do you click on ads on hubpages?

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  1. vaguesan profile image69
    vaguesanposted 14 years ago

    do you click on ads on hubpages?

    do you ever click on the ads on hubpages? If so, do you do it to help other hubbers out? I'm not talking about click fraud here, I'm just wondering if you are more inclined to checkout ads on your fellow hubber's hubs as opposed to ads on some random site you stumble across.

  2. profile image53
    megan828posted 14 years ago

    no,because i just joined.In the near future i probably will though. smile

  3. TheWicklessCandle profile image58
    TheWicklessCandleposted 14 years ago

    Hubbers generally don't. Also, you cannot click on your own. We're here to enjoy your reading, but we don't always click on ads.

  4. vaguesan profile image69
    vaguesanposted 14 years ago

    To answer my own question,
    I find that my resistance to clicking other people's ads on hubpages is slightly lowered.

    Im interested to hear how others feel about it.

    and of course i dont click my own.

  5. Techtree profile image60
    Techtreeposted 14 years ago

    No, i dont click on ads intentionaly, i click only when i found something intresting in ads.

  6. Good Guy profile image82
    Good Guyposted 14 years ago

    Those not into some "extra" income, would not be bothered to click.  Only those who are, are more responsive to do other Hubbers some "favor" by clicking the ads.

  7. freelanceauthor profile image60
    freelanceauthorposted 14 years ago

    It depends on how attractive the ads are. Sometimes there are ads that are just too attractive to click and find out more information.

    Aside from that, it also helps knowing what competitors are doing if the ads happen to be on the same niche as you are promoting.

  8. profile image0
    SilverGenesposted 14 years ago

    It depends. If the ad is relevant to what I'm reading and it's something I'm interested in buying, then yes. Since we could all use some extra income, I'd rather buy through a fellow hubber and help support their writing habit :-)

  9. CYBERSUPE profile image60
    CYBERSUPEposted 14 years ago

    I like most Hubbers and answer this question with a NO!

  10. urs_dipak profile image59
    urs_dipakposted 14 years ago

    I don't dare about the other things, if I like to know about the advertisments or sometime the contains of the hub i favour my team and often click on the ads.

  11. lovebuglena profile image80
    lovebuglenaposted 14 years ago

    I usually never click on Google Ads or any ads for that matter. And I think many people do the same. That's why it's hard to make money with Google AdSense, especially on hubpages, where people are really interested in reading the hubs and not the ads that appear on them.

  12. profile image0
    RoyZwamposted 14 years ago

    It surely depends on the ad.
    If I'm reading for example, an hub about photography and I see a nice ad where you can buy camera's, lenses etc. I might click on it.
    However, I mostly don't click on ads.

  13. babelc profile image56
    babelcposted 14 years ago

    This is interesting. We are all here to read and write stuff but isn't it ironic that without those "annoying ads", internet marketers and businesses, we wouldn't have facebook, hubpages and even Google in the first place? Coz that is how they make money (through advertising) and everything is about business and money...

    It is really sad that the "money system" that we are currently using encourages creativity but it kills altruism in the sense that "we want to offer our expertise for free and we want to help other people" but WE GOTTA PAY OUR BILLS and everyone must find a way to a monetary sense and we cant keep offering free stuff forever because the money will be coming out from our own wallet...

  14. Andy471 profile image60
    Andy471posted 14 years ago

    Yes.  If I see an ad I am interested in on the page that I am reading then I will click on it.  I don't click on my own ads.

  15. nicregi profile image67
    nicregiposted 14 years ago

    actually i dun mind helping others.

    however normally i willl click the ad only if the ad is interesting..if could help other hubbers like when looking for a product,why not help hubbers right?

  16. lizmoss71 profile image61
    lizmoss71posted 14 years ago

    I don't often click on the google ads, but I have been known to click through to amazon to buy a product I'm interested in smile

  17. profile image49
    king214posted 14 years ago

    Depends if the product looks good. And what the ad looks like.

  18. noniebdavis profile image75
    noniebdavisposted 14 years ago

    I click on ads if I like the writer and the hubs they produce.  I feel like viewing the ads is supporting the writer in a way.  If someone was looking at my hub, and saw a link relating to my article/hub, I would hope they would do the same.  I think its silly that we use google and facebook supporting mass advertising, but we don't support the little guys by clicking on a few ads on their hubs or blogs.  The way I look at it is, google floods the internet with countless ads that they are constantly making money off of whether you click on the ad or not. If I don't click on an ad, the writer or host of that website has their website or hub flooded with ads for GOOGLE to make money and not them.... And well, I don't want google to get away with that... They are getting paid, so I'm going to click on the ad, so the host can make some of the money that google is making off of their website.

  19. Peter Flynn profile image61
    Peter Flynnposted 14 years ago

    Sometimes but usually not, making money with google ads is a numbers game, if you get enough people looking you can make money. But to be honest most people ignore the ads.

  20. Elfgar profile image59
    Elfgarposted 14 years ago


    I never click on advertisements on pages. I check up for products of my interest directly on shops with possible product, so I have no intention on clicking ads. Usually affiliate programs will fill up my demand for additional information.

  21. Springboard profile image85
    Springboardposted 14 years ago

    If the ad is relevant, sometimes. But I personally find ALL Internet ads suspect. It just seems to be the nature of things. But to those who think clicking on an ad to support a writer is a good idea, I only say, it serves only to make the click ultimately irrelevent, and the idea of getting paid for it as well. If we all just aimlessly clicked all day to "pay" our favorite writers or websites, eventually the people at Google, or wherever else would eventually pull the plug on the idea that it makes sense to pay for clicks that don't really generate real buyers, and ultimately, money.

  22. wytegarillaz profile image60
    wytegarillazposted 14 years ago

    I click on people names to see what they write about . If an advert apeals then I would click on it as why not help a fellow hubber out if possible .
    I mainly read the hubs, where the person is from etc.
    I study the forums so  I can learn more and be able to help newer people .

  23. John T. profile image61
    John T.posted 14 years ago

    Occasionally if the ad interests me, usually I don't though.

  24. soni2006 profile image72
    soni2006posted 14 years ago

    According to my online experience
    and my time spent with hubpages (going to be 3 years in October 2010) and other
    revenue sharing sites and blogs, I think that no one should click on other
    people's ads without any motive or interest in the product. ... read more

  25. kgnature profile image61
    kgnatureposted 14 years ago

    Sometimes they do a great job of targeting the ads and I find something interesting enough that I want to know more.

  26. talfonso profile image81
    talfonsoposted 14 years ago

    I never click on my ads, whether it's mine or on some other site - a lot of them are weight-loss products that are too irrelevant ("1 rule to a flat stomach: obey" and so on) or get-rich-quick schemes.

  27. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
    schoolgirlforrealposted 14 years ago

    I think I did once because the item for sale was something I really needed.

    Otherwise, I'm not wealthy, and I just read articles.  I would like to be able to 'shop' more and buy more.

    I didn't know that ' clicks' helped people whether you buy or not. But it would prob take too much time and it's illegal to click your own ads...........

    Ah well! I would like people to buy my ads smile...........

  28. davidwagar profile image61
    davidwagarposted 14 years ago

    well if the ads are relevant to what i am interested in than why not? i will click on it but if someone told me to specifically click on the ads then this is click fraud and i will not click on it.

  29. Roy Miller profile image61
    Roy Millerposted 14 years ago

    Oh yes! If the ads are giving me what I am looking for, I will click on them to get what I need. I am not bothered by the earnings made by publishers. If they are helping me, I ll try to help them as well.

  30. Evan Hutchinson profile image68
    Evan Hutchinsonposted 14 years ago

    Honestly, I rarely do. I just don't really notice ads that often, but if I do notice ones that pertain to something I take interest in, I'll click them.

  31. snagerries profile image69
    snagerriesposted 14 years ago

    Seems like a very debatable question... It all depends upon person to person. For me, If an ad is of my interest then I would surely click it no matter what..However I do get some good number of clicks these days everytime I write new content. Thats the key to my income

  32. World-Traveler profile image60
    World-Travelerposted 14 years ago

    If there is a risk of losing an AdSense account I would not recommend clicking on any ads.

  33. sugz profile image66
    sugzposted 14 years ago

    i never click on my own adsense ads.. thats not permitted
    but if an ad grabs my attention, and lately most of the ads i've seen on the hubs i read.. but other peoples.. heck yeah.. all the time

  34. stuff4you profile image59
    stuff4youposted 14 years ago

    very interesting question. I don't know if clicking on another person's ad or two would break any policy.

    As an adsense publisher, I have that kind of empathy, that's all I'm going to say. ( I would never click my own ads, since google adsense is a valuable asset which I'd hate to lose )

  35. DrumsAcousticMuse profile image64
    DrumsAcousticMuseposted 14 years ago

    It just takes too much valuable time to go around clicking on people's ads. I'm all for helping out my fellow hubbers, but better than clicking on people's ads, is for us to learn from and teach each other.

    "Feed a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Show him how to fish, and he'll eat for life."

  36. kpfingaz profile image64
    kpfingazposted 14 years ago

    I don't. If the url is visible and I'm interested, I would check it out through that url.

    There is a trick you could use if the url is not visible and I'd recommend people not go around clicking on ads just to earn fellow hubbers money. I'd rather click on ads on other sites.

    Try this when you come across an ad that interest you. Right click on the ad and select "copy link location".

    Paste the link in the address bar (don't hit enter) and go to the end of the link. At the end of the link you will see a url staring with http://.

    Erase everything before the http:// and hit enter. You should now be able to browse the destination site without clicking on the ads.

    We're all here to make money but not at the expense of advertisers who also have the same goal as us. They spend money to put up those ads too.

  37. Bible Studies profile image69
    Bible Studiesposted 13 years ago

    Since I got clobbered already and people minced my words.

    Directly from Paul Edmondson CEO

    "Clicking on other people's ads is a big no,no and will likely result in getting banned from AdSense and HubPages."

    Best explanation: from humagaia "You as a signed up member are a part of HP in the eyes of Google. By clicking an ad you are likely to be clicking an HP adsense ad 40% of the time (thereby not rewarding the writer but potentially HP themselves). If it is deemed that HP condones this their adsense account will be closed."

  38. ExplodingPopTart profile image60
    ExplodingPopTartposted 13 years ago

    I will click on ads sometimes if they are relevant to my interests, but I am new here and still confused about how this helps other writers: does the Hubber get paid when someone simply clicks on the ad, or only if Hubbers buy the items that are being advertised?

  39. amurbach profile image60
    amurbachposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I feel like the ads are more trustworthy for some reason and now I am wondering if it is okay to do so...

  40. p10kabhijita profile image41
    p10kabhijitaposted 12 years ago

    Yes, sure. If I like the writer I definitely make it a point to click on a relevant ad. It doesn't take much of my time


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