving  very well, Where now, America is too busy surviving, my move is mainly for reasons for thriving again.

            1. dianetrotter profile image60
              dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              You know Russia is supposed to be the World Power talked about in Revelations.  The descriptioon of the area designates Russia's location.

      2. dianetrotter profile image60
        dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        The problem is you can't legislate "Do the right thing!"  Each group has a specific item they support and then there is an expansion of what is desired. 

        Hey, what about Donald Trump not wanting to give up his properties to be president.  He has properties all over the world and is benefitting from foreign government personnel staying at his hotel.  Ivanka is able to attend government meetings.  Very sketchy!

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          "Give up his properties " .......You Are  serious ?,Did  George Washington give up his , did  Obama or Jimmy Carter ? Why does one have to be a  nun or have a  saint  like  character to be a leader ,  He has property because he is  first , a businessman ,    he has property because he is a leader just  as Obama or Clinton has property .   Giving up property   isn't a  quality or pre-requisite of being a president .

          1. dianetrotter profile image60
            dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            The problem is the "pay for play" just as the Clintons.  When Trump has business meetings and they are at Trump properties where he charges for use of the facilities, he is profitting.  That is true for all government examples.

            Have you heard of WEP (Windfall Elimination Provision).  Government employees that get government pensions and SS are penalized by a formula that takes money from SS to make sure employees dont get a windfall.  Totally ridiculous for the average American.

            How can it be wrong for Clintons but OK for Trumps?

            1. profile image0
              ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              There is a huge difference  between " Pay for play " of the Clintons profiting  totally on  federal payroll  time than  simply owning a business  and the serving as president,  Did Jimmy Carter give up his peanut farming ?     

              Owning a business as a president =   Private profiting from state influence - Not equal at all , Diane .  There IS a large difference .

              1. dianetrotter profile image60
                dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Kickbacks are a big deal.  Perhaps you have never worked the for government or a government contractor.  We will see how this turns out.  It is really sketchy right now.

                1. profile image0
                  ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  Kickbacks  for what,   a turn around a golf course ?  A nights stay  at the Trump tower , remember when the Clintons sold  nights in the Lincoln room for profit ?   

                  Time to clean out the swamp Diane ?

                  1. dianetrotter profile image60
                    dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Wrench can probably talk about this one when he is not telling jokes!

                    Conflict Of Interest? The Indian Twist To Donald Trump Controversy

                    http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/conflict … sy-1628334

                    A Handy List of Donald Trump’s Biggest Conflicts of Interest

                    http://time.com/4578431/donald-trump-co … rest-list/

                    1.  US Properties
                    The “emoluments clause” is the only conflict of interest law that applies to the presidency. It is designed to keep foreign interests from essentially buying influence with U.S. government officials, including the president. Trump may tread on this clause literally during the first week of his presidency as foreign agents pay vast sums to stay at his hotel during inauguration week. Here’s the exact language from the “Emoluments Clause” in the Constitution: “No person holding any (U.S.) office of profit or trust…shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present…of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.”

                    2.  Foreign Interests
                    More than 100 Trump companies have done business in 18 countries. One extraordinary conflict of interest is an effort by eight mysterious Trump companies established on the eve of Trump’s campaign to develop luxury real estate projects in Saudi Arabia—a country that Trump explicitly said he hopes to protect as president.

                    The Bank of China is a lender to at least one of Trump’s properties. Representatives of his organization carry the Trump brand to dozens of other countries on a regular basis—raising the distinct possibility that Trump’s business brand will essentially be promoted right alongside the Trump White House and American national interests in many of these places.

                    3.  Family Matters

                    4.  Ongoing Legal Disputes and Union Fights

                    One potential area where conflicts of interest between Trump’s business interests and his role as president overseeing the entirety of the national government’s activities seem certain to collide are in a series of ongoing legal fights with unions—a core constituency of the Democratic Party—as well as in a handful of lawsuits involving his business deals. Trump settled his biggest, most publicized legal fight (a class action lawsuit against Trump University) recently, but more are waiting in the wings.

                    For instance, a labor dispute with the culinary workers union at the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas (where he is a co-owner) could ultimately be settled by the National Labor Relations Board. The president appoints all five members of NLRB. Lawsuits involving employees at other Trump properties are also pending.

                    5. Lending, Financial Institutions and Economic Policy

                    Finally, the Trump organization has many financial ties to lenders outside the U.S.—including Russia and China. Decisions he makes on economic policies that directly affect international financial lending institutions, interest rates and monetary policy will have a direct bearing on the hundreds of millions of dollars his organization owes to financial interests abroad. Any one of those international lending arrangements is likely to come under media scrutiny when he weighs in on decisions that will directly affect them.

                    And, in the U.S., economic and monetary policy discussions at a Trump White House will have a direct impact on federal institutions like Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service—all of which impact, audit or affect both his domestic and international business interests. The question of whether Trump is taking his own business interests into White House consideration on financial and economic policy considerations is one that critics and others are almost certain to raise repeatedly during his presidency.

                    These are 5 of many

                  2. dianetrotter profile image60
                    dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this


  13. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    Has it struck any of you that Trump is independently wealthy ?  As a matter of fact , I have heard not word one about a Trump paid presidential campaign or  One dollar a year as a presidential salary ,  and I'll bet he won't take a retirement package  that Obama will ?.........Not one word ?

    It's already been proven that the left loved Hilary and her absolute dependence on and corruption of  her  long term government income or  from pay for play ? .......nothing at all about the taker and the giver ?

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Trump is a liar who is "independently" in debt and beholding to various lenders. For example an office building in Manhattan, of which Trump is part owner, carries a $950 million loan.One of the lenders is The Bank of China and another is Goldman Sachs!

      http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/21/us/po … -debt.html

      P.S. Tell Archie and Edith I said hello!

      1. dianetrotter profile image60
        dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        and the plot thickens.

        Trump just sent a tweet saying, "People knew what he had when they voted for him."

        This is getting veeeeellly interesting!

        1. Misfit Chick profile image76
          Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Well, that's kind of the problem, isn't it? The people who voted for him KNEW what he was about and voted for him, anyway. This is why so many of us are angry. Bernie (who isn't even a Democrat - then again, Trump isn't really a Republican either, is he?) and his supporters can kiss what they perceive to be an easy win next election, GOODBYE! As an Independent, he basically chose to run under the Dem ticket to get better traction - because IF he had ran under his own party, he wouldn't have gotten NEARLY as far. If we have to deal with four years of Trump, we can deal with eight. I lived through Bush's reign, I'm sure we'll make it through Trump's. It is largely their irresponsible fault that they allowed this 'White Nationalists' movement to progress forward.

          ‘Let’s go, Democrats. I’ll kill you all.’ This is where we’re at. Have you ever thrown a pop can away instead of recycling it in front of a liberal? LoL!

          For 8 yrs, GOP made it clear that they do not respect the vote; by trying to convince everyone that Gov is bad bcuz of us EVIL ‘elitists’ (your NORMAL American neighbors) - WHILE painting themselves as ‘the abused’. They refused to work across partisan divides on budgets, immigration laws, jobs programs, climate change, tax reform, energy, etc - AND had a majority, yet Obamacare exists. Citizens became angry with a stalled country; while GOP continued to blame Obama & those who voted for him.

          Nasty women were calling Trump racist & misogynistic BEFORE the election for divisive-hype reasons. Trump needs to say & do something ELSE to unite us beyond using the SAME lame, hateful rhetoric that somehow got him there.

          Also, most men are misogynistic toward Hillary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrcQeFl76cg  Most women (except white Christians) were able to separate her from Bill’s scandals; and could see that the ones she DID participate in weren’t NEARLY as incriminating as any other male politician before her.

          Hillary worked in a male-dominated culture WHILE 'being a lady' – and failed miserably against Trump, a good ‘ol locker room pal with a hot-head, fear-mongering, cocaine-mentality and practically NO experience in politics. Plus, he obviously knows how to use his big businesses to rip people off & evade taxes.

          Misogyny is also why many Bernie voters rejected Hillary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEoWSaM61NI Its not just GOP men. This is what really sickens us women. We expect this attitude from the disoriented right-wing.

          The chasm is a lot simpler than most people realize: Christians & ex-Christians Prove God Exists by Debunking Salvation. http://hub.me/akagx There IS NO APOCALYPSE for anyone to base a vote on that next time. No more voting on fake fear.


          1. dianetrotter profile image60
            dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            This Alt Right thing is interesting to me.  They had a big meeting Saturday night, saing everything short of Hiel Hitler.

            Trump could piss the media off so much that they will do the digging they should have done 1 1/2 year  ago.

            I think he likes friction.   He sends out a dumb tweet basically saying "Screw you!"  Mike Pence then comes along and says, "Can't we all get along."  I believe Trump will be his own undoing and Pence will become president.  Tricky Dick #2!

            1. Misfit Chick profile image76
              Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              I think that is a strong possibility... I can see an inexperienced, emotionally-volitile Trump becoming overwhelmed and losing his temper in that unhelpful, offensive, insulting way that he does; and getting himself into trouble - so that he has to resign or be impeached; OR he'll just get tired of being bullied (since most bullies can't handle that) and just quit. I'm not even sure if he can do that, can he just step down voluntarily? I can see him at least thinking seriously about it. More likely in that case, he would set something up so that it LOOKS like he has been pushed out; but REALLY leaves voluntarily. He's such a coniving skunk.



              1. dianetrotter profile image60
                dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                One lady said that if Trump wins, she will likely see a presidential assassination in her lifetime.  I think feelings are just that intense.

                1. Credence2 profile image78
                  Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  We don't need to go about things in that way. That would make him some sort of martyr and that is what we don't need. You can dispense with any man, but a martyr is immortal. I can't visualize the image of his mug on any of our currency.

                  1. dianetrotter profile image60
                    dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Perish the thought.  It is so weird to have a president-elect that is getting negative coverage on all news and social media ... other than Fox.

                    Feelings are very emotional and people have been physically demonstrated their anger, frustration, evil, and other emotions.

                    We don't want it to happen and I hope it doesn't happen.  He is so cavalier about his movements and doesn't realize how much has to be spent on security for his wife and child to live in one place and him to bounce around.  Not only is he at risk but also his wife and child. 

                    I loved how bored Barron looked when Trump was doing his acceptance speech.

  14. colorfulone profile image77
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    Diane, I came across this video on Facebook and hope that you will watch it. It exposes the power of academia brainwashing. And then, watch black people respond to the liberal propaganda.

    https://www.facebook.com/DennisPrager/v … 955421998/

    The ignorant white young people seem to think blacks are ignorant of how to use the internet, of being able to find a DMV and don't have access to ID's...and the whites think we should not have ID's to vote to make it easier for blacks to vote .  I hadn't witnessed this dumbing down  before.   
    Those poor white kids, lol, racist much? 
    They really are ignorant... Wow!
    Ignorant white millennials.
    This is beyond ridiculous.
    Sorry its happening!

  15. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
    Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years ago

    < Letting someone beat you down and throw you in jail is not the way to win a war.>

    what war?
    if there is a war who started it and why did they start it?

    "The pipeline is opposed by virtually all major environmental groups, who compare the project to the Keystone Pipeline — which was ultimately stopped by President Obama last year. Democratic members of Congress have also urged the president to halt the project."

    I suppose we could all be happy in Tee Pees, right?
    Bah humbug on progress.

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
      Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      According to wrenchBiscuit we must: "boycott the status quo" and "regain power over our own lives" by "weaning ourselves from these three (five) things":

      I. Fossil fuels:
             A. Do not drive cars:
                 a. Cause oil companies to lose millions in revenue.
      *II. Police Departments
             A. Reduce traffic violations and traffic fines / revenue to police departments.
             B. Do not donate to police and sheriffs departments / revenue to police departments.
      III. Supermarkets:
             A. Put large supermarkets out of business by growing food.
             B. Refuse to shop at large supermarkets.
      IV. Get off the grid (so the "state will no longer be able to extort money for power.")
            *A. Install solar-panels.
            *B. Install windmills.
            *C. Use fireplaces and wood-burning-stoves.
      http://www.offthegridnews.com/how-to-2/ … ng-stoves/
      *V. Banks
            *A. Use cash only.
      http://www.offthegridnews.com/current-e … -all-cash/

      smile I am very impressed. Finally, an alternative suggestion for us, wrenchBiscuit's curious readers, to consider.

      (* KLH added)

  16. Rebal Boy Shojib profile image58
    Rebal Boy Shojibposted 7 years ago

    that's really true

  17. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    In Toronto Canada, in a bar here there is very little race issues and mixing of race is healthy.
    I went into a black bar in Detroit and it was a whole different world. Had all these white eyes starring at me, not one other white person there. A black women came up to me and ask me to dance. I love dancing and we had a great time, still all these white eyes glued on me.

    Sat down and starting talking to some black guys at our table. It was like they had never really talked to white guys before. Why do whitety do this?, why do whitety do that?

    At a another table some other blacks guy were talking about movie toughest white guys, like Clint Eastwood and Al Pacino. Then a bar tender came up to me and said, you better leave now, so I did.

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Does that tell you anything at all about racism in America - Besides all the blame to the "whitey" dude ?

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I have had more women of colour girlfriends than white ones. My girlfriends families are more excepting of me than my family with them.

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          And that all means ?  Proof that you are not a racist or what?, You sound like a bragging womanizer  ?
          Are you sure you don't really like Trump ?

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I am color blind from travelling and worship women along with the Sun. A womanizer would not respect women. I do respect all women and all men, people in general. Don't believe any one Religion or any one world  Government fairytale will ever come true. Do believe one ultimately loving couple fairytale can and will come true for me.

            Trump rates the Lady Statue of Liberty a 4 or 5 and if he tears her down. He will rip out the hearts and spirits of Americans that has been established for 130 years.  Rosie and Trump should have a pro wrestling match up to sort things out. Along with several other women he has offended..

            1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
              Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              <He will rip out the hearts and spirits of Americans that has been established for 130 years.>
              Why do you think so?

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                I've traveled in US for 55 years and to every state except Alaska. Never seen America so divided in my life, separate every groups from their ultimate love ones or thing except Christians males predominately. Latinos separated from their family and Muslims.

                Separating  Countries from trade and working in the US. I have won more world and international sandsculpture championship than any on this planet. I keep getting refused at the boarder from competition where some my best friend and family live in the US just because I disapprove of war. Most America disapprove of war, one American Marine set fire to his passport 3 times and hassle for living in other countries.

                Every top artist in America is hassled on how they do their art process. After America have murdered on this Israel project about 6 or 7 million Muslims and costing more the second war world, we have already entered into the third world war. Even the Pope scolded Bush for stealing and destroying all historical artifact and documents in the Muslim country more concerned than the Muslims people murdered.
                Now the new Pope scolded Trump for building walls not Bridges in relationship and told him he is not a Christian. You would think he would loose the Christain vote, maybe many Americans are not Christians.

                Now the wars are shifting to America a ground zero, it start with Trump's civil unrest, badges and banning  Muslims. US Governments selling off their public service buildings and other assets so they can borrow more trillions foreign debt.

                Congress vote to tear down statue of Liberty then Trump insulted her less than a dog. After these owners of this Country attack everyone and everything sacred love even your Bible and Jesus is hated by these Satanist Zionist more than anything. Even I think there is some good in Jesus helping the poor and sick yet Zionist Trump will destroy these kinds of people first.

                1. dianetrotter profile image60
                  dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  Castle, God has nothing to do with many of the things so called "Christians" are doing.  Those acts are stenches to his nose.  The Pope has no corner on holiness.  He is a mere man.

                  People invoke Christianity to try to gain legitimacy with Christians.  So there are two groups of people playing to each other:  a)  Those who pretend to be Christians for legitimacy and b) Those who try to justify their acts by saying they are Christians.

                  There will be great condemnation for those who cause others to turn away from Christianity by their behaviior.

                  God knows His own.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    I get mixing of race and cultures, sharing and love. I except all Religions, yet many religious persons do not except me or other religions or even other Christians dominations.

                    This greatest conflicts along with no rhythm or reason is one world Religion. Imagine a billion people in hell wandering why they are not in Heaven, then Satan announced the correct answer to heaven was Mormons, sorry folks need to torture all of you forever. Why? because God knows his own and he loves you all.

                    If people can't not figure out why the two of the largest groups in the world like Muslim and Christians must go to war. I will be hidden in a jungle while you all fight it out for the answer.

                    I just add one commandment to each of my Christian girlfriends. Thou shal keep thy Religion to thy self, that drive them madd. Because you can't put them in a round world and ask them to preach in a couner, they rather dump the unsaveable me.

                    Some Christians like you do except me. Yet to save the world from one world order and one world Religion that solves nothing.

          2. dianetrotter profile image60
            dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            How about "All Black people are not racists."  From the sounds of the bar, he was also in a Black neighborhood.  There are many inner city people who have not been outside a 1/2 mile radius of their homes.  There are many kids in Los Angeles who have never seen the beech.

            Many people are curious.  Often white girls would ask me things about Black girls' hair.  My sister said she roomed with 3 white girls at University of Arkansas.  They were amazed to see what happened to her hair when she washed it.

            When I came to California, I was use to calling Japanese people "Japs"  Without anyone telling me, I realized that that was a racist remarks.

            As we expand our environment, we expand our knowledge.  I'm sure many white peole thing all Black people are uneducated and on welfare...even though there are professional Black people on television, in work places, on social media, etc.

            Stereotypes should be busted through education, curiosity and willingness to accept something other than what one has always thought.

    2. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Wow!  It sounded like some person might have been a problem.  The bar tender may have been trying to protect you.  I would get advice before going into unknown territory.

      In 1968 or 70 I went to a shopping center in North Little Rock.  I was the only person in the entire shopping center.  I was use to that from high school and college.  I was often the only Black person in a class.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Been to places around the world in the early 70s where small towns had never seen white people before. One town invited us 4 white folks to a wedding in the jungle in northern Indonesia. Some natives freaked and climbed trees to get away from us, other were touching us like we were Aliens or a circus freaks. I got out my shaving foam and strayed white foam onto my hand. The whole crowd went wild with WOW. Some ladies thought that is how we became white, by white magic.

        1. dianetrotter profile image60
          dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Ignorance fills in the blanks.  When we know better, we should do better, act better and think better about others.  Stereotypes carry the baggage of fear and hate.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Work locally, think Globally. Then small groups like small Governments actually have higher energy for the people. Largest groups get too crowded like rats and lower energy from  overall observation.

            1. dianetrotter profile image60
              dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this


  18. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    Is racism  only hate , resentment and anger in the soul  as we know it ? . In this post You do well showing both sides of this sin  , Thank you for that  !       The only thing worse than the perpetrators of such bias' are those who defend or  excuse it from either direction and in any way .  How horribly cruel can people be ?

    1. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      For there to be some break through, we must be honest and put all the cards on the table.

      Thank you ahorse!

    2. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It appears that there are respondents here who , if they are not politicians, have surely missed their calling.

  19. profile image52
    Khalnizarposted 7 years ago


    1. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Did you finish your post?

  20. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    I can not imagine running out of idea to kill someone in my lifetime.

    A violent time in history the McCoy's, they believe in an eye for an eye in which you makes the whole world blind. I bet Jesus would disapprove even at this level.

    Then next

    What do you call 100s perhaps 1000s of muslim children killed for each American troop soldier on their soil and in their homes and in their mosques.

    All wars are unjust and solve nothing. Even the bible would have disapproval the conditions for every war fought.

    1. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Jesus would approve of all wars. He took the sins of man to the cross and shed blood to satisfy the penalty.  The problem goes back to what I continually say, "It is a heart issue."

      The US has been involved in wars on other shores because of the ally relationship has with those countries.  Many say it is oil or something else.  I don't know.

      Where other countries have asked the US to help them, what would it say the US to turn its back.  I see all the pics and videos of the kids suffering in Syria.  It's sad to see all of those children and people who have nothing to do with war die senselessly.  People really oversimplify when they say the US shouldn't be there.

      Muslim terrorist want us to be involved.  That is why they have loan wolves or others to do terrorist acts in the US.  What about the terrorist acts in Europe?  I don't know if you call them zealots but the bottom line is power.  Those who get indoctrinated - I can't understand it.

      If everyone were to love God and other people, none of this would happen.  Anyone who says he/she is doing it for God is lying.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        More people are killed in wars in the name of God then for any other reason.

        I don't usually defend Jesus because Religion separates people more than anything. From what I have read Jesus as an example of spiritual and intelligence character. When he was slapped he turn the other cheek.

        Jesus one time asked one of his men's to cut off an ear of one of his enemies, then Jesus put the man's ear back on and heal it. The only time Jesus got angry was over the money changers.

        At no time did Jesus or his men's were ordered to kill anyone. If Christians aim is to be Christ like. Then they go out and support or kill Muslims children, they are not Christians and complete hypocrites.

        Many of those attack in Europe or 9/11 were set up false flags to create war. There is always killers you can hire that have nothing to do with Islamics. I know from travelling most of the Middle east, they really are more peaceful about war than Christians are. Yes, there is always a bad apple in every bunch, but I think they do a great job of getting rid of that bad apple when they find it. I am not Religious at all, just call fair is fair.

  21. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    And at what point does race discussion become race baiting ?

    One has to wonder how long we can  keep the rhetoric of racism alive , because at a certain point , that's all that remains is the  issue of racism , the evil of rhetoric .     Do you not believe that racism lives on both sides and ALL sides of the color spectrum ?   If NOT , you are then blind and insensitive.
    There are labels everywhere we look and listen ; funny we have not seen these here ?
    "whitey "
    "cracker "
    "honkey "
    'white bread "
    "ditchpig "
    Is  the  issue of racism  only important in the victimization factor ? Maybe it's the decency of  most ethnicities  that will keep the most deplorable  examples of humanity in the dark where they belong , letting that evil die away unsatisfied?

    1. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Derogatory terms about ethnic groups (any group) are unacceptable and should not be used.

      ahorse, "Ditchpig?"  Is that something new or old?  "white bread?"
      I am familiar with the other three.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        You forgot whitetrash,
        Now I"m really offended, going to call up the police and press.

        Now who and what number do I call?

        1. Credence2 profile image78
          Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

          The old timers use to say

          Peck a Wood, or Mista Charlie.....

          1. dianetrotter profile image60
            dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I remember both of those.

        2. dianetrotter profile image60
          dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          The culture these days make it difficult because some people make up their own rules.  I like Duck Dynasty.  The call themselves "rednecks."  It seems they are proud to say that.  I don't really know what redneck means other than being derogatory.

          Rap/Hip Hop music has offensive language in titles and song lyrics.  Last night I flipped channels and saw the Soul Train Awards.  The songs performed had bleeps in them.  If you have to bleep, why write the lyrics in the first place.

          Then others use the lyrics and it is considered unacceptable.

      2. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Diane , happy holidays  !  ,..........I had never heard of that one either , "ditchpig "   I'm assuming though  a newer black term for white redneck kids  playing by the road  sides ,  .    Either way , there are so many hate filled terms by so many small minded people !   Whether direct name calling terms like those I posted for reference  or 'one sided'  general discussions  ,    It has to be  fair and balanced .    Let us ALL  forbid the terribly dark terminology and negativity around us !

        We all here  , are far, far  better people than we think we are ........:-}

        1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
          wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this


          Hypocrisy is a standard feature of the American landscape. There were two churches and three taverns in the small town of approx. 600 people that was a mile outside my family's farm. The churches were usually filled to capacity on Sunday. But the good towns folk never suffered from a  shortage of racial epithets to hurl at me, my family, or any black folk who might stray too close to their natural habitat. But we had our ways of getting even, which provided us with excitement, and a much needed cathartic release. Concerning "Happy Holidays": Of course , you basically understand what my wishes are, so I see no need to remind you.

          1. profile image0
            ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            And knowing your not so passive understanding  and displays  of your own  hypocrisy , I'm sure you found that in  the returning of such hatred , epitaphic  slinging  and general divisiveness  some sense of pride just as  It quite often shows in  these forums today .   I have been thinking a lot lately about hypocrisy and all of it's chameleonic  forms .  Just finished re-reading "Travels in a Stone Canoe "  ,  and thinking about my own native American relatives, and those I have met .

            Being hyper-perceptive of ethnic and stereotypical hatred , especially class bias and the ignorance of those who are prejudiced against ALL  others , I see even more racism , from within many of the  minorities today than from my own white upbringing in rural America in the sixties .     Today though ,in general -- it's so phony .

            Does it exist ? Sure ,- but it exists more  in the phony sense born of professional, alt- leftist   self- victimization  than it ever did before.  I believe without knowing this for sure but  that those who truly experienced the original forms of racism , would laugh at some who call themselves victims of it today .
            And ,  personally , I  would think that even with  a hint of owning such an open , hateful and personal outward racism  , would be  so personally shameful as to render oneself  useless in communicating with anyone in these forums at all . 

            If you Own outward racism and an outright hatred of any others today  , you are a useless human being !

            1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
              wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this


              What a lovely strawman you have presented today onhorseback! I suggest you look up the meaning of hypocrisy and racism. You cannot present one shred of evidence to back up your claim on either count. People who stand against racism are not racists, no more than people who stand against murder are murderers themselves. That very notion is absurd! Because I use phrases such as "Evil Europeans" you cry foul. But I will challenge anyone who suggests that the wholesale raping, murder, and dispossession of an entire race of people is not evil. If it is not evil then what words would you use to describe such men?

              Since they were Europeans we cannot omit that particular noun. Perhaps this: "Misguided Europeans" or this:"Misunderstood Europeans". These are "kinder gentler" terms but they are hardly accurate. The facts are clear: Columbus and his men were Europeans. They raped, tortured ,enslaved, and murdered  the Taino people. They stole land, possessions, and natural resources. Columbus even forced native people to give up their daughters for the sick pleasure of his crew members who preferred sex with 9 year old  girls. Thus, according to the historical record, which is widely undisputed, we can only conclude that these were "Evil Europeans". What would you call them?

              And when I speak of Evil Americans such as George Washington we can apply the same measure. This man was a kidnapper, a slave owner, a rapist, a murderer, and a thief. To suggest that he was simply a "Man of his time" is insulting to every white European who was against slavery, and those who fought to destroy the evil institution. He was a criminal whether the law of land agreed or not. A crime against humanity does not need to be spelled out on a piece of worthless paper. We all know in our hearts what is right and what is wrong. And the people living in the 18th century knew the difference as well.

              There is nothing racist about the truth. Racism is a sense of racial superiority that can only exist among an oppressive majority. That is something I have never expressed, as the notion is complete nonsense. Furthermore, it is physically impossible for me to be a racist. Just as it is physically impossible for me to be a pregnant woman.  And a bigot is someone who simply doesn't like someone based on race, sexual preference etc.. What I like, dislike, love, or hate is  based on good vs evil; the character of a nation and the character of a man. I did not tell Americans to steal . I did not make them lynch  people  during Jim Crow. And I did not instruct the police to kill unarmed black children in Ohio.  I am simply a witness to the truth as it has manifested in the past, and as it continues to unfold.

              And concerning hypocrisy: If you read my articles that I wrote over 3 years ago here on Hubpages, or any of my forum posts concerning social issues, you will find that I haven't changed my story at all.  Thus, my verifiable contributions to Hubpages reveal that I am neither a racist or a hypocrite. And of course, we all understand what noun best describes someone who knowingly makes such false accusations.

              Your problem is that you grew up in a different era. Viewpoints such as mine were never expressed on the front page of the local newspapers in the 50's and 60's. Nor did you hear much of the truth on television. What you got instead was Ozzie and Harriet, Gilligans Island, and Voyage To The Bottom of The Sea. Unless you went to a rally where a speaker like Malcolm X was giving a speech, there is no way you could have known the truth about America, unless you made a special effort to seek the truth yourself. But most white Americans during the 50's and 60's did not make that special effort. However, now you are confronted with the truth at every turn, and it makes you angry. You, like many Donald Trump supporters, would like things to be as they were before. But we are not going to let that happen. America has been exposed, and there will be no turning back.

              1. dianetrotter profile image60
                dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                You bring us back to my initial concern.

                If the mere discussion or reference to race is made, it is considered race baiting.  Then there is an arguement about bring race up.  That is a red herring that keeps us from dealing with the important issues related to race.

                We should be clear on (both from Webster's Dictionary)
                a) racism - the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
                prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

                b) race baiting -   the making of verbal attacks against members of a racial group 

                Subjective definitions
                conservapedia.com definition of race baiting
                Race baiting is a term for groundless accusations of racism made by liberals. It is a unique, deliberate and hypocritical focus on race in an attempt to discredit others as "racist".

                liberalamerica.org definition of race baiting
                In every discussion in which race is the subject (and sometimes even when it was never intended to be), the term “race baiter” will be thrown at anyone who doesn’t agree that racism is over and we live in a post-racial society. The shooting deaths of nine people of color in South Carolina was a hate crime? Race baiter! Believe racism is still an issue that we need to discuss? Race baiting! You’re an activist that focuses on civil rights? Race baiter, race baiter, race baiter!

                So rather than a substantive discussion on racial issues, an argument about race baiting which goes nowhere takes place.

                1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
                  wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  That's their relatively new tactic aimed at silencing the opposition. It is why I have lost all patience with trying to be nice to these people. After 500 years it should be clear that there is an element here that does not want to discuss, or meet half way on anything.  Often when I speak of racist oppression they will counter with heart warming stories of how hard they had it in their neighborhood growing up. For instance: "I was a skinny kid who got picked on a lot" or "I was sexually molested by the next door neighbor"  or "my father worked two jobs, my mother was a prostitute, and  us kids had to sleep on the floor". Yes, these are all bad experiences, but such experiences have absolutely nothing to do with racism. And in no way, shape, or form, do such experiences have the same effect as racism, or produce the same state of mind. I don't have to tell you how it feels, and I don't have to explain anything at all.  But you know what I am talking about because you have lived it every day of your life.

                  But what really blows my mind is how these people will try to make you feel guilty for hating evil people, and for hating an evil system. But as a rule, the same people won't have a problem hating a serial killer, a Muslim terrorist, or a "black thug" from the hood.  But if we hate the people that have been terrorizing us for over 500 years, then of course, there must be something wrong with us! But they are just wasting their time with me because I don't care how they feel about it. If our people can take the abuse for 500 years, then the racists will just have to be strong enough to hear about it for the next 500 years.

                  1. dianetrotter profile image60
                    dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Wrench I don't hate anyone.  It is off putting when someone tries to change the subject when I am trying to make a legitimate point on racial issues.

                    One of my foci is dealing with inner city issues.  Regardless of how we got there, we must work on a solution rather than throw shade.  It takes officers who are committed to lower crime just as much as getting dangerous criminals off the street.  It takes efforts to move people from welfare to work through education and availability of jobs.  It takes parents who have a commitment to raise their children to have character and values.  Society should be less concerned with freedom to curse and show pornography and more concerned with helping children develop conservative skills and values.  No mistake - I meant "conservative" skills and values.

                    If a person does not admit addiction, there is no path to recovery.  That path includes support of others - not enablers.  Those receiving public assistance should be encouraged to work their way off PA. (I speak this from experience.  I put my sister out of my house because she wanted to bring her boyfriend in.  She won't list him on applications because her check will be cut.  I say that is totally stupid and we weren't raised that way.)  Everybody should participate, regardless of who is at fault, in making the world a better place.  It starts with me.

              2. profile image0
                ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Wrenchbisket ,    Your rants always end the same ,  for a few  ,   It's the self- victimization attitude today of  the native American  peoples of yesterday  --Is it then , that no matter what the issue is , no matter what the point of the discussion is ?  The answer is ALWAYS that those evil Columbus loving colonialists  ate your lunch ?
                I wish that you could show more pride then of the blood that runs through all of your people AND incidentally through many of us today  !    Anyone who loves and respects themselves in the' history of today'  would have far more insight into the history of the  proud native American peoples ,  it is only those like yourself that show such basic immaturity  , lack of  intellectual understanding of written and spoken history and victimhood that will never progress beyond the understanding of essence of  reality . 
                For one ,  the moment that "whites " set foot on this soil   the interactions between our peoples began ,  of the 562 federally recognized tribes , pueblos , villages and bands  of native Americans , only about half of which lived in the mainland America , the other half in Alaska and so   began the trading of bloodlines ,   the mixing of  marriages , the evolution of American genetics . Fact , although boring to you I'm sure .  because , to you and other  "victims" , there has  to have been an innocent victim and a evil  perpetrator ! Or a band of childlike innocents and a mass influx of  of alien creatures    In truth  like ALL populations of ANY continent  there is only the construct of  basic human relationships  and so the trade and  monetary  followings. 
                In this great mix of the  American culture  , no matter ones origins , there is a large  presence of soulless people ; mindless zombies if you will who are seeking pride in self , in life's truest meanings , in our combined existence . For some that means rebirthing pride in self , in ones identity , in ones people .   My advice chose the high ground !  Follow the best of your people whom ever they are , Black , Red , blue ,Brown,  Ronald Reagan , love him or hate him ,  once said  ,when asked about betting oneself , 
                " ...........In very relationship you chose , surround yourself with better people than yourself ".........

                Wrenchbiscket ,History is not a 14 page 'Squanto' story book , it's alive , it has a soul .It's in constant flux  ,  learn it , live it ,  grow up with it , don't trade reality and pride for anything ;  you own more of a share of accountability than that .


                1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
                  wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this


                  The fundamental difference between me and you is not race, but the fact that you are apparently unable to recognize the prison walls around you. You have accepted your servitude as "the normal way" of life. I and a ever growing numbers of Americans do not accept this. You think that by working within an evil system you can better your life and the lives of your children. But that is simply not possible. The Patriot Act and other executive orders that have been passed during the Obama administration have put the people in a very vulnerable and precarious situation. For instance Executive Order 13603 legalizes outright slavery for the first time since the end of the Civil War.

                  "...According to EO 13603, the President, or the head of any federal agency that he shall designate, can conscript “persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation,” in both “peacetime and times of national emergency.”  I can hear the Obama supporters now as they will write to me and say, “Obama would never do that, you are drinking from the Kool-Aid, and just go read Snopes, everything will be OK”.  Well, here it is, you can read it for yourself:

                  Executive Order 13603:

                  Sec. 502.  Consultants.  The head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations.  The authority delegated by this section may not be redelegated."

                  The person who posted this is obviously a conservative with right-wing views. But his opinions peppered throughout the article are irrelevant. The important thing is the wording of the Executive Order. Furthermore, this is just one of possibly hundreds of articles by people on both sides of the aisle decrying this immoral law.There is no other way to interpret this law. Anyone who is forced to work against their own will , without compensation, for whatever reason, is essentially a slave. The America that you are defending has long since been hijacked, and no longer exists.

                  http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2015/ … n-america/

                  1. profile image0
                    ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Oh man wrench , you are listening to the equivalent of Rush Limbaugh there ,  seriously ?    I have far , far more faith in the gun owning American public than you do ,   and you used to rail against " those conspiracy theorists "  , Is this a change ,  isn't it just the same message delivered by different people ?  I have no walls around me my friend , even fear of the zombies evades  my wanton clutches .   What  IS  going on over there in your world ?

  22. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    Wrench  ,  It is always truly  entertaining to read your rants , In one way , I am a bit jealous that I am not as .........what's the least offensive  word  in my simple articulation,  for  such Safe-Spacers ......  Creative ?

    Well , I'll start here ,  If I actually had to get into your head  ,  I'd truly find and believe that you feel envious of your  white forefathers and their incredible journey  , their journey  from tyranny to freedom , the costs of their incredible sea voyage ,  the fact that  the Mayflower people died in the first winter by one half of their population ,   their ultimate survival , the defeat of their enemies  and manifest destiny , Why ?
    Because they in their collective , naïve , even completely blind innocence  were simply smarter  than ALL their foes .     How in the world could   60 something political - religious - outcast starving voyagers ,where only one --half survived  the first winter  have possibly defeated as many as seven to ten million  indigenous peoples in this country .? I guess it wasn't that hard .

    Maybe because that the native Americans  were too busy warring , murdering , raping and  pillaging between and within their own incestuous  tribes ?    Seriously Wrench , catch up on reality ,   How can such  peoples  smoking peyote ,  mushrooms ,  chasing buffalo with  clubs ,   kidnapping their own inter-married tribal- cousins for barter , trading  meat for beads and shiny buttons actually win a battle against an organized society ?   Just asking !   I mean have you actually read a history book  ?

    "People who stand against racism are not racist ,............"  yea , but Not when  the false flags of racism rants are thrown around in the literal sense by a biased corrupted media ?   A bunch of immature  , sophomoric college dweebs , who don't even know who Abe Lincoln was , who think civil rights  was always just a one credit class , who burn tires and police cruisers  to protest global warming ?    Or BLM , who think  Marxism is a back yard garden  with chives by the door and a massage table in the  basement  ?    I can Google -up a thousand cases of activist BLM dudes beating down an innocent old white guy because he won't or can't  fight back , who's the REAL racist ?  -  Maybe, just maybe  the  punk on the inner Chicago  street beating up on an old man ,the kid  with his pants around his knees  and four hundred dollar sneakers is a racist !  Yes Virginia - that black kid is a racist too !    Just how naïve are you Wrench ?
    "There is nothing racist about the truth "...........Maybe not ,  but there sure is something Truthful about Your racism !   

    I know one thing you weren't around in the fifties and sixties or before that especially ,  to even begin to understand true racism ,  much less  understand how "racism " today is just a fad and false  rant  to get thousands of idiot, entitled college kids   out of class .   keep drinking your special cool aid Wrench .  I think You're beginning to understand racism ,  You certainly know how to hate .

    And your , "Here have a piece of cloth " .............truly depicts  your lack of appreciation for anything honorable or sacrificial  in itself ,  I am however not surprised when a wannabe  forum  dwelling blue screen warrior resorts to such shock and awe to make a selfish and juvenile  point .    You may have served in the navy or something , I can only imagine the desk job you matured upon ,  but I'm sure there was no honor in your service ,  even though you sure loved those government checks !

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Likewise, I find your rants to be equally entertaining. You have absolutely no understanding of American History whatsoever. But you are not alone. And from what Cracker Jack Box did you get the story about 60 Pilgrims defeating ten million Indigenous? LOL! That's the funniest thing I have seen all day. And the rest of your rant is equally as absurd. It took the colonialists almost 400 years to completely defeat the Indigenous people. And so, I wouldn't exactly consider that a slam dunk. It appears the evil colonizers had some stiff opposition.

      And there is nothing sacred about working class people being duped by greedy rich people; young men and women being used as pawns by an evil government to go somewhere and die so that the greedy rich can get even richer. I say if these low-life corporate Pigs and politicians want the oil and the money that bad, then let them go die for it, or better yet, let them send their own kids off to die in some godforsaken desert. What's wrong with everybody? Did they put something in the water that affected over half of the population? Instead of calling this the United States they should just start calling it "Stepford", because that's what the whole thing is turning into. This is like the "Stepford Wives" on steroids.

      It is remarkable that you would publicly defend the killing of young Americans in order to satisfy corporate greed; suggesting that it is honorable to die so that a miscreant like Darth Cheney can buy another yacht to match the one he purchased just the year before.

      I can tell you that regardless of what branch of the service a person might be in, and regardless of their particular duties, it all amounts to the same thing. When you are in the military you are in the business of killing people. That's what it's all about. What did you think all of the  weapons of mass destruction are being used for? All this talk about freedom and national security, that's just the hype to keep the public on board and pacified.

      You have no idea what time it is. Maybe it's because you watched all those John Wayne movies. There really are no good guys and bad guys. At least not in the way most people imagine. There are the bankers and there are the pawns. The bankers and the ruling elite start conflicts and wars for various economic reasons, population control, to redraw borders, and to keep the spice flowing. Nationalism and Patriotism are simply used to herd the people in the "right" direction. Yes, I collected my blood money, but after 6 years I was no longer comfortable getting paid to kill people. And the only people I was protecting were the big corporations and their puppets in Washington.

  23. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    Diane , Probably why something like this evil  racism can  never be cured .Why ,  Have a problem ?  Put two people in a room and work it out , put  a hundred there and  it becomes chaos , anarchy ,  put a thousand in there and there'll be total systematic frustration and meltdown . Its not just about racism either , perhaps its just that people will never "get along "......too many ego's , too much hypocrisy ,too little love . too many  activists and  ego-centric exhibitionists.

    I have never been to any kind of a meeting of the minds ;---about any issue --where it didn't almost immediately break down to the element of self centered egotism  by one or by  a few !   And guess what ---they are right here above and below this post as well !    I live in a hugely liberal state , coming from quite the opposite - and the same characteristics  of thought are in each arena !

    Perhaps why hatred of the hearts , minds and souls of "others" ultimately  , is here to stay .

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      That's  because you need to learn how to listen, instead of getting in such a hurry to express your own viewpoint. Artists are very temperamental people, but I have successfully collaborated with several artists.  What's my secret? I learned a long time ago how to listen and compromise. And that should be your mantra: "Listen and Compromise".

  24. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    There is different Christians groups, they cherry pick what is normal in their love/hate relationship with a white, blue eye Jesus. Not putting Religion down, yet personally not into any ism's it seem more of a waste of my time and energy. This extreme up or down about God, I don't get. When everything in moderation is better or moves towards a normal answer.

    In my world Jealous, hate, illness, murder, evil, thief, dishonesty and so on are low energy and deserve very little of my time. Where Love, health, kindness, fun, security and many other high energy thing deserve most of my time.

    What I saw, was a divided America in Trump win and the rest of us losers put down. That feels like great low energy not a great America. Hitler promise a great Germany under very low energy and bad economy times , over loading on the strongman shoulders. Don't use the force of hate to overcome, we can love them to death.

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The Trump comparison to Hitler is rather old and  untrue  though - Almost like comparing Obama and  Carl Marx ?
      You are  right about low energy accomplishment about  debating - except we vent and we learn - some of us !

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Carl Marx to Hitler, to Israel and still all roads lead to Zionist NWO. Trump announced he is 1000 % behind Israel, as usually more extreme false promises and secret agendas hidden.

        1. dianetrotter profile image60
          dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Love is the answer to the Israeli/Palestinian problem.  They should be able to co-exist.  They do not want to.  That is what doesn't make since.  It is selfishness.  The US can't fix that.

          The only answer is for them to learn to live along side of each other.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I have to sided with the Palestinians as they are treated worst than dogs. For each Israel child killed, they kill more than 20 Palestinians children since 2000. Israel Zionist ha be advanced weapons, walls and own all the roads plus 300 illegal nukes.  Where Palestinian have stick an stones and fight everyday just to survive the horrible condition for water or anything. 

            Yet Zionist media in America make out that All Arabs want to eliminate Israel off the face of the earth, so no compromise by Zionist.

            1. dianetrotter profile image60
              dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              But that is the point Castle!  You can't take a side.  All that has happened must be put behind.  Their problems go all the way back to Isaac and Ishmael.  That would make it Abraham's fault because he didn't trust God and tell Sara to shut up.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Being serious involved in historical world history event in museum and theme parks. I have say the Zionist political/ milliary are the violences and disturbing ever.

                I taught sandsculpture workshops in Russia while I was there I learn a lot about Communist Zionist control there. Palestine history now called Israel has always been Arab land. Zionist (fake Jew) base ownership of Israel from the Hebrew (real jews)myth in the Bible 3000 years ago. The zionist war now has gone for 100 years before that it has always peaceful. Now Zionist runs and owns America to drag them into a Dog eat dog state.  Never seen a dog eat another dog yet by the history books of violences these Zionist ones do. Zionist are nationist where most jews in America say jews have never had a home land and count 90% Zionist jews of Israel- out of their Religion.

                1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
                  wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  It is no wonder that the Zionists and the Americans are great friends. They are both greedy colonizers who aspire to rule the entire world. The Zionists have stolen the land of the Palestinians and murdered them just like the evil colonizers did to my people on this continent. Even many Orthodox Jews hate the Zionists, and do not agree with their gestapo-like tactics.

  25. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    How quickly this new  left has adjusted  it's opinion of the plight of the Jews in just 70 years or so , From the original intent of allied involvement in WWII  , The" Holocaust "  , Maybe its just  the  psyche of those who are always envious of the underdogs ?  For the history challenged Millennial,  the generation X , Y or however we term the newest generation of cellphone zombie baby boomer offspring  , between the Nazi's the Russians and the Poles , a real number of probably twenty million Jews perished in the Holocaust   ,
    Now  , after the creation of the state of Israel in the desert , YOU as the naïve, political theorist  leftist  are ready to term that success as the great and evil boogey- men,  Zionists ?

    The Jews and the Americans are good friends BECAUSE of the holocaust  for one , And because most of the rest of the world were ready to do  NOTHING then , for the Jewish .   Legitimizing the negativity and hatred of the "Zionists" is the same as taking ten steps backwards in history .

    Wrench , Castle , read a history book once in a while .

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You need to read a book. The Zionists were in league with Adolph Hitler. You have misinterpreted the Jews and the Jewish state as one united people, but they have never been. The term "Nazi" is the acronym created from "National Socialists Party" (Na) and Zionist (zi). One of Hitlers goals was to help create the Jewish state, and he succeeded. A great many of the Jews killed in the camps were Orthodox Jews who were content to stay in Europe, and who were not interested in the creation of a Jewish State. Hitler himself was a Jew. There is evidence to support this. And look at his pictures. He even looks more like a Jew than an Aryan or a German. I am Aniyunwiya and German, and I look more Aryan than Adolf Hitler.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Wow wrench , Now Hitler was a hero savior to the Jews,   you do always clarify the grey area thank you . Next thing you'll say The Killing Fields was just a misunderstanding of location, the Civil War was very ,very civil ...........?   where DO you read your history ?

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          America Zionist own Hollywood and the media and they have been brainwashing you since those old western cowboy and Indian. Old western movies was more base on Zionist lives than it was about America history.  Basically Zionist history came from eastern Europe as rented out milliary killers then evolved into communists Russia/USSR leaders and then into centro banker who own the world today.

          Even the jew Holocaust history has greatly twisted and their gas chamber's. Beside Germany had killed far more Christians, Europeans and Russians numbers than had killed Jews. Why don't we feel this horrible sad for them rather than so much for the Jews.

          Hitler statue should be erected in Israel he was most important tool to help Zionist win their land in Israel. Zionist bankers supply money on both sides of world war 1 and 2 and working on 3. Stop the wild goose chase of ghost Globalists, the most common thread and source is Zionist.

          Anyone writes or displays about the history of Zionist are either disallow on mainstream media, fired from networks or sometimes killed,  I personally given up living a lie in the big time entertainment industry. Still got my eco tiny houses, find art, spirit and soul.

          1. profile image0
            ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            OMG , John Wayne was a Zionist ? I'm glad you clarified that .

            Only one with terrible  delusions'  would even suggest a statue of Hitler in Israel    I've just got to dig up my Father and tell him that he was all wrong to  fight and die thinking he fought  the " battle of the bulge  "  for no reason , that he liberated the Bergen -Belsen concentration camps by mistake , that he  wore real battle scars to his death for your free speech plague of naiveté.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              John Wayne did he win the west by saying a. Good injun is a dead injun, not sexy in my books. That is as hateful as Zionist are to the Palestinians.

              Historicism have reported jews killed from 73, 000 to 9 million, yet Germany had maximum 4.5 jews in total regime. About 60 to 80 million people were killed in world war 2, if there were ever a closest thing to a just war, that would be it. It was the American rich and Nazi held Americans late coming into the war written a lot by cartoonist Dr Seuss.

              1. profile image0
                ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Between the Germans , the Poles , the Russians etc. the real #  -as many as twenty million Jews died there !    Where do  you get your holocaust  "facts "   , in Germany ?  Better go check the unmarked graves ,   A little history lesson for you, the creation of the John Wayne  phenomena  was a Hollywood  creation , Not a government conspiracy !

                1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                  Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  Wow!!! 20.000 Jews killed that amazing, we must write this story in the Zionist Bible and one for Hollywood too.

                  If all the15 million Jews in the world population took a trip to Germany or Poland to have the entire Jewish race get wiped out. Then Jesus had his second coming then preformed resurrection to bring back his people to 20 million Jews again Then the Germans could killed another 5 million more Jews and then let go 15 million Jews of the entire world to be recounted again to equal 20 million Jews killed in by Germans. My Jewish Polish girlfriend for 8 years, and both of her parents in Poland Jewish war camps never told me that story.

                  I prefer stories from real Jews that were there.

                  During  the war period, before and shortly afterward, 5 million Jews went to Israel, and the Jewish population of North America increased from 4 million to 6 million.Jews also went to Brazil, Argentina, Australia and other nations. This accounts for the decrease of 6 million Jews in Europe.
                  The world Jewish population was 15 million circa 1929 but it reached an estimated high of 18 million in 1989, an increase of 16%, which would have been impossible if 6 million Jews died in World War II.

              2. dianetrotter profile image60
                dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Wow!  Are you saying that the mass killing of Jews in death chambers didn't happen.  The camps they were kept in do not exist.

                You know there is evidence  There are Nazi officers who have been found and prosecuted.  There are records of the killings.

                Why don't you believe it?

                1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                  Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  The largest death camp was Auschwitz their was a few reporters had proven there was no evidence of gas chamber's. How can you disprove it when the witnesses are dead.  Of course when these people came on TV their lives were ruin by Zionist. There may of been gas chamber's in other German camps.

                  There workers and trade hostage camp had mass deaths from starvation and disease more than anything. The workers made weapons and other military equipment like they do in US prison's today. Germans have remorse a great deal for genocide acts. Where America will regret for there are going to do in the future.

                  The Jewish death are all over the map, like the recent studies of USHMM study of 20 million deaths. That is to stir up nonsense hatred based on factious BS.

                  1. profile image0
                    ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this


                    How I would love to take you by the arm , No , I would let the ghost of my father take you by that arm and introduce you to a day of reality  ,just enough to open your eye's , show you  that which  he witnessed-- for you   , show you those who he gave his government issued  C- rations and  chocolate bars to at Bergen -Belsen , at Auschwitz,   to say nothing about  the unnamed , unmapped mass graves that he bulldozed into the open earth  just to  keep the diseases and  psychological  shock from being witnessed by those just like you in this  world . 

                    It is the collective naiveté  like yours that truly needs to be eradicated from this earth ,  Maybe that is exactly why God shows us a war on occasion  , to perhaps humble some small part of the human element of ignorance  as to the evils of the world.

                    I wish I could tell you what I'd really like to say about you .

  26. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    Being an historian/artist, I wonder how much we have change from Neanderthal.
    I can deal well with individuals it just when the groups get larger the more ridiculous their behavior become. Not taking life so seriously, don't take much stake in this human experiment that NWO cattling everyone.I clearly envision most everyone is going down the drain for the next decade because most every one is hypnotized to go there. Much from religious/political scripted and self prophecy means to end. There is a positive side afterwards, most everyone knows your all going down first.

    My desire, just here to enjoy the freak show unfold and prepare myself during this destruction of the planet. You call me on BS, as a clairvoyant I would not waste my life on living to live . Or BS, worst that means you don't care that you are lying. You won't ever catch me in a big lie or harming anyone because those are two rule I simply don't break.

    Many US celebrities said  they would leave US  over Trump. I envision this happening 5 years ago and the stand off war on Russian's borders.. Watch out things are really going spin out of control now. Bolivia was nice, coming back to Canada for Christmas trying to get my family back  down to Bolivia.  Not going to stand around ground zero knowing what is going to happen, I owe some hubbers that much.

    1. Misfit Chick profile image76
      Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      OHHHHHH, you're clairvoyant! I'm sure that puts absolutely everything into perspective for you, LoL!

      If we could make a list of all the many people who claim to be varying profound shades of clairvoyant across this planet - we would find THAT many varying shades of 'prophecies'; and they're not all on the same end of the doomsday stick.

      Like I said, nothing you have to say is new - its just meant to be another hateful diversion. Whatever you think you've 'seen/heard/read/watched on youtube' - whatever - isn't necessarily being correctly interpreted by you; and even if it is, its not set in stone for the reasons (and images!) I left above.

      In case you haven't noticed, 'the cattle' are waking up. I HOPE we're not disappointing you. Its just that you seem to have your heart so set on an apocalypse. Sorry, things are not going to be happening nearly the way that you think you know. wink



  27. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    It is a two edges sword being a clairvoyant, it has rescue a few lives, this time it saves mine. Confirm by the fact that 100% of my dreams in the pass 40 years have come true.

    I predict there will be a lot more killed than world war 2, not a total doomsday, enough abuse for a full scale REVOLUTION.

    Most people are aware that things have been getting a lot worst for a while. Yet very few have a clue or know where it is coming from.

    People have been so deeply hypnotized by Zionist (darkness) media that control your minds. So when  you criticize the Jews, most people's first thoughts are. Oh!!! he must be racist like Hitler just the jews had this horrible Holocaust.

    How come we can criticise Europeans, Russia , Germans, Christians, each of these died in the second world war in greater numbers than Jews. Why are we not so devastated about each of these other groups who gave their live up in greater deaths compared to the Jews deaths?

    These cattle maybe waking up to the Monsanto grass, they been eating.  But they don't know what master is slaughter them for their meat. Not only that the UN found Madd cow disease will destroy all the cows on earth. They suggested to kill off 3/4 of the cow to save the species.

    Maybe 1 or 2 recognize on hubpages and very few know the most common thread to NWO is Zionist. I'm the only one so far that I know on hubpages who has envision a safe place to live and a rescure plan for far in the future.

    1. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You are incorrigible!  lol!

    2. Misfit Chick profile image76
      Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I'd agree with incorrigible, ha! I'm sure your accurate predictions are very convincing for you. That doesn't change the fact that we create our own reality - and you've obviously created a doozie for yourself. A lot of people have. If any of the stuff you've been spewing was new, maybe it would be worth more attention. Do you have any idea how long people have been convinced that things are 'getting worse'? If you have envisioned a safe place & rescue plan or whatever - woot, go do that and take your reality with you. Our's is not based on your's. smile

  28. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    My daughter and I have the same Chinese sign of the horse. We both have strong work ethics and know what we want in life and pretty well get it. We both are happy and world class professional artist and historians. People know me as tenacious, with stubborn love and walk my talk and few people will journey to the end of the earth with me. Now it is time, close to the end of the earth.

    If misfits, Diane  and all the hubbers don't want to do the work of lifelong historian. Don't believe in my best natural gift of vison. All I ask is do your study on the Zionist , try Eustace Mullim on YouTube. It is your As_ I hope you don't have to kiss it goodbye. We all live on the same boat call earth.

  29. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    Zionist is a nationist movement 1897. The ancient root word subtext means sexual intercourse and arm weapon. Zionist started out as a rented out military killers that evolve into politics and bankers, big in Russia. .

    Hebrew jewish Religion has nothing do Zionist because they do not claim themselves as nationist or have a country.  The Zionist took base on a Myth from the OT bible the land of King of David story. Zionist have no documents or physical homestead marking of entitlement to Israel land what do ever. Every group that really knows Zionist, call them the Fu_kers,. always screwing over the Arabs.

  30. Live to Learn profile image61
    Live to Learnposted 7 years ago

    Since most people use this definition ' "Here is the definition: A Zionist is a person who desires or supports the establishment of a Jewish state in the Land of Israel, which in the future will become the state of the Jewish people. This is based on what Herzl said: “In Basel I founded the Jewish state' your definition doesn't really matter. The reasonable continuation of that definition is someone who supports that Jewish state. When you make these statements you are perceived as anti semitic.

  31. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    I feel it is a totally lost cause to educate Americans the difference between Zionist and Orthodox Jew. No wonder the only logical choice is to move far away.

    I'm not anti- semitic, hateful or against anyone or group. Just not for liars, thieves and harmful people. While Zionist time and time again you will find this evidence in these charismatic psychopaths. For the puppet leaders that get brainwashed by them and in turn brainwash the masses. I wish I could reprogram these leaders ,like in Clockwork orange movie. That raping the land, lying, violences and killing is really bad. Not good for every world citizen to always be taking the action of US against THEM fighting while the Zionist walk away with most of our money.

  32. gmwilliams profile image84
    gmwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    @Dianetrotter, race is such a subject of contention in America.  The issue of race is becoming more contentious than ever.   It seems that in some aspects, the racial situation has gotten worse instead of better.  There are some people who will advance beyond artificial barriers of race while there will be those who will retain in their insular perspective of what race is.  Hopefully, humankind will realize that there is only ONE race-the human race.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      As loving world citizen I do aim and embrace one race, the human race. Zionist not.

      1.Zionist are not a race, they  composed of many different race.
      2. Zionist is not a religion at all yet presents themselves as leader of the Jewish faith
      3.Judaism is not Zionist in fact the majority of jewish faith never have supported neither the Zionist or Israel. Many of the tarah jewish people are not allowed on media, or they are greatly suppressed in many ways and some are killed.

  33. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    OK I will leave Zionist alone, since Zionist is not a religion or race of people. I leave them out of this thread and as much as I can leave them out of my life. I can only promise you one thing, they will never leave all of you alone, until you all stop them. Good luck with that and don't come screaming to me when it gose down. These people are not Santa Claus more like Satan Clause, and this aldult is done, your on your own.

  34. noeylab profile image60
    noeylabposted 7 years ago

    I suspect this charade of Trump rising to power was planned by the ruling elite even before Obama was re-elected,as they do not leave much to chance.

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this


      Today I am joined by one of the most famous of the Keebler Elves. You're absolutely right noeylab,.That's funny! It reminds of the Debbie Boone song "You Light Up My Life".  I have a cockatiel who also has quite a vocabulary.  And then there's that cover song  that James Taylor and Carly Simon did called "Mockingbird". I wonder: Do you plan your life or do you just let each day happen and unfold as it may?  I have often fantasized about the life of a Gypsy.

      I know people who already have their gravestones picked out, and what songs they want me to sing at their funeral if I'm still alive. And some of them aren't even 50 years old. In fact, most anyone I have ever known plans ahead, puts money in the bank, and prepares for that rainy day. When we consider that the common man plans his life in such detail,  we cannot expect that the ruling elite would simply leave their future to chance.

  35. Kiss andTales profile image60
    Kiss andTalesposted 7 years ago

    Wrench what a picture , you know children really do the silverware and plug , one in my family years ago flew across the room after contact , he lived to tell about it.

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, people need to be reminded constantly that children will be children. That is why they are supposed to have parents, or at least someone responsible to watch after them and keep them from harm. Horrible pictures can actually save lives. I have posted this picture many times, and I am sure that I have already saved hundreds of lives, and prevented untold misery. People are often made to believe that they don't matter, or that they cannot change the world. But I have never believed in such nonsense.

      When I was in bootcamp we had to watch a film that  showed real victims of car accidents. Many of the victims had been reduced to hamburger, and some were even still alive screaming like wild animals. I believe those images helped to make me a more cautious driver. Throughout the years others have laughed and made fun of me because I always drive the speed limit. When I was 25 my friends said I drove like an "old man". But I would only laugh and tell them that careless young men don't live long enough to get old. I watched that movie in 1974, and as you can see, I am still here.

      1. dianetrotter profile image60
        dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        You have an interesting way of maintaining your calm and discussing salient points.  Hat's off to you Wrench!

  36. Say Yes To Life profile image81
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years ago

    Diane - I was looking for your post about the Ku Klux Klan infiltrating the police department.  I just found out that's not exactly true; what's happening is, some police and fire departments are so overwhelmed with crime, they're secretly turning to the KKK for assistance.  Just thought I'd let you know.

    1. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Wow!  Do you have a website for that?  I don't remember where I put my original post.

    2. Say Yes To Life profile image81
      Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I was told this by a policeman who used to work on the Mainland.  I tried to look for a supporting website, but couldn't find one that specifically said that.  They just said that people who had formerly been members of the KKK were now joining the police force. 

      I understand the night of the Rodney King beating, when the police were patrolling the area, they were making racist jokes against African Americans.  After chasing Rodney King through residential streets at 80 miles per hour, when they arrested him, they knew who he was.  Having lived in the Inland Empire (10 years before the beating), I am aware there is a Klan chapter in Fontana, and they have held rallies in Lytle Creek.  I don't know if they infiltrated the LAPD, but there's a possibility they may have.

      Apparently, the LAPD has cleaned up its act, because Los Angeles is no longer on the list of the 50 most dangerous cities in America.  However, there are KKK infiltrations in high crime cities like Chicago and Cleveland.  Here's a link to an article that describes it:
      http://countercurrentnews.com/2015/05/f … for-years/

      1. NCOutdoors profile image64
        NCOutdoorsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Don't read websites based on racist propaganda. No good comes from it.

        1. Say Yes To Life profile image81
          Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Oops- I just now noticed the name of the website is Counter Current News.  Still though, it contains valuable information.

          1. NCOutdoors profile image64
            NCOutdoorsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Except it is some of that FAKE NEWS that is all the rage lately....

            We have to move away from those types of intentional aggravators.

            We need to fix cultural problems.

          2. Say Yes To Life profile image81
            Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            "We need to fix cultural problems".  I FULLY agree!  A lot of angry fed-up whites are out there, and the blacks who are the most vulnerable to them are the criminals and welfare queens!

            1. dianetrotter profile image60
              dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              oxymoron "criminals are vulnerable to angry white?"  Welfare queens?

              Fanning the flames is not productive!

            2. Say Yes To Life profile image81
              Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              I don't understand.  What did I say that is an oxymoron?  And how am I fanning flames? 

              Criminals and welfare queens of ANY race are more vulnerable to police corruption.  If they're black, so much the worse.  As a black person myself, I certainly don't envy them!

    3. Say Yes To Life profile image81
      Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      P.S.  New Year's Day 2009, there was a police shooting of a shackled black man on BART.  Here's the Wikipedia article:

      And here's a video:

  37. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    Trump said, He will make America Great again.

    Things were pretty great for the whites back in 1970s, yet not for the blacks.
    What year in the pass is Trump referring to as being Great for America? Then what year was it ever great for the Blacks?

    1. NCOutdoors profile image64
      NCOutdoorsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I think he is referring to putting minorities back on the path toward success and the American Dream, rather than having the liberals destroy their culture and set them up for continual failure.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        The American dream is a myth and even Trump admits there will be an American collapses. Yet no man has ever been so big on multi media with so many conflicting options and two face contradiction.  Making it impossible for anybody to really knows what goes on behind those eyeballs or to know what is under his hood.

        Yes blacks do kill others but not in great numbers as legal drugs and lying advertisers kills people. like. Black see more more jail cells than they do college rooms. Pot dose not kill people, locking blacks up dose kill them and ruins their entire family lives.

        Trump making Monsanto his new drug and food administration. Many of his other inexperience campaigner donators are in his cabinet in many destructive ways too . Pot won’t kill people, legal drugs and lying advertisers kill people. Everything Green is taking a back seat or being eliminated to all forms of toxic energy.

        Kind of like Guns that ads, : Gun's don’t kill people, the bullet that strike into your heart kills people. There is no reasoning when talking about guns to my America friends. Another two areas that love Trump is STATE police that kill more people than all the terrorist groups combined and the largest employed corporation in the world who is the US Military also kills more people than the public dose. Since guns have 3 times greater chance of killing yourself the anyone else.  So when American entire empire collapses and depression and schizophrenia drugs runs out. It is not funny when Trump says we got nukes, lets uses them. Then the best plan B is to get your gun and place it about here,... at your head...... Then the most terrorizing part about a gun is the anticipation of the big bang, I am so glad I am not in those American shoes.

        1. NCOutdoors profile image64
          NCOutdoorsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          I really don't get into tinfoil hat type discussions. Sorry.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            I wont be wearing the tinfoil hat, yet when so many bullies are allowed to keep dumb-ing down America it will be in cause tin hats to grow to an epidemic

            1. NCOutdoors profile image64
              NCOutdoorsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Your irrational thought patterns show in your posts. Reality seems to dim out in them quite often. Arguing against that kind of skewed perception is pointless.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Most people are fully aware that greedy Corporatism has been the greatest  cause of their basic cost of living going up 10 times while wages have gone up very little. For most combined national and private debt will be impossible to pay off in our lifetime and possibly our children lifetime. No matter if your white or black, we are in the same boat.

                I don't have a solution, except to move.  If you have a solution speak up. Or keep on downing people as I return your gift of the tinfoil hat to it"s rightful owner.  You.

                1. NCOutdoors profile image64
                  NCOutdoorsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  See? You just went completely delusional. But artists generally do think in "fantastic" ways.

                  I am not downing you; I am simply recognizing what you are. Like Cinderella's slipper foot only her foot, that hat will always belong to you wink

                  1. NCOutdoors profile image64
                    NCOutdoorsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    ...fit only her foot...

    2. Say Yes To Life profile image81
      Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "what year was it ever great for the Blacks?". Depends on which blacks you mean.  Some made wise use of their opportunities; others foolishly took advantage of welfare programs that were supposed to be safety nets instead of a way of life.  For the former, every year is great.  For the latter, none are.

      1. NCOutdoors profile image64
        NCOutdoorsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        You are 100% right. Every liberal program introduced is an additional pitfall for the black family. It isn't exclusive to them by any means; they were just targeted first by liberals.

      2. Say Yes To Life profile image81
        Say Yes To Lifeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        "Every liberal program introduced is an additional pitfall for the black family.". Only if the black family treats it so.  No one puts a gun to their heads and makes them go on welfare!

        1. NCOutdoors profile image64
          NCOutdoorsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          That is true. The attitude toward "free" stuff must fundamentally change toward the rewards of one's own hard work. The father must regain his value. The culture of victimhood must begin to dissipate. We have to stop believing we are owed something.

      3. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Most whites in the 70s owned their own house, what banking or Government programs helped  blacks with financing. Most whites had saving accounts and no debts. Study the whole history of whites and blacks, there were many periods it was great for Whites , never for blacks.

        Today whites have had a great head start, yes people of colour are catching up, just in time to find this planet is turning to a huge ball of burning sh_t. Unless we come together and take it back from those greedy bastards. As long as everyone is feeding the greedy , you all may as well, wear tin hats to face the fire and greater turmoil abuse to come .

        1. NCOutdoors profile image64
          NCOutdoorsposted 7 years agoin reply to this


  38. profile image49
    CammaCposted 7 years ago

    The world cannot become one until we forget race issues. We need to look at each other as Humans. Many Black slaves were treated very badly by White Plantation owners. This was over 100 years ago.

    1. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      We should not forget race.  We should appreciate the variety.

      Although slavery ended ... kinda ... over 150 years ago, the end of slavery brought increasing hatred and resentment.  Over time people are changing.  However, based on Israel/Palestine, we will never see a day when every single person appreciates every other person.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Nelson Mandela compared Palestinian liberation to the apartheid. The Israel is slowly doing the same to all Americans. Still American whites have had a great head start in advantages and Trump attempt to keep the illusion of a top 10 white secret society most connection with Israel Zionist. I continue to be overwhelmingly baffle-led on how common Americans can talk about any other group of people in the world,  Except the obvious bankers and oil kings Zionist that own them and draining them, like energy vampires they are.  While filling the swamp with greater buero-crocks.

        Forget about politician and racist, the world will change itself with alot more non whites than whites. Focus on following the money trail to the Greedy, bring them to their knees or face a lot more suffering for all to come.

        1. dianetrotter profile image60
          dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          A friend and I were discussing the state of Israel today.  I know there are strong feelings about Israel ... for/against.

          I tend to be "for" based on reading the Bible.  However, I'm not closed minded.  Can you tell me at what point Israel became the agressor/bad guy that led to the current situation?

          You know me.  I'm not being sarcastic.  i really want to know.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            It hard to be or think open minded when many Americans think the Bible is the be all and end all. Then in addition to the second and third hand me down confusion by borrowing the book of the Jews, OT.

            For example of unreason, if I say to American gun people. Guns are not for protection . Because you have 3 times greater chance of killing yourself with a gun than killing anyone else. That is according To NRA or any gun stats. American reply is those stats may or not be true, no matter, I believe gun are for protection.

            When there is a million Muslims children's killed in the Middle east by Americans, no remorse.. Most Americans dont care, that is why karma will run over your dogma in the future. The world will change itself because we are all connected by a collective consciousness. The Zionist will be found out by all. Their strick three, mark my words. This is the third world war they have funded and started. At lease most people know there is something seriously wrong happening.

            1. dianetrotter profile image60
              dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Castle, with regard to the guns, I wish there were none.  I grew up in a Black neighborhood in the 1950s/60s with keys to our house or even locks on the doors.  Our neighbors knew everything that happened in the neighborhood.  I don't want a gun around me.

              I pray daily for those who are tortured, killed, trying to escape their homew without being killed and caught in the middle of something they have absolutely no control over.  Many, many Americans' hearts are breaking over what is happening.  What is the solution?

              Back to Jews, what is the problem with them?

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                The apartheid is a perfect model of racist, designed by white south Africans who borrowed ideas from America and elsewhere.

                South Africa is 90% black so the plan was separated everyone into tribes and make blame to each tribe , each tribe would battle each other rather than the real source of health and wealth distribution problems.

                Today the tribes have been overthrown the white Government and tribes by collective consciousness have come together to build their own economy and social structure for themselves. The problem is the whites still hold most of the financial , even moreso  than whites in America.  The Zionist tool Religion, race and control wealth in the same fashion, just far greater in the US and spread in by way of NWO. Sooner better than later we must cut the head of the snake rather than how America is cutting each other up and destroying the individual strength in cooperation together  rather than extreme competition fighting.

                1. dianetrotter profile image60
                  dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  Castle, It sounds like you have a racial issue with the Jews.

                  I want to understand where you are coming from.  If you give examples of Jewish issues, it will help me understand better than South Africa or US. 

                  BTW, Happy New Year!

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    Knowing myself, I am not racist , only interested in equal playing Field, a stacked deck is not fair.. I have had only good relationship with jews.

                    The Zionist Jews who are within the top ten white secret society. Will never give you honest facts nor allow you large enough freedom to do so. From my studies of American behavior it is all too little and too late to be saved by anyone. The wars will be the only way to sort out world depression and poverty soon to come.

                    I have been an over achiever and too competitive in much of my pass.
                    Now working on my a healthier cooperative solutions, with sharing with other strong individuals. There are too many large groups that are hypnotized and catch up in all the white wash. Too many living in fear and traumatized by only ability to survive, not thrive.

  39. ZipperConstantine profile image80
    ZipperConstantineposted 7 years ago

    I believe that racism is mostly a learned behavior handed down by generations. These people don't really know why they are racist they just go along with it because the rest of the family does. These people think their behavior is normal. This type of racism affects both sides the racist and the victim(s). The victim(s) becomes a racist based on their bad experiences and hands this down to their generations. Racism can also be developed by bad experiences and exposure to bad behavior lending the observer of the bad experience to become racist toward the group performing the bad behavior.

    The generations that handed down the racism are long gone but the negative feeling are past forward to generation after generation. I say the word feeling because it is an emotional response that is why it has taken so long to change it.  And it has changed a lot through the years. Just take a look back and you will see the progress regardless of how slow it is happening.

    Politics hurts racism.  When groups perform unaccepted acts to get their points across it causes racism to grow and new racists are born. People wonder why they have to keep paying money to groups of people who do not move forward. They don't understand why they have to keep paying for what their forefathers did when they don't even know them or feel the same way they felt. Why punish me for something I didn't do.

    This can also apply to the Native Americans.  They have been given land and money to survive but no quality education or training to succeed.

    Because racism is an emotional response you can only changed peoples minds by reaching their emotions. Violence excites violence it never gets you anywhere. People will not feel guilty for what their ancestors did centuries ago did.  They may feel empathy but not guilt.  Healthy respectful communication is the only way.

    Making people dependent on government money does nothing to inspire them to succeed in life. They foster generations of children who have no ambition or desire to improve their lives.They become under achievers, lazy, and keep wanting more from the government.  They don't stop to think the money they get mostly comes from regular people. People who work and get a paycheck and a lot of those paychecks are small.  The rich usually don't pay taxes. If the middle class were to fail the country fails and you have the rich and poor with no opportunities for anything else. Socialism destroys a Country quick.  All of a sudden the government owns you. The powerful get more powerful and the poor get poorer. Not everyone in this world makes it.  It is a fact of life but the many charities that the middle class keep going provides tremendous help to people in need all over the world. If the Middle Class goes the charities go.

    The economy also contributes to racism.  No jobs, no money, no hope-desperation begets violence. and depression. Uncontrolled violence is an infectious disease that spreads quickly. So law enforcement is crucial to preserving this country.  Yes changes need to be made to identify those people applying for law enforcement to weed out the racist and bullies and other types of undesirables.

    I personally am not racist.  I was about 10 years old when I discovered racism in my town.  I noticed black people could not eat where I ate or even sit in the same theater to watch a movie. I rebelled in my own young way where I could, I would always sit at the back of the bus because I thought it was wrong to make people sit in the back because of their skin color.  My parents didn't talk about black people so I wasn't raised to think they were different than me because of their skin color. I had the freedom to make my own decision based on what I experience on my own.

    When the Civil War was over and the slaves were freed, there was not a plan in place to help them succeed. No education, training, nothing. They were basically on their own except for the non racist white people in South and North who helped  them. Times have much improved but slowly through the years. It has always been about politics. Until you have the right people in charge of government you will not get any positive results. 

    Understanding the problems that Black people face in the inner cities and making positive changes to improve the quality of life there by stopping violence, crime, gangs, and replacing it with quality education, training and opportunities in their own neighborhoods is a great start.  If they are invested in their own neighborhoods maybe when times get hard they will not so easily trash their own neighborhoods or allow anyone else to come in and do it. Through good education and training people will regain their hope and learn they are capable of providing for themselves. This will give them self respect and the desire to succeed.

    Getting back to the question my answer is because it is a behavior that is produced by deep set negative feelings. When the word racism is mentioned the walls go up for the racist. Change the question for example:  Lets discuss ways we can improve relations in our Country for all people. The word racism is a barrier and so you do away with the word and focus on all people.

    1. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Zipper!  I just followed you!  I agree with you whole heartedly.

      The problem is two-fold:  a) those who hate (regardless of race) and b) those who don't want to be blamed.

      Without an upgrade in moral mindset, I don't think inner city situations will change.  When I taught high school, I would see special students striving for excellence to rise above their circumstances.  It's not that the schools are not good.  Kids come to school with baggage.  Many are given anger management classes; however, they go right back to the homes/homeless where the problems that cause the anger fester.

      The bigoted mentality is that ALL Black people are on welfare, uneducated and are chimps.  That is a heart issue.  You call a person on it and they get upset and say you are playing the race card.

      I wanted to discuss race in a productive manner.  You "GET" me!

      Thank you!

  40. Peter Grujic profile image61
    Peter Grujicposted 7 years ago

    Diane- I am no expert on politics but Israel became more of the bad guy when Netanyahu became a HARD right  person. We give him 38 billion  dollars but he forbids us, like an angry child, to have any opinion that differs from his in any degree. The best leader utilizes the tool of compromise and using the power of listening to everyone(almost everyone!) to make a better decision. On TV, there are commercials to donate money to the many Israelites who are literally starving. He throws all the money to military. I want and support a free and vital Israel but his "my way or no way", is the wrong way to success.

    1. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Peter, should that be blamed on Israel or Netanyahu?  I hope the United States is not judged by the actions of the president.

      If Netanyahu is replaced, will Israel be ok then?

      1. Peter Grujic profile image61
        Peter Grujicposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Not the country in general- The Israel people are wonderful- Netanyahu is extreme far right and he has a far right government to support him. He took great offense when the security counsel sanctioned him. To use myself as an example, if all myfriends told me that something I was doing was wrong, I would take a good hard lookat myself and the actions they are referring to and see if I should make a course change. Also, when I got a mortgage for my house, I had to follow the dictates of the bank or lose the mortgage. Bibi was not under that kind of constriction.The US and the rest of the world is simply advising him. What worries me more Diane is that we have three thin-skinned leaders - trump, Putin and Netanyahu - and it could be the perfect ingredients for a perfect storm. I agreed with President Obama but thought Kerry's speech should have been espoused long before.

        I like your topic. It is often difficult to discuss race in a productive manner. I was lucky to have been brought up in an atmosphere where hate rhetoric involving race was "discouraged"to say the least. So much time and energy is wasted on inconsequential differences rather than applaud and hold in high esteem our similarities and wonderful attributes which every human being possesses.

        Happy New Year Diane!

        1. dianetrotter profile image60
          dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          I am concerned about the leadership trifecta of Trump, Putin and Bibi also. 

          Happy New Year to you Peter!

  41. profile image51
    LoveLABposted 7 years ago

    When you talk about Jews you should be aware that the Ashkenazi call themselves Jews! But the Semitic Jews deny them! The Ashkenazi claim to be both Jew and Moslem. They are truly neither!

    The Ashkenazi want to keep the human race divided for their own benefit! And through their control of the worlds media they promote racism for this purpose.

  42. profile image52
    AnnaRose88posted 7 years ago

    The problem with her statement was it was meant to shame white people. White people who had absolutely nothing to do with the horrible way African Americans were treated back then. American are simply fed up with slavery being used as a tool for shame. What happened then was shameful and disgusting, but it's over and has been over for a very long time. They're are no slave oweners even still alive, nor are there still former slaves.

  43. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
    Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years ago

    "… there are those who ... think that Zionists are part of an "evil cabal" of Jews whose plan is world domination through the use of the world's financial markets and through the media. This idea is not new, and all throughout the 20th century there have been people who espoused that idea. Some of these people we know very well, like Adolph Hitler and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad."

    http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/pages/zi … piracy.htm


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotatio … UY7o7pX6vk

  44. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    Sometime I look at Trump as President like I see a senior citizen who has just discovered the Internet. Then again , how can a 70 year old billionaire made from corrupted business disease, ever change his ways. An orange clown with a red button he can push anytime along with his sueing hot temperamental is not ensuring. His attitude is we got nukes, why can't we use them, is no laughing matter.

    1. dianetrotter profile image60
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you 100%.


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