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Robert T Gasperson (rgasperson lm)

Joined 10 years ago from South Carolina

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    5 Ways to Make Intermittent Fasting Easier

    2 years ago

    Learning how to distract my mind from hunger my body feels while in my 16 hour fasting window everyday.

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    5 Simple Tools for a Prepper’s Bug Out Location

    3 years ago

    What five things would help me survive if I did not have the support of the community, a government, or even my extended family?

  • 7 Ways to Not Die in Space

    7 Ways to Not Die in Space

    2 years ago

    If we want to live in space full time, we will need to plan ahead and build ships containing redundancies that will protect us in case one process should fail. We will need the basics of life: air, food, water, power, and even gravity.

  • Is Carbon Dioxide a Greenhouse Gas

    Is Carbon Dioxide a Greenhouse Gas

    5 years ago

    The planet is heating up fast. We are melting the polar ice caps. Summers are becoming more miserable for a longer period of time. We have to find ways to stop adding to the problem. Can you help?

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    When Will My Beard Fill In

    2 years ago

    For many boys, growing a beard is one of the first signs of becoming a man. Using the internet to find ways to increase growth is normal. Patience is not always easy, but eventually you will be able to grow a beard. Lets look into it.

  • How to Increase Life Span of Humans

    How to Increase Life Span of Humans

    2 years ago

    There are several ways humans could live forever. The science for some of them are already possible. Some of them will need a bit more inventive ingenuity. Either way, The ideas are great ways for you to begin your new stories.

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    Cleaning the Sticky Rubber Off My Canon DS 6041

    8 years ago

    I was able to clean the black, sticky residue off the grips of my old canon dslr. Now that the rubber coating has been removed, I can start taking professional photos again.

  • Delayed Gratification Benefits, Not Procrastination

    Delayed Gratification Benefits, Not Procrastination

    2 years ago

    Stop and think before you act, before you speak, before you spend. Take time to research, save money, or focus on the big picture.

  • Do You Have a Productive To-Do List?

    Do You Have a Productive To-Do List?

    6 years ago

    You want to get stuff done, but no matter how hard you work you feel like you're not being productive. Learn how to be more efficient at work or tackle projects at home. Make a productive task list.

  • Seven Eras of Warfare

    Seven Eras of Warfare

    5 years ago

    Time and human ingenuity has evolved through the centuries. One thing has not changed. We like to fight and we love to find new ways to destroy each other. I'm an author and often think about how we might destroy ourselves.

  • Thundercats The New Series

    Thundercats The New Series

    5 years ago

    I grew up watching the Thundercats and was thrilled to learn about a new Cartoon Network series filmed in anime style. These are some of my thoughts about the first few episodes.

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    Dollar Store Electronic Circuit Enclosure Ideas

    2 years ago

    If you have a home electronics lab and build your own circuit projects, you may have searched for cheap and simple enclosure ideas to house your projects. I found possibilities at the dollar store, including candy jars, loaf pans, tumblers, and toolboxes.

  • Making Your Difference in the World

    Making Your Difference in the World

    5 years ago

    The world is a big place. There are multitudes of things out there that can be made better, that can be changed to make life for everyone better.

  • Find and Build on Your Passion

    Find and Build on Your Passion

    5 years ago

    If you want to live a fulfilling life it is important to find a passion. It is important find something that moves you internally to do something great.

  • I Fail More Than I Succeed

    I Fail More Than I Succeed

    6 years ago

    It's important to realize that you will fail more often then you will succeed. The ability to cope with this reality is important for your happiness and life long satisfaction with everything you do.

  • Support Hillary Clinton with a Song

    Support Hillary Clinton with a Song

    5 years ago

    Fight song by Rachel Platten sung a Capella by Mandy Moore and others at the democratic convention for Hillary Clinton's run for President of the United States.

  • Basic Pantry Ingredients

    Basic Pantry Ingredients

    5 years ago

    Build your pantry so you can always have something to, change up your menu at a moments notice and relax when you go grocery shopping.

  • How to Write Fiction Everyday

    How to Write Fiction Everyday

    5 years ago

    If you want to write for a living, you have to write everyday. It has to become a habit. You will become a better writer and your Wordcount will continue to rise.

  • Low Cost Circuit Board Parts

    Low Cost Circuit Board Parts

    3 years ago

    I am earning a $5 gift card every month making my new electronic projects free for me. I love that I can build DIY circuit kits for free.

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    Masaoka Shiki

    4 years ago

    Masaoka Shiki inspired me to write haiku everyday. It is a moment in time saved in three lines of poetry.

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    Roadside Attractions in the United States

    5 years ago

    There are a lot of awesome places to visit throughout the world. I like the roadside attractions because they usually have things I've never seen before.

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    Build an Aquaponic Garden

    5 years ago

    Learn how to grow plants using fish waste and flowing water to grow beautiful, tasty vegetables that nee little attention.

  • 7 Survival Prepper Gear Necessities

    7 Survival Prepper Gear Necessities

    3 years ago

    If you want to prepare for an unknown emergency, there are several basic survivalist items I think you will need, items every prepping family should have.

  • 7 Dangers of PokemonGo

    7 Dangers of PokemonGo

    6 years ago

    There are a lot of dangers associated with playing the new PokémonGO game. You must be careful as you play.

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    Why Do I Think I'm Ugly?

    3 years ago

    Self-esteem is a personal challenge for each and every person. We allow other people and circumstances to affect how we feel about ourselves. Why?

  • How To Make Plarn aka Plastic Yarn

    How To Make Plarn aka Plastic Yarn

    5 years ago

    If you don't have money to buy yarn for your crochet or knitting projects, you should learn to make plarn aka plastic yarn. It's free.

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    Tarantula Hawk Killing a Wolf Spider in My Backyard?

    3 years ago

    While I was letting the dogs outside, I noticed a wasp was carrying a spider, dragging it up the brick wall of my house. I had to investigate.

  • Build a Super Simple Power Supply

    Build a Super Simple Power Supply

    3 years ago

    Put together an easy power supply for your electronics lab that ranges anywhere from 37 V all the way down to 1.5 V

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    My 2 New Favorite Ways to Get Rid of Wasp Nests

    22 months ago

    Every spring I find new wasp nests around my home, mostly inside my shed. I hate bees and wasps, so finding easy ways to deal with them is important to me and useful to you.

  • Places to Visit in England

    Places to Visit in England

    6 years ago

    If you have never been to England, then you're in for a treat. There's so much Heritage there, that you will never be able to explore it all in one lifetime. There is plenty you can do on your own and much more you can do with loved ones. Sure...

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    Types of Punk Genres

    6 years ago

    The Punk Genre began with what is known as Cyberpunk. Authors like William Gibson began to wonder what life would be like as more technology began to take over our lives with novels like "Neuromancer". Would we embrace it? Would we fear it. Would it...

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    Battle of Kings Mountain

    3 years ago

    A huge tide turning battle in the Revolutionary war was the battle of kings mountain and my GGGGGGrandfather was there.

  • Melting the Polar Ice Caps

    Melting the Polar Ice Caps

    5 years ago

    Climate change seems to be a major source of contention in politics today. Everyone who wants to run for office seems to be making it a personal goal to do something about the great warming of our environment. I am not sure if these people should be...

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    Halloween Tattoos

    6 years ago

    Tattoos are fun, but you have to be really brave to get one based on a holiday, let alone Halloween.

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    How to Install an Empire Fence

    22 months ago

    I needed to find a way to keep my dogs from digging into my newly planted apple trees. I decided a metal, no-dig empire fence I bought from Lowe's was perfect for the job. This is how I installed it.

  • Paracord for Survival

    Paracord for Survival

    5 years ago

    You never know when you are going to need a length of rope. You can use it for everything from tying down something to the roof of your car to helping someone off a cliff.

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    2011 Japanese Tsunami Haiku

    8 years ago

    I wrote Haiku about the Tsunami in Japan. The devastation touched me in such a way that the words began to flow from my mind.

  • Jessi the Golden Setter

    Jessi the Golden Setter

    5 years ago

    She's Half Golden Retriever and Half English Setter. She is beautiful and we love her. At 9 weeks old (as of January 23, 2011), she is still a tiny dog. She was the runt of the runt of the litter, and has the most personality.

  • Generate Free Energy

    Generate Free Energy

    5 years ago

    Absolutely. I think it is possible to generate energy from natural forces. That is the only way to produce Free energy. The most common ways to do this is Wind and Solar Power. They are not truly free though. There is the upkeep to the machines that...

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    Top 10 Superpowers

    6 years ago

    If you could have one single superpower in all of science fiction, which one would you choose? There are a lot of them to ponder over. Here are my top 10.

  • Grow Basil & Harvest the Seeds

    Grow Basil & Harvest the Seeds

    5 years ago

    If you do not have Basil in your garden, you should go out and get some right now (OK if it is winter time, you might want to wait till spring). Basil is good for just about everything. It is good in all kinds of food from burgers to salads to pesto...

  • Edible Weeds

    Edible Weeds

    4 years ago

    I find a lot of people do not like to garden because it can be a lot of work to grow plants that are not really native to the area you are trying to grow them. A big example of that is Tomatoes. Tomatoes will grow anywhere, but you have to take care...

  • How to Keep Pet Turtles

    How to Keep Pet Turtles

    3 years ago

    Turtles are one of the easiest pets to own. Taking care of them can be as complicated as you want it to be. You can keep them in a twenty gallon tank with a place for them to sunbathe. You can invest in a hundred gallon tank with several turtles,...

  • Quick Facts About Endangered Sea Turtles

    Quick Facts About Endangered Sea Turtles

    3 years ago

    There is nothing like watching thousands of baby sea turtles making their way from their nest to the ocean. If it was not for human intervention, most of them would never make it.

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    Cheapest Way to Buy a Car

    3 years ago

    If you live in a large city and need to get somewhere fast on a regular basis, you probably own a car, or are in need of a car. I have found that people usually make a major mistake when they purchase a car. What is that mistake you ask? The mistake...

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    How to Make Giant Bubbles

    5 years ago

    Do you remember as a kid, playing with bubbles? I do. Now that I am grown I find my kids love to play with bubbles, too. There is an endless supply of fun when there are bubbles in the air. I don't really understand the fascination, but it seems to...

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    How to Make Gravestone Rubbings

    5 years ago

    I don't know what it is about the Hobby of Gravestone Rubbing. Maybe it is being in a cemetery that brings a since of excitement, or maybe it is taking down a little piece of history, hopefully your family's history. Maybe it is just getting outside...

  • Are You Afraid of Bees?

    Are You Afraid of Bees?

    3 years ago

    As far back as I can remember, I have had this unnatural fear of just about anything that flies and stings. I can go face to face with snakes. I chase down any creepy crawly that might be in the house and show it the bottom half of my shoe, but when...

  • Underground Bunkers for Survivalists

    Underground Bunkers for Survivalists

    5 years ago

    There are a lot of ways to create and underground shelter to protect you from an emergency, a storm or even the zombie apocalypse.

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    Build a Rubberband Gun for Kids

    5 years ago

    I remember as a kid shooting rubber bands at my dad, my classmates and even at my sister. It was simple enough, you knocked the rubber band on the tip of your first finger, wrapped it around your thumb and held it against your palm with your middle...

  • Simple Tips to Taking Great Pictures

    Simple Tips to Taking Great Pictures

    3 years ago

    Simple tips that will make better photos. There are some things you should think about when you're taking a picture.

  • Spring Cleaning Checklist

    Spring Cleaning Checklist

    6 years ago

    101 Things To Do This Spring To clean and beautify your home. Cleaning tips you may never have thought of. A guide to making your house a home. Life decluttering with simple hacks and cleaning things

  • Remembering the Thundercats

    Remembering the Thundercats

    4 years ago

    I remember watching both the Thundercats and the Silverhawks. They were a staple of my weekday afternoons for a long time. I loved them so much that I saved my allowance for weeks so I could purchase my own toys. I had about half of the characters...

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    How to Build a Wooden Gear Clock

    23 months ago

    The basic parts of a wooden gear clock, how they work, and how to build one from a wooden-clock plan. Includes step-by-step instructions and video guides.

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    Marble Machine Plans: Ideas, Inspiration, and DIY Tips

    2 years ago

    Marble machines aren't new, but the community of artists and engineers devising fantastically innovative marble machine plans continues to grow. This article will explore this amazing contraption and describe the fundamentals of how to make a marble machine.

  • How to Make the Best Snowballs

    How to Make the Best Snowballs

    4 years ago

    There is something about a snowball fight that brings people together. Sure there are those people who have no sense of humor or sense of fun. They are the ones you can get away with hitting with a snowball once. Most other people are more than...

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    How To Make BBQ Pulled Pork in the Slow Cooker

    6 years ago

    Of course you do. I think everyone wants to make this comfort food every once in a while. We have all had it at some of our favorite steak houses. We never really knew how to make it ourselves. This is why I took inititive to learn about the...

  • How to Grow a Recycled Garden

    How to Grow a Recycled Garden

    5 years ago

    If you are like me, the economy has forced you to save money whenever and wherever you can. The vegetable garden is no exception. In fact, it might be one of the places that could save you money in the long run. If you think about it, growing your...

  • Meditation Techniques

    Meditation Techniques

    5 years ago

    When the craziness of life starts to eat at your soul, take a few minutes and meditate. Meditation is a way to release emotions, to reset your mind and bring a little peace to your world.

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    How To Build a Mini Greenhouse

    3 years ago

    Winter time is over, and it is almost time to get your plants growing. The weather is not cooperating and the temperatures are still dropping below freezing. This is when you should have the great idea to build a greenhouse. The only problem is you...

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    How I Got Rid of Ringworm

    8 months ago

    Ringworm isn't a worm at all; it's a fungal infection that is not only contagious but also embarrassing. I tried a succession of treatments over a three-month period before I finally got rid of the rash.

  • How to Draw a Pair of Eyes

    How to Draw a Pair of Eyes

    4 years ago

    Start your eye with a curved line. You can use just about any kind of curved line as long as the bend in on the top. The picture above shows 2 different versions. You can play with this line to create different effects and aspects to your character.

  • How to Fold the Origami Sonobe Module Unit

    How to Fold the Origami Sonobe Module Unit

    6 years ago

    Origami is the art of folding paper. There's something about being able to fold a square piece of paper (or a series of sheets) that makes something that is pretty even if it is not all that functional, that makes you feel rather complete. It makes...

  • Saving Money for the Christmas Holidays

    Saving Money for the Christmas Holidays

    5 years ago

    Christmas is a huge family oriented time of the year. Find ways to save money all year long so you can spend more during the holiday season.

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    How to Feel More Awake With Less Sleep

    5 years ago

    I had to find ways to sleep less but still feel awake. Working two jobs and having a family required it. I wonder if most people have the experience of little sleep for weeks on end to make life work.

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    How to Write a Novel in 30 Days

    2 years ago

    A lifelong desire to write a novel is a goal for many people. The following are tips on how to write that novel within 30 days.

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    Grow an Avocado Tree from a Seed

    5 years ago

    I love growing Avocado Trees. They are easy to grow from a pit. You can get the pits from your grocery store. Kids have a great time watching them grow. It teaches them patience and responsibility.

  • How to Write Your First Novel

    How to Write Your First Novel

    6 years ago

    Many people want to write a novel, but they don't know where to start. The first thing you have to do is sit down and start writing.

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    Homemade Toys for Your Cat

    5 years ago

    Your cat wants to spend time with you. They are not picky. Make a toy you can play with them.


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