I was loving that my traffic was doubled for a while... it was hitting levels I had never seen before on HubPages.
But today I just noticed it's down at least 1,000 views, and I check pretty much every day.
I'm not sure what could have caused this but the only thing I've done different is I've been going back and adding in summaries so perhaps that is a temporary cause...
Or is it a slow day...
a glitch...
another Panda update...
I don't know but I was getting close to 2,000 views a day for a while there and right now I have like 700... soo I'd say something is up once again.
Your traffic shot up pretty quickly there, so it may be that you were getting a lot of views from some particular source (like StumbleUpon) for a limited period of time, and that's now died off. Was the traffic distributed amongst your Hubs, or did one particular star shine?
It was up all over from what I can tell... the only big dog was Google.
But I also forgot about yesterday's server problems where the site was inaccessible for an hour or so and wouldn't load anything fully. So perhaps that was part of the problem but I don't know.
I'll just have to wait and see.
You're not alone Bendo. My traffic returned better than ever almost 2 days ago, and collapsed again today.
One minute all my hubs were up high again in Google, next thing they can hardly be found.
There have been a few reports across the threads of another plunge today.
Yeah I'm seeing that articles that were on page one got bumped to page 2 and probably lower... Google giveth and taketh away!
I just noticed I got a pretty rad $0.49 from HP Ads yesterday... the single worst day ever since I started the program.
I think my traffic is lower now than it was after Panda hit.
Look at these lovely stats...
google / organic
September 6, 2011: 98
September 5, 2011: 1,035
Looks like a giant slap for no reason or something... hopefully the stinging feeling goes away soon.
Maddie, on another thread we've been sharing our experiences, and I suggest the staff should follow that thread because it deserves investigation.
The pattern, which has happened to several of us:
- a nice recovery after the switch to the sub-domain
- then a surge in traffic way above pre-Panda levels for a week or so
- then a crash when traffic drops to less than half its original figure.
This pattern has happened to me, IzzyM, Woodsmenspost, PaulGoodman67 and Brandonhart100, that I know of.
It happened to Izzy much earlier than the rest of us, for some reason - Paul took a look at her Hubs after the 'crash'.
It's not Stumbleupon because that's more of a spike than a surge. My surge lasted over a week and I think, so did Bendo's. And the surge wasn't to just one Hub: my traffic pattern stayed quite consistent across my popular Hubs.
There are several Hubbers still riding a higher-than-prePanda surge, it will be interesting to see whether they also crash - for their sake I hope not!
There does appear to be a definite pattern - accounts that didn't change over till they were forced to, at the end of August, are still flying high, while those that changed over at the first opportunity are feeing the plunge.
Maybe I'm the exception; I changed the day it became possible (not counting test cases) and am still surging at 3X pre-panda levels.
Not in my case. I changed over voluntarily virtually as soon as it was an option. My traffic rocketed a couple of weeks later (or so) and is now treble Pre-Panda levels. Income is also well up, in fact although I use HP Ads my Adsense is also at around the same as pre-Panda levels. HP Ads are providing treble pre-Panda income too.
Not banking on it lasting though, just saying I don't 'fit' into the box you might expect.
That post produces another small tidbit of information.
I'm still in the "surge" stage, and views are showing a gradual increase with normal (if that term means anything any more) variations day to day.
I think nearly every hub I have has seen a large increase, at least in percentage terms. Those that were 0 on most days now bounce between 0 and 5. Those that had 10 or so now see 20-30 and those that had 30 are now pushing 100. About the only exception is a few that were #2 or #3 in the SERPS; they were already about maxed out and have remained about where they were.
It most definitely isn't just my popular hubs; it is everything I have.
Wilderness, I suspect mine was the same - it's just that I didn't examine the figures that carefully. However I did notice that on Analytics, all my top-performing Hubs were still the same and the traffic to them increased in proportion, as you say.
I didn't make a formal study either, but what I DID do was watch carefully several times a day on which hubs were doing what. With only 100 hubs it wasn't to hard to see that the general picture was that everything I had was increasing.
Massive quantities of red arrows but very few blues. This because a hub that got 10 views now gets 30 (red arrow) and may fall to 25 but that won't produce a blue arrow. The only blues are always on hubs that got a few one day but 0 the next - loss of only 4 or 5 views was 100% of their traffic.
My best hubs, unlike yours, have remained static. These were low volume keywords that already ranked very high and couldn't go up. As a result my top performers have all been passed over by new "top performers" that have higher volume keywords and are now ranked better than they were.
At the same time I have done many searches for various hubs in the SERPS. The ones I knew about (perhaps in the first 100) all came up several pages. Those at #20 are now first page, those already on first page all bumped up several places. Even the duds, on page 8 maybe, are now on page 3 for example.
The pattern is a joke. It is a travesty. It is unfair and it is content theft.
What the hell is wrong with Google?
Well it appears as though I am crashing. I would of hoped that I maintained, but apparently not. My traffic rose over 10,000 views in late August then dropped off. It then rose again -- now it is falling even more than the first time.
I need to check and see how my best performing hubs are doing. I had a hub over 2000 views, now its less than 1000.
This whole thing is really making me nervous all the time. I felt so good when I saw views rise, now they are sinking like the titanic.
Honestly, I did not necessarily care if I stayed at 10,000 views because even 3/4 is over my pre panda traffic levels. I would of liked it to least maintained. I have been watching closely the last few days and what I feared -- is now occurring!
RUN FOREST RUN!! Google is coming after you!!
I'm holding my breath. My traffic is still tripled. After Panda my views went from 1,500 to 800 a day. Now they are holding pretty strong around 3,500 views a day.
Wow, if only! My stats are a micro miniscule version of yours. Where I was getting 100 hits a day on a hub - it now has 5 views. Hmmm. I only have one really "hot" hub. But it fell right off the planet overnight, again.
Looking back, I did notice a pattern of slow traffic during the first few days of the month with the later days picking up.
Today's views are truly disappointing.
My traffic went had two large sustained bursts of growth, then shot down to less than 75% of what I expect, and now it is back to where it was before. Nonsense!
Mine did the same thing... Crashed and burned to 1000 hits a day went up to 7000 hits a day for about 7 days... and now crash and burn again today. It's really weird.
I'm thinking that it's possible what we're seeing is the normal Google sandboxing that they do to new URLs.... they give you a chance, see what happens then pop you in the jaw and see if you'll still keep working on those pages, if the comments keep coming and the links and traffic keeps coming..
When they see you stand back up and start coming up the ranks, they'll pop you in the jaw again and see what you do.
They want to see if these new URLs are legit and are going to continue to improve so that you're worthy of the ranking you can get.
I'm hoping that's what it is because I'm not going to get KO'd by Googlefists
Even pre-Panda, traffic went up and down on a daily basis and watching the small variations was just a recipe for going crazy. More comprehensive trends can be seen if you watch week to week, and then month to month once you have enough stats.
In early July when I got to be part of the subdomain test group, I quickly saw traffic return to near-pre-Panda levels, and starting at the end of August, I've had a full return of both pre-Panda traffic levels and earnings.
Of course my traffic went up and down a lot over the holiday weekend, but overall, the levels are matching pre-Panda winter 2010 levels, and stats are up when compared to Aug-Sep 2010.
The thing is, though, it's not small variations. Pre-panda I saw around 350 views, give or take. Post-panda dropped to around 200. The subdomain raised that back to around 300 for a few days.
But then, in a two day span, I hit 1000 and have remained between 900 and 1100 since. Nor am I alone - the plungers saw the same kind of thing, but then plunged to post-panda or lower in just a day or so. I suspect that if my climb had begun at the right time of day I would have seen it in a single 24 hour period.
These kind of traffic variations are nothing like you are reporting. A 300% increase in two days, without a hub going viral, is not normal.
I wonder if the fact that you hit the subdomain without hundreds or thousands of other hubbers along had anything to do with it?
Relache, as Wilderness says, this is not normal traffic variations. The people posting here are long-standing Hubbers and we know what normal traffic variations look like. In three years, I have never seen anything even close to what's happening here.
To go from 1,500 to 4,000+ views a day overnight - and stay there for a week - isn't normal. To then drop from 4,000 views to 2,000 overnight, and again from 2,000 to 400 a few days later, isn't normal either.
I'd agree. It looks to me as if there's a defnite pattern, but I doesn't look at all like the normal one of ups and downs with traffic. (Maybe the "new consistency in pattern" is the result of whatever changes have taken place), but it doesn't at all resemble what I've seen in the past as far as patterns go.
I just posted (in excruciating detail - so sorry to anyone who runs into that) because it's been a real pattern. It seems similar to what you've observed, although not as drastic, maybe, as far as rate-of-change goes. Most recently, within one day I saw a drop from 5000 down to in the mid (maybe even low) 3000's. Beginning yesterday ( holiday in the US) and through this morning it's returned to over 5000 (and is awfully close to 5500).
One thing that strikes me about Maddie's post above is that I don't belong to social sites other than Facebook and now Google+, but I don't do anything on them. I don't backlink to anything that isn't within my own little circle of my own stuff and profiles. So, on the one hand, the post about maybe an quick surge from something like StumbleUpon might explain why I'd see a a "less dramatic" (at least in ways) pattern of changes (the social-site factor isn't a factor for me as far as I know, but also according to my Analytics pie chart ). My better performing Hubs haven't performed "better enough" to account for the rises in traffic.
I'm still thinking "data gathering" (maybe that's completely wrong) and - oops - it seems I've slipped back into the wheel-spinning over traffic changes that I vowed I wasn't going to do any more. (It is intriguing, though.)
Not really, because if it's a Stumbleupon (or similar) spike, it will mainly be directed to the single Hub that got Stumbled. The rises and drops in traffic are affecting all my Hubs, not just one.
You'd love my results right now... I've got a whopping 360 views right now... down from around 2,000-ish. Doing really good!
Yep - exactly what happened to me. The sub domain switch gave me a 50% boost or so and I was back at pre-panda levels. I then surged on 8/23 and in a matter of days was tripled - I saw a slow and steady increase through 9/5 and hit my highest ever level on HP and then yesterday I lost it all and am back to early July levels.
Sad thing for me is that I haven't been at 300+ views for years. At the beginning of the year, before Panda even hit I was seeing close to 1,000 views a day.
Maybe Google doesn't like Hub Ads? When traffic skyrocketed I turned them on. Since the crash I turned them back off. Google has been known to dislike competition. That's just my theory for my accounts activity.
"This is in no means a guideline for others to follow"
Because Bendo13 has also seen this surge and plunge makes me believe there is more to the picture than any of us can figure out at the present time. I was told yesterday by Will Arse that my plunge was due to stuffing keywords.
One of the hubs he referred to had nothing to do with my traffic anyway and was a hub that was published with intent to revise at a later date. This is not against any rules but only sends the little hublet into the stream with hopes of growing later.
Anyway does Google like the competition from Hub ads? Dont they have a rep for beating down the ones they feel threaten by?
Not so. I don't have HubAds enabled. My traffic took a dramatic plunge.
We aren't talking small variations Relache. Glad to see you are hanging in there. My ebooks are selling so I can rant against Google and if they wipe me out screw em.
Same here! Got a nice push after the subdomain switch and then suddenly today, everything fell off a cliff and very few of my hubs are appearing anywhere in the search results.
So far, the best theory I have seen is that Google reacted after a number of similar sites copied the actions of Hubpages and made the switch to subdomains to get out from under the Panda update.
My guess is that before, Panda only applied to the root domain and now it has been broadened to include subdomains as well. I am hoping that they will allow those who go through the claim process to verify authorship may be able to slip out from the noose once again.
I think that theory is highly unlikely. Panda isn't run continuously. It's run about once a month. If HubPages sub-domains were going to be Panda'd, they'd all be slapped at the same time - and we'd be seeing reports from other webmasters who noticed the Panda update being run.
Besides, other sites didn't copy HubPages' idea - it's a natural reaction to Google's new emphasis on authorship.
Blogger subdomains have faced a headwind for years. When was the last time you saw a .blogspot.com show up in the search results for a competitive search term?
If you think about it from the standpoint of a Google engineer, they developed Panda to prevent low quality search results and spam from showing up in the rankings. If sites were able to get around that by placing all authors on their own subdomain, that does remove the penalty from the quality authors but it also allows to garbage to rank again as well. I would imagine that dealing with that would probably be high on the priority list since they made such a big deal about announcing Panda.
Judging by what has just occurred, it is pretty safe to say that something of that nature has been implemented. While we may never know the exact details of how it works, the results seem to be pretty clear.
Sorry, edited my post while you were posting.
Google's algorithm regards a sub-domain as a standalone website. Therefore it's possible to filter out the garbage sub-domains using Google's normal algorithm, without having to penalize the quality sub-domains. So there would be no need to slap HubPages as a whole.
Besides, those of us who've seen the surge/crash phenomenon are not experiencing it all at the same time. Panda runs on a specific day, approximately once a month. If we were all being Panda'd, we'd all experience it around the same time.
I'm not claiming to know the specifics of how it works but I can say with a reasonable degree of certainty based on the information I have available, this is tied directly to either how Google views the relationship between a subdomain and a root domain or how they view anything that ends in Hubpages.com.
So how do you explain those Hubbers whose sub-domains are doing well? They also have Hubpages in their sub-domain name.
Mine haven't been dramatic crashes. They more been "disturbingly big dips over a day or so before they turn around and then reach a new all-time high for another few days and hover there until the next dramatic dip pattern starts again. I should point out that the dips have been fairly wide spaced (a week or more apart), and that after each one I've ended up with a new all-time high (at least for now). Still, the pattern has been enough that I pretty much don't assume that even those new all-time high's will be permanent and/or will even return after any upcoming dips.
Some are apparently being slapped at the same time. It is weekly and even more frequently than that. Google has gone MAD. They are just crazy.
Those who are seeing big dips and rises, I've just created a survey Hub to collect specific data in one place. Please post your stats in the comments.
http://marisawright.hubpages.com/hub/Hu … ges-survey
However, please note this is for data collection only. If you leave a long wordy comment, I'll delete it!
Lisa, I've had to delete your comment for that reason. I hope you'll try again using the format Wilderness and I have used. Explanations are unnecessary,just the figures please.
My traffic has also dropped. It is almost non existent now. It is in fact down to the levels after the first Panda run beofre subdomains were added.
In that case, please do and complete the survey at the link I posted.
The more data we can gather, the more chance we have of getting HubPages to look at the problem.
I just added my statistics to Marisa's survey hub.
I was busy all day and did not have time to look at my account, but this evening, I noticed the huge, sudden drop in traffic.
Thankfully its not just me then!! My traffic has halfed too! Things were back to pre-panda a few days ago but yesterday was an awful day for me. Let us hope this is temporary and not another google slap!!
As of checking my account today, my traffic has had an unreal fall. I've gone from over 1000 views to less than 100 right now. Something is definitely wrong.
I don't get near the views per day as some of you do, but I have not noticed any significant changes recently, I'm still plodding along very slowly.
I just did a quick analysis of your stats hub - just reading the comments I notice at least four people (myself included) that saw a surge on or about 8/23 and then a plunge in early September - while it's a small survey so far it does seem there is some pattern!
Just noticed that the recent plumbing contest started on August 21 - for several people the surge started August 23 - the contest ended yesterday - the traffic plunged for me yesterday! Coincidence?!
This is interesting to note. I also noticed that Mobile Content for Adsense was implemented on the Adsense Interface just a few days ago.
Complete coincidence. My traffic tumbled yesterday after having only surged the day before. Lucky white heather!
Enough of this Izzy. You have produced far more than your share of radical changes are now allowed only one more big one; as you just plunged it will have to be a surge.
See that you make it so or you will be punished.
Hub plumbing contest?
Gives new meaning to the term "plunger."
My second and third best hubs have almost collapse, from 200-500 views a day they are on 50
My best hub is holding strong on 1000 though, hoping its just a glitch
Richie its not a glitch you are feeling the wrath of Google like so many have reported already. Sorry to hear about this man.
Yes, it does sound like the plunge. :-(
I don't think I'm feeling a wrath because if that were true then my best hub wouldn't still be getting a huge amount of traffic and second on Google
Ok my mistake maybe its a glitch 500 views to 50 on your number 2&3 hubs? Its possible if you you think really hard. I was just speculating on what my self and others have stated about views and traffic. No harm
You will know if you get the wrath. ;-)
No, I know what it is, you can lose hundreds of views if your hub slips 3-4 positions, I'm still on page one but a few spammy pages have crept in from somewhere. And I might remove the summary I added to the other hub
My views were dramatically less yesterday 09/06/2011 than from the previous two weeks, but like some have said HP was having technical issues (or at least I was), so maybe this was due because of it. Lets hope not.....
This slap is far worse than anything that I saw post panda. My Google traffic is showing as *zero* in HP stats and my earnings are next to nothing now.
I have got a feeling that most, if not all hubbers will lose their traffic sooner or later, as the problem definitely appears to be gradually spreading (even before I lost my traffic I was concerned, as experienced hubbers who are clearly good writers and not at all spammy or amateurish were suffering).
I suspect that the underlying problems is more serious than problems with individual hubbers and relates to the Google and HubPages interaction. I hope that I am wrong.
I have taken some individual action, but I am increasingly sensing that it will be Google or HP who has to fix this. (I don't have any of these problems in Blogger or my own sites).
(ps I went to subdomains within a short time of Paul E announcing that we could and my traffic was hit on the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend)
2011-09-05 415
2011-09-06 82
Something is definitely going on. I don't get a lot of traffic anyway but this big a drop in a 24 hour period is way too big. These are from thre HPads page on my account.
I think there's some kind of glitch. I'm in the process of writing a hub and when I leave the hub, saved but unpublished, the views are not showing in account, which they normally do. So I would imagine other views are not being counted also.
As of 9:30 AM, my traffic is still pitiful, 179 views for 255 hubs. It's never been this bad even right after Panda. If this continues, HP needs to take off those success stories about everday experts earning money. At present, it's clearly false advertising and gives new hubbers the wrong impression. I clearly think this ship is slowly sinking.
I personally think Google is punishing content sites to promote their own related businesses and garner even more money and control over the internet. It's the American way!
Grew Scoogle!
Considering HP's ups and downs the last six months, if you're a new publisher here, you should definitely make sure you write in a tightly focused niche so if this continues, you can transfer your articles over to your own domain.
The one hub of mine that is in question is still on page one but lower and one has dissapeared since I added a custom summary? :S
I've gotten hit by the huge drop, too. I don't have a ton of hubs, so I don't get the amount of hits that some do, but 28 hits in 24 hours is the worst I've ever had, even when I had 10 or so hubs! For about a week before, I was having a great jump in traffic.
One of my Halloween hubs is responsible for almost half of my total hits, and this time of year it usually goes crazy. Not the last two days, though...
OK, something is definitely going on since by this time of day I normally have around 300 Google views, and as of right now they are just 3!!!.
BTW HP stats are going through yet another technical difficulty syndrome since some of my stats have not updated in about 3 days....
09/05/2011= 800 views
09/06/2011=60 views
09/07/2011= currently at 6 views!!!!!!!
I've had a slight drop in views according to HP stats. Today I'm at 770 views, which is below my most recent average 800-1100 views per day. However, I have identified a problem with many of the summaries I wrote and I'm in the midst of changing them, for more details.
Not to mention, I'm also in the midst of doing my advertising for the day. I've taken a break to post in the forums and will return to finish.
Wait a minute...I do not think my drop has anything to do with Google. My best performing hubs are still in the same position.
A new video game came out yesterday that is similar to a lot of my hubs. I think gamers are are making more searches on that game at the moment, rather than keywords related to my hubs.
My position does not matter if my keywords are not being searched as much. I could be wrong, but it does seem funny that this big anticipated videogame came out yesterday and my videogame hubs are taken hits.
You may be right.
Knock out a hub on the new game, link to it from your existing game hub, and see what happens.
Ok, I'm on the rollercoaster again. Back up to 4,000 views today. Not complaining about that but it's making me giddy!
I hope I didn't get on the kiddy rollercoaster... I want some big swoops up!
That is good. As of this moment I have exactly 1 view on Google adsense interface. It is 6:03 AM.
There is obviously something wrong here also.
90 Impressions
Last 7 Days
2,051 Impressions
I'll put this here since it might help. My latest Constant Content submission has been submitted for eight days now. Normally I hear back within five. My Yahoo Contributor articles are seeing traffic (terrible) that is following the same pattern as my traffic on HP. I'm talking small audiences to begin with compared to some of yours, but what I'm trying to point out is that the problem, for me anyway, is not with only HP (which I was initially worried might be the case).
I noticed there have been power cuts across parts of the USA. I notices Twitter was over capacity parts of Thursday and that Hub were on and off a wee bit the other day. And Yahoo fired a big boss and is losing advertising revenues, as some advertisers took a powder, so the Big "Y" is in some trouble too, and is up for sale. So maybe it's a combination of things.
Of course, there is Facebook likes, Tweets, and any other Diggs or Stumbles or whatever social media book marks or backlinks you prefer - to choose from. And maybe time to re-check out the Google Plus Groups and Circles lark they recently rolled out too...
Just reminding folks! And remember we all have sub-domains now, so any affects on certain hubs will be attributed to just that hubber (or hubbers) - rather than the whole community. Hub Pages is better protected against future Panda-style updates.
It's obviously not happening to just one person...
I backlink all my hubs and other people promote them too, that's not the problem. The problem is Google is putting us through a rollercoaster and dipping us in the sandbox.
I agree and got an email from Hubteam on this very question telling me that google was checking out our sites and it would take a couple of weeks for this kind of violent swings and downs for things to settle out one way or another about how our traffic will be.
That is strange as I never had any noticeable 'ups and downs' in traffic after I changed to a Sub-domain. As I said, after a couple of weeks traffic went madly upwards in one day, and has stayed that way ever since. Not sure what might be different about my Sub-domain to anyone else's.
I switched to the subdomains while they were testing (second run). I have been thinking that maybe the traffic was an anoimaly when it was high. it was higher than it had ever been. Now it back to post Panda levels, possibly a little lower. I know it makes me feel like unpublishing everything. Even my highest traffic hub is getting very little attention.
Anyone got a crying towel?
Thanks for letting me blow off a little steam.
Hang in there Sir Dent. A lot of people are reporting this, and many have recovered. There have been a lot of ups and downs lately for a lot of people.
Mostly downs! But just for those who write "awkwardly."
Wilderness, is your traffic still holding steady? Mine is. It's close to the same number every day, which is great.
Mine is about the same every day now too. The problem is it is a low number of PVs.
I missed this yesterday, Habee, but I'm falling a little today. Not much - maybe a 100 views out of 1,000 - and I'm thinking that it is probably just Friday as all my Fridays are poor.
If it's not, though, I'm gonna be really P***d because I just today got links showing up in webmaster and that would be quite a coincidence.
Have there being recoveries? I was thinking that the best you could hope for once you plunged was the occasional brief surge, followed by more plunging?
I know someone who plunged same day as me and Ms Chievous, 10th of August, who has since seen a sustained recovery.
My traffic is up again, not making any predictions on whether it will last though.
You are not alone Sir Dent! believe me I understand your frustration!
My traffic was holding until yesterday.. it took a nosedive and today being Friday, I'm not holding my breathe because weekend traffic for me is always low. Well, it was fun while it lasted, but why do I feel like crying?
The Party's Over...
Turn out the lights
The party's over
They say that
All good things must end
Call it tonight
The party's over
And tomorrow starts
The same old thing again
I will share with you. Traffic is so bad I can only afford to buy one of these.
Welcome back Sir. I read somewhere that you had left us.
I got this from team hubpages:
I'm not sure I understand your email. Traffic fluctuations will continue on new subdomain accounts for several more weeks, until search engine algorithms assess the quality and reputation of your individual subdomain. You may want to verify that your Hubs are easy to read, are not benefiting from excessing/dubious back linking practices, and are not keyword stuffed. Let us know if you have any questions.
Very strange indeed. I fell off two days ago and have been dead ever since. Non-HP content performing just fine.
Mine is creeping back up. It is slow but at least on the right track.
My second and 3rd best haven't recovered, but my best is still getting 1000 views and still second on Google.
If you understand anything about business, then you might consider that Google too is a business. But implementing Google's Dance, it allows the company to make room for more sites to rank higher while others drop. By alternating page rankings, Google can increase page exposure. When you take into consideration that alternating page rank will allow Google to gather statistical information as to what sites are doing better than another. "think page testing". Also, if Google's cash cow "adsense", gets greater exposure though page rank manipulation without actually placing adsense sites to the head of the pack, then Google is in essence staying within it's contractural obligations with its publishers, while increasing click throughs on its advertising products. This is just a theory on my part. If Google is able to increase its click through inventory, then it allows room for more advertisers to compete, and publishers are still kept on an even playing field.
by Raymond D Choiniere 13 years ago
YAY! YAY!I'm just under 9,000 views until I reach 500,000 views. YAY! YAY!I am currently at 491,819 total views. My slideshow views which are primarily active on my celebrity hubs is just over 681,000 views.HALF A MILLION Here I Come!
by Lisa Stover 11 years ago
For about 2 weeks now I have been seeing a huge decrease in traffic. I'm not sure of the cause because I've checked and a lot of my hubs still are ranking well with Google but it seems that people just stopped coming. Is anyone else having this problem?
by Holle Abee 13 years ago
Today my HP traffic was the highest ever - WAY higher than it was pre-Panda. Since the switch to sub-domains, my traffic and earnings have steadily climbed. What I want to know is:Is this likely to last?Why is it happening?Just because I've endured some Google algorithm updates, am I likely to...
by NiaG 10 years ago
Since things have kind of been changed up has anyone else felt the sting of low views...and longer updating times? Is this just another lull and things will pick back up or do we need to work harder to get more views in?
by Susan W 11 years ago
Hi everyone, thanks for checking out this forum post. As the title suggests, I'd like to ask you all how your traffic situation is right now, post-Panda. I got a dreadful hit (a decrease of 50%) last week from Panda but now my traffic is rising again. How's yours? Is it still doom and gloom or is...
by Sondra Rochelle 12 years ago
I'm guessing it's because school started this week, but today my page views have taken a drastic drop. They have been cut by more than half...is this happening to anybody else?
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